r- 6 EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA THURSDAY, APRIL lfl, 1916. Bit & r - v SBWMAUSTRIACHEE TOWCEECONQUISTATE A OCCIDENTE DI MVA fall llll I III I II I Le Posizionf Nemiche Prese per Ass<o L'Attivita' degli , Idrovolantl Italiani nel 1 1 l'Alto Adriatico SOTTOMARINO ESPLOSO noMA, IS Aprllo. It Mlnltro della Gtierra pufobllciwa iwl Mr. II scRuentft eomunlcato ufllclalo Vwmto mil rapDorto del generate Cmlorna We to 8ltualone alia fronto Itato-aua-trtatiai "Nolla rona dl Val ill Lcdro, con e&araxtOnl offensive metodlche, nol ab bla'mo csteiio la 2ona della nostra oc cupations alio alture a nord del torrente Ponale, tra la Val dl Concel ed II lago dl Qarda. 1a nostra fanterla, appowrlata cfflcacemente dall'artlgllerla, ha conquls tato per assalto una fortlsslma llnca dl trlnceo e dl rldotte nemiche lunRO lo falde tnerldlonall del Monte Pari' o della Clma d'Oro o eullo rocclo del Monte Sperone. Xe forzo nomlche cho dlfendevano la llnea, dopo aver sostenuto gravl pcrdltc, proflttando della natura del totrono, rlusclrono a. rltlrarst. Nol faccnmo una tomtlna dl prlgtonleri. "Ii'lntonsa azlono dolle artlgllerlo con tlnua nolla iona compresa tra la Vallo detl'Adlge a quella del Brcnta o Bulla fronto dell'Isonzo. 11 fuoco efllcace dcllo nostre battcrlo hi lmpedlto al ncmlco dl rlpararo 1 dannl eausatl dalla nostra artlgllerla alto fortl flcnxlont dl Luscrna, BUU'altoplano del Xa-varone, ed ha dlstrutto I dcposltl vlverl ft Santa Caterlna o ad Uggovltz, nclla vallo I Fella." XiA COSTA NEMICA ATTACCATA. IAgoniln Stofant ha dlramato un eomunlcato nel qualo dice che l'attlvlta' dolle nquadrlgllo acrco Italtano nell'alto Adriatico contlnua. II eomunlcato dice: "Pochl glornl fa due nostrl Idroaero ylanl attaccarono bombardorono un punto della costa austrlaca, no mtsero In f uga la guarnlglono o poco dopo vl prcn dsvano terra. I pilot! nostrl dlgtrussoro Xm posto dl segnalazlonl, la staslci telo graftca, fecero esplodero un duposlto dl sranlzlonl, tncondlarono un deposlto dl car bono o rttornarono qulndt alia loro base enxa aor sublto alcun danno. '"Un altro Idroacroplano Itallano lasclo' adero BOO chllogrammt dl esploslvl sulla faalono dl Nabrealna, nelle vlcinanzo dl Trieste, e torno' qulndt alia sua base. "Ixs dlfeae della costa adrlatlca sctten trlonalo hanno atterrato un altro ldro acroplano austrlaco. "Pochl glornl fa un sottomarlno aus trlaco affondo par una cpploolone al largo 41 un porto Itallano dell'Adrlatlco." APPKENSIONI PER LA HUMANIA. In questl clrcoll polltlcl e dlplomatlcl si ricomlncla ad cssero impcnslerltl per quello cho Intends dl faro la Rumania. SI oppreao lnfattl che It govcrno rumeno ha strotto nuovl rapportl commercial! con to Qermanla, e si pensa qui che ncsauna fedo si dovrebbo prcstare al governo dl Bucarest flno a cho non avra' mostrato ohlaramcnto quail sono lo sue IntenzlonI non lo avra' mostrato col fattl. Un omlco dell'Intesa che o' appena giunto dalla Rumania dice cho tuttl questl indlztl non slgnlflcano proprlo nulla e cho to Rumania attendera' flno a cho la vlt toria per un gruppo o per l'altro del belll girantl sara' asslcurata, per unlrsl al Tincltort. La- Germanla lia ben capita questo, o perclo' ha declso dl prendere Verdun a qualunquo costo Ma o' chlaro coo ancho una vlttorla tedesca a Verdun son eara' sufficients per decldere la Ru mania a Bchlerarsl dalla parto degli Im yerl centrall. GIVE $4600 TO Y. M. C. A. Diners Raise Fund at Coatesville An niversary Celebration COATTSVILLK Pa., April 13. At the annual banquet celebrating tlio 23d anni versary of tho Young Men's Christian As sociation here 94600 who subscribed to carry on tho work. Among the donors were: C. I. Huston, ?2000: A. P. Huston, $1000; W. H. Rldg way, S 300. Alba B. Johnson, president of the Baldwin Locomotive "Works, delivered an address on "A Message to Young Men." Flower Show to Open in Park Tho annual spring llowcr show In Horticultural Hall, Falrmount Park, will open "Wednesday or Thursday of next week. All species of blooms In tho wide earpanso of the Park will bo exhibited In the great building. This year's show is cpected to Burpass those of former years. Police Court Chronicles The champion oyster opener of Frank pfttl la 171111001 Ottens. Jills record, according to himself. Is flva Waters a minute or 300 bivalves an hour. VCcican also open them with one hand, but ecJJned to give his method In accomplish lug this feat Ottens has been a friend of the oyster milfxla life. He claims that the oyster has fcm wantonly slandered by physicians sod butchers. The latter, he claims, are actuated by commercial motives because tho popularity of oysters has affected the seat business. Iut Ha u u loucny ouujeci wjin William, specially after he has been visiting the warn uji iruiuiiora. While he was making an anti-temper-sacs tour, which brought him all the way to Lehigh avenue, he overheard a man denounce the oyster as a dangerous food. Ottans thereupon launched Into a defense of the bivalve. He talked loud and long, and In order to get proper Inspiration used a, private Jawn, on which there was an artlatla fountain, as his forum. Policeman SIcklnger interrupted the epeech and took "William before Magis trate! Carson at the Park and Lehigh ave nue station. When asked concerning his occupation b prisoner said he waa the champion orster opener of the world. He admitted ?75i S - ;;-. that ha had been a frequent patron of the gj v vuuwuum iiitu (raia a visit sm recently "'x weeKS ago. Jifc9 Judge was seriously considering ntng him hack for another month, but William begged for liberty during the j.ionth of April, the last of the official oyster months. Til report at the House of Correction on May I and serve a month if I'm pinched or not. If you Jet me go now," he Riid. "Lets comprise the matter The Judge "comprised" by giving h! are aays m tne county prison. When geta out wuiiara win sua nave is days o Indulge In bla favorite vporL PARCEL POST HMMSTITCHI , A TAmt. PUatlni and Butto; M. rjSMVI.U, J9 Haul 18 Ul 1M Ath Uth, iftum Laciusa, 8UQ1QU8 yPTlfES 1'rttbiUrlwi f i eJrcor. bH WED 60 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. Morris Stern will celebrate the nnnivcrsary at their homo on North 8th street to night. 3IR. AND 3IIIS. 3I0RK1S STEM CELEBRATE DIAMOND JUBILEE Family and Friends Join in Observ ance of Sixty Years of Marriago Mr. nnd Mrs. Morris Stern, of 007 North 8th street, aro celebrating today tho 00th anniversary of their wedding. At tho ngo of 81 they nro surrounded by S children. 15 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Tho entire day Is being given over to the celebration This after noon Mr. nnd Mrs. Stern will entertain their grandchildren nnd greatgrandchil dren nnd tonight thcro will be a reunion of their cntlro families at a dinner. Ily way of celebrating tho day, their grand children nro providing treats for tho In mates of seven philanthropic Institutions. Doth Mr. and Mrs Stern uero born In Germany and enmo to this country at an early ago. Mrs Stern Is threo months older than her husband Ucforo she waa married Bho vtii Mathilda Bamborger and lived In New York, whero sho married Mr. Stern In 1866 Mr Stern lived In this city and was a pioneer In tho movement for "reform" Judaism Ho was ono of tho founders of tho Kcneseth. Israel Synagogue, of which tho Rev. Dr. Joseph Krauskopf Is now rabbi, and remained a member of tho board of directors of the congregation for 20 years. Ho and his wife are well known among tho Jewish peoplo of tho city, and will tender a reception to their frlcndi on Sunday afternoon, when It is expected that 500 persons will bo present to con gratuiato them. Mr. Stern has llcd In this city 61 years Ho was llrst In tho clothing Dull ness, and later In the wholesalo jewelry business, from which ho retired 15 years ago. Ho and his wifo lead exceedingly quiet lives now, nnd, although In good health, rarely venture from tho house. They llvo with their daughter, Mrs. M. J. Uachman, and their granddaughter, Miss Claire Bachman. Their seven other children are Mrs. Joseph Stern. Mrs. Joieph Slmsohn, Horace Stern. Sidney Stern. Lafayette Stern. Eugene Stern nnd Mrs. "William Iiovy, of Baltimore. During the past hvelve years I I ' i i .- '! ,- 55sCjSvR : i '.J ' 'w i ' i .- . -i tn ti r. i sivi t .. .i i i i ., . i i : i t r. , i i '. KfL. mAitictt i .'i.. '.' " ' ' ' : ..'. iir". . ',!: i .' i . ,' I VI.J IMI fWYl it..' i,i ..,.t" ' : ' ' ' i J MICHTI EST .Mli W fW I LOCOMOTIVES mm l During the past twelve years America has witnessed yf ' ' VT I ' ,mf ' f K 'I the building of steam locomotives of such immtmse weicht r i rM' I 2 the buildincr of steam locomotives of such immense wpitrht and power as to cast into engines of thirty years ago. its power ana tne sceptre is World supremacy in locomotives is now helcfby thfi'mighty electri that haul the superb all-steel completed unit of the electrified mai: Divide this supremacy rests on the the mountains to master snow and' travel farther without overhauling thanjany other locomotives, A Few Facts About Power f s obtained from tho harnessed streams of the mountains. I Current used is 3,000 volt direct Weigh 284 tons are 112 feet 8 inches long. Have a tractive effort of 85,000 lbs. Require no coal or water. Run at an even speed. Operate best in cold weather when steam locomotives have their greatest trouble. Chicago, Milwaukee 8i St. Paul Ry. Take "The St Paul" on your next trip through the Pacific Northwest In the luxurious "Olympian" ot "Columbian," riding smoothly behind the world's mightiest locomotive, you enjoy a smokeless, dustless, dnderles3 journey through the beautiful scenery of the majestic Rockies and forested Bitter Roots. DdtaifUM Ittmhut and full Information on itquut at adJieu telaa: G. "J. LINCOLN, General Agent 81 8 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Penna. COM'OSEItS CONDUCT EUIIYDICE CLUB PROGRAM Second Concert of Thirtieth Season Marked by Noyel Feature Featuring several numbers dedicated to Its membership nnd conducted by the composers, the second concert of the 30th season of the Kurydlce Chorus offered nn unique nnd altogether "Interesting program last night to an Invited audience which flowed out Into tho lobby of Horticultural Hall. Quito nn elaborate Hat of names ap peared on tho program In connection with Its various numbers The four guest composer-conductors were Br Horatio Parker, Dr. Ocorgo W Chndnlck, Victor Harris and David Stanley Smith Tho other as sisting nrtlsts were Mrs Emma K Rlhl. soprano; Miss Elizabeth It. Dickson, mezzo-soprano, MIsb Susanna E Dercum, contralto ; Mrs Dorothy Johnstone Unse lcr, harpist; George Pownnll Orr, bari tone, and Ellis Clark Itammann, pianist Arthur I) Woodruff, who succeeded Doc tor Parker as conductor of the society some years ago, was the musical director of tho numbers which had composers llko Schubert nnd Schumann unfortunately out of reach and unable, llko tho four con temporary composers, to direct such an ndmlrahlo singing orginl2at!on as tho Eurydlco In cry appreclntho readings of their works Tho chorus opened lightly with tho mel lifluous nnd sprightly Schumnnn music, nnd In the finale showed Its power In more serious work through tho medium of Schubert's "Die Allmacht." Throughout tho oen!ng It gao evldcnco of careful re hearsal nnd moro than ordlnnry musical Intelligence Its attack was precise, tho quality of tone was good nnd tho olumo ample for all demands Doctor Parker's "Clroelc Pastoral Scenes" wcro well worthy tho composer of tho two prlzo operas, "Mona" and "Fairy land," nnd Mrs Rlhl nnd Miss Dercum ndded to their value. Mr. Smith's group of four lyrics touched ns many moods In musical transfiguration Mr Harris' "Invocation to Saint Cecilia" procd Us warrant to placo on nny program of a femato chorus by Its content and nppro printcness Doctor Chndwlck's "Silently Swaying" had tho samo felicity of melo dizing that marks "Tho Danza" nnd other flno contributions to American song litera ture Mrs. Bascler's harp wan heard to ad vantage In obligatt nnd In Faurc'a sym pathetic "Uomanco sans Paroles," nnd tho Intrlcato 'Caprlcclo," of Ravel, Miss Dickson revealed a volco of notablo qual ity In her group, of which Prank Li Forge's "Vcrbegeno "Wunden" chalked up nnothcr good mark for tho American composer, oen though he had to go to tho German for his words Frank N. Oglcsby, tho Philadelphia tenor Bluger, was content to stay right at homo for his song nnd could havo found nothing moro lyrical nnd appenllng than ono of Tom Daly's most authentic poems, Jitncymcn Violating New Law Tn an opinion g!en by City Counsel E. G C. Bleadloy, of Camden, to City Treasurer Froy, every Jitney operator In tho city Is doing business lllegilly Mr Bloadley holds that tho now Stato law governing Jitneys Is opeiatlvo Imme diately, while the Jitney operators aro under tho Impression that they h.ul GO das from the tlmo tho law was passed to comply with tho requirements of tho act. Delaware College Professor Quits NEWARK, Del, April 13. rranlc B. Hills, for threo years assistant professor of animal husbandry nt Delaware College, has resigned to become traveling repre sentative of tho American Guernsey Cattlo Club, with headquarters nt Peterboro, N, H. ',' I'1,' " Ri" ' '., , VVr.J' America has witnessed insicnificance tha small but sturd But the steam lodamotive sgbms ttf passing to a greater giant-tne electric loco heltf by thehiighty electricsfof ' trains " ian"am!4The Cdlumblan" over the i. th?s to pull heaviemoads wnne ifahMTO' Bc61d- to effect vasiconomies in operation and to "The kt Paul's" Electric Locomotives Handle twice the load of the steam locomo tive at greatly reduced cost. Motors when reversed on down grades be come generators and return to sub-stations from 25 to 52 of power used in climb ing keep the speed of the train under perfect control insure maximum safety. Are smokeless, noiseless, dustless and "jerkless." A MOVIE NEWSPAPER FOR TRADE EXPOSITION Novel Feature in Connection With the Motion Picture Board of Trade's Show By the Photoplay Editor A new dally newspaper will make Its nppcaranco In New York on May 6 It will bo tho first dally newspaper In tho history of tho world to bo Illustrated with moving pictures It will bo of standard size nnd will con tain eight ptges, each of which will be filled w Ith motlon-plcturo nows The namo will be tho Motion Tlcturo Dally Trade Show Bulletin, nnd will ho gotten out by the Motion Picture Hoard ot Trado of America, Inc , during tho first national motion-picture exposition nt Madison Square Garden May 6 to 1 1 Thomas A. Edison will wrlto a signed editorial for tho Issue of May 7. In this article It Is expected Mr Edison will deal with the motion-picture Industry from Its birth up to Its present development This will bo nn authoritative expression, as tho camera owes many of Its Inventions to the genius of Mr Edison Other cdltorlnls written by men high In tho motion-picture Industry will ho printed In each Ibsuo Cartoonists of national reputation, headed by Hy Mayer and "Wlnsor I.tc Cay, will havo drawings on both humor ous nnd serious subjects The news de partment will bo looked nftor by nn edi torial board inado up of men who wrlto about pictures and nothing else Fashion nnd society will not bo for gotten at a. page will bo dovoted to tho gowns of tho day and tho women who wear them Photographs of tho men nnd women prominent In tho picture world will be used to lllustrnto tho paper. Tho Motion Picture Dally Trade Show Bulletin will bo sent broadcast through tho country and will not only reach tho lunula of tho persons In tho trade, but wilt bo distributed so that tho theatregoer may also obtnln copies The Bulletin will bo conducted along tho established lines of n metropolitan dally newspaper. Its ofllco forco will con Hist of u managing editor, city editor, news editor and muke-up man A staff of reporters will ho regularly assigned to cover tho many events each day at tho Gardon. To nccuso a leading man of playing a character part Is to Invito disaster Richard C. Tracrs, Essanay leading man, was on tho studio floor. Got a character part In tlio next Bccno?" queried Sjdncy Alnsworth, vil lain, Innocently. Travors directed nn Irritated Blanco nt tlio questioner. "N'o, I'm playing In tho next subtitle," ho replied sarcastically. Gcorgo Cooper, tho light heavy man of tho Vitagraph, Is to get n new suit of clothes from tho company as a present. This Is tho result of n fracas In which ho was engaged In a den of nihilists located In Paris. Tho placo wasn't really Paris of course, becauso It was set In ono of tho Vitagraph studios built under tho direction of S Hank In Drew, In which Anita fatowart wa& being featured In a thrilling kidnapping fcccno with Bobby Connelly Ab tho outlaw entered with Cooper at their hoad they wcro given battle- by French officers, who struggled with them so fiercely that thoy fairly tore tho coat off Coopor's back Norwood School Tax Unchanged Tho Norwood' school board has fixed tho tax rato for next year at 12 '4 mills "While tho tax will bo tho samo as nt present It was cxpectod that It would bo reduced. " I 1 V - 'it:.'w'.,V' I II1 i '! ii , l "', 1 twi nrtipnf n tt t m i I '., : ! . . ' ' . ' ' i ' ' I , ! Ill' ' I ' tlLttl .. .1 J i'V,.;' j- have ed the limit of otive. lie St. Paul" " s railway across tner Great Continental with greater speed over either steam or electric. CONCERT IN COSTUME Mmes, Loughney, Close, Bailey, Fricko and Lewis on Program The promised novelty of tho advance notices marked tho concert given last night nt tho Lltllo Theatre by Miss Maria O, Loughney, contralto ; Mrs. Florence Prentiss Close, soprano; Miss Alleo M. Bnlley, cellist; Miss Emlllo Frlcke, pianist, and Miss Bornlco Frjslnger Lewis, pianist, who gave It In the form of n costumo reclttt, with some original and striking Btnge effects Tho recital wns given under social patronage, and under tho management of Helen Pulaski Innes. Tho novelty, however, was part of tho nttcndnnt circumstances of costumes nnd settings rather thin of program Many familiar nnd a few only of unusual num bors were found on tho program Miss Loughney, who Is singing better than over this sason wns admirable In tho typically Dcbussvan melodies of Lla's aria from "L'Enfnnt Prodlguc," and her rich nnd voluminous contralto measures filled amply tho requirements of such Schumnnn-Hclnk "fnvorltcs" its Ger trude Ross' "Dawn In the Desert" nnd Mrs If. II A Beach's "Ah' Lovo But n Day " Miss Loughney also sang opulently My Heart nt Thy Sweet VoIob, from "Samson " She took Suzuki's shiro In tho lovely 'Tloaer" duet from "Midama Butterfly," her companion, ns "Cho-Cho-San" being Mrs. Close. Mrs Close brought a very elenr soprano nnd ngreciblo method to "Un Bel Dl," from tho samo opera, which uho Inter preted with much feeling Miss Bailey offered ns her Individual numbers an adroit fingering nnd bowing of David Poppers tricksy "Tho Harle quin" and "A Rovcrie," n slow movement which stirred remote visions in tho soul of tho hearer Miss Frlcke, who has mndo rcmarkahlo strides in her art, nnd Miss Low Is, a new comer of merit, wcro excellent accom panists FOLK-SONG RECITAL Tho Misses Fuller Prove Rivals to George Picric in "Darby Ram" Ono of tho Misses Fuller was 111. But whether It wns Dorothy, Rosalind or Cyn thia there was no way of telling at tho Now Century Club last evening. At nny rato two of tho Misses Fuller, of Stur mlnstcr Weston, Dorsetshire, promised to do their best to mnlto tho recital ot "Eng lish, Scotch and Irish Folksongs" Inter esting to their nudlcnco nnd succeeded fully. There were probably no members of tho Clover Club present but had thero been thoy would havo heard nn altogether now nnd ch irmlngly unsophisticated vcislon of tho ditty cilled on tho program 'Tho Derby Rnm," but which Is spelt on tho Clovorltcs" menu cards "Darby," and In fact so pronounced by tho particular Miss rullcr who sang It thero was no way of tolling which one An how, tho two who boro tho burden of tho recital, on account of the illness of tho third, wcro thoroughly charming, and there can bo no doubt that tho ubsont folklorlst had nil tho samo distinction of slmplo nrt, vvell-brod volco "a soft and gentle voice, that most excel lent thing In woman." ns old Lear said of Cordelia and a very deflnlto nnd reach ing senso of drama without which folk song has no soul, though It may havo Union Addressing Company Ludlow Bldg., 34 S. lGth St. (I'ornierh of 1-10 Harriott llulldlnc) llll phone l-niust 1114 fiiwi-rtr. rmrntp 1-frvlii lit Moilerato t n.. 1.1 tn llnlnu yK23rtViss XM PHOTOPLAY PRESCNTATIO jffimiU Bmm THE ; fnllowlni: llientres obtain their Coninany. whlrli 11 a guarniiiee 01 c Honn. All plctiirts rev levteil before exiiiuiiion. 'locutlty obtulnliiE iiciuren through XI II AMDD A I'-t'i. Morris i. Pnsiypnk Ave. ALHAMdKA Mat Dally nt J. Eve 7& nLilinilluin auaeUM; 6 i.oram t Pictures. Dust in Farnum in "Ben Blair" ARCADIA William Hart CHESTNUT BELOW lbTII "ARYAN" A TtrW t C 52D AND THOVIPSON APOLLU matin nn daily WOULD TILM COUP Presents HOUSE PETERS lBo?,Km RI I IFRIRD "oa NonTI1 UUOAD 6T' JlirritO Preeenta OLOA rCTHOVA nnd AHTIII'R HOOPE3 In "THi: fcOUL SIA11KUT" BELMONT BSD ABOVE JIAnKET Slats 1 -SO A. a 10. 10c liven 0:10. H, 0 30 lBo Marguerite Clark In 'THE GOOSE CIIIIL" OOTH AND PFDAR ,'jlil,i?SJ'S CEDAR AVE CArtlV THEATRE HAMILTON REVELLE in THE PRICE- OV MALICE" FAIRMOUNT 2ttTU Sn ave. PAIIA1IOUNT PRESENTS XT t 1K7nwJ In "TENNESSEE'S Fannie Ward pardner- FRANKFORD 4711 TOANKFOHD AVENUE - l KIM1- In "THE MORAL rranit mui fahric CHARLES MURRAY in "A LOVE RIOT" 56TH ST. Theatre Ilel Spruce StATINEE Daily B.HO Eves 7 to 11 Mary Pickford ,n & peppwa- eoj Ci 52.1 & Mats 2-3.30 Co aii oi. Bansom Evgs 0 30 to 11 10c Doris Pawn and Geo, Walsh in "BLUE BLOOD AND RED" GERMANTOWN "TOg- FRANCJS J1USH&UN & BEVERLY HAYNE in "THE WALL BETWEEN" -if nUT? BTH Si MARKET 2ilB.7-. jLVJ1JEi HBOOO KIMBALL OROAN ANNA HELD in "ilADAME LA PRESIDENTE" rID AT?!" AVENUE THEATRE VjltVfVlU-' 7TH AND OIRARD AVE. MARGUERITE SNOW in "A CORNEH IN COTTON" gt t lMl,Dw. BROAD ST. ERIE ft Great INortnern oerma'n aves. NANCE O'NEIL in "FLAMES OF JOHANNIS" IRIS THEATRE 3" STegton PAt$S DUSTIN FARNUM n THE CAIXL OF THE CyMBERLANDS" IMPERIAL Theatre 6lDTBl MUTUAL MASTEKPICTURE Burr Mcintosh in "My Partner" JEFFERSON !(mt gg"" fuREH Douglas Fairbanks la "HIS PICTURE IN THE PAPER" sound Tho Misses Fuller's readings of folk song lived nnd moved and had being. Much naive "business" of easy, graceful, uncomptox gesture and pose attended the singing nnd quaint dress of flounce nnd furbelow and hoopsklrt added to the gen oral effect This effect was to keep muslo reporters lingering, fascinated, at the doors of tho auditorium, "Just to hear ono more," when other concerts of tho eve ning called for attention elsewhere. Tho Misses Fuller unless one wrongs the Unhenrd abilities of one which ono there wns no method of telling slneo the ticket tnker did not know nro not singers any more than was Ludwlg Wullner, tho greit lleder exponent; they aro hardly vocalists hut they aro authentic artists. They brought to realization Andrew Lang's statement "Dear Andrew of the brindled hair," as It L S called him that folk songs nro voices from secret places, from silent peoplo. They proceed from old times dead nnd stir us In strangely lntlmato fashion. "Strango far-off, unhappy things" aro In them, nnd tho memory of battles long ago, nnclent romances laid up In lavender, wistful, re mote moods, nnd tho sense of all that Is sweet and simple of yore. W. R. M. Theatrical Baedeker ArJTir.Prit "The Mttlo Rhephord of Klnrtom Come," wltli Ilobert Torrent, Jnck Davlft Mona Itunnrrrori) (ind Wallace Owen . A play by Kuneno Walter, from the novol of tho mmo name by John Pox, Jr. A romance of three waif a hoy, a, Rlrl Alia a do i irst metropolitan production. linoAD "Tho Wooing; of Evo," with Lnuretto Tavlur ntiil PhllllD Mortvala. A comedy by J Hartley Manners ot nn American ilrf, who stnrln to untannle n household mix-up or nr English relative. Mr, Mannar wrote res o- jiy Heart." LTIHC "Alono nt Lout." with nor Atwell, Ifnrry Ccnor, Lotty Torko ant John Charles Thoman An oncrettn. with the book adapted by Smith nnd Herbert: muelo by Franz Le hir An nmhltlous Viennrso Importation if tho Merry Widow" Rchool aAltntCIC "It Payn lo Advortlse." with Loulre Drew, Orant Mitchell nnd lien John son A novel firco with much fun In It. roitllEST "Como to Bohemia." with Ilalsle Irvlnff. Walter 1'erclval Alice ItftJrerman and I rltz Williams A mumcat comedy ot nwdl ocro Interest capably done ntOTOrLATS. STANLEr Wednesday, "Tho Eternnl rJrlnd." Nnw omouLAit Tir and I15IlKORATIONS Boarded Russia. Mahogany ahado 1 joL& Theniltra-flmart model we illustrate is an entirely new and exclusive shape. Slrflcingly individual and handsome in laslL circular wing tip, patterns and perforations. We have a great mahy new styles : none is more effective than this rich masterpiece. Niederman 203 N. 8th 930 PROMINENT ""''! Grrpamu j pictures through the STANLEY Booking rurix BiiuninK ji me iihcb iiruuui- Ask for the theatre In your tba hT.VNLEV UOOKlhO COMPANY. di I FAT 171? FOUTY-FlnST AND LtAUtK LAKCASTnn AVENUE MABEL TALIAFERRO in "HEIl GUKAT rICE" LT R C U T V BROAD AND liitJK 1 I coLUiroiA Triaiiolo PrcaentB BESSIE DAnWSCALE In "HONOR'B ALTAJl" Added Attraction "HIS AUTO nUINATION" Logan Auditorium DnKkiw1aVAv ALICE BRADY in "THEN I'LL COME BACK TO YOU'' LOCUST B2D AND LOCUST Mats. 1130 & 8:30. lOo. 1-wvra. Oliiu. . iltav, isc. nuahman & Davno in "Tho Wall Between" Coming Ethel Harrymoro in "Kiss ot Hate" Market St. Theatre 833 MTRrr BILLIE BURKE in "PEGGY" Sea "CRAFT" every Wednesday ODDUPl inI OERMANTOWN AND Jtrtrlt4UM CHLETEN AVES HOUSE PETERS '"ori Added Attraction. 'Tha Iron Claw,'' 7tl Episode OPICMT "2D & WOODLAND AVE. VJKIEjINI Dally Mat. 2 Evg. 0.30 toll. PARAMOUNT PICTURE LOU TELLEGEN ,n Unknown- 1211 MARKET STREET PALACE 10 A. M to litis r. . uatui rvxx;M :J ntciui irtirn jio "THE SALESLADY" DKTiV RIDOE AVE. ft DAUPIIINv i. x-ki.n. MAT. ;15. EVGS ;45 pJtoSS!" Marguerite Clark in "jijshsnk utr this nuvnr PRINCESS 1018 MAIIKET STREET "Tho Olrl and the flame " 12th KpUod "ALIAS JIMMY BARTON" "FREDDIE FOILS THE FLOATERS". nniTn oermantown ave. II7-J-i IV AT TULPEHOCKEf LILLIAN GISH in "DAPHNE AND THE PIRATE" i nrrrMT i3 market stre xi-vaijii it u u an voi a a 1 ETHEL BARRYMORE THE KISS OF HATE' n II D V MARKET STREET IVUU I BELOW 7TH BT DUSTIN FARNUM ft WINIFRED KINC "BEN BLAIR" SHERWOOD HTH AND BALTIMORE PAULINE FREDERICK in "THE SPIDER' SAVOY Jeanne Iver 1211 MARKET STREET "ONE DAY" TIOGA l'TU VENANao BTB Marguerite Snow to otstWi HIE BTRANOB CABB OF MARY PAQB" VICTORIA ABOVE NINTH Mao Varah tn 'Hoodao Ann." 13th EpUod "Stranxa Caaa at Mary Pan " "Tba Slum " "ChUlhoo4T Happy Pay" Mr.-Mr. Sid Draw. CTA1MI PV MARKET ABOVE 19TH 1Wj WALLACE! REID and CONTINl OUS CI-EO RIDOLEY la w. 1 r r ifl r BTtcxl tr?nMim iUTT 1 V&3 TJEET SBTON with Mary rtdtfort. A story of tory life, with Miss rickfordas one of the faJJJJJ lrl Thursday. Friday nnd Bfturday. "The Iivo Mask." with Wallace Held nnd Cle Uldreley, AnCADtA Wednesday, "Ultle, M?"' JJ mance," with Dorothy Olsti and ujven Moore. Thursday, Friday nnd Saturday, The Aryan," with William 8. llart. PALACE Wednesday, "The Lost Bride groom." With John Barrymore , Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "The Saleslady," with . Haiel Dawn . .... VICTORIA Wednesday and Thursday, "Hoo doo Ann,", with Mas Marsh. ., Friday and Saturday, ''Tho Kiss of Hate," with Ethel Uarrymore, VAUDEVILLE. KEITH'S Frank Mctntjrn and company. In "The Itat Salesman"! nensee and flalrd. In "somrinaso '! HI Klriumttti Bisters musloi Vallcclta's leopards, Iiert Fltiirlbbon, "Ths ff Original Darfy Dill "1 Harry nnd Kwi P.K "Sunshine and Flowers 'I Mary Melville, comedy rones and chattori Oaston Palmer, juir trier. aitND Kay, flush nnd Hoblnson. Joseph Keno and Itoslo Oreen, Lew Holt, storfej snd eonirs. Thres Knsllsh Iloces Dunn and Stevens. Tho Fox Trio . OLOlin Victor's musical melnr. Fields and Holiday. In "The Haw necrult": "The Olrl Trom tho Hat Store," the Mojarts, Myta Gardner, vocalist! Frsnk Monell vocalist: The Five Satsudaa. ' Duko of Mulberry," Delmont and Delmont. CHOSS-KETS Klist half of, the week. James J. Corbett. Nat Nanano nnd company, Hartley nnd Pecan. Frances Hoyt nnd com pany, Hartzell nnd fc.vnna. Jack txivy and his symphony irirls Second half of tho week. The Four Harmonists. Tho Sprint Olrls, Ada Latham nnd company. The Jforla Sisters, Charles nellly. Ilosa Itentz Trio, STOCK. AMF.ntCAN "Hor Own Monday," ft drama by Mark 8wan, Tho Arvlno rlavers, wlfi Miss Ruth ltnblnson In tho leading rols I Irst Philadelphia presentation ,, . ICNICKFnnorKEH r'Th Conquerors " by Taul M Potter. Tho Knickerbocker Players, with Emily Smiley at popular rntccg. WALNUT "BrlnRln Up. Father," n staw Adaptation of tho popular cartoons The third Philadelphia engagement this season. BURLESQUE . . DUMONT'S Dumonfa Minstrels, In satires on matters of current Interest, Mount Holly Springs New Industry CARLISLE, Pa , April 13 Mount Holly Springs hns secured a now Industry, n butterlno fnctory, operntcd by a Phlladol phln concern which makes a special prod uct, 25 per cent of tho base of tho product being milk Tho town Is raising $GO0O to secure tho Industry, which will employ 60 persons at first. Chestnut 39 s. 8th f west rniLADEi.rniA flR AlVin B2D nn1 MAItKET ST9. '-" t-r MAT DAILY, 2 P. M., 80. IRENE FENWICK in "THE SENTIMENTAL LADY" OVERBROOK 03D aver. -tiJlJjn FORD AVE. PARAMOUNT PRESENTS Pauline Frederick in "The Spider" "GRAFT." 18th Episode GARDEN Ma A IANSDOWNE AVE. "The Strange Case of Mary Page" "Lonesome Heart" 4 Reels EUREKA i0TU & MAnKET BT3- TRIANOLE PLAYS Present BILLIE BURKE "Peggy" BALTIMORE BOTH AND BALTlMOtlR AVIT . !!!!iWKis,cBi!o.'ton BROADWAY B2D 4 oreenway uxj n.u vvv i MuHa 10o. Chndren Bo "THE SONG OF HATE" With BETTY NANSEN" NORTH Broad Street Casino lmo1gd0, KVENINO 7 IJLAND 0 WU.UAM-IUJSSELL in HHUISCT." B parts, Coi "THE Corned le CENT IRY EI,IE AVB MARSHALL J1V MATINEE DAILY f fason and Clara Whipple 'iuuii KfcAfiiKb" MAN anl BEVERLY BAYNE in STARK?' "-nfSS0" CHARLEY CHAPLIN COMEDY KENSINGTON I II M R O WNT ST. AND JUmDU GIRARD AVBNU3 The Iron Claw," 7th Eplaode 2 Parts 'MIONOETTE " i Parta "PUTTINO HEat FOOT IN IT" "THE WATER CLUE'' Weekly Programs APPEAB EVERY MONDAY m Motion Picture Chart p,sj3 Vf (J.TW u -s jtmNL Nsy in "lncJ j . -- toll. -SODTII 0 OI YMPIAlrt5D AND Wt. I V(srxt- IlAINBRIDa&TS. HOURjtF TUB LATEBT AND IxfitT pnOTQpeXYS IN BOVTg PmCribULPUtA Bed?! White in "l4e4fon Claw" f I .,.75r- STRAND 12TH AND 0IRARD AVB- LAFAYETTE 29U 3$$ JANE GREY in ' MAN AND HIS ANaBL" muiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii b. CHUSCV. 1B1U aaJ Arch. 11 16 A M. ta 11 19 P VL "The Love Mask" wY3t. iWititr WaColi, y "