w - sag EVENING LEDaER-PHILADflfcPHTA TUESDAY, I -w J- V U i JJ I U I ., . i I i r i i i "if ' i ' - - - -a 3&M ."J t I"- 4 I i ia xtr , 1 haiI. Kttrnftlvfki hlch r... fd im Ihir. !(Jr' I i.l. I1R liAftnEn. iiARtMAtf 'st . feheler nnattments: exeeo- M and 4h flortf suite! 2 bath ever mod tmn'mentt Rttt et"im belt Inducted. VTMArJ CO 12(11 ChestnuL. iAMI . l.lt ,.. v cnri-) nnmn una ram inc ,. HO tin: reference feniltrcd. AD remises, or phono Walnut 72P0. FORD ST (cnr. mHHInl Two large And bthi single room. unfurnished. PARKSIDE 40T1I AND ritnAftn ave. OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT PARK. . mir lines of cars: rpnven! Pi .the city, nil large, outsl Cuisine particularly ntti phone HARtr. vement io an sections utslde rooms. ttrnctive. IINfl 221. LARES IIAt'ltKLOIl APARTMENT8 nnnA.nn.17 i.tmt.mv ht. fllnala vneahey. with nrlvate hAth: furnished; electric lights, hot-water henu cozy, eanl tsrj quleti tsn, Apply Janitor, or phono Mftlnnev. Wafnilt A.HR THE OLADSTONE To sublet, nttrnetlvs . apts. 8 3 rm, nnd hnth. rail nr phone No. B2. new JEKHIIY seashore OCEAN CITY. M, J, If you hro looking for rooi apis, as you Loeksle; rooi apts, ask nny.rrni estate ngcnt to show rou I-oeksiey italic on llclwK., n leautlfully fur. C, A. Dor, lilt N nt I lth ,st. iin.i'nun. rURNISHED APARTMENTS TO SUBLET A furnished apnrtment In tho Olndstone for tho summer: southern ex posure and very comfortable, Apply Huston, Apartment OT. LION'S RAD i2is-is locust. ilF4 XlUJllJ Ap(i n( room, am, batli Went Philadelphia) BATTERLEH APTS., ir.th nnd Chestnut rur nlshed apt, for rent Proton. 8121, HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS U, B. COIl. 17TH AND WALNUT BTS. The newest and mot distinctive apartment house. Desirable sullen; from "2 rooms and tmth to 7 rooms and n hatha, lu.room suites with southern, eastern , and western ex posures. Apply on premises or phone wal but 0929. mrtiton iv. onnixts, 210 rrnnUlln Tlank lildir. APARTMENT BUREAU Apartments exclinlvely(everyrfhre.nll prices I'lione walnut nna. frnnKiin nana iiiqk. TiicntrsoN. wTTTIoi rfr.w t".Y r t iFinihi i r.n MUlIHlilililil'JU Al'AIUSIIiaV.ni VM1I DBSiriAiii.K: j4o, ..ianitou unitvici;. 18TH. N., 1718 Five lame, lluht rooms and bath: modern: wlilto onnmolcd, THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT . Ilut suppose. Instead of tryln. all these dlfTerent woy. you Just call nt this office -the lamest, n,ost ttractle and tiest equipped In Philadelphia, devoted exclusively, to s-cur-Ins Just what they want for particular peoplo Tell us your requirements, Every .desirable apartment In Philadelphia is listed with ur may b" rented throunh us. tur ntitomnblles are wnttlmr to taho you tn tho list of prop erties you designate, nnd with tho least pos sible effort yoj will seeuro the ono apart ment In Philadelphia, which most nearly ap proaches your exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1111 WALNUT ST. .npruca aim. Race 302,". THE WARWICK lOUd-OM-ll) Hansom st. . , A modern 7-aiory fireproof building, contain ing suites of apartments bavins 4 to 0 rooms with all conxnnlencea for housekeep ing. The entlro water suui'iy In this build ing Is filtered. Thero nrn 2 nr .1 desirable vacancies: ono suite, on the Bth floor, con taining 0 rooms, nt IBB per month, and one on tho 3d floor, at J3U per month. Thero Is n. caterer In the building, who will servo meals when wanted, cither In tho public dining room or In tlio apartments. WHITESIDE A AIcLANAIIAN N. W. cor, lath and Pino sts. , NORFOLK APAHTMENTH Desirable 4 and ft-room npnrtments near Park: janitor service; rcusoniible rentals. HBCHTBL. 3232 Rldfe nve, , im MODERN, turn or unfurn, apartments, Northwest I'hlln. nnd Tioga, seo us first. HCHOKPPr A CO., lBl7Montcomery ave. . tlOUSEKlflfplNO apts,", ull purts ot city; rents 125 to 170 per mri. call, phone or write for Infor. Haml. Btern, 1201 t'hestjniut. WEST PHILADELPHIA THE RUTLAND APTS.. JUST COMPLETED, LOCUST ST.. 5 ITU TO B3T1I ST. f-rooms-and-bath apartments, with nil the ateit conveniences, J4H to Mi.Sii per month, ROHEIir PITTS, AOENT, Rll phone Helmont 4 133. St43 Locust St. ' thr'netherlands ,,, several dksiraiu.e vacancies 43d, 44th and chestnut sts. - rooms nnd Imtbs, 7 rooms nnd bath. JBO PER MONTH AND Ul . CHARLES II. RUCKLE Y, 31 fl. 40tll St. DRKXBL APARTMENTS OVEIUIHOOK STATION One housekeeping suite, tl rooms nnd bath. 183.31 per month: public dining :oom. Phone Ovl brook 0328. ESSEX. 34th and Chestnut; Monterey. 43d nnd Chester; Helmont. .11th nnd Spring Oar den. Inquire Janitor or Crease, 30i Halo Hid. HANDS, turn, u cm. cor. . apt. In newest apt. .nouse; niry, uieni inr ur eumiir-r, .w I'h Pres 0378J, mm to city Hall: Im pos SURURRAN THE OTHER DAY my very good friend. THE MAN WHO 1IUII.T THE CRE3HE1M VALLEY APARTMENTS" Inv Red me out to pay them a personal Mslt, In order that I might sen fur miself how very nttraitlvo these apartments really were. My expectations were high, but I was In no sense prepared fur (ho delightful surprise I received Novcr have I seen such truly beautiful apartments, nnd the locution, too. Is quite ferfect directly lit Allen Lane Statloiieon he Pennsylvania Railroad, with all the trains In the world stopping Juit far enough across the way, And trees, flowers, crass, pure air the great outdoors all uhout one. l nave seen many apartments, uui i You can sccuro one of these truly finllsht- iui suouroan urunmonis jusi order for the kiddles ns long ni mndo lo t lie ru nr any Jen tor say iiu to uu. nnu it ncuitn, happiness, pure air and sunshlno meun much to you and your family, cams to our office; let us tell you all about these truly delight ful suburban apartments step Into one of our ful suburban apartments step Into one of our autos and then Kill, you know the rest for you really deserve ono ot Ihesa apart rnents. ' NORSTAN B. BHERWOOD - --. .r- -"---. .... . ..-.,-.- . .-;--.- .-Tr IH HANUT UTt'L' Boruce 3071. Race 3023. APARTMENT HOTELS ALDINE HOTEL chestnut and The best rooms and suites, . with the best table, in Pliila. .Day, Week, Month, Season, Year HOTEL COLONIAL spruce at i yr J: .. ELEVENTH A Select Family Hotel. European, or American P.lnn'. Cuisine Unexcelled. Special Weekly or Monthly Rates THE DBLMAR-MORHia OERMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE. STATION. PENNA. BTITl'"lAlPlNAL.11INU'rKa i'n0il UK0AD ATTKAUTlVKI.r KUJlNiaiiniJ AND UN. KWNIHHnD SUITES AND HOUSEKE.BP- X-r At-AHTMENTS. THE COVINOTON CHESTNUT AND 87TH BT8. li. P. ENOLB, MANAOER. Also tl ho.Enrleiia., lioach Havon, N, J,. Iholc- two-room mltt for rent. THE GLADSTONE "TiTIAgTlNB FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ABSOLUTELY FIKEPROOJ THE TRACY PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT OUE3T3 86TH AND CHESTNUT TUB DASHWOOD 1808-1 810 Chestnut st. Rooms with l thi single and In suites. REAL ESTATE POR SALE CITY MODERN CORNER RESIDENCE, cntrli!s. trlct: 14 rooms, -I baths. 0 openrh-tvUsC; hot-water heat; and electric flnelcVndl. tloai I23.0OO. INTER CITY IH-ALTl" CO.. lit South Ilroad. ! " M ' ' " I I WE HAVE som choice, horns: ;est- menc properties ia ail. pans prices r-nln from, f 10 ity: 10 to erm . CAMERON ESTATES, 2811 Kensington, ays, ' MONEY FOR MORTQAQES BulltJin A ool at Ion and Trim Fxui. TAUt-ANB, B00 Walnut it vH w .iiui.iu, lttos ixicust sT; J H uorae, modern 4-story brawtstonafTdwslI , Inr: especially fitted for professional ortlcu: j low price, and easy terms tor quick sale. ON- -.QUA RE, from proposed subwar, cr Rroad and Erie ave, 3-story brjck houie, 10 rooms, well rented, good Investment. V. W. ROOQENTINB. 6330 Oermantown avo. CENTRAL PROPERTIES for sa , or nar. T-LHIinW YAN PELT N. . cor 17th and Chestnut 1 TJHpKNT" WATER UfiTBlf J'hlla, Meter Co ft 943 Real Kstata Trust Btde.Hv H. STH.. 14TH AND 13TH VAnVuvrP IKS HKLLl&S OR lmViTEBSTfAsS BEAI. ESTATE TOR SALE V CITS CditflHtffrt rout rrfocrflnff Column cONTnrtt.t.TNfi rr.wmAt, ponttun In it locution where big Improvements are winn mn.uc, j. a. fAttersoN, iao s. isth t DANIEL A. MINN1C1C Heal estate: Insurance ,, V 1 .Mortgnges J . . Conveynnclng ' Hull, Una associations 1830 Ridge nvcmio. prior reduced must .re fi j.'.j. vir, :isi nnn vvnnnce; mjxiut . MAU8IIAI.Ii.H. HMITlt. 1011 Chcirtmit 232 N TAHIv AVU. rorch. la rooBt, lot 16ln7; rirrllent nelahhorhood. n 1V1I, O, Ol.n.NN, 1H17 Columbia aje 2.1 INVRHTJir.NT 1.1 hou"a"Trrnprthwit renting 17i price 117001 800 cnah ywfeh re ija.1!?- H. ainaer A Bon. 18th and Orecr... llnllillng Ixila, rnctoiy flltn, ttcj onot'vn ron lum.nEitntXiKht. AA ex- chnnnd. AUtlUST n8CIHlftT13. iltll I Oormantown ave . CltOlCtl TIUIMJIMO T.OT3,And Inn trncta urounu in nil rnrta or rjtyinlaa ovortvo mrr. altra, Melvln. 1B1B1H ltffll t:t, JTrifiP Hid.. ileo ovor .0 mfr. io jiii'n nun. line iota in o'rruantown on Bu-it Wl.l. & fa..... .1 u lu.'..,..l ..I. W. AUMBTUOyQ. ,.,..- nurni, ih.-ii HIIII IIIIJUIF"!. . . mhtiionq. 421.1 oermanromi are ivnsT riiit,AinT.rniA 4723 UAZF.J, AVR, r)t 21x1011. MWi aide yard, a-atnry rMldnc, ajM(i ?n()0! ay trrmat Ihlnir hall, white Enamel rtnrah: you will be nruonl'hcct nt tho vnllin oltered: or. nt t.i:00. will Inatal ctcctrla llzht and hoi-water beat, POTTH &.Ton'NsnNr n nail itnilro aye. 4712 WINDflOIll AVUNIIIJ Sloflernlred fl-story and attle house, equipped with hot-water heat, electric Ihcht. electric fireplace, solarium Inclosed IpVtrlaas and srreen, 15x18: InstnnlanrouVi V""-water jirnt; owner leavlno- city, will Vccit $8000 less than cost: don't miss lt WJt W, Quirk : Hro.. Inc . 8 fl -I0lhst.j 13100 R rooms, hot-water heat, aas ajid elec tric llaht, parquetry floors, ahoitVrpl'lth, kss Kitchens nnd all other modern nnomtments. ijANini, ;iiAivi'"otiDit iiC7iL.ui:n, finili nnd llndsfld sis. FlVi: HI'NDUIID l)QI,LAll' INVEHTHD Wlf.I. CIIV1! YOU (I.13 A VEWt rwcoMii from ono ot our hnuses.Como ott nnd see for yourself, John P. Vei, fin HI IVIllows asr. S4flUU UNCCIUAI.DD IIOMKH, fillttl it. above I.ansdnwne axe., every itpown ropAonli JAMErl r. KNIllCKcl. lIullJiV, rnce. Stores and Duellings 8-BT0RY HOUHU AND STORE, lISX a'V'lEY, BUh nrilT Bprlngflera. OERMANTOWN RTRMTOIM Suburban, houses. of VAhe bet-O-J-iiN-UiN ter qualify. Iocaldo hlch ground, with Ideal aurroundlngaVwIth or without parago: trains to Btenton Btatlon, Iteadlng1 ltallway. Chestnut 1 1111 Division: or rtrUo out Hlenton ae. to 0800 North. MAtlRAN. DOLALVN & CO.. 23D Land Title liuildlng. , . ONLY I30.1O Detached: your own .terms; 7 rooms, bath and laundry: porch. 0300 Ross at.: lot 20t80. -'N, M r II. MEEIfAN. 0747 Qermantolfn 112110 CORNER: room for cnrnce;; II Hyd- nAy: 7 rooms, bath, luuudryi hi IOE-W41' neat; eipf-Lrin mrm. A. R. MEEIIAN. 0747 Oermantown ae. ITTOU ARE LOOKINO FOR A HOME,fn Oer mantown, Mt. Airy or Chestnut IKN. consult me. A, R. Meehan, 074TOermantMfn nve. BJOI LOOEtNQ roifA HOUR Wo-Jitve) the one you want, IJ U. iarK aui C012 fiermantown nve, . Tulnchocken st esstTt tler- mnntown nve. J. Jl. CHADWIQH Is CO.. B022 Ocrmnntnwn nvo , WIJ CAN assist you to find that houso you are looking for. Oermantown -Trust CoVOielten nnd Oermantown aves. ) Mt. Airy, Oermantown NEW SALE AND RENT LIST RIXDT. Pelham. Mt. Airy and bhestnMIIII. PELHAAI TRUST CO., 0740 Oermarttdwn aye. I.OOAN BAROAIN I I200i worth $4500: UlSWlnd rim, 2 sty,: modern: hot-water heiri: excel lent Mew: lot Siixluu; tet tmp't it convoy nnclng Included. Oscll, IBS W, Ulrnrd nve. lien pnone. . LOO AN REAL ESTATE V, BAL13. IlENT AND EXCIIANOC- 1 M, M. Smith. Ilroad et...opp. lcan ptntlon. REAL 13STATE. mortgages and conveynaUnr, WJI. D. CHAM HERS Al s 4033 North llrosd st P Tlogs VE HAVE THE HOUaiUrOtT WAN IN TIOOA OR LOOAN ' S .. KENNEDY A RAMHO, 374(1 OEHMANTOWN 1H1B I'IKE ST.. 2 story, porch-front modern dwelling, ri rooms; large aru: s-ioiii e a Tlf NORTH PHTI.A. JUL' lijj vi Oak Lane NEW CORNER PROPERTY Every . modern Improvement, hardwood y floors, iiKMace, etc.: price 7flOD. ) " WM. RARR. 8th and Oak Lane! PENNSYLVANIA flUnilRHAN - AMHr.Eft V,i have a snlend 1,1 nnVrfnir of largo and small rnrms ot ail Kiniis.veuitaitie for all ournoses. extensive countryJnlaces, suburban homes, building lots, etc - advise us character of property you desire, how much you want to invest and let us submit Mill special list II. J. Dagcr. Inc., Ambler, Pa COLWYN. PA. Desirable twe-storx, side-yard dwelling; lot 20x80 feet. 7 rooms, (Ham. mod ern conveniences, price 111)00; eniry terms. YOt'UM & POWERS CO.. ' 20 8. IBth at-Cfl( Woodland nve. DARUY. TA. With lot 3Jx209, 3-stdrvi 9. room dwg.: h.-w. heat; poultry housel fruit; SUSHI): little estate. Swopd A Sons? oth A Muln,parby. DRBXEllrniLL Valuable farwrso acres, ad. joining Lirexoi inn; large sinner uweiung. barn und tenant house. HARltx w isi . KOCH, Drexel Hill. notiEwooD pajiiv In the henrt of thefamous j CHELTEN HILLS I High, Healthy, Picturesque, I Fine Winding Rondwajs Vl SPRINOFIELD WATER, (IAS Etc. Restricted l,ots 1(10x200 nnd I.urgor. HLKINS PARK STATION or York Road Trollev nt Ogonts It) MILES TO CITY HALL For particulars apply to C V. HA1IRRHUBH, Sales Agent Phnnn Onlc T.nnn 177 V. i-nono unit i.ano in vv, Seventy-Bret nve,. Oak Lane, riiMn. STONE Choice business or flsldeiltlal store or homes. IA ' H. H. ADELMAN, Eddystoiie, Ta. 1808 Seventy-ltrst nve,. Oak Lane, PMIn UDUYaTUNi;- iois. ELKINH PARK New Colonial dwellings 12 rooms, a baths; high elevation; close. to 1st. t ion. price im boo. Mccormick AfMccbit. MICK. 1011 Chestnut sf. nnd ElklnS yark. OLENSIDE HOUSES AND LOTS, every de script tort, RENNINOER RENNINOER Ilroad 'and Wnlnut sts. HIOHLAND PARK 13500. Urnnd-nev . Jl-rtora bungalow: hot-water heat.sfelec. alidjtjas. CIIESTBR OSHORNE. 1B24 Chestnut St. ' LLANKRCH Splendid homes along tbVTird- l.ll.,. .An. Cl.,1. . n-...-..!,. 1 lln. eluding Highland Park., urookllnel'.Houth Anlmore, Ookmond nnd Ardmorei 8BC0 up. Ardmore! J. ELMER WATTS Llanerch. MOORES 100 building lots, ots, rips' I str-iel froi io tJofct hv, oresr-K PA,0.P front- Improvement: duimi reet si sirei .03 fare to Eddvstona ter. O, W. MOORE. Moore . TROOPER. PA. rTlly: AN ESTABLISHED suburban cotniiunl cent fare to Norrlatowni nrcealanj five. atari central school: postofrlce. store; 100-foot lots, isuu upwara; sena iorieanet. BROWN '& CLOUD NORRISTOWN, PA. Ai v BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE, C miles cast of West Ches.tr: all modern Improvements: 10 acres ot ground: price 'will bo made attrac. live CHAS. yx MEELL. JR. Real Estate and Risurance, 1418 Walnut st. RUILDINO LOTS! T VEWnrpU ELlfNSPARIC SOxlBO CO giSo 60xl7) TOxlBO or larger lota to Jull your pi ihuit. Dunjslow SUSS 40UU orwi upwaru. ' ' RIIOAba A PAUL . 13.1 8. 6th st.. and Elklns Park, choice RtHLDiNo ar4 UR P. ToVnIbNDv La ligHor ARTHUR fcL RENT BUUURUAN HOMES FOR. SALE Real Estate Trust Hulldjpr.l SUfiURUAN REAL EStT-JT Any price. .All locations. Sale prJrent. rv fatf cirArliK j. limju ij., iiortis ui 8tJ ACRES, grain and n-p pose irm. on Bethlehem pike: stone bulldtiigst nSptrlR, town. S300. A. H. Tyson, LansdaIe.,Pi .rut. , te SELECT Properties -Country .."ssats, ihrmi TH.t orders now, X.EWIS V, U act) lip 4k BON. 1411 South Penn tl. FOUNDEt T7tl. SUUUnuAN. HOMES. ,countnr, places and bulldlot sites, tq.su t all requVemsstiri Mala Line. It. o. iiuTit. vvayne, i-a.-N ' tmil estate. k,.M.lfntf eltes. etc. ITARI1IS. res LAiiOE UST OJ? SyOUnBAN.HOMEi. sale OPPOSHe eianmi. .i-tu.nu, , or rent, on tne Main ijins or Keaaimj k, Wlili; WILSON A CO Morris BulMfot Jl. iut SUBURBAN ,RESlDkNCE8 for saly ror renti attractlvo locations, prices. right. Mkurtps . Hoover, HesPKstata Trust Bldg. (T Vi IAIN XTNK. PA.. P. B. B. 'ltTfr4Si5u,E I0U8B MinilRrtTH STONE -" tt nnouu CORNER JT NEAR 8TA,l5bN WARNOCK fc EMLEN. CommePj Tr. Bid. j .rMi'-ri NARBERWt--Cornst lot, MonUoraagy ave.. BOO by 11-W. wttb 18-room JtoceUi tram house; cheap for .quick turn. Walter a. Smith, 0U Drxl road. 'jMARiJERTU JJrandj-tnw CiWtvenkres, J3500 upt deucbeJ Louies, all (inward. lIAKItla. r.jf ssuto, cvpesUs stitlwa. NaritU.-ft'a-, REAL ESTATE P0R SALE Coflflnurd tromJtrtetUng Column npav -ir.usnv srnurtrtAN IIADDON ItRIOHTS For sale, eautlfol 11 room detached corner house, reirlatatlont nil modern eonr.t hUh rroundilwlIMsacrlflca for oulck sale; must bo aeeW to ber ap- K eclated. FK1E3 k CO.. HaiMon lIelhtN. J. UADDO.V HKIOIITB DON UK tlPPINl kCOTT LOTS AND UOJIE3 DDON HEIOHTS, Nf J. ni.LET MPP1NCOTT. IIAI TVII TOMS IIIVKR COMPt,ETKt.Y nnd modern equipped cottane. commodious llvln. dlnlnar, baih, .three bed rooms nnd Kitchen, lartre cbrrerfjot. beau tiful river view, V. O TaylorrtMlfcoln Illdtr, WOODIIUIIT HBinilTS nig redue r mis, if a; gee toioer. u. hni . Nmv Ji:itsnr srsim VENTN'OIl, N. J. till N. enrri' rooms and bnthj $3fl00. Inter io.iii( n iiroao si WIliDWOOII CHEST lir.n each. lots: oiner anrrinces; snort ni lieach. V. V. Ttj, 1472 N. f2d COTTAOn ntuape May or Ocean City, erected to your smi. faction ; attractive, plans sub mitted free by the reliable buluref.tOTIB U. TOWNHBND. Ocean City. N. J. v FLORIDA , , JIENB EOOS MONTST This Is the combination youiM wh'n yon purchase ono of our Co-ojfenaUva roultry and Err Farms at Moore llavehj1 Florida, .. . WB OIVE TOU rREB . 1000 fllNQLE-COMn WI11TH LEOHOnN CHK'KENfl two ttnooD bow rton Membership In tho Moore Haven Co-operative .Association, .write, phone or call for our free booklet, which explains RtlTAN A I.KNKEL. 413 Commonwealth Trust. Ilulldlnn. 12th and Chestnut sts,, .Philadelphia, Hell phone. Wnlnuf ur aiup. PENNflVLVANIA rATlMS 187 ACRES, near Mjiln Line P. per nrre. J. II. THOMPSON. West Chester, ra, HIHSTOte Altra"ctTve country homTiTljonvs. : near Delaware Illver: 1 mile trolley:' rtKun- dance fniltjll33n.Dresser, I!urIlnBton,N.J. 8 ACniSflTnear Phlla. and Western rflfMrlci eione nouse, ii rooms; stone nnvmwuii Him. J. M. Fronefleld Wayne. rn, i fl FAItMH In 4 States: cataloue,fs.lg.ck,s Farm .Agency, 31B Stephen Ulraru lndg,, 21 3. lath at., Phlla. . , NEW .TEHSl.r TARMB tvl ONE-APRH FARMB, nearest to Phlla! Win nnd trolleyi write for pimphlet, HARLOW A CO.. Maple-Shade. N J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT FACTORIES MILLS WAREHOUSES Acres with TU R. aiding. Every purpose. W. Bruce Barrow, 180 N. 12th St CITY CENTRAL I'ROPEtyrffcs For. sale nnd rerttl D. WINCHEI.L. 17th"A Sa JAMEB 't Bafsomsts. 2110 N. 2IVTH ST price reduced. 0-rooni dwelllnlfLnll convs. ; f ..; . MYERS A IIARTH Ridge nve. andy10th st. CITY AND SL'RURIIAN propo or rent. Lower Merlon RitTt l.nnn Title minding. Phlladclpi HtlY A HOME Monthly pay! n, t'niin. ana iiermnniow: Aiercnants union Trust ci REA ESTATE TO ANQE LET me exchange your property; I have satis lied others: let me satisfy you. ARTHUR J. I.EUPOLD. 1218 Chestnut st. REA ESTATE WANTED WANT listing of city nnd suburban properties, II. II MrfOLLt'M. 1314 Wnlnut St. "Don't Forget the Number." GREAT demand for dwellings, rent J2.1 to SS0. J. EDWARD LUTZ 21(1 N, 17th at. QUICK SALE for any real estate nt reason able price, rent collected: mortgage loans. Minium ij.i i;i,i,, -,i.- in. iiicn sr. RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort rnges and fire Insurnnce placed quickly. See Kane for prompt results 3328 Tnsker st. REA ESTATE POR RENT CITY IF YOU ARE LOOKINO for nn nttrnctlve home, be It ilwelllntr nr nnnrltnenf . cnll. phono or write to this office; everyldeslrablii property Is listed with or may lip rented through us. ami our nutnmoblles nrrt ot your eryice tn help sou to obtain Just wrint you ile-ilre with the lenst nosslble trnubl NORMAN S SHERWOOD, lilt Walnut at. tlpnice 31)71. Race ao.M DARIEN ST. N., 103.1 Nenr Columbia ave. station: .1-story dwelling. 0 rootm, Inclosed shed and bathroom; elegant order; nlileyard; suit flrst'Class colored tenant: rerrt lAw, WM. L. CRAVEN'S SONS. 1B40 N, 7th St. STORE3 AND DWELLINO.S In nil sections of city. See our list In the I-edger Saturday. PA.V1UI.I, I I-IJA l.UT B. E, cor. Dtll and Callowlilfl send foii ottrt nErr i.tn THE LAND TITLE AND THUS Ilroad nnd Chestnut sts CO. 8321 KENSINOTON AVE. Fine stexe,and dwelling, 8 rooms, bath and heater. 123, Apply 3121 Kensington nve. , 2BB B. 10TI1 ST. Suitable for hvalcfanr 14 rooms nnd 2 bathrooms, EDOAR O. CROSS, 1411 Walnut st. 403 RIOllTEIt ST.. Wlssahtcken 7 iponisT porch: tlrst-clnss condition: 120. J AT.IIRECHT'B. 2414 W. l.ehtgh ,ve 1122.122 MONTROSE ST. Neat itsioom dwelling, contains range, bath. etc. Key 028 S. 23d st. ., STORE FOR RENT, no dwelling, tl! good business stand. Apply 28th and Humjngdon tlenj homes: "WSJ ifalirave.! P) tlti, nealty irneic of "sn ftnnce from clles f0r sals (Ttyj Company, yPj! meni17to IB0I nrt.HVl to S7UUD, o(. iirnu i cnesinur. EKOri RENTAL 1,1 STB K S. 43d st ...120 1023 IngersoR St.. .114 Iflil N. Fnlrhlll. ., 0 2221 Orlanna ,. ... 10 2S0S Irflthgow ... 11 320 Indiana .J . , IB 308 Cambria 12 m.1.1 N. Caniao . . . 2.1 0 Myrtle II 20111 Catharine ... 8 ALFRED H. WILLIAMS B2- Walnut Bt. Business Properties ami Stores RANK ST.. 2 1-20 Corner. 4-story, ryl bulldlnr: .(SAMUEL s-txi-i: sieani neat, eiecirio ngni v, i.iivia. ileal listnte Trust Stores anil Dwellings 1 room conveniences: irood business locatlcrnli- MYERS A IIARTH., Ridge aye, arkl 10th St. 1718 8, TTH ST. Store and dwelling; -floTlo-ration: any business I MYERS A RARTII. Ridge nve and, lOlh St. Factories. Warehouses. Mfg. Floors Metropolitan BuildinBNp Fireproof Rim. 8000 to 40 000 sq. ft.. Cheap power. Ar, O EO. F. LA S1IER.14T N, Yoth St. 4TH ST.. N.. 110-23 . Manufacturing floors: steam heat and power. Apply Penna. Co.. B17 Chestnut st. HA.VB PARTY who .will ereot bulliflnr. cen tral or other location, for aatlsfaqtbl'y.ten ant. DIETERICH. 787 WaTnut st. FACTORY riXlOHS and'wareroomS, large and small, centrally located. I r HAittiY , oaunur.ii3, ai a. tain at. 7S0O SO. FT, 3-story brick; Just renovated; J. A, MIDDLETON. Wldener Bldgl.sPhila DESIRABLE 2d Uoor, 18x80. for manufactur. lag, with or without power; well'fjghled. Apply 232 Quarry at. r OFriCE9. HU8INE83 ROOMS. ETC. DREXEL JILDO, -OFFIOEa.. Annual (ent Rentals, Hlnsla rooms. tl20.tinO.12nO.122S.930ll.I4BH. Suites 2 rms., 144.tlSO,17B.t2UO,l223,2S0. Suites. 3 rinsr75.l4U0.MS0,iB0O,tt)0o'i780! Corner suites, 8 tp 8 rooms. 300 to IHiso. ELLIS P. WILLIAMS. B6l) Drexel Building. ncnu nuibuinu. 1211-17 .filbert st- Centrally located; all convenienses: rents at traetlvsly low; service conveniences. CENTRAL OFFICES. STUDKI9L. AND BUSINESS PROPERTJESr J . C. FULLER. 10 S. 18TH T. ivn.virr ST.. 430 fPann Ilullrflm Large offles. law rents: for lnsurancetroi r and agenis. cja i..iiaie.o, iuu aaaso c. Professional Offices PROFESSIONAL RUILDINO, 183U8fetnut st. A few suites for physician or tfentlits. J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut andT18th. WEST PHILADELPHIA J10 B. 48TH ST. On of the mdr"ttrVctlve nomes in ,uw a. avwvivu. tuawBr neat. hardwood floors. 2 baths. IBS. TAYLOR V bUN. z. anu a.00. luio. S-srORY TWIN. HOUSES, porch froht. 11 rooms and batbt excellent condklodJ IJ3. JJ?VX. IBO IB ROOMS; running water; large aid yard; 02d near Parkalds. HAMlIONb. 1472 B2d St. OEKM-NTOWN ONLY 160: old shade. 3H acres; stone house, ggs. electrlo llgbt: aU coavenlencsip,ms.! 5 batbs. large stable- Ki A R. M-EHAN. B74T oermantow ave I1O0 CORNER. Vernon road and Anderson: "detached lot. 80x175, 10 rooms, i? haftts, tit water heat, electrlo lfi-ht. iH A R MEEHAN. U747 Oermantown. 150 -UOVVEN AVE., 10 rooms, bath-laundry Iot83x20U. t27, twlo,633 Wrto.. 43x120. 8 rooms, bath ' F A. It. MEEHAN. 0T4T Oermantown ave. ' 30 DWELLINGS. 11 ROOMS , ' Send for List rVV Coat ental-Enul table Trust Co.. 31 M. 12th. Wayna Juuctlon '-fife stitluu. VtfXVMH JtlKCTlON in. Cheape, oust Ocalrabl S-atonr parvn-front hoi 995r J (i. 2 mulea- wan. tn stataoo. .135 f. 9t st.t atova act-D town, av. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Conflnuert rem Prrerdlnu Column PENNSYLVANIA SCnt'KIUN UAIjA 3-story 10-room porch dwelllnoWlori- veniences: rent n,i per montn: lua amn ave, J. , J. TunSEIt, 1201 ' Chestnut St. BAI.A-CTNWVD Large list housejiXsnTe or rent, at all prices, BAMUEL C. ftONEn, .Tr... Commercial Trust llldg.i 16th itnd Mar ket sts. nOBE VALLET in mlniiTeiTMTiTfMm, Mot. Ian Btatlon: convenient to bothiPmla, nnd Chester: nttrnctlve home; lms.hot-tyater heat nnd evcrynther mod.convi: 8 rooms! rent $30 per mo. wnuesiqe AicLnnannn.iotn rine. ?,1 No. 21 Trevost nvo.i 8 rooms and bath; !1U fnnxjnlences shade A. I , 32.80 No. 1 Oreenwood plaferiOirooms nnd oain: sleeping porchi all convs. old shade. ,iviiN Trsim, wyneote. I'a. Dcairnblo Furnishcr3-pivcllings i'or summer Season MEARS & BROWN ?02 .SOUTH 1BTII BTftBET MAIN LINE. PA,. P. n. It. NAnnErtTIt llrand-nevrhonses. nlUVonvenl enees, tin upward, Harris tleVHcitatt), oppos He Station. Nsrberlh P ' WjrNNEWOOI Foil, IlENT 39 Matrpr road, 14 WfPJ,i-?..t",.,n": ,"T n''l shade: IBS. . WALTER l), SMITH. Wmniwnod. "TRT LINE OF MAIN LINE HOWfJltBT Elltlrif Tftr ! no rani t Mil te.l.i J.imBTaMrMtll.T.tN. West End Trust RUl. uur,iM iiuuniiH. i:(i tn J200 ft 6n various stations Pend for speclalH'stf bert A riarhorn. 201 iHlley ltulldlng. NEW JERtEV BTTllUnilAN "WiP?5! ""r.cm.TH-rMor' letn'cl!etTVdwet!. Ingt large lot. two blocks from Vlatlon; nil ill'llir-linl, It-Ill. Illl r--JRH"S ACO Hnddon Heights, N. J. LTlHi'"l!0RT VENTNOR--Furnlhed cottages. (JltAND, ..Haven and Atlantic. Ventnorlj: tnor. T. 1. furnlflht-.. Ilinrtl ITnlntl ftsran llaox.-.B t ftW m t k. limn k J'onnnuo 1331 A POR RENT FURNISHED CHESTNUT HILL BRVnOAt. jlesirnlile Prop, for sjirrfmeVvs JIINTITRN T. W'niCIHTVjbo. jiorris iniiKiirg. SURURRAN J3.1 Tf7000 MONTH XL Country llnin. 0 to 7t) for application Photos nt ofpe Furnished 1,1st on iipnl C. I. PETERS A RON, 111)8 CHESTNUT AT, NEW JEttlEV imminitis ATLANTIC CITY Near bench. ,5w"th sec- non; j. rooms, s pains, gas npj oiocirio. n.T-i.ii, i.Mi, K.ii, ma, luim Ff Knoll 1 flow, jniercuy iieauy uo., 117 H. ilroad st. MORTQAOES THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING A MORTGAGE Hut there Is only one best wnv. If you deslro n first mortgage or n building nnd lonn second mortgage and value efficient service, tiulck nnd satisfactory results nnd moderate chnrgi CALL PHONE OR WRITE TO THIS OFFICE We are In a position to really secure re sults, which, nfter all, Is more Important to you than nil the promises In tho world. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1111 WALNUT STREET Spruce 3D.1 MONEY FOR MORTOAOE3 JOHN J. HOFFECKER MORRIS RUILDINO FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRINQ PARPEN. AIIHTUR DOSWELL. 233 N. 13th St., hna funds for first nnd building nssnclatlon mort gages. Prompt intention. Moderate cost. ISO TO J2000 ., . To loon on real estnto security: Immediate settlement; pivnblo ns desired. EDW. M MOLL 13.1 8. 12TH ST. MORTOAOE MONEY Sums to Suit First nnd Seconds. O. C. SE1DEL A CO , INC, -un nnu iniinwniu sis. MONEY FOII SIOHTOAOKS LAROE AND SMALL SUMS QUICK ANSWERS W. If HOOD, Bi2 W. NORRIS ST. FIRST AND SECOND MOIITOAOE FUNDS flflll u. ivii.i.LAAin SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS H. REDNER 727 Walnut st MORTO.VOES SECURED BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY DRUMHATIOH A PARKER, INC. 1431 WALNUT ST. Wni?Ttli!T,T, funds roit first and VV UlVlVljiJ-i HRrnMi) MOiiTOAOhs B35 N. 17TH ST MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOE3 T A REDDINO A SON 700 WALNUT ST 52111 SPRUCE BT MONEY for first nnd second mortgages Quick answer. .Low rates William James Kengh, BOS Drexel Riilldlng. " " I HAVE FUNDI TOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTOAOE3. wzl. llAllll. etn nnn w;iinne "TRUST FUNDI FOR FIRST MORTOAOE ltEMCNESH ft STETSON UND TITLE RUILDINO LO-N3 ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable Charges JOHNjR.l!lY07JNilTJTLnnLpO. ""FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D M0RTOA0E3 MORTOAOES FOR SALE TITEO E. NICKLES, 2,113 Oermantown aye. uildino"absociation and" rniVATfa FUNDS ROBERT J, NASH. 1001 CHESTNUT BT. "MONEY FOR WELL-SECURED ntniiTnAOCH 7AME30FRANCI3, 711,1 WALNUT ST. -DEDSbRAWN, tl; MORTOAOES. J1.S0. vALl,Av.l,. 1112 Lincoln limg. notn pnones. FIRST nnd 2d mtgs or on note, any amount; low rntes; Immediate answer F X. Delany, 111" Lincoln Hldg., Rrond nnd Penn Square. "FUNDS I'OR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES run-. ANY AMOI'NT rOTTB A THOMSON. 2.121 Frankford ave. MONEY FOR MORTOAOES lllltlll IO 1UW,UI!II JACOB A. FRITZ, llflil La nd Title Rldg. ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES Quick answer. MAURICE IILIATSINO ER. RI. Est.Tr.Bldg T-nr Int nnd 2d mortgages, any amt.i MONEY building associations a specialty, ZlLOQPSTBIN' 41a Falrmount ave. LOAN-ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable Charges T.F.WIS A CO . 1227 West Olrard ave. ADVANCES TO BUILDERS A SPECIALTY AUVAW.M HAZLrrrr a moss 01 vv,vi.ij l or. iHtST "MORTOAOES FOR BALD In various nmounts: particulars malleil on. application. I'r.Ml.r.iv m.. ......... .....-.. ,.., READY FUNDS for goon nrst mortgages; EfflBi ntjV5ft'-t-3:. 217 8. Broad st. OWNERS If your mortojige has been called. I will take It upi also 2d mortgage money. CTn"HjrhtDnqTrNER. KSQ Chestnut st. ToTNS Large or small sums on real estate. JUOKmeill iiu,t u. "WV li.' ..T J iari. tlecT estates. Dempsey A Co., 27 H. 18th. FUNDS for first and second mortgages, any amount: oulck answers. C1IAH. W. MIL- LE tt. 401-407 Commonwealth a ijdjr .. MONEY for first and second mortgages; build, Ingaas'n and Instalment mortgages, Willis, Winchester Company, 1001 Chestnut st. BPER CENT. MONEY for select loans; funds AUERNkTHY. 133 S. 12th. 2721 N, Bth QUICK ANSWERS on all mortgage appllca. tlons: firsts or seconds; city or suburbs. J ou, ,-Ma". -.... WANT 320,000 for 5 years at 4 li. per cent., or .tl.?1- .. .. n. nan . e-u mttra ol.v ram iu years 'S' V.C'i "VVi"in"Ti"r!:. iver ou yvv i-g... .-.,.... ..... .... ATTORNEY has large fund for first mortgages: also B. a4 L. Asso. fund, for snllt and 2d mtgesTi apt, houses consld. M 740. Id. Oft. MONEY In mtgs.. alsq.bld. asso. tunds... pay- ibis In Instalments, vvooiey. arju w.ntn st, ALL AMOUNTS to loan on tst and 2d mtges. Chasr.De Young. 400 W. End Trust Bldg. MONEY TO XOAN READY MONEY Loaned to Housekeepers You can get 118 to 120 from us quickly. .v7-i.. . ...I.hv.it ran l.n. It ..... : v.! n,.n,hlv navmsnt on SS8 Is enlv Is Your monthly payment on t72 U only d ""' With Interest at 3. Your monthly payment on J133 la only 111 Tour moulhiy payment on iiaot U only Hi VV1U. uivs-vav a. ml. Bee us. writs us or phone Walnut 4S83. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 181 SOUTH BROAD STREET Second Boor. Next to Forrest Theatre. n8 A- ii- to d P. M. Baturday a P. M, YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS. 4EWBL3, ETC. 125 AND UP... , 3 i nno " " , lis ' REIDER'B m ruwsFaviCund oxford bt. 22P AND SOUTH WtiK MONEY leOANEOu belli of lUwettUdes tales: InUrii.1 boaght. . P. V. MARTIN, JEWS suBUm oitaro. iijas-.t 21 v 13 tt 1&B- scrapple n Not n "I'lkcr" THE PADDED CELL 1 ir ' C J- v A A 9 I - t? I vvvJ . i, .ry i " (v I r ei ,PL ! DAUL, CTAWC J Hfr v TODA.V . I Times. I . rQk 4H. i " I A "Robbie. If you'll be quiet for nn S "V ((S it.1 i3 ' V 1 hour I'll give you two centa." Msut tT f ij ' I V ' j "Oca tvhli. I enn't nfford to work vow , VL v " I ' ns cheap m thntf COMMe-MCES I JL TV 'I V 1 - K V y lrA I I Life's Handicap W1 "I 4 UtW ) WwSl ' ! New IfSj-jaS' 4&, S I t IVV 1 nTnT B.K,Z.?MW ';- X l As I ,n' 5TP -i3S.7-'"-i: X$ lJ f . S I --; sjgV rWCoT?rTtT--iS mSTD . K - r-' 1 f"" ".'. J-MRF E 'BftJlTll lTlreer,tJ: - 1 Vf.'. U1IIH ss-r JsssafJsssss- . 4ti. JI .- H I 7W I ! WBWm 1 P&7 lith V Wfvw"1 s?'ilMT vSrtlM v - f n iwnNXmMxgmiti mm MtM2M7 W Pond Mother (nrniitUv. Ant. An vnn I V ' no think o lookB JIko 'ia father? - - ------v Thft Rllrtlflls 1-MMe.4TUlella. P "-W ' . -S"" 'W V ( $ .. ewvsUli,a V ((liyMtliCM-atVtIJ)" If t. y s. "ss. j- ssv .i. Don't you let that worry you. Mrs. X f A,B V wf wM 'i McCarthy, bo lonp; as 'o 'ealthy." S V V V ' 1 WHAT MORE DOES SHE WANT? A Flni2j " Punch duties In the new position?" Wife 'Aren't you brought any relies 'ome? ' "As f,nr I can make cut, I'm Husband Ain't I enough? supposed to do the manager's work so he can piny golf." : i In Darkened London Not All Alike Experience ,;; rlii l iKy) -W -j: LU r? I Vliinl--- h -&& - m Z- iT-i S i The Skstch. Indiscreetly taking advantage of the darkened London streets, when the skies are ablaze we sometimes find ourselves unwelcomely In the search light. Sympathy Wasted I-ady You'll be glad when your time Is up, won't you? Convict No, ma'am. Not partlkerly. I'm up for life! By Standard. The Sniper Back to the Und I WWIN Vffir'' 'A Mystery Wmr mll I 11 I I '! I f farrSL ?r ill 1 I KV-sai I lstaspr I mvirfcrM iTIsl T !! uB -jrs J X5rr!KB jl I I I I KAv oi m IJ- rjt V'fiB8rjyP5atr' M4J 'III BTB It I hBS Nrlil ll III rtviLl mivfl r em2i ijt "L,ir One More Question Precocious Offspring- Pa, may I ask Just one more question? Patient Pater Tea, my eon. Just one more. Precocious Offspring Will, then, pa. how U It that the night falls, but lt'a tne day that breaks ; rc7rirsJ--- "How many sisters have you, BIllyT" "Three, and all grown up." "Single?" "Only one. The other two's twins." Honor Not for Her The Amiable Old Idiot An' ter think I burled three 'usbands, and not one of 'em ever went out of the country an' your 'usband In France already, Well, well, they do git about, some ot 'em 1 First Flapper I can't Imagine how t at secret leaked out Second Flapper Nor I! I'm sure every one I told' promised tp say nothiDjf abouj, It, ri 1 WklH The Small Boy (to his father, just returned from the trenches) I say, you'll cop It when muvver Gees your boots I ' Ostensibly Whiskers Puncb BowL ''Johnny, what does 'the heir up- parent' mean?" "That's what detectives use for disguises," Different Interpretations fe V Comedian DM you score 1 yuor new specialty. Tragedian ld I? Whs er.ca gaica in opensnotj befgro I was Ran tnroug Comedian WyuUerful , dom that a etulre oncei ffiik ir Jrj," x3'rs'l?:ai K'WnJEl9t B!'I SK (n55j) CQ0 fe.s3nfj