St EVENING LEDGEB PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1916. IA MW OF COAL TAX IftBI BY OPERATOR, BUT GOBS UNCLAIMED mk(wi6n Says Not Olio Con "' nHdiited Lrv Has A6ked Money tjack IfcOUNT TO $10,000,000 Utetws and Brokers Get Benefit of Urner Who Paid tender In- Dectsloh H6tding. Statute Was Illegal In uplte of the many Veel that have taMed since the courts decided the coal Ur of 1013 was unconntllutlonal and tfw money collected should be returned t Its original source, the Slate commix (6n. Appointed to superette its dlstrlbu iton, has not received one appeal from ,y consumer to assist him in getting b&ck the cash said to have been de manded by the .dealer In the shape of Increased prices white the law was In effect. ExJudse Robert 8. Qawthrep, of -West Chester, chairman Of the commission. .6161 today that neither ho nor cither of the Vwo other members of that body liktf had a complaint bearing upon the return erf this tax. The levy, variously ntlmited at from 12,290,000 to J 10,000,. 000, Is being paid out by the operator t6 the dealers and brokers on whom It was levied. Ex-Judge Oawthrop was unablo to as sign any reason for the failure of coat users to apply for aid. It has been sev eral weeks since Attorney General Francis Shunk Brown assured consumers a way had been found to compel restitution where It could be shown tho lax had been passed down to the consumer. The char b'o commdnly made Is that the deal ers added 25 cents a ton to their coal to offset tho tax so long as lharlaw was In effect. The dealers almost universally say they absorbed the tax themselves without forcing their customers, to sharo the bur den. - While the absence of agitation has altered Jthe plans of the commission some what, so far as tho holding of a public hearing, as was planned, was concerned, tho Investigation will not bo dropped by any means, ex-Judge Oawthrop Bald. Tlu commission is collecting data from tho operators, he said. This Information cov ers the production In the period under dis pute, tho price before the tax was lovlod and after, and detailed flgures of tho amounts collected on the various sizes of coal. After the case of the operators has been disposed of tho question will be taken up with the middleman and dealer, In this way, he pointed out, tha commission would arrive Anally at the case of the consumer to ascertain hoiv far he had been called upon to share In tho tax. The large coal operators In the mean time are busy lelmburslng the dealers for tho entire amount collected. The Sus quehanna Coal Company, which cold about 38 per cent of the entire .1,996.000 to.ts used In and about Philadelphia Inst year. fend tho Philadelphia and Heading Coal and iron company, which handled ap proximately BO per cent, are sending their check to customers as fast a bills oro presented specifying tho sum duo. The Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, tho third largest operator, Is waltlnt; for a nnal opinion from Its legal department beforo making the refund. SHOOTS UP NEIGHBORHOOD Bonnititls Said' He Wanted to Prove Ke Was Not '"Too Proud to Fight" Hoping to Intlmldato a man who bad, earlier In tho day, challenged him to fight, Andy Bonnititls, of 7133 German town avenue', created considerable excite ment last night In tho vicinity of Allen lano nnd Germantown avenue, by draw ing a revolver nnd firing In every direc tion. Wlion arrested llonnltitls declared that he merely performed this bit of gun play In order to frighten a certain John Wnr dall, who, he said, had threatened to beat him up because he, tlonnltltls, was loo proud to fight, nonnltltts will be given a hearing this morning. "Whose Baby 7" Asks Belief ontc HEM.KFONTn, Pa., April 19. "Whoso baby can It bo?" Is the question that Is being asked by the nurses at tho Bcllc fonte Hospital Baby Is a chubby girl, three weeks old, and Is nt tho hospital while the authorities seek her mother. Quite In tho manner of the waif In "Tho Two Orphans," she was found on tho doorstep of the sisters' home at the Belle fonts Convent, asleep In a blanket ar ranged In a basket. She was dressed In clothes of good texture. Kery three-weeks-old baby In Bellefonto has been ac counted for. NEW ISSUE $14,000,000 Empire' Gas & Fuel Company First Mortgage and Collateral Trust Sinking Fund 6 Gold Bonds DucWy 1, 1926. Dated May 1, 1916. (CLOSED ISSUE) Authorized and Outstanding, $14,000,000 BANKERS TRUST CO., Trustee. Redeemable until May 1, 1920, at 102 and accrued interest; thereafter to May 1, 1923, at 103 and accrued interest, and thereafter until maturity at 104 and accrued interest: Guaranteed as to Principal, interest, Sinking Fund Payments and ,aH other Covenants in the Mortgage by endorsement on each bond by CITIES SERVICE COMPANY ' FOUR-MILL PENNSYLVANIA STATE TAX REFUNDED BY COMPANY SOUTH FIMT'StXTIt STREET OUOANIZES TO GET CAR LINE, Councilmen nnd Residents Want Pas chal to Lancaster AvenUcs Service Determined to have what .they say Is 4.1 luv.. ..w.v. .ivitu; nun uii ooin Hircei, between lnncitstcr nnd Paschal avenues. Vest Philadelphia Councilmen, residents nnd business men last night organized tho South Fifty-sixth Street Business Asso ciation ns tho first step of tho movement. Hope for success was derived from the announcement by Common Councilman Francis Burch that an ordlnanco passed In 1907 aitthoilzca Councils to petition tho PflllArfolMltn tl!1if,1 Ti-hHu r,nMH.. i- build trolley lines on any desired streets, nnd that If tho company falls to start work nfter 90 days the city has tho right to take tho Initiative nnd build. Unanl mouse support of tho movement was prom ised by all present, Councilman Burch an nouncing his Intention nf bringing the matter up at tho next meeting of tho Hall way rommlttco of tho Allied Business Apsoclatlon- Tho heed of the proposed lino was pointed out by Alounzo P. Young, who said Its construction would relievo the tramo congestion How existing In the sec tlon, 111 which claim ho was Joined by Select Oounellmnn Ira D. Carman. ' CANCER CAUSED BY GERjis, -EXPERT OF U, S. RELIEVES Pathologist Says Ho Has Produced Tumors in Plants WASHINGTON, April 19. Present methods df studying cancer, the most baffling problem confronting physicians nnd surgeons today,, must be abandoned In favor of new ones If rcjulln.aro Id lie expected commensurate with the needs of humanity, said Dr. Erwln t Smith, a Government plnnt pathologist, In an nouncing before the annual meeting of the National Academy of Sciences that he had made n discovery which will rovoltt. tlohlze current views ns to the origin of cnncerA "The 'cancer specialists of tndav." said Doctor Smith, "with a few exceptions are lost In a swamp of form study, nnd It Is time for an entirely new sst of Ideas to rescue them from their self-confessed hopelessness. They have gone- ns far ai they can go,'1 ; D&ctor Smith said he had found and developed a microbe which causes fit plants, n tumor practically Identical with the most malignant typo of cancer In man. He argued that oliico he had proved that a germ wafc tho causa df calicer In plants, the solution of tho human cancer problem will bb possible only when the specialists begin to lodk fiyf n sttnllar germ. Preparedness Banquet at Hazlcton HAZLUTON, Pa., April 19. aenernl C, Bow Dougherty, of 'VVIlkcs-Barre, fcho has been connected for many yenrs with tho. National Ciuard of Pennsylvania, was the principal speaker rtf'ri. preparedness banquet given last night by tho Hazlcton Board of Trade. General Dougherty as serted that the United States should take ovory possible, step to gunrd against at tacks of foreign foes. " , , Sl ROY'S QUICK WIT SAVES HJll FROM TROLLEY WHEELS ' Falls Lengthwise Between Kails 'ami' Lies Perfectly Still ' If some corporrtl-vi or business finuH Is seeking a level-headed employe they will do well to engage Carl Klmbley, tu though hd H only 1 years old. Carl ran oiit (In lllo street In front of his home at 2411 North 11th street lnat night and a -lrojlcy car struck him. He fell length-'-wise between the rails and lay perfect) still while tho car passed over hlni. I The frightened motorroan had jammed on tho hrnkes" and ran back frantically, expecting to find a badly mangled little boy. He found the child quite pale, but otherwlso uninjured. "I saw the car coming and spread my self out In front of It," tho child said. "I was scared, but It was better for me to lay still. If I hadn't the wheels might have hurl mo." ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE iv'!"- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE" Keep 1 Informed From a letter -signed by Henry L. Doherty, President' of Cities Service Com pany, we summarise as follows: y SECURITY: A first lien, either directly or through ownership of substantially all of the securities of subsidiary companies, on natural gas and oil properties and, leaseholds valued by conservative experts at over $27,500,000. None of the companies whose securities are pledged will create any mortgage in- debtedness unless pledged to secure these bonds. EARNINGS: Net earnings of the properties to be owned by Empire Gas & Fuel Company and subsidiaries reported for the years ended December 31, as follows: 1916 (estimated) 1915 1914 1913 $4,000,000 $1,861,532 . $1,347,563 $1,345,288 Estimated earnings for 1916 are based on net earnings for the first quarter of over $890,000. y SINKING FUND: Sinking Fund payments semi-annually, beginning November 1, 1916, will retire entire issue at or before maturity. J f i IMPROVEMENT FUND : At least rf0 of net earningsch year If ter interest and sinking fund payments must be uld for improvement or extensions, or paid into the sinking fund for the retirementf additional bonds. w GUARANTOR: Net earnings of Citifc Servic?Cflrnpany (including its undis tributed proportion of net earnings of Empire Gas ftFuel Company and other subsidiaries) for year ended Fabruarl 29, J16, resorted as over $4,300,000. These are derived largely from el&tnc aghjfand ptrwer business. on Kcnurnl market con ditions nrreiBfflo nnrtic ttlar ntock in which vou nro interested by calling our Mr. Knoll Lombard 1885, .Main 44G8. Wo buy and sell only in your interest; we have no favorite stocks. HecKerFCq. I KA,sKi:r.s & imtJKnn1- i;j: Gth & Chestnut s'ts., N. E. Cor. :: Meinb-rs or IMilln (Mik-I. Ilwhjpw REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOlVlb VICTO, WATER HEATi roii uiu L A new principle finnt supply. :m mis torn, Ai There "Jui S.V.R S 107 W lit 31 MEDIA. r. housi'fl: mrt -Hill larj eic from. 11 jokiji lor h iiHir, uere u SOi to quicK ".(Mi Dolawaro nnd flims ier (.-oun'y properties for Knle. Hi'nunmx SSiiZ Z jEgufe ik 3sfe mm. ER ?M Wm maim mM icon- WHY villi it?J UKLLJ-luY , K"-tieaiRwtaiii&' j it $ept rfi niflRfttHut. j&c&irdw'fl BrVES.Mfr. A .. 45 N. Second St. '--i, -.-hi. l'KNXH7VAMr fiUfaJ&!? I--...-I iiKAi'ili'i'il! fot'(Hi:i BENJ.T T.TK.f MoVJLjmiSSiqfi.V is b,rl roomn, Rhreo Wmbk iieiKSllBilly p" HtuateC. aserUoYfBx j?ruim " Orpek Bailey 8 Crm ZinwNrii if uurn, two ipnrjai liouvfl: Till) V -&err-f"H'liij P.'rumm Cfl 'I r 5rnu ..rB. n , r 3in.nuilllll UJ Sv i, .irrice rj 107 Wilt ST 1 MECIA. Pft, . J ,ri,t.Tinrv iiriifiiVTmi'V I J Ml.l. ,. .,,, .. .!.. ,... .1. , ,1 ... ..'., 1X1, ,, . I J " .- ... .... , M , , This is a REAR$ V&W Only of This Handsome All-Stone Residence ON LINCOLN d sfarBfeautif Ration tifiil Serj&ng n I Old Shade, 40 Years, Furnjj An Exclusive Germantown Sij Lot 400 Feet Deep Spacious Front and Rear Porches, ajsflleeping Porches JOHN H. McCLATCHY, JfSfegg. Office, Land Title BlcTg.Pptl Stint'KIIAN . The forreoliur ttementa of earnlnm are eon.tfctlon.nlth tho acquliltlon of tha forecolnc W tha Uaua ot theae bonds are to be approved by II tt Cottan. of' New York. ibjeqr nnal confirmation. Ail leiral steoa to be taken in ind aecurltlea by the Empire Gaa & Fuel Compiny and- jpntEomery & JfcKethan, of 1'hlladelphla, and Spooner i. Delivery if.e'vvhen an as issued to us Price 100 and accrued interest, yielding 6 Detailed circular in application v -, Montgomery, Clothier & Tyler . Kissel, Kinnicutt & Co. J. & W. Seligman & Col White, Weld & Co. Thl Information and these statistics are not guaranteed, but nave been obtained from sourcea e believe to bo accurate. ye i, Pennsylvania Railroad Company and Its System "Every stockholder and bondholder of the Pennsylva Railroad and underlying Companies should make effort to obtain a special circular letter iust issued Edward B. Smith & Co., giving , a comprehensive and interesting review of the annual report of that company, The EveningJTelegrapbjr I V" h. copies f3on request. anynvestment subject". ma r We shall be glad to fi Correspondence irivi rHorl Gdwmrd Bjmmmw 8k BANKERS ESTABUSUED 182 Members tfev? York and Philadelphia Stock Exchanges 1ROAT5 Ami CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA 80 PINE STREET, NEW YORK' "fr IIJJUMIfMW'i' BRANCH OFFICKS, UASTON, T?jL iimw tOOOH CONK, BB? s HnnunnAN sritcnnAN PET VTFilDT ii iff 1 Wa, xi Jfl Am i m m j9 m fl ifii y WE&ilfAtt!f&ii$& I i ( iai? $2 CITY HAIL' NOTE HOW NEAR FENT1?IED'JS TO CITY HALL Only 3 minutes away from 69th Street Elevated Terminal the nearest of Philadelphia's many suburbs. A beautiful, nearby residential tract, on which are 25 occupied houses, superb macadamized streets, granolithic sidewalks, curbs, gut ters, gas, water, electricity, telephones, and a station on-'the property. EVERY HIGH.CLASS IMPROVEMENT IS ALREADY IN AT PENHIELD Prices are just about haltor neighborhood. The reason foth E. Wood must be settled, and wis piece or properly in wntcn me e only is the opportunity given you present prices, Penfield is an inves grow in value. A small deposit d stallments. Remember, you're only two city blocks delphia's County Line. Come out to Penfield and see V its homes and its improvements. Take he JhiftrJ 3u' hose askejd is Ta. that th caftnptb Kaie is inner m Duy npr trhent tWat nvtrtSg ,1 Western at the 69th Street Elevated T in the immediate e estate-of Charles e done until every ested is sold. Not home,but, at its is positveIy sure Jo then little monthljrm- fcfnTPhifa- chfiracter of elphia and re at Pen. Re hifch-clal rnffinn. r winttmfirfi JS.KsS33S&Sp An "ideal suburb; excellent .location in 10 minutes walk on uarrct rpa from thej of the Market Street Subway. IDr two mil or Media Short Line to Bywold Station.! 150 Lots, 5Qx ISO Fully Improved, Including seirrrs.IGarage priyfege. Sendnftafplan and price list. 17 Homes built nnd 14 more umlfr nay la orenrit for flrst-yenr development. l)cautifulcwelat xty-iuiri btre futcs' zRJjf on tlfc I DeJfrallle resfri cilur oaic a r are County, ct Terminal Lollmguale resrnctions. t-- v w ' ' ' W ent'atives are on the field in 3 minutes for a 5 -cent fare. Red property every day, including Sundays "A New Thoroughly Modern 12-Room House, $4875 Clifford B. Harmon & Co. 1437 Chestnut Street Bell 'Phone, Sprucei-tOTS; Kejratone 'Phone, Ka.ce 29SS neprcSentatlvcj on Property Erery Pay, Indpdlns Sunday iiivood Atenue Home Willi (lamee. linllf nf univ hlunriysecond floor and stucco above. A massive stone porch copped with, Indiana limestone trim lends to tho exterior a prepossessing appearance. The first floor consists of living room 12x25 feet, with practical stone fireplace, large dining room with bay-window facing south, kitchen, pantry and summer kitchen l well lighted, sanitary basement with laundry- and toilet. Four bedrooms, with roomy closets, bath and sleeping porch on second floor, Stoieroom op tliltil floor. The home is furnished throughout in period furniture and can be Inspected dally or Sunday from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m., or by appointment. Pries $"50i, terms to auit purchaser, without furniture, Lot 50x151 feet Adjoining ground can be purchased. . Colonial. Dutch cjolonial and modern type of hqmes, $5500 to J80D0, They are detached homes buyt on largo lots, Bywood Is a lestrlcted suburb. V. GILPIN RODINSON ALBERT F. DAMON, Jr, FRANK W. STOUT, Sales Manager, Mall Addre... Upper Darby P. O. ie;tpnone-ruui3uawno sju. Agent on me premises u.very .uay. inoiv iiywoou, aoa-it want 10 ue mere. saass CITY CITY Pick wjck Street lilfll nmuBciiiiiiiiiiK BSsmsH -pm USJIl KUIfiS INJflE CI1W siooa of tte J&OiH ana yoa nf foi MttUfT t pia.. Jj J. to. Home. ymtHe l.Uh.s.tfow'fn M JIot-liatrVlfJI- I0 - I BACK UTl'lVlS YH1 ns. &l VcrtSnlfO St H" ''torta ana IPS fpwJ?57i7Rent noujps Kusraaiecil 19 uittsiac ..Jr.f.... too si w ijri, Ae. 4r,ci f f '' m uau.uu f jr i'JSHO Tata Expeaui oer KrTSES . rejr llst.EQ .if 138.20 la 2 mart jears tsr lll U so tliriud stailaa y tlotky sway. BEST BDltDIKC BA tnH rianncil wlU O"" wv-"' (WCUPJ 1Sn r'ncli JMoli fwv w-., Hain I.WKgrjIEN Frankford 6e. Tutal ClDesiea 1 pvr owuto i" Iltulcd SUM) 1st motimai) 'i Innrlvaira lie it j riMuirvj 1st llort.. V"1 at S a-lQ IHl.tO Tax ptr rear 27.00 Water Kent UMO Bl&(. lan. IT per mo.. ILOQ Toul raadr tiptamt HttJSOi 400 Built acd Sold to SatlsfUd Jurchaseri MATTilEW W. DOUGHERTY, Builder sua sMMMmm oslwte. ,tMvmuH xtm. MS KSrMtSpSaKiSK3i - 1 .FAEM AND GABDEN PAKM AND GAEDEN 1 I.. " i , i i . i . i . i i , .iii.i sa. ' i ' ' fiaaW Garden arid LawnFurniture Many designs to cjiooss from." Special design furnished. We also make every kind of Pergolas, Garden Seats, Arbors. Ticelliagesi Gates, Porch Furnitwre, Wwdow Boxes etc. CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION FREDERICK R, GERRY CO. 18U Market Street, Philadelphia qmrnmsm' w "jp tjpn tPSFW nwiHagi miiiaipTrjr.F