- r -'f wiM '4"wutM1'WiW?l, MPWKIpy isf f $ jpjyf 'i'y VT'HJ"' - EVENING LEDGEK PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1016. 0 f .if. .r Gimbcl Brothers Store Opens 8:30 Gimbel Brothers Restaurant, 7th Floor : Music Gimbcl Brothers Store Closes 5:30 Gimbcl Brothers Gimbek' ommanding Styles for 0o ter tide Gimhels There is one real fashion center in Philadelphia Gimbcls. Even repeated assertions of the fact had nothing to do with fixing the style status of the house. It is founded on accomplishment. Pretty clothes are sold in many stores. But where else can one be so sure that the clothes bear the hall-mark of correctness? And, withal, where can anything like equal values be had? The Gimbcl Store, alone, is absolutely self-contained making for assurance of excellence and economy in pro duction. Let us explain that for you should not give your business to any store unless assured that the purchase shall be to your advantage in satisfaction from every point of view. Abroad the man who for years had most to do with setting the vogue in Philadelphia is our resident chief. Many secure foreign goods, but only comparatively few foreign styles measure up to the acceptance of the Philadelphia woman. She knows what new fashion is a fashion worth her while. And so docs our chief. Hence, foreign fashions of artist sclccti6n. Hence, too approved foreign inspiration for American garments of our controlled production. And this is to your advantage because wc arc fabric merchants, to the point of supplying the materials to tailors that produce garments for us. Safe, controlled cutting out of waste. That explains why a woman's suit at ?20 at Gimbcls is as much, in satisfaction giving, as the usual suit at $30. Maybe more. This service is yours on it the continued growth of the business depends. And no store any where is growing so fast. Women's fashions have been used in comparison but we could prove the store just as well by juvenile fashions or men's. Millinery Unusual to a Degree at $5, $8 and $7.50 Millinery (that shows ef fect, designing that placss it in class, charming Easter hats, for girl,( miss or woman, at $5, is ample unbounded. Sports Hats, Tailleur Hats, Dress Hats, $5 $6 and $7.50 Endless variety you will find ostrich feather and bandeau trimmed hats. Dainty braid hats; mushroom and Wat tcau shapes. Dressy leg horn and all black hats. Hats in colors and color combinations to wear with the new sun. -Millinery Salons, Third floor and The Thoroughfare, First floor Neck -fixings Tempting Values The pretty pieces of neck fixings that add so much to one's appearance arc quite inexpensive here. Hand - embroidered Vest ees with surplice front for 50c, value 75c. Guimpes of fine net, long sleeves; lace trimmed. Spe cial at $1.25 and $1.50. Neckwear Section, First floor Ostrich Feather Boas in black, white and combina tions, finished with tassels. $1.50, value $2. Grand Aisle, First floor Silk Stockings $1.00 For Easter 100 Colors All-silk, and not loaded. Plain colors or the new fancy effects. The needed perfect match for every Easter outfit. At 50c a pair women's boot silk Hosiery; silk where it shows, lisle where the wear is greatest. Black and colors. $1.35, $1.50, $1.75 and $2 a pair for women's fancy silk Hosiery; smart effects. At 50c a pair women's lisle Hosiery, in bronze, gray and navy. Also mercerized Stock ings in black only. Special $1.15 a pair for $1.50 to $2 silk Stockings, in black and colors. Not all sizes in every color. First floor. Womens Suits An Easter Readiness At $15 you have little idea of the beauty, the smartness and the quality until you see these serge and checked Suits at $15. Taffeta band trimming. At $15.75 belted and flary cut Suits of serge and checked suit ing; new blues, greens, rookie, navy blue or black. At $16.75 wool poplin Suits the talk of the town you will look at the ticket twice to be sure it is only $16.75. Navy Suits; also stylish Suits with rippling flare coat 34 to 40 sizes. Yes, checked Suits at $16.75, too. Just arrived the serge Suits at $20 the certain style so many have specially asked for pos sessing quality, good lines and a few buttons. Another style belted at $20, that we promise equally as good from standpoints of quality, style and workmanship. It seems everybody knows the famous $25 Gimbel Suit and wc think just a little better this season. You know we planned early. Wonderful variety. Serges, wool poplins, gabardines, checked suitings and silk suits all at $25. Salons of Dress, Third floor. Growing Girls Easter Dresses J f Fascinating Fashions anCl IOatS Inexpensive Choose tomorrow the growing girls' items to guide in the selecting At $5.75 charming Dress of challis, in rose, Copenhagen and green. Sizes 8 to 12. Style pic tured. At $10 smart Top Coats for sports oj dress wear, of serge, in plain colors; also a style with deep yoke, in checks and colored I y0 1 Easter apparel. A few serges. Sizes 6 to 15 years. At $5 Sports Coats, in fancy velour checks; deep collar. Sizes 8 to 15 years. At $5 to $13.75 mod ish Coats for little girls 6 to 8 years, in checks, serges, Bedford cord, silk poplin and taffeta. Very dressy. Girls' Shoe-Top Suits, $10 to $19.75 Designed for the hard-to-fit growing girl. Fabrics include serge, fancy tweeds and sheph'erd checks. Norfolk and three-piece models. Sizes 12, 14 and 16 years. $5.75 Salons of Dress, Third floor, Sunkist Oranges at 45c a Dozen California seedless; 3 dozen for 51, or 35c a dozen. l.- j. Kami, rnnaaeipnitt ut curou, fresh from tha emoko jiouse; at ?0e lb. Strictly fresh Est: Cedar I-ana Farm; 4 dozen, In cartons, ai i.u or So a dozen. Not delivered. India lUlLh. H. J. Helms Co.'; Sweet Glierklut or sweet 1'lckUd Oulont, 3 regular 65o quart Jars for S1.2S or So each. Cup o' Comfort, Mild Flavored 28a value at 1 lbs. 8o or 3 lbs. for 4Sc Cooked Ham, Swift's Premium I wafer-sliced, at 45o lb.; counter delivery Old Fashioned Glncer Loaf Cake, our own baking, at ISo each i coun ter delivery . , , ticreeued Scratch Feed for chick ens. Park o Pollards, 26 lbs, for ho or 100-111 bags at .!. Chestnut Street Annex Tots Coats For Easter : New All with the beauty of spring time. New fashions, new colors and new lowness of price. Little tots' Coats that have just arrived. Choice of rose and Copenhagen silk. Cunning mod els for those 2 to 6 years of age. Special at $6.50. Tots' tailored Coats, mannish lines, of serge and shepherd checks that are much favored, this spring; sizes 2 to 6 years. $5.50. Sports Coats, in rose, peach and Copenhagen corduroy; de tachable wash collars; sizes 2 to years. Unusual value at $7.50. Second flopr- $6.95 for $10, $15, $18 ats for Women Models Samples from a Sth Avenue Importer His trimmed hats styles from which he'd expected and did win big orders. We've his samples his models. Of course, we arc proud of such an offering. The hats beautiful beyond compare. No Two Styles Alike Each a Model of Beauty Made of the finest real horsehair braid, genuine Italian Milan, fancy hand-blocked liscrc, and rough braid in sailors,, turbans, large mushroom, and tricorne shapes; trimmed with silk, imported; also novelties, velvet and ostrich fancies. These arc copies of Susan Cabot, Jcanc, Marguerite and Lconic and Lewis models as for shape and trimmings; in fact, there arc some original imported models in the sale. Most black, navy and also high colors in large picture hats and sports. The price the marvel at $6.95, for the values arc $10, $15, ?1S and $U. Men's E aster Clothes A Service of Exactness A New Suit for One That Fails Wc can give bigger dollars' worth in rcady-to-wcar clothing than any tailor can give on a custom job because the "ready-to-wear" tailor doesn't have to bother with you time is money; "bother" is not "attention." It's efficiency. To be sure but that's another story. Eighty-One Distinct Styles of Suits at $25 Forty-Two Good New Styles at $15 Kuppenheimer and Society Brand Suits and Overcoats at $20 to $40 And wc shall not let the clothing people hide behind "dye-shortage," "wool ad vances," "higher tailoring costs" or anything else. We arc having our own troubles to maintain stocks but you shall have no trouble. And so, in one big comprehensive and most sincere way we say : A new garment for one that fails. Men's and young men's suits worsted, cassimercs, flannel, tweed, serge, silk-mixtures; pencil-, hairline- and chalk-stripes; cricket flannel blue, brown, green, gray, in solid colors. Plenty of belted suits included. $15 -The Thoroughfare, First floor. Wings : Peroxylin Laces and Plateaux Ready-made Ribbon Bows and Wings, wired and pasted ends ; variously at $1 to $1.75. Hair and peroxylin Laces and Plateaux, for making and trimming lints; tnc laces at 25c to $1 ; the plateaux at 75c to $4.5U. Men's $18 to $22.50 spring overcoats. The L-nifforl -fnhrir- -with cillr imht ' rnvprt rlnrVi ruTv- SpeCials I and form-fitting; novelty mixtures; black-and- wlutc; quarter silk-hnea L,nesterneia cnoice oi Oxford-gray and black. , $15 -Third floor Women9s Coats Spring Styles 7200 Garments Values Beyond Reproach Take these prices they'll hint: Silk lined poplins, gabardines, checks, velvet sport coats; white chinchillas. Extra Special Black or Navy Com bination Taffeta and Serge Coats, $15 Tweeds, worsted, checks, gol fines Guernsey wool sport coats, silk lined serges, silk taffeta coats. $10 $10 $10 Silk poplins, novelty chiffon, taffe'a. Finest worsted, serges, poplin, gabar dines. Novelty Check Coats, $9.75 Salons of Dress, Third floor WAISTS Of Beauty, of Unusual Style Yet Look at the Low Prices Radium Taffeta Blouses, like sketch, at $3 Two-toned in maize and -white, flesh - and whitc, rose and - white. The Blouse of white w i t h the color ming ling in the panels i n s us pender idea fold the contrast trims both the collar and sleeves. $3.95 $2 20 Other Models in Up-to-the-Minute Styles, $3 Crepe de Chine, habutai, radium or plain radium taffeta. High colors or in flesh-and-white and black fr inciuucu. 53.95 crepe de Chine Waists; box-pleated front and back; the fashionable flat collar sleeves and yoke heavily corded. This Blouse comes in flesh, white, peach, maize and black. SPECIAL Waists for Saturday Selling $3.95; Value $6.50 The Imperial frill Blouse of Georgette crepe, soft falling frill; hemstitched sailor collar, long sleeves, artistic cuffs. White, flesh and navy blue. At $2 Blouses a smartly buttoned collar and revers of white organdie, trimmed with a narrow frill of the batiste in the color of the waist. The sleeves are also trimmed with a white frill on the French cuff of organdie. At $2 Blouses of white voile with the Imperial frill, The soft frill falls gracefully from the sailor collar to the waist-line: edged with deen German Valenciennes lace edging and trimmed with fine embroidered organdie; stylish long sleeves, Valenciennes lace-trimmed. Of Voile; 2500 Blouses at $2 Of voile, in lace-trimmed striped voiles, of wide or in narrow stripes. Sheer lawn, with pleats and lace: styles that are exclusive; some with double cape collars, fluffy Blouses of soft materials, Waists with Imperial frills; sailor collar styles; tailored Blouses of linen and hosts of pretty styles shown first tomorrow in the Salons of Dress, on First floor, Annex, and in the Aisles. At $5 Georgette Blouses; others of crepe de Chine, radium lace, Brussels net. Exclusive styles in all the wanted colors. At $5.90 Georgette crepe, crepe de Chine, silk shadow lace, Brussels nets, soft frill styles, deep pleats, high colors and pastel shadfcs. Salons of Dress Third floor and some on Aisles, First floor Full Dress Suits at $25 to $30 Cutaway Coat and Vest aJL$20 to $35 Subway Store M en s an j 4' --" sp -y.'" Trou&efs at $3.75 to $250 Dresssjinessy'estsVariously' $3 td $7.5! Second floor, Ninth Street oung jivien M N e w Spring Suits and at $12.50. Included at $10 arc the snappy "High School SuiV with extra pair of trousers, for young men. -Subway Store. 0 Gentlemen ! Your Linen and Scarf ! Men's Hats A man is best off who doesn't bother, but who leans on a store. Sometimes he pays a needless quarter by such c but he feels right At Gimbels chances are you'll save the,1c?grTer. We charge for taking care. Shirts. Si to $6. Scarfs. 50c to $2, wmtn ana MarKet corner, Jir Mol Firs sness not floor Three best betshflTielec tion is yourvB, GimbeCenox"- soft and Dfl,S$3. r- '-Slarkot anil Nlafn. Flrtfloor. " Gmbel soft JBUli $2T Mjanu rtisie, ismtn Ht,,-iart floor. Stetson soft and IDerby $250 and $5.-. Z? lAnii'ti tiKerpS"1 IMnA S3 to $3.50 atNi? Derbv Hats Second selection of a make so good that a "second" is good. .imiii oirci worner. nrsi noor. Women's Easter Shoes "Lenox" $3.50, "Princess" $4 and $4.50 High shoes and low Shoes, patent calf boots kid and cloth top gun-metal boots, cloth top glaze4 kid boots, kid and cloth tops choice of the several correct heels. Low Shoes Colonials, Pumps, Ties, Oxfords patent leather, gun-metal, glazed kidskin, white canvas, white Nubuck, bronze kid; black Gimbels is more than a shoe-store it's a shoe shop, where principles of shoemakmg quality are determined and styles created. Hence best values. Second floor Palm-Sunday Saturday Speciqijin the Subway Store Women's $5 Low Shoes, $3 SUUWAY STOUE. Thousands and thousands of pairs in this Easter readiness! many women will choose tomorrow. Here arc Pumps and Low Shoes in black and favored gray kid, sand-color kid and two-color combinations; light weight welted soles; plenty of sizes positively wonderful values at $3. Children's White Shoes Nu-Buck and Sea Island duck broad toe lasts, at $1 to $3, Boys' $2.50 to $3 Patent Leather Shoes at $1.85 These are Kreider Shoes (so well-known); button and Bluchers; Goodyear sewed soles, sizes 9 to 5'3. Men's Shoes: Special at $3 2000 pairs ready! welted oak soles; styles for old and young; all leathers and all sizes. $3, Special for children patent-leather dress Shoes, cloth and dull kid tops; also white Nu-Buck tops; full round toes, stitched soles, as to sue, at $1 to $2.50. Boys' Easter Suits SUUWAY STOHE. v At $2.95 and $3.95 Norfolk Suits, strong cheviots, in good patterns, for 7 to 17 years. At $4.95 to $6.50 Norfolk Suits in dressy styles, of serge, cheviots, cassimeres, for 7 to 18 years. Boys' Wash Suits at 75c to $1.50, for 3 to 10 years best we know of at each price. GIMBEL BROTHERS MARKET ; CHESTNUT : EIGHTH and NINTH V 7 EasterFashionsA Riot of Color Gay anaSPlainer Styles Vie for Favor In The&e Charming Coats: Suitsnd Dresses Temptingly Low Prices SUUWAY BTOKK Coats in checks, poplins, whip cords and serges, at $5.95 to $15 14 to 44. Coats Serges, checks and nov elty mixtures, at $3.95 and $5 broken sizes. Extra-size Coats r wanted shades and materials, at $10 to $17.95-sizes 46 to 52. Easter Suits many copies of high-priced models poplins, serges, gabardines, plain and ve lour checkbf in wanted shades. Sizes 14 to 44, at $10, $J0.95 and $12.95. $15 to $25 Embraces the Fine Full Line of Suits Sizes 14 to 44 Dresses silks, crepe de Chine, poplin, taffetas, at $,6.95 to $12.95 sizes 14 to 44. Girls white Confirmation Dresses for 6 to 14 years, at $1.95 and $2.95, values $2.50 to $4. Girls' Coats checks, serges, silks, poplins, moires and mixtures, sizes 6 to 14 years, at $2.95 and $3.95, values $4 to ?5. Junior Girls' Coats serge, mixtures and checks, sizes 13 Xo 19 years, at $3-95 to $10. ; M --