mfsjMWTH-WCT EVENING LEDttlsft-PHlEADELPHrA, THURSDAY, APRIL' 20, 1916. w Hi I PRESS OF NATION UPHOLDS PRESIDENT'S U-JBOAT STAND Patierice of U. S. Tried to a Point Where Forbearance of Other Countries Would Have Ceasedeading News- papers, in Editorial Opinions, Declare leading- newspapers of the country commend resident Wilson's latest note 'to Germany nnd Ills neldreM before the Pf" iL "Joint session of ConBrost. Extracts, from " editorials to bo printed thM morning, oti- 'talncd for tlio KvnNtNci REDDER oy teie tKraph last night, follow: NEW YORK T1ME3! If wisdom nnd prudence have not altogether fled from the minds of Ger many's ruling statesmen, the Imperial Government will mnko such reply to our noto now Just laid boforo them ns will meet tlio earnest closing adjura tion of President Wilson's ntldress to Congress, In which iho expressed tno , hope, shared by all feobcr-mliidccl men, that Oerniany "may recognize the Jus tico of our demands and meet them In the spirit In which they nro made. Our patience has been tried far beyond the point where- the forhcaranco of other nations would have ceasrd Will tho Imperial Government have tho great wisdom, tho wlso courage to let thesB convincing documents bo published , fully and freely by the press, to hau them spread broadcast throughout tho empire, whero they may como to tho understanding of tho people? Wo can not doubt tho fruit of such a snowing. NEW YORK SUN: 1 - Wo must regard" It (tho address) ns in part a repetition of tho true and now too familiar Indictment of n. civilized nation for Illegal prnctlccs, ntul In a part a restatement of tho President's vjows concerning his responsibility, not only for tho protection of American tights, but nlso for the goncril Intcrcata of humanity. Tho President webt to Congiess asking neither ndvtco nor expression of opinion, nor, to gain leg islative action. Tho publi cation this morning -nrould liavo nimlo BUpcrlluotls tho delUcry ot tho address to the session of Congress; unless, In deed, tho President felt that his per sonal nppenranc'o at tho Capitol rendered the war-declaring department of our Go eminent In somo Bcnso a party to fncts nlrendy accomplished by tho ExecutUo'H Independent action. NEW YORK HERALD: This Is no time for division nny whero In tho United States. Tho coun try Is on the brink of war. Tho Presi dent Is right. NEW YORK EVENING POST: It cannot bo Said that the Adminis tration has been headlong. Only an ac cumulation of grievances only a re pented violation of pledges mado to It by tho German Go eminent has at Hst strained tho President's patience to tho breaking point. Ho has at last found himself at tho point whero further diplo matic parleying seems to him fruitless nnd whero ho must hao A definite nnd ' binding nnswer rom tho German au thorities. "NEW YORK, GLOBE: It Is for Gcimany to dccldo whether or not her baibaroU3 conduct Is to con- " tinuc conduct that H suborslvo of American rights and In contracntlon of all laws ot nations nnd of humanity. This country, In Justlco to Itself and "Its traditions, cin no longer bo ac complice after tho fact by treating the pcrpeti.Uor of crlmo as n. friend. NEW YOUK TIUBUNE- If thero Is a dclmlto result at last whether diplomatic relations are broken off or intercourse Is continued on tho bnsls of German dlwuounl of tho policy of murdor on tho high seas wo shall owe nothing to tlio long orgy of words which has passed In Washington for tho lust 1-t months as modern Ameri ca can diplomacy. Our Issue wlttfe Gei- many can bo settled now oniv iy a uia play of determination backed by forco. 5WEW YORK WOULD: Tho Inltod States Go eminent Is not seeking war with Germany. Tho Presi dent Is not socking war. There can bo no war unless Germany commits an overt net of war, nnd If that Is what Berlin Is determined upon, nothing that tho United States can do wilt prevent It, except at u price In sliaiho and sub mission that no great nation will over pay; for If It paa It has ceased to bo a great nation and has forfeited Its rank. ' NEW YORK EVENING MAIL: It (s a simnlo question that confronts the men at Washington. .Tho question Is whethei neutral America Is going to wai'to forco one belligerent to lle up to tho very letter of International law, while tho other is to hao Its hands free to violate the samo law as it chooses. By our own words wo are In nn attitude ' of unnoutrallty so long ns wo acqulesco In tho British stoppage of our food ex ports to Germany. Congress now de cides the question whether, without tnk Ing any stops to remove our self imposed stigma of unneutrallty, tho President Is to havo a war to proont Germany from Illegally trying to starve England as a reprisal against Eng land's attempt unlawfully to starve Ger many. PHILADELPHIA RECORD: It Is Idle to send mora notes to Ber lin. Tho resources of diplomacy have beqn exhausted.- Tho President can do no more. Tho next step must bo taken either by the German Government or by Congress, whose constitutional pre rogative, it Is to declare war. It Is our duty, not only to ourselves, but to mankind, to save what little remains of International law, and to demand that the rules of chlllzed warfare be re ' spected, or to cease to have diplomatic relations with tho nation that flouts them nnd affronts us. Germany must Immediately cease Its Inhuman and un "Christ' Arose" and other beau tiful Easter Hymns and Sa cred Music as r e n tl e red by foremost sing ers and perfect ly reproduced in VICTOR RECORD, 17 South Ninth St. PHONOGRAM Ol'rOSITE I'OSTOFFICE ltEUtilul'S NOTICK3 I'rotestaiit EnUcapal TUB TBIOIl'II OK T1IB CROSS," by Matthew w'K b rulrtj on tSool friJjy. it 8 v id lie IIU'RCII OF THBrtJOLT .Alo.-;Tt KS -Mat ami ChjUtUu su Rar OKUJRur, Hi KHtRT ItiQV I) RKl" TO 41U V LYMN W1IELI Ut OR G4MSI tMi i U'lIHMASTeR eOMHSTS Mj&s lhariaitth TYkoN sma. W U)T- l.i$fr MR MRRy WAfc-fSRANPtR, iOUH U. ttiPWSkL It B N J Silk ItL riWM, Come ly- ii ilyfi ear t It e lawful sea warfare or Congress must dctermlno what course Its obligations to Itself nnd to tho world compel the United States to tako, PHILADELPHIA PRESS: The controversy with Germany has been very properly laid befbre Con gress becnuso the resources of diplo macy hnVo become exhausted nnd Stato Department notes, however pow erful In statement, hnvo lost their po tency. Severing diplomatic relations does not necessarily mean war, and wo do not believe we will have war, Ger many, houmor, seems willing to Incur the risk of wnr with this country rnther than give tip its Indiscriminate sinking of unarmed merchant vessels. hls country does not want war with nny nation, but If It Is forced upon usj with nil the lgor nnd strength at our command Tho country will be with tho President In tho ntnnil he has taken PHILADELPHIA. INQUIRER: Wo should havo mado the Issue Imme diately after the sinking of the Lusl tanla Had wo then spoken truo words, ns wo now hao done (or apparently done), Instcnd of Indulging In n long-drawn-out nnd perfectly meaningless correspondence, tho submnrlno would hao been brought up with n round turn Our protests hao been sneered nt so long without resultant 111 effects that it Is doubtful whether Germany can now bo brought to her senses. She Is drunk with tho blood of her torpe doed victims, She been enjoying n perfect carnival ,of murder on tho high seas You cnunot argua with n drunken man Intent upon violence However, It Is for Germany herself to Now at the Cost of the Lar'ger Sized Cam bridge University Issjie ':-7.,,v,-vi,i..,u.';,'.ririnzua!JES3n3 ..,.i j.n.mmmaamik.-MMm.AfmamBmammmBMmmammmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmm 1 v ' M '' ' ' "Y V rr: : ";.. ...' :' ' .',."' "l - ' dsBJ " 1 11 1 fr if l- r &$? 'J'trWM 'ff!rWM ' W igpgsaa'feag MM II I J ,vvyjti.tyi!oJg''.'-!ru 1 1 I El II II I I II II I Hi V- fi(r'' xr- ;'xy?H,iwrfiaairifci4ia I I III II II II I II II I 1 f' I fe. t f"fi 1ir sfrrr'r L'Mr JLV iH J ? Bl'?Trtr'T .wJrcf :"-. -5 tfsji TiiSIi xTi S '31 'fJrtl'tV ti? a II I I I tl II II II II II II II I i mM-imwsmmmBmmsimm1mi HT 's-PliVvfe'i-SfTAlJJt "VWrvit I - . ii.tSr.: Mft;SM?.'V'wiiA''rfl5w" I I Ml II II II II II II b""mi i : mmm'MmMmmm r r F-:'"!3fA'iiJV, JS!"5" 'rfKffi&3&Jg9&W Do you s mwmmmimmmmmmKmmm . MMmimmmxM.mmMmmimmm u & , l Oti" .: Y . ..'. rf 'Vt J J"lo,Kn AI 'HrWSSn- C1M. ' -. J'f rJ-Til fT7W"fV t.1.brrBC irrKMiS'AiLitOit-yjifr!.--. -Billflll 1 I III I If " m mmmmmzMgmmmmzmtmmsmi-im t 1 lmmmmimmm i i i lil 1 in i i i m s wmtmmffimmMmmmBmMMmmm& m zz f7 Jt tftifcr'yltrjftsytsrtjV:t's HvV WtJ&yj'gv-M-i"fi sjS 4Sw4't5 5sll ; ' "f"--'- j wj ii.,ii.m-xlll.,. I, , , Li-i-u-ip... . m , ij , " -T - - mrfnnn'r i i 1 v& See Sets and Leave Orders decide what her future policy Is to be. As for the United Sthtes, it hap spoken what tho President announces to be Its last word Germany must squarely satisfy our demands or delib erately spurn our official friendship. The choice Is hers BOSTON GLOBE: By nil tho force of his diction Presi dent Wilson has sought to convince Berlin that, while we have been patient and forbearing, wo are nevertheless very serious. Our face has stern lines. Our teeth are beginning to clench. We mny quickly turn the plowsharo Into a sword Germany should hot make the mlstnko that we aro merely bluffing. Slnco the Berlin Government hns acted In defiance not only of our most earnest protests, but nlso In deflnnco of Its own promises, since In other words dlphv macy has been cxhnusted, the Govern ment of tho United States has nothing loft to do fixcept to say that tho end has come. We have no choice. If Ger many docs not stop now, then Count on Bcrnstorff will be given hla pass ports. Thcie is nothing lse that wo can do. BALTLMOBE SUN: Bewnre the nnger of tho patient man. If wi were Ilia Herman Kaiser's most Intimate friends, these aro the words wo would whisper In his ear nt this mo ment. President Wilson has Bhown an nhnost superhuman pationcij in tho face ot Germany's repented assaults on the lles of American citizens. Ho has waited nnd waited, while Germany Po inted again and again her pledged word. Ho has made every possible effort to malntnln pence, even though It brought abuse und scorn upon his own head. BALTIMbmi AMEUICAN: Germany hns tolntctl Its sacred en gagements tlmo and ngaln; It j has pur sued a policy of relentless nnd Inhuman warfaro with Its BVmarlnes; It Is guilty us Indicted, nnd, (Lhoreforc, noth ing can be said In extenuation. There remains open to tho Government of Bor lln but tho one door of specific agree ment to dcslKt altogether from tho uso of submarines for attacking ships of commerce. But Not Much Longer A 130-Page Tno remarkable bargain we are offering can last only a little while longer. The con tracts for the "Ilandy Volume" issue were made (before the war began. The drastic Increase In the cost o raw materials maljeif It impossible to renew them. Paper haa advanced over 25 per cent leather more than 1$ per cent binder' boards 49 per cent, etc The publishers notify us that after the sets now on hand are exhausted they cannot supply any more at the pres ent low pricese NOW at GIMBELBROTMERS OMAHA BEE: Many of our people are convinced that a severance of dlplomatlo relations would have bcert Justified long ago Fur ther patience would appear to bo a weakness rather thnn n virtue, SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCEn: President Wilson's decision In the submarine controversy with Germany hnn been long overdue. Events of the last year have made the President's case against "tho German Government, Whatever disposition fate may make of the present emergency,- the American people will Bupport 'tho President's action with every resource nt their com mand. CHATTANOOGA TIMES! The determination of tho -resident will meet with the Instant nnd hearty approval ot the people, nnd they win hold themselves In readiness to do what ever becomes necessary to do to carry out his solemn ultimatum. It ma probably mean a break with Germany nnd possibly war, but whatever It may be, tho American people, now ns In tin, past, will accept whatever responsibility may bo placed upon them In behnlf of humanity. CLEVELAND LEADEB: Tho meaning of this message to Ber lin Is plain. It cannot bo mtsundcr- These Madras Shirts Come All the Way From Scotland We ordered the goods over a year ngo that's why we can sell them at this price. Tho material speclnlly made for us by Anderson's Over 200 exclusive, deslrnblo designs. Excellent material for wear ilressy in nppearjt.nnd Just tho wanted wcignt lor spring Oil or let us si ear, rone WnlnLi-'' fftf ouriTeprcsentfrvo to boo you. HadEasiiuiftSin To Your Order JSLJ' Buttt in iour txact requirements. Neckband vrc-thrunk. I COULTER, 710 Chestnut St. and Rnk and The oubllshei ENfiTCIiOPA.: have prepared JeTlc you all about eyils gi earrr to issue, ana Its use stories, clever dial (mm mter ta cover. Some of too lnterestlnc bits of knowledge revealtffFhe.ENCr nvriiiPAEniA BRITANNICA points of view. A little history of the BRITANNICA frM"tt daya IfliiB- Renrra HIT. An interesting- dialogue A fltver storv about tkanir Portraits of tb9-WDei iruja f ontrlbutorsL -m& NearlyssMrTisndred halftone 11 specimen, pagealand the ilk -Whether younre inte; you ana every memoi enjoy readingShls boo' rtateJ stood. The President has spoken too strongly now to fall buck Into a mate of dlplomatlo correspondence. Congresi will support the President The coun try will stnnd by Us official represen tatives. If the aermnn Government re fuses to yield to the arguments, np peals and solemn warnings now, nnd apparently for tho last time, voice! by President Wilson, then tho gravest con sequences mny bo oxpecttd. LOUISVILLE COUniEn-JOUKMAL! The crisis which seems nt last ac tually to have arrived ns ,to the Inter national relations of tho United States nnd Germany, but which from tho first was foreseen by discerning people, nnd for more thnn n year has been sus pended like a Damocles sword over both countries, should glvo pause for1 re Hote all wanted ahad; Hanan & Son, nn -von irnnw that It Is a stream of electrical particles? Or what nro the X-rays? Or that what u,A nnll an "fllflm" tn&T DA like O. hUgO sphere filled of Do you know how DO mauc xroul l"U iLlliiuauiloioj ui nu n autfc of dynamite explodes? Or what are the shapes of the atoms In a diamond? Or why dyes will give different colors to things. Do you know'why we breathe hard when we run? Or why the stomach does not digest Itself? Or how the -blood tonslon of the body la regu lated iby two slands no tlgger than peas? do you Know now oia are tne oiaeai rocxn ur haw far back the traces of life go? Or about the great ice cap that once covered most of Europe and North America? Or why the ocean Is salt? Or how old Is man? About Weather Science? know that storms 7" And almost always in tne same uirectioni Or why? Or what makes It why Europe la warm when Tritimnhs nf Do you know how It was discovered that yellow fever and malaria are carried by mosquitoes? Or how the plague is spread? Or about the new Vaccines which pro tect ua from typhoid and other diseases? Or why it la a crime to sneeze or cough In public? r Simpler Facts of how a. tebiDhone works or a rust and wood decays; what n. gyroscope Is and how It keeps a submarine upright; why carbon In your motor engine manes it run siow; or now a pnonograpn can singr Do You Know the long bickrround of the preitiit world take up arun arilnait all the real of Europe why the United titates liai o Jealouly guarded the Monroe Doctrine? Diaies jiai o in so nuicklv ho ow Japan bai so become a or what la meant y the cry tor the "freedom of the acaaf or that the Brat aubmatlnr built by jrears ago, anil tnat the Cnctiali naty haa Do You Understand what la meant when the newepapera talk about Proportional RepreaentatlonT wail wria ma u,b nu were, the first States to sdoot Prohibition, and how lonff aro or whr the United States thrltei under Hljtu Protection what la The Mamie Tribunal and whr It failed what ia the difference between aoclaltant and THE INCOMPARABLE WORK There ta onlj one work In the Enxllah lanfsaza which will tell tou practically eierjthlar; jn want to know about practlcalljr eferjthlne la toe world that la the new edition of the Encyclo paedia BrlUnolca. It coaulna ercr 0,POO artklei, and could auwec a mlllloa question. It 1 not a work for "hlih-brows" alone. It waa especially made for the boar men and women of to-daj. The new "Hand; Volume" luue briaia it to jou in the most compact a4 convenient form and at a coat of only one-third that of the Uner-peied Issue of the same work, and yon can hale the complete work, the entire S3 Tolnmee, with it 50,000 pares unabridged and unchamed, for a first payment of ONLV OMS DOLLAU, Alter tnar, smau moniai parute&is mv a u,,,b nu.c. nnt this onDortunltr will be open for onlr little while tbla new Issue af this wonderful book, sent ar once Of 100 WO! see jbe books , wnica wju,ieii rvu i uuut ,u icssess siofs jMftw mvn, JBo REE Wa dkt Cut This Coupon La VAT ! EDTA BUITANNICA Iv llluasSrated book of UOspagea t rou. It is fullfa-rhtereitIngT H n n .in nenw - ilbuuv jarvraueeew lea, beautiful picturea apok packed 1 jmtrmau Jo Us its contents incjaae from a hundred dtffj Today a desc sel telllti(esrthe Interesj children set lnterejteln IC wi . . and fmoua tlons, color plates, PJTANHICA or not, .agaaTi" thoroUKbl5r A Street "T MARrT EIGHTH nMrrs Uistrl I. ttm. m your tM lc aa ukl flection to theso hyphenate Who Were prompt to welcome and follow after an Imperial propaganda, set on foot In Berlin nnd let loose upon the neutrality, the pence nnd order of America. At length double dealing can go no fur ther, Thrf patience, which long ago wore to a frazzle with the mass nnd body of patriotic Americans, the Gov ernment of Berlin hns exhausted with the Government of the United States. Wo have como to a parting of the ways. How stands tho account with thoso foolish and shortsighted hyphenates whose loyally to Berlin has quite blind ed them to Washington? Are they ready for the camps of Internment or will they prefer to cross the seas ngatn nnd Join the Colors of the Hohenzollern nnd the Hapsburg to hell with themt Ritz Pump Much approved this sea son, a Hanan model of beauty and grace; dainty and airy. Gun Metal Patent Leather hUe Calf and lored Kid 1318 Chestnut St. JTJ WHAT do YOU KNOW? 1 I About the Wonders of the Skies? The human eyo could count afcout '6,000 stars in the sky. Do you know how many tens of millions the largest iolcscope reveals? Or how far Is tho most distant star we know of? Or that there Is a tar perhaps a million times bigger than our sun? Or that there an nebulaG vaster than the Milky Way? of Electricity? whit an electric current Is ' with flying- bullets or ballaT j Modern Chemistry? the valuable nitrates cair-v of Human Body? f of the History of the Earth? always move In broad rain or snow or hall? Or Labrador Is freezing? 9 Modern Medicine? World Around You? door bell rings: why metals wit? Wbj Germany drej t ? world power 1 an American more tban a hundred onlj adopted it alaca 19001 the Befereadua and Baca!!. and Kniland under free Trade) to atop the preeent warl eeamnntsa? lonrer. If yon do not know about It (or the richly Illustrated ISO pan vub vu, u,s cuupon osiow er a. . 95 U 8 EARS, ROEBUCK AND CO., CHICAGO: ' Please Send Ha a Copy ot ABookof100Wonder,' dcscriblnir the Encyclo- p&edla BriUnnica. Nimo.,iiM,,,Miii Post Office-.., and Number ; CHESTNUT AND NINTH Special Announcement in which wc answer many inquiries regarding o'k Philadelphia Store, and give notice that fhe home of Model Clothes For Men and Young Men Continues as Heretofore at 15th & Chestnut WHEN the Board of the Georges Corporation an nounced the first of this year that the Philadelphia store would be discontinued, it was with the greatest re luctance and regret, as this branch has always been one of the most active and popu lar in the Georges chain. But in jpife of an increaMed grosw butinetM in 1916 and the fact that we are pouitive our value lucre unmatehable and our cuilomere thoroughly tattM Red, THIS STORE failed ta show a profit. The Georges My tern of merchandising, figuring at it doe on the very closest of margins cannot afford to carry deadwood. However, a close analysis of every phase and angle of the situation by Mr. George in person during the past few weeks, revealed the fact that too high fixed charges, partic ularly rental, stooil as a bar rier for successfully conduct ing this store. The tried and true adage, ''A Thrifty Landlord Cherishes a Good Tenant," proved my salva tion AND AFTER A SERIES OF NEGOTIATIONS WE HAVE FINALLY MADE NEW ARRANGEMENTS with the lessors of this property, which are so advantageous that It has been made possible and profitable for Georges to continue at this old corner, which has become so popular With over 50,000 Philadelphia men, and maintain the nigh Georges standard of values. It has certainly been good to hear the thousands of ex pressions of regret that we had to discontinue and to re ceive so many inquiries is to whether wc would open new quarters ih Philadelphia. To be genuinely missed is proof of real achievement. To say that we arc gratified is stating it mildly. Wc are proud, and even more delighted that we are now able to continue at the old stand. In passing let us mention that wc arc ushering in the bright Eastertide with The Most Brilliant Showing of Spring Suits and Top Coats Ever Attempted in Philadelphia. Every garment the product of our own custom shops and modeled to dflfiicate the new est expressions Jf fashion as created by Kuf York's Fifth Ave. styLwffginators. The wisil of working 6 advance of the is more forciblv this Snnnp thS All our materials before the recent treme price advances. Consequently, Georges superiority n value over other stores is especially sharply accentuated this season, io matter what your pleas ure is concerning that new Spring suit or top coat whether it be ultra vogue-tsh in cut qr sedately conservative, Whether the fabrics be the subdued soft hues or bright youthsome colors in stripes, checks, plaids or plains hard or soft finish domestic or im ported, Georges Model Clothes $12.50, $15, ns and upwards to $40 are unmatehable by compari sons from any angle. PHILADELPHIA 15th & Chestut Also Starts at Nr Verk () X'oTlJjte llssto BttsTato f Geore,snLin cN0 monP in wearjarfPseason ireiTipnstrarea u evek before. 'ebciCTrs)i . Wlous I f wttf