wSS(wi5555 "W&jfiptiQ&fyrtJUtyi VJ rwr 'jpwjkt vf EVENING LEDttER-PHllUDESPHrA. SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 191C 0 NANCY WYNNE SEES QUIET WEEK ERE EASTER FESTIVITIES BEGIN Members of Society Journey to South Carolina to At tend ftoosevelt-Sinkler Nuptials Main Line Walking Club NEXT week wilt bo particularly quiet, for oven those who do not strictly observe Holy Week aro wont to spend this season In quiet nnd resting In prep aration for the, gala dayu to como Im mediately after Raster. It has become vory much the thtntr now for tho girls who attended St. Mary's School, at Pocksklll, to return thcro for tho week, not only the debu tantes, but many of tho girls who havo been out for several years. Alva Ser geant has mado It a custom and Qretchen and Mary AHco Clay also go. Bomo of tho debutantes who were pupils thoro last year and who havo consid ered going up for Holy Week nrc Bes sie Downs, Helene Martin and Sarah Kellson. Thoy make a sort of retreat, you know, for St. Mary's Is an Angli can school taught by Anglican sisters. Every One Is Interested In Emily Sink- ler'a marrlaga to Nicholas Roosevelt, (whlch will bo an event today at tho Slnklcrs' homo, Celvldero Plantation, at Eutawvlllo, S. C. Both Emily nnd her slstor, Caroline Slnklor, aro well known here socially, as Ihoy havo often visited their aunt, Mrs. Charles Drlnton Coxo, and sho and Eckley havo entertained for them on various occasions In fact, so thoy tell mo, It was while visiting hero that the brldo of today mot Mr. Roosovolt, who, by the way, Is a cousin of Teddy's, and has been living In this city for sov oral years. Of course tho Coxes havo Bono down to tho wedding nnd some of the Slnklers. Elsie Slnklor and Emily Read Fox nro to bo bridesmaids, to gothor with Honrlctta Kollock and Har riot Williams, of Charleston. Odd that both bridesmaids' names from Philadel phia begin with nn E and tho two from Charleston with II. Caroltno Slnklor will bo tho maid of honor. It Isn't to bo a church wedding, as tho housn Is so suited for an affair of tho kind, and then it will be so sum mory and wonderful out on tho grounds. Gcnoral Charles F. d. Slnklor, her father, will glvo her In marriage, of course. It Is gratifying to know that another rtellglrtful Southern woman will be added to tho elite of Philadelphia, and ono who Is already known and, as Is tho rest of tho Slnklor family here, much liked. Bocausa really, I do not know of any family of mon and girls so universally popular as tho Slnklers. Dens married Emmy Rhodes, you know, and Whar ton's wife was Louise Elkins, then Frank married Mildred Pearce, and aren't Jack nod Charllo asked to every thing going on, as aro Julia and Elslo? Their fathor, tho lato Doctor Slnklor, was ono of tho beBt loved doctors In tho city. The Main Lino Walking Club Is coming Into Its own no, for tho early days of spring moro than pay up for tho murky, muddy, slushy onos of lato winter. Thp ''members- nre Ijent oil" cross-country tramp3 and generally walk from seven to'i ton miles at a stretch. 'It Is a de lightful club rnd promotes good fellow ship as woll as Interchange of Ideas among Its members, who Include emi nent lawyers, doctors and railroad men. Among them aro Mr. and Mrs. George Wharton Pepper, Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Yarnall, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Yarnall, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Newhall. Mr. and Mrs. Francis V. Lloyd, Dr. and Mrs.' John Gibbon, Mr, nnd Mrs. James Will cox, Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Grlswold, Mrs. Marie Hopkins and Miss Harrydela Hallmark. NANCY WYNNE. Personals The meeting of tho Saturday Evening Dancing Class will take place this eve ning, at Ashor'B, 22(1 and Walnut streets. The Easter gorman will ho held nt Hor ticultural Hall on tho evening of Tuesday, April 25, nt 8;30 o'clock. Tho class Is under tho direction of Mrs. Henry-Brlnton Coxe, chairman ; Mrs. II. H. Bayard Bowie, Mrs. Norton Downs, Mrs. John White Geary, Mrs. Edgar Scott, Mrs. Syd ney Thayer and Mrs. Charlton Yarnall. i Mr, and Mrs. George C. Thomas, Jr., of Sunset avenue, will entertain at dinner tonight at the Philadelphia Cricket Club. Miss Esther Jean Bochman, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Francis Boch man, was. among the guests at the thea tre party and supper given last night In New York by Mr. Henry II. B. Paul and Mr. J, Theus Munds. Mr. William H. Wetherlll will enter tain a house party over tho week-end at Mill Grove. Audubon, in honor of Miss Rebecca Willing- Newhall. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Passmore will celebrate tho ,25th anniversary of their marriage this evening with a reception at th$. Germantown Cricket Club, followed by dancing. " The members of the Huntingdon Valley Hunt Club will entertain the neighboring farmers at dinner this evening at" tho Mineral Springs Hotel, Willow Grove, at 7 o'clock. Many of the members of the club will also be present. At the annual meeting of the Hunt Club held at the clubhouse at Willow Grove last week the following officers' were elected for the coming year: President, Mr. Joseph' Wharton Llpplncott; vice presi dent. Mr. George W. Elkins, Jr,j secre tary, Mr- Charles C. Walbridge; treasurer, Mr. Richard M. Cadwalader, Jr,: pro masters of hounds, Mr. Rodjnan Wana msker, Jr., and Mr. William H. Mulford. Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes Townsend, of Montrose, Radnor, are 'entertaining Mr. and 'Mrs. Norman James, ot Baltimore, over tHewe.ek end. Mr. apd Mrs. Charles A. Munn, Jr., of Woodcrest, Radnor, will leave on Monday to spend a month with Mr. Munn'a mother. Mrs. Charles A. Munn, In Washington. A meeting of the aides and members o-.', the Rittenhouse Square Flower Market Ccmmlttoa .will be held on Tuesday after noon at . o'clock In the Wlthersppon Building, to make the final arrangements for th market which will be held next month. Mr- and Mrs. J. Clifford Dando an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Louise. Harder Dapdo, to Mrw Guy Holden Stoutenburgh, of Newark, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Emott Hare, of 4Q0 South Sid street, wJl open Stony, hurst, their horns at Stratford, on April 27. Mr. and. Mrs. Edward F. Beale opened peepdaje. their house at Strafford, yes torday. Mr- GuaUve A. Heckacher, who has be (ftadiny .the winter at the iVia-CarltoJ, will return to his home In Strafford next week. Mr. and Mrs. ttnlpli Lenford Murray will entertain at dinner at their homo In Old Lancaster road, Wynnewood. this evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. A.' Coleman Alburger will give a reception at their homo In Mer 'ehnntvllle on Thursday evening, to Intro duce their daughter, Mies Helen Stiles Alburgcr. Mrs. It. H. Rolfe, of 2136 Porter street, entertained nt luncheon this afternoon, In honor of her daughter, Miss MnryRolfe, who will .bo a grndunte of Miss Hill's School In June. Tho guests, who wero also members of tho senior class, Included Miss Clara Frolhofcr, Mies Dorothy Funk, Miss Maude Gould, Miss Cntlileon John son, Mini Florence Koch, Miss Elizabeth Keene, Miss Virginia Lloyd, Miss Dorothy Aintiticu, Miss Kllftnbctn suddnrds, Miss Mnrlon Palste, Miss Clinrlotto Vnrp, Miss :da Vnrc. Miss Florenco "Westcott and Miss Debm-nli. Williams. Along the Main Line 11RYN MAWR--MIes "Elizabeth Will iams nnd Miss DnrtHela Clark will enter tain this nfternoon nt tho matinee, followed by tea. Tho guests, who nro members of tho graduating clnss of Miss Wright's School, will bo Miss Alice llrndlcy. Miss Ruth Aboriiethy. Miss Srt phlo Achcson, Miss Alloo Forbes. Miss Anno Fnrstnll, Mlsa Margaret Roberts. Miss Dorothy Steel, Miss Frances Welmer and Miss Catharine PIntter. ST. DAVID'S Mr. and Mrs. John Tll lotson, of Tho Boulders, are spending a few days nt Old Point Comfort and Wash ington. Mr. nnd Mrs. Armltt Brown, of 202 Orchard Wny, havo returned from At lantic City. Mr. And Mrs. Chnrles S. Wntton. Miss Mnrthn Walton nnd Mr. Joseph Walton, -' Wnlmnrthon. nro In Atlantic City, wl,o-p thoy nro staying at tho Brighton. The St. David's Golf Club gave tho first tea of the season In tho women's clubhouse) yesterdny afternoon. Tho women golfers of tho club nro holding n ringer tourna ment overv Friday afternoon during April nnd Mny, tho prize for which -hns been donntcd by Mrs. C. Barton Keen. Mrs. I'errco Brlnton, of Wlndybrow, St. David's, is cntcrtnlntng her sister, Mrs. L. H. Ives, of Germany. Mrs. Frederick P. RndclliTo, Jr., of 207 Midland avenue, returned from New York yesterday, where she had been spending a week. Mrs. Rollln II. Wilbur Is staying at At lantic City, recuperating from her recent Illness. Tho Cotorlo hold Its third recital of the- season at tlio homo of Mr. and Mrs. Humbert B. Powell, on Windermere ave nue, on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Conner, of Windermere avenue, left yesterday for crewo. Ph., to attend tho opening of tho trout fishing- senson tpday. -Mrs. Walter AVhctstone, or 425 Wood land avenue, gavon dinner nt her homo Wednesday ovenlng In honor of her hus band's birthday. Among thoso present wern Mr. and Mrs, John M. Rognn, Dr. nnd Mrs. J, Arthur Standcn. Mr. nnd Mrs. James Wynn, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Seoflold, Mr. Otto Sollninn nnd Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rlstlnc. WAYNE Tho Inst of tho subscription dnnces arranged by Mrs. John Dunlnp, Jr., and Mm Robert Elmer was given nt the Saturday Club last night. Mr. Hubert Arann, accompanied by Mr, Talma, son Of . the. tx-pxesjdont .of. Cuba, hns returned from State College to' spend tlio Easter vucatlon with his par ents, Mr, nnd Mrs. George M. Amnn. of Wayne nvonuo. Mr. George M. Aman, Jr., hns returned from a three months' Southern trip. Whllo South ho spent a week with his brother, Mr. Clarence Aman. In Cuba. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus I. Brock and their small son will go to Atlantic City next week to remain over Easter. ' STRAFFORD Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Barton Keen, of Whitehall, Strafford, are spend ing tho week-end at Pine Valley. N. J whero thoy aro enjoying tho golf. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morton Wilson have returned to Shadysldc, their homo In Strafford, for tho summer. Friends of lira. Henry Drinker Riley will he glad to hear that she Ib conva lescing from licr recent Illness. Chester Valley Tho Pnrent-Tcncher Association of Wll llstown township will glvo a supper this evening In the Monument School, near Malvern, the proceeds of which will ho used for tho purchnso of equipment for a playground. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Eyre, who havo been spondlng tho winter at tho Bellovue Stratford. havo returned to their home "Eyrevlew," West Chester. Bala-Cynwyd Tho Cynwyd Club will hold open house Saturday, May 6. There will bo dancing In the nfternoon and evening, and special tenuis matches during tho day. The members of tho Junior Auxiliary of St. John's Church, Lower Merlon, gave a luncheon this afternoon at their usual meeting, at which tho Rev. Dr. .11. A. F. Hoyt and Mrs. Hoyt wero present. Miss Margaret Kershaw is president of tho Junior Auxiliary. Miss Ellzubeth Keene Is spending the week-end with Mlsa Virginia Lloyd, of Cynwyd. Tioga Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Buchsbaum, of .1418 North 2lst street, have announced the engagement of their daughter. Miss Minnie Buchsbaum, to Mr. Herbert E. Strauss. INTERESTED IN fwWKOmmi MnvPmsumPm mmmmasriinrnKimmii ww ,i urn: m !.,;jiw,j.. M The photographs above, reading from left to right, are of Miss Lillian, SchaiTer, Miss Celia A. Wiesen and Miss Hilda A- Cossay who are taking an active part in the ragtime piano contest to be held tomorrow evening at Apollo Hall, 1726 North Broad stxeat. Pancioe will follow the contest, 1 Along the Reading Tho last meeting of Mrs. Frederick W. Morris, Jr.'s, dancing class for the school set was held nt the Huntingdon Vnllfcy Country Club yesterday afternoon nt 3 o'clock. Tho class this year has .been under the direction of Miss Robblns. Yes terday several guests were Invited nnd the Affair was a fancy dress. Among those nttendlng wero Miss Mnrgeretta Stevens, Miss Ann Stovons,, Miss Elizabeth Mor rls, Mlsa Dorothy Loverlng, Miss Marl anna Merrltt, Miss Molly Bradley, Miss Marguerite Boyle, Miss Elizabeth Stetson, Miss Ann Stetson,, Mlsi Jnciiuetlne Powell, Miss Nancy Drayton, Miss Phoebe Drayton, Master Frederick Morris, Master Beauvenu Borle, Master Floyd Starr, Master Daniel Merrltt, Mnstcr Richard Rush, Master Spencer Brock, Master John Gilbert, Jr., Master Rowland Gilbert. Mnster Furpess Thompson, Master Benjamin Rowland and Mnster Horace Powell. Miss Elizabeth Hendrlctcson, of Jcnkln town, will cntcrtnln nt bridge and GOO this afternoon at the Old York Road Country Club. Among the guests will bo Miss Emma Comly, Mlsa Hnnnnh Comly, Mies Snra BrooTu", Miss Lillian Brooke. Miss Josephine Taggart, Miss Isnbel Tngcnrt, Miss Helen Lester, Miss Helen Sllfcr, Miss Viola Thomnn, Miss Emma Hnltowcll. Miss Francos Hallowcll, Miss Hannah Hnllo well. Miss Mnrlan Gnylcy, Miss Doris Wctherbee, Miss Jean Webber, Mrs. Georgo Elsnsser, Jr., Miss Esther Wnss, Miss Elslo Smith. Miss Elsie Dnnlels, Miss Blanche Dnnlels, Miss Eleanor Jones, Miss Myrtle McICee, Miss Dorothea Schlvley, Miss Dorothy Rilddeh, Mrs. Arthur Jen kins, Miss Sarah Mather, Miss Emily Mather, Mrs. Ellis Llpplncott, Mrs. J. Kftrlo Pnrry, Jr., Mrs. Israel R. Hallo well, Miss Caroline Thomas, Miss Eleanor Long, Mrs. O. B. Klesowettor, Mrs. Fred erick Rnwcllffo, Miss Viola Derr, MIbs Margaret Anderson, Mrs. Thomas Baker, Miss Eleanoro Baker, Mrs. John Comly. i Mrs. Robert Bennett, Miss Elennot Weaver, Miss Laurence Weaver, Mrs. Ed mond Price, Mrs. George Bradbury, Mrs. Herbert K. Taylor, Mrs. M. K. W. Plank, , Mrs. J. Howard Ervlen, Miss Phoebe ' Chandler, Mrs. Ralph Patch, Mrs Elwood ' W. Miller. Mrs. Louis H. Schwartz. Mrs. ! T. Kcssler Schwartz, Mrs. .o-Ih Fretz Mrs. J. L. Eyro Chcccham, Miss Anna Hughes, Miss Frances B. Hitchcock. Mrs. James W. Hunsbergcr, Mrs. Wnrren S. Buzby. Miss Dorothy Beach, Mrs. Edwin W. Palmer, Miss Irene Chnse, Miss Clem entine Pont, Mrs. Muhlnii II. I num. Mrs. II. Houston Klrkpatrlck. Mrs. T. B. Hon drlckson and Miss Bcntrlco Wallace. A bread, c.ako and candy sale will bo hold this nfternoon nt tho Wyncoto Pub lic School, nnd will bo In charge of tho children of tho school. Mr. Allen Fetterolf, of Church road, Wyncotc, who hns been spondlng n fort night ns tho guest of his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Horace O. Fetterolf, left this weok for Ithaca, N. Y., whero ho will resume his studies nt Cornell. Tho Glensldo Flro Company will bold nn entertainment In tho Cheltenham Hlch i School on Friday evening, April 28. "The District School nt Blueberry Corner" will ho presented by an excellent cast. Germantown Mrs. Georgo E. Tllge. of 20 West Chel ton nvcntie, nnnnunces the engagement of hor daughter. Miss Loulso Tllgo, to Mr. Samuel Mooro Peacock, nlso of Gorman town. Mr. and Mrs. Rolnnd L. Taylor, of 220 West Chelten avenue, have purchased a country plnco nenr Penllyn, which they will occupy shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Newberry A. S. Ross, of West Upsal street, announces tho engage ment of tholr daughter. Miss Mildred Al len Ross, to Mr. Ralph Emerson Hurst, formerly of Rochester, N. Y. Tho Cuo Club of tho Walnut Lano School will glvo a the dansnnt this nfter noou' In tho music hall of the school. Miss S. Edna Johnston, Miss Gregory, Miss Helen Kcar and Miss Helen Noss will recelvo and thoso presiding at tho tea tame will bo Miss fcthcl Naynll and Miss Edith Walton. Easter week will be filled with parties for tho youngsters, among them one which Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lloyd, of 233 Harvey street, will glvo for their grand son, Master Burton Mustln, Jr. It will take placo on Saturday, April 20, and will bo u costumn danco. The guosts will bo Miss Mnry Stevenson, Miss Katharine Baker, Miss Ireno Raymann, Miss Gwen dolyn Gray. Miss Helen Boyer, Miss Jonn Llpplncott, Miss Jean Lloyd, Miss Leonora Robinson, Miss Ellznbeth Scott, Miss Olivia Slner, Miss Marjorle Hlndman, Miss Judello Huston, Miss Margaret Watson, Miss Arlino I'arle. Miss Constance Plersol, Master Harris Kcon, Master Grandvlllo (off, Master Branson Edmonds. Master William Dawson, Mnster William Henry, Master Milton Barbn, Mnster Shelmenllno Francis Smith, Mastor Harry Smith, Mas ter Theodore Sllllman, Master John Bogan, Master Regnault Falrchlld, Master Mortimer Robinson nnd Master Jack Per plgnun. Mrs. E. Ross Carver, of 512 Newhall street, accompanied by her two children, little Miss Gertrude Carver and Mnster Emery Carver, will leave next Friday for Washington, to be tho guests of Lieutenant William Woods Smyth, United States Navy, and Mrs. Smyth, In tho Washington Navy Yard. They will spend a week. Mr. nnd Mrs. William H. Maurer will entertuln at dinner tonight nt the Manu facturers' Club In honor of Mr. nnd Mrs. George W. Seaman, of Poughkeepsle. N. Y. The guests, who will afterward at tend the theatre, will Include Mr. and Mrs. William T. Steel, Mr. and Mrs. David Cramer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Walton, Miss Ellznbeth Chllds Steel nnd Miss Ruth Parvlu Maurer. North Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hinckle. of 3317 North 18th street, have announced the en gagement of their daughter. Miss Marian Elizabeth Hinckle, to Mr. William Frank lin Egan, Jr., of 2637 Columbia avenue. Mls3 Hinckle Is a graduate of Friends' Select School, claHa of HH, and Mr. Egan Is a graduate of the electrical engineering department of the University of Penn sylvania, class of 1913. CHARITY AFFAIR ri r wKmWmi ImwWii tH ta m$mmmmwmwmmm ms mm . '.i WtmmlmmamsMmM- .i mm , ; II in i I ' II I I illlim lil ! && i l Wimi&&iMwKmmf If w$ i i ' JHBBHHHHnH P'nto by J. Mitchell nillot MISS YVONNE FUdUET KEEPE Miss Kccfe, who is tho attractive daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles J. do V. Kcefc, of Unln, and m.'jch interested in outdoor sports at the. Cynvyyd Club, will spend lao Easter holidays in New York, whero, with her sister, sho will visit hor uncle nnd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Knymond de Sozo Fuguct. APRIL DAYS PROVE POPULAR WITH A NUMBER OF BRIDES Marriage of Miss Tiefenbach to Mr. Eves Will Take Place This Evening at Jenkintown Members of Camden Church Choir to Wed THE wedding of Miss Hnzel Clalro Tlc fcnbnch, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J, Frederick Tlcfcnbnch, of Jenkintown, nnd Mr. Schuyler Eves, of Jenkintown, will tnke plnco this evening nt tho homo of tho bride's parents on Mather avenue. Tho ceremony will bo performed by tho Rev. Turnam Shook, rector of tho Church of tho Advocate, Germantown. Tho bride, who will bo given In marriage by her fa ther, will wear a bcnutlful gown of bro cade and Ivory white satin, with bodice ot duchesse laco and chiffon. Tho skirt will bo mado very short, with largo puffs of tho satin on either sldo; tho tulle veil will come to the bottom ot the skirt and will be caught with orango blossoms. MIS3 Nelllo Tiefenbach, tho, maid of honor, will ba tho only attendant. She will bo most attractively gowned In pink tnf fota, edged with. -rosebuds. Tho skirt will bo short und very full, caught hero and thero with small roses, nnd sho will carry a bouquet of pink rosebuds Mr. Eves will havo his brother, Mr. Herbert Eves, of Jenkintown, as best man. After an extended wedding trip, Mr. nnd Mrs. Eves will bo at homo after May 1, at 311 Meetlnghouso lane, Narberth. NULTY FISHER. The marrlngo of Miss Evelyn Rodan Fisher and Mr. Russell Hultt Xulty will take place this afternoon at 4 o clock In the First Methodist Episcopal Church, of Camden. Both Miss Fisher nnd Mr. Nulty havo been members of tho choir of this church for live years and tho other members of tho choir will sing an elab orate program during the ceremony. Tho father of the bride, tho Rev. W. K. Fisher, editor of tho Occnn City Ledger and a recent delegate to tho Methodist Episcopal Conference, will oillclate. Tho maid of honor will be Miss Georgia Mur ray nnd tho best man will be Dr. John Dibble. The ushers will be Mr. Robert Sturr, of Elmer. N. J. : Mr. Raymond Walton, Mr. Norman Rlgglns nnd Mr. George Fisher. The young couple will go to Washington for their honeymoon nnd will be nt homo after Juno 1 at 411 South 7th street, Camden. HOLLIS KEMPTON. Tho wedding of Miss Mildred Kemp ton, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Car roll Kempton, of 1847 North 18th street, West Philadelphia Mr. Thomas Shaw Rodgers, of 5021 Larchwood avenue, announces the engage ment of his daughter, Miss Helen Mar guerite Rodgers, to Mr. James Henry Beazley, of Sparta, Va.) Mrs. A. Southern Conway, of the Avon dale. 3Sth and Locust streets, will spend the Easter holidays at the Traymoro, At lantic City. Kensington A package party and entertainment for the benefit of the boys' band will bo given on Easter Monday evening, April 24, at the Frankford Avenue Baptist Church, Frankford avenue nnd Letterly street. Miss Myrtle Howard, of 3d street and Glrard avenue. Is entertaining Miss Stella Lehman, of Reading, Pa., for a fortnight. Miss Howard gavo a luncheon for Miss Lehman yesterday. A novelty dance will be given by the Burnt Cork Olee Club, at Hanley's Casino. Kensington avenue and Cumberland street, on Thursday evening, May 4, Mrs. Story Harker. of New Egypt. N. J Is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Dougherty, of 2133 Last street, for a short stay. Cumberland Delaware County The Rev, J. It. Sutherland and family, of Ridley Park, have taken a house at 134 West Baltimore avenue, Lansdowne. Mr. Joseph F.fMathues, of New York, U visiting his' mother, Mrs. Emma Msthues, of Media. A card party will ba held in the Walton on May 3 for the benefit of the Delaware County Society of the S. P. C. A. Miss Helen Atherholt, of Ridley Park, 13 visiting la Richmond, Va., for several weeks. Mrs. W-1 Lavts, of Drexel Hill, will en tertaln her 600 club this evening. The members are Mr and Mrs. Joseph Meyers. Mr and Mrs. llmjajoln McLough-1 lin. Mr. and Mrs. ueorge AUn, Mr. and I Mrs. David Colvey. Miss Mary Marls soil Abbott, ex-preeldent of- the Alumni Aaso-iU-s. JPruci Little, elation. x to Dr. Chnrles B. Hollls will tnlto plnco this ovenlng, nt 7 o'clock, nt the homo of tho bride's parents. Tho brldo's father will glvo her In mnrrlnge nnd tho ceremony will bo performed by tlio Rev. P. C. Wright, of tho Gcthsemnno Baptist Church. The bride will wear a gown of whlto crepe de chine nnd point lace, with a veil of tullo caught with orange blos soms. Lilies of tho valley, arranged In a shower, will be carried. Mrs. D. Dor soy Wolf, tlio brldo's sister, who will bo matron of honor, will bo gowned in pale liluo thistledown taffeta, draped with tullo, nnd will cany pink rosus. Miss Hetty Kempton, nleco of tho brldo, will bo llowur girl. Hor llngcrlo frock 13 ot hand embroidered batiste trimmed with pink ribbons nnd her (lower basket wilt hold Sweethenrt roses. Dr. 'Paul Kltchln will act as best man. After tho reception for tho families of tho bridegroom nnd brldo, which will fol low (he service. Doctor nnd Mrs. Hollls will leave for Old Point Comfort. iiiey win be at home tiftcr Juno 1. at 1700 North 18th street. WE.VIOER REIER. A pretty wedding will tnko place to- iiigm ni me .uajesuc, when Miss Mabel Lydla Ruler, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs Albort 11. Rcier. of 1231 West Glrard avenue, will become tho brldo of Mr. Will lam Wcnlger. The Rev. P. H. Dlppcll, of tho German Reformed Church, will otfl date nt the ceremony nt 7:30 o'clock, and a Inrgo reception will follow. Tho brldo's gown Is of whlto satin nnd tulle, with trimmings of roso point lace. Lilies nt (tho valloy will hold her long tullo veil In iimi'i-, itnu mimmr nowers will be com bined with whlto orchids In her bouquet. Sho will be attended by her sister, Miss Lillian Reler, as mnld of honor, and Miss Helene Rehbaum as Mower girl. Tho for mer will wear a pale green gown of gros do Lnndres silk, with a garniture of silver laee, and a Neapolitan braid hat. trimmed with pink llou-ars, nnd will carry sweet peas and pink snapdragons. Hand-embroidered bntlsta will form tho frock of the Mower girl, who will wear a pink hat nnd will carry a busket of pink sweet peas. Mr. Wcnlger will be attended by hl.i brother, Mr. Otto Wcnlger, as best man, nnd Mr. Theodoro Mnlsch nnd Mr. Albert AVIntcr ns ushers. Upon their return from a Southern trip Mr. und Mrs. Wenlger will be at home after June 1 nt 747 North 04th street. Overbrook, Chestnut Hill ' Mr. und Mrs. Gilbert A. Harvey, for merly of the Gladstone, are occupying their house on West Chestnut avenue. Lansdowne Mrs. Charles Shurtleff. of West Green wood avenue, entertained tho members of her mission study class at luncheon ! "' iiuino yesieruay afternoon. Her guests were Mrs. Phllli) John Jalsohn. Mrs. Croswell McUee. -Mrs. w. Bowers. Mrs. Joseph Bowers. Mrs. F. Ross. Mrs. H. P. Dorrnan, Mrs. William Baxter. Mrs. !,. Martin, j rs Curl Altmaier, Mrs. Rich ard Newbold Mrs. Morley Underhlll and Mrs. E. McGlnley. Sir. and Mrs. Charlos Wilcox enter tained the members of their bridge club at their home last evening. The members ?.f,the ',ub nra Mr- an(l Mrs. Howard Wilson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick O'Paniel, Mr. und Mrs. Marshall Johnson. Mr. and nra. oimrKs uisnop and Mr. and Mrs. An drew Young. x Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Elmer 'Mieheni.r. nf North Owen avenue, will entertain at their home this evening. Their guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Johnson, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Tompkins. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woods, Mr, nnd Mrs. Sparks Bishop and Dr. and" Mrs. Howard T, Busier. DEFENSE GRADUATION TIIEbIE President Clark Urges Preparedness at Franklin Institute Commencement That the Government "will Anally adopt a policy of preparedness to Insure the fu ture peace of the nation" was thi senti ment expressed last night by Dr. Walton Clark, president of the Franklin Institute. He, said this when he delivered the ora tion at the 924 annual commencement exercises. Twenty-five graduates received scholar ships, while 10 others received prizes available for the students. Reference to the queatlon of prepared ness was mad by Doctor Walton after he had read a paper on the development of ligMing uuriog me last 1VU years. An othtr address was delivered by John v LOWER MERION HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI WILL ENTERTAIN Several Amusing Sketches Will Be Given This Evening in Auditorium of School by Former Students. Golden Wedding Celebration A CLEVER entcrtnlnment. entitled "A KIcver Klutter," will be given this evening under tho auspices of tho Lower Merlon High School Alumni Association at tho high choot auditorium. Numerous nmuslng sketches will bo given, the first, 'A Train to Mnurd," with Miss Mnlzlo J. Simpson. Mr. Franklin E. Spojin and Mr. Thomas T. Ferguson In tho enst, followed by character songs given by Miss Mildred i. Mourning, with the assistance of Mr. Enrl M. Andrews. Mr. Robert A. Mueller, Mr. J. Herbert Jinltas nnd Mr. C. Ralph Andrews. Othtr numbers will be "Mnrtnmo Rorcr's Kitchen Orehostrn," "Stutter nnd Nutter," "Popping the question" nnd tho "Danco of tho Butterflies." Among thoso In tlio ensts will bo Miss Anita Preston, Miss Dorothy Wilson, Miss Helen M Lees. Miss tlelnn r. UMlpn. bnugh, Miss Mildred E. Oouldlng, Miss aino ij. Jones, Miss M. Luvcrno Osmond, Miss Jcnnnetto L. Campbell, Mr. George Bennett, Mr. Thnmns T. Fnrmisnn. Mr. Freeman S. Belcher, Jr., Mr. Robert A. Muollcr. Mr. Wllllnm A. McCrca, Mr. Har- Did T Godfrey. Mr. Robert Sens holtz. Mr. C Ralph Andrews, Mr. Earl M. Andrews, Mr Knrl F. Smith. Mr. Wlllnrd M. His- tnre, Mr. Lelloy Hllynrd, Mr. J. Herbert Bnltz. Miss Helena Khortlnnd, Miss Gone vlevo 11 Hllynrd. Miss Mury S. Campbell, Miss Florence M. Wilson, Miss Florenco E, Hnnsnll, Miss Margucrlto Goodman, Miss Helen M. Shlmnf, Miss Dorothy K. Hnnsoll. Miss Anna R. Bnltz, Miss Kath ryn L. Rnpp, Miss Marian H. Morgan, Miss Edna A. Hnrmstnd, Miss Edith C. Hnydnn. Mr. H. Frederick Llpplncott and Miss Dorothy A. Belcher. In celcbrntlon of their golden wedding anniversary, Mr. nnd Mrs. Gottfried Levy, of 3346 North Gralz street, will give a dinner, followed by a reception, this ove nlng nt Meyer's Drawing Room, 1C24 North Broad street. Mr. Levy nnd Mrs. Fannlo Ooetz Lovy, who nro natives of Germnny, wero married In this city April 15, 1SCG, by Rabbi Nathans. Tho bride groom wns 27 nnd his bride sovornl'ycnrs younger. Threo of their four children "ore living Mr. Joseph Lovy, of Buffalo, N. Y.j Mr. Ferdinand Levy mid Miss Pauline Lovy, of this city. These, with the live grnndchlldrcn, will bo ntnong tho many guests. THi! last meeting of Mrs. Frederick Sncller's dancing class will bo held this evening In Newman's studios. Tho decorations will bo spring flowers. Mrs. Sneller will he becomingly gowned In palo green tnffeta und tulle. Among those present will be Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mc Dowell, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick A. Hnrt, Jr., Mr. nnd Mrs. C. R. Llndback, Mr. and MANY PHILADELPHIANS SPEND WEEK-END AT ATLANTIC CITY lt Number of Prominent Visitors Sojourning at Eesort for Over Palm Sunday and Crowded Hotels i Present Gay Scene ATLANTIC CITT. April ID. A terrific windstorm created havoc on tho Board wnlk yesterday afternoon. Hats were blown out to sea, many a spring cbapenu being utterly ruined by tho sudden gnle. Hundreds of visitors, Including n num ber of prominent Phlladelphlans, havo nr rlvcd to remain over Palm Sunday, nnd the hotel exchnnges aro quite gay, mnny weird fnshlon conceits being seen. . Mr. anil Mrs. Charles D. Barney, the Baroness von Hlller nnd Mrs. A. B. Hubnrd preferred not to tnko any chances with tho windstorm, nnd viewed the promenndo from tho "deck" lf tho Tray moro. They will bo down until nfter Easter. Tho attractive Megnrgco girls. Miss Lorna Megargeo and Miss Miriam Me gargce, who seldom miss an Easter sea son at Atlantic City, aro at tho Tray more, with their sister. Mrs. Ilerbort M. Tllden, and Miss Newton. Mrs. Norman W. Cramp, Mr. William M. Cramp nnd Miss Virginia Cramp are nt the Traymoro, ns are Miss Agnes Broeklo, Miss Sarah Franklin, Mr. nnd Mrs. Edmund T. Runklo and Mr. and Mrs. Jumes D. Rowland. Mrs. Thompson Bryan, who hns been spending tho winter nt Havcrford, came down to visit her aunt, Mrs. W. W. Wnrthington, nt tho Brighton. Mrs. Thompson always) spends the enrly part of the summer at the Dennis. Mr. James B. Brady, of New York, familiarly known as "Diamond Jim Brady," Is at tho Shclhurne. Mrs. Robert E. Griffith nnd Miss T Frankford Sir. nnd Mrs. Frederick D. Mcnslng, whose marriage took place on February 10, havo issued enrds for the first of their receptions, to be held on Monday evening nt their home, 2S45 Frankford avenue. Mrs. Robert G. Stevenson will assist Mrs. Mcnslng in receiving tho guests, who will number about 100. Mrs. Menslng will be remembered ns Miss Edyth F Anderson, daughter of the late Mr. James Anderson und Mrs. Anderson. WILL WED TODAY Miss Evelyn Fisher and Mr. Rus sell H. Nulty, of Camden, will be married this afternoon iu that city by the Hev. William K. Fisher, of Ocean City, the bride's father rVVf l 111 Mrs. W. A. Breyer, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. W, t Wlckershnm, Mr. nnd Mrs. F, A. Dick Ison, Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Tutlle, Dr. and Mrs. A, W. Wagers, Mr. nnd Mrs. Perry Elliott, Mr and Mrs. 13. W.' Elliott. Miss Julia Appcnzeller, Mrs. Emily S. Redding, Mrs. John McChnsney, Mr, William Corn man and Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Newman. rpHE April dance of the Tcrpslchoreans JL will bo held In the Gold Room of tho Adolphla this evening. Tho committee In chnrgo Is mnde up of Mr. K. J. Blrh-' brnuer, president; Mr. J. P. McCulloUgh. i trensurer: Mr. O. H. Knauer, assistant treasurer: Mr. F. Henderson, secretary, nnd Mr. C. E. WoMngor, nnd tho patron- esses are Mrs. II, Blrnbrauer, Mrs. J. H. , Brooks, Mrs. A. Henderson, Mrs. G, 1L Knnlier, Miss F. Henderson, Mrs. W. II. Loughery, Mrs. M. H. McCullough, Mrs. F. J. Schlnlch nnd Mrs. C. E. Wolflnger. Tho weekly meeting of the friends of tho Lebanon HospltaNwns held on Tuts day evening nt tho hospital. Dr. Albert Berhclm nnd Dr. I. V. Slof, members of the staff, mndo addresses. Tho proceeds; of n danco given recently will be used ' to start a building fund. The committee Is- making nrrnngements for a leap year nnd novelty dance, to bo held on Sunday evening, April 30, at Apollo Hall, 172C North Broad street. Mr. Hurry Hoffman, chnlrmnn of the Dance Committee, nsslstcd by Mr. M. B, Squire, Is endeavoring to make this nffnlr one that will surpass previous ones. The haH will ' bo elaborately decornted with palms nnd ferns. A special program Is being arranged for that ovenlng by tho Entertainment Committee Exhibition dances will tnko place In tho (mil. The proceeds of the af- fair will be utilized for the maintenance of tho poor suffering from tuberculosis. A party wns given by Mr. James Press- man on Sunday ovenlng nt his home, 202 North 67th Btrcet In lmor of his 10th' , birthday. Vocal solos wero rendered by Miss Gertrude PltchrorW. Miss Mollis Abrnhnm nnd Miss Rose Mnrmorsteln with " Mrs. Llpschutz nt the piano. Among thoso present were Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Llp schutz, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrles Pressman, Mr. Frank Pressman, Mr. Harold Press- , man, Mr. Jnck Mnrgolls, Mr. Abraham Cohen, Mr. Simon Cohen, Mr. Louis Dwor- t kins, Mr. Louis Etshnuky, Mr. David Kramer, Mr. Joseph Pltchrow. Mr. Max Spownk, Mr. Maurice Frledland, Mr. David Rosenberg, Mr. Frederick Freedman, Mr. Samuel Mnster, Miss Sarah Spewak, Miss Rebecca Burman, Miss Ethel Frledland, - Miss Rcba Pollnck, Miss Rose Bedrlck, '" Miss Ethel Margolls, Miss Molly Abra hams, Miss Gertrudo Pltchrow, Miss Lll- Han Master and Miss Anna Lulsky. Ellzubeth Griffith, of Havcrford, aro at tho Brighton for tho week end. ev " Mr. It, Bront Keysor, of Baltln x came down today to Join Mrs. K M nnd the Misses Kcyscr, who hnve t ' hero for a week. l ) Miss Thornton and Miss Cottor, Germantown, nro nt tho Brighton with Mrs. John M. Fries. Mr3. W. W. Hollingsworth has roturned to West Chester -after spending a few" days at tho Glaslyn-Chatham with Mrs. II. B. Buckwnlter and Miss Buckwalter. Francis B. Reeves, of Philadelphia, is entertaining at the Dennis over Palm Sun-d-c IiIh granddaughters. Miss Martha , Robeson nnd Miss Anna Robeson, of Brldgeton, N. J. Tho Philadelphia colony wns augmented yesterday by A. P. Swoyer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Slmonln, Miss Mayer, Miss Clara A. , Willlts, Mrs. 11 R. Hutlln, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry T. Supplee, Mrs. Daniel BUssneW, Mr. Henry G. Freeman, Jr., Mrs. S. S. , Morgan, Mrs. C. II. Morgan, Mrs. E. H. Cornell, Mrs. J. M. Bner. Mr. Aubroy Howell, Mrs. D. F. Waters, Mr. M. J. Waters, Mr. and Mrs. William Nax. Mrs. J William M. Wagner, Miss I. C. Morrow, , Mrs. Wlllnm H. Mnrvlll, Mrs. Philemoon U Dickinson. Miss Mildred Dickinson, Dr. nnd Mrs. Charles R. Palmer, Miss Eliza-' , both H. Palmer, Mrs. Charles L. Elliott,--Mrs. A. S. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Davis, Mrs. D. H. Parke, Miss Parke,' Mrs. W. B. Bodlno, Miss Bodlno and Mr, and Mrs. Charles T. Keith. . "ROBIN HOOD" TO DE SUNG Great Interest Manifested in Operatic Society's Forthcoming Performance The Philadelphia Operatlo Society will close Its 10th season devoted to the study of opera with a performance of Reginald De Koven's pretty romantic opera oS "Robin Hood." This opera has been in rehearsal for some months under the . capable direction of Wasslil Leps, who has V, complete charge, and nothing has been loft undone to make' this the greatest per formance In the history of the society. The history of the opera Is well known. It had Its first performance on the night of Ji no 9, 1830, at the Chicago Opera Hous'f. All over the country the opera ' made a tremendous hit as Interpreted by the f imous Bostonlans. and Mr. De Koven himself conducted the 4000th performance at the Broadway Theatre, New York Leading members of the original cast were Tom Karl, Eugene Cowlea, W. H. Macdonald, Henry Clay Barnabee, George B. Frothlngham, Marie Stone, Jessie Bart lett Davis. Josephine Bartlett and Car. Iotta Maconda. By a singular coincidence Marie Stone, who played In the original cast, was an aunt of Marie Stone Langs ton, who will present Allan Adale" In the forthcoming production. "Robin Hood" will be given by the Operatic Spciety at the Metropolitan Opera House on the evening of May 11 with the following cast; Robin Hood. John W. Noble ; Guy, Hermann Buhl j Will Scarlet, Frank M. Conly; Little John. J. H, Clegg; Friar Tuck, Charles ShuttU worth; The Sheriff, Horace Hood; Allan, Marie Stone Langston ; - Maid Marian, Kathryn McGlnley; Burden, Marie Loughney, and Annabel, Lottie Loeken. What's Doing Tonight Schoolmen's week, Unlvarsltr of Ftannd vanta. . Philadelphia Orchestra conctrt. Academy of Muelc. Paufon play, Metropolitan Opera Route. ' Philadelphia Motor tipecdway Allocation dinner. IWllovue-HtratforJ Hotel. Illustrated lecture. "The shoe In Mythology. Romance. Peace and war," by Major Carle T. Cahlll. under th auapices ot the Curtis Country Club. Auditorium. CurlU Buildln-, Independence Souare; 8:13 o'clock. Lecture on ''Military Bnzlneerlna." under the aueplces of the rSnsuwers' Club, by Colonel Georte A. Zlnn. Wltherepoon Hall! 8 o'clock. Btchinc exhibit. Art Club. American Philosophical conference, 104 South 6th street, banauet; T o'clock. Twentieth anniversary diner and Bohemian clroue by the Fitly Club, Manufacture' Cluh grill. Notice for the. Society pat will fee accepted nnd printed In the Kreuluc Ledger, but all uch notice uiut be writ ten on one tide of the paper, moat be sUned In full, with lull addraee. and when poeelble telephone number niuit be alen. hend all eurU eonuniiuleatlona to Sa elely Editor." Kteidji- Ledger. 0 Che.l- lule.e thee reo.uJremeirt u carrl out. n that .jcrulcatWu mar R peeaftj Um notice will net b BuhUehed, carrUiI J' a 1