Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 13, 1916, Postscript Edition, Page 15, Image 15

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Continued from 1'nire One
to the Channel liner Sussox will bo dls-
The United Stales will not accept the
German claim tliat the- Sussex was not
torpedoed. The report of the submarine
.commander Insisting that ho attacked a
mlmj layer at tho time and place where
the Susnox was attacked li held by tho
President and htri ndvleern to complete a
cJrottmstnntlal caso against Germany.
Tho Sussex noto reached the Btato
Department today and deciphering was
at onco started
President Wilson nnd Secretary Landing
, ore now nt work completing tho evidence
in tho hands of this Uocrnment, tending
to-prove Germany guilty of repeated viola
tions of her assurances Tho Issuo l
clear cut In tho inlnds of omclals and In
tha words of ono close to tho President.
This Government will net now In such
a manner ns to entirely satisfy tho people
of this country."
Gormnny says tha't as far as her reports
ohow. sho Is not liable to crltlsm for
breach of faith In tho recent Channel at
tacks. So far as tho reports now In tho hands
of jlho Stato Department show, sho Is
Tho fact that Germany ndmlts attack
ing a vessel "In tho vicinity" of tho point
tvhero (ho Susex was wrecked is held to
materially strengthen this Government's
position, oven though Germany says tho
ivcfiel sho attacked does not nppcar from
tho descriptions given to havo been tho
Against this may bo placed tho official
British declaration, told In today's dis
patches, that no other vessel was tor
pedoed In tho vicinity of tho Sussex tho
day tho later was struck.
A Paris dispatch asserting tho posses
sion by tho French Government of the
names of tho cnptnln and incmbor.t of the
crew of tho submarine that wrecked tho
Sussex tho namos being obtnlncd from
another captured submarine Indicates tho
Gorman explanation will havo much evi
dence to meet.
Tho nuestion of Germany's right to
nlnlc freighters looms largo ns a factor
rln determining this country'H position.
In Gorman circle! It Is held Germany
never promlsod that freighters should
como under tho head ns "liners" nnd It Is
undoistood that Secrotnry of State Lans
ing never had such nn understanding with
Ambassador on Hernstorff. Secretary
Xansing, however. Is of tho opinion that
Germany could not legnlly dcclino to In
cludo freighters along with her nssurnncoa
on liners.
Proof of many violations by submarlno
commandors of assurances given this Gov
ernment, from the time tho lAisltniilu went
to tho bottom up to tho present, Is ex
pected to bo Included In tho communica
tion to bo tent by this Government In
answer to Germany's note of todny.
Tho forthcoming communication of tho
Frosldont Is chaiajtorlzcd ns "Informa
tion" for tho Ucrm.in Government In
formation as to what this country has in
tho way of proof of violated assurances
and Information ns to what may bo ex
pected If danger of recurring lolatlons Is
not removed.
Tomorrow tho affidavits on the Sussex
caso 'are expected. These are Important
only ns "exhibits" in the ense of tho
Jnlted States vet. sub Germany. The mib-
I stance of theso papers Is already nt hand
and Is being used in tho draft of the
President's brief.
BEHM.V, April 13.
Tho German novvnpiipor, commenting
briefly on the Government's announcement
fnp Germnn submarine v sank tho
oxprcss tno view that the United
kill move cautiously In tho pending
h news agencies report that tho
ti Government Is satisfied that the
was torpedoed It Is felt here.
that the oillcial statement from
I'll! have tho greatest vv eight with
it Wilson nnd Secretary Lansing,
official statement that no tliirman
no could havo attacked the Kuse
Ifnll to make a Mrong Impression
Ihington, said tho Frankfurter
lough an liicsppnslblo pi ess may
cast doubt on Oermnny s word,
circles will value it lightly.
(irally the excitement over the slnU-
la ship nn which American pim-
travcl Is very great nnd there
lacking persons who demand the
It 'action against Germnnv. Tho
fi of noutral States Is a hard one
task of preserving neutrality
both sides openly and manfully is
LONDON'. April U
It Germany's .attempt to prove an
with reference to the Channel liner
had completely failed Has tho
IrtBUK opinion expi eased in the Brlt-
rand In oillcial circles toda The
Iy records hhmv. it is asserted.
ther vessel was tmpedoed In the
if the Kpot where the Sussex vtat.
, .and, therefore, the oillcial state-
lim uerlin convicts. In Ilrltlsh
la Germnn submarine of having
I: attack on the Channel liner.
(resumed here that tha American
$nt will comply with Germany's
for further material for n con-
I upon the Sussex case, but it is
loved that there will be only one
lpomatio exchange between the
kvernments before Washington
Uomatlc relations.
Inconceivable." was tho scml-
, "that the I'nited States would
lor a moment the appointment
imlsslon to decide the matter
I rice la overwhelming Germany
llf-convlcted "
I'nlng News today chniucterixed
fJTEY It Looks Like the Old djentleman
MlA&iA Just Ab Comfort- vr--- V fr-U "T ti X I f ( ZJ? 'Hwbr iw PibHERe P f ZJ
tho Germnn noto as "most absurd, labored
and unconvincing "
"It tcally means that the Germnn sub
marines attack anything they see," said
tho Evening N'evvs.
"Tho relations between the fnltcd
States and Germany will hot be Improved
by this latest noto," said tho Pall Mali
Gazette. "Of the many attempts to fool
President Wilson, this Is probably tho
most flagrant, being n general denial that
tho German submarines would do any
thing to which Americans could take ex
ception "
Tho Westminster Gazette characterizes
the German explanation as "childish "
Tho Evening Star calls tho noto a
PAHIS, April 13 The German suhmn
rlno which torpedoed the Channel liner
Sussox was sunk on April 6, It was offi
cially nnnounced today. Tho t'-bont Iden
tity Is fully known to the French Gov
ernment, which hns 13 fragments of tlu
torpedo used. Its commander nnd crew
nro understood to bo prisoners In a camp
of tho Allies.
Tho orflclnl Press Uuronu of the Ministry
of Marino Issued tho following statement
todny, In reply to tho German clnlms that
tho Sussox was not torpedoed:
"We could publish tho nnmo nf the
commander nnd tho number of the sub
marine which attacked tho Sussex, ns
well as tho story of her journeylngs prlnr
to tho crime.
"This submarine was destroyed on
April G, nnd her officers nnd crow con
firm nil tho Information wo possess In this
Tho Sussex disaster occurred on Muuli
24, Tho sinking of the submarine, there
fore, occurred 12 dnjn later.
BERLIN, April 13. Tho foltowlnjr
is tho text of tho Gorman note in re
ply to tho inquiries of tho United
States on the steamship Sussex nnd
othor vessels which recently met dis
aster in tho war zono:
"Tho undersigned hns tho honor to
inform your Excellency, Ambassador
Gerard, in response to communica
tions of the 29th nnd 30th ultimo nnd
the 3d instant regarding the steam
ers Sussex, Manchester Engineer,
Englishman, Bcrwindvalo nnd Eagle
Point, thnt the mentioned cases, in
nccordauco with our notes of tho 30th
nnd 31st ultimo and the 4th and nth
instant, havo been subjected to care
ful investigation by tho Admiralty
staff of tho Navy, which has led to
tho following results:
"First. The English steamer Ber
windvnle. A steamer which was pos
sibly tho Bcrwindvalo was encoun
tered on tho evening of March 1G in
sight of Bull Roclclight, on tho Irish
coast, by a German submarine. The
steamer, as soon as sho noticed the
submarine, which was running unsub
merged, turned nnd steamed away.
She wa ordered to halt by a warn
ing shot.
"Sho paid no attention, however, to
this warning, but extinguished nil
lights and attempted to escape. The
vessel was then fired upon until
halted, and, without further orders,
lowered several boats. After tho
crew entered tho bonts nnd received
enough time to row away tho ship was
"The name of this stonmer was no
established; it cannot bo stated with
assurance, even with the help of the
details which were furnished by tho
American Embassy, that the above de
scribed incident concerns the steamer
Berwindvnle. Since, however, the
steamer sunk was a tank stenme
like the Berwindvale, the identity of
the ships may be nssumed. In this
ense, however, the statement made
that tho Berwindvale was torpedoed
without warning would conflict with
the facts.
Another, Ship ICefused to Halt
"Second. The British stenmer
Englishman. This steamer, on March
21, was culled upon to halt by a Ger
man submarine, through two warning
shots, about 20 sea miles west of
Islaye (Hebrides). The vessel pro
ceeded, however, without heeding the
warning, and was, therefore, forced by
tho submarine, by artillery fire, to halt
after an extended chase; whereupon
she lowered boats without further
orders ,
"After tho German commandant
had convinced himself that the crew
had tnken to the boats and rowed
from the ship, ho sank the steamer.
"Third. Tho British steamer Man
chester Engineer, It is impossible to
establish through the investigation up
to the present whether tho attack on
this steamer, which, according to tho
given description, occurred on iwnrcn
27, in tho latitude of Waterford, is at
tributable to a German submarine.
The statement regarding the time and
ic 6gt our I yfrxytfs LISTrki Grnrrir-
Bor e.irr a I tfZ You r,n Acso "t
V WAUtS To r-S. . J?vJ JiurVlY MERIT -ALl.
CCLCftPM-p JT ATlMC 'N CilrM't: J
A& Tn' uuva. (rtf chcck 3rc ?f - ,
.J Mllfg - Lotto tTTltSH IS MY V .
iTXc ... - 1 3RASfD HIM PARTY- GuCii l CUT (T OUT . .
I COMf CUT 11 (M rn(A c CflN CCL-BPWBrA BH.L-S0J1E Savje V(JUR
Bur ofJCC p. "! CAM'T ty ' btMi( TTMe- MOfkEY o,LL-
A M6MTH AJt) -7r r S H UJ'T TI'-t- UlfJ nayu'-T
Tfirj. i-tALG In 1 ., (V NOmO Bill- T U APTrsp. T wc DOWJt
PW IMto A V- ' fSevB MAD S lfiaMC V -HOWes'rs..
fATIIEAD LUt'e I I gfjau3H Fflft 5 '
TftAT- TlsAT VJJS(JTfl fvV V WHILE - j V "
Tft DPlr-IK ALL I I V2&SS-& v ( 'gk )
rHi Time awd r- ASStl s ' MB , A A!i:P-t
place of the incident gives no suffi
cient basis for investigation. It would,
therefore, be desirable to have more
exact statements of tho place, time
nnd nttendnnt circumstances of the
attack reported by the American Gov
ernment in order that tho matter
might, therefore, be brought to a con
clusion. '
"Fourth. The British steamer
Eagle Point. This steamer, in the
forenoon of March 28, was called upon
to halt by a German submarine
through signal nnd shot, about 100
not 130 sen miles from the southwest
coast of Ireland, but proceeded. She
wa3 thereupon fired upon until halted,
and, without further orders, lowered
two boats, in which the crew took their
places. After the commandant con
vinced himself thnt the boats, which
had hoisted sails, hod gotten clear of
the steamer, ho sunk thnt vessel.
"At the time of the sinking a north
northwest wind of the strength of two
knots, not 'a storm wind,' and a light
swell, not 'a heavy bea,' ns stated in
the given description, prevailed. The
boats, thprefore, had every prospect
of being picked up very quickly, be
cause the place of the sinking lay on
a miieh-uscd steamer path.
"If tho crew of the steamer used
only two small boats for saving them
selves, the responsibility falls upon
themselves, since there were still upon
the stenmer, as the submarine could
establish, at least four big collapsible
The Case of the Sussex
"Fifth. The French steamer Sus
sex. Ascertainment of tho 'act
whether tho Channel steamer Sussex
was damaged by n German submarine
was rendered extremely difficult be
cause no exact details of time, place
and attendant circumstances of the
sinking were known and nlso "ecauso
it was impossible to obtain a picture
ot tho ship before April G. Conse
quently, the investigation had to be
extended to all actions undertaken on
the day in question March 21 in
the Channel in the general region be
tween Folkestone nnd Dioppe.
"In this region, on March 24, a long,
black craft, without a flag, having a
gray funnel, small gray forward
works and two high mnsts, was en
countered about middle of the English
Channel by n German submarine. The
German commander reached the defi
nition that it was a war vessel, nnd,
indeed, a mine layer of the recently
built English Arabic class. He was
led to the conviction by the following
"First, by the plain, unbroken
deck of the ship; second, tho form
of the stern, sloping downward and
backward like a war vessel; third, she
was painted like a war vessel; fourth,
tho high speed developed, about 18
knots; fifth, the circumstance that the
vessel did not keep n course north
ward of the light buoys between Dun
.geness nnd Beachy Head, which, ac
,rding to the frequent and unvarying
ouijrvntions of German bubmnrines, is
nbttPj tho course of commercial ves
sels;Out kept in the middle of th?
, , -
Took Henrietta Seriously
channel, on a course about in the direc
tion of Le Hnvr.
Declares Munitions Mere on Board
"Consequently, he attacked the ves-
eel at 3:55 in tho afternoon, middle ' R!mont " the peaceful settle
European time, one nnd one-half sea I mcn,t ofJnt,cnr""tionnl conf1lcts' No
miles east of Bull Rock (Bullock?)
bank, tho submarine being submerged.
Tho torpedo struck and caused such
n violent explosion in tho forward
part of the ship that the entire for
ward part was torn away to the
When (ho Su'ue'C was hit nn March
21, according to the I''ronch oillcial re
pmt, her clocks sloppt! at 2-f0 p. m .
western I'uropean lime thnt Is. 3:50
p m mld-IIuropran time The differ
unco between tho French and Cicrmnn
loports, therofoio, on the question of
time li live minutes.
The Herman nolo s-iys tho vessel
admittedly attacked had not gone
north of thi Piiugcnpis buoys, but
was In mldcii.innel. apparently bound
for llnvie The l'Vciuh nfllrinl repoit
says flint the Sussex left Kolliestono
nt 1'2S p m. nml w.is steaming at 1C
knots south of Ilimgenesx when tho
torpedo hit her. This would put her In
inlilflinnnel between Iiungcness. Kng
Innd. nnd ("ape Apreeh. France
Tin- entire fonvnrd part nf tho Sus
sex uns torn nvvny J
"The particularly violent explosion
warrants the certain conclusion that
great amounts of munitions were
"The German commander made a
sketch of the vessel attacked by him,
two drawings of which "arc inclosed.
The picture of tho steamer Sussex,
two copies of which are also inclosed,
is reproduced photographically from
the English paper, the Daily Graphic,
of the 27th ultimo.
"A comparison of tho sketch and
the picture shows thnt the craft at
tacked is not identical with the Sus
ox; the diffciencc in tho position of
the stnek and shnpe nf tho stern is
particularly striking.
German Responsibility Denied
"No other attack whatever by Ger
man submarines at the time in ques
tion for the Susex upon the route
between Folkestone and Dieppe oc
curred. The German Government
must therefore assume that the In
jury to tho Sussex is attributable to
another cause than an attack by a
German submarine."
"For an explanation of the case tho
fact may perhaps be serviceable that
no less than 2U English mines were
exploded by shots by German naval
forces in the channel on the 1st and
2d of April alone. The entire sea
in thnt vicinity is, in fact, endan
gered by floating mines and by tor
pedoes that have not sunk. Off the
Enrrlish coast it is further endangered .
. h , , , , ,
in an Increasing decree through Ger
man mines, which have been laid
against enemy naval forces.
"Should tho American Govern
ment have at its disposal further
material for a conclusion upon tho
enso of tho Sussex, tho German Gov
ernment would ask that it bo com
municated, in order to subject this
material also to an investigation,
"In the event that differences of
opinion should develop hereby be
tween tho two Governments, tho Ger
man Government now declares itself
---'- - - --
rendy to havo the facts of the caso
established through mixed commis
sions of investigation in accordance
with tho third article of Tho Hague
"The undersigned, while request
ing that you communicate tho above
to the Government of the United
States, lakes occasion to renew to
tho Ambassador the assurance of his
distinguished esteem.
LONDON". April 13 The passages Ir.
Germany's noto to tho I'nited States re
ferring to tho StiRe nre regarded In offi
cial circles here as proving that tho Ger
mans torpedoed the Sussex, ns It Is as
serted that no other vessel was torpedoed
In thnt vicinity nt that time.
1 lurry 12 Uilhrnlth. Oxford I "a . nml Hliinche
V. rilllllnn. Oxford. Pa
Wllllini I. llrown, 774 M IMIi at. nnd
.Martin llnrp. IHSrt MnntrnPM- Hi
Jiwi.Ii V I.nv.'m. ini" S 17th nt . anil
Ilfntrke A. Krllv, lsl( . tilth nt.
.Mark A Nullv S.10 N et,l nt . nn.l Mario
' tii'nror. '-'7.11 I'amlirlilKi- m
W.ntlilil Wntnon 121 llnnnrn nt . and
Kllznlirlh 1. Lnffi-rtv 211111 W llordon at.
Hurry W Tollman. "I.". H Iilih nt . and
Amelia It Atnl.rnno. 3'H2 Pouelton ave
Alfred l.cv5 SS'ii N 13lli nt.. and Anna
M,rt. 1020 lUrket nt.
Chnrlrn S Weir. 122 N tilth nt . and Ilnrtha
M. l'irlir. Nnw York eltv
r.irl Smith. 2HIH Norrt st . nnd Helen M
!.nth. 2-142 DoUKlann nt
Torrent I: l.athiim 13 N. 20th nt , ami Timlly
C MeCnrron. K'.nn Lutlnier at.
Hrnent Travenner. Ilerwjn. Pa , and Mary 12
Hinton KI7 Martin nt
i:mll llahl 2(12(1 X l.llli nt . and Clara ,f
VVeim. Willow drove Pa
flarrnre Ti Oerhnrt, Tacony, Pa., and Mary
I! llalffh. Taeonv Pa
Wllllim Orman. Mil S lllh nt . and Jennie
llreat -'.Ml S Mh nt
Ilavld 12anH Went foltln?ttOOd. X. J. anil
Martfaret M Aaron. .1721 lincanter avo.
Walter I Iliihn. tan? MarlKorouuli "t , and
Aniolln Iflielher. 14,1 W WIMey 8t.
Walter It. Try. 22.17 N 22d nt . and Carrie,
12. Klelnfelrter 2.118 X 22d nt.
Ilurrell Sellern tiilll S 1.1th st . and Ktlnle
V Held. Ilnlu l-.i
Hnrry Monk il'nl tilenlmli t . and l.llllan
Craven r,,11l .lanu a nt
I'red VV (.'olnuht.un 42(11 (llranl ave ! and
Lnuliie A Thurston, 4'l.llt Mullierry at
Mae, While. f'amil,-n, X J . and Nina Daw-
non llllj Federal at
Anthnny I'ox. Xlietoun, Pa., and Julia (litr-
rlt. 1210 X. tsih at
tlreur II. Warwlik. l)arb. Pa, and Ireno
Ulnnert 11421 Ilaverforrt live
David Itlchardn, till X Ubi nt , and Frances
llnrrla, tiijj Wnrren nt
Major Moton, Booker Washington's
Successor, Worked Humbly Here
A negio. who was once n sweeper in the
John Wnnnmnker store here. Is now presi
dent of the greatest negro eduratlonnl In
stitute in the world. lie is Major rtuhert
It. Moton. successor to Hooker T Wash
ington ns tin- head of the Tuskegee In
stitute .Moton. unlike Washington, Is of
pure negro blood, a deaceudnnt of an
African chief In his earlier dava he had
a cinving foi books. This led to his en
tering tho Hampton Institute.
Durlug his vacation he came hem and
worked as a sweeper, living nt 421 South
13th striet. He returned nnd was gradu
ated in isnn Major Moton snvs the ne
gro should Keep nis pinre in outlining
'"'" rl"''s f0,r l,lm- flr,' "if ,"';"-" lm,s'
develop . strong rnclsl const musners
aecond, the negro inuat have a high moral
ideal: third, the negro needs Intelligent
industrv Tho edutntor's threo mottoes
nre: 'Tlt simple He self-respecting.
Keep jour courage."
Narberth Hejects P. It. R. OlTt-r
Narberth borough council hat refuaed
permission to the Pennsylvania Kailroud
to erect an enlarged frame postolilce build
ing on the site of the present structure
The Councllmen say they aro na anxious
as any one to obtain better postnr facili
ties, and have appointed It S Mavllle. W
tl Smedley and A. I". Ftedlfcr ns a commit
tee to H'-'o if a none building, In conform
ity with borough laws, cannot be obtained
or built.
Will De Held Tomorrow Morning in
St. Patrick's Catholic Church
The funeral of Hugh P ttnrley, widely
known In tJemocrntle politics here, who
died on Monday nt bis home, 406 South
20th street, will be held tomorrow morn
ing nt 10 o'clock. He was n member of
the Kxecutlve Committee of tho 7th Ward,
Mr. Ilarley had been ill nbout threo
months When ho learned of tho death
of his brother, James, on Monday, ho died
within nn hour
The funeral services will be held In St
Patrick's catholic chinch, 20th near
Locust street. Interment will bo made In
Cathedral Cemetery.
J. Ncvvlln Gawthrop
WII.Ml.VOTON. Del, April tJ. J. Now
lln Gnwthrop, formerly A. president of tho
Street and Sewer Department, a former
nicmbei of tho Hoard of Park Cntnmtn
sloncrs nnd former president of the Work
house Trustees, a manager of tho Wil
mington Savings Fund Society nnd until
he retired 10 years ago engaged In tho
plumbing bunlness hole, died at his homo,
8H Washington street. Inst night nfter a
lingering lUnens. nged 81 Ho Is survived
by his widow, three sons nnd tlirco daugh
ters. Bzafyti
These NntUci Are Printed in the
Evening Ledger Free of Charge.
" !uL'.rr,a ,Arr". ' ""r. ni.Axnii2
I.stKiniKi vIni'KNT wife nf Mauri. e .1
l" Mi Mineral aorvlee at her late renl
.lence Ir,, r rlrket avenue. Ardmoro. Pa . on
.Saturday, at 2 p m Interment private
"'V.'.'i.'., !. A"r I'-'- l"l". HANNAH
.lO.Nf.S widow nf Krnnila Itieon. In her
SMh ;iear Itelnllven and friends nre In
vlted to intend the funeral sen lee, nn Trl
lay afternoon at 2 o'rlnrlt, at her late
residence. .1120 Pulankl avenue (Jermnntonn
Interment private
lir.I.I. On April to. HUn .1A.M12S I112M,. nnn
ot Hie late Jnmoi nnd Annie llell IMailvea
nndirlendn, nlsn WnBhlnRtnn Camp 317
P. O H of A , l,eH Wlrth Ominell, III
Jr o. ir. A M . and employes of X W
Aser ft Bona, are Invited tn attend the fu
neral on Haturda afternoon, nt 12..10
o eloek, from the rretdeme nf his niece Mrs
Annie Unite. 2M2S Clerrttt at Services at
the Chun It nf tin I Inly Communion 27th
and Wharton ntn , at 2 p m. Interment at
Mount Mnrlah Cemetery. Itemalns may Imj
viewed on Friday evening
HOVnt.f,. On April 12 mill rPANK II .
husband nf KII711 belli Unveil nelatlles and
friends of the fnmll) nlso nudltlnc depig
ment of P It It and Musicians' Protective)
Association are rcsne. tfullv Invited to at
tend the funeral services on Saturday nmrn
Inir, at 111 3n o'clock precisely, nt his late
residence, t.12l Fontaine street Interment
private. Itemalns may tie viewed Friday
evenlnir after 7 o'clock.
IlllDMII.KV. On April II. tlllH, noilllKT
llllO.Mll.12r aued 7.1 yearn Helatlven and
friends nf the family are Invited tn attend
the funeral services, on Mnturri.iv. April 1,1
at 2.10 o'clock, at his late risldence. l.llli
Sellers street. Frankforil Interment at
12aat Cedir Hill
CI.AItK. On April 12, lull). MAItV WAI,
I,AL"I2. v.lfo of William Lewis Clark ltd 1
tlves and friends are linllcd tn attend the
funeral services, on Saturday, l.ltJf Inst.
at 2 30 p in , at her late resliiyte WIS
Wnjno avenue Interment prlvtii
IIANCV. April la. nt the rcelnce of her
son-in-law, John W Gndvlt r,330 llavn
ton at . Oermantownyi'llN'i:y'JPI2 DANCV.
ns;eil K4 era Funeral! 1111 Interment at
Greenville, X C.I 1
1)1)11012. At her lute resilience. Primes. Del
aware Co I'a. citi April 12. llittl. SAKAH
12 I)OD(H2 Itelalbes are Inilled to attend
the funeral service on Saturday at 2pm.
at the Oliver II lA'lr Iiuildlnz. 1K2U Chest
nut st . Phlln Int.lment private
IHINAIII'K. On April 12 Will. JOHN, hus
Innd of Jnno Dnn'ihue, late of I11I.1 South
23d st The relatives and friends are In
vited to attend the funeral, on Frlda.. at 7
a m . from the Oliver II llalr llulldlntr, lt2D
Chestnut st Heoulem Mnsa at St Patrick s
Church, at 8 .10 a. m Interment ut New
Cathedral Cemetcrj
DORAV. Suddenly nn April 12. 1010.
I21'(!I2.V1: I' hushand of llnsn Dnran Itelu
lives anil friends, also Dlvlslnn No III A
0 II . nnd Phlla. 1-oilffe. . -,4, , (l (l
M , aro Invited to attend the funeral, on
Saturday, at N.10 a m , from his late resi
dence. 1232 K Hanson st HtTh Mass of
Kequlem nt St Francis de Saies Chur. h nt
10 a. m Interment at Holy Cross Cemeterv
Wilmington. Del papers please cop
DltAtJIti:. On April 12, 1I1 II. MAItV A
HHAUDi: inee l.ochnerl. widow, nf Daniel c
Draud". llel-iilves and friends alsn the
Altar Society and all nther societies of which
sho was a member. Are Invited to attend the
funeral, on Haturdu). at Ha in . from the
residence of her aon-ln-law. William 11
Kppley Solemn HlKh Mass at St. Alphnn
sus' Church, 4th and Heed sts . at HI a tn
Interment at Most IIolv Hedeemer Cemsteri
I'lensH omit carriages
IH'tiAN. On April II. Ill III. CLAUDE M.
Jit . husband of Anna M Dmran and sun
of Claude M and the late Adeline H Ilarve
Outran, ailed 3!l veara. Itelallvea and
friends of the family, also fienrac WhhIiIiii:
lon Lodge No mi, F. and A M . Purity
unainer. u ana a m. . .vniieni find Aicepi
d Smttish Itlle of
ICv . Knsalr
Teniulc. A A O
nf l.olllNvllle
K anil Amerlcjfi clel
nf Me. hiinlc.il
linplnecrs nre LripeaTfun
nvileil in nt
Frld.14 afier
nt the real
ti nil me inneriiLaserT
noun nt .1 nt lock T,ret I
ileme nf Mra Charlotta
huler, 112 West
Chelteh avenue Oermantnwn Interment
private at Went laurel Hill Cemetery. Au
tomohlla funeral
Ulldns 1'iirU, I'a.
HI Utl'
Colonial Residence, $8950
V White stuct" fiyen shutters and slate roof
1 Large lot. o014 spacious porches and front terrace I
' t'entral linllwa-l.irge upstairs sleeping porch. X Im
V Four hcdrooii two baths ample closets X j $jjh
U Highly restricted building sites, 800 to $5000.
AltractHo bungalow sites with extended view over Klklna Tarlc, II
We also Ananca and build, uccordlmr to your plan. I
AutomoUla by Appointment, llllll
3 Trolleys, S Cent Fare 72 Trains Daily, By4 Cent
KIII5KZ. On April 12, lOIB JOHANNA (ne
Poot). widow of John Kberx .Relative and
friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on
snturrtnv. at H SO a m from nor lata resi
dence, 122 Sliver l.kn ave . Wealvllle N. .1
lllnh Mass nt St Mary a Church, Oloureater
at 10 a m Interment at Holy Croaa Cents
tery lillHni.!2. On April 12 lotfl. at hit lato real
dence, 2117 N. nth at . KRNKST huiband
of liarbara Klerle. nged OS jeara P'i"
tlv-es and friends nre Invited to attend tha
funeral services, on Saturday,, at 2 r m-.
at the parlors of Mrs. Joseph- Pehmltt &
Son. 1211 N. tlth at. Interment at Oreen
mount Cemetery.
I"KVr-On April 12, 10IR. n. WAf.TKn, son of
IlnbeM H. and Adella It Key. aed 23 year;
Itelatlvrs and friends, also Cnmn No HI!
I. O S of A , Kej atone Commandery. No
ns p o S 0 A , nnd Stoncmen's Kellow
ahln Club, are Invited to attend tha funeral
services, on Friday, at 8 p m . at his late
residence. 2M 8. fiSd st. Interment at Wer
nersvllle. Pa . on Saturday. Orwlirsburg
nnd Pending papers please cory.
OAHTIIItOP. At Wllmlnaton. Del ... or!
Fourth Month, 12th. 1010. J. NBWMN
tlAWTHIlOP. nied 81 years Ilelatlvea and
friends are Invited to nttanfl the 'funeral,
from his lain residence. R14 Waahlniton at.,
Wllmlncton, Del . Seventh-day. . Knurth
Month, Iflth. at 11 n m. Interment private.
(lOtl.D. On April 12, 1010. SIDNF.Y C,
wife of the late Joseph Oould. aited 75
jeara nelalltea and frlenda are Invited .to
attend tho funeral aervlces, on Saturday
nflernoon. at 2 n'clotk preclnely, at tho
resldemo of her daiirhfer, Mrs Tlllla
Douslaaa. 4510 North 17th st. Interment
IIITNTII. In Nnrrlslnwn. Pa, on April 12
mill. M ANN1B IIITNKn ciauehter of tha
late Henry S and Maraaret F miner. Pu.
nernl and Interment privnte. on Saturday.
KIlMlKRIIINi:. On April It, lB10..MAn
HAIII2T ANN widow of William J. Kcnder
rilne Interment at Haltraro Cemetery, on
Friday, ot 2.30 p m
KlltK. April 12. MAUY 15.. widow nf Wil
liam II Kirk (nee Msloney) netallvea and
frlenda nro Invited to attend funeral. Satur
div, s 311 a m , from tho residence of hef
sister. Mrs. Marnaret Tlynn. 769 North 37th
at.. West Phlla. Hlah Mass at the Church
nf Our Mother of Sorrows, at 10 a. m. In
terment Holy Croaa Cemetery.
KIIAIT April 12, JOHN IlK.NDL'n. son of
William 11. and K tlertrude Kraft, nted
1.1 jenra nnd I mouths Ilelatlvea and
friends are invited to attend tho funeral
nervlcea on Snlurdn. nt 3 p in . at the
rcsldenio or his parents .111 Llandrlllo road,
Cnvyd I'a Inlerment privnte.
I.AKAS1I On April 12. 11)10. I.AMON C.
hush.inil nf Lillian M I-nrimli, In Ills 38th
vear Itelallvea and friends are Invited to
attend the funern! services, on Saturday
afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his late resi
dent o, 12 linuth 51st street. Interment pri
vate at Arlington Cemetery. Itemalns may
ho viewed Frldij nvenlnx, 7:30 to tl o'tlovk.
Automobile funerul
l.dVAIT On April 12. 1010 JOHN H.
LOVATT. lii the slat ear of hla aire, it
his renlilence.A.1(ii)0 Walton avenue Due
notice nf tlmfiijieriil will 1 Riven Pitta
burah tiapernpbVse cop
MAItrLI.I,. On A 1 1 11. 1010. IXnF.TTO.
lK-love.1 XaUKhler V William A. and fella
A MnrtlXl (neo l&lley). aued .1 years.?
mnnlha IVlallvea itn.1 frlenda nf tho family
nre Invited i attend the funeral, on Satur
day at 2 3ia;n tn . from her parenta' resi
dence. .Tim North Mb street Interment at
Ni vv Cathedral Cemetery
McCAlOIIUN. On April 11. HMO MAHY J.,
(nee Ulenl widow of James MrCnuitbcn. at
her residence lull South 18th atreet. No
tice of funeral later
McCCLLON. On April It 1010. MAIIT
AON12H JUCL'LLON (nee O'llrlen), wife of
John MrCullnii Itelallvea and frlenda are
Invllctl tn attend the funeral, on Friday, at
Ha m . from her late residence, 1010 Wood
at lllcli Maaa at the Cathedral Interment
nt Holy Cross Cemetery,
.Mcl'LKLY. On April 11, 1010, ELLENOn
NI2LLII2 daughter nf the lata John and
Mnrtznrct A Mi lYely, nf Cumberclaudy and
l.ondondcrry. Ireland Relatives and frlenda
are Invited to attend tho funeral on Satur
day nt H.30 a m. from tho realdence of
her sister. Mrs J M llallev, 2810 West
Husnuehannn nventie Solemn Itcnulem Masa
nt tho Church of the MoatePrecloua niood.
2Hth and Dlumnnd atreetf.xsrflOf o'clock t
precitieiv inurnient jf -oigr txtheiiral
MrniEATII. On April
vi ire ni -innnian a it ,
daughter '
Ilelatlvea nnd friends irliaSTU Itf.o attend
tho funeral, nn Friday, at "'SDtrm . from
ner lato reaiaonce. 11.. r,. aaa St. solemn
Requiem Muaa nt St Ajtatha'a Church, at
1) a m. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery.
.M.irNM.LY On April 12. 10111. n.VA, widow
nf Thnmas L MncNnll). at her late real
deme 27411 N 23d st Funeral strictly
private Due nntlce will lio Blven.
We can furnish ttructural
lumber for a row of houses
or n wharf.
Ship the same day. th
have cnoush left to do the
same thing over again many,
many times.
Edward F.Henson& Co
Structural Z,uuiberan4 Timber
I'nplnr SI. Wlinrvea. Phlla.
l'JUnn Park, l'u.
en" f