4 BVB2iy Lii)KIi 1'IJ.J.LADKhPUIA, MOyDAT, APBIl 10, 191C 0 LISTENING POST DUTY SUPPLIES MANY THRILLS Next to Actual Charge, It Contains Greatest Dangers SHUN "WOODEN CROSS" Snipers Always on Alert Against Guards Who Watch Enemy l)y ELLEN ADAIR Wrllter. Specially for tho IlriraiMi tannin. LONDON. March 2i Perhaps no Mrnln Is greater on tho nornse soldier that wlim ho takes his turn, under rover of nlRht, nt tho "listen Iiir post." For ho must clamber over the Jiarnpet of tho fire trench Into llio hid lnn dniiKcrs of Nn Man's Land, mid creep cautiously In Rtmkc fashion ntnoiiB lotiR Krass and death-smelllnR shell holes, uliero enemy snipers and enemy scouts aio Biiro to ho lurking. It means n rlU of helnff nmbushed nnd hilled silently with cold itcel. On the other hand. It may mean rapturing n icconnoltrliiR enemy nnd hrlnghiB him In triumphantly, with a posslhlo reward In 'the form of n, week's homc-lcno or tho Inuch coveted D. C. M. Though occasion ally wo hear of the stnlcncss nnd monoto ny of trench life, thero Is nothing In tho least monotonous In tho work of tho night nitpost. It ho regards It as merely monot onous nnd lets his wits grow drowsy at the Job, then, ns soino Tommy or other aptly puts It, he's llablo to "get tho wooden cross." "For wlt-i that go ivool gathering meet. with dlsastor. And enemy snipers are ever "watching and wnltlng for them. "(Joins out to tho 'listening post' Is tho next best ndventuro to a, charge," a cheery lance corporal Informed mo today. "I shall Jiover forget ouo night of It I had I A wisp of moon wan glimmering In a c of mist when thrco of us set out. Tho fJermans had begun their night-long display of star shells, lighting up tho i-cono In silvery 5 adlance. Their rlllcs uttered vicious ivhlp-crack3 continually, Wo heard tho whizz of a bullet overhead, or the angry hum of a spinning ricochet. With n friendly leg up to tho parapet, v;o scram bled over ns fast as wo could. Tt would not do to ho seen In tho light of a. flare, for Gorman snipers mls3 few good targets. WAIT IN HOLE. " 'Craclc-crnck-cracIc-cracU' In a breath less stutter from a machlno gun. The bul lets whlstlo and hit tho parapet behind us with n, mighty whack I llavo tho Germans een us? Wo llo flat, holding our breath. Arc you two all right?' I whisper to the men behind. "Slowly wo creep forward another 20 yards to a holo torn by a shell. This Is to bo our listening post till closo to dawn. Tho Germans nro not unlikely to attack, nnd our business Is to seo that they do not tako us by surprise Wo do not expect to use our rides. Wo liavo to iso our eyes nnd ears, especially our cars, to detect any movement of tho enemy. If wo seo him advancing, wo must report to our com rades in tho trenche3 without a second's delay. "Crouching low In our shell hole, w drain our eyes to plorco tho darkness. .Suddenly my arm Is gripped tightly. I overcome, tho dcslro to shout, but cold perspiration breaks out on my forehead. N"o need to fear It's only Johnson, my companion, and "Seo that flguro In front,' he whispers, "I strain my eyes again. Yes, thero's n dark, motionless shape only a few yauls ahead ! Tightly I grip, my rifle, ready to club tho suspect, and In tense expectancy wo await his npproach. For surely ho has seen us? Then a flaro goes up, anil In Its horrlblo greenish light a post Is re vealed, to which remnants of barbed wire, shattered by shells, still cling. Only that, and nothing moro t "Darkness again, and tho wind sighing over our heads. Quickly ono realizes how deceptive tho eyes can bo for night work. Xervcs nro nt the highest tension. You aee wooden posts movo and bend. Some men will even hear them whispering In German ! DEAD Lin THICIC. "After n tlmo I press forward, on through tho knee-high grass of No-JInn's-Land. It Is a thrilling experience, llil-. exploring of ground where battles havu been fought for many a long month and where tho dead lie thick. I fall forward i three times over the bodies of slain coin- "ndes! Though the soaring star shells light up the scene brilliantly, lying Hat like this, I am not out of sight of the enemy. "Now I enn hear the Germans'dlslluctlv I am close to their trenches. Some one Is calling names out rapidly probably u hergeant distributing the malls, homo ouo is playing a mouthorgan. The ring of spades and tho thud ! thud ! of pickaxes come from behind the trench, Tliu uneiiiv must be filling sandbag to strengthen their parapet against shell fire 'Then my heart gives n. midden terrible Jump' For hero como a party of Ger mans right towaid mo, on their way back from patrollng No-Man's Land ' "The night wind whistles ns the steps grow nearer, nearer. Yes, they havo seen tne I mint wait till a bayonet pin mo to the ground, or till I am seized nnd mado prisoner. No escape now! Heslstanco would bo nbsurd. The whole course of my past life runs past mo In a panorama of quiet events. How soon will I feel tho sting of cold steel through mo? How soon? "'What an unpleasant odor!" says the foremost German, 'Where's tho corpse, d'yo think?' " 'Hero'e tho body,' says another, half hendlnir over me, 'Wonder It he's realty killed?' "I nm nervous nnd excited, hut not afraid. My death seems a fantastic, lm poeslblo thing. " 'Come on leavo tho corpse alone,' says tho first, 'I'm dead tired, and want to get back to the dug-out." "As In a dream I hear their retreating footsteps, and I am alono ngaln saved! Cold sweat bienks out all over me. Quick' ly I nm off t" Join my two companions at the tear. They too nro shivering, but Willi cold, not fear. "Far off a cat Is mewing dismally. Per haps the pour cieature Is wounded T Hun dteds of such, Bono wild, haunt this dreary No-Man's-Land. living on field mho. nnd, distrustful of cruel humanity. ri'fue to como near, "A sudden terrific fire from German machlno guns warns us to llo tint ngaln. Wf-'ie near our trenches now yet this may bo tho end. Over our heads tho wild blast goes tho Btar shells shoot up rapldjy. "Fiir IS minutes the firing goes on with out pun-so. Apparently tho enem.v fear wo shall creep over to attack tlu-nt at the hour ot dawn. "Then comes n blessed silence, save for tho mewing of thoso cats. Time passes. Now wo can seo each other's faces, palo In the cold light of morning. Trailing our arms anil bonding low, In a wild rush wo aro oer our paiapcts and homo! "Tho long night is over and duly at llic 'listening post' Is done." KNIGHTS OK MALTA Mystic Cross Commnmlcry o Admit n Class of Ono Hundred C 'Mates Ono nf the mot notahli li: tips of tho Hcatoti will tnlsn Uuv m turdny evening, April 20, In tho hull .Mystic I'l'ws t'oinmantlory, Xo. I8(, nt ' South GOtli street, whr-u u rlass nf lt uunril (tntos will ho admitted. In addition to tho regular meeting loom, nit additional hall lias been engaged to accommodate the candidates nnd host of members and fra ternal isitors who will doubtless dcslro to witness tho ceremonies. Th 10 higher dfKreen will bo conferred upon tnt full clat nf petltlonern. nnd, In addition, tho appendant Order nf tho Hrd Cms nnd Hep ulrnri' will ho rendered In full ceremonial form liv i'ii' doRren tenm nf Fidelity Commandery, Ni 71f of Contest Wo. This tenm will inn It II equipment of roh nnd paraphernalia, w for this dearre alone rot SI .Hi), nnd wl prewnt tho iippi-ndnnt order In a man tin and atslo rarely witnessed. A double mule qu.irtet will contribute ncnl select Iouh ami an orchestra composed of ill Malta Knltfhts wilt add to the Impressive character and beauty of thu desrcea by appropriate musical nelectlons. Qunler flty Commandery. No. 122, Is nr raiiKlnR for a monster titcrtntmnenl nnd re ception to ho Riven on Saturday venln. May 1!7, In I.u I .u 'iVrnpIe Music will lm furnished by mi orchestra of tl pieces,, A Victrola out fit will ho rUcii away nnd the talent for thla concert will bo of thu highest order. A special session of tho Grand Commander? will bo convened In tho council chamber of Adam Comni.indry. No 428, t JsVn Kcn utiiRton, on April till for tho purpo- ion ferrlim ho past commander' d All who hnrt pasxed the. chain uf th- . mt commander and nil senior ward i. hoho terms expired on or before Al.iy Id oi last tor may reecho tho degrco at this time. Friday nnd R.iturd..v last Ariel Com ir.utidery. No. 1 HI, at McKo Hpurt, now thu Kir Beat commnndery tu exlntenct conferred tho fed cronn ami wpulihro ileurtu upon u laruu tlusa or candidates. , Tomorrow tho State 1'lnance Committee, will meet nt headquarter In this city to audit the account a of tho trraud recorder and grand treasurer for tho past eur. Tim election board will meet nt headquarters on Friday to count tho oftlcl.il otea cast at tlm recent election for Grand Commandcry cfhcer.s. Kcd Men A delegation nf b) warriors nf Flute Tribe, No i!.il, leil by Fast Sachem John IodRe, Tuesd.i l.iHt, trailed tu the wlcwnm of To wand.i Trlbo and raised thu newly elected ehlffa to their reHpectlve stumps. After tho leremony short talk were made by Faxt .Sachems (Jeorce Thomas. Joseph Mura. Jo seph Itusselt and Chief of Kceords Uluett. of Trlbo No, M. TburHday menlnff the chiefs of Flute Trlbo wpio installed by a team from Neahamluy Tribe, No. 1M. On FrldaH slep, the newlv elected chiefs of l.thutn Council. No, t!Sl. t)ereo of Foca hoiitart, were formalism Installed and a new term Inaugurated, whlcli promises to establish a record for nroervHshe work In tho history of this well-known council. An entertain ment and social cenlriR for tho members ami their friends Is one of tho ltultlntf features already planned for Jho new team. Knights of Pythias That there Is nn unwonted nrtlilty In Pithlan i Ircles Is shown by th reports betm; received from various sections of tho Jurisdic tion, as well ns from local Philadelphia lodges, of tho Hilmlssloii of clasmti of candidates and the presentation of numerous petitions for membership, , Tuedav eienimr l.iwt. Improvement Lodse, No. Ill", KnUlus of Fythlia of Clifton IMalitfl, (onferred the d-ret uf ii.ikp on 15 candidates. F. C. John llhlncer performed tho dutlen of chancellor commander In n very credltahlo munner.' The dKreo of esquire will bo ron ferrd on this ilass tomorrow evenlns. and on April I the crack decre- team of thf IoiIko will confer the dttrrce of Miluht In loim form. All Indues are cordially Invited to witness these decrees. E who has the "Ledger habit" is akin to him who enioys the friend ship of a brilliant . mind. He looks forward with pleasurable anticipation to the Ledger's arrival each morning. Get the "Ledger habit." ARCANUM COUNCILS HOSPITAL MOVEMENT , Association Contracts With Lo cal Hospitals for Necessary Care of Needy Sick Members Tho flnyat Ard.mum IToopitnl Aspocla tlon, closlnp; a year of offectlxe nnd nl tinhto work, tins Just issued lis report of tho year's operation, showing total ro cetpts from nil source of $2101 OH Pur Ins the jcar $r07.l0 was paid to nine different hospitals for the enre of slrU members, which, with other necessary ex ponsos, leaves a net bnlance on hand of Tho oelnllnn hns 23 councils enrolled as nm. .Ml contributors, and t ronowinp; its effot Is to moro thoroughly cam for nil needy caies submitted to Ha attention Contracts havo boon mado with all of tho Philadelphia hospitals, with n few ox ceptlons, to a ro for nil sick Itoval r ramim members at tho nssocintlon ? pense. In addition to this, agreement have also been mndo with hospitals Inrnted In Pelaware, Montffomcry and Herit (Vuntles. Tho Held of usefulness is ih creaalnff every year. A speeUt meetlnff will be called in the nenr future of representatives nf all local councils for the purpose of orKimlflnK nn active ath letic nssortatlon. J)r. I It. Ilellof. In chirR" nf lh" movement, will snok to Interest nil louneils In Philadelphia and !rlntt The desire Is to have a preliminary or tentative plan considered nnd In such shape ih.it a r port can be mad to I no associated count Ih nt tho next meeting, Mav it. It Is a well known fnct thnt tnnny fraternnl orffnnlratlons tndav are procurlnc thilr bet nnd vmim;est members thrnutth sftnllnr nuilllarles nnd the fact that tho Hoynl Arcanum meet, held at M lllow ilrove, resulted in such material nd vantape to tho organization. Is taken ns l denro that the formation of this athletic asso ciation will prom of positive and definite aluo and should be cordially supported by all coun cils and members. Orand Resent X It OelenberRer hft lust published his latest official ilrcutsr. Thes ilrcitlnrs are read at eicrv metlnf? of the subordinate councils In lVnnsi Ivanla nnd nn attracting considerable attention The last circular, entitled "Htop, lnuk and Listen." contained a short sketch nf how tho phrnso originated nnd proved Interesting reading. Annrtlcle, "A Distinction and n nlfference," will nlso nttrnrt tho notlco of that elasi of members who do not understand tho difference lielvveen a fraternal association nnd thnt of nn old-time llfo Insurance compsny. This Is followed up by Knots and nn explanation of Just what a fraternity l.s and what it is com posed of. The month of April honor roll shows the northwestern Jurisdiction nf Fennsvlvnidn In first place, with ls applicants. The central Jurisdiction, however, N u vnrv pood pecond, with a credit of 'J7 new members. The Fllts btirfth district shows up third, with Philadel phia n poor fourth. Tho total for the Htnto is ltd ilnrliiK the month nf March, flrother H. H. Iltpwelt. repent nf Dnrllnp Council, FlttsburRh. won second prize for the month of February, while Ilrothcr Wllllnm II. Kre. of Fine drove, mndo the mncnlMcent record of procuring 17 applicants In this month. In the work done by councils tho Orand BrRents Council, Conestoira, of Lancaster, ma'do tho best record for March. Trlday evenlnir was Ilaverford Council's reuular mooting night. Fuslness. ns uunl. was promptly disposed of anil nn entertainment Klven. Tills time It took the form of u lec ture with llluMrntlnnt. subject. i:uropean War." liv Dr. Walther 11. Lee. who has sorted six months with the Anurlenn Ambulance i orps. Apru .i mo council win hold memorial services. Tho ladles will bo Invited to ultend this meetlnff. Tho proposed visit of General Putnam Coun cil, of Mrooklyn. to Philadelphia Council has been fixed for tho evenlnir of Naturdav. May 0, nnd nil Indications point to a Inrjjn lslrn tlon and a royal reception planned, ns an evi dence of thu hospltnllty of Philadelphia fraters. Chester Council, No. n33, with Charles n Lewis presiding as regent, held nn Interesting: session last week, lnltlited ono cnnlldnto nnd received nn application from anothei Tho Membership Cnmpnlgn Committee nnd the rep resentatives tu the Associated Councils of Philadelphia both presented satisfactory ro ports. GOLDEX EAGLE KNIGHTS Valiant Crusader Knights Select New State Officer for Coming Year John F. TJrounloy, tho Brum! chief-eloct, hciR been n member of Aeolian Castle. Xo. 348. of Philadelphia, for tho last 2G yearn. llo has served the Grand Castle on two of tho most Important committees. Finance nnd Law, also as grand sir herald, Brand vlcu chief and next' month will ho In stalled uh Brand chief of tho Grand Castlo of Pennsylvania. Ilrothnr Ilrounley I on of tlm popular mnni lirm of tho oruVr. n tltmnt upt'.ilwr nnd an rx tensive traveler. Harkeil iih Im N h one nf .the la i pest, wpoltlilfst nnd mot iithurfiifltjp cnntle.i In th" .Stato, and with tlm proflli; f n euccoHsful career anil tiy re.iaon of hl i r snn.il popularity imstired of th rnrdl.il ro operation of his fellow Sir KnUhtH. hit ad inlnlntrnllon pre ma likely to maku a record for successful achleemrntH. On Sunday, April 30, Shamnlcln Pomman dery. No. 84, Military Dranch. will attond d I vino servlrpii in Hah in .Reformed Church, thin da to bolus tho 24th unnleriary of the torn mandery. anil on Muy -I tho castle will cu bra to Its -.ith nunlerary with an "opn canilo" and musical proKrum, to bu follout-d by u banquet. Supreme Ohlf-f John W. Ford attended the Grand Cnntle nf Delaware and Installed lt officers laHt Monda. and on TueKday tart.-.l nn a loner tour of tho States of llllnot and In diana tn thu Interest of the order. Mvlneston Castle, Xo. 23S. of Allentnwn th larcest castlo In tlm entlro order. rontliina to j mm in us memhersnip. ino Huppmmeiitai r- ( port for tho q mirier endlnff March 31 shows that they hnv run their membership up t 7 til' and aro still uddliu; thereto. St. Paul's fiMle. N'o. 37. of thli ltv !s ciiJo(nir u decided houm. and at the in -.i.i i hold lust uek adtiittteil a ctavs of Id u.il datva. i T.ie cral deer t nm of Hhamoltln C.iil No It'. U' t.ofiipa th d I. ti lirtio detenu loti ut I I t JOHN F. imOUNLEY Grand Chief of the State Cnstlc of Pennsylvania, Knights of thu Golden Knjjlc. UnKlrt KnlRhta, Jnurn$T(t in Trvorto Cn'tlt. No. .155. nntl tonforrvj th" tliroo dRrPi upon IS rnnilld.Ui'3 for tint rnstlo last Saturday ovenlnc. , MonJ.iy npxt Phnmnktn f"aitli will ftilmlt a rtntii of 10 r.xullilatf'i and will make a Kal.t nlKht of tho cont. Mystic Chain Knights TtiPriav p?nlni? l(rl.lFitmrtr Cintlo. No trt7. prrBPiUcd rani of in p.iM r ninin.indr Will iam I! (lolitrj, llcori?ii Wnnni'i'k, U'llllam I. Anlnioi, 1'roil Uiiiiiit". t'lirH Knfkn. II. Itrn7.l" liatKon, .1, lloorro Hlnn, I'.mU Hhallor, i. .1. WcUchcdcl. W. lilrtnnn O. V. Wchrlimli!. VllIlam flclir. William D. Anlmcn, Jmopli 'iindy. W .1. r.liinaii, Chrl' Knlhor, ileorKO McCormlrk, l.pwls Alilrri, ir. ytianto. II. K. Illlli'r, Uforso .MiirMiy. (', II. Hlllo ond John Hamulewhz with special past rnmmnndcr'H JpwoIa for meritorious Rrrxlrp. Tint pmiontn tloti Bpcorh wnH nud. I.y lnit Supreme Com tuamler John 11. l'oore, after wiitrii a 1 anum't va !'reil In the hall t'lrm Tetoulia 'rrttt' nf Ken Meti'n Hand furnNhed the mtiflle other adlreseH urro mad liy Huprcinct (.'omtnandei' W. II. Illddle. William H. Thorp". I Harlot Ii.putv Seleit Cunmanilnr OejrGO Hall an.l Z. Klrli. of I'lilnllty Cnitle. The trc.iBurrr. Ilrother Vstmot. whn lias pered J."i seaia, was presented with n lieautl (ul watch charm of the order at tho banquet. r A c CAR SOLD," said a foremost mechanical engineer who is a Cadillac owner but in no way connected with the Cadillac Company). By training and experience this man is fitted to correctly appraise engineering design and mechanical performance. His enthusiasm for the Cadillac "Eight" is therefore an endorsement by highest authority. We ore having the greatest Cadillac season in Kistor? don't delay 2?our order another day if you wish to secure immediate delivery. CADILLAC AUTOMOBILE SALES CORPORATION Reproduction of an actual photograph m m: & ar?u. ry-y&f-?t mm ARTISANS' ORDER MUTUAL PROTECTION Clubs Organized to Secure Can didates' Aid on the General Campaign Planned for . the Year A "nnnstcrV " Club, vdtli GO chnrter members, wni ciiRnnlzcct In Ilnrlrnnt As MinWy No r.r on Monday evening, liacti member nledped himself to attend every meetlnfr of tlio nsscmbly nnle-ss pre tented liv ulrknesi or somo otb Rood nnd iiifilclent muse, to bring It lcnst ono member timing tho current r, to pnv 10 rents ier month Into the uplet fund nuil In every wny possible, boost the nssemhlv In RClternl. Dr. .1. M. Dclo, Hie paptilnr inedlrnl evntnlner, wn elceted to the presidency ; Itnssell V. ColtltiRhnm, errelnrv, nnd !'. H. I. ltllbbert, treas urer It In proposed to have n roll rail nf the member caeh rrtonlh. when they nro to iimko Unown what lini been tlono to boost tho assembly tlurlrte tho last month. An untMUKllr large nttendanre of llio rnfm Iiern nf Huretti Assembly. No. as. nas present ''." vediiei iv evenltiB. nt wlilrli tltne Most l.x.en-'nt ltornrder t'n delivered atl effettlvo npil ediiinti.innl address upon the miahrlil eon- lltlnti of tlm order Most Excellent Master rllsin ThompBon nffereil to nun Immj the at tendauro prljn for the next nieotlmr. The inth nnnhersnry nf Isaac C, t'nderdnwn Afsombly. No as. will be rplelirnteil April 2rt with n lilu tnmpltmeutary reception ahd enter tainment, tn lu qUen la ,u ,ii Temple. I.1.IT Hprinit Harden street. A hleh-etiss vnndeMlle enterlnlnment from s to 10 o'clock will precodo a ilauclnir program. St. Jnlin'n AsBemMy. No. 28, Is determined to ilnlsii the car with n prealer menihershlp than, I'rocresslie. No -I and tho latter Is enunlly determined that this ambition shall not l realised. The Membership Committee of rrnureaiilve Ap.'inM haa nutllned n iiian nf iirtlnn wlilrli shnuld drlns Biieress tn their ef forts. A most spirit", emupetltlon between these two asspinbllrs Is assured with conse quent iH'tieui'lnl results to tho order at larse. Commonwealth Assembly, Nn. 0. rtavn a eor dlal rcrcptlnu to the taol extellent nfrtters en Monday evening nnd deiHnjied much itithu elasm In approval of auecesteil plans for se rurlnu new memtiera. This was nenernted ehlctly by Hr. II, Hunter I.ntt. the well-Unown deputy of Northwestern Assembly, who urfteil upnti the members of (otnmnnwcaltli nn or trinl?eil rnmtialfm to replenish their ranks. Ills remarks wero well received, nnd n mini bet or the memliers plcdiad tlieinsehcs to tu operato with his si heme. A carnival of fun and tolllty Is planned bv Nnrtliwesterii Assembly. Nn, fit, lu u hie min strel cutertalmm nt nnd dame tn bo clven l'rldav. April L"i. In .Mercantile Hall, iirnail anil Master streets. Ideal. KensliiKtnn. l,e hlsh. l'assyunk and ltarttam asacmbtlet will nsslst In tho entertainment. -"IE PEOPLE KNEW THE CADILLAC AS I KNOW IT THERE WOULD t- g$5 -q THE' MACCABEES Uniform Rnnk Drills in Preparation for Degree Team Exemplification Tho Uniform Hank held a. drill meet In? Monday evening last to praetleo for the First Desree, which Is to bo put on nt Itartrani ncvlcw by tho degrco Matt of Philadelphia Itcvlen- tonight In Orien tal Hall, 52d street and Itaverford avo nuc. All men-diets nte welcome. Captain Crouch reported progress on tho entertain ment nnd dnnco for the benefit of tile tluard, nnd It Is hoped that nil nictnbcis will help malto It a frrent success. 1'hlladelphla Itevlew. I'rtrltwny DullJlmr. re ports one of the best meetings ever held, with ono application for membership and every one present enthusiastic to have at least an new members to present to the nreat tommander nn May 17. Twentv-ilve new mem bers names are on the honor roll sines Ih first of the jear. with Commander Ilaney and Itecord Keeper Olson leading and thn fol lowing In line- Mr. tiorBiieh. Mrs. Myers. Mrs. Cmery. Mrs. Hitter nnd others. An en tertalnment will te held nt the next meet Inc. Tuesday evenlnu. April Is. with Mrs. Itlenerhnrh nq chairman. Commander Ilaney and iteionl K.-eprr Olon nre determlnel to keep the ittv bnmier atnther term, and the members lira I'omlnu to their assistance royally. An officers' meellne was held at the home nf Commander Alnrrlssev, of (Juakcr city Ite vlew, last Tlmrsdty evenlnw. at wlili h nr ratu.-ements wcrt made to becln the member ship tampvlun nt once. QuaKer Cilv Itevlew Is determined in havo a Roodlv numlier of new members to present to tho ttrent com mander nt tho rally. A special meetlnr; of ICejsto-ie Itevlew was held nt the offlcn nf Supreme chaplain 1(ur Cln. fillll I.udlow street, l-'riilay evenlnu. at which flvn applicants were obligated, after which a commanders and reord Keepi r's meet intr was held. IMans were Indorsed ror n r.illv to be held at the Unifies' Temple. ftprlnK Har den street near Ilroad. on May 17. nt which time all new members sei ure.1 since IVbruary 1 for the Installation cnmpaipn will be pre sented tn tlreat Commander Miss Neltlo li. l.ounshury and Supreme Chaplain Ilurgln. An entertainment will follow, and both presen tation of new members and tho entertainment will be free and open to tho puhlte. Mrs. Mary Morrlssey l.s chairman! Mrs. Mary Crouch, assistant chairman'. Mlsa A. II. Ilerlf, secretary, and Jlrs. Annln Ilaney. treasurer. Miss IlurRln complimented tho officers pres ent upon tho Rood record mnde so far. Torty tlvo nev members wero admitted durlrur March In this cltv, and it Is expected that April will make a better showing. Order of Moose rhll.ifMphla Toi1pT, Xo. " I, lin itinrifplpit thn rrfrrt trirmnnv oxltlnc ntnontr Hn ninni r hv ic-I(t tlnu U rntlro Inmnl of ofllrern, nn fnllrnvn: Junior jmU illctntor Jnmpa K. Donohuw; illt'tntor. John V. Font. lco illr t.itor, Hnrry W. Mm: rreliile. John J Mr Ailums; porrotnry, John J. Hynn: Irrnnurfr, Lfiuta roltcnhousn; Inner triifinl. Nell McDor motti outer KU.ir.l, Clinrton MiApr; Rorpount nt-nrma. Joseph Showaltcr ntnl Jononh Klnln: trustcen. Joseph G. Keller Jntncs Qulnlan ami ). A. Sullhiin. With a similar dhplny nf hnrmnny, tlm rn(llffl' Aiixtll.iry of tho 1ml it o ha rol"otPcl thn following ofdecra: Comma nJor, Mrs. Ilrnnm MrAu.iniiv, lro rommnmlnr, Mm. lt.irhpl Tonuun, ehnpl.iln. Mm. Mary AVngurr; prrri tary, Mri. Corrlc Oram: tnmurnr, Mm. uurn Vnn Iu"'n. Uxrrutho rnmmlttcn, Mrs Kitto Tnhtn, rhalrinan: Mm. Murjjnret Hnckflt. Mm Ktb.ilmth rulmrrj ennductrnss, Mm. Hallln A. MctrlcU; triMtt-nn, Mm. Hohccca Ianff. Mm. Nntnllo Untcrkofllcr nnd ilrw. Anna Mcltzner. BE NO OTHER v, w-M Order of Orioles rhlUdolphlft Nest. No. lis, Fraternal Or of Orioles, wss organized Sunday April 3, l Kverett l Itote. supremo lco presldenr . JtCBillnpr, itsusted by Ilrolhers Oroff, of Tort Dotlerer, of Uoyerlownt Lions, of Uattlmor nnd l,e;enby. of Camden. A Urea dle tlon of members of Camden Nest assisted i ohlliratlnic n class of A2 camlldates. a men whom wero many mn prominent In th buii ness nnd social life of Philadelphia. Tho Order, nf Orioles was orsanlred fh years aito and has a membership of moro thn liiu.DOO. It has nests In all the larso.clth nf thn. United States. It pays both sick an.i funeral lienellts nnd supplies free of post tt service of n physician for members nnd the families. Temporary quarters have been s cured nt 1 n'Jtl Arch street, hut from the e thuslasm shown by members nlready n pe manent headquarters will be purchased In t near future, on ono nf the main street In tl central part, of the city, as It Is n rule of th order that nil nests own their own clubroom Tho orcanlrer of this new and procTesslv order In this city Is William P, Donohue Tho officers elected are: I'ast Junior pres dent, .tomes J Mcllushs President. I town i ( Iternhelseri ylco president. William If Nebli Bcr. financial secretary. Frsnk J. Crowlevj r cordlnit secretary, John J. llannan: treasure Joseph Jl. Itjani chaplain, Henry P. Puree) nrilcn. VAlter J Hlneri mnrnhnl. .tntlna r Wanle Jr.; Inside sunrd, Albert Upoltore; out side KUard. I'red .chloe(relt trustees, j0ep l Hlner. K A. Ole.ison, John J. .Clark. Jamt .. k. . (I-.1a A l.'rfft lilt Mil. AlJrtbl. Itouip nnd c'hnrlen A Fnulj rlilrlannt Wtlfot IVIIOI rpar nnwTH j flieiR i uiuiiimiinin. r.u a. i rear Aiiinony juimno, u. . Ainrnnrr, ('nxanfiRh nm! Jnmei w. McMonnglo C'hark 1 Your Favorite MOVIES FREE To Boys FREE To Girls Name Your Favorites Wo will send yoti tickets that wilt ntlmlt you rnmj to sea them. If you will only devoto ONE MtNUTU OF YOL-n TIMtS A MONTH TO MEUnLY TALKIXO WITH YOUIl MOTHER Oil FATHER about our proposition. This offer Is open to boys and plrls nnywhoro In Philadelphia, or In nny town within 100 mllca ot Philadelphia, that has movies. For particulars call or writ. HOOM 230 run i.i o i.KitnEit iiuildino PIIILADCLFJIIA Y9k!PSaV! m&m ?& ?&$'$!' & t. .- 5 53 rl nimimwiiirMiwl'WM''M"wm'",'w'"w'M atMfciMMiMMifctiiWiiiTifiriiitTi M lfwlm -- amMmiuatimimma