T-VUmilSTG liEDBBB-PHIADEPHIA, tfTTESDAY, rAPEIT! tS llTGs m A 1 Iwft Wart A aictlve d ,T Lnt . fof etNwiMrfttton TH11 h Fonnil oa Pore - i , rr i jn ii H i l mil 1 1 i i n r I i I 1 CttXHWCHMAID. maid. whJ seamstr-s. . gHW- Jgrov; ttr. rcq, yn.cncstnot jiiii ui SlMTtrtnia rir fn rJilMrm. rhrslmil II 111 rsnco reonlrt-d. J!t emnlorer Iloom US, 608 Chatnnt at, Wednesday. 12 30. CO(Jlt--WntJ, mlddle-ntcl Prolestant woman asr nrst-riass cookj no asnin or ironine, AMlr after 11 ft, tn on Tuesday. 180 W. nnmi: hlnaton lane. Oeraianto n, COOtC and maid, whit, tor family of 9. Ap ply 833 W. llortter at., Oermanto n. rhona prrmantqwn 2247. CQOfC TmihB woman for cooklnc; two In fatn- , ifrl. 1 week, 223 Bouth 30th at, CtXK and downstairs work; threa In family. tug ChMitsr ave. CWOKINO and downstairs work, Rltl wanted) i family of. two 72in Charlton at., Mt. Alryr JOSEPH O. tJAnMNQTON .. . Require a number or salespeople for all de partments. Apply to superintendent. 1127 Hanaom at. DllESSMAKEtl wanta fairly competent aklrt finishers and waist finishers: come ot once. Adler, 1G32 Walnut. - JDnKSSMAKBItS ,b x r n ii t waist TniMMnns, fif.KKVBMAKEns, WAIST FINISH BIU4 AND IMPROVKRHs BHOP.T ilOURS. t)N 8KASONS. APPLY FilENCjl DltnSflMAKINO HHOP, .ID FLOOFl, MA11KKT STltDKT, STR-VwimiuuK oLo-fmnn. DnK88MAKINO Ist-claas eatab. wanta walat fitter and aklrt Jitter: only let-class help need .. apply. Add. 4tlfi. Irfd. Ilr., Kith and Slaster. Oim,, 18, to naalt in pncKlnff Bupplee-lleave- Whiting Co., 12th and Cherry.T OIRL8 over Id wanted to work In assembling dept. at piecework rates j J4.23 Per week Said while learning-. Apply II. T. Palate, 201 Arch at GIRLS, young, over IB. to work In laundry In all departmental t5 to start: good wagea In ahort time. Apply early ready for work, , 102y Vine, IIOSIERT i:xp. knlttera and toppers, looperaj steady work! also learners! paid whllo learn-Ing-. 1320 North Lawrence-. SotiSEKKEPER. working, one Indy; no laun- dm Prot.; auburbnn townj ref. ren. Meet employer Tuesday, 11 a. m Room 203, (103 Chestnut at. WOUflRWORK, colored: two neat young women for general housework. Including cooking and laundry, for all summer: Chestnut Hill; flat work sent out: maids' sitting room, din ing room and bath: roferenco; state wages. Wrlto J SP), I.cdgerCentraJ HOOSBWORlf Wanted. 2 women for general housework. Including cooking anil laundry: small famllv. Mrs. P. Cabecn, Ooyleatown. HOUSmvORK Olrl, white, for ceneral house. work. Phone Qormantown 4ln2 W. 13.10 East Washington lano, Oermantown, IIOUSEVORK Olrl wanted for genernl house- - TiPSM family, of two. 220S Bhallcrosa ate., Wilmington. Del. HOUSRWOmc Woman must be good cook: ..uprpiicct t in lamiiy. iimi wnring iiaraen si. HOUSEWORK, cen.; settled womnnj asa't cook Ing U light hawk: country. II 420. Led. Off. JIOUSEWORK Exp. girl, genornf housework! . no washing or Ironing; ref. 000 N. 10th st. INSURANCE OFFICE wanta young lady for clerical work: good at figures and legible -writer, P 203, Ledger Office. LADY to call on regular customers with guaranteed hosiery nt mill prices; all or spars time; steady Incomo. Parker Com .pany. 2737 North 12th st, XjAUNDRT Exp. bosom Ironer on press ma- chines: coed nnv: wtttnAtr wnrlr toon rtn.. n?n vtn- IUNDnl Experienced cuff Ironer on press machines: learners taken. 1029 Vine. MHP'-'T?11'1 '"."j'aj.'fonlnc department: learners tnken, 1021) Vine. OPERATORS on ladrea' knit underwoar.steady: goon pay: tinner new management, Bcsflt Underwear Co.. MBS Wakefield St.. Otn. OPERATORS, exp. nn wash aklrts and. dresses: steady work, good pay. II Smiikler.'233 aikt. BEAM8TRESS, Trotestant, capable, assist In light duties: refercnco.il 23d. Ledger Cent. .STENOGRAPHER" Trust company desires 1st class girl of refinement and personality, with ginger; good place for the right girl; salary to atari JtlO per month. J 348. Ledger Central. TELEPHONE OPERATORS WANTED Call to see us In ref erence to learning telephone op erating; very good opportunity for bright young women between the ages 17 and 22: salary paid whllo learning and permanent positions assured.. Tcrsonal application re ceived between the hours 8:30 a. m. nnd St. m. Tho Bell Tolo pbone Co., 400 Market st. TYPIST and clerk wanted in insurance office; R"L'n?' e?n and sptltuds for figures required. m t P 204. Ledrcr Office. WAIST-FTTTEU f For lams dressmaking establishment. Must mo good fitter and accustomed to copying French models! capable of managing a workroom. None other neeq apply Good salary, steady posl- . tlon. Address M 253. LedgerCentral. WAITRK88, exp.. whlf(i.Trotestant. forsui. urbs; ref. required. Phono Chestnut Hill (U. WANTEfS-nrlgbt. refined girl, to look after two 0-year-old boss; German preferred: ref- erences. 800 N. 7th st. WANTED In bosplta chief ntiene; nln hmA ,M,pn ,r iimicrimy, ir ;ui, i.eiser JinCe. WOMAN wanted for general housework: good J5B,5..?0JftH?'lPri-JI'p ,n or out! reference. THAW. 2533 S. 21st st. TWO-OOODwhlts girls wanted with references; one experienced cook and downstairs work, also laundress; other capable chlldnurs and chambermaid. Apply morning. Oh e. Penn St.. Germantown, Phone (Jmtn. 703. TWO HOUSE OUILS. cook, chambermaid and waitress; refs Call Tues. a. m.. 232 S. 22d. HELP "WANTED MALE AUTOMOBILE MACHINIST and lathe hands; out of town work: expenses paid; state ex perlenco and ability; first-class men only. M 254. Ledger Central. BOY. over 16. for errands and office work. Bee Mr. Bhaffner, ledger Central. BOY for office In factory, w. Phlla.; must b neat. Intelligent and write good hand. Ad dress M 238. Ledger Central. . DOT. 18 to 18 years, for. delivery department. w tin reference. Apply Dreka Co., 1121 Chestnut mt.. rear ant ranee. BOY wanteds over ' 16 years of age. for office. work; legible writer and reference. B. F. wwwi, ii.j i,-ncainm si. J"VS sill 1 (.. . . w. aw li o m- mnv-rj ucpaciM-iu, nun reference. Apply the Dreka Co.. 1131 Cheat- "- - Q-4, PMUHIUC. ' BOY wanted; must be over 16 years; rorifec- , tlonery business, 14.50 week. Joseph Casanl. 317 N. 2d st. BOY wanted, about 16 years oldJ for general offlco work and errands. Address II 314, T.,4ra OfH.. T BOY for office ot large mfg. concern: good chance for advancement. P 200. Ledger mi ica. BOY. strong, wanted. In paper box factory, Eugeno K. Plumtey, 1325 Federal. BOY wanted to run errands. Apply V. IL Bmlth - Co., 2d and G reen eta. BOYS Good opportunity for 3 bright boys over 18 to start a career In newspaper work; splendid chance, for advancement. Sea Mr. BaleUb. 4th Boor. Washington Building. COS Chestnut st. BOY. 16. wanted for office: answer in own writing. B 317, Ledger Office. BOTa, oyer 16. wanted in laundry to maks themselves generally useful; wages 15 to start. IU20 Vine. BOYS, over 19 years, with reference. Adama prga mrnpany, 191a ana Jiarast sis. CARPENTEIPB HELPER Young man with soma xprtonci good opportunity for young man with hlso school education; wages ilO to start, stale full particulars. J 232, Led ger Central. MILLIE AND HER ' f- " " AaKfl.V.AM-- .'""- . - tl' ' - ' " III I --. Wa :, a it rr ' a iwu'Ooboicand -z I v,: 7- na -J. HOW ARC YOU? WS5W ik:-: -.. i ti m mi Hwte---j ' ya jprf"uK.jw rtnot-i k-.sBF-cy p- I , T-pi- jt -wBsis-B--- rt t M ftrtNT'TtDP VnilPCft '". -it- S' C -J. . .1 1 JfJ ,' r" v I l-ZJJIJ- JMS ixr J M PRETTY WELL A f r-i V T svml Mm ( 'han.mrs. ) m X jr A3 fTvi s vnnyooLcs, but J X Y S-Btl VkW I'M AWFUL TIRED. V2 I r i L1 VI 1Br r I ' f- - 11 y h i k w ( y- Ql WZ'SA "V- I. .- I v ' j.1; W1L "niP"'WJe--1""- m. ' "t'i i ..' ill u n-lX,. m, -......, mil y :...li-,iii1J...Ji, I ..f.l..ui,, w.in.y- ;;.;k... St f HE1P WAKTEDMA-E Continued from Preceding Column CHAUFFKUtt One familiar,, with garden. worKt willing to maKO nimseii.pcencrnuy use ful about small, suburban place: 20 mln. from city; good home for right, partyi (rive ep ret. and -wages expected. P 203. . .Ledger Office, DRAFTSMAN wanted, young- man. with sev eral yeara' experience, by large heating, con tracting and engineering ftrmt one with prac tical training- preferred t atate- aitei experl- . ence and aalary expected. P 12(1. lyfdger Off. DtlAFTflMEN wanteds experienced on ptpo.nr ranirementa and detnlllnr! none but first-clans men need apply. Adrtrea 1 lot. Ledger Off. DIIUOS Etreclenced man to work In order department of wholesale a rue bouse. A 22, . Ledger Office. FAP.M HAfcDS Wanted, white and colored mem we also haVe several opening for re fined colored mert for cleaners and bottle washers: ateady work .for rellable.men. Ap ply In prson or by letter. II. K. ilULFOIIU . QOMPANTi Cllenolden, Pa, UtrtH-PRRSaURK PIPING AND IIHATINO DNQINBKR Combined engineer, estimator, superintendent and business getter! msn pos sesslng these nusllflcattona and who Is thor oughly acquainted with Philadelphia and ad jacent trade could mako good connection with nn ,old-establlshed and well-known ateamflttlng house: pleae stats age, expert' enco and amount of aalary or romm!slon desired, nlso probable extent of business that applicant car carry: applications treated atrlctly confidential, .T 2S5, Ledger Central. IIOSir.RT Competent fixer, on Scott & Will iams full automatic machines and loopers. Wallace-Wilson Hosiery Co,, 4388 Wain at., Frnnkford, INSTRUMENT MAKERS, first .clasa only, M For day of 8 hourst toolmakers, $3.21 to 4,481 mnrhlnlsts. ..'! to M: nssistant ma chinists. $2 to 2.2l. baseil on exnerlenco nnd cnpaclty: skilled laltorers. $1.84, for out side and inside work: Cleveland, Prown A; Sharps and Clrldley nutomatlc turret lathe operators. M.I0: turret lathe hands ,2.8S Per day: citizens: highest compensation when on Piecework! 1,3 davs' leto after one year servico: seven holldas and Saturday after noons during the summer months1nlt with full pay. Apply Frnnkford Arsenal, Jlrldes burg. Phlla. LAnORERS . good, wanted now at TTOEnT.ALt.EN FEUTItilZKR WORKS South Delaware and Weceacoe nves. (Greenwich Tolnt, Phlin.l Steady work the year round for right men See Superintendent at works. LABORERS WANTED. Apply tho Ba Company. 3flth and. Gray's Perry ave. LABORERS WANTED. Apply II, K. MUL FPRI) COMPANY. Olenolden. Pa. LABORERS wanted. 20th nnd Allegheny. Apply J, B. Thorn Co., MACHINISTS wanted! latho hands nnd outstdo men. Apply 'at once, Camden Shipbuilding Co., Head of 3th St.. Camden, MACHINISTS wanted. Apply crane dept.. NHea.Hemcnt.Pond Co.. Mifflin He Meadow ate, MAN, young, wanted: all night clerical posi tion: office of largo retail grocery house: sal ary to start moderate, with chance for ad vancement: Btato aga. Address P. O, Box 1280. Start at once, MAN AND WIFE wanted! man na gardener, wife cook nnd housework: family of two; suburbs: good home; reference required. Ad dress M 244, ledger Central. MAN AND WIFE for country place: woman, cook and general work; man. butler and help outside. H 421. Ledger Office, ' SIAN. young, about 18 years, wanted In whole sale cloth house; enlarv to start 13 per week. Apply 307 Doncklo Bldg,, 11th and Market. MAN for gcfferal work around the building of wholesale drug house. Address A 23, Ledger Office.. MECHANIC'S HELPERS and machine opern tors wanted. Apply the Barrett Company, ....... ..... .... .j,,., ,.... MEN, with reference, wnnted. Adama Express v-'"i .r..,, Mm. mwtwt BtW, MEN for warehouse. Apply Hex ' Co.,Amcr lean and York sts. OUTDOOR, advcrtlsln with road work. g sign painter, familiar Tho Lawder Advertising Co.. Baltimore. Md PAINTERS First-class house painters; 42Mc. per hour. 44 N. 7th st. PORTER Young man. colored, wnnted: ref orenccs. Apply 7 to 8 n. m.. 23 S. 10th at. SALESMAN If you are nn experienced travel ing man. nble to sell large specialty Una to hnrdwnro and genernl-storo trade, we enn place you at onco In Pennsylvania; Inter views by appointment only on your written application, which should state past selling experience: do not call until requested. R. M. llolllngshead Co., Camden, N. J. SALESMAN Stock salesman or promoter can secure exceedingly liberal nrrangement on splcn. stock Issue bv net. ciulckly; det. on In terview. Address M 115, Ledger Ofllco. SHOE SALESMAN, exp.: perm pos. Apply Hanover Shoo Store, 021 Market.Chester.I'a. 8PECIALTT SALESMAN Wanted, nt once, man experienced In selling to retail drug and grocery trade for estab lished specialty lino; permanent position on either salary and expense or commission basis: territory, Philadelphia nnd eastern Pennsylvania; state past experlenco briefly In your reply. J 244, Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER, with knowledge ot book keeping; young man: good oppor. : stain exp. and wages req. Box M 1111. Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER and typewriter wanted, first class. In factory office: state experience. references and salary. P 128, Ledger O f flee. UTOCK and bond salesman: must furnish cre dentla!so.sto jablltty. M 241, Ledger Cent. STOREKEEPER- T Wanted, "first-class, thor oughly exp. man, with some executive ability, to toko charga of tho kind of storeroom usually found In a large plant manufacturing pressed steel products: only those whose past records will stand close Investigation need apply; state salary dee. 8. K.. P.O.Iiox 5801. TINSMITH. (Irst-class, to work on kitchen utensils; good wages. 1415 Locust at. TRIMMERS First class on touring tops and general automobile work. Apply Fosa Hughes Co.r 21st and Market sts. WANTED To communlcats with man who fairly understands the manufacture of lamp black: remunerative proposition to suitable party. J 330, ledger Central, WOOIl TURNERS wanted. Thomas Ott 4 Co.. 1121 Washington ave. YOUNO MAN. about 18. In banking house; atate age, experience, references. aalary ex. i'iei hiju rr-imiuus 4flUUiLllOnB, Ledger Central. J 840. YOUNG MAN. about 18 years of age. forgen eral office work: state qualifications (n own handwriting. J 347, Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN, 10 to 18: general clerical duties: permanent position with advancement for right party. J 251. Ledger Central. YOUNG MEN. 10 to 10 years, for general of. flee work: splendid opportunity for ambitious young men In West Philadelphia: write In own handwriting, giving full particulars of education, business experience, references and salary desired. M 235. Ledger Central' General PURCHASING AGENTS ASSISTANT, $75 .UU.. w.nnEw.0, PDiciHi, fiD; ooouKeeper. newspaper experience. J20; typist. JI0 to 112; credit man. 1100 mo,; advertising man-g?- J .positions open, experienced men. ??. .o.ffl"1?"" ope5' experienced 1200(1, $2300; stenographers, aeveral a tlr. openings. 10 to ISO; draughtsman chanical. 118, J23r efficiency engineer, attrac- Ln. ma. "..' .. luiEumn, urawn presswora. lool VS.U"A: '?5; ei,nif foreman, construction. 123. 133: Inspector, mechanical. 100 mo.: electrician, J20, 23: salesman, specialty, commission and drawing account. BUSINESS SERVICE COMPANY 1301 LAND TITLE BUILDING TRAFFIC WORK Both industrial and rail road offers an attractive field. We are fit. ting men for efficiency In this line of work through our practical course of Instruction. The first class ot GO has been computed and second class Is now forming. THIS IS YOUIt OPPORTUNITY. National Traffic Service Bureau. N, K. corner 13th and Spring Gar den sts. MILLIONS HEr.it WANTED ItfAliE Central Conflslird from rrreedino Column .OTOMOIHLE MEPHANICAI. SCHOOLS. .PRINQ OAUDBN INSTITUTE OOR. linOAD AND SPRINO OAUDBN STS. Course of t w'ks, 20 lessons, 2hrs. each, $23. New class opens Monday, May 1, 70 p. m. Class Mon.. Wed. Fridays, 7:30-0:80 p. m. SITUATIONS WANTED EEMA1.E BOOKKEEPER or P eneflenpert VAuni If class firm and position references 11 m, BOOKKEEPEH-tvpltt-seeretafy; thnr. xp. In association and corporation work; prof es slonsl o'flon considered. II B42, Led. Cent, BOOKKEEPER and typlsti.must be nulek and accurate at figures: South Philadelphia. II . h8. ledger Central . . BOOKKEEPER, typist. 4. years' thorniigh ex perlencei salary 12. II B37. ledger Cent. Tinnim tvtii?tt nltAt.l. ntArl, n ... en. . quick, accurate. H BSW. ledger Central BOOKKEEPER, general office; work, thoroughly exp i capable, reliable. H 143, Led. CentrnK, BOOKKEEPER, assistant clerk: 9 yeara' exp.i oulck, accurate, IT 350, ledger Central, , CASHIER, experienced, desires position in res taurant, J 413. Ledger Central. CH1LDNUR8I1 and ladya maid, experienced, wanta slt.i good rets, 1213 Frankllijst. COMPANION Oentlowoman, pood reader, packer, tncnderj experienced and good refer- ?1?-i' li5i- Ledger Centrnl. , COMPANION or governess7 assist with light duties: good references: ery neat and will ing, It 40S, Ledger. Office . COOFC Experienced white Protestant, woman wishes position ns. cook, J 313. Id.j;cnt COOK, p-Stato woman: good bread baker: best rererence. ji si-t. i.eogerince. . T1AV IVTinrc. nlennlnir. Intin.ln- or cook! capable colored woman; ref. 1343 S, 21st jsJN DRESSMAKER wishes few morn engagoments, ref, ;t'2 per day. A 10, Ledger office, , OIRL. "refined, English, wishes care of child: assist light dutlesi refs, 11 a2JLedgerOff: GOVERNESS Mother's helper. Northllermnn, Protectant, good English kindergarten, de- sires position May 1, II all. ledger Office INFANT NIIRHB, Protestnnf, good reference, experienced; go out of town. H 411, ld. Off. SECRETARY Exp. business wnmani cashier, stenogjj connneniiai sec y, u oi. j". ..-h. STENOOUAPHER. Italian. English, 22, knowl edge of French, desires stonogrnphlo position, or n.iy other responsible work:, would nlo accept. If In Wilmington, Del., long experi ence. Wrlto E. Favaro, 27 W. 98th st , New , York city, STENOGRAPHER Knowledge .of .gen'l office work nnd nilng systemsl gen'l clerical ynrit and payroll experience. Phone Walnut 4502 or address It 847r Ledger Central, STENOfinAPFIEIl, competent, with experience, doMres position where application to work JvlMJImnrjPJ-eciMed1ItJ,JjwUjerr itr nl. STENOGRAPHER-SECRETARY Exception ally trained nnd experienced, for responsible position; good In English H 013, Led, Tent. STENOGRAPHER, n yrs exp . nccur . Indus- trlous nnd conacleutlnus desires lst-class pos.j secrctarlnl; ref. It 733, Ledger Central STENOGRAPHER Refined young woman wishes part-tlmo position doctor or dentist; can furnish typewriter. II IH (I. ledger Pen STENOGRAPHER, high school groTluate; 2 yrs.' experlenco: IIP. H S4 Ledger Centrnl STENOGRAPHER, 4 jenr's experience; high school graduate: capable It 844. Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER, rapid and ncrurnte, "thor. experienced; salary 12. IT 33. Ledger Cent. STENOORAPHKR. slight cxperlonce: 3 years high school: willing. II 8 13. Lodger Central, STENOGRAPHER, 8 years' rxp. , thoroughly compt. and reliable. II 30 I-ilger Central. STENOGRAPHER, r vcars' exp. i competent; best references. ,T 4 10 Ledger Central TELEPHONE OPERATOR. nrlate branch prof. : 2 yrs ' exper. II 33, Ledger Central. TELEPHONE OPERATOR, cen office work: IH yonrs' exp : reference. J 23. Led Cent. WOMAN, rolorcd. wants ilav's work or bundle wnsh. Dickinson 2020 W. 1000 Christian. WOMAN, exp., desires position In linen room: cltv or shore. H 413. Ledger Office. YOUNG WOMAN, experienced troieler, wishes position as chnperon or attendant to lady: capable of attend, nil trav. arrangements trains, hotels, etc.; best ref II 410. Led. Off YOUNG WOMAN wantB position as companion to Invalid or elderly person, preferably ono going to shore op mountains: doctor's rcfer- ence. j ut. i.cnger central. YOUNG WOMAN, educated, with business and household experience, wishes position to look nfter physician's home and offloe:.svsrmatlc, economical: ref H 110, Ledger Office. COLLEGE GIRL wanta position comnanlon or governess: teach French nnd Ger. city, coun try or shore II 417. Ledger Office. GIRLS 12). colored, from Bnitlmoro would like situations toegther: refs. Dickinson 1747. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, age 30, with 12 years' practi cal exp. In bookkeeping, cost accounting es timating and office management, dea. pos. of advancement; highest refs. II 032. I.eQ Tent. ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper, seven years' ex perience, college trained, wishes smlliar con ' nectlon or any kind of etatWtlcal or figure won:; Al references, j 2r7, linger central. ACCOUNTANT Competent bookkeeper desires pos. with reliable concern. IT 332. Led. Cent ADVERTISING SOLICITOR nants position In f'hllftdelphla or outside: knowledge of tvne. Ilustratlon nnd layout; ulso copy experi ence. A 20. Ledger Office. ADVERTISING Conv writer wants position with agency or with wholesaler or manufac turer: familiar with type, layout and Illus tration. E 2, Ledger O'ice. AN OPPORTUNITY A successful lawyer. 30 nnd married, bright. Industrious, honest.hlgh-grade man. wants to get into commercial life with a largo manufacturing or wholesale company doing n national business. Only llrstrclass concerns need an swer. Best of references. A 25, Ledger Office. AN EXECUTIVE and sales manager, with heavy successful business experience, will take oyer complete management of large or small business: will either purchase outright or mak; Investment: state what you hae. J 330. Ledger Central. ARTIST-ART MANAOER Having had 18 years' engraving house experience In com mercial art work, designing, retouching and directing the department. I destra to placo this extensive knowledge at the service of sua ioiisu utri.tkai.ij ix;i iy IllUlUill D6n His may be obtained. B 301. ledger Office. ASSISTANT bookkeeper and clerk, absolutely rel., wishes pos,: best refs. J i5fl. Led. Cen. CHAUFFEUR MECHANIC. English, married: age 20; abstainer. 12 years experience In workshops and private service; any make cars: have toured, practically all Europe and ences from American and English employ- ?R. ??uStr praeri?.5 IMward Steadmnn. 1810 McFarran at,. Phlla. Bell.Tloga44fl3W CHAUFFEUR, atrictlv temrwrnte hnn. nn reliable, wishes position with private family where tkeia ciiiaIIIIm lll k. ..n...i.H careful with children: per, refs. AV7.Led.Off. OHAIIKITKIIK. mMhjinp marrtaA In .,-.T c"A.yh:h;suii,jan',. ? j"- thoroh wishes pos. prlv. am, i ref, A IB. Led, ofr CHAUFFEUR, able, understands garden work win ng to ne generally useful, wants steady work reference. A 2 Ledger Office. "W.'PSSyh ?olorJ. wishes good position with private family: can give gooo: refer lii :: ".'-"'UIL-0- -jiu ai CHAUFFEUR, and coachman, married, no chll dreni wife gootcook or laundress! best ref erence. It 413. Ledger Office. ' CHAUFFEUR, white, wishes position with LVJe? hmaV ,prt'nce' "--rencis? A 18. (Copyright. IBIS.) 9 Sales Manage. In 19 f I a stenographer secured a position as cor respondence clerk with a Philadelphia printing firm, through a Ledger Want Ad. Later, when a Sales and Advertising De partment was inaugu rated, he was advanced to first assistant. -At the end of the second year he was appointed Sales Man ager, at a salary of $2000 per year. He found ad vancement through a Ledger Want Ad. You also can, advance your self. Try one today. Phone, write or call, Ledger Office, Walnut or Main 3000 I ibnM3$w SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Continued from Preceding Column CHAUPPEUn wishes position. prKatn family! B yrs.' exp. Al ref, II 300, Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, coachman, 2d chnurfcur: best . references. 01. Ledger Branch. 20th A South. CORRESPONDENT and sales mnnngcr, 32 yenrs of age: gbod circular writer: capable nnd cnergotlc; bonded; cmplojed now. and for six ) ears past. In specialty department of one of largest corps. In country, from whom can submit convincing ovldcnco of worth. All, Ledger Office, CREDIT MAN or head bookkeeper. change; thor, efficient, A 13. Led, desires Office. FOREMAN-SUIT., woodworking plant, wishes position; thorough executive ability. 23 jenrs' experlenco In manufacture of carriages, auto mobiles and all hardwood products: 10 years ns aupt, and foreman. J 241. Ledger Cent. GARDENER, white, marrlod man, wishes to take full charge hnusa on place; it years' ref- jMrence last employer 2031 BalnhrlOgost. GARDENER, married (no children), all-around sober m-in. wants tenant bouse; pood ref. 4711 ceaar ave, mono woouinnu :iina.i. GARDENER Oormnn Trot., single, wl shoe Blie position; willing to help In house: can gl beati references. It; I1H, ledger onico. MACHINE DESIONER. 8 joars' exp. on In tricate mcchnnlsm. both electrical and me chanlcnl, desires position with small cor pornt lqn. II 1)52. Ledger Centrnl. .MAN AND WIFE, colored, wlsh'posltlons: sub urban or city: cook and butler. J 04. Ledger Central. MAN, colored, handy with tools; mnn: best reference. 003 N. 13th. nil-round MECHANICAL ENGINEER. 3 yrs." experlenco In scientific research, desires position In elec trical or chem. laboratory. J 243. I.eil. Off. OFFICE MANAGER, "fl: lOk'p'B, li :i2i, enco: 10 yrs' exp : I2.i Led. Off. SALESMAN Young man. 23, good education, appearance, little experience, desires outsldo selling position where hard work and results will oterbulanco actual selling experience; willing to take inside position until lino Is thoroughly lenrned II 742. Ledger Centrnl, SALESMAN, cmplojed desires change local or trael. ngn 32: educated- 12 ex.: good presence; references. J 41), ledger Central. SALESMAN, 10 jenrs' exp : exccutlo nbllltv; best refs navo nuiomomie; ran uo Hi .in- vantngo for city work E. J., P. O. Box 3413. SALES MANAGER, with n competent sales forco of men, will take oer agency for re sponsible manufacturers, cither city. Stato or entire country; medium or heavy spe cialty for staple line; no canvassing proposl tlon. J 814. Lodger Central. SALES MANAGER and executive, widely exp., with n clean record of results, now em ployed, desires to connect with legitimate proposition, with or without Invest't; give brief outline of proposition. J 331, Led Cen. SHOE MAN desires position ns salesman: ex perienced In men's ladles' and children's shoes; sneaks English nnd German; refer enres. II 310. Ledger Office. TRAFFIC WORK Experienced rallrond man desires position. E. It. Carroll, 1511 Wln gohocklng st.. Phlla YOUNO MAN, nctlve. ago 25, college graduate, excellent references, character and financial responsibility, desires clerical position with chances of advnnccm't; Protestant nnd strlct- lysober; quick & nccurate.II B47.J.ed. Cent. YOUNG MAN, while, wants"posltlon na chauf feur; comp. drher and thor mechanic; ab stainer; can go anywhere; wages moderate. Add. 3S07 Spruco St.. or phone I'res. 2330. YOUNG MAN.orsatlle, 24, 4 jenrs' business training, now employed, desires position with manufacturing company: salary subordinate to op. of adv.: refs. J 353. Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN. ngo 25. with offlco nnd sales manshtp experience: reliable: competent, steady worker; wishes connection with re sponsible firm. J 253, Ledger Central, YOUNO MAN, married, desires change; 8 yrs,' experience, bookkeeping nnd general office work: best ref. Address B 202. Led Off. BELGIAN, 21) bookeeper nnd good offlco man: perfect Trench and Dutch correspond ent: knowledge of typewriting; wishes good, permanent pos.; beat refs. J 55, Led. Cent. WILL TAKE Western representation for East ern manufacturer; have high-grade dales force (not canvassers); located extreme West and Central States, J 842. Ledger Central, JAPANESE young man. outsldo or Inside work: seashore or country preferred; highest references. Address J 354, Ledger Central. JAPANESE wants position as cook, general housework: has experience; reference A 8, ledger Office. GARDENER, experienced, all branches; nrlv. place: good horseman: ref. II 341. Led. Cent. DEAF MUTE wants work of any kind. II 047. Central Central. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. HARVEY. 1910 Rlttenhouse square, has reliable help for all capacities; large addi tion wanted: Cooks. $25 to $75: French. German maids and governess; English lady's maid: trained waitress, laundresses, parlor maids, chambermaids; seeral sets of two girls- chambermaid-laundress, kitchen, house maids, nurses, butlers, valets, caretakers, couples'fi references required. COOKS, chambermaids chlldnurses. house- woru airia k-iii - pvoiMuiia ;imame-agea women want position; wanted, butlers and cooks and all kinds of help. Miss Rose uougneriy. uia uiraru. NICHOLLS. 1020 Balnbrldge at., has romp, male and female help: all nationalities; wanted, aeveral cooks. $7 to $10: wait., tn. fant nurses, kltchenmalda, houseworker witn rel. rnoitfl icuai -ia. COOK Young Viennese, understands fancy cook'g and confer ry; best Phlla. ref,: wishes sit. .city or country, on o. mm. apruce aim WANTED Mrs. KANE'S Office. 511 So. 10th St.; several cooks, chambermaids. laundresses, Proetstant and Cathollo waitresses. AUTOMOBILES Vor Sale CADILLAC, 1014. touring car. overhauled and repainted: full equipment: price $850. AUTO SALES CORPORATION, 143 N, Broad st. YTKUD.'.WHAT HAVE, YOU BEEN DOING TO MAKE, yOU JOTIReDf Ive OECN LOOKING FOR THAT D06 YOU LOST ATTTOMOBIliES For Sale Conlfatffdl from Preceding Column HUDSONS Rebuilt and guaranteed! phaetons and roadsters, electric lights nnd starters OOHEnY-SCHWA RTZ.2B3-25B N, nroad. BUtCK Big Four, equipped with seven-passenger touring body: In oxcellent condition: price 1800. This would mako a very suit nble chassis for light truck or delivery pur poses ok any Kino. , I-OCOMOnil.E 2314 Market St. Loenat 430. II. A, JENKS. Mgr, Exchange Car Dept. MARMON, ' 1013 l-cyl, starter and electrlt lights .......,., , ,.,... i ...,,, . ,1800 MACK S-ton power dump .,.,$1000 L. O'NEAL, 210 N. BROAD ST. PAIGE 1913. 0-40-7! one thousand miles perfect condition! manufacturer's guarantee still covers nine months; paint perfect: tire oversized; Kellog pump, motor meter, seat covers, extra tire, etc. To close estate, After 0 p, m. Germantown 2B20. PAIGE, 1013 l-30-B-passenger touring, In ex cellent condition: will demonstrate. L 046, Ledger Central. 8TUTZ, 1013, floor touring. 4-cynnaer. o-passenger, fore completely equippea, ciecirn lights: ln good condition throughout Georgo C, Eppelman. 245 N. Broad at. ALL PARTS Elmore, Peerless, Velle. Bulcks. Maxwell, SATTLEIl, 1001 Sp. Garden, Pop, 1821. FOR SALE-'-Rausch & Lnlng S-passenger elec tric car In first-class condition: run 8000 miles; doublo drive, complete with scat cov ers; bargain. Phono Dickinson 1040. TCVlT.ilY PART TO BUILD OR jVi" REPAIR A CAR. SCHOUER. 3341-43 MARKET. BEND FOR FREE BULLETIN OF USED 'CARS GORSON AUTO EXCIIANOE.238 N. BROAD Wanted AUTOS wanted for parts. Co., 823 N, 18th st, Phlla, Auto Parts Park 1418. ATJTO LIVERY AND OARAGES TO HIRE (open day and night), brand-new 3-pass, touring car, with robes, 11.23 hr. j nlso brand-new 7-pass. limousine, 11.30 hr.j weddings, funerala. Poplar 1017 1713 Olrnrd FELTON OABAGE 01D, PELTON AND OIRARD AVE, TIIONE BELMONT 1101 AUTO PAINTING TULLY EQUIPPED auto painting shop will paint or rovarnlsh any mako machines third lena time nnd cost than nnv shoo In Phlla.: highest grndo work guar. Ph. Tioga 2702. Geo. W. Parvis, 1321 Alrdrlo at., near nroad. nnd nne. AUTO REPAIRING CYLINDERS REBOHED. new pistons nnd rings furnished, weldings and brazing. It. B. Underwood & Co.. 1025 Hamilton st.. Phlla. J SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES T See BILLY, at his new location. 510 N, BROAD ST. AUTO SUPPLIES -BEARINOS- New Departure Service Stn. The Gwllllam Co. 1314 Arch st. Ph. Walnut 3407, Race 3002. PARTS to build or repair nny car. Phlla. Auto Tarts Co.. 823 N. 13th st. Park 1118. Open Sunday AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4000 miles. Compare prices. QRIM'S. 230 N. Broad st. TIRES slightly used, all sixes; your own prices. 823-25 N. 13th st. Park 1418. Open Sunday. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED To a man who can mako a loan of flO.000 to 120.000, ns may be required, to complete nn exceptionally ndvantaceous merger, will be given as collateral twice tho amount of loan of preferred stock of another corporation (guaranteed ns to divi dends) and an option to purchase nn Interest In the merger on a ery attractive basis. Full details will bo furnished by tho prin cipal. II 111 I, Ledger Central. A VERY PROFITABLE hnlt Interest In a pri vately owned gold mining property, dove! oped and proven, earning over $2000 per month net. Is available, on quick notion, for $15,000 cash. This Is n clean, money making opportunity, free from complications nnd Incumbrances nnd subject to verifica tion In eory detail. Principals only. It 045. Ledger Central. PATENTS Send sketch for free opinion ,,..'" to Patentability. Don't pay exorbitant fees; no one has better fa cilities for dolmr your work than we have and our fees aro reasonable. FOSTER & WEBSTER Su" 1011 Chestnut st. Bell phone. Walnut 1304, , OKLAHOMA OIL TIELDS Scientific: Information on tho Oklahoma oil fields. J. A. HULINO PHONE PRESTON 4023 W. IF YOU HAVE a good produift worth adver tising and want the exclusive sen Ice an an advertising mnn one or two days a week write R. E. Williamson. 1507 Green, or ..phone Poplar 5U7Q W. WANTED Active man with $800 capital for . half or whole Interest In stock food minu- facturlnc tonic. PreventB hoof-and-mouth disease; approved by Stato Inspectors, II. L. Fretz. Ambler. Pa. PARTIES WITH ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS OR MORE CAN MAKE GROUND-FLOOR INVESTMENT IN CORPORATION OWN ING MONOPOLY. J 44, LEDGER CENT. i-uuuinu, pressing, meiai pattern making, I grinding, polishing, punch nnd dlo work TsH- Buucueu iy a mouemie sizea metal works. .jeiurmiy locaieu. it .1.8, logger uence, DO YOU WANT CAPITAL? Will undertake underwriting of Issue of stock or bonds In a .proposition that will stand Investigation. J 343. Ledger Central. $5 A MONTH secures Interest In growing or i'iiuiu, mi. un uiimuuiiik ucium paia lor. HARRY DARLINGTON, 1420 Chestnut at. PICTURE THEATRE. $1300; 10c. admission; crowded night Iy;irpodern; good selling reason; earnB $45-105 wtc-kty. L 044. Ledger Cent. HAVE nround a thousand dollars to Invest with services: what have jou to offer. J 343. Ledger Central. YOU FURNISH THE IDEA; we have the fac fory .with power plant. Box 203, Lam bertvllle. N. J. MULT1GRAPHINO business for sale; best equlp'nt; excel, clientele. L 038. Led. Cent. APARTMENT HOUSE. 40 rms.; 13-rm. house; monthly payments. Heffeltlnger. 1709 Arch. OPPORTUNITY Est. hotel. Pitman, N. J.; tur. au muiiia. p. J. won, l UUffr. arnucn. RESTAURANT, central, feeding 000 people a day, cheap, HeffeWnger. 1709 Arch. Wanted YOUNO ASIERICAN GENTILE, with wide ex. perience and successful record, dosjres a con nection with firm where financial Interest can be purchased when both parties are satisfied: prefer position requiring tact, close lip and thorough knowledge of sales promo tions. Have exceptional references; no schemes; state please general character of your business. J 254. Ledger Central. BUSINESS PERSONALS SUPERFLUOUS HAIR rempved by electroly sis, the only perm't way. Eyebrows arched. , MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre Bldg. Miss lloppe, hardrea'r. facial mas' so, nian lcur'g. form. Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith. , M DIAMONDS BOUGHT Bank reference. Apralsement. IS HARRY W. SMITH. 717 BANSOM STREET. FULL DRESS SUITS " Cutaways. Tuxedos and Sack Suits ... . To hire and made to order, NEUBAUER. THE TAILOR. 1121 Walnut. Bell phone. Walnut 2618. PRECEDENTS ARE VTHAT'-nERY KIN0OFYOU,QO3B x L HRe'J A DlMEFORJ TU P dk s- WM oopuer. ' ? Ml ' n S ' . mb jj i-Hi (t t sjti. m km v CARPET OLEANINO CONTINENTAL CARPET CLEANING HOUSE - .. ?0TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT ,. Bell Phone. Locust 1080. WEST PHILA, WEST FHILA. WEST PHILA. MONARCH STORAGE CO. 3c. PER YARD. 8870-72 I.1ANCASTER AVE. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY POTTER SCHOOL OF DnESSMAKINO . DA1LT AND EVENING SESSIONS 1433 OIRARD AVE, POPLAR 0374 THE McDOWELL Dressmaking School: easy, modern methods; small payments. 807 . Denckla Building. 11th and Market ats DBES8MAKINO taught from nnr pattern: morn nnd aft. sessions: wnd for clr. Colum bian Dressmaking School, 1730 Columbia ave. DRESSMAKER nnd ladles' tallorl prices tea aonable. 30 8, 60th at. Belmont 1B28. ' '" ' POR SALE BILLIARD, POOL, combination, second-hand, bought, aold, rented, exchanged; repairing; supplies. Lafs Keafer, American manufac turer. 329 Glrard ave. Phono Kens, 2313. UILLIARD, pool tables! new, second-hand bowl. ins alleys) easy payments, iiosnuo-iinrrr Btreet Co.. 222 S. 8th st.) phone. Wal. 2284. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Also bowling alloys: easy payments. BRUNS. WICK-BALKB-COLLENDER CO.. 1002 Area, CAMERA for sale, 4x3 revolving bnck. long bellows, compound shutter, anastlgmat lens, Plato holders, carrying case, etc.: best pos sible outfit for all-round work; good as newf original cost $1001 price 140, J 338. Led. Cen, CASH REGISTERS, bought, sold, leased, exchanged, repaired, replated. Supplies. New nnd factory rebu lit. New total adder. nn low as 180. Call and see our 101A models. Registers sold and leased by us on easy payments and fully guaranteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER Co. 780 CHESTNUT BTREET DESKS, filing cabinets, safes, telephone booths and office furniture and fixtures of every de scription: used, but In fine condition, and Very cheap; free delivery anywhere, HUGHES .JITH.AND B UTTONWOOD DESKS, largo assortment; nlso household fur nlture. Dullng Central Second-hand Furnl- turo company, uui-uuu-wn uauownui at. Vlrenrrmfl CM nlltthllv liaerif all nl SAFES nnd mnkes; big bargains, 210 N. Fourth st., between Race and Vine. P1UVATB SALE ot choice Oriental ruga nnd household furniture. Apply on premises, 3944 Chestnut st. HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY HEA1.TH HEAT Is better nnd cheaper than steam or hot-water, ruro fresh nlr with normal moisture. MAKIN KELSEY. 0 N. 18th St., Phlla, INSTRUCTION PARISIAN LADY, best credentials, will take n few mors students for Bummer In French nnd Spanish, all grades, Mme. Castello, enro Psychcnn School, Kill Chestnut st. STENOGRAPHY nnd bookkeeping by Individual instruction; course requires only few weeks: pos, guar, 704 Locust (Washington Square). MACHINERY AND TOOLS THIS IS NEWS well worth passing on: wn have Just tho exact YOCO.M ANTt-FRlC-TtON METAL for lining machine bearings that lots of manufacturers have been need ing. IRON and BRASS FOUNDRYS. 145 North Second, .TAMES YOCOM A SON. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamoa, motors, boilers, steam and oil en Fines, pumps, air compressors, TRANK TOOMBY. Inc. 127 N, 3d St. IF IT'S A CONCRETE MIXER, then Ifa a MILWAUKEE. Ask tho man that uses one: he knows. CHARLES BOND COM- FANy.B20Arc,i st. IIOISTINO 3M11NE 10x12 In., "Flory" D. D.. with boiler and drag-line bucket equip ment: complete. L. P. Scyfcrt'a Sons. 437 N. 3d at DVNAMOS. motors and machinery bought, sold nnd rented: armatures repaired. Main 01. Market 3005, Yenrsley Co.. 224- N, 3d at. LARGE STOCK woodworking machinery; lronworklng machinery of nil kinds, J. NUTTALL. 1718 N, fith. PIPE Second-hand, nil sizes. Phlla, Second- nana l'ipe supply Co.. ioo:i N.ith st. Phones, MFRS. -of plain und automatic machinery. Send for booklet. A. Nacko & Son. 210 S. Oth. " MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ANNIVERSARY SALE OF PIANOS IIErPE'S UPTOWN STORES We aro holding our 51st anniversary sals at our Uptown Stores, corner Oth and Thompson sts,, where tho great Heppe busi ness was founded by Mr. C. J. IIcppo In 1803. It Is now tho oldest piano atoro In Philadelphia, yet tbs most modern nnd pro gressive north of Chestnut street. Over 12,000 square feet aro devoted to the retailing of high-grade ptnnon and vlctrolas; the large volume of sales proves that the Heppo policies nnd standards draw patronags even to Oth and Thompson sts. from the uttermost parts of Philadelphia. The April sale Includes: 500 new pianos nt prices from 23 to 30 per cent, lower than the prices In stores with a sliding scale of prices. 3 player-pianos, slightly used, at $50 to $100 below original prices, beginning at $330. 40 upright pianos by nil the prominent makers, taken as part payment on pianola pianos., viz,, Chlckerlng, Lester, Blaslus, Schomacker. etc.. at $75. $85. $00, $110. etc, 25 upright pianos, lleppe-made, with three sounding boards, reduced from $50 to $100 below regular prices. - 5 self-plajer attachmenta for pianos will nt any piano at $33, $30, $73. etc. Several phonographs, slightly used, at halt price. Terms, $5 monthly and upward. Call or write for large Illustrated cata logues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. COR, OTH AND THOMPSON STS,. Philadelphia. Pa. $10.80 VICTOR VICTROI.A IV ond 12 selec tions (B 10-Inch double-fnced 73-ccnt rec ords); an excellent outfit for ono who f Is looking for a good machine at a reasonable price. Payable 30 cents weekly. Call or writs tor complete description and large Il lustrated catalogue. NEW VICTROLAS, FROSI $15 to $200. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES, Cor. Oth and Thompson sts. $34 VICTOR VICTROI.A VI. Including 24 se lections (12-10-Inch double-faced 73c. records): an excellent machine In every way; can be paid for at the rate of 75 cents weekly; call or write for complete descrip tion and large Illustrated catalogue; new Vlctrolas, from $15 to $200. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner 0th and Thompson sts. A FEW Edison d araond-polnt talking ma. chines at half price; small payments. Call or write for lists. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner 01b and Thompson sts. EDISON AMBEROLA. with diamond point, complete with records, costing $223, will be sold for $112; other bargains from $10 up. Write or call for complete lists, HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES Corner Oth and Thompson sts. 85 CHICKEltlNO UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT. 838. 6TII. VICTROLA records prll list Just received. UELLAK 1120 Chestnut. OLD GOLD OLD OOLD. silver, platinum, plated ware. old. style Jewelry, teeth plates bouxbt for casn. Est. 1B70. J. U. Clark, refiner. B07 Sansom, CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS. PR-CIOUd stones, sold, silver, platinum, false teeth. Phlla. Snrtltlns A Ret, Co., 128 S. llth at, -V DANGEROUS THINGS f Cyte. i'm tired .) .. -.,. i 2 o HOOPING AND IRON AWNlNQg LET US ESTIMATE to coat Jour roof ana guarantee It 10- years. ,4 AMERICAN ROOFING CO.. 1S85 Mars T. STORAGE CONTINENTAL . STORAGE WAREHOUSE 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT. SPACKINO, MOVING, SHIPPING . ugs,. Carpets cleaned, scoured, storsSt.. ell, Locust 1000 Phones Key.i Race 4189. TENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. 2130 MARKET HT. FIDELITY rinEPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET ST. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Storsxs. Fovlng, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning, h Baring 732 for estimate. Market & Mthv McCANN'S STORAGE IIOUSB. t748 N. 11th st.: moving, packing, shipping; auto van. . Both phones. Let us estimate. GIRART STORAGE CO.. 018 Glrard nve B810 N, Wnler st, .Moving by auto. Storage, park. . Ing.carpet ciean'g, Phns. ! Pop, B20,Pk, 423. FIREPROOF, Mothproof, Concrete Warehouse. 3000 rooms. II n month. Estimates free. N. Phlla. Btornge Co., 2023 Lehigh, Tlo,7230. STORAGE Moving by nuto vansf, packing, shipping. . Levin .Bros,, 2018 Ridge ava. Phone Poplar 0021. STORE AND OFPI0E FIXTURES OFFICE PARTITIONS STORE FIXTURES GET OUR ESTIMATE PHONE, WRITE OH CALL. Weiss Manufacturing Co. 430 N, 12th st. Phone. Top, 1000! Itaco 1330, WANTED ANTIQUH FURNITURE, false teeth, feather beds, broken Jewelry, gold, silver, diamond bought, 785 Walnut. Walnut 7020, Est, 1800. BROKEN JEWEI.RY.fnlse teeth, pistols, coins. Coin books, with prices I pny,malleri.l5c..I:n. Boss (People's Hlore). 200 8. llth, Wal, 4480, CAST-OFF CLOTHING Our demand for these goods Is so great that we must pay extra high prices In order to supply our customers. , We not only stiver flae tn nnv the twnt nrlrefl. but actually fin We want you to got our prices. before you, sell your clothing, shoes, etc. We cnll nny-' whero promptly. Call, wrlto or phono Pop lar 0342, I'nnt'Rn. mm nlmnl nvo. CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED . Special high prices paid for men's clothes. Full dress and Tuxedo suits. Write, call or phone Wal. 0803. Schultz. 211 N. Pth. CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED Highest prlcrn paid for gentlemen's; get our offer and bo convinced. Call, write or ph. Walnut H533, DAVH. S.W. cor. 12th Arch, Room 12, CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED .WE PAID A WOMAN $45.30 tnr ft trtnn'a iitt arid Tl nVitnlnc crnwnS FOR WHICH OTHERS OFFERED ONLY $2 I This proves that wn positively PAY YOU THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES for gentlemen's summer and winter clothing, nlso ladles' street dresses nnd even g gowns, i-iit-ci.- nn Titr..?Tmrivr: MAngRT ynon Wo cnll city or suburb, day or night. The Unlleil Misfit Clothing Co., sou pg, uaraen. CAST-OFF CLOTHING Highest prices paid lor inoies' nnu men's cinimng, naia. eno-a, etc. Phone Pop. .18111, Blacker, 123B roplar, CAST-OFF clothing, shoes nnd hats bought: senn poami, Hneiuman, ii: i-oiiiaru FUKNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MODERN AND ANTlqUE Desks, office furniture, all kinds of store fixtures, partitions, stocks nf merchandise. etc. Bell, Walnut 1804. Key.. Race 334S D. TUB PATTEN CO.. 1127 Arcll St. FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques; entire or part houses bought for cash: no matter now large, j, uernsiein. i.i.it moose avr. GOLD sllver.platlnum. diamonds bought. D. Chnmbley. Refiner. 710 Sansom st. Will call. ni.n nnr.n c.h nnT.i fnr ni,i trniil. silver. antique clocks: will call, nell phone. Locust 1210, ROGERS, 27 S. 17th St. VICTROLAS' WANTED Highest prices pnld for slightly used talk ing machines: nil calls promptly attended to. Address L 327, ledger Office. Wn WANT OLD TIRE TII11B8 BRUNSWlCK-nALKH-COI.LENDER 1002 ARCH STREET CO. ROOMS POR RENT CHESTNUT. 1004 VRRY DE3. SUITE: ABUNDANCE HOT WATER. PH. LOC 731. CHESTNUT, 2003 Attractlto rooms, single or en suite: private bath: running water: lef. CHESTNUT. 2007 WELL FURNISHED ROOMS: PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. CHESTNUT. 20183 rooms, hath, shower: ele. vator: all outside rooms; gentlemen desired. WALLACE, 2023 2d and 3d floors, furnished or unfurnished, alngle or double. WALNUT, 4311 Furn. or unfurn. second and third-floor rooms; large, sunny and well ven tilated; two bnths; low rates for summer to desirable persons. Pres. 4432. WALNUT, 4107 Cheerful rooms, fur., single or en suite: poara optional, proaton unu. 10TH. S .100 (opp. Clinton) Rooms, with and without batha.- Walnut 0044, 15TH. 8.. 320 Nicely furnished room, adjoin Ing bath; phone. B2d and Sansom Furnished WEST BRANCH rooms; men only; meals: Y. M. C. A. shower baths; near L: all tho comforts of home. Phono Bel mont 4081. Key.. West 380. DOCTOR OR DENTIST wanted to take part of house In tho N. E. section, on prominent thoroughfare. M 2460. Ledger Branch. Emerald nnd Cumberland. TUB CHILTON, 3218 Bnrlng st.. Mrs. Bells McLaln. mgr. 2 lst-floor rooms. Jncludlng light, heat and gas. $35: suitable for dentist or physician, 2 BOOMS, gentleman, private refined apart ment; board If desired. Address M 141, Ledger Central. OWNHR will rent bachelor apt., 2 rooms, bath, fireplace. 2022 Spruce. Loo. 1C83 J. Furnished BROAD. N., 833 Choice vacancy, beautifully furn.: walking distance business centre. ATTRACTIVE- ROOMS, single or en suits! newly furnished; house freshly papered and painted; continuous hot water; telephone; ac cessible location; home atmosphere; refer ences exchanged. 1830 Green at. BOARDING CHESTNUT ST.. cor. 20th (The Msrrravo) vacancies. permf ori transient; sup, ooarq. SPRUCE. 1010 Double or single room; spring rates; weeg or nay: elevator. SPRUCE. 1224-20 Furnished roomsi private baths: table board. Walnut 7171 W, SPRUCE. 1028-30 2d-floor BUlte: private bath! choice table board. Walnut 7253 W. Suburban. JL "WAYNE AVK.. 4502 Uoom. .board, cony to train and trolley, Germantown 77t J. , Ardmore. Fa. 4 MASONIC AVE., Ardmore. Pa, No board' 6" house: rooma; table board reas.; near train and trolley. Phone Ardmore 120. Atlantic City. N. J. VENTNOR COTTAGE bookings for the eaon, special rates for Eaatec. o N, Now Haven BOAUD WANTHID MAN AND WIFE, with child ot . destra board and two rooms with bath: preferably with private family In Philadelphia, suburb! from about Muy 1 to about October 1 V 'JOT, J-edrer Office. Suburban. YOUNO Sf AN. employed In Philadelphia, wanta board and room In Main Line suburb; whole some food, friendly surroundings; private family preferred. A 2d. Ledger Office, SANITAIUUMS BEAUTIFUL location; special scientific care; nervous, elderly; every comfort! nurses; bookltt. Dr. Randal. City Jtns. Chestnut 1U1L TO ESTABLISH lUONOef? WHAT MAW6S Them so tired 1 . - , - , . wjIF c ( r jsr f