wynaWDr EVENING LRDGEK PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, APRlL 14, 1916 S .WITNESS OF LINCOLN'S MARTYRDOM vividly 1 PORTRAYS TfeAGEDY Stewart MacDonald Recalls Scene in Ford's Theatre I When Assassin's Bullet Ended President's Life ?THOtfGIIT PART OF PLAT Old rhilmlclphian Was Then a Young Soldier of tKc Union Army Stewart MacDonald nlwnyn likes on this Ante to rchparse what ho naw In Ford's Theatre, In Washington, tho night of April 14, 1S6B. Ho was n mere bby then, for ho la 74 years old now, hut tho memory of the events of that nlRht stand out ns clearly today as they did then. ' Ho realizes ho Is one of tho few men alive who can tell that story at first hand, but the rocitnf-of It always makes him cry, for ho loved Ahraham Lincoln as nil tho Union soldiers did. m MacDonald Is old only In years. Ho has all tho fire today that ho must have had when ho landed at the Walnut street wharf on ThanltsBlvlnp: Day In 1SG0 with his bag and a wholo lot of liopo that he brought with him from County Derry, In Ireland, whero ho lived for 18 yeats after his birthday. January 17, 1842. At his home, 2220 North Howard street, ho HvcV with airs. MacDonald, but nny time you no thcro' you will find at least ono of his six married daughters who have tun in to spend tho day with him. Ho doesn't work any inoro: his little cigar shop In tho northeast ho gavo up long slnc&; also the work ho used to do ns caretaker of Jforrls Square. The nliiht President Lincoln was Bhot Mac ho calls himself Mac came In from ktho camp of tho Twelfth Tteglment Vct- an uoierves right outsldo Washington cc the torchlight parado which was Z, i-Tn celebration of Lees surrender, rri . ''" i lot 'llng I" Washington A," , ,wn(nd ono of his crowd there ?.. ' "thcro besldo himself sug. were three,,, Ford.B Theatre. Tho Presl- 2. ' 1in t0 1,e t!'ro tliat n8ht, . n .if B J" ot tl10 inartet. and Laura ??.? Girting In a groat play. Tho vi 1!".''" thQy ""'y lm'1 S1 together. 2i . J J Tllt tho dotlar Into four parts ni I ! i sHery scats. They were placed nnu took a ot the payMol,ao whero they i?J "ii "aly opposite President Lincoln's were djrecr 1 XWIIE.N,T,IE SHOT WAS FIKED. "vvi ooth Bhot tho President," Mac- .',,, cn 1 "none of us could flguro out ? i 8acncil Wo wcro only young wnat nap ho way h jUml)ea on tho stage H; i i .' "Sl temper tyrnnnls' made aim snout lt ,vaB all part of tho show- us holiest hubbub nroso and tho show . " ia So, while the peoplo wcro being Bioppea t of tho theatre, we went around siiooeu cMlsl(cnt,s ,)ox t(J SCQ wh.lt ,iap. xo tno lrll04,ircsl,icnt lay on tho floor penea. - Kccno wns anting down hold ana Laurn.3 ,lcaiI ln hcr Iap Thcn thcy Jll . , ?m out, headfirst, and Into tho carried h)S3 the street, house ncr . . , . , . , , . . ,,. snt back to camp and decided to VB Wl ,.,t,1n n,nn,1 nt r-nlrif- tn Unn ?a,Jr, un.'st as well wo did, for soon tho 11 WaS Jl, ,,,, Minnr. -! ,,lh mnntil I bugle bit ,, n.A nHA., nn4,ini. raangCl. iflB,-,(rtlirr nnrl vn tnlrt them l seen Thon tho reason for Bll' was known. At first they guerrilla attack had been made llngton. Soon tho search for Booth "Is BtarlctL" .. iuvlrt related with a fair degree i I j mho- ho had shaken hands -with. -ir!. suiivOBian v;oroeu. wijo snot jjin- coin's n-tpror. That ineetlng took placa nt a Inodlst camp-mectlns In Wash ington. OXuVN'T WAR RECOnD. The v broko out shortly after Mac Donald ruled on these chores, and tho first tl ho tried to enlist ho failed be causothe put It, "he looked llko such a Hid Si 1802, though, ho wns success ful, aaj, assigned to tho 3d Regiment, Pennsyi-la Reserves, Company G." Ho fought South Mountain. Antletam and at Frediksburg was captured and sent to Llbbrlson. Ho weighed 170 pounds when hvent In thero and 90 pounds when hemo out. In May, 1863, ho was sent to lapolia and exchanged back to the Unl ranks. Subsequently he was n$slgpe2 the Veteran Reserves, with .Whom bras when he saw Lincoln shot. Mr. JDonald Is a pabt commander ot the Peulvania Reserves, Post 191, G. A, R. . arganizer ot the IJucktall Rifles, PennsyHa Reserves, and a past colonel Ehcampit No. 2, ot the Union Veteran Lesion. It waie tragic death of Lincoln that gave riso the organization whlqh has come to known far and wide as tho JllUltaryder ot the Loyal Legion. Tho prganlzsn consists of officers who served the Civil War nnd their Sons, their s sons, and so on, and thus It Will coiue to live while lt won't ho Such a I timo from now when men will nq moreabla to describe tlrst hand how jhey s;Mincoln shot Colon ohn P. Nicholson is the direc tor of t Pennsylvania Commandery ot the LojLeglon. This year no special pteps anlng taken ta observe the 51st onnlvert, Ist year, though, when It reached half-century mark there was p. notablijebratlon. PrincetJApprovcs Military Course PRIN'-ON, N. J.. April 14. Prince ton has m a step toward preparedness. The B of Trustees at the regular spring reng approved a plan for a qne- . year coi In military Instruction as a part ot tegular curriculum. ftl!!42 l(cag people need cler complexions If tl find yourself "left out" becaof a poor skin, and want a clejfresh complexion, use jsinol 56 iA It lcnce a day, Wish thor- Ith, a warm, creamy latl t rinse the faceIth plenty nter. (not often takJmany days tegular care ih Resinol liovy an lroprement, be IResinol mediation soothtx shtt the gfca, vrhfle the I pure soap m(Uaming. i itutbom :d by llUtltl ' . i Mil mtsu Euiool Soi gtlBot OiBt&L LE TRINCEE ITALIANE DI M. SPERONE PERSE EPOIRICONQUISTATE II Nemico, Contrattaccato, E' Costretto ad Abbandonare Piu' di Quanto Avevn Guadagnato IL FORTE DI LUSERNA STEWART MACDONALD BUILD IIAGERSTOWN RESERVOIR Stockholders of Wnter Co. Take Up Nearly All of Big New Stock Issue HAGEUSTOWN, Md., April 14. Stock holders of tho Washington County Water Company have subscribed to nearly $400, 000 of the now stock Issua of (560,000, au thorized to build a new reservoir nnd make other Improvements. Preliminary work on the reservoir, which la to be ln the mountnlns near tho Ten Mcr summer resort region, has begun. It will hold 400,000,000 gallons and prob ably supply Hngerstown with sufficient mountain water for many years. Ninety new fireplugs nro being erected In Hngerstown under recent agreement with tho Mnyor nnd Council. SUBMARINE TORPEDOES UNARMED ENGLISH 'SHIP Norwegian Bark Also Believed U-Boat Victim LONDON, April 14. Tho unarmed British steamship Orlock Head, 1180 tons, has been sunk. Tho ship piled between Spanish and English ports. Advices from Majorca say tho Nor wegian bark Primus, 1019 tons, which sailed- from Montevideo for England last October, Is Jiellevcd to havo been de stroyed in the'Atlantlc with all Its crew. Contest at Philopatrian Institute James F. II rron nnd F. A. Mulhcrln are providing an Interesting friendly con test for tho presidency of tho Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute. Mr. Hor ron, who was renominated last night, has brought about a number of beneficial changes In the organization and ho has a strong following. Ml". Mulhcrln's friends are waging a vigorous campaign and nro predicting victory. Will Aid Aviation School Arranged for the benefit of tho Phila delphia Navy Vaid Aviation School of tho Aero Club of Pennsylvania a muslcalo and danco under tho direction of Miss Harriet Graham-Wynne will bo given at tho Bellcvue-Stratford tonight. Tho artists will Include Mmo. Hamil. Marie Laduo Pierrot; TDnlsy Hamlin Watrous, Burton Plors.ol, Hans Klndler and Ellis Clark Haminann. f ROMA, 14 Aprlle. Icrl sera II Jllnlstero dlla Gucrra pub bllcava II seguente rappB del genernlo Cndorna sulla sltuazlono "ftTfa fronto Italo austrlaca! "In Val dl Lcdro nclla mattlnn del 12 Aprlle It nemico, operaudo un vlotento at tacco dl sorpVesa rlusclvn nd ontrrtro In parto delle trlncee prese da not sulle faldo del Monte Speronc. Nclla sera dello stcsso, glorno 12 Aprlle, dopo una Intcnsa prcparazlono dl artlgllcrla, la nostra fan tcria si lanclo' ad un vlgoroso contrnt tacco cho le fece rlorcupnro lo perduto trlncee dopo una eangulnoa lotta corpo a corpo col nemico cho lo dlfendevn Le nostre truppo potettero nncho estendere la zona delta loro occupaztono sullo fable del Monte Sperono prendendo nuovo posl zlonl. "Nclla Vnl Sugana ln plccoll brlllantl faltl d'armo nol facemmo prlglonlcrl ventl soldatl o due ufllclall nustriacl. "Nclta zona dl Plezzo nclla sera del 12 Aprlle II nemico nttneco' In forzo lo nostre poslzlonl dl Ravnllaz, Arrcstnto dalla nostra artlgllcrla II nemico fu qulndl contrnttaccato o rlcncclnto Indlctro. Lo stesso rlsultnto ebbc Un nttneo del nemico nclla zona del Javorcek. "Sull'altoplnno del Carso alcunl nostrl audacl repartl dl rlcognlzlone si avvlcl narono alle trlncee nemlche del fa'nn Michclo e di San Mnrtlno e to dlstrimicro con grnnato a mano o tubl dl gclatlna esploslva. "I dueUl dl artlgllerla contlnuano su tuttfl la fronto. La nostra artlgllerla ha causato nuovl grncl dannl nl forte dl Lu sernn, ha provocato Inccudll nella zona dl Caldonazzo ed ha dlspc'rso una colonna nemlca nclla alle del LopenJe " IN AUSTRIA SI SPERA LA PACE. Notlzic giunto Mid dlcono che In tutta 1'Austrla st sono fatto pubbllche prcghlero per Invocaro la pace. L'csemplo o' stato dato dnl cnrdlnnlo I'lffl, nrclvescovo di Vienna, 11 quale dlrcsse un pcllegrlnngglo nl BantuarloVlt Santn Maria dl Zell. Egll era segulto da una folia dl fcdcll tra I quail crano l'arcldlchessa Maria Teresa, t'arclduchcssa Maria Valeria, l'aiclducn. Lcopoldo Salvatorc, sua mogllo nrclduches sa IJIancn ed 1 loro flgll. Dalla Svlzzera glungo notlzla cho In Austria si o' serlnmento Impensicrltl per II quarto prcstlto dl guorra cho c' appona statu lanclato. Flnorn un terzo dl clascun prcstlto austrlaco per la guerra e stato copcrto In Germanla, ma ora gll cmlssarll mandatl dal conto Tlsza per intercssare I flnauzlcrl tedeschl a far loro accettaro II sol I to terzo del prcstlto hanno avuto per ff Wff who want ror men cithtvf tailorodfrfTtest styles from fine fabricf; J.v e frgf offer valffbaftbat M V will surprise? you I ftJiyftjMSUnK and up NEUBAUER 1121 WALNUT STREET m . m ej Come to Stern & Co. for that El spring models a you learn how e I ta m a terOutfit I s, $1 a Week 1 Pay for it on Easy Tc: Of course, vou want to brilhtenrfun four annearance for Easter- vnu want a new suit that will f "vhW radinxo the ffehial clow and cheer- a fulness of spring. And our opecial offerj provide the way for you to a do it. Come in tomorrow and look over thisfsupbrb lino of smart a I h 4 r tmJl r t 4ha vn 1 tfv fl Hl fi11itttl PAil wr n Am i uu UIUU.CU Uk uiu vutua UI1U DUiIl,aCU tvttcit ryments, vuu Willi asy we niaKo xne. pa Easte Suit Fojr Women 15 These spring models for women are not the sort of garments you would expect for 15 to the smallest de tail, they are cut along the lines of the great modistes inch for inch, and stitch for stitch. Drop in tomorrow and see these stupendous values. fster Suits ForiMen and Young Men 1 EASY Jh g TERMS 4Mjk 8 l Wn'ipfF ii mh Mi liwUKy ffllUr? h ii fMn 1 HI MM'WWMflrK B4H IlliliffllrK i ftffliil ISIiik 1 JkiiSll liil At S15 these magnifteent suits are values tnat couldns be dupli cated (throughout the length nnd breadth of this city. And yet WE have them in every conceivable style, fabric and color. Come in now while you have the widest range of selec tion. 15 For Men : Complete linei of Suiti, Over coat!, etc, For Women ; Complete line of Drcnei, S?uit, Coat, etc. a !s U EASY I ' TERMS I cF FfiWL. h a) f m 1 if0 tnl Y cjfi (Or 1 I All I tt I I1 1 1 s M BMlag. o 1712-714 Market Street pZjZday MBOfiiMnViiWmT wnmr uouz hvimisuus xx Aiih-ijicJi ;i8K::S rlsposta che 1'Austrla dVo cercare da sola dl rlsolvero le sue dimcolta flnan zlnrle. Del 6, 250,000,000 dl prestltl dl guerra fattl dall'Austrla lo bancho te desche hanno sotto"!crltto circa duo milt ardl dt dollar), e dlcono aro cho o' tutto quanto polovano fare, e che non possono faro dl plu'. Dl cpil gll nllarml In Austria per la sltuazlone flnanzlaMa. TVASHINOTON, D. C. 14 Aprils. L'Ambasclftta Itnllann ha pubbllcnto un nuovo comunlcato dello Stnto Mngglore Generate ttallano circa t'nluto Indlretto dato dalle forzo Hallane nl frnncesl cho dlfcndono Verdun. Ecco II testo del comunlcato: "Quando comlnclarono le operazlonl conlro la fourtezza dl Verdun lo Stato Mnggloro Itallano dcclse dl tar presslone sulla fronts dell'Isonzo o dclla Atpt alio scopo dl Impedlro cho truppo a cnnnonl nustriacl fosrero iiinndatl dalta fronto ltallnna a quella tedesca del scttore dl Verdun. Questo plnno e' stato csequlto o con successo con nttncrhl cotitlnul da parto nostra, nttacchl cho comlnclarono II 7 Mnrzo e cho cl fecero gradagnaro nuove poslzlonl un po' dappertutto. Nol nb blano fntto circa too iirlglonlerl ed oh blano preso al nemico inltrngllntrlcl, altre arml o munlzlouL "Oil nustrtncl fur ono costrottl n portaro tmmedlntnmento rlnforzl sulla nostra fronte o cerenrono di Inlztnre un'offenslva contro le nostre poslzlonl del Pal Piccolo e davantl a Gorlzla, Lo truppo Itallano pcro' rlsposcro prontamento con una vlgorosa controftcnslva e rlusclrono n rlcacclaro Indletro It nemico prcndcndogll settcconto prl glonlcrl ed una quantlta' ill nrml, ill munlzlonl c til nltio mntcrlalo da guerra. Tra I prlglonlcrl crano moltl ufflelnll. "ifublto dopo auesto insuccesso gll nustriacl splcgnrono la loro nttlvlta' ncl campo aereo. o scpiadrlglle dl avlatorl at taccarono ripctutamente 11 terrltorlo Ita llano ccrcando dl dannegglare lo nostio lltiee dl comunlcazlono o dl gettare bombe sullo clttn' Indlfeso dl Udlno o dl Ancona. Jta rnrtlgllerla nntl-aerea e lo noslro sauadrlgllo dl ncroplanl da cm-Ma potettero nello spnzlo dl nppena cinque elornl nb battere ben undid aeroplanl nemlcl. Oltre a do' un dlrlglblle Itallano fece una In curslona sul terrltorlo austrlaco lasclando cadere S00 chllogrnmml dl csploslvl sulla stazlono ferrovlarla dl Opcina, mentre set Oapronl gettavnno quaranla bombe sulla stazlono dl Adelsbcrg e tuttt rllornavano pol senzn dannl alia loro bate." MURDER ATTEMPT SUSPECTED Vagrant, Hurt In Fight, Left on Tracks Train Severs Foot CARLISLE, Pa.. April 14. Working on the theory that nn attempt was made to murder Charles Bowman, 35 years old, a vagrant found along the tracks of the Philadelphia and Rending Railroad, with lite right foot cut oft by a train, officers havo held flvo vagrants for an Investi gation. Joseph Miller, who said his home Is In Lancaster, Is In a serious condition from Injuries received In a fight among tho men. It Is believed Bowman wns rendered unconscious In the fight, and laid on tho track Charles Morris, of Carlisle, was killed In that way at the same spot two months ago. Reception to Dr. and" Mrs. "Wilson A reception tn honor of tho Rev. Dr. and Mrs. John O. Wilson will be given tonight nt Tabernacle Methodist Eplscopat Church, 11th nnd Oxford streets. Doctor Wilson was made superintendent ot tho central district nt the recent conference. Tho Tabernacle church Is one ot those in Doc tor Wilson's district. Ynrdlcy to Build New School TARDLETt Pa.. April 14. Following ft heated discussion and a vote of three against two, the Bonrd of Education of Tardley decided to build the new school on a site opposite the national fcr"" North Wales Has Industrial Doom NORTH WALES, Pa, April 14 Ndrth Wales Industries are runlng night and day, The Montgomery Mills wilt build a largo two-story brick addition to the plant The Asbestos Fibre Spinning Company has completed ono large addition nnd Is start ing nnather. At the Montgomery Web Mills nn nddttlon will be built, and a her glove factory will start operations at bnce. Genuine Madras Shirts, These, Moderately Priced for Spring .Tint what you want for comfort and smart pwnndi for dress Specially woven In Scmlandjln n wide range of artistic nnd dtstlncrfvo patterns. You'll got ex cellent wjffrTv top Oicy wash perfectly. Phono WalniJ 48Hf or havo our repro sentntlvo caUto seo you. (adras Shirts $ To Your Order 10 Built to veur exact reaulrtmrnlt. Neckband pre-ahrunk. COULTER, 710 Chestnut St. VvaciByiy PHILADELPHIA Thek Wedding Gifts 0 O Ind notbimd olsovkote in Philadelphia' : STORE OPENS 8l30 A. M. CLOSES (SlSO P. BI. Easter Gloves Aplcnlu Hero Women's $1.25 & $1.35) $ Kid Gloves . . .( Ono or two-clnsp Black, whlto and colors. $1.75 Washable Kid $1 CA Gloves -3" 1 IS J Gloves , Women's one-clasp. , Pearl, sand, putty, .tin iiiack Lit llrntliers SECOND FLCJOR Embroidered backs. Ivory, tan, Smyrna HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE tBraCben ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Market $1.25 Thrcad-Sillc VQilr Stocldnra JiSJOC in biacK. wnite. street ana oveninsr snoaes. also fanoy stripes. Lit Brother. FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH c 0 o c $$ "O1 c 0'?Jt. ...'Z"t Eighth Filbert Seventh SPECIAL EASTER PURCHASE OF. H & $1.25 Thread Silk Stockings Black and colors, also fancy stripes ln datntjr; colorings. Some slightly Imperfect. 79c THE EASTER SUIT IS FOREMOST IN EVERY MAN'S MIND RIGHT NOW "Frankel Fifteen"Suits and Top Coats pi Z ARE THE LAST WORD IN REAL STYLE AND SUPERB TAILORING ) A J The Greatest Value Offered in America Today at This Low Price I Prominent in the Easter parade, in fact wherever well-dresed men congregate this Spring, you will find these really wonderful "Frankel Fifteen" suits and top coats. They Are Made for Men of Limited Means Who Like Real Style and Appreciate Real Qualities Materials are guaranteed all-wool and fast color. Shown in widest varieties, including homespuns, worsteds, cheviots, cassimeres, plaids, serges, etc. t i Our Greatest Easter Sale of Boys' Clothing :: - VI ll X j 1 $7.50 Suits & Reefers, $4.98 Two - Pants Norfolk Suits of cheviots, cassimeres, checks, plaids, blue or brown pin-stripe fabrics. Junior-Norfolk Suits of mixtures and blue or brown serges. Norfolk and Double-Breasted Reefers of cassimere, serge, cheviot and shepherd plaids. Mohair lined. Sizes 2V2 to 18 years. $15 Swagger Spring 1 $ A Suits at ) J Sizes for Youths of 15 to Largo Men Of excellent serge, homespuns, pencil and chalk stripes, plaids, plain grays, etc. Smartest Spring models, including suits with Balkan-back and one or two button coats. T""""iV Big Boys' $4.50 to $5.50 Two-Pants Suits, Junior-Nor-$0.98 & $0.98 folk & Reefers at Bis IJojV Tiro-Pants Salts Balknn-N'orfolka ot cassimeres, mixtures, cheviots & pin-stripes. Junior-Norfolk and TCoTeltr Bolts of cassi meres, shepherd plaids, cheviots, mixtures and blue or brown series. Norfolk or Double-Dreaated Beeferi of plaids, blue serge, cheviots & shepherd plaids. Mohair lined. SUes ZM to 18 years. Two-Pants Norfolk Suits, $7.50 Cheviots, worsteds, cassimeres, shepherd plaids and mixtures. Lined throughout. Sizes 6 to 18. $2.75 & $3.50 Two-Pants Wash Suits, $2.50 Galatea, linen, madraa and Bedford cords. Sizes 2 to 10 years. Lit Brothers Second Floor, Seventh Street $2 & $2.50 Regatta Wash Suits, $1 Percale, chambray, madras, Bedford cords, gala tea and plain white rep, with red or blue collars and cuffs. Sizes 2 H to 10 years. r rO -vS fr fr 3ft 4P 30 'fr 3 fr 't'O fr $fr -ap Qfr fr Ready far a Record-Breaking Day in Easter Footwear For All Mammoth Stocks With Complete Assortments in Sterling Qualities That Have Won Wide Fame of Our Exclusive Brands Shoes for Women Lenards, 3 Cuatom-Made. S4.BO to 7 I.lt Bros.' Special, S3.SO( Stratfords. $t Pumps, Colonials and high shoes In patent coltskln, sun-metal calf, tan Russia calf. Blazed kldskln, patent calf-wlth-whlte kid tops or gray-wlth-patent vamps. White buckskin, whlto Nubuck nnd white duck, brown, gray, champagne kid. , T f Men's Trade-Mark Shoes and Oxfords Lenards, 8; Stratfords, 1 Lit Brothers' Special, S3. SO Custom-JIade. fl.SO to 7 Patent coltskln, eun-metal calf, tan Russia calf, glazed kldskln and cordovan. Women's $3 to S6 Sample Low $ 1 .95 Shoes ... x All leathers. Sizes 3J4, 4 4"i and 5. Widths A & B. j.it urutiirri- $1.75 (O $2 $1.29 i Children's i Shoes & i Pumps.... Patent coltskln. blank and i tan Russia calf. Sizes 8U to 3. . , Misses' $2 to $2.50 Shoes & $1 A C , Pumps.... J JU xJ , Black and tan Russia calf , and patent coltskln. Sizes Utj to .-I Charming Hat for Every Woman Who Has Waited Until Tomorrow to Choose PALM SUNDAY Millinery ;4.98 The styles that are most pre-jfJjr ferred for ' iSjTSLr Easter and the entire 7t . Spring equal to oth- era' $10 - and even ll higher priced hats. W The larpe hats in a lovely soft dove gray are conspicuously to the fore wo picture one of the newest models in this shade. Alio a Charming Dhplay of Easier Hats for Young Folhi FIRST FLOOR, NORTH 0P "Oft1 It Lit llrotlier. MILLINKRY SALON, THIRD FLOOR Extraordinary Purchase of Three Hundred ' Oirls' $10 Coats l0SJ" j $5.98 An annonncemunt of greatest Important so Bear to Palm Banday and Uaatsrl These are brand new, extremely stylish coats ln fine sereo with belts; plaited yoke backs, slant pockets and detach able silk poplin collars. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Big Girls' $15 Coats, $9.98 Of fine wool coating with con vertible collar, wldfcrfatent leather belt and auflrs. Inter mediate sizes. Xlka'ketcb. viavTi bvtuo unaj&ne alfeok, tqooj popim, amCuray, mffeta illfc and iilk poplin. IZ.9S tb SJJ.98. 8JJ-1 Little Tots' $7.50 Silk Poplin Coats, $4.98 - -voo-oe .x-H-t With velvet ribbon belt and box. plaits. .Entirely lined. Sizes 2 to 8 years. Others ln shepherd ch serge, corduroy andli to to.u. r Lit Brother -Second MaxiaBVXWWm P mE a fpt K&Flll i IV ff V R eclfrflne "stt f Jff f t,98 ta-ssi! ?STS. Wl Floor 1 1 A Day Till Palm Sunday! A Week Till Easter! Juniors', Misses' k Women's Apparel ;: IN A GREAT SPECIALLY INAUGURATED SALE Suits, coats and dresses of the most approved styles; exceptionally good qualities at amazingly I FOR JUNIORS $18.50 Serge and$1 O QQ Check Suits at., . 'J7 Several very attractive styles. One Sketched Of navy blue, Copenhagen hlue, reseda green and rookie; also black-and-white mixtures. Haa suede or patent leather belts and jaunty semi-Norfolk jackets. Misses 25 Coats, $16.98 ' Fine poplin ln newest shades; also two-toned Qolflnes in jaunty spota btyles. For Women $25 Easter Suits, $18.50 Many with the loose, dressy 'timono sleeve Of all-wool poplin Jn navy, black and other colors, alio tu shepherd plaid. Other at tractive style t thla prlM are In poplin, gabardine and serge. Tl Wsrzft I Suits II III I Jn!nMKV&X&t-. I ill III 111 xCiU ' "kf ;f "1 iytA ii y i r h m& ii wibwPiTik 1 ii Sp8rSnK or it vC516-75 $12.98 U M & J4V SttOTBSBI ; FOR MISSES EasterlSJgS One Sketched One in the excellent vi Of all-wool poplin and In navy blue, black, canel fects; some plain and bottsh. uinera aresiiy unepnera piai Show Jackets ln full - Oar and rookie and Belgian blul uisa oiacK-nna-wniie irimm with contrasting collars. Juniors $14.50 1 $Q QO Ton Onata J 7OfO, u' wvm.m . . t . Of poplin ln navy, Copenhagen blue and rookie; also black-and-white checks with novelty belts, fancy collars or white broadcloth trimmings. Women's Handsome $40 Easter Suits, $29.75 Six Different Styles Of gabardine, wool poplin and French sergaj In black, blua and Spring colors i also elegant black chiffon taffeta, cuiU and swagger velour fiheoks. Snorts styles, innnnUh effects ar.4 dktlr.gul3h.ed. dressy model. I4t Biker 3EQQKD FfcQOJl, UMt vuqnm evmma vwtMQsn. '-.';;' , ;r: ukjmjim.m.mjmLmjmsmAvmjmjjmjm.Mjmjm fmjmjmjmjm imjmjm Nftjfttqf Highest Importance to ; mverySWpman Who Wants a I JU I 2.50 f fit wgigr v xieivJ mp prices ( i vt. V 1 i" VT Lnh 1.98 OirSfeNaL 1 JW " s chriety T iAj rge, T no 111 f ef- T PJ..ao r- as ps. , . i t ii i; iS4Keady-to.uj.s s t New large rolled shapes with wide flanges. Black, navy. tan. old rose and green. One Sketched. $4 Ready-to-Wear Hats at.. Newest tailored hata of flao hemp With ribbon, wing and ornaments, Leading colors. One Sketched. Dressy Untrimmed Lisere Hata..,,.., Large shapes in black and colors. ?2,98 $3 Black Hemp Hats, $1.69 With, aids crowns and flanges of lisere braid. Newest shapes. Wings & Fancy Feathers, 98c to 2.98 Beat styles In black, white, sand, purple gray, nary, brown and grsen. HATS TRIMMED. FREE Wt Mrotliem FIRST FI430B. KOBS sutfr murwumg !?rf:?fr''jc;,rrz:r