ItjUWWW 8 EVENING LEDftEm PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, APRIL It), 1916. UNWILLING NEW YORK I YIELDS MtJSIC LAUREL TO STOKOWSKI BATON Vast Audience, Satisfied Noth ing Good Gould Come From Philadelphia, Goes to Gritlcise REMAINS TO PAY HOMAGE Leopold Stokowskl find hts capable company of more than 1000 singers and players returned early today nthrlll with the knowledge that they had forced criti cal New York to pay homagei to musical talent of Philadelphia brand. The Invasion of .New Tork by Stokowskt wan triumphal from start to finish. Ono of the greatest audiences ever assembled In the Metropolitan Opera House, pre pared to pick flaws In this, director "who dared to enter tho metropolis from mero Philadelphia to show New Yorkers some thing about music." The result was astonishing to New York. For moro than two hours Stokowskt held the vast audi ence spellbound under his baton. Under tho lnflucnco of the wonderful harmony that lio brought forth from the Mahler choral symphony the Now Yorkers forgot that they wero listening to Philadelphia talent Thoy Just sensed that It was mu sic harmony of the llnest and purest Quality which (lowed on uninterrupted like a clear, untainted mountain stream. There were two results a New York ac knowledgment of the greatness of Sto kowskt and tho placing of Philadelphia on the musical map of the world for alt tlmo, Tho Stokowskt forces Invaded New York In two special trains It wnn an Imposing company that marched from tho Pennsylvania Station to the Metro politan Opera House. Thero were hun dreds of young women with the bloom of health on their cheeks. Broadway had not soen so much freshness nnd spontaneity In many n, year. It was like a pure, sweet breath of air from the hills. Broadway was still stagnant from tho Influence of Its usual week-end theatre and cafo do baUch, and It was out of tho ordinary to hear sparkling laughter and to seo elasti city of step so early In tho day, Many New Yorkers looked nlmost resentfully nt tho Invasion of tho healthy, normal living folks from Philadelphia. In tho afternoon, Mr. Stokowskl re hearsed his company briefly In the prin cipal This was done because the larger auditorium of the Metropolitan Onera House presonted many new condi tions which called for new arrangements. Following tho rehearsal tho singers ngaln gavo freely of their freshness and vitality to Broadway, when they marched to the McAIpIn Hotel,, where dinner was served In the big restaurant on the roof. GOT IT3 MONEY'S "IVOIITH. Tho Friends of Music, a New York or ganization, was sponsor for the musical treat last evening New York paid J 12, 000 for that treat, and It was freely ad mitted that New York iccelved Its money's wortlt Three weeks ngo every scat In tho houie was sold. A few speculators, who had obtained tickets, held them for :$ apiece until a few hours before the performance, when the prico was paid gladly. Every seat In the great nudl torlum, from parquet to the topmost gal lery, was ocuplrd. All of musical NeV York was represented In the vast audi ence. Among the notables were David Btspham, Albert Spauldlng, Herbert With erapoon. Percy Oranger. Arthur Hadley, David Mnnncs nnd Fritz Krelsler. New york raised Its lorgnette, stared critically for n moment and then burst Into ft storm of applause when tho big cur tains parted, at 8:30 o'clock, revealing tho big chorus. Tho singers ncaultted themselves as well ns they had In the Philadelphia per formances. Tho choruses responded splen didly to every demand of Stokowskl. The soloists, especially Florence Hlnkle, first soprano, wero In fine voice, When the first Latin part of the work was con cluded those In the house realized that they were hearing an extraordinary com position. The applause was enthusiastic and several handsome wreaths were handed up to Mr. Stokowskl There was a trcmendoui demonstration at the conclu sion of the symphony. Mr. Stokowskl was called again and ngaln. The greater part of his big nudlence remained In the house for several minutes after the closo of the performance to participate In tho ovation to tho Philadelphia director who had grown great In New York In a single night. OPINIONS OF NEW YOKK CRITICS ON PERFORMANCE Comments of Metropolitan Papers on Phllatlclphlnns Interpretation Following are extracts from comments on tho Mahler production which will ap pear In New York newspapers of today: NEW YOUIC TIMH8 Tho performance of this enormous and exacting work, which InBted Just less than two hours was little short of magnificent Tho choruses wero trained to a remarkable degree of precision nttd flexibility. Their tones wero mngnlll centlly full nnd rich nnd tho enuncia tion clear The orchestral portion of the work was played with entire mas tery. Thero li little but prnlse for tho eight solo singers, Mmes Hlnkle, Bar bour, Koyes, Fischer nnd Uarcuin, and Messrs. Murphy, Wcrrcnrath and White hill. Mr. Stokowskl gave evidence of hts high abilities as a conductor by his preparation of such a performance and his firm command of all the forces un der his baton NEW YORK WORLD An audlonce that crowded the Metro politan auditorium and It might have been double the bIzo had there been space sufficient listened attentively, was Impressed and applauded. Much of the expressed approval, howover, was for the conducting of Leopold StokowBkl, of the augmented Philadelphia Orchestra, which this leader regularly directs, and the singing of the chorus nnd soloists, nil of which wns desorved, because tho Interpretative achlocment of last night represented almost two years of prepa ration. NEW YORK HERALD It was an Impressive sight when the curtain rose, revealing a sea of faces, the thousand singers and musicians who hnd como from Philadelphia to give to New York Its first hearing of tho late Gustav Mahler's Eighth Symphony. Hut tho sight was no moro Impressive than wero the climaxes of Mahler's music. They "got" tho uudienco. If Philadel phia can offer such stupendous musical productions It always will find New York ready to recelvo them. There was a tremendous chorus of "braoa" at tho end, and for flvo minutes the whole au dience stood and npplauded the orches tra, the chorus and tho memory of the composer, NEW YORK SUN Tho symphony was admirably per formed. Tho sololsta nil deserved jiralse. Tho chorus sang brilliantly; tho orches tra was efficient, and Mr Stokowskl showed himself master of the score and of his forces. & NEW YORK TRIBUNE A thousand persons came over from Philadelphia yesterday on tho Invita tion of tho Society of Friends of Music to give n performance to a composition by tho lato Oustnv Mahler, whtcH had not previously been heard In Now York. It war an Imposing Incident, nnd one that, In Its externals at least, will loom large In tho history of tho season. Theatrical Baedeker ADELPHI "Tha Ml tie Shcrhsrd of Kingdom Como," with Robert rnrrest. Jack Davis Mona Hunacrford and Wallace. Owen. , A play by Buaeno Walter, from the noel of the same name by John Fox. Jr. A romance of three walls a hoy. n alrl anil a los. First metropolitan production nnOAD "Tho Weolnir of .Eve," with Lauretta Taylur and Phlllln Merliale A comedy liy J. Hartley Manner of an American alrl. who starts to untanale a houhold mix-up of n Enallsh relative Mr Manners wrote Tor o' My Heart." LYRIC "Alone at Last " With Hoy Atn-elt. Hurry Tenor t.elty Yorka nnl John Charts Thomas An oirMla, with the liook adapted by Smith and Herbert: music hv Frnnz !. bar. An ambitious Viennese Importation if the "Merry Widow" school OAnniCK "It Pajs to Advertise" with Louise Drew. Orant Mltrhill and Hen John son A novel farce with much fun in It ronnnST "Como to Bohemia," ,vlth Dslsle trtlng, Walter Perch al Alice, Hsaerman and Frlta William A muslcnl comedy of nill ocro Interest carabty done. BHOTOPLAYS. STANLEY Monday, Tucsilav nnd Wednesday. "Th Eternal tlrlnd." with Iarv I'lokford. A stor of farinry llfn with Mis Plcltfnrd as one of the factory alrls Thursday, I rl day and Saturday, "The t.op Mask," with Wallace IteM and Cleo nidneley AnrADIA-Monrtay, Tuesday and Wednesday. "I.lttlo Meena's Romance " with Dnrothv (Ilsh and (Jen Moore. Thursday. Friday nnd Saturday "Tho Aryan," with William H Hart PALACE Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. "Tho Lost Bridegroom " with John Harry mere Thursday. Friday and Saturday. "Tho Salesladj." will Hai Dan VICTOKIA Mondav nnd Tyesdtv. 'Martha's Vindication." with Norma TVmndffe, Hccn.i Owen and Ttilly Marshall Wertnrsdny and Thursday, "Hoodoo Ann," wl'h Mao Marsh Friday nnd Saturday, ,Tho Kiss, of Hutu," with Ethel Darrvtr.oro SLANDER'S BREATH CAUSES MUCH GRIEF New Pox Film, Starring Ber tha Kalich, Pull of Dra matic Moments VAUDEVILLE ttm, ill r -..i .,!., ivjlt, Ull.l i:,' iil'iiiu, "The lint salesman t Ifcnseo ana liaird, in "Hnnulflite"! Hlx Klrksmllh Slaters music: Vnllcclta's Leopards, Uerl ritzitlbbon. "Thu Original Daffy Dill". Horry nnd Eva Puclt. "Sunshlno and Flowers". Mar Melville comedy ronaa and chatter Gaston Palmer, juxaler OR.ND Kay Hush and Robinson. Joseph Kino and Hoslu Clreon, Lew Holts, atorlri nnd sonps. Three English Hoses Dunn nnd Slevens, Tho Fox Trio GLOME Victor's musical melance. rields nnd Holiday. In "Tho Haw Recruit'. "The Girl From tho Hat Store." the Mozarts. Mra Gardner vocalist; Frank Monell oenllst, Tho Five iJatsudaa. "Duko of Mulberry." Delmont and Delmont CROSS-KEYS First half of the week. James J. uor&oti. rent raiznno and company, In Hartley and Pecan, Frances Host and coir jack i.cvy par Ids any, Harlzell nnd Evnns. kins. Hecona nnd half of tho simnhonv week. The Four Harmonists, Tho Hnrlnir Girls, Ada Latham Hnd company. Tho Morn Sisters, Chnrlea Itellly, Itosa Hontz Trio STOCK. AMERICAN "Her Own Monday," a drams by .Marls Swnn. Tho Art Inn rlaera. with Miss Huth HoMnson In tho leading role First Philadelphia presontatlon. KNlCKKRnoriCER "The Conquerors." In Paul M Potter. Tho Knickerbocker rinjers. with Emllv Smiley, AT POPULAR PRICES. WALNUT "IlrlnBlng Up Father," a stneo ndiptntlon of tho popular cartoons Tho third Philadelphia cnnnBement tins season. BURLESQUE. DUMONT'S Dumont's Minstrels. In satires on m ittera of current Interest. WILL MOVE HISTORIC CHURCH Old First Presbyterian in Wilmington to Occupy Another Site WILMINGTON. Del., April 10 Tho trustees of tho First Prcsbyterlnn Church, In this city, havo sold to the now I-'ieo Library a plot of ground on which stands tho old First Presbyterian Church, now used by the Historical Society of Dela ware. The building it moro than 100 years old and of historic value nnd style. It Is desired to sao it, and, although It Is a brick building of considerable size, It will bo removed bodily to a new site further along Market street and placed on new foundations. Hy the Photoplay Editor "SLANDER" A Fox film In 0 parK released Monday, April 10. Helens A era Bertha Knllch ltlehard Tremalno Euaen Ormondu Trem-ilne'i Mlfe Miyme Kelso Toseph Tremalne (his. son), Edwird van Sloin Harry Carson Itobert Itendel Doctor , Warren I'onk Tremalne's alet C. Pejton John lllal- , T. Jerome I.awlr Helene'a mM Caroline Harris Helene'n eon .Walter rerauson Helene a dauahter Jacqueline Morhanire jleleno a mint T.lele I.eUh HeUni'H undo William Key From tho most trifling actions or Inno cent thlngi gossip springs up. Couple with gossip an unhealthy deslro nnd It quickly changes Its form to slander Hlnndcr lobs n person of reputation quite as quick ly as tho ronl act they nre accused of, for the world Is only loo prone to believe the worst of people. In "Slnnder." the now Fox film, released today, an unscrupulous man slanders an innocent woman, tho wife of his friend, and through his ties drives his friend In divorce her She. flnnllv securing ovldenco of the scoundrel's treachery, sets out te wrenk her revenge on him The unfolding of her schemo Is remarkably well handled nnd cleverly told. The climax Is Intense In tho extreme. Madame Hcrthn. Kalich, artist that she Is, plays tho rolo of tho wife with nil un derstanding po keen that Its spirit Is felt when vlowlng tho film She seems to lle, even on tho screen. There Is a gentleness to her mothering tho children, n horror In her revulsion ngnltiRt the man whn wrecks her life and a fury, terrlblo and all-compelling to her wrath which makes her portrajal a re markable pleco of dramatic screen acting It Is moro than mero physical recording of emotions before tho camera. It Is art, nrt for which llcrtha Kalich has always stood. Tt Is but another evidence of her romnrkable gift of dramntlc expression. Tho lighting and directing of this foa turo nro aboxo tho average work of this company, not but what their films are nlways well lit and well directed This one, however, Is an artistic: production of the type ono usually associates with a different tpo of picture. from the Fox press agent wo learn that Stuart Holmes, who has been the vlllnln In so many of tho William Fox photodrnmas, Is not tho cold, cruel, cun ning, crafty, churlish, clo en-footed, caus tic, calloused, cross, cnrklng, curt, coarse, calculating villain that ho nppcnrs, Is shown by his newest photograph. (This solids llko Itobert W. Son Ice ) Mr Holmes was silting on tho veranda of the hotel In Kingston, Jnmalc.i. and on Ills hand was u parrot, to which ho was talking. Tho parrot, ncconllng to Holmes, understands and speaks but ono language French and Its owners hnxlng left It. tho parrot was dying of homesickness, Mr. Holmes, who Is nil excellent French scholar, made friends with the blid and It spent nil Its tlmo with him Tho ques tion In tho mind of tho photoplay editor Is not about the parrot. It Is where did the press agent find ho many nasty words that begin with "c." Apart from other points two conspicu ous Items nro noticed In "Dollars and tho Woman." the sK-act I.ubln photoplay In which Ilthel Clayton nnd Tom Mooro aro twin stars It Is a drama without a vil lain nnd thero is no fight in It. This Is unheard of! EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR EVKHY MONDAY HUIMKCT TO CHANGE MONDAY TUHSDAY WEDNESDAY TIU'ItSIIAT FRIDAY SATURDAY it Tit linn Pannlo Ward. In Fannie Ward, in Fnnnle Wnrd. In Dutln Fnrnum, in Duatln Farnum, In Dustln Frnum, In AlillA.llltli.-i For the Defense For the Defense For the Dofenso Hen lllalr Hen Hl.ilr Hen lllalr innTTA Deesle rsnrrlsrale. In Dustln Farnum. In Th Hamilton Itevelle. In House Peters. In Paullni Frederick. In I.UIIan (IMi, In A.I UtiliU The Last Act Call of the Cumberlands The rrlce of Malice The Hand uf Peril The Spider Daphne and the l'lralo innimi Dorothy Glsh. In Dorothy Glh. in Dorothy Olsh. in William Hurt. In William Hart, In William Hart, In nllu,-iLMrl I.lttlo Meena'a Romance Little Meena'a Romance Little Meena's Romance Aran Arnn Arjan IJUTtmCT Charlotte Waller- Trail Charlotte Walker: Trail Mareuerlte Clsrk. In Marcuerlto CIhtk. n Florenre Rockwell: .Fell Florence Rockwell: Fell IJtJlJ.UUnl of the Lonesome Pine tot the Lonesome Tine The Ooose Girl The Goose Girl In f.oe With Hla Wife In t.oi.a With HI Wife ntTiitmnn Chsrlotte Walker- Trail Tyrone Power In Marnierlte riark. In niua Petrovu. In A Florence Rockwell: Fell HIjUIjHIKI),, of the Lonesome Fine John Needham's Double Mice and Men The Soul Market Fool'a I'aradlse In .ovn Willi Ilia Wife nnn t t crt n o IVfi Hlcharrt Huhler In Mara-uerlte Havton. in William Dunn In Wllllnm Russell, In June Daye. In Vera Blssnn In BUOAI al. liAalrtU . The Onds of Fata The Unknown Tho Human Cauldron The Hrulser Her Wayward .Sister Tho llattlo ot Truth Tinn Tin? V ' Resets Hnrrlscnle. In Marble Heart Ptrsnae Mortmain ntty Nunsen. In Luhln All-Star Cast Ilesslo Hurrlscalc. n tll(UAll Al Honor's Altar Case of Mary Pago (.1) lth Robert Edeson The SonB of Hato The Great Ituby The Green wamn nnn 1 1) " Kitty Gordon. In Anna Held In Mary rickford. In Hamilton Revelle In Tannle Ward. In Jlarcuerlte Clark, in IvCaUnK A" In a Looklnir Glass Sladame La Tresldentn The Foundllnu The Price of Malice Tennessee's I'ardner Mice nnd Men MJWPIIDV ' Knthr'-n Adams In House Peters In Harrv D. Carey, in John Mason. In Arnold Dally In Wllllnm U. Khea. In VtjftllHVI The Rlrd of Prey The Hand of Peril A Kniirht of the Ranse The Reapers. Menace of tho Mute The Ruling I'ugslon Dim Win Helen Ware. In Dnrothv Glsh In Robert R. Msntdl. In Wills Rurke. In Vivian Martin. In Jackie Saunders. In RUlvniV.A Secret Love Hetty of Oreatone Tho Green-eyed Monster Pecay Merely Mnry Ann The Shrine of Hnpplnesi PiiniffiTIVT Oids Hu'ette In The Theodore Roberts. In Gloria Fonda. In Fannie Word. In Mabel Taliaferro. In Kathrjn Adams. In rrtlli.UUuii l Fllaht of the Duchess Pudd'nhead Wilson Drucced Waters Tennessee's Pardner Her Great Price A Hlrd of Prey nni VITl'ilIfn Dutln Farnum In The Dustln Farrnm in Th jr. n. Warner. In Frank Mills. In Taullne Frederick. Iir Pauline Frederick, In rllrliMVC vfJiii Call of the Cumberlands Call of the Cumberlands The Raiders The Moral Fabric TheKplder Tho Spider R.)n CT Rohert Mantell In The Theda Rsra In Valeska Puratt. In Georre Walsh. In Vhlan Mnrtln. In William Farnum. In Dil' "! Rllndness of Devotion The Two Orphans The foul of Rroadway Rlue Rlood nnd Red Merely Mary Ann The Broken Law tffrtli CTI Sferle Doro. In Marls Doro. in Morv rirkford In Marv Pick ford. In Mnry Pick ford. In ,,atK f!!?kCori1- (n DULJI 51. Diplomacy Diplomacy Poor Little J'epplna Poor Little Pepplna Toor Little Tepplna I'oor Little I'epplna 1 n iniinv Mslco'm Duncan In Harold T.wkwood I" The rtlta JoHvet In Mrnnse Case of Mary Klelne-IMIson presents uVH?!n.Pana' '" llrtK The Pcarlet woaa Other Fide of the Door Love's Sacrifice Pace Lonesome Heart When Love la King The Children of tlve ipnii tVTfVtW Charlotte Walker: Trail Charlotte Walker- Trail Francis V. Rtiahman, In Franrls X Rushman. In Mae Murrav In Mae Murray. In ubl(.HAAlUiYfl of the Lonesome Tin of the Lonesome Pine The Wall Retween The Wall Hetween To Hae and To Hold To Have and To Hold fitii in Doutlas FilrhanVs- Ills John Mason. In Marv rick ford. In Mareurrlte Snow. In Robert Warwick, in Bessie. Rarrlscale, In UlHAKU Picture In the Papers The, Rearers Esmeralda A Corner In Cotton The Supreme Sacrifice The I.ant Act niniip t John fason. In Fannlt Ward In lfou Peters. In Anna Ifeld In Mme. Petrovn. in Mary Fuller, In UiiUliEi The Reapers Tennessee's Partner The Hand of Peril Madame La Presidents The Soul Market The Strength of tha Weak iinivn . JCIttir Oordon In Oeorce Kline presents Mrs, Leslie Carter. In Irene Fenwlck. In Jim Flske. In Charles Cherry. In MllilAll As In a Looking Plats The Money Master Du narry The Sentimental Lady Vanity Fair 1'am.eraby ntlW IT Tni!THKIr .l!,"! PirJlfor,,Jn Jeanne Irer. In Mm Petrova. In Nance O'Nell. In Manruerlte Clark. In Frank Mills, In Ulilldl AUillHCIl.l A Girl of Yesterday One Day What Will Teople SayT Flames of Johannls Helene of the North The Moral Fabric niPPTJTAT. Charles Cherry, In Mattv Roubert. In Crane Wilbur In Rurr Macintosh. In Tyrone Power. In Robert Warwick. In iJlLEiUltllJ Pastcrsby The Waif The Love Liar My Tartner John Xeedham'a Double The Supremo .Sacrifice TTJIK! Traneis x. Riishman. In Rianehe Pwe.t n CrUtlne Mavo In Diutln Famum. In Tha Robert Warwick, In Vlritlnla Pearson, In U"" The W all Retween The Ragamuffin A Toot's Paradise Call of the Cumberlands Human Driftwood Tha Hunted Woman. IPTWPHQfiW 7ItnT.Ko,'.,- ln Burr Ms eln tosh. In Iiillns Pteaer In Douslas Falrhanksi His Ilessle RarrUcale. In House Peters. In mi,'rLiK3U;H Th Rlager ifan My Partner Blindness of Love Picture In the Papers Tha Lust Act The Hand of Peril 111 VTin J3,rUftr? ,,h. J!m? .',3) Dr"sed Waters Bllndnesa of Dvntlon The Iron Claw (No, 7) Graft (Episode IS) Publlo Approval JUJ1JJU The Bart-dor's Chrlstmat Five parts Daredevils of War Mignonette One Hundred Years Ago Honored Monarchs LPAYF,TTR Jeanne Tver. In Jeanne Tver. In Pauline lrderlrk. In Jane Grey, In Blllle Durke. in Mary Plekfonl, In .UVUIjltH Ont Day One Day Lydla Gllmore Man and Ills Antel Peggy The Foundllnir r.PJnllR Marie Doro. In Marls Doro. In House Ptrs. In Mabel Taliaferro. In Mary Plckford. in Mary Plekfonl In tlRAUiat Diplomacy Diplomacy Tne Great Divide Ilir Great Price Poor I.lttla Pepplna Poor Llttli r"pp"a r.IRRUTV B111I-Rurkt. In ailc. Rrsdv. In Then Hobart Bosworth, In Bessie Barrlicalt. In Julius Steger. In Charles Mallts. In mif(UAI Peggy I'll pom Back to Ton The Target Honor's Altar The Rllndness of Loye Paths That CrosJeq lOPITST Bllll Hurkt, In Blllle Burke, In Francis V. Rushman. In Francis X. Rushman. In Jeanne Tver, In Jeanne Ier. in iiULLJi. Peggy Peggy The Wall Between The Wall Between One Day One Day mfiAN AUDITORIUM "Jj PbTldn. Iq Bessie BarrUrsle, In Virginia Pearson. In Alice Rrartv H Then Lillian Glsh In Baby 'Marie Osborne In ' liUlmfl yiUlmHU-3t The Struggle The Last Act The Vital Question I'll Come liaLk to Ton Daphne and the Pirates Little Mary Sunshine milflTET KTIlRBT ' ' . .T,,.rnlJow'-Jn ... Mary Fuller. In Adl Blood. In Bllll rurke, In House Peters. In Olga, I'etrova. In jlAUlvrjJ. atHDOl John Needham's DoubU Thrown to tht Lions The Devil's Toy Peggy The Hand ot Peril The "(Market fllllRNT All-SUr Cast: IMtn Wan, In Kdmund Rreese. In Tha I;u Tellegen. in Francis X. Bushman. In Carlvle Illachwell. In UlttaX Jans Secret Love Lurs ot Heart's Desire The Unknown Man and His Soul The Shadow of Doubt flUPHEUM ')?,'? w r. i", uh' ,n Antonio Moreno. In Th Atlc Brady. In Then House Peters in Jeanne Iver, in Jeanne Iver. in ' UltlllCiUJI Old Heidelberg Supreme Temptation I'll Come Back to Tou The Hand of Peril One Day One Day AVRRMROOK ' BJiJ Barriscale, In Hobart Bosworth. la Lillian Glsh. In Pauline Frederick;, in Marie Wal.-amp, In Dustln Farnum. In The u' PimnWft The Last Act Two Men ot Bandy Bar Daphne nnd the Pirate The Spider The Flirt Call ot thtyfjumbtrlands OIiYSlPIA .. r,!Lom'5r,2w' - Hi,n Hojmes, In Marie Empress. In Pearl White. In All-Star Cast: Theda. Hara. In U"1JM J Tlw Olri and the Game Tha Girl and tht Otme Love's Crossroads Tht Iron Claw , Alone in New York Gold and (he Woman PAI,Af!R JSbHBlr30?lon-la John Barryniort. In John Barrymoce. In US"!, r!awns ' Haul Dawn. In, JIal Dawn I-, rAlinUto Tht 'Lost Bridegroom Tht Lot Bridegroom Tha Lost Bridegroom Tht Saleslady The Saleslady Th SalaTlaay PARK - .AnnaHeM. In GeroMlne Parrar, in John Mason. In V,areu,rlJ'.f:IV,t l3 John Barrymore. in Basalt Hyton In ' Al" Madame L4 Prtsldentt TempUtlon Tht Reapers Htltnt of the North Nearly a King TTitCyeS oFate PRINCE55S ' Hobart Bosworth. In Out of the Oiissinlrt CUra Kimball Young, in The i airland the Game The Scarlet Chastity Frank Shtrldan In " tlWIHMJ Tht Yaqul In tht Rain Tht Ttllow Passport Alias Jimmy Barton Her Partntr otrugelt flVflRliV Marauerltt Clark In Marguerite Clark. In Ethel Barrymort. In Ethel Rarrymort. In H. II. Warner, la II n Warn., i UKtllJ. Qutof thefPrltta Out of tha Drifts Tht.Kltof Hatt The Kiss of Hate Tht luidera Tht nSSS ifJAIjTO r Fsnnlt Ward. In Iouisa lively In Laura Hops Crews. In Lillian Glsh. In Lenora Ulrlch, la Fannie Ward In UtnUI-V Tht MarrUtt of Kitty Tangled Hearts Tht ytghtlng Hopt Daphna and tht Plratt Kllrosny Th ChMt TtlTIRV ' Wallace BelL In H. n. Warner. In Robert Warwick. In Dustln Farnum. In Mme. Petrova. la Mabel Taliaferro' l,.' IW To Hava nnd To Hold Tbtpaldtra Human, pflftwood Ben Blair Tht Vamplrt Iter Ortat PrJca 8AV0Y 7 , "' AftJ5rtUrt?T,& ' BtrjnSSt'ht-Wealc ftfgj&g.y!gifefc J'Xt 'p'ay' " Tbrj ffffifxS 111" siiERwooD ssRSriift T'8ou'sa-klegt u9ij&i&'-' pnnnf-la cu&stss'm vsssjHF' KTANLEY ' 1V M?rL?Ukt?&te Mr?,xJtel'f?rd.,,?. Mary PWiford. U ' Wallace Held, la WalUca Rtld. la Wallaet Reld In Otflniini, Tht Bteraal Grind Tht Bttrnal Grind Tha Eternal Grind Tht Lovt Mask Tht Love. Mask TtotLovt Jlask stbasb 4X&s;ut. "tJ&vnr ieajs?afe55;"" nmb,axrissru-,n &&?& "" 2MmI?a" jwi fraxiy 'snssmnE.viS! B.m.cTtP ""ByButer-18 '"msm "masajt1""'" PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESENTATIO . 0 Of Booim Gmuww T Itn folloulnR lliealres obtain their plclnres Ihrnnnh the STANLEY Ilnoklng Compnnr. vhlch Is n guarantee of early showing nf the finest prodnc (Ions. All nlrtnres. reviewed before hlbltlnn. Ask for the theatre In yonr locality obtaining pictures llirou.h Ilia HTANLHY HOOKING COMPANY. IfltAMnnX 12th Morris ft rnssynnk Ae ALllAMBRAMa;i,jlyti,rnmB?j,7nM Fannie Ward ,n "fflUn-'-uPi.,. ARCADIA nnllmT, Dorolliy Glsh nnd Owen Mooro In "L1TTI.I1 MKUNA'S nOMANCD" I PAniTD PORTY-FIRST AND uuruuiv LANCA MARIE DORO STER AVENUH "Diplomacy" ArULLAJ mvtiskg daiia of n.B rnrAxau: nn.h - nr.siir. MAitniwALn m Tha iast Act (l!i:sTi:il rOSKLIN In 'Tho ClnderanfLove BLUEBIRD 2200 N0RT" im0AD 8T PARAMOUNT Presents chahlotti: WAt.KL-n nnd TiinononK ItonnilTS in The Trail of the Lonesome I Ine B2D AltOVn MARKET Mats 1 :K0 A a SO. 10c F.r-s 0:.1H, H, 0:30, luo chariottt: walker m .. THE TRAIL OP THE LONKSOME P1NL" BELMONT 1TH AND PFnAR KITTY GORDON in "AH IN A LOOKING GLASS" rAltMIOUXT THEATRE EftTlt AND oiitAnn Avi; FAIRMOUNT r.lndys Hulette nnd Wnsno Arey In ' Thel. ght of the Duchess " A.ldwl Altrac , P"rt.V'hlri' Sheldon Iwls In The Iron Clan, itn l.pi FRANKFORD 4T11 KHANKKORD AVENEE Dl'STIN I'ARN'l'M in THE CALL OP THE CPMI1EIILANDS" , THE ! STRANGE CASE OP MARY PAGE' MATINEE Dally, a .no t to 11 SfiTH ST. Theatre Bel Spruce, Etgs MARIE DORO in "Diplomacy" 52d St. R2d & Sansom Mats. 2-ai30 Co EK 0:31) to 11 10c ROBERT "ANTnLt.K.ndvlnvtJ ,IAJIpnR , "THE BLINDNESS OP DEVOTION" GERMANTOWN n:08 HERMAN TOWN AVE CHARLOTTE WALKER In 'The Trail of the LiinoHoino I'lno "Tho StrnnKO C'nso of Mnry I'nRC " loth Episode. GLOBE WITH & MARKET 2:15-7-9 Slfi.000 KIMBALL ORGAN I i nvr In jonn lYiason 'The Reapers" GIRARD AVBNPI3 TEEATRt: TH AND (HRAIID AVIi Douglas Fairbanks "iC1" WM roLLIER In Belter I.nlo Than Nccr" iri W,.il, BROAD ST.. ERIE & Great INorlhern oermantn aves. MARY PICKFORD in A GIRL OP YESTERDAY" LIBERTY DnoAD aC0Wb.a TRIANGLE Presents BILLIE BURKE in "PEGGY" T ., A..,l.':.. Broad UUgttll flUUILUIIUUI Abo 8 RocllanI Ave FRANK SHERIDAN in "THE STRUGGLE" I npl TCrT r'2D AND LOCEST L-tJKsKJO 1 Mats l'.IO k. n:.10, 10c Egs 0:30. 8, II 30, 13c BILLIE ni'RKE In "PEGGY" Comlnc I7THEL BARRYMORn In "Tho Kiss of Hato" Philadelphia PR A TMn K2D and MARKET ST8 Vrtni MAT E-AILY, 2 P. St, te. wo&,;'LS" Kitly Gordon in As in a Loc viUy Gordon i -.ooking Glass" ) 0.1D tc IIAVElt- T. 333 MARKET STREET Market St. Theatre Tumnn Prtur-i. In "JOHN NEED- i yrone rower hams doehle' SEE "GKAPT" EVERY WEDNESDAY GERIdANTOWN AND CI I LET EN AVES Dorothy Glsh Wallace, Held In "Old Heidel berg " Eddie Koy In "A Pavnrlte, Pool " Kt trn AtLrac . "The Btrnnjre Case of Mary Page. rt2D A WOODLAND AVE. Dally Mat., 2 EtK, (l:.10 to 11. PARAMOUNT PICTPIIE ALL-STAR CAST "JANE" (Comedy Drama) ORPHEUM ORIENT PALACE 12H MARKET STItEET 10 A M to 11:1(1 P M JOHN BARRYMORE in "THE LOST RRIDEOROOM" PARK" niDon ave & dauhiin st. vav rAT 2:ir, i:vos o:aotoii, PARAMOUNT Presents ANNA HELD ,n MADAJIE LA PRESIDENTT." PRINCESS Hobert Bosworth 1018 MARKET STREET In "THE YAOt'I" The Girl and Tho Game" ecry Thursday. GERMANTOWN AVE AT Tt'LPEIIOCKEN ST. RIALTO Fanny Ward ,n 'T,,IJ ma,&,akitty" LASKY FEATURE REGENT 1034 MARKET STREET irvvAX voter oroax MARGUERITE CLARK in "OUT OK THE DRIPTS" MARKET STREET RUBY Wallace Reid and Mae Murray in "TO HAVE AND TO HOLD" SHERWOOD B,TnSoRE OLGA PETROVA in "THE SOUL MARKET" vj v ciAOiuurv foritj ave. uMerH..p.. BesBiG Barriscale In "The Last Act" . GARnPTVI Mi I.ANSDOWNB AVE. VJrtlVLXHI MAT. 2 EVG,Oi30. Malcolm Duncan nnd Anna Nilsson in "The Scarlet Road" EUREKA 40Tn & MAnKET STS' Blue,prrrtcsern,,M0,,",y HELEN WARE in "SECRET LOVE" BROADWAY Mt' "itEENWAY ui.Jtt.U YVl Adults 10c, Children fio, Bessie Barriscale ,n "no?)&. "His Aulo Ruination" I . NORTH Broad Street Casino nnoTt,g','"f MATINEE 2:30 EVENING 7 and 0, RICHARD BUHLER in 'THE GODS OP PATE" OTHERS:, PF1MTI IRV TiniE AVE tt MAttSHALi V'Ln I UtV I MATINEE DAILY I "THE BIRD OF PREY" With KATHRYN ADAMS NORTHEAST STRAND 12TH AND GtI,AnD AVEj Harry Mestayer irVSScSSa CHARI.F.V PHAPI IN Hemicst Corn! .. e(ly OTHERW KENSINGTON I T T TVjT R n FltONT ST ND u w "'-' GIRARD AVENUf ,,,j uiiuj .v.L' nil, iiA.Alf4 l.niSCKIO IV, 2 Parts 'THE HACIIEIxSll'S CIIRIflTMAa11 u raris. I 'A I.EAI" Yr:.H TANGLL ANIMATED WEEKLY SOUTH OLYMPIA BROAD AND iiAiNnniDon sts. unvn or Tin: t.athst axd hkst rtlOTOl'LAVS IX SOUTH rntLADBLFlhji Tomor. "The Girl & the Garni" t IMPERIAL Theatre "M'S! SAVOY ""IgP Weekly Programs EQUITABLE PEATURE ALICR RRAHY tn Charles Cherry in "Passers By" 'then pel come hack to you" . IRIS THF.ATRriT314,J k?-?sington T I O H A 17T" venanco sts. appear every Monday in T wm --.- AV1-.MJ1. - - -- JIETRO PICTURE FLORENCE ROCKWEI L In '" I-RANCIS X BUSHMAN nnd REVEIir.Y ,.jm PELL IN LOVE I WITH it S ! WIFE" 1IAYNL In THE WALL BUTM.LN "SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE" ' JEFFERSON 2!,TH 8ee?.su,'h,n VICTORIA ""SESFi, Motion Picture Charl i ItTHO TICTIfItF A1JUV 1 NINTH t iir-ninvrrmirpr. in -Tiir- Norma Talmadso 4 Tully M-irshall In "Mar- HENRY KOLKER mnrrHuv- thas Vindication" Extra Added Attractlon """"' .v-tj-i.v BIGGER MAN' , Triangle Kcyatono Comedy LAFAYETTE "ou JffiS"0 STANLEY i1" JEANNE IVER 0Jbav" -a1-u-1 une uay UtlS P. M. I "THE ETERNAL GRIND" i , ' n fff 7 ADVERTISING is the one big I ' ' M -'- I Vou t0 Set tne preliminaries over and H . Hi -, B put the signature on the dotted line I - Si Hj i- tf especially when you advertise to people 1 " " I Hi ! '- ff who nre interested in and am buy auto- fl- - H I- ' f mobiles. You do just that when you 1 ""- I: g use space in the Public Ledger-Evening 1- H L-E-D-G-E-R A awrfaiMtiiia1 tit"-" nrt