tlmtWy" " sj", T rr-W7 EVENING liEDGBB PHILADELPHIA, '.THURSDAY, APEIL iL3, 1016. FRENCH REPULSE . TEUTON ASSAULT AGAINST HILL 304 Fierce Artillery Fire Halts . Germans Northwest of -Verdun WdtJtfDjiD DIE IN FLOOD TAUtS, April 11 VVpotlier attempt liy the Clermnni to assault the- French VosUloms on Hill 301, liorthvvest of Verdun, on Veilneiliv, was proventeil by tho French nrtlllcr). It was announced toua by the "War Ofllce After a violent bombardment of tbe hill tho nermann preinreil to throw hettvy iruSfeSes tit men forward, but the curtntns of tiro Jtrom the French guns kept them frtsm tnrrvmjr out the onternrlie Tho. flight wni Bcnernlly calm on tho VorflUri iWilit, the communique staled Tit Intonslty of tho Clcrmnn artillery Arc (ta(nst the French portion on Hill aCH lwttl InetlcaVed that'tho Clorhinns would mohar their next powerful Infantry nnault nmUiut thnt Section of tho lino nnd tho French artillery was prepared to meet It As Hie German fire slackened hundred-? of French Buns began raining sheila In "cur talna" In front of tie Ociman trenches 'Tho Teuton troop that tried to penc irate tbo veil ijf, steel were wiped gut by the deadly fire- Tho German Gencrnl Staff It again Jntlnfe reinforcements to tho Voiduu Jrpnt It In supposed by military critics thrit th6so troops were originally Intended ' for tho east front Hovvover. bad roads '! Hoods In Itusnla have compelled tho Russians to lessen their nctl itlei. vv illi tho result that tho Boldlers could bo sent to tho west front. Tho severo nrtlllery flro northwet of Verdun has cmiaaiicil. noma, of tho'dlltes along tho west bank of tho Mcttso 7 ho stream, already at flood tldo from fain .nd molting snow, has overflow ed a con siaerablo portion of tho lowland around Cumlcres. Jinny German wounded were drowned by tha lnuntl-Ulon Northeast of Verdun tho Oermnni hnvo carried out vigorous cannonades uirilnst tho French positions nnd tho roids In tbe Tear of the French Unci , Tho text of tho olllclal communlquo fol- The night wan quiet throughout tho entire, region about Verdun A German attack, which had been prepared for jcflteriltii afternoon against our poiltlous on Hill 304. was not nhlo to sortie from tho enemy's trenches. Tho curtains of lire from our nrtlllory and the bombardment directed by our batteries In tho neighboring sectors upon enemy col . -umns concentrating In AfalancoUrt "Wood appeared to have made that operation abortive No Important event occurred on tho entire front Miss Marjory McConnell Asks Divorce A divorce action bus been begun In Common Pleas Court No i by ilrss Mar jory Fitch OberteuITer McConnell, daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Herman OlierteufTer, Of Haverford Her husband, Nevvlln jfc Gunnel!, is now living In this city, though beforo the divorce action tho McDonnells Jived first In Ifnddonflcld, thou u Havel ford Mrs McConnoll Is with hor father at Jllahbeo Haverford The marrlagu took placo April 30, 1U0T Boardwalk Eye Doctor Arrested ATLANTIC CITY. X J. April LI A movement of Boardwalk merchantiyto elc Vote the standard of business there and Ju?en the dry fn-o of ' llonters" vvholpruy upon Vis'tors led to the arrmtof SsvmuU Tannhauscr an optometrist, chftrged'wlth doing business without a .State license Tannhauscr uim held In $100 ball fur a hearing. The pennltj I- a S.'OO line THE WEATHER Official Torecaat WASHINGTON. April fJ For Ha&tern Pennsjlv.ini i and New Jersey Pitibablj Niiowcrs and some what warmer to-ilght , Friday parti) cloud ; light to modcrati variable winds The northeastern disturbance Ins moved from southern New l ngland to tho Gulf of St Law rente during the last II hours, attended by light Muttered rains The western Htonn hns moved from tho Mis souri basin into the upper Like region and extends in a trough from theneo Dquthwestward to Mtxico It has also been attended by light rains over widely scattered areas It has caused a further Hue in temperatures in tho Ohio basin, and Is being followed by a colder area that has overspread ilu Missouri basin U. S. 'Weather Bureau Bulletin Obeervallonn mail uISp ra , Kantcrn tlmi h lant 11a In- Wine. Station a in n't fall Wind ID Weather Atlanta (la as AY 14 Cleir .Atlantic City laJllmore, 51(1 ISUrrmr't. N I) llQHton Maas Hurtalo V Y t' Dllcago III t ipclnnatl, O rievelau.i t) pi'nver, col Ditrnlt Mich full 's ton Ti x llarrlnburs. J'a irMterm, N V itaUfax N H llklena Mnnt , Hilron B I) inntaABpolU JaijKauiiv lllo IktiiiMaH 1 ll 44 All M !' an MI ui m Ml .u 4J IIS 4S na .11 .11 rj !i I! I (III lU 4)1 I1J M 34 (It tsi 4.' .1 HJ 5.' 4K .'.- 3H 44 HO 4U 3S IW no aa 34 48 31 "louil 'loud lllllll ClouiJi l'!ou) Clcir Cloud ( loudi Cloudy Hnnw Cloudj Clear Cloudy Cleur Cloudj Clanr P Clily I'loudj Cltuir Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy I'loudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear I' Cldy cijr Cloudy Cloudy lCld I'lomii Ha in CloutJy (ltiud 'Mear T CMy Cloud) nar t'loudy l lr CUar t loudy loudy i: N vv Sl-5 vv v HV MV VVY W S V s HV VV bVY HV S bVV svv SY HV H H N U B hY NVY 8 ft' VY Itnoivllle. Tenn! B Lltlla Ilock Ark! H XjliivllTa liy Monigomerv lantral, t an, NihTille Nw Orhan Uii York Nerfolk V Dklahoina, Omaha. Vab. rmUdslphla, I'a 2. i'tiwrnix arw & PtjUhurch i'a fit PortUmf Me -ail PoftlaniJ. Ore 44 bt 1 ulo Mo H HI. Paul lllnn 44 Hall t-uke Hah 3i San Aqianlu TO bbh trtni ta. o OJ HY H V 10 Sajiri tf M & M Marl-- r4wn I a Ujb T II V Inmr t I tin 3. 34 4 HI '. sa 1." JO K NE N St U P cidy I t'loutiy I Every Inch a Quality standards risidly design, in workmanship. KM T?-liiF-Bair 9JP B "BF. ikHS.B mB'ip Built under one roof and one supervision meaning competency completeness, INDIVIDUALITY. Come in tnd te. $1050 to $2100 LL-YEAR 6c7r RUSSIA ANNOUNCES rWlTHEIt ADVANCE IN B1TLIS REGION Austrian Attempt to Push Their Lines Toward Olyk Repulsed LONDON1, April 14 -Further progress by the ttusslan Caucasus army nouth west of tho -aptured Armenian fortress of t:i7emm and tho repule of Turkish attacks In the region of mills nnd of Kurdish detachments south of Lake t'ru mlah were reported by tho Ilusslan AVnr Ofllce last night A local success In Gallcla, In the Lub lin region, and an unsuccessful Austrian attempt to advance their lines to tbe railway station of Oljk are tbe only ac tions reported In the eastern theatre of war, Tho statement follows In tho Caucasus, southwest of ' Krzerum, we seized Turkish positions At Hlllls nil enemy attacks were re pulsed. South of Lake t'rumlah Kurdish detachments were defeated Western front Around Lublin our Volunteers successfully encountered German scouts At the railway eta lion of Olvk we repulsed tho enemy s atempt to Intrench themselves near our trenches ITALIANS TAKE TRENCH LINE NEAR RIVA Austrian Const Attacked by Enemy Seaplanes and Gar rison Put to Flight ItnMK. April 13 The following olIlcHl coinniunlc.itlon was Isaiied last night In the I-dio Valley by methodical offensive operations we ndviineed'oiir occupation to the heights north of lllo I'onnle, between tho Concel Valley nnd n in da Our Infantrj with t III caclous support of the attlllcry, took by nssault a strong line of trenches and redoubts along tho southern slopes of Monte Pari and Clina d Oro, nnd on the roeka of Monte f-'perone Tho enemy defenses, after sustaining heavy hisses, proQtlng by the n.ituio of the ground succeeded in retiring We took 20 prisoners An Intense artillery action continues between tho Adlge lllver and llrenta and nlong the Json7o front Tho effective fire of our batteries has prevented tho enemv from rep tir ing tho Lusem.i fortless In the piper Astlco Valley and destiovcd lev'Ltual Ing depots nt Santa Cnti rln.j and UggowIU, In the Fella Valley Tho Hlefaill News Agcncv as that tho activity of the Italian nlr flotilla In tho upper Adriatic continues "A few ilii8 ngu." tho agency sajs, "two senplunes bombarded a point in tho Austrian tonst, put to flight a small garrison and afterward lauded The pilot debtroitd a signal post and telegiaphlc station, exploded an ammunition depot, set llro to stores of loal and returned safelj "Another Italian seaplane dropped COO kilogrammes (110 J pounds) of explosives on tho r-illwnj station at Nabresln.i "The Italian coast defense on tho upper Adriatic brought down an enemy h.vdro aeroplane "A fewdnjs ago an enemy submarine exploded off an Italian port on the Ad riatic " HKItLIN, April 13. (H) wireless to Havllle) An olllclal statement lsucd at tho Austro-Hungariaii Army Headquarlei mi)s Livelv artillery duels are going on In several sectors of the Italian front Near Itlva the enein was ejected from soviral salient trenches nnd one defensive vfill south .if Sperone, which bad been ocuipkd by 111 i n Tho Italian attack thus ended a coin ' plote, failure 4 -KvNKiHTS OF COLUJIBUS AT THE CATIIKDIIAL Relifrious Retient Attended Niglilly by Great Thione Great thinned of men are attending a religious being conducted under the ausplies of the Knights of Columbus of 'this eltj. In the Cathedral of Sts. I'cter and Paul, llith nnd Haeo streets, each evening this vvck Hveiy nlglit ho far tho great pclltlce has been ciowded to tho doors It Is i-stl-matcd that fully 4000 members and their friends are making the retreat whiih Is being held under the dlnetlim of the Hev r L Kenzel C HS It a memh.r of tho rtedcniptorlst Tathers, nn order whlcli recently lield one of the most largelj attended missions this titj bus uver bad r.ithei Kenzel l pleaching an Intel eMIng sermon ejeli night Last night the tct of Ills sermon was "The Knight of Columbus In Ills Home Relatione" To night he will speak on "The Liuglit r Columbus and Cliristinn Murilagv ' He sides tho sermon, there Is Benediction each nlulit, as well as singing , On Suuilaj the Knights uf Columbus will attend Mass and receive Hl Com munion In a bod). MASLTIELD PRIZES AWARDED Miss Loudon, Bryn Mavvr, 1910, Wins Poetry Contest It wait .announced at llrjn Mawr College toduj that the two Mahofteld prizes for the best poem by a student and the best piece of prose have been won by Miss Margai t LouUe Loudon, lCiiO. of this city and MIsh Mnnlcil llairv () Slle.l 1'jlT if! Urookltne, Mass Tho title of Miss Loudon's poem is ' Re turn " Miss O'Mhea's offering was an Irish btory The prizes were offered b John Mnsetleld when he lectured at llryn Mawr last March They consist of auto graphed copies of the poet's works There were 25 contestants Miss Lou don lives at 1330 Spruce street. Atlantic City Gets War Order ATLANTIC CITY. N J. April 13 At lantic City has received its Mm war order through a contract for a million brick awarded here by tho du Pont Powder Company for the enlargement of its plant at Carney'H point The order Is said to indicate a great scarcity of brick in the Philudelnhia district, uhera lanlu ar being drained to meet emergency orders &rs. Car followed -in material, in f. o. b. Factory S 338-40 ft Broad St. STATE CENSORS BLAME GREED FOR OPPOSITION Scones Stricken From Films Show Need of Supervision, Board Declares HAUlllSnUnU. April IS TH State Hoard of Moving Picture Censorship has Issiled a slnlemcnt defending Itself against recent attacks It "avs In pvrt. "The sensillonal stnrv appearing In some pspers that mmlng pleturo censors of 27 Stntes are ruled bv what Is termed the rum ring' Is a pipe dream so far as tbe I'ennsvlv.inla bivtrd Is concerned In the first pi ice. while there arc several city police censorship boards, thero aro only three Rtnto boards In the whole country, not 27 Another was ndded re cently by the passage of tho censorship bill In Mnrvlind i This shows the absurdity of the nt tempted reflection on our board. It Is but part of a well-organized plin of the moving pleturo Interests to defeat cen sorship If they were free to show soma of the balr-rtlslnff. pfiisitlonal sugges tions of Immorality which wo hive cen sored It would mean limitless profits to them That Is tho wholo reason for their rather Ingenuous cry for a "free' screen ' I believe motion pleturo ccnsnrshlri In Pennsjlvnnla Is hero to stay The pur pose of the t Islatloti Is beneficent to the highest ihvree and that Its accom plishment Is likewise beneficent Is dem onstrated bj the filth that tho bo ml has ordered cllmlnitcd from picture" " PLAN KOR .MISSION ASSEMBLY Presbyteiinti Women Mtiku Aiutnrrc ments for Meeting This Month riins for the hlennlnl assembly of tho Hoard of Polelgn Missions, at tho 1'ies bjterlan Tabernacle, .17th nnd Chestnut streets, April 25 to 2S were made this nfternoon ut a meeting "f tho t'lesbv teilan Women of Philadelphia, held In the Arch .Street I'resbjterlan Church, I8tlt and Arch streets Mis H Ilovd Welzel president of tho c ity orgnnlratlon presided Ueports of tho woik of the women during the last vriir were read by tho lccordlng secrctnrv, Mis 11 P Illeliardson 1 Ireisuier, Miss Ht'lcti It Cooper; lltcrntiiro secretarj, Mis A J! Mulllkln : iduca tlon secretnrv Miss Martha Swnrtz . ex tension secrttim. Mrs It M. (1 Huff; secretarj for Voting Women and West minster (lullds Mrs .1 Llildnn IVnnoek , Christian Kudc.iv or sicrclnrv Mis J V Smith; Jiinloi Christian Kndeavor secre t.irv, .Miss A M I'onte and coneponding secretary. Mrs John W I'.itton .$2.1 FOR MISSING WIPE Bride of Si Weeks and Husband Offeis Kevvard Ameiigo Ilell i "fin South 'itb strcel, wants to And ills wife and will pay $2" to get her lie man led her sl weeks ago in Tifiiton and brought her to this clt One week ago today she left him nt 9th and Market stieols tnivlug that sho was going Into the Postnlllca to mall a letter llella has not seen bei slnei IJella savs lie thinks Ids wlfo eloped with u man wlm works iirouiiil lGth and Aioh stie-ets. ultliough ho his no piouf of their flight iiell.i hnd a cinih store In Trenton nnd his wife then Mnigniotta Totli. was one of Ills best customciH Mrs eronk i Tilth the missing wife's mother, snvs sbo has not seen Iiei daugh ter since tliu vvomiu lift with her husband one week ngo last night to go in CinidV-n GERMAN GENERALS OLDEST Statistics Show Average Ago of Brit ish Commanders Lowest 6f All LONDON. April 13 'Krom cuefiillv complied statistics," savs the Morning Post. 'It appears that in the llritlsh French and Herman ulmles the voungest geniyr.ils occupvlng high commands m the piesent moment are the llritlsh and the oldest the Genn.ui The .iveiago age of the llritlsh Is G,l 9 jeais, uf the French GO 5 jears and of the (lei mans C3 5 eiis 'if bowevei, wi exilinlo fiom tli Ceunin list the Rem rah of w lioni tlieio are a good ni.inv the nviiage age of tile men uiiupving high i uniiuiiiiN In the Uermnii army Is 16 do Von Mm kensen Is 71 von llinilenbiug !'! von l' ilkenliuv II 7. von Klmk 7e mjii Hu low "( von Wmiuli O'l von l.ieliliuru fall n rid vuu Ueselei lib NB also mommf 1 i tTnywiiii mm wife who likes to keep her house as clean and neat as a new pin all the year 'found without the hard work of sweeping We offer a really good, efficient Electric Cleaner at the remarkahly low price of $19.75. And as a specislofndycement during the housecleajning period, jVemake the fol lowing eaSytenns (to our custodiers pnly): S3.75 &time of purchase and the balance in eight monthlyypayraents offieach. These terms hold g during Most worn worse tha; eeping. sweeping can get all the grime and dust out of your carpets and rugs. Sweeping simply takes off the surface dust and grinds the real dirt in deeper. An Electric Cleaner, on the other hand, draws out ALL the dirt, leaying the carpet or rug fresh and clean. Thit EUcttic Citantt hat a ttl of tltaidng attaehmentt ttgvtattj fnttd at fT (tr it!, which ut will nil at ti 4$ duting April. This main (A tntt el thi Cltantr, com plttt, tUJO. Ttrmsat Cltantr eomplttt art f4 10 at timt o puiehait; balanct fa tm monthly pisimtnlt ef 11 taeh S the Cleaner la Actual uia at the moit convenient Diittict Office, or (top in at the Electric Shop for a demonstration. ALBERT BEYER, JR. Secretary to Mayor Riddle, of Atlantic City, who hns taken the stump to fight tho re-election of his father. Albert Beyer, Sr , Di lcctor of Finance, who is on the slate of the largo inteiests in the seashore city Young Beyer says Mayor Kiddle has been ti "good boss," nnd thnt it is his duty to help him in his political omeip; ency. He is n Lnfnyettc College alumnus. DEMOCRATIC "WHIP" SPEAKS HERE TONIGHT Senator Lewis to Be at JelTerson Day Dinner Guest Culled Stntes Semtor Jnmes llnmilton Lewis, of Illinois, the Democratic whip and tliu man whom It Is generally sup pos.ed President WIImiii favois as a l mi ning mate, will bo the guest of honor nt the Jefferson Dav dltuur of the Demo cratic Club tonight The dllinei will bo served at tho Continental llolel Semtor Lewis will Hlnro honors with Itepiesentatlvo riood, of Virginia and Charles S 'Ihomas, of Color ulo An nouncement of the Senator's Intention to lie present wns ninde Hst nlghl .il a meeting of the club In Its new headquar ters 1132 South I'enn ipinri The niinunl il.etlon of the club wns held list nlglit and Itobcrt S llrlght vias elect ed In the piesldencv Other ollleers cli etid follow Vice piesldiuts, Jobn J Wilkin son. John I Someis, Speuce D Wright nnd T T Nelson; recording seeretar.v, .Michael 3' Iverwlek, Kiriespoiulhig secret ir II U fctymour; treasuicr. 2 11 Selberllch, goveinors, lloland S Morris, William L 1'ij. John Monachaii, John Cox I II lleikeh fVink Stephens, Itobcrt Weinei, Dr II llosklns, Thomns Dempsej, C I:. Laizelero and S II .Slilngle. TWO SCHOOLGIRLS HELD UP Coatesville Student Beats OfT Her As bailant With Books en vti:svilli:. i'a, apiii m two schoolgirls, ono In Ibis city and ono in I icmnlngtou n. vveie hi Id up while on their vvav Iiomo friini scliool Tliev viero Mlts Million Megirgee. CoiteKville. and Miss LIUibith Ibaeli, Dowiiingtowu Iss Megargee deelaies she beat the straugei with her schonlbooks until ha inn awaj A wispect was ariested here, but bo was ilNchargod Working for Your Inlerpst' Lowest HSlca In This City Stricfly Confidential Bur'lar-pi ofljWlrofeLi6ti FIDELITY LOANCO i:iai. ituia. i Av t,,.mmhJ UmL... & irA. -7.1 r . uiuinui.u ..wn.. ' w.vr.c, unrxoceiacu uwiiwnux, iirrtliniaiMMi to the house April only. KNinlh C 7 nnd 1 aWe Are Locust I v Sts.f fe iir I r Is ..,. II 1 i.fiiurri in cio , J or tan m , , i 1 there is no labor much And no amount of N.Y. TRIBUNE HOISTS BANNER OF ROOSEVELT Newspaper That Fought Col onel in 1912 Says Country Needs Him SV.W vontf, April 13 tinder the cap tion, 'Colonel Hoosoelt for President," tho Tribune publishes nn editorial today in which It pros' ' Colonel Iloosoelt and no pussy.foot Ing. The Tribune likes thin cnndldnto nnd tlila Issue It regards Senator Hoot. Its favorite so Ions n ho had n chance of nomination, ns now practically eliminated It cannot Interpret any more hopefully the failure of the "oxygen treatment' which his ctndldacv lecehed In tho shape of the manifesto with 75 signers "Wo nro for Colonel Hooseclt becauso we think the country needs him No ono rle will quicken tho pulso of the nation ns ho will quicken It No ono else will Btlr the conscience of the people ns he will ntlr it No one else will Inspire patriotism as he will Initptro It AVc nre for Colonel Ilnosc elt In nplto of the fnct that we weie nitnlnst him four cnra nRo No ono fought him harder than we. Nono now will light harder for him It has not been easy to put aside oui pride our nenso of resent ment of what occurred in 1112, and tho hundred other things Hint tend to keep alive divisions "Wo might have preferred another leader, but there Is no other leader, .luetlco Hughes might hnvo spoken It he had been free to speak Hut the plain fact Is that ho did not Hpenk , he could not ppcnk " ATMS L'OWDEK COMPANY MAY ADD CAPITAL TO STOCK Meeting Tucsdny to Consider Increase of .$9,500,000 WII.MtNClTON'. ricl. April 13 A spe cial meeting of the Atli I'ouder Com p my hii8 been cilled for Tuesday of next week, when the rompanv will connlder tho proposition of Issuing CO.000 slinrca of common stock and IG.OOO shales of G per tent prefened stock Tills would bring tho total of each kind of stock Issued to $10,000,000 imkllig a totnl capital stock of $20,000,000 for the cninpinj, of $10,fi00.000 The com pinv does not manufacture nnv thing but blich powder and high explosives but has been imusunllv bust for a long tlmo :Wj : .wu-t.mTigi .iwj4ti ' fiwgnaiK-r iram.Ti.iw Mewssmetm STETSON Hatsor CENTRAL PHILADELPHIA Blaylock BC Blynn, 1528 Chestnut St. Browning, King 6i Co,, 1524 Chestnut St. L. S. Dickey, 16th and Market Sts. Geo. I. Eakle, 1534 Market St. Gimbel Brothers, 9th and Market Sts. D. S. Hilborn, 218 Market St. H. M. Law, 137 S. 13th St. Lit Brothers, 8th and Market Sts, MacDonald &: Campbell, 1334 Chestnut St. E. H. Parry, 928 Chestnut St. N, Snellenburg & Co., 12th and Market Sts. John B, Stetson Co., 1224 Chestnut St. Strawbndge fii Clothier, 8th and Market Sts. John Wanamaker, 13th and Market Sts. Wanamaker &: Brown, 6h and Market Sts. NORTH CENTRAL PHILADELPHIA Thomas Desmondj 1409 Columbia Ave. R. Greenberg, 511 V. Girard Ave. C. D. Klump, 1219 W. Girard Ave. E. Stohner, 607 W. Girard Ave. NORTH PHILADELPHIA William Bater, 1617 W. Susquehanna Ave. Jos. W. Dierkes, 2652 Germantown Ave. D. G, Leatherman, 2307 Germantown Ave. John S. Milne, 5th St. and Lehigh Ave. TIOGA Geo. E. Weber, 3445 Germantown Ave. GERMANTOWN F, W. Kaplan, 5719 Germantown Ave, 1 LOGAN Dando Brothers, 1343 Rockland St. r1 JOHN B. Stetson Hats DECISION BREAKS TIE ON COMPENSATION LAW Referee Awards Sum Under State Statute to Man En gaged in Interstate Work A decision given todav bv Heferee Oeorge ( KInuder. of the Workmen's Compcnsstlon Hureau, In this city, breaks the 'national tie' on the question of whether a person engaged In Interstate emplojment by a inllrond can lecover compensation for Injury under a Slate workmen's compensation act Compensa tion wns allowed In the case Decisions have been given b the Su preme Courts of four Stntes nnd two referees In this Stnte The Supreme Courts of California nnd Illinois decided lint such a case cime undor the Jurisdic tion of the Interstate Commerce Commis sion and excluded the operation of a Stnte law while the courts of Inst resort of New York nnd New Jersej allowed recovery flI1t!iiHl!SHHHUni3!i!!!nU!lll!inU!!U!!ltU!l!nUU!IH!n!!nnriHm 3626 Residents of Philadelphia VAS$!E50LifcP KmeI( Rj SingU Dotft! TIMES SO UARE Tirlo f At Broadway, 44th to 45th Streets the center of New York's social and business activities. In close proximity to all railway terminals. ;;E-!!Hi!3:!JiEiii!iiH!i;;niiinnu:v::;U!n!!!i!!ini!n!!ii!S! Smartly-dressed young men in the Easter promenades will wear Stetson Hats. They know that the name Stetson insures perfect style. The vigorous, graceful lines of the Easter hats displayed in. the Stetson window will show you what is being worn this Spring. You men who want a really good looking hat that wears as only a Stetson can drop in and inspect these new Spring Stetsons. Not only in the Stetson Retail Store, 1224 Chestnut Street, but in leading shops throughout the city, you will find Stetson Hats for Easter. Ask to see them; you'll be delighted with the smart shapes, rich colors and feathery weights. Spring Stetsons are sold in Philadelphia and Camden by the following hatters and haberdashers: MANAYUNK H. F. Kerkeslager, 4401 Main St. FRANKFORD Ale &i Graham, 4656 Frankford Ave. John S. Milne, 4610 Frankford Ave. NdkTHEST PHILADELPHIA G. A. Bargrf, 228 N. Fi6nt StS R. W. 4$ujf E. Gi&rdjite. John L-jZafelnger, 2929Tvankford Ave. WEST PHICSDELPHIA Bachafich't QJahty Shop, 59J5 Market St. Bacharach's Qiality ShoptTSi 52d St. John F. Betson, 12 S. 52d St. S John F. Betson, 4012 Lancasitve. P. D. Spaeth, 40th St. and Lancaster, f , U, bpaeth, 253 SOUTH Wm. J. Ein Wm, C. roe, 2S& varies S.jMfisi euww, 131 etffeld, 14 ellenburg lelliez, 11th and feldyffi fcfcSse. 9t m. noon H.N N.CSd L..I. 2 CAMDEN, N.J. C. C Chew Co., 214-16 Market St. G, H. Cummins, Broadway and Chestnut St. Munger & Long, Broadway and Federal St. Ogborn fii Graham, 316 Federal St. Toone Bi Hollinshed, Broadway 6i Kaighns Ave. STETSON COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, PA. are sold by leading hatters and haberdashers everywhere on tho grounds that tho Statu law Is supplementary to tho Federal law or com pletely sepnrnte from It. A referee In Pennsylvania district No. S decided with New York nnd New Jersey and a referee In district No 8 sided with California nnd Illinois The count stood 3 to 3 ; now It Is 4 to 3 Tho case today was that of Henry Smith, of 1918 Hrandywlno street, ngalnst the Philadelphia and Heading Uallwr.y Smith wa a freight handler nnd suffered a crusned hand while worklrg at "Wnyno Junction, on February 20 SCHOOL POULTItY CONTEST Cumberland County Pupils Will Rntso Birds nnd Write Es3aya MIMiVIIjLR, N ,T. Aprlt 13 J, J. I'nger, county school superintendent, has Issued a circular to poultry associations, nsklng that eggs for netting bo donated to the scliool poultry contest, which will be gin Slay 10 I'rlrcs will be nwnrded for tho most birds raised from 15 eggs, for tho beet essay on poultry and for tha best exhibits. All of the poultry associations of tho county hnvo offered to contrlbuto tho de slred number of settings a registered at Hotel Astor during the past year. 1 000 Rooms. 700 with Bath. A cuisine which has made the Astor New York's leading .Banqueting place. boms, without bath, ?2 oo to jfa oo Doubla' I 3.00 to 4 oo iRoomJ, with bth, 3 oo to 6oo le Vi - a oo to 7.00 r, Bedroom and bath, :o oo to $14 00 fasBmssMsssraer. Easter N. 52U J DELPKIA and Southtsv''' arid CsouthHtis. lotftn v.t-m sc PHMffi 1,0th and bouth bts. !outh St. South St. Co., 5th and South Sts. South Sts. tepHIlADElPHIA gM&EaRlC(9MPANYl ojims wilson Muure 1311-S Uc 171 & mmmwrnrnmamrnmrit