&,&!iSMwJUuwrw!v -m " EVENING IEI)aBE-PHIEiVDEi;PHlA THIJR&DiVY, ftfrRlE 50, 1910. :- Egyptian DEITIES The Utmost f Cio&rettes' Plain en fi W St icopU of wliatIfuulkiJtnt and education invariJbly (fftrctcr "Deities ta atw mcs cicarcttsrr I 5 KA VeaeamiklbiBew9 IH nf H V IH H H3F-J E &'vl Vf aaHbaH ! fYj Of rVj Xf aaaflK W JflVAVJa a , L afc JHIaa jl B5SSLE5yssUlyjSyS w GERMAN TROOPS SHIFT ASSAULTS a EAST OF VERDUN Three Successive Attacks al Les Eparges Repulsed by French LOSE GROUND GAINED WAflE ADVANCE FOR 5000 WORKERS IN COATKSVILLE TWO ALPINE POSITIONS TAKEN BY THE ITALIANS 1G4 Kaiserjaegers Made Prisoners on Conquered Ridge in Cadoro Mountains nOMH, April 20 Italian force Tues day attached the" western ridge of Monte Ahcorna, In the Qol ill Iana-Uriper Cor devole zone. Mining operations preceded the Infantry nttnclt, and many.Vustrlnns were burled by the mine explosions. The Itnllnns occupied the positions, taking 164 prisoners and a quantity of war material. The following official statement was Issued by the War Olllce last night: In the Monte Adnmello zono our Alpine troops, after drawing out the enemy outposts, on April IT occupied and strengthened the Monto Vol dl Fumtj Pass, at an altitude of 3402 metres (11,181 feet). In tho Led to Valley our systematic advance continues toward the summit of Monte Speronc , There was artillery activity from the Adlge zone to the Ilrenla. In the Bugana valley on tho night of April 18 renewed enemy efforta r against our positions vvest of the Sarganoa torrent were repulsed. On the same night, on the Col di I PA nib, April 20. Tho Germans have suspended their In fantry assaults north of Verdun and liavo attacked the French lines cast of the fortress. A communication issued mat night by tho War Olllce reports three suc cessive assaults at Lea Upargei in the Wocvre but without permanent pains for tho Crown Prlnco's forces. There lias been no fighting of Importance In this .sector alnco tho second week of tho nattle of Verdun. Last night's otllclal communication fol lows: West of tho Mcuso there was con siderable artillery activity against Hill 304 and our flist lines, between Le Mort Homme and Cuinlorcs. liist of tho Mcuso a violent bombaid ment was carried out in tho region, of Douaumont and Vaux, At Les Kparscs tho enemy directed this morning three successive attacks against our positions, but these weto all icpulscd. In tho courso of the List at tack tho enemy, who had succeed in get ting n tempor.it y footing In our trenches on a front of about 200 yards was Immediately driven out by our counter-attack, which Inflicted on him crlous losses. LONDON, April 20 "Lnt night tho enemy exploded a stnnll mine cast of Ncuvllle-St Vaast." savs last night's of ficial report from tho British army In France. "Our trenches were not damaged During tho night tho enemy attempted tor drop bombs on our posts In craters In tlio auarry sector, but were dilvcn off. "During tho dny thero was heavy shell ing northeast of Cnrnoy and nbout Caren cy, St, Elol and Voormezoelo." Laborers to Get 20 Cents an Hour, Record Price There CTJATUSVILLI. Pa., April 20 Tho Tiiikens Iron nnd Steel Company and I Worth Bi others Company, this city, made t announcement today, that after May 1 1 u general Incrcnso In vvnges would I take place This will affect nbout G00O I wage enrners. Laborers will be paid 20 ' cents an hour, the highest prlco In the I history if tho town I Tho tonnage men will also come undar tho readjustment The Worths have been paying 17'4 cents nn hour. Tho readjust ment will bo the .same in both big inllls II. t. Scottcr, superintendent of tho Worth mills, said last night that tho advance had been contemplated In advance of the ac tion of the United States Steel Corpora tion to glvo the men a raise. . The Iron and steel mills are running doublo Urn nnd the city boarding houses are overcrowded. Jury Approves Birch fit School LANCASTUU. P.i , April 20, A Lan caster County Jury s.iySR school teacher may uso tho rod on an unruly pupil' Samuel Kberly, nn Adanistowu tcacliei, was' tried for assault and battel y on Hiram Brendle, Jr., a pupil. Tho teacher tcstlllcd ho used n paddle on tho boy for Infraction of the rules, nnd other pupils testified the blows were lightly given Kbeily wns acquitted and tho costs were Imposed on tho elder Brendle, tho pirrtccutor. DEFIANT GUARDSMAN JAILED Refuses to Pny Court Martial's Fine for Neglecting Duty Charici B. Arakcllan, of 69th and Thompson streets, a tailor with three shops In this city and its suburbs, began a 15 day sentence In tho County Prison last night for his refusal to pay a $15 flno Im posed by a court-martial upon chnrges that ho had neglected his duty as a mem ber of tho 1st Regiment, National Guard of Pennsylvania. Arakellnn was arrested after a fight. In which Constable Samuel W. Dohln, of tho 30th Ward, knocked tho tailor down See the Pollyahna Baskets i Filled With A O Easter Flowers at Charles UtenvylbM S tftgo cf&e Jfase 221 Couth Broad Street In the middle of tho block Lana, In the upper Cordevole zone, after successul mining operations, we attacked nnd occupied the western 'HdgeNof Monte Ancorna The enemy 'detachment occupying the trenches was mostly killed We look as pris oners 164 Kaiserjaegers, Including hlno officer's, taking an abundance of munitions and war material On the morning of April 19 an enemy column attacking Slef was dis persed by our artillery. Along tho remainder of the front thero Is ndthlng Important to report. The Furno Pass lies between tho Tonale road and tho Qludlcarla Valley BUYS CLUB FOR GIRL WORKERS Y. W. C. A. Gets Seven-story Building for Christian League ' The seven-story brownstone factory 1110 to 1116 Snnsom street, lot 93 feet 9 Inches by 90 feet, has been sold by tho Vollmer l'state to the Young Women's Christian Association, which will use It as tho hoadqunrters of the Business Women's Christian league, now conducted by the association In n Olrard street property. A gvmnastum nnd restaurant will be added to the building Tho nssessed val uation of the pioperty Is $100,000 ASSOCIATION STUDIES USE OF AUTOTRUCK IN WAR TIME Expert Tells Why Motors Arc Best Army Supply Carriers The mobilization of the motortrucks owned by manufacturers and merchants of this country wns discussed last night at a" banquet held by tho Philadelphia Motor Truck Association at the Adelphla. Leo J, Eastman was toastmastcr. S. P. Wetherill, who Is chairman of the committee of the Motor Truck Ttcsorve, oiganlml recently nt the Union League, addressed the diners on the work of mobil izing the trucks nnd classifying them Into units, according to their make. He declared that four pounds of sup plies must be sent fromthe base to each mnn nt the front every day In tlmo of war and that motortrucks are the most valu able form of transportation. Joseph Bnncrott, of Wilmington, was among the speakers. Mr. Bancroft said that the next session of tho Dela ware Legislature would take up as the first bill tho abolishment of the law which prohibits motortrucks entering tho State without a Delaware license. With most other States, he said, the laws aro re ciprocal In the matter of automobile licenses. . m r ; I U J. E. Caldwell & Co. i qo2 Chestnut Street j IwfA B. 1 1 Jewelry f J j. Wok firlCH , ' " - Silverware! jT ft &S5M naai . coutclr f I mm G. r Wutchesiocks i 8 S lttS " , ' Gass&J S M?l , CliinafGfbtes &&&& Cups "and Saucers J EmPC Lamps, Vases W' Leather Goods IW&m ICHALMERSrfUNDERWEARl I B Hats, Off to PhiladelfiliaA 1 A Tour progressive merchants have sold forfyep therundetf S IBmtk wear problem of summer coolness-undf comfojLin QjialmfiS JM 'Torosknit," They will sell you comfort Jnid cooliffaa. Un't tWU BlH what you want? jM M ' (H Wffu I The fine, light, elastic Chalmers "PoJ)sknlt"jfrbrlc ll serpen wL tMB In texture you can see right through If? Jusiliough nflirlo to N-2i absorb the perspiration. Then the "hoes" lnure fabric let the kSIB fresh a)r get to your body they act HU(.i fan You must be cool, e$J fiet Into a Chalmers "Porosknlf UnlojJsult BJgj this summer and stay cool and cpmforjable. jHBMWMW. I RtICB This I.abrl on Kverjr Garmanty jJtMMMMmM. I 1191 yNDEWgARj - m 1 WBj For Men A$y Style For Boys fc Vet WffiWM Kli Shirts and Drawers )K "Wts&Vir WA OUC per Rarraent tUl lAntSCw WJm $1 nn union suits en MP$MM$j WOt l.UU Any Style 5UC MSVfi HE Alio MuLtn of Cbalmcr Boring Kaia filVVilWj 1-hiiPi) IflBi Bibbed Viderwear far Full wuU Wlutcr ttlhWH?".' t'i'i " , HXl ..Srnh.' CHALMERS JJftPMi i mmmWkmm kniiting $ffiwMWMFP JLrLmtmtm COMPANY MAii&ify? v 1M r owon r& Jtote A First Recordings of Louis Graveure The Musical Sensation of the Season FROM the greatest of operatic arias to the simplest English ballads, Louis Graveure displays an amazing gift of interpretation. Never before has such clarion power and vocal abandon been heard as in Graveurc's singing of the "Pagliacci" Prologue, nor such tenderness of tonecxprcsscd as in his rcndcringof'Mary," Richardson's famous ballad. With the new records by Godowsky, the poet-genius of the piano, and the latest recordings of dainty, vivacious Maggie Teyte, These records fitly represent the artistic quality of all the ew. Records for May Instrumental music plays a most important part, presenting nov elties like the marimba as well as exquisite trio recordings, thrilling war descriptives by Prince's Band and orchestral renditions that range from joyous light overtures to thc-massivc works of the greatest modern Rus sian composers. Triumphs of Orchestral Recording POLONAISE FROM "BORIS GOD- MERRY WIVES A 5781 12-inch $1.00 shf tRij-hiir it ir-.. f. .. Prince's Orcucstra ? .7SJ 1RACHMANINOFFS PRELUDE IN i-Mncli C SHARP MINOR, Opus 3, No 2. $1.00 i'nnccs Orchestra OVERTURE. Orchestra. OF WINDSOR (Nicolat) Prince's MASANJELLO OVERTURE. (Au- j "n j'""1-" jtiiW""1!.,. Other Recordings qff Varied mterest Brice and King, thp-eteKcr musioiitrofrieayland vaudeville pair, enter the Columbia field thisiionrvitli two of their latest song suc cesses; in addition, there arfdurteen popular hhsfffio tremendous operatic chorales; Hawaiian melodies; solos by a newpneert soprano( Eldora Stanford, and six up-to-the-minute dance reconjs. Columbia Records for Kw An Easter program such as you could noMa94i$anY other way catalogue. Your dealer will gladAy plaf over to you a p p jp p r iawSster rennrdinps. c . annmrflfs nt uas dlltaUtl to the Dictaphone recordings. ColumbiaJKecQrds in AU Foi A'u) Columbia Records on sale tlicSOth ol cic: COL REC CKNTK VL CUNNINGHAM PIANO CO, 1101 I'licjtmit Bt PENNSYLVANIA TALKINO MA- CUINB CO, 1109 Chotnut Bt. JNELLENBURO. N. & CO, 12th and Market tita 6TORY A CLARK PIANO CO. ITDt Clusntnut St. STRAWBRIDOB CI-OTHIER, 8th and Market Ht3. NOHTII CITT LINE PHARMACY. Tork RoaU and City Line. DOTTER. JOHN O., 133T Rockland 6t, Logan, Pa. FUTERNIK, BENJ, HO North 8th Street , DEAL PIANO TALKtNO MA- CHINE CO, 2835 Qermantown Av- JACOBS. JOSEPH. IMA German- town Ae Philadelphia talkino ma.. VHINU CO . 000 N i'ranklln St HEU BIS 019 Qlrard Ave SCHERZER'3 PIANO WARE- UK)M 839 North 81h Pt SCHNELL A MEQAHANI 1T13 Co- ImubU Ave NOBTirE.ST FLEISCHER. rKANK. 8327 N Bth GOODMAN, X L.. 3JT West Glrard Gt'TKOWSKI. VICTOR, Orthodox and Almond Sta KENNY TH0MA3 M. 323 5Cn- mlnaKUt Ave KT.YGIER. JOSEPH. 1183 BJch- luond St vuinJL rurf6iiih nis AdicrlimMt Tb W flCSjB OR GRAFONOLAS Ad DOVBLE-DISC FOU SALE BY PHILADElBHIA TALKING MA- ct(t(b -" ioria aetona oi. RUINHEIMlSl'S DEPT STORE, rTont and vusquenanua Ae. TiORTHWiaT CARBON, T. D , S320 Oermantown Ave. ICAI.U'AIC. MARTIN, 4121 Oer- mantown Ave. MAUEnMAN, MRS. C, Cor, 20th and Master St. TOMPKINS. J. MONROE. SHT Uermantown Ave. west riiu.triKi.i'inv FILLMAN. W. II , 0121 iJinsdowne EAKIN-HUGHES PIANO CO . 281- U3 South Jd St. GEO. B. DAVIS & CO. 8930-3938 Lancaster Avenue. LEQANB HARRY. 416 N B2d St MELCIIIORKI BROS., 4932-10 LapcMtw Ave UNIVERSAL TALKING MACinNE AND RECORD CO. 60th and Qiwitnut SU WEST PHILADELPin.V TALK- )NU MACHINE CO . T S 60th bt fiOVTH LUPINAC3CL ANTONIO, 730 S. Tth btr,t ' JIU.UKit B , 001 S 2d St MUSICAL ECHO CO. The. L. Keben. Prop.. N. E. Cor 6th, and ItMlAltilsi Kta PHILADELPHIA PHONOGRAPH CO 1830 Baat paauunk Ave, PHILADELPHIA PHONOGRAPH v'O, S2J Suutb 9tb St STOLFO. HARRY 013 So. 8th 3t- NE.VRRY OUT-OF-TOIVN DEAI.ERS BROWN. II. II. 31 Eat Gar St., West Cheater, Pa. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA PAR. LOR, 1320 I'aciaa Ave., Atlantlo City, N. J, CABR, a F., 812 Main St. Darby, DUDLEY, HOWARD J.. 112 Broadway, Camden. N. J GODFREY, CHAS. H-. 2SIO Atlaa tto Ave . Atlantlo City. N. J. JAI?yisv,H-. - 135 u,a 8t- ""; Mile. N. J. KEENE'S MUSIC HOUSE, U Cooper St . Woodbury. N. J. PHILADELPHIA PONOGRAPH CO. 101 Penn St., Pennaxrore, RAMSEY ft DONNELLY, Broad- way, Salem. N. J. R A K O S K Y ' S DEPARTMENT STORE. 78 Fatjetta St, Conaho- hocken. Pa UOBELEN PIANO COMPANY. 710 Market St. Wilmington. Del ROSENUERGER. A. C. 201 Hlh St MUlvlUe. N. J. SCHUBERT PIANO WAREROOMS. 2038-10 Atlantis Ave, AUautle City. N J SLQAN. ROBERT, 9-1 1 N. Mala St InadaU, Pa. STILLWAGON. O JL. Ambler. Pa. THOMPSON. W Ci, 110 Main St.. CoateavUle. Fa. TOZER & BATES, 6H LanilU Ae- Vineland. N- J WINTERSTE1N. A ".. 209 Rad- cllfr St , BrUtol. Pa. WOLSON. A W. 601 Edml Ave. Cheater, Pa 7 YOUJiGJOHNS, ERNEST 3 239 W Main St., Norrlatnwn. Pa. How will you feel ' as they look you over on the Boardwalk in the Easter Parade? A Perry 15, H8, no, 25 Spring Suit - will fill their eye with approval! w7 .-si Ww I U r f I iMA i 1 w$ n fk It Perry's i'OUNO MEN'S NORFOLK Coat broad nod comfort able across shoulders and under arms; Inverted pleata In back above and below fastened belt. A coat for country club, cafe or com mercial puraulta. Perry's "FLAT 1APEL" MODEL FOR YOCNO MEN 'Wide atlilelle back, anon walttj outside patch pockets, deep vent In skirt ; variety In cuff treatment: Teat elncle breasted, without collar j trouaer Btralght and snus In thighs and less. q The Fabrics We nev till the enemy JCharjfcs;, command ty firbe munition; aftd by the goods for thete Spring CI ting wtsiQQ0 ! We n ftolhuild a trench nevr waifor the r am- ot the sthesVkiHf the get- knew them finer! birf od twh. ,wiA ti -r 1 I The Patterns Exceptionally beautiful, ex ceptionally diversified, exceptionally numer ous! J I The Cut, the Character, the Fit, the Style we won't compare them with any other clothes on these heads, for we think Perry Cut arid Character have it on anything that ever sub mitted to a shears! IJYouUl shine, all riglit, all right, next' Sun day, if Perry's is the label inside your Coat! PERRY&CO.,'n.bt 16th & Chestnut Sti.