EVENING kEDft3R PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, 'APHID 20, 1916 w K it $ . WKiVWM , ., Vik .-On Aprtt i2, lilJft, WlLLfAM , TSKlrat of Ann rf Van ,Horn (ne irfes)' in hi 58th rear , .Relatives and SiZr .. ,.,. A. A MftNK thM funeral. rsi!F , "L?"-';". Y- "Jl'1!:- v:iJ tll.wlLVZ KWr HI a 0 CIOCK. irom nis nruuirr Swtfv Thorns Van Horn, 4B42 Paul t,. Rfottl. .interment si onn vnr nm ki' tlAirtftlna mav hrt viewed Friday rtns?. front 8 tft 10. Si On Arrtl IT, 1010. BAnBATtA. x ni tfviam rf saner P's. oiiuc-ci,,, " rears, .Keltive.and friends are Invited attend lh tuners! services, on Friday, at r?K, at ner i( resioence, uaao . nan- rt-theterr. Remains may l -viewed Thurs- fn ?! p. m. Automooue Bervice "WAMIPtt After 11 proiftnicM. Illness, on April ' U. 18,.CHARLri8iF WALTER, seed 54 Jsetrs, Relatives and friends, also I'hl Kspps MM Chapter of Lafayette College, and HKtsdelphta lawyers' nub, are Invited to Mtn the funeral services, on Saturday afternoon. ( 2 ,0'etoek at tha Oliver II. Sitr Hultdlng. 1S20 Chestnut at Interment pMrakft VfHptMtt.T. On, April 17, 191lt, KATH. -HE IN VIRGINIA, daughter of Wllllsm F. Ml Carrie B. Welnholts and granddaughter f C Frederick and Kltxabeth, Eckhardt. steed fl years and n months. Relatives and friends nre Invlteit to attend the funeral service, on Thursday, at 2 P.rn, at her Jrandpnrents' residence. 18.1? B. Berks at. nterment private at Cedar IMH Cemetery WlI.MAJIS. On April IT, 19HV rBTBtt. hus band of Lydl. It. Williams Relatives and frtnfl nixi Invited to attend tna funeral , service, on Thursday, at 2:30 p. tn , nt.rcsl, dene of hla slater, Mrs, I Howard Collins, TIT areen at Interment private YAKKAI.Tm On April 18, 1I. ELIZABETH It wlto Of J. Stanftelcl Yarnall. Relatives nrf friends are Invited to attend tho funeral nervtees. on Thursdsy, at 2 V til., at her residence. Hillside Cottage, Elwjn, Tn, In terment srlvato. ssk-: rf.ASSTPIED RATES tn effect April 1, 1910 EVENING LEDGER ABATB UNB TtATE FOR BACK INSERTION T1H3 STYLTS TTPK (or Ilka this) One er two times , TnreA tltnea nnn lveelf. -..,... . ., . t5o, I2H0 llx times one week44 too situation wanted tnrco timea one vreeK, luo Help and Situation Wanted nnd t.T and Found nds nro inserted in the Daily Public Ledger without ad ditional chartjo. ' Want nds under alt other classifications may he repeated In tho FUBUO IiXlxixn at combined rate! frns or two times... 23o Threo times ono week .,... tK7, Sit times one week 13Ho TYPE LUCE THIS (or like this) Is permitted In alt classifications except Help and Situation Wanted. I.ost and Found. Per aonala. .Itoardlns and Rooms. When so specl TIM, add HIVH CBNT8 PER AOATB L.INB TO ANT OF T1IK AIJOVE RATUS. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at ofllco rates. LOST AWD FOUND For Other I.nat nnd Found Ads See Pane 1 All tMtt and 7''ound Ads tn the ilrtlly VnhUa icefffer are revealed In the Kucnliicr Aedoer the same dou ivflliouf extra charac. AlrtRDALT; l'UP, T months oldr answers to llunre. Howard. Return to 182" Arch at. BAR PIN J.ost. diamond and pearl har Pin, llatrcdorn'a, i;ilh nnd Chestnut. Prl. after noon! 330 reward nnd no questions nnkei! tf returned, to 443 H. fintli st. llelmont 7111 0. CERTIFICATE I.ost. certlllcote No. B4B. Is soed by tho National Bank of the Northern Liberties for one sham of their stock. In the name of Anna M. Marbours; All persona a ro warned Hgnlnat nccotlatlni; this stock, and lha finder will please rommunlcato with tho, Hank of N. America. BUT Chestnut gt.,l'hlla, KEY IjOsI. Phi Ilctn Kappa key. Tuesday or Wednesday, between fiHth st. !' and flth and Chestnut sts. Reward. Q, V. Steldes, Kvenlna ldser, OPHRA. ar,ASSKS, mother of pearl, lost Thursday afternoon. April (I. Hrnad .St. The atre: reward. Telephone Chestnut Hill 732. T ' FKATUi UARRINO Uat. between Broad St. station and 1301 Locust St.. one pearl enr rlns surrounded by two rows of diamonds; WO reward It returned to 1301 Locust st. .STOLEN $100 reward for return of Tnckard T-paasencer louring car, lfJlfl, with top loily Painted blue wheels yellow, nuto No. 7fi48I, enna. license tnssn. Address II. ('. ICnlsht. S0.t Walnut St., or John U Woir. 400 Abbott HMJ,. Broad and Rare sts., Phlla. PERSONALS IX3R ADOITION Hoy. 5 weeks, blonde, per fect health; refined American parentace; con fidential, A 10. Ledser Office. UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS "WESTERN UNION TELKORAPH CO.. 1501 CHEKTNirr ST. Wrlsht Holler Uearlns Co.. Claude B. Jenklnx, p, II. Kurtz. Mchoe der Headlight Co., Mrs. 11. O, Donsun, Jameston. Urossla (Jlovanne. Geo. S. Jami son. Lalra Clayton, 4Clne. Vlirslanlr. Mrs. II. Itenlck. Mrs, Wm. Cloud. Jas. Oeell. Frank Oertels. A. L. Rubelnsteln, Jlra. Kdlth Croat-rali, W. H. Manns, Edwin Hmlth Co., ilni. Jake Olais. .Mrs. Maldle Nozale. Jo seph O. Hare, L. K. Wilkinson. Admiral C- F. Gocirlch. Helen I.owenthal. Geo. Mo Alllater. Mrs. Bessie Clbbs, rtobt. F. Har ris. W. T. Kvans. Chas. Wrlcbt. M. II. Hotiser. 5Uss Bowre (colored), Auaust Kalze. P. A. Sawyer & Co.. r. S. Oallasher. POSTAL TKLEOItAPH CO.. 112(1 S. PENN 8Q. James D. Cook, Jlrs. Mollle Kelly. Mra. M. Jones, F. A. Keys. H. U. fesbltt. Hala W. Hmlth. HELP WANTED PEMALE Help Wanted Ads Tteeelved Too Ijite for Clasaltlrntlon Will be Found on Pare S CARETAKER, young, refined Protestant for Institution. M 341. Ledger Central t'JJAMBERWORK and waiting; white; Slain Mne Call HI to 1. 433.1 Walnut st. COOJC wanted, capable young colored woman; no- washing: wages IT; Atlantic City for summer, reference required. Call or ad dress 1.14 East Mount Airy ae,, German . town. Phone Chestnut Hill 003. COOK -Wanted, white woman"fnr" first' cook! with references. Apply I'hlta, Horns for In-f-urablea, 49th and Woodland ave.. W. Phlla. COOK. Scotch. Knillsh or Hwedlsh.Protestant: wages IT, 100 W. Walnut lane. Call or phone 2UT0 Oermantown. Carfare paid. COOK, good, and downstairs work; no laundry work; good wages. ifios Tuth ave.. Oak Lane. Phone HIT W. Oak Lane t'POIC Riid ijytld. white, for family of 3. Apply "if -- fw"-c; jcn4iiiuwn. i'none Qermantown 47. .'OflK young, esperienced. good wages; go to Atlanito City June 1 Call 2411 N. Hrosd street. COOK -White, capable. Main Line. Call 4233 Walnut st . W. Phlla.. Thurs.. 10 to 1 p? m r)Ws,?MA1Kn want fairly competent skirt fljilahera and waist finishers; coma at once. Adler. 1632 Walnut, ' ; tMlbtSSUAKRR of ability wtlTaccept rlally en rgem'ta Illamond Mttl w. M 34T. l-edfcn. ''So? Walnut WBn" lefl,"" n"an AdleT: DM&SMAKINO" lsT-cTIsTeiub. wants waist fitter and skirt fitter, only Ist-class help need apply Add. 4 115 Led. Br 15th and Master. FOIOJEJ13 wanted on Udlea' underwear! chanca for steady work 11130 N. 4th st. nENBRAL JloflSBWORK White girll" IW jsaswrsw' w""' " Pbt"u' a", MILLIE AND HER -4 , """ v " ' ' ' h j H Yj TRYING TO TJhNj lS JL , PeTHQ ' W4L III ''jl llH HELP WANTED FEMALE Conlfnacrf root .PreccdlitO' CoImn aiRL tn ssslst In of. Ir,rre electric house In nung letter, must oe m j Electrical service Sup I'o riling letter", must be lit yrs nf age. Apply tun K uumwn OIRL8, experienced on ralendaf work: also learners, must be over in, ears of age. Apply Wolf A Co.. 12th nnd Callowhlll, 3d floor, Carlton t entrance U1RLS over HI wanted to work In assembling nepartment at pieceworK rates; !.-. pt weeK pain wnne learninr- Appiy it. i, i-aisie, ouijrcn i OOVKIINESM wanted, one who speaks French and Oermnrt. Apply 1733 Tine at. IIOtTflRWI'intc.'rolorerti two neat young women for general housework, including rooking nnd laurdry, for all summer; Chestnut Hill! nai worK sent null mains suiing room, Min ing loom and bathi reference; stato wages. Write J 34l. ledger Central. HOUSEWORK, gen.; settfed womanTas't cook" Ing, light hawk.; country. 11 420. Id. Off. Housework Ooodrplain cooks small fam' Call 2034 Venango at Phone Tioga BS(i3 J. HOU8BWORK White girl for gen. housew'ks . no washing Phone Chestnut Hill 1433 J. HOUSEWORK. g'eneraT. girl; nit washing! .wages ib, niKi a. .in st. LADIES, refined, for residence corset filling; instruction rree; woik by niipointmeni. Splrella Co.. 1013 Chestnut at. LADr to call on regular Customers with guaranteed hosiery at mill prices: all or spare llmei steady Income. Parker Com pany. 2737 N. 12th St. LAUNDRY wonts experienced feeders and folders Irt flat Ironing dept., also enrnrs taken. ApplyEllteLaundry,lH3a N. HUh. MANtCtfRIST Young lady" of refinement In promlnent office bulldljng, Main. idCent MOTHI-iRH "HIJt.PElf or ginerness. good sewer, to rare for and teach two children In country Call or wrllet lllft Spriifo st .MOTHER1S HELPER, half-grown girl or worn- aii: nenf i trustworthy. BR2U AVasldngtim ave. OPERATORS Facers on Wheeler A Wilson machines: steady work. Hygienic Fleeced Underwear Co.. Stiff N. Howard OPERATORS exp. on wash skirts and Tlrcaecs: steady work, good jpayILBmuklcr, 233 Mkt, SAI.KSPEOl't.E-Josenh (I. I)arllnstoir&' Co" retiulre salespeople for several ilepartmenta. Apply Superintendent, 1127 Sansnm at. SHAMSTRESH. Protestant, capable assist In light duties: reference, M B3tl. ledger Cent. STENOGRAPHER llrlaht, young woman with command of good English: only little ex perience ncedeil, nnd that preferably In In surance ulllca: lllicrnl wages nnd liest op portunity for earljr ndvanrrmeni. Apply in own hnndwrltlng, stating ciluenUnn, experl m pnen and wages deslred..l ,IH, Led. tVnt. HTIlNblTltAPIIER Trust rnmniinv ileslres 1N L. i lass girl of rellnemrnt nnd personality, with niiiHi , kuuii iinvt) iui tn.i riKiii Kill; numry to start 00 per month. .1 3 IN, ledger Central. . STENOGRAPHER Must 1m Ihiirnugllly'rell- ble; four or fle ears' experience, good education very essential: salary $12. Reply A 103. Ledger Office, STENOGRAPHER aud typist, experienced, with knonledgo of bookkeepings .leu lull pre- ferred. Apply by letter. P 208. Ledger Off. STENOGRAPHER, competent, with experience, to handle detail work. Apply Greenebnum Uros. & Co.. Lark In Uldg.. 22il and Arch. STENOGRAPHER and MU'rlerkt one experi enced on Elliott Fisher preferred; salary $10. 1 ril. Ledger Cent ral. STOCK GIRL, experienced: JenHh preferred Apply by letter. P 2IH). Ledger Office, TELEPHONE OPERATORS WANTED Call tn see us In ref erence to learning telephone op erating; very good opportunity for bright young vvnnirn between the ages 17 and 22: aalary paid while learning and imrmunent positions assured. Personal nppllciitlon re ceded ltween the hours 8.311 a. m. and ft p. m The Hell Tele phone Co., 4Ufl Market st. WAITRESS. GERMAN OR SCANDINAVIAN. In Germantoun. .Mrs. David Milne. School lane. Oermantown. I'hone Gtn. 2.M .1. jOUNG GIRL to help In lunch room, from li to I. five days In the week. Call Room 203. OUS Chestnut st.. IP a. tn. WE WISH TO EMPLOY tin educated young woman who Is well verseil In Shakespeare; previous business exiierlence not essential. Apply to Mannger of Emplomenl Depart ment, 1st lloor. George Barrio's Sons, 1313 Wnlnut st. TWO GOOD white girls wauled with references, one experienced rook nnd downstairs work, also laundress, other capable child's nurse and chambermaid. App'1' morning nn n. Penn st., Oermantown. Phone Gin. 7l3. HELP WANTED MALE AUTOMOIlILn MACHINIST nnd Inhe hands: out-of-town work; expenses paid; state ex perience and ability; first-class men only. M 2.11. Ledger Centrnl. BONE BUTTONMAKERS WANTED. IIAF T.EIOII & CO.. AMERICAN & CAMBRIA. BOOKKEEPER for ledger work with n grow ing corporation: this should bo of Interest to one of ability, aa advancement will lie made aa merited; state fully age, references, experience and salary expected. A 100, Led ger Office; BOY. bright, wanted for offire work, with ex cellent Lhunce for advancement; stato age and experience. Address Chemical Importers, P 210. Ledger Office. RQY wanted for nfco work: niust be 111 jears of ago: line chance for ndvonccment. Apply Electrical Service Supplies Co.. 17lh and Cambria BOV. oier 10. for errands and office work. See Mr. Shaffner. Ledger Central. BOV, 10 or IK sears, wanted to drive a gro tery wagon. Apply liOU'J Oermantown , a venue. BOV for office of -large mfg. concern: good cbanie for advancement. I 20tl, Ledger Of fice. . BOYS WANTED In biscuit bakery: must bo IB years old or over: wageB to start, $U per weea. ivppiy o-j ,onn nruuu sv BO VS. over 10 -jcars-, wanted to work In machine shop at piece-work rate: day rate paid while learning. Apply 11. T. Palste & CO.. uui Arcn at BOYS wanted, 10 ears or oer, to work In wallpaper factory. Apply at once. Becker, Smith & Page. Water and Bnvder ave. BOYS wanted, neat appearance, age HI. Sees! Mr. Smith at once, MacDonald Campbell, 1331 Chestnut st HOYS, over Id years, with reference, Adams Express Company. Isth ana Market sts BUTCHER wanted. American Meat Market, 40211 Market st. Apply today, 11 a, m. BUTLER Competent white man aa butler for seashore; private; wages 135: reference re qulred. Address A lUH.I.eder Offire. CARPENTER'S HELPER Young man with some experience; good opportunity for young man with high school education; wages llu to start; state full particulars. J 252, Led- ge r cen trai. COOPERS wanted. Apply William O'lirlen, sou Mclvean at DRAFTSMAN wanted experienced on pipe ar rangements and etallfng; none but tlrm-clas men need apply. Address P 101. Ledger Off. DRIVER WANTED for moving wagon. Apply Glrard Storage Co., UIH Olrard ave. t DRUGS Prescription clerk wanted. Apply 1HJU Walnut at. FARM HANDS Wanted, white and colored men: we also Jiate several openings for re fined colored onen for cleaners and bottle washerst sleady work for reliable men. Ap ply In person or by letter. H. K. JIULFOi... COMPANY, qienuldtn. Pa. HOSIERY Competent fixer on Scott k WilH lams full automatic machines and loopers, Wallace-Wilson Hosiery Co., 43118 Wain st., Frankford. , . INSTRUMENT MAKERS, first class only." 14 per day of 8 huurs; toolmakers. 13.2 1 to $4 48. machinists, la to 14: assistant ma chinists. 12 to $2.21. based on experience and capacity; skilled laborers, 11.84. for out side and Inside worlj: Cleveland, Brown & Sharps and Grtdley automatic turret laths operators. 13.7ft; turret lathe hands, I2.K8 per day; citizens, highest compensation when on piecework; IS days' leave sfter one year's service) seven holidays and Saturday after noons during the summer months, all with full pay Apply Frankford Arsenal, Brides burr, Phlla LABORERS WANTED Apply H. K. MUL FORD COMPANY. Glenolden. Pa. MILLIONS HELP WANTEP UAL& "continued1 row rrcerdluo Column LAT!OnErt8, Oood, wanted now at TYOEnT-ALLEN FERTILIZER WORKS South Delaware nnd Wecearoe. aves, Ulreonwlcli Point, Phlla.). Steady work the year round for right man. Seo Superintendent at works. LABORERS WANTED; 100 for each shift. Day and night. Only good, steady men need apply. Worth 25c. per hour. Come ready for work F. W. Mark Construction Co., 182(1 Hamilton st. MACHINISTS WANTED FOR EREt'TING ,SIIOP AND ROUND HOUSE. WITH RAILROAD EX PERIENCE: CAR REPAIRERS AND OAR llIIILDnRS: WHITE AND COL ORED LABORERS. APPLY II. & O. FREE LABOR BUREAU. 010 8. 11TH ST. MACHINISTS wanted; lathe hands and outside men. Apply at once, Camden Shipbuilding I'n.i head of Bth St., Camden. . MACHINISTS wanted. Apply crane dept., NHea.Bcment'1'ond Co., Mifflin A Meadow sts MAN AND WIFIl wanted: man as Rafdener: wife rook and housework! ramllv of two, suburbs: good home: reference required, Ad ilressM 244, ledger Central, MAN. viung, abouMs'scars, wanted In whole sale cloth house; aalary to start $5 pr week. Apply 5117 Denekla Itldg., lllh and Market. . MAN WANTBTi AVhlto man for washer, In laundry. Apply Phlla. Home for Incurables, 4stli and Woodland nve,. West Phlla. MAN AND wTFE, while; man to run"rar"and help generally, woman general housework. J Mil, ledger Centrnl. MAN AND"w1I'I3 Man to run car and make himself useful: wire for general housework. I 530, Ledger Central, MECHANIt'rS HELPERS and machine opera tors wanted Apply the Barrett Company, 3'llh and Gray's Ferry ave . .MEN, with reference, wanted. Adams Express Co.. 18th and Market sts. MUL1J l'fECERS wanted. Applv John James liolisnn. tnc. Blanket Mills, Scolt s lane, FalJsof Schuylkill, . FCIULTRYMAN wanted by form, half way be twen Phlla. and West Chester: modern equipments. Address A 103, Ledger Office. RIP SAWYERS. Laborers and llovs at Woodworking. 8I11I1P VANDEOR1IT. INC.. 81 1 N. Lawrence street. SALESMAN Exceptional opening with com pany of big Interests for high-efsss salesman to travel; one who has hud experlenco In securities or promotion work preferred and who con mensum up to $10,000 opportunity. In repllng state nge and experlenie fullv to guarantee attention. Responsibility, M 118 ledger Offlio. SALESMAN (side line) for proven line of high-grade automobile aiiessorieai sold di rect to owners; liberal commission; demon strating outtlt free to right man with car. SI 120. l.edffer Office. SALESMAN Stock salesman or promoter can seruro exceedingly noerni arrangement on splen. stock- issue bv act. quickly, det. on In- Jervlew. Address M111k LedgerOffli-o SKIN PA INTERS "wanted J M. " Johnson k jHjins.llJVnrth 4th. SOLICITORS. Catholic, $3 to $5" dally, vve show you how. 314-020 Chestnut. STABLEMAN, steady and reliable. Apply Kennety's Stable, Orlanna st above Spruce, east of 111k .vrENoTjRAPHER. with- knowledge of book keeping; young man; good oppor.: slate exp. and wages rcq. Jlox M llu. Ledger Office. TRIMMERS First-class on touring topi and general automnbllo work. Apply Foss- iiugnes ijo.. .ist nnn .vinrket sis. WAITER, to open some ovsters. 17th st. low South WANTED To communicate with man who thoroughly understands tho manufacture of lampblack; remunerative proposition to sultablojiarty. J 350LedgerCenlral WANTED A boy to work In restaurant. Springer. S. E, 12th and Filbert. WOOD" TURNERS wanted Thomas Ott A Co.. 1J2I Washington nve iOHNO MAN. "between 10 and 18. In large office for Inside and nutsldo duties: state nge. experience, references, solar expected mid religious affiliations J 511, Ledger Contral. HIGH-PRESSURE PIPING AND HEATING ENGINEER Combined engineer, estimator, superintendent and business getter: man pos sessing these qualifications and who Is thor oughly acquainted with Philadelphia and ad Jatoul trude could make good connection with nn old-established and well-known steamlltllng house: plense state age. experi ence and amount of salary or commission desired, also probable extent of business that aiinlliant cm rarr ; applications treated strictly innllilentlal J g.la. Irfdger Cenl raL tlElt.MAN-Hpeaklng man for general house work wanted Immediately, Ms month nnd bnjrd.Apply S. V. cor. BriiHd and Jefferson MIDDLE-AGED MAN wnnteif as assistant In greenhousH nnd garden. Apply Jno, Warr, ,lr , Woodland road, Ablnglon. Pa General PURCHASING AGENT'S ASSISTANT. TB mo.i bookkeepers, several. $13: bookkeeper, newspaper experience, $20: typist. $10 to $12: credit man. $100 mo,, advertising man agers, 2 positions open, experienced men, $200(1, $2,1(10; stenographers, several attrac tive openings, $ln to $2u; draughtsman, me chanical. $18, $25i efficiency engineer, metal parts. $25; foreman, dravvn pressvvnrk. tool making. $25; gang foreman, construction, $23, $a,'i; Inspector, mechanical, $100 mo.; electrician, IJo, $23; salesman, specialty commission and drawing account, BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY 13111 LAND TITLE BUILDING TRAFFIC WORK Both Industrial and rail roadoffers an attractive Held We are lil ting men for efficiency In this line of work through our practical course of Instruction. The first class of 30 has been completed and second class Is now forming THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. National Traffic Service Bureau, N. E. corner t3th and Spring Gar den sts, .UTOMOBILE MECHANICAL SCHOOLS, SPRING .GARDEN INSTITUTE COR. BROAD AND SPRING GARDEN STS. Course of 0 w'ks. 2d lessons. 2hrs, each, $25, New class opens Monday. May 1. 7:30 p. m. Class Mon.. Wed. Frldavs. T 30-11:30 p. m. SITDATIONS WANTED FEMALE' BOOKKEEPER, typist. 4 rs ' exp. high aihool training J44li, ledger central. CHAMBERMAID wishes position, good refer ences J 540. Ledger Central M- CHILDNURSE Experienced young woman; children over "yrs, ; ref H 428. ledger off. COMPANION Gentlewoman, good reader, packer, mender, experienced and good refer ence H 445. Ledger Central COOK, chambermaid, waitress Three girls want places together, good references; cits, country or shore. Call 522 Natrona st . West Phlla l'honeUarlng 1583 V. COOK Refined white woman, good and re liable; best references, $10 Tier week. 1(1 ledger Branch. 2123 Locust st COOK Experienced, white, Protestant vvVmun wishes position as cook. J 335. Ledger Cent. NURSE, competent, for Infant nr.olrler chlR": lone experience: reference. II 420. Led. Off STENOGRAPHER. 0 yrs.' exp., accur., Indus' trloua and conscientious, desires lst-class pos . secretarial pref. HJ8.il. Ledger Central STENOGRAPHER 4 years' n.: competent"; jjyrumngiii iwuiuii. a i.u, imager uenirui. STENOGRAPHER, 3 ears' exp.. competent! ugsirea iiwiiwii. a aa, i.euger cjentral. WOMAN, exp.. desires position In linen roemt ll- no aknea 1 1 P a..J -i YOUNO v.,man ynl poU!on us companion to tnaUa or elderly person, preferably oua going o shore or mountalna; doctor's refer ence. J 4-il. l-fdier Central. CCopyr-shtlBIB.) t A Prosperous Optician Several years ago a yourigi man desirous of learning the optical busi ness inserted a Want Ad in the 'Ledger. He ac cepted a position with small remuneration dur ing his apprenticeship. Later, having become quite proficient in Optom etry, he started business for himself, with a small amount of borrowed capital. Each year his profits showed an in crease. He now conducts a profitable optical busi ness in a Pennsylvania town. He found prosper ity through a Ledger Want Ad. You try one. Phone, write or call, Ledger Office, Walnut or Main 3000 WK SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE C'onflstird from rrccctllna Column YOUNO WOMAN desires posllln linen room or care children In Institution, good reference !Ij!J.J'edgcOfnc. , COLLEGE GIRL wants position, companion or governess, teach French and Ger. . city, coun try or shore. II 4I7. Ledger Office. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper, seven years' ex perience, college trained, wishes slmllnr con nection or any kind of srntlstlcnl or figure work; Al references. .1 257, Ledger Central ADVERTISING SOLICITOR wonts "position In Philadelphia or outside: knowledge of type. Illustration nnd layout . also copy experi ence A 20. Ledger Office AN EXECUTIVE nnd sales manager, with heavy successful business experience, will take over complete management of large or small business; will either purchase outright or make Investment: state what jou have J 330, LcdgerCentrnl. ARTIST-ART MANAGER Having hud 18 .venra' engraving house experlencevtti commer cial art work, designing, retouching nnd di recting the department. I desire lo pjace this extensive knowledge at the service of some larg ndvertlser. where mutual lieneflls may bo obtained. II 301, Ledger Office. ASSISTANT bookkeeper and clerk: absolutely !. wishes pos :.hct refs. JJ3il.Lcden UUILDER'S ASSISTANT. esllinntor nnd draftsman Young man, experienced nnd tn- pable.desjres change J.rJ3.I.of ciUri. CHAUFFEUR Voung man, single, wishes em ployment In prl fain.: willing tndo some gar dening; good ref. from last omplnjor Mrho- laa Madden, 122 Martin ave.. Bryn Mawr. CHAUFFEUR and conchmnn. married, no chil dren: wife good cook or laundress: best ref- crenco. II 413, ledger Offhe. CHAUFFEUR, white, wishes "position with prlv. family; experience, references. A 18, . Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, coachman. 2if chauffeur, best references. 0 1. Ledgerllram h. 20th & South COACHMAN, "assistant chauffeur, wishes po slllon; best reference, jjox 52L Qj.erljook CORRESPONDENT "and sales "manager, 32 years of age:' good circular writer: capable and energetic, bonded, emploved now, nnd, for six jears past. In specialty department of onu of largest corps. In country, from whom can submit convincing evidence of worth. A II. Ledger Office CREDIT MAN or head bookkeeper desires change; thor. efficient. A 13. l.od Office. GARDENER, married (no children), all-around solier man. wants tenant house: good ref. 471 1 Ceilnr live. Phono Woodland 3012 ,1 MACHINE DESIGNER, 8 jears1 exp. on In trlcato mechanism, both electrical and me chnnlcnl, desires position with small cor poration II 1152, Ledger Central MAN AND WIPE, colored, wish positions, sub urban or city, cook and butler J 51, Ledger Central PHYSICIAN desires position, corporation, ion tract or nssiHtantBhlp. age 32; excellent ref erences. J 555, ledger CcntraJ SALES MANAGER, with n competent sales force nf men, will take over agency for re sponsible manufacturer, either city. State or entire country, medium or heavy spe cialty for ataple line; no canvasslpg proposi tion. J 311, Ledger Central. SALES MANAGER and executive, widely exp . with n clean record of results, now em ployed, desires to connect with legitimate Crnnnsitlnn, with or without Invest't, give rlef outline nf proposition. J 331. I-cd. Cen. STEWARD Hngllshmanand wife want posi tion together; thoroughly experienced, coun try club preferred; ref. J 545, Led. Cent. WANTED"" AN OPPORTUNITY Ambitious oung man. 28, college education, reslres sales, promotive or advertising posi tion with a future. J 537, Ledger Centrul YOUNG MAN, 23 years of ago, who has had over 3 years' exp, with a large corporation, would prefer a position with a 'smaller con cern where there Is greater opportunity for advancement A 102. Ledger Of the. YOUNO MAN. talented In sketching nnd copv Ing, wishes to connect with the art depart ment of some newspap-r. advertising orcom-mer-lal art concern J 551. 1-anlger Central. YOUNO MAN. age 25, with office and soles, manshlp experience, reliable, competent, steady worker, wishes connection with re simnslble firm J 253. Ledger Central YOUNG MAN, age 21. good education mid ad dress, 7 ears business experience, wants of fice position, sales or accounts department A 104, Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN. married, with 12 vears' .prac tical exp. In bookkeeping and general office work, desires change J 443, ledger Cent YOUNO MAN. 21 desires clerical position with good future: 4 eara experience. J 340. ledger Central YOUNO MAN. handy, wishes position of any kind; can repair real estate A 3d, Ledger uince. WILL TAKE Western representation for East ern manufacturer, have high-grade sales forre (not canvassers), located extreme West and Central States J 342. Ledger Central AJfKltlCAN, tralnedln many lines, Al ref erences, experienced. loyal energetic, our man If you want efficiency quickly at least cost A 110. Ledger Office EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NICHOLAS. 10211 Balnbrldge ,. Wanted, housemen. 10 cooks. $7 to $8, wait., laun dresses, $30 to 143. nurses; houseworkers, etc. Phone locust 2130. . WANTED cooks, chambermaids, child's nurses, housework girls, chambermaids, for Catholic rectory, girls for Institution work, mlddle aged women. Rose Dougherty. 1313 W.Olrard COOK, first-class", wishes situation tn the country: wages not less than $10, wU go by the day; best of references. Apply 511 S, luth st. Spruce 3401. . MISS MARY T. MCCARTHY. U1U7 Christian (Loc. 1303). supplies & wants lst-class Pro!., Cath. male and female help; all nationalities MRS. MINZLAFF. 1030 Christian (Dickinson 515), wants Immediately oung cooks. $7 to 110; nurses, hwk, girls; have temporary chef. 88SW A GREAT DEAL DEPENDS UPON CHOOSING THE PSYCHOLOGICAL MOMENT EMPLOYMENT AGENCir.3 Continued from Preccdmo Column CHAMI1MDS, waitresses, French nurses, gar deners nnd housemen wanted for city and country Madame M. Ashe, 1583 Christian. AUTOMOBILES For Sale BUICK Big Four, equipped with seven-pas-senger touring bodyt In excellent condition; prlco 1300, This would make a very suit able chassis for light truck or delivery pur poses of any kind. LOCOMOBILE 2314 Market St. Locust 110. II, A. JEN KS.Mgr. Khnge Car Dept. CADILLAC, 1Bt4, touring car, "overhauled snd repainted: full equipment! price 1830. AUTO HAIilJr. DlimiiA l icjn, iiis in, iironn pi. HUDSONS Rebuilt and guaranteed: phaetons and roadsters, electric lights and starters OOMr.nV-SCHWART7 233-233 N. Broad.. MARMON. 1013 l-cyl, starter and electric light .IJO0 MACK 5-ton power dump . 11000 L. O'NEAL, 210 N. BROAD ST PAIGE, 11115 l-Sn-n-passenger touring, In ex cellent condition; will demonstrate I. Old, Ledger Centrnl, PALMnRStNanR-Owner will sell 1013 tour ing: flrst-clnss condition-, t extra shoe. . It. II. Clifton, (1122 Irving St.. W. Phlla. STEARNS-KNKIIIT, into. 4.passenger tour ing; has been run less than 200 miles: fully equlpped!BltV;rgalnANj y .. ALL PARTS Elmore. Peerless, Velle, Bulcks, Maxwell iin SArTI.KIl. linn np. uartien. cop, ini. rbll SALE Itauseh A Lalng fi-passcnger elee trie car In first-class condition! run 8000 miles, double drive, complete with seat cov ersi bargain Phone Dickinson 10HI wvTnnv part to build or PjVIMv.1 repair a car SCIIOIIEIt, 3311-43 MAnKF.T, SiTNDFOR FREE IltTf.LETIN OORFON AUTO l:XCilANOE.238N. BnOAD Wanted AUTOS wnnleil for parts. Phlla. Auto Parts Park 1418. Co., blm iv. lain si AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES TO HIRE (open day and night), ''rand-new 5-pass. touring car, with robes, $1.25 hr ; also brand-new 7-pas limousine. $1,110 nr.j weddings, funerals. Poplar HUT. 1715 Olrard "" FELTON GARAGE AID, FELTON AND GIHARD. AVE. PHONE BELMONT 1101 AUTO PAINTING FULLY EQUIPPED auto painting shop will pilnt or rcvarnlsh any make machines third less time nnd cost than any shop In Thlla.: highest grade work Rear Ph Tioga 2702. Geo. W. Purvis, 1321 Alrdrle St.. near Broad and Erie AUTO REPAIRING CYLINDERS REBORED. new. pistons and rings furnished, weldings and brazing. It. JD. Underwood L Co.. 1020 Hamilton st.. Phlla. 7 SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES T See BILLY nt Ids new location. 510 N. BROAD ST. AUTO SUPPLIES -BEARINGS- New Departure Service sta. The Gwllllam Co. 1311 Arch st. Ph. Walnut 3407, Race 3082. PARTS tn build or rerilr nnv car. Phlla Auto Parts Co . 823 N 13th st Park 1418. Open Sunday AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 1000 miles. Compnre prices. GlllM'S. 230 N. Broad st. TIRES slightly used, all sizes: vnur own prices 823-25. N l.'lth st Park 1118 Open Sunday. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES HARI.EV-DAVIDSON twin cylinder, condition, bargnln at $10. Carr. 531(1 1 good .ocust BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES "P ArTTNTrl1 l-et us send you our freo book iniuniu "Fntents Trade-Marks." Don't pay exorbitant fees Our service Is of the highest type, and our fees are reasonable. Foster & Webster Sul,e B31- Bell phone. Walnut 15114. "THE PARKSIDE INN." Willow Grove. Pa., on Park ave . w. of Doylestown pike, elegant oppor. for summer boarding: 50 rooms, close to city: will rent for $1(1(1(1 iier 'r, prlco $1(1,5(10, easy terms. Can lie seen bv appointment IIERTPI.ET. 1(1111 N. 1IITII ST WANTED- Garage and machine shop pro prietor, with mechanical experlenco nnd equipment, to enter partnership In new au tomobile club enterprise; no financial risk. Address M 330. Ledger Centrnl. $5 A MONTH secures Interest In growing or- rhuril; will bo jiroduclng before paid for. HARRY DARLINGTON, 112(1 Chestnut St. PICTURE THEATRE. $1300, 10c admission; crowded nightly; modern; good selling reason; earns 145-105 weekly L 1)44. Ledger Cent. YOU FURNISH TUB IDEA; wo have the fac tory with power plant. Box 203. Lam liertvllla. N. J MULTlORAPHINa business for sale; best equlp'nt: ejcek clientele. L (158. Led, Cent, APARTMENT'hOUSE, 10 rms., 13-rm. house; monthly payments. Heffelflnger. 1700 Arch PITMAN, N J. Hotel, established: mod, furn,; 311 rooms. S II doff. 1317 N. (loth. Phone. RESTAURANT, central, feeding 000 people a day, cheap. Heffelflnger. 1703 Arch. Wanted YOUNG AMERICAN GENTILE, with wide ex perience and successful record, desires u con nection with firm where financial Interest can lie purchased when both parties are satisfied: prefer position requiring tact, close lip and thorough knowledge of sales promo tions Have exceptional references, no Bchemes: state please general character of your business J 251, ledger Central BUSINESS PERSONALS SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electroly sis, the only perin't way Evebrows arched, MISS SMITH. -402 Keith Theatre Uldg. Miss Hnppe, hardres'r, facial mas'ge, man Icurg, form Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Bank reference. Apratsement. HARRY W. SMITH. TIT BANSOM BTRELT. FULL DRES'S SUITS "' Cutaways, Tuxedos and Sack Suits To hire and made to order. NEUBAUER. THE TAILOR, 1121 Walnut. Bell phone. Walnut 2818. CARPET CLEANING CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE -20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT Bell Phone, Locust 1080, WEST PHILA. WEST PHILA. WEST PHILA, MONARCH STORAGE CO, 3c. PER YARD. 3ST0-T2 LANCASTER AVE. KEYSTONE Cariiet Cleaning Cleaned aluo. lutely clean, SUlu N. Nlcejit. Ph.Tloga 3318, REAL CARPET BEATING: NO TUMBLERS used Boer Co., 3300 N. 12th. Ph. Tioga 5200, DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING DAILY AND EVENING 8ES3IONS 1433 OIHARD AVE. POPLAR 63T4 THE McDOWELL Dressmaking School; easy, modern methods; small payments 307 Denekla Building, lllh and Market sts DRESSMAKING "taught from any pattern; morn, and aft sessions; send for clr. Colum blan Dressmaking School, 1738 Columbia ave. FOR SALE BILLIARD, POOL, combination, second-hnnd. bought, sold, rented, exchanged; repatrlnr; supplies. Lafe Keafcr, American msnufac turer, 32B Olrard ave Phono Kens. 2315. BILLIARD, pool tablest new. aecond-hsnd bowl ing alleys: easy payments. Rosatto-Barry. Street Co.. 222 S. 8th St.: phone. Wat. 2284. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Alto bowling alleys; easy payments, I1RUN8-WICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO., 1002 Arc CASH REGISTERS, bought, said, leased, exchanged, repaired, reptated. 8upplles. New and factory rebuilt. New total addrs, as low as ISO, Call and see our. IMS models. Registers sold and leased by us ort easy payments and fully guaranteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER Co. 730 CHESTNUT STREET CAMERA for sale, 4x5 revolving back, long bellows, compound shutter, anastlgmat lens, plate holders, tarrying case. etc,:. best pos sible outfit for all-round work! good as newl original cost 1100: price 140. ,1 858, Led,Cen. DESKS, filing cabinets, seres, telephone booths and office furniture and fixtures of every de scription: used, but. In fine condition, and very cheap; frse delivery anywhere. . HUGHES, IJTH AND BUTTONWOOD DESKS, Isrge assortment! also household fur niture. Dullng Central Second-hand Furnl turs Company. H04-non-nl4 Callowhlll St. Fireproof: 80 slightly used! til sizes SAFES nnd makes: big bargains, 210 N, Fourth st. i between Rsre and Vine, PRIVATE SALE of choice Oriental rugs snd household furniture. Apply on premises, 31)14 Chestnut st. FRESH GUERNSEY COW, with calf: no deal ers. 701 Locust nve., Oermantown. HEATING MAKtN-KELSBY HEALTH HEAT Is better and cheaper than steam or hot-water. Purs fresh air with normal moisture. MAKIN KBLSBY, 0 N. 18th st , rhlla. INSTRUCTION TARISIAN LADY, best credentials, will take a few more students for summer In I'rench and Spanish, all grades, Mme. Castollo, care Psychean School, 1011 Cheitnut at. MACHINERY AND TOOLS SAFETY SPLIT COLLARS AND TOCOM HANGERS and PILLOW BLOCKS, with fin Ished ball nnd socket bearings are the liest for all shafting purposes. 8HAFTINO AND MACHINE WORKS, IIS North second. JAMES YOCOM A SON. CONCRETE MIXERS for the contractor who Is In a hurry and demands tho best. We have them In slock. MILWAUKEE MIXERS. CHARLES BOND COMPANY, 520 Arch St. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en gines, pumps, air compressors. FRANK TOOMEY, Inc., 127 N. 3d St. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, sold and rented: armatures repaired. Main Dl, Market 3083, Yearsley Co., 224 N. 3d st. CONTRACTOR'S VARIETY WOODWORKER Saw table, Jointer, borer: gasoline driven; good ns new. L, F. Seyfert's Sons, 437 N 3d LARGE STOCK woodworking machinery; Ironworklng machinery of all kinds. J. NUTTALL, 1748 N. Oth.. PIPE Second-hand, all sizes. Phlla. Second hand Pipe. Supply Co.. 1003 N,7th st. Phones. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ANNIVERSARY SALE OP PIANOS HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES 'We are holding our 51st anniversary sale st our Uptown Stores:, corner Oth and Thompson sts,, where trie great Heppo busl. ness was founded by Mr. C. J. Hcppe In 1885. It Is now the oldest piano store In Philadelphia, vet the most modern and pro gressive north of Chestnut street. Over 12.000 squnre feet are devoted to the retailing of hlgh-grnde pianos and vlctrolas; the large volume of sales proves that the Hcppe policies and standards draw patronage even to Oth and Thompson sts. from the uttermost parts of Philadelphia. Tho April salo Includes: 500 new pianos nt prices from 25 to 50 per cent, lower than tho prices In stores with a sliding scale of prices. 5 player-pianos, slightly used, at $50 to $100 below original prices, beginning at 1350, 40 upright pianos by nil tho prominent makers, taken ns part payment on pianola- Slanns., viz., Chlckerlng, Lester, Itlaslus. chnmacker. etc.. at 175. $85. $00. $110, etc. 25 upright pianos, Heppe-made. vvlth three sounding hoards, reduced from $50 to $100 below regular prices. ... 5 self-player attachments for pianos will fit any piano At $33. $30, $75. etc. Several phonographs, slightly used, at half price. Terms, $5 monthly and upward. Call or write for large Illustrated cats. logucs. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. COR. OTH AND THOMPSON STS.. Philadelphia, Pa. $10.60 VICTOR VICTROLA IV and 12 selec tions (0 10-Inch double-faced 75-cent rec ords): an excellent outfit for one who Is looking for a good machine at n reasonable price. Payable 50 cents weekly. Call or write for tomplete description and large Il lustrated catnloguw. NEW V1CTROLAS, FROM $15 to $200. HEPrE'S UPTOWN STORES, Cor. (1th and Thompson sts. $31 VICTOR VICTROLA VI. Including 24 se lections (12-l(i-lnch double-faced 75c, recouls): nn excellent machine In every way: can be paid for at the rate of 73 cents weekly; coll or write for complete descrip tion and large Illustrated catalogue; new Vlctrolas, from $15 to $200, HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Oth and Thompson sts. A FEW Edison diamond-point talking ma chines at half price; small payments. Call or write for lists. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Oth and Thompson sts. EDISON AMBEROLA. with diamond point, complete vvlth records, costing $225, will ba sold for $112; other bargains from $10 up. Write or call for complete lists. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES ' Corner Oth and Thompson sts. $85 CHICKKRINO UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. OTH. VICmOLA records prll list Just received IIEI.I.AK 1120 Chestnut OLD GOLD OLD aOLD, silver, platinum, plated wars, old style Jewelry, teeth platea bought for cash. Est. 1870. J. L. Clark, refiner. 807 Bansom. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. PRECIOUS stones, gold, silver, platinum, false teeth. Phlla. Smelting A Ref. Co.. 128 S. 11th st. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS LET US. ESTIMATE tu coat your foot and guarantee It 10 eara AMERICAN ROOF1NO CO., 1533 Rldxs avs. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAOB WAREHOUSE S0TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKINO. MOV1NO, SHIPPINO Rugs, Carpets cleaned, scoured, stored. Ball, Locust 1060 Phones Key., Race 4169. PENN STORAOB AND 'VAN CO. 2136 MARKET ST. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET ST. ATLAS STORAOB WAREHOUSE Storage moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph. Baring T32 for estimate. Market A STtn. STORAGE Continued rout rrrcrdlntf folnmit McCANNS STORAGE HtSUSn. 1748 N 11th st.; moving, packing, shipping, auto vans. Both phones. Let us estimate G1RARD STORAOB CO.. 018 Glrnrd BV 531(1 N. Water St. Moving by auto Storage pack- Ing.rarpet clean'g Phns. Pop 5205 Pie IS FIREPROOF, MothprooK Concrete. Warehou, 3000 rooms. It a, month. Estimates free. N. Phlla. Storage Co.. 2023 Lehigh Tlo 7230., STORAOE Moving by" auto"" vans... packing, shipping. Ixsvln Bros., 2048 Ridge nve. Phono Poplar 8024 STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES . V OFFICE PARTITIONS STORE FIXTURES GET OUR ESTIMATB , rilONE, WRITE OR CALL. Weiss Manufacturing Co. 450 N. 12th st Phone, Pop. 1C99, Race 1538. WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, false teeth, feather beds, broken Jewelry, gold, silver, diamonds bought. 735 Walnut. Walnut J020 Est 180n. BROKEN JBWELRYTtaise teeth, Pistols, rain". Coin books, vvlth prices. I pay,malled.l5c..I,lt. noss (People's Store). 2nd S. lllh. Wal.1488. CAST-OFF CLOTHINO . Our demand for these goods Is so great thai we must pay extra high prices In order tn supply our customers. Wo not only adver tise to pay the best prices, but actually do. We want you to get our prices before you sell your clothing, shoes, efc. We call any. where promptly. Call, write or phons Pop lar G34'1, COOPER, 101 n Olrard nvo, Cast-off Slothing WantUD Highest prices paid, for gentlemen's! get our oner nnd be convinced. Call, write or ph. Walnut 8553. DAVE. 8.W, cor. 12th Arch. Room 12. CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED, Special high prices paid for men's clothes. Full dress and Tuxedo suits. .Write, call or phone Wal. 0883, Schultz. 211 N. IHh, CA8T.OFF CLoTillNO lllphest prices paid for ladles' nnd men's rlothlng, hats, shoes, etc rhone Pop, 3801. Blacker. 12311 Poplar. CAST-OFF CLOTHING wanted Hlnhest prices paid for ladles nnd gents' clothing, Phone. Mkt. 2000. Sellgsnhn. 8th ASpg. Garden sls, FURNITl'RE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MODERN AND ANTIQUE Desks, ofllco furniture, all kinds of store fixtures, partitions, slocks of merchandise, etc. Bell. Walnut 1801. Key., Rnco 5515 U. THE PATTEN CO.. 1127 Arch st FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques: entire, or part houses bought for cash: no matter how large, J. Bernstein. 1331 Rlddgeave.. GENTLEMAN'S CLOTHING .AND, SiOES wanted; pay best prices; send posts, or aall. D. Cooper, 1023 Pirn jar GOLD silver," platinum, diamonds bought. D. Chambley. Remicx. JOajisojn sL WJltcaJI, NEWSPAPERS, books, rags, junk: out-of-town shipments solicited. Wrlto for prices nnd shln'B dlrec. L. uosengartrn, mi.ii iwin ei, OLD GOLD Cash paid for old gold, ontlquo clocks: will call. Hell phone, 1211). ROGERS, 27 8. 17th st silver. Locust PAPER A- PAPKIl STOCK, RI'IIIIER, IRON metals and rags bought u53l Vino st. VICTROLAS WANTED Highest prices pnM for slightly used talk ing. machines, all calls promptly nttended to. Address I. ;ii. Ledger cillicn. ,u- ti rvn i.n tiim- 'rtintis BRUNSWICK-IIALKE-COLLENDER CO. 1002 ARCH STREET ROOMS FOR RENT ARCH 18202 ROOMS. 3D FLOOR. FURN. OR UNKl'RN , REKS. SPRUCE 41)01. CATHARINE ST.. 5037 2 comfortably furn. rooms: convenient tonllcnrllncs CHESTNUT. 10(14 VERY DES". SUITE! AIIUIIAiCllllll vv .V I I, IV. l-l i.wc ,.,!.. CHESTNUT, 2005 Attractive rooms, single or i en suite; prl vain bath; ninnlngvvjitcr; ref. CHESTNUT. 2007 WELL FURNISHED ROOMS; PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. .. LOGAN SQ . W.. 210 TWO 2D I'MIOliS. .OMMUNIC'ATINO. W1TII Oil WITH Oil PRIVATE HATH: GENTLEMEN PRI1 FKniilJD: REFERENCE. REFINED SUIl ROUNDINOS. WALNUT. 1107 Cheerful rooms, fur., single or en suite; board optlonnl. Preston 0170. . 2D ST.. N., 20211 TWO OR FOUR UNFURN. ROOMS: SOUTHERN EXPOSURE: Pitt VATEUATH. PHONE DIAMOND 10-77 J. 10TH. S 30G (opp. Clinton) Rooms, with and witnout oatns. vvninui uun. , 15TH, S.. "320 Nicely furnished room, adjoin- Ing bath: phone 52d"nnd Snnsom Furnished WEST BRANCH rooms, men only: meals; Y. M. C. A. shower baths; near I,: all tn comforts nf home. Phono Rel- mont KI8L Key. West 380, THE CHILTON. 3218 Baring st . Mia. Bells MrLaln. mgr 2 lst-floor rooms, Including light, heat and gas. $33: suitable for dentist or physlelan. . OWNER will rent bachelor" apt.. 2 rooms. bath, fireplace. 2022 Spruce. !.oo. 1003 J. Sllhlirhnll OERMANTOWN 81 E. Horllcr. 2 furn.roornsi . gentlemen preferred; porch Otii Hint M r Furnished BROAD, N.. 85." Cholco vacancy, beautifully furn.: walking distance business centre. WALLACE. 182(1 Desirable vucanc les. all ron venlences; comfortable; homelike, $2 up. Ph. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, single ' or en suits: newly furnished: houso freshly papered and painted: continuous hot water, telephone: ac cessible location; homo utmosphoro; refer ences exchnnsed. 1830 Qrcen st BOARDING CHESTNUT 8T., cor. 20th (The Margrave) Vacancies, perm, or transient: sup. board. , SPRUCE. 1224-20 Furnished rooms: private batlisjtabloboard. Walnut 7171 W. SPRUCE, 1028-30 2d-floor sulto;, prlv, batht choice table boardj Walnut 725.i W. SUSQUEHANNA AVE.. W.. 3209 Dcs. rm porch front: moil conva.: home cooking. Ardmore. Pn, 4 MASONIC AVE., Ardmore. Pa. New board'g house: rooms; tablo board reas.i near train and trolley. Phone Ardmore 128. Atlantic City. N. J. VENTNOR COTTAGE bookings for the season, special rates for Easter. 3 N. New Haven, BOARD WANTED MAk AND WIFE, with child of 4. desire board and two rooms with bath: preferably with private famlliTIn Philadelphia suburb; from about May 1 to about October 1. P 207. Ledger Office. SANITARIUMS BEAUTIFUL location; special scientific carat nervous, elderly: every comfort: nursesi booklet, Dr, Randal. City line. Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS 22D ST.. N 20050 rooms and bath, nice apartments, $30 up; reference required. Ap. ply on premises, or phone Walnut 7280. 1401 OXFORD ST, (corr"Carllsle) Two large rooms and bath, single room, unfurnished. THE PARKSIDE 4UTH AND fl I HARD AVE. OPPOSITE FA1RMOUNT PARK. , Four lines of cars: convenient to all sectlonl of the city: all large outside rooms. Cuisine particularly attractive, PHONE 1IARINO 221. LARES BACHELOR APARTMENTS 8033-6037 LUDLOW ST. Single vacancy, with private bath; furnished! electric lights, hot-water heat, cozy, sani tary, quiet: 120. Apply Janitor, or phone Maloney. Walnut 6-U8 , THE GLADSTONE To sublet, attractlvs apts.: 3 rms. and bath. Call or phone No. B2i NK1V JERSEY SEASIIOUE ATLANTIC .CITY B rooms and bath, fully furnished. 3 or 4 months; elevator service all night: fireproof building; reference. 406a Fowelton ave. Phone, Prestun 2871 J, - " A -Vi :t: vH'l 1 18: ' tr l -'