Srtpl Bft-JlMfiiVJHftmw "f- -fr.1 " r- --r Wf-'VJy lrl-te -J-V yffvfT- &. i-' I'i.iiT-wa -r. r-.- yy pwr-fjqy- EYEJgyg LEDftEBPfflLADELPHLA:, MONDAY, APRITJ 10, 101 C. M7 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS PROVISIONS . TtH market ruloit Arm with n folr JobWilw fl'mnnil. quotntlon- City b"f, tn pels, smnkM nn1 nlr-drlcil, 1'rtc ; Western beM, In nets rtnoknl, Me , city lioef, knuckles ont lenders, smokeit nml nfr-rtrleii. 2701'He.i Western beef, knuckles nnrt tenders, smoked, 21Q2Bc; .beef hsnn, 128W30 pork, family, m.6O028, bams, 8 P cured, loose, 17 HO IPC! do, skinned, loose, 17m)18c i do, do, smoked, 184SM0e i other hsms, smoked, rlty rured, ns to brnnd nnd merBKO. I7HW1SC ! hsms, smoked, Western cured, 17wffMPc : do, boiled, boneless, 80e. . rlcnlc shoulders 8, P, cured, loose, 12 He , do , smoked inn 13 He. i bellies In pickle. According to hvcmro. loose, lilfrlMir hrritkfnst hirnn as to brnnd nnd nicrasje, city cured ICe t do , Western cured. 17?lhe lird Western refined tierces 1.1c . do do , tubs. 1,1c do , pure city kettle, tendered, In tierces 13c , do . do . In tubs, nmNED sugars The, mnrket wns quiet, but steady We gjinto Kxtra flne pranuloted 7c , powdered. ..10c, tnnfcrllnncra' A, 0J"c.: soft grades, 6 25 0 83c DAIRY PRODUCTS f'HKRSI The market ruled firm under llshl offerlmrs but trade was uulet Quotations fnl lowi Neu ork, full cream, fancy. 18S tflPr , do. do, fair to pood. held. lSWlH'ii , do, do, part skims, lKMO POULTRY f.tvn The market ruled Arm under smtll supplies and a fair demand Quotations Powls, 101?2Oc some fancy fat slock hlffher, roosters, 12i?1.1c., chickens, aoft-meated. 111 20o . exceptional lots higher: do stnpitv. 144p 16c i ducks as to sire and nu.illts. lHWUnc., peeso. 17$?Mc plpeons rid per pilr. 28 30c , do Jourw. per pilr 2022c FRESH FRUITS Tho Renpfol nnrU-M rulM Ptrndv undrr mmWnto njiorlnrea ntn! n (air npmnnii Quo tnllonn Applri tr M! Wirtfuap $3 iff I, MAHiwin . anipa ',, (.renins . .,'wh, t!en rivls SI Tlifr-' J", other nrletlea it fllMO 2 TO. No 2 51 21W1 no, apples Western, per hoT. St 2.1??!2 flrnnffps IMnrMn ner prate S2!i0(?4 Tangerines Plnrlda per strap, !!? ' n BO Grapefruit. I'lorlda per crate, .11 7." ST ' 4 ijcmons per iiox -qr;i I'inenppies per crate Porto Hlco 1 1 liKD! Cranberries, Jersey, per bhl J.HT7. do Jersey, per crate, $12 2." strawberries Plorlda, per umrt Itefrliferntors, 2'tr3r open crates, lHW2.c VEGETABLES Remand was nnl moderate but alues nen erally were ntendlly held Quotations White rotatrws, per bushrl ivminvlvnnl i SI 2HC 1 30. do , do New ork SI ItlMl 13 do. do. Western St inf 1 1ft ilo , Jersey, per basket. No t Hose ir.ff7,c , do , do , NO 1 other arletles I,"5f73t . do. do, No 2 ,lufp-tn i do, Florida per hirrel No 1. $(1107. do, do. No 2 SI BO tf (I Hweet potatoes, b-rses, per basket. No 1, ir.fff 30c , do, do. No J, 23030c do Jersey, Delaware and MurUand per hamper. No 1. 73e If SI, do , do No 2, nonoc do, Vlrslnla per lnrrel. SI MWX 73 Onions per lOU-lb bair, SI it 1.30, onions, Tex as, per cummer crate. No 1 SI llcEfl 2 ,. do , do. No 2 "it Oil CabboRf, Danish, per ton, Slonti" do, riorlda. per hamper. OSW 73c ilo , South Carolina, per crate. JlGJl 30 Cblery. Florida, per crate, St 73ffJ.J"., spin ach. Norfolk, per barrel 73c ffrSt 23, kale, Norfolk per lnrrel 30ffPun , watercress, per 100 bunches, S2. Lettucv, riorlda. per basket S33, do, 8outh t'arollna, per hTsket,, S.1WI, do. North Carotin t per basket, S3W I. Ileans, riorlda, per basket SJtl,tOO peas. Plorlda, per basket S3$ril, .eppers 1 lorida. per car rier, SI 30ffr,l ojjKplant, I'lorlda, per cratn, $202 30, Tomatoes Klorlda, per iarrler, fancy, Jl 3(IW J, do do , choice J1C1 3D Asparaitus p. r .rate, Mouth Carollnn. tiip S.nn, do . do . fleorKla. S2 2'i3 30, do., do.. California. SJW.I 30 Musnrooms, per -l-lti. basket, 73c SI 23 LONDON STOCK MARKET French Loan Rises Again Business Is Still Quiet LONDON, April 10 yUthnugh business In securities on tho Stock Hxchnngo ie malncd quiet todny, tho feeling was cliccr ful Alterations In prices In the American department were slight, but tho gtoup lacked steadiness Thcio was some buy ing of Denver and Hlo Grniidos In sjmpathy with Ynnkces, Canadian Pacifies wcro Inclined to sag Support was furnished to home railway share i and they advanced A fractional Im provement also was noted In Argentines. Tho French loan was buoyant again, ris ing to 80', Insldo nsKlstanco offset tho adverse position In evehange, which has lowered tho net jlcld to 5 per cent Huh slans wen steady, following tho publlcn- tlon of the budget of that country Knsy money helped the gllt-edgi-J sec tion which hardened. Kafllrs wcro firm on buying by Johnnncdmtg. " I'nder tho lead of Honl Dutch Issues, tho tono of oils was good. There was profit-taking in MnrconW. Ivondon. N V. 12 10 n in eciulv. Atchison J"4 IUJ'4 - Canadian Pacific I7ti Cheskpenke & Ohio 01' mu li Ht Paul UK" 1131; li! Krlo 3K Jil'! l do 1st pref m not; ... . 1117. Illinois Ccntrnl Inn Hit Louisville & Nnshvlllo l.ln'4 New York Central 1071 Pennsylvania li'H l'oJ? -'I, 3.1', .. ikL'H.ium , nffx Southern Pactllo 1 111 a, M . ..Mil". Illlt 4 . . .1 im l.ti. . .. 874 83'5 1 union I'ncinc United Stntva .Steel Economist Created a Baron LONDON ptlt 10 The Ttlght Hon Henry Chaplin, noted economist and au thority on agriculture, has been created n baron It Is understood the peerage was conferred In order to relievo Its recipient of tho onerous duties of representing tho Important constituency of Wimbledon Ho has been In falling health for some time, and had desired to resign from tho House of Commons without quitting politics. Funeral of Parker B. Prince The funeral of tho Into Parker B. Prlnco, assistant general counsel of tho Pennsyl vania Itnllroad, will b hold nt 2 o'clock this afternoon from the residence at Cynwjd I-'uneral services will bo con ducted by tho new Dr. Hoyt, pnstor of St. John's Church, Cyifwjd. Interment will bo nt Laurel Hill. Mr. Prlnea died Friday plght at his homo Ho had been connected with tho Pennsylvania lines since 1872. Ho Is survived by n widow and a, (laughter TH WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON. April 10. For eastern Pennsylvania nnd Now Jersey Fair tonight and Tuesday, slowly rising temperature ; moderate west winds. Light biiow fell yesterday In tho Atlan tic States from New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania northward, but the storm passed out over the Gulf of St. Lawrence, nnd the skies cleared during the night. Fair weather Is reported this morning from all districts except the North Pacific States. The temperatures nre unseason ably Jovv In nearly all parts of the coun try, and especially so In the Southern States. Killing frost Is reported this morning from Central Georgia, while heavy frosts covered nil of the South Atlantic and Kant Gulf States, except the Florida Peninsula, U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin ?latlon In, n' ' Wind Ity Weather Observations taktn at 8 a. m . Butern time. Ixiw 4h 8 last Jlaln- Veloc- Atlanta, fla . - as w .. p.cidy Aiiamia iair .. fu jju .ui jvv is Clear Halttmoro . 4ii Sd Illsmirck. N.D, 3D 30 Beaton, SU'i .IS 34 lluffalo. X Y 30 24 HV Clear Cloudy Clear CUar Clear V Cliy Clear Clear Cloudy CUar Clear Clear Cl-ur Cloudy I'.CWy Cloudy PCtdy Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear .14 0J W W N 8W HV SW 8 W 8 Charleston. 8 C. 4 1 88 Chicago . . 3S 3d Cincinnati, O 8d 3(1 Cleveland O. Si 3D Iltnver. Col ,,48 41 Potrolt, Mich.,, 3 2 2S (lair ston. Tex, nil M (larrlsburg ... 38 8(1 lliUtra, N. C. 4 4.! Halifax, N. S 30 3J HUena, Mont 4n an Huron. S P., 34 3 Indianapolis , .( 3 Jacksonville ,.48 43 Kiiuai Oily . 4u 4H Kr-oivllls. Tenn 82 3d 1.1 HI Rock , 4 4.5 Lc AnsiUs .,54 S4 I.?ulavlll, Ky . 3i 31 Mcntjomery 4t s Mrntrval C'un 311 .11) Nashville Tenn 30 31 .01 .01 .. NW 14 .60 NW J4 In . 8 10 n k : HV SB NW NW IS Clear K . P.cidy NvV 34 CUar NW 10 Clear Ktiv Orl mt Ml -41 Nw York city Norfjlk Va. OkUhcma ft-nala. Neb. FhTlaiU'lphla Phoenix virlz I'ltUburaU PortUnd lie I'jrtlind Ore Quebec Can. St Loula bt t'uul Jllrn Salt lik City San Antunto 3S .11 42 3d 42 U 311 31 411 Sir .01 8 18 P.CMy .oi 8W NW B W W aa xv H a s vr 8W B SV W w Clear Clear Clear CUar Cloudy Rain CUar Cloudy CIar CUar Pcidy PCIly ciou4y Grr. Cloudr Cl-ar PCldy OJ S3 311 n 40 31 BO S4 at r.o Ba a rancUro teo ou N M SU hjfiti t UnU Alt 9)1 h m uii Pa at , -a, as v nif jn 4J m34K I in SO 28 02 13 n Si WILFRID P4 WARD, CATHOLIC WRITER AND LECTURER, DEAD Wcll-Known Editor of Dublin Review Married Duke's Granddaughter LONDON, April 10. Wilfrid P. Ward, author find editor of tlia Dublin Ilevlow, la dead At Hampstcad, wtod 60 years. Wilfrid Philip Ward wna ono of tho noted writers of his lime nnd a leader In the Catholic Union work In Great Britain. Ho was known the world over for hlj wrltlnRB nnd as n lecturer on educational subjects Ho came to thin country more than n year ngo and lectured In Phila delphia In the course of n short tour He was horn nt Old Hall, Ware. Hert fordshire, January 2. 185C, and wns the son of tho famous William Oeorse Wnrd, Itnovvn ns "Idenl" Ward, of tho Oxford Movement, and n brother of Monslnnor Bernard Wnrd, also n noted author His wife na Josephine Mary Hope-Scott, a Rrnnddnlighter of the 14th Duke of Nor folk He was tho author of "To Wish to Be llce." 1884; "Tho Clothes of nellRlon," 188 ; "William George Wnrd nnd the Ox ford Movement," 1893; "Witnesses to the t'nsren," 1804; 'The Mfo nnd Times of Cardinal Wiseman," 1807; "Problems nnd Persons," 1903; "Aubrey do Vere, a Momolr," 1004; "Ten Personal Studies," 1908 ; "t.lfo of John Henry, Cardinal Now mani" 1912 ; "Men nnd Matters," 1914. Police Court Chronicles The theory that liquor will keep ono ns warm ns nn overcoat enn lie disproved by Hill Mnrks. Ho tried both Utll nd tnlts that ho prefers tho former method to tho latter In Increasing personal tem perature, but experience hns taught him that tho power of tho coat cannot ho denied. It appears that an Intolernblo thirst seized Hill while ho still had an overcoat Tho coat felt heavier than ever ns tho thirst Increased A touch of sun nppenrcd. Tills wnB tho deciding factor. Tho realization that the coat rep resented 20 Rood drinks brought Hill quickly to n shop where he got n $2 bill on tho garment without nny spcclnl leg islation And then ho waded Into his thirst Tor n few hours Hill listened to clinking glasses nnd tho merry quips of whltc coated bartenders. Then ho returned to his hotel nt Ninth nnd Tinea streets II y this time nil his cheerfulness was gone, nnd tho temperaturo begnn to drop Incldentnlly, tho proprietor of tho plnco reminded Bill Hint Ills accounts wcro somowhat wobbly. Just like Marks him self. It III resented the reminder, nnd tho men closed In tight embrace In n fow moments Bill wont bnckvvurds out of tho place, and landed on tho sldownlk. Ills rago was too great for words, and several bricks In tho street appealed to him. Ho gathered nn armload of them nnd flung throo In quick succession through n window. Two small boys who wcro playing with n baseball nearby told Bill ho would mako a good pitcher. "Vou'ro right I would," said Marks. Ho grabbed ono of the youngster's caps. then seizing tho ball they wcro pitching ho tossed It through tho window of tho house from which he had been ejected Thoso Insldo tho placo thought for a few moments that a Zeppelin had nt tneked the placo. Bill was shouting his deflanco nt tho hotel, when Policeman Breeding nrrlvcd Ho shook the fight out of Mnrks quickly, and brought him beforo Magistrate Tracy nt.tho 11th nnd Winter streets stntlon Tho proprietor of tho plnco nppcarod against the prisoner with the bricks which ho had thrown through tho win dow. "I think you havo a prima facie case," said tho Judge Bill was not qulto sure what that was, but understood very perfectly tlfht he was held In J.100 ball. And It might nn well havo been $10, 000, for Bill had to stay In Jail. OBITUARIES HENRY CLAY COOKE Retired Policeman Served City for 35 Years Henry Clay Cooko, for 35 years a policeman In this city, died early tqday of heart disease, nt.the home of his son, II. F. Cooke, nt 3840 North 15th street. He rotlred from tho pollco force three years ngo because of Ill-health. Ho was house sergeant for 15 years. He Is surv Ivcd by a widow and two pons. Cooke was So yenrs old Ho was ap pointed to tho pollco forco In 1878 by Mayor Stokley ns n patrolman In tho 11th nnd Winter streets station. He remained thero for 25 years nnd then served In the 15th nnd Vino streets station for 10 years. He was n member of tho Hed Men, Stonemen, Odd Fellows, Patriotic Order of Sons of America and many other organizations The funeral will bo held on Wednesday at 2 o'clock. WILLIAM H. WATERS First President of Old Baltimoro and Lehigh Railroad BALTIMOrtH. April 10 William II. Waters, tho first president and one of the promoters of the Baltimore nnd Le high Railroad,, novv known as the Mary land and Pennsylvania Railroad, Is dead at his home at Gavans. He had been in falling health since last November. While engaged In farming at Wntervale, Harford County, during the early part of his life Mr Waters conceived tho Idea that a railroad would greatly help that section of the State. Ho put what money he had In the enterprise. Born at Watervale, Mr. Waters was 82 years old He moved to Qovans 18 years ago following a fire on the home place In Harford County. Mr. Waters was twice married and Is survived by his second wife and three daughters. Mrs. Patience Allen MHDIA, Pa., April 10. Sirs. Patience Allen, widow of one former County Com missioner and mother of another, died last night at her home at Wnlllngford after an Illness of two weeks. She was 72 years old. Thomas B Allen, her husband, died while commissioner of the county several years ago, and her son, George W. Allen was appointed to his place, and was elected twice. He Is now warden of the cqunty jail. Mrs. Allen was an active worker In the Union Methodist Church, at Hlnkson's Corner. She Is survived by seven chil dren. Abraham M. Langfeld Abraham M. Langfeld, who died Friday night at Atlantic City, was born In New York, January 3, 1845. He was taken to Wllkes-Darre while a child and later came to Philadelphia. He was educated In the public schools of this city and en gaged In the Importing business. He finally became head of the firm of Lang feld Brothers, leather goods manufac turers. Mr. Langfeld was a member of the board of the National Farm School and the Temple Keneseth Israel. He Is sur vived by a daughter, Mrs. L. Neuberger, and a Bon, Alfred E. Langfeld. Mrs, Louisa S. Clarke Mrs, Louisa S. Clarke, widow of Charles J Clarke, of Pittsburgh, died yesterday at her borne In Bryn Mawr For many years Mrs. Clarke bad been Identified with nu merous charities In this city and Pitts burgh, where her late husband was closely associated with targe Industrial Interests, lire Clarke la survived by her five chll- lomas Shields Clarke, John S. Clarke, Iouls B. Clarke nnd James K Clarko. Tho funeral will be held on Wednesday, nnd the burial will be In the Allegheny Cemetery. 2Bent!) Ttitte Nottcet Are Printed tn thm Evening Ledger Free of Charge. Arrt.noATi:. On Arm a ioio. At.icn a . widow of Robert Applepate, aed 03 jears Helatlves and friends nre Imltrrt to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday, at hex lain residence 132H Tirandyvvlno st Inter ment at Hetithtstown, Pa AMir-NrnMiKit. on April o mm i:w- TON. husband of r,aura Aurora Asnonfelder (nes Binds) nnd son of the late Joslah and Annie Ashenfelder In his Sid oar Hell tliea and friends are InUtod to nttsnd tho funeral services, on Wednesday at 2 p m . at his lata residence. IO N rranklln st interment private Itemalns may he Mewed Tuesday evcnlnr Automobile funeral nr.II. On April R 1010 MAP.THA wife of Oeorp A. Ileli and daughter of Ihe lito James nnd Marv Dunce nelathes and friends nra Inrlted to attend the funeral from her late residence tin.' Clermnntoun ave nn Wednesday, nt (1 a m Mass of neaulem nt SI Prancls of Asslsl ("luirch, at Ham Interment prhate, nt Holy . Serntehre Cemetery tlK7Nr.H, On April 7. tlMfl ttMZAnRTH HKZNtin (nee Weller) wife of John Hezner. nsed 34 jeara Itelsthrs and friends nro Invited to attend the funeral services on Tuesday, at 2 p m , nt her late resldeme 1S1 W Norrls st Interment nl aerman T.ulhernn Cemetery hmcn.--pn April p. mm. maht a . wife of Samuel nirch and dauhter of the Inte James and Mary Chldlster, aired M jears Iteli tlvea and friends nre Invited to ntteml tho runfrnl servient, on Tuesdiy, nt 2 n m nt rmrlors of Arthur M Strtler iinnil Itldirn nve Itoxborousth Intrrmrnt nt l.rvcrlnalnn Cemetery ' nofP. On April lnio AMANDA, widow of Snmuel Houd. In hr 03d vonr Itclntlvrn and friend nre Invited to nttend the funeril services nt the renldene nf her son In Inw, Svhnnui A Ilth 1S21 North llrnnd st . on Monday nt R p m Interment private, at Darren Hill Cemetery nUANNIOAN. On April P. tnifl. MARIETTA, daughter of l.nwrcnee I' nnd Anna Jl. IirannlKan, nceil 8 venre Itrhitlven nnd rrlendn of tho famllv nro Invited tn nttend the funernl, nlso nchnol children of St. Stephen's. Parochial Srhnol. nn Wedneedav. nt K 30 n in , from tbe ree-ldtneo of ber parenie znui uermnnlimn live inch vtn- or Requiem nt ft Slenheifn t'hurrh. nt to n m interment nt New Cathedral t em elery lmii.i, on April s. mm ct,,vnr:Ncn i, , son of Catherine and the Inte I hrlellnn llrlll. fited 20 jenr Itelatlven nnd friend nro Invited to nttend tho funeral eervlee. on Tuesday nt a P m , nt hi into resldenie 2117 Montana st Mount Airy. Interment nt Ivv Hill Cemetcrv l'rlcnds may cnll .vton diy after 7 30 p. m nillK'K. On Anrll 0 lOlfl nVKT.T J IIROCK inee Pnneonet), widow of Kdwnrd nroek, Puneral aervlee nt tho home of ber niece, Mrs. W t. Mutrhend Wont Pltlsion. Pa , on Tucedny, at 4 p, m Intrrinvnt nt Mt Team Cemetery, rhiladclphla, Wednes day, nt 1 p m IIRfNVN. On April P. 1010. nRRNARD, hus band nf Mnrv llroun (neo MrCullnimh) Hlo of AtiRhfdoorlfh County Tjrnno, trelnnd rtelatlven nnd friend nf thn family, alsn LeiKun of Saered Heart of St llllrnbeth's Chtlreh; Wlvlnlon Nn 12, O A 11 and all societies of whlvh ho was a member nro Invited to nttend the funernl on Thursdiv. nt 8 no n m , from hi lite resident e into N 2.1d SI Solemn HIkIi .Mis of Iletiulem nt SI Kllznhetirs Churrh, nt 10 a in In terment at llolv Crne I'emelerx lUlRt'AW. On April H. HUH I'.l.lA II. wirn of Krnnltlln P Uurriiiv. naetl r7 jenrs Relathe nnd friends, nleo membera of jnth Street M l! I hurrh and Iternrhnli Mlrslnn, nre Invited tn nttend funernl eervleeit Wetl-r-dnv nt 2 p m nt ber I Ho renldnie, 212", N diet t Interment nt Mt IVnrn Cemeten Remnlnn nnj bo vlewetl Tuesd ly evening, from 8 tn 10 tit lot k CASP.V. On April 0 MARV V., wlfo of Prnnk A Casey and datmhtcr of Patrick and C.-ith-nrlno Nolnn Itelatlven nml frlnntln nro In vited to attend funerl tin Wednemt iv mnrn Inir nt H .111 o'clnt k from ber lito residence, anio Uexler bt . Wlenhlrkon Solemn ltenulem Mn nt St John the ltnptlt Church Mnnnvunk nt 10 o'clock. Interment Westminster Cemetery r.M:itmr. on April o. min. itciir.t. n. widow of Morris XI Cnverow. need i,l veir Relatives ontl frlcntls iiIhci members of Tern- juo i-restiierian v nurcn, nn inviiirt to nt tend funernl services Wedncsdiy nt J n m nt the residence nf her n, nhru l'lliiltt IV Urimih Will i: Tlouu nt Interment private Remains m be vlewetl Tuedi evenlmr CAHTIIRAV. At tllen Terr.lce Wnodhurv HelBlit N J , nn April H. tilllt JUII'A CUVTIIRAV RelntlviH nnd frh ml also Court Clearfield I.otlne No lnil. I' nf A . nre Invited to nttend funeral, Wedncsd ly. nt 1 30 p m . frnm residence of his son In liw, John H Ilnoth, l.nko ave , tllen Terniv, Wnntlbiiry HelKhts N T Interment private, nt Oakland Cemeteri. Phil nlelphbi. Remain may be viewed Tuesdiy. nt 8 p in CTRKi:. On April 0, 1010 LOUISA H. CI.ARKI3, wltluw nf Charle J cinrUe. in terment In I'lltsburch, Pa. I'lcuso omit Hon r CI.IURY. On April 8 tllin, JIlNNlll. daugh ter nf tin late James and Miry Ctearv (nee IlouBhney) Relntlvis and friends nro Invited tn nttend funernl, Wednesd i nt 0 a. m. from her Into resldenre 7111 Rlslnt; Sun nve , Vox Chase Solemn Requiem Mnsa nt Churth of Presentation, Cheltenhnm at In o'clock Interment nt 81 Dominic s Ceme teri Automobile funernl COM.01V.-On April 7. 1010 SMIAH. wife nf Hernnrd Conlnw nnd diUKhter of tho litn ThnmiH nnd Mnry McCann Rplnllves ami friends nro Inilted to attend funernl Wt il iieaday, at 0 30 a m from her Into reM. dence. 411 Connrroe st . Roxborouch Re- nulem Muss at St John the Ilaptlst Church at 11 a, m. Interment nt Wntlmlnsicr Cemetery. COOICK. On April 8 101H. IIKNRV CI.VY husbantl of 8nrnh A .ind son of Into Prls cllla antl Asher Cooke. Relatives anil friends also Purity I.odxo. No 32.1, I O I) r . and nil other sodctlcH of which he was a mem ber, aro invited to uttend the funeral serv ices on Wednesday, at 2 p m pr, clselv nt his lato residence. 3S10 North ISth st. Ue milns may bo viewed on Tuesday, from S to 10 p. m CRAFT On April 7. mill, AUOUSTUS 13. husband of tho lato Mary A Craft Rela tives and friends nre Invited to attend the funeral services on Tucsdav nt 2 li m at his lute residence. 222d North 20th st Interment private C'R I'ORI). At Willow fJrnve. Pa., on April 7 10111 KVA tl CRAWrORU (nee Mnrklej). wife nf Alfred P Crawford need 30 veirs Relatives and friends arn Invited to uttend the funernl services on Wednesdiv, at 2 p m. In Upper Dublin I.utherin Churth. In terment at Rose Kill Cemetery Take 1 nj gin trnln from Readlns Terminal to Am ler Station CKI'.Vr.V. On April 8. 101(1 MARV. widow of Lawrence Crevey Relatives ond friends nro Invited tn attend tho funeral, on Tuesdav. nt U a. m . from th residence of her son Joseph M f'rovey. bf3 Haddon nve. Col HnxHivood N J HlKh Muss at St John's Church. Colllncswndd nt 11) n m. Inter ment nt Old Cathedral Cemetery. Auto funeral. DASH On April 7 1MB SARAH JANR widow of Alfred n Dash. Relatives and friends of the, family nro Invited to nttend the. f jneral services on Tuesday, nt 2 p m . at tho Oliver II Ilalr Ruddlng- 182U Chest nut at. Interment at Mount Morlah Ceme tery. DIAMOND On April 0. 1010. MARV U, wife of Daniel V. Diamond Due notice of the funeral will h nlven from her Into resi dence. 2010 N Mascher at DICK. On April 7, 10J0 CUARLKS V.. hus- u4nu ui ouianntt ,. iJtcK. uvea nu years Relatives and friends ure tnvued to attend the funeral services on Tuesday, at 2 p m . at tho residence of his son In liw, Charles Leary. 4070 Sheldon at . Uermantown In terment private D1MTKR. On April 0. 1010, CAROLlN'n DIM TUR wife of Joseph Dlmter. used ill vears Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral. Wednesday, at 8 a m from resl dence of her son-tn-lavv Henrv V Urlehtl 1J1C1 North 34th st , Camden. N J Reiiulrm Mass at St. Joseph's Church, in a m In terment private Remains may bo viewed Tuesday evenlnc DOHMII.IM. On April 7. 1018 PAUL, hus band of Mary Domhelm Relatives and friends, also Court Continental No 71 P nf A , Invited to attend funeral services, Wednesday at 2 p m , at his late residence, 1029 Mifflin at Interment at Mt Morljh Cemetery Remains may be viewed Tuesday, from 8 to 10 p in E.MICK. On April 1. 1010. CHRISTIAN hus band of Mary Kmlck Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednes day, at 2 p m , from his lata residence. 2300 Ilolton at Interment at Mt Vernon Cemetery Remains may be viewed on Tues day after 8 p. m l'AHIAN. On April 0. 1910. OSCAR J hus band of Sophie I Fabian (nee Herbert), seed 02 tears Relatives and friends, also lit centennial Unt. Ver No 1, and Herman Turn Ver , are Invited to attend the funaral services, on vveanesoay at .' p in ut tils late residence. 2400 N. 8th st Interment at Hlllslds Cemetery. PAUCO. On April 0, 1018, CHARLES B KAROO, of 1030 Erie ave . seed 77 eara funeral services Tuesday, at 8 p m , at the Oliver II Hair Uulldlnsv 1820 Chestnut St. Interment at Cleveland. O. FISHER. On April 7, 1010, ANNA L., dausb ter of Charles B and Helen B. Fisher, aged 23 years. Relatives and frhtnds, also the members of the United Kvangellcat Church, are Invited to attend funeral. Tuesday, at 1 p m., from the residence of her parents. 4238 N Sydenham St. Services at the United Kv&nsellcat Church, ISth st. and Wyoming ave,, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Northwood Cemetery Remains may bu viewed Monday evening-, from T to 8 o'clock, FEHOUSON. On April T, 1018. SARAH A, widow of William J. Ferguson, aged 70 )ears Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend tbe funeral services, on Ttuaday. at 2 p. m . at ber lata residence, 412(1 Ulrard ave Interment private FKURV. On April T. 1016. MAURICE, hus band of the late Annie Ferry Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tba funeral, on Wednesday, at 8 JO a m , from his lata residence, 2333 S. 18th st Solemn High Requiem Mass at St Monica's Cburch, at 10 a. m. Interment at New Cathedral Ceme tery FlstHKK. On April 8. 1910 OTTO r'lSl HKR Sr Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral services Tuesday, at 8 p m at his late resldenre J210 VV Dauphin st JoUrmeat at Westmliutsr c Ginnery .nOAt.CT at tjts U.u.ll .. mr.-r.,-. J Fun Further netlca et tba funeral wi4 tn given. -- .v .yns.a - i-v.l U-fcUWH- dren, Mrs. James A McCreru Thorn nr.ATiis anm:TT. On April O, lOlO. JAMES, hut baid of late Jane tlarrett. In hi "nth yenr. RolAtlven nnd friends Rro Invited to at tend funernl services, Wednesdnj, nt 2 p. m , at the residence nf hi son James Uarrett, Jr. 2,"2t A st Interment private, nt Hfllvw Cemeterj Remlln mny twi viewed Tuesdaj evening-. Automobile funernl OAIIR1TV. At .Tenklnlown Road nnd Cedar road riklns Park, nn April 8. lniiv, JOHN T. husband nf Dmms Plntt (Jarrlty In his ORth sear. Relatives and friend nro In vited to attend funeral services nn Tues day, at 2 p pnrlnrs of S. P rrnnlt rnrtell Rons .IDIh nnd Fptlnpr Harden sts Interment Mt. Morlah Cemeterj Auto mobiles (IW.nMANN. On April R into .T09r.P1 P (lOLDVIANN, husband nf Anna Goldman (im Prnnke). nired ni yenrs, ReHtlve- nnd friend also members nf tVnuol Tribe, No qi .' . n M nl" Mortrt enrly t!ne nrlal Society, nro Invited tn attend fum-ml services Weilnrsday. nt ,1 p m . nt hi late residence. 2S-.1 N 2,-,th st Interment nt Mt Vernon Cemetery Remains mnr bo vwed Tuesday evening, from S to 10 n clock Otl.FItV. On April 0, lntd. ALI1KRT OIL PRY. hubnnd of tbe lite Mnitale tlllfrv (nee dross) In hi Until vear Relndves and frlinds also Orntltudn cnunrll Nn ,1? F P A, nre Invited to nttend funeral Wedneediu, nt 3pm. from hi ditiKhter n resldenre. Mrs Hdnn Rush, llon'4 I'lllmnrn si . Prnnkfnrd Remains mnv bo vleved Wdneln i1 10 n m Interment private. ( edir Hill Cemetery till I.Kil'IK. On April B 1010, JAMP.S (' son of Join and the Into Cnthnrlne Oll lesple na-ed 2s yenrs Relatives nnd friend nrt invited to attend fumrnl Tuesd ij nt Mill to from bl fnther'n residence S2JS Pulaski ave , (lermnntown High Mas nt Ht Francis of Assll Churrh nt 10 o'clock. Interment at Holy Sepulchre t emeterv OLA t'K I V. On April 7, lOlfl. linilNARD. husband of Jennie (llnrkln and son nf llrld Wt and thn Into J tine (Ifnrkln Itelntlves nnd friends, nlsn Ivrone Alen Hncletv. nro Invltid tn nttnmt funeral Wednrsdiv nt 7 30 n 111 , from Id late resldtnte 0J1 IMgelv st "nlemn Requiem Mns nt Ft lid wnrd Church nt 0 a lin k Intvrment ut Holy -' .iintnre cenieirrj (11)11 DON. On April 0 1010. MARV M ClOR. DON wife nf I'm, It tlnrtloii and tHunbter nf rrederlck nnd Hie lito leori Voclker. nirrd U jenrs Relatives nnd friend nro Invited tn nttend funeral service Wednes day at 2 p m 1 nt her Into resldencn. SROil llnrtrnni nve Interment at Mt Mnrlnh imetery Irlcnd may view remiln lues dnv evenlim nfter 8 o'clock (IttAI L. Pllddenll, nn April (1. 1 P t It. ritllD. IRtll'K P . hushind nf Mnrciret A Onul ,nce Itellv) nnd son nf Chirlcs F nnd Verorn H Omul, nited 2S jenrs Relative antl friend lllso Scbetrel I ntermillrlllms Verelll. No 1, Pbllitlelphi 1 nnd etnplnjt nf r A. North .t, Co nre Invited tn attend funernl, 'liiesdiy, nt 2 p. m . from his I tie residence, 1101 S Sid st . rlmwnnd Interment nt IVrnvrnotl Cemetery Reinnln mn) bo viewed Monday, nfter 7 p 111 Automobile funenl ( on Arm r inirt marv hlika- limit, wife of Thnmna Orleve and tl tticrlitor of Cnthirlne nnd late Chnrle Tliomn Sex ton Itelntlves nnd friend nro Invllod to nt tend funeral on Thursdiv nl s .10 n m. from her Into residence Hot Leopard st. HIkIi Mns nt the Ininnrul He ('nmeptlan Church, nt ID 11 in. Interment llolv Cross temetery flltnmti;. At Memrbl Tenn , 011 April 8. 10111 SAMt HI, WILLIAM HROOMl; In tho Slat venr of his ngp runnriil service at Ht Liikn's Cbiirrh, ilermnntown, oil Tues diy, nt 11 n m lIMKvni:. nn April 0 101(1 MARV. dnuch tor of the Into Uiuls and llllznboth Hnckstlo (nee llntthof) In ber illst venr Relative nnd friends, nlso members of Archctmfrnler nlU nf the llolv I'nmltv and Sncri'd Henri Leiiuiie. Invltctl to fuiieriil. Thursday, at 8 .III 11 in . ironi iif-r nit,' rrswence, uir, Ntirth Rnmlolpli st Snl.tnn Itenulem 'Mnss nt in n m . ut St. Peter s Church. Interment nt M IVter Ft Cemeteri IIAAltl) At Hlerrn Mndre, Cal , on April n, 10111, .SAMUllL 11 . Villi sou nf thn Into Simile! nnd lllinche Crlssv llnrinl runertl services will be belli nl st Luko r Church. Cerm intown on Widneednv tho 12lh Inst., nt .1 00 p tn Interment private 1II.CK. At his reel.!, mn, 1.1JH Olrnrd nve nn April n. 10111. WII.LfA.VI II IIIICK. Jr husbiiiil nf Clara II lletk Relatives and friends nlpti tlrac, Cttuni II No ,:i1, Jr O I A, M . nr- Invited to ultend tho funeral services on Wtdni stlnv at II a m, ut tho Oliver It llilr llull'llns isjn I'bestniit nt Interment private Rcimilns mi) bo vlewetl at 1S20 Chestnut nt , luc-Hdnv, from 7 tw in p m 111:1 si:k. on April 0 torn siiivny c. wlfn of John A Hoser. In her 7Jd Duo notice of tho fumral will be filvui PRODUCERS OF NATURAL GAS AND MANUFACTURERS OF HIGH GRADE GASOLINE Capital Stock 1,000,000 Shares Par Value $1 Per Share All Issued NO BONDS NO PREFERRED STOCK From a letter of the President of the Pennsylvania Gasoline Company, under date of March 23d, we summarize as follows: ORGANIZATION. This corporatioR is incoiporatcd under the Laws of Delaware. Capital stock 1,000,000 shares par value $1 per share. Thcfo are no bonds or preferred stock. BUSINESS The company is engaged in the production of natural Ras and the manufacture of hitrh-Rrade uasoline, which it produces from natural gas. PLANTS. At present two plants nre in operation, one located at Bradford, JIcKean Co., Pa., and the other at Red House Township, Catta rauKiis Co., N. Y., on the New York-Pennsylvania border line. EQUIPMENT. Those plants are equipped with all the necessary machinery, power, storage tanks, tank cars, loading and shippinjr facilities and havo some twelve miles of pipo lines connecting with railroads. PROPERTY AND CONTRACTS. The company owns the leases of the oil and gas rights on approximately 5,000 acres known as Hoffman Leases, situated in JIcKean Co., Penna., and on which ono of its gasoline plants is situated. This territory is practically all PP.OVEN GAS LAND. At present there are three producing gas wells on this property, with drilling locutions for 230 more. The property is, therefore, less than 2 developed, based on ono well location to every 20 acres. Tl&re is approximately ?30,000 indebtedness against these leases which become due periodically over a period of three years. Payments can bo anticipated at any time. There are no payments due at this time. The company also has exclusive gasoline contracts covering a period of ten vears from September, 1914, on all the gas produced from 7,000 ncrcs of leases, located in Cattaraugus County, Now York State, and on which there aro 22 producing wells. This latter property is less than 5 drilled, and is rated by experts as pi oven gas land. On this property it is proposed during this spring and summer to drill a number of wells, which should result in furnishing to this corporation a minimum of 1,000,000 feet of gas per day, from which 3,000 gallons of gasoline should be produced daily. This property is equipped with forty miles of main pipo line and laterals, so that its gas production will be easily available for use. ' In addition to the above, the Pennsylvania Gasoline Company is negotiating contracts for the gasoline rights on 1,000,000 feet daily production of gas, WHICH IS NOW BEING PRODUCED IN THE VICINITY OF ITS BRADFORD PLANT. This gas has been tested and averages three gallons per 1,000 feet, equal to about 3,000 gallons per day. It is proposed to erect additional plant units to handle this new production, which can bo utilized as soon as tho necessary pipe- lines are laid connecting up the gas. PRESENT PRODUCTIONThe Pennsylvania Gasoline Company at present is producing about 1,000 gallons of gasoline per day. Dur ing the past six months of actual operating days, up to March 1st, it had produced and sold 180,000 gallons of gasoline, for which is received an average price of 12c per gallon. This low prico was caused by contracts having been entered into some time ago. Tho company has completed all of its contracts for delivery at low prices, with the exception of one, on which thero nro still 32,000 gallons to be delivered at 10c per gallon. After this delivery, which should bo completed before April 10th, it will be in a position to avail itself of the prevailing high price of gasoline, which is now 22c per gallon, carload lots, f.o.b. Company's plants. EARNINGS Present earnings average about $220 per day, based on 1,000 gallon production and a wholesale prico at tho plant of 22c. WITHOUT AFFECTING THE COMPANY'S PRESENT CAPITALIZATION, tho management expects within ninety days that it will havo completed its piping arrangements and new plant units to a point where total production will exceed 4,000 gallons daily, from which, at present nrices, its income shouul aptiroximate ?880 per day, and within three months thereafter an additional 2,000 gallons per day and by the end of 1910 m ., n ifr ii X. .i.; n ii..l Mn.l..lAM ff n nnn nll..,. HnH .In., l... nnn...l.n.. Ol.l 1A13 ...lil.l. .1 Tl T T 0 1 XT m amire . 1 a lurtner U,UUU gaiioua, uuvmnn i wuii j.uuutuun ui ii,uuu (.(nuns (ici uujr uj uEvciuuci moi, iin, n iiii.ii ui. iinuui lur gasoline would produce a gross income of about 52,000 per day. Tho cost of production and fixed operating expenses average less than 20 of the present market nrice of thrproduct,.OR "ABOUT SIX CENTS PER GALLON. Tho company's indebtedness exclusive of Hoffman lease above referred to approximately 4 Sij.OOO.niorfo "oCivluch is due and payable. MANAGEMENT Tho management, both executive and field, is in in the corporation. , MARKET. Application wjlTb'e made to list this stock for trading on TRANSFER AGENT &. REGISTRAR. Security Transfer & Registrar Company, eG Broadway, New CO SLQN Tlisrpvtrnnrtlinnrv situation now prevailing in indica n marketfficoconsiaSritbiv in excess of the nresent may large andyfontinually increasing. Authorities on the gasoline situation have no hesitancy in predicting a 40c market before September advance,-)f almost 100 over present prices, and producers are reported to have refused to enter into long-time contracts even at that unu Attention isrcaJJed to the fat that, while the pas leases controlled by rrtfent unon WrilKng operations for its gas, its policy being to contract for ltSailinn m& nirtJiB nresent retail Spring and Summer, which should result, not only in a considerable increase in gasoline production, but in substantial profits from the sale oi natural gas produced therefrom. , . , A. ,,,, It is also worthy of mention to say that no estimate has been placed by tho management on the possibilities of oil production from this com pany's leases, although they are situated in the oldest and best established oil and gas field in tho United States, and substantial oil productiou may reasonably be expected as a result of drilling operations. Books to receive applications will be opened Monday, April 10th, at tho office of tho undersigned, and wl(f be closed without notice. The right Is reserved to reject any or all applications or to allot less than tho amount applied for. Checks payable to either of the undersigned, for the full amount, must accompany each application. Reservations may be made by wire at our expense. E. BUNGE & GO. 44 Broad Street, New York, MOTTU & Norfolk, nr,Tiii ItinrilNS. At Reverty N. J. on April T, Hits CHARLr.H M . husband of Ionise 1, Illculns . nelntlvea nnd friend, nlso Rot llngtnn txidge. No, nin, tl p o of Klks, nnd Keepawa Trllie, No 2.17, Imp. O. R. M , rre Invited tn attend funernl services on Tuesdiv. nt 2 10 p m , nt his lite residence, corner Cooper and Church sts lleverly, N. J Interment at Monument Cemetery. HIMvLi:. On April 8. tnlO, DAVIU lltN KLi: Relatives and friend nre Invited to attend the funeral services on Tuesday after noon nt I erlotk nt hi son In-law resi dence, Joseph J Diver, 210 liethlehem pike, Ambler Interment private llisr.1. On April 8, 1010 MARUARRT dumhter of the Into James and KIlMheth Hlnes late of WoodOeld Counlv .Mnjo. lfe lind Relatives nnd friends nre Invited tn nllend the funeral on Tuesdav nt 1 10 n, m . from the resilience nf tier sister, Mrs I) 0 Vein, 0V) IHley st 1IOII1 nnd Wolf sis 1 Solemn Muss nf Requiem nt rplphnnv I'htireh, nt 10 n n Interment nt llolv t ross ( emeters 1111.1.11 At North Absecnn V t . nn April I'll CHAR! I'M II hnslnnd of Unslni lllsler imed I veirs Relative nnd friends, nlsn members of Culinary Iteneflrlrtl Asso ciation are Invited tn nttend the funernl, on Wednesday nt 0 n m from tho resi dence of his brother, noni Chestnut st Sol emn Huh Mass nt our Lady nf Vlctnrv, Mth and Vine sis nt 10 a m preeleeli. Interment nt Holv Cross Cemeterv Remain miy le viewed on Tuesday, nt 8 P ir Auto funernl HI dill's On April 8, Ifllrt. I'LOnKM 11 riiuahter of the into .limes nnd Sarah IliiKhes llelvtlves nnd friend nre respect fully ln lied to attend the funernl, on rues dnv nt Up m. from her brothers resl dnce, rnjt Tulip st Interment nt North 1 edir Hill Cemeterv Remains mny lie viewed nn Mondi v from 7 to n p m HUNT. On April 0 RMMA O . beloved wlfo of Theodore O Hunt Relatives nnd friends nf family, also Quaker Cltv Illte, Ladles Mac cabees ond f.etltli Penn Iidge, Daughters of Rebertn are Invited to nttend the funeral sen I, is nt Trlnlly M E Cburch, Itnrden- t'Wn N J . nn lnt,!i. nl y ,1 til Inter. inent llnrdenimvn. N J III TCIIINMIV On April 0 10111 MARV ni.tAllRIH wife of Jnniea Hulrblnsoii (nee flnlbrnllhl Due notice nf the fupernl will be Blven from her Into residence, 10 Labori tory Hill Falls nf Sehujlklll Jo.vr.s, on Arm r, mm, ritANvnt lloyd, dumhter of "usan 1, and the lain Robert V. Jones Relatives and friends nre Invited to nttend the funeral, on Tucedii, nt 2 li in prrclsclv 'rom her late rrsltlence, 73d nnd Llmwoo.l nvo , W Phlln Interment private .IIIlCi: On April 0 Uilil. MATTHHW, son of the Inte Mnriln and Margaret Joyce lleli thrs nnd friends nre Invited to attend the runernl, on Thurfdii nt 8 10 n ni , from the resilience of Ms niece. Miss Mnrv I) Keefe HIJ S llsnsnli si Solemn Vlnss of lletiuleni at st i rnucls tlr Sales 1 huith nt in n in. Interment nt llolj Cross Cinie lerv M:m: On April R. 10m, RR'DOnT. wlfo of Jamer J Lenne and diiiRbter nf the lain Mnthew ind Sirnh Winkle I'linernl tn whlth the relilli m nnd frlem! are Invited nn Ihiirsdiv at H 30 n. m, from her Into resldenre f71tl Harmer st. Snlemn Mans nf Itetmlem nt the Church of Our Lady nf Mttorv. at in ,1 m, precisely. Interment llolv Cioss Cemeterj. Automoblln funeral Ki:i.l.i:i. On April 0, lOlfl. Sim P. beloved wlfo of tosepb r Kelley and ilatiBhter of Starv nnd tho lite James Mopevltt Duo notice of funeri.1 will bo Riven, from her Into resilience, Linden nvo Llndcuwold, N J Kl'IINS, At the residence nf her diushter, Mrs L Mflclarliwl 101R W Trie nvo . nn April II. lOlfl HLIAltmil KtlllNH (neo altman) nt;ed 02 enrs Relatives antl friends nro Invited tn nttend the funeral services. Tuesdiv nt 8 p. m. nt the Oliver II llilr llultdlne. 120 Chestnut nt In terment nl Mount Joy. Pn. York papers plnso t npj LWllltl II, On Arrll R 1010, MXRHL. wlfo nf l.andrum nnd d iiiabter of Will iam II 'llinmns, UKcdni enrs ltetaltie nnd friends nro Invited tn nltend funernl Htrvlces nt her pnrenta' repldence, 87 11 llortter st Ml Alrj, Tuesday. 1pm lntermt nt private LI.D1ARD On April 7. 1010 JOtri'lUNR IIAVHRsrii'K. widow of lliomas V Led vanl Relatives and friends nre Invited to nttt nd the funeral servhes on Tuesday, at 2 p Ml ,,nt the restdento nf Dr. Wllll-im C Poulson, 0018 Hpruio at Interment private. LIPSHTI.-Oll April 7. Will ANDRP.W. hus. bund nf Mnr I Ipsett Itelatlven nnd friends, nlso W'nHhlltctnn l.odce Ntl 20 A O F (1 'and Dorliu Senate No 8 Order of Spuria, are Invited In nttend funeral pervitin Wtd iiesilnv nt 1 p m nt his bile rtsldtnce, 'ii.U Chrlstlnn st Interment private nt Mt Morlah ( emeterj Friends m.i vli'w rt -iniliiH Tin stli cicnltitf. after 8 u clock Automobltn funeral The Undersigned Offer for Sale at Par $1.00 Per Share 350,000 Shares of the Capital Stock of the entrfisysvamia Uiasoisne uosnpany market nrice. for thn cnsoline rierhts. L. T. LAYTON & CO. Members of Philadelphia Stock Exchanf Kel Ktate Trust Ualldtns Philadelphia, Pa. DONALD A. CAMPBELL & GO. COttX EXCUAJvOK BAKU IIOILUISQ Chicago, III. GO. Va. DEATH I.qot'i:. Suddenly, on April 8. 1010. MARV KOPLtN. widow of John M. I-ogue hd daughter nf Kmmn, and th late W O Kop. tin. formerly of Chester. Pa Relatives and friends are InvKed to attend fnnersl, Wd nesdiy. at 1 r. m , from her late residence. nilO Sasbroak ave Interment at Crrster RurAl Cemefiry, Remain may be Mewed Tuesday evening-, after 7 o'clock. Automo bile funeral I.oroilRP.V. On April B, llllrt ROSEI,t,A LOUHIIRRY (nee McAdams), widow nf Hugh Lnughrey. Relatives and friends, Also B V. Al Hodalltv of Our Lady nf Mercy, are In vited tn nttend funeral, Wednesday. At 8 00 n in , frnm ber lato residence, 12S0 W. Per ceant st Solemn Requiem Mass it Our l.adv of Mercy Church at 10 o'clock pre. cleely Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery ''V'tf'H'Ar.&r.P,? April S.lnlfl PRANCI1 n. LI'CKP.NIIACII, nged 77 vears . Funeral on luesrtav nt 3 w m.. from his late resi dence 3 south Main st , 11-lhlchcin. P Interment private ''vK'.'.V 9" to'J'lh .Month 7th. 1010 MAItl widow of Seth Lukens, aged OS ,ri'r'. ''Alollte nnd friends are Invited tn nllend Ihe funeral services, on Third day rourtli Month tlth. nt 2 30 p m. nl tho Hnjnedd I rlends' Meeting House. M'J.".V,'.;!1 7' 1,,,,i CATIIRRINr! T MAUKR Itelntlves and friend nrn Invited tn attend tho funernl, on Tuesdav. at R liu nj , from her Isle residence 3718 Spring (Inrilen st Polenn llleh Mass at Ht. ARithx s Church at 10 a m Interment nt ( alheijral Cemetery Wilmington Del . on nrrlval of 12 11 noon train. Wilmington, Ti i I'ni'i'i n iiie-Hpe. rupy, MANV On April A. mid, RMr.MNB It. clnughler of Hie lato William I) nnd Mar caret K Mann Relatives snd friends nrn invited to attend the, funeral services, on Tuesday nt 2 p m . nt her late residence. 7J7 N 17th st Interment prlinto MAMir.t it.l.n. On April 0 101H. TF,R R.LNIHJ. son of John L nnd Nora Maude, vtlle Relnlltes and friends nlso Ht nd mund a Holy Nnmo Hocletv npd St Thomns' J A .11 Kocbtv nre Invited to nttend the rimers! on Thursday nt 8 10 n in. from th residence of his parents sue Talker st Solemn Rtnulem Mss at St Rdtnund s t niircii ni in a Cemetery tn Interment nt Holy Cross MVVFli:i.D. nnlered Into rest on April R jniil IIARIIV, htishnnd of Arllno Rlsdnn Manafleid nml only son nf thn Inte Thomas 11 and Reliecca J Mansfield aged 02 vears. J unernl service nnd Interment private 1 rlends nre Invited to view the remains Tuea dnv; evenlrc. nfter 7 o clock at bis Inte ,. rCi'.".'"''' ;,,1ft redrrnl st . Camdn N I JIUtTIN.-On April 8 inlet. MAROARF.T. vlf nf Print I Martin Relatives and friends are Inilted to attend the funeral, nn .V."'1? nt 8 30 n m from 1700 Rnce st Hl.h Marr nl Hie t nlhcdral nt 10 ft m In terment Kt Holy Cros Cemeter llil INN -ii April 7. 101H, MARY .10 Sl'l'lll.NL. wife of Thorn is MrCann nela lives nml friends am Invlteti to attend thn funenl Wednesdsv, nl p ,10 a. m frnm her ljtr residence nslo Chestnut Bt Mns nf Solemn Requiem nt the Church of Our Lady nf Vlctnrv nt 11 o'clock Interment nt Holy Cros t'enwtery Aulnirnblla funenl. MM I.l.ltNAN. On April 7. 1010, JOHN A . son of Mary nnd the lito John McClernan Relative nnd friends, also Thomas B Cnhlll Council NVi 13(10, IC nf C antl emplevcs of tho Public Lcdcer (I-gnl Dent ), are Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Wednesday nt R 30 n m . from his Into residence, 730 West Huntingdon st Solemn Mas of Requiem at St Rdtvnrd'n Church. Interment nt New athedral Cemetery McCOLLl'M. On April 7 MARY McCOLLUM. widow nf ndivnrd McCnllum and daughter of tbe lain Jame and Mnrv Cnjle. of Sullln Cnrrlcltinore County Tj rone, Ireland. Rela tlies nnd friends nre Invited to attend fu neral on Tuesdav. at 8 10 a in . from her late residence, 80S N Markoo st Solemn HIkIi Muss of Requiem At Our Mother of Sorrows' hurch nt 10 o'clock. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemeterv Mrt ONAdllV. On April 8 1010 SUSAN T.. vvltlow of T hntiina P McCnnaghv. Relatives and friends also St Agatha's II V .M Ho tlilltv and Altnr Society, are Invited to in tend funernl on Thursdiv nt 8 30 n m . from her lito residence (117 North 30th st Solemn Mass of Requiem at Ht Agnthn's ('hurch nt 10 n in. Interment nt New Cnthedrnl Cemeter MrtlF.lITT. On April 0. 1010 RKRN'ARD If. MrDHVirT husbnntl of nilla McUevItt Relatives and friends, nlso societies of which ho win a member, aro Invlteti in attend fu nernl on Wednesd ij nt sin n m. from hi late residence 31 Hast llalley road. Lans downe, Del Co Pa Solemn Mass of Re quiem nt St Phllomena'n Churth nt 10 a in Interment nt llolv Cross Cemetery. MrtllNrr. On April tl 1010 JAMHH Mo (11NIV son nf lita Patrick nnd Isabella MiOlnty Rebitlvis nnd frlentls nlsn em plojis of John Wllllims Manufaclurlne Com- the hands of efficient, experienced men who aro tho largest shareholders the New York Curb and on one or more important Stock Exchanges. tho gasoline market and tho unquestionable shortage In this commodity soon be exriected. The profits of this corporation therefore rjromisa to ba this company are recognized as proven property, tho company is not established production for which it pays a small royalty amounting to It is intended, however, to do a larce C. L. GLASS & GO. Vadtrvrlft BnUdiur Pittsburg, Pa. nr.ATitu pny, are Invited tn rttnnd finrnt Thnr day. nt 8 n. m,, front the rei.'ehr .of K' brother. John li MerJInty, WOO uth Kith t. Solemn Requiem Mnta lit tr C'lurrli of St Thomas Aquinas, nt l)0i m In terment at St. Dantr cemetery Am fc nral Mtll.H.K. On April ft. 1018, PATRICK J-.un band of Annie -McIIale (nee Joyce) and son of late James And Ilrldge McHnle (nee Cun ningham), of Totborough County Mnyo, Ireland Relatives And friend also Holy Name Society of Our Lady of Merry, are Invited to attend funeral, Thursday nt 8-10 n. m , from, his Inte r aldence 1221 W Susquehanna ave.. Solemn Requlert Mass at Our l-idy nf Merrv, at HI n i. Interment Holy Crts Cemeler Bostcn pnpers pleas ropy. Mrlir.NHY. April 7. tOlfl, jnNMIB wife of pf WllllAm Mcllenry Relatives and frb nd Invited to nttend funeral services Tuesday at 2 p in , nt her litn residence, 10 M S. Tanev al Interment .Mt. Morlah Cemetcrr. Remains may be viewed Mouday, from 8 tn 10 p. m MP-RKIHTHj Suddenly, on April B, Jnirj. nMAllKTII 8 widow of Inn Rev John F Meredith. Ill the SIsl sear of her are tile and friends are invited to attend th funeral services at the residence of her son. Harry H Meredith, 22-.0 N. Van Pelf at oii Wedncsdsi. at 2 p m precisely. Interment n( Mt Morlah Cemetery. MeSHKRHY. On April 7. 191(1. JOHN Br, husbind of the Iste Alice McSherry tn gulnii) Relatives and friends, also Dlv. No, 1 A. O II nnd snered Heart Sodality nl St Augustine's Church, nre Invited tn At tend funeral, on Tuesday, at 8 80 a m from 111 Iste resldenre. 40!) Itntlnntrend sf Solemn Requiem Mas at Rt Aug-iistlne' t'hurcb. at 10 a. in Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. MOlin, On April 7, 1010. OTTO, husband ef the latt Liiura U Mohr. Relatives and friends nre Invited to Attend funerAl services, TuvstlAy. nt 8 a m., at parlora nf B, J, I.imbert S E 20th st. and Ridge ave. In terment prltnte MOOItl;. Near Hartford, N. J . ,n Fourth month, 8th, 1010 PRISCtl.LA NICHOLSON, widow nr John Mnore, In her 72d jear. Rela tives and friends nre Invited to Attend fu neral. Fourth month. 12th, At 2 p. m., from resldenro of her son, (Jrnnvllle II Moore, near Hartford Interment At Mt Holly Cemo tery will be At Hartford Sta tion to meet trolleva nnd 12 48 P m train frnm Mt Holli nnd IJ SO train from Market St. Terry, Philadelphia MORAN On April 8, HMO, THOMAS, son of the late ljiwrencn nnd Margaret Moran, Relatives and friends are Invited tn attenj the funeral, on Wednesday, nt 8 a m from the residence, of Mrs M Kelly, 288 S, 3d st. Mass nf Requiem nt St Joseph's Church at 0 30 a m precisely. Interment at Holr Cross Cemetery. MOItAV. On April 7 1010 MARIIJ. daughter nf Michael and Mar Moran Funrnl, to which the relatlvea and friends nre Invited. Tuesdav. nt 8 30 a m from th- rtslderce of tier cousin. Patrick J. Callaghan. 2020) H Roscwnod st Mass of Requiem nt the Church nf St Mnnlca at 0 o'clock precisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery SIORRlSSnV. On Anrtt n 1MB. MICIIAUb 1'., beloved husband of Atuita Morrlesey, Rsv. alive nnd friends. Also Philadelphia l.ooirs. No 2. II. P. o a . and Osage Tribe No, 113, I O. R M. aro Invited to attend (J neral services on Tuesday, at 10 n. m. pre cisely, frnm hi lata residence, 0130 Glrartt ave. Interment private, at West Laurel Hill Cemetery. Automobile cortego. MtlM.IN. On April 8, 1010, ISABELLA, wlfo of Kdwln Mullln Relatives and friends, nlso League of tho Sacred Heart of, tlesu. nre Invited to attend funeral, from ber Into residence, IS38 Wvllo at (10th and Ilrown), Wednesdaj, nt 8 30 a m Solemn Requiem Mass nt Church of Oesu nt 10 o'clock Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. Plense omit flowers, MURRAY. On April 7. into. CATHARINI11 MURRAY (neo Frlet) wife of Michael Mur ray. Relatives nnd friends also 1-enRue of Sacred Heart, Altar nnd Rosiry Socbity and Sodality of tho II. V M., are Invited to nttend funernl, Wednesday nt 8 30 n, m,, from her late residence 1-218 W Perks St., 32d Ward Solemn Requiem Mass nt Bt. Elisabeth's Church at 10 o'clock. Interment nt New Cathedral Cemetery NAM!. On April 0, 1010. EMILY E . widow of Dinlel W. Nace Duo notice of the fu nernl will bo given. NF.IL. On April 7. 1010. WILLIAM, son of the lain Robert nnd Emma Nell IMathra and friends nro Invited to nttend funeral, Tuesday, nt 2 p tn , from resldenco of Ills brother-in-law, Henry Heath, 312 Cumber land st . Gloucester Cltv, N J Interment at Cedar Orovo Cemetery. Other Deaths on Next Pace York, N. Y, amount of drilling Hurl m thn G. Vi. FIELD & CO. IB PONOXESS sriiEwr Bostons Mass. 4 II . .