Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 24, 1916, Night Extra, Image 10

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tittle High-strung Temperament Is a Dan
gerous Thing Only When Not Properly
Disciplined Sometimes It's a Gift
E?1j'tf It eurlous the thins aomo people particularly women are proud' of?
' yt lW're pro"ud of having had their appendixes removed; they're proud of the
( mm or time it wok for them to como
19 mmt a panicky heart that palpitates
ml the sad fact With a frequency and relish which indicates mat tney
re themselvea set aDart from tho common herd of humanity. Their attl
reminds me of tha llttl hov who
I "attar and admiration of his associates because ho can wiggle his ears!
aitl n interesting artlcto on"Motorlns and Nerves" In a current mazarine,
&&& Penman has somo pertinent remarks to make regarding this peculiarity
T'Mi relation to women who want to run their own automobiles but believe
tfcay are too "temperamental" to risk It. Me writes!
"OhI I could hover drive a car; I'm too nervous. If I Bhould see another
W coming a block away, I'd bo panic-stricken for fear I couldn't pass, and If
anybody started across tho street beforo me I'd bo euro to run him down. I'm
o high strung, you know,'
"Somo women," ho continues, "say It with a sort of pride, as If to havo nerves
tfct are unreliable, to fnll Into a panic In an emergency, were something to
fcoast of1 In a day when women run most things."
u He then quotes the experlcnco of a really nervous woman who InBtcad of
parading her nerves "kept thorn In tho background like a disgraceful family
aoret." Bho also suspected that she had heart trouble.
"I want to drlvo a car,' she oxplalncd to her doctor, 'but I don't want to
get a heart attack and kill anybody. What shall I do?'
'"Got tho car,' he replied succinctly. 'You'll forget that you have a heart.'
"She took his advlco and promptly forgot hor heart and her norves. When
he recounted her cxperlenco to a nervo specialist he told her:
"'It Is tho nervous people who can drlvo cars best. Their brain and
muscles co-ordinate with lightning celerity. Tho motorist you want to climb
ever tho fenco to dodgo Is tho sedate, phlegmatlo kind, whoso mental adjust
went does not work a rapid transmission with his hands and feet.' "
Too often, I believe, wo nro Inclined to commlserato with people who have
nerves, whereas It we haven't got them ourselves wo aro tho ones to bo pitied.
Phlegmatic, stolid peoplo usually sloop woll and enjoy good digestions, and in
this thoy aro to bo envied. But apart from these material benefits aro they
not usually a heavy, placid typo which Is lncapablo of appreciating many of
the finer things of life that only a highly sensitized, extremely delicate organism
U capable of responding to?
Your man and woman with nerves is usually apt to bo more sympathetic,
tnoro tactful, quicker to appreciate and respect your mood. Ho never slaps
you on the back, either mentally or physically, and never obtrudes his good
humor on you when you aro feeling "low," or his pessimism when you aro
If you aro one of those persons, then, who nro of a "nervous temperament,"
harness It, but don't boast of it, and In tho privacy of your soul thank heaven
that you have been so gifted. M'LISS.
Letters to the Editor
AddrtM nil communication to M'I.Im.
side ot the
Dear JI'Llsa Kindly let me know a lit
tle more about quilting, which you wrote
up several days rtgo. Does It require a
technical knowledge. jnrtSEYITE.
Quilting, I am told by an expert, may
be so almplo as not to tax tho talents of
the most Inexpert needlewoman, and It
may also bo so complicated as to call
forth all the Ingenuity and genius of one
experienced In tho art. It Is well In be
ginning to choose somo slmplo pattern and
to follow Instructions carefully and pains
takingly. Ono has only to look nt somo
of the wonderful examples of the quilting
art, the handiwork of our grandmothers,
which now hang, priceless treasures, In
museums to realize how very Intricate
the work can be.
For a stamped, self-addressed envelope
r will mall you tho name of an Interesting
book that deals with the history of quilts
and their making.
WOMEN generally try to avoid grow
ing stout, flabby "or uncouth, and un
fortunately thoy havo not all learned that
eoreta are only a delusion and a Bnare
for that purpose. There Is little use In
preaching anti-corset propaganda, how
ever. This talk Is for men. The women
sire welcome to listen If they are curious
they will, anyway.
In nearly every man's life there comes
b time when he begins to put on flesh.
At 'first the poor fellow feels rather proud
of It. To his own eyes It looks like dig
nity; It feels to him rather "chesty," and
the tailor conspires with him In encour
aging the Idea. But In duo time he finds
that It is nothing but grease, oil, fat (111
1 ng- in between the muscles. lie realizes
with, a pang of remorse that it is merely
tha stoutness of advancing years : that he
is no longer o. wiry youth, but only a
flabby, short-winded, hlgh-paunched, middle-aged
man, and almost bald at that.
What he needs Is a better balanced me
tabolism. Ills Intake of food or fuel Is
more than his system Is capable of burn
ing up. The excess, In time, will poison
him. If he has the courage and sense to
realize his position and to take reasonable
precautions before the auto-lntoxicatton
it middle age begins to harden his arteries,
be nay still preserve a fair Imitation of
, yoih, both In looks and In feelings,
"vs Xet him learn that a hearty appetite Is
to be curbed and restrained, that It Is a
fine thing to skip a meal often, and still
better to have a milk diet-day occasion
ally. And let him exercise. Walking la Ideal.
Tennis, golf, a certain amount of gyra-
sailum work may be Indulged In. If It
- ia really Impracticable for htm to utilize
r any of these aids to health, then he can
Song of Thyrsis
Tfae turtle on yon withered bough.
That lately mourned her murdered mate,
Has found another comrade now
Such changes all await I
H nature has decreed It so, '
"With all above, and all below,
X,et us, like them, forget our woe,
And not be killed with sorrow.
If I should quit your arms tonight
And chance to die before 'twas light,
I would advise you and you might
1 '' lovo again tomorrow,
Philip Freneau.
Creamed Asparagus
Freeh asparagus Is plentiful and de
licious Just now. Try this recipe the next
time you prepare it Tie the bunch up
with a soft string, cut off the necessary
jrt. and cook, for 5 least ?S minutes In
sited water, Have ready a few slices of
Ttleau toasted bread. Dip these In the
jjajsparaKUS liquor, then bu;ter well and
iMMftngs on a platter. Drain the aspara-
'" ja and place it on the toasb Now make
a" good cream sauce, using a cupful of
Willr. a teaiDoonful or flour and a taoie
spoonful of butter and seasoning.
ia the simplest of dishes but it
ever welcome one,
Is an
Garden Follies
Bering la the time, to think of beautify
teg the garden, not only with flowers and
Su4dlng things, which will have been
U(i long before IMS. DUt wjin preiijr
lBtrocnU aucn as tne moaern stops
toe this purpose. There are, for In
stance, the dainty garden markers
4Mi, hugs, toads, bright be-bonnetea
avttw. ad such in brilliant colorings on
moV attached to, a long stick,, so that
Stsy stay be stuck, in any place. Odd
jhiliisr f white-painted wood, with art
,i nowenogs are smart, ion. &.
which mtsDVta an odd little bird
nd iwltattoa oogt?r gives a say
Sr flB3MS)EAt
your. nerves
out or tho etner, ana ww win
on occasions wnen ji onui .
thinks ha ouaht to be and generally la
of tho Woman's Page
euro of tho Krenlntt Lcdirr.
paper onlr.
Write on one
Dear M'LIss What Is the best way of
washing ono's own hair? Mine Is long,
but I don't like tho drying machines that
tho professionals use. MY HA.
Make a shampoo by melting somo pure
soap In hot water. Immerse the head In
warm water and apply this cleansing
fluid. It Is more satisfactory If you can
have somo menrtcr of the family to do It
for you. Use4vcral bowlfuls of water
for the purpose.4''
Whon you are certain that your hair
Is thoroughly clean, begin with rinsing.
Six times Is not too often, for a healthy
scalp depends on your getting all traces
of soap out. Dry the hair with towels, or
by fanning, or In tho sun. Then massage
the scalp with a good tonle and carefully
comb out the tangles. A good, brisk
brushing should complete tho function.
The professionals will dry your hair
with towels if you prefer It that way.
at least spend Ave or ten minutes every
night at physical culture In his room.
The setting-up drill Is a first-rate all
round exercise to take. Then a few
bending stunts, forward, sldewlse, back
ward. Then a body-lifting effort or two,
lying prone on the arms, letting It down
again, and so on, for from three to twenty
times at a session. This must be done
regularly, and always stopped short of
fatigue. In order to escape the muscular
soreness which Is so likely to follow un
accustomed exercise. But If even Ave
minutes a day can be devoted to physical
culture. In a month the man will feel the
benefit of It upon his health. The exer
cises should be taken In the nude the
skin lilies a good air bath. And they
should be carried out with a vim and
spirit, such as the gymnasium trainer de
mands from his classes.
The Most Vicious Lie
I think, typewrites a teacher, that the
most vicious lie Is the one a doctor lives
or practices when he tells a patient time
and again, over a period of many precious
months, that she has Juit a run-down
condition," without ever examining the
naked cheat, whereas her actual trouble
is tuberculosis. Don't you think so7
Answer Well, that Is a pretty Indefen
sible lie, all right; but hero are two lies
quite as famous, and, wa contend, much In
the same class: (a) Santa Claus; (b)
the stork. Come, critics, are we wrong?
Calomel for a Baby
Flease tell me the proper dose of cal
omel as a laxative for a H-month-old
Answer It Is not a proper laxative for
a baby.
Luncheon Kit
A real luncheon carrier for the school
girl who balks at carrying a package
and most of the high school misses look
down upon a package nowadays Is a
case made of aluminum, small and com
pact It contains a small tray to hold
salads or anything ot a semlllquid con
sistency. A very small vacuum bottle
keeps the hot or cold drink hot or cold
until wanted. It Is a handy little case
and gives a real change from the sand
which, fetich In school lunches.
Separate Coats
uriiuanuy colored topcoats are pre
dicted for summer wear. These msy be
made of a variety of fabrics, such as
wool or silk Jersey cloth, angora cloth,
cotton corduroys, serges, gabardines,
twills and silks of all kinds. Seashore
coats are fashioned of taffetas or of .dark
and light striped 'silks, marabou trimmed.
4 4 a
in every jlb tin 3
l TtDCAlfC
Note the bright red
color, superior flav
or, delightful aroma.
Your jrrocer sells it
ArilOCK of extreme simplicity Is this practical llttlo play frock, though It nilRlit
be used quite ns well as a school dress. It roincs In sizes from C to 10 years.
It Is made of linen nnd may bo had In a number of color combinations with white
used for tho waist and copen, rose or green tho lending colors for the collar, cuffs nnd
clilrt. The waist Is smocked In a color to match. Handsome pearl buttons anil pockets
are finishing touches. Price, $7.76.
Tho llttlo mushroom mllan hat Is navy bluo with a doublo band nnd short
streamers of gold nnd green grosgrnln ribbon. Thcso colors nro repeated In the flange.
The hat comes also In natural-color milnn finished with ribbons and llango In gold
nnd black. Trice, $5.06.
The name of the shop whero these articles may ho purchased will bo supplied
by tho Editor of the Woman's Pnge, Kvkmno I.EunEn, 008 Chestnut street. The
icquest must be nccompnnled by n stumped, clf-uddrcshod envelope, nnd must mention
tho dato on which tho article appeared.
Good form queries should be ad
dressed to Deborah Rush, written on
one side of the jmper nnd signed with
ull name and address, though initials
OXLY iolll be published upon request.
This column will appear in Monday's,
Wednesday's and Friday's Evening
Ledger this week.
Preparedness Is so the fnd" of tho day,
might It not bo a good Idea to he pro
pared for nil emergencies In points of
etiquette byjtcqulrlng repose of manner
nnd self-confVol as well as to learn how
to bandage and act as first nld to tho
The younger girls aro tho greatest of
fenders ngalnst tho dignity nnd rcposo
which Is tho charm of tho gentlewoman.
Perhaps It Is that do many are living out-of-door
lives and, though healthy and
wholesome, becomo sort of sporty nnd
forget their breeding, which Is totally un
necessary. Out-of-doors life should bo nn
aid to self-control and roposo of manner.
Whatever It is, it is to be regretted and,
sad to say. self-control, which Is tho back
ground of good manners, Is fast going out
of date 1
There is no one so delightful to meet
ns tho woman of culture and repose. Sho
Is as restful as the nervous woman Is up
setting. Delicate Problems
Dear ZJeoorah Rush: Will you please
decide for, also Inform a regular reader
of your column, whether she should tell
a gentleman to replace his hat If ho holds
It In his hand while speaking to hor on
tho street? Would It bo proper for a
mutual friend to tell n man who In In
doubt of the state of mind of tho lady
he loves that she Is or Is not favorably
Impressed? ANXIOUH.
Your first question Is rather ambiguous.
As I understand It, you ask If a man Is
holding his hat In his hand should you
tell him to put It on again? Ho would,
of course, be holding It In his hand If he
stopped to speak to a woman In tho street.
It Is perfectly within the requirements of
good form for the woman to tell him to
put his hat on, and rather a kindness for
her to do so, as especially in cold weather
It Is not too comfortable to stand bare
headed In the street. If only for a few mo
ments. If the mutual friend In question Is sure
of the state of the lady's feelings and
could thereby aid htm on the one hand
or dissuade him on the other, it would
be all right provided he asks her for the
Information; It would never do to vol
unteer It, and In many cases would be a
very delicate thing to do. What the mu
tual friend said might be misunderstood
and dire consequences ensue. It Is bet
ter to keep one's finger put of the pie,
so to speak.
Should Gloves Be Worn?
Dear Deborah Rush: Will you kindly
answer this question In your good form
column as soon as possible. Should
gloves be worn at a public, ball? I hear
they are not worn as they used to bo.
Have not been attending many large
affairs lately, so appeal to you.
MRS. V. D. M.
It Is no longer considered absolutely
necessary to wear gloves with evening
dress. One usually carries them, how
ever. i
Good Form for Men
Dear Deborah Rush: May a man wear
a colored tie In the evening at informal
Domestic Rug
We havo seen lots of Jjedrooina
that had pret'. furniture vttnd
papering all playing jeclnd fiddle
to an ugly rug filtyJTsn'CVJt? Yet
It Is easily corfecten. WIh our
experts and farefullyJlected
etocks of domstlo rug3We can
help you transtfrm your bedrooms
Into real rest bwars, and without
you having to spew a lot of time
and "'rtinn ltd" depends upon
tha rugs, atfoA'e have the proper
ones; ruga whose artistic beauty
(a the foundation of all successful
By all means make your bed
rooms Inviting, restful, harmoni
ous It's all in the rugs. Our
prices are the same as elsewhere.
Havm a look a tht smart new
Frmch C hints bordered Palatine
Fritz & La Rue, Inc..
1124 Chestnut Street
nffnlrs whero dress clothei nro not worn?
Should a man always rlso when a woman
comes Into tho toom, In a business ofllco
for Instance. When my stenographer en
ters tho room should I rise? JOI3.
1. A colored tie may be worn nt any
time except with a dress suit, when tho
tlo should always be of whlto lawn, or
with n dinner coat when a black tie Is
In vogue.
2. I nm afraid U a man wns obliged
to rise every tlmo a woman in his employ
enters the room very llttlo business would
over bo accomplished In theso days, where
there Is scarcely an ofllco In which thcro
aro not several women employes on its
rolo. In ordinary cases, however, a man
should always rlso when a woman enters
tho room or rises from her seat, for tliut
Answer Invitations
Dear Deborah Rush: Kindly toll me
If It Is necessary to answer an Invitation
to a dunce? A says It Is not and II says
it Is. C. D. K.
it Is not only necessary but obligatory
and would bo a decided breach of otl
quetto If not done.
Wrong Idea of Hospitality
Dear Deborah Rush: Is It good form
to Insist on a guest eating twice of n
viand when Mic has refused once. I
wns much cmbarrased when n hostess
told mo I evidently did not liko the food
she wns serving. J. Ij. K.
No. It la cry bad form. If a person
refuses it surely means ho or sho has
had sufficient. It Is In bad taste to ussuio
a person that there Is plenty more whero
tho first enmo from. Home persons havo
an Idea thoy will not be thought hospitable
If they do not press food on a guest and
often make It awkward by so doing.
Velvet in Spring!
Velvet Isn't to be regarded as a strictly
winter fnbrlo In tho millinery world,
by any means. Ono Bees It In a number
of fascinating styles. Tnke, for Instance,
tho fabric, called straw velvet, one of
tho most popular Innovations of the sea
son. This resembles a very fine-grained
Btraw, with a rather dull finish charac
teristic of Btraw, and very pliable.
Another vogue for tho velvot Is seen In
combinations of velvet tarn o' shanter
crowns on lace straw chapeaux. A silk
tassel finishes off one side. Large panne
hats are faced with Btraw, Gainsborough
Fascinating Combs
Spanish combs are best worn with the
high coiffure. They como In a number
of brilliantly colored designs, carried out
In beads. Tho scarab, or eagle, and many
of the nnclent Egyptian designs, repro
duced in their original colors, are. also
All you i
"Eagle Brand" for you
tor one bottle let il
feeding temperature and ai
amount of rich, nourishing "Eagle
Brand." Then it's ready for your
baby. No fius and bother no danger
of not having
thing, just right.
Thousands of healthy
babies have been
brought up on "Eagle
Hive you tied it ia y out
coolusg? Iu purity and
delicacy gc a new flavor
to crcrrthiDZ tint you
stale wish it.
I --
3k" :r..
Marion Hariamtf s Corner
Wants Congenial Correspondent
WlLti some one wishing a friend
to correspond with write me? I
nm 10 years of age nnd should like a
nice girl of 'about my own age. I havo
heard of others forming friendships
through the Corner, and thought I'd try.
Will you try to publish this ns soon as
possible? M. O. C."
Let me remind you In printing the re
quest, of the expediency of an exchange
of references nt tho outset of such a cor
respondence, Parents nnd guardians can
not be too careful In this respect. Let
both parties to the proposed letter writing
present credentials of respectability from
hose who nro competent to pronounce upon
this polnti A reference to pastor or some
leading citizen In the town or tho post
master of the neighborhood Is usually
The Stnmp Code
"Kindly give me the stnmp code. What
significance has a Btnmp attached as
nbovo? ,l. P. M."
The so-called stamp code was publlabcd
In full several weeks ngo. Frankly and
definitely, tho Cornor knows nothing of It.
AVIth equal frankness wo avow Indlffcr
enco respecting nn arbitrary system based
upon cnprlco and nuthorlzed by no official
of tho postolllce service, Thorefore, all wo
can do to gratify the curiosity of L. P.
M. Is to offer to trnnsmlt to him by mall
any copy of tho codo that may reepond to
his query. The drawing Inclosed shows a
stamp attached upside down and diago
nally. IicmovliiB Quicksilver From Mirrors
"I may bo able to got the formula O.
N. St. requests for treating wings, etc. I
will try. May I nsk directions for remov
ing silver I bcllovo It Is silver rather
than mercury from tho back of n mir
ror? Also, is George M. Cohan a drama
tist or playwright, and Is the name Frank
W. Fits fictitious, or was he noted for
something? Is so, what? Co-operntlvely
yours, F, L. II."
All your queries are referred to constitu
ents nt large, with tho exception of that
relative to Qoorge M. Cohan. Ho Is a
playwright nnd actor of note nnd the nu
thor of many popular songs. Wo await
replies to other queries. Lot us havo the
formula for treating wlngB when you get
It. Whon wo receive directions for re
moving quicksilver from the back of mir
rors, others besides yourself will bo glnd
to rend It.
Undecided About (he Games
"Tu-o girls who havo reached 1C Intend
to glvo a party. Wo nro undecided about
the games. Is It proper for glrlH that ago
to havo n few kissing games? Tho boys
always say they don't enjoy themselves
without a few of them. Kissing Is never
allowed outside a party, nnd Is thero any
harm In a little of It at a party, If not car
ried too for? KMILIH S."
Tho spaco nllotted to tho Corner Is far
too Bcant for us to think of writing out In
full directions for tho games you want to
get. If ynu will Inquires nt a book store
for a mauiinl of games It will tell you
wlint you want to know. Now, ns to kiss
ing games, they aro always nnd overy
'hcro Indecorous when tho players aro
'.oys and girls or young people of a larger
growth of both sexes. No modest girt
should allow herself to be persuaded to
tnko part In them. They nro Immodest at
best. Keep your lips for tho man you nro
to marry, You will thank me for tho ad
vlco when you find him. So will he 1
No Discourtesy Intended
"Why do you plnco tho note of leather
The name of
is a safe buying guide
because it stands for
clean, smooth cane
sugar. It is.
and clean
and neat
Look for
picture of
In 2 and 5 ,
in 2, 5, 10
cotton bags.
Easy to Prepare
Kept dry .s.
bjy cattonfe . (Slfosra! iSX
coltonbagl. U5a5()5E5HKS15H5HESSE5Zfi25E5H5E5HSS
theyrame and. Iff yZ v-y . K
FranXtin S In I - l
I " 2 SI it. y Vl Lot u.q slinw vnn wlmh Rtvllsli Ul
Jb. iartonj and Ln Wffl?RJ i I shnnoliness thero is in tho
23 and 50 lb. RJ iffiffffm V fil
. A kind of MnmMllWy -tXlN V-XS.J-VJ-1N 3
OL Eimn ereryu.e MsMSl&rYL LiLJKpl! 1 K
Pi tivMfA in carton. flfKn1 W K
mm fStlirt "n MfcES V f Hero nro tho new models display- nl
-St HfeflC ' WyJ J ' j inp wonderfully smart lin3 and Jy
S jp&SttjJM uT'Srr ' tne exact B1,huett Dame Fashion H
.fflscHW; BBvL $1 is now demanding. I Our Expert cor- n
-S llliATOuSi IfifclvwVSwy sotieres will helpfyou in leleitinK K
fel 'iPuflrTul ' j9ufP5ft the special gmodq that will jnost
ife?. (MlLigBBU HBHI enh nco your fitre,Fronr,55 up. n
? MM f ' I Jr 8
V- r 1 . i
that is what thousands of mothers
are saying mothers who cannot
nurse their babies and who have
turned to the time-tried substitute
?&& 3orvtv
ist onjsitwj.
dotonreparjff f IMIIIIIllllllllHlllllltlllini
lu.u.. :. . I.:i .u I iVAmmuiy 1 f i I
iiiniiw b uiif riiiniiiii wniri i n :m r -r
tar i m m -
l coot iu s i rtarc nnn inic I
C the right JjK& 5 - Kif3l g
W r . - M 3 r -
M,0, , 1 Street and Afternopn Dresses .1
1 u a
i tm m m -n.
to Marfan
nrueie in .irnicn r
nn rp. Intrtft l-r
ttnn tvlahlnr tn Kid In thA rhurltAhlA
Jrerk el the If. II. O. (ihenlJ write Mnrlnn
Urlsnd. An cure ef thli .espet , for.
nrrfliet oi toone i
nil. nAvlnv rri!
(her would like
to h n.
direct with these parties
B. In the hands of members of her own
race and faith? Her statement that she
Is Jewish was done merely to prevent
misunderstanding and, doubtless, would
not bar her from the society of nny cul
tured people, Irrespective of faith, who
nre tho only ones likely to belong to such
a club. I waht to tell you of a friendship
I formed through your Corner with the
sweetest soul who ever existed, and al
though I told her In my first letter that I
was Jewish, sho In return told mo sho was
a Gentile. It did not prevent our Inter
course, which Insted more than ten years,
nnd until she died last March. She will
ever be lamented by me. Please excuse
me If this letter seems hard, but your an
swer hurt me, ns It doubtless did Lnthcr
B. I nm hoping you will think It worth
while to explain It In your Corner.
If It were not no evident that you are
deeply wounded and In n vulnerable point,
your letter would havo awakened In me a
sort of wondering amusement. It Is al
most Incredible that a regulnr reader of
tho Corner who Is Intelligent nnd quick
wlttod should not comprehend tho Impos
sibility that any sect of believers or a
member of any raco of human cronturcs
could, on account of his or her faith or
blood, meet with discourtesy at our
hands. Had Esthor's letter spoken of
hrrsolf ns Swedo, Kngllsh, Dutch, Ger
man or Syrian, nnd asked us to find for
her a club of congenial mates, wo should
havo hssumed that sho mentioned her
raco to Indicate her dcslro to communl
cato with those who would mako hor feel
at homo and with whom sho would have
tastes and pursuits In common. Tho best
proof that our surmlso wns corroct Is
that several other correspondents who
are Hebrowa by descont have written for
her address with cordial npprertntlon of
hor position nnd her motives for making
the request. All are persons of more than
usual Intelligence nnd all manifest a hos
pitable wish to lessen the sense nf
strangerhood that oppresses tho lonoly
All White or
Tan Trimmed
$5 and $7
Made jon tie best lpok-
mg- sp
siape lrr nil
We wi
id liketo dem-
o ybuVthe re
fitting: quali-
ties of thi
exclusive new
Smart Shoes
Without Extravagance
Atl ffitnmonlfiitlon a4dreied .Me
jTnrlund nhenle ntlo a Msinpta,
AflnrttHn ennUipe and a.rllnplnr of
u rr "if S"
&he J4arper Shoe Co.
I0S2 Chestnut St 1228 Market St
; Credit & Cash Accounts ;
IVa IstttK 7"a"k.t t -rT7-rVT ru
ff K u i
I VanOrdenSliopGhelinutst. 1
MILK .. . u
Style, quality
BLYNN, Inc. Chestnut St,
Furs StoreJ, Altered and Repaired
I Wish trYt-t I were
brigVt m tlUs,
Hy mind jvt .cts jo
scired t,Td alow.
5till lot$ oF "times 1
mivke folks KvK ,
Ttf$ not vker I intend
to thoudh.
girl, Nor can I believe that my Invitation
to bucIi as thcso to send for her address
may have wounded the one wo would help.
We know no distinction of race or ro
llglon In our great family. It ought not
to bo noccssary to repeat this If past record
bo worth anything.
Friend to n Slrnnjrcr
"Please And me tho address of Ksther
13., tho 18-yenr-old Jewish girt who deilres
to Join a drnmntlc club, ns I may be able
to help hor, Strange to Bay, there wns a
time not so long ngo when I wanted to
wrlto to you just such a letter. I can,
therefore, understand what It means to bo
a stranger. DOllOTHV A. K."
Tour letter may be classed ns "Exhibit
No. 1" In support of what wo havo writ
ten beforo of l'stlior U. Tho address
went to you by mall. Tho truo Corner
spirit Is manifest In your practical sym
pathy with tho stranger In memory of
your own experience.
An Exchange of Lessons
"I havo had many years' cxperlenco In
teaching piano music, also vocal, nnd
would llko to oxchango either with ono
who paints china and who Is willing to
mako Borne nrrnngement. EVA It."
Wo retain your address for any ono ln
or ia
.Cash Accounts Only,
O At i '
ouftimer rurs
and excluslveness.
& 1528