Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 12, 1916, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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    'jtJI(i 1 T'"-SSTVjV' 1 1T
- VPpBpWf,(
Washington Believes Sub
marines Are Wilfully
president's Hands Tied Until
All Evidence Is Available
for Consideration
BERLIN, April 12. A IciiRthy per
sonal message from Ambassador
Gerard is accompanying the Getmnn
communication on the Sussex and al
lied cases to Washington.
Gerard forwarded the statement
from the German Foreign Office at
noon yesterday. The message he sent
with it is a confidential report on the
German attitude.
tlnttl the text of Qermnny's reply to
tho Inquiries of Ambassador Gerard re
garding recent submarine activities can
ba thoroughly studied. President Wilson
can taho no steps to bring the situation
to a head. But under no circumstances
will ho enter Into a Rorlcs of extended
diplomatic exchanges of this, otllclnl) at
tho Whlto House and tho State Depart
ment aald today. Tho situation Ih grnvo
because of tho general belief that Ger
man submarines uro disregarding orders
At the Whlto House today. It was said
that the President still had all of tho
questions at Issue under consideration,
but that no action would bo taken until
tho entire facts being gathered by the
State Department nro In his hands. Tho
aftldavltf) In tho Sussex, nngllshninn, Man
chester Engineer nnd other recent cases.
gathered by tho Embassies In Paris and
London, will reach hero tomorrow, and
tho German reply, denying responsibility
for the Sus3ox and defending action In
other cases, Is expected about tho same
On tho evo of determining a course of
action to pursuo with Gormany In tho
dangerous situation arising out of recent
submarine activities In tho English Chan
nel, the question facing President Wilson
and his advisers today seems to ho:
"How far can wo go with tho evidence
at hand?"
Tho President and his Cabinet are said
to bo convinced a German submarine
sank tho Channel packet Sussex. They
aro nlso said to be convinced German
BUbmarlno commanders havo embarked
on a now reign of terror. In which the
safety and rights of neutrals are being
disregarded with amazing abandon. Hut
conclusive proof that a German sub
marine sank tho Sussex may be lacking.
Moro British Vessels Torpedoed.
Spanish Sailors Drowned
LONDON, April 12 The British stenm
shlp Smeaton, owned by tho Great West
ern Hallway, has been sunk by a German
submarine. Tho crew was landed today.
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Tho Smeaton was a. small vessel ot Hi
tons and hailed from Plymouth,
Tho Dutch steamship MJndlJk, which
struck a mine off tho Scllty Islands last
week, has been beached
Tho crew of tho British steamship East
ern City, tho sinking of which was an
nounced yesterday, hns been landed
Pour of tho crew of tho Spanish
steamship Santanderlno, which Is report
ed to havo been sunk by n torpedo, were
drowned, and tho remainder have been
landed at Saint Jean do I.uz. Tho pas
sengers and crew were given t6 minutes
to leavo the ship.
Le Trttppe Teutonicho Con-
quistano Una Posizione dcgli
Allenti a Nord di Salonicco
Telcgramml dn Ateno dleono cho lo
forze tedesche eh sono nulla f route dl
Salonicco hanno Inlzlato operazlonl ofTen
slc contro le llnoe dl reslstcnza degll
alleatl e cho lo pmlztonl dl Here Tepe
sono gla' cudute nelle loro manl Questa
lmprovvlsa mossa del tcdeschl fa presn
giro un'offenvn a breve seadenza sulla
fronte dl Salonicco. dove probabllmente II
Comando germanlco tentera' dl fiplngoro
gll alleatl verso II marc. Flnora vl era
stnta una ccrtn nttlvlta' sulla fronte bat
canlca. ma non tale da fur credere ad una
oifcnslva vera o propria con ben deflnltl
tntunto gll alleatl hanno oceupato
risola grcca dl Cefulonla ed un tote
gramma da Ateno dice cho rssl si pre
parallel nd occuparo nncho II porlo dl
Aorgoitoll, pure ncll-lsoln dl Cefnlonla o a
cmmlcrio ana nnugazlone.
II plroscafo Italtann Unlone, cho rlmnso
vlttinia dl un slluro, fu afTondatu ncl
Canalo dclla Mnnlca, porclo' da un sotto
marlno tcdesco o non uustrlnco. II capl
tano o' ptato sbarcato all'IIavro o alTcrma
cho II sottomnrino lanclo' It slluro senza
nlcun preavvlso.
Continued from I'wtr Vine
lili enemy In regions remote from nctual
"It may be recalled thnt a rertnln lieu
tenant. Ilobert Kay, of the German army,
was reported In the press last nutumn to
havo been detected experimenting with
bombs designed to destroy merchant slilpi
leaving America nnd operating In tho
Interests of the enemies of Germany.
"Ho was s,il(l to haio admitted tint ho
was sent by tho German 'luthnritlci to
the. United States oxprcs.iIv for this pur
pose His Majesty's Government Is now
nwnro what degree of tiutli there may bo
In this story, but numerous Incidents In
America and elsewhere havo shown that
the facts may be as stated ami m.iv in
"It Is then evidently of tho greatest
importance for n belligerent power to In
t Tcept on tho high seas not only mob
1 members of tho opposing army
may bo found traveling on neutral
hlily. but also those agents whom the
enemy sends to Injure his opponents
abroad or whosj services ho enjoys with
out having himself commissioned them."
Recital to'Aid Peace Work
A recital for the benefit of pence work
In this city will ho given tonight in the
New Century Club by Dorothy, Rosalind
nnd Cynthia Fuller, of Dorset, England
Old English war nnd peace songs will be
sung. Tho drawing room of tho club will
bo decorated with peaco flags loaned from
tho collection of Joseph Elklnton. of
German Attacks on Village,
Fort and Caillette
Woods Fail
Teutons Renew Liquid Fire and
"Tear Shell'"' Assaults
West of Mouse
PATHS, April 12.
German Infantry attacks with liquid flro
were resumed wel of the Meuso niver. In
tho sector of Verdun, last night.
Tho French War Office announced today
In an ofllclal communique that tho Teutons
noiaulted tho French position In Hots
Carre, between Cumleres and Ixs Stort
Homme (Dead Man's Hill), but were re
pulsed. A violent bombardment of the Frcm-h
positions Is being innlntnlncd from the
DiiURUmont-Vattx front.
All night long the German guns hurlJcl
shells against the positions of tho French.
French mllltnr critics estlmnti that
tho German losses In their attneks on both
sides of the Meusc since Sundny reach nt
least a division and n half C.o.OOO men).
Moro than a division of Brandenburg-
ers were hurled ngalnst the Fremh posi
tions In Callletto Wood on Tuesday nnd
sgalnst French positions on both sides of
the wood.
Tho attack was made by four columns
over a front two miles wide. The object
of tho first column was to throw tho
French bnck on Bras; tho second column
sought to reenpturo Callletto Woods, and
check the stondy ndvnnce of the French
In that region; the third column uns to
feoecupv Vaux village, whllo the fourth
wns sent against tho slope nf Fort Vaux
The assaults were delivered through a
yellow haze, caused by the "tear Hhells"
which tho German artillery had fired
ngalnjt tho French lints before the Infan
try wns sent forward. For miles around
tint atmosphere could not be breathed,
and the men fought with their poison gas
masks ,on, making n i trangely grotesque
Tho French lino held like a stone wall,
except In the centre, wlure the b.iltlc-lov-Ing
Urnndenburgers wvro nblo tn enpturo
somo trenches. They were busily en
gaged In consolidating their now positions
at sundown when French icservcs counter
attacked nnd tho Germans were driven
back, losing about 100 prisoners.
Berlin Report Contradicts Paris
Statement on Fighting at Point
BCRbtN, April 12. German troops
have advanced nt soveral places in the
fighting In Caillette woods, northeast ot
Verdun, tho War Office announced thli
West of Caillette woods thrco French
counter-attacks In the Pepper Height
region broke down under German artillery
On the west bank of the Steuse, French
attacks northeast of Avocourt, near tho
village of Hnucourt, were checked by tho
German troops raided English portions
near La noisette during the night, taking
29 prisoners.
Sudden Assaults Win For
tified Post Herald Re
sumption of Drive
ATIin.VS, April 12.
German troops, assuming tho offensive
on tho Korbo-Orock frontier, havo captured
the fortllled position of Do Vctcpe.
A violent cannonade has been resumed
along tho Lalto Dolran-Ghcvgell front,
north of E&lontcn. Tho Allied batteries
apparently nro numerically bupcrlor, dis
patches from the front Btntc.
SALO.NICA, April 12.
That tho Gorman allies fenr a flank nt
taek through liulgnrla by the Anglo
French foires Is Indlcnte'd by their pres
ent activities. Tho Allies In tho northern
pnrt of Greek Macedonia nro extending
their lines. In order to meet nny nttack
on their left wing the Germans and Bul
garians havo begun building strong forti
fications along tho Mollnlt-N'cvrokop lino
In the sector of I'etrlch.
Tho Germnns nre concentrating heavy
forcoa of men nnd grcnt masses of guns
nnd ammunition around I'etrlch.
Petrlch Is In liulgnrla. 30 miles north
east of Lake Dolran. Mcllnck and Nov
roknp arc northeast of I'etrlch.
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Un Rapporto Speciale del Gen
erate Cadorna Dice Falsi e
in Malafede 1 Bollettini
ItOMA, 12 Aprlle,
11 Mlnlstero dclla Guerra pubbllcava
lerl sera II Eeguonto rapporto del gen
erate Cadorna:
"Sulla fronte tra la voile doll'Adlge o la
Vat Sugana It nemlco nprl' II fuoco con
nuovl o potentl cannonl, ma la nostra
nrtlglterla. controbnttc' cfllcaccmonte lo
battcrle nemlchc. 11 ben dlretto fuoco
delta nostra nrtlgllerla provoco' un grando
Incendlo nttorno a Calcoranlca, sul lago
dl Catdonnzzo, nella Vat Sugana, e dan
ncgglo' gravemonto II forte dl I.userna,
sull'altoplano dl Lavnrone.
"Sulla fronte delt'Isonzo si ebbo lerl
una Intcnea nttlvlta' dl artlgllcrln, special
monte sullo nlture n nord-ovest dl Gorlzla.
Sul Carso nol nbblnma bombardato c dls
perso colonno In mnrcla In dlrezlono dl
"Nella notto del 9 corrcnto Idroplanl
ncmlct lasclarono endcro undid bombo
su Grado, inn II danno fu Inslgnlflcanto o
non bI ebbe nlouna vlttlmn."
Tnnto nel clrcoll parlamcntnrl nuanto
ncl pnese vl e' grunde lnteressc per la dls
cusslone del bllnncln nlla Camera del De
putatl, glacche' si sper.i cho questa dis
cussions vnrra' a gettare un po' phi' dl
luce sulla sltunzlotic mllltare. H si -as-pctta
nnchc die da (ueita dlscusslono
vorra' fuorl una nuova affcrmnzlono degll
alleatl dl perseveraro nella lotla o dl
usaro tuttl 1 mczzt cho sono n loro dlspo
slztonc, inllltnrl, dlploinnllcl, potitlcl cd
economic!, per II conscgulincnto delta vlt
torla. Quarauta dcputatl dl ognl partlto sono
Inscrlttl a parlnrc sul bllnnclu degll Ksterl,
e si credo cho II mlnlstro degll Ksterl, on.
Sonntno, fnrn' sabato la dlchlarnzlono del
govcrno. Una volta votnto II hllanclo, la
Camera prendera' lo vacanze pasquall.
SI apprendo qui cho per Inlzlntlva delta
Germanla si lntnolcranno presto negozl
atl tra la liulgnrla e l'Autrla per la
spartlzlono dclla Serbia. Sebbeno si sla
gla' declsn che la Bulgaria avra' la parte
del leone, nondimeno al tcmono compll
cazlonl per II fatto che 11 govcrno dl Sofia
non hn punto rlmmclato alia pretcsa dt
avere Salonicco 'cho gll fu protnesso a
patto che la Itumanla conservni.se la sua
r.cutralltn'. N'el caso die ta Kumanla
fosse liitcrvcnuta nella guerra, lufatti, la
.Germanla e lAustrla non nvrebbero po
tuto daro nlcun nluto alia Bulgaria. Pol
,VW Xc--
yet their operating
CHASSIS $1650 v
Company, Ardmore, Pa.
Factory Branch 23d and Market
st teraono nnche aftre compllcazlonl per
WASHINGTON, D. C, 12 Aprlle.
IVAmbasclnta Itatlana ha reso pub-
bllco un rapporto del comandanto In capo
delle forze Itallnne, nel qunlo o' detto che
I rapportl austriaci rceenll circa successt
contro gtl llallanl soho falsi. Ecco II
testo del rapporto!
"II bollcttlno mllltare mutrlaco del
glome S Aprlle contlene le sollte false ns
serzlonl. Esso dice cho le ti-uppe nustrl
nche nella mnttlna del glorno 8 rluclrono
a prendere una delle notre trlncco sul
MrzII Vhr, ma si dlmentlca dl ngglungere
che pocho ore dopo l'lntera posizione fu
rlpresa, dnlla nostre truppe die feccro In
qucll'occflslono 131 prlglonleri tra cul
cinque ufTlelntl e presero at nemlco una
mltrngHntrlcc, moltl fuclll ed nltro ma
tcrlatc dl guerra. Ccntlnala dl soldatl
austriaci mortl,ttra cul Un cnpltano, furono
trovatl nello rlc'onqulstnto trlncec.
"Lo Btesso bollcttlno annuncla II rlplo
gamento delle nostre truppo dallo poslzlonl
avanzatc del nelchkofel, gla annunclato
da nol nel rapporto dcll'S corrente, o
cerca dt far credere die gll austriaci hanno
fatto 160 prlglonleri ltnlln.nl mentre sol
tnnto 24 nostrl soldatl die mancavano al
1'nppctlo e sono ctassltlcatl Come dlspcrst,
fuorno tn realta' catturatl. Sembrn pero'
die sin costume del nostrd nemlco dl al
terare ed Ingrandlro lo nostre perdlto con
fondendo It numcro del mortl, del ferltl o
del prlglonleri.
"Nnturalmento II bollcttlno austriaci)
non dice percho' I nostrl si rltlrnrono dallo
poslzlonl nvanznto del Itelchkofel, o pnssa
sotto sltenzlo It fatto cho per ottcnerc.un
cosl' piccolo rlsultnto II nemlco dovetto
nssoggettare la nostra poBlzlonl e ad un
furtoso bombnrdamento con cannonl da
240, da ICO, da 106 o dl nltro callbro.
"I nostrl soldatl mantennero brava
monto la posizione per moltre ore, nono
stanto lo pcrdltc subltc per It bombard
nmento, o fu nppunto per non csporre lo
nontre truppo a magglorl Inutlll perdlto
che ta posizione avanzata fu evneuata In
buon ordtno
"Ancorn plu' mnnlfcstnmcnte falsa e'
1'nsserzlono conenuta ncllo Btesso bol
lcttlno circa I'lnsucccsBo del raid nvla
torlo austrlaco del 7 corrcnto sulla pi
nnurn del basso Frlull. II bollcttlno au
strlaco cerca dl far credcro che le stazlonl
ferrovlarlo dl Cnsarzo e dl Snn Giorgio dl
Nognro furono-bombnrdnto con successo,
mentro per 1'cfTetto delle nostro nrtlglt
crlo nntlaeree, cho Impedlrono nl nemlco
ill avvlclnnrsl troppo, l'nttneca nemlco
fntli' coinpletnmcnto su San Giorgio o
cnuso' soltanfo dannl Inslgnlflcnntl nlla
stazlnnc dl Cnsarzo.
"Htrann, per noil dire rldlcola, c' pol la
mimlera come II bollettlno austrlaco an
mmcla la pcrdltn dl due neroplaul abbat
tutl durante 11 raid dal nostrl nvlatorl da
caccla. Nel bollcttlno non e stnbltlto D
numero degll acroplnni pcrdutl, ma si dice
solo cho tra avlntorl austriaci nun fecero
rltorno alia loro base. Sta di fatto che
due ncroplanl austriaci furono abbattutl o
qunttrn avlatorl, uno del quail ferlto,
furono fnttl prlglonleri.
"Ad ognl modo II bollcttlno nustriaco
dove fare uso dl false asser.lonl per
glustlflcaro I dlsastrl snffcrtl dalle squa
driglle austrlacho che dal 27 marzo al 7
aprlle hanno pcrduto ben 12 macchlnc."
in and year out loaded to
cost is so low as to
demonstration in
Established 1897
"How the Mid
dle West Feels"
on Wilson
Roosevelt and
Hughes, and
their relations
to Villa and Ger
manyhow it feels
on almost every
thing political ex
cept thp-tafftff is told
by IirtyJ. Allen
i n t hi s week's
Clio 5'acf
Wtllnrd Film Men Face Arrest
NKW YOntC, April 12. Five of tho men
concerned tn the recent effort to got the
Wlllnrd-JohnBon pictures Into this coun
try by rephotographlng them across tho
Canadian border lino near House's Point,
N. Y probably will bo arrested today by
the Federal authorities here. The de
fendants nro then to bo arraigned be
fore United States Commissioner Hough
ton for removal to Syracuse whero In
dictments havo been handed down charg
ing them with violation ot the taw against
Importation Into tho country or tho ship
ment In Interstate commcrco of any pic
tures depleting pugilistic encounters.
T1 "ftfS who' want
ror Men t?.
tailored in latest styles from
fine fabrics;
w c
"c .
offer values thai P J.ffl
will surpfftc yot
jrpfftic yoiH. ifirfx
suits To Akasurui and up
O &
.r t
mmmmtmimt . -zuObmK
ittaaaMrirtaiaailiMliitiiriii 11 m mmm&jkmMimmmiix