Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 25, 1916, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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IsMlftSJHsW lUiiillJIHijIi
Yjpttitgster Would Like to Be "Smart" Enough to
iY Have Party and Go 'Way in an "Auto"
When She Graduates
" m
fotlowlnjr chltdlsh outpouring hns touched mo deeply:
"Dar M'llg I Jiavo a xrlrt friend whom I iro to see very much. I nra n
tf Xi years of ace. and when t went to her house I mndn friends with Dome
Mi who jroes to college,
'H0 nlwaya Is very nlco to u and tells ua nice tblncs. Hut every tlmo we
I J.f Illllnrr tut nliiut.. itt .. . u.n.l . .i !..... n..t It -,nlA., 11 n taa
...... .a ito fiitnj-n luiiH us auineiiiiiiR; nuout iu runic mu ti. hhvi .w
w.becauso he tell me elie Is very bright In school nnd sho Is 13 years old, and
I JN11 ilrst year hlirh school.
"Ho told mo that when sho trmdtmteil nlin Imil n Inrco narlv. and nftcr the
jBrly sho went away In an nuto for the summer. He said sho can play the piano
d swim well, and play all kinds of games with balls.
"Every tlmo wtf get a-tollilng about her ho makes mo feel dumb, because I
tn 12 and am In fho fifth grade B. I'lcnse answer to 'RerlouB mind.' I would
h very much obliged If yofr-cquld help me."
fj My dear Child of tho Serious Sllndlt does hurt terribly, does it not, to ho
4 made to "feci dumb," but do you know that In the long run .It's awfully, awfully
frwed, fdr Us, because when wo havo our eyes open to tho fact that wo do not
, possess tho nccornpllahmcnts that some of the boys and girls of our acquaintance
petMess, it makes us work all the harder, nnd In the end, If we rcully work hard
nough, we find ourselves 'way ahead of thoso pcoplo to whom theso things seem
to como naturnlly.
I bollevo that there It scarcely anything that you cannot accomplish If you
rwtlly want to nnd try hard enough. Don't envy tho young man's clover llltlo
sister who can "play tho piano and swim and play all kinds of games with halls,
na who Is In the flrBt year high school." Itesolve that you nro going to do
everything that you make up your mind to well, and don't let nnythlng prevent
you from living up to that resolution.
Afany little boys and girls have not your advantage They really aro.vcry
stupid, but they do not think no, nnd therefore they Mover tnko any stops to
jvereomo their stupidity. They are "dumb" little boys nnd girls nnd they
"jr-ow up" Into "dumb" men and women. They go through life being "dumb"
nd miss all of tho flno things on that account. Tho mero fuct that you "feci
dumb" puts you In a very hopeful class. Many people haven't hciiko enough to
realize their own stupidity.
After all, you aro not very far behind. To be 12 years old and In tho fifth
grade Is no dlsgra6o at all. It simply means that If you "pass" every year you'll
fe 19 when you graduatefrom high school Instead of 18, which Is tho average
BK. Why not study two pr three hours every day this summer In an effort to
"skip" a. grado? If you don't pass the exams this fall, your studying will nt least
help you In yoUr work of the coming year and you can try again to "skip" a
grade. Tho secret of tho wholo thing is not to glvo up.
Sometimes, too, backwardness nt school does not mean that tho backward
child hasn't a good brain, It means 'that sho hasn't a healthy body. Do you
know that tho wise doctors have found out thut If a llttlo boy, or girt, has adenoids
(thoso hateful llttlo growths that are In tho back of somo pcorflo's noses nnd
' make it hard to breathe rlght or enlarged tonsils, ho or sho Is not nearly no
bright as tho llttlo boy or girl who hasn't got them? And soon after they nro
taken out tho llttlo boys nnd girls who had them becomo just ns bright, and
sometimes brighter than the rest of tho children in the class. If wo lived In olden
times this would undoubtedly be cnlted a miracle, but It's truo Just the snino.
It would be splendid, of course, wouldn't It, if we could all havo n party nnd
rldo away In nn nuto for tho summer, almost like tho princesses In tho fairy
stories only they always picked out mllk-whlto steeds with Hawing manes and
silky tails to rldo away on. But If thero are girls and boys who always seem to
be having a bettor tlmo than wo havo, think of the thousands who haven't ns
much many of them never oven get enough to cat.
Lots of boys and girls who wero made to "feel dumb" grew up Into very
famous men and women. You remember Hlr "Walter Scott, who wrote "Ivnnhoe,"
and all thoso other wonderful books, used to havo to wear a dunco cap in school,
because ho was the very dumbest boy In tho class. Maria Somervllle, who be-
c&ma a very famous astronomer and whose namo will go down in history, while
thoso of her classmates aro already forgotten, was exceedingly backward when
she was your ago. Precocity (you know that means being "smart for one's
ego") doesn't always mean that the chllfl who Is precocious Is going to ho a
bigger success than tho child who has to study very hard in order to Know things.
Don't wasto any time envying any llttlo girl who seems to bo moro gifted
than you, but spend every precious minuto In trying to perfect yourself In tho
things you undertake, and I am sure thnt if you have a brother he will somo day
be as proud to boast of your accomplishments as the man you -write about Is of
his sister.
My very best wishes to you. SI LISS.
Til VrJMkrwoMife
By vrtste'er vnkind (jorji send,
And keep my . fixed.
Vhen I ytep oFT tt the.
Marion Harland's
All rommnnlrallon ndrt rni.nl til Marian
llnrland elirmlil enrlni a inninfd, Heir
'nddrrsafd rnrHrtr nnd n rllppln of Hie
nrtklfl In which nn nr IntereMfd , Ttf
wins w lnhlnir to nlil In Hit rluirltnblx
work of lh II. It. I'. Minnld wrlla Mnrlnn
Harland, In care of (hi nnpr. rnr nrt
tlrrftsee of tlioxe (her would Ilk lo help,
nnd lintlnr rrrcUfil them tomniunlcnte
direct with llioto rmrtlm.
Letters to the "Editor of tho Woman's Pace
Addrenn all communication to M'l.lwt, ear of (he Ktrnlnir I-edter.
Ids of the paper only.
Writ on one
Ifear St'liss Plesme HUBBcst some nice
walks to take on Sundays not too far
from Philadelphia. HIKKR.
Philadelphia Is so rich In beautiful sub
urbs, and virtually every one has Its
"pretty walk." Specifically, however, there
are few lovelier lanes and pikes than those
that radiate from tho 69th street terminal.
Cobb's Creek, the West Chester pike, tho
walk to Stratford are all worthy of In
vestigation. The road from Olenslde to
Willow Grove is said to be very Inviting.
Likewise, one from the end of Baltimore
avenue to Lanndowne by way of tho
Drexel Diddle camp. To speak of tho
Walk alone the 'WlisHahlckon as one of ex
ceptional charm albeit too well patronized
for one who wishes for the silent places. Is
to mention something well known to every
Dear M'llss Please tell me the beat
Way to blanch sweetbreads after they
fcave been parboiled? COOK.
As soon as you take them from tho
boiling wafer, throw them Into very cold
water or Iced water and let them remain
until they arc thoroughly chilled. This
will whiten them.
Dear M'llss We are a group of school
girls who havo formed a club with a
teacher as sponsor. We are all near the
age of 17. A namo for this club Is a
great perplexity and wo would be grateful
for your help on this subject.
The object of the club Is to help others.
We are dolhg somo dramatic -work and
we are taught sewing and crocheting. In
fact, we are learning everything that will
pave tho way for true and noble woman
The object of your organization Is so
praiseworthy that I am sure no matter
what name you select It will como to
stand for something good and truo In the
community In which you gather. How
would one of theso names do: Tho Others
First Club, tho Helping Hands, Hxcelslor,
the Willing Workers, tho Strlvers, the
Ileady Helpers?
" Y SO.V, aged 3, writes a determined,
wo might say wilful, woman, has had
pllepsy ten months. The family phy
sician saw the first attack and told us
. what It was. He gave general advice
about diet, bathing, rest from certain
t tetatal work and medicine. The patient
r has always been of the nervous type, a
Juird worker, but the family history Is
cjean. He has never used tobacco or al
1 oohol, but has been a very heavy eater.
Ha has also been constipated for years.
We took him to two different osteopaths.
Koth treated him for about three months.
One of them alio made him fast two
Weeks, to get rid of a lot of poison he
sU4 clogged the system.
Then we took him to a chiropractor. He
wM soma of the vertebrae of the spine
Mfwa out of place, and guaranteed to cure
By son In 30 adjustments for $100. paid
la advance. I never pay anybody In ad
vance! have a rating and own property
0 I didn't have tho vertebrae adjusted.
since I am told that everybody who visits
it chiropractor Is told the same thing, and,
caoreover, one of the best orthopedic spe
cialists ut America examined my son two
days later and found the spine absolutely
Rormal in every respect,
Then we took tho patient to a nerve
specialist, whom the family doctor had
auvested In the first ulace. He was un.
akle to glva him an appointment for art
WHK, out wa waited, tie men gave tne
u most thorougn examination, inciuu-
feMr & X-ray photograph, which showed
fjtt plne perfect And he made a blood
uoawn, www proven iu w yuom
' On the strength of this examlna
tby injected, something into tbe
al canal. That was over three months
ilv ion has not bad a fit since, and
ta all appearances la well. He returns
rry two weeks to the doctor (the family
c&ctar (or observation. Ana lei rae say,
KSrt that' when yu 1iarp on the family
fekyslcian," as you call It, you are doing
lil' work, for It was only your wls
WWBBtJ that brought us back to our senses
"gcaper Juvenilia."
do not see why you go out of yom
r- dm , y.y i ., ' ... , , :-;., jij
way to Insult the "old women." Is there
nnythlng criminal in being old? I know
some women of advanced years who are
very good do -rs. And their patients pre
fer them to old or young men doctors,
Answer, night you are. The women
physicians (.o give us strong competition
both the old women and the young women.
And when we say "the old womon," you
ought to understand we are using a figure
of speech. Old age In Itself nueds no
defense. Besides, aren't we all getting
along In years?
She Sheds Many Tears
I liave had overflow of tears on the
cheek for several years. Wsb treated for
catarrhal trouble, without relief, A spe
cialist opened the tear duct several times,
but that also failed to benefit me. The
specialist now wishes to do a little opera
tipn to make the lid lie closer to the eye
ball so that It will prevent the overflow.
I am not sure whether I should have
tnis done, wnat snail I do?
Answer The operation Is a cuatomary
ikuccuuii aim usuaiiy gives satisfactory
Jewish Bible in KngHfih
l.TTTItdi you plensn send the nddr1 of
Wlher 12. to mo7 Hlio wishes to
Join a dramatic club. Also, tell me whf-ro
I can obtain a Jewish Ulbln wrltlrn In
I2ngllsh. 12. -M. It."
I hate Imagined Hint the Scripture it
the Old Testament read by Iho Hebrews
nre tho snme with those used by our
selves. If there be nn edition published
for the especial Jcrvl'cs of the syna
gogue and for, reading In Jewish fnmlllo
we shall be glad to sccuro copy for our
correspondent. Tho Idea of n different
version Is new lo mo. I refer your request
lo readers of like faith nlth yourself. Tho
address of Kather 13. went to you by mail.
Origin of "Undo Snm"
"Being a constant render of your col
umn, I should npprcclnto your telling mo
where tho name 'Uncle Hnm' originated.
I nm n full-fledged American citizen, nnd
n little bit embarrassed nt my own Iroo
rnnco In this respect Nevertheless, wo nil
remember tho old phrnse, 'Belter lute than
never' K12AIH2U."
Tho name question was printed In tho
Corner a month or so ngo.fnnd up to dntu
we have hnil no reply. Nor hino Inquiries
of private citizens who, one would sup
pose, ought to be fully Informed with re
gard to "catch words" pertaining to na
tional affairs, been more successful. Again
wo appeal to our renders In general fur
elucidation of tho puzzle. Who first
duhbed our dignified (lovcriiincnt "t'nrlo
Tnkinjj Government Claim
"Can you give mo the help thnt you
grant to so innny? I until to know Home
thing about Government claims. What
size claim can a person take and how
long must he or she work It to get a clear
title? What crops must bo raised each
year? Is there nny ago or sex limit In
staking a claim? Must one take a chance
In tnklng ono? Also, should like some
correspondence I am 20.
, "roiiNnrtiTn"
Write to the Department of tho Interior,
Washington, 1). C. for full Informntlun
upon the subject. You will rceclo exact
details, etc., as to tho steps ou might
to tako In tho pursuit of your purpose.
Nevertheless, should readers he cognisant
of certain side Ihhuoh of whhh they have
learned by experience hnppy and disa
greeable tho Corner Is hospitably open
to thorn, should the wish to glvo practical
hints to our anxious correspondent. Tho
correspondence lie sceks.may be of service
to him In this direction.
Selections for Itccitntion
"I am coming to you for help. Imping
you will respond favorably Can you te.l
mo whore I can get a feu comic selec
tions to be recited nt parlor entertain
ments nnd tho like Informal evening nf
fairs? May I put In n bid fur those slllc
nnd velvet pieces? A dear friend who
has been bedfast for iO years would be
thankful for them. I hope I'm not ask
ing -too many favors, this being my first
time of writing. I nm willing to aid at
any time and hope to bo of service.
"P. M. H."
Our corps of parlor elocutionists and
readers who are particularly Interested
in recitations, public or private. ar? so
licited to Impart tho desired Information
to the writer of the foregoing. I am sorry
to suy that the silk and velvet pieces to
which she refers wero bestowed upon an
earlier applicant. I hereby Issue n rail
for a supply for the bedfast Invalid.
Twenty years in bed! Can you conceive
the dreariness tho words Imply?
Homes for Crippled Children
"I have a boy nearly 7 years old who
when he was 2Vj was a victim of Infantllj
paralysis. He is now paralyzed In both
lower limbs. I want to know If there Is a
home for crippled children hi Iowa. And
would he bo admitted? I linvo no means
of giving the child nn education ami, as
you can seo, he needs more than n normal
child would. It. U. C "
Wo have many and Intelligent corre
spondents who will undoubtedly answer
your query under cover to ns. We hold
your address and will communicate with
you by mall as soon as we receive the de
sired Information. Wo ngret that we
have not this In hand at present.
Cleaning White I'lumea
"Will you please tell mn how to clean
white plumes? L, M."
Havo plenty of clean gasoline In a largo
bowl. IJruah the plumes free of dust and
souse them, one nt a time, gently and
repeatedly up and down In tho liquid.
Shake off the clinging drops and dry In
the fresh air, leaving- them hanging all
night to get rid of the odor. Next day
$4 W!V iuvjV".
TODAY'S lllusttatloii IV.-iitiiiH a llngeiln frock of unusual rhnrm. It Is of ecru
embroidered net with tircindlc used ipilto effectively In an nppllqucd design. Bands
of orgiuidla urn used In trimming tho sleeves and hnrdoilng the doiibln tunic
effoot. with hemstitching and pivoting used for outlining. Tho hem of tho underskirt
Is finished with triplo cording, which Is also used In Joining thu deep cuffs to the
bishop skces and outlining the wnlst front In stw effect. Novelty buttons adorn
the ileep glidle, which fulls below the normal waist line. Price. T2D.7R.
lay colors nro used very effectlxely In the hat. which Is sulphur-colored llserc
inllnn with a navy satin facing. Small navy picnlcd grossgrnln hows adorn tho
crown, which Is encircled by n gulden wtcnth of many colored (lowers. In any
color, J". fit.
The name of the. shop wheie these atticlcs may be purchased wilt he supplied
by tho Kdltnr of the Woman's Page, Hvn.viNd I.Ktiriiui, C08 Chestnut street. The
inquest must bn accompanied by a stumped, sclf-nddrcssed cmclope, and must mention
tho (Into on which tho article appeared.
hold them In tho rushing steam Issuing
from tho spout of a boiling teakettle, and
complete tho curling process by shaking
them In tho mouth of a hot ocn.
Author of HumorouH Rhyme
"Could you please tell me In your Cor
ner tho name of the author ami tho tltln
of a poem which runs along something
ltko this:
Who lurrl that nwl?
Why, 1 rould make an old bat
l,nok morn Ukrt nn owl
Than that linrrld fowl
Niurk ui thri so stlrf
I.Ike a piece nf old lenth(r.
"I believe tho Inst lino Is, "Anil tho
barber kept on shaving.' 1 should bo
Kind to have you publish It entire In thu
Corner, or tell me whero I could find It.
Also, tell mo where to find tho poem,
'Moo, cow, moo!' If. J. IV
1'nless my memory plays mo false, tho
comic selection (and amusing It was!)
went tho rounds of the papers 20 or 30
years ago. and tho refrain of tho comment
at the end of each verse was. as you s.ty,
"Ami tha barber kept on shaving." It told
tho lale of a customer under tho rnzor
who crlflclzcd the stuffed owl In no meas
ured terms until, ns ha nroso from tho
chair at the end of the shavo, tho mn
llgned bird Muttered from its perch. Tho
Corner would be glad to secure a copy
for Its own use. Ilcfeircd, with emphasis.
Who wrote the rhymes? Thu request for
tho nursery rhyme Is likewise passed down
the line. ' (
Old Piece of Music
"I have found among my selections a
piece of music entitled 'llemember Mo at
Keniiig Hour." 'enteicd according to act
of Congress, May 9, TS23,' making tho
piece 87 years old on May 0. 191C. It Is In
excellent condition. Do you think It has
any value? S. T. D."
Jtcferred to collectors of old hooks npd
first editions nf music. We hold your
New Dessert
Hero Is something different In the way
of puddings. Anil tho man of tho family
usually likes puddings. Take a pint of
rhubarb, cut it into inch long pieces, then
cover with a cupful of sugar. Let this
stand for nn hour. Now have a largo
pudding pan nt hand, Into which you can
put the rhubarb,, a pint nt bread crumbs
and a cupful of rnlslns In layers. Add a
half-cupful o hot water. A final layer of
hrend crumbs should bo milled to tho top,
and tho wholo coolcrd In tho oven for 40
minutes, Cover tho top of tho dish during
tho first half-hour of linking. Servo with
whipped cream.
Mushrooms aro a welcomo dainty for
tho Invalid. Tho following Is a simple way
to cook them: Just let them simmer gently
In brow-neil butter until thoroughly cooked.
The flavor and success of tho mushrooms
depends upon tho slowness of tho process.
If you use a chafing dish, turn tho lame
down to low, or It It Is electrically fitted
use lower power. At least a half-hour Is
icqulred In cooking.
Left-Over Bread
All tho loft ocr pieces of bread, should
bo wrapped carefully In n Hour bag, or
a sack. Hang this whero the nlr can
reach It It serves to keep the bread free
from mold. And you always havo it at
hand when you want, lo put it through tho
meat chopper for hrcad crumbs, bread
puddings, cutlets, etc.
To Clean Wicker
Coarse n.ilt and water Is tho best
cleanser for wicker furniture and summer
matting. Uso a strong brush, and be suro
to dry tho articles thoroughly.
How Much Water Do You Drink in a Day?
iveen meals would si
aeeasf wfovttrm
COUIjD you count how many times you
have been told, and then Immediately
forgotten, the number of glasses of water
you should drink In a day? A simple
way to remember la to multiply the num
ber of mcnls most pcoplo eat In n day
three by two, nnd you have six, tho
number of glasses of wator you should,
but do not, tnko dally.
Food which, on the nvernge, contains
60 per cent, or more of wnter will supply
four glassfuls In n dny. If water was not
tho most abundant element In food many
ncoolc. 'because they drink so little bo-
tween meals would suffer In consequence.
Nature, therefore,
has provided a way
of helping the mnn
who Is neglectful, or
forgetful In this ro-
spect. '
When you know
that two-thirds or 6C.
per cent, of your
body weight thnt Is
1(W pounds out of 160
Is m a tl o up of
water you can un
derstand "why" you should drink so
much dully, and If you 'hnvn any very
serious Ills, or oven minor ones, drinking
moro- water Is sure lo bo a big help In
overcoming them. Tho body Is kept clean
on the outside by frequent applications of
water and tho same treatment, strange
as It may seem. Is equally beneficial on
tho Inside. Wator Inside tho body travels
to every nook nnd corner, dissolving tho
wnstn products of ttio tissues and carry
ing them through complicated processes
until at liiHt It
washes them nut of
the body.
Hostile this lin
pot Unit duty water
keeps tho blood nnd
tho fluids of tho
body nocossary In
digesting fond, of
tho right consistency
Also, food could not
w7tw paoi7Ep bo absorbed by tho
body without water,
for It helps to carry tho needed building
and repair material to tho body tissues,
Another great uso of water Is In keep
ing tho body temperature normal. An
Eskimo has approximately tho same body
temperaturo as a Hottentot, resurdlcss of
Iho different cllme.-j n which they lite.
Tho fnct Is due entirely to tho regulation
of body heat by witter. In warm weather
tho tnolsluro from tho body Hows freely
through tho pores, ridding thn tissues by
moisture evaporation of their excessive,
heat. This keeps tho liody temperature
nt a "mean normal" estlmnled by Wun
deilleh to bo !8.6 degrees Fahrenheit no
matter how hot may bo tho day. Iri
0 o I d o r wcdtlier a
comparatively sms.II
amount nf bent is
lost by pcrsplfntldn,
moisture evnpora
Hon, nnd hence the
Ixidy temperature Is
kept up to normnti
A rise or ftill In body
temperature, he It
only half of n tie
etxvs K?w4nrie gree, Is always a
If you nnd it unpleasant to drlfik Witter
between meals, remember then to select
"watery" foods In greater quantity thdrl
tho starchy ones nt meal time Whert
posslblo cat moro than twlee nn mnnV
gieen vegel ables, celery, spinach, cab
bage, lettuce, as winter ones -beans, peas,
potatoes elc. Add ns much fruit to your
menu ns jour pooketbonk can provide,
ginpes, apples, oranges, grapefruit, find
when ou llnd these unavailable tho dry
fruits, apricots, prunes, dried peaches and
"Ih It nil rlRlit to
drink water at meal
lime?" somo ond'has
The most recent
reports n n y that
when you want' a
drink of water,- tnko
It, no mutter what
tbe situation. Tha
dlscoverj of A see'
nndiiry passngoway
In tho stomach by
nlmoBt Immediately
or 70 witrcts.
which wator passes
Into tho IntestlneH, has done away with
me theory that drinking wnter at meal
tlmo woakens thn strength of tho gastrla
and other digestive Juices.
Benson your foods well. Tho eplcy flavor
given you a daslrn for wnter, nnd drink
ing wnter voluntarily at Intervals, will be
far moro pleasant and do you moro good
than If you hcgrudglngly gulp down a
glass llko somo nasty medicine at pro
scribed periods.
Copyrlsht Kim by Vlritlntn I!. Kill.
Goggle Veil
l'nter tho newest of motor veils! It Is
made of chiffon In various shades. In tho
centre Is nn Isinglass Insert, Inigc enough
to cover tho face. Motor goggles nie un
necessary with a veil like thin, that shields
the faco and protects the eyes as well.
More Lingerie
It seems as If something now In tho
lingerie line crops up over night. Tho lat
est thing the term Is used with duo re
gard for coming events Is a touch of
Chinese embroidery In d.ilnty pale-bluo or
white chiffon articles.
Who has robbed tho ocean envo,
To tliiKo thy litis with coral hue?
Who from India's distant wave
For thec those pearly treasures drowJS
Who, from youder orient sky,
Stolo tlio mprnlng of thine eye?
Uut one charm remains behind,
Which mute eatth can no'er Impart;
Nor In ocean wilt thou find,
Nor, In tho circling nlr, n heart.
Fairest, woiiidst thou perfect bo?
Take, oh, tako that heart from me.
John Shaw..
Cream of TarfiaF
is derived from grapes; This
means a healthful fruit origin,
a natural foorj( as distinguished
front miiJraLsulWitulcs such
Phosphate used
iking powders.
lu m
Made lrom Cream ol Tartar
Absolutely Pure
No Alum No Phosphate
4 ktjf wnslmuitiil Tbw
'gBps -SF&ni pcsiiawr '
aim , jk. f-or. 14
lOvr Crne')
CKr,MT iT.
A Polish for Everything
im try uyruB me suraice
off the metal whei&trapod pol
Ish will take off theltarnUh
with -so little effort, lie have
a complete stock ofwfll kinds
of polishes.
1626 Chestnut Si
TA Itouta Furnishing
fttroc 2S03. ItofLLftaut St.
I The modern solution 1
I of theMpthProblem I
;'k lL tgW
jT l PMF?SWWI7,,!s.'!.... va
2 VSl
IT U p.l.tlvmfclotn ffurnc
Uht, .fcnjrindltj, conrenl.nt,
Holdi 8 ulr-t lloihtj. Mrthi pol
tlvely won't so tgar the tarred loUr- '
llolnjr. Ooaa't Alt thcm-(Av Mvfr
gtt U. Bttttr tbln Ur Ui or ctdir
cbctU. Tbe trway
to ktp your fur. Bold CT ff
by all Dejurtmvnt Jb I VT VF
Scares and by th beat r bow
1) tirua- Store.
ri jLiVf','l'Vyc?JVIiu'JlV'VifT'I','ji1- "1
14 .aKKiV Skinvru!r car u
ru xSljBp'Krtt '" or 't-'Pe by fj
U MPkI3Jiii, "Y foc'HfblcroUb, U
U! 'BMikJ' SP'nce ,24S- it
ffl 3S Trw&rT I
til rry Sui w Fuadw ntjg ?
SB rsA Walnut at 1Mb, UJ
The New White Footwear
Decreed by Dame Fashion
Whit Calf, Wl.lt. KU.Uin, White Nubuck and Whit.
Linvo fashioned in High Boot are in high favor thi ipring.
Theta leather make up beautifully, and with the art of skillful
ihoemaUing, aro truly' glove-fitting.
You will admire the white kid ten-Inch boot with welted
sole and full Louis XV covered heel, priced $8.50,
Also the white calf and the white linen high-cut models.
i. -j m trr .., k en
We have a special medium
high cut Nubuck boot with
white Ivory leather sole and
white leather Louis heel, price
You will ee an attractive
white kid pump in a small
tongue pattern and a chic
coloniil, priced $6.50.
Also white calfskin pump
with Louis XV heel and plain
vamp without ornament, In a
short-tongue design, priced
$5 and $6.
There is a white linen
model with a turned sole and
covered Louis XV heel having
a protective aluminum plate
between top lift, priced $4.50.
iner wui b particular lnlereti in tha
Daliimer display thl week for young
woman who ore planning summer sojourn.
SFloes and Hosiery
1204-06-08 Market St,
IT sha jy tf i
No Gilts ,V P
w pJL:.jI L
Ileal result obtained II dlieetloa
far brewing- are carefullr lallaueJ
old Label,
1.00 lb.
uff Label.
80c lb.'
Green Label,
70c lb.
Red Label,
60c lb.
All Uraml A
fueked In
Half and Quarter
1'ouad Tins
" New York
Philadelphia ,',ll
Women's Outergarment Specialists
1318 Chestnut Street 2nd F,
(Oiipoilte tVaouuiaker')
Foorf I
cks and
an average
85 of the Season's most advanced
Taillsur and Sport S
. of gabardine, serge, Poiret Will, velour
knitted jersey cloth, in alt sizes, no two alike,
Reduction of 25
Though, as itou know, they were already marked far below
what you hava been accustomed to paying.
- jr5; ,. -jftlEisl r" , ,-- fg'i '- v ,
.jajh i1 Aij-Jiijivi