Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 17, 1916, Final, Page 11, Image 11

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Captain John Carter. C. S. A.. t th
tlooe of the civil War (toon Wl, pro;
twctlns with friend Attnrkrd y hitlla
Amche Indiana, ha HkM refu In a
mountain cave, from which tmnjtea a
polfnnom eaa f)rcoma liy tnla. he ftp
pnremljr unAercnm n phjalcal .rnetnmor.
phoola, omo Inherent part of him nelne
releneml that ' n iv, like n eeconrt
person, hla eeemlnirly llfelen body lying
on the envo floor. In thla Mate, Ihfouah
a aerlea of pnenomna e finds hlmaell
transported to th planet Mara.
Once upon Mara. Carter atnrta upon ft
eerlea of nilventure omonK a people SI
Rntl". nlx-llmbert anil Miltmn. who. ur.
roua-lvl hv urmlea ami huie hraata or h'lr
den tive !hoe of the prehlnorlo earth a.
flnrl In htin a fascinating captive. He
l Riianleil by a Martian noman. Bola,
and n Martian "wnteliilou " a kindly.
thoUih lerrlhle-looklnR ten-leeied animal.
In n hi 1 11" with enemv airshlpa a tientitliul
uomin Dojnli Thurla. formed ilko thpao
on enrth. la taken prisoner Carter kill
a rhlfflalmwho atrlkea Dejnh "lhorli diir
Intr per trial nnd receives the dead war
rlor'a rank; InalRnla and iwraon.il pos
maalonn. a ruatom folltmed on Mara.
Bnrkujtt plnta nitnlnit Carter and oer
heara hlni planning earape with r)ejah
Thorla Tor thli he la auminondcd before
Lorquaa Ptomel, Kreat rhlef.
A I'rlsoncr ot rower
AS I cntcretl nnil snltitrrt tliem, Ijornuns
Arinmel RlRtinletl mo to nttvnncp, nnd.
flxltiR Ills srent. hideous eyes upon mo,
addressed mo thus:
"You linye been with tit n few days,
yet during that time you hiio by your
prowess won n, high position nmong us.
Be that nnjlt may, you are not one of tts.
You owo u!j no allegiance.
"Your position Is peculiar. You aro a
prlsonor nod yet you glyo commands
which must1 bo obeyed You aro nn alien
and yet you, aro a Tharklnn chief. You arc
a midget, and yet you can kill a mighty
warrior with ono blow of vour first.
"And now you aro 'reported to have
boon plotting to escape with another pris
oner of nnother race a prlwner, who,
from hot- own admission, half believes you
aro returned from tho valley of Dor. Klthcr
v one of these accusations, If proved, would
be BUfTiclent groundo for your execution,
but wo are n. Just people, and you Blmli
have a trial on your return to Thtirk, If
Tal IlaJuB so commands.
"But," ho, continued, In his fierce gut
tural tone, "if you run oft with the red
girl it Is I who shall have to account to
Tal Hajus. Jt Is I who shall have to faco
Tars Tarkaf, and either demonstrate my
right to command, or give up tho metal
from my dead carcass to a better man, for
Buch Is tho custom of tho Tharka.
"I have no quarrel with Tors Tarkas.
Together wo rulo supreme tho greatest of
tho lesser communltlen among tho green
men. Wo do not wish to light between our
selves; nnd so if you weio dead, John
Carl.r. I-should bo glnd.
"Under two conditions only, however,
may you bo killed by us without orders
from Tal Ilnjus In personal combat In
self-defense, should you attack one of us.
or woro you npprehended In an attempt to
"As a matter of Justice I must warn
you that we only nwnlt ono of these two
, excuses for ridding ourselves of so great a
"Tho safe delivery of tho red girl to
Tal Hajus Ih of tho greatest Importance.
Not In a thousand years h.ive tho Tharka
matlc such a capture. She Is tho grand-
' daughter of tho greatest of tho red Jed-
' daks, who Is also our bitterest enemy.
"I have spoken. The red girl told us
i that wo wci" without tho softer sentiments
i of humanity, but wo aro a Just nnd truth
ful race. You may go."
Turning. I left tho audience-chamber.
. So this whs the beginning of Sarkoja's per-
becutlin I I know that none other than she
could I o responsible for this report which
Dear Children This is the season of flowers and wc must not bo selfish
with them. If you wish to do a little kindness each and every day, you
may do so if you will PLAN how you can make just ONE person happy at
Think of some little child who cannot go out these glorious spring days
and send him (or her) some flowers or even a postal enrd. We print today a
list of hospitals and suggest that you follow the directions we give.
We have nearly 60,000 members, and how happy the grown-ups will bo
when they can write to their friends in distant cities and say, "Fifty thou
sand children in OUR city sent flowers nnd postal cards to the children in
tho hospitals."
Oh, it is wonderful to bo remembered! To think thnt outside tho hos
pital or sick room SOME ONE is thinking of us. Learn at Easter time this
ono lesson:
Whilo you nre young, learn the great lesson of loving, and remember
that you must GIVE in order to GET.
Perhaps the child in tho hospital will never see you or know you, but
somewhere, sometime, the kindness will como back to you with interest
If you can't think of any one, just feed somo new lettuce to the canary,
or tie a ribbon around Towser's neck, or give kittie the top of he milk for
once. Ask your father how he likes your new dress or tho part in your hair
and help mother by doing just ONE thing for her you have never done
Children's Editor, Evenino Ledger.
List of Hospitals
Ths following U a lint of Philadelphia
hoipltaU that admit children. If you have
no favorite hoipltal Henri your pontuli or
sifts lo ths lionpttul neuret your home.
Addre.s lit care of tlia Children' Ward I
liable' HotplUI. 003 ddlun afreet.
ht, Joieiih'. I7tli and llrard avenue.
M, Aiur', llroad and Mifflin btreeU.
St. Tiinutlir'n. Kldze uud Jawettuuro ate-
BUl! OhrMonher'n, Lawrence and Hunting
don strreU.
St. Mury'. Irankford avenue and 1'almer
' "f, 'l.uke'ti llnmd nnd UiiKohockln ntxeeU.
hi. Vliieent' Home. 20tji uud Iture atrceta.
Children' lloiueoiwtldr. rrunklhi uiul
Thompi-Qn afreet. . . ....... .
Children' IIomiIIuI. 22d and Walnut treeU.
jljuilu... 15J0 Lombard atreet.
Kniaiviiai. Front afreet and I.ehlih urenue.
Jl.iry Dreiel Home. 2100 (ilrurd ultnue.
lUb.uem.inn, l-'tu and Knee atrceta.
llnnurd, llroad and Catharine atrreta.
f.eraijnioun. I'enn and Chew atreela.
Jefleraou, 10th. und Walnut atrreta.
Medlco-Chl, loth nnd, t lierry atreet.
Metliodl.t. Hrojd ami Vult streets.
I'lUladeliihla Urneral. Situ and line atreet.
ITcabjterian. 39th street and 1'ovtclton
'robTcllnlr, 18th and Lombard street.
Kooc.elt. 71S North 6th afreet. , A
Jevylau, York road und Tabor at net.
Norhuetern General, 2017 r.ortn I!d
Things to Know
I. What U It that the more you take
away from it the larger It grows? (Sent
In "by Joseph Halirhuftlg.)
EvcNiNa Lewjei.:
I wish to become a member of your
Rainbow Club. Please send, roe a beau
tiful Rainbow Button free. I agree
Apa .
School I atteuJ ........'
1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 n mi mini 1 1 n i mi 1 1 1 niini n
had renched tho cars of Lorquaa 1'tomel
so quickly, and now I lecalled thoio por
tions of our conversation which had touch
ed upon escape and upon my origin.
Barkoja was nt this time Tnrs Tarkas'o
oldest and most trusted female. As such
sho was n mighty power behind the throne,
for no warrior had tho confidence of I,or
quna I'tomel to such nn extent na did his
ablest lieutenant, Tara Tarkas.
Instead, however, of putting thoughts ot
possible escape front my mind, my audi
ence with Lorquaa I'tomel only served to
centre my every faculty on this subject.
Now. more than before the absoluto neces
sity for escape, In so far an Oejah Thorla
waa concerned, wns Impressed upon me,
for I waa convinced that some horrible
fate awaited her at tho headquarters of
Tal Jtajua
Aa described by Rota, this monster was
the exaggerated personification of nil tho
ngea of cruelty, ferocity, and brutality
from which he had descended.
Cold, cunning, calculating, ho was, also,
In mnrked contrast to most of his follows,
a slave to brute passion.
Tho thought thnt the divine Dejah Thor
la might fall Intu the clutbhca of such
an abysmal atavism started tho cold sweat
upon me. K.ir better that we save n friend
ly bullet for out solves for tho last moment,
na did those bravo frontier women ot my
lost land, who took their own lives rather
than fall Into tho hands of tho Indian
As I wandered nbout tho plaza lost In
my gloomy forebodings, Tara Torkaa ap
proached mo on his way from the audience
chamber. Ills demeanor toward mo waa
unchanged, nnd ho greeted mo as though
wo had not Just parted n few momenta
"Wlicro are your quartcra, John Tnr
tcr?" ho naked.
"I have selected none," I replied. "It
seemed best that t quartered either by my
self or among tho other warrlora, and I
wns awaiting nn opportunity to nsk your
advice. Aa you know," and I smiled, "I
nm not yet fnmlllnr with all tho customs
of tho Tharka."
"Como with me," ho directed, and to
gether wo moved oft across tho pln7a to a
building which adjoined that occupied by
Sola and her charges.
"My quarters aro on the first floor of
this building," ho said. "Tho second floor
also Is fully occupied by warriors, but tho
third floor and the floors above nre vacant.
You may tako your choice of these.
"I understand," ho continued, "that you
have given up your woman to the red pris
oner. AVell, na you have said, your ways
are not our ways, but you can light well
enough to do about us you please. Thus,
If you wish to glvo jour woman to a
captive. It Is your own affair.
"As a chlcftnln, however, you should
have thoso to servo you, and In nccordanco
with our customs you may select any or
nil the females from the retinues of tho
chieftains whoso metal you now wear."
I thanked him. but nssurcd him that I
could get along very nicely without assist
ance, except In tho matter of preparing
food, and so he promised to send women
to me for this purposo and also for tho
caro of my arms and tho manufacture of
my ammunition, which he s.iid would bo
I suggested that they might also bring
some of the sleeping silks nnd furs which
belonged to mo na spoils ot combat, for
tho nights were cold, and I had none of
my own.
He promised to do so, nnd departed.
Left alone, I ascended the winding corri
dor to the upper lloors In search of suit
able quarters. Tho beauties of tho other
buildings wcro repeated In this, una, us
usual, I was soon lost In a tour of Invcstl-
gntlon and discovery.
Our Postodlce Box
Edward Parris waa one of our very
flrat members and ho Is Just aa much In
terested In us now aa he waa In our very
early days l Naomi
Cleason, another old
member, writes from
her home on North
Ufet street that she
la still thinking of us
and reading about us
every night.
Edna Foot, Cyn
wyd, has a cat that
she puts to sleep In
her doll's b e d t
Speaking of a dolt's
bed reminds us of
dea. little 7-year-old
Dorothy Messner, of
East Westmoreland
Btreet. She Is learn
ing- to make furniture for dollies at school
and la having lots of fun. Dorothy wants
to know how many little Rainbows live
near her. Speak up East Westmoreland
street citizens) Jane Dagtt, Betty and
Jack Davie, of Pine street, gave a "show
for the poor" on Saturday afternoon.
Betty recited "A Letter to Orandma" and
Jane spoke "Munps and Measles." The
program, which was printed on lovely
pink paper, sounded very Interesting, and
we know that every one spent a ery de
lightful afternoon.
Clara Feldman. Walnut street, makes
tho suggestion that we form '" story
club." Please write and tell us your
plans m detail for this branch club. We
are very much Interested In your Idea.
Will Wendell Stewart, friend of Thomas
ijcroMe and citixen of Cynwyd, please
send lib picture for "Our Poatolllce Box ' T
Randle Rapp, Cermantown. wants to bs
of sen ice to the Rainbows. Who baa some
work for him to do Ethel Katzenbach
Roxborough. is quite anxious that all her
friends bo club members. We are fully
as anxious as she and aro relying upon,
her friendly influence to bring thein Into
in i in mill nil I Mill I ill 1 1 1 1 lllll lllliri
I finally chose a rrbnt room on tho third
floor, becnuso this brought mo nearer to
Dcjnh Thorls, who was quartered on tho
second floor of tho ndjolnlng building.
Near my sleeping room woro baths,
dressing rooms, and other sleeping nnd
living apartments, In all, some dozen
Tho windows In tho rear overlooked nn
enormous court, which formed tho centro
of tho square made by tho buildings which
faced tho four contiguous streets, nnd
which wns now given over to tho quarter
ing of tho vnrlous nnlmals belonging to
tho warriors occupying tho adjoining
While Jhe court wna entirely overgrown
with thei-ellow moss-llko vegetntlon which
blnukcts'lvlrtually tho entire surfaco of
Mars, yci numerous fountains, statuary,
benches olid pergoln-llko constructions boro
witness to tho beauty which tho court
must have presented In bygone times, when
graced by the falr-halred, laughing people
whom stern nnd unnltcrnblo cosmlo laws
hnd driven not only from their homes, but
from nil oxrept tho vnguo legends of their
one could easllv picture 'tho gorgeous
follngo of the luxuriant Martian vegetn
tlon which onco filled this scene with llfo
nnd color, the graceful figures of tho beau
tiful women, tho straight nnd handsome
men. tho happy frolicking children all
sunlight, happlnesa nnd peace.
It wns dtmcult to rcallzo thnt they hnd
gone dow'n through ngea of darkness,
cruelty nnd Ignorance, until their heredi
tary Instincts of culture nnd humanitarian
Ism had risen ascendent onco more In tho
final composllo race which now nro domi
nant upon Mars.
My thoughts woro cut short by tho nd-
eiit of several young femnlea bearing
loads of weapons, silks, furs, Jewels, cook
ing utensils, nnd casks of food and drink,
Including considerable loot from the air
craft. All this. It seemed, hail been tho
property of the two chieftains I had slain,
and now, by the customs of tho Tharka, It
had become mine.
At my direction they placed tho stuff In
ono ot tho back rooms, and thon departed,
only to return with a second, load, which
they advised mo constituted tho batanco of
my goods. On tho second trip they wcro
accompanied by ten or 15 othor women
and youths, who, It seemed, formed tho
retinues of the two chieftains.
They were not their families nor their
w'lves, nor their servants; tho relationship
wiih peculiar, and ho uullko anything
known to ua that It Is most difficult to
describe. All property among tho green
Martians Is owned In common by tho
community, except tho personal weapons,
ornaments, nnd sleeping silks nnd furs of
tho Indlvldunls.
These nlono can ono claim undisputed
right to, nor may he accumulate more of
theso than are required for his actual
needs. The surplus ho holds merely as
custodian, and It l.s passed on to tho
younger members of tho community na
necessity demands.
Tho women and children of a man's
rctlnuo may bo likened to n military unit,
for which he Is icsponslble In various
ways, aa In matter) of Instruction, disci
pline, sustenauco nnd tho exigencies of
their continual roamlngs and their unend
ing strife with othor communities and with
tho red Martians.
Finding that I must nssumo responsi
bility for these creatures, whether I would
or no, I mado tho best of It, and directed
them to find quarters on tho upper floors,
leaving the third floor to mo !
Ono of tho girls I charged with the
duties of my simple culslno, nnd directed
tho others to tako up tho vnrlous activities
Willie Widcawnkc and the Sleepy
Willie Wlde-A jko had been nalcep
over so long whon ho wolto up and just
couldn't go to sleep. Ho heard tho hlg
clock strlko tho hour nnd wondered why
they didn't havo tho hours nearer to
gether. Thon he thought If tho hours
wero nenrer together the days would bo
longer nnd there would bo more hours
nnd well, he was so tired of thinking
nnd thinking nnd ho just couldn't go to
sleep and that was nil there waa nbout
He wlnhes (no Good Dream Fairy would
come. Thl3 was tho ono night ho longed
to seo her at tho foot of his bed. waving
her golden wand and making tho tiny
diamond nt tho end of It sparklo In his
Ho turned over for the hundredth time,
nnd then he Bmellcd Fomothltig vory
funny. He had nexr Bmolled anything
like It before. It was so soft and
dreamy. It seemed like tho odor of a
greenhouse filled with flowers nnd the
fragrance of tho fresh earth. Suddenly n
volco said: "So you missed mo, did
It was the GooJ, Dream Fnlry, but
Willie could not seo her nor was he to
seo her at nil, but she spoke once more
and said: "Look under your pillow and
you will find some Sleepy Powders. Take
a pink ono now and If you do not go
to sleep, take a blue one."
The voice was still. Willie felt under
the pillow ind, sure enough, there wero
the powders. He could not tell which
was the pink one and waa wondorlng what
to do when a voice said: "I am from
the .pink. Take me first."
"I am from the violet, take me next."
said a voice coming from his right hand.
"How wonderful," thought Willie, as
he poured the powder down his throat.
Before he could drop the powder from !
his hand, he was fast asleep and his !
motner tried and tried to wake him In
the morning, and he had to tell her about
the Sleepy Powders when Bhe finally woke
which had formerly constituted their
Thereafter 1 saw llttls ot thorn, nor did
I caro to.
The Old Climax
FOLLOWING tho battle with the air
ships, tho community rcmnlned within
tho city for several days, abandoning tho
homeward march until they could feci
reasonably assured that tho ships would
not return.
To bo cnught on the open plains with n
cavnlcndo of chariots nnd children was far
from tho tlcslro of even so warlike a peo
plo ns tho green Martian..
During our period of Inactivity Tars
Tnrkns hnd Instructed mo In many of tho
customs nnd nrts of war fnmlllnr to the
Thnrks, Including lessons In riding nnd
guiding tho great beasts which boro tho
wnrrlors. Theso crentures, which are
known ns thonts, nre ns dangerous nnd
vicious ns their masters! but when onco
subdued nre sufficiently trnctnblo for tho
purposes of tho green Mnrtlans.
Two of theie anlmnls had fallen to mo
from tho wnrrlors whoso metal I wore,
nnd In short time I could hnndlo them
nulto ni well ns tho natUo wnrrlors.
Tho method was not nt nit complicated.
If tho thonts did not respond with suf
ficient celerity to tho telepathic Instruc
tions of their riders they wcro dealt a tor
rlllo blow between tho ears with the butt
of i pistol, nnd If they showed fight this
treatment wni continued until the brutes
cither wero subdued or had unseated their
riders, often with fntnt rcsutts.
In tho latter event It Immediately bc
enmo n llfo and death sttugglo betweon'
tho mnn nnd the bcnBt. If tho warrior
wcro quick enough with his plitol, ho
might live to ride ngaln, though upon
Fomo other beast; If not, his torn nnd
mangled body wns gnlhcred up by his
women nnd burned In nccordanco with
tho Thnrltlan custom.
My cxpcrlonco with Woola determined
Wo to attempt tho experiment of kindness
In my treatment ot my thonts, First I
taught them that they could not unsent
mo, and oven nipped them sharply bo
tween the rnrs to Impress upon them my
uiiinority nnu miistcry.
Then, by degrees, I won tholr confidence
In much tho sntno manner as I had
adopted rnuntlcFH times with my many
mundano mounts. I uns always a good
hand with nnimnls, r.nd by Inclination, ns
well ns hecnuse It brought moro lasting
nnd satisfactory results, I waa always
kind nnd humano In my dealings with tho
lower orders. I could tnke a human life,
If nccossary, with fnr less compunction
than that of a poor, unreasoning, Irrespon
sible brute.
In tho courso of n few days my thonts
woro the wonder of tho entlro community.
They would follow mo llko dogs, rubbing
their great snouts ngalnst my body In
awkward evidence of nffcctlon, nnd re
spond to my every commnnd with nn alac
rity nnd docility which caused tho Martian
wnrrlors to nscrlbo to me tho possession
of Bomo earthly power unknown on Mars.
"How havo you bewitched them?" nsked
Tnrs Tnrkas ono nftemoon, when ho hnd
seen mo run my arm far between the
great Jaws of ono of my thoats which
hnd wedged a piece of stono between two
of his teeth while fcedlt.j.
"By kindness," I replied. "You see.
Tars Tnrkns. tho softer sentiments havo
their value, even to a warrior. In tho
height of battle, ns well ns upon tho
march, I know that my thoats will obey
my every command, nnd thcrcforo my
lighting efllclency Is enhanced, nnd I am
n better watrlor for tho reason that I am
a kind master.
"Your other warriors would find It to
tho ndvantngo of themselves, ns welt as of
tho community, to adopt my methods In
this respect. Only n few days since you,
yourself, told mo that theso great brutes,
by tho uncertainty of their tempers, often
wcro the means of turning victory Into
defeat, slnco at a crucial moment they
might elect to unseat' and rend their
"Show mo how' you nccompllsh theso
results," was Tars Tarkns's only rejolner
to my remarks.
And so I explained as carefully as I
could the entlro method of training I had
adopted with my1 bensts, and later he had
in -epeat It before Lorquas I'tomel nnd
tno nsseinbled wnrrlors.
That moment mnrked the beginning of
a new exlstcnco for tho poor thoats. nnd
boforo I left tho community of Lorquas
I'tomel I lun the satisfaction of observ
ing a rcglmx of ns trnctablo and docile
mounts ns one might enre to see.
The effect on tho precision nnd celerity
of tho military movements was so remark
uble that Lorquas Ptomel presented mo
with a mns'lvo anklet of gold from his
own leg, as a sign of his appreciation.
On tho seventh tiny following tho battle
with tho aircraft we again took up the
inarch toward Thnik, nil probability of n
counter-attack being deemed remote bj
Lorquas Ptomel.
During tho days Just preceding our de
parture I had seen but llttlo of Dejah
Thorla, as I hnd been kept very busy by
Tars Tarkas with my lessons In tho art
of Martian warfare, as well ns In tho
training of my thoats.
Tho few times I had visited her quarters
she hnd been absent, walking upon tho
streets with Sola or Investigating tho
buildings In the near vicinity of the plaza.
On the evening before our departure I
saw them npproachtng along ono of the
great avenues which led to tho plaza from
tho cast. I advanced to meet them, and
telling Sola that I would take tho respon
sibility for Dejah Thorls" safe keeping, I
directed her to return to her quarters on
somo trivial errand.
I liked nnd trusted Sola, but for soma
reason I desired to be alone with Dejah
Thorls, who represented to me all that I
had left behind upon Earth In agreeable
companionship. Tliero seemed bonds of
mutual interest between us ns powerful
as though wo had been born under tho
same roof rather than upon different plan
ets that hurtled through spaco somo 48,
000,000 mUes apart.
That she shared my sentiments In this
respect I was positive, for on my approach
the look of pitiful hopelessness left her
sweet countenance to be replaced by a
smile of welcome, as she placed her little
right hand upon my left shoulder In true
red Martian salute.
"Sarkoja told Sola that you had become
a true Thark," she said, "and that I would
PP NffiT
You will
find the
hat to
desires in
our early
the neW
Spring Millinery Styles
Ready for your
inspection and selection
-, 125 S, 16th Street
Ctuy subitltutM .t YOU itui Jpr&
now see no more of you than of any of the
other warriors."
"Sarkoja Is a liar of tho first magni
tude," I replied. "Notwithstanding the
proud claim of tha Tharks to absolute
Dejah Thorls laughed,.
"I knew thnt even though you became
a member of tho community you would
not ceaso to be my friend. 'A warrior
may change his metal, but not his heart,'
ns tho saying is upon Barsoom.
"I think they havo been trying to keep
us apart,; bIio continued, "for whenever
you have been oft duty ono of tho older
women of Tnrs Tarkns' rctlnuo has nt
way.i nrranged to trump up soma excuse
to get Sola nnd mo out of sight.
"They have had mo down In tho pits
below tho buildings helping them mix
their awful radium-powder, nnd mnklng
their terrlbto projectiles. You know thnt
theso havo to be manufactured by artifi
cial light, as exposure to sunlight always
results In an explosion. You have no
tlced that their bullets explodo when they
strlko nn object.
"Well, tho opaque, outer coating Is bro
ken by tho Impact, exposing a glass cylin
der, nlmost solid, In tho forward ond of
which is a mlnuto particle of radium
powder. Tho moment tho sunlight, even
though diffused, strikes this powder It ex
plodes with a violence which nothing can
"If you over witness i night battle, you
Witt nOtlCO the abflprtrn nt ttipQA pTtltnnlnna
whilo tho morning following tho bnttlo
wilt be filled at sunrise with tho sharp do
tonattons of exploding missiles fired tho
preceding night As a general thing,
however, non-exploding projectiles aro
Used at night."
I have used tha word radium In dcierlblni?
this povdr iwcatiio, In tho light of recent
illcoverlf j on earth. I belloo It to bo a mix
ture of which radium Is tho baae. In Cnptaln
tarter manuncrlpt It la mentioned always by
the namo usm in tho written lawruafro ot
J. !.m,i .""..ifi ?fH" In hlerodlyphlcs which
It would bs difficult and uleas to reproduce.
Consists of Swedish Paintings,
Prints and Sculptures Shown
at San Francisco
Practically unheralded, ono of tho most
Importnnt nrt exhibitions that has over
boen shown In Philadelphia was opened
to tho public yesterday at tho Academy of
tho Fine Arts. Most of It consists ot tho
Swedish exhibit of painting, prints nnd
sculpture shown nt tho Panama-Pacific
exhibition which, through tho efforts of
10 nrt museums and Institutes throughout
tho United States, led by the Pennsylvania
Academy nnd tho Ilrooklyn Art Museum,
will bo oxhlbitcd In as many American
Tho exhibition, which will continue for
thrco weeks, comprises lfili paintings In
oil nnd water colors, Gl prints nnd 24
sculptures. Most of tho canvases aro In
fresh, strong, vigorous color, dcllclously
uuacadcmlc, and giving clearly a messago
of tho Joy the artists experienced In paint
ing them.
Particular attention may bo called to
the delightful (.cries of canvases, 12 In
number, painted by Anna Bobcrg. Thoy
show tho true poetical quality In pnlnt
and Inspiration tho mtlst lias placed upon
her canvases, together with a lino, strong,
fenrless sense of color that will not bo so
apparent nt first sight na after more than
superficial examination. Thrco of Miss
lloberg's pictures, "Fishing Fleet nt
Anchor," with Its lino color nnd composi
tion; "Fisher Cemetery," In which a crevlco
In a mountain forms a cross, protecting, na
it were, tho lowly homo of tho dead below,
and "Arctic Night," a really marvelous
harmony In blues, aro pictures of tho type
one would like to live with, to greet In
friendly fashion after a day's tustlo with
tho world.
Princeton Puts Off Celebration
PULVCI7TON. K. J., April 17 Prince
ton'H tercentenary celebration In honor of
Shakespeare, which was scheduled to bo
held today, Iuih been Indefinitely can
celed because ot tho Illness of Miss ndlth
Wynne Mnthlssen. who was to address tho
Princeton authorities In doing honor to
Tyrol Wool
(In a Knitted Fabric)
T 1
1 T
JUadies an
d jyiisses
SnHsribr All
-iim "w- I
Tyrol Is Chic and Charming
Not to Ba Had Elsewhere
New Spring & Summer Models
Forty Colors and Shades
Mann & Dilks
ft timwumnvKT 1 I "" " T" "
Fifty Pairs of Easter Lovers in
Mass Formation Descend
on City Hall
Tho annual rush for Easter marriage li
censes wns Indicated today when Clerk
Ferguson was deluged at tho outset of
tho day's business with nbout 60 applica
tions, Cupid, lethargic during tho Lenten
senson, Is stirred to ronowed activity whon
tho Master bells begin to ring nnd addi
tional clerks In tho marriage license de
partment aro needed to meet tho Increased
Licenses ns follows were Issued today:
Edward Carney, 8.12 nlnitKotd street, and litis
Bhaat, 4324 Fnlrmount ave.
dftrnbM Mearoplnn, RS.ts Harel nve and Eahtf
u. uovapeasian, uuiu itaveriora ave.
Irfalle Price, Woodburn, Pa., and Carrie Oar
land. 283 It at.
Frnnclu n, nuasell. 240 W. Ontario at., and
Edna Severn, 11)13 E. Albert at.
nobert A. Tlord, 12S3 N, Hancock at., and
Anna V. Kelly. 814 n. Allen at.
Abrnham hoaen. n.1.1 Itltn.r at., and Clara
rjmuor, o.iu jiounlnln at.
Frank S. lloppell, 142S Dickinson at., and
Mary S. Short. JOOO Hunting- Park ave,
Thomas J. llradti'y, Ffrnwood, Fa., and Ilrssle
. M. Kin. 1Vlllnton, Md.
Lou i Itunii, 332 Hpruco at., and Julia Bopaa-ee.
(Jlrardvllle, l'n.
Clarence K. Wllllatnes. 304(1 N. 11th St., and
riorenco n Harm, mm Crenaa at.
arncr II. Thomna, 22 It Mutter at., and Maria
. It. Clcnry. 2230 Mutter at.
Kmldlo Ilnnlerl, 1738 H. Clmdwlck at., and
Aaaunta 1'laclella. 100S l.atona at.
Clnrenco H . Iluckrum. 120 N. Tclton St., and
Delia I,. Tortune, 135 N. 68th at.
Dinny.Nt',o"oor's20?hSst.8,h "" Md Mnrr
JoS8raii isssssfvi. ra-ana Mnrr n-
Joaeph Nlmon. fiOl.t l'lno at., and Tlorcnce
...HPraBU('' H'nch Haven. N. .1.
Willy M. Hallar. 722 Oillowhllt at., and Cor
nelia JInjer, 4173 I.eldy ne.
Fft!t',!l, A- Siorrla, 2007 N. Jrsnup at., nnd
Addle 11 Wamnnlv. 12.1H Tolford at.
John II. !urr, 2-Ti N. B3d St.. anil Lucy T.
Irwin, 225 N 2.U1 at.
0n,9 ,J- 9",.n' a Hansom at., and Hoao
., Coin, (130 fnlon at.
ltohert 11 Smith, 1(103 llelmont ave.. and
Margaret Stevenson, 40:3 N. Itecao at.
Holiert . V. Thomp.on, 2243 Ann at., and nils-
nbeth M. liloomkamn, 24.VI N. Fnlrhlll at.
JoS.n ?.' f"nt. 203 N, 21at at., and llcntrlco
E. Hohlnson, 2010 Rllawnrth at.
Thorrmj D. c. Itallantlnn, 51(1.' Kunston avo
and Mary A. Smith. ftl()2 Funaton aw.
Jnmca i A. Stoynaon, lino Taakcr at., nnd Jean
II. Adams. 1208 minor at.
"?,!: Newton, Now York city, and Huntco
11. Ilolton. l-owr Ilrnnch, N. J.
Qluacppo Tamburello, 810 Greenwich at, and
Consetta Hcuderl, fill) Greenwich st.
ucrAiiHKmlley'..ol5-.SMn.n,,clm ' nnd Lottie
8. aibbens. 2830 N. 7th St.
J2dxvard J .VcUrnth. 022 N. 33d at., nnd
n.'il'S'"?, 9; "enderann. 3.130, Chestnut at.
Oscar Hoffman. 1231 Franltfonl ae.. nnd
Sarah J. it. I'lnkerton. 1731 N. 10th at.
Joa.-pli Brown, 1314 lleeso at., and .Margaret
Uolfendren. 13 Western ave.
Ldinund u. Wlason, L'140 Firth at,, and Anna
II. Lllijo, 123.1 N. B4th ot.
Lrneat M. Lclnke, Cumden, N. J., and Mario
If Ornth. Camden, N. J.
Antonio Mlra. 1420 s. Percy at., and JInry
l'rlslnznno. 112(1 s. Percy at.
"Sher Jordan. 1030 I.ombord at., and Mary
TruNla, 4312 lalrmount no.
Henry Henshnll. .3307 llartvllle at., nnd
Louliu ilreeacr. 32US Randolph at.
Jnmca Doyle, Jr.. 21111 s. (13th at., nnd Lillian
It. Henschcl. 21U!) S. 0.1th at.
uV.rK ,w Ireland. Frunkford. nnd Sarah J.
McAdimi. 28(10 N Water at.
John J. Tcmplelon, 1213 Otter at., and Mar-
Bnrot 0. Armstrong. 4233 Cllrnrd ae.
II. Hunter. Camden. Jf. J.
Jollah,v'riBh0tr,c7eir.15.nRlu,th,81ll, anI, Fftnnl
I,einir.y '! A"1'0.!'?.'"!' lc- -Mt- Vernon at., and
Klin U. J. O'llrlen. 1818 Wood at.
Marriajrc Licenses at Elkton
EI-KTON, Md April 17. Tho following
couples todny procured permits to marry:
Oeorgo II. Lincoln nnd Anno E. Itobertson,
C. Howard James nnd Catherine Y.
Stangcr, Aaron V. Crouthnmel and Julia
Bcrndt. Francis J. Lavins and Itoso JIarlo
McCaffcry, Daniel N. Black. Jr., nnd
Iloatrlco n. Bernard, Earl C. Mclntiro nnd
Dora E. drone, all of Philadelphia: Rob
ert "V. Ernest and Anna M. Callahan,
Salem, N. J. : Norman M. Doyles, Jllllvllle,
N. J., and Isabella King, Toronto, Can
ada: William M. "Watson and TIHIo II.
Watson, Lewlsvlllo, Ia. ; William II.
Krouso and Eleanor SI. Clegg, Now York.
ewK" r-vv
f ptaere iQuilityiCojiist s
S Vt' bow rn$mi?Ky9MJ-i' f
ij Confidence That Builds Business
W The implicit confidence that thousands of housewives place in
0(n "The Stores Where Quality Counts" is our best advertisement, for
M. it is the outgrowth of a long and favorable experience.
k It is this confidence that has made our business as great as it
Kv)i is today and which assures its continuous and rapid growth in the
m Give us YOUR patronage. Wc will win YOUR confidence.
mf Some of our specials for today, tomorrow and Wednesday:
(flp The choicest lean, tender Picnic Shoulders, the kind that will
(m cook up juicy and appetizing. Come and select yours.
60c GOLD SEAL, 45c lb.
03 14-lb. Pkg. 23c fci-lb. Pkg. 12c.
M Gold Seal is a blend of Jbe
w and fragrant. .Tea of Goldr Seal
m quality, m surRfew stores as it
ik is sold, woutd cost you 60c to $1
KlN the pound. f t
the pound.
t'-?ynf nr
'Vi T1L nl.-l(KT1H TJ1n- Q .
lrb. PkgASc ji-ip.;pr!
I'M If 40c iiMlity at 29Jihe pound
A appeals to you. then we say try
our Kamelia Tea. We have it
in Black, Mixed or Assam.
No-Waste Bacon, Pkg., 15c
25c bot. Gold Seal Vanilla
Extract 20c
0B 25c bot. Gold Seal Lemon
i. .?
10c bot Robford Vanilla Ex
tract ,M111.,wi Be
10c bot. Robford Lemon Ex
tract 8c
5c bot. Vanilla or Lemon
Flavoring .,,....,....... 4c
Gold Seal Cider Vinegar, bot, 8c
Whether you live In the city
M ate quality ana leusonaoiq jJiitcs xt. mnu o ww w tuwe i
OUR STORES for ALL your groceries.
Robinson & Crawford
0 Giocery Stores for PartieuJir People
Walnut Street Association!
Sends Bevy to Atlantic City
for Sprlnp; Fashion Show
Fifty pretty girls, somo blonde, some)
brunette, with a fair sprinkling of Titian
beauties, filed through tho gates at Broad
Street Station this morning as tho van
guard of the Fashion Show to bo pre
sented tnis week nt Atlantlo City by th
wainut street Association.
With them were 20 children, girls tttf'
ing irom z to 16 years or ngo. who 1H
havo a "kiddles' " show alt by themselvesJ
nnd demonstrate to tho sons nnd daugh-tl
ters of millionaires Just what to wear an
Just how well tho particular what-to-wear
can bo made In Philadelphia.
Tho girls wero supposed to poio for
their pictures, hut tho patter of rain on tho
end of tho stntton platform was too much
erf a burden for tho now Easter suits to
"Go out thero7" said one of tho dazzling
blondes In nn equally dazzling check suit,
Tho first gathering will bo tomorrow
night at Young's Million-Dollar Pier,
where tho show will bo held and street
dresses nnd nftcrnoon and ovcnlng gowns
will bo displayed,
Tho show wilt bo hold undor tho au
spices of tho Atlantic City Hotolmeh's;
Association nnd exhibitions will bo made
dally at 11:15 In tho morning, 3!30 In tho
afternoon and 9 In tho ovonlng, with tho
exception of next Saturday, when tha aft
ernoon dato will bo changed to 3 o'clock.
On Wcdncsdny morning dresses and
sports BUlts will bo shown, switching to
nftcrnoon dresses that afternoon nnd
dnnco frocks nnd evening gowns at night.
Tho tlmo of dny will fix tho showing ot
tho fashions, morning raiment (n tht
morning, nnd bo on.
A danco competition will bo hold Thurs
day night following tho display of dance
frocks and ball gowns. Cups will bo pre
sented to tho successful models by tha
Uotclmcn'a Association.
Although tho children accompanied tha
grown-up girls to the shoro they will hava
nothing to do except to play until Fri
day afternoon.
On Friday also tho men fashion plates
will lenvo for tho shore IS of them, or
nlmost thnt many. Tho men's fashions
will bo shown on Saturday afternoon, on
tho morning of which day there will bo a
Boardwalk pageant of tho models.
E. J. Berlct Is director general of tha
Fashion Show, assisted by n commltteo ot
which Theodoro F, Selfcrt Is chairman,
Robert A. Davis, N. ailbertl, I Iteming.
way, George II. Johnson, Etta May Mer
cer, Julia Moses, Churlcs J. Klefcrle, B.
Stevenson, Joseph Ulrlch and Domlnlo
Vorantl aro other members of tho com
mittee. Among tho merchants who will exhibit
nt tho shore nre N. Gilbert!, Madame
Hcrbst, Ltsetto, Fur and Millinery Shop,
Tho Luggngo Shop, Mercor & Moore, I,
W. Mulrcndy, Theodoro F. Slefert, Sports
Clothes Shop, Stewart, Stone, J. Ulrlch,
Dominic Verantl nnd Benjamin 3. Victor
Two Pulpits Vacant at Ridley Park
Two Ridley Pnrk pulpits aro vacant,
tho Baptist pastor, tho Ilov. John II.
Day, having ncccpted a chargo In Yonkers,
N. Y.. and tho Presbyterian minister, tha
Itov. S. T. Linton, having died. Yester
day tho Rev. Dr. D. S. Kennedy, ot Lans
downc, occupied tho pulpit in tho Pres
byterian church, and tho Rev. Mr. Corn
well, of Manahawken, N. J., preached at
both services of tho Baptists.
20c lb.
Robford Blend is a Coffee of
excellent quality and flavor, re
markably good value at 25c the
pound, and at 20c is the biggest
Coffee value in Philadelphia.
20c Capital Blend, 17c lb.
Our Capital Blend is a very
good Coffee, and you will quick
ly realize that 17c the pound, 3
pounds for 50c, is a bargain
Ofir Coffees Are Freth Roatted
Gold Seal are the largest, freshest, meatiest
and heaviest Eggs that money can buy or
hens can lay.
FRESH EGGS, Dozen, 25c
Eggs of excellent quality, and every one
guaranteed fresh.
Tender Dried Beef, 8c lb.
Gold Seal Blue, bot 4c
Good Ammonia, bot..,,,., 4c
Good Laundry Starch, lb,,. 3c
LENOX SOAP, cak ,. 3c
R. & C Laundry. Soap, cake 3c
R. & C. Best Oleine Soap.ck. 4c
Gold Seal Borax Soap, cake 6c
Fels Naptha Soap, cake.,,., 4c
Ivory Soap, cake 4c
Snowboy Washing Powder,
pkg. ,., 4c
or in the country, if you apprecl-
Throughout the ply and SuJnwbi (