Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 18, 1916, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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    Wf 4i. "" -
EVENnm (Cudgbtjphtladekphia; Tuesday, apbil is, ioig
Widows and Orphans of Central Powers to Be Aided
by Mammoth Bazaar Given Easter Week
at Convention Hall
Miss Helen Nash, of Wyncote, Hostess at Large
in Honor of Miss Helene Shepherd, of Gambridj
Mass. Various Other Entertainments
tf1 ,?!'F'rtJ"i fHfiTjtr-f-i rjjl''f
A NUMBER of prominent women nro
grentiy Interested In tho bazanr to
bo Riven In Convention Hall from April
2, to May 1. It will bo given for tho
benefit of tho widows, orphans and Ited
Cross of tho Central Powers of Europe,
Tho Alt-markt, ono of tlio most attrac
tive of tho booths, will bo In charge of
tho following committee: Harmless Illllcr
von Gacrtrlngcn, chairman; Mrs. Howard
Longstroth, vice chairman; Mrs. Albort
KoertlnR-Flscher, treasurer; Mrs. Charles
Schmidt, secretary. They will bo as
sisted by tho following prominent Phila
delphia women; Miss Agnoa Duop, Uar
oncss Czoernlff von Czoernhausen, Mrs.
Benjamin Coates, Baroness Paula von
Krggelet, Mrs. George If. Karlo, Jr., Mrs.
George W.'Elklns. .Tr., Mrs. Caleb I
Kox, Mrs. Charles A. Fletcher, Mrs.
Charles II. Frnzlor, Mrs. Frank Haohn
Ion, Countess von Holnsteln, Mrs, Morris
Jnstrow, Jr., Mrs. Philip Mcrtss, Mrs. F.
Hurst Malor, Mrs. Itobort H. Page, Miss
Page, Mrs. t. Ilclneko, Mrs. Richard
Rossmassler, tho Misses Rossmasslor,
Mrs. David Rlosman, Mrs. Alfred Hton
gol, Mrs. Georgo. Stlble, Mrs. Wharton
Btork, Mrs. Honry M. "Watts and Mrs.
John H. Whlttaker.
Tho booth decorations, which will bo
most cffcctlvo and nrtlstlc, are in chargo
of Mr. Phillip Morz, Mr. Trumbauor's
.hQad man. Mr. Morz la a well-known
architect In Philadelphia nnd Now York.
Tho ooatumos of tho commltteo will bo
dainty peasant dressoa, mado of black
' and whito matorlal. On their heads thoy
' will wear scarlet caps with largo bows
at tho back of tho head, and tho costumo
will bo finished by tho most useful of
, articles, a tiny white apron. Tho com
mlttoo of tho "Alt-markt," which Is Gor
man for rummage, are asking that all
I donations and thoy want anything, old
. or now will bo sent to Schutto & Koor
Ung Company, 12th and Thompson
streets, whero a commltteo will recclvo
, thom. on Thursday, April 20, and Satur
day, April 22, from 10 until G o'clock.
With "Tho Swan Song," a short
sketch by Anton Tchokoff, as an ap
propriate curtain-raiser for tho last per
formance of tho season by tho Plays
and Players, tho charming littlo poeti
cal play by Rablndranath Tagoro, en
titled "Tho Post OITlce," was presented
lost night In tho Littlo Theatre. Bo
tweon tho acts, Mrs. Albert Fink
Schmidt gave a number of delightful
Members of tho socloty turned out
in goodly numbers for tho performance,
and amqng those occupying scats In tho
houso wero Mr. and Mr. Henry La
Barro Jayno, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Francis Bochman, Mr. and Mrs. Ell
Kirk Prlco, Mr. and Mrs. Robert R.
Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin
Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Dallas
Dixon, Mrs. Walter Steel, Mrs. George
Trotter Tyler, Mrs. Yorko Stovonson,
Miss Worthlngton Mitchell. Mrs. Fred
crick Jost, Miss Dorothy Welsh, Miss
Katherlno Scoler, Mrs. Georgo Fritz
Chandlor, Mr. and Mrs. Robort Geddcs,
Miss Margaret Field, Mrs. William J.
Balrd, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cooper,
Mr. Vinton Freedley, Dr. James Bab
bitt and Mr. Leonard Llppman.
Tho Main Lino branches of Queen
Mary's Noedlework Guild aro still con
tinuing their good work,, and two new
branches were formed only last week,
ono under the direction of Mrs. Mark
Hopkins, of Newtown Square, and tho
other undor Mrs. Wilbur F. Hamilton, of
Cynwyd. Thero aro now six branches
on the Main Line. On Wednesday last
four crates of relief supplies wore
packed and sent to St. James Palace In
London threo thousand articles, In
cluding gauze, sponges, bandages, muf
flers, wristlets, knit socks and all man
ner of relief supplies.
Mrs. John Harvey Gordon, of Bryn
Mawr, who is tho head of tho Main
Lino branch, has received a beautifully
engraved certificate, which was sent to
her by order of tho Queen, commending
Mrs. Gordon and the guild on their
splendid work. This has been framed
and hung in tho workroom. In addition
to the relief supplies which wero sent on
Wednesday, three dozen soldier kits
were eqnt to Captain John Harvey Gor
don's men of tho Mediterranean expe
ditionary corps, who are fighting in tho
Far East. These kits aro small bags
about 14 by 10 inches, containing to
bacco, soap, chewing gum, tooth brushes
and little comforts for the Boldlors. Un
fortunately, Captain Gordon is not able
to be with his men at present, as he is
sick In a hospital in London,
Tho Vlllanova branch of Queen
Mary's Guild, -which meets at the home
of Mrs. George C. Thayer every Mon
day, has sent a box of pillows, pillow
cases and Bheets to Miss Mandy for her
work among the wounded French sol
diers. The members of this branch are
Mrs, Charles Townsend, Mrs. Charles
Slnnickson, Mrs. Joseph Jeanes, Mrs.
Henry Scott, Jr., Mrs. Samuel Rodlne,
Mrs. William Bodlne, Mrs. Morris
Stroud, Jr., Mrs. Ileatly C. Dulles, Mrs. J,
Kenton Eisenbrey, Mrs. Thomas Baird,
Jr., Mrs. John Balrd, Mrs. Hubert Lloyd,
Miss Roberts, Mrs. Frederick T. SInnott,
Mrs. George F, Curwen, Mrs. L. Pacli
ard and Miss Cameron.
The Abrahamsohn Christmas and Eas
ter Committee of the University Hospital
will meet at the University Hospital on
Monday, April 24, from 11:30 until 3
o'clock, Mrs. Thomas G. Ashton is chair
man of the committee ; Mrs. Alfred Stengel,
Vice chairman, and Mr a. WUUm Pepper,
Jr., treasurer, and the other members In
clude Miss Mabel A. Brice. Mrs, Benjamin
Chew, Mrs. John Q. Clark, Mrs. William
J. Qlothler. Miss Emma A. Dorr, Miss Mar
garet Dunlap, Mrs. George W. Elk Ins. Jr.,
Mrs. Italph B. Evan. Mrs. Barton Cooke
Hirst, Mrs. Frederic R. Klrkland, Mrs. J.
4Cearley Mitchell, Id, Mr. Arthur Newlln,
Mr. Charles B. Penrose, Miss Sarah H. B.
Penrose, 11 Us Adeline L. V. Pepper, Miss
Marion E. Bmlth and MUa M. Eulalle
invitations have been Issued by Mr? and
Mrs. David T Sharpie, of Wet Cheater,
for the wedding of their daughter, Mlai
Martha, Adeline Sharplea, to Mr. Henry
Lawr&nc Utu oa Wednesday oitaing,
April 26, nt 61.10 o'clock nt Holy Trinity
Church, West Chester. There will be a
reception Immediately nftr-r the ceremony
nt tho home of the bride's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. ltrsi will be at homo after
Juno 1 at Hollcn road, Cedar Croft, Balti
more, Md.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Thompson, of 1818
T)e Lnncoy place, will give n. Mask nnd
Wig party on Friday evening, April 28.
Tho Rev. I. A. McOrew and Mrs.
McGrow. of 6908 Mower street, German
town, nro receiving congratulations on tho
birth of a (laughter, Barbara Itevnn
McOrew, on April 18. Mrs. McOrew was
formerly Miss Ethel Slossom, of Geneva,
N. Y , nnd Is a great favorite soclnlly.
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. Wilson fthnrplens. of
10 East Chestnut avenue, will give a
dinner dance on Saturday, May 6, at their
home, In honor of Miss Mary Dixon
Thayer, ono of Inst season's debutantes,
Thero will ho 30 guests present.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Thayer nnd Miss Thayer
have opened their houses, In Chestnut Hill,
having spent tho winter In town. Miss
Thayer has returned from a visit with
friends In Charleston, W. Vn.
Miss Mary Boyd, of 1909 Spruco street,
has Issued cards for a linen shower on
Thursday nfternoon, April 27, In honor of
Miss Kathlcon Dennlston, whoso marriage
to Mr. Donald Kent will tako placo on
Saturday, May 0.
Miss Rebecca A. Hunt, of 2228 Pino
street, who has been epondlng somo tlmo
In Florida, has returned to her home, nnd
will bo ono of the bridesmaids nt the
wedding of Mlsi Gertrude Loughend.
Miss Bertha M. Prendergast and Mr. G,
A. E. Prondergast nro visiting In Atlantlo
City. They nro staying at tho Amster
dam Apartments, ns tho guests or Miss
Cathorlno Kenne.
Along the Main Line
BRYN MAWR Tho llryn Mawr Col
lege students will celebrate tho birth of
Shakcspcaro on Saturday, May 6, by giv
ing n Shakespearean play and recital, as
sisted by the Fuller Sisters In old English
country dnncos nnd nnclont songs. Tho
proceeds will go to the student fund for
tho Garrett Memorial professorship.
WAYNE Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Poth
and fnmlly havo returned from a visit to
Atlantic City.
Mr. Guy Shenffcr. a student of Cornell
Unlvorslty, Is spondlng tho spring vaca
tion with his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
C. M. SlieafTor, nnd has ns his guest Mr.
Franklin C. Moore, of Cloveland, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Muller, 419 Chest
nut lane, havo returned from Atlantlo
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Y. King, of 235
School House lane, havo returned from
Summit. N. J., where they spent sovoral
days with friends nnd also attended tho
wedding of Miss HUdegnrde Frost nnd
Mr. Chnrlcs Custer Rockafellow, which
took place on Friday, April 14.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Kearn, of tho
Dolmar, havo gone to tho shoro for a fort
night. Mrs. Naomi Lambert, also of tho
Dolmar, will spend Easter nt the shore.
Mr. andjMrs. David E. Dallam, who
havo been spending tho winter at tho
Lincoln nnd Florida, havo reopened their
houso at Wlssahlckon nvenuo nnd Staf
ford street.
A fair of candles, cakes nnd fancy
articles was held on Saturday afternoon
at tho home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph
Wayno, Jr., of 5B20 Wayno avenue, Mrs.
Wayne's threo little girls, Miss Josephine,
Miss Elizabeth and Miss Laura Wayne,
were tho aides.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gabriel, of tho
Greystone, 125 West School House lane,
havo returned from Atlantic City, where
they spent several days.
Mrs. Lewis Scott and Miss Maude
Scott, of Morris otreet, havo gone to At
lantic City for the Easter holidays.
West Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. August Pagel, 9f C113
Westminster avenue, entertained Sunday
evening In honor of their sons, Mr. August
Pagel and Mr. William Tngel, who wero
confirmed Sunday morning by tho Rev.
C. Westler in Hope Reformed Lutheran
Church, Haverford avenue and Robinson
street. The guestB Included Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Schmidt, Mr. Oscar Hoffman, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Meyers, Mr. Gustavo Goldenrod,
Mrs. Margaret Schuttz, Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Meager, Miss Katherlne Schultz, Sir.
Edward Krepts, Mrs. Anna Hopkins, Mr.
William McLoughlln, Mr. n,nd Mrs.
James McOoldrlck, Mrs. M. Miller and
Mr. Harry Miller.
Tho West Vine Street Improvemnt As
sociation will give an entertainment and
smoker to tho business men this evening
In Pearson's Hall, 439 North 63d street,
at 8 o'clock.
South Philadelphia
Mr. and Mra Benjamin Rosensteln, of
622 Watklns street, announce the betrothal
of their daughter, Miss Bessie Rosensteln,
to Mr. David Sapovlts,of 623 West
Huntingdon street. Mr SapoviU la a
brother of Miss Bertha Sapovlts. a prom
inent suffrage of this city.
Mr. Bernard Oser. 360 South 4th street.
will psd the East holidays wltturelatlves
oCcL5tS mSJcU7
ia ft ?
ifr'IVtf HHBfliBBP' 9Pi 'tW-y'? WC s? hP?! i33fltyMv9M aaeaLav iBisssssslMfflHWianiflilsMTrffissssWMisSfMhSSsiaT
Mrs. Hutchinson and her daughter,
Along the Reading
Miss Dorothy Beach, of Elklns Park,
had Miss Myrzlnno Lcason, of Harrlsburg,
as her guost for several days last woek.
Miss Leason returned to her home yes
terday. During her visit several Informal
entertainments wero given In her honor.
Mrs. Jerome Shelp, of Wyncorte, hns
returned home from Mobile, Ala., where
sho has been Bpendlng several months.
Sir. Shelp will remain In tho South for
some tlmo longer on business.
Mr. Charles Andrew Beach, Jr.. for
merly of Elklns Prk, but now In business
In Chicago, 111., will arrive homo this
week. Mr. Beach's marrlngo to Miss Elea
nor Long, of Elklns Park, will take placo
on Wednesday, April 26, In St. Paul's
Church, Ogontz.
Mr. Edward Schellengor, who Is spend
ing some time in Wyncote. will leave the
first part of June for Eaton's Ranch,
Wyo., where ho will spend the Bummer.
The play givon by the young girls of
tho Old York Road Country Club will tnko
place on Friday, May 12. and Saturday,
May 13, at 8 o'clock. In the clubhouse.
Mr. and Mrs. James Marks, of 4B06
North Broad street, announco tho engage
ment of their daughter. Miss Zerllda
Huber MarkB, to Mr. Edwin Oeorge Slack,
of Germantown.
An Informal reception with music will
be given on Saturday. April 29, from 2
Timothy's Hospital, who will open for In
spection Ht. uatnanne s luuukb, lurwcriy
tne iving nomeaieuu, hhiui is m
nurses' home. The affair will also cele
brate the two hundredth meeting of the
n..Anlnilnn MYa .Tnhn C. Morris, of Ro-
chelle avenue, Wlssahlckon. chairman of
the entertainment committee, rma ur-
... .. ..am. lnt.,Mlln rrttmm rtf vn.
H&I1I.DU n vet .,,; WH....O ..-. - .-
cal and Instrumental music. The guests
will be received by Mrs. Oeorge A. Boat
wick, president; Mrs. M. Howard Fussell,
vice cnairman ; arr.uuurc wuiujunu, sec
retary ; Miss Margaret D, Bostwlck, acting
treasurer; Mrs. Charles M. Stout. Mrs.
Oliver S. Keely, Mrs. William J. Beatty,
Mra. Charles Ganger. Mrs. Nathan L.
t..., hi.. 1-fAtia,- RftinJlnln'. Mm .Tnfwnh
J, Vaughan Merrick, Mrs. Joseph V. Kelly,
IU1SS ttlizaoem ji. iiiriBiiv, wtin UMUiaf
lne C. uonway ana mib. jioucn una
An Illustrated lecture, "The Life of
Christ in Song and Picture," will be
given by Mr, George Streaker In St. An
drew's Mission, West Manayunk, tonight.
A Shakespeare Festival will be given
May 6 at the Frankford Illgh School.
Freparationa are being made lor an elab
orate program. Shakespearean songs and
recitations will be given. The proceeds
will go for the benefit of the Athletic As
sociation of the school.
The following wera present at the sur
prise party given to Mrs. John Horton,
5030 Frankford avenue, last week; Mr.
and Mrs. William Price. Mr, Alfred Oat.
Mr. Hugh. Oat, Mr. Blddlngton, Mr. and
Mrs. .Edward ?Iorton. Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Stringer, Mr. Walter Oemmel.
Miss Loralne Price, Miss Minnie Ttbbetts,
Miss Anne Ttbbetts, Miss Selma Horton
and Master John Horton.
a n. nl.D.ant Biifnrlu tinptv was
given to Mrs. Ralph Edge, of 1138 Her
bert street, in nonor oi ner oiroioay,
Those present) were Mrs. E. Croasdale,
ley, Mrs. William Tebbs. Mrs. A Brom-
lley. Mrs. J. uampDeu, jurs. inyior, jura.
French, Mrs. B. Thorpe, Mrs. Dennlson,
Miss L. Benner. Mrs. George Rimer, Mrs.
w T.lirhtfaat Mrs. Charles Harvey. Mra.
Ed Walton, Mrs. White. Mrs. C Wilde,
Mra. W- Turner, ura. a. oprowies. airs.
T .lniM fra ITlrlciL lira. R- Edna and Mlaa
who is a future debutante, are spending several weeks in Atlantic City.
Tho marrlngo of Miss Marlon Elizabeth
Williamson, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
John D. Williamson, of Oak Lane, nnd
Dr. Clarence V. Clcmmer will tnko place
tonight at 7:30 o'clock In tho Oak Lane
Presbyterian Church. Tho brldo will bo
attended by Mrs, William C. Williamson
as matron of honor nnd Miss Emily
.lanetto Smith as maid of honor, nnd her
bridesmaids will be Miss Margaret Selple,
Miss May Buck, Miss Martha Taylor and
Miss Charlotte Sachlan.
Doctor Clemmcr will havo his brother.
Dr. Leon Clemmcr, ns best man, and the
ushers will Include Dr. Frank Nngle, Dr.
Donald Ferguson, Dr. Ira Pratt, Dr. Max
Stockton and Mr. William C. Williamson.
A reception at tho Rlttenhouse will
follow tho ceremony, after which Doctor
Clemmcr and his brldo will loavo for their
wedding trip, returning to this city early
In May.
Miss Clara M. Wells, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert J. Wells, will be mar
ried tonight at 8 o'clock In the Phoenix
Hotel, Willow Grove, of which her father
Is proprietor. The bridegroom will be
Mr. Emll Hahl, of 2026 North 13th street,
a viola player In the Philadelphia Orches
tra and the Schmidt Quartet.
Miss Wells will be attended by Miss
Thokla Vollmer, of Dayton, and MIbo
Fanny 'Goldsmith and Miss Dorothy Jack
son, of this city. The best man will be
Louis Boehse, also a member of the Phila
delphia Orchestra.
Mr. and Mrs. Hahl will spend their
honeymoon in tho South.
Mrs. George Wobensmlth. of 1813 West
Ontario street, chairman of the Woman
Suffrage party of tho 23d District, gave
an Informal reception yesterday for the
sale of Easter plants nnd frivolous articles
made by serious-minded suffragists. The
affair was In aid of the fund to secure
permanent headquarters for the associa
tion. Assisting the hostess were Miss
Nettie L. Hahn, Mrs. William Dalley. Miss
Rhea Duryea, Mrs. Josephine Paul and
Miss Florence Williams.
Mrs. Franz Ehrllch, of 2233 West
Venango street, is spending several weeks
In Atlantic City.
Lansdowne "
Mr. William Conway, of South Lans
downe avenue, who has been 111, is very
much Improved.
Mrs. Carl L. Altmaler, of Owen avenue,
will entertain the members of the wo
man's suffrage party at her home on the
afternoon of April 24. The election of
officers will take place at this meeting.
What's Doing Tonight
nrinipr'fo'. ww?
Meeting- South 60tb Street Improvement As
soclatlonT 25S South 00th etreet.
lecture. "Eait of , the Baatoa JUIlway,"
Hletorlcal SocTetr, S o'clock.
Talk on "Temperature and tho Activities of
Animal.. ' Dr. jlerkel II. Jacobs, Academy ot
Natural Sciences, 8 o'clock.
Annual meeting. Racquet Club, 8 o'clock.
Klshth annual concert. Steteon Cnurue. Stet
son Auditorium, 8:10 o'clock.
Annual meeting. Fellowship of the Academy
of the fine Arte. 8.1S o'clock.
Lecture, "Th Evolution of the Automobile,"
Howard E, Coma, EntlneerV- Club. 8:18
Annual baaaust. Frankfort Dusiaess Men's
and Taxpayer' Aseociatloa, Mlaonlu Hall,
Muelcale and entertainment by the prexel
Blddle Bible, Claae of the Holy Trinity Church.
Central X. M. C. A., J4SI Arch street, 8
Debate, "Whether, or Not Complete Inde-
Jendence for the Philippines Is Desirable," bt.
oeeph's CelUse. 8 o'flak.
Ftfty seventh. Street Improvement Aeeocia
tion tiotb street and Olrard avtko. 8 o clotic.
Lancaster Avenue Business Ilea. 8910 Lan
caster avenue. 8 o fleck.
M-mUOy ltor.tr Betarr Cl'iVXusUfa; 8.M
North Philadelphia
Mr. and Jlrs. Percy Prlco nro spending
their honeymoon In Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Prlco waa Miss Margaret Stapleford,
daughter of Mrs. M. Stapleford, of 2319
North 21st street.
Miss Constance Kerr will glvo a must
cale on Thursday night under tho uuapicjB
of tho Men's Bible. Class of Oaston Pres
byterian Church, In the church auditorium,
Lehigh avenue and 11th etreet.
Mrs. Walter B. Grcenway, of 2717 North
12th street, Is visiting friends In Newark,
N. J.
Miss Frances Hazen, who has been
spending some time In Peeksklll, N. Y
has returned to her home, 1708 Mount
Vornon street.
Air. and Mrs. Jerome Brandes have
returned from their wedding Journey and
will resldo for a time at 1437 Diamond
street. The bride was Miss Irene Blu
menthal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mar
tin Cohn, of Diamond street.
Mrs. Samuel Klein, of 2232 North Broad
street, has as her guest Mrs. Arthur O.
Tervcles, of New York,
ALLENTOWN, April 18. The post
Lenten social season In Allentown will be
ushered In with the marriage on Tues
day, April 28, of Miss Irene Porter to
Mr. Stanley Lawfer. The ceremony will
take place at 6 o'clock, at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.
Porter, oil 17th street, in the West End.
Her father, one of tho leading business
men In the Lehigh Valley, is vice presi
dent and manager of the Lawrence Cement
Company. The bride-elect, who Is a
great favorite, Is a graduate of Fall-mount
Seminary, Washington, D. C. Mr. Law.
fer was educated at Bethlehem Prepara
tory and Lafayette. Both are members
of the Lehigh Country Club.
. Nolle for tho Society pais will ,be
attested and printed In tho ISvenlns
Leilftr, but all such notices miul be writ
ten on. on side of the paper, mutt be
signed In full, with full address, and when
poeelble telephon number uiiut bo five."-
Head all urh communlcatlone to so
ciety Bditor," i:enliig Ledger, 08 Chest
nut street. , . , .
CnUM these rfe.uIrMnnU are carried
oat, so that lulttfatloa.rnay U pouQiU.
Is Batic 1U aot be atUfca4.
' Bf "fpPft 'ESSSm
ttHiAi " pL 'f.'r
fHft S aiiiiKaiH ' "H at 'I
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edsrftr B.
NAsh, of Qreonwood nvenue, Wyncote, en
tertained nt bridge and "600" nt her homo
on Saturday afternoon nt 2tJ0 o'clock in
honor of hor1 cousin, Miss Heleno Shep
herd, of Cnmbrldge, Mass., who Is the
guest of Miss Nnsh for a week before re
turning to RadclIITe College lo resume
her studies. Among the guests on Satur
day wero Miss Zoo Mcgargec. Miss Julia
B6ck, Miss Ethlyn Seiner, Mlsi Doris
Wethorbee, Miss Blanche Wheelock, Miss
Marian Shelp, Miss Lillian Shelp, Miss
Amelia Shelp, Miss Carolyn Osborn, of
Jcnktntowns Miss Violet Krnuss, of
Elklns Park! Miss Mildred Bner. MIsb
Marian Stauffer, of Chambersburg; Miss
Edith McCarty, Miss Lucy McCnrty, Miss
Emma Davis, Miss Jean Wilson nnd Miss
Pauline Kapp.
Mr. Russell Taylor will ontortaln a num
ber of his friends nt a house party over
Easter nt his home, 1235 Asbury avenue.
Ocean City. Ills guests will bo Mr. Cltarlei
Oonert, Mr. Frnnk Kaiser, Mr. Georgo
Rleger, Jr., Mr. Thomas Italton, Mr. Louis
Slgel and Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarenco B. Tay
lor. A SURPRISE party was given to Mr.
Maurice Feller by hln colleagues at
tho homo of Mr. Anthony Ltnrzl, 1307
Federal street, on Sunday evening. Mr.
Feller hns just recovered from a serious
illness. The evening was n musical one,
as Mr. Feller Is a noted cellist hero and
abroad. Ho was connected with tho Ham
mersteln Opera In London, and Is now
solo cellist In tho Bcllcvue-Stratford Hotol
Among those present were Mr. Moycr
Gorodetzer, conductor of the Beethoven
Symphony: Mr. Meyer Davis, musical di
rector of tho Bcllovue-Stratford Hotel : Mr.
Anthony Llnzzl, solo cellist of Martini's
Symphony nnd Uecthnvcn Symphony; Mr.
D. It. Woldlnger nnd Mr. LouIb Culp, of
Holland; Mr. Pnul Godmtlow. Mr. David
S Brown, Mr Lazarus H. Bfown, Mr. J.
Ooldonburg, Mr. Harry Foldmnn, Mr. M.
Llnzzl, Mr. Frank Llnzzl and Mr. Harold
Mrs. Emma R. Johnson and daughters,
Miss Ethol P. Johnson nnd Miss Bessie
Johnson, of 10S South 63d street. West
Philadelphia, entertained n numbor of
their friends nt their homo on Saturday
evonlng, April 15 Their guests wero
Miss M. McAIecr, Miss Sylvln Delaplalne,
Miss Vlolot McGettlgnn, Miss Florence
Conaway, Mrs. D. O. Morton, Mrs. E. S.
Clark. Mr. II. Pclser, Mr. Jack E. Wet
zel, Mr. Georgo A. Splnglcr, Mr. Jack
Campbell, Mr. E. A. Clark, Mr. Charles
P. Kerns and Mr. G. F. Spanglcr.
Tho Bow and Arrow Club Is planning to
give nnothcr play In the fall.
A SURPRISE party was given Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick Louis Swlnk, 2632
South Colorado Btreet, In honor of Mr.
Ewlnk's birthday by tho Ladles' Auxiliary
of tho General Lycoum Post, No. 47, Vet
erans Foreign Wars.
Tho guests met at Past Commander
John Tumbclty's homo and wont In a
body to Mr. Swlnk's house, whero supper
was served nt 12 o'clock. Tho music wan
rendered by members of tho Talbot String
Band, led by Mr. Davis.
Among the guests present wero Com
mander Edward Snell, of General Lyceum
Post, and Mrs. Snell; Past Commander
John Tumbelty, of General Lyceum Post,
and Mrs. Tumbelty; Adjutant Fred R.
Watson. General Lyceum Post; Mrs. Wat
son nnd his daughter, Miss Mary Nel
son; Mr. and Jlrs. Andrew Evans, Mrs.
Lizzie Shado, Miss Julia Shade, Miss
Emma Smith, Mrs. John W. Welsh, Mrs.
Philip Larkln. Mrs. Schumackor, Mr. and
Mrs. Davis. Mrs. and Miss Robinson, Mr.
Frnnk Davis, Master John Tumbelty,
Maiter Frod Swlnk and Master John
Miss Eva Lipmnn, of C170 Parkslde
avenuo, enteitalned at hor home on Sun
day evening. Thero was a dancing con
test nnd prizes wero given. Among the
guests wero Miss Bertha Hyman. Miss
Rose Daross, Miss Bessie Wlnkleman,
Miss Rose- Morrlsson, Miss Bessie Klltn
B'.iy, MIsb Bertha Klrkel, Dr. Victor Sledel,
Mr. Louis Wollman, Dr. Joseph Klmmor
man, Mr. Peter Abrams. Dr. Borden. Mr.
Benjamin Schmerer, Mr. Samuel Kazer,
Globe Theatre MVnndsTS.
Jl-jyjy5 VAUDEVILLE Continuous 11
A. M. to 11 T. M. 10c, 10c, 25a
The Maid and the Mummy
and omens
V iPlOTMR A- " to 11U8 P. M.
Y lUUUlltv yjrit Local Presentation
At 10:40. 12:30, 2:15. 4, 0. 7:45, 0:30.
A 1 CHESTNUT llelow 10th
ArCaClia Omn Johnson
Thurs.. Frl.. Bat.. Prank Keenan and Mary
iioiana in ,.. .,,-,. ww.,, t.
US a. m.Tl :15 p. m.
Margilerite Clark
ymoro, ''Red Widow"
10c 1214 MARKKT SOo
10 A M, to 11:15 F. it.
Pauline Frederick
Thurs. Frl.. Sat.. "HEART OF 1'AUI.A"
Knickerbocker 'rhkttThe Brute
Mate. Tuea., Thurs., Sat.
To Women
Who Manage Their Affairs
Our Women's Department believes that every woman should haves
i i
(a) Expert and unprejudiced
(b) A practical under-finding
(c) As great return on
with samy of principal.
(d) Report on heriinvestmfnts ilrom time to time.
Dnr ncn.irtmenti reaAv la uive
interested and tomake offs of
tial return and Ire suited to the
Apply to
Lary H. Ingham, Manager
William P." Bonbright & Co
Morris Wistar Stroud, Jr., Manager
437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia
New York Boston
Mr. Louts Lassori, Mr, I. A. Woli
Henry Llpman, Mr. Joseph MenrM
Henry Slonno nnd Dr. I. Binfer.
Mr. Harry Lefkowlth entertain
Gladstone Club at his home, 21S1
ism street, on inursony. j qnn.
per wWs served. Among those
were Mr. And Mrs. Simon Lefkbwl
and Mrs. Lou Smith, Mr. and Hj
Hammersley, Miss Knthryn p
Alias i-ranoe ungenelder, Miss J
Lefkowlth, Miss Mnmlo Lefkowl
Vivian Lefkowlth. Mr. David Be
Mr. Sol Pollock. Miss Jessie ah
Mr. Joe Stvartz, Mr. Sam StejJ
Steven Brody and Mr. Pertlval
WILMINGTON, I)ol., April
marriage of Miss Lydla ChB
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, WaR
Uowlo Chichester, of Sandy SprH
and Mr. Philip Dandrldge Lalrcl
will tako place In St, John's El
Church on Juno 3. w 11 be one
prominent enrly summer weddlnri
ceremony will bo performed at
In tho evening, with the Rev. Wll
Laird, a brother of tho brldegrod
and tho Rev. Alban 8. Rlchey. ti
rector of St. John's Church, as.
elating clergymen. The bride wS
slven In marrlneo by her father, nnfl
hnvn her sister. Miss Sara ChlchestJ
Bandy Spring, ns maid of honor, and 5
A. Felix du Pont, her aunt, as md
of honor. There will bo six bridesn
and two littlo flower girls, Lydla Chid
ter du Pont, daughter of Mn and
A. Felix du Pont, and Mary au
Laird, n nleco of tho bridegroom.
Walter J. Laird, formerly of this cits
now of Butte, Mont., will bo nls bra
best man. Immediately followin
oeirmony a reception will bo held!
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Felix dul
An Easter dance will be given If
Dnnclnu Class in the New Centur
on Tuesday night. April ZS. As It '
tho first lnrcre dance of the post-1
season, it Is being eagerly antlcl
Tho commlttoo In chargo comprises
T. Coleman du Pont, Mrs. John H. ,
Mrs. William Q. Rumsay, Mrs.
P. Winchester. Mrs. Otho Nowland
John Biggs nnd Mrs. Charles CopeloJ
Mrs. Leonard P. Wales cntertab
cards Friday afternoon In honor ,
Josenhlne Schwarz. of Harrlsbul
who Is visiting Miss Cornelia Bowmij
Miss Eugenia Shaw, of New York.
who hns been visiting1 Miss Barbara
dcgrlft, returned home on Saturday.
Mrs. Charles R. Miller Is .entertal
her sistcr-ln-law, Mrs. Woodnut, andjj
Hannah Woodnut, of Seattle, WajshS
Mrs. Bcckwlth Sanborne, of Nov
has beon the guest the past week'
Clement Miller.
Mr. nnd Sirs. A. D. Blseell,. ofBl1
wero the guests last week of Mri
Mrs. Edgar Maun Hoopes.
The Rev. Henry Cunningham hi
turned from northern Now Jersey,
ho spent a weok sojourning in the.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Shs
returned from a trip to Atlanta
Sir. and Mrs. Joalah Marvel
turned from a trip to Atlantlo CI I
Mrs. Mitchell Greenwood has bet
lng several days with friends
ington, D. C.
fl r. ; 1, This & Next Wee.
VJI X ll. Matlneo Tomorrow
Orlrlnal New York Caet and
Deet Meat ?1 at Popular llatlne.
BROAD Last 5 Ev
T.niinfn T'o-.rlr.w in TlJ
"""'Cite xcj.jr.iuj. 4
By J. HARTl.Er jrANN?
neet Seats J1.60 at Uatlnee TJ
Next Week I TT 1,.;i
Seats Thura,
J.YA.L. jyj.ii
Hall Orders
Mary Shaw & Co?
Amelia Stone & Armar
Leslie Il&lcer: lluieev L Doyle?
Howard's Animal Spectacle!
Hiar feature.
ACADEITV. Mon. Afternoon, Aprtfl
Harold BAUER
Denerlt Iluulan Com., Emercencr
pmcim 12. tl.no. si. TSc nll.LF
Tlckete at llrppo', 1110 Chestnuts
Eaiter AttractXm
Cyril Hat-court'
"A Pair of IIK Stc
A Trlumrh for a
Kola Year hvNeil
Seats Iteadnrhf
AJ A J.VJ.y y poo. l.BO llat. Tonl!
flreat Slnelnf Cast and Fhiaemlila at
Metropolitan Opera Ilouee, ri, Erz-t Apn
Seat Sale at 1100 Chestnut St. 12,Jt50.J
ice on investments,
her own affairs.
sted as is consistent
suCTfdvice to women who are
investments which yield a sulgtan-i
needs ot conservative investors.