trt EVENING EEflGEB PHIEADEEPHlX THURSDAY, 'APBIB 20, 1016. 33BfeSSjiS.ii w FELLOWS ORBfeR n century mam fWfotfers of "The TrijDlo Links" . Celebrate &7th Anniversary of Birth of Organization ths comlrtff week, followers bt Priple Llnki" In nil sections of 'je States, lit harmony -with the proc- oT the- grand sire, win celebrate Tth anniversary of the foundlnir of irter of Odd Fellowship In this coiin- In the various celebrations and cere- I functions, patriarchs, militant, en- wnt, lodges and Rebtkah lodges will In festive reJolclntt and jubilation thft atftvanbrttl hlfclnttf nf thla Mia lto5iest fraternity, numerically, fn elst- ano, fWlth members ntimbereil by the millions ana bnrartlons amounting to many millions nntlaltr, ths order occupies an envlablo Jio stttori, and Justly merits ths admiration of tha legions who .tnsrch under. Its banners, emblatoned with ths motto, "Friendship. Lo nS Truth." Of this mighty brotherhood, Wre are located In Pennsylvania alone. 1153 lcte. with, a total ot 101 S7B members In many Instances tho anniversary will bs vwihiiicu U7 mmpio CTercwcn in enrnmpmeni At fmlm Ynturn. fn ntPiac (la, in Will mltff in attendance upon church services, isme on next Sunder, others tho Sabbath fol lowing. In a few places In tho State parades Will bo given. -white In mnr localities public meeting will bo held and speakers of ptoml-nenra- will speak of tho order nd Its Interest ing history, Uhder ths auspices of the llth District Progressiva Committee, the celebration of ths anniversary of tho order was inaugurated by a, Mr degree night, held last evenln In Textile Kail. Kenslnaton avenue snd Cumlierlaml strwt There was a large attendance of mem brs of various lodses Interested In decree team work, who nJoed a superb rendition T the dsree of "Friendship" by a teim from Mills Lodge, No. 1000, and an exemplification. In full ceremonial form, of tho third desree, W tho skilled team of Orphan' llest l.odae. Hi. 182. Tho Actho Odd Fellows' Associa tion, of this city, has arranged to attend spe cial church services In recognition of tho .an niversary, and In Lancaster all of the various branches of tho, order In that city will unite f attending religious exercises In Christ Lit taeran Church. Sunday eenlnu, April 30. In centrat Pennsylvania the Hid annunl meeting- of the Pennsylvania Odd Tellows' Anniversary Association will be held at Hollo rpnto. .The annual meeting of tho assocla- 'i. win ra nein in tho morning, this will b followed by the big annlcrsnry parade In the afternoon, and a special session of the orand Lodge In the evenlnc. . The anniversary nddrves will bo dcllrrd by Grand Master J. l Halo Jenkins, and tho response to the nddrcss of welcome by (Irand Secretary Usher A, Hall. General J. II. Andrews, of tho Patriarch Militant Dvpnrtment of Pennsylvania, will also deliver nn address. Jn this city ono of the moat notable cele- , orations of the many meetings planned In recognition of tho anniversary of the vstau Uahment of tho order In tho United States, r wtll be a big meeting, to lie held In Scot tish Illto Hall, on tba evening of April il), at which tlmti the Hun, Ueorgo lluddleston. who represents the 1 rmlngham, Ala,, district Ml Congress, and whu la also a mtmli-r of tho Grand Lodge of Alabama, will be the prin cipal speaker. Congressman HuMleston, who Is ono of the ? regressive young Houthvrners, represents tho amous Iron and dteel district of tho South, and It will be n nembered that he succeeded Senator Oscar Ui Jerw ood when tho latter was elevated to tho i nltcd States Senate. Tola anniversary promises to bo one of the most Interestln, events In tho history of Odd Fellowship Judgo Emory A. Walling, of the Supreme aurt of Pennsylvania, will be the other spec -or, Past Orand Master Rob ert Graham v .11 be toastmaster. A special r ctlng of tho Orand Lodge will Be held May , In the hall of ilontefloro I-odse, Of Plttsburr , at T:1B p. m., to be rolloned at 8 p. m. a publlo mectlus. which will be addressed the State ofllccrs. This will af ford an iortunlty fop past grands in tho western u- un of tne 'State, to havo tho Orand Lodxo dem s conferred upon them. Saturday evening Hmaus Encampment, of Smaua. will a contingent of -I!) members, mads a trip to Philadelphia to confer the Oold en Rule dcrrr on a largo class of candidates for Cpres;i Kncampment. It was Oprcss' visit to Kn.ius four J earn ago which started that encampment on its successful career. Emaus has at present one of tho linest degreo teams In the State and In the conferring of the Golden Rule degree last Saturday gave f an exhibition which will long bo remembered by thoso present. There were aleo a number of patriarchs present from Star Encampment, of Bethlehem. merchants' Lodce. No. 283. put on the Initiatory degree In full form Priday evening last, -when the following candidates were Init iated Into the fraternity: V. A. Schagelln. a. McLean. Jr.. a. L. Doll, r. M. Harris. 3d.. 8 A. Latham. II. Smith and W. Laird. Tho t attendance was nood and the degree team was eoual tft the occasion, dolnir the work credit ably.. Brother Wltmer. of Constantino Lodge. Allenlown Pa., wns one of the -visitors. Tho newly installed officers made a good begin ning, and are receiving the cordial support of f all tne members. Tomorrow evening tho lirst degree will tie exemplified. Visitors Interested la superior degree team work will bo accorded a cordial fraternal welcome. Mill Lodge. No. 1000. will have Its full first degree team on the floor tonight for the pre sentation of the first decree upon a class of watting candidates. 3? Initiatory degree was conferred at tho meeting last week "before .a large attendance f Interested membra Including a delegation ' representing tho Active Odd Fellows' Associa. iS'n,fi7on.r the visitors was A. Ranmussen, et local Lodge. No. 0U8. of Rock Island, III. r J3hm.teM no "fcrrf8 lm, of Spring Oarden lfS. b?1' und"r V? direction of Degreo "J'ST- S.legmann. assisted by W. T. King ..SKiiSi ft ?.ander,-' confer the degreS Sir ,Xl,n'l,hX,iln ,u11 ceremonial form. A ,ii?sai,on of ?liv" branch Lodge. No lis; deree't.a'nV'work? WlU"" th " ' T7?i" '5" Kf81" ln .thB Parkway Hulldlng. t0$ Jl?.Cile,rrJr ."'reels, and welcomes freely visitors from slsrer lodges. Nine candl month. " BP,rov,; 'or Initiation next Th.ur"Sa5;i,Ms:' Orand Master J. P. Hale Jeakins will ho ri a n.i.i ...niL j;41:" Orand Lodge In Room R. sixth floor of the trVjlwi?SP Bui dlP.r' Bnd fn" following night? Sa.8- a similar meeting In the hall of Norria Lodge. No. 430. of Norrlstovvn. At both meetings lodges of Instruction will ba Held ror third degree members and past aafU. !hni"oerian"Ue,admmeU to '""ntS" tJjistgR ,k.2Mi?e .??: "ed, No.bfV Q,".'1 ..Clarence Hopkins and Vice Orand J C. pollatt In their respective ?K".--TDi iodir? now h,S23 membeS and well-Invested assets amounting lo JS3.S!7,77. At $2 session last week the degree team ex. emplined the work: of the Initiatory degree uon a class of nve candidates. ei.ree Last night a special session of the grand ftSBLwW "'.? th? W of, Plaek' Diamond Jrfdse. No- 1092. at Shamokln. Tonight a tedlar; session will be held ln the hall of John tlnr Lodge. No. 1180. of Mount Carmel. and tomorrow evening a special session will bo Hfit.;tT55en" e hal1 of John W 8to Lodge. No. 13, At each of these lo calities past grands will be admitted and lodce of Instruction opened for third degree aaembers, , At the Rsbekah Home. 17th street and Alls KjKnr avenue. relUlnus services were held ,MbUr afternoon, under the direction of Anna -J ftoaa Rebekab Lodge. No. 191 The ser aaa vsa preached byjllder John Sechler. of Heidelberg Reformed Church, loth and Oxford streets, and the musical service was under the Hrectlon of Miss Sophie Schlercher. t-JjrtS" Bu?d.aJr "'i'K0 Bt M Odd Fel, ima? Ifoma, 17lh and Ttoaa streets, were In starve of Curtis Lodge. No, 230. of Norrls SHr vfn ,.1tK,t1.'! sermon was delivered i if", jRy ? Uoaeyman, pastor of Sum werfield JiethodUt Episcopal Church Ad femes were mads by drand (Master J. P. Hall J&kias. Orant Mcfilatherv anI willfaTr. Tt,,n 5? music Included selections by the Curtis od attartet and orchestra, a vocal solo by m, K Jloneymsri and a cornet solo by J. M. tiller. ,. At tba Home for Orphans of Odd Fellows the services Sunday afternoon were under the ausslcea of Theresa Rebekah Lodge, No. 147. A Kroion waa preached by tbs Rev. Robert B. Barke, rector , of the Protestant Episcopal jawh ex the Atonement. Addreaaa vim aim dyered by Miss Vrances J Walker and tjwariasi 21. ij. xticnaruson. lllchardson. brealdenfe of tha juinia was rurnuaea by tne children's tTHt orcbeetra. together with selections itwreaa imcm uuariet ana a sporano flsisa jr&xsi cm. Set- of America ,.T1 Seisrtalnmeot Commutes of Camp No. M Jcaa arranged an exceptionally attractive prearam far tba meeting- to be bld tonight. Is addltloa to the. usual social features, ad--Hi'imim en ''i'repredne" will be delivered kw seyTa.K-irell-known speakers. Ths camp mmU ta Frbndsbtv Mall. Norrts and Sepvlva (tMvtsv and the attractive character of Its BMtic always Insure a lartte attendance of rara -j and vtaitora. Thursday evelumr next will U anutli.r bUr night, as a class of sq Candidate w-IU be duly taitlaUd. East, -week a larse dslerstioa of members Camp No. 62. of Woodbury, and. wera Eanaa & cei&mujH reccuuoa. uuuuff ioa rtteipaaltt mid speakers of ths sysnlnc were ,moai t. vveuj, WvUb. Edstar Plstrtct 1'orrtst t Elwood B, A. ilburw. KMlgkta Templar fcntfr svte xt S. Joha'ii Oonimana Mfcls 4, Knlim TMnolar. will Jw!4 an 1.-1.17 Stariiiz CirJitt atnef. Ths -w3r cbotf fnttwf ajvl 4rtll of tilH Jht ia'tJt upwur fcalJ, i at eartsstas et tm torawi rewes. WlU M tsmtcad l K M wuror ufr. )W asaft wVSF Kfcrlb3lfl. a4 i w siHrH,": tm mm ia mnnvn igHHIgk aaaK "'gB aVJMHBHfliaaaaaaB BsssHIk. -..fmgmi ftLB h" J f I aJH?rjSKrgvM glw; - 'Mf-""'3 iTnv i T" , iiSBaSrelr isfeaBElitjtttia THIS YOUNG RIAN IS SOME "JIIER" JIarlin J. Knno, of 2223 Olivo street, who hns filed nomination papers as n llcpublicnn candidate for the LcRislaturc in tho 10th District, probably belongs to more fraternal ordors and other organizations than any other man of his ago in Philadelphia, Ho is only 28 years old and is a mem ber of tho Loynl Order of Moose, No. 54; Fraternal Order of Eagles, No. 42; Court Fairmount, Foresters of America, No. 41; Artisans Order of Mutual Pro tection, Piogressivc Assembly No. 4; A. 0. II., Sons of Derry; ICth Ward Republican Club, Olivo Rod and Gun Club, Tulip Yacht Club nnd others. Mr. Kane's business connection is with tho Gimbel store. If wide acquaintance, energy and "punch" will got a man anywhere, ho ought to go far. RED MEN CHIEFS ADOPT PALEFACES Tribal Wigwams Attract Many Warriors to Witness Degree Teams Exemplify Ritual istic Work Unofficial returns belnc received from tribes scattered over tho State besln to. givo bo mo fair Indication ns to at least partial results In the recent Bplritcd con test for Stato officers. Tho re-olcctlon of Great Chief of Records Thomas K. Don nalley and Great Keeper of AVnmpum Joseph Farrar Is conceded by a substan tial plurality. For somo of tho other offices It will require an official count to determine tho result, while for tho Initial chleftancy, ln the progress through tho Great Council chairs, unofficial returns from 3CS tribes Blvo Samuel "Williams, Jr., of Scranton, n lead of about 160 votes. Saturday cventns a sieclal session of Opensah Tribe. No. 202. ot Marietta, will be held, which promises to attract a lares Batherlnc of warrlorn and braves from that section of the reservation, to listen to a short talk from tho ureat sachem, bamuel II. Walker. Meetings of thh character have a far-reachlne Influence In stimulating- trlhnl activity and keeping alive the Interest of mem bers ln all that pertains to the prosperity and development ot redmanshlp. Saturday nlsht a biff district meeting was held In the whrwam "f tribe. No. 170. of Huston. Delegation! were preitent from tribes, Nok. HI, 11' .1 and 'Mi, of Northampton County, and the decree team of No. 123, conferred the adoption ceremony, warriors and chiefs' de gress upon u class of 22 palefaces. Upwards ot 2.'i0 lied Men attended and listened to en tertalnlnff "short talks" by Great Hachpm H, II. Walker. Great Junior bucamore T. C. liesurck and Deputy Jacob Mnnn. During the evenlmr the past sachem degree was con ferred upon 12 applicants and In the work of the chlefu" decree Ureat Sachem Walker officiated as sachem. Tonliht tribe No. in. of Temple, will adopt and confer the warriors and chiefs' decrees upon a class of SU palefaces. The ritualistic work will be exemplified by the degree ttam ot Manner Tribe under the leadership of Deputy Great Sachem Joseph Kafilncer. Monday evening- "Wlsstnomlnir Council. De cree of Pocahontas, eujoyum. o:,.. u a annliersary with an entertainment folluntd by a banquet at Mosebach'x Casino. 1:1th street and (llrard avenue. The Great Chlefu ot Pocahontas of Pennsylvania were present and Great Sachem H. li. Walker In a short talk ejoquenuy aitaiea upon tne value oc this or ganization as an auxiliary ln the upbuilding of the Order ot iled Men. Tuesday evening the allied tribes of West Philadelphia held an snthuslastlc-meetlnir ln the wigwam of flehootah Tribe, No. 227. at UJd street and Glrard avenue. A number of questions were considered and discussed con cerning the welfare of the fraternity and the best moans to adopt to further develop the or-' canlzalton beyond ths Schuylkill. This move ment Is crowing In power and Is accomplish ing tangible, results ln strengthening tribal Interests ln the district covered by the tribes represented. Paconta Tribe. No. 81. was gratified at the l?r.-L9 attendance at the publlo raising: on last Fridays sleep. The wigwam was crowded to its full capacity .when the members of Wlnnepurket Tribe. In full Indian custom, performed the work. Much praise was ac corded the team for the able manner In which !h JT0,"'.1- WM, done.- Great Sachem Samuel It. v.lker delivered an eloquent address and Great benlor Sagamore John M. Coombs mads quite a lengthy address, both of which were listened to with much Interest. Others prom inent In the order gave short talks after which the committee served an ampla supply of refreshments, The regular monthly meeting of the Dakota Association will be held tomorrow evenlnx In tho- wigwam of Paconta Tribe. No. 31. Tues day evening next, the popular degree team of the Dakota Association, will confer the warriors' degree upon a number of candidates In the wigwam ot Yun-wt-Ya Tribe, No. -IV. lllnonk Tribe. No. 451, held an Interesting meeting on Friday's sleep. The new chiefs oc. cupylng their respective stumps and the work of the evening was performed with smooth Bess and dispatch. Ono candidate has beer approved for adoption and another proposl- tlon Is In the hands of a committee. The tribe has organized a baseball team under the management of Albert llevler and la rariv to arrange games with any teams from other tribes or paleface organizations. The manager may be addressed at the wigwam of the tribe, 3948 Lancaster avenue. JUNIOR MECHANICS A Series of Featal Events Mark Anni versary of John R. Marlla Council The last meeting of West Philadelphia Council was largely attended, and devoted to the consideration of many questions affecting the welfare of this enterpris ing council. Tho Special Membership Committee -reported that efforts were being made tq enlist tha co-operation of each individual member in the campaign for candidates, and that at the. next meeting- the competitive, enrolment teams -would bo chosen. Ait interesting ad dress was delivered by Brother Charles Itellly, and it was stated that plana were on foot to have, speakers from the Pre paredness Ieagua address in the near future an open meeting' of the council, At tba seat session tbs dart tournament prizes wilt bd awarded and touraamsnt No 3 Inaugurated. Baturday ovenlng a larga delega tion f West Philadelphia Council vrUl visit Marthi Council to wltntss the, conferring of lu degrees upon a large etnas of candidates tad participate in the fwtSvttlea lucUont ta anniversary week of that council. Jobs B. Marlla Council, with its nearly 1000 rneffibers. has byen busy this -week with its big anniversary celebration- Last nurhi a MPttott waa ilven ta the ladles, toalzbt tha members enlor a axnoicer eetiLiaragitf ulp hill. H0H Aliesheny avenue, tomorrow Btsbf a feaSQiei 3FU4 P yiVVU. 4tUrSAC jS U1& $134 tnUbttien, and ui Sunday lb stMatcc wUi AUsnd i:i-Ul divine a-.rvtttj m , Attins Rmr ta Um srormtn of tl? vti-t CONCENTRATION ON DVTIES BEFORE YOU KEY TO SUCCESS Concentration Makes Man Master of His Work Concentration s consideration continued. 'It is fixed attention to some particular subject. To concentrate your mind on nny work, you must' rigidly exclude from your thought nnything that does not have pertinent bearing upon it. Thought that goes "wool-gathering" never ndvnnccs you; think while you think you think. Your interest in your work will grow as your concen tration .increases! it will be maintained from day to dny as you learn the power of concentration. Yours is the power to master every detail by the concentration of your dynamic powers. With your full energy ap plied to n single purpose, you will surely reach the definite goal. Con centration is the nigh-cxplostvc power furnishod fpr you to blast every obstructing difficulty from your pathway to success. Success Is Goined by Concentration Your ability to continue con centration on your job nnd its various angles is the secret key to your success. Yours must be concentration of effort nnd of action ns well as concentration of thought. First get tho vision of what is required to establish your success-superiority, then fashion your ideal into the real by concentrated action ceaseless sledge-hammer blows of accomplish ment. Do One Thing Better Than Any One Else Cnn Trying to do many things defeats the successful accomplishment of nny one thing. Division of your interest will defy and defeat the favors good fortune holds for you. Your ambition will not be satisfied with tho little knowledge and the little skill of the doing of many things. Specialization Is a result of nbility to concentrate. Both arc factors in gaining accomplishments worth while. Everything yields to superior skill rightly npplicd. Skill proficiency re sults from concentrated application to n definite line of effort. Such n worker is tho employe extraordinary, the result-gcltcr. Your Job-Joy Is Concentration Success As you master your con centration ability, you will successfully specialize and you will know the safety of high position where you have but few competitors. You feel safo and secure. All difficulties have been overcome. Advancement in position and increase in pay always await tho exceptional worker who shows thnt ho has learned to concentrate. Conyrlffhi, IBIS, bu 0'H !' Smith, Philadelphia. v FORESTERS OF AMERICA Grand Officers Assist in Admission of Class of 100 Cnndidntcs Thursday evening laHt Court Frlcnd'hlp, No, 96. at Tacony, admitted a class of 111 candidate") to membership I" tho order. Tho initiatory worlt was performed by the celebrated decree team ot Court ColllnR wood. No. KB, In tho presence of a largo gathering from varloui courts In this city and lclnlty, and was dono In tho able manner which has made this team famous throughout tho order. Among those present, and taking part In tho exercises wero Grand Chief Hanger Lawrence V. Pilot, Grand Treasurer Illch ard V. Farter. Grand Secretary llobert Comber, Supervising Deputy Grand Chief Hanger John J, Farrcll, Jr., and Deputy Grand Chief Hanger James W. Staiilstrcet. During tho course of the ovenlng Deputy Stanlstreet presented, on behalf of Court Friendship, a beautiful gold watch to Past Chief Hanger John W. Wells, chairman of tho committee In charge of tho class Initia tion, In recognition of his untiring efforts, which contributed bo much otward tho biiccoss of tho affair, and before tho closo of the meeting Grand Chief Hanger Pilot, also on behalf of Court Friendship, pre sented tho degree team of Court Colling wood with a mngnlflcont silver loving cup, as a token of appreciation of the sen Ice rendered so nbly and willingly by the team. ltefreshments wero served after tho conclu sion of tho ceremonies, nnd the now nnd old members of tho court, with the visitors, cot together for a general good time, and Joined In tho unnnlmous opinion that the nffnlr vns one of tho most successful of Its kind that hns been held In this cltj. ' The consideration of tentative plans for se curing more liberal Is-neflts at n slightly In creased sum for weekly dms, continues tn bo a fruitful subject for discussion wlurevr I'or nsters meet. Th Fellowship Club nnd other nssoclnted bodies uro giving much thought to tho question and are por.dt ring well all plans which havo Iwen suggcit, 1. Thnt the chnnKO can bo advantageously L do and with safety to the llnnnces nf tho er er ln generally ad mitted, but unless tho ft ..ntwrshlp generally desire the cbnngo the , ' ntlon of duts to benefits must remain ns present. Tho laws of the order require thnt ittth.-inge In laws proposed by a subordinate court, must be nnDroved lnr. the Grnnd Cuurt nnd receUu Inter a two-thirds vote of the supreme tomen tlon before it becomes effective. This policy prevents any forced methods, ns the gcuerul membership virtually determines all Issues, the supremo body, tho Una! arbiter, being composed of Instructed representatives, as to the wishes of tho several States This lomj ostabttshed custom has been the means of so curing tho confidence of the membership, anil of avoiding friction that other iroedures might entail To such prudent measures Is at tributed tho succcns of the order und tho har mony that prevails. While tho present benefits nro unusually lnrge, they can be increnacd if the inemlwr shlp wish, and tho consideration of plans to that end are being debated and publicity glen to every court, so that at tho tlmo prescribed, a law cnn be proposed and submliud as re quired. If tho same be adopted It becomes operative at the date assigned, otherwise the present features remain Uvery movement Is guided by conciliatory methods, mutual agree ment, no forced nor draBtlc measures ure tolerated. No enactments can be mudo that have not complied with tho law us to the Initiative. The 35 courts In tho Northwest District (north of Market strett and west of llroajl win sena tieiegates to a meeting to no pjiu next Tuesday at a, A. It. Hall. 20th and Carlton streets, to arrange for a large sec tional class Initiation In June. Supervising Deputy William U. Hurley will preside at this Initial session, ln Court Schuyl kill No. 108, commodious rooms. A novelty. In tho- form of an historical re search and long table reminiscent mix wus held at the last session of Court ltohin Hood No. 14, In the hall, 20th and Kedoral streets. A number of Interesting Incidents wero r nted nnd among other facts brought to Ugh' was the statement that tho Porestors of America was, so far aB known, the only fraternal or ganization which was ever permitted to hold n. convention In Independence Hall Urother S, Meyers stated that this notable session was held May 8. 0. 10 and 11, 1894, und that llrother Thompson and himself were the t'ourt's dolegates thereat. T. llrooks was thn fir-anil f!hlef Ilunirpr whn,1 Tha sessions were held tn Council Chambers, on the Becond Hoor of tho building, through the courtesy ot that body. It was a unique privilege which the order cherishes. The monthly entertainment ot Court North east No. 310 was held Friday evening ln the hall, Prankford avenue and Daat York street, Deputy Stewart and llrothers llrady und Cree dan contributed to the pleasure of the audi ence. A quoits contest was also a pleasing feature, which attracted several visiting dele gations. .Next Wednesday the Merrymakers will visit the Combination Foresters' Committee at Its meeting, Marshall street and Glrard avenue, and by a unique performance aid In the pleas ure of that meeting. A smoker and musicals proved a potent at. traLtion at too meeting of Court John Hay No. 313 last week ln Its hall, 1220 South 6th atreet. The room was well tilled and the program presented enjoyable. llrothers Dougherty, fctrina, Moleneaux. I'antarellt. VI. lard. Arbard. Tlesl nnd liagerty contributed by song or story to the general pleasure of the evening. The Court has Inaugurated a membership contest, which Is bringing In new recruits at each weekly session. Court Bethany No. lid In Its hall. 0th and Greenwich stretls. Is holding well-atterded and enthusiastic, sessions Much of tha Interest shown Is oue to the membership Increase ram- Ealgn being conducUd under tha direction of leputy J. II. ronell. The South Philadelphia District, comprising 43 courts, met. at Broad and SIcKean streets Wednesday and began active preparations for a sectional class initiation In June. From the enthusiasm shown, tba event should be a great success, as the district Is the home of the grand chief ranger, which fact It Is expected will add vigor to the movement. Tha Invita tion of the Urand Jurisdiction of New Jersey to Join tn the parade in Camden May 20 was unanimously accepted and steps taken to Insure a large turnout In that demonstration. The three other Philadelphia districts are mak ing arrangements for like sectional Initiations of large classes before July And each dis trict has accepted the Invitation to participate In the parade and with Foresters' Day and the comoinaiion court cuuuuuiccs uaewise en i Wood ha played a l4j plVt IP ta thU country' bUtoryjrom IS lj G. WasbSngtoj'a cherryo V p lo T. R-' bjjlck. M EiwardFsHen2&CoJ fit Structural Lumlfir mi limltr Xtf U Poytar g, Wharves, Phlla. If J,M.a..l,1r,:.' t1ur""ut . expected ns Philadel phia s tribute u Camden's celebration. Tho combination of P.ircster courts nf Phlla delpbla and vklnlty will hold a meeting next VVednesday nt tho northwest corner of Mar sha street and Ulrnril nvenue. llrother P. rrell presiding. Tho purpose of this nlert body nf boosters Is to mnke tlia rrnternnl visltntlon tn New Jork. Juno IS. redound to tho glory of tho Poresters ot this city FKATERNAL AMEKICANS State Officers in Round of Visitation Witness Many Class Initiations A monster class Initiation whs success fully hold last Monday evening by Con cord School Council, No, 000. Tho fol lowing ncted us officers in the initiatory work: Councilor, Stato Councilor "Will lain II Shcncman ; vice councilor, Walter A Sanders, of Gr.tco Council. No. GUI; junior past councilor, t Lcroy Trlpm.tUer, of Grace Council, No. C31 ; chaplain, Stato Council Sccrctnry Oconto S. Ford, and conductor, Kdvvard llienner, of Diligent Council, No, 1, tho various other parts being assumed by brethren present. This was ono of tho largest classes of candi dates ever received by No 000, which has just started an cut of great activity. Tho candidates wero not only Impressed with tho woilt, hut as well with tho many Interesting remarhK which were made by the Stato officers and members as to tho worlt being dono and tho material results attained. The various committees nindo satisfactory reports lit the meeting of thn Anniversary Ilanquot Committee Inst Saturday ovenlng nnd overMhing assures n notable sucress. Stnte i (iiinrllor Rheneman. tho iirrsl.ktit of thn t. jniintlon. expects nt lenst 101KI members and 1,'dv friends to nssemblo In l,u l.u Temple, Hednenday evening. Alav 17. to rnmim niorntn tla; anniversary nnd honor tho principles and objects of this truly great American fraternity. A general visltntlon of members will be mndo Monday evening next to lono Council iSp 1(1.1, l.lnnereh. nt which llmo Interesting addresses will be made by Slnto Council offi cers and deputies lone Council Is not only Increasing Its membership, hut Is doing a great fraternal work In Its locality. The baseball Ieaguo nf 101(5 will bo the strongest In the history of this important branch of the wnrk of Philadelphia Councils Tho next meeting) of tho league will be held tomorrow ovcnln In tha hnll of Diligent Council No. 4. ut which tlmo all Councils should bo represented so ns to leant nf the good work balng ncrompllshed. stato Coun illnr Hjienemnn behoves thnt tho opportunity which la thus being glen to members should bo accepted by nil. Tho schedule will begin baturday. May 13, and during the coming season many stars from the tnrlous Councils will npnear on tho I'raternul Patriotic Amer icans' diamond. dues initiations being perfected nnd will shortly occur In Col D. l Houston Coun. i-ii .-so. ,oir ana i nieiity uouucll ?,o 21. .State Councilor Hhenemun Is receiving excel lent support from the vnrlous Councils In this Important branch nf tho work of tho organt r.ulon. The greatest gains nrn being made bv the Councils which have held these events. Htato Councilor Shcnemnn is kept busy with an excellent lnltlntory staff, composed of mem bers ot vnrlous Councils, ln resnnmllni? tn rn. nuests to do tho U.iutlful nnd significant work of tho ritual. John It. Murphy Council No 10 Is arrang ing for a big class Initiation during the com ing month, ths oxact d.ito nf whleh win im announced later. Free Masons) At a meeting of the bunrd of managers of tho Masonic Home, 3d 1,1 North Ilrond street, tho vacancies in the officers of the home, cnused by recent deaths, were filled by the unanimous election of IV Treeland Kendrlck ns president und I-nuls Wagner, Jr. vice pres ident of this well-known fraternal home. SPRING RESORTS "l.ONO IIU.VM'll. N. .1. fHoiLYWOOD Weit End, Long Branch N.J. Adjoining Shadow Lawn THE SUMMER CAPITOL Entirely renovated snd improved, 200 rooms and baths; electric light; telephone. Golf and tennis crounds attached. European jilan. Restaurant of peculiar 'excellence Rooms $J 00 per atv and up. Annex opens May 30. Hotel opens June 20, Under Personal Management Walter E. Hildreth VV, Irving Davids Formerly of Hotel Breslin, N, Y. City and Weal End Holel, LonB Branch, N. I, N. Y. Hooking Office, 389 Fifth Avenue ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. S 1TLXNTCC1TV. oupenor location with an I "unobstructed view of beach j ana poardwalK. iVTccogmzed standard of excellence. I Csciiv60O. WJJiJ.U2ByA ATlHTlc cmf .08 aet a new atai ot service.comronl LVISTFmErPOOrRtSOKTIIOTlLUTllfwElJ) THE UAWNG RE50IU HOUlOf TH WORLD JlUatlborougMSMiciin ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. OWNERSHIP HAMAOCMCNT. .tfSIH WHITE 3QN3 COMPANY Islesworth SPECIAL LENTEN AND EASTER RATES S W'ABTUMOBE. PA. STRATH HAVEN INN TfflMS 3uaa 84. F. U. SCHE1BLEY ' SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES STRAYFR'S The Bast Business 8clw, " vrt' 601-601 Ciestaut Strut. PABOEIi 370ST: Hemstitching Ec A TABD. PUatlDf ana Buttons covers. ssi II. 1'ICIUI.O. 20 Sautlt Ulh ttM( 221 SMiU 1SB i'Lots LacuiS SS JLSVUItJ S' llOAVmii MMj i i ' :- ' ""oPi WALTER DESSAUER Leader of Dessaucr's Symphony Orchestra, which is now playing at the Victoria. Drexcl Diddle Corps Offers Services Tho Drexet llldtllo Military Corps, with its 10,000 membcts, lias volunteered for Immediate service In the event of nn out break of hostilities. A letter offering tho service nf the corps lias been forwarded to Secretary Baker. lieutenant Colonel Gllmoio nnd A. J. Drexcl llldtllo expect to go to Washington In tho event of n favornblo nnswer nnd mnko a formal offer to tho War Department. Sons of Temperance Grnnd Worthy Patrlnrrh Charles W llowen, necompnnled by bis Btnrf nf officers and lnrgo delegstlons nf members of Divisions Nos. 7. 12, IS. 111. 20, ,1a nnd 31), visited Tncony Divi sion, No 7, meeting on Tuesday night In llonrrtmnn's Hnll, Tacony. This division has been making miinv mldltlnns to Us roll of membership, nnd hnd a fair percentngn nf Us members out for this occasion llenmrks wero mado by Grand Worthy Pntrlirch ('. W. llowen, P., O. W. P.'s Jones, Mnniuley, Smith and Miller, P O W. A. Thomas Stokes, Grand Worthy Patron Mrs. Ini Hmlth, G. Sent. It. P Jenkins nnd P. W. P H Semplo. Ilntertnlnment was furnished by Illln Cruse, plnno solo, recitation by liny lizell, and vo cil solos by IMnnnl lllhl nnd Penis Walton, tullowcd by refreshments. frlday evening Grand Worthy Tntrlarch llowen, nccompanled by several members of his staff, vlsiud Sliver Chimes Division, No. IB. In the hall, southeast corner of Huntingdon and nth streets, and tho following divisions were represented, several of them by unusually large delegations Nos. 7. 12. 1M 10. 21t. 31, 3a. 3D, 122, ir0 nnd 171, of Pennsylvania, and No. 211.". of New Jersey, Short talks wvre given bv U W. I', llowen, nf Pennsylva nia; O W. P Woolf, of New Jersevj Grand Hcrilxi Speece, Grand rbaplnln Danleln, Grnnd Sentinel Jenkins 11ml O W Patron Mrs I,ou Hmlth. I'. O W 1 's Hampton, Jones. Macau lej. llergmann Smith. Miller, Stokes nnd lllesslng Hntcrtnlnment whs furnlshvd by l.uella llowen und Hlla Crime, piano solos: t.lrzlo reurco, Charles Uurkelt. William Owens, Julia I.ochenmejer, Louis Cloilcx, Mlnnlo Applcbnuiih and Harry Yust, vocul sulosi Jennlu Ilrungnn, Ada Hrongnn llrother J. Snclson and Illla Knorr. recltntlons. A large bouquet wns presented to O. V . P. How on by the members of No. 15, followed by refreshments. . 1ij jfC4fUfiSr mu TUP following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Booking Comnnnr. which Is a guarantee of early showing of the linest produe tloiii All pictures reviewed before exhibition. Ask for the theatre In your locality obtaining pictures through the STANLEY HOOKING COMPANY. 12th, Morris & Passyunk Ave. 11 IT A lUinn A. a.l. 'nn,l nt '; lives . 7 & 0. AL-nAlUDnn vaudSlile & PamnVt Pictures Hazel Dawn in "The Saleslady" . t -s A nl A CHESTNUT ARCAPIA rini,ow ioth MARY BOLAND in 'THE STEPPING HTONK" r-T I r B2D AND THOMPSON APOLLO MATINEE DAILY worii Film ce Brady in Presents .ran.- - - ,, "THEN I'LL COME HACK TO OU' BLUEBIRD 220a NOatH Dn0AD 8T Hamilton Kevelle op jialice- rE lAirMVlT -D ABOVE MAllKET BELJVKJ1N 1 Mat,. 1:1)0 . 3:30. 10o Evus "'30, 8. 0:30, 150 Carlyle Blaclcwell in 'The Clarion' 60TII AND rrcnATi AVn CEDAR PARA UOUST THEATRE JULIUS STEGER in "THE ULINDNESB OP LOVE r- a 20TH AND OIIIAIID AVE. rairmOUnijiay ll-3. Chaplin In "Carmen" John Harrymore In "NEARLY A KINQ" ,?Ed.iSl,PDVlN aclTY,BQnF gSBlV-" , FRANKFORD 4711 FRANKFORD AVENUE NORMA TALMADGE in "ilAHTHA'S VINDICATION" 56TH ST, Theatre gSSFKS uv" Bel , Spruce. Evgs.7toll Violet Mersereau ln 7AS.5ST Mats. 2.8:30 Co Evas 0:30 to 11 10a T3L.& tjt. Eansom CHARLES ROSS in THE SENATOR" GERMANTOWN ES08 OERMAN TOWN AVE. ETHEL BARRYMORE in "THE KISS OF HATE" rt rniT eni 4 market shs-t-9. (jL.VJDE 1(3.000 KIMBALL OROAN WILLIAM FARNUM in THE SIQN OF THE CROSS" im AOn AVENUE THEATRE VilKAKJ-' 7TH AND QIRARD AVE. OLGA PETROVA in , THE SOUL MARKET, Great Northern ffEHMANT-N aves. PAULINE FREDERICK in "BELLA DONtfA" IRIS THEATRE m iJSJ"08 THEODORE ROBERTS in PUDD'NHEAD WILbpN" IMPERIAL Theatre T!. WM FOX PRESENTS Egbert Mantell and Oenevleve Hamper in "A WIFE'8 SACRIFICE" LAFAYETTE m 1? Charles CherrjrpAsgfg Byi iiuntisi.istasiii.iLnsnHLxxi EGOISM SATIRIZED IN "THE STEPPING STONE" Frank Keenan, Mary Bolantl and Robert McKim Score in New Triangle-Kay Bee Film By the Photoplay Editor' "Tho Slepplng Blone," a TrJangle-ICay Bee, tnca supervised film In live parts, released today, and playing the ena ot the week at the Arcadia Theatre: nithti Knowlton.,,,., ,,,. .Trunk Keennn A Ibert Iletesford ,,.,,,.,.,,.. , .Robert McKIm Mary Deresford. . , , , .. ...... .Mary Iloland Loss of perspective, thnt which deter mines nnd makes dear tho eternal fitness of things, Is a great loss to a man In nny branch of life. It "will ruin his ability ns a student, riB nn athlete, ns a business man nnd, nbove nil, as a homomaker. Tho world terms It conceit In 'The Stepping Stono" U1I3 overwhelming conceit is satir ized in a forceful nnd striking manner. Conceit Is not self-knowledge. To know one's ability In any branch of activity Is but to add confldenco to that ability. Hut to ovorrato one's ability Is conceit! and It Is this that the new Trlangle-Kny Beo Illm, now playing nt tho Arcadia, lilts. It tells tho story ot a young man, placed on the road to success by his wifo's undying devotion, who, when success comes, loses his perspective of things ns they are, nnd "turns against tho woman' to whom his success Is due. Tho outcomo of this egotism Is n situation at once unusunt and diamatlc. It makes tho hasis for four great reels of n good picture Unfortunately tho scenario writer did not havo courage to end the story with tho unpleasant, but naturnl solution, with tho result that n fifth reel Is needed to put a poor, weak closo on an otliervvlso ex cellent photoplay. Tho thrco leadings roles are played by Frank Keennn, Mary Bolantl and Hobert McKIm. Needless' to Btato that tho pic ture Is nrtlstlcally handled. Nothing less is possible with these nrtlsts In ono cast. Mary Bolaud plays tho wife with n de lightfully charming simplicity that is most attractive. Gowned In exquisite taste, her screen presence could not bo Improved upon for tho rolo sho phiys. Kconaii Is. as always, tho repressed, stony Ice-cold man of steel. Ills hard-lined faco records tho Intensity of his emotions far moro forcibly than tho physical routings of many of our screen stars. Vivian Mnrtln, tho well-known btar of tho screen and stage, has Just signed to appear under tho Oliver Morocco Photo piny Company nnd I'nllas Pictures brands nnd will leavo Now Yoilt for tho Los Angeles studios of the company on May I. She will begin work on her Initial production for tho Paramount Program Immediately. Completely reversing the usual process, n photoplay fan of tho "Know-it-all" va riety, recently took It upon himself to correct tho Information department of the Famous rinyers Film Company. Ho hnd written to tho company asking who played a certain rolo ln ono of Its re cent Paramount Pictures, and tho nn swer hnd been given promptly nnd cor rectly. Then the fan exploded his bomb by replying that ho knew perfectly well that tho person Jn question wns Mmoono case, and declaring thnt ho wishes that. In tho future, his questions would bo taken more seriously! else than ho had been Informed was tho PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESDNTATIG Sovim Conmcmu I FAHPP PonTY-nnsT and JU..ttLSILS. LANCAST311 AVENUE DUSTIN FARNUM in "HEN III.AIK" L1RFPTV nrtoAD and 1 JO Hi K. 1 I COLUMBIA JOHN EMERSON in "Till! FLYINQ TORPEDO" Logan Auditorium n.aAnVAv.. ROBERT WARWICK in "HUMAN DRIFTWOOD" I fri TCIT B2D AND locust -JyJiJ l jiajj, i:3o A B:10. 10c. Evgs. 0:30. 8. 1)130, 10c. II. H WARNER In "THE RAIDERS" JOE JACKSON In "GYPSY LOVE" Market St. Theatre 8MMi!& TRIANOLE PIYB PRESENT .S171 WM 8. HART In "HBTWKEN MENJJ lri See "ORAFT" every Wednesday I j ORPHEUM ERMAcNTr?,TENAf ES, ROBERT WARWICK, in "HUMANaiRIFTWOOD" ADirMT 02D WOODLAND AVE. vyi.JL.11 X pall Mat.. 2. Eg.. ft30 ti MAQLYN lRBUCKLE i "Till; REFO Ut QltNDlDATB PAI SIARKET BTIl 10 A. M. to Hi IULKltwi-1 i: TE HBA1T OF PAUIA DAIS IT RIDQE iVE. Si DAUPI1IMJ8T. I rtll MAT, :ia. evos, ;4s ta it. Paramount-! tRY PICKFORD In "MADAM nUTTERFLY" PRINCESIS 101S" MARKET STREET i"rtR.nuir. AVn the oame" The Man Who Callsilj After Dark" "FREDDIE THEFUCER" DIAITO QERMANTOWN AVE. KlALi 1U At TULPEHOCKEN ST, Resale Ilarrlscale and William Desmoid in Rullola nnri MCrvum h.vps . nCltTlMT IBS MARKET STREET JKCAjcaN 1 ftviiAH voice organ Hamilton Revells and Marguerite Snow in "The Half Million Bribe" 1TDV MARKET STREET U D X . BELOW 7TH STREET Paramount Constance Collier In "THE CODE OF MARCIA PRAY" SHERWOOD mtbVidmorB HOUSE PETERS in "THE BRIDE OF JENNICO" $A VnV ll MARKET A V J I STREET World Film Carp. Presents Chas. Ross in "By Whose Hand" miQQ A .17TH s VBNANOO STS. MME. PETROVA in THE SOUL MARKET" VICTORIA ABOVE NINTH CHARLES CHAPLIN ln "CARMEN" DOUGLASS FAIRBANKS ln THB HABIT OF HAPPINESS" STANLEY MARKET ABOVE 10TU wnnbous John Barrymore in ll:Ha. m. to "The Red Widow" U:jop.ta. Ejjrr a CHESTER MAYOR OUSTS PREDECESSOR'S PROTEGES Dismisses Scalers of Weights William J. Leary and Robert Watson CHFSTKR, Pn, April 40. Mayor Me Dowell has dismissed William 3. Leary and llobert Watson ns scalers of weights arid measures. Me has not Intimated who 'l he will appoint; to succeed them. )5x-Mnyor Want named Watson ns Highway Commissioner nhd Lcary ns Sealer. The commission form 6t govern ment abolished Watson's ofllce, so Ward nopointed Wntson lo succeed Leary. Lcary fought tho caso, the Court sus taining him, ruling thnt ho could not bo removed for political reasons and that no charges had been brought against hhn. Tho Court nlso said that tho Mayor could nppolnt moro than one scaler. Both mn havo been serving nearly two yearB. POET'S WIDOW WEDS Mrs. Paul Laurence Dunbnr Marries Heading JUnn HEADING, Pa., April 20. Mrs. Paul Laurence Dunbar, widow of tho negro poet and lecturer, was married today to nob crt'J. Nelson, a neadlng negro, who for many years hns been employed In the Department of Mlhcs nt Harrlsbtirg. Tha wedding took placo at Wilmington, Del, Mrs. Dunbnr, a well-known educator, has been n visitor to this city on a num-, ber of occasions. DAIRY PRODUCTS (YKSTHIIDAY) The market reported lierswlth Eire yesterday's rinsing prices and not those Of the day of publication. Today's nrlees nrs quoted In the Night Kxtrn lalltlon ot this paper and all succeedlnr editions. Tho msrket onened weak and prices of solid-packed rrenmcry declined lc. under lower outstrip nr!lle but at revised figures there was n fair demand. Ladles wera quiet and unchanged. Prints wera lc. lower Him ruieu uuioi at reviseu ngurcs. Quota tions: Western, fresh, solld-psckrd creamery, fancy specials, nsc. : extras, 30c: firsts. 3iV4c.! sec onds, niOSlc; ladle pneked, 2728c.l nenr by prints. fnncy,:ilr,s do., nvernge, extra, .iSc.i ilo firsts, flOWSTc; seconds SI U 33c.: special fancy brands of prints Jobbing at IJ6H.IC. i:n(lM There wns a good demand for de slfoblo fresh eggs and the market ruled steady, with supplies well under control. Quo tations: Nearby extras. 2(tc, per doz.: nearby firsts, 1(1 7, per rase: nearby current receipts, 10.00 per case, Western extras, 212Bc. per dos.: 'J1? cxtra llrsts, $(1.75 per case: do., firsts, JO (10 per caso: Houthepi, n.l5W0.4o per rase, as lo nualltj : fancy selected, candled fresh eggs weto Jobbing at 2702c. per dor. VICTORIA THEATRE lTst3tdays1 FIRST AND EXCLUSIVE Presentation CHjr lnjjflesquo on 'tlRMEN" Dessauer'a Symphony Orchestra And Wonderful Kimball Organ. WEST PIIILADELrniA GRAND 82D and MAllKET BTfl. fZ.? MAT- DAILY. 2 P. M., Saw "EXCUSE ME," 5 Reels A HIGH-CLASS COMEDY .OVERBROOK 03D nSv. FANNIE WARD in ' "T.?,-.nSSEE'S PARDNER" ORArr." 10th Episode GARDEN S3d & LANSD0V7NB AVE. ,.- MAT" ' EVO., 0:38. JAMES CRUZE in , TIIETST?livrTr?I8ToAND T1IB SpT" "H3STlLsaE CASE OF MARY PAOE" EUREKA 0TH & MARKET STa Bessie Barriscale in 'The Last Acf ...,.e.,ru,n.,e-CHESTERvCONKLIN ln BALTIMORE both and 1VT V. rv, . BALTIMORE AVE. INorma Talmadge ln "THB M,saiNa Sam Bernard ln "because he i " LOVED HER" BRlfADWAY ,?2P oreenwat U XnL moults jocj Children Bo, epri . in cca 'MX . v .. "uiiiuii s low LAW." First Enlnrf NOItTn Streit Casino Bno4STS1 EVEHiNO 7 1 18 AND 0 rie andis in "Mim.i..)i jtm --afca,l feJSS CHAPLIN In "WORK" CENTURY eniS, ". . MATINEE DAILY CARLYLE BLACKWELL L "THE SHADOW OF DOUBT' SOUTH OLYMPIA J3n0A AND Pearl White in "The Iron Q&vf NORTHEAST STRAND laTH AND aaiARD AVH. Madame Petrova injThe Vampiret cnas. Chaplin Request Cqmcdy KENSINGTON JUMBO rii0OT ST. AND JU"iDU QIRARD AVENUa "IRON CLAW." 8th Episode 'A TRIBUTE TO MOTHErTs Parts THE BEST MAN'S BR!DE 5 p?ftJ "H1H NEIQHHOR-a VIFg' " NOBTIUVEST Susqehanna "sSIiFaVavi, HOUSE PETERS i "The Hand of Peril," 5 ParU JEFFERSON znH Ig&gig"0' LILLIAN GISH in "DAPHNE AND THE PIRATE" Weekly Programs Appear EvtTT Monday la Motion Picture Chart POTlOf " wmt:iryS' J Ikl TKem NSMf frMfflM tpreBce ti U B G g IRON X m Bro r. Ws .. iviargtie chSi A