Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 21, 1916, Final, Page 13, Image 15

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Last Days of Lent Are Spent More Thoughtfully by the
Many Persons Who Compose Society This
I" Afternoon Will See Seashore Exodus
MOST every one will spend some part
of the day's 12 hours In church
during this Inst most solemn time of
Lent, and then Easter Joy will come In
with the flitting toward the sea of
beaux and belles, sires and dames, and
who shall say that "Solomon In all Ills
glory" was ever nrinycd as will ho the
participants In the Knstcr parade on
the great Wooden Way of Atlantic City.
IF only this weather continues, and It
seems ns If It might! Think of last
Easter morning, when we all awoke to
see a blanket of snow moie than a foot
deep In some places over the giound.
Stilt, that Is not likely to happen this
season, fbr It Is a whole fortnight later
than last year; about nil one could have
to fear would be an April shower. Such
old lovers of the "City by the Sea" as
Mrs. Jason Waters have 'gone down
from New York for the Easter season;
the Princess Plgnatetll d'Aragon. In
other words, rtuth Waters, Is already
there with her mother, and her twin sis
ter, Mrs. tion Gatlns, will go down later
with her father nnd Join the family
party. t
Unusual enthusiasm was aroused at
tho luncheon at the Hotel Adclphla
yesterday noon by those Interested In
tho assembling of a citizens' army of
4$1000 soldiers, tho chief work of which
la being done by tho Drexel Hlddlo
"rookies." A number of well-known
women and men were In attendance and
plans were arranged for tho campaign
for tho half million of dollars which It
Is hoped to talse for tho cost of tho
Many women have arrnnged to cap
tain teams who will collect tho noney.
Several of tho most ardent have nlrencly
gotten together two teams. Among the
prominent women present weie Mrs.
Cornelius Stevenson. Mrs. Claicnco
Wynne, Mrs. Daniel Hutchinson. Jr.,
Mrs. Joseph Stolnmetz, Mis. iJingdon
Mitchell, Mrs. S. P. Snowdcn Mitchell,
Mrs. A. J. Drcxcl Riddle. Mrs. William
Richard Taylor and others. Mrs. E. T.
Stotesbury, it was announced, has sig
nified her Intention of becoming a mem
ber of tho Executives Committee.
Is all tho world going Shakcspcaio
crazy? It seems so, and yet his Im
mortal nnme and fame should suicly bo
celebrated on this year, the tercentenary
of his death. One of tho most Interest
ing affairs to be given for this occasion
will be the festival which has been got
ten up by the Philadelphia Commltteo
for tho Shakespearo tercentenary, and
which will take place In tho Academy
of Music on Friday uftcrnoon, May 12,
at 2 o'clock.
Sir Henry Beerbohm Tree will deliver
the commemorative address on "Shakes
pearo's Art." Mr. David IMspham will
sing a number of Shakespearean songs
nnd, best of all, will recite "Tho Seven
Ages of Man," with musical accompani
ment. Mrs..,Otls Skinner Is to read Bon Jon
son's "Ode; nnd Mr. Alfred Noyes, who
has written an ode specially for tho ter
centenary, will read it at tho time. Then,
besides this, a chorus of 200 women,
chosen from tho Mahler Symphony
chorus, under tho direction of Henry
Gordon Thunder, will sing, nnd mem
bers of tho Philadelphia Orchestra will
contribute music Incidental to Shakes
peare plays.
The Fortnightly Club, which Includes
70 men, will also sing Shakespeare
songs. Old English dances will, In nil
probability, bo given as well, if tho pro
rram does not prove too long.
Members of tho General Commltteo
Include Prof. Felix E. Schilling, chair
man; Dr. E. P. Oberholtzcr, recording
secretary; Prof. Morris Jastrow, Jr..
corresponding secretary, and Mr. J.
Howard Iteber, treasurer; Mr. Ell K.
Price, Prof. Francis B. Gummere, Mr.
Horace Howard Furness, Jr., and Mon
slgnor Hugh T. Henry. The chairmen
of" the subcommittees nre: Mrs. Otis
Skinner, Shakespearean Performances;
Mr. John Ashhurst, Shakespearo Exhi
bition; Mrs. W. Yorke Stevenson,
Shakespeare Memorial; Prof. J. II. Pen
nlman, Colleges and Universities; the
Rev. David M. Steele, Churches and
Sunday Schools; Dr. John P. Garber,
Public and Private Schools; Mrs. II. S.
P. Nlohols, Clubs and Societies; Mr.
James F. Cooke, Music; Mr. II. La Barro
Jayne, Finance. Mr. George E. Nltzcho
is manager and Mr. Kenneth Macgowan
has charge of the publicity.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison K. Caner. of
1707 Walnut street, will give a dinner
dance at the Philadelphia Country Club
on the evening of Friday, May 9, for the
members of this and next year's debu
tante sets. There will be about 200
An Interesting engagement which has
Just been announced In New York Is that
of Mias Frances T Morgan, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J Plerpont Morgan, to
Mr- Paul Geddes Pennoyer, of Berkeley.
Cal, Mr, rennoyer was u classmate of
Miss Morgan's brother, Mr. Junius Spencer
Morgan, Jr at Harvard and It was dur
ing hie undergraduate days that their
romance began. He Is now a second year
student at the Harvard Law School.
Miss Morgan frequently visits In Bos
ton,, where her mother's relatives, the
Grews, entertain for her and her sister,
Miss Jane N, Morgan, and it was In Bos
ton that their brother found his bride, the
ibrmer Miss Louise Converse. Miss Mor
gan's cousin, Miss Helen Morgan Ham
ilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Pelr
son Hamilton, became engaged a few
weeks ago to Police Commissioner Arthur
Woods. Their wedding will take place on
June 10. .
Sirs. Joseph E. WIdener, of Lynne
wood Hall, Elklns Park, who has been
spending several days In New York, re
turned to her home yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy C. Madeira, of
Brookwood. Ogontz. who have been
several weeks at White Sulphur Springs,
ty. Va. will remain there over the Eas
ter holidays,, returning to their home next
Mr and Mrs. Lawrence T Paul, of
0ren Gables. YilUnova. left tyi Tuesday
to cpend aste,r at their villa In New
port Friends of Mr and Mrs. William
lan Forbes, Of Ylhanova, wlU regret
to lnrn that their 10-months-old baby
Is til with whooping cough.
Friends of Mr. George HazlehurM will
regret to learn of his severe Illness. He Is
In the Pennsylvania Hospital.
Mrs. J Bertram Upplncott, of 1712
Spruce street, nccompanled by Mr. Ber
tram Llpplncntt and several of his friends
will !cnc today for n houso party at Bat
sto. N. .1.. where they will spend the boys'
uprlng vacation. Mr nnd Mrs. Nicholas
tllddle. who hao been spending tho win
ter with Mrs Riddle's parents, spent Inst
week at Atlantic City. N. .1., where Mrs.
Middle was recuperating from her recent
Mr. nnd Mrs Jay II Llpplncott, of 1025
Spruco street, who havo been spending
the winter months In Mlnml. Fin., nnd In
trnv cling through tho South, nave re
turned to town nnd will spend n few weeks
nt their house before occupying their
country houso at Bcthnyres.
Invitations have been received from Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Davie, of Hortter street,
west of Wayne avenue, for the marriage
of their daughter, Miss Catharine Hunter
Davis, to Mr. Charles Freeman Rowley, on
Saturday. May 13, at 4 o'clock In St.
Peter's Protestant Episcopal Church, Ger
mnntown. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Kent Willing nnd their
family, who have been spending tho win
ter nt tho Clinton, have moved out to
Woodtleld. their place In Paoll, ns their
small son has developed measles.
A concert nnd French sketches In two
tnlilcnux. under thd direction of Miss Bose
A. Aljnn, will take plnco nt Miss Mnr
shnU'n School on Saturday evening, Mny
fi. for the benefit of tho French war suf
ferers. Tho Young People's Asportation of the
Ovorbrook Presbyterian Church will give
Its second nnnunl play, "Whiskers." on
tho evening of April 2S. In the Sunday
school room of the church. The cast for
tho play, which has been rehearsing under
the direction of Ml Kntharlne Stevens,
Includes Mls Ethel Wcnthcrly, Miss
Helen nnglaiul, MIhm Constance Bnrncs,
Miss Floience Hancock, Miss Helen
Haydn, Miss Elsn Schumann, Mr. Robert
Marshall. Mr. John Cunningham, Mr
Ilowen Garwood and Mr. Anthony Schu
mnnn. North Philadelphia
Mrs. C. Baldwin Foster, of N'orfolk. Vn.,
will bo the gut-3 of Mrs. HuhscII H.
Wilson, of 1021 North Park avenue, next
Miss Marie I.owry. of 2717 North Park
avenue, Is visiting In Washington, D. C.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jncoh I.ocb Langsdorf, of
1118 West Glrnrd nvenue, nre spending
the Week In Atlantic City.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Ginsberg, of 1903 North
18th street, will leave early next week
for Atlantic City, where they will remain
through the summer.
West Philadelphia
Mrs. Allen Wallace Borton. of 406
North 63d street, gave a recital In Silver
brook Methodist Episcopal Church In Wil
mington Inst night for the church benefit.
Mrs. Borton Is perhaps better known as
Bertha Noble Borton.
Miss Clara Amy Wllllts. of 4405 Spruce
street. Is spending the Easter holidays at
the Trayrnore, Atlantic City.
Mrs. John A. Hlckey nnd Miss Beyette
Paul, of 251 South 38th street, will spend
Enster at Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Naylor and their
son, Master Edward Aubrey Naylor, of
6072 Callowhlll street, left today for
Brooklyn, N. Y., to be the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William Langdon, of Yanderbllt
avenue, for the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Whalen and their
two young daughters. Miss Mary Whalen
and Miss Elizabeth Whalen. of Wlnthrop,
Mass., aro the guests of Mrs. Whalen's
parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Sanderson, of
1460 North Felton street.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Taylor, of
3519 North 19th street, have opened their
cottage In Ocean City over the Easter
holidays and are entertaining a house
party for their son, Mr. Russell Taylor.
Their guests are classmates of the latter
in the graduating class of the Central
High School.
Sirs. Elizabeth Schelble, of Bantrynook,
Tioga and 19th streets, will occupy her
new cottage on 5th avenue, Asbury Park,
early in May. She will be accompanied
by her daughters. Miss E. Bird Schelble
and Miss Sara Schelble and her sister,
Mrs. Josephine Schelble.
Mrs. Henry Burk, Jr., of 3254 North
Broad street, and her daughter are spend
ing the week In Atlantio City.
Mrs. S. W. Blackley, of Hazleton, Pa.,
is visiting Mrs. C. C. Coolbaugh, of 3331
North 17th street.
Mrs. Samuel Kemp, of 2029 Venango
street, entertained the members of the
Women's Missionary Society of the Tem
ple Baptist Church, last evening at her
Mrs. G. K. Davldyan. of 2100 West Ve
nango street, will entertain the Tioga
Branch of the Woman's Christian Temper
ance Union this evening.
Mr. Horace Richards has returned to
his winter home In Florida for a brief
"'T-v.. 1
K J&8Xat0W&EmMW
Miss Hunter is the clnuprhtcr of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hunter, of
Devon and New York. She made her debut in New York at a large
dansant in January. Mr. ami Mrs. Hunter will Rive a dinncr-danco
in her honor on May 13.
Along the Main Line
ARDMOUE Mr. nnd Mrs Hnney M.
Hnyer nnd their family, of Athens and
Llnwood avenues, will leave today for n
motor trip South over the Enster holi
days. They will stop nt Washington,
Alexandria nnd Mt. Vernon Mrs Hoycr
Ims Just returned from a short stay nt
Asbury Park.
BflYN MAWR Mrs. Benjamin Clark
Gilo, of Hnvcrford rond. gavo a dinner
of 12 cavers Wednesdny evening. Mrs.
Glle will attend the houso pnrty given
by Mr. nnd Mts Kenneth Ilushton, of
Wynncwood, over Easter.
RADNOR Mrs James Francis Sullivan
and Miss I.cta L. Sflllvun nre spending
Kastor nt Atlnntlc City. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Sullivan nnd their family aro having
The Woods, their home In Radnor, put
In readiness and will move out May 6.
Mr. nnd .Mrs. Carroll Hodge, of Glyn
vvydd. Radnor, will return from Atlantic
City on Sunday night to nttend tho wed
ding of Miss Helen H. Hodgo and Mr
William E. I.ockwood, Jr., which will tako
plnco on Tuesday.
ST. DAVID'S Miss Adelaide Mnghec,
of MnrrlHtovvn, N. J.. Is spending Easter
with Mrs. Ferreo Brlnton, of AVIndybrnw,
St David's.
Miss Anna Brlnton left on Wednesday
to visit her mint in New Haven, Conn., for
a week.
Mr. nnd Sirs. Armltt Brown, of 202
Orchard Way. St. David's, aro spending
Easter at Atlantic City.
Mr. Wlllord Spenser, Jr.. will leave for
Westflcld. N. J., tomorrow, whore he will
be nn usher nt the wedding of Miss Adele
B. Codding nnd Mr. Lewis II. Thlbault, of
this city, on Monday.
Mr. Ferree Brlnton has returned from
California, having placed his son, Ferree
Brlnton, Jr., In school In tho Ohal Valley,
southern California.
WAYNE Mr. and Mrs. J. II. JefTcrls,
of Orchard way and Louclla avenue, nre
entertaining their son-ln-Iaw nnd daughter,
Mr and Mrs. I.eon Stetson, of Providence,
It. I., for tho Easter reason.
Mrs, Georgo M. Aman 'and Miss alary
Aman left yesterday for New York. Mrs.
Aman Is chaperoning a party of young
people at West Point over the holidays.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllllnm R Vomer. Miss
Kntherlno Vomer and Miss Eleanor Hamp
ton Verner. who havo been spending the
winter at 2025 Spruce street, will return to
Wayne about May 8.
Mr. C. Austin Wentworth. of 216
Bloomlngdale nvenue, has returned from n
trip to San Francisco, Cal.
STRAFFORD Mr. and Mrs. Georgo
Qulntnrd Horwltz, who are spending
Easter at Atlantic City, will open their
houso nt Straffprd about the first of May.
Mr. Gustave A. Heckscher, of Strafford,
Is staying nt the Brighton, Atlantic City,
recuperating from his recent Illness.
Chestnut Hill
Mrs. Holllnshead N. Tnylor. of 8101 iS.
Martin's lane, will return tomorrow from
Atlantic City, where she spent the week.
The Rev. Sherwood Eddy, Y. M. C. A.
secretary for Asia, who has been tho guest
of Dr. and Mrs. George Woodward, has
gone to Hill School to make an address
to the boys, and will go from there to
Groton. Mr. Eddy spoke to the Chestnut
Hill Academy students while he was here.
Sir. and Mrs. E. Eldrldge Pennock, 'ft
6722 Greene street, win entertain nt din
ner on Friday evening, April 28. The
guests will Include Mr. nnd Mrs Harry
Gabriel, Mr. and Mrs. J. Llddon Pennock
,Mlss Marian Partridge, Mr. T. Wood An
drews and Mr. James A. Walker.
Mrs. Frederick Dudley, of 2807 Indian
Queen lane, has returned to her home
from a visit with friends on Long Island.
Mrs. Wheeler Lord, of 338 Manhelm
street, will spend two weeks in Chelsea.
Miss Emelyn Shipley, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter C. Shipley, of 127 Har
vey street, will attend a house party at
Lehigh University over the week-end.
Sir. and Sirs. Robert P. Hooper, of 138
West Carpenter street, will spend the
Easter holidays at the shore. Sir. James
Hooper, of Princeton University, has re
turned to his home and has as his guest
Sir, Turner, of Wilkes-Barre.
The wedding of Dr. Henry Randel Bare
more, son of Sir, and Sirs. II, B. Bare
more, of Cliveden avenue and Jefferson
street, to Miss Helen SI. Lamb, of Troy,
N. J., will take place at the home of the
bride's parents on Saturday evening,
April 29, at 8 o'clock. Only the two fam
ilies and a few friends will witness the
ceremony. A small reception will follow.
Doctor Baremore and his bride will live In
Akron. O. Sir. and Sirs. H. B. Baremore
and Sirs. Jane Graess will go to New
York next week to attend the wedding and
before returning to Germantown will visit
friends in Westport on Lake Champlaln.
Notice for the SocUtx pas will be
accepted and printed In the Eiemni
Ledger, but all uch notices mutt be writ
ten eo on sUeof the paper, must ba
sliued In full, with full address, and when
peulble telephone number .must be siren.
bend all eurh communication t "go
cletr Editor.1' KTcnlu Ledier, 80S Cheei
nut street. . , , , .
Unlet thee requirement ar. carried
oat, so that TCxIncatlan taar b peatlhle,
the notice will not be published.
Seashore Resorts
ATLANTIC CITY. April 21. The
llonrdwulk croud yesterday was ns n
rule very conservatively gowned In soring
tailor-mades with here and there n striking
costume. A tall brunette was the cyno
sure nf nil eyes whin she nppoared In n
jersey cloth coat suit having a chrome el
low skirt, a green coat with yellow sailor
lollur. green pumps with hosiery to match;
nnd n chrome yellow lint, the sole adorn
ment of which vvns n green parrot plnod
directly In finnt.
Philadelphia glrW nre showing their nl
leglnnrc to Old l'enn by wearing red roses
with their corsage bouquets of violets
Sirs. William It. Ellison, who Is stnylug
nt tho Brighton, was much ndmlred yes
tcrday when she appeared In n pale blue
sports suit nnd a dnrk blue close-fitting
till ban with a dnrk blue bird plnced ncross
the front
Mrs Oscar Lewlsohn, who Is known to
thn theatrical world as Edna May, was in
a rolling chair. Mrs. Lewlsohn topped
her afternoon frock with a Hudson seal
coat with collar nnd cufTs of muskrnt.
Kho wore a becoming blnck lace straw
Mrs. William C Kcmblo entcrtnlncd a
group of friends nt tho tca-danco at tho
Trayinore. Mrs Frederick Armstrong
was on the Walk attractively nttlred In
a dark brown and white checked ennt suit
with Quaker collar nnd cuffs of white
broadcloth. She wore with this nn Afri
can brown Georgette hat. unadorned with
tho exception of a large fancy pin.
Mrs. F. H. Ely entertained at luncheon
at tho Chnlfonto yesterday for Miss
Martha Whltmcr. Phlladclphlans nt tho
Chalfonte Includo Sirs. Charles E. Pugh,
Sliss Esther C. Pugh. Mr. and Sirs. H. C.
Ball. Mrs. B. F. C'ressman nnd Sliss Ade
laide Cressman.
At the Trayinore from Philadelphia are
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Martin, Sir. nnd
JIis J. Itnmscy Van Roden, Sir. Frank
Van Roden. Miss Barbara Schacfer. Sirs.
L. SI Kellerstrass, Sirs William Gygcr,
Sirs. John H. Whlttaker and Sliss Knth
erlno Mullen.
Sliss Henrietta Graham Is visiting Sliss
Beatrice Brown nt tho Dennis. Sliss
Brown Is nn enthusiastic horsewomnn nnd
seldom misses n ride on tho beach at
the edge of tho water, whero the hard
sand forms nn idenl brldlo path.
Sirs. William SIcAdoo, Jr., Is chaper
oning Sliss Peggy SIcAdoo. Sliss Elizabeth
SIcAdoo nnd Sliss Francis SIcAdoo at tho
Dennis. Sir SIcAdoo will bo down for
Sirs. Agnew T. Dice, wife of the presi
dent of tho Reading Railway. Is nlso nt
the Dennis, whero she Is nccompanled by
Sliss Slay J. Boone, of St. Clair, Pa.
Other Philndelphlnns who will spend
Easter nt the shore are Sirs. J. A. Prescott
and her son. Sirs. Frank Buck, Sirs. SI. It.
Vnrke., Sir. W SI Varker. Sirs. 15. C
Oewees, Sirs. William J. SIcCloskey, Sliss
Marguerite McClokey, Sir. and Sirs 11. I
Francis, Sirs. James A. Humphreys. Sliss
Helen Humphreys. Sir. nnd Sirs. James
Alcorn, Mr and Sirs Samuel Alcorn. Sliss
Elennoro F. Beers. Sliss Sara S. Alcorn.
Sir. Joseph Alcorn. Sfrs. Elmer Crawford,
Sliss B. Hazel Crawford, Sirs. Edwin A.
Wellenmayer. Sliss Mildred W. Buck nnd
Sliss Montgomery.
Sirs. James L V. Ilson and her two
(laughters, Sliss Mabel B. Wilson nnd
Sliss Helen L. Wilson, are at Haddon
Hnll for over Easter. These two Phlla
delphla girls divide their time between
swimming, riding horseback nnd driving
their car.
Sirs. Charlemagne Tower and Sir. Rod
erick Tower motored over to the Marl-borough-Blenheim
for luncheon yesterday.
Former Secretary of State Philander C.
Knox nnd Sirs Knox have arrived and
will remain until after Easter
Sirs. Martin J Slulkln, of Slerion, Joined
Sliss E. B. Bull nt the Marlborough
Blenheim today. Other Phlla'delphlans at
the Blenheim are Sirs. D L. Berger, Sliss
Thelma Berger, Sir. S. I Cooper and
Mr. W. S Bennett.
Sir and Sirs. David H Lane, who are
annual Easter visitors, are at the Strand.
Globe Theatre
A SI to It I'
E Continuous tl
A i to it r il iuc, isc. JOc
The Maid and the Mummy
and omens
IlilBa m. to 11:16 p m.
Pt,oi-l!n PVinnlin.l
n Jfvu
'Jl.0nto 11 B
Continuous Showing, 0
1WI2U ViHUiWf 20o
10 A. M. to 11:15 P. 1L
Lenore Ulrich
In "Th Heart of Paula"
At 10:40, 12:30, 3:16. 4. 6. T:. 0:80.
Avnnrlir. CHESTNUT Blow 18tb
Arcadia Frank Keenan
aod Mary Boland In "Ttu Stepping Btona"
Metropolitan Ojwra House, Vil Etc. April JS.
Beat Sals at 1100 Chestnut fit. X.H.60. l.TSfl.
The wedding of Sites Lledle Shermer,
daughter of Sir. nnd Sirs. George Shermer,
and Sir. Clarence Sheppard took place
last night, at 7 o'clock. The bride, who
was given In marriage by her father, was
attended bv Sliss Grace Tuesdell ns maid
of honor. The best man was Sir. Clifford
Walker. The Rev. J. Itogan performed
tho ceremony, which look place at the
home of Sir. and Sirs. Joseph Button, 205
Cliveden avenue, Germantown.
Mr. Filbert Crossan. of Klberon avenue,
Fox Chase, who Is a student at Cornell
University, Is spending the Easter holi
days at his home.
Congratulations are being received by
Sir. and Strs Harry Smith, of 6423 Law
rence street, Olncy, upon the birth of a
The engagement of Sirs Sine Hnrrls. of
128 East Klshcr's nvenue, Olncy, nnd Sir.
David Loeper. of Mrldgeton, .N. J., has
been announced. The wedding will tnke
place early in July.
A rccltnl by Sirs. George Carson, of
Rising Sun nvenue. Lawndnlc. assisted
bv Miss Florence Hnenle, vtollnlste, nnd the
Treble Qunrtct, with Sliss E. P. Llnch
nt tho piano, wilt tnke placo In the
Central Drawing Rooms on April 27.
The Young Ladles' Art Circle of the
Wlsslnomlng Slethodlst Episcopal Church
will give an entertnlnment on Tuesday
evening. Slay 2, Including a sketch en
titled "Whiskers."
Sliss SInry Felton, of 6424 Rising Sun
nvenue, Olncy. will hold n parlor enter
tainment nt her home for the benefit of
the Women's Foreign Missionary So
ciety of St .tnmcs Slethodlst Episcopal
Church, on Tuesday evening, Slay 0.
Chester Valley
A vaudeville, melnnge, entitled "Local
Hash," will bo given In tho Opera Houso
. . "ii me evening of Tnurs-
,... ,,. - !- rr tlie benefit of tho Chester
County Hospltnl.
Tho Rev. Robert H. Kirk nnd Sirs. Kirk,
of StcKcesport, Pa., aro visiting the Rev.
Cleveland Frame and Sirs. Frame, of
Strs A. Seymour, president of the Work
ing Women's Lengiio of Philadelphia, Is
spending n few days with Sirs. W. It.
Warner, Jr., of Duffryn SInwr.
Sir. nnd Sirs. E. F Bracken will cntcr
tnln nt cards tomorrow evening at their
home. Valley road, Paoll.
South Philadelphia
Sliss Nellie Shcstnck, of 322 Dickinson
sticet, has left for Sllddlctown, Del.,
whero she will visit Sliss Lenh Bcrkman
over the Easter holidays.
Sliss Slary T. Cohen, of 831 StcKean
street, has left for a four weeks' stay
In Now York, where she will be extensive
ly entertained.
Sir. nnd Sirs. John Tomlln, of 302 Rlt
ner street, nnnounced the engagement of
their daughter, Sliss Slargaret Tomlln. to
Sir. Theodore A. Wilson, of Brooklyn, N.
Y., tills week.
Powinlr Thl" nrul Nxt Week. Evks. 8:13
vjrcllllvn. Matinee Tomorrow at 2:13
Original Ne York Cat nnd Production.
Hot Seata 1 at Popular Wed. Slatlneei
Mary Shaw & Co.
Amelia Stone & Armand Kalisz
Delia Baker; Kajljama, Howird'a Anlmalt,,
and Others.
BRO AD-Last 2 Evgs. I"
Laurette Taylor '" TJKtr
Ily J llAUTI.t;v ilA.-Nf.ttia
Nelt ween
Mr. Cyril Maude
Li I iXlJ HEUULAIl SIAT. Tostonnow
Fran Lehar'a Operatic Maaterpteca
With the flreateat Slnrlng Cat Ever
Aaaembled for L!hl Opera
mday Nlzht!
"A Pair of
Wttb Bama Notable
throp Ames' Little '
That Played at Win-
tr In NeWeork VOR
Wllhenpoon Hall.
at 8.
Piano I Allt
bv .irVan
v imminent American Planllt.
Tickets tl 50, It. 75c and 60c at Heppe'a.
YYalnUt f0p. Frtcca Seat Now Selling
See Vaat JUvtr of Ileal Water Big Senaatton.
Mask and Wig ClubwHooggj.,
rjood Seats for AH Performances
KnickerbockerAThe Brute
HtJ. Tuts., Tours-Bt.
ts .ar)'
,ir4 kit tfC "A
ie UAuouN-
Mater Misericordiae School at Merion to Be Scene oi
Mammoth Affair the Last Week in May.
Prominent Women Take Part
EVEnY week new Interest la centred
around the larye Fete Champetre to
be given Friday and Saturday, May 26
and 27, on the grounds of tho Convent of
Mercy, nt Merlon, for the bene!H of the
building fund" of the new Mater Miseri
cordiae Hospital, for which ground was
been broken nt 53d etreet and Cedar nve
nue. West Philadelphia,
A meeting to make further arrange
ments for this outdoor fete will be held
Tuesday afternoon nt 4 o'clock nt the
Convent of the Sisters of Mercy, Hroad
street and Columbia avenue, when the
nlumnne, members of tho auxiliary board
of the new hospital and other friends of
the convent will be present to help the
good cause along,
There will be about twenty booths
grouped about the lawn nnd sheltered
nooks of the beautiful grounds at Merlon.
A delightful outdoor tit-room and restau
rant, under tho direction of Mrs. Jutes
Junker, Mrs. M. E. It. McMlchen nnd Mrs
James Mundy, will be n drawing card In
one corner of tho grounds, while chil
dren Vrll! find amusement In pony-bnek
rides nnd pony drlveB around the ex
tensive grounds. In fact, the little ones
will havo a royal good time, for Mrs. 'Wil
liam J. Begley and her assistants arc
planning all kinds of delightful surprises,
that wilt Include a playground fitted with
everything dear to tho heart of a child,
and, of course, a merry-go-round and ex
citing rnces. Movies and other forms of
nmuscment will also be planned for the
Then there will be the toy world, whero
Along the Reading
Mrs. S. M. Campbell, of Mather nve
nuo, .Tenklntown, has Issued Invitations
for a bridge party nt her home tomorrow
Mrs. Thomas Watt, of Church road and
Accomnc road, Wyncotc. will entertain
the members of tho Fortnightly Club of
Wyncolo this nfternoon.
Mr. nnd Mrs Mnrshall Sabine, of Logan,
entertained the membera of their pinochle
club Wednesday evening at their home.
Miss Gertrude Funk nnd Miss Louise
Funk have Issued Invitations for the meet
ing of tho Phi Gamma Sorority, which will
tako place ut their homo nt Fort Wash
ington tomorrow afternoon.
Mrs. Harry G. Prlmm, of Oak Lane road,
accompanied by her two daughters, Miss
Virginia Prlmm nnd Miss Marlon Prlmm,
who nre both students nt Mrs. Hebb'a
school, will spend tho Easter holldnyH nt
Atlantic City ns tho guests of Mrs.
Prlmm's parents, Dr. nnd Mrs. Walter T.
Shock, nt their npartments nt the Dennis.
Mr. George Cole, of 671C North 8th
street, Oak Lane, will spend tho week-end
In Eric, Pn.
Mrs. Frank Weger, of nidge avenue,
will entertain at luncheon ami cards on
Tuesday. Her guests will Include, Mrs.
Albert Hord, Mrs. nobcrt Hnys, Mra. Wil
liam Kecty, Miss Helen Rchtuss, Mrs.
Orlando Petty, Mrs. Charles Weln, Mrs.
N. Claire nornbaugh, Mrs. noy A. Robin
son, Mrs. John A. Struse, Mrs. Frank Ken
worthy and Mrs. Frederick Stott.
The Roxborough Lodge Gleo Club, or
ganized for tho pleasure of Its members,
will give Its first public concert on Tues
day night In tho Wlssahlckon Methodist
Episcopal Church, Terrace and Harvey
streets. The assisting artists will be MrB.
Mao Ebry Hotr, soprano, nnd Master
Gurney Mattox, violinist.
The Ebenezer Concert Band will give a
muslcale on Thursday night, April 27, In
the Ebenezer Church, Mnunyunk. Miss
Helen Weber, soprano: Miss Florence P.
Cornman. contralto; Mr. F. WHIard Corn
man, Jr., baritone; Mr. G. Lester Blankln,
tenor, and Mr. Godwin Stevenson, cellist,
will be tho soloists.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Robinson, ot
Wlssahlckon, have moved to Pittsburgh,
Miss Matilda Weber, of 1833 Frankford
avenue, will spend the Easter holidays In
Washington, D. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rlngold. of 3030
Frankford avenue, will spend the week
end at North Wales.
Miss Helen Holmes, of East Columbia
avenue, Is entertaining Miss Anna Jones,
of Scranton, Pa over the Easter holidays.
I U RllP1l"'Haw55V sKliaMil3' I HI 1
H The shapescolors, materials nni :
H workrnajtfnip blend into a symphony
1 - j Our large "one-ofia,uricl" assort fi
: merit will appeal to ever? ladyof jfi - , '
- j delicacy, refinement and good judg- 1 j .
The prices are made low purposely
Hi $6.50 to $8.50 JH
S5W Mawson & DeMarvy WH
U J Opposite B, F. Keith's II 0
Mrs. M. J. O'Meara and Mrs John J
Joyce, Jr., will display every conceivable
toy and just the dolls that every Httls
mother loves. The bird booth will b
quite a feature, as It will be different
from anything seen at a garden fete, All
kinds of gaily plumaged birds will sing
In artistic cages, and will be sold by Mrs.
T. II, Cullnan and Mrs. Eugene Bonnl
well, assisted by Miss Mary Hookey and
Miss Marlon Peterson.
The fancy table, where Mrs. Harry P.
Blank, Mrs. J. McKeon, Mrs. W rtyan
and a bevy of young girls will display alj
kinds of lovely things, will be another In
teresting booth. Mrs. Charles E. Hallahan.
assisted by Mrs. John A. Colgan and
others, will have the baby booth, nntj here
tho most exquisite French clothes and all
the latest novelties In babyland will be
Tho odds and ends table under the.
direction tit Mrs. S. A. Moore, who Is head
of all the nlumnne associations of tha
Sisters of Mercy In this city, will be de
cldedly quaint, nB nil kinds of curios and
unusual objects will bo found there. Oar
den Implements will be sold at another
booth. Artists' garden smocks, sport hats,
garden gloves, wicker baskets and tea
trays, pottery nnd quaint bird sticks for
rose bushes, will be displayed by promi
nent maids and matrons.
The whole fcto Is under tho very able
direction of the following committee, of
which Mrs. A. Nosh Ilurkc Is chairman:
Mrs. Frank II. Hookey. Mrs. Charles E.
Hallahan, Mrs. William J. Begley, Mrs.
Harry P. Blank, MrB. Jane M, Quennell,
Mrs. James A. Mundy, Mrs. M. E. II. Mc
Mlchen nnd Miss Llda Dougherty.
Those Taking Part in Indoor Horso
Show Will Dino nt Bcllovuo-
Stratford April 28
Mr. Walter C. Hnncock, of 3720 Chest
nut street, acting on behalf of tho Phila
delphia Indoor Horse Show Committee,
linn sent out Invitations to the nnnual
Judges' dinner of the show, which will be
held on Friday evening noxt nt 6:15
o'clock, nt tho Bcllcuvo-Stratford.
Invitations to the dinner wero sent to
tho following gentlemen, nearly all of
whom attended tho same affair last year:
Dr. Charles S. Turnbull, Mr. Frank II.
Caven, Mr. ThomaB J. Collins. Mr. John
McE. Bowman. Dr Oscar Scelcy, Mr.
Henry S. Culllns. Mr. Charles A. Bau
doulno, Mr. Reginald C. Vanderbllt. Mr.
II. K. Bloodgood, Mr. Benjamin Chew,
Mr. David B. Sharne, Mr. Lewis E. War
ing. Dr. Georgo S. Fuller. Dr. Charles
S. Williams. Mr. R. I'enn Smith, Mr. R,
Penn Smith. Jr.. Mr. Wllllnm H. Wana
mnkcr, Mr. W. Hancock Payne, Mr. Harry
D. llollowny, Mr. Charles R. Hamilton.
Mr. Samuel Walter Taylor. Mr. Wllford
Pond. Mr. Snmuel D. Riddle, Mr. A. W.
Atkinson. Mr. Ralph C. Stewart. Mr.
Gardner Cnssntt, Mr. Tercy M. Chandler,
Mr. Herbert Lincoln Clnrk. Mr. William
J. Clothier, Dr. Charles A. E. Codmnn,
Mr. Wllllnm M. Klklns. Mr. Frank Grls
wold. Dr. John Cooke Hirst. Dr. I. W.
Holllngxhcnd, Dr. Wllmer Krusen. Dr.
Wllllnm S. Newcomot. Judge John M.
Patterson, Mr. Joseph Rogers. Mr. Edwin
II. Vare, representative for Mrs. William
O. Warden. Dr. S. Morrill Weeks, Mr.
Paul J. Snyder, Mr. William Hollwoy. Mr.
Harry Gordon Peck and Mr. J. Howell
Good Friday iSermons
Cathedra! or Sts. Peter and (Paul. I-oran
Square. Passion sorvlce; S oarlock-Sneaker, tha
Ilev. Krnncls Auth. C. SS. R.
St. Vincent's Seminary. Kast, Chelten ave
nue, Oermnntown, alnglnir of he Tenebrae:
7:15 o clock.
Church of the Oesu. 18th, aniti Stiles streets.
plnKlns of the Tenebrae. Speaker, tha Rev.
William Cannon. S. J.
St. Jude and the Nativity, 11th and Mt.
vernon streets, o'clock, liacrtd cantata,
"Tho Crucifixion."
All Hallows' Churrfi, Wjncote, 8 o'clock,
sacred oratorio by liiolr: "Paislon ot Our
draco Church. Ftroad and Matter streets. 8
o'clock, union Oood 1'rlday service, six min
isters will detlter flw-mlnuta arrmons. on the
last words of Christ on the censs.
Centenary Church, 41st and Spring' Garden
streets, Dudley lluck'a "Story of the Cross"
will bo suns.
School for Preparedness
LANCASTER. Pa.. April 23 Military,
training has been adopted as part of the
curriculum of tho- Thaddous Stevens Trade
School, the Idea originating with Judge
Charles I. Landls. president of tlio school,
a believer In preparedness. There are
enough boys In the school to fiorfn a full
company, and their Instructor) will be
James N. Llghtner. captain o'Company
K, 4th Regiment, National Guards.