EVENING LEDGER PHIIADBLtMIIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1916. tt wPMb it. I JDcatljS 'Thete Notice Are Printed in the Evening Ledger Free of Charge, AlHOTT.--At Wrat Cr,tst-r. P., on Fonrlh Mnnth, ih. loin, nuTii rf. AnnoTT, widow lit 0rfl Abbott, of Salfm, N. J., In tha iwth year ot hr aae. Funeral nt Frlfnrts Mfetlnir Hntias, 4th anil Arch ata., Phils... Pi., on Hltm-day. Fourth Month, Stat, Rt 10 n, m. Interment At SAlem, N. J., 2 p. m. ANWIKIVS. Entered Into real on April IT, 1MB, at her late resilience, 475 Lyceum p-venue, noxborowth. FLORENCE PEAR' PON, duuthter of Emily n. una the lata T. Cecil Andrewi, Funeral services on Thursday afternoon, nt 2:30 o'clock pre cisely, at St. Timothy's Church, noxborounh. lUnKKIt. On April 17. 101ft. MA71T M.. widow ot Dr. Oeoriro F. Darker, In, her Tilth year. Funeral aervlcea on Wednesday, at 2 ' P. m., nt thf realdenco of her aon, William P. Mclntlre, Moylnn, ra. Interment private, waahngton papora please, copy, BARTIt. On April 10, lftlft, TBTEH II, BARTII, huahand of Pauline Harth. (heej Nicola), aired 07 reara. Itelatlves and friends, lo member of General Steuben Ijodae, No. B78, I, o. O. F.i employes of Midland Metnl Company, of Philadelphia, aro Invited to at tend the funeral, on Thursday, nt 2 p. m., from hla family residence. MO North Front street, Camden, N. J. Friends may call Wednesday, nfter n p. m. Interment at Chelten Hills Cemetery. HF.unnn,. on April in. ioio, mamr UKUIintX (nee Klntlnicer), used 71 years. Relatives and frlenda, nlao nlatnir Bun Yearly Ilcneflcl.il Society! Herman Tearly Ilensflclal Society and the Ladles' Aid Society of the Trinity German Lutheran Church, are Invited to attend tho funeral aerwecs, on Thursday, nt 2 p. m., nt hor late residence, lt)(2 Vcat Ontario st. Inter ment private, at Hillside Cemetery. Automo bile funeral, OOTH. At Chester. ra on April IT, 1918, WILLIAM T husband ot B. Lanlch Rooth, i need 57 jenra. Relative nnd friends, also I societies of which he was n member, are In vited to attend tho funeral services, on Thuraday, nt 2 p. m, nt his late residence, jifu j;a?moni nve,, uncaier. interment at Cheater Itural Cemetery. Omit flowers. M8F.Y. On April .IT, into. JIARTIN, hua- Ioana ot tno late .Margaret uaaey. iteiativea nnd friends, nlao the cmployea of the Penna. R. R. nre Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Monday, nt 7:30 n. m.. from hla lata resi dence, 820 N. 33th at, Solemn Requiem Mass nt St. Aimtha Church, at 0 a, m. Inter ment at Holy Cross Cemetery. CLAirt. On April 17, 101(1. JOSEUH 8., hua. Innnti ot niHry j iinir, rkpu t. yenra, item tlvea nnd friends, also Chllda Droxel Lodge, jvo, 4Tn, K. nr I',, aro invited to attend the funeral, on Thuraday, nt 2 p. m.. from hla late residence, OOiVDalley at,, Camden, N. .1, Interment nrlvntft. nt Ifarlelfirh nemnterv. Ttemnlns may ba viewed Wedncaday cvnlna COM:. On April IS. 1010, EJtMA. M., wife of unrry a. loie. itoiatives ana iricnus nro Invited to attend tho funeral aervlcea, on Wednesday, at 2 n. m.. at her late resi dence, 812 North 3Dtli st. Interment private. I'leaao omit flowers. DEATHS tmiNKIIOCSK.-lAt her residence. Ml Drexel road. Overbroolc . on April 10. 1910, MARY. B., wlfo of. Jlenry. Drlnkhoute. Funeral services and Interment at the con venience of tho family, DCNLAr, At Philadelphia, on April 17, iOift. IDA HEW, wlfo of Dr. Thomas O. fiunlap nnd lau.thter of Sophia and the late Richard Hew, of 031 Pncinc nve.. Atlantlo City. N. J. l)utotlco of tho funeral will be given. Ettl.MT. On April la, 1010, FREDERICK r.OEItT, in his 87th .year Relatives and friends nre Invited to nttend the funeral aerv lcea, on Wednesday, at 2:30 p. m., at his lata residence, 404.1 Ashland ax-e.. Frankford. Interment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. rNOt.ISll, At Iteverly. N. J., on April 17. HUH. LIBZin ROWAND, wife of Charles Encllah. Relatives and friends aro Invited to nttend service. In St. Stephen's Chnrch, Rev elry, Thuraday, at 2:41 p. m. Interment pri vate.. Train leaves Market st ferry at 12:40 and 1:20. Remains may be seen Thursday, from 1 to 1:30, nt her lata realdence. rini.nr.n. on April 17, 1010. f-leanore, daughter ot Robert W and flerttm Fielder, aged 1 year 8 montha nnd 8 daya. Relatives friends are Invited to attend the funeral, en Thursday, at 2 p. m., from her parents' resi dence. 42n!l Main st., Manayunk. Interment at Westminster Cemetery. FOUSE. At her residence. Ma-lyn Hotel. 40th nnd Walnut sta., on April 17. 1010. MARY II. , widow of L. O. Fouse. Relatives and friends' are Invited to nttend tho funeral services, on Thursday, nt 2:80 p. m,. nt the Northmlnster Presbyterian Church, 35th and Raring; sts., where remains may be viewed from 2 to 2:30 p, m, precisely. Interment private. n.ATLKY. On April 17. 1010. PATRICK. J., aon of thn lata William and Mary Flatley, Due notlco ot tho funeral will he given, from his late residence, 414 South 8th St. FIlir.L. On April 10, 1010. ANNIE, widow of Hugh Friel (nee McAteer), late, of Fannel, County Donegal, Ireland. . Relatives . and friends nre Invited to nttend the funeral, on Wertnesday.'at 8:30 n, m.. from tho residence of her daughter. Mrs. Matthew Shanley. 2330 B. Ilouvler st. Mass of Requiem at the Church of St, Monica, nt. 10 a. m. precisely. Interment private. Kindly omit floral offer ings. (lAimiTT. On Anrll 17, 1010. ilARUY J son of tho late Thomns nnd Margaret Uarrltt. In his 40th year. Relatives and friends, alio members of Wlssahlckon Council, No. 100. O. I, A., nre Invited to nttend the funeral, on Thuraday, at 2 p. m., from the realdenco of his brother. Jacob uarrltt. 320 Church si.. Ambler, Pa, Interment private, Friends may call Wednesday after 7:30 p. m. OHi:. On April 10. 1010. ELLEN, wlfo ot Joseph Oee, In her 71at year. Relatives and friends nre Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., nt her Into residence, BO Mnnhclm St., German town, Interment private. Remains may be viewed on Wednesday evening, Or.HltltNO. Suddenly, on April 10. GOT TI.I12U, husband ot the late Martha Donning, In hla 07th year. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to nttend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m., nt his lato residence. 3,171 Joyce st. Interment private, at Chel ten Hills Cemetery. GEORflE Sufldcnly. on April 17, 1010, CHAR LOTTE, widow of John W. George, In her 71th year. Relatives nnd friends nro Invited to attend the funeral, Friday, nt 2 p. m., from her lato residence. 8 South Oth St.. Darby, Pa, Interment Mt, Zlon Cemetery. J ft . Goes4to Press L May 5 :&'' - For telephone service or fck if' listing change caliche fW ll" Business Office, pi, S Jr ?' For advertising pwfes JF call the Directory M '' -. Advertising Manager. M , . -t Wl spuing RESORTS SPRING RESORTS M OAt'K DLW. K. J. CAPE aLY. N. J. Jm SPEND . I Vrf? .-rJ,-,Ll Ef'AT CAPt j Splendid I VI W&JxJ 2 ftdAY A delight ful atmoa- phero of rest and recreation, uoic course. Fine roads for mo- SDlendtd hotel. Pniraiw- vinu. tdln- rented for tne summer season. For Illustrated foldur anu mil iniormation write E. J, JERRELL 8EC'y hoard of trade i TAPE MAY. N. J. ATLANTIC CITY. W. J. iCii riwncciTY ouporior location with an tinobstructed viewof beach and DoamwalK, Arecofinizpa standard of excellence . Cac.ty600. WAUEJtJ.BV2Sy. pie LEADING RESORT hOl EL Of THE, V.ORLD SRatffioroMgh-Bknfteim ATLANTIC CITY.Nr, J, OWMZRSHIP MAMftOCMKNT. joaim wmite a sona company. Islesworth 3PECIAL LENTEN AND EASTER RATES INGSTON OCBAI AVE. First hotel UK.WAU1 f Ilndtrillk Plranrnnfi tlavator . numlos water, prlvau baths; 10 iJU fcly. Amer plan. M. A. LEYREB frVeatminster .f-SS & wjtilftsi 5t" Vr r -a.vv up w. j J-uar 6lV-ItVUM(IUE. PA. ATLAKTIO city. n. J, &ni?KK- lioBrfljft'C'iH i WATtl I has aetarvuttstai or aemce.comfort-abeaiilu ?sonsr jr.?.'.i, '" wMrtv.nM. STEAMSHIPS REDUCED FARE BY SEA FIIILADELl'ltlA TO JACKSONVILLE $31.80 w. $31,80 Wed. nd Sat. during April Bend fo" I'ujtlcula'x Merchants- & Miners Trans, Co. 105 8. Olh St. Jboue Imbara 1SOO SWIMMING LEARN TO SWIM NOW Befan aeasan' rush beslos. Sanitary pool Utt reflltratloo ayatem. W tacb you la VJ leaaooa. Coat tlO.00. Soma ' la lr Coat ta.oo. r CEHTRAL VM C. USt Arch St. SOH0O1S AND COUUEGES cmoTmrr u itin-iT rvTVT .m mu. P'h" - liWX iSaidiy: STHAYFH'S ? B Buatooaa BstwoJ. I V . BCitausr, J Eis-n isi'va axu mtm DEATHS OETZ. At Falrvlevr. N. J., April 10, 1818, JOHN, aon of the late Michael and Franee Oet, aeed n7 yeara. iltelatlves and frlenda nro Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednea. day, at S a. m., from hla brother's resi dence, George , Oetx, Enjfvlew, N. J. lte qulem Maaa at St. Frter'a Church, nt 9:3Q n. m. Interment at St. Peter's Cemetery. GIBSON. On April IT, 1010, WII.MAM, hua hand of Annl" M. Olbson nnd father ot tho nev. Samuel M. aihson. D, D.. of Chlcneo. llelatlvea and friends, nlao Phllo fidire, No 4 14, F, and A. M.. nnd Philadelphia Con alstory, nre Invited to attend tho funeral aervlcea, on Thursday, at 2 v. m., at his late residence, 410 N, 82d at. Interment pri vate. OU.MOnK. On April 18, 1018, EMZA E.. wife . ot .William H Ollmore. Helallves and friends, also Temple Chapter, No. 109, O. of K. H., nre Invited to nttend the funeral services, on Saturday, at 2 p. m, precisely, nt her lata re.ldenco, O.at, nnd Oodfrey nve.. Crescentvllle. tnterment private. Friends may call on Friday, from B to t, 011,1.. At tJrldceport, N. J., on April in. Win, rrcston w. OHI, need nl yeara. ftela Uvea nnd frlenda nro Invited to attend tho funeral services, nt his late resldnce. Ilrldaeport, N, J,, on Thursday, April 20, nt 2 p. m. Interment Bridgeport Cemetery, N. J, OlTTENS. On April IT, 1010, JOHN K. GIT TENS, In hla 7nth year. Relatives and frlenda of tho family aro Invited to nttend the funeral aervlcea, on Thuraday, 20th Inat., nt 2 p. m.i at hla late residence, 1710 Dia mond at. Interment private. OI.EE.1flN. On April IB. loin, at New York, OWEN J., aon of Mary nnd tha lato Mor timer 11, flleeaon, axed 42 years. Itelatlves and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, nt 8:30 a, m., from tho resi dence of his brother, Mortimer II. Oleeson, 24.15 North 17th at, Solemn Hlah Requiem Mass nt Our Lady of Mercy Church, nt 10 a. m Interment Old Cathedral Cemetery. UHEHWni.D. Suddenly, on April 1H. loin, MARGARET CASSIN, wife ot John Ores wold, aaed 47 yeara, Relatives and friends, also Germantown Ioaa;e, No. 15. H. of 1 , nro Invited to attend the funeral aerlces, on Friday, at 11 a. m.. nt her late residence, 20 East Coulter at., Ocrmantown. Inter ment private. DEATH OHEy. Orf April 10. 1918, ROBERT ORBT, Relatives and frlenda aro Invited to attend funernl, on Wednesday, at 2 p, m., from hla late residence. 1427 Venango st. Interment Mt. Morlah Cemetery, Automobile funeral, OE1NIVEN. On Arrll 18. 1010, ELSIE, wlfo of Thomas J. Gulnlven and daughter of John I!., and Catharine Schaeper (nee Hofman). Relatives and frlenda aro Invited to attend funernl, on Monday, April 24, at 8'J10 n. m., from tho residence of her huaband.2080 East Atlantic at . near Frankford road and Tioga. Solemn Requiem Mnsa at Ohureh of tho Na tivity, nt in a, m. Interment at Moat Holy Redeemer Cemetery. HAN1NOTON. On April IB. 1918, EMMA.C. wlfo of Dr. Mlola u. Hanlnaton. Relatives and friends, and members unity Centre of Philadelphia, aro Invited to attend tho fu nernl aervlcea, on Wedneaday at 10:80 a, m.. at her late realdenco, 95 W, Greenwood ave., Eansdowne. Interment private. Train leaves Droad Street station at 0:00 a. m. HAVEN. On April IT, 1910. CURTIS HOR ner, husband of Clara Horner (nee Haubert). nnd aon of Marie A. and the lato Curtis Haven, aged 34 yeara. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral aervlcea, on Thursday, at 2:30 p. m.. at his late resi dence, 1B23 rike at., Tioga, Interment pri vate. ' IIAWX.BV. Suddenly, on Arrll 18, 1018, HAMUEt. D. HAWI.ET, aged 88 yeara. Due notice ot the funeral will bo given. IIENDRICKSON. On April 17, 1910. FLOR F.NCB IIENDRICKSON (nee Prlca), wlfo of Frank M. Henrlrlckann. Relattvea and friends aro Invited to nttend the funvral services, on Friday, at 2 p. m., nt tha resi lience of her son-in-law, John 13. Watts, Jr., 1808 S. Taney st. Interment private, at Fernwood Cemetery. HESS. On April lrt. 1918. JOSEPH It., Jr., aon of Joseph It. and Martha Hess, aged 11 yeara and 2 montha, Relatives nnd frlenda nre Invited to nttend funernl services, on Wednesday, at 2. P. m., nt his parents' resi dence, 2013 Chatham st. (2.1th Ward). Inter ment private, Cedar Hill Cemetery. HiniT. At Wilmington, Del., on April Is, 1018, JANE, widow of John Hirst, aged 70 DEATHS yeara. Relative! ana frlenda at Invited to attend tho funeral aervlcea, on Wednesday, at a p. m, precisely, at the tftldence of her son, 778 North 28th at. Interment private, HOLMES. On April 17, 1918, ELtZABETH T. HOLMES. Relatives and friends nre In vited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday morning, at 8:80 o'clock, from her late resi dence, 208 North .15th at. High Requiem Masa at Cathedral, at 10 o'clock. Inter ment at Cathedral Cemetery. HOSIUNS. On April 18, 1018. WILLIAM II. H09KIN8, aged 83. Relatives and frlenda Invited to attend funeral, from hit late realdence, Glen Riddle, Pa., on Wednea day, 2 p, m. Services In Calvary Church, 0 p. m. Interment Calvary Cemetery, nELLY. On April 17. 1918, JOHN A., aon of the. late Jonn and Jan Kelly. Due no tlco of the. funeral will bo given, from th4 residence of his sister. Annie R. Kelly. 8. W. corner 88th and Spring Garden eta. KU'HSST;BH??fnlrj on April 18. 1918, OEOROB KILIAN, aged 88 years. Rein tlvea and frlenda, also- nielger Lodge, are Invited to attend funeral, on Thuraday, at 2 P. m.. from the realdenco of hla aon-ln-law, Paul II. Lee, 72d and Powera lane. Inter ment Fernwood Cemetery. Automobile fu neral. KUCKETt. On tha 17th Inst., 1018. PETER, husband ot the lato Catherine KucSer (nee Kugler), In hla ooth year. Relatives and frlenda, alio Blrney Toat, No. 03, O, A. H.i Blrney Camp, No. 18, 8. of V.i Penuod Tribe, No. 18, I. o. h. M.i and Veteran Firemen's Association, nre Invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday, at 2 p. m., from his son's residence, 8028 N. 10th at. Inter ment at Greenmount Cemetery, KUN7.E. On April 18. 1018. HELENS LAFRENZ. widow of tho lato August Kunze, M. p. Frlenda aro Invited to attend the funeral aervlcea, on Thuraday. nt 4 p. m. precisely, at lato realdence, 2215 W. Tioga at. Interment private. Please omit rowers. LF.no. At Municipal Hospital of scarlet fe ver. on April 18, 1018, JEANNE P., wlfo of Dr, Daniel Austin Lebo. No funeral. LOWRV. At her lalo realdence. IT N. Geor gia ave., Atlantlo City, on April IT, 1918, . DEATHS EMMA, widow of William R I-owry, Sr. (nee Macmullen), In her 67th year, runeral aervlcea and Interment on Thuraday, at tha convenience ot the family. Frlenda mar call Wedneaday, from 7 to 10 p. m. MANN. On April 18. 1018. REBECCA BOND, wife of Charles A. Mann. Sr. Serv ices for relallvea and frlenda, on Thuraday, at 2 p. m , at her lata residence, -003 N. 4 id st. Interment private. MrCANDLESS, On Aptll 10. .1918. MINNIE CARRlCKr daughter ot 'the late William J. and Anna McCandleee. Relallvea and rrlendt are Invited to nttend the funeral aervlcea, on Wedneaday, preclsely.at 3 p. m.t at her Ute residence, 2021 Poplar at. Interment at Woodland Cemetery. Automobile aerrtce. MILLER. On April 18. 1010. ELVA VIR GINIA JANE, wife ot Jacob A. Miller. Beta tlvea and friends are Invited to attend fu neral aervlcea, Wednesday, at 11 a. m., at her late residence, 718 Callings aye.. Col llngswood, N, J, Interment private. Automo bile funeral. MINT7.ER. On April 10, 1010, FRANCE8 M. MINTZER. aged 54 yeara, Relallvea and frlenda are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Wednesday, nt 1:30 p. m., at her late residence, 1778 Frankford ave. In terment private at North Laurel Hill Ceme tery. MOLONEY. On April 10. 1010. JOHN J. MO I.ONY. son of the late Jamea and Francea Moloney, In hla 70th year. Relatives and friends nro Invited to attend funeral, on Wednesday, at AdO a. m., from the resi dence of his cousin, 3084 Wallace at. Solemn Mass of Requiem at tho Church of St. Agatha, at 10 a. m. precisely. Interment at Old Cathedral Cemetery. MtmntY. Suddenly, on April In, 1018, JO SEPH ALEXANDER STEELE MURPHY, aged 71 years. Relatives and frlenda are In vited to attend the funeral aervlcea, at hla late realdence, Gladwyne, Montgomery Co., Ia., on Wedneaday, at 10 a, m. Interment at Merlon Square M. E. Cemetery. MYERS. On April 18. 1010, MARY, wife of Adam Myera (nee Hoffman). Relatlvea and friends, also Mutual Council, No. 154, 8. ot D., nnd Camp No. 124, P. O. 8. of A., are Invited to nttend funernl servlcea.on Wednea day, at 2 p. m., at tha realdenco of her son- in-law Harry.Sfntnh-.ilMfl Baa VcnaWsUl Interment OaRlan Cemetery. , NElf.l.. On April IT. llilrt. Eatler il wiff of ITank Nelll (ne Hnrrlntton, Relative and frlenda nre Invited W attend tuner .1 eervlcea on Thursday, at 2 p m . nt her In resldenco. 1841 Dalv al interment Mt Mo rlah Cemetery. Remain may uc viewed Wednesday evening 'OSMAN, On April 17, 1018. MARY ELiZA HHTII, wife of Dr. Joseph R. Oaman. Fu feral service at her late realdenco. ,4001 Ine at . on Thursday at 10:30 a m. Inter ment private. Bristol Cemetery TALMEn. r- On April .18. . 1910'.. JANE M PALMER (neo MoCann), wife ot. William L ralmer, aged 82 J ears Relatives am frlenda ar Invited to attend tho funeral, on Friday, at l.n, m , at her late realdencj 2S82 South Bin at. Tnterment at Hillside Cemetery, via trolley funeral ear rARMER. Suddenly, on April 15, lOIS, AM IIR1DU8. wlfa of Atlea P. Parmer, at New town. Bucka County, Pa. Relallvea an frlenda are Invited to attend the funernl aervlcea. on Wednesday, April 19. at j p m. at the Weat I-aurel Hill Cemetery Chapel. Interment strictly private. PETtyiooN. On April 18, 1918. n. WAl.rcn PBTER80N, Relatlvea and frlenda are In vited to attend the funeral aervlcea, on Fri day, at 2 p. m., at . hla lat realdence, 4520 Spruce at. Interment private. W.ADECK. At Clementon Heights, N. J., on April 17. 1918. ISABELLA T.. wlfa o Frederick It. Pladeck and . daughter of Jamea and Margaret T. Flnley. Relallvea and friends are Invited to attend tha funeral, on Wednesday, at 9 a, m,, from her, lata residence, Clementon Heights. N. J. Solemn Requiem Maaa at St. Lawrenca Church, Laurel Springs, N. J.,, at 10 a. m. Inter ment at Berlin Cemetery. POTTER. On Atirll 16, 1018. PKnRY STOCK TON, aon of W. Parry and Mary J. Potter, aged 2 yeara and 8 montha. Relatlvea and frlenda are Invited to attend tha funeral aervlcea. on Wedneaday, at 2 p. m., at hla parente' realdence. 487 New Patk ve Colllngawood, N. J. Interment private. Additional Deaths will be Found on Pate it Founded 1865 FOUNDED APRIL 19, 1865 FIFTY-ONE YEARS OLD TODAY! 51 Years' Reputation and Prestige is Back of Every Instrument in This Sale Founded 1865 H eppe A nmversary Sal B ifflFrrBKJSJrVV; ft-g"iSfrli I Stroud Pianola AntZscary $550 Delivered on First Payment of $15 Baytam;ww5p?WiLaiiaO ifl Aeolian Player-Piano Anniversary 395 Delivered on First Payment of $5 1 Francesca Piano $247.50 Anniversary Price Delivered on First Payment of $5 WSfai21 ..tej ills t iiuiitu zzc-sjj-. t .m iWi HB U -Vie a Victrola VI and Cabinet Anniversary $7 Price r ? , Delivered on iFirst Payment of ' $2 This is our birthday I We take unusual pride in the occasion. It is not only the pride of achievement it is the pride of a service being well rendered to the community On this our birthday it is possible for you to partake of one of the greatest piano events ever pre sented in Philadelphia. No greater opportunity than this has ever been offered for securing real genuine savings on such leading makes of pianos and player-pianos as the Steinway, Weber, Wheelock, Stroud, Heppe and H. C. Schomacker. We want every man, woman and child in thft city to know of this event, as it is one of those occa sions that occur only once in a lifetime. Every Instrument in Our Stores Offered for, Few Days at the Lowest Prices Ever Quoted! Just think you can secure any piano or player in our tremendous stock at the lowest price that it has ever been known to have been quoted. Every opportunity that you've seen and neglected in the past is now repeated in order that you might have one more chance td take advantage of it. " Whatever your piano "want" may be, this" is the time and the place to satisfy it. You Save 10 on Standard-Priced Merchandise Every piano in our entire tock parlor grands, baby grands, uprights, used pianos, squares all even the Weber, Heppe, Marcellus, H. C. Schomacker, Edouard Jules and Francesca all have been reduced 10 in price. And this 10 really means something, because it is taken from the standard prices at which these instruments are sold all year round. ' For a few days only you can secure these savings which, if they were all that was offered, would - well deserve your most serious consideration. . --" You Secure Cash Prices, With Time-Payment Privileges, at Special Low Terms Without Interest HMaMaMaVaMMMaJMaaa1aaMMaMMMHaaMaiaMaMaHi1iHaMalaaMaMalaaMaHiMa Every player-piano in our store,' even the genuine Steinway, Weber and Stroud Pianolas and the Aeolian Player-Pianos, is offered at cash price. In addition, on every instrument sold, whether piano, player-piano or Victrola, you will secure the cash price, with time-payment privilege, with special low-down-payments and special low monthly terms all without interest. These make further savings, which likewise of themselves are extremely attractive. Yq& SereFree Life Insurance, Relief 7 InsungjanTTPTear Guarantee, 30-Day Refund, Free Exchange, Etc. In addition to all theviflgsjisifid above, if you should die while paying for your piano or player piano, your family willai your instrument, free of all further payments. If you should be taken sick or lose your position, we will grant you the privilege of half payments. A complete guarantee,goes with every instrument. You jiajQudfryaTtfaatey)! that you want, your money will be funde6r . YoA haveJkiHonths onplayers and LjVear on pianos in which to make a free exchange for another ery instrijment sMunjjd free for 1 year. You receive the regular equipment of stool and book 20 xoVk and benjh with players). eli verier are free within 10 miles of City Hall. For Two Weeks Only All these advantages will be available for the remainder of this month only. On April 29, at 6 o'clock, all these offers will cease. nn tViic rnr 11 c hirtVirlav wp take Qreat nride in offering this unusual opportunity. It viU rankSas perhaps the greatest in all our history. You should investigate at once. Phone, call or write for full particulars. Cl. .J. lieppe $ Son 1117-1119 Chestnut St. 6th and Thompson Sts. Mail This Coupon Today I U. J. O.tlk'ifiij a bUJN 1117-1119 Chestnut St. or bin ana unorapson sis. j Please send ma full oar- riPl&noa ! ticulani about your Ann(ver. . ot K.Ia I am (HtaM.tUl fn 1 1 tWjrV-ft - 4B4.V9 Pleaw check (.OVictrolas Name. . $ Address....... . "'? Jy j -? jMWV WiMJt ! ' M&. 1 H i J I - , 1