Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 15, 1916, Postscript Edition, Page 13, Image 17

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    "W "
tummprfrlFttltlFy " --w- "
Treasury Secretary's Plan for
Merchant Marine Aiding
Navy in Time of War
Solves Big Problems
Bpednl Correspondence livening Ledger
WASHINGTON. April 14. Secretary
McAdoo lias Rone on a Brent mission to
South America There Is no politics In It,
except ns good buslnoia Is Rood politic!.
It hns heen cnlfed "dollar diplomacy," but
thcro Is n exeat ileal innro In It than mere
dollnrs ninl cents : there Is, In fact, the
peace of the world.
In "the relations of the United Slates
to the other American republics our poli
tics has been without n trace of sinister
motive or design, craving neither sover
eignty nor territory."
That was not said by McAdoo, but by
Philander Knox. Secretary of Stnto under
Mr. Taft, nt a banquet In Panama City
four years ngo. Kllhu Hoot said much
the namo thing whe'i he mnde his tour of
the American republics In tho Administra
tion of Sir. Koospvplt. ho that In tho nar
row, partlsnn senso thero Is absolutely no
politics In tho present mission of Secie
tary McAdoo.
When ho nnd his party reached Monte
video they wcro received with open arms
by tho President of Uruguay, who gavo
a grand banquet and ball, and It was at
the banquet that the Minister of Finance
of that country made nn address on the
establishment of stronger and closer trade
rotations among tho American republics
and particularly tho great need of trans
portation facilities between tho United
Btatcs mid Latin-America.
"Today," said he. "only ono great ques
tion 'remains to bo solved, that of naviga
tion the groat problem of transportation
which Is tho fullest of dllllcultles. Tho
commetcc between the countries of our
continent Is carried under European flags
In greater part. Wnr has removed theso
vesBOls, from our ."I'oros and thoro nro no
American vessels to replaco them. This
Is the greatest question nt the moment
and tho most Important to our future,
but wo may expect It to bo solved, becnuso
Mr. McAdoo has a great plan. Patriotic
legislators of tho United States will not
delay In effecting this great work ho has
conceived In creating ft merchant marlno
of 500,000 tons and putting It nt tho serv
ice of America.'
But will they? They havo no tlmo to
Tho United States merchant marlno en
gaged In foreign service 'consisted last
year of only 1107 steam vessels, 681
sailing vessels nnd 1100 barges a total
tonnago of Only 1,871,513 tons. Last year
only 7G1 Btenm vessels nnd 51 sailing
vessels were built in the United Stntes.
It has been admitted by ouch men as
Senator Galllnger, of New Hampshire,
and Senator Weeks, of Massachusetts,
thatvprlvate capital will not supply the
tonnage required for tho development of
tho trado between the United StnteH and
tho, Latin-American countries, and Mr.
AlcAdoo has proposed a plan which will
ifnablo tho United States to capturo the
Jjuth American trado for nil time.
It Is not to bo dono by subsidies, but
by tho building nnd ownership of a fleet
of modern cargo-carrying ships, to bo
operated by corporations in tlmo of peace
in tho business of commerco and In tlmo
of war as auxiliaries of tho nnvy. Tho
navy needs such auxiliaries nnd would
a be noipiess wunoui mem, aim ma uruiuury
business of- commerco requires them 'f
mannfnctjrcrs, merchants and producers
fcenernlly nro to find a market in ono of
tho richest regions of tho world.
Tho value of Imports uml exports of tho
United States carried by American ships
last year was $571,031,012; the valuo of
imports and exports of tho United States
carried by foreign ships was $3,120,030,
563. These figures afford their own com
mentary. It does not mako tho least dif
ference whero the credit goes. Tho Mc
Adoo plan is tha only plan that has been
suggested which would glvo the United
States what it iceda lor tho development
of Its trado and commerco with tho coun
tries of Latin-America.
But the present mission of tho Secre
tary bf tho Treasury Is not confined wholly
to Hie promotion of tho shipping Interests
of the United States. Banking facilities
mult also be provided, a necessity which
President Vnnderlip, of tho New York
City Bank, has been quick to appreciate;
steps must be taken to stabilize interna
tional exchange, provision mado for the
adjustment of commercial disputes by ar
bitration, for tho extension of credits, for
f, , mo financing oi eiut,n,r,-I j'iii; i
,i private; for uniformity In cuBtoma regu
lations and In tho classification of mer
chandise; facilities In tho conduct of pbs
tal affairs, nnd for n. number of other mat
ters nffectln In tho most vital way tho
business relations of the United States
with the other Americas watting with out
stretched hands for tho country which
hns stood sponsor for all the countries bf
this hemisphere since the first declora
tlon of the Monroe Doctrine, which, ns
Secretary Knox said, "will reach the acme
of Its beneficence when It Is regarded by
the peoplo of the United States as n rea
son why we should constantly respond to
tho needs of our Latln-Amnlcan neigh
bors who may find necessity for our as
sistance In their progress toward better
government, or who may seek our nld to
meet their Just obligations, and thereby
to maintain honorable relntlons to the
fnmlly of nations."
Yet the grent mission of Secretary Mc
Adoo to South Amorlcn has attracted
scarcely more attention than would bo
given to the lentt Important happening
of purely local Interest. With the com
merce of half a hcmlsphcro nt stnke, un
limited opportunities for tho Investment
of American capital nnd Vast unexplored
fields of Inestimable wealth awaiting the
touch of American genius, the Intest prize
fight for tho championship and tho barest
legged ballet fill columns of space, with
hardly a word for the most Important
business enterprise engaging the nttcntlon
nf all thn American.
Tho Imports of tho Latln-Amerlcns I
amount annually in vniuo to more mini n
billion dollars. Theso Imports havo been
chiefly from L'uropoan countries. Why
should they not bo from tho United Stntes?
Is not tho business worth working for?
How can they bo obtained for tile United
States except by providing ships to enrry
them7 How can the ships bo obtained ex
cept by the method recommended by Sec
retary McAdoo? J- c- "
Police Court Chronicles
.loo Bowers, bum, Is working on n new
bomb. It will bo n rlght-anglo bomb
when Its completed, which means, nftcr
killing soldiers on the ground tor n certain
distance It will go up In tho air and de
stroy air ships If there nro nny around.
Joe points out that very often tho land
forces nnd aircraft of nn enemy work In
tho rami' territory nt tho ramo time. If
the Mexicans were attacking us with In
fantry and airmen, he contends, we could
send a lot of these bombs nlong the
ground. They would shoot upwards, Joo
asserts, after reaping a crop of death on
torrn flrma.
Like nil Inventors, Joo needs money to
perfect his plans. At present ho is ob
liged to work with tomato cans, tho In-
9 I4I
tcrior or 'old clocks nnd ordinary flro
crackers. Ho was experimenting with ono
of theso nlr-land bombs near 40th and
Market streets when a cop spied him. Joo
was rcmlned thnt It was against tho law
to shoot fireworks and he becamo Indig
nant. "I'm trying to Improvo the welfare of
tho nation," he said, "and If you know
nnythlng about science you would sco It.
This new bomb runs along tho ground and
then It Jumps up In tho nlr and destroys
airships. I'll show you."
Joo then lit tho fuso of the can. It
moved about a foot and mado a nolso like
a cnt with tho asthma.
Joo then remembered that ho forgot to
put tho powder In the can.
As tho Inventor had no- deflnlto destina
tion, the bluecoat took him before Magis
trate Stevenson. The Judgo was not Im
pressed with Joe's device, and cautioned
him against experimenting In tho streets.
"1 want to talco It out West to In
terest some Western capitalist," said tho
Inventor, "buUlf I can even get to Ches
ter today I'll bo satisfied."
The Judgo gavo him tho faro, and Joe
started on his Western tour.
Two Million Dollar Steamship Com
pany Formed for Direct Service
PI3TROORAD, April 15. It Is an
nounced thnt direct steamship servlco bo
teen Finland and the United States will
bo opened boon by n comnanv which has
just been formed. The capital required
was enslly found In Finland and Amer
ica, tho latter subscribing more than
Tho now lino will bo of great impor
tance since It will omnnclpnto Russia from
tho Oerninn lines with -hendciu.-u tors In
tiremen and Hamburg.
500 Persons Vaccinated
WILMINGTON, Del., April 15. As n
result of the health authorities discovering
three cases of smallpox in this city, 600
persons have been vaccinated. All who
hava tho disease are negroes nnd they
havo been removed to the emergency hos
pital at Farnhurst.
Every Bride
That Is or
Is to Be
should see the "Pollyanna" house. It's a two
story Siegel Sample House. IBs decorated
and fully furnished throughout in the most
delightful manner. There's a charming,
homey atmosphere about this House that de
fies description, it's eo full o : happy surprises.
These houses are well bui L si
in every respect, equipment a
the best obtainable, and the batnr
its sunken -tub and shower is t
t r wv . .!-
aeir. uon f miaa seeing this sarap
b I uy Carpenter irtfeeEWt contain!
joy for everyBride,
turos of
om with
"The Hme Beauful"
house with a pnvattf uajagej. 11
"The Wonder Hous.,,JrT8 decoi
fully furnished at fiifio CarpenU
rrice of the two j&fy house is 9
three story $740
thKll of I
s called
ted and
00; the
Clarence ?. Siegel
61tt and Carpenter Streets, West Phils.
i . -V - ..' , ..-, i. ..
Noted Irishman reported to have
been arrested in Iiorlin on nn un
known charge. lid Is well known
to many residents of this city,
which he hns visited.
Spring Brings Usu.nl Bustle of Preparation
Spring has brought with It the usual
bustlo of preparation In tho public parks
and In the amusement parks, which will
soon reopen. Woodildo Park will start
Its merry whirl In Ihrro weeks, on Mny 0,
nnd two weeks later, on Stay 20. Willow
Orovo will follow suit. Out In Fnlrmount
Pnrk. despite ndverso weather conditions,
mny be seen a fow harbingers of spring
in the form of young men and women with
tennis racquets under tho nrmi and dis
appointed expressions on their faces, for
tho courts thus far have not been hi very
good condition. Hut tho park ofllclnls nro
working on thorn nnd a fow days of warm
weather will see tho tennis season In full
Youths who havo been plnylng In tho
Indoor gossip league throughout the win
ter are back on tho diamonds nt Straw
berry Mnnsl'iii nnd Ilolmont plateau, hurl
ing tho "elusive sphere." Tho canoo house
on the Hast Illvcr tlrivo below Strawberry
bridge, which was destroyed by fire, has
been rebuilt nnd Is beginning to take on
an animated appearance onco more.
Announcement of tho attractions at the
opening of Woodsldo Park has been mado
by the management. Uohumlr Kryl nnd
his band will mako their reappearance
there nfter nn absence of two years, nnd
will remain four weeks. Following Kryl
will come Wllllnm Ilayne nnd the 6th
Itcglmcnt Hand of New York, and nfter
him Alexander's Hand. Ho will bo fol
lowed by tho Shannon Concert Hand,
Workmen are now busy getting the park
ready for tho opening and several new
nmusement features nro being Installed.
Dr. Harte Writes of Work in France
An Interesting letter from Dr. Itlchard H.
Harte, former Director of Public Health
and Charities under Mayor Ulankenburg,
who has been spending several months In
Europe, has been lccclved by Mrs. Adolfo
Carlos Munoz, of this city. Doctor Harte
wrote of his work at the American Ambu
lance. Hospital at Neullly-sur-Selno. Ho
congratulates the members of the Belgian
Itellof Committee for thetr work, especial
ly for the Intelligent selection being mado
by the Philadelphia division In the sup
plies sent.
Caleb M. Taylor
MEDIA, Pa.. April 15. Caleb M,
Taylor, father of Assistant District At
torney Wllllatrl Taylor, of this county,
died yesterday nt his homo In West Ches
ter, after an Illness of three months. Ho
was 78 years old and lived during tho
greater part of his life In Kdgemont town
ship, this county, where for years ho was
school director nnd township supervisor.
Ho was a member of tho Society of
Friends nnd a member of Thompson
Lodge of MnROns. of Malvern. He Is
survived by his widow and four children.
Rev. Charles W. White
LEBANON. Pa., April 15. Tho Rev.
Charles W, White, bishop of tho United
Zlon'sr Church, died hero yesterday of
pneumonia, aged 74 years Ho wan
ordained 42 yenrs ngo and for DO years
was tho presiding ofllcer of tho church In
Lebanon County. Ho leaves a widow and
two children.
I'ROSIIK. In lovln romembrnnce nf 01X111013
It. CHOMII. who ilpiinrtnl from this lite
April 10. lirnr,.
St'lI'.l.lll'nOl'.K, In lining rememhrnncn of
our tlcur mother nml nlntcr. KATllAlUNM
F. Rl'Il'MtKIMRIt, who entered Into rest
Atrll IS. 11)09. Sadly mimed.
These Notice Arc Printed in tho
Evening Ledger Free of Charge,
lll'IIAI.. On April 13, 1(110, PAUL MOSR3,
son of tlermnn nnd the latn Jennie tlehnl,
ne,l !:! years, llolatlves snd frlcniln nro
lnlte,l to nttoml tho runernl. on Hundar,
nt 2:.1(t p. m . from tho rnrlorn of Hmanuel
AKher A Son. ItitC Dlanrnd nt. Interment
nt Adath Jeehurun Cemetery.
Ili:i.l)IN'. On April 14. lnlfl. KT.IZAnETH
SCIinoKDIIIl. widow of ttllaha Ileldln. In
her IMHh year. Duo notice of the funernl
will Im uhon. from tho realdenco of her
ilnimhter. Mrs. (leorna W. Caldwo.ll. 010 8.
4Nth et . Went l'hlla.
CAKI.llY. On Arrll in. 1010, SAMP.iON. hus
band of Hob's Carley (neo VeMelM. Ilela
tlen nnd friends, alao tho Falrhlll, Colum
bia nnd Central Park Yearly Heneflclnl As
Borlatlons nnd employes of James Darker.
Inc.. nro Invited to nttend the funeral nerv
Ires. on Monday, nt 2 p. m.. nt his latn
residence. 2St'" N llecee it. Interment nt
tlreenmount Cemetery. Hemalna may be
viewed on Sunday after 7 P. in.
CAHUIOAN On April 14, 1010. SAILAH CAR-
H1UAN, wife of Uwen Cnrrlsan. UelatUea
and friends nro lnlted tn attend the funeral,
on Wednesday, nt N-30 n. m.. from her lata
residence, 222r, Pine nt. olemn Illffh Mass
of llequlem at Ht. Patrick's Church, at 10
a. m. Interment at Cnthedrul Cctnelory.
COOKY. On April 14. 11)10. SOPHIA, widow
of Hubert Cooey (neo Uorbeck). need 03
earB. Duo tiotlco of the funeral will bo
Klvrn. from her lata residence. 1225 Allen
Krove nt., Krnnkford.
CltllKlHTON. On April IS. 1010. lllCUAnD
J., uon nf Cathnrlne and the lata Htchard
CrolKliton. runernl, to which relatives and
friends nro Invited, on Monday, at 8;S0
ft. in., from the residence of his brothur-ln-lan,
John h. Moure. 2,"2S South 18th at.
Mass of llequlem at Church of St. Monica,
nt 10 n. m. precisely. Interment nt Holy
Cross Cemetery. Automobile funeral.
DAI.K. On April IS. 1018, KATHRYN KOB
Ntd, wife nf Walter C. Dale and daughter
of Krederlka Koenlir. Relatives and friends
nre lnltod to nttend the funernl services, on
Monday, nt 2 p. m.. nt her lato resldenco,
r,02H Spruco at. Interment at Arlington
im.I.ON. At Norrlstown. Pa., on April 14.
Ililil. MARY, widow of John Dillon. Rela
tives nnd friends are Invited to attond tho
funernl. from her late renldenco. ,117 East
Mnrshall at , on Tuesday, at 8 a. m. Solemn
Reiiulem High Mnss at Ht. 1'utrlck's Church
nt I)::i0 a. m. Interment ut at. Patrick's
Cemtlery, Norrlstown.
IIAVIM. On April II. 1010. MAnoUKRITK
A., ilnughter uf tho late Wllllnm and Mnrtha
l)als. Kunernl servleeB nt her lato resi
dence. 182T Mt. Vernon street. Interment
FAnnni.I,. On April 14, 101ft. SAMUEL,
husband of Mary Farrell. Relatives and
friends, also odlce force and employe of
American Engineering Co.. are. Invited to
attend funeral services, on Tuesday, nt J
r. m., at his late residence, 8.143 Cedar st.
Interment private, at Odd FellowsV Ceme
tery. Remains may be viewed on Monday
after 8 p. m.
FERUKR. On April 14, 1010. EMMA, wtfs of
Carlos Ferrer and daughter of lata John
nml liarbara Koons. Relatives and friends
nro Invited to nttend funeral services, Mon
day, at 2 p, m nt her brother's residence,
John Kooni, (103 B. Cornwall st Interment
nt Ureenwood IK, of P.) Cemetery. Remains
may b Mewed Sunday after 8 p. m.
Wr.T.EY.At Atlantic City. N. J.. Ion April
13, HIM, MARY BM,AHETH, wife Of
James A. Flliey, In her 75th year. Relatives
and friends are Imlted to attend the funeral
services, on Monday, at 2 p. rn..at the
chapel of Mount Pence Cemetery, Philadel
phia. Interment at Mt. reacs Cemetery.
FIT.. On April 14. loin. LENA A., daughter
of Sebastian and Eva Klta (nee Iletsl, In her
S3tl vear. Relatives and friends are Invited
to nttend funeral, on Monday, nt 8.30 a. m
from her parents' residence. 1023 N. Rsn
Oolph st. Bolemn High Requiem Mass at St.
Peter's Church nt In a. m. Interment pri
vate, at Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery.
l'lTZI'ATRICK. On April 14, HHfl, MARY
riTZPATRICK. widow nf James rittpat
rlrl: (nee MacDonntd). Relatives and friends,
also St. Patrick's Altar and Holy Faco So
cieties, are Invited to attend tho funeral, on
Tuesday, at 8:30 a, m from her late resi
dence, 418 8. 0th St. Solemn High Mass
of llequlem nt Ht Patrick's Church, at 10
a. m Interment nt Cathedral Cemetery.
Fl.E.Mim On April 13. lnlfl, JOHN A., hus
band nf Martha Fleming, aged 7ft years.
Relatives nnd friends Bro Invited to nttend
tho funernl services, on Monday at 2 p. m.,
nt the resldenco of his son, 41138 Saybrook
nvo. (Cdth at. and Woodland nve.J. Inter
ment nt Fernwood Cemetery.
Dlinins. On April 13, HIM, cltniHTOPHER
J , son of Christopher nnd Marr Orlmes,
aged 25 years. Relatives nnd friends, also
nil societies of which he was n member,
nro Invited to attend the funeral, on Monday,
nt 8.8(1 n m . from his parents' resldenco.
(1(127 Cnthnrlnn st. Solemn Mass of Requiem
at Transfiguration Church, at 10 a. m. In
terment nt Holy Cross Cemetery.
Ili:nClli:U. At Wcatneld. N. J., on April 14.
1010, WILLIAM tIEOltOll, son of Paulino
and late (leorga Herchr, aged 22 years. Rel
atives and friends, also Washington Camp,
No. 23, P. O. S. of A , of Palmyra, aro In
vited to attend funernl, Monday, nt 2 p. m.,
from his Into residence, llurllngton plko.
Westfleld, N. J. Services In Mornvtnn
Cb"rch, Flvo Point", nt 3 p. m. Remains
tr.i.y bo viewed Sunday nflernoon.
HOWr.LL. On April 14, 161ft, ANNA, widow
of William Howell, aged 57 years. Ilela
tles nnd friends nre inlleil to attend fu
neral services. Sundav, at 1 p. m., at her
lato residence, 4138 N. 18th st. Interment
KELLY. On April IS. IBM, LEWIS C.. son
nf tho late Mlehnei nnd Margaret Kelly.
Funeral nn Monday, nt. Ra. m.. from his
lato resldenco. 14.1ft Dickinson st. High
Roqulem Miss nt Church of St. Thomas
Aquinas nt .10 a. m. To proceed to New
Cathedral Cemetery. Interment private.
Auto servlco.
huabnnd of Hettie D. Knudsen. Relatives
nnd friends, nlso Sprlnu Harden Lodgo. No.
PI). I. O. O. F.. nre InMted to nttend fu
neral services, on Monday, nt 3 p. m., at
his lato residence. 5321 Kershaw avo.. West
Philadelphia. Interment Westminster Ceme
tery. SIASr.Y On April 13. HI HI. JOHN It., son of
Joseph and tho Into Mary Masey. Relntlves
nnd friends, nlso Court Corinthian, No. 1I7,
I", nf A. nro Imlted to attend ths funernl,
on Tuesdnv, nt S:30 n. m., from his Into
residence, 2423 Turner st. Solemn Requiem
Mass nt St. Elizabeth's Church, at 10 n. m.
Intermont nt Holy Cross Cemetery.
MATIIIAS, At Drlstol, Pa., on April IS, MM,
AMANDA MALVINA, widow of John N. Ma
thlua. aged UO enra. Relatives nnd friends
nre Invited to nttend funeral services, nt her
lato residence. 12.1 Mulberry St., llrlstol. Pa.,
on Sunday, nt 4 p. m. Interment at Lower
Hllltnwn Ilnptlst Church Uround, on Monday,
nt 2 p. tn.
McC'ARL. On April 13, MM. JOHN J., son
of John I. and Mary McCarl. Relatives and
friends nro Invited to nttend funernl, Tues
day, at H u. m., from his paronts' residence.
11)311 Harlan st. High Mass of Requiem at
Church of thn Clesu at 0:90 a. m. Interment
Old Cathedral Cemetery.
McCAL'flHHN. On April 11. 1DM. MAnY J.
McCACtlllHN tnce Wee), widow of James
McCau-;hen. Relatives nnd friends aro In
Utcd to nttend the funeral, on Monday, at
8:30 u. m., from her late residence, 1011
South 18th st. Solemn Requiem Mass at
St. Thomns Aqulnns Church, nt 10 a. m.
Interment nt New Cathedral Cemetery.
MrfLAY. On April 14, MM. at Presbyterian
Home for Widows nnd Single Women. MAR
GARET, widow of Joseph McClay. nged oil
eura. Relatives and friends are Invited to
nttend funernl services, on Monday, at 11
n. m. Intorment nt Whltomarsh. I'a.
MrDOWKI.L. Suddenly, on April 13. 101ft,
EDWARD ZOI.I.. son of John nnd Freda C.
McDowell, In his 8th jonr. Relatives and
friends nro Invited to attend funeral services,
on Monday, ut 12 noon, nt resldenco of his
The Suburban Home Beautiful
12 Minutes, 5c Fare, from 69th Street Terminal
ITRAWBBJGE & CLOTHIER have furnished and decorated
"THapBUR'BAN HOME BEAUTIFUL" with rare skiH'
nnrl ctirt f-fictf It- hn: olrfnrlv nppn slri fnr nplivprv At
July tKout will beibn exhibition every dayuntil July 5thfrom
n rc a nf j-iir-rwj'iirv.i m j: bp
y.uiTA.ivi. unuu o.uu-jt. ivi.
t A
le ppssiDiimes or trie other
nojKgady forAfe?at
rates J
This moflel furnist
similar Springrlerdhomes of varied designs,
from S5B25 to 27Vo, with eenerou6 terms.
Thi qjt.ti-active individual homes at Srt0ffg1yid command extnOTUftiewR
and are designed for comfortable living. Most pi them have Jdroorasqpfl
bathroom on second noor, l hedrooms and Datyroom on tniranoor.
Well constructed macadamized avenues curve gracefully through the
development. They are all bounded by cemeftt walks, trees and sodded banks.
All improvements ARE MADE NOT PROMISED,
The artistic and well built Springfield suburban homes and
spacious building sites now ready for sale at present unusual prices,
with generous terms, afford a rare opportunity to discriminating
purchasers who act promptly,
610 Commercial Trust Building, Fifteenth and Market Streets, Philadelphia
Bell Pucm Spruce 31-83. Kiyitone Phonc t Race 3-99
Illustrated booklet containing complete description and plans of suburbia homes and
building sites and o( thelnterior of the Suburban Home Besutlul wjllbemalUdon request.
nrentn- A19f Walnnt mt Tntrmnt n jkfc
(nt.... .H.,AA.. r....Al.a .u.a.. k. u.b.1
"".." v.,-i,iricrjr, iciiiai,in iituj' ufl vioncu
..uiiuujr, irom t 10 u p. m
MrrApOKN. At Philadelphia, !.. en April
11. 1010, t'AHOLINU, ds.uehtr of UessK A.
Ml lh" '"to Cyrus W. Alcrmlirtn, In her
10th yr. rtelntl-fii nnd friends r tn
vilc2 '" ttend the funernl services. Monday
v.1 2 J?i. m" "' the resldenen nf her aunt,
frs. Ellsabelh Shsrnlcss, 223 South Walnut
""OH"1 'n",r. Pn. Interment t Oak
Mnd Friends Cemetery, IVest Chester.
MetiytLUVN. On Arrll 14, 101(1, SAUA1I,
widow of (leorirn MrQullInn (formerly of H,
H. cor. 18th ,nnl Vino sts.V Helatlres and
friends are Invited to attend funeral, on
fuesdar. at 8:80 a. m., from her late renU
dence. 21S N. I'.trty st (West l'hlla.) Sol
fTJ.',"!?. of npqiilem at church of Our
I.ady of Victory at 10 a. m. Interment New
cathedral Cemetery. Automobile funeral.
MtSlCK. April H, lnlO.llENlUETTA S..
beloved wife of Joslah r. Muslck llelstlves
and friend of famll-, also Ladles Auxiliary
to St. Alban'a Commandery. No. 47. K. T.,
are Invited tn attend funeral service, Wed
pesday. at, a p. m., nt her late residence,
121.', Alrdrle. st. (13th t. abovo Hrlo nve ).
Interment private. Trinity Lutheran feme
Jery. llemalns may bo lewed Tuesday. 7
to 0:30 p. m.
rtlllllNSON. On April 14. lnlrt, ItonKtlT J.,
husband of Hanna Robinson (nee fitewnrt),
and son of the late Andrew and nilia Hobln
aon. Duo notice of ths funeral will be
SIMONS. April 13. 11)10. ADAM It., husband
or Kmma M. Simons (neo Younff). Relatives
and friends, nlso members of 7lat I'a. Cav
alry Iteirlment. and nil aorletles of which he
waa a member, are Invited to attend funeral
services, nn Sunday, nt lain p. in., at his
late residence, MO Helarade st. Interment
North Cedar Hill Cemetery. IleRlme may
be viewed Saturday, from 8 to 10 p. m
Auto-nobllo funeral.
SCOTT. On April 13, 101(1. S1TSAN A., widow
of Itobert J. Scott. Relatives nnd friends
aro Invited to nttend the funeral on Tuea.
day. nt 8:30 astn.. from thn residence of her
son. Horry T. Vernon. 1B23 South Itlns-Rqld
si. llequlem Hlsh Mass at St. Gabriel's
Church at 10 a. m. Interment nt Holy Cross
SCOTT April 14. 101(1, IinNlir A. SCOTT,
tn hla 04th year. Itelatlves nnd friends, nlso
Mohican Tribe, No. 127. I. O. It. M.; llrlstol
Castle. No 103, A. O. K. of M. C . and em
Ployea of F. 1, Alcen Co., nro Invited to nt
tend funernl eervlces, at his lato residence,
lirdenhoim Terrace, Springfield township,
Montcomery County, on Monday, nt 8 p. m.
Further services at llrlstol Cemetery, on
Tuesday, nt 2 p. in.
SIIOKDAY. April 14, 1010. OnOHOB W.
HHORDAY, In hl 7sth year. Relatives nnd
friends, nlso W. II. llrny l.odno. No. 410. K
nnd A. M.. and I.u l.u Temple, A. A. O. N
M. S., nro Invited to attend funernl nervines,
on Tuesdny, nt 2 p. m.. at residence of hla
son. B. I. Shoruay, 143 Woodland nve..
Wyncote, I'n. Interment private. Mat born
Ilnptlst Ground.
SIIOTIT April 18, 1010. JOS F.rrt. beloved
husband of Mary Short tne O'NslII). Ret.,
tlves and friends. als membera of Conrt
Oeneral Maceo,.No. 2C0. F. of A,: Court
Sheridan, No. 1, I. O. O. S. and .purity
iKXIue.. No. RO, O, S, of H.. nra Invited to
attend funeral, on Monday, at JJ10 n. tn,.
from hla lato residence, 202S N, Hop, st,
Solemn Requiem Mara at St. flonlfnelus'
Church, at a. nt. Interment New Cathedral
SMITH. On April 14, 1910, EMZAI1ETH.
widow of John Smith, In her S4th yenr. Du
nodco of funeral will l riven, from jrffl
dence of her son-in-law. Thomas A. Fair
brother,' 2417 W. Allegheny ave
8PAIIN. On April 14. 1010,, HMZAtlETir
n wife of John J. Spahn (nee Iirodrle).
Duo notlca of funeral will bo iilven from her
lato residence, 2847 N, Taylor at.
STnrilKNS. On April 13, 1010, OCOltOH
STEPHENS. In his 7Jth year, Relatives
and .friends am Invited to attend the fu
nernl services, on Monday, nt 2 p. m. at hie
Iain residence. 1248 N Allison st. (8.1th t
nnd Olrnrd nve.) Intorment private. Friends
may call 'Sunday, from 8 to 10 p. m,
TAYt,OH. In West Cheater, Pa., on Blith.
day. ,4th month, 14th, 1010. CAt.BI) M.
TATIXin, In th- 70th year of his are. n
Uvea and friends are invited to attend thn
funeral, from his Into residence, 124 B. Rid
dle st., West Chester. Pa,, on Second-day,
17th Instant. Meet nt the house at lino
p. m. Interment private, at Wllllamstown
Friends' llurlal Ground, Friends may call
rirst-day evening, from 7 to 1) o'clock.
TAVt.OH. On April 16, 1010. CATHERINE
M,. widow of George M, Taylor, Funeral
on Monday, April. 17, at 2 p. m, from her
lato residence, 1017 Farrasrut terrace. In
terment private nt North Cedar Hill Ceme
tery. Pleasa omit flowera.
TrMPf.n. On April 13. 1010. VICTOR c,
TKMPliB, yoututest. son of, Ella Vacho and
the lato Charles W. Temple, Funeral and
Interment prlvnto.
THOMAS. On .April 14. 1010, HOWARD,
husband of . Frances T. Thomas, aged 47
years. Relatives and friends aro, Invltid
to attend the funernl services, at his lata
residence. 23.11 N. .10th at., Monday, at 3
p. in Interment private.
VEKItATi On April 13. 1010. at Freemont,
' Chester County. Pa.. ANNA M. VKRRAT
(nea Green), wlfo-of Edward J. Verrat,
Relatives nnd friends nre Invited to attend
tho funernl services, Monday afternoon, at
2 o'clock, nt the Oliver II. Ilalr Building.
1820 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Inter
ment nt Mount Morlnh Cemetory.
VtlSH. On April 14. 1010. KATES PI.UMMER,
.Wow of August Voss, Duo notlco of
funeral will be given.
WKIIII. On April 13, 1010, SARAH JANE,
laughter of the lato Samuel and Mary J.
Webb, formerly of Wllllamstown, N, J.,
aged 07 years. Relatives nnd friends aro
Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Monday,
nt 11 a. m., from residence of William Mc
Cully, r.83 Pino at., Camden, N. J, Inter
ment Rerlln Cemetery. Remains may bo
viewed Sunday coning.
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