wn nmw -wrtQWm m i WM iqnyf mnw " jMi n WMpK nil . IM". " ' ," "'. & " 1 raflpvi'rs -""tf-ntw.-" - '' 'v?PlW EVENING tn3T)GT3R--IHTi;Al)Et;KB:TX WEDNESDAY, &PBII. 12, 19W. 3$ BEAL ESTATE FOB. SALE rENNSVLVANIA FATtMS Cinltnved from PrcctMno Paai GREEN I.ANB-Nearly new. out athYie rest' I denre. room, porch. ehldkelT irau-r, S rnl Hsu pic i neres, a squares rrom statina, pnc imuui easy ttm. WAtlNEIt MURrilY. Willow drove, Pa . IVYLAND 10(1 acres, stone And house, 12 rooms, water heat: good am-ln irrnln NGIl to quirk buyer, price tm.nnn hi; NIN & UBNNlNOr.n. Olensldo, rn, a.i-Acnn rotTirnr farm , - 10-room stone and frame hou-eiJiarn chicken nonm lor limn nene, rwd and colony nnuni spring house, SO fruit trees.etcj well watered VJ. '. PEIKRS ft HON, DOS CIIKSTNUT HT. "fSf" IBS ACHES. Cheater Vntlei Ston4 rooms. I7nnn I j, b Tuo.iirsoN. west Chester. r." liAnon Oil SMALL PAnMS! let -ne fcnow wnat you want, ROQQENTINEt M3o;aer tnantown ave. . xnv JF.nsEV rAti.Ms OMO ntVKR FAttM, about. 6 near river and Tin Beach! splendldlf equipped for poultry; modern concrete, residence, with water, light and heating apparatus; frame farm, house, 'outbid., expensive, chicken and brooder houses. F, O. Taylor LtncnM Bldg. NRAfriF. FAIlMn. nearest tn . rtillUtraln and trolleri write for pamphlet V J. , tiAUlAJiv ft lu.. Mflpie nqaae. n, it lOB-ACnR dairy farm. fln bufidlnssTTTiToOO. Immediate possession! 60-nere fjnfrfV near Mooreatown, SSOOO. Dresser, Itprlrnstnn. lift?. I REAL ESTATE SALE OB BENT riTY HOME Monthly paym n'C1? '2.!!!!1 ilsV fo t70 la. ana utrmaniown, 'innit to iuh. nta Union Truat Co.. lln-10 Cheatnut. Merchant) MAIN t.INK. PA.. It. It. H We Have an ExceDtftfnllJy llartre llat of very attraetlva fropertlea, both Hlfor sale and rent, at all prltfia; let u know Hlyour requlremrnla W HIRST & IMcRIULLIN V WnST END THIIST nt'ILDINfl. ,MW B. E.- SALE OB EXOHANOE IAtlOE Diamond at. realdeno with western expoaure; hrlcht. 1 ful house! will make great ant. to clone an estate, or will eaultlea In email Inveafment Ilin location and arranrement fdrrnpaftnifnt house. WM, 1,, CRAVEN'nvSON. 2010 uoiumtia ave. jf BEAL ESTATE TO EXOHANOE OWN a. house and stable with .10 acres of around and & house and atabla on a lot 60x100 at Ateo. N. J.; will exchanee for equities In mall houses. I. 13.1, Ledger nrf. 7T.T, ATehatitpe thtt enullv 1n annrtment botiae faclnr Falrmount Park, renting for 1137. for the eoulty In small oroprtles In nny part of city. Cameron Estate. 2811 Kensington Ave. IWIIAT have you to exchange? What do you waniT uarran. .nu w 11m si. BEAL ESTATE WANTED WANT TO TtENT building about 70x100 ft.. to De tiaeo. aa ornce ana warenouae ior ex- I press business In neighborhood of r.th and ! Vine ats. : one connected with stable If posal. ble. Apply Lawrence nnd vino etSj QUICK SALE for nny real eatalo at reason able nrlee: rent collected: mnrtgaee loana. ATtTHim HOHWELL. 233 N. 13th St. . IlENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, inert- rages ana nro insurance piaeeu nuirKiy, ocw Kane for prompt results. 2.128 Taalcer st. ItENTS COLLECTED Check mailed day afler collection. P. Albrecht. 24U W. Iehlgh ave. Lewis rlubnrbnn WANTED Properties for sale, rent or rent furnished to supply walling applications. RENNlNOEft & nENNINOElt. Olenalde. Pa. XE'.V JERSEY SEASIinitE VENTNOR residence, furn.. In exchange for 110.000 property, tlsla-Cynwyd-Ovrbrook fiprlne Lake cottn?t, rurn . and central res. n exchange for $10,000 suburban property. -ard. fuapyci'er xfSionjrf f or ifAs:ldertl wnn staDie K. J uenera. i.ui 1 nesimu. BEAL ESTATE POB BENT CITY ENTIRE BUILDING, With all modern equipment, contalnlntr 11,000 rqtiar ft flonr ftrn on I CHESTNUT STREET . ABOVE IIROAD. iS Is offered for rent for n term of years at a moderate rentnl; open for Inspection upon nottwi YARROW & VAN FELT 17TII AND. CHESTNUT ST3. IF YOB ARE I.0OKINO for an nttrartlve home be It dwelling: or npirtment call, phorujjor write to thla office. Every desirable r'ropnAty Is listed with or may h(y,rented hronfih us, ond our nutomoblles nrnf at your servlA. to help you to obtain Just whlrt you deslref tvlth the lennt nnsnlltla trnt'hle. tfRifAN S. SHERWOOD, lilt Walnut Bt. Spruco 3371. Race 3025. $55 2242 N. BROAD SJK 12 rooms and bath. HOWARD B. WILSON lACO.. 2122 Oermantown ave. , SOKES AND DWELLINGS In nil sections of ty, See our list In the Ledger Satucday. S. 13. cor. nth nnd Cnllowhlll. '' 28(11 EAST YORK BT . $2(1 8 ROOMS: MODERN CONV JNVENIENCEJ SAFE DEP. 70, itnut st. ' ji QUAKAMhi. Ti(i'r &. 31B-31W-320 Chea PARK-FBON'T RESIDENCE. No. 1011 Ntf.l.ld street. ,IeIow Oxford. 11 rooms, two coins. moaern porcn rront. large rear garren. PEMBERTON ESTATES. Harrison Building. 10 DAYS RENT FREE '10-jo HUIlman 813 Lambert St., 7 rooms ,. . ,$14 00 st.. 0 rooms :.... (ft 00 D CO.. 20th A Jefferson atB. 1-. UUIVAltU 2122 DE LANCET PLACE. , L 10 roams, 2 baths; new heatlns, pluraflng-; lie, ti.v ucui.iii.. I'liiiitF,,, iaper may be selected, vj ictrlc lights; paper may be MEARS & BROWN, 202 S x.in si. PARK AVE.. N.. 2143-2140 3-Btory dnell- Ings; 11 rooms; elegant orner; convenHtnota; low rent; keva 1010 N. 12th St. I WM. It. CRAVEN'S SONS. 1040 N. 7th. !23 CHESTNUT ST 20x235 to Sanstun t, extensive alterations made for dslfablo tenaws. Apply JOHN II. MILLER. V-tyS xina liie ui Liunaing, r B22 ClfEBTNUT ST : 28x230 to Sansom.St.l extensive alterations made for deslraietan- ants. Apply uonn a. Aimer, io x-ana aiiio Building. . rURNltiHED. 6 rooms, bath, living; room IRx jo, na.rawooa noor, eiecirio iignts, .o rrom May i a uctoDeri aooin. u -3i, i-eus d-er ijontnu. BENE D FOR OUR, RENT LIST TUU XAND TITLE AND TRUST Mroaq anq unestnut sis, RENT REDUCED TO $20 , . , 10 W, 11th st.: 0 rooms; all convenience. . MYERS & BARTH. Ridge ave. and 10th st. EtURAllLH CENTRAL RESIDENCE. 23 tS. (Z1BJ Dl,, HUK1 UUULUU 1U ARROW A VAN PEM'jJJTH b i $73 1)2 ISNUT CHE OWER AND UPPER FLOORS FOR RENT: yyiuu Aitir.u ivj oun ir..Ani. J. a JOHNSON. 224 N. 13TH BT.i iCENSINQTON AVE.- HWDUUIlIi O UUIIIB, UMII1 Apply 8821 Kenalngton ave. ,. t tt.fr am t.. .-.. ...t.. renovated! IS large, sunny rooms; large yd MTER8 ft BARTIt. Ridge ave. & lOfh Wt. ' 82N clarion ST,, s story. 7 roo pp?.' 22S N. Lamnert st.. 2 story, 7 r LEWIST. TAULANB, 000 Wal kHKYr. 421 4-atnrv bulldlne. ''0x200 tn rtrets lvator, itam heat; low Tfptrtl. ttvjjrty j. imj t . iu Jintnut at. , XL da., uaiuw itttiiiui, u, lettfl y ' feilor ojuaiNKas niui'iJiiTY); enticrnu.u Finy; row iiynt. Appiy on pretnmee. WX NT LIST gladly aent upon-IeWiiest Inr, 16 IT Columbia ave. UU-1. Uwn,. A.OU14 AlVtW U4Ui S. lOTH ST Suitable for physlolfn: 11 M OXCJOSS. , room and a natnrooms. edoa nil vainut t. 1343 N, OTH ST. 3-story dwelllnr, aeiordarj' 11 rooms; low rsni. WM. L. CRAVEN'8fSONS. 1846 - ST.. tin. $ Business Properties and Stoi 73B.728 MARKET ST. About 70 feet from 8th at. STOBB AND BASEMENT ENTIRE 0-SToJtY BUILDlNa fiO'feet front by 160 'lasenger and 8 freight elevators: rear out et to atreet; ateam heat and electrlo light; uiomtic sprinaier sysieio; nign ceiunga. OSCAR J. BAMBERGER & CO 120 Chestnut at. hj SPUING GARDEN STLato atore rfnd h upper xloora; suit retallOKnjblesale line. xg.ll PAM1' (iioice ave, ana luia SI, CHESTNUT 6T La,rr slcreand bid. miaaru and baaeuifcct inrougn to nan- In- kias.ii at, mui mu, ou. ti frelibt elevator) hvery cesv. Horace Yarole: , i tsestnut. MARKET STREET; US hIIn halldinr To rear atntbtTTlot SS.Ss? IVtllOt 390; t..-.. . . . . t ..-- .t . .Apply Ftrma KAJ., VII V.UHU1UI SI. nna vtaaA. Vlih or without dwellias .tfoUloa; rlsfat dl I Tioga station tin location. Vf I MYfarta tuniit. mw ava ana imn at. Ota Iv" 1STH BT . 4 STORjriWUJLDINa i1 h'titi T CffAS W MILL 401-407 Commonwealth Building'. k-HESTNUT 8T iSt -5-stt itorv. , store. Six 12 ft to a, courtyard. BAMOJ1L Vf. LEVIS.' lual Estate Trust EaUdirur, ,io huh leum.iac' SUirea and Dmlllax IPT BREEZE AVE UMtVand Fe4erall Ullbli. 1 twlrooma. athrodm pain roe heater 2 tolle. f AlUlCai- I IV a .UiU BL Ink BT ItDv Store n Ji uryooroj an con. vaeleate ' e-mail fjh : djor itiR LUliCk USV-f c let, wini twill lUffrOM). aiu44i.' iuty wucisut at- ' .y mo aiura mm and-' heater, '1S, 11 REAL ESTATE FOB BENT Stores nnil Dwellings Continued from Precedina Column y 2916 RIDGTOnBfeEI'I'b .. Modern; ault any business; cheap'; key 8018. WIltTnT AVKNt'E No. ' filnn.-.rinV corner fcr nny business. PBMBr.imWKSTATBS, 1438 South B8th street. HF.NT.Vt. LISTS THR rF.NNSTLVANtA COMfANT For Insurances on Live- OrnnMml Annuities, r.17 Cheatnut at Both Wiodre, .... STOIU-1H AND DVi:Ll,ffiV .... lfl.fl WalnutHrlSr.o.oci! 2IS S Urfh.inr J2fj(.3l .nous. i.ith,ior inn.nn sn s. sad. aor ir.o.mj 2(120 1,001st. 15r 12.1.001310 rine, lor.. 10S.34 na rine. inr. ins u( 4ZOPHroail.inriuu.uu inifl yrn. it Jnr 7n.ooi,inir.ltn.lKr 7n.uii in"-' I'inn, nne nu. 70.00U 120 N, 10th, 17r 0.00 7n.ooiiiiiH rine, mr, tin 07 no. 00 ro.oo bo. 00 43 00 43.00 43 on 41 07 40.00 37.BO 32.00 nn a mi.t Qifti loih.ltr y.f.'i'i ii'in v.rrrn. jni no. 00 132 nirard,. 14r ioui j-npiar, jar 00 00 li'HH S.Hrood.lOr tii m :iii. inr 118 R Ad. on no! xm iiace, 1 or,. 1022 Oxford. 12r 1.133 N 17th. llr 1IMI Maater, 13r 1110 lmhard.Or 171 1 Oiford.llr nnn a tnh. llr 4S.0I 170 AVnll'e, lar 1W ,327 N Ijai N .123 N. Rth, IBr isth.iar 2lat,flr 40.00! 40.00 17.10 N. 10th,12r 3.1 001 R2S P. 4th. llr xa itm?!tn f'ntttmln.l2r 2022 N. llth.llr H.nn 141R wharlon.nr 2 on 2130 Market.llr 27 00 111.1 N.flth, inr 2r..on Hill iiainn Ke.iir a nu I7Z N xom. ur V" inp 020 rnlrm'nt.sr 2411 Master, Or. 2141 N, 11th. Or a. mi Hharpnnck.ilr; 2S.no 2.1.00 1015 N' Rth nr .t ooi 1438 S 13111 nr 0.1 vine, nr. 2.1 ou P2(l N. lOth.lOr 24 00 720 N Market.Pr 21.00 !23l Ilalnb'se.lir 22.00 tyo N I'r'klln.Or 22.00 r..10 fj.Dp'nn 10f 'if nn Oitlr. M .Tttaatin.nr 21.00 ISO I need. 7r.. 20 0012002 Turner, fir. 20.no ,PI1 I,ntlmer.ll)r 20 ooll42irHlllea, 7r.. 20.00 11311 N.Watts.Rr 20 oniMlif N.Cnmacnr 18.00 614 Parrlah, Br 18 nnili28 Van relt.Tr lj.no 1018 rederal, Or 18 001 loo N CnriMeiOr 17.00 P23 Fnlrm'nt.nr 10 (Wilson N nlns'd.Or 10 00 811 N Amer, Or 10 01)1 8 lid'a ct ,flr If 00 1001 I,emnn. 7r in ooi Pin Nect'ne. or 1.1.00 l'I:RT PlllliADKI.PIItA. . , 4110 Pine, 2rtr .7r..00.1llo IMwel'n.llr $11.00 inn N 4ntli.l.lr .in ooi42l8 Olrard, llr. 35.00 431 N Md. tir nr. no 4120 Rananni, lOr 80.00 .181.1 s Oar'n.l Or 20 Ooi SOON. May. 8r 10.00 4712 Olrard, IT. 10 nni HTOIUIH ANI DWELUNOS .. 221 H. Ifllli.lDr JTO OOI 12 V. 2d. Nr.tlt.07 1(100 I'oplar, 10r 41 07 2S1 N 2d. 18r. . 40 on 11)12 Oxford, llr 30.(i0ln10 N 20(h. lor 27 BO B18 N. 3d. Br.. 25 00 724 N, Front.llr 2.1 00 818 W Nnr'la.Or 21 0OI231B Itidce. llr.. 2100 loos rnirm't, Or 211 tin 4l7 0reen. 7r.. 22 00 12,1 iv oxfrd.nr 21 noi!328 N. corl'le.7r 20 no 120 Bnulh. 4r. n 001 P23 H 2d. 8r. . . 20.00 01101I12OH. 2d. nr... 211 no 2.10.1 Amber. 7r. 1204-0 H. 2d, 7r u 00 .ut wnarion. or iu.uu 30.1 a. 11TH BT 12 rooms and 2 baths; ateam heat: Juat renovated throittjbouv IRAdMARTEIt BT. 12 rooma,'yJ bnthai.itood rnnrtltlon. J '"V" 1242 W. AI.LEfltlENY AVE. (tor. 13th): 11 rooms nnd hath. 1120 O.XKQUD BT. 0 rooina nnd bath. ISOI DIAMOND HT 11 rooms nnd 2 baths. 1404 KRANKT.IN HT. 8 ronma nnd balh. CltAH. I.. IIIUIWN CO.. 217 S. Hrond at. B S. 43d at $20 11)2.1 Ingcrtoll at.. Bsns l.ellligow 1L2221 Orlaifna .Kid Cninbrln 12 :i2t"Pidlna 0 Myrtle 111111.1 N Cnnno .. 2(11(1 Cntlmrln" ... SMlil-KmernM .... ALFRED II. WILLIAMS 022 Walnut at. .$11 . 10 . m rnctorlra. Wurrliiiiiacs, Mfc. Floors 720-72R MARKET ST. MODERN MANUFAiJTH'RINrj FLOORS 8000 square feet dnch (noxlOO) Windows on four sides, Rhino- excellent light: passenger nnd two large freight ele ators: sprinkler astem; low Inatirnncc; hleh ceilings; rent renaonablo. OSCAR .1. IIAMIIERnER CO. , 1201 Chestnut st. .112 Vl 17T1I ST. SECOND n.OOR - 80 by 03. Modern factory bide, heavy construction. Light on four aides. Heat and clevnlor service. J. EDWARD LUTZ. 240 N. 17th at. central Manufacturing or btoraoe FLOORS , I Steam heat, electric eldyatbrs.' modern build ings, v 1 227 N. 23d; 2 rooms, each 40x132. 228-230 N. 2.'d at.. 2 lloora. MULi). Reasonable rentnls. - HARRY T 8AUNDER8 31 SOUTH 18TH ST. MANUFACTURING floor. i3 . frbnts. superior light. ll.lHO'sq ft . elevainf. I'at. R. It. sld Ing. low rale of Ins.. Riittnuatorflrn In Mdg. ; CONV. TO FREIGHT & TELEGRAPH OFS. located 11 blocks south of Market st Apply C. J. Milne A Sons. 11th nnd Washington av. CENTRAL LOCATION Six floors nnd basement. f2j.(MJ0 square feet, high celllnc elevator, (tooH-Jllgfit. rear outlet: stable nrd rarige If desired: also two-story building 40x1(1 feet: 00 per cent, light. TAULANB. 000 Walnut st nnoM A. eontnlnlnr 13.040 nnuarn feef, , nnd nonm "tl ." 8000 squaccKiei; inirii noor. Frets Building. lOlh Diamond sts: Will rent itennratelv or together. EJectric power day and night Apply Fretz Realty Co. uor. lotn nna uiamona sis Metropolitan Buildin ntan liuildina1 Itms. 8000 tovjp 00f GEO. F. LASHCR.l BROAD, AND WALLACE sa. ftl CheaD FlreDroof power. Ar 47 N. loth at. N. BROAD GT . 011-10 Manufacturing floors light on four sides; freight lamjt passenger clevntora: low Insurance. 700 Sanaorp st. 7000 SQ FT--3 story brick. lsr(re,yardi"jUBt renovated, will alter. J. Alan Mlddlcton. 000-11 Wldener Building. PhitaHelphla.- v Stuliles lrnrt HP:VT.-Rtahle. 1023 tbhert- St., 3 alalia. Aonlv E. FetherstO! ileal 'liJiaio ts. Trust Co . Broad and Cheatmr OFFICES. BUSINESS HOOMH. ETC. OFFICES AND STUDIOS FUI.LEH. 10 8. 18th Bt. WALL BLDG., 1710 Chestnut St. SMITH BLDG., 8. E. cor. J8h nnd Market Bts Offices, business rooms and studios, large and small rooms, single and en aulte: elevator service and all modern appoint ments, will suit architects, dentists, artists, muslrlanB and other purposes. Rent $19 per month upward. Write or apply for list. J. C. FULLER. 10 8 18th st. 1118-20 CHESTNUT) STREET ARCHITECT'S PFFIOES 1100 sq. ft. Excellent north light. Mears & Brown, 202 S. 15th St. DREXEL BLDG. OFFICES. Annual Rentals. Single rras. $120, $160. $2tip,,$22S, $500 1450 hultesS rms.,$144, JlflO.llJS. $200, $22S.f200 Suites 8 ran.' $275. $40O.$4SO, $300. $ROO.t100 Corner suites. 8 to 8 rooms, $300 to $1060. ELLIS D, WILLIAMS' 6Cu Drexel Uulldtns. HKVKRAL nraiitABM! OFielCES. 8INm.Pl AND EN SUITE VlOriKHN nun. SUITE. ALSO ICLOOll O FLOOR IN A NEW J.0DEUN BUILDINO I JAilcn it. v irjir-i.i. N. W. COR. 17TH AND SANSOM STS, HEED BUILDINO 1211-17 FlIbeA iO Centrally located; all conveniences: rents at tractively low; service conveniences. OFFICE SPACE to rent In th Insurance dis trict: will rent part of myvofflee with use of. telephone and atenoxrapher. B 123, Led- ger onice. CHESTNUT ST., 1020 Desirable yrtflces and studios at low rents; alsoVi scond-story front parlors. Apply Room '3 ' 1700 WALNUT BT. Desirable, offices for nhvatrlnm. ete.l heat, light and lailltor serv I Ice furn. Apply The 1'enna. CQw517 Cheatnut, otilLKa xor renti suns ot ruoins &rapiea io Insurance company; smaller otflcr. FOR RE3T BUILDING, 119 8, 4th b. Room 425. 1S32 ARCH, Sd floor. 2300 aq. rvifelevator; 1317 Arch. 2d-floor front; reasAiaWe rent, EMERSON CONRAD. 63 N. 10th, Professlenal Offices mitecTNIIT. 1823- Desirable offlas or studio; excellent lim. bhii kivj, steam heat: reasonable rent. running water. WEST PHILADELPHIA HA TWO-I USES. viela;hb THREE-STORY HOUSES. I TWO-BTORY HOUSES. SIDE-YARD HOUSES. many styles and prices in our nice ltfnoornoou. PEMUEKTON ESTATES. N W. cor. 68th and Willows ave. Convenient to trains and trolleys, near pars; ana pouievara. scnoois, churches. t 6328 MEDIA. 3-story. 6148 Brown ,,,,.,$23 im M onih 22 corner proa. .... ..,$10 0730 vma St. ,,;,Ti8 6121 Ogden ....... 16 6016 Poplar .20 1080 Filbert i..j... 14 JOHN BASFORD, S0S Haverford ave. 5402 CHESTER 18 .ROOMS 2 RAIVfS Modern residence; nicely touted: cheap rent. QUICK ft BRO.. Inc. 8 S. 40th. HHHMAN BROS, 601QMARKBT entsystores. House. upit(iuit!ii( Near BOTH ST. "L" ,BTATIOW For rent or sals: ' 330T WALNUT ST.. 11 ROQM8 1(1. rON'VHNIENCBSBJT t3S OUAKANTKB TRI'ST i BAFEtlBiV CO. B1C-318-320 Chestnti -r- J-STOHY TWIN HOUSES, carali front. 11 rooms ond bath; excellent tjaondttUn: $33. 1NTBR CiTT REALTY CO. "147 8. -Broad. 40TJI ST.. 2M B. (oor. LoouatW ? unfurnished corner rooms wim taiu. liofuirs -n qruff atore. f TO $60 Send Xor our list. J. A. Bhedwlck. 4MB Lang av. 1- Storea mnd PwclUnga MODERN store dwelling. 2-4rtoty. 62d ab. O!- map U bousbt now GarUaaer.8200 Warran. I rarn. nasi in uyauuH c lUKitKur ufKiii Factories. Warchonecs, Mfg. FUore FOK BBNT Beat studio It urliit, office lizbt mfi large aid. 11 2i0, Liit HUdJpnU. suit BEAL ESTATESOR BENT Continued from Preeedtntr Column cr.rtiiANTQWN y 30 DWE.flN-0. 11 IIOOM8' . eM-ror List. .. ... Centlnental-EgnltableTrast COjjl S12th. 1329 E. PrtlCE s. 10-rntTdw.. porch front. mod. plumb.! fleelr. neigh; rrnt.118 per mo.i can bo seeri any time: key 1 r nx loilt Lrt rtivp. Cheatnut Hill rnttMTTiv aisAT nr a irnp.s Towanda at. near Chestnut ave.: attractive modrn houaei 1st floor, living hall, drawing room, dining room, lavatory, pantry, kltohen and laundry and aervnnta' dining room: 2d floor, B bedrooma and 4 baths; 3d floor. .7 bed rooms nnd .1 batha; garagf1. ardener,'a cot tages tennla court! vege(ibo.'Kardenj old shade; the beat aertlon In chestnut Hill nnd one or the moat desirable properties In thla section; for rent unfurnished for. nne year or term or yeara. or furnlabed for the summer, HEUKNESH STETfiON Land Tllle tlulldlng. Tlogr TWO-STOnY. n rooms. a. hot-wrfterheat! h of Erl rf. 1 2R. 1 307 Vf Tioga. at. east side of 11th at . anuth It. A. WHITE, IVavne 1iinllon WAYNE .1UNCTKW 2R 1 .2R Chcapoat nnd m1 rch-frfrnY liWiae; nil ri a' wallrto 'station. 4 t and moat aeairanie 3-atorv porcn venlencea: 2 mlnnlea' 1 on 403 N. 20th at., above Qermantown ave. York Itoad 120 NEW side-yard houaei nfso 2 at J10 nnd one at 118: small famUlcaf ateam heat; 4 llnea cars, nrown, 0100 York rd. Oak Lane CO.MronTAIIttE HOME In 1 -rev ft! section' of Oak l.nne. iz rooms. 3 hat class tennla court: rent IHrge lot, flrst- .1. T. JACKSON CO. Oak Lane. PENSIVttVANIA Mm.lirt" U A4tmUIl xelVTun! mmer r AMIlLEn. PA. Attractl lahed 12-roe.m nouae ror rent tor Matllson ave. longer, inn ELKIN8 PAltK Large atl-elc house: ga rage, 21S neres, finest corner property. In Elltlnn Park, shade, shrubberx and garden; every feature necessary for attractive sub urban home: rooms all large and airy: spa rloua porches J. T, JACKSON CO., Chestnut andl3tli; Ul.ENfll DE Modern rn housefly n andrtMldv, with Conven- lenees, near train S0.1 ner mnnth rrom 12" 10 A UENNIN- ..PER, nienslde, Pn. JEN'KINTOWN A dealrablrrrelllng with 14 rooms. 2 baths. In (in foxrellent condition nnd good location, cnnveroeni to train and trolley: $.10 per month. " HERKNlisH & STETSON LAND TITLE nUII.DINO JENKINTOWN NINE ROOMS AND RATH. Electric and goa llBhlar rot-water heat, open llreplnre, nearly newf- pn lot BOxlUO; $30 per month IinRKNESS STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDINO HUNTINGDON VALLEY FARM Colonial farmhouse, 12 rpoma nnd 2 baths; reniotleled, hot-woterhlvt. electric light, telephone. hnfdwoodf1norr71 neira of land: on maendam road: mllo from railroad sta tion: large stable with n number of box stalls: spring house; modem garage: old shado around house: old orchard; running strenm: severnl ncrea of woodland: house (ommanda pretty vbw of meadow nnd la ad jacent to the Huntingdon Valley Hunt: high elevation. HERKNESS & STETSON Lnnd Title Illdg. JENKINTOWN Sufmrbail homes from $10 to $120: nlso fumlaked houses for the autnmer. ALFRED II. THANK, Jenklntown MOYLAN IB R's; garage: 1 1-8 ncrea. $00 mo. JIOYLAN 13 Il'sr water heat, etc.: 1 nrre: $.1(1 month. MOYLAN 10 R'e: garage: 1 aero! $30 mo. JIOYLAN 11 R's: wnter heat, etc.; 200x200 ft.; $41 month. C. P. PETERS & SON. 008 CHESTNUT BT. ROSE VALLEY 10 mlnuter walk frrn Moy lnn Stntlon: convenient to both PHIla. nnd Chester: attractive heme: bns hot-water heat nnd every other mod Conv. : K rooms: rent s:i() per mo. WhltesldnA McLnnahan.lOth & Pine. WYNCOTE Modern house, with gnrage, $3,1 , 10 rooms. $30t Maunce J. Hoover Real Estate Trust Illdg. LARGE ALL-STONE HOUSE. OARAGE. 2 neres: finest corner prorsTty In Elklus Park; shade, ahrubbersf ind garden: every feituro necessary for attractive suburban home; rooms nil large and aley: spacious porches. J. T. JACKSON CO. Chestnut nnd 1.1th. UNFURNISHED AND! FURNISHED country seats sndBiipurhnn homes. HERKNESSfi- STETSON ' LAND TITLE. BUILDING . MODERN DWELLINGS. ,lftrfnms, baths. Bienm neai: large 101, xt(i ade: noftr stn- tlon: rent jr.il. M. Amtn.1201 Chestnut st. MAIN LINK. PA..-T. II. It. ... t, HAVERrORD MODERN CltollSE. near sta tlon. Three acres. 13 rooms and 2 baths; old shade, attractive location. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING HAVERFORD Stone house. M oofs'; garage; 13 rooms. 3 baths; $12.Vjnonth. WARNOCK ft F-JILEN Commercial Trust Bide. A Morion Residence and Garage Modem house, containing 8J bedrooma and 3 baths: garage for 2 cars and, room for chauf feur, largo lot In best, location And near station. ' SAMUEL C. WAGNER JR. COMMERCIAL TRUy BLDQ. MAnnirnTir .Tlrnnd.new bouaas. all convenl- ences. $10 upward. Harris Real Estate. opposite station. Narberth. Pa. ST. DAVID'S Attractive 'lp-Vbom honie; fur nished season or long lease. Address owner. O 403. Ledger Central. , VI LLANO VA Desirable 8-story 15-room stono Lancaster ave. near Sprttie'MIll minutes' walk to train or trolley. dwelling, road; Ave Apply The I'enna. Co., on cnestnut ot. WTNNEWOOD FOR RUNT 30Ms nor road 14 rooms, i' pains; larae lot oia sneasioo. WALTER B. SMITH. WynneWoed.lt MODERN HOUSES. 130 to various stations. Bend for $200 nsrinonth. reclaims liar- peri & uiagnorn 04 Bailey Building. NEW JERSEY SUIlllltnAN HADDONFIELD For rent, 11-room ,h6use; alt conveniences: near strain and trolley, 11. L. Carter. 812 Franklin Bank Bldg.. Philadelphia. NEW JERSEY SEABnORE ATLANTIC CITY 8-room. modern bungalow. 4 bedrooma, with bath: open grate;- Urge porches: directly on water, with yacbt slip: In best Vantnor district; most attractive and livable Bummer hornet Immediate possession; Bell phone, Atlantlo 7283. Inquire Bt, Bur rey Apt. ATLANTIC CltY"N Jl- For rent, fl-room apartment, inraianeate' n modern. 8 bay! .win dows and balioiry, fine view seaward, vu and down Board alk. II 128, Ledger Office. OCEAN CITY- N CITY For r list ot .hotils, s, bugahws, les tor the sumn rent, furnished., n com- Plete Doaraing nouses, cot apartments and . boat- tages. bouses summer season! send for our Illustrated booklet, free: oldest estab biisnea office In the resort. MASSEY ft EDWARDS. STONE HARBOR Cottages, bungalows and apartmentsfor rent, furnished, at moderate prices; sltated near ocean and channel: all conveniences VCall, phone or write for Illus trated booklet. South Jersey Realty Co., 3d and Walnut sts., Philadelphia. VRNTHnn Furrflahed 'cottages, HAND, New Haven and Ayraiytlb. Ventnor. N. j. 3?0R BENT ITTTBNISHED Chestnut 1IUI M SEVERAL DESIRABLE PROPERTIES FOR SUMMER SEASON MINTURN T. WRIGHT CO. MORRIS BUILDINO. PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN JENKINTOWN-Tha real summer home will attract Aou; located on knoll near train and trolleyevtry convenience; 11 rooms, 2 baths; lot lUOx'.tlOi rent, $126 per month. J. T. JAOK8QN CO.. Oak Ijne. YURN! EI AND UNFURNISHED coun beats and auburban homes. ifUHUJESa A STETSON LANDTITLE BUILDING DESIRABLE IIOME SWARTHMORB. J rs. ; 2Alh 180-ft. porch; sleeping- porch, replaces: LTH acres: old shade, photograph. C. P. PETEHB ft SON. 608 CHESTNUT ST. MAIN LINE. PA.. 1. B. It. Ardmore Notth Side Attrsctlvi aquae In best location: 6 bedrooma and 2 batjW; screens, e to.; will rent from June t to October 1. $10a'pr month. SAMUEL 0. WAGNER. JR. COMMERCIAL TRUST 3LD0. J Ad, II. we b ON MAI and Schuylkill Vallev braneh have many attractive. IwiuaaA lor rent, furnished. Let u know your re -. avurrwsuti wuttwmo remfiiu early wniie tne selection 1 larjo. VJlwFH naninv ni-it.Tv tr '' iiAau mux amuuiiHi OR BENT FURNISHED Con tinned frtm rreeedlno Column NEW JERSEY SEA1!! SE.nORK all loaflona, sale, or ;?re, fiy, N, J. . CAPE ItAY FURNISHED cottages, all rent, w, 11 sneppara MOBTOAOES J,"" THERE ARE --SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING A MORTGAGE But there la only one beat way, If you desire a first mortgage or a building nnd loan aecond mortgage nnd valuo efficient eervlce, quick and satisfactory reaultB nnd moderate charges CALL, rltONE OR WRITE TO THIS OFFICE. We are In a poaldon to really secure re sults, which, after all. Is morn Important to you than all the promises In the world. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1111 WALNUT STREET. Spruce 3071 Race 302S ADVANCES TO BUILDERS A SPECIALTY $.100,000 TO INVEST IN F1RBT MOIITdAOES In the City of Philadelphia LOWEST MARKET HATES Apply to HAZLETT A MOBS 018 WALNUT ST. . Lombard 321(1. Main 170. MONEY FOR MORTOAOE3 JOHN J. HOFFECKER MORRIS HUILDINO MONEY FOR WELL SECURED MORTGAGES LOWEST RATES ALSO niMLDIN'O ASSOCIATION FUNDS FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES JAMES G. FRANCIS 703 WALNUT 8T. . FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Repayable In term of yeara or on Instalment plan. Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRING GARDEN $.10 TO $3000 MORTOAOE OR NOTE REAL ESTATE SECURITY Pnable In Instalments If desired. Settlements same day If desired. BUILDING ASSOCIATION FUNDS DEMI'SEY k CO. 27 8. lOTH ST. S35.000 At Your Disposal We hae $35,000 building association money every montn to loan on first and secona MORTGAGES. Prompt nlttnllon given B. IUICIISHAUM & PONS. 72.1 Walnut at. MONET TO LOAN ON 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES LOWEST RATES. QUICK DECISION ALSO BUILDING ASS'N MONEY J. J. Turner, 1201 Chestnut St. $50 $100, $200 TO $5000 Mortgage or note, real estate security; pay able easy terms: settlement same day. LEWIS & CO. 1227 W. C.IRAltD AVENUE ARTHUR BOSWELL, 233 N. I3lh St.. hns funds for first and building nstnelitlon mort gages. Prompt attention. Modernto coat. $B0 TO $2000 To loan on real estate security: Immediate settlement: pavnble as desired. EDW. M. MOLL 133 S. 12TH ST. MORTGAGE MONEY Sums tn Suit. Firsts ond Seconds. C SEIDEL ft CO.. INC. Itli nnd Callnwhlll sts. ANY AMOUNT plnred quickly on 1st or 2d mortgage, large truat funds on hand nnd 20 building associations with ready money; nulck action Is my motto, try me. Chas. .. de Young, 400 Weat End Trust Bldg FOR SALE MORTGAGES . JAMES D. WINCHELL N. W. COR. 17TK AND SANSOM STS. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES LARGE AND SMALL BUMS QUICK ANSWERS II HOOD. 012 W. NORRIS ST. w. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS JOHN G. WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR, TO LEWIS II. REDNER 727 Wnlnut at. .7 R. MASSEY ft SON 13TH AND GREEN STS. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES BUILDING ASSOCIATION FUNDS' MORTGAGES SECURED BUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY nRUlHAvAftTPARKE, INC. -MoWY-ron . HIUBT AND 8ECOND HENRY S REED 1420 CHESTNUT BT. I HAVE A LARGE FUND to loin on first and Verond mortgage security, but will deal onlv with Individuals No brokers .wr."" particulars tn I, 744. I.cdscr Centrnl full FiltST MORTGAGES roil HA1.I-; IN VAlll OUS amnunta. nartleulars mailed on appli cation PEMBERTON ESTATES, Harrison Building. ItrnTJTJlT'T.T. FUNDS FOR rlRST AND v uiuvuuu HKCf SECOND MORTaAQES 60S N. 17TH ST. MONEY FOR ,SnTKAND,2D4MORTOAGE3 709 WALNUT ST. 020 SPRUCE ST "LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES lOHM A. BARRY. 007 UNO TITLE BLDG. for first and aeeond mortgages ..l.t, .niurtt Low rates William James Keogh, 600 Drexel Building. t.-.. 1 . an,1 A TrinrtraBrefl. nnv amt. : MONEY PU1 Oing n.anriHlltilini n. .rti.i.t. MOW" fiOODSTEIN, 410 ralrmount ave. "t irivn TfiTvns FOR FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES. ' WM. BARR. 8th and Oak lane "rhuST FUNDS FOR FIRST SIORTaAOB JllUDi f.V-ntftJP.RB BTETSON li ND TITLE BUILDINO FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES r""" MORTGAGES FOR SALE THEO E NICKLES. 2018 Oermantown ave. BuTLDmossociATmN and private rtOBERT J. NASH. 1001 CHESTNUT BT. "DEED'S DRAW. 11, .MiilllUAUt-a, 11.00. 1 1 12 Lincoln Bldg. Both phones. pitNDS'rOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOE3 rU"U ANY AMOUNT POTTS ft THOMSON. 2321 Frsnkford ave. iinuvv FOR Minmuuta iAAn tn tinonno JACOB A FRITZ. 1101 Land Title Bldg. ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTGAOES - CVnllr anaar. MAURICE H. MAT8INOER. RI. Esf.Tr.Bldg ifUNDS for nraL seoondorepllt mortgafea. 188 8. 12th, 272 N. Sth. JTVEPERCENT. BUILDINO ASSOCIATION y MORTOAOE8 M. OETZ. 15TH AND YORK. BOTH PHONES- OWNERS If your mortgage hss been called, I will take It up; also 2d mortgage money. CHESTER D. ROTTNER. 1420 Chestnut st. BUILDINO AND LOAN association money for first and 2d mortgages. Address Secretary. it 3ltf i-eoger un". HAVE I70.00Q trust fund fir good first mort gage in amount 2000wand upward. It 228, Ledger Office. EMEROENCY FUNDS placed at once: any sum; Immediate answer j lowest rates T.J. X, DEIANY. 1112 Lincoln. Brosd and Penn Bo,, FIRST M.ORTOAGE of 13300. desired on prop erty on buslnee thoroughfsre, renting for 150 per month, CALLAHAN. 2301 South. HONEY TO X0AN READY MONEY Loaned to Housekeepers You can get $18 to 1204 from 11 quickly, nrlvatsly and without red tape If you are nouaVksePlng We. a a NE W CONCERN. LICENSED AND BONDED. Your month y payment on $38 la only $3 Your monthly payment on )73 la only $8 sou. m wuh lnttrMl at . Your monthly payment on $182 la on y $11 Your 'rVarat1.'- Dir Ut Be ua. write ua or phone Walnut 4385, HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. SOUTit wiuau fiineusr 8' BeCQi Od Door. r(exB 10 aorresc ineair. Open S Jl., JU. fcW It a. tM- ...iMlMf W -. iU. YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS, JEWELS, ETC. $26 AND UP. it. ' 175 . 0600 ' I'-iR 154 ntiiywvs 1JS MARKET ST. KIDOe AVE. AND OXFORD ST. ?2D AND SOUTH BTS. wrti'K jiiAr uottage. 7 rooma s oacan rront moderato rent, TAULANB. tfofwfttnut at. MONEY LOANED to heir of unsettled e. taus , luerest bought F.V. MARTIN ViU 1 6teta Girud Tate., si e, i:tu Jt, IfeN- SCRAPPLE cvf I A Bncholor In the Making . THE PADDED CELL Itondon Ideaa. fN- " V SI Safety First J Q CI .VT l"T5r r t I t-tw Vv ifll iH Jjf & $?lf I - H If y ?? his'place H THE - London Opinion. Tlie Mold F.ven Lonrton ts danger ous tlieBe days, I.oolc nt tho number of street nccldcnts. The Jinn If you girls will wear such short skirts, how enn you expect tho men to look where they're going? . AHEM-AHEM. 6Ei1TLEEtl7Hl5 IS AK UNEXPECTED HONOR- AHErV-MnW At(DvmiLE.Ir1f10T A SPEECH MArtK 1ELLIT I T0THEr1 I .ll-lt"V I I i"-""" 1 ty.sKr 1 Pi WEH-W;rivrj ftl rmk & THEAVERAt.E.FELlOVv WHO IS CALLED UPON FORAiPEEfH (.teg. AW- HDN (,P.ttfcM. sT-ss (S MINUTES') fc Regimental Tics .TS. xWT&F The Passing Show. "Scusa me, Kernll, but 'ave yer trot a chew o' baccy nbnht yer for the, slko of the old ree'inlnt?" AND THE WORST c-frvVBl(ir2f4 laaaaaHeiaattaaaaMttMaHa LOUDER'; t.ftHEM'. &y L00DER'- ) ( HS .i4tew8 ms 1 .. t.wia-ru. - tyxsizii DID IT EVEIt HAPPEN TO YOU? AHEM AHEH.' POLLAfOOPLE O'tOnD 10KES -Ji AfA' YOD'LL J HAVE. THE. CROWD V4ITH -VfOO SvTT ('ATTHEENDOF IMINDTE) ftFrlTFMEN ITISft 6REiTPlEASDRET0 HF.1UI-H.OU.I- 1L- T0 5PEftrCT0V00 AHE.ri-PW-E.R " N (IMIHUTES) Looked Iho Wrong Way Wilson Did you see how pleased Mrs. Brown was when I told her eha didn't look any older than her daugh ter? Barnes No; I was looking- at the expression on her daughter's face I IS YET TO COME ,-.r t I m tfmxS mm 1 f xgxpm -" rg v AnEH!-ER-ER-ftH( ) FEEL L1E TOE MNHWn-FC-AH tviiirv HK MlFV ONToSPEAK-ArtEM' ITtlEHtHAT -""av-..; Lai' OttEPraouT THT COWRED PKEftertEK iAtFTHFORO ( 2, niNljTE-S ER-R-Ar)-AHEhf ) THNKKVO-AnEH( Kl ruA06A '-CSoC.-fe, 'o t- vfirsffiia Efi YZxnf : ft 7 -Sr MORAL- . IPWvilMlF(4'-AN .." uoMininESTHinGTQSPir-iTiwi Quito the Contrary -Detroit Free Fres. "My husband tells me that he waa out late last night with N your hus band." v. - vThat Isn't so. I want.Jftm to un derstand that my husband was out with your husband." Appropriate "How do gave you? you Ilka that cigar I It's an Admiral, you Know." vilow appropriate 1 There's some thing about that cigar that suggests an admiral." "What's that?" "Jt'a rank." ABE MARTIN Of all th campaign Ilea, "I'll ba homo ever" night after th' election, dear." is th worst A. wa.ru In' U all th' average, AmfrtctA neada mats him take a chance. t--yKasasX 5'. --- .. -JlPVVVUfivlCtll-ANS ... .i-unn.iiij rail- 1 rl Jf fir 0 (Pi) .&