EVMING tEDGBR PHlUADELPHrA iPftlDAY, APRIL 21, 1916 'If i B- i 1 ft 7 P. R.T. CARMEN GET AbVANCE OF 1 CENT ' AN HOUR FROM MAY 1 increase Follows Threat of 6200 Employes to Organ- izo Into Union Body for Demands ALL EMPLOYES BENEFIT S The IMillndelnlilri Rapid Transit Com S fenny linn announced nn Inorcnso In wages of 1 cent an hour to apply to all motor men and conductors and another Increase JEor employes In tlio electrical and mo J chanlcal departments. Tho lncrcaso for i tlio carmen will affect about G200 men, 5 nd -Will bo effective bn May 1. 1 The action by tho company follows n movo made by tho carmen's Union several t, 'weeks "ftfro to liavo tho men organlzo In j order1 td fight for higher wages. . Tho maximum wago under tho schedule K Just Announced Is 31 cents nn hour for all fl -carmen who have been In tho service fl'. . years or longer. In effect It advances tho 6. old Bchedtilo of wages uniformly. "Whereas tho old schedulo offered 25 cents an hour to new men with an Increase of one cent an hour for each year of servlco up to p ,jivo consecutive years to au cents, tno new order will start apprentices at 26 cents, the Increase being paid In tho samo p. ratio. When the Stoteabury management took charge of tho property tho maximum -f, wage was 23 vconls nn hour. This action was decided unon at n meet ing of tho Co-operntlvo Committee, mado up of representatives of men and em ployers, held nt 8th and DaUphln streets. The money for the carmen's Increase wilt 1 bo provided from what Is known as the 25 h per cent. fund. Tho Rapid Transit Com pany, under tho co-operative plan of 1911, lays astdo 22 cents out of every dollar taken In fares to provide higher wages, benefits and pensions for tho men. According to a statement Issued by the Transit Company laBt night, 75 per cent. of tho total number of carmen, or moro than 3500, aro now drawing 30 cents nn 'hour and will bo ollglblo to tho 31-ccnt maximum under tho new scale. Within the next few months an additional 6 per cent, would come Into this class, making 80 per cent, who will draw the maximum rata. CITY VETERAN RETIRES John Codman Worked Forty Years in Municipal Service as Clerk and Draftsman John Codman, 4 2d and Spruco streets, after 40 years of almost continuous serv ice with tho city today vacated his old desk In City Hnll and sent his resignation to Director Datcsmnn, of the Department of Publlo Works. Tho one break. In his long years of service occurred when under rormcr Mayor Blankenburg ho was dis missed. After 18 months ho was rein stated. Codman was placed on tho city pay roll as a dork and later on after study I tip en gineering and drafting becamo a third as Distant draftsman In tho Bureau of Water. From that position ho was slowly ad vanced until under former Mayor Rey burn ho was appointed chief draftsman of tho Bureau of Water at a salary of $1800 a year. Whllo at tho head of tho forco of draftsmen ho drew the plans for the 'present high pressure flro Bervlco sta tion at Delaware avenue nnd Race street Ho was also credited with other Important work in connection with extensions of tho wator servlco to various sections of tho city.. In accepting Codman's resignation. Di rector Datesman announced that ho had appointed his successor, Harrison R. Cady, of 4539 Regent street. Cady has been employed In tho Water Bureau for the last fivo years In tho capacity of draftsman. Another municipal appointment an nounced today wai that of Joseph Vi Hcf f crnan, 1715 South Ringgold street, to the 900 place of hoseman In tho Bureau of Flro. Perrino Leaves Big Estate An account of the estate of William H. Perrno. of the wholesale liquor firm of J. S. Perrlne & Son Company, filed with Register Shechan by Its executors, places ItsJ value of tho property loft by the de cedent at $109,115.35, Credit is claimed by tho accountants for disbursements mado in nettling tho estate, amounting to 313,349.98, leaving a balance, on hand of I95,7G6.37. The testators Interest in the Pcrrlno Company Is appraised at $50,000. . THE WEATHER ir . Official Forecast WASHINGTON, April 21. For Eastern Pennsylvania: Probably showers tonight and Saturday; warmer In south portion tonight ; somewhat cooler In south portion Saturday ; moderate south winas. Tho western storm has moved slowly from southern Minnesota to Wisconsin during- the last 24 hours, and Is mani festing a strong inclination to linger for the Raster Boardwalk parade. Its at tendant showers have covered the Lake region and most of tho great central val leys during the last 21 hours, and have spread eastward over New York and southern New England. The western cool rea has overspread all of the central valleys, t-auslng a drop in temperature of from 10 to 15 decrees. V, S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Observations taken at . m.. Eastern time. 1.QW 1 . 8 last Rain. Vein. Station. a.m. n't. fall. Wind. Ity. Weather. Atlanta, (li. , , (XI Atlantla Cltv . . in 68 41 .16 H Cloudy B NW K U HW aw 8V H SB S N0 SW NH H NW aw NV w NB aw aw B W N K NW NW- a NFS SW NW SW NW H NB W NB N ' B K N Bismarck. N.D. SJ .fil i.iouny Cloudy Rain Cloudy P.Cldy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear P.Cldy Clear P.Cldy P.Cldy C!car Clcudy Rain Rain Cloudy P.Cldy Cloudy Cloudy P.Cldy Clear P.Cldy Chiar Clear Clear Clear Boston. Mass.. 46 fill 66 44 66 AH 31! B4 08 48 (11 40 &0 8 60 64 R0 EO S6 01 Buffalo. N, Y, Charleston . ... Chicago. Ill .. Cincinnati, O, . Cleveland, O, , , Denver, Col. ., Detroit: Mich... ,.U .02 .76 .38 ,08 Galveston, Tex. larrisour? latteraa. N, C. AS allfax, N. S. DU folena, , Jfont. , 83 luroo, a, v.,, oi ndl&nRnnnn . . RO lea .34 .69 Jacksonville ... tit uioxvuie Tenn rH Mttlo rock .,, M! Los Anerelea ... RR Ixmlavllie. Ky, 54 Montcomery . .. 8 J B4 1.62 i'i 'u as r4 i.ai) 61 .so 46 . uomreai, uan. 42 Nashvllla DU 60 B2 eg 46 40 i. New Orleans . New Tork . ... Norfolk. Va. , Oklahoma . , , , Omaha. Neb. , Philadelphia .1 Phoenix. Arl. I Pittsburgh. Fa, Portland, Me. , Portland, Ore. ; Quebec Can, , St. Louis, Mo. . St. Paul, Wan, Wait Lak . .,; Han Antonio .. San Francisco , Santa. Fa , ... 8a. SU. Maria. Scranton. Pa, . ffaropa, Fla. . Washington 44 88 48 B4 60 43 44 SO 48 8-1 4 J 54 S3 S3 40 B-2 W SO S3 .03 18 J-.Cldy Clear P.CMy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Snow Cloudy Clear Clear Rain P.Cldy Cloudy Clear Clear 64 48 .68 .3a .14 ,B4 .28 16 10 REAE ESTATE JFOB SAIE PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 8!5Sx,i.,i COUNTBY ES TATE. Modern mansion, IB JK""?- .lbrls baths. Beautifully situated. . overlooking Crumm irtel; valley Large modern two tenant houaes; 100 acre ot land with Urie i rumm v-tcck sroar It vou urd wooing ior a U-.iutlful eataU, btro It aw, sera it ;ht tq qulclf . I'rita risi uver Uu Delaware and Cbe- we vuiiuty refriu Tar sals. PS A vJSJ COU. PftC Jenklntown to Get Playground At a meeting directed by the Jenktn town Homo and School League last night, patrons and parents of students of the Jenklntown schools to the number of 400 were assured that the league would co operate In tho conduct of playgrounds to be established In the Tork road borough. Tho principal address was by Prof. J, Frederick Parsons, of tho Ridley Tark High School. DAIRY PnODUCfS (YESTERDAY) niJTTKR The market ruled stendr at tho Into decline. Receipts of solid-packed cream ery were moderate, and while buyers were oporatlni-cautiously, there was .sufficient da tnand to keep supplies pretty well cleaned up. Ladles weie In small supply anj quiet nt for mer nrures. rrlnts wcro In fair reoum and I'jny, with supplies moderate. Quotations: western, fresh, solid-packed creamery, fancy apeclalrf. H8c: extrns, 86: firsts. ttHe.i sec onds, 3lW8lic. ladle, packed, 272Bo. near by prints, fancy, SOc. i do i average, extra, ase.j do., firsts. 88 SWe.S seconds, 34' 83c.i special fancy brands of prints Jobbing- at 42f4ftc. KOtlS The market was In food she po and f toady. Receipts wcro .llrwral. but demand kept supplies well cloanod up. Quotations! Nearby extras, 20e. per dos.: nearby firsts, 10.70 per rnsoi noarby current teoilpts, JO 1)0 per case; Western extras, 2492&c. per do.: do., extra firsts, 10,75 per ease: do,, firsts. JO.CO per easel Southern,. 10 1B0O 4v per enso. nn to Quality: fancy selected, candled fresh eiac wcro jobblnt at 27CP20C. per dot. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS The banks and trade exchanges are closed In observance of Good Friday, a legal holiday, nnd wholesale business In all lines Is virtually suspended. In tho absence of fresh data on which to baso reliable quotations our usual market ro ports nro necessarily omitted from today's Isbuo. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHtCAfln. Anrll 21. MOd 8 Receipts. IB. OOO. Market slow, fi 4810c lower. ..Mixea and butchers. S0.30Gtn.70: rood heavy. tu.lft Mil. 251 roush heavy. e.lR('D.2n: llcht, IH.tr, gl.70: pigs, S7.M&8.00I bulk. 0. 0000, 03. CATTLft necelpts, 100O. . Market steady, Heaven. S7.8!KtlO: cent and heirars, Jtcvtl.M: Blockers and breeders, $3,85(38.00) Tcxans, J7.7HW8 0R: calves, 7i5?JO. SHEEP Receipts, 7000. Markets steady, native nnd western, 1(1.8308.75: lambs, ST.C0 11.10. ' OBITUARIES David II. Kinff, Jr. David II. King, Jr., noted builder, who erected tho Herald Building, Madison Square Garden and several other famous structures In New York city, is dead In the Renalssanca Hotel In that city, where ho mndo his homo. Mr. King was the father of Mrs. S. Grlswold Flagg, of 218 South 17th street, this city. Tho other children nro Van It, C. King, of Wilmington, N. C, nnd Miss Ruth King nnd Miss Jcnnno King, , of New York. Mr. King was ap pointed president of tho New York City Park Board In 180G, but was forged to re sign on account of ill health. Ho was ap pointed a school commissioner In 1830. Franklin Betts Franklin Betts, a retired merchant, dl on Wednesday at his homp on York road, Oak Lane. Ho was 71 years old. Since his retirement, a number of years ago, ho had boen engaged In tho work of various suburban charitable and economic organi zations. Ho leaves a widow, who was Miss Emma Harper, daughter of tho late Charles Harper, of Jenklntown : one son, Ralph W. Betts ; one -granddaughter. Miss Virginia Botts, daughter of the late Charles Harper Betts, and two brothers, Richard Betts, of Mils city, and Dr. Thomas Betts, of Oak Lane. Ha was a member of tho Society of Friends. He was a son of tho Into Cyrus and Elizabeth Hampton Betts nnd was born nt Sole bury, Bucks County, on September 28, 1815, Funeral services will bo held at his lalo home tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial will bo In Northwood Cemetery. MARRIED ORIFTITII WINCHESTER. On April IS. 101(1, by Rev. Dr. Chalfnnt, at his offlcS, H02 Arch at.. Miss ANNA R. WINCHES TDK, of 42 West Herkley ave , Lansdowne. Pa., to aCOHGC GRIFFITH, lata of Ohlcaeo. IIANBKLL McAItTHUR. On April 10. 1O10. at Grace Church Chnpol. N. Y., bytl-e Rev. A. Tilatteriy. "Rector. HOWARD P. HAN SEL!,. Jr.. of Philadelphia, to MILDRED V.. daughter of Mre. Julia C. McArthur, of Mount Clemens, Mich. Detroit papers please copy. MOSES REISER. On Anrll in W1B. by Hev. J. H. Komi?. Professor WAL'IKR V. MOSES, M. A . of Bethlehem. Pa., and Miss ULELA II. REISER, of Uhrichsvtlle. Ohio. eatfjg TheMe Notice Are Printed in the Evening Ledger Free of Charge. AUIIAU. On April 20, 1016. FREDERICK W.. son of Ernest nnd tha late I.ydla Abhau. aged 44 years. Residence. 1731 H. liroad at. Due notice of funeral will be clven. AMKS. On April 20. 1016. EDNA VAI.Tr. ETTI3, wlfa of VVank C. Ames, Jr., and dauBhter of Stella and tho lata T. Cooper Mlddleton. aged 20 years Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services. Sunday. 2 p m.. at Uaptlat Chapel, Haddontleld. Friends may call Saturday evening, at her lata residence, Xocust Gruve, X, J, Interment Daptlst Cemetery. ANDREAE. On April 18. 1010. ELIZABETH, widow of Henry Andreae. aged 7Q years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Saturday, at 2 p. m., In the Chanel of the Lutheran Orphans' Home for the Aged. 6030 Oermantown ave., Mt. Airy. Interment at Hillside Cemetery. Funeral car. ARIIUCKLK. On April 10. 1016. IIENTIY J. AKUUCKL.E, aged 80 years. Relatives and friends, also Harmony Lodge. No. 52. F. and A. 11.: Oriental n, A. Chapter, No. 1R3: Franklin Lodge, No. B. I O. O, P.; Nji. tlonal Palestine Encampment, No. Bl, I, U. p. F.. and emplojes of Wm. Mann Co.. ars Invited to attend the funeral services aftha parlors of Sechler & Magulre. 1B40 N. 20th St.. . Saturday, at 2 n. m. Interment tirl. yatj at Mt. Peaco Cemetery. Remains may vv mnw i.' ctutiy Hlier Q P. Anvnrn nn iM-n ,n 1016, JAMES ARN- OLD. son of ihe lata Michael tei ana jviar Relatives and enrei amoia, agea oo years agi friends aro Invited to attend the funeral, on Haturday. at 2 n in., from J. B. Stanger & Bro. a. 4S46 FrnnUfnrH aim TVnni,enr.i Interment at Cedar Hill Cemetery, ' DAI LEV. On April 20. 19IB. aEORQE W. A., husband of Mary M. Dalley (nee Ess. linger), aged 48 years. Relattvea and friends. Pennsylvania "Every stockholder and bond Railroad and t-dward B. and interesting review of company. i We shall be glad to furnish copies upon request. Correspondence invited on any investment subject. Established 1892 ' Members New York and Philadelphia Stock Excjiangea , BIJOAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA 30 PINE STREET, NEW YORK - BRANCH OFFICES ' r ALLENTOWN, PA. EAStON, PA. NEW IiONDQN, CONN. L DEATHS also members of Oeorga.Esaltnirer (s sons Tleneflclal Society) Spanish-American War Veterans, Oerman-Amerlcan Workers' Tlene flclal 8oclety and 20th Ward Republican Club, are Invited to attend tha funeral, on Bunday. nt 3 p. m., from his late residence, 048S ClIfTord at. (near 2Sth and Columbia ave.). Interment at Mount Peaeo Cemetery. Remains may bt viewed Saturday, T to 0 p. tn. , BEAI.i:. At T.aurelton. Pa., on April IS, 1010. J. UEEHR, husband of Lou Deala (nee Hunskker) and ion of. the lata M. L,, and Anna M. Deale, Relatives and friends and Apollo Castle, No. 3. K. of O. 13., are In vited to services, Saturday, at 3 p. m.i In chapel at Monument Cemetery. Interment In Monument Cemetery, BLACK. On , April 20, 1810, Miss nAT RLACrC. oldest daughter of the late Isaac and Judith DlncK. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend the funernal services, Saturday, at 10 a, m , from her hrother-tn-taw" residence, August Sohoenbertr, 2147 B. 10th nt. Interment private at tho 0th St. Union Cemetery. Remains may bs viewed Friday, after 7 p. m. nr.ESSINO. On April 10. 1910. FREDERICK J.i husband of Ida M Hlesslnavtnen Lechler), In his 47th year. Relatives and friends, al'o members of Dlrlgo Council, No. 1020, Jr. O. U. A, M., are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Saturday, at 2 p m., at his late residence. 1824 North Howard it. Interment at Greenwood (K. of P.) Cemetery. Remains may be viewed on Friday evening. nonilNER. On April 10, 1010, CHARLES HOKMNER. husband of Eliza J. Uoehner, aged 07 years Relatives and friends are In vited to attend the funeral aervlres, on Mon day, at 2 p. ra., at his late residence, near North Wales, Montgomery County, Ta, In terment at Ilochm's Cemetery, Rlue Hell, Pa, nONNKR. On April 18, 1010. EDWARD J., son of the late John and Elizabeth Donner. Relatives nnd friends nra Invited to attend funeral, on Monday morning, at 8 '30 o'clock, from his late residence. 2220 North 80th street. .High Renulem Mass at the Church of the Most Precious Wood, at 10 o'clock. Interment Cathedral Cemetery. I1URKK. On April 10. 1010. CATHARINE M., beloved wife of Andrew J. Ilurke and daughter of the lato John nnd Annie Fran ces. Relatives and friends, also B. V. M. Sodality of St, Philip's Church, nra re- spectiuny invited to attend runcrnl, on Tues. dnv morning, at 8 8U o'clock, from her late residence, 113 nalnbrldge street. Solemn Mass of Requiem at St. Phlllp'a Church, at 10 o'clock. Interment New Cathedral Ceme tery. CAItrF.NTETt. On April 20. 1010, OEOROE 11., son of the late Frederick and Rebecca Carpenter. Relntlves nnd friends are In vited to attend tho funeral services, on Monday, at 11 n. m., at tha Oliver It. Hair Building, 1820 Chestnut at. Interment pri vate, at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. CAREY. On April 17. 1010. MARTIN, hus band of tho lato Margaret Casey. Relatlvos nnd friends, also the employes of the Penha. R. R. nio invited to attend the furoernl, on Monday, nt 7 10 n, m., from his lato resi dence, 020 N 33th at. Solemn Requiem Mass at St, Agatha Church,' at 0 a. m. Inter ment at Holy Cross Cemetery. CHRISTY On April 10. 1010. JAMES F. CHRISTY. Relators nnd friends, olio Apollo Lodge, No. 880. F. nnd A. M.: St. John Chaptor. No. 232, R, A, M, : Mnsonlo Veternna' Association, and Expressmen llenenclnl Association, are Invited to attend hla funeral, from his lato residence. 443 South 03 til St., on Saturday, at 2 p. m. precisely. Interment nt Mt, Peaco Ceme tery, COnLENTZ. On April 17, 1010, RODERT J., son of Harry W. nnd Alary H. Cohlentz (nee Forker), aged 20 years and t months. Duo notice of funeral will be given, from hla parents' residence, 7102 State road. Tacony. CUTTER. On April 10. 1010. JAMES CUT TER, snn of Annie and tho late Thomas Cutter. Relntlves nnd friends aro invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 1 p. m. from his mother's residence, 212 Wilder st. Inetrment at Fernwnod Cemetery. Remains mav bo viewed on Sunday ovening. DAVIS. On April 10. 1910, OEOROE C, hus band of Mary Davis (nee Towner). Rela tives and friends, also Ellto Social Club. are Invited to attend the funeral, on Mon day, at 8:30 a. m.. from his inn's resi dence 024 West Cumberland at. High Re quiem Mass at St. Kdward's Church, at 10 n. m. Interment at Now Cathedral Ceme tery. DEVLIN. At Chester. Pa., on April 17. 1010. MARY E wlfo of Charles J, Devlin and daughter of the Into John and Mary Scully, formerly of Philadelphia. Relatives and friends, also tho Sodality nnd league of the Sacred Heart and Altar nnd Rosary Society of Ht. Michael's Church, aro Invited to at tend the funeral, on Monday, at 8:30 a. m , from her late residence, 4a7 East 11th at. High Mass nt St. Mlchnel'a Church, at 10 a. in. Interment at St. Michael's Cemetery, Chester, Pa. D0EI1ER. On April 20. 1010, MARTIN O . son of Conrad nnd Minerva Doebcr, In his 10th year. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Monday, at 8:30 a. m., from tho residence of his sister, Mrs. Ltlllo A. Preatowltz. 723 Madlsnn at., Wil mington, Del. Solemn Requiem Maas nt St. Elizabeth's Church. S. Broome St., at 0.30 a. in. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. DOYLE. On April 17, 1010, SARAir, wife of Peter P. Doyla (nee McCool). Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Monday, at R.30 a. m., from her lato residence 1814 Ingersoll St. Solemn High Mass of Requiem at Church of the Gesu at 10 a, ra. Interment at Holy Cross Ceme tery. IHINLAP. At Philadelphia, on April 17. 1016. IDA UEW. wlfo of Dr. Thomas a. Dunlap nnd daughter of Sophia and the tato Richard Hew. of 821 Pacific ave.. Atlantla City. N. J. Duo notice of the funeral wilt be given. KLI.IOTT. On April 10. 1010. OLQA HAS. LETT, wlfo of W. Clare Elliott, need 20 .years. Relatives and irienas are Invited to uttend the funeral services, on Saturday afternoon, at s o'clock precisely, at her late residence. 8303 N. 12th street. Interment prlvnto. l'LATLKY. On April 17. 1010. PATRICK J., son of the lato William and Mary Flatley. Relatives and frlcnda are Invited to attond tha funeral, on Monday, at 8:30 a m.. from Sis late residence, 414 S. 8th st. Solemn fnss of Requiem at St. Mary's Church, at 10 a. m precisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. FOUST. On April 20, 1010. at tho Presby terian Home for Widows nnd Slnglo Women, 68th at. and Greenway avo., ANNA FOUST, ngeu tid yeara. services nt tne Home, on Saturday, April 22. at 2 o'clock. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. GIIEEVES. On April 20. 1010. MARY L.. daughter of the late Charles O. and Sarah C. Oreoves. Relatives and friends aro In vited to attend tho funeral aervlcea, on Sat urday, at 3 p m at her brother's residence, Harry B. Oreoves, 8J3 E. Chelten ave., Oer mantown. GRAHAM. On April 21. 1018. SARAH E.. widow of Jamca Graham. Notice of funeral later. GRIFFIN On April 10. 1018, MICHAEL, hus- band ot Annlo tirirnn. also Division No. 7. A. O. II,, and Court 'N no, r. or. a., are invnea 10 aiiena me EU neral, on Monday, at 7:30 a. m., from his late residence. S230 Aramlngo ave. Solemn Requiem Maas at the Church ot the Nativity at (I a, m. Interment at Holy Cross Ceme tery. OUINIVEN. On April 16, 1310. ELSIE, wife of Thomas J. Gulnlven and daughter of John B. and Catharine Schaeper (nee Hofman). Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral, on Monday, April 24. at 8.30 a. m., from the residence of her husband, 20SO East Atlantic at,, near Frankford road and Tioga, 8olemn Requiem Mass at Church of the Na tivity, at 10 a. m. Interment at Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery HAWKINS. On April 19, 1018. MARY M.. wife of Thomas Hawkins. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday, at 8 30 a. m from her late resi dence, 7270 Woodland avo. Solemn High Masa, at St, Clement's Church, Paschalville, Pa., at 10 a. m Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. HAWTKY. On April 18. 1016, SAMUEL D. HAWLEY. aged 80 yeurs. Relatives and friends, also Pennsylvania Lodge. No. 380, F, and A. !.(., are Invited to attend the funeral aervlces. on Saturday, at 2 p. m., at his lata residence. 1626 Mt. Vernon St. Ir. terment private. 1IF.NSEJ.. On April 18. 1016. CATHERINE E., wife ot Augustus G, Hensel. Sr. (nea Railroad Company and Its lder of inefrenns underlying 'Companies sKhafeirmake effort to obtain a special circuj&r, letter just Smith & Co. g a comprehensive annual report of that The Evening Telegraph. Emwmm &&mmMB SANMIRS nrjATKrJ Cottlngham). Relatives and friends are In vlted to attend tha funeral, on Monday, at 8 a. m., from hr late residence, 012 Somer set St., Gloucester City N. J. Solemn Re quiem Mass at St. Mary's Church at 0 a. m. Interment at BC. Mary' Cemetery. Olou. cester City, N. J. Friend may view re. mains Sunday, from 7 to 9 p. m. HILT,. At Vlllanpva PH., April 20, AL BERT WILLtAM ALEXANDER, son of George and Anna P. Hill, aged 18 months. Services and Interment private. IIOEIIMNO. On April 20. 191(1, at his late residence. 2542 N. 17th St.. CHARLES A., husband of Ida Hoehllng. Due notlco of tha funeral will bo given. nORROCKfl. On , April 20, 1018, .MART, widow of. William Horrocks, In. her 88d year. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tno funeral, on Monday, at 3 p. m., from her late residence, 4281 Bnlem at , Frankford. Interment at Greenwood (K. of P.) Cemetery. JACKSON. On April 10, 1010, JOHN M husband of the late Jane Jackson (nea Onff ney).,ln,hls 73d year.. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend funeral services, on Saturday, at 3 .p. m., at tha parlors of W. p. Titus. 0944 Torresdala avn.. Tacony, Interment private, Magnolia Cemetery, KEr.NAN. On April 10, 1010, MARY S wife of Joseph M. Keenan, Relatives and friends nro Invited to nttend the funeral, on Mon day, at 8.30 n. m.. from her lata residence, 6021 Hazel, ave. Solemn Requiem Mass at Church of the Transflauratlon, at 10 a. m. Interment at Old Cathedral Cemetery, KELLY. On April 17, 1910, JOHN A., son of tho lata John nnd Jane Kelly. Due no tice of the funeral will be given, from the residence of his sister, Annie It. Kelly, S. W. corner 38th and Spring Garden sts. KENDIO. On April 10, 1010, ALFRED B., husband of Ruby J. Kendlg (nee Fox), In hla 29th year. Relatives and friends, also Taxi, cab Operators nnd Individual Owners, Local lTnlnn Mil. 11J. nre Invited tn nttenn the funeral, on Saturday, nt 2 p m , from his lata residence. 118 N, Diet St. Interment at Greenwood K. of P. Cemetery, Remnlns may. bo viewed Friday evening. Automobile service. K1NH, On April 20, 1010. DAVID It KINO, Jr., aged 07 .ears, at his residence, B12 6th avo.. New York city. Interment private. In Now York, April 22. Pleaso omit flowers. norilER. On April 20. 1010. DAVID, son of Emll nnd Anna Barbara Kochcr. Relatives and friends are Invited tn nttend the funeral, Monday, at 1 v. m., from his lato residence, 1712 H Taylor st. Interment nt Northwood Cemetery. Remains may bo viewed Sunday evening, LAItKHY. On April IS. 101B, MARY A., widow of William Larkoy (nee Gillespie). Relatives and friends, nlso St Patrick League of the Sacred Heart nnd Holy Faca Society, nra Invited to nttend the funeral, on Monday, at 0:30 a. m, from the resi dence of her son-in-law. John J. Ahorn, 8708 Aspen st. Solemn High Mass of Requiem at St, Agatha's Church nt 11 a. m. Interment nt Cathedral Cemetery. I.EIIO. At Municipal Hnsplt-il of acarlet fe ver, en April 18, 1010. JEANNE P.. wife of Dr Dinlel Austin Lebo, No funeral, LISTER. On April 18. 1018, EMMA M widow ot Edward a. Lister, ngeci uj years. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to nttend funeral, on Sunday, at 2 p. m., from the residence of her son-in-law, C. Crablll, 0314 Woodland avenue. Interment Fcrnwood Cemetery Remains may bo viewed on Sat urday, from 7 to 10 p, m. Richmond, Vo,, papers please copy. I.OOAN. On April 10, 1010. MART 11.. daugh ter of the lata John and Ellxa l,cgnn. Rela tives nnd. friends nro Invited to nttend tho funeral. Monday, at II n. m.. from the resi dence ot her sistcr-ln-law, Annln J. I-osan, 1700N. B2d St. Solemn Requiem Mnss nt Ht. Gregory's Church, B2d and Warren sts., at 10:30 a. m. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. Automobile funeral. I.ONO. In Rojersford, ra.. April 10. 1010. ELIZABETH, wlfo of tho lato Kersey Lonir, in her 03d year. Relatives nnd friends of tho family are respectfully Invited to nttend funeral services, without further notice, nt funeral parlors of undertaker, E. D. Steel man. 8033 Kensington nve.. Philadelphia. Saturday, ot 2 p. m. Interment private, at Northwood Ccmotery. I.ONGOIIAKDO. On April 20. 1010. JOSEPH, husband of Annlo Longnbardo (nca Dovlno), at lato residence, 162J H. lBth st. Duo no tice of tho funeral will bo given. I.OVI7TT. On April 20. 1010. FRANK NOR 'IAN, son of Margaret E. and tho late John i Lnvett. Relatives and friends nro Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Monday, at 8:80 a. m.. from his lata residence 47 Cherry St., .Sharon Hill, Pa. Solemn High Mass of SPRING KESOHTS OCEAN CIAY, N. J. Listen lo the Galling of Ihe Sea and accept the hearty Invitation ex- lenueu lo you to ENJOY A rERFEOT AT UCEAT , where bracing jffalt hnezas, de- ngnttui sunstikBo anjt ajaxsi special attragtlonsjKBmvblna , make your lloli JLrlght rp one. . Hxcel ent hazel accon datlons and uKln servlco both Fcnnaff It. R. and I'hlla. & iteAdlnc Ry. For literature and further Information address Harry A. Morris, City Clerk, Ocean City, n. J. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. THE LEADING RESORT HOTEL Of THE WORLD fflartooiigBWeim ATLANTIC CITY.N. J. OWNERSHIP MANAOEMENT. LtOSIAH WHITE ft 3QN3 COMPANY Isiesworth SPECIAL LENTEN AND EASTER RATES has BotarveiOatn-ndawt ot aeiYice-comfortibeaiiiu I UJmT FOTU'IWItriClrrHOTTX WTHXBWD) .M-yar.y.sa""''- -"resstfKgr, SWARTiniOttB. VA. STRATH HAVEN INN .'ffi June 3d- F, M. SCHEIULHY. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES STRAYFR'S Tb" B" Business SchooL 3 1 tU I CJ & uoi-807 Chastnut Street. a iyfvania issued by V vc WfZfr, Q$1 M M L m A ,- HrayjfiEA jf5 wstefi nn DKATIIS t Requiem at the Church of iha Holy Pplrlt, Sharon Jtlll. at 10 a. m. Interment at St. Deniv Cemetery. MAniJN. On April 10. 19l0. MARGARET LITTLB MADKN. widow of William Malien. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral, on Saturday, at 2:30 r. m., from the residence) of her aon-ln-law, Arthur Good rich, C027 Cedar avenue, West Phlla In terment Mt. Klon Cometery Remains may ha vleewd on Friday after 7 p. m. CiI,0iS,YlTOn A',rl1 20- "lo. FRANK .T Jon of the late Patrick and Cathnrlno Ma hony. Relatives . and friends, nloo Iron SKI?'.? Onion. No. 111. ar Invited to nt I'hdtne funeral, on Monday, nt.TiSO a. m , A,0"1 his brother's residence, John Mnhony, 2174 N. D&rlen at. Rolemn High Requiem .1?" -"'A'- Kdward's Church at o n. tn. iVt!VRS.t Now Cathedral Cemetery. . MARSDrjfj-pn April 10, 1910, SUSAN Tt.. Xlft.Jl Ralph S. Marsden. Relatives and friends are Invited to nttend the funeral fnprvlcea. on Sunday. T?;ii.JK?J?M,c?' 010 Kerrer at., Lawndale, aa """" unvate nt j.awnview cemetery. 'LiJ!S.BT5 Aprl1 2n J11- ononan ir,, ?5b2nd Olara I,. Mayer (nee Wentiell) and son ot Frederick and Amelia Ley. aired 20 years. Residence, 1001 N, Newklrk st, Dua notlco ot the funeral will bo given. MIDDI.KTON. On April 10, 1010. WILLIAM, In his 74th jear. husband of Amelia n. Mid fl eton (nee Oecrae). Funeral aervlces from l'11 ".one..r,'.Bl.l,"-', Mr. Clareneo W, Middle ton, 183 liclott ave., Audubon, N. J., on Hun day, at J p. m. Interment private at Ever irrcen Cemetery, Camden. Remains may be viewed Saturday cvenlnir. JIfCAT.L. On April 18, 1010. ANNA M O. daiiirhter of Ann and tho late James McCall Relatives nnd friends, nlso Cathedral II, V M. Sodality, aro Invited to attend tho fit neral, on Monday, at 8:30 n. m from the residence of her mother, 210 North 17th st. Solemn Requiem Mass nt the Cathedral, nt 10 a. m, Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. McCORMACK. On April 10, 1810. JOHN J., son of William and Ellen McCormack, D. a. of County Tlppernry, Ireland. Relatives and friends, also Sacred Heart nnd Holy Name Societies of the Annunciation Church! Di vision, No 12. A. O. H,, nnd Tlpperary So. clety, aro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Monday mornlnr, at 8-30 a. m., from the residence of Huah P. Deady, 832 Fernon st. Solemn Mass of Requiem nt tho Annuncia tion Church, at 10 n. m. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. MfDKVITT. At her late residence. Rosemont, Fa .on April 1n, 1010, CATHARINI3. wlfo of John Mcpevltt Duo notice V tho fu neral will bo Rhcn. MURRAY. On April 10. 1010, CHARLES J son of Simon nnd Mary Murray, nirod al vears. Relatives and friends, also Iirother hood of Railroad Trainmen nnd P, R R Voluntary Relief Department, are Invited to attend tho funeral, Tuesday, at 8 30 n. m., from his lato residence, 38UI) Urandywlne st. Renulem HlRh Mass nt St. Apulia's Church at 10 n, in. Interment nt Holy Cross Ceme tery, MURTAflll. At St, As-noa' Hospital, on April 18. 1010. MA11Y MURTAOH? Pltlatlv"a and frlcnda nro Invited to attend tho funeral, Monday, nt 8-30 a tn , from tho Oliver II. H?'C I'ulldlnK;. 18.'0 c'heslnut st. Solemn HlBh Mass of Requiem at St. Charles Dor romco Church at 10 a. m, Interment nt EABM,GABDEN a.na the HOM DVITT'1 ""Chcapesfc StorfT, In Town to Buy Standard Tools Genuine English 8-Inch Hedge Shears SPECIAL PRICE Regular Price, $1.50 PAUCKL POST. FLY Black, Ga P0U It will pay you to get our prices on full rolls or cut pieces before buying elsewhere. PAUL J. DEVITT 2d nnd 'YVashlncton Are., Phlln.. Pa. Store open evenings until 9 o'clock Saturday evening until 11 o'clock Sweet Peas should be planted now. Our Orchid-flowered Sweet Peas produce the largest flowers, with beautiful wavy petals, and arc just as easy to grow as the common sorts. Sow Lawn Grass Seed An early sowing ofJ3reer's Celc brated Lawn GrassSeeds will in sure a bcautifulvfiirf throughout the whole suiiimier. Keep your lawn wen cmr.itn a DreerLawn Mo It cuts ifickjgwd siiku1. nd improves tlrVfffHtiW and appear ance of the lawn. Get a copy of Qreer's Garden Book It's a big help to the amateur gardener, A copy may be had free at the store, or by mail upon request. T Seeds, Plants, Tool JUreer 714-16 Chestnut BM MJJI inf V fil pETi! HIGHEST QUALITY 'Is Not Caustic Cannot Burn IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE The best and rnoAfei Lima Tor agriculture trass. Full Information as leal way to purchas. E. J. L 476 Bullitt Bldg, PLANT LUSCIOUS 8-YEAR. OLD ASPARAGUS for crop In one month. Plant my 8-year-old Asparagus Hoots and cut your crop nest month. Also Hone RudUh, French Globe Artichokes, Hhulmrb. VMlleuf Chicory, l.ln- aeng Itoots. ALL bJIALL FRUITS, PRIVET HKllfilKO. bend for novel list. SO years' experlnsnce. Dwarf Fruit Trees. Warren Shinrt, Box J, Woodbury, N, J. 100.UO0 Eierbcarlog btraw berry PUnta. TREE SUKCEKY Wo will rep.lr your tr 'or ' SsvtraJ years' experience, EASTER PLANTS- Lilies, Azaleas, Hydrangeas Hyacinths, etc. Bell phone. Hulnut 8301 Bbr askortuwat. l'rc.h tock Lowett Prices in the City -iOl CHESTNUT T -a7JX STREET" GAUUENKItS AND FARMERS Cow ilanurc, Horse Manure, Pulverized Sheep Manures Ground Limestone. CHARLES A. GREEN UU Ulrard An- PWU., Va. SEND FOB COLLWif fBVIT tiVUK ArUya 4. CUIa, U W, mttitaaT, i. TiSC OjeSimilMf ilSj. 0 loyexTiUL 11 Ionized or .Qtper TT jrf'i T 3T- LTRME'raNG aronomicAi rorm m h v, ,nu. m m - tC tha most ec&om-i. . irnfmi BTTir f a irwmK VT 0ulZ3S A3wtrs COW' I -tams-ir Philadelphia f EHg; DEATHS New1 Cathedral Cemetery. . Remains may bs viewed Sunday from 7 to 10 p. m. Automo bile funeral. O'llRIEN. On Aprlt HI. 1018. MILDRED, rtaiil,(A r.e TMinh t.- mt Tlllr.aheth Fl- p'TJflen, nsred 4 years, at lato residence. 1018 . inn si tntermrnt nt Greenwood Ceme- tery. pta tunerai, rr.NNOCK. on April 19, 1918. J5DNA, dauah. ter of William II. and Hannah IC. Penneek, Relatives and friends are invited lo attend the funeral services, on Saturday, at lt.Ji m precisely, at her parenta' residence, 4420 DejtW st , Manayunk Interment private. RITCHE. At Wllllamstown, N. J., on April 10. 1018, 8. ANNIE, wife of Moses Rltche, aired 70 years. Relatives and friends nra Invited to nttend tha funeral, on Saturday, from her lato residence, on Clayton and Wllllamstown road Meet at house at 1 ,p. m Service at rreabyterlan Church. Wlll lamstown, N, J at 2 p. m. Interment at Presbyterian Cemetery. Automoblls funeral. ROEIIM. On April 20, 1018, SIMON, husband ot Harbarn Roehm, aired 70 years. Relatives and friends, also members of Copernicus Con clave, no, si, are invited to attend ina funeral services, on Monday, nt 2 p. m.. at his late residence, 1021 Euclid ave. (near loth and Berks sts.). Interment at Green mount Cemetery. SCHMIDT. On April 10, 1018. PAUL R.. son of AuipiBt and Marie Schmidt (nee Fisher), In his 2t)th vear. Relatives nnd friends, also Loyal Order of Moose IXHlae, No. S4 Work men's Sick nnd Denth Ilenetit Fund. Rranch 00. Frankford. Due notice of the funeral will bn Riven from his lato, residence, 8S4 E, Russell St. SHELLY. On April 20, 1910, HOWARD E,, beloved husband of Rose Shelly (nee) Strecker, son of Mnlilnn and Catharine Shelly, of 012. W. Clearfield st. Due notice of funerar will bo Riven. SINEH. On April 10. 1010. SAMUEL SINER, nued 72 years. Relatives and friends nrs Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Saturday, nt 2 p. m at tho Oliver H. Dalr Ilulldlnir. 1820 Chestnut at. Interment at Fernwood (Vmeterv. (StHJIRES. on April 20, JOIO, at Holland. Pa., WILLIAM D. SQUIRES. Relatives and friends, also Pennsylvania I,odire, No. 380, I' nnd A, M nnd University R. A. Chnp ter, No. 230, are Invited to attend the VARDS cover your wheels, gear3 and belts and reduce your compen- satiorrinairnnceJFatcs jxpaiiuca jMctai, iYircor anc et ouit Envj Bell Market 1003 WySTone UIn 2108 T. S. Johnson Sons Co. 622 CHERRY ST. Gardening Tools Garden Rakes.. 20c up Garden Spades.. 60c up Spading Forks.. 50c up Garden Sets (5 pieces).. $1.00 set Manure Forks, " lonpf and D handlo 70c up Lawn Hakes . . GOc up Wood Ra! 50c up Shovel nnd Grass Grass Pruning. Trowft Hedrfl jp sizes, made in England.. $1.00 up Lawn Mowers and Lawn Rollers Fly Wire and Poultry getting It will pay you to get our prices on full rolls or cut pieces beforo buylnff elsewhere. Write for Catnloir of Garden Kequlsltes SHANNON 816 Chestnut rhlludelnhla. ra. 9W CfcP & urpees Five of the Finest Fordhook Vegetables XTnvOKn wa will mall ono packet each roriOC0 th, f0iowinB Fmous Fordhook Vcge tables: BunrEE'a Golden Bantam SwcctCohh. the earliest and best first early; Burpee's Black-Red Ball Beet, deeply colored flesh and fins sweet flavor; Burpee's Earliest Wayahead Lettuce, tha earliest butterhead variety; CiiAUC'3 Early JewelTomato, earliest nrst ciais lomaia in uro lamuy K.a BunrEE-lMrROVKD Btli Ljuvliirtx are enormous and filled rth del beans. 25c buys all me a)a!rye. Fin lections ror l.uu, maiioa to oiKerei dresses II ordereL As iCoupuiiiNTflMB Ladies wa In cluda with each collection a retrularlO-ctnt packet of our Fordhook Favorite Alters. Burpee's Annual for 1916 Tl Fsrtbta Asarttrury Eaitlsa l ti UUlst Aawlcia Sui CtUlor.U brijll.r aa J Ixlt.r tUa mr Wort, lib aiiltj Irtt. Writs ht It tJy asd kladly meatlaa lali pablkatloa. W. ATLEE BURPEE & CO. Burpee Buildings Philadelphia HUDSON Asphalt Shingles Surfaced with red or Kreen crushed sUaafao paint or stain ifcqulred. j$ I cover vaur home vrt aruiiic, Heamertisnt ro; warp, crack, break or fa bave maintenance exnenie. ASK FOR SHINaLlNQ AIDS NO. J Asphalt Ready Roofing Co, S'Sril Room Jea S?S 0 Church St.. New Tork WM. H. BARRETT 4734 Duflield Street FRANKFORD Lantlscape Gardening epraylsc. trlmmlpx and pmnlny trua ai fTffilty, Bell 'Pboaa FranxTord SOalW VfRAWBEWUESIlM oiU. early to Ute, Xor 1100. ZiXh, annuwi CaLtaloc fits. hWxMAKKTt t SOJ. WTOMING. JlEL. " 0ET IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF A bustler, bauay with tool, can maka him self Independent by hindllof a product heavily advertised. oX a luxury cut a necessity to all property owners, whether farmer or town, man. Lansa proflta. No Investment ntceasary, only atlfa.tory references. For detail ad4. Uastr to- 1ST Erie St.. Camden. V. J. itm Sweet Totals 6d AH ktnda T 6 firuR Kl iisiEta, Cal Privet, Catal toMbasUTNfiri.Bax MS, Vlnelasi SmaU ses.. Jfirlong; hanfllcGOcup 'heaiiB.. .25c up r-. 4Tnr ivuna.i uc up I .iiiifir' JRhnif-rv "0 J1TITT m s.S. 5cud 5 Sha. iIMN DEATHS Toneral aervlct, on Monffatvat 2 p. rp., at the residence of hla aon-ln-law, J, P M Johnson, 493 Hazel ave., Philadelphia, lit, terment private. Friend may view remain Sunday, nt Holland, ftom 1 to 9 ), m. t THOMAH. On April 17, IBIS. REBECCA, wjaow ,di Eiowara j. i nomas, jiceiativen anil .irienas aro invnea to. attend th neral services, on, Saturday, ,' - ar. HI, precisely, at her lata residence, ,348a Frank iora nve, iniermeni. private, at All BJi; ave. Interment. nrlvMt- AttVf vjemeierir. orresaaie. TOWNSENn. On. Fourth Month 19Ui, 101S, at her l-ome, 1514 Vina at., Philadelphia! ELIZABETH, widow of Dr. Henry Town' send After a patient Illness her 'beautiful Ufa hero baa ended. No Tunerai. Interment private. Investment Inquiries regarding practically every security of prominence dealt in in this country will bo answered without charge by our investors' Service De partment. In order that you may have compi inftuthation this u artmonl-s'ftnci vice m rtTRrerssend for our Investors' ScrviceDc partment Booklet No. 370.- William P.Bonbright&GoJnc. MORRIS WISTAR STROUD, Jr liana rer i 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia riintislill't IlostoD Detroit london Paris William I'. Bonbright A Co. Uontrlght 4 Ca. DIVIDENDS TUB OlKAnii NATIONAL HANK I'hlladelphla. April 18. 101(1. Tha Dlrertora havo this day declared a dlvlrlnd ot eight wr rent. (aV.)i free of tax, payable Slay 1. 1018. to stockholders of reoord at the close of business April 21. 1010. Checks will be mailed, ciiaul.es m. asiiton'. Caahlrr. DmrcTony or accotjntants Certified I'uhllo Actonntnnts LAWIIENCB B. BHOWN & CO. 1615 IIUAL, K3TAT13 TKUST DUILDIKO. CLASSIFIED RATES t'n effect April 1, 10t$ EVENING LEDGER r AOATB LINE RATH FOR BACH INSERTION THIS STTLE TYPE Cor Ilka this) One or two times IBo , Thren times ono week 13Vso Blx times ona week , 10a t Bltuatlon Wanted three times one weeks 10o , Help and Situation Wanted nnd Lost and Found ads aro inserted In the Daily Public Ledceh without ad ditional charge. Want ads under all other classifications may ba repeated In tha 1'udlio LzDoaa nt combined rate: One or two times... SSo Threo times one week ISO Six times ono week... 12o TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) , Is permitted In all claaslRcatlona except Help and Situation Wanted. Lost awl round. Per sonals. Hoarding- and Rooms. When so JPecl ned, add FIVH OENT8 PER AOATIT L1NIJ TO ANY OP THE ABOVE RATES. There is a drug store, near your home that will accept Ledgor rant ads at office rates. XOST AWD FOUND For Other Lost and Found Ads See Pata 1 All tost and Found Ads in the dailu PubUo Ltdoer are repeated n the Kvtnlna Leiaer aotr are r the tains i ' aay wiinout raira cnursv. AIREDALE POP. 7 months old! answers to lluncai reward. Return to 182" Arch-at. BAR PIN Lost, sapphire and pearl bar pin. between Juniper and Pino and tha Us evue Stratford, on Juniper or Walnut: liberal reward. J 747. Ledter Central. CERTIFICATE Lost, CerttHcata No. BIB, la, sued by the National panic ot tho Northern Liberties (or one share ot their stock. In the name or Anna it. Marbours. Alt persona ar; warned against neKOtlatlne this stocl:. and the tinder will pleaso communicate with the, Ilanlc ot'N. America. 807 ChestnutNst.,Phlla. DOa Lost, a Prince Charles black and white, female doe. Reward It returned to, 2008 Spruce st. PERSONALS NOTICE The understated Is not responsible for any contracta or agreements made, or moneys received by or paia to any person iver except wuen iimuo lu u rvvcvn4 In person at his place of business. UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS VE8TEItN UNION TELEaRArll CO.. 1SUI Chestnut at.: Murk llelsslx. Raymond, L, bpercher, Prehten Hotten. Aetna Eng-ravtiw. ifisa M. Murphy, Ham Maxrymzerlc, M,, K. Oriawell, George Duncan. Charles L. Kldd, Henry Adama. Mra. Edith Morse, H. S. Ma. see. Mlfis Elizabeth Smith. Miss Ella Illn. Ton, -William 11. Olakesly, E. U. Davis, Clif ford Woodrlnv. 1 TELEORAPH CABLE CO.. 1120 a. n Snuarer Hufaa Rt&nley. Tirs.nW flua tltus, Josa Pezss or Feres. HELP WANTED PEMALE Help Wanted Ads Received Too Lato Tor rla.tlHcatlon Mill be found on Pare 8 BOOKKEEPER and stenoirapher by menu, facturlnc and aelllna" company; must bs ex perienced. Write, statins" experience, and salary expected A 117, Ledger Office. CHAMBERMAID and lady's maid, "whlta, 1'rot.i best ref. required. Pbone Chest, Hill Bl Friday afternoon or Baturday morning. CHILDNURSE. while, (or 2 children; refer ence required. Call afternoons, after 8, tHSO Emlen at.. Oermantown. COOK Wanted, whlta woman Tor first cook, with references. Apply Pblia. Home Tor Jn curablea. eBth and Woodland ave., VT Phlla. COOK, Bcotch, Enxllab or Swedish. Protestant: I IT. 100 W. Walnut lane. Calf or SO70 Germantown. Carfare paid. waves pnons DRESSMAKER 1633 Wslnut. wants sleeve sand. Adlar. ut.-Mr.nAi. iiuuoBivutui wnits alrli a. town BIT. "..'""." "w fi, tuvuq uarrau GIRLS over 18 wanted to work In aasembUns department at piecework rates : ll-'S per X'?k. rSM. W'5 learning. Apply 1L T Palste. 8201 Arch at. "'Tafia ff '" 1l tey Mllla. 7th and Lebutb ave'. OIRLS. experienced on calendar work, over Id mata A nca. .1.. ! a.. Ann,.. 11P.I.T, k.b w. . v.aw a,uc. Alf tVIHt A v.u.t m mu v-,.ow,diii. eq mwr. GOVERNESS wanted; one wha speaks French and German Apply 1732 Pine at. HQU3EWORK no washing. -White Rlrl tor sen bousework. Phone Chestaot Hill 1135 j' LAD V to call on resular . customtra with suaranteed hosiery at mill prices; all or spare time, ateady income, Parker Com pany. 278T N Izttfat LADIES, refitted. Tor reslae&ce corset lUttns. Uuitructlon frre. work by appointment Bplrella Co.. 181S Chestnut at. LAUNDRY Experienced' feeders and "ToldeJS- in manxie rotun, ao eii earai a per week paid wblla learc&ei steady work and advancement. Apptr PENNA. LAUNt5Rx- CO..aiD K. 88d at. MANIOURIST-Youn lady o'rrfflS'menti tn prominent oince ouiiaicg ac ieq. iat. PRESS' FEEDERB. expertencedl oa Oordda presses: eh nr. akvuf v oic, jcroa. i.tn jn,CjjlownllirathBnor. ,. PUBLIC , T7PEWRITER7 to abara Sfflset nominal rent with soodpa fcr pact-Um serrtcea. J di3. Ledzer Central. aTENOGa&PHEK Ctood position Tor eempt tent, experienced tsnoarapoen, younc lad, apply by .letter. .stattoge. experience, aaat aalary jrtii start for. B. X, ilOtoralisad, Mh and Market U. Camdao. N- J 8TENOOKAPHKR and tycfwrUer, oaa wMli experience on bllllna BjacfclBepreTwiid. A4- WSSSSS! $?& W Afci SM J,TW B'3 && fVSWiB )tS3. m x-w. jmaarx. jprwiJL " L otter i4i J Ut m. Kp( tm A i A 1 I I fl 41