APRIL !' 1916 id EVENING LEDGER-I'llILADELPirrA, MDNDAY, - V 1 FINANCIAL NEWS GAINS OF ONE TO EIGHT POINTS ESTABLISHED IN THE INDUSTRIALS Buying Orders From Important Interests Instead of Of ferings by Active Bear Traders Ma rine Issues Strong NEW YOltK, April 10. The benr (lenient tost nil Incentives for further operation-) for short accounts with the correspondence between the Oermnn Porelpn onico ntul the State Do linrtment over the Susnex disaster. As Wall Street views It, the news published over Sunday, Including the statements made by Minister Gerard, leaves this Gov ernment wlthoufki basis for positive action and precludes any diplomatic rupturo for the present nt least. As nearly all the short selling last week was on the belief that diplomatic relations with Germany would abruptly close, this condition, which Is now estab Ushed, has taken the foundation away from the bear operations. There was no offering of stock by any of the active bear tradeis this ntornlnfr, but Instead Important Interests had buying nrdeis in many Issues, and vigorous advances resulted In tho early part of the forenoon. The Industrials as a group rose from one to eight points, with wide openings In American Zinc and Marine preferred. Tho buying of Marine common was bf nn Impressive character. At fit st. Kutcr and Gross were tho heaviest bucrs, but In the last half of tho forenoon, Foster & Lounsbury weio persistent buers of tho stock. Tho room assumed that the strength In both tho preferred and common stock was duo to tho showing made In tho statement Issued by the common stock holders' committee, but there Is reason to believe that Standard Oil interests bavo been acquiring both classes of stock ever since the company was put In receiver's hands, and It Is possible that It may bo placed on the list of Rockefeller corpora tions soon. Around midday the pool buying of many Industrials ceased and re cessions were then In order. GREATEST ACTIVITY IN FEW DAYS ON COTTON EXCHANGE 1' I Tone Is Steady, With Prices 1 to 3 Points Higher NEW YOIIIC April 10. There wns moro nctlvlty on the Cotton Exchange this morning than thcro had been In 10 days or moro and tlio early tone wns sU&dy, with prices 1 to 3 points higher. Tho feature of the trading was the per sistent selling of nearly all options for Liverpool account. Spot houses were buyers on ft small scale of May nnd Wall street Interests purchased limited amounts of other positions A tendency was noted on the part of now buyers among the professional to take the distant options, presumably as a "pcaco" purchase After the call busi ness dropped oft somewhat but prices held steady. Temperatures were low In the cotton belt this morning, with virtually every station east of tho Mississippi lller re porting heavy killing frosts, siuuems said tho frosts were without Inlluence either on the crop or on values. The barometers indicated continued clear weather and higher temperatures. t Liverpool quotations were somewhat below expectations, showing advances of 34 to 5 points at the time of our open ing, whereas they were due to come ."' to 6 points higher. Business abroad wns small, but the market tone was steady, private cables said. Sat. clne. Orwn. It a.m. 12 m. 12.30 March 12..' l-'.r.N May 11 110 11.87 11 lit July 12.0S 12.0S 12.01! 12 0'. 12.0". October 12.22 12.23 12 22 12.211 12 20 December ..12 3S 12. HI .... 12.3S 12 3S January 12 13 12.43 12.-U Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL, April 10. Futures iulet. 3Vj to 4 points advance. Sales S000 bales, Including 6300 American. May-June, 7.4 B July-August, 7 14; October-Novem- beflK.SO; January-February, 7.23. RATES FOR MONEY ' Call. Time New York 142 2'4W3i; Philadelphia 3 '3'j 3 M4 Boston .1 4 Hi h Chlcazo 3i W4 HH't Commercial paper, 3 to t months, Philadel phia. 3tf3Mi per cent. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates 10 or Over 1" Cher.sn Oxor r.O les. up to an up to no. up to no Boston 3 3i I 4 New York . . a 4 4 4 Philadelphia.. 3 4 4 1 Cleveland 3H 4 4 4 lllchmond ... 4 4 4 4 Atlanta . .. :ijj 4 4 4 rhlcaen 34 4 4 4 Ht. louls ... 3 4 4 I Minneapolis.. . 4 4 4? Kansas City. 34 I 4 4 4 Dallas 4 4 4 San Francisco 3 34 4 44 ARrlcul. Trade acceptances. Com Oxer no. Up to no. uu to nil. moiiity. rioston ... 4 34 34 34 New York fi 34 3 4 Philadelphia. .4 4 3. 3 3 Cleveland . .1 3 4 4 Jtlchmjnd . . IS .14 4 3 Atlanta . . .'. 34 4 3 Chicago . . 3 . ,, Ht. Louis ... A 34 34 3 Minneapolis.. 5 . . Kansas City.. 3 34 34 3, Dallas 4 4. 4 4 San Francisco 54 3 34 34 Hn to nil dava: over 30 to HO. 4 per rent : over 00 to DO, u per cent., and over UU. 0 per cent. ItAIL MEN HEAR GOVERNOR; NO MENTION OF $1000 GIFT Brumbaugh Applauded as He Speaks at Memorial Services " Governor Brumbaugh spoke yester day at the annual memorial serv ices of the various railroad brotherhoods, held at the Forrest Theatre, Among others who made addresses were Mayor Smith, who presided; State Senator It. V. Farley, of the 5th District; the Rev. John a rant Newman, the Itev. John J. Wheeler and representatives of the brotherhoods. The Bervlce was opened by K. If. Tom i llnson, who Introduced Mayor SmUh, who I assumed the chairmanship of the meeting. He said his sympathy was with the va- lv rlous orders, and Bpoke of his early con nection with the Pennsylvania Railroad, He told the audience he had come from a family of railroad men; his father had worked his way from the position of con ductor to that of chief train dispatcher, he said, and two uncles and a brother were In the service. A relic of interest to the older men was a silver badge the Mayor took from his pocket, and which he said was the only "uniform" worn by his father when a conductor. It had Inscribed on It "From C E. P. to T. B. S.." being a token from Charles E. Pugh, a former of ficial of the road, to his father. ! Senator Farley paid a tribute to the i Governor by telling the trainmen they jj had Governor Brumbaugh to thank for the idea of safety first. He also urged ' the trainmen to follow out the plan of arbitration In their dealings with their employers. Arbitration, he stated, wpuld, , ultimately, displace all disputes overlabor In this country. The lower floor of the theatre, which was tilled with the friends and relatives of the trainmen, broke out In applause as the Governor came forward, as he said, to commemorate and honor the life of Bervlce of the men who passed out during the last year He said the growing ap preciation of the ulue and loalty of the worker by the employer waa demonstrated by many recent occurrences, examples of which he gave in his talk. "There Is nothing liner In all the systems of thought, ' tie said, "than the service of a mail who stands in his place and does the thing which devolves upon him to do. Tbefce men. In whom na place care and human lives, are vital to society" The tjovernor maintained that the compensa tion ace was the moat Important law !HUuS;d in the last 50 or 180 years. TIib rollciill of the mwauera who died i fund. od aii uujwwtuvo effct fol l-Wfcd in the tuwcrwg uf th Uglit. during hivl t trngUi heI, fatotljt New York Bond Sales liDOIMI r.omi IMHKI Muni Mini) IIKIO 2H0IIO it lino 1 1)1X11) .11)1111 11)11(1 21)011 21)1111 sunn 4II0II linn) Minn 1 0011 1IMIII lliiiin 2IIII0 1101)11 3111)11 liiiinii 3111111 lllllllll I'MIII 11)110 Hull) nun) 2IIIII) iiinn l.-iimi) liini) limn I3IHIII 31)01) :iiiih) .101111 i nun 71)00 13000 I lixio 2301)0 11)1111 .-limn noon 40111) 2IIIHI iiinn .SHOD . . Ulsti Anulo rrenc.lt Si ... 1)3 s II O l . .. lllji II . () rv 1 4s ... Illlf, llcth Ml) rM fn .lull, llrook It T 3s HUH.. lill Can (lov 5s 11)211 .. Iii'i do 1II3H . . . . lis do 1J1 .. . 1111 Cent I 'up 1st In lii, Chill Copper 7s . ..l:n C II ft g joint Is .. iis4 do een 4s . . . 11:14 C At & Ht 1' cv 14s I11114 Del 4 Hud ennv 4s .1117, Detroit United 44h.. NO', i;rio prior Is .... H34 .!). do ex Is Her A XV I flrnntiv rint Ha In Hud & Man rfd 3s .. 734 Intern Mpt 14s . . 734 Inter .Mer Mar it lis', Jnp new O H 44s . Mls, I. ex K 13 Tin . .. .1111 4 I.IK & 31 T 3 Illl, .orilliml 5s . Iiin4 Louis A Nash 4s.. . 1114 .Minn & St 1.4s ... H3 At Iv T 1st 4s . 724 AInnt Power 5s . U7 Alont I'ow its Ser A lirt N Y C II 14s . IU4 N Y City Is lies.. Ion do 4',s lixio 1IIJ" M Y ltny ref Is . . . 7S3, do ncij .-, . . . r,s, N V Tel Ben 14s nil J'a een ct 44s 1II1S.1DJ I "a en 44s HIM) . 11154 l'ub S N J Bs ... . Ill 4 Head Ken 4s . . 114 4 Ilork lsl 3s . 174 Ht I. . 3 r r c 4s Ui!4 sun rnc c r r p as. .tin Mfl, l'n.. -f,l Ju South lly t-en Is.. Texas Co t-v 'lis . Third Am- ref 4s Tokio 5s tl S Go 4s v t'nlon l'ae 1st Is Union 1'ac rfil 4s . !() . "ii. .105 . 7S4 Hi 117 4 1104 Low. II.-. WIS HI14 llll 117 1IS IHIJs llll 4 135 IIS'4 11.14 Inn 4 107 c Wljt M34 XTi't 11)7 . 734 7.1 J, M) 1014 ItilJ, IDIlJ, 04 4 l',3 72 ' 117 llll 114 4 llll) 1H211. 7S. 5S4 llll 11)14 105 4 1)14 IH4 474 mi 4 10 Its no J, 7in. in-, H 4 1114 117;. 1104 12-30 p m. lit i iiiis 101 U 101 IIN4 lis tin's 1111 4 135 us 4 113 4 1iii)4 JiiTJt unj, $b 107 7.14 73 4 !IN!i Ml4 1111 '4 uu. 1110 1114 iu 7.1 ' 117 llll 114 4 inn mi;, 7N. 5S4 ll'l 11114 105 4 1114 114 4 47 4 tin 4 1111s, III) J. 71) 1115 -"? 7s 4 1114 Ii7 4 tin 4 FOREIGN EXCHANGE NinV YORK. April 10. The nurltet for forelKii exchange In tho first hour of busi ness today wns dull but steady. French exchange waa quoted at tho low of tho mnement reported on Saturday C.OUi for cables and C.02 for checks. It was thought In exchange circles that a lower figure on banks would bo made on actual busi ness. In other clnsses of exchange the changes In rates wero negligible. Quota tions follow Demand sterling, 4 "G 7-1G; cables, 4.77; relchsmarks, 72'i 72 15-1G ; lire cables, 0 3S, checks, ii fifc4, Mwlss ca bles, C.17; checks, il7ij. Vienna. 12.I76J 12 39; .Stockholm. 30 lOCi 30 20. pesetdK. 19.4r? 19.50; guilders, 43Q43 1-1C; rubles, 31.40CP31 43. DU PONTS DENY CHARGE OF LOBBY IN CONGRESS Powder Company Head Says Government Nitrate Plant Was Never Opposed WASHINGTON", April 10 The speech of Senator Underwood, opposing the Govern ment entering Into a contract with du Ponts, in which lie charged that Charles II. Landis and Hugh I.. Cooper had been here lobbying against the passago of a bill authorizing tho establishment of a Government nitrate plant, has brought a denial from Pierre S. du Pont. Mr. Under wood replied that If lie was mistaken In his denunciation of these men, he would read any letters of explanation they might make and have them Inserted In the Con gressional Itecord. Extracts from two letters by air. du Pont follow: "We regret to talce exception to your statements on the floor that wo had en deavored to Influence Congressmen against tho Muscle Shoals proposition. We have neer. In any way, made any such en deavor, nor has It been our Intention to do so. We do not desire to keep the Govern ment, or any Individual or corporation, from building a plant for fixation of at mospheric nitrogen. Nor Ore we solicit ing the business of manufacturing nitiiu acid for the Government. "The United States Is today In a posi tion never nerore Known to any nation. Among the greatest. It Is alone In a con dition of peace. Magnificent iu its finan cial and commercial development, power and strength, It Is weak to the despair of Its citizens, be they rich or poor, In Its preparedness agalnSt outside attack. Never has there been more willingness to do, coupled with less power for the doing, than now. Never has there been greater necessity for mutual faith and for co operation. Let, then, each man bear his part of the burden as best he can In the cause of preparedness, "Referring to the project of damming the Coosa ltlver, I do not remember hav 1ns heard of It before, nor can I find any one prominent in the affairs of this com pany who knows of the project or its purport Therefore, I state most posi tively, that our company, or Us agents, had no voice whatever In Its defeat." BLAME "FIREI1UG" IN BLAZE Flames in Unoccupied House Rouse Neighborhood A Are believed to have been of in cendiary origin created great excitement In the neighborhood 'of 2935 Venango street early today When a vacant house at that address blazed up the residents In the neighborhood began throwing household goods from windows, believing the flames would spread to the adjoining frame houses. The Are was discovered by Mounted Policeman Gross, and ex tinguished with a loss of J250. The po lice believe either a "firebug" or a tramp set Are to the house, which Is owned by Thomas Rzepska, of 3173 Richmond street Von Papen Reported in Holland LONDON. April 10. Captain Franz von Papen, former military attache of the German Embassy at Washington, whose recall was requested by the I'nited States Government last year, has been seat from Berlin on a secret service mis sion to Holland according to the lUily Chronicle a Amsterdam correspondent New York Stock Sales r.st close l'.IH 2SU 77 07 rvi 12.30 llkh Irfiw r.m. 0'S 1H 0S 2(1' i 2M 20W 29' 4 21V4 204 77 77 77 07H 07H 07' 71J 71' 717 100'f 1(M)5 1(X) Ml1 1 . no oi oo; ni mi r2H r,2)i r2' 28 28' i 28)4 2.8'4 2.1'i 21 23H 21 . 10 -10 -10 10 . 77JS 78JS 7754 7 102' 5 102 1(U 102 I()l( 102H 102 102'4 .IDO'j 197'1 107f WVi . fiO't )( )' BO'f !).-l OOH 9.Vf O.V 87 MPS SO'S 10.1 10314 10.T4 103' 108' i 100 100 100 lDfl'f 107j 100'4 107' i 87 87 87 87 MH 80'4 Ml'i MP Alaska J Gold M Alaska Gold Mines Allls-Chalmers MfB Allls-Chal Mf pf Am Ar Chemical Am licet Sncit Am Drake S X V Am Can Am Hide A I, pf Am Ico Securities . Am Unseed Am t.lnsccd pf Am Locomotive Am bocomoiho pf . Am Smelt & lief Am Tobacco Am Woolen Am Zinc t, X Sm Anaeonlla Copper M.. 80'( A tell Top A S K All Coast bine Haiti t,oro Wks llalt X Ohio DrooUvn Han Tr llronn Shoe pf ... 07 1)71 llutlo A Superior . . . 0l"f DOM Cal Petroleum . . . 2.1 2.T4 Cenlral Leather pf 110,'ii 111) Chandler Motor . . . I hes A Ohio Chile Copper chlno Copper Chle.iRO (It West' t hlWIII A St P Chi II I A Pae Col I'uel A Iron Col A Southern Continental Can Corn Products Hef Cruellile Sleel Deere A Co pf Detroit Iinlteil ll.is Distill Sec Corpn Dome Mines Krlo . . . Krlo 2d pf General Klectric Goodrich It f Greene-Canane.i (1 N rfs for ore prop (lueeenhelm Ihpln. . . Illinois Cent IiiRersoll-Haml ... , Int-Met v t cfs Int Con Cor v t c sh Int Con Corpn pf. . . Int Paper . . . . Int Paper pf lnp Con Cop . . Int Nickel v t fs IntM M eof dp Int M M pf f of tip Jen el Tea Jcncl Tea pf Kan Cltv Southern Kcmiecott Copper Kenkuk A Des M l.aeledo Gas I.co Hubber Tire Co booso-Wlles Hlscult Manliat Kiev eld.. Maxwell Motors Mat Motors 1st pf Max Motors 2d pr . . Minn A St Louis Minn A St Louis pf . Mexican Petroleum 10')', ltl4 Miami Conner . 3SS, 3.V, Mo Kan A Texas Nat Hlscult Nat L'nam A S Co . Nat Lead Co ... Nov Con Cop Ne York Air brake N Y C A 11 It Norfolk A Western North Amerlean . . . Northern 1'aelflf . Ontario Mixer Mln I'ennsjlvania It It !).- 0."i 02 02' 4 22',' 2.1' i r,iH r,rH 12Ji ViU III' 0.1 IS 10'S A'i 414 27 27 s-i s:i'j 20' i 20' i !JUi 0.114 0U HI'S l).i 1)7 I7 -18',' 2I4' 2I 30'j HO'i Ill's 13 Hints 10- 78' i 70' i 10 -Wi I3U .J3"i 2- 22's 10.1 10.1 . 17 . 17',' , 73 . HI'i 17 . Ili'j . .11)' 4 20'! 73' i , Ml'i 111 2.V,' . 571, Pi 100 )' low 120'i . 72' i SVi . f7 0'.' 1SW 2M) IT'S I7' 73JS ll' IS 17 no 22' i' 70 'i 8') lit 20 fi7'i r, HlVf r.i'i ion 131) ".'I SO1, ll'. I 07i 0.V1 23' i 110 0.) 02' i 22' i fil' 12M 05 18' ( II 27 83' i 20 'f 02' ( 01'j im'i 18 21V .ion 13 107 78'J ll'U I3'f 2J'f 103 280 17H 17K 73', ll'l IS 10' i 10V 2l'i 73' s 8S 111 2.Vf C7'i r. 07' ( IHI'l 23' i 110 n. 02' 4 23' i oVt 1214 : l'i'f ll's 27 83'4 20' 1 Ol'i lll'i 00' j IS't 21l 30' 1 II 107 70 10' i Wi 2." , 10.1 2) 17 17' 73' 1! Id is 17 IIL'i M 7.V4 80 111 20 f7'4 r. 10.-f Ktt 3i 123 . 2I? , OO'i 17'. 147 lOJ'i 12" OS 113'i 8 r,7 l'ressitl 8teel C Co pf 10 1 1 10'i 130 73' i 8.V4 fi7Ji 0'. 17 HOW 3Vj :v-i 123' 1 fil'. 10' 1 130 ixriiTTt a m -nTJTrtmci turn BY GOOD WEATHER Easiness at Liverpool Also Helps Drop by Causing Early Selling WI-.ATIIKIl CONDITIONS M'.W (ltl(. April 10. Attilrrs re relirtl nt the Vlrnther llnrrnit this mnrn Inc tmllrnlril the follnnlnic wrnlhtr con lltlnnst Temnernturfs licit. l.on. t'nnntllun Norlltet .. elenr III 3D Nortlmrvl .... rlcnr IS SJ Xllilille Hest rlenr II 31 .i)UtlnxrM .. . . rlenr 01 42 t pper Xllnlslnpl n, .elenr 40 "2H Utnfr Vllsslsslppl nl.. rlenr 3J 3S Ohio 11llr1 . . ...rlenr 41 . .Ii . Hie fnllnliiK prrrlplliitlnn (In Inches) tviis repnrleilt .01 nt t lexelnnil, Co Itimlms and Xllnnesntn, nml ,03 nt l.lklns. CHICAOO, April 10. Thero xxn fur ther RcllliiK of wheat today under the In fluence of fnvornblo weather for the crop and uneasiness nt Liverpool. May started nt $1.1C'1 (Trl.lG nnd sold down to $1 15'4 before the end of tho ilrst hnlf hour, compared with $1.16 nt the end Saturday. July started nt $1.11 to $I.13'4, nBnlnst $1.11 nt tho close Sat tirdnv September opened nt $1.12 nnd sold tlnxvti to $1.11. nRnlnst $1.12',i nt the close Saturday. Covering caused rnb Ilp from tho bottom. Sentiment wns divided, but It wot be lieved Hint tho technical position of tho ninikrt was' n little stronger, The Knc llsh marltet xxns nffectcd by llficrnl shlp ineiits to the United Kingdom and In el easing stoclts Ilujcrs abroad, however, looked upon present prices as attractive nnd the demand from the Continent was reported better. An olllclal report said that the nrea ot xx heat In the United Kingdom showed a decrease of 8 per tent , with the condi tion model ate. The weather thero slnco April 1 has not been good, l'M'orls from North America for the xx-eeh xvrre 8,030,000 bushels, the t'lilted Kingdom getting 4.071,000 bushels, llot tertlttm 1,380.000 bushels nnd Krance l.L'DO.non hushels. Tho icrviptfl nt Min neapolis nnd Dtiltlth today xxere IB cars, ngalnst 210 r.ns List year; nt Winnipeg. C28 cars, t'omp.ued xvlth 2S7 cars; nt Chicago. 170 cars, ngalnst 2G cats. Coin also Impi nved nftei slum lug easi ness nt the stmt, when there xvas selling line to good xxiMthcr und libeittl suiiplles. The niuiket nt I.lxeipiiol xvas Drill The itcelpts beie today 'wero 08 cars Advices f 1 inn Argentina xxeio poor. Oats also Milled after slight lushes nt the outset. Shipments ft 0111 Noith Amer ica for the week were 2.501.000 bushels. The iccclpts hero todny xx'ero 103 cars, 3' 12.1' 2.V 07'. 17J, II.-. 10.1',' 103'. ..7' I'jpj OS 112' j 8 80' 1 .p.8'( 0'. 17 llO'i 38, 3. 12.P4 2.V, 07'f 17', II." IO.T4 122'. (18 0S 112'j 112' 1 0' ll II.- I'ulliujn Co Hay Con Copper Heading .. . Hock Island pf . . St Louis A S K St L A S K 1st pf St I. A S I' 2d pr Seaboard Air Line Shat Arl? Cop . . . Southern Pacific . . Southern lly Southern Hy pf. Studebaker Co . . Term Copper . Tens Co Teias Co rlslils Texas l'aeifle Twin Cltv It T Cnlon HaK A 1'ars-r Union Pacific U S Ind Alcohol .. United Fruit . . . I'srifi k u s c 1 i' a r pt li S Hubber f h Hubrer 1st pf i; S Steel Corpn . . U S Steel Corpn p. , U S Sm It A M . . Utah Securltlei Utah Copper Va-Caro Chem Wabash Wabash pf A : Wabash pf 11 ... West E A M Western MarUnd Wist Mar land pf West Union Tel Wheel A Lake Hrle Wheel A I, K 1st pf Wheel A L E 2d pf Willys Oxerlann Willis O pf s r f p Woolnorth F W . Quoteil ex dlxldend. I in 23'.' 81 U h 2' .(, 34 15 :u'; 07M 2t)V .VI .)! 10.". Hi.1) 2 lis 8.V1' J '2h 11 j 3'n l.Vi 3,r. OS 2II' no S "id', 8 r.7 I0i lOJ'j 1 re: 103 21 M'a 1.. 2; ii, 3'( l.Vj :ni 071ii 2014 50 Ml '4' 111',' 112 lib .11)0 174 It) 0.'i 0' ran 100 lb'4 10'. or, O'l' 'i bVi ' 21. lb :i'. 15)i in J7JJ 2014 50 1 134 5: VKt'i 133 101'. 101',' .11 . 2Ui . fll'i . 5Ii IU . Mh 117'i '. Vi . 81'j . -11 . 15 . 45' ( HSU IIS 22 21 5I'i MU r.v; .v. 55' lOS'i 11)') IS', is1 it) (i 132' 102' 10 00 ()'l 133 103 118', 51'. 110'j 85' 4 117' 1 72'i 18 SJif I Hi 15', 15' 4 3 (Wi 32U lh". 00' 3 13 .'Pi 5 2,10 2.IS llll'i 101'i .1231s 121 .'7' 01 33',' 185 !)() I'i 13'4 110'i 110 SlJii 8.-1 117'1 117' 71 '4 18 82H llh 15 1514 27)1 ftlli" 3214 IS'; 0(1 3'4' 12' i 3', 233 10-T. 121 NEW YORK COFFEE MAKKET N13W YflltK. Apt 11 10 At tin-opening tills morning the coffee inaiKi't xxns nguln steady xvlth first prices l to 0 points higher 1111 M-attcifd rtiiiimlHNloii biitn-f buying piomiitcd by the coiitlnuetl stfengtb in llrazll. Sales on the call xveie l.t.DOO bags. Tmli's Siitunl-ii's lllltnltlK I lose March s 735fS 73 .Xnrll NSiUfN.L'S .Xlav S33 S-JSMS.ll June S330CS.31 .Inly s. ly i.WW.:i'i Aiwust "s 4K si:ii(iN. II Keptemher K.33 s, IS(itS..1! Ofluher s ,-iN s..",iWS.33 Nnxeinlisr 'K On S 33WH.3II Deremlier N ft" S .vitiN.ilo Janutiry ". H. Tuffs. 7.", n cifn'S 03 IVhruiry 8.7.3BS so WI'IM S.7U UM Total siilcs, 1 1. nun Iuirs RAILROAD EARNINGS 1110 on.vNiu: socTiinitN 11)10 1'iiurtli xxcek March.. S1II..I4H l'rotn July 1 U8.3U4 ILLINOIS ClINTltAI.. - March uro's 13.702.083 J038.S38 YAZOO AND .MISSISSIPPI VAM.IIV. fncrense. J4.07II 013 March itrnis Dtrrense. JI)!)3,7Sl J 1.278 GOVERNMENT HONDS niii 2s rcElstercl 1030 Ill)8; 2s (allium 1II3II DU", :ts rcKlstereil 1II1S liil 3s coupon HUM lni'i 4s registered 11)23 ltn. Is 1 oupoti 1U23 ..lll'-i I'anain.i 2s rinlsti-ri'il 11)30 Dlilj I'.iiiuiiiiL L'M reiilHtfi nil Hl.tS 1)1)' PallJina .Is reulstereil IIHIl . I'.inama 3s milium. .. . Askpil. inoVi 10JI 102 '5 ..HUH BAR SILVER liar sllxer xxas nuoteil In Lomlon today at 2') tl'lild.. nn tiilxance uf 'Id. 18 8-"i 4l'j 15' 4 154 274 0-1' a 32'- 18' 3 00 !' I3T 4'3 2.-l3 101', 121 DRII'l'S MAY FIfillT DARR0W AXI) Ii0(!UE FOR CONCURSS Former Safety Director May Enter G. O. P. and Independent Primaries Representative Oeorgo V. Darrow faces a three-cornered flrht for tho Republican congressional nomination in the Cth Dis trict, which comprises the 21st, 22d, 21th, 27th. 31th, 10th, 42d, 14th and 46tli Wards. Cx-Senator John J. Coyle has announced I1I3 candidacy for the Republican nomi nation, and the talk In Independent cir cles In West Philadelphia is that Robert D Drlpps, ex-Director of Public Safety and formerly leader of the Independent forces In Councils, will enter tho primaries for tho Republican nomination. Workers in the section across the Schuylkill say that the Citizens' Repub lican League xvill be beliind the Drlpps candidacy In the Republican primaries and that the ex-Director also will place his name on the Washington party ticket. Drlpps will be opposed for tho Wash ington party nomination by J. Washington l.ogue. ex-Congressman from the district. Also he will ba a candidate for the Demo cratic nomination. R.A cqL DAIRY PRODUCTS (SATURDAY) The market reported herewith clres Saturdays ilolnc prices aid not those ot the day ot publication. Toaay's prices are quoted la the Mint Kxtru Kditloa of this paper ana ull succeeding sdltlons. I1UTTKR Supplies of solid-packed cream ery, as well as of prints, were small and values xxere steadily maintained, but. as usual on Haturday. wholesale trade was quiet. Quota Western, fresh, solid-packed creamery, fancy special. 3'Jc. ; extias, 37c.: extra firsts, 30Hc; flrsts. 30c. seconds, 33W33Vic. : ladle packed. 211027c.: nearby prints, fancy, -10c.; do., aver- Ke. extra. 30c ; do., firsts. 373Sc. ; do., seo pevia, 44I.I.J1 IH.W. u. I'riuie td tea ons; na SSiS3Bc Inkklni u J't-ltU.. x. ml ha murli.t was In booA ahatM) Arm, with a steady demand that kept supplies oi desirable stock well cleaned up. uuouiluns: Nearby extras, 20c per doz , nearby firsts. ts T.i ru, fbu. nearby current recelots. SU.aO per case: Western extras. 21923c. per doz.; do extra firsts. J8 73 per lass. do., firsts, tl per case. Southern. J8 15g -(Sper case, as to quality, fancy selected, tandlsd fresh ergs were Jobblnr at 27020c. per dos. With nleasur Kdiing Harvey our firm. PAR 1500 Uembera of thNew Sl&k Kxcha rvxre announi that Mr. Is now connected with M'alnut Street York Ind Phlladelshla 11 iiiiipiiii 1 inisiinimiii A PUBLIC SERVICE SECURITIES "The dependence of mu nicipalities on Public Service corporations is the strength of their securities." C, Vve recommend for your con sideration the cumulative preferred stock of a highly successful Public Service Co, serving one of the fore most cities of th? South. C Dividends have been .paid on the preferred wit notlt lapse since issuance, and on the common since 1912, thus, showing a very healthy condition. G, The franchises are eauitahle, the management progressive but conser vative. C, At present the yield is 6.86. C Fullest investigation requested. Bake!? Aylirvg . Co. Lavtd Title Dldg. Philadelphia, Washington Terminal Company 1st JfldytgQce 'A'fts Uuebruaf I'rlceSwi Appli vl 1J45 M leatlon, f W"'1"NJ.'IMIWL J-'UmWUUPII. Il I M Phila. Sub. G. & E. Co. 1st Mtg. & Ref. 5 Gold Bonds Int. Feb & Aug. Due 1960. Bonds Guaranteed by The 'A'nttGas 1G0J To W& Tax Eift!mpt in Penna. ' -HEED A. MORGAN & CO, WKST EMI TKU&T lll.IKi., Hllia. Members of the I'lillu. btoek Kxrliance INVEST IN MORTGAGES AT 5.' Recommendd by BEN T. WELC 1328 Ch.sfcut St s .ssH OIRECTOBY OF ACCOUNTANT Csxtlllsd Pulilla Acteoataats LAWUKNCiS U. lUiOWN CO. 5S19 SXfTTAT iUUUt liUlUMNO, I Sales in Philadelphia Yesterday's 12 30 eloso. High. I.OXT. p m 100 Am Loco .... 78 7S',i 78'i 78's M Am Oss ... lilOU 120 120 120 4 Am ity rfd . no no'i no'i no'i 10 II ft 8 t.... t8 48 48 4S 10 Ilrlll. JO.. 42'4 30's 30'i ai'4 1 00 Chlno Cop... Bl BS M B5 300 I.nko Sup Cor 10'4 10'! 10U 10'i no lh V Tr.... 22 224 22H 22'4 000 .Vev Cons ... 17H 17'4 174 17v, H8 l'enna It II.. n7'4 MH B7 n7'i r.O Pa Snlt MfB 102 102 102 102 120 Phils Klectrlc 27 i 27 27 4 27 H 205 ncsillnit 81 '4 80 U 844 B.V4 41)0 Tonopah Mel. ti 4'',, 4"u 4"ts 130 Tononah Mln. fl '4 0 OH fi Union Trnct. 4.1H 43't 43"! 43, 207 O S Steel.... 84 4 8SH 84 8i K, 10 WestlnRli Hlec 0.1 H 0.1 4 03 H 03 H 403 VV Crainn & 3 8.1 "4 8Si 83 'i 83 H IIONDS. l.nst nrev. 12 30 sole. Itldh. Low. P M. 7onn A O A ni Rs.. 03'4 034 l3'4 03H 8000 DrevM Co rets liVwl 4'4s .. 101H 101H 10IH 1000 Hsrxv'il Kl fls.10214 102'4 10214 102H 10000 Int'lo rtxvis Is B8 B8 H8 B8 3000 I, V Tr 4s . . 03 HI 03 03 3000 Pa Co n I '4 s 102 102 102 102 noon do ens IHb 111.14 HW'i 1034 1014 10(1 Phlln Hlec 4s 81 834 834 814 3.100 do r. lot 1D4H 101 llll1, 4000 Un Itxvy Inv (is 7.14 7.14 7.1 7.1 2000 VUIlivy 1st Cs DOU 004 004 0(14 Financial Briefs LOCAL STOCK LISTING COMMITTEE TO REPORT ON BROADENING MARKET Recommendations Will Be Made to Governing Body Next Monday To Trade in New Securities in Un listed Department Cramp Shares Strong Tlic N'cxv Yorlt Subtrcniury Rnlnctl $707,000 from the Imnltn on Saturday, making a cnslt net Bain slnco Frltlay ot $1,220,000. - The Twin City Itnpltl Transit Company reports jrrosq enrnltiRH ot JSU.Iu fur .March, an Incrcato of $62, ?,C,0 over the corresponding month nt last yenr. Its Broil enrnliiRt for tho last threo months xvcro $2,163,827, nn Increase of $213,772 moro than the same three' months last J car. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS rlllPAOO. April 111. HOCIH Iteerlpti,. r.0. 000, market 1", to 211 lenls lower Mlxeil nnd butchers. Jll 20t0 ill- cooil henxy. lli.3riM0.nn; rotiKh Imaxx'. $lMl.1Hsli,:iii; IlKhts. 1i UIWU.Iw; nlKs. S7IMiffi8.i)1: bulk, in 4UVD fi." I'ATTI.K llecelpls. 20,000. .Market steads to 1." cents limer. Ileexes. I7.4IKIDIO; ins anil hplfers, S3 7."i?8.ti0. storkors anil feed ers 10 I0W 8 SO. Texnns. 17,2.1 1 0(1, calxes. ISUHt 2.1 Slll;UI' Hereliits. 13.0nn, lnnrlrt steailv Nntlxn and Western. Jllfflli.2.1, lambs, IS 70 W 11. SO. DIVIDENDS DECLAHED Municipal Service Company, quarterly of 14 per cent, on preferred stock, pinxblo Mnv 1 In storlihnlilers of record April 22. also a. divi dend of 1 tier rent on the eommon stoik. paxiilile April lfi, to stockholders of record April 8 The Stock Mstlnrr Commltete of the Philadelphia Slock Exchange has held n meeting for tho purpoo ot discussing means of brondenlng tho Philadelphia market by listing additional securities, nnd this commlttco will make Its report to the Governing Committee nt tho next meeting of tha bodly, which will tnke place on next Monday afternoon. It Is understood that the lasting Com mittee will make n few recommendations nnd nmong theso xvlll bo that trading bo carried on In securities not listed on tho Kxchnngo In tho unlisted department. For the Inst txvo xveeks there has been tnlk In the Street of broadening the market by the listing ot additional securities, and It Is understood that this Is one of the xxays S xxhlch the committee thinks xvlll nccom pllsh this purpoic. One Rccutlty xvlll bo taken In linnd nt a time nnd xx'hcn this has been admitted satisfactorily, others will be taken up. It xx-ns pointed out today that none M tho rules of the exchange with respect to listing of securities wlll-ho changed that Is not materially and that they will ba Just ns Rtrlct as heretofore. Ovcrshndowlng everything elso on the Philadelphia Stock Exchange today wns Cramp stock, which advanced IH points i before noon, on the sale of 495 shares. Thero was no nexx's to account for the strength In this Issue. The majority of tho buying was for New York nccount, xxhlch lias been the case In the last fexv days. Uoston Interests have nHo been buying tho stock, but It xxas said today that the demands from the source hnd been satisfied, for the present nt least. HISTORY. SERVICE TERMS are tlirce important items we wish to feature in aripcalinr tor your bank business. A. rllSTOR Y bctfjnning; or National ank was the first ational Bank Act) . odern in every way, -which dates back to the Uanks Ithc rifst INafion bank chartercrr unde th A SERVI and TER' oi tlic business MS w liicli consistent with tlic character isa The First National Bank of Philadelphia 315 Chestnut St. A Cities Service Company Common and Preferred Stocks While within the last few weeks the common stock of Cities Service Company has had a remarkable advance, this advance has been based, in our opinion, on actual merit and its largest buyers have been men who look far into thefutureinmakingtheir investments. On the basis of earnings for the first three months of the cur rent year Cities Service Company in 1916 should earn in excess of 35 for its Junior Issue That such a rate of earning power justifies higher prices than those at which the stock is selling may be seen from the fact that one well known public utility common stock on which in 1915 25 was earned, is selling at about S390a share and another on which in 1915 was earned 26, is selling at 270 of its par value. if - All purchases of common stock made prior to June 15 carry 3 in con vertible debentures payable JiiLand already selling 30 above face value. On the basis of earnings for the fifst quarter of 1916 Cities Service should earn the requirements for paymej?jpf dj.vijlendon its 6 preferred stock more than four times in the cuccent year l.he' oresant price of 85, or on a 7 income basis, must thereforeonsidred'as lowr"" Even without taking intfrronstSeration the large earnings accruing from the oil production of the company, the strictly public utility properties of Cities Service alone will earn in 1916 more than two and one-half times the requirements for the payment of these DreferrecLdividends. mai;ixji orner-rnaeri . " "fcVmvJZBt6 njc$battractive purchases now x income anu eniiaiiceiiient in We are recommenc available in any segp market value. St We have a clojyaplendable market for Cities Service Company Common and 'fcrefejeH, and are ready at any time to execute buying or selling orders in large or small amounts. Send for Copy of "Cities Service Analysis" WlhnmJroih&Gohmm CO Wall Street, Telephone Hanooer 5980 New York riti:i: ritoM noh.mai, i'-i:i)i:itAi, incomk tax TAX HlU'UNDAIH.E IN lUINNSYLVANIA $1,250,000 BRUSH ELECTRIC COMPANY OF Dated April 1, 1912 Galveston, Texas First Mortgage 5 Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Denomination $1,000 Interest Payable April 1 and October 1 "Total Outstanding Issue $1,250,000 Due April I, 1952 s r , Bankers Trust Compariy New York, Trustee J The Brush Electric Company furnishes electricitffjf'"ligkt and power purposes in the city of Galveston, Texas, under a franchise whichContains Ino bunions or restrictions and extends 9 years beyond the maturity of the presAjJFirstNgrtgage Bond Issue. COMPARATIVE EARNINGS STATEMENT Year Ending Gross J? Net December 31, 1913 , ... ,$26tL2 79.59 $118,565.43 December 31, 1914 ;'; 2 7 f$m& 127,670,63 December 31,1915 ,,...i ffS . . , . . 277.3JI.32 143,350.26 Net Earnings applicable to the gat)fipttfftdri. prt;scn issue are more than twice the annual interest requirements, t te' ' Price 92 and Interest To yield 5Vz We recommend these bonds for investment. Additional information on request. XLEMM & KEEN 1326 Walnut Street BANKERS Philadelphia, Pa. m fe - i