- f My-liq- "s iIJf.--, V EVBNINa rBDBU-PniTJABlQLPHTA; WEDNESDAY, SVPRIE 12, !1 9lG IT -f- UN Lt ' i deaths BET.TAOOn.. On April . 11. 1PK1. ROSE ANNA. 8ELVAOG1L. Mloved Wlfo . of Leon nrd selvaggil and daughter of Bridget and th tsto James Reynolds, Relatives and friends ere Invited to nttend the funeral on Saturday morning nt 8:S(1 o'clock, from per mother's residence, 2110 8. L" at. Renutcm Uui t Our Lndy of Mt, Cnrmel Church at 10 o'clock. Interment nt Holy Cross Ceme tery. Automobile funeral. BINOLEY. On April 8. 1016, .GRACE A., daughter of Henry P. nnd Lottie M. Slngley and granddaughter of Orace A. and the late Walter D. Hackney, In her 25d year. Rela tlvea nnd friend" nre Invtted to nttend the fnnl trtn am Thnrtilnv. nt 2 n. IT1. At her parents' residence. 23d. and Mngarlno lane, le.terment at Trinity Lutheran feme tery. Remains may bo viewed on Wednes day evening. 6MMON,-At Mt Jfntly, N. J., on April 1). 1910, HMMA J wife of William J. Slnmon, In her 44th year. Relatives. and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, from, her late residence, 19 Main at,, Mt. Holly, N. J,, m Thursday, nt 8.30 a. m. High Maes of Re. ?ulem at Sacred Heart Church, nt 0:30 ,. m. nterment at Bt. Mary's Cemetery. BLANK. On April 0. into. ANASTAfltA. daughter of Daniel and Bridget Slnne. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, at 8-30 n. m , from her late residence lll.1t N Rd st. Solemn Requiem Mass at St Michael's Church, nt " precisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. 8MUH,-On April 0. 11)1(1. WtLLTAM J-. hus band of Delln Smith. aged an venrs Rela lives nnd friends, also the tnka Tribe, No. 870. Imp. O. H. M.. and Gcrmantown Court. No. 53. F. of A., arc Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, nt 2 p m .from his lato residence, 113a Hnggcrt st Interment at Chelten Hills Cemetery Remains may bo viewed on Wednesday at S p tn. STOREY. Suddenly, on April In. Into. .1. It. It. STOREY Relatives and friends of fam ily are Imlted to attend funeral servicer at his late residence. 1740 N 20th St., on 1,i ,i ,.1,111 ri.i ' Interment strictly Saturday, nt 2 p. m. private. 8TOEPPLEWERTH. April In, 11)10, CHAS. H.i husband of Mary F, Stnepplewcrth (neo Price). Relatives and friends of family, also Waseca Tribe, No. 48. Imp. OR M . Dlll- ?ent Council. No. 4, aro Invited to nttend uneral services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m . nt his brother-ln-law'a residence, Harry Price, 111B Shacknmaxon st Interment private. Remains may be viewed Wednesday after 7 P. m. Automobile funeral. BTRATTON. Near Moorrstown. N. J Fourth month 10th, 1010. HELEN P.. wife of Schuyler C. Stratton and daughter nt Aaron E. and Deborah D. Rorton, need 41 yearn. Relatives and friends nre Imlted to attend the, funeral, on Fifth day. Fourth month 13th, at 2 p. m., from Friends' Meeting' house, Moorestown, N. J. Interment private, at Colcstown Cemetery. Trnln leaves Market street ferry, Phlla., at 12:30 t. m., for Moorestown. BTItATTtlN. At Ocean Drove. N. .t on April, 8, 1010, SARAH, widow of Charles titration, of Philadelphia. In her T3d year. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Wednesday, at 10 a. mi. nt Cedar Hilt Cemetery, Frankford. Interment at Cedar Hill, BULLIVAN. On April 10. 1010. DAVID A., husband of Emma Sullivan (nee Wachtor), aged 42 years. Relatives nnd friends are In Vlted to attend funeral, on Friday, at 8:30 a. m., from his late residence, 700 Robins ave., Lawndale. Requiem Mass nt Church of Presentation at 10 a. m. Interment private BESANICII. On April 10. 1010. ANSELMO. husband of Margaret Hueanlch (nee Dillon). Relatives and friends, also II. V. Sodality. Bacrod Heart and Holy Nnmo Societies of Annunciation Church, aro Invited to at tend funeral, Saturday, nt 8-30 a. m., from his late residence. 1020 Morris st. Solemn Mass of Requiem at Annunciation Church at 10 a, m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. YLVESTEH. Suddenly, on April 8. 1010. BENJAMIN HERRING SYLVESTER, need 71 years. Relatives and friends, also Trim ble Lodge. No, 117. F. nnd A M.. nnd nil other societies of which he was a member. are Invited to attend funeral services, Thura day. at 1 p m , at the pnrlors of K. Roedel & Sons, 414 S. Bth st., Camden. N. J. In terment prlvutc. nt Laurel Hill Cemetery. Friends may view tho remains Wednesday evening, from 7 to 0 o'clock. WASHINGTON. Suddenly, on April 8 1010, HENRY W. WASHINGTON, Funeral serv ices. Thursday, at 1( a. m.,'nt his Inte resi dence, 1203 South 13th st. Funeral private. Interment at Eden Cemetery. WENTZ On April 10. 1010. JANE WENTZ. aged 88 years. Relatives and friends are In vited to attend funeral, on Frlduy, at 2 p. m., from residence of her son-in-law, Harry W. Shepherd. 108 Ruco St.. Ambler, Pa. Interment private. WESTERMANN. On April 10. 191(1. ALICE FRANCES, daughter of Charles and Mary Westermann, In her loth year. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral, on Thursday, nt 8:30 n. in., from her parents' residence. 3nl0 Hnudlnnt st. High Muss nt Church of the Ascension nt 10 a. m. Inter ment St Peter's Cemetery. WEISS. At her residence. 2008 North 18th St., on April 11. 101". HENRIETTA, widow of Jacob 1). Weiss, aged 78 earu. Notice of funeral Inter. WIIITAKEK. Suddenlv, on April n, 1010. FRED, husband of Elizabeth Whltnker. Rel atives and friends, also Hope uf Kensington T.nri?i. XV 7143. I. O. O. F.. and all soci eties of which he was a member, are imlted to attend the funeral services, on Thursday, st 2 p. m.. at his lata residence, 20 11 E. Huntingdon st. Interment private. Friends ' may view tho remains on Wednesday, from 8 until 10 p. m. CLASSIFIED RATES in effect April 1, 1010 EVENING LEDGER AGATE LINE RATE. FOR EACH INSERTION THIS STYLE TYrE (or like this) One or two times .'.... JSe Three times one week IS - Six times one week . . liki Situation Wonted three times ono week, loo Holn rmrl Situation Wanted and Lost and Found ads aro inserted in tho Daily Public Ledger without ad ditional charge. Want ads under all other classifications may be repeated In the Ev-M.sn Leuoer nt com bined rate: One or two times 23o Three times one week lne Six times one week l.'so ' TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) U permitted In alt classifications wxcept Help sonals. Boarding and jtoorns When so sneel- neo, ana rivr, cnin --.,. ,,.,... ,.,. TO ANY OF THE ABOVE RATES. There is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at ofllco rates. LOST AND FQUND Tor Other Lost and Found Ails See Pago 1 .all Lost and Found Ads (it (he dally Piiblle Titnttf nrm rmngated in the luvenino LtdQCT some day tvlthaut extra charge. BUNCH OF KEYS lost on 24th St., between Sansom and Chestnut sts. Reward. MAT. MOTOR CO . 100 S. 24th st RINOS Lost. 2 diamond rings, ladles' room Hotel Hanover, new. If returned to manager. NOTICE la hereby given that the undersigned baa made application for the renewal of cer tificate No. 700170 for 2 shares of stock of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Issued to Vera Jl. Wagner, and dated the 13lh of December. 1007. the same havlnir been lost or destroyed. WM. O. HOPPER & CO., 23 B, 8d st. PEHSONAIS ALL PERSONS are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting any of the crew of the Norwegian motor bark "Caracas," from Havre, Franca. N. II Jensen, Master, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by the Master, owners, or by Earn Line Steamship Company, agents. ORDERS ON DEPT. STORES. Easy Tarms. STEWART ORDER SYSTEM. 101 H.jSTIt BT. UNCLAIMED TEEEOBAMS WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO.. 1501 CHESTNUT ST Mr. Psdonor, Kochl G. Kulla. Mrs. William Rice. Mr. II. Crpgan, Mrs. Arthur McCoy, R. E Cochrane, Jas. II. lieal. Esq., E. II, Townsend, George Do fan. Helen Q. Clark, It. W Soudera. W If. Martini", Mr. Bingham. P. DeCojne, Mrs, J. J. Healey. John MacTulten, POSTAL TBLEQRAPH CAULE CO.. J420 S. - PENN SQUARE Miss Chloe Richter, Sal. mucca Vlncenzo, Fred Herblne, C. It. Jamer son. Arthur Keller. Cecil Dodd. HELP WANTED FEMALE Help Wpted Ads Received Too Late for ClasC efon Will be Found on Page S B1LLINO CLERK BLAUNER'S REQUIRE THE SERVICES OF COMPETENT BLL TNG CLERK: ONLY THOSE HA VINO HAD EXPERIENCE WITH ELLIOTT-FISHER MACHINE NEED APPLY. APPLY SU, PERINTENDENT3 OFFICE. 833 MAR. KT ST, I CANVASSERS Experenced women: house. hold necessities. Salary , and commission. WU. A. BIIULL. 142 N. 4th St. CHAMBERWORK and sewing: other light du- ttea; suburbs. Meet employer Room 205, BOS Chestnut at., Thursday. 10:30 a. m. CHAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS. FRENCH AND BELOIAN WOMAN PREFERRED FOR HOUSEKEEP. INO APARTMENT. TWO IN FAS1 ILT. GOOD REFERENCES RE QUIRED. CALL 2013 WALNUT ST. - 1 Of coupe you HELP WANTED FEMALE Continued rem PrectHne Column CASHIERS BLAUNER'S REQUIRE THE SERVICES OF tmiOHT CASH JEltS: THOSn IIAVINO HAD EX rtlRIENCB WITH NATIONAL CASH IIBUISTEK PREFERRED. APPLY marki'ttstndent'8 officb- B33 CIIAMllERWORK and waiting: no washlnir: . ...m. irtcitiii-Q. jirf i owenon nve. ClIILDNttnSB . to go to country, care ot two little girls. 7 and 4 jears: Protestant preferred: wages 17 and carfare. Address -- .,JJ;.. ' - V. HOX IQUUi COMBINtl ROOM HELP.- Apply Carl drub- .... ".iiiii., u Kill! I.rit-! ( optt nnd also chambermaid and waitress In (Jerrmntown In a family of two. Apply )e;lnsday nnd Thursday between 12:30 and tgclock,fil4 Walnut st.. first floor. COOK, Protestant, for temporary place: must lie good cook and baker: wages tS. . Apply, . MHiriyn up ana iz a. m., yiu a, imn st, ( OOK- Young woman for cooklns: two In .family. g2J South 33th at. COOKINO nnd" downstairs work, small fomllv In Ardmore: must hao references: good ""nres Meet emploxer Thursdoj-, at 3-30. .... t T.winm bt.. eecnnii noor. t tHiKiNii and ilownstnlrn work, experienced flrl, family of two. suburbs. Meet employer. .""irrL2""1. "ns chestnut st., Thurs.. 3 p. m, COOKINO nnd ilnwnstnfra work, youmr whlfo J'TillhLno washing. Ph. Oermant'n 2307.. W. cooKiNtl and downsfalrs work: good wages, reference, while. 3182 Powelton avo. Et.ulAN." OIHL for errands: dressmaking ea . tahllshment. Apply 1B20 Spruce st. nn.vt:ii.M IIOUHEWOllK. competent: 2 In fnmllv; coed ref ren. Phono Cynwyd 71 R v. (IKNEIIAL HOUSEWORK Egp. whltn girl city. Phone Ken'lon 2tl.ia bet, a nnd (I p nv lllitl. of fit tn assist In pncklng. Supple? Reeie-Whlllng Co . 12th and Cherry. , OIRLS OVER 1(1 TEARS OF AOE FOR PO HITIONS IN MnKOHANDISF. DE PARTMENTS. APPLY AT BUREAU OP EMPLOYIENT, 4W FLOOR, HE FORE II A. M. 8THAWBRID0H A CLOTHIER ailtLS for clenn work, tnnniifscturlnf estnb llshment: must bo neat: reference. 020 Cal lowhlll st OIHLS, 10 venrs old. wanted. Apply stipt. JOSEPH 11. DAHLINOTON & CO. 1127flansom st . (J1RLS, Intelligent, oxer lOvenrs, to assist In Chestnut street shop Reply, giving full par tlculnrs, M 050, ledger Central. i OIRLy, 10 years, to lenrn curtain mending: paid while learnltur. Apply Jos. II. Bromley Mills, 4th and Lehigh CURLS Coverers and stripers. Apply Datz Co., 417 N. Omaha. HOUSEKEEPER, to manage dlnlns room In West Phlln. ('all 9 to 11 a. in. or aftor r. p. m.tho Clalrmont, 44th and Walnut sts. HOUSEKEEPER Middle-aged womnn wanted, respectable, Protestant, for housekeeper for worklng peoples Aprly 3840 Baring st. HOI'SEKEEPnR (working), country: no wash) good position for rlcht party. Call Mrs. W. J Chnse. Roslyn. Pa . HOt'SEMAID. colored: plain cooking, small wnsh, family three: suburbs: 20S Township line .Tenklntown. Pa. Phone Ognnt2loni. IIOPHEWOEK. conking nnd ilnwnstnlra work White. Protestant, fnmlly of 4, reference re quired Hortler st , Oermnntown. Address I2. Rrnnch Ledger Oft.. Wane nnd Chelten. HOUSEWORK"" White woman, "exp.: plain cook: no washing. Meet emper Wednes day, 12 n'cloi k. Room 203. 008 Chestnut st. HOI'SEWOIIK (while): good plain cooking. Meet omplover Weilnesdnv. between 3 and 1 o'clock, nnom2iJ.V "OS CheslnutJiL HOUSEWORK (Benernll Competent white girl: good reference 3123 N. 13th st. Thono 21SS J. Womlng. HOUSEWORK White, competent: good ref. required: West Phlla. ft 331, Ledger Ofllce, HOUSE WORK Nent. compt., good pl.iln cooin Loch 11, I'hlld. II 330, Ledger Office. HOUSEWORK Oood. nent girl for housework In JTjimlly of three. Cnwyd 2hfl W. HOUSEWORK, white gTri: reference Call 2133 N. filth st. Fnre pild. LAUNDRY HELr Experienced feeders and folders In mangln room; also girls oer 10 e.irs to lc.irn; 95 paid whlto learning, steady work. Penna. Laundry Co.. 31U N. 32d st. LAUNDRY Mnnclo room help: wo need ex perlenced feeders, folders, tnkers-off: best of ssinry. -ppiy cany rcany tor work, lou Vine, LAUNDRY Experienced markers nnd sorters: nlso bright young irlrls to learn: f5 per week paid whllo learning. 1020 Vine. LAIJNDRY Bright, young girls", over 1(1. to shake and fold small towels: S3 to start. ln.'ii Vine. LAUNDRY Mangle room help: learners taken; $3 per week paldwhllelejirnlng. 1020 Vine. LEARNERS OlrlR to" learn knitting: steady work: high wares; paid while learning, Harris Knitting Mills, Lena and Armat sts,, Oennantnwn. MAIDS, two. white, rhnmbcrmuld and wait ress, chambermaid to nsslst with laundry work; reference required. Mrs. E. M. Young, 11108 Hamilton st., Allentown. Pa MOTHER'S HELPER, soung girl about 17 ye.irs L'nll 203S Enst Venango st. TAPER BOXES Experienced girls for color ing, topping and staying machines. Schnettlo Paper Box Comp.iny.I'ront and laurel sts. OPERATORS, scuiiers on Indies' knit underZ wear: stendv work, good pav. BeBfU Under- wear Co.. 3133 Wakefield st., Oerniantown. OPERATORS, exp. on wash skirts nnddresses; stendy w'k. g'd pay. ILSmukler,233Market. SALESLADY, thoroughly experienced In suita and rnts, for large Atlantio City depart ment store: must be neat, active nnd capable of handling select trade; this Is nn excep tional opportunity tn secure a steady posi tion ultli liberal H.tlnr and a chance to mnkn extras When answering stnto ex perience In full, salary wanted and name a reference. P. O. Box 430. rhlln. SALESWOMEN. EXPERIENCED. FOR NECKWEAR AND RIBBONS APPLY IIUREAIT OF EMPLOYMENT. J'-i FLOOR. BEFORE 11 A. M. S'TRAWBRIDQE & CLOTHIER 8TENOORAPIIER and dictating machine operator: good salary; don't apply unless you can furnish Al references. Apply Edison Dictating .Machine Co., 837 Chestnut St. HTENOORAPHER. with soma knowledge of bookkeeping; state In own handwriting age, experience, salary expected and residence. Address M 040, Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER AND TYPIST, experienced, P 031, Ledger Ofllce. TELEPHONE OPERATORS WANTED Bright young women between 17 and 22 years old. to taka up telephone operating; no experience necessary; salary paid while learning; pleasant work: permanent position. Aply in person. Bell Telephone Co.. 40d Market at., between S:30 a. m. and a p. in. WINDERS Experienced winders on soft silk, pply Mlgel & Blum, Coral and Adams sts, MISS DEAN Is the one who Places the Right CJIrl in tho , . Right Place. She Is on tfia staff of the Publlo Ledger, Company to help ambitious younglladles to secure good opportuni ties in the commercial world. Hun dreds of youns women bookkeepers, stenographers. private secretaries, demonstrators, clerks and salesladies owe tbeir present success to Informa tion recehud from the COMMERCIAL REGISTRY BUnEAU Ledger Central, . ,. ty?li J$nd Chestnut sts. "Tell Mlsa Dean what ou can do." General WOMEN, two. cultured, educated, refined and tactful, wanted for position vacated by pro motion: willing to learn new business and work 8 hours dally; very best city creden. tlaU rather than business experience essen. tlal; salary 121 week. B 2-t, Ledger Office. LADY Intelligent, ambitious lady capable of earnlnir 120 to 30 a week to supply regular customers with guaranteed hosiery at mill prises. Parker Co., 2737 N. 12th st. HELP WANTED MALE BARBER, colored, clean, sober and Intelligent; good opportunity for good man. Call at Id a. m.. 2012 Dick lnson st. BOY to run errands, make self useful In (hip ping room, living in Germantown or sorta ern part of city, bring references; chance of advancement. Van pusen & Stokes, rear 1123 Cbotnut. BOY WANTED An active, willing boy wanted for office work In a large mercantile ofllce, under 16 years old; state age. reference, salary. Aadreas B 12i), Ledger Office. BOY WANTED7 about J6 or IT years old, to assist Id laboratories of manufacturing con. ecru. Awawii 4 ,,. migir iai.rai. BOY. about 17. wanted for clerical work in architect's of nee, state reference and qualifi cations, j- iw. nemnsr jkiu:9. BOY wanted for errands and filing In office of wholesale warehouse. Address B 124, Ledger Office. 1 , can telephone yojir want ads HELP WANTED MALE Con Hn net from rreeeilno Column BOY, over 10, to work nn umbrella frames. Supplee-Resre-Whlng Co.. 12th and Cherry, BOY with good education for general office. Robinson & Crawford. 424 N. 10th St. BOY wanted, neat, for ofnee work: slate age nnd references. It 31, Ledger Otflce, BOY wanted Tor office: silary IS: stato age. It 240, Ledgot Central. . BOYi over 10, to work In drug store. Spruce. BOYS, strong, wanted to (com plumbing; busi ness. John D. Newell, 1700 Bansom. BOYS, t(l years or oer, to work In wallpaper factory. Apply nt once, Becker, Smith & Page. Water nnd Bn der nve. BOYS, over 10. wanted in Foundry to make tliemselves generally useful: wages 5 to start,, loao Vine. BOYS wanted, 14 years and over. Alfred Wolstenholma & Sons, 24th and Allegheny. . HOTS, "from 14 to 17 jears old. In toy factory, Hedge below Orthodox st., rrnnkford CARPENTERS All-nrfiiind nen for gen. car pentering work. Apply It. K. Mulford Co., uienomen. ftl. CLERK for seashore: a bright, honest Ameri can young man to sell Itardwnro nnd house furnishings: must hate good appearance nnd references. Apply Thursday, 11 n. m., Mr. Johnson, Ledger Central. CLERK Young mnn, about 18.. In savings bank. Address In own handwriting, giving three references. P 030. Ledger Offlce; COST CLERK Estimator wanted by leather belting nnd specialty mfg. house: must bo flrst-rlasi accountant nnd experienced In figuring costs on heavy leathers. Address, with references, T. O. Box 3078, rhlladel plila rS'ffMATOR Largo Eastern . corporation wants young mnn. thoroughly familiar with estimating on roofing nnd sheet metnl work: Insldo work; stato salary, experience nnd age. it 440, Ledger central. FARM HANDS Wanted, whito nnd colored men: we also hnve eeornl openings for re fined colored men for cleaners nnd bottlo washers; stendv work for reliable men Ap ply In person or by letter. It. K. MULFORD COMPANY, tllenolden. Pa. INSTRUMENT MAKERS, first class only, ft per day of 8 hours, toolmnkers, 13 21 to 11.48: machinists, J3 to J4; assistant ma chinists. 12 to 2 21. based on experlcnco nnd capacity: skilled laborers. J 1. 84, for out sldo and Insldo work; Cleveland. Brown & Bharpo. nnd Grldlcy ntitomatlo turret lathq operators 18.70; turret l.itho hands, J2.f8 per day: cltlrcns; highest compensation when on piecework: 15 days' lenvo after ono oar fl service; seven holidays nnd Saturday after noons during tho summer months, all with full pav Apply Frnnkford Arsenal, Brldes- oarg. l-nna. JEWELER First-class platinum and diamond setter: one who con work on fine work. Van Dusen& Stokes, 1123CliestnuL LABORERS, good, wanted now nt Tygert-Alten Fertlllier Works, South Dolnwnre and Wee. cacoo aves. (Greenwich Point. Phlla.); steady work tho year round for right men. Scj surerintenaent . nt woras T.AnnnRns watjtud APPLY 2022 PARRISH ST. LABORERS WANTED Apply II. !, MUL- nitu vv.m w. , un iiuiu.tn SLVCHINISTS wanted. Nlles-Bement-Pond Co. flln sts. Apply Crane Dept., , Meadow and Mlf- MAN. ABOUT 30, TO TAKE CHARGE OF ORDER DEPARTMENT IN LARGE MANIf; FACTCR1NG CONCERN: OOOD POSITION TOR RIGHT MAN, STATE AOE AND EX PERIENCE. II 348 LEDGER CENTRAL MAN AND WIFE or two girls, colored, wanted lo do entire work of suburban home for six adults, muit be first class cook. Telephone C nwyd "02, MAN AND WIFE Mnii to fn general work on Miinlri ntnpn- wife In nelst Willi linUSeWOrk: ft ,. . ' .,.- , i r i t II ,-.,! lie reiernte: .i.iui 4.iu-, x, j ., i ,,, ,edger ( emrai. MAN WANTED to take rnre of guinea pics, rabbits nnd mien good position for mm with experience In handling smill nnlmnls. Ap- ll If. K. Mulford Co . GlenoUlen. I'n. MAN to mount wood handles on umbrellnn. Supplee-neee-Whltlng Co ,15thnml('lierry. ODORLESS MEN wanted. "Apply Odorless"Ex ravatlng nnd Manufacturing Co., 104 II, Hnlnea st. Phone, Gtn. 133. OPTICIAN Jobber, henchman Apply thoroughly experienced n i.nestnui st. PAINTERS wanted. Orst cl-iss. 32c. per hour: must leuve tho city. Newport N'ewH Ship building and Dry Dock Co., Newport News. Ya. PAINTERS, flrst class on automnhlle body work; no others need npply. Foss-ltushea Co , 21st end Market, 4th floor PAINTER First-class liouso ralnter. 44 N. 7th St. Apply PAPER BOXES Young man to run Brown ft Carver machine; one with piper box experi ence preferred. Schoettle Puper Box Co., Front and Laurel. PIPEFITTER wanted for fnrtory work: ref erence required. Apply N. W. corner 0th n mi urnwn sis PIPEFITTERS' HELPERS wanted for factory work: also laborers. Apply N. W. corner nth and Brown sts. PLUMBERS, two. for general plumbing work. Apply It. K. Mulford Co., Olenolden, Pa. SALESMEN Wo requlro three capahle. rell able salesmen to operate In Philadelphia with a product th.it will absolutelv Interent all owners of automobiles. See Mr (Inldbmher afterlll n.m.. 033 Real Estate Trust Uldg. SALESMEN Traveling men earn large profits selling advertising pencils as a sld.i line; business men In every plaro jou visit want our goods For terms nnd roituho. address Natlonnl PcncllCojJdond Arch sts.. I'hlla SOLICITOUS (Catholic), men accustomed to earning J3 or over dally enn do so by con necting with our new proposition. Room 314. trj(iciiestnut . st STABLEMAN Wnlited. A-l stableman. to tako rare uf Urge stable of draft horses, who undrstnnd the core of horses and how to feed them; must be sober, well recommended and u, steady worker. II 338, Ledger Central. STOCKBOYS BLAUNER'S REQUIRE THE SERVICES of BRIGHT. ACTIVE STOCK BOYS. AI'PI.T SUPERINTENDENT'S OF FICE. 833 JLVUKIiT ST, STOCKKEEPER Rellnble nung man, refer ence. Jomerson Clothes Shop, 1125 Chest nut tt.. between n nnd to u. m WINDOW CLEANERS." 10 Apply Quaker City liouso and Window cleaning Co., 00 Bourse, YOUNO JIAN for" typewriting, nlso o'hle to assist superintendent In factory (Trenton, N. J ): state are. previous business, ex perlemo nnd starling salary required; One opportunity for right man. M 033. Led- ger Office YOUNG MAN tn take charge of sales ledger and otherwise assist In olflce wholesale busi ness; some experience required. Addrees II 123. LedgerOfrlce. YOUNO MAN, rapldrnnd accurate at figures; good penman: for office work; state refer ence and salary desired. Address "C. V,," I'ostofllce Box 3143. YOUNO MAN for clerical position In office of u manufacturing concern; state age, experl ence and salary. Address It 357. Id-Cent. YOUNO MAN wanted In office, good penman, aulck at figures: stato ago and experience, II 131, Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN, 18" years, position In office of uptown Iictory. Reply A 1, Ledger Branch, 0th and Indiana; YOUNO MAN, about 18 iears old. to help tn paper room. Schoettle Paper Box Co., Front and Laurel. General FOREMAN: drawn test work and tnolmaklng. 923; payroll and cross clerk, $15; clerks, typewriting. N. Phlla., $12; general. $8 to $10, stenographers, several, attractive open ings, $15, salesman, inside, auto, acres., $15, Business Service Co., 1301 l.nnd Title Bldg SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE BOOKKEEPER and clerk 4 years' exp.: ac curate, reference. It 51. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, high school and Pierce; 3 years', experience. Q 145. Ledger Central, CASHIER-CLERK, willing, capable, desires pos. city or shore. H 58, Ledger Central. CHAMWK, English Prot.. adult fam " su urbs. no washing; rets 23U East Wlilard. CHAMBWK and waiting or hswk ; exp. ; West Indian colored girl. 1317 S. 47th etT CLERK-i-Young woman, exp'd. gen. officii lvnl.1 tllinip inaexu nir. t- ,hnrl hours: moderate salary. H 37, Led Cent. COOK. Chambmd and waltrs'; a Prots ; coun try pref. , reference. It 325, Ledger Office. COOK, experienced: good reference; settled white woman: city or suburbs. 1003 McKean. COOK Good plain cook, private family. Call uuio upiana st. inuin ang yvoouunq ave.) DAY'S WORK, cleaning or laundry work: col- oreu; vvoi rcct-,.wc. n jo, i,wn;er ouug, EMPLOYER'S TIME IS SAVED by taking advantage of the free service to Ledger help wanted advertisers. Miss Dean, in the Commercial Registry Bureau at Ledger Central, has records of young lady applicants for all kinds of office work and can usually submit several Quali fied applicants quUkly. BU io V4U "i )uv want Walnut or Main 8000. EXPERT Cle and. detail clerk; high school graduate; 3 years' excellent experience; $10. a 142. Ledger Central. OlRL requires position, or chambermaid and waiting. HC Pleasant St.. Germantown. GOVERNESS. North German. Mndergartner: some French: sewing: entire charge; best rqierpuee. w, fawnr imrni IIOU8EKEEPER Refined woman, thoroughly experienced, as managing housekeeper: flrst- cls reference. G 544. Ledger CentraL HOUSEWORK Neat, elderly woman will 'as. 1st; good hema rather than high wages: good reference. H 820. Ledger Office. ' If A ID by the day; willing to -jnalca terseif use mi IX mt, i&uspr miice. iIOTHER'3 HELPER Refined Prot.j children over years, country pref. a Sis. Led. Cent. A Trade A grammar school gradu ate was anxious to learn a trade. Through a Ledger advertisement he secured n position as office boy with a promi nent Philadelphia archi tect. He became inter ested in drawing and was promoted to a responsible position as draughtsman. Later he was selected as teacher of a drawing class for men, which position ho still retains. A small Ledger Ad taught him a trade. You can also bene fit by one. Phone, write or call, Ledger Ofllce, Walnut or Main 3000 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE Contlnuril from Vrcrrdliia Column NURSE -Settled woman, experienced with In1 valid lailv or child: generally useful: willing tn go nway; doctors' refs. ll)0(i Mt. Vernon. NURSE, seamstress, companion for patient: tcnna moderate. 3147 Wayne nve , Gtn, NV."SMl will enro for lnvnlld "by hour or day. 11 34fi. Lodger Central. SXENOGRAPHER. 5 ears exp.. seeks re- sponsible position with reliable concern where merit counts an a basis for advance- .inent; exponent credentials, u i n. L.eri. cen. SlENOGRArllER and nfflco assistant with 8 yenrs' experience In Insurnnco business, do- elres position, with a cnsnaltv Insurance companyLoxcollcnt record, II fid, Led, Cent. STENOGRAPHER, expert? oxp. In secretariat work; capable of handling uni' kind of work. II 41, Ledger J'entrol. STENOGRAPHER, "experienced, nent. nc- curate, capable, $10 H4LLedirerCentral. STENOGRAPHER. 2 Je.irs' exp, rapid and nccurnte:pcrmanenLIJ 48. Ledger Central, STENOGRAPHER Permanent position or ro- engageinent G 143. Ledger Central STENOGRAPHER, rapid typist: Vsearn' ex perience H 41". Ledger Central. TELEPHONE OPERATOR and clerk 3 years' exp . private branch, H 140. Led Central. TM.EPIION15 OPERATOR, prlv. hr! "exchange; clerk, capable. 11 42, Ledger Central. WOMAN of retlnement Miif of tact, with wldo experience lii prlvato schools and knowledge of domestic science desires a yflsltlon as housemother to children or housekeeper, or enmp duty In summer months. Address B 12(1. Ledger Office YOUNG WOMAN of wldo experience and trawl desires position In nn Institution ns matron or clerk: or companion and secre tary to ladi ; good disposition; willing to travel. G 141LI.edger('elitral t INSTITUTION housekeeper or" matron, middle aged, exp Jjtntisfnrtoryrcf 11JI24. Led. Off. SITUATION WANTED Woman, (olnred, good cook: light housework: ref. 1731 Addison. SITUATIONS WAKTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper. 12 years' exp.: familiar with costs, credit nnd collections; gilt-edge reference. B 13. Ledger Ofllce. ADVERTISING YounK man. advertising experience, wants position with advertising agency or In ad vertising department of manufacturing or vvhnlesalo concern; small Investment If de sired. 11 108. LEDGER OFFICE. BOOKKEEPER. 27, 0 years' experience Pierce School graduate, wishes connection with re lllhle firm. It 118, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER or clerk, ago 23 venrs; It years experience; 1'elrco School; references; mod- ernto saury. ii lui. Ledger ottico. BOOKKEEPER Young man, II venrs, experl- ence desires position. B 105.l,cdger Office. BOOKKEEPER and office manager, wide exp., wishes position II 311. le-iiser Central. CHAUFFEUR desires position in country: liest referencert: safe and careful driver, can cut lawn nnd hedges, attend to heaters, willing and obliging. II 33(1, Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR white, single. wishes position In nrlvat family; make an repairs; A-l rer erence. 1522 N Edgewood St.. West Phlla CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC. 30 rs old. t2 yra ' exp , capable, efficient, energetic, strkt abstalner.lil3hly reconi ll332, Iah!. CenL CLEUK, 20, married, ID years' exii turnll, timekeeper In factory ami on building con struction, stockroom systematizing ami fac- tory cost account.; lefs II 353, J.ed. Cent. COACHMAN, single, wishes position, shop ex perience running autoa, toko earo liwn: 5 years' first-class ref H 343, Ledger Central. DRAUGHTSMAN, experienced architecture or mechrfiiliiil, ulso estimating wants extra work, day or evening. H333, Led.Cent ELECTRICIAN would "like a position In fac tory; has had good experience, nlso good flret-r a man II 341. Ledger Central t GAR' 'rfER Married, no children, thoroughly exp.rir.iced 111 greenhouse and g-vrdenlne In general; refer.J, Meier. lliOS N tlth st. ENGINEER, licensed, wants situation; good reference; eumriy man. a.s vv nqer. MAN. young. 20. wishes position with an ad vertising llrm, has printing experience and a high school education; references furnished. H 243, Ledger Central. MAN, single, wants position, private family; understands lawn, garden, auto. It Id, Ledger Olflce. JLVN nnd vvlfe, colored; thoroughly exp.; pri vate family: reference; 1 733 Addison st. MAN und vvlfo, English, wish positions, butler and cook, best refa H 4 14,Ledger Central. SIECHANICALLY trained man. wlthlarge cor poration, had exiiorlence as a superintendent. Is looking for n chance to tetter himself. B ion, ledger Office, SALES MV.NAOER. WITH MANY YEARS' EXPERIENCE. WITH ONE OF LARGEST COMPANIES. WILL OPEN BUSINESS ON PACIFIC COAST. AND WANTS AOENCIES OF HIGHEST CLASS. FOR AUTO. MOBILE OR ELECTRICAL TRADE. CAN' REFER TO BIGGEST MEN IN PHILADELPHIA. O 250. LEDGER OFFICE. SALES REPRESENTATIVE desires to repre. sent manufacturer of shirts --ado to order. 11 312. Ledger Central. SALESSfAN, 8 years' experience; good refer, ences. now employed in another rapacity, wishes tonnectton preferably in selling oils; no straight commission proposition consid ered. U 843, Ledger Central. SALESMAN Experienced operation salesman, young, energetlo married man. deslrea pos, with builder, W. Phlla. pref. M K41.Led.Cen. SALESMAN wants territory In soma staple line, been with one house 1(1 jears. B 121, Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, man, 85 years old; banking and general ofnee experi ence, desires position ot trust; A-t refer ence from past and present emploicrs. Q bll. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER Yonug man, 21, high school graduate, desires position In law office, with opportunity to study law: mod. eratesalary. B 103. Ledger Office. STENOGRAPHER, expert. 12 years' experl" ence. desires position as private secretary or correepondent; best of reference from past employers- v i.w, ,cugw vacuum. YOUNO MAN. 28, married: thoroughly train! In U9ine iiuiii (uym,, tu avuiuK vill (no road, good correspondent, writer of forceful sales letters and advertising. Al refs.. wishes conn-ction iilTilKLknirai. YOUNG MAN. 22. with knowlde of stnog. raohy & book'g. wishes poa. u 458. Led Oft. YOUNG MAN. 23. well educated. 3 yrs.' oMce -,vn .! ,-ljirleal rmaltlon. II 1147. J mA fn v., ....-- . .-..-, .-..i ...M, MR- MANUFACTURER OR MERCHANT If you need a competent general or sales manager, one havlnj years of experience In handling men. good cor respondeat, knowledge ot systems, ao counts. advertising and publicity, a man of cbaracttr and ability, with highest references. THIS IS TOUR OPPORTUNITYjAddresa H 331. Le. ser Central. . to the Ledger : SITUATI0NS WANTED MALE ConM-iucd. from Prrcerflntr Cotfim't. COLLKOE MAN, 88, married, seeking TWSltlon where ho will bo allowed to continue .tils studies, requiring S to 4 hours per day: would make up tho extra hours evenings; executive ability; correspondent:, 14 years bookkeeping, .accounting, operate typewriter, cashier: would consider ft night position of 8 hours; give full tlmn during summer months: salary sufficient to meet living: ex penses, o 782. Ledger Central. CULTURED young; man wishes position for afternoons or evenings n- secretary! com panlon or tutor, u 750, ledger Central. I HAVE MET with n business reverso must have a position. I can write a good ad. I can write a good letter. I have selling capacity. Address O 749. Ledger Central. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANTED At Miss McCarthy's ofllce. 2101 Christian, conks, chambremalds, waitresses, nurses, housework girls. Prot. and Cath.i all nationalities Locust 1303 MRS. NICHOLLS. 102(1 Balnbrldge St. Com petent male and female help supplied and WKI11L-U. 1 (inno LOCUSt -IOO WANTED Episcopal Office, BI2 S. 12th at , cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, nurses, laundresres, kitchen maids. EDUCATIONAL nnd Domestlo Employment . Club, 225 S. Sydenham (1.1th and Walnut), WANTED, rooks," "chambermaids, chlldnurses and housework girls; hskprs. 1813 W.Glrnrd, AUTOMOBILES For Sale USED TRUCKS FOR SALE WILLYS UTILITY li-ton. Sevcrnl rebuilt; good ns now. Excentionnl Values. AUTdCAKS li-ton. All bn.rirn.his. WILCOX TRUX3-ton Moving Van. W-1AJU..Y x'JvUA. i.ton. FEDERAL lV-ton. LITTLE GIANT H-ton. Other good bargains; sonic with bodies. D. LLOYD SMITH, Used Truck Dopt., Garford Philadelphia Co., 2308 Chestnut st. SPRING CLEARANCE SALE USED CARS I'lHnCE-ARROW 0 ollnder. chassis. .J700 l'lniir-ji-.uiiiuw cyiinuer, i pas- senger. deml-llmouslne 000 STEARNS-KNIGHT - ! ollnder, 7 pas- H..ritror tnnr.. nliirter nnrl plectrln lights COO Ol.UK.MOWLE 1011, U C Under. 0 pas-uAnf-or tnnr.. Hl.irler nnd elpetrtn llchts 000 PACKARD 1P0S. 4 ollnder, V pas- sencer tnur 323 l'ALMER-HINGER tl cylinder. 7 pas- eencer tnur 300 STEVENS-DURVEA 0 ollnder, 7 pas senger limousine 600 WHITE ltil.'l. U cylinder. T.rassenRer tour., stnrter ami electrlo llchts 1030 WIIIT17 101:1. 1 evllnder. 3 nnnseni-er tour., starter and electrlo llchts 1000 WHITE 1014. 4 rv Under, "..passenger tour,, starter and electric tights 1300 TRUCKS MACK 3-ton power dump 1000 Iil'ICK 1-ton express body r.00 OVERLAND Delivery 373 KIHT Delivery 3V FEDERAIj 1-ton stnko bo-1y 000 THE WHITE COMPANY. 210 N. Rroad St. L. II. O'NEAL. Used Car Department. Bell Spruco 1(50 J Keyetono Roco 1735 EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES IN USED CARS TA1GE 1015 1-3(1 rj.passenBer tourlne..J000 PAIGE 1015 H-Id .'airfield tourlnclHritaln OAKLAND 1015. 1 passenger. -I cyll- paBBcnger, Inder 05" CTiMiiVH-vyidllT tllir. n-nnnenirer V!i, " it, i. touring, like new Make-Offer HUP.MOH1LE 1015 5-passenBer tour- iz. model K llurirotn FORD loin tourlnR. 'J tops aoo OVERLAND- UH5. excellent condition. extrn tires. punninteiNl nOO CHALMERS 1013 ElK 0. excellent con- dltlnn. cost new 12430 Make, offer LOCOMOUILE 1014 H-.1S landaulet. extra tires, cood condition sacrlflca HAl'NES 1013 5-passenscr touring... 400 RIGELOW-WILLEY MOTOR CO. 301 N. nROAD ST. Ask for MR. STEVE RODGEnS (ALL PARTS SCHOllER. 3311 Mnrket St. AIinOTT-DETItOlT. 1014. TOURINq. L. H. DOWERS CO.. 217 N. UROAD ST. uu u i-; uiain iiiij iv'f.n. CADILLAC, lllll. murine car. overhauled and repainted, full equipment: prlco IS.IO AUTO SAf.r.S CORPORATION, 143 N lirold sL HAVNES. 11113. 5-pnsscnuer tourlnn. mood tires nnd excellent mechanical condition, also (ieissel ton S40ii I, 7.'..". Ledeer Central. H1ID.SONS "rebuilt nnd Kuaranteedi phaetons and rondsiers. electric llahts and start- crs. GOMEUV-SCIIWAETZ. 233-55 N. Eroad. IIUPMOHILG 11H3 moilel K r.-paesenBer7lour-Inir. In excellent condition, nt a bargain. L 71, l.e,lper tvntral LOCOMOUILE 1014 0.-38 landaulet. excellent condition: 2 extra tires; will sacrifice on ac count of lenving town. L 752. Ledger Cent. T.O.IEH. 1012. Lnkewooil model, self-starter nnd electric lights: lots of speed; abundance of power: price $750 locomobile. 2314 Slarket st. Locust 150. H. A. .HNKS. Mgr.Exchango CorDept. OVERLAND. 1015 Two extra tires, equipped with J. M. shock absorbers: Guaranteed ex icllent condition, 40 hours' repair service with Overland Co. Included: J30O. L 730. Ledger central rAlOE 1015 4-3fl B-pabsenger touring, lent condition: will demonstrate. In excel. L 743. Ledger central. SEND TOR FREE IIULLETIN tJt tdi;i i-Ai(Et GORPON AITTO EXCHANGE. 23a N. HROAD COMMERCIAL Auto truck bodies built to order; Ford bodies In stock FISHER'S. 4017 Cilrmount ave. B-PASSENGEH, A No. 1 condition, for sale or pxi hange for real estate. L 220, Ledger Off. tVnnted AUTOS wanted for parts, Co., 853 N. 13th st. , Phlla. Auto Parts Park U 1 8. model. In Al condl L 227. Ledger Off. WANTED 1015 or 10111 tton, tneap, no dealers AUx'O LIVERY AND GARAGES FELTON GARAGB Flreproofc 12 000 sq ft. storage space. CHAUFFEURS CHAUFFEURS Refore making a change Inspect our aervlco 03D. OIRARD AVENUE AND FELTON STREET Phone Belmont 1181. TO HIRE (open day and night), brand-new A-paes touring car. with robes. $1.23 hr.; also brand-new T-pass. limousine. SI. SO hr.l weddings, funerals. Poplar 1(117. 1715 Glrard AUTO PAINTING FULLY EQUIPPED auto painting shop -wlU paint or revarntsh any tn4ke machine third less time and cost than any shop in Phlla. delphla: highest grade work guaranteed. Phone Tioga 2702. Geo. W. Parvla, Jr., J821 Alrdrle St., near Broad and Erie. AUTO REPAIRING CYLINDERS REDORED. nevv pistons and rings furnished, weldings and brailng. It. B. Underwood & Co., 1025 Hamilton St., Phlla. 1 SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES t Bee BILLY, at his new location. BID N. BROAD ST. AUTO SUPPLIES TIRES sllghly 6S3-25 used: all siz zes; your own prices. N. 13th it. Park 14 tie. . Open Sunday. -BEARINGS- New Departure Service Sta. The Owilllanj Co. 13U Arc- st Ph. Walnut 3407. Race 3063. PARTS . . to build or repair any car, Phlla. Auto Parts Co." S23 N.lSth St. park'1418. Open Sunday. AUTO TOPS, slip covers made to order. " IL WEINF1ELD. 1408 OXFORD ST. men j-um.w . "vj, op. WANTED Second-hand shock absorbers. B 33, set Weatlnghouu Ledger Offlca. 1 Cal Walnut or AUTO TIBE3 PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4000 miles. Compare prices. ORtM'S, 238 N. Broad st. HOUSES 8ADDLE horse, carriage har , 4 saddles, pool table, 2 bedroom suites, Hrovvn,6100 York rd. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 110) 15,1, les. ennslep brnkn. besl est make) valus 11th and Arch. ,.vri..!..". .- -ij. -ir waiters jxan unice, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i , W. i i SALESMAN wanted. We have a good openlnir for a young man. Salary $100 per month to start. Excellent chance for Increase. Must Invest n few thousand dollars. Company ea. tsbllshed and prosperous and will glvo plenty of lime for Investigation. Answer must glvo age and experience. M 030, Ledger Central. PATENTS Send sketch for freo opinion -x-jjiliO. , ,0 a,.nt-hlty. non't pay exorbitant fees: no ono line better fa cilities for doing your work than wo havo and our fees are reasonable, FOSTER & WEBSTER " 1011 Chestnut st. Bell phone. Walnut IBM, GAS COMPANY now forming n profitable con solidation with two other gas companies In New Jersey: would like to negotiate wljh Sirtles who would be Interested either in nanclng part of tho new construction work or in nannung. tno new securities, u 4oa, J.C.J dger Central. CONTRACTOR having established business requires an active part ner with $000 to $10,000; this Investment will help to nil con tracts on hand nnd pave way for enlarging bus M H43. Led. Cent. , PRtNTING PLANT Old-established, going printing house, good trade, selling at a sacrifice, reason disclosed to purchaser; Inquiries solicited. P ?;il, l,ed- gerOIflce. WOULDYOU INVEST $2000 In n business making $1800 average net profit per year? Will stand the strictest Investigation. L 5, Ledger Brnnch, 38th nnd Columbia avo. I OWN an old Incorporated business, 30 years; wish to employ eithor male or remain for ofllce work: must be able to Invest $1500. G 353, Ledger Central. PRACTICAL AND COMMERCIAL DESIGNING FOR INVENTORS AUTOMATIC AND SPECIAL MACHINES BOX 4708. STATION E. Business places sold; have buyers. No fees ARTHUR J. LEUI'O'.D 424 South 52d. 1218 Ch-stnut at, $5 A MONTH secures Interest In growing or chard, will be producing before pild for. HARRY DARLINGTON. 14201 Chestnut St. PICTURE THEATRE, 1300l J45-0.i weekly; trlnli good bus. loc,; worth jaooo; genuine sacrince. L 740, Ledger Central. OROCERY nnd butcher store, established 28 f'enrs; owner retiring from business, L 321, ,edger Ofnce. APARTMENT HOUSE, 40 rms.l 15-rm. house! monthIypaymont Heffelflnger, 1700 Arch. MULTIORAPHINO business fo"r sale; best rqtiliint : excel. cllentele.L 038, Led, Cent, REBfAURANT.centrnl. feeding 000 people a day, cheap. Heffelflnger. 1700 Arch. PRINTINO PLANT Will sell "reasonable: good opportunity Write D 221,L-dger Officn, LIVE municipality will assist sound Industries; . llnxcld shlp'c & labor facilities. B 122, L. O, CONSULTING FINANCIER CARL O. SPARRWARDT. Land Title Uldg. BUSINESS PERSONALS FULL DRESS SUITS Cutawns. Tuxedos and Sack Suits To hire and tnado to order. NEUBAUER, THE TAILOK. 1121 Walnut. Bell phono. Walnut 2018. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed bv electroly sis, the only perm't way. Evehrows nrchod, MISS SMITH 402 Keith Theatre Bldg Miss Hoppe, hnlrdrcs'r, facial tnes'go. man Icur'g, form Mint Arcade with MIbs Smith. CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED Highest prices paid for gentlemen's. Get our offer and he convinced. Coll. write or ph Wal nut 333.1. Dave. S. W. cor. 12th Arch.Rm 12. DIAMONDS BOUGHT Bank reference. Apraleement, 1 HARRY W. SMITH. 717 SANSOM STREfcT. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY POTTER SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING DAILY AND KVENING SESSIONS 1435 aiRARD AVE. TOI'LAR 0374 THE .McDOWELL Dressmaking School Easv modern methods; smoll payments. 307 Denrkla BldK..llth nnd Market ets. DRESSMAKING taught from any pattern, mon. and oft sessions. Send for clr. Colum- blan Dressmaking School, 1730Columbla ave, DRESSMAKER, French, vvnnts few more ap pointments, advanced styles. 1108 Wulnut st. Phono Walnut 0158. DRESSMAKER nnd ladles' tailor: prices rea sonable. 30 8. 00th st. Belmont 1328. FOR SALE BILLIARD. POOL, combination, second-hand, boug-'i, sold, rented, exchanged: repairing; siipnlles. Lafo Keafer, American manufac turer. 320 Glrard ave. Phono Kens. 2315. BILLIABD. pool tnbles; new. secondhand bowl, lug alleys; easy payments. Rosntto-Barry. Street Co.. 222 8. 8th St.: phono. Will. 22SI. BILLIARD AND TOCKET TABLES Also bowline alleys; easy payments, BRUNS-WICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO.. 100. Arch CASH REGISTERS, bought, sold, leased, exchanged, repaired, replated. Supplies. New nnd factory rebuilt. New total adders, as low as $30. Call and see our 1018 models. Registers sold nnd leased by us on easy payments and fully guaranteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER Co. 730 CHESTNUT STREET DESKS, filing cabinets, safes, telephone booths nnd office furniture and fixtures of every de scription: used, but In nne condition, and very cheap; free delivery anvwhere. HUGHES, 11TH AND BUTTONWOOD OFFICE EQUIPMENT Typewriter, bookkeeper desks, filing cab., tele booths, files, safes, household fur. Dullng Central 2d-Hand Furnlturo Co.. 001-1I0H-H14 Callovvhlll. Phone Filbert 4108. rireproof, sixty slightly used, all SAPE3 sizes and makes big bargains. 210 N. FourthstreeJ. VlCTROLA records April list Just received. BELLA K 1120 ChestnuL HAVE JUST RECEIVED n. large line of office furniture, comprising desks, riles, safes, rail Ing. partitions, etc.; alBO mahogany high rate clock OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT PATTEN FURNITURE CO.. 1127 ARCH BT. $125 DIAMOND ring, lady's Tiffany, m carat pure white, guaranteed vnlue $200. Walter's Loan Of flee, llth and Arch, BOO TRUNKS, bags, suit cases, all makes and grades, 32 ou up exceptional big values. Walter's Loan Ofrtce. llth and Arch. HEATING MAKIN-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT Is better and cheaper than steam or hot-water. Pure fresh air with normal moisture. StAlCIN KELSEY. 6 N 18th St.. Phlla. INSTRUCTION STENOGRAPHY and bookkeeping by Individual instruction; course requires only lew weeks; pos. guar. 704 Locust (Washington Square). MACHINERY AND TOOLS NO ROOM TOR "QUACKS OR THEORIES" for lining machine bearings, unless they can be reduced to the. terms of actual prac tice as with YOCOM ANTI-FRICTION METAL. IRON and BRASS FOUNDRYS. 145 North Second. JAMES YOCOM - SON. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en. gtnes, pumps... air compressors. FRANK TOOMEY Inc. 127 N, 3d st. GOING out of bus Full-equipped machine shop d lathes, uprtgnt drill press, large planer, grindstone, vices and complete line of tools. jwi. my & pons, iiowifa ana morris. DYNAMOS, motors and machinery bought, sold and rented, armatures repaired. Main 81, Market 3085. Yearsley Co.. 224 N. 3d St. SHAFTING, HANGERS. PULLEYS! BELTING AND MILL SUPPLIES. CHARLES BOND COMPANY. 520 Arch St. LARGE stock woodworking machinery, Iron- MU.A.im uiauiiiLKi), i, airitiuu.. J. NUTTALL, 1748 N. 5th. MOTORS and generators; standard makes: reas'ble prices; tested out electrically and mech'ly, L. F. Seifert's Sons, 437 N. JSd PIPE Second-hand, all sixes. Phlla, Second hand Pipe Supply Co., 100. N.7th st. Phones. MFRS. of plain and automatic machinery. Send for booklet. A, Nacke & Son. 210 S. 0th. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old styla Jewelry, teeth plates koogbt (or cash. Est. 1870. J. L. Clark, refiner. S07 Sansom. CASH PAID FOR DIAMOND, PREC10U3 stones, gold, silver, platinum, false teeth, Phlla. BiMltlng Ref. Co.. 128 8. llth st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIANOS, new and allghtly used, cash or terms; Columbian arafanolas. record, to nt any machine. Jdaal rolls, 25c M-uermnn. I'Uth ilne.Jdai MlSWT. anu tJS5 CHCJ5E'RINa UPRIGHT PIANO HOWARD VINCENT, 838 N. 6TH. J 20 RARE, old violin. 2 bows. In solid leather case, plash lined, value $60. Walter Loan Office. 8. E. cor. llth a.ud Arch. ' ' Main 3000 : Six JttUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Continued from Preceding tolnmi ANNIVERSARY SALE Or PIANO HEPPE'S UPTOWN STOREB We nre holding our Btst anniversary sale st our Uptown Stores corner 0th .And Thompson sts , where the great Herpe misN ncss was founded by Sir. ,C. J Hpppe In 1813. It Is now the oldest piano store In Philadelphia, yet the most modern and pro gressive north of Chestnut street. , l Over 12,000 square feet ro devoted to th retailing of high-grade pianos and vlrtrotes: the large volume of sales proves that tha Heppe policies and standards draw pstronsgs oven to Bth and Thompson sts, from th uttermost ptrts of Philadelphia. The April sale Include; BOO new pianos nt prices from 25 to Bo per cent, tower than the price In stores with a sliding scale of prices. 5 player-pianos, slightly used, nt $5(1 to $100 below nrleln.il prices, beginning t $350. 40 upright pianos by All tho prominent makers, taken os part payment on pianola, pianos., vlz.i Chlckerlng, Lester, Itlaalus, Schomncker, etc., nt (75 $83 30, $110. eto. 23 upright pianos, iieppi -inue, with three sounding boards, reduced from $50 to 1100 B self-plnyer nttnchm nts for pianos Kill fit Any piano nt $3.-,, $30. $75. etc. Several phonographs, slightly used, at half price. Terms. $B monthly and upward. Call or write for large Illustrated cala. logues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES, , COR. 0TH AND THOMPSON STS., Philadelphia, Pa, ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS LET UH ESTIMATE to coat your roof and guarantee It 10 years. AMERICAN HOOriNQ CO.. 1B33 Rldga nve. STORAGE GUARANTEE STORAGE .COMPANY Phlln., Inc. ! ESTABLISHED 1872 Tacking. Moving. Shipping, Storing ALL WORK DONE BY AUTO VANS Moving nny distance. Storing separata rooms. Let us estimate. Work guaranteed. 1317-10 BROWN ST. Phone Poplar 3184. CONTINENTAL STOItAUK WAREIKHIRn 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT PACKING, MOVING, H1IIPF i'lNl burs, carpets cleaned, scnurea, stoi Hell, Locust loflo Phones Key,. Race TENN STORAGE AND VAN CO. 2130 MARKET ST. FIDELITY, FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET ST. ATLAS STORAGE WAREHOUSE Btorage. moving, parking, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph nnrlng 752 for emlmate Market ft 37th, GIRAI1D STORAGE CO.. 018 Glrard ave., B810 N Water st. Moving by nuto. Storage, pack, ing, carpet clan'g. Phs. Pop, B20B, Park423. McCANN'S STORAGE HOUSE, 1748 N. llth st. ;. moving. packing, shipping; auto vans. Both phones. i.et iih r.iimaip. WEST PltlLA. MONARCH STORAGE WEST PHILA. Auto Packing nnd Bhlooln WliST PHILA. 8870 LANCASTER AVE. FIREPROOF, Mothproof. Concrete Warehouse. 3000 rooms. $1 n month. Estimates free. N. J'Ji 1 1 AjJR orago Co.. 2023 Lehigh. Tlo.7280. STORAGE Moving by auto vansT packing, shipping. Levin Bros., 2018 Rldgo ave. Phone Poplnr 0021. riTZOERALD'S Storage House. 1011-13 Poplar st. Separate rooms; goods Insured: haullnr. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES OFFICE PARTITIONS STORE FIXTURES GET OUR ESTIMATE PHONE. WRITE OR CALL. Weiss Manufacturing Co. 450 N 12th st. Phone.: Pop. 1(509. Race 1538 WANTED ANTIQUE FURNITURE, false teeth, feather beds, broken Jewelry, gold, silver, diamonds bought 735 Walnut. Walnut 7028, Est. 1866. BROKEN JEWELRY.fnlse teeth, pistols, coins. Coin books. with prices I pav, mailed. 15c. J.B. Bess (Pcnnle'n Slnrel. 2HH S lllll Wal 4480. CASr-OI'K CLOTHING On account of the big demand we hive had for cast-off clothing wo are compelled to pay the very best possible prices for these goods In order to replenish our stock. Before sell. Ing your clothing, shoes, etc., It will pay ou to get our prices. We call anywhere at any time. Call, wrlto or phone Poplar 6342. COOPER 1010 Glrard ave. CAST-OFF CLOTH1NO SPECIAL THISWEBK Wo tiosltlvelv nav tho hlsrh. HIGHEST PRICES PAID est cash prices for men's sum. mer nnd winter clothing; nlso ladles' street dresses nnd even Ing gowns. Write or phone Market 2000. Wo call any where at any time. United Misfit Clothing Co , Sth-Sprlng Garden CAST'OFF CLOTHINO Highest prices paid for ladles and Gentle men's clothlng.Full dress & Tuxedo suits, Furs. LOCKE. 1320 Balnbrldge. Ph. Filbert 3115. CAST-OFF CLOTHING WANTED - Special high prices paid for men's clothes. Full dress and Tuxedo suits. Write, call or phone Wal. mm Schulta. 241 N. 0th. CAST-OFF CLOTHINO Highest prices paid for Indies' and men's clothing, hats, shoes. etc. Phone Pop, 3801. Blacker. 1230 Poplar. FURNITURE OF "EVRkY DESCRIPTION MODERN AND ANTIQUE Desks, office furniture, all kinds of store fixtures, partitions, stocks of merchandise. etc. Bell. Walnut 18114. Key., Race 15543 D. . THE PATTEN CO.. 1127 Aroh St. FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques; entire or part houses bought for cash: no matter how large J. Bernstein. 1331 Rlddge ave. GOLD silver, platinum, diamonds bought, D, Chambley, Refiner. 710 Sansom at. Will call. OLD GOLD Cash paid for old gold, sliver. untfque clocks, will call. Bell phone. Locust 1210. ROGERS. 27 S. 17th St. VICTROLAS WANTED Highest prices paid for slightly used talk. Ing machines, all calls promptly attended to, Address L 308. Ledger Offlca HIGHEST" PRICES" PAID for gentlemen's dls. carded clothing. Friedman Brothers, 144t South. Phone Dickinson illBSj WANTED -Sedsn bodv for Ford car. Box No. If 24S. Ledger Central. ROOMS FOR RENT . BROAD. N . 835 2 beautifully furn. room and private hath: electricity; phone. CHESTNUT. 2007 WELL FURNISHED ROOMS, PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. CHESTNUT, 20"05 Attractive rooms, single or en suite; private bath, run, water; ref. CHESTNUT ST.. 2010 Ono or two rooms, with or without private bath. CLINTON ST.. 020 Artistically furnished rooms, single nnd en suite, with or without private bath; exclusive surroundings. HAVERFORD AVE., 33012 to 3 nicely furn. rooms, bath, private fam ; single or en suite. OIRARD AVE.. W.. 1313 Furn. and unfurn. communlcatlng rooms. Aprly after 4. . LOCUST ST . 1200 Cheerful, quiet, homellka rooms, all conveniences SPRUCE, 1115 2d front, beautifully furn.1 running water, elec Jlght; other vacancies. WALNUT. 4107 Cheerful rooms, fur., single or en suite; ooaru optional. rrcBton mm. 10TH S , 30rt (opp. Clinton) Rooms, with and witnout pat ns. vvamut wh. 13TH. N 1307 Nicely furnished rooms, parlor for professional men, reasonable. 1BTH, N.. 11125.' rooms, bath, heat and light! $25 per mo TAUlNE, uuf) Walnut sL 1BTH. N !523 Private family will rent 2d t room. Diamond 2581 W. fetory fron BOTH, N, 115 Desirable front room, tine loca. tlon. all conveniences. Phone Bell 2333 M. 52d & Hansom Furnished WEST BRANCH rooms, men only, meals; Y. M O, A. shower hatha; near L: all the comforts of home. Ph, Bel 48S1. Key". West 889. THE CHILTON. 3218 Baring St., Mrs, Belle McLaln, mgr. 2 let-floor rooms. Including light, heat and gas, $33; suitable for dentist or physician. TWO COMFORTABLE 2d floor front rooms for 4 50 per week one squ-ru from 30th at. "L." II 252, Ledger Central. FURNISHED front room, with use of bath; business women preferred: references ex. changed Phone. Tioga 5570 NEWLY rURNISHED ROOMS, single en suite: running water, private bath; board if desired Bl-Sfl W Dickinson. OWNER will rent bachelor apt.. 2 rooms. bath, fireplace. 2023 Spruce. Loc. 1(183 J. 2D-STbRY rom, gentlemen, private famfryv near 18th and Spruce. Phone, Loouat 1171W ROOMS WANTEJ SINGLE man desires two rooms and private bath, second tloor, furnished or unfurnished; central or nearby suburbs, permanent, pre. Jer private family; references extb , state ucatton, rent, etc. II 443, Ledger Central, BOARDING ARCH ST , 5108 Attractive 2d front, reason.! table unaurp.i reaped, naar 524 t. 'L". ph. CHESTNUT ST.. cor. 20th (Th Margravel-. vaca-ciea. perm, or vriuu-pv. sup ooaro. SPRUCE. 1230 Large atlra,tu d story front room: also ad-storr room. SPRUCE. 1010 Double or single rootnai spring rates weak ly day: elevator SPRUCeT 1224-26 Furnished rooms, private baths, tabta board Wahmt 7171 W PRUCE. 1O2S-30 2d-floor suite, prlvato bath; fcilj- H1 Vuiarrf tV.lnut TC5 W 52D. S-. 209 Nicely furnUhad excellent meals: table board. s-.TTVjrT.TTT; -!-.-- rr.-nr. frfii irvmfc vv ii AtlanHo City. N. J. VENTNOR COTTAGE booking for the season. racial rates tor Easter, a N. New Havnt Other Cluiilfled Ad- an Next Pag '" ' ' editions daily jil I Tl 9fc4iaijEM n-Wiii1i-r llllll.- iilfc.-t,w.'j