F-w -7-- -- , ., iwww 1141 i' niiiiuiup.l imnui iii.,muw EVENING LEDGER PHILADELrniA, MONDAY, 'APRIL IftYlOlG 18' yi; fftJL ririr''Tr T- DEATHS NBtSOJj.On April 9, JfllB. Jt "?" other daughter. Mr J. 8 .SaWJVfft Cnr" lnter .. Germantnwn, HENRIETTA II. widow of Frank Nelson. Interment nt Cauls, &I. O'NKlf.T.. On April T. 101OELl7V w4'!?'' of Thomas O'Neill. In her.SRth year, nelh tlTra and friends are. Invited to attend the funeral, on Tuesday, at 8 30 n m .from the residence, of her son-in-law. Joseph 1 Mai tatratt, 321 W. Earlham. terrace, Uerman lown. Solemn Requiem Jtssa at St. Vincent da Paul's Church, at 10 a m. Interment at 8t Denis' Cemetery, Cobb'a Creek. PIIKLAN fnce O'Mnra) Ort April 8, Ifllfl, IIRI1XJET wlfo ot Matthew 1'helan. aged 27 years Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral, on Thursday HflO m , from her lata residence. 351.1 North 7th st Bolemn Mass ot Requiem at St. Veronica's Church at 10 a m Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. ,, JtADKEL On April 8. lnlfl, MtCHAEL, hus band of Eva Itadke, aired 41 years. Rela- yvca and friends, nlso Ilrldesburg I.odge. 0. 37, I O O. F., nnd Macanopee Rtamm, No. 113. V O n M.i John I Mathleu yearly Reneflcial Association, aro Imtted to attend funeral, Wednesday, at 2 p m from his lato residence .'3.15 Orthodox st , Frank ford at 3 p. m . nt Herman Lutheran Church. Frankford. Interment at Oakland Cemetery. Itemalns may bo viewed Tuesday, from 8 to 10 p. m. ftANIUN. On April n, 11)16, .TANK RANKtN (nee Dudgeon) wlfo of Charles Itnnkln. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral services, Thursday, at a p. m., at the resilience of her daughter, Mrs. Mary lieatty.flin N 3(llh at. Interment at Tern wood Cetery. RKU.MEI.. On April B', lMrt, MART, widow of Jacob Hemmel Relatives and friends, also Pride of AmeHcre Circle. No. 4M, C of F aro Invited to attend funeral. .on Wednesday, at " 30 a. m from her lain residence, 1131 West Venango st Requiem Mass at St. Honaventura's Church, nt I 30 n. m Interment prlvato at Most Holy Re deemer Cemetery. BKKVn. On Fourth Month 7th Inst.. 1011, MARY M.i widow- of William C Hoove, sued BO yenrs. Routines nnd friends aro Invited to attend the funeral sen Ices, on Thlrd-div Fourth Month. 11th Inst,, nt 2,p. m.. nt her late residence, -45 Marker st Hnletn N J . without further notice. Carriages will meet train leaving Market st. ferry, rhlla . nt 12.29 niriMRnsOV. On April !. 101(1. RICHARD J . husband of Anna Rlchnrdxnn. ngcil 71 jears. Relatives nnd friends nlso Camden Lodge, No 2)3. II. I' O E . Survivors' Association, No. 20, Pcnnalvnnla Volun teers: Post No ft, ri A. R , th and 13th Ward Republican Asoilutlnn nro Invited to attcnil tho funernl, on Wednesday, at 2 11. m . from his Into resldrnce 13 Park Jloulevard. Interment private at Harlelgh Cemctcrj. Friends may call Tuesday, nfter 7 p. m Bf'HWKIZKR. On April 0, 1MB, Wtl.HEL MINA, widow of Frederick and daughter of Mariraret and lato Frederick Schwelzer, need 39 yenrs. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attnd funeral, on Thursday, at 2 p. m.. from 2320 North 25lh st. Interment at Mt. Vernon Cemetery Remains may bo lowed on Wedncsdiy, from 7 to O p. m. fillREVK At Columbus, N .7, om April S. 1010. ELIZABETH 11 SHHHVn Rolntives nnd friends aro Invited tJ nttend tho funeral, on Wednesday, nt 11 a. m , from tho resi dence of William Kttenger. Columbus, N. J. Automobiles will mwt the 0 n. in. tra n from Market at.. Phlla.. and tho 0.30 train from Trenton at llordentown. N. J. Inter ment nt Hordentown Cemetery. aiNHLKY. On April 8. 1010, ORACT7 A . daughter of Henry r. and I-ottlo M. Slngloy and granddaughter of Draco A. and tho late Walter D Hackney. In her 2Jd jenr Rela tives and friends aro Invited to nttend tho funeral services on Thursday, nt 2 p. m . nt her parents' residence, 23d nnd Magazine lane. Interment at Trinity Lutheran Ceme tery. Remains may bo viewed on Wednes day evening SKII.KH. Suddenly, on April B. 1010 WILL IAM J. HKILBS. Relatives nnd friends are Invited to nttend the funeral services, on Monday, nt 2 p m.. at tho residence of his sister, Airs. Hnmuej Trnupo 0321 Oray'a ave Interment prlrato. at Jit. Morlali Cemetery. M-AMOV. At Mt. Holly. N .T , on April 0, 1010. EMMA J., wlfo of William J. Slamon In her 44th sear. Relatives nnd friends aro Invited to attend the funeral from h-p Into residence, 10 Main at Mt Holly, N J . on Thursday, at 8-30 n. m High Mass of Re nulem af Sacred. Heart Church, at 0 30 a. m Interment nt St. Mary's Cemetery. 0LANK. On April 0. 1010, ANABTABIA. daughter of Daniel nnd Hrldget Slanc. Rela tives and friends nro Invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, nt 8 30 a. m.. from her lato residence 1034 N 3d Bt Solemn Requiem Mass nt St Michael's Church, at 10 a. m precisely. Interment at Holy Cro Cemetery KSIITir. On April T. 1010". r.MZAIHSTII. widow of Frnnk Smith (neo tlacke), aged 60 years Relatives and friends nlso mem bers Sacred Heart ljonguo nnd Altar So. doty, are Invtted to nttend tho funeral, on Tuesday, at 7.30 n. m.. from her late resl dence. 1102 X Sth St Requiem Muss at St, Peter's Church, at 0 a. m Interment nt St. Peter'a Cemetery. Heaso omit flowers. CMlTlf. On April 0 1010. WILLIAM J . hus band of Delln tfmlth aged 30 jears Rela tives and friends also the loska Tribe, No. 370. Imp. O R. M . and rjerm intawn Court. No. H3. F of A aro Invited to attend tho lunenil. on Thursday at 2 p. 111.. from Ins lAtaayRldenra 141.2 Itntrrert st Interment ,nt Chejten Hills Cemeterj Remains may Ihj viewed on wedneoduy nt H p m SMITH. Oil April 8,' 1010. THOMAS W. SMITH, aged 0J sears Relatives nnd friends nro Invited to nttend the funeral services, on Tuesday, it 2 p m . at the residence of hla son. I Mulford Hmlth, 0.11 North 7th at.. Camden. N J. Interment strictly pri vate, Friends may call Monday from 7 to 0 p. m. Gl'irScnU. On April 0 1010, KSTHHR ANN. Avldowof flustnvus M.allery Hnencer Rela tives nnd friends nro Invited to nttend the funernl services, on Tuesday, at 1 30 p m . nt her Into residence 3170 l'arkslde ave. Interment private, at Woodlands Cemetery EPUINtiKU. On April 8 l'ttn. raiMA. wife of Julius Springer aged 31 veara RelntUes and friends also member of Catholic Wom en's Renevolent legion. Anna Hnrstmnnn Council. No 70. Rosary Society of St I.ud wUi's Church, are Invited to attend funeral, on Wednesday, nt 7 30 a m . from her lato residence. H00 North Corlles t. lnar 30th and Master sts ). High Mass In St I.ud wur'a Church, at 0 a m Interment at Holy Redeemer Cemetery BTKIN.Mirr. On April 8. 1010. OSJOROr W , husband of Mary P Stelnmetz. aged 07 years. Relatives and friends also Spring Harden Lodge No 09. 1 O O. F . ure In vited to attend funeral Benbes Wednesday. at 2 p. in., at his late residence. Clover Hill. Upper Darby, Del Co.. l'.i. lntermunt private, at Arlington Cemetery. OTKRN On April T, 1010, CORNELIUS, son ot Paul and the late Anna Margaret Stern. aged 37 veara. Relatives and friends of the family, also employes of the Mitchell A Pearson Morocco Works, aro lnlted to at tend the funeral services on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., at bis late residence. 2031 Gerrltt st. (20th and Reed). Interment at Pern wood Cemetery. DTINRON. April 0. ELLEN STINSON. widow of John Stlnson. Relatives and friends of tbe family are Invited to attend funeral serv ices, on Tuesday, at 2 p m.. at 160 Oreen Lane. Manayunk. Interment Westminster Cemetery. STOCK. On April 0, 1010. MART, widow of Frank Stock, aged 71 ears Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tha funeral, on Tuesday, at 6 30 a. m , from her son-in-law's residence, Joseph N Mottola 1520 South S2d st High Itenulem Mass at the Church of tbe Itlessed Sacrament at 10 a. m Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. BTORV. On April 8. 1010, MARGARET STORY. Relatives and friends ure Invited to attend the tuneral services on Tuesday. at 2 p. m.. at the Oilier H Ralr Itulldlnc, 1S20 Chestnut st. Interment private. BTRATTON. At Ocean Drove, N. J., on April 8. J01H. SARAH, widow of Charles Stratton. of Philadelphia, In her 73d year. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at 10 a m . at Cedar Hill Cemetery, Frankford. Interment at Cedar Hill. BTROUSK, On April 8. 101B. LEOPOLD J . husband of Rachel Strouse, In hla 77th year. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Tuesday, at 10 a ra. precisely, at hla late residence. 2323 N. Park ave. Interment at Mt. tilnal Cemetery. BYLVJ2STER. Suddenly, at Philadelphia, Pa., oil April 0 lld. HEN-JXMIN HERHINC1 SYLVESTER. In hla 71st year. Duo notice of tha funeral will ba given. TATE. On April 8. 1010. PATRICK, husband of tha lata Sarsb, Tate Relatives and friends, alsa Division No. 3. A. O. H St. Michael's Young Men's Society, Philadelphia Funeral Directors' Assoclatloq and all other societies of which he. was a member, are Invited to attend funeral, Wednesday, at 8 JO MILLIE AND HER YCS.M0NTY irYOU'U TAKe MYA0VIC6 YOU'CC.- f MY DEAR FeLLOUi.THeRe ARC N0r HVTHC THAT UDG tVtKY UAY N AM YTURF i -rA irirAil i'v-ii wny. ''.'- ' 'i.'y. ; 1 L0ffiftAAn fWrtfKKkBBc KBi HE THAT f m Cfne ikiN. s JM g;EU5R H r 7 nfS" (wCrwl r5 JMlh Jv MAVoej 15n M&t) I IX T fTHATC V i Vi tfflMmmh ( iour&f' s j&x fBAJX'A kM c M.( WWm.M HI&Ht; n.rjL ffirmrAlSS T . Xr)J llF.ATllfl ft m , from tho residence, of Thomas J. Hrocpan. 1318 N Mascher st Solemn Re nulem Mass nt St. Michael's Church at 10 o clock Interment private, at New Cathe dral Cemetery. Automobile funeral TAILOR On April 0, JfllO MARWOOD n. son of the lato Robert T, nnd Emla T Tay lor Funeral services will be held at his late residence, B41 Wlster at , Oermantown, on Welnesday at 2 p. m. Interment private. TAil.nil On April 8. 101ft, at Ruddtown. N, J., MARY ANNA, wife of R W Taylor, aged 01 jears Relatives and friends aro invited to nttend funeral, from residence of her husband. Ruddtown, N J Carriages will meet tralna nt South Pembefton Station, 8 .It nnd 0 30 ft. m TAM.OR. Suddenly, on April 8. J010, IDA, wife of William E Taylor (nee Young). Rel atlves nnd friends are Invited to attend fu neral services, on Wednesdas. nt 2 p m , ftt her late residence. 2040 II st Interment private nt Oreenmount Ccmetcrj. TOD. On April 8, lOlrt. ANDREW, husband of Ellen Tod Relatives nnd friends aro In vlted to attend funeral, Wednesday, at I l in. from his Into residence. 1320 South 3d st Servlres In the Greenwich street Presbyterian Church, ftt 2 p m. Interment .Mt Morlali Cemetery toom:. on April o. loin. nyzAiiiiTi! n. TOONE, aged 0 jears Relatives and friends nro Inilte.l to. nttend tho funernl services, on Tuesday, nt 10 30 n m . nt the Indigent Widows and Single, Women's Asv lum. 301.1 Chestnut st Interment at Mt. Morlali Cemetery TOt'RNi On April 0. 1010. E MAIIKL wife of H I, Tnurny nnd (laughter of R Rnbhlns Relatives nnd friends aro In vited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesdas nt 2 p. m. precisely, nt her late resldenee, 31J7 Hamilton at. Interment prl vnte WALTOV On April 8. 1010, EMMA M.. wlfo of William J Wnltnn Services at her lato residence, 70.1 Union st . on Wednesday nft crnonn Interment strictly private-. Auto mobiles WAniMITIlV. StuMenlv. on April 8. 1010, tll-.NItY W WASHINGTON Ftineral serv lees Thtirsdev nt 10 n m , nt Ids late resi dence, l.'O.I South 11th st Funernl prlvnlo. Interment at Eden Cemetery. vUl.MAItl'. on April 8 llilfl. AUGUST Wtl.LIARD. ftgid l years Relative and friends aro Invited to attend tho funernl services, on Tuesday, ftt 1 p. m . nt his late residence. 2018 North Randolph st. In terment private. RIGHT. At his nparlments, the lllenholm 17th and Chestnut sts . nn April 0. lill'i. EDWIN It IV RIGHT, of tlnanlman, N C Funeral services nnd Internum nt Grand Rapids Mich ZENTMVEK. Suddenly, cm, April 8 HUB. CATHERINE A . wife of William if Zent rmer nged 10 jears Funernl from her late residence. 310 lleecher nvo , Cheltenham. Montgomery Co. rn , on Tuesdny morning. I'rlendB may call on Monday between 8 and 0 V. m. CLASSIFIED RATES t'n effect April 1, 10 10 EVENING LEDGER AOATE LINE RATH FOR EACH INSERTION THIS STYLH T1TH (or llko this) One or two times , IB?. Three times ono week 12 'bo Hit times ono week 10c Situation Wanted, thrco times ono week. lOo Help and Situation Wanted and Lost and Found ads aro inserted in the Daily I'UHLic Lkdger without ad ditional charRC. Want ads under all other clnsslBcatlons mny be repented In tho Hvesiso I.EHOKn nt com bined rate Ono or two times 23o Three times ono week ipe Sit times ono week ."ia TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) Is permitted In nil classifications except Help nnii Hlttinllon Wanted Lost nnd Found, Per Konals Hoarding nnd Rooms When so speci lied, n.l.l FIVE ENTH PER, AGATE LINE TO ANY OF THE AllOVE RATES. There is a drup; store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at olTico rates. LOST AND FOUND -III Lost nml round Art's In the tlallu rubtto Lctlarr nrr rrvnlttl In 'ic Kitiuiio Leaner incsnmrr nau itupiuii rjiu, . ..w For Oilier Lost nnd Found Ails fee Page 1. SEALSKIN MUFr Will the party who found sealskin muff with brown ribbon about March 21. nnd who endenvorcd to locntii owner hv telephone, kindly communicate with tho undersigned Rewnrd iiimn return to Ellis K' Shoemaker, enrn of E. Ilrnuford Clark Co , Ltd . 1B20 chestnut st. UNCLAIMED TELEGRAMS WESTERN ITN'TON TELEGRAPH CO. 1.101 CHESTNFT ST -AN Sourer, Lunkhnm fi. Moore, C 8. Williamson. Robert K. Waters. Robert J Urawley Edith Fornwnlt. Anne It. llosworth. Miss Ms Prnsser. E 1 II. Kchubrlng. L. T Hall. .Mrs C D Henlnc. E H Porter, rntrldt L. Hums. Prof. Georgo II Allen, tho Rending Delnc Company. Charles S M Hamilton. Morris Thnran. L. MHtlednrfer. E Collins. '. Levitt. Miss Marie Keller. II H William;,, POSTAL TELEGRAPH CARLE. CO . 1420 . PENN hQL'ARR George C Sovvden Mr;. . Jennlo Connors J R Munro, F Jarvis. HELP WANTED PEMALE Help Wanted Ads Herelied Too Lute for Classification 1 111 be 1'ounil on Page 3 COMHINO ROOM HELP Apply Carl Grub miu Sons, 2d nnd Erie DRESSMAKERS Expert waist trimmers and flnlsh-rs. sleevo makers nnd finishers, from tho most fash ionable establishments only. Also vacan cies for neat jounc girls us apprentliei. Apply French Dressmaking Shop, third floor. MarkSTRAwiiRIDOE & CLOTHIER. GIRL wanted: must be good at fleures and Kood typist: one living In northeast preferred. O 147 l-edger Central. Girl, white, en'd upstairs work German pre. ferred, small family, rcf. required. 1001 N IRth st GIRL, white, wanted, Prot . as mother's helper, must bo good sewer R 20. Led Off. SoVERNESS Two little girls In Rryn JIawr; entire charge, Catholic preferred, experience and referenco required 112I2j I.ed Cent. HOSIERY Enperlenied knltterB and toppers, lonpers, steady wnrk. also learners, paid while learning- 132U N Lawrence. HOUSEWORK (general), cook Olrl or woman, white, Protestant, family of 3. experienced, referenoe. required; good wages, good homo nt seashore. Address P. O. Box 207. Capo May. N. J. HOUSEWORK Wanted, slrl, general house work, experienced. Call between 11 a, m, and 7 p. m.. 521 N. 10th st. LAUNDRESS to take family washing homo, to wash and Iron: first-class work and ref erence iaqidreiL()verbrookBSI6. LAUNDRY HELP Experienced feeders and folders In mangle room, also stria over 10 year to learn: 13 paid while learning steady work. Penna. Laundry Co., Jlo N. 32d st. LAUNDRY Ilrlsht younjr girls, over IB. to shake and fold small towels; 13 to start, 1020 Vine. . LAUNDRY Rrlght young colored slrl, over 16. to work In laundry; good pay, steady work 10.19 Vine. LAUNDRY Mansle room help: learners taken, paid while laarnlnv, lOJ'J vine sc. MILLIONS HELP WANTED FEMALE Continued from FrecetHno Column MAIDS, two. white, chambermaid and wait ress, chambermaid to neslst with laundry work: reference required Mrs E. M Young, 180S Hamilton St., Allentown. Pa. OPERATORS Kxp buttonhole nnd button sewer operators Rotford Knitting Co.. Ran dolph and Jefferson BAM5SWOMBN EXPERIENCED IN WOMEN'S COATS WOMEN'S SUITS MILLINERY TLOWERS AND FEATHERS SHOES PERFUMES APFLY TO SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE HER" HROTHEHS TENTH AND MARKET OPERATORS, exp. nn wash skirts nnd dresses: steady w'k, g'd pay. H.Smukler, 233 Market. SALEStADY, Gentile, experienced, for dry goods storel living In neighborhood preferred: refemieesrequlred, 272j Glrnrd nvo. TEACHERS WANTED for schools: schools for teachers. NnllTeachers' Ag..3J7Perry Rldr. WANTED A rcllnblo vvhlto Protestant vnuni: woman to inke rare nf babv 0 months nnd nsslst with light housework: reference required: accommodations excellent: cnrfnro refunded for Interview In itinrnlng. Trolley stntlon I7'i, Mooreslown, N. J. Mrs. T. II, D.Perklns. YOUNG WOMAN- wnntcd with experience dye. Ing- nnd cleaning business 1118 Chestnut st. MISS DEAN Is the one who rlaies the Right Girl In the Right Place. She Is nn tho stnff of the Public Ledger Company lo help nmhltlous Soung ladles to secure good onorlunl ties In tho commercial world. Hun dreds of soling women bookkeepers, stenographers. prlvnto secretaries, demonstrators, clerks nnd sntesladlea ono their present emcees to Informa tion rctelied from the COMMERCIAL REGISTRY III REAU 1 eager Central. Ilro.ad nnd Chest aut sts. "Tell Miss Dean what sou tnn do." HELP WANTED MALE ASSISTANT PURCHASING AGENT, with eev crnl sears' experience, for largo manufac turing plant. 11 2.1, Ledger office REAMER'' AND SCRAPERS wanted on fur skins, lletrold llros , 32' N. 2d St. DOORKEEPER Young man, between SO nnd 31, for high-class position, excellent chance for right man: must be steady, sober nnd nhln to furnish tho best of references, P 027, ledger Office, HOY, 18, to take charge of Incoming bills and useful In office of tool supply store: stnto experience and reference; wages 10 to start. li -ti Linger uilieo. HOY Shop bnv to learn the Jewelry business, make himself useful, rood cluince for right boy bring reference. Vnn Dusen & Stokes i - rear 1121 Chestnut st ROY wanted for office and errands, 10 senrs old, wnges 1,1 per week good rhnncee for ad vancement. Union Petroleum Company, Water and MlfOln sts ROY. over 10, wanted to run errands Apply to Vnlentlns II. Smith ft Co , 2d nnd Green sts. ROY. 10 or over, wanted by wholesale cloth house, salary to stnrt. 13 per week. Address I' ;il. ledger Office ROY, over in. wanted to work Inside Apply to Valentino 11. Smllli & Co.. 2d and Green sts , BOY wanted for errands; chanro for advance ment Geo. F. Lashnr, 147 N. 10th st. ROYS wanted, between 10 and 17 sears of age: experience unnecessary Apply to Super intendent's office. Here Bros , 10th nnd Market. HOYS, for errands, 10 senrs or over. Apply Kestono Tspo Foundry. Uth and Spruce. BOYS wanted. 14 scars and over. Alfred W'nlstenlinlmn It Sons. 21th and Allegheny CARI'ENTERS All-nround men for gen car pentering wnrk. Apply II, K. Mulford Co., GlenoUlen, Pa CLERK AND STENOGRAPHER Young man, experienced in wire cloth business preferred, must lie qukk and nci urate nt figures, to as slat In billing and general office work, stato age and previous cmplosuient. P011. Ledger if!i! . COACHMAN nnd genernl work, must be ex perl, mcd. honest, obliging nnd strictly sober and liavu tlmt-tlass ref G aU. Led Cent. DOCTOR WANTED Elderly man preforred. must bo registered In i'tnna. , permanent po sition for right man Apply through special dellviry letter; stato nil particulars Room lill'i Lvliox Hotel. Allentown. Pa DRAI'GIITSMA'n Hinted "with knowledge of cicatrical Hwluhlioird work must bo uceu. rale Appls. stating experience, R 27, I .wiser UflUe FARM HANDS Wanted, white and colored men: we also havo several openings for re fined colored men for cleaners and bottle washers, steady work for reliable men Ap ply In person or by letter H. K. .MULFORD i'OM ivi N V Oh noldeiL Fa. GARDENER, inarhm.au married, no chil dren, first-class veget.iblo gardener nnd care ful driver, wife to help In laundry, flrst-cl iss ref required Address P 03i) ledger Otflie. lN.NTRt'MENT MAKERS llrst clnmTnnly. 11 iter das of 8 hours tonlmakers. 13 24 to ;t. IK. machinists 11 to llt assistant ma chinists, 12 to 1J 24 tiaseii on experience nn 1 capacity, skilled labor rs. 11 81, for out side and Inside work, i leveland. llrown & Shariio nnd Grldlcy automatlu turret lathe operators, 13 70. turret luthe hunds. 12 8S Hr day. citizens, highest compensation when on piecework, 13 dass' leave after one sear'a bcrvlie seven holidays and Saturday after noons during the summer months, all with full pav Apply Frankford Arsenal, Brides burK.PhHa. ; KETTLE HANDS wanted steady work; good pay Keoslngton ave . Nlcetown. W'ayne. LABORERS good, wanted noiir at Tygert-Allen Fertilizer Works South Delaware and Wee tame uvea IGreenwIch Point, Phlla.); steady work the sear round for right men See oliperillieiiqein m wiiub LABORERS wanted Apply Phlla Check Of lice. Allintlc Ref Co 3144 P.assvunk nve. I.AIIOUI.'KS wanted Apply Pier 42. N. Dela vvaro ave.. below Laurel at MACHINISTS Wanted at ones First-class lathe Horizontal boring mill and chucklnir lathu hands AMERICAN ENGINEERING COMPANY Aramlngo ave. and Cumberland at. JIACHINISTS wanted. Apply Crane Dept , Nllrs-Bement-Pond Co.. Meadow and Silt 111 n sts MAN AND WIFE on country place near West Chester. Pa.; wife to cook, man to do gar dening and general wnrk Call 1031 Spruce at Tuesdaylietween 11 30 and 1 o'clock. MAN WANTED to take care uf guinea pigs, rabbits and mice, good position for man with experience In handling small animals. Ap- piy ii iv. jiuiiuru v.Q.. yjienoiuen. ra. MAN AND WIFE, man first-class vegetable frardener and (oarbman, wife to help In aundry. first-class references. Address P H31, ledger Office MAN AND WIFK to do entire wnrk of house, nn laundry; small family, reference. Mrs. Grace Jl. Kobler, Catasauqua, Pa. (Copyright. IMS.) .' :, Ys,vt. Business Opportunity In J9I0 n young man ar rived in Philadelphia with n few hundred dollars and the inspiration for a new business enterprise. He discovered he had un dertaken something be yond hi3 capital. He in serted n "Business Oppor tunity" ad in the Ledger soliciting the- temporary use of funds. A young Englishman ngrc e.d to finance him. Today he has a thoroughly estab lished find profitable busi ness. Are you looking for a business opportunity? ' Insert in Want Ad in the Ledger. Phone, write or call Ledger Office Walnut orMain 3000 ... w-s;syx t5ST"W:i,SU J HELP WANTED MALE Conllanfrf from PrcceiUno Column MEN WANTED for all kinds of work, on men's leather belts. PIONEER SUSPENDER COMPANY 31.1 North 12th at. Oth floor. ODORLESS MEN wanted Apply Odorless Ex- lavntln? nnd Manufui turtnff Co.. 101 E. Haines sj Phone. Gin 1 .1.1. OFFICE WORK Young man for genernl ofOce work, manufacturing business, must bo good tspevvrlter: stnto nge. educntion and experl eure chance for advancement. 11 1, Ledger Ofllre PAINTERS, flrst class, on nutomobllo body work, no others need nppli-. Foss-Hughes i 'o.. 21 st nnd Market, 4th floor. PAINTERS First-class liouso painters. Apply 41 N;7th st.,Phllnilelphla. PAPER BOXES Bov wanted on corner cutter nnd llrown A Cnrver machine Appls SchnettIo, 310 Florlst. SW.ESMAN High class high prcssuro stock, bond or syndicate snlesmin liberal guaran tee or drawing nccount to right party. Re fill, giving experience, address or phone num- ber. Oiri0, I-edgcr Central SALESMAN Gentleninn of Intelllgcnco nnd good appearance for outsldo selling, com'sim basis, lends furn M 040. Ledger Centrnl SrENOGRAPHER Good opening for nccurnto touch writer must come nt once stage nge. education, experience, silary. Write today, M 012. Ledger Centrnl WANTED First-class shlpjolnira and car penters for Joiner work, ship enrpenterp small boat builders, woodworking machine hands, nil round machinists marine pipe fitters, brass moldern and coremakers, painters, shlpfltters. Apply In person or by letter. Hlvlni- particulars of experience and nge EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Newport News Shipbuilding and Drs' Dock Co., New- port News, a. WANTED Young man, experienced in whole sale notion business: good opportunity; 28 miles from Philadelphia, state experience nnd snlHry desired M 034. ledger Ofllce. WANTED Machlnlsfs and toolmnkers Apply fill floor. Electric Service Supplies. 17th nnd 'nrnbrla lOUXO MAN about 18 sears of age to work In stockroom Roxford Knitting Co., Ran dolph nnd Jefferson YOirNO MEN WANTED GOOD POSITIONS FOB YOl'NO MEN' OP CEEAN-CUT AP PEARANOE WITH SELLING ABILITY; AGE NOT OVER 21: LIVING IN VICINITY OF BROAD AND HUNTING PARK AVE : WAOES GOOD APPLY AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS GULF REFINING- SERV ICE STATION. 33D AND CHESTNUT. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERMAID, neat, competent, good sewer, no washing or waiting, best of references, nnswir four d iys It .10. ledger Ofllce. EMPLOYER'S TIME IS SAVED by tnklng ndvantage of the free service to ledger help wanted ndvertlsors Miss Dean In the Commercial Registry Bureau nt ledger Central, has records of younr lady nppllcants for all kinds of office work nnd can usunlly submit several quali fied applicants quickly. Tell Miss Dean what sou want, s Walnut or Main 3000 GOVERNESS or companion Southern young ladv desires position, best of refs furnished Address L A M Box t74.Blrmlngham.Ala STENOGRAPHER, well educated, with thor ough knowledge of English aulck. accurate, desires position with bankers or brokers, fully experienced In nil work of loan depart ment; familiar with names of securities dealt In on the Stock Exchange II 28. ledger Off REFINED WOMAN to chaperon soung folks or companion, will travel H 320. ledger Off SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ATTORNEY, young with own office, can give services and considerable time to real es tate, Insurance collec.. making searches for liens etc or any other business FUID, L C. BUTLER or valet, young Japanese wnnts posi tion, have best reference.. D 130 I.ed. Off. CHAUFFEUR MECHANIC, English, married, age 20. abstainer. 12 years' exiierlenre In workshops and private service, any make curs, have toured practically all Europe and Eastern States of America, excellent refer ences from American and English employ era, country preferred Edward Steadman, 1310 McFarran st , Phlla. Bell. Tioga 44B5W. CHAUFFEUR, strictly temperate, honest and reliable, wishes position with private family, wheru his qualities will be appreciated, care ful with children pers ret , wages mod. I 220, Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR Mechanic, married, wishes po sition, il years esp. , r.uropean anq Amtr. . careful anv ver; best refs. (3 8S8. Led Cent. " ., , .. - ,.'.'. jtuui-uuoc- i-uk Tdf.ttriii lyi!" HAI ftUn HOriCC A WKCH , WITH CARQOUC JttAP THE BEST THING- ZC- IIKs jounoJ" I Hl ReAJoriA8.e;, Vr0 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Continued from rreccrflno Cotti-nn CHAUFFEUR, now running Plerce-Arrovv, can take position any tlmo on neck's notice: best . reason for changing 1) 234. Ledgerjafflee. CHAUFFEUR, 2.1, married, expcrlencr-d. wishes position at onc G 043, Ledger Central. CONVEYANCER, thoroughly exp , desires po. altlon; moderate salary II 20, Irdger Off Ice COOK or general housework Japanese wanta position: last place 6 sears D 230, Ledger Office. COST ACCOUNTANT and bookkeeper, with thorough knowledge of tabulating systems, desires to chanrto position It 148.i.ieilJ.ent GARDENER or general ntlllty; colored, exp i best reference. II 317. ledger Office. HIGH SCHOOL GRAD . 22 cost nnd tlmo ex pcrlence, wishes rjosltlon G nil, lfd Lent. INSPECTOR Wanted position ns Inspector, concrete or other building operations Thos ( Reed, BT. West Pomona st. Phono. SALESMAN of wTde experience, nbout to or ganlre sales force, wants deslrablo article. G 043, LcdgerjCcntral . YOUNG JAPANESE, has experience ns butler or valet, desires position where he can learn how to drive nutomobllo In sprlng- time I 133, Ledger Office. TOUNO MAN. 18. desires position In drafting room ns tracer, will start for small salary If position offers advancement Wrlto 2020 Cedarst. YOUNG JAPANESE desires pos'na inlet but ler or houseman, nhly high class city family. F. Boston, 730 Rose st AN ELECTRICIAN, venrs' exnnrleneo having had more than 20 in contracting nna mo wholesaling nnd retailing of electrical sun- rilles and machinery Is desirous of nssoclat ng with some firm where there Is n chance for trained commercial nnd executive nhlllty along practical lines No objection to travel ing lor portion oi ino iimo. .11 in, i,eu. uii. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NICHOLLS. 1020 Balnhrldge. has comp. but lers, second men. nil nationalities: excellent soung Fremh German. Irish, Swedish Eng lish cooks wnltrcssen. parlor, chambermaids, governesses wanted Indies mnlils, rooks, 17 to IS, kitchen maids, German rhlldnurses hnuseworkers. Phono Locust 2130. WAN'IED At Miss MiCnithy's ofllceT 2107 Christ! m. eooks rhamhremalds, waitresses nurses, housework girls Prot and Cath. . all nationalities lneust 1303 MRS. MIN.LAFF. Ullii Christian Dlck. (HBl Conks, butlers i hnmbenuntils, kitchen maids, Fremh, Germ in governesses laun'ses. AUTOMOBILES For Sale CADILLAC. 1012 TOURING L. S. ROWERS CO . 217 N BROAD ST. SOLE DISTRIBUTORS CADILLAC, loll touring enr, overhauled and repainted, full equipment, prlrn $810 AUTO SALES CORl'OltATIQV 1IJ N. Broad at. HUDSON'S rebuilt nnd gunrnnleedl phaetons nnd rondsters. electric lights nnd stnrt- ejJ!GOIERY-SCnW'ARTZ. M.-.l-M N Broad. HFPMOBILE 1013 model K C-passenger tour Ing. In exiellcnt condition, nt n bargain, L 741, Ledger Centrnl. LOCOIIOBILE 1011 0-38 1nm1aulet7 excellent condition: 2 extrn tlresl will sacrifice on nc- count of leaving town. L 732, Ledger Cent. LOSIER. 1012, Lnkovvond model, self-stnrter nnd electric lights: lots of speed: nbundnnco of power, prlte SifiO. Locomobile, 2311 Mnrket st. Locust 4B0. II. A. JENKS, Mgr. Exchange Cnr Dent. OLDS.MOR1LE I'll I 0 cv Under n-passengcr touring, electric lights nnd ptnrtcr.. . .$0no RUICK. 1-ton express body 300 L. O'NEAL. 2HI North Brondst; PAIGE 101."! 1-30 fl-pasfengor tourlng,ln excel lent condition, will demonstrate. L 743, Ledger Centrnl. EXCEPrlONAL "opportunity to buy a 1010 model Hudson Cnbrlolct convertible, 3 passenger roitlster. Inviting ftgurn; perfect condition, run 1000 miles, reason for selling rnr dlstlosed to purchaser. Inquiries solicited. I" 1120, Ledger Office SCH0BER 3311 MARKET ALL PARTS SEND FOR FREE BULLETIN OF CSED CARS OORjSOV AUTO EXCHANGE 231 N. BROAD DELIVERY BODIES, open nnd closed tops. RldgoAve. Auto Paris Co.. 1232 RMgonvc. I'ARTS and bodies of nil makes RldgeAve. Auto Pnrts Co., 1232 Ridge nvo. AUTO LIVEItY AND OARAGES TO HIRE (open day and night), brand-new 0 pass touring cnr. with robes. $1 21 hr. : nlso brand new 7-pass limousine. $1 BO hr.: weddings funernts Poplnr 1017 1715 Glrard FI3LTON GARAGE (111), FEI.TON AND GIRARD AVE. PRONE RELMONT 1101 AUTO PAINTING FULLY EQUIPPED auto painting shop will pnlnt or revarnlsh nnv make muchlno third less time nnd cost than any shop In Phila delphia, highest grade work guaranteed. Phono Tioga 2702 Geo. W. Pnrvls, Jr , 1321 Alrdrle st.. near Rrond and Erie. AUTO -lEPAIPING CYLINDERS REBORED new pistons and rings furnished weldings nnd hrnzlng. 17 B Underwood Co . I0J.1 Hnmllton st..l'hila 7 SPEf.DOMETER TROUBLES Seo BILLY at his new location, B10 N nilOAD ST. AUTO SUPPLIES -REAIUNOS- New Departure Serv be sta The Gvvllllam Co 1314 Arch st Ph Walnut 3 J07. Race 3002 PARTS lo build or repair any car. Phlla Auto Parts Co.. M!3 N 13th st Pnrk 14 IS Open Sunday. AUTO TIKES TULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4000 miles Compare prices ORIM'S. 230 N Broad at DUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PATFINTS Send sketch for freo opinion xxiiunio. nR to patpntahlllty Don't pay exorbitant fees, no ono lias better fa cilities for doing your work than "wo havo nnd our fees aro reasonable FOSTER & WEBSTER 8u" 1011 Cheatnut t Ilejl phone. Walnut 1SH. OAS COMPANY now forming a profttablo con" nollJatlon with two other pna companies In New Jercy. would Itlie to nffntlato with partlf" who would he Interested either In financing part of the new construction wnrk or In handllnic the new pecurltlea O 453, Letlffer Central. A CMSAN-OUT reputablo medical preparation sold to phBlclaps at a cood profit needs tho attention of a Ue young medical man or fiharmaclst, stork company, already In ex stence, will ndmlt rtsht party on ndan taseous terms U J13 ledger Ofllce Ilufltnesa plucen sold. hae rmer. Ko fees AHTHUJl J. t,KmOII) 424 South Wd , 121S Chestnut at. ISLECTHirAl, -hoe repairing htulnesa. Rood lo cation, a money maker rnue, other bust peas W. V Hoffgentlne. 63-0 Otn. ave. IS A MONTH secures Interest In crowing or chard, will be producing before paid for. HARUY DAUMNOTON. 14-0 Chestnut st riCTUIin TlinATIXE. $1300i earns $43-103 weekly trial, good bun. loc i worth JJOuoj genuine sacrifice. L 740. Ledger Central. APAIITMENT HOUSE 40 rm.t 15-rm. housej jmontMy payments. HeffelHnger. 17U0 Arch. MULTIOHAPHINa business for sale, best equip nt JI clientele. I, 1138, Led Cent. HESTAUHANT. central, feeding 600 people a day, cheap. HeffelUnger. 1709 Arch. DUSINESS PERSONALS FULL DUESS SUITS Cutaways, Tuxedos and Sack Suits To hire and made to order. NEUBAUErt. THE TAILOU, 11M1 Walnut. Hell phone, Walnut 2018. SUPERFLUOUS HA1H remo-ed b electroly- IhA nnlv nrm' t urav Tt,lipnur nri'ViArl 1 MISS SMITH 4D2 Keith Theatre Hide .ail. a 4l"l'lw, UMiruiia r i.i'ini ma. av, ii,ai(- Icur'g. form Mint Arcade with Jills gmlth EVEN OUR MOST LEARNED SCIENTISTS - , " v'nu.' AnATHcONCEAleeKI s VeJHATEOeaYOL'PO OOWTUJE S I ITiT UI"UI t I I -J inunT u.jujmu-" BUSINESS PERSONALS Continued rem PreccAlno Column CAST-OFr CIXTIIINO WANTED Itlahest prices paid for Kentlemen's. net our ofTer and be convinced t'nll.wrlto or ph Wal jiut.33.Vl Dave, 8 W. cor. IStli Arch.Itm i, DIAMONDS tlOltOUT Hank reference Apralsement. 1 HAnnr w. smith. 71T hansom sTrtEET, 1IRESSMAKINO AND MILLINERY roTTBit srnooh or Dnr.ssMAKiNO DAILY AND BVKNINO SESSIONS.. H31 OUtAIlD AVD POPDAll 0371 Tim McDOWnt.ti Dressmnklnn School Ilasy modern methodsi small pavmenls. do, Denckla llldR.Jlthnnd Mnrket sis. DltDSSMAKINcj taiicht from any" pattern mon. nnd nfl. sessions. Bend for clr Colum- blan Dressmaking School, 17.11 Columbia ave. DltRSSMAKKn, Trench, wants few more ap pointments, advanced styles 1108 Walnut st. I'hone Walnut 0458 FOR SALE lllt.r.tAltD. root, combination, second-hand. Iiounht. sold, rented, exchanaed, repalrlnrc, supplies l.nfe Kenfer American manufac turer, 320 tllrard ave Phone Kens 231.1 IltMitAtlD. pool tables! new, second hand bowl. Ins; nljoyai easy pnjments. Itosstto Dsrri Street Co.. 222 8. Sth st.LPhoneValj:2llj Illt.MAnD AND POCKBT TAtlt.ES Also bnwllnff nlleys, easy paj-ments. DflUNS- wicK-nAu;n-t:oi,i,r.NDi:ii co., loua Arch CASH nnOlSTDns. bousht, sold, leased, ejehnnred, repnlred, replated Supplies. New nnd factory rebuilt. New total adders, as low ns $30 Call and see our 1011 models, rtealsters sold and leased by us on easy pnjments and fully srunranteed. THE NATIONAL CASH IlDOlSTEn Co. 730 CHD8TNUT STUDDT Dl'SKS flllnc enhlnets. safes, telephone booths and office furniture nnd futures of every de. errlptlon used but In fine condition, nnd ery cbesp, free delherv anvwbere. HUqlinS,llTII AND IIUTTONWOOD DUSKS, larrte nssnrtmenti ntn household fur niture Dullnc; Centrnl RecondKand Furnl tilfe Company, nni-noo 14 JilowhllM I'lreproof. sixty sllahtly used, nil HAFIIS sljes nnd mikes bis barcalns -10 N Pourlh street VICTflor.A recordsApril list Just recetied. tmi.UK II2'I Chestnut llAVn JfST ni:cniVi:t) n tnrire line of office furniture, comprising desks, flies, snfes, rall Inif. partitions, etc.; nlso mahogany hlRli inso clock. tirrt rntcnn Anr. itintiT PATTP.N rUllNITUHB CO.. 1 127 AUCH ST. HEATING MAKtN-Knt.snV ItnAI.TH HDAT Is better nnd cheaper than stenm or hot-water Pure fresh nlr with normal moisture. MA1C1N KEI.SDY, fl N. 18th st . Phlla INSTRUCTION fine PltlVATE LESSONS In Spanish at jour home. Wrlto Prof. Oil berto. 1008 N. I lth. MACHINERY AND TOOLS SHAl-TINO SAFETY SPLIT COLLAHS AND OCOM hanaera nnd pillow blocks with fin ished bill nnd socket hearings are tho best for nil ehaftlm- purposes SlIAITINd AND MACHINE WOilKS 14f. North Setond JAMES yoiwu SUN. POWEfl-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en dues, pumps, air compressors. PltANK TOOMEY. Inc 127 N. 3d at. Sl'PPLIES OI' EVEHY DESCU1PTION Poll TEXTILE INDIISTJUES. CHAIILES IIOND COMPANY. 2() Arch St. DYNAMOS, motors nnd mnchlnery lioimht, sold nnd rented nrmnturca repaired. Main 01. Market 30111 YearsloyCn 224 N 3d st CONTltACTOHS' MACHINEllY. larno'and well selected stock for Immediate delivery, send forllsls I. r.Seferl's Sons, 137 N30 st LAItOE stork woodnorklniT mnchlnori. Iron working mnchlncrv. of nil kinds .1 WITTAIil,, 174H N. 0th. WANTED 8 to 12 horsepower fob engine; must be In (rood worklns order. I.OVEOIIOVE A CO., 141 N 3d st MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ANNtVEItSAIlY SALE OP PIANOS HF.rPE'S UPTOWN 8TOIIES We are holdlnrt our filst nnnlvernnry sals nt our Uptown Stores, corner nth and Thompson sts . where tho ureal Heppo busl. ness wis founded by Mr C J Heppe In I8tr It Is now the oldest plnno otoro in Philadelphia. ct tho most modern and pro gressive north of CheBtnut street. Over 12,nQU square feet aro devoted to the retailing of hlfth.ffrudo pianos nnd vlctrnlasi the lari-'o olumn of sales proves that the Heppe policies and standards draw patronace even to Uth and Thompson sts. from the uttermost parts of Philadelphia. The April sale Includes- noil new pianos nt prices from 25 to CO i per cent lower than tho prices in stores with n sliding scale of prices 5 plnver-ptanos slightly used, nt JR0 to $100 below original pricey, beginning nt $330 40 upright plinnn by nil tho prominent makers, tnken as part payment on pianola, pianos , lz , Chlckerlng, lister, lllnBlus, Schnmicknr. etc. at $75. $85, $00. $110. etc 25 upright pianos, Hepne-mnde, with threo sounding boards, reduced from $50 to $100 below regular prices 5 self-plaer attachments for pianos will fit any plnno nt $35 $50. $75. etc. Several phonographs, slightly used, at half price. Terms. $1 monthly nnd upward. Call or write for largo Illustrated cata logues HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES COU. OTH AND THOMPSON STS., Philadelphia, Pa. riANO Iteautlful tune mahogany Kurtzman upright grand dirt cheap 2140 N. Garnet st (10th nnd Huntingdon sts.) OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, silver, platinum, plated ware, old, style Jewelry, teeth plates bought for cash. Est. 1H70 J. L. Clark, refiner. 807 Sansom. CASH TAID roil DIAMONDS, PHEC10U3 stones, gold sliver, platinum, false teeth. Phlla Smelting & Itef Co , 128 S 11th at. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS LET US ESTIMATE to coat your roof and ruarantee It 10 oars AMEHICAN HOOKING CO. 1533 Hldse a. STORAGE QUAIIANTEE STOnAGB COMPANY. Phlla.. Inc. ESTAIILISHED 1872 Packing. Moving, Shipping, Storing ALL WOItK. DONE JiY AUTO VANS Moving nny distance Storing separate roams Let us estimate. Work guaranteed. 1317-19 MtOWN bT Phone Poplar 2134. CONTINENTAL STOltAOE WAHEHOUSE 20T1I fir, AllOVE CHESTNUT PACKING, JIOVINO, SHIPl'lNO Itugg, Carpets cleaned, scoured, stored Hell, locust lUflO Phones Key.. Hacs 4160. PENN 8TOrtAOR AND VAN CO. 2130 MARKET ST, FIDELITY FlnEPROOP WAREHOUSES 18U-181U MARKET ST. ATLAS STORAOE WAREHOUSE Storage, moving, packing, shipping, carpet cleaning. Ph Harlng 75J for estimate. Market & 37th. OI1IAIU) STORAGE CO , 018 Glrard a . 0310 N Water st Moving by auto Storage, parlt lng, carpet clean'g Phs Pop 520,1. Park4'.'3 McCANN'S STORAOE HOUSE. 1748 N. 11th ft., moving, packing, shipping) auto vans. J loth phones Let us estimate. WEST PHII.A. MONARCH STORAGE CO. WEST PHII.A. Auto Packing and Shipping, --WT-PHIl 3H70 LANCASTER AVE FIREPROOf Mothproof, Concrete Warehouse, 3000 rooms, $l a month Estimates free. N. Phlla. Storage Co., 20-'3 Lehigh. Tlo.7250, ALCRl6HTQUr lriNso MUCH FoRFeeoiNG D0G-KIOJ p I US- REGARD TO PATH l(Vg -- CAFvBoLI&JOAP. V IN llir9IAir STORAGE Continued from rrtctdlna Column STORAGE Moving by auto ans. picking. shipping. Levin llros., 2018 Rldce nve. PhonePoplir 0024 . PiTZOERALD 8 Storage House. 1011-13 Poolnr , st Separate rooms: tgonds Insured, hnullnif. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES OFFICE PARTITIONS STORE FIXTURES GET OUR ESTIMATE PHONE. WHITE OH CALL. Weiss Manufacturing Co. 450 N 12th st. Phone ; Pop. Infill. Race 15311 WANTED ANTIQUE china, furniture, old glass, bronies. pictures, embroidery. Oriental goods, eld stiver. Sheffield, pewter and Chinese curios, Try BUSSBL. Will call. 112(1 Tine. WaL202i ANTIQUE PURNITURB. false teeth, feather Iwds, broken Jewelry, gold, silver, dlnmonds bought731JVatnutVanutJ7020. Est HUM, HltOKEN JEWELRY.false teeth, pistols coined Coin books.wllh rrlces t pay, mailed, 15c. J, II. Ross (People's Store), gnu 8 1 1 th. Wal. 448(1. CAST-OPP CLOTinNO On account of the big demand we have had for cast-off clothing wo aro compelled to pay the very best possible prices for these goods In order to replenish our stock llefore sell. Ing your clothing, shoes, etc., It will pay jou to gel our prices We call anywhere nt any time. Call, write or phone Poplar 031.'. COOPER 1010 Glrard ave. CAST-Orr CLOTHINO SPECIAL THIS WEEK Wo positively pay the high juuiu.HT est casn prices tor men a sum mer and winter clothlnat nlso TRICES TAID ladies' street dresses and even log gowns Write or phone Market 2000 Wo call any where nt nnj lime United Mlsnt Clothing Co . 8lh-Sprlng Garden CAST-OPK CLOTHING ""WANTED. t Special high prices paid for men's clothes. Pull dress and Tuxedo suits Write, call or plmnoWa!Jls(t5 Sihultz 211 N. nth. CAST-OPI' CLOTHING Highest prices paid for Indies' nnd men's clothing, bats, shoes. etc Phone Pop atnl Illacker. 1238 Poplar. CA8TOIT clothing "shoes and hats bought: send postal Sneldman, 02J Toplar st. FURNlfURE (IP EVERY DESCRIPTION MODERN AND ANTIQUE Desks office furniture all kinds of store fixtures, partitions, slocks of merchandise, etc. Hell Walnut IBM Key., Race 5545 D. TH E PATTEN CO.. 1127 Arch St. FURNITURE pianos" carpets, antiques; entire or part houses bought for cash; no matter how largo. J. Hcrnsteln. 13.14 Rlddge ave. GOLD sliver, platinum, diamonds bought. D. fhamblev. Refiner. 710 Sansom st. Will call. OLD GOLD Cash paid for old gold, silver, antique clocks, will call. Ttcll phone. Locu.t, 121D ROOIiris. 27 8. 17th st. VICTROLAS WANTED Highest prices paid for slightly used talk ing machines: nil calls promptly attended to. Address I, 308. Ledger Office. HIGHEST nflCES PAID for gentlemen's dis carded clothing Friedman Brothers, 144 South. Phono Dickinson 0155. ROOMS FOR RENT IIROAD. N., 8552 beautifully furn. roomi and private bath, electricity; phone. CHESTNUT, 1001 -"Very deslrablo second floor suite. Phone locust 731. CHESTNUT 2007 WELL rURNtSHED ROOMS. PERMANENT OH TRANSIENT. CHESTNUT, 2001 Attrnrllvo rooms, single or en suite: prlvnto bath; run water; ref. CHESTNUT ST.. 2010 Ono or two rooms.wllh or without prlv atebath, CHESTNUT, 2014 Beautiful suite, two rooms, . bath, also room running water: reasonable.- CHESTNUT. 8701 Iteautlful furnished ' room s . , CHRISTIAN ST.. 2218 Nicely furn. room, with or without board: reasonable; CLINTON ST , H.'li Artistically furnished rooms, eltiRlo nnd en suite, with or without nrlyatobalh: excluslvo surroundings GIRARD AVE.. W , 1313 Furn nnd unfurn. communlcatlng rooms, Apply after 4. SPRUCE, 1113 2d front, beautifully furn. runnln g vv nter. elec 1 1 ght; other acanclea. WALNUT, 4107 Cheerful rooms, fur., single or en suite: bonrd optional. Preston 0170. 10TH, S.. 300 (opp Clinton) Rooms, with and without baths. Walnut 0044. 13TII, N.. 1307 Nicely furnished rooms, parlor for professional men; reasonable. 10TII. N.. 2523 Private family will rent 2d- story front room. Dlomonl2581 W. , 40TH. N . 31 FURNISHED 2D & 3D TLOOR ROOMS, NEAR "L": I'HONE . 30TH. N.. 115 Desirable front room, flno Iocs- Hon. nil conveniences Phone Hell 2303 M. 62D. N., 211 Two nicely furnished rooms; prl- vnte family. Phono Hell 3703 M r,2d Sansom Furnished WEST BRANCH rooms; men only, meals; Y. M. C. A. shower baths, near L: all ' the cnmfortH of home. Ph. llel 1081. Key . West 380. I1EPORE LEASING desirable house, 40th nnd Pnw olton nve , containing large and airy fur nished nnd unfurnished rooms, lady would like responses from refined single persona pr mirrled couples. G 04(1. Ledger Central. THE CHILTON, 3218 Paring at , Mrs Hells McLaln. mgr. 2 Ist-floor rooms, Including light, hent nnd gas, $33; suitable for dentist orphyslclanx FURNISHED front room, with use" of bath; business women preferred references ex- changed, rhone. Tioga 5.170 OWNER will rent bachelor apt . 2 rooms, hath, fireplace, 2022 Spruce I,oc. 1003 J. BOARDING CHESTNUT ST.. cor. 20th (The Margrave) Vacancies, perm, or transient; sup board. SPRUCE. 1220 Attractive rooms, single or en suite: private bat hi gentlemen preferred. SPRUCE 1224-20--T'urnlshed rooms, private baths; table board Walnut 7171 W. SPRUCE ST.. 1028-30 2d floor suite, private bath: choice table hoard Walnut 7235 W. SPRUCE, 1010 Double, alnglo rooms; spring rates, week or day, elevator. SUBURBAN 4 MASONIC AVE . Ardmore. Pa. Attractive rooms; private bath If desired; table board. Thone Ardmore 120 Train, trolley. WAYNE AVE.. 450.' Room, board, coriv, to traln'and trolley. Oermantown 770 J.' Atlantic Oily, N. J. VENTNOR COTTAGE bookings for the seasonr special rates for Easter. 5 N New Haven. SANITARIUMS UEAUTirUL location: special scientific care: nervous, elderly: every comfort: nurses: booklet. Dr. Ran jal. City line. Chestnut HIIL APARTMENTS OXFORD ST , 1401 (corner Carlisle) Room, front and back porch Apply Janitor, Stone- leign vjoun, -nun ana vvmnm. 2JD ST , N., 2003 A rooms and bath, nice apartments, $30 up, reference required Ap ply on premises, or phone Walnut 7280. 5 ROOMS, second-floor apartment, to sublet: front and back porch. Apply Janitor, Stone lelgh Court. 4.1th and Walnut West Philadelphia, DESIRAni.E housekeeping apartments. 0 rml.. Including mald'a room and 2 baths. For Information pnone spruce bbi. BATTERLEE, 45th and Chestnut Sublet, beautifully furn apt. Phone Har. 11B7 H. NEW JERSKY SEASHORE ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Newly furnished, modern apartment, A rooms, bath and large porch; In best resident section, close view ocean, near bathing beach: Immediate pos session; Hell phone, Atlantic 7233. Inquire 111, Surrey Apt., cor. Surrey and Atlantic. OCEAN CITY. N. J, If you aro looking for an apartment, do not fall to see Locksley Hall, 11th st. and Boardwalk: completely furnished; every convenience CHARLES A DOB 121 N 7th St.. Philadelphia, FAIL TO AGREE -,JL n-T-"-y"' i ' "" ...,l...i i i ... . Q- i 'gfTwi. I. TTihri i"t '--k " - yfc. . . ... p- .j rr- .l-.TMrJ--r---,n...rr 1 1.... t