EVENING EEDGETS PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APEIL 11, 1916. ( BANDIT VILLA IS DEAD, SAYS UNCONFIRMED REPORT Continued from rnite One will trcnt Villa was the question upper most In the mlndii of Kl l'nso officials to-dRS-. A portion of the DuranRO gnrrleon under the Arrleta brothers li reported to havo declared Itself nRalnst the American Invasion of Mexico. This In unconfirmed. Other reports are that the Arrlc as are Villa's personal enemies nnd that thej arc entrenclicd at Durnniro City. An unconfirmed report reached here to day that Mexicans raided a "inch itataw luff to A. Ksqulcrado at Villa Ahumad, Chihuahua. CAIIKANZISTAS PLAN VILLA CHASE, IV U. S. WILL QUIT t'X I'ASO. Tex.. April 11 .-The Impres sion exists on the border to. ay t hat heaj J Carranza forces nr about to take up the chase for J'ai.clin Villa and U"" the Lnl ted States expedition will be called off. It Is l.ellevc.1 that Oeneral Oavirn Is preparing to take the Held. There seems no doubt as to tho desire of the CnrrnnxIstiiB for the withdrawal of the American forces. Just to wlint extent they themselves expect to push tlio cam palRti nunliist the outlaws Is a matter of conjecture. After n conference between Oeneral Gavlra and Dortnnl, the 'Juarez com mandant made It plain that tho mission of the Porshlnir expedition had been accom plished and that withdrawal was now in order. General Gavlra's statement was: Wo hae more men than enotiRli now. It wo wcro able to ovcrcomo Villa when ho had 70,000 men, over a hundred cannon and plenty of sup plies, wo outfit to bo aide to dls poio of him now, when his numbers have dwindled to a few hundred. But It Is n bl(? territory to operate In, and a slnclo man has more chance to escape nnd hide than a largo force would have. However, on account of Villa's wounded condition, wo think he will bo taken soon. If not. it Is hardly likely that, without proper surgical care, ho will survlo for long. Tho presence ot General Bertanl In Juarez Ravo renewed force to the reports that General Gavlra had been ordered to tho field. SPEED, MORE SPEED, FOR U. S. TROOPS, SEEPED TO KT VILLA WASHINGTON. April 11. Duplication ot Colonel Dodd's dash which routed Villa's ragged band at Guerrero will bo necessary If the bandit chief Is to bo over taken by American pursuers, anr.y men said today. But they felt their man hunt ers would bo c.iunl to the task. All reports ngrco Villa Is a day or moro ahead of General rershlng's riders. To overtake him Is a tremendous task, but authorities suggest the trail Is still warm, and they still predict that dispatches within tho noxt few days will bear tidings that tho American expedition Is succeed fully at ail end. The lino of communications between Columbus and the heart ot Mexico offers a problem for administrative men. yet opening ot tho Northwestern Hallway to prlvato supplies for tho army has relieved anxiety materially. Dispatch of the J4th (colored) regiment to Columbus has solved In part the question of protecting the auto trail to Chihuahua. Other forces will toe available If needed, for General Funstoii has orders to call for wliatovcr Is needed. Senator Fall's report that Villa Is not wounded found no credence In the War Department, for Pershing had reported ugaln that Villa was Injured In the Unco. About 12,000 troops, chiefly guarding communication lines, arc Inside Mexico, it was learned olllcWIly today. The border patrol Is about 18,600 men. while only 2000 men nro stationed throughout tho country, mainly at Spokane. Vancouver Barracks, San Diego, Alaska, Kansas, tho lake district and the Northeast. A Stato Department press announce ment said tho reported massing of Mex ican troops along tho Itlo Grande was unfounded. And that there was no evidence of any troop movements from Chihuahua toward tho border. "It Is stated that every available man," said the announcement, "Is operating In the locality of tho supposed whereabouts of Villa, and that General Gutierrez Is giving ovcry proof of sincere co-operation." Tho department's advices still locate Villa In tho Parral region. s SLAIN NEGRO SOLDIER BLAMED IN TEXAS RIOT DEIj IUO, Tex., April 11. Sheriff John W. Almond today made public an ofllclal " report on the riot of Saturday night In which Prlvato Wade, a negro soldier ot tho 21th United States Infantry, was killed by ranger W. I Barler. This showed ,w't the slain soldier was shot four times. j,. 'al report holds tho troops re sponsible for tho riot and declares that only tho four shots which killed Wade were fired by the men attempting to quell tho disorder. The sheriff reports that tho negro trooperB -were attempting to enter the "Green Top" resort, that tho rangers were called as a guard and that they were attacked by the negro soldier. Banger Barler was on tho ground, felled by Wade, when ho shot. In self defense. PERSHING, AT NAMIQUIPA, SILENT ON VILLA CHASE SAN ANTONIO, Tex., April II. Major General Funston received n wireless re port from General John J. Pershing from Namlqulpa, In Mexico. Aside from re. porting tho recovery of the wounded American soldiers, General Pershing gave little Information of tho campaign to catch Villa. (Namlqulpa Is far to the north of where Colonels Dodd and Brown are reported to be operating and even north of where. General Pershing was located. However, It ia supposed that General Pershing You have 6een Iloyal jpyer ; thing in the Ledger far tev- eral months. Maybe yaM have . ' meant to make a testof the ; ; convenience of the nijpt force 'or of our special faciiues $i ; r furnishing perfect Ii i ' color-plate duplicate r - - ...- i, - you tear out una au ' to call ua up and tl r h some special job yourKuh lian uica in a particularly curciui -rm way. , ROYAL ELECTROTYPE CO, PHILADELPHIA . made n hurried trip to the front and has relumed to his headquarters.) General' Funston announces that his Apache Indian scout squad has reached General Pershing's base nnd that It Is even now on the trail of Villa and his bandits. The Gcncrnl said ho knew of no "dead line" for the American expedi tion. "If Durango Is sacred ground I know nothing ot It," he said. Villa, driven against the wall of Car ranzlstas, toward which he Is reported heading, faces llerco opposition, Gencrnl Funston believed. FIVE WOUNDED AMERICANS RECOVER, REPORTS PERSHING SAN ANTONIO. April II. Five Ameri can soldiers were wounded In tho battlo with Vllllstas In the Guerrero district on March 27. All were members of Troop f , Sccnth United States cavalry. They hao recovered from their wounds. General Pershing set forth these facts In nn oftlcial report transmitted by wlro less to Major General Funston today. The following list of casualties was given In General Pershing's report- I'lHVATB THOMAS P. rtltOWN. wounded In rlwk. buck nnd nhotilitr. FAitntnn v. p. manmjkfu ii.i.k. twice wound".! In "tt forearm. PniVATB JOHi:i'H tlAIIUISt., wminded In left forearm. . . . rillVATK JoSnt't! r) IIKNNETT, wounded In nnklo by rlenchetliiB bullet. PltlVATB WAIrmi N. OAHDNKn, wounded In left hnnd. The Injuries suffered by Private Brown alone wcro characterized as serious In Pershing's report. Ho stated that tho wounds of tho other four men were slight. Today's repoit was nn amplification of earlier oftlcial advices from the com mander ot the expedition In Mexico, ills first report had said thnt four men were wounded. .When thli wns sent It wns not known that Private Bennett had been Injured. CABINET REVIEWS SUBMARINE CRISIS Continued from I'nee One channel liner Sussex, Cabinet mem bers insisted that the entire weight of evidence before them today indicated that the ship was torpedoed by a sub marine. WASHINGTON, April It. Count von Hornstorff. tho German Ambassador, will make another effort to scttlo for nil time the points In dispute be tween tho United States and Germany growing out of the submarine activities of tho German navy. Tho Ambassador hopes to discuss tho situation with Secretary .of Stato Lansing as soon ns the latter gets hll of the evidence now en route from London and Paris. Cabinet convened today with few of tho expected facts concerning the recent sub marine operations In hand. Tho German Foreign Olllco report, disclaiming re sponsibility, was belieed to have been handed Ambassador Gerard today, but direct word to that effect had not como from Gerard. Count von licrnstorff had expected to discuss the crisis In full yesterday, but wns Informed that the data on hand aro In complete and that It will be Thursday, nt least, before all the collected evidence In tho various cases that have been Investi gated can reach Washington. Meanwhile the complete text of tho German reply to the Inquiries by Am bassador Gerard Into tho Sussex. Kngllsh man, Manchester engineer, Knglo Point and Berwindale nttacks Is not expected to get here before late tomorrow night or Thursday morning. In each case, it Is understood, Germany insists that shu can not bo held responsible, and In tho case of the Sussex, especially, specific denial Is made that any German submarino was concerned. In this very connection experts In Inter national law were today pointing out thnt this Government cannot very well question the statements of n friendly nation unless It has absolute evidence gathered from Its own sources that that Government Is mis taken. "No nation can call t another a liar un less she means war," Is the way high au thority puts the case. Tho President believes that there Is an accumulation of evidence that submarines again are torplolng without warning, but In the big case which ho expected to make the chief Issue that of the Sussex It probably will have to bo ignored entirely. Many oillclals were hopeful that Count von Bernstorff nnd Secretary Lansing would be able to find a way out that would solve the existing perplexing prob lem, but It will be Impossible to deter mine this much before the end of tho week, if then. Meanwhile tho entire In ternational situation must continue un changed, ns the I.uflitanla case Is still un adjusted to the satisfaction of the United States. The Overseas News Agency today Issued In Berlin a copy of a dispatch which had been received from Athens stating that a Oreek naval officer was on board the steamship Sussex, carrying Americans, which was damaged with loss of life by an explosion In the English Channel. The following is given out as the text ofthe Athens dispatch: "The officer states that the ship must have struck a mine, which was possibly Drltish. The Sussex had a French crew on board and only four lifeboats, which was altogether Insufficient." VENUS lO PENCIL At all - r dealers S 1 1 ' V awvP aupremo in ita claia v Working' st8 JJa - iiarrisburq trenton Lancaster . 'V for Your mssP bethlkuem williamsport wilminqton ggn Diamond HroXari and Vunty Ltldtrt ' MBBMiMi UnniieciAtJ lHan.oAdi, us., far aU mmmmmmmmmtmmmmmgmmmmSSm -- GEN. PERSHING AT This photogrnph, taken "somewhere in Mexico," is a characteristic portrait of tho man delegated with the simple mission of "getting Villa." GERMANS WIN GROUND ON LE MORT HOMME Continued frnm Vnur Onr lief that there Is little doubt that the real offensive began against the French posi tions nt Verdun on Hundny. The assaults w'llch have been under way slnco Satur day, It Is believed, may bo regarded as the diial drive. Tho Gcrmnns arc ngaln employing mass formation nttacks, the troops being sent forward Into the blasting lire of tho French without regard for losses. Tho ravines and gullies about the hills west of the Meuso are filled with German dead nnd wounded, the Bed Cross units being tillable to reach tho wounded because of the terrific artillery and machlno gun duel which rages night nnd day. The curtains of flro used by General Pe taln nro found absolutely successful In a majority of cases In checking tho Ger man rushes. IlKItLIN. April 11. Capturo of moro French positions north enst of Verdun, In tho fighting southwest of Fort Douaumont, was announced by the War Offlco this afternoon. On the cast bank of tho Meuso French counter-attacks south of Crows' forest were repulsed, tho Germans taking 222 prisoners. Tho French counter-attacked In largo force from the direction of Chattnucourt, but wero everywhere driven back. They wero also driven oft In attempts to re conquer positions near Pepper Heights, recently tnkon by tho Germans. South of St. Klol nn English grenado attack broke down. The Gcrmnns rctnln the whole position. 36,000 FRENCHMEN TAKEN. More than 36,000 prisoners have been captured by tho Germans on the Verdun front since tho great battle for tho French fortress opened 51 days ago. Olllclal announcement of tho number ot prisoners taken was made through tho Overseas News Agency today. It Is estimated by German military critics' that the French havo InBt nearly 150,000 men In killed and wouiide.l. West of the Meuso River about 25 square kilometres of territory have been captured. German newspapers now point out that the French report having evacuated Beth Incourt "according to a previous plan." However, In this connection It Is pertinent to point to an order found upon a French officer, which says: t "Tills Important place (Dethlncourt) must bo held under all circumstances." The fact that more than 700 umrounded French prisoners wero taken nnd many more than that were killed or wounded Is zmmBm Jry& av m0&mmmmmmE.mAm? gl PjbjjJmbBv' Mr Mf ,tlalsjBBBBaaTaBtMlWwmB'l 77"E gladly entrust the reputation of our greatest manufactur ing achievement, THE Packard Twin-Six, to the growing army of Enthusiasts who are daily putting ittotheuserslTiest. PACKARD MOT OTt CAIt COMPANY qf PHILADELPHIA S19 North Broad Street WORK IN THE FIELD proof that tho French plan of evncuatlon could not havo been perfectly carried out. According to the French War OHlcei the new French front lies from the southern corner ot Avocourt Forest, along tho first slopes of the Hill .101, on the southern slopes of Forges brook, northeast of Haucourt, thence rastwnrd and south of tho point where the Ilcthlncourt-nsiics road nnd the Bethlncourt-Chattancourt roads cross, nnrl north of Cumlcrcs to tho Mouse River. As reported by tho German War Olllce, tho fortifications of tho vlllago of Avo court, south of Avocourt Forest, wero destroyed by the Gorman guns. Methodically but with tho certainty of a. woll-regulatcd machine, the Gormans are smashing their way forward on both sides of tho Mouse and. to borrow tho expres sion of nn enemy general, they aro "nib bling" their way Into Verdun. Fresh troops are continually being sent to tho front to rellovo tho veterans who havo played their part In previous storm assaults. A division and a halt of reinforcements havo Just been sent to the Malancourt front to tako part In tho drive against Hill 304, which now forms a modified salient In tho German lino. GEHMANS RESENT II. S. DOUBT CAST ON NATIONAL HONOR BERLIN, April 11. Much bitterness has been caused here by reports that Americans are question ing tho honor of tho German Government without waiting for a presentation of all the facts In tho Sussex nnd other cases. Tho Berlin newspapers today reprinted several American newspaper edltorlnls, as cabled hero from English sources. These editorials charged that Germany has violated tho pledges given by Ambas sador Bernstorff. It Is tho unanimous opinion of Germans with whom correspondents havo talked that tho U-boat commanders havo received such explicit Instructions that there Is little possibility that they have violated either International law or tho pledges Germnny made America. For that reason tho Gcrmnns feel that tho American edi torials, written before Germany presented her Bldo of tho case, nro entirely unfair. S&' are here niu inciiiiui Samples Gladly Gig GegjD!i(ttom Tiillorlnc Only The War Today Violent liquid-fire nttacks wero launched by tho Germans on both sides of the Mouse last night. The attacks were repulsed, Paris as serts. It Is ndmittcd, however, in the French official report that tho Germans have gained n foothold on the cast slope of Dead Sinn's Hill, one of the chief points of conten tion in the great battle now pro ceeding nlonp n 13-mlio front northwest of Verdun. The French claim to have Te pulscd n terrific German attack south of Douaumont, north of Ver dun. A violent bombardment con tinued during the night on tho Vnux-Douaumont front. French military critics say thnt tho real German offensive against Verdun is now under way and thnt the Germans are making the last great effort to capture tho strong hold. A semiofficial statement from Berlin states that tho Germans have captured 3G.000 French pris oners since the beginning of tho Verdun fight and estimates the total number of French killed and wounded in the struggle nt 150,000. ( Ilngdad is being cvncuntetl by civilians, under order of the au thorities, nnd the army, officered by Germans, is prcpnrlng to resist the British drive through Meso potamia. Bagdad has been tho ob jective of the offensive in this war zone. The British commander on the Tigris, Sir Percy Lake, denies n Turkish official report of an English reverse near Kut - el-Aniara. CLASSI DI RISEIMSTI CHIAMATE ALLE ARMI Congednti di Cavalleria, Arti- glicrin c Genio Dcvono Pres- en tarsi il 12 Corronte Vti telegramma da Roma dice cho c' slnto pubbllcato un decrcto col uualo nono cblainatc alio nrml nuove class! .11 rlscr vistl. Lo classl rlchlamate, chc si dcvono prosentnro al rlspeltlvl dlslrottl II Ifl cor ronte mese. sono: Cavalleria della clasqc del 1830; artlgllcrla da campagnn dcllo classl del 1SS2 a 1883; artlgllcrla a cavallo dello classl del 1SE. 1883. 1884, 1SSS c 188G, o tuttl I congedatl ascrlttl alia ml llzla territorial ed appartcncntl alio arml ill cavalleria, artlgllcrla c genio dello classl dnl 1882 al 188D. SI credo cho nucstl rlchlamatl saranno sublto inviatl nl camp! til Istruzlono o chc gll uomlnl die hanno gla" complctato la loro Istruzlono saranno mandatl nlla front e. SI dlco cho qucsto rlchlamo .11 classl sta un prcludlo del'of fensiva itullnna contro lo llnce dl rcsU tonza austrl.iche. II comunlcato udlclalo pubbllcato lerl sera a Bnma dice che sabato notto gll nustrlncl iitinccarono In forzo lo trlncco Itallanc sur'Mrzll, ma furono resplntl. noti solo, ma gll itallanl contrnttacenrono portandosl lino alia trincec nemlcho o sconflggcndovl gll nustrlacl In una vlolcnta lotta corpo a corpo. Prospect League to Ask New School At a meeting of tho Prospect Park Homo nnd School Lcaguo tonight a. resolu tion will bo presented calling upon the school board to purchase, it an early date, a tract of land sultuble for a new school. Some ot the rooms In tho present public school aro overcrowded, ns tho re sult of so many now families moving Into tho borough. These pcoplo havo beon attracted by tho Industrial development of eastern Delawaro County. E&!r&tiZiYS M w n t iy-' 'Lfy -jfc-i farfx Wjraiscu55; Longer Wear at About the Same Price as Last Year You always get mileage from Empire Reds at a low price and you pay about the same now despite the increase in rubber prices. Empire Red tires have shown their gumption and class witness the riot of colors in tires that followed Empire Reds the first red tires and the only red tires. Motorists already know the story ofEmpire red rubber's superiority. Empire Red Tires wear out in time, but they never rot out or give out and they are "tougher than nails." m m m a'- 'mpire IL NEMIC0 SCONOTTO IN UNA LOTTA ALBUI0 SUL MONTE MRZLIVHR Un Dirigibile Italiailo Bom- barda le Difese di Riva e Ritorna alia Sua Base Senza Danni LA DOPPIEZZA ELLENICA nOMA. 11 Aprlle. SI contlnua n parlaro n Itoma della progcttatn offenslva degll nustrlacl contro lo Unco Itallane, offenslva che, como vl tclegrnfftl lerl, sarebbo stata doctsa In Un conslgllo dl Ruerra tcnutosl reccntcmento In AuBtrln. Scmbra anzt cho un nttacco cho gll nustrlacl o'perarono domcnlca con tro lo poMzlonl Itallane del Mrzll costl tulBca nppunto un nccenno n questa grando offenslva cho nel plnnl nustrlacl dovrebba far rotrocedcre lo llnce ltnllano dnl terrl torlo dell'lmpero. L'attncco Infattl fit operato con grandl forzo e termlno con un combnttlmento corpo a corpo nella notte, ma gll austrlacl furono resplntl. Kcco 11 tcsto del comunlcato Ulllclalo pubbllcato lerl sera dal Mlnlstero della riuerra In baso nl rapporto del gcncralo Cndorna: "SI sono nvute azlonl dl nrtlgllerla stl Uitta la fronto dl battaglla. Sul Monto Mrzll sabato sera, dopo cho fortl con tingent! nemlcl si erano nvvlclnnll alia nostro trlncee, lo nostro truppo si lan clarono contro lo trlncco nustrlachc cscon flssero II nemlco In una vlolcnta lotta corpo a corpo. "Sulla fronto .lcU'Isonzo Tnrtlgllorla nemlca tiro' sulla stnzlono .11 Cormons o ail altri puntl In vlclnanza .11 quclln clt tadlna, ma hon rluscP a causaro dnnnl rllevnntl no' n far vlttlme. "lerl sera uno del nostrl dlriglblll volo" BUllo poslzlonl fortlllcato dl Rlva o lasclo' cadcro quarantn bombo e granntc-mlnc sullo senrpate, sulla ferrovla c sullo opero nillltarl. I nostrl nvlatorl osservarono che lo bombo o lo grnnato furono efflcacls slme. 11 nostro dirlglbilo fu scoperto dal potcntl rlflettort nemlcl o fntto bersagllo ad un Intenso fuoco del cnnnonl nntlacrcl 0 dello mltragllatrlcl, ma rltorno' nlla sua base senza dnnnl." Cn telegramma da Parlgl dlco cha II Temps rlporta un nrtlcolo del glornale atcnicso I'atrls nel quale o' affermato cho 1 rappresentnntl dcllo Potcnzo dell'Intesa hanno protcstato prcsso II govcrno greco per II fatto cho 37,000 saccht dl farina nppartcncntl nlla Russia sono statl con scgnatl Inveco nlla Bulgaria dallo nu torlta grcche. Questa farina era stata rcqutslta dal govcrno greco per l'cserclto C3rd ami IJoSO In tho Oxheart Cherry CLAFLIfl Established RED This all-new Empire fed rubber stays live and bouncy. It resists blow-outs. It stays cool under th hottest kind of running. ine extra extra mileage, ah to the long life or Adiustmentsihtffmade or of 5,000 mil&fri Use "PeenessTRed Rubber Inner Tubes they're ia the same endurance class as Empire jshoes. THE EMPIRE RUBBER & TIRE CO. Philadelphia Branch 322 N. Broad St. Factory and Homo Office, Trenton, N. J. hitmen rWirfftiSffi -37 ellenlco, o pol fu Inveco clandcstlnameht Invlntn In Bulgaria cho non solo puo' ndoperare la farina, ma nnch I Jncchl vuotl per rlemnlrll dl terra ed usarlt tr scopl purnments mllltnrl. Kotlzle giunte qui dlcono che I runs! hanno gla' Inlztato l'attncco sulfa fortl flcnzlonl cho dlfendono In piazza, dl Tre blsonda, verso cul miravano fin da quandd espugnarono la fortezza dl Erzerum. I prlmt combattlmentl sono statl favoVevoll nl russl, ma si credo cho la lotta eark' lunga glaccho' I turchl hanno nccumhlata grand! rlserve dl munlzlonl e la dlfesa a' dlrctta da nblll ufDclalt tedeschl. Iholfra si sa cho 60,000 turchl fanno mania for' zato dalla 2ona dl Angora verso Trebl sonda, che no dlsta circa 3E0 mlglla, si sa puro cho la guarnlglone della piazza marltlma e stata portnta rcccntementa a circa 90,000 uomlnl, e che la Germnnla rl ha mandato una grande quantlta' .dl vet tovaglle o dl materials da guerra, 'com presl gross! cannon! ed neroplanl. It fatto o' cho alia reslstenza dl Treblsonda si annotto grands Importanza da parte dl tedeschl a dl turohl. Lo opcraztonl contro Treblsonda nono dlrctts personalmento dal grsnduoa Nicola. Olunge notlzla che una meta' dell'escr clto cho fu mest fa mobltltato dalla QreaU sara' congedata temporaneaments. -3626 residents of Phiiadel phiaregistcredarfotd Astoc dutingohe pait year. Sinel Rom. without btdh ffafoo to 3.00 Doubltl sTf.ootoU& J Singls ; with ? 3.00 to f6.co Double (4.00 to fj.o Pulor, Bedroom ind bith, 10.00 to rd.oo TIMES SQUARE At Drodwy, th to 4 jth Street the center of New York's 'octal and buiinen actiriu'ei. In dole proximity ta all railway terminalf. iHunni:H;;i!Uiuit!!n!(!!nuiiiUi Shade, Also in BlaC 110? Chestaunt 48 years. n1wV&&iJiv itSlt-w CTwS MM (X jn f ires Wear Longest stuck rreacugives ot meseeonrnDuie m Empire Rec vl If if. Red it an Empire'