Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 20, 1916, Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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Miss MacArthur's Wedding to Mr. Hansell Yesterday in
New York Comes as a Surprise to Society.
VariouVOther Doings
MOST people wcro surprised yesterday
afternoon when thoy read In the
papers that Howard Ilnnscll nnd At I tilled
MacArthur wore married In Now York.
They did not take nny ono Into thefr
confidence but their fanllllct, liccauso
Mrs. MAcArlhur has been very 111, and
bo Instead of baVlntf a larger wedding
In the spring, as tliey had Intended, they
Just decided to Kct It over without any
fuss. Mildred Is ono of tbo very pret
tiest Rlrls In Mlchl-ratt and will bo u
decided addition to Philadelphia's beau
ties, who hold no small reputation for
good looks, let mo tell you.
Sho Is a gianridaUKhlcr of tho late
General Arthur MacArthur, ono of the
most distinguished generals In tho Union
nrmy. Her father was another Aitltur
MacArthur. Uhe lia.s lived in Mt. Clem
ens, Mich., and nuulo her debut into
society in 1011, having spent much of
hor school life In Franco. "Howdy", too,
had a distinguished grandfather In the
army, General Israel Vodgea. On his
mother's side of tho family lie is re
lated to the AVctherill3 of this city, lie
is connected with tho banking firm of
Frarler and Company, Is a graduate of
Uho University of Pennsylvania, '03. nnd
member of tho Hlttcnhouso Club, bo
ra being an ull-rtiund good follow and
Itly (liked. The little bride looked
gctly lovely In her wblto traveling
It. Thoy wcro married In f Since
Church, Now York, and aio now off on
a wedding trip.
Every ono was dancing the cotillon
tho other night but two of tbo Inst win
ter's most popular ileba. Now don't get
excited, my dears; they wero not wall
flowers; oh my, no! IJach had a most
devoted swain; they just had taken seals
In their designated places, but afterward
decided to sit It out with said beaux on
tho porch and iefu.se to dance with
others. I wonder why they did nbt stay
"to hum," for 1 nm sure it would have
been less conspicuous and probably they
would have had a better time; but tome
thing tells mo each ono has cither a
younger sister or brother, no maybo tbo
parlor sofa would not be so desirable,
after all, as the porch of tbo clubhouse.
Both of tho smalt ladles In question have
'had a great deal of attention all winter
from young and old, and I hope thoy
will not let It go to their wee beads,
for If at the end of tbo 'season ono
starts to sit out whole cotillons nnd re
fuses perfectly good partners, one mlvht
bo more on the shelf than W usually con
sidered desirable by the sooicty girl
when one's second year opens for they
do usually go In for a second year, these
small girls. However, with so many
serious problems abroad and nt homo
perhaps tbo butterfly of yestciday may
turn Into a thoughtful little butterfly,
assimilating tho honey instead of Just
sipping It and flying on looking for new
excitements and interests.
. ..Mrs. Charles C. Harrison, Jr., of
Churchwood. Itosemnnt, will give a small
"dinner at the Rltz-Carlton on Wednesday
evening-, April 26, prior to their dance.
Dr. and Mro. Frank Crnzcr Knowlcs,
of 1918 Pino htrcet, bnve t nt out Invita
tions for a dinner anil thentru par.ty on
Tuesday evening, April "J5,
The Misses Unllovvrlt. of 908 Clinton
street, have issued Invitations for tho
ipring meeting of the Mary Anna l.ong
stretli Alumnae Association, which will he
held at their homo on the afternoon of
Monday, May 1, at t o'clock.
(.Mrs. Thomas Potter, Jr.. Is In Wash
ington attending tho convention of the
Daughters of the Involution.
A family party at Sfio Kastburn, on
Park place, Atlantic City, over Raster,
consists of Mrs. Samuel Dispham tloweis,
of Germantovvn. nnd her daughters, Mrs.
raxson Dceter, of Hryn Mavvr: Mrs.
Harold MoN'eal and her children, of Hos
ton, Mass., and Mrs. Walter Alvln Carl
and her Infant son, of Drookllne, Mass.
Miss Florence Bralteley and Miss Mar
garet Taylor, of Dordentown, X. J . will
leae the 1st of May for Chevy Chase,
Md., where they will spend two weeks nt
the camp for girls, under the auspices
of the National Service School of the
Woman's Section of the Navy League.
A wedding of Interest to many Phliadel
phlans which will take place In Ann Ar
bor, Mich., wll be that of Miss Gertrude
Patterson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Washington Patterson, of The
Orchards, to Mr.' Carroll Parse Han, son
f of Judge and Mrs. Haff. of Kansas City,
Mo, The wedding will take place on
Wednesday evening. April 'J6, at 8 o'clock,
)n the Calvary Episcopal Church. Kir,
and Mrs. Patterson will entertain at din
ner on Tuesday evening, after the re
hearsal, In honor of the bridal party.
Miss Helen Van Dusen, daughter of Mr.
' and Mrs. Samuel Van Dusen, of S131
Morrfs street, will leave on Saturday to
be one of the bridesmaids and will be
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Patterson. The
other bridesmaids will be Miss Mabel
PUeort Whlteley, of Baltimore, a frequent
Bltor In Philadelphia; Miss Elizabeth
ilcott. Miss Elizabeth Clements, of Day
ty, Mich, j Mies Madeline Haff, of Kan
s Clty.arid Mrs. Guy Rondet, of New
rk, .
Mrs. Leonard Flnletter, of Merlon, will
ive the first of next week for Ann Ar
r to attend Miss Patterson's wedding.
Along the Main Line
HAVERFOllD Dr. ana Mrs. J. i.esne
Davis, of 135 South 18th street, opened
Coolkenny, their home on Montgomery
avenue, early this week.
Mr. John G. Love, Jr., has gone to At
lantic City for several weeks.
BRYN MAWP-r-Mr. Tristram Coffin
Colket, and his son, Mr. Tristram C.
Colket. Jr., left yesterday to spend the
Easter season at the Blooming Grove
Hunting and Fishing Club, Glen Eyre. Pa.
Mrs. Samuel E. Ewlng. of Montgomery
avenue, has returned from Pittsburgh,
Where she visited her sister. Mrs. J. K.
Bwlng. and attended the marriage of
her niece. Miss Jessie Miohell Ewlng.
Mr- and Mrs. William Twells Tiers, of
Bryn. ilawr. who spent the winter In the
Squib, will return home after Easter.
"Tirr children ieturned this week
ilr Walter Ohrystle Jr.. a student of
tat? Gjollcge. returned yesterday to spend
the' Easier vacation with his parents. Dr.
awl Mrs. Walter Chrystle. of Bryn Mawr.
RADNOR- Friends of Mr. and Mrs.
William B. Hart of BuU-jubroofc. Rad
nor, will regret to team tout thay are
quarsntiaed. asthilr children aie Ml wlih
WAJMi Mr and Mrs. WiUiam Welsh
and their family, of Hunnymeiie nvenue,
vlll leave today to spend the Easter
holidays In New York.
At I51 Nnney llallowell, daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Frederick V. Hnllowotl, of
Stanbabgh, Wayne, wilt leave today to
spend tho week-end In lloston,
Along the Reading
Mr. nnd Mrs. George William Long,
of Hlklns Park, have Issued Invitations
for the marriage of their daughter, Miss
1'tcanor Uertel Long, to Mr. Charles An
drew Reach. Jr.. formerly of Klklns I'nrk.
but now making his home In Chicago. Tho
wedding wltl take place on Wednesday.
April 2G, nt 7 o'clock, to be followed Im
mediately by n reception nt tho home of
the brido's parents, on G Irani nvenue.
Mr. Ihigcno Stull. Jr., of Wyncote, re
turned home last week from the Penn
sylvania State College to r-tismd his spring
vacation as the guest of Mils parents nt
their home on Woodland avenue.
Mr. John Pchectz. of Wyncote, left vc
terday for New York, where he will spend
several days ns tho guest of friends.
Miss Alice Hood, formerly of Jenklu
town, who In spending the winter months
mi the guest of Mr. Elmer Long, at Pit
man, N. J., hns Issued Invitations for an
Informal luncheon nnd bridge on Thurs
day, May II, at I o'clock, at Pitman. The
guects will be the members of Miss Hood's
bridge club and tills will bo tho tast meet
ing for the Ho.ison.
Mr. Long hns also had Miss Hood's
sister, Mrs. ltatplt Thatcher, nnd her
small rnn. Master Ralph Thatcher, Jr., of
Madison. Wis., ns his guests for several
weekn. Mrs. Thatcher and her son left
tho Hist of this week for Flushing, L. I.,
where lli-y will he the gusts of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Ralph Morgan, until Saturday, when
they will return to Philadelphia nnd will
lnlt Mr. Thatcher's mother nt her homo
In Germantovvn for several weeks before
returning to Madison about the end of
May. Mm. Thatcher will bo remembered
as Miss Flatetfos Hood, one of the most
popular mvmburH of the younger set of
l Jcnklntown.
Mra. William Davis, Jr.. accompanied
by her sister. Miss Clar.i DePuy, of
Jci.klntown, left this week for Stockholm.
Sweden, where Mrs. Davis' husband Is In
buulnes.1 and whero they will make their
humo In tho future.
Navy Yard Affairs
Mr.. IlnlDh L. Hhcpard. wife of Lie
tenant Shepard, Ctiltcd Stales Marl"
Corps, entoi talncd at dinner on Sunday eve
ning. In honor of Captain Nclsuii P. Villi
t 'lilted .States Murine Corps, nnd Mrs.
Viillc. Those iiesent were Captain Frank
Halford, fulled States Marine Corps, and
Mrs. Halford, Lieutenant David Ducey,
1'iilted States Navy, and .Mrs. Ducey, Miss
Virginia fiipcrton. Mr. F. R. Maxwell,
Lieutenant Commander Cuy A. llissdtt,
fulled Slnts Navy; Captain Nlles Illshop,
United States Navy, and Lieutenant J. Po
led, United States Nnvy.
Mrs. Jnlm Volney McAlpine, wife of
Doctor Alpine, fulled States Navy, enter
tained tho niPinhcrM of her bridge club
yesterday after noon at her home. 212.', Rlt
ner street. Iter guests ir.etudcil Mrs. A.
T. Graham. Mrs. R. S. Kves, Mrs. War
ner C. Lntz, .Mrs. David Ducey, Mrs. Earl
I lean, Mrs. McClung und Miss Rlanchc
Mis. Guy A. Rlshctt, of 2S2.' South 2lst
street, who has been visiting her sister-In-law
hi Kentucky for the Inst few weeks,
will return to tho city In about 10 days.
Tho olllccrs of the United States steam
ship Connecticut will entertain informally
on Satuiday evening at a dinner-dance
to bo given on board tho ship.
German town
The dance for the benefit of the Jewish
war Sufferers, which was held last night
in, Germantovvn by Miss Rose Blasband,
was a great success.
Miss Dorothy Calvert Green, of 418
School House lane, has her cousin, Miss
Harriet Elmer, of Hridgeton, N. J as her
guest this week.
Mr, and Mrs. George H. Paine and Miss
Gladys Paine, of 410 School House lane,
will spend the week-end at the shore.
Mr. and Mra, Henry Doan and their Bon,
Master Carpenter Doan, of 153 West Car
penter street, will spend the1 coming week
end at Annapolis.
Mr, nnd Mrs. A. Wayne Ttbblnson, Jr..
of Syracuse, N. Y., Wilt be the guests of
Sirs. Robinson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
In I. Atlee, at their home, 3013 West
Coulter street, for over the Easter holi
days. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Thels Weger, of Mc
Callum and Westvlew streets, will motor
to Atlantic Qity for the week-end.
An Interesting concert will be given to
night at 3:15 o'clock In Association Hall.
'Germantovvn avenue above Rlttenhouse
street, by the combined Glee and Man
dolin Clubs of Colgate University, under
the auspices of the Christian Endeavor
Society of Summit Presbyterian Church,
Westvlew and Greene streets.
Miss Nina Spiegie, of Wlssahlckon and
Mldvale avenues, will leave this week for
a month's visit to Detroit.
Mr. Jamea Cutler, of 380 School House
lane, will spend Easter at Harvey's Lake,
near Wllkes-Barre. Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Snap and their
family are spending tha Easter holidays
at their Ocean City cottage.
Airs. William B. Kurtz, of Manhelm
strvet, ha Issued cards for a violin re
cital by Bascha, Jaoobson. who has recent
ly returned frvni Berlin, wbex he spent
Xovr years In, study.
K-SSBt'' fejB f
i- - ! fIIIf v I
tSl?WJiSWwf ' ' v "" -wn"" ""' "'z
SMfMwiiMiitMiiWilwrii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiemuMimiiiiiiiiiiMi 'mum ntiiMaammmm&Sd
Miss Morse, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison E. Morse,
of -1430 Spruce street, entertained nt luncheon, followed by n card
party, yesterday in honor of Miss Helen Gertrude MillspauKh. whose
marriage to Dr. Etlpar Quimby Bullock, of Wilmington, will take
place next Wednesday. '
The wedding of Miss Irene Richardson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 1). Rich
ardson, of 123 Wlster street, to Mr.
Ctiiistinn S. Mnci'.iln will take place
quietly tonight, nt fi o'clock, at tho homo
of the tirld?'H patents. The ceremony will
bo performed by the Itev. John Francis.
Tbo bridal party will bo unusulil. ns the
members, with tho exception of .the best
man. will include nieces and nephews of
Miss Richardson. Tho bride, who will tic
given In marriage by her father, will be at
tended by Miss Agnes Clement as maid of
honor, mid tho bridesmaid will be Miss
Saraellen Richardson. Two little Mower
girts will be Miss Grace Anna Clement nnd
her sister. Miss Vlctorlne Clement. .Mas
ter Tolbcrt N. Richardson, Jr.. and Master
Samuel M. Clement. 3d. will be tiny pages.
Mr. MncCaln will have his brother. Mr.
James S. MncCaln, as best man, and tli
ushers will be .Mr. Thomas do Quartet
Richardson. Mr. do Quartel Richardson
and Mr. Frederick Clement. A small re
ception will follow tho ceremony. Pink
sweet pens and stock will form the decora
tions In the mj" and will be carried by
tho brldesm...T""".ind llower girls. After
an extended wedding Journey Mr. and Mra
MacCaln will llvo at 0438 Greene street,
where they will receive their friends on
Thursday afternoon, Juno 1, from I until
6 o'clock, nnd ngaln In tho evening from
8 until 10 o'clock.
A very pretty and Interesting wedding
will take place this afternoon In tho
Gethsemane Baptist Church. 18th street
nnd Columbia avenue, when Miss Martha
Mao Stlnson, granddaughter of Mrs. M.
F Tecklenburg. of 1731 Berks btreet. wltl
becomo the bride of Mr. Alnn H. Rich
ards, of 172G North 18th street The
ceremony will bo performed nt 3:30
oclock by tho Rev. Peter C. W.lght. pas
tor of the church. Mr. Albert K Milter
wilt give tho bride In marriage. She will
wear a smart coat suit of whlto broad
cloth, and a pink Neapolitan braid hat,
trimmed with pink rosebuds. Lilies of tho
valley and sweet peas will be combined
In her corsage bouquet. Miss Josephine
Richards, the bridegroom's Bister, will be
maid of honor. Her coat suit is of dark
blue taffeta. With this will be worn n
leghorn hat, trimmed with pale yellow
roses and a corsage bouquet of yellow
Mr. Clarence Bell will act as best man.
Mr. nnd Mra. Blchards will leave for
the South after tho ceremony, and will
be at home after Juno 1 nt 4632 North
12th street.
The wedding of Miss Lydla Naomi
Distler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Dlstler, of 2462 North 16th street, to Mr.
Ralph G, Bergmann was soiemmzeu on
Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the
Second German Baptist Church. Hancock
street above Dauphin street. The cere
mony was performed by the pastor, the
llev. S. A. Kose, assisted by the Rev. Wil
liam Kubn. Mr. Distler gave his daughter
In marriage. She wore a gown of white
Georgette crepe, edged with white satin,
and a veil of tulle arranged with sprays
of orange blossoms. Brltje roses and
lilies of the valley were carried. Miss
Buth Marie Distler, who attended her sis
ter as maid of honor, was gowned In pale
pink taffeta, draped with pale yellow tulle.
The bridesmaids. Miss Althea S. Kose, and
Miss Irma B. Stump, of Buffalo, N. Y..
wore frocks of pink Georgette crepe edged
with satin. Miss Miriam Anna Distler, the
bride's Bister, was ilower girl. Her white
lingerie frock of batiste and lace was
trimmed with pink ribbons, and her
tlower basket held pink sweet peas.
The bridegroom bad Mr. William H.
Distler as best man, and Mr. John O.
Distler, Mr, Adolph E. Seerth, Mr. Richard
R. W'dmalr and Mr. Arthur Kunz were
ushers. AfteV the ceremony a reception
was held at the home of the bride's par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Bergmann, follow
ing a brief Southern trip, will make their
home In Norfolk, Va.
The wedding of Miss Mary Snyder
Blythe, daughter of Mrs. Estella Blythe,
117 North SOfh street, and Mr. John Cam
eron Hall, took place yesterday afternoon
at o'clock In Tennent Presbyterian
Church. The ceremony was performed
by the pastor of the church, the Rev.
Samuel A. Harker.
Th? bride was given In marriage by
her grandfather, Mr, E. C. Brenner, and
had as maid of honor. Miss Elsie Hoe
filch. Mr. Leslie A. Carfrey was the best man,
and the ushers we-e Mr. Herbert J.
Bruder and Mr. Raymond W. Reagan.
Miss Beatrice Eaton, a friend fit the
bride, sang, and Miss Elizabeth McDonald
was at the organ.
After a short wedding trip, Mt. and
Mrs. Hall will be at hoiqe after June 1.
at '56J3 Whitby avenue, West Philadel
phia. Woodbury
Mrs. William A- Flantgen announces
the engagement of her daughter. Mlsa
Ruth Flanlgen, to Mr. Mason W. Wds.
worth, of New York.
Miss Isabollo Jackson, of Philadelphia,
and Miss Kthclwyn Vandlver, of Bnla,
will spend tho Eastor : olldays In New
York. MIrs Jnckson will stay with her
aunt, while Miss Vandlver will be the
guest of Miss Dorothy Mulford.
South Philadelphia
Mrs. It. L. Tnterii. of South Kith street,
iiccompnnlcd by Mrs. F. 1. Dutlon nnd
Mrs. Georgo Folnitr. left for Atlantic City
yesterday to remain over tho week-end.
Mr. James Keenan, of 1905 South Broad
street, a popular member of the Cortcy
Club, and well known In South Phila
delphia, left on Tuesday for Shteveport,
La., where he expects to remain about a
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hagcrty. nnd the Misses
Hngerty, of 12H Christian street, will
spend the Easter liolldas at their summer
home in Plermont.
Tbo entertainment committee of the
Qui Vive Club Is arranging n series ot
weekly dances, to be given on Thursday
evenings after Easter, In the Cortcy Club,
11th nnd Wolf streets.
Mr. . and Mrs. IJarry Louderbackr of
2101 South 19th street, nro receiving con
gratulations on tho birth of n sou, -Mr.
Harry Know-tea, Jr. Mrs. Louderhack will
be remembered ns Ethel Minor, of Indian
apolls, lnd.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George Sellkowltz, of
Passyunk nvenue and Reed street, are In
Atlantic City, where they will remain for
a week.
Mr. Rodman Frledenberg. of Rth nnd
Cross streets, will Bpend this week-end at
Stnuo Harbor ns the guest of Mr. Harry
Rowley. t
The Art Craft Needle Club will meet at
the home of Miss I.Ida Fisher, Broad
stieet and Passyunk avenue, this week.
Mrs. Clyde Lever, of Green lane and
Pechln street, entertained Informally last
evening, when her guests were Miss
Helene Snyder, Miss Margaret Sarge, Miss
Ethel Sudders. Miss Elizabeth Sclmfleld,
Miss Edith Newhall, Mrs. Wayne R.
i Mover, Mies Edith Kerkeslager and Miss
Marian Dodgson.
Mnster John Rorabaugh. the young son
of Mr. and Mrs. N. Claire Rorabaugh,
of 201 Rnchelle avenue, Wissahfckson, is
spending the week with his grandmother,
Mrs. Leander M. Jones, of Germantovvn,
In Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mra Charles J. Nice, of 1024
i.aunsion sireei, win pass tne taster non
days in Spring Lake, N. J.
Miss Kstelle Sacks, of 6937 Ridge ave
nue, has returned from New York.
Delaware County
Announcements have been received of
the marriage of Miss Mary J. McWade,
of 2111 South 68th street, Philadelphia,
to Mr. William 11. Chester, of Darby, on
April ll.
The Darby Branch of the Delaware
County Society of the S. P. C. A. will give
a musical In Colvvyn Hall on May 18.
Mr. William Jinser, of Drexel Hill, will
spend several days this week in Chicago,
Mr. Edward Fischer, of Media, Is home
after several months' absence In Cuba.
Mrs. T. B. Rarnett, of Ridley Park, Is
entertaining Mrs, J. H. Hale, of South
Gastonbury, Conn.
Mrs. E. H. llolden and Miss Helen
Holden, who sailed from i Jacksonville,
Fla., on Sunday, will arrive at their home
In Drexel Hill today.
Northeast Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. H. Walton and her daugh
ter, J,S3 Verna Walton, of 2574 East
Memphis street, will spend Easter at At
lantic City.
What's Doing Tonight
Philadelphia Safety Council meeting. Frank
ford Institute. i
Collece Arts Auoclatlou of Aruerlc opens
annual senelon. Nermandle Hotel.
Market Street Merchants' Association meet
Ins. Hlnghain Hotel. O.aq o clock.
ratals on "Preparedneis," North Branca.
T. M. C. A.. 8 o'Jok-
Pennsylvania Prison Society. 600 Chestnut
treU 8 o'clock.
Team Owners' Association, Bourse. 8 o'clock.
Retires for the Society pax will he
accepted ana prlntea la the Eienlns
Lrdxcr, but all such notices must tx writ
Jfn on one side of the paper, must be
suned In full, with full address, and ubea
possible telephone number uuat be alien.
itend alt such eommualrauaas to "So
ciety Editor." Kieoln? Ledier, 608 Chest
nut street. .
L'nlees . these requirements are carried
out. so that v-etlOratloa may .be possible,
the notice will not be publUted.
Mrs. Charles Edward Hallowell, of 1822
West Tioga street, entertained at cards,
followed by a buffet luncheon, today. Her
guests Included Mrs. William Carman,
Mrs. Frederick Jennings, Mrs. Charles
Russell, Mrs. Henry, Barry. Mrs. James
Hogg, Mrs. A. L. Thorn, Mrs. William C.
Clark, Mrs, Frank Ball, Mrs. James
Thompson, Mrs. Henry Miller nnd Mrs.
Joseph Kinsley.
Miss Agnes Walker, of 18th and Tioga
streets, was hostess nt the muslcale given
last evening by the members bf her sew
ing club. Those taking part were Miss1 E.
Jane Ogtten, Miss Lillian R. Jackson, Miss
Irene Boater. Mies Gertrude Klefaber.
Miss Ola Robertson nnd Miss Florence
Miss Helene Lukens, of 3416 North 15th
street, Is spending the week In Atlantic
Miss Emma Miller, of 3S03 North HA
street, who has been spending nine weeks
wllh her sister. Miss Mary Miller, In
Fairmont. W. Va., has returned to her
home In Tioga.
Miss Florence P. Bcrnhelmer, of 3319
North Gratz street, has gone to Atlantic
City to remnln a week.
West Philadelphia
Miss Emily Houldsworlh. of 120 South
S4th street, will spend the Easter holidays
In Atlantic City ns a guest of Mr. and Mrs.
It. Gllmore, nt the Virginia apartments.
Miss Sadye Appiebaum, of 203 South
53th street, has gone to New York for
several weeks.
Mrs. II. C. Mellon nnd her daughters.
Miss llosetenn Mellon and Miss Nora Mel
lon, of 515 South 41st Rtroot, wilt spend
tho Easier holidays nt Chelsea as the
guests of Mrs. Joseph Kleckner, of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Irvine, ot 6127
Market street, have opened their cottage
nt Chelsea, N. J.
Mr. Chnrles Carroll, son of Sir. nnd
Mrs. John Carroll, of 57th and Media
streets, has returned from Boston where
be has heen visiting relatives. After tho
Easter holidays Mr, Carroll will leave for
n tour through the Southern States.
The Alpha Beta Delta Sorority met last
evening. The members of the sorority are
Miss Myrtle Craig, Miss Helen Rold, Miss
Miriam Hart, Miss Mary Qulnlnn. Miss
.Marlon Gouchcr, Miss Mnrjorle Young,
Miss Dorothy Humphries, Miss Alma Un
derbill, Miss Helen Davenport, Miss Mar
Gclglcr nnd Miss Lillian Bloodsvvorth.
The members of Ye Owls' Club will
shortly Issue invitations for a danco In
tho Century Club, on May 12. They will
hold their fifth annual banquet at Atlantic
City on Juno 3.
The girls' basket ball team of the
high school will shortly Issue invitations
for a dance, to be held In the gymnasium
the latter part of May. The school
orchestra will furnish the music. The
committee in charge Includes Miss Mar
garet Dunn, Miss Eleanor -Innes. Miss
Marlon Goucher, Miss Helen McCoach,
Miss Cora McCully, Miss Dorothy Koltcr,
Miss Ncttlo Greer, Miss Mildred Taylor,
Miss Marjorlc Young, Miss Dorothy
Wlmer, Miss Edith Bonsalt, Miss Melynda
Walton, Miss Catherine Bloodsvvorth and
Miss Margaret Lystor.
Mrs. Thomas Colllnan and Miss Marlon
Peterson will have charge of the bud
table at tho fair, which will be held at
tho Merlon Convent the latter part of
SJeune jftiless" & "flapper" Jfasfjtoms
Individualized Types Thai Are Held Exclusive to This Shop
For the miss of 14 to 18 Bonwit Teller & Co. present modes of debonnaire chic
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Suits Developed in
rtnrrl ar. riIt e.rtVri rintion
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Misses' Alluring Sport Suits
White and colored charmeuse.
White and striped la Jerf.
White and colored Georgette crepe.
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Wool Guernsey and velours.
22.50 to 59.50
For Ciass Day & Graduation
Misses Dainty Frocks ,
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,Net, lace, organdie and Georgette crepe frocks in
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High Colors in Misses'
Velours & Silk Bolivia Coats
.., , ,. . i . .i
A large collection of models in foliage green, rose,
peacock, American beauty, reseda, apricot, gold,
magenta, bronze.
22.50 35.00 59,50 95,00
Interesting Reading of Tennyson's Immortal Work Will
Be Given in Chapel of Church During
Easter Week Other Events
TENNYSON'S "Enofih Ardtn." With
music by Richard Strauss, wltl be given
for the benefit of the Methodist Episcopal
Hospltftl. Broad and Wolf streets, on
Thursday, April 27, In tho chapel of the
First Methodist Episcopal Church, Main
nnd High streets, Gcrmnntown, by Mrs.
Helen Dlefendorfer Tevls, reader, as
sisted by Miss Jane E. Miller, soprano,
and Miss Mabel M. Parker, accompanist.
The "L. G," Club Is making elaborate
preparations for tho June dance to ba
held on June 10 at the Betfleld Country
Club. The club has been very active
lately, holding parties, dances nnd offering
vnrlous other forms of entertainment for
'Ha members and their friends. A meet'
Ing was held nt the home of Mr. John
Haas, 600 Spruce street. Darby, on the
evening of Anrll 17, nt which every mem
ber was present. After ull business mat
ters pertaining to the coming dance were
completed Mr. Hnas nnd Mr. Buchnl fur
nished some enjoyable music, after which
n luncheon was served. Tho next meeting
of tho club Is scheduled for April 23.
An oratorical content on Jewish topics
will be held nt the rooms of the Hebrew
Literature Society. 310 Catharine Btreet,
tomorrow night nt 8 o'clock under the
auspices of the Young Men's nnd Women's
Hebrew Association of this city. This will
be the first time that such a contest was
ever attempted by such nn organization,
nnd Its success Is assured by the partici
pation of ten of the best orators In the
association. Gold nnd silver medals will
bo awarded to the two best speakers. The
Judges will be Mr. Lewis J. Flncstone, Mr.
Samuel Grossman and Mr. Abraham Derk
ovvltz, Among the contestants will be
Miss Miriam M. Mngll, MIsb line Berman,
Miss Florence II. Sutlnnd, Mr. Bernard
Brodlc, Mr. Charles F. Grconberg. Mr.
Herman H, Berlin, Mr. George J. Rurrl-
CA obp Theatre MAJSBnd8TB
VJ1U U C v.4 VDKVIU.K - CunilnuouS fi
A. M. to 11 P. M. 10c, inc. 55c.
The Maid and the Mummy"
CJ-r-rwlvTT MAltKET AtiOVE 10T11
KJVli..sJ Today. Tomor. ft Sat.
Marguerite Clark
VipfnrMQ Charlie Chaplin
V 11 lillld In llurlMfiue on
MARKET Above 0th Oai'men "hnwlnjr
AST .". DAYS 0 A. M. to 11:10 P. M
10c 1214 MARKET 50c
10 A. M. to ll:in P. M.
Lenore Ulrich
In "The Hurt of Paula"
Metropolitan Opera Hou, Frl. Eve. April 28.
Stat Sate at 1100 Cheatnut St. S2, 11.60, tl. 75c.
Rer. U.
At 10:40, 12:30, S-.lH.JTi B. 7:45. SU30
Arcadia "&3&T
n3 Mary Boln4tUn '"ffl SScrlnft atone"
A Large Collection of Misses Tailleuuiis
slel Ch
irlmmitArnovei Dockets, braid binding,
effects. Sizes14 to 18.
"Flapper" Tailor Suits
Specialized at
16.50 22.50 39.50
A most extensive variety of models for school ano!
dress service, in s'erge, gabardine, twills, mixtures"
and checks. Featured are braid bound box coat
suits, belt coat suits, plaited and Norfolk coat
suits, corset flare coat suits. For the hard-to-fit
girl of 1 2 to 1 6.
"Flapper1 Top Coats ,
1 2.75 25 00 :
A large collection of specially designed styles for
school and dress wear in serge, gabardine, wool
Guernsey, black-and-white checks and silk-and-cloth
combinations. For the hard-to-fit girl ofl2
to 16. . '. ,
"Flapper" Afternoon Frocks
..j i - ' ' "' -
12.75 to 35.00
For the party and other little formal affair, special
ized styles developed in appropriate materials and
colorings for the hard-to-fit girl of 12 to 1 6.
aon, Mr. Abraham F. Otto, Mr. Hitry
Koladncr nnd Mr. Harry Kllngsberg.
Mr. Maurice Cohen gave a reception In
honor of the Sylvia Club, which has or"
gn I zed under ft new name. Among tha
blTlcers elected were Mr, Maurice Coheri.
president; Mr. Harry Jaspan, treasurer,
nnd Mr. Harry Lnruer, secretary, Ths
next meeting will be held at the home of
Mr. Maurice Cohen, 413 Christian street,
on Sunday at 4:30 o'clock.
Adelphi B'&n,nt,ns Monday Night'
WINTimoP AMEfl Prnt
crnit, itAitcounT-H peiifect comedt
"A Pair of Silk Stockings"
The Station' Smartest and tlrltliteat Flay
With the Same Cast That Appeared
One Entire Year in N. Y., Including
Wise and unique, chic and delightfully amusing
"'oi.i.JnL- Thla and Next Week, Evga. Stl3
vjraillCK Matinees Wed. and Bat. Stia
COHAN HAnniB Treaent
Orlslnal New York Cast ami Production,
llent Seats 1 at Poputar Wed. Matlnna
Mary Shaw & Co.
Amelia Stone & Armand Kalisz
Iljlle Baker; Kajirama: Howard's Antmata,
nnd Others.
Net Week Mlt.UHCl) lACOMHEn A CO.
BROAD Last 3 Evgs. Mat.
Laurette Taylor '" "SSST0
Next Week
Mr. Cyril Maude
ACADEMY, Mon. Afternoon, April 24, at t
Harold BAUER
Benefit Rumlnn Com.. Jnnergenjaf Aid
PRICES: IS, 1.50. II. 71. OAUCERY. 60a
Tickets ot lieppes, jijtv wnesisiui Birert
""ReBUlw Mat. Saturday
Great Slnttlnn Cant and Ensembla of 75
"lXr1r,,,f HTAnTS NEXT MON. MAT.
WainUt Top. Prlcei. Seats Now Selling-
See Vast River of Real Water. Dig Sensation.
Forrest Neltt Week ?$$?
Mask and.WlK Club In Whoa-Phoebe'"
Good ideals for All Performances
IinickerbockerMkttThe Brute
Mats. Tues.. Thurs., Sat.
S, Tat. Off.
elours and Taffela
cape and tic collars, linked