Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 10, 1916, Postscript Edition, Page 10, Image 10

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Miss of Today When She Wants to Emulate
Grandmother Goes to Modern Attic,
Which Is the Basement of Big Shop
WHO was It who sold, "Tou can't get Very far away from your grnnelfather"?
Of course, whoever It won waa referring to heredity, but tho same phraee, with
"grandmother" substituted Instead of "grandfather," occurred to mo the other day
when I Btood enraptured boforo a collection of old-fashioned rag rugs.
Whenever wo want anything particularly entrancing, bo it frock or house
furnishing, wo go back, not forward. Nothing that tho futurists havo over dono
for us, or will over do, in tho matter of floor covering equals In beauty and dur
ability the -wonderful carpets that our Colonial ancestors (who, If you had asked
them, would havo told y6u emphatically that they know nothing at all about art)
made and designed In tho glimmering light of a tallow dip after tho real day's
work had been dono.
Unconsciously, or at least without any formulated knowledge they followed
tho first principle of truo nrt. They made tho useful beautiful. And tho modern
makers of rag rugs, when they want to put out a truly nrtistlc rug, realize that
they can achieve nothing superior In design or execution to tho rugs of our grand
mothers. And so thoy go back.
Furthermore, they endeavor as nearly as posalblo to reproduco Just tho samo
kind of material tho samo designs and tho samo color schemes as tho old Colonial
rugs, now treasured heirlooms, display.
Tho rccrudescenco of tho rag rug as somothlng more than a mero bath mat
is. Indeed, something to bo grateful for. I know of no moro charming floor cov
erlng than tho cheerful pinks nnd grays, delft blues, and gray and green combina
tlons that theso rugs show.
What a raro eyo for colors tho old Colonial dames hadl No wonder Wallace
Nutting has achieved a natlon-wido reputation for his falthfut reproductions of
their quaint rooms nnd costumes. They themsolves wero pictures, and thoy
refused to movo In a setting any less picturesque.
Thoy dyed their own cloth, to say nothing of weaving It, with Indigo for tho
bluca and peach bark for tho yellows, cochineal for tho reds and pinks, and Iron
nnd copper for browns. And when tho attlo was ransacked at rug-making time,
tho rags that It produced mado rugs that woro for several lifetimes and had
colors that never ran.
Oh, for an attlol But alas, attics aro already ns extinct as tho dodo.
However, If wo cannot go a-rummaglng In our modern threo-rooms-nnd-batlt
apartment, wo can rummage at tho calico counter, and I know of no better
substitute for tho old-fashioned attlo than tho basement of tho modern depart
ment store
Hero, If you aro bent on making your own rag rugs and oven an inexpert
needlewoman can "do" tho simplo braided kind, which really aro tho prottlcst
buy tho old-fashioned Washington prints. They can bo had for 10 cents n yard
In all of tho quaint sprigged designs.
I know of no moro fascinating diversion (slnco knitting has becomo a littlo
too general to bo stylish) than making a rag rug. In addition to bolng a pro
ductive accomplishment, it is conducivo to a peaceful and meditative- state of
mind such as few other manual occupations yield.
If you aro interested In tho revival of this beautiful craft, sond mo a stamped,
self-addressed envelope for tho name of a little book that explains tho art lucidly
and gives designs and Instructions for carrying them out. M'LISS.
Letters to the Editor of the "Woman's Pago
Address all communications to M'Min.fnro of tho Hirnlnc Leilsrr. Write on ono
Hide of tlio paper only.
Vtr tho following letter Interests any of
mK charitably inclined readers and it
ought to I will gladly glvo them tho art
dress of tho writer of the letter, who will
put them in tho way of helping this
Dear M'LIaa Bccauso your kindliness
has been tho means of securing aid for
various unfortunates, I am writing this
letter to you. hoping it will bring tho de
sired results.
Triploto wero born to a very poor
woman last week at the Jewish JIaternlty
Hospital, and while tho husband has a
position. It In all that he can do to sup
port tho flvo'other children In tho family.
You can imaglno what It means to have
three moro to look after. If any of your
readers can render asslstanco It will In
deed bo moro than appreciated. lira. E.
Dear JI'LIss Will you please tell me
how I can pack away a good velvet suit?
Also something that will rid my kitchen
cupboard of ants. HOUSEKEEPER.
Brush your suit well with a soft brush
suitable for velvet. If there are any spots
try steaming thorn out by laying tho apot-j
on the face of a hot Iron over which sev
eral thicknesses of a wet cloth havo been
placed. When tho suit Is thoroughly
freshened hang on a hanger, the skirt
under tho coat. Put moth balls In pock
ets and every avallablo crevice. Dip sev
eral swabs of cotton In gasoline. Hang
one In each sleeve, ono in the lining of
the Jacket proper and ono In tho skirt.
Make a huge thick newspaper bag, using
three or four layers, cover tno sun wun
this entirely. Be careful that tho aperture
( i i
A&mr t W Jit
Marion Harland's Corner
Gum Inflammations
and Imaginary Colds
Jl "nip
BRSONS who aro subject to so-called
Bigg's disease," or chronic Inflamma
tion of tho gums an dtooth sockets, gen
erally havo poor health and frequently
suffer from systemic troubles, duo to tho
primary septic focuq In or about tho teeth.
It Is now pretty wolt known, even among
the laity, that "rheumatism" la usually n
local manifestation of systemlo poisoning
from some recognized or unrecognized sep
tic focus, such ns a pus pocket at tho root
of a tooth or a fooua of infection under
an old filling which, perhaps, has given
tho patient no troublo for years, yet shows
a septic state when photographed with tho
A fairly common Incident In tho courso
of chronic gingivitis (gum Inflammation)
Is this: Tho patient suffers a suddon chill
or chilly sensation, and Immediately Jumps
to tho conclusion that ho or she Is "taking
cold." Of course, that Idea Is wholly
Imaginary. Tl. i "cold" Is Just about ns
senslblo ns Is tho "taking cold" explana
tion of septic blood poisoning from a
wound or In childbed.
Accompanying the chilliness thero Is apt
to bo moro or less nausea or vomiting,
which Is sometimes very severe. Tho pa
tient develops a splitting headache, high
fever and great prostration. Tho physi
cian, unless familiar with tho underlying
condition. Is temporarily at a loss to ac
where tho hanger protrudes Is protected i count for' tho attack. If tho Incarcerated
pus finds exit from tho gum, alongside
of the affected tooth, tho symptoms will
presently disappear and tho patient will
regain her customary state of frail health.
Unfortunately, thero Is no special tooth
ache or local soreness to call attention to
tho focus. Hence tho doctor may over
look It if ho Is not given to looking his
patients squaro In the teeth or If he docs
suspect tho truo source of tho septic flood
tho patient Is pretty suro to scout the
Idea, for she has had thoso bad teeth bo
many, many years.
Anyway, that is tho picture of n soptla
flood. It has been called a "heavy cold,"
"fever and ague," "gastric fever." "ma
laria," "bilious attack" and various other
with a little sack containing about a half
dozen moth balls. Hang In your packing
Get at tho root of tho trouble If pos
sible and And the nest of nnts. Destroy
It with kerosene. Then wash your cup
board with hot soda water. As a final
precaution sprinkle some liquid camphor
over the shelves. Ants hate the smell of
Unusual Dessert
A nice desert for Sunday evening tea
is made by lining a bowl with lady fingers,
either fresh or stale ones, then filling with
this mixture: Cream two cupfuls of sugar
with a half cupful of butter, add two ta
blespoonfuls of cornstarch, three eggs,
well beaten J the Julco of three oranges, the
grated rind of ono orange and three cup
fuls of water. Cook In tho double boiler,
stirring constantly, or It will burn. It Is
delicious served like a custard in small
oups, if you have no lady fingers on hand.
AHI.IP-ON cont usually falls to Ije n real slip-on because It Is too largo and bulky.
This model Is lightness Itself. It It fashioned of oiled silk, qulto transparent,
but still storm-proof. The best part of It It tho fact that It may bo tucked Into
n very smnll space when not In uso and carried Inconspicuously under tho arm in
doubtful weather. '
Tho lines of tho coat aro tailored with raglan shoulders, a very high turned-up-to-the-carH
collar and vent pockets. Tho shirred underaleeves mny bo seen peeping from
the wide, mannish ruff. This Is a practical addition. Every one knows how annoying
11 Is to have tho water trickle lip tho arm .'hen it is lifted. It also serves to keep thu
breezes out.
Full length, It protects oven the skirts of tho wearer. Tho fastenings at the front
aro smoked pearl buttons. Prlco J20. Colors Include Nile and bottlo green, navy,
Havana brown, taupe, purple, cardinal, tan, champagne, orange, old rmo nnd copen
A knee-length sports coat of the samo la designed for tho golfer, and sella for $18.
Fearless of showers and neat. too. Is tho littlo hat which Is worn with tho coat.
It la also fashioned of oiled silk, with a soft tan crown, stitched brim nnd tallorod
bow for trimming. In colors to match the coat, It sells for J5.C0.
The name of tho shop where the.o articles may bo purchased will bo supplied by
tho Editor of the Woman's Page, Evrninq I.nnonn. 608 Chestnut street. Tho requost
must bo nccompanled by a stamped, self-addressed cnvolopo, nnd must mention tho
date on which tho article nppenred.
"THAVn many requests to make and
JL but littlo to glvo In return and feel
ehy about writing for that reason. But
could not you give mo a few fruit, nut or
other meat substltuto recipes? I havo al
ready mado noodles, dumplings, Rweot
breads, and vegetables every way I can
think or read of and now come to you for
help. I should nlso llko tho horoscope for
tho following: June 12, May SB, February
t, nnd September 11. If thero aro any
lonely homesteaders or strangers In the
city who would like letteri I'd bo glad
to wrlto to them if I could cheer them up.
"MIIS. C. F."
Have you thought of any of these sub
Rtttutoa? Thev nrn (rood at nil senRons,
but In many families will bo particularly
wclcomo now. Moreover, one should eat
lesi meat now than when cold weather
demands supplies of carbon nnd fat for
tho human system:
Swoot potatoes au gratln Parboil tho
potatoes, peel and slice whllo hot. Buttor
a deep dish well: put In n layer of pota
toes, sprlnklo with sugar, salt and pep
per, and dot with butter; then a stratum
of flno crumbs, seasoned In tho samo way,
loavlng out tho sugar. Tho uppermost
layer should bo of crumbs and well but
tered. Pour In four tnblespoons of wnnn
water to generato steam, cover closely,
ninl l.nkn nn hour. Uncover nnd brown.
This Is nu especially nlco dish for a fam
ily dinner and Is always liked by children.
Sweet potatoes and chestnut croquetes
Boll nnd mash enough sweet potatoes to
mako two cups and enough Spanish chest
nuts to mako ono cup. Hub tho nuts nnd
potatoes together whllo hot and beat Into
them two tablespoons of butter, four tea
spoons of cream, and two beaten eggs,
nnd season to tnste. Whin cold form Into
croquettes, rui. In egg nnd cracker crumbs,
and set In n cold place for an hour boforo
frying In deep boiling fat.
Hero Is something especially tempting
and which deserves to bo better known:
Chestnut pudding Boll nnd skin enough
chestnuts to mnko a cup when rubbed
through a colander or vegetnble proas.
Beat four eggs light, stir tho chestnuts
Into tho yolks, add a tablespoon of molted
butter nnd two tnblespoons of line cracker
dust, two cups of milk, a tablespoon of
BU' tr, salt and pepper to tnBle; lastly,
tl- - frothed whiten. Bake, covered, In a
buttered pudding diah for half an hour;
uncover, brown, and Bervo beforo It falls.
Eat with meat.
Tho chestnuts used for this and for tho
croquettes aro tho largo Spanish variety
sold In all our city markets. They aro
palatable and nourishing and less rich In
fatn than walnuts nnd pecans. I could
multiply tho number of meat substitutes
by tho dozen. If theso nro not enough
for you. lot mo know. As n nation, wo
nro tho largest consumers of ment In tho
world, tho British excepted. An thing
that promises to bring down our bills for
"butcher's monl" will leave our bruins
clearer and our blood purer, to say noth
ing of tho Increased weight of tho houso
mother's pocketbook. Your request for
horoscopes Is referred to students of as-
fanclful names In scores of cases where
the patient helped In making tho diagnosis.
A single drop of pus Incarcerated by
somo accidental obstruction to drainage is
capablo of producing tho most violent
Imaglnablo symptoms, though unfortu
nately pain Is not always ono of tho
Bymptoms when soft tissues aro Involved.
No Indulgences for Members of Bread
and Milk Club
I would llko to Join tho Bread and Milk
Club, but havo not the tlmo to cat c-cry
two hours. Would it be all right to cat
Just thrco times a day? If so, how much
milk and bread each time? asks a slim
woman. And should the milk bo warm,
cold or boiled? I find It Impossible to sat
isfy my appetlto with less than a large
slico of bread and butter and a largo glass
of milk every two hours, writes a htout
man. Is that all right?
Answer The slim woman mny try the
fat man's method, and ho should adopt her
schedule. Bread and Milk Club members
nro denied Indulgences. Small glass of
warm, cold or boiled milk If vou prefer,
with a cracker or a mere mouthful or two
of bread that Is tho order, and every
two hours from rising to bedtlmo. Monday
Is tho day, and Excelsior tho motto. Only
near-Invalids, bilious, overfed, too well
nourished victims of autointoxication, liver
complaint nnd general prosperity admitted
to membership. Sick persons need not
Nonsurgical Treatment of Goitre
riense tell mo what you mean by non-
The Supreme Sugar
for Cooking
Here s a jujjar worthy
of your well made dain
ties. It is all cane sugar,
dry, smooth and easy
running with full
weight and cleanliness
assured. Its name is
2 and 5 pound cartons,
2,5, 10,25 and 50 pound
cotton bags.
There it a Funklin Sugar
for every need in cxrtons
or cotton bag.
Every Woman Will Bo Delighted to See These
Summer Furs
(An Important Fashion Note)
Fashion has again decreed furs for summer
and the mandate promises to be more popular
than ever. We are ready with beautiful White,
Red, Gray, Blue and Cross Foxes and Mole
ana lirmlne.
Chestnut St.
Furs Stored, Altered and Repaired.
surgical treatment of exophthalmic goltro
ami where such treatment can bo had.
Answer Nonsurgical treatment means
good medical treatment rest, proper diet,
open-air llfo and general management
much tho samo as for tuberculosis. Medi
cation to meet tho conditions In each case.
Such treatment Is given by most family
Flattering Tulle
If jou aro going to wear tho quaint
1830 frock of our grnndmothers, why not
have tho fichu of tulle? Vou will find
them very flattering both to tho faco nnd
tho shoulders. Kllks nro n bit stlf., al
though ono French model was scon with
an odd combination of fabrics. On a gown
of flesh-colored faille, cut low nnd dropped
on tho Bhouldcrs, was used a fichu of
tine organelle. The queer mating of mar
terlal attracted much attention. But to
roturn, tho tullo fichu of cream, white or
flesh-colored tulle Is the most fascinating
of nil. It lends itself beautifully to mak
ing angular young shoulders look rounded.
Domestic Rug
For Home Makers
Tho dining room Is most Im
portant. Everything about It
should bo happy. Many nn other
wise) rhnrmlng room to sny noth
ing of meals has been spoiled by
on inharmonious rug. ilosts of
people do not rcnllzo thnjr upon tho
rug depends tho wholesuccess of
room-decoration nnd Jn particular
of tho dining room a poorly
chosen rug will make any room un
comfortable. Putlown tho propor
rug and Bee howxho wholo ntmos
phoro of tho place InifhangccW How
everything brightens) up nnd Bow
pood cheer radftitda. Simple, isn't
it it's true, xjy y
Our rug men are all exports In
tho harmony of color scheme and
our carefully selected stocks of do
mestic rugs will meet your neces
sities absolutely without wasto of
time. Our prices aro tho samo a3
Grandmother Rug', oval in
shape, very effective in Colonial
Fritz &? LaRue, Inc.
1124 Chestnut Street
George Allen, Inc.
1214 Chestnut Street 1214
You will be interested in our
showing of
Latest fashion. in stapes, trim
mings and color combinations.
You cannot get along without milk. It is
one of the necessities of life. Make sure
that you have the purest, the richest, the
safest and most nourishing milk you can buy.
CONdensED (C
as a baby food has held the confidence of thou
sands of careful mothers for over half a century.
It has nourished three generations
of healthy, sturdy youngsters.
As a delicious, rich milk for cooking1,
"liagle Brand." Is being enthusiastically
usea in countless nomes tno country
over, Vou are never without milk
when you have on hand a supply of
" eagle ilrana."
In buying mlll( product! altcayt
ah for BORDEN'S.
fill ?.."yi
Hsr'y ii.di.iid Lt
II mm mill
A'A e?nininntftlon nddreMM to Marlon
nonid tnclo.d rt .tamncd. lf-
I ho
the rhnrltablo
a write Mnrlon
Kill. il'K,B. 'P. n a .'" .!" thnrit
1Y''7 ino II, ii, t;, nneilll
.triniiu, in. rnrn or tni.
..11.. l,,Ji.,"fe..or nl" narwr, for nd.
fill- "'". rn-rlrnl them, tommunlc.u
direct with those carljn,
trology. Tho Corner hns no skill In read
ing tho stars.
Flavoring Recipe Called For
mould you plcaso print n rcclpo for
vanilla flavoring, published somo time ago.
In the Corner, which I failed to save?
It seemed a good ono. L. C."
I nm sorry, but wo have no record of
any recipe for vanilla flavoring. Should
It havo escaped my oyo, the thrifty mem
ber who espied nnd preserved It will
plcaso let us havo It, or any other formula
for vanilla flavoring she can recommond
Another Copy Offered
"If .T. AV. I., wilt communicate with mo
(Inclosed find neldress), I wilt send him the
song ho wants 'Tho Dark-eycel Sailor.'
"I. P. H."
Our sailor has come boldly to tho front
through tho kindly nnd efficient renders
of our woll'nlgh omniscient constituency.
As tho querist has already received a copy
furthor. '
Pleased With Their Gifts
"Your letter, with tho address of Mm.
p. N. and of Mrs. H. S. 3 received. I
hnve sent to them both package's of books
and mngnzlncs. nnd havo had lotters from
them snylng how pleased they aro. I nm
ns glad to pass thoso things on ns they
can bo to get them. Mrs. o, N. lias
written mo two of tho nicest friendly lot
tors Just ns If wo wero old frlenils. Wo
nil thank tho Corner for holplng us to
know ono another. Mnny, many thanks.
"A. M."
May tho friendship bo nusplclously
formed bo a lasting comfort to all of you.
Tho I'orner claims n share In It.
the ciotul cnmib
Tke -moon -lorc i& 'fc-
po&rr to Tre
From it3 tender
youtkful Kopa.
To tine "time, when
it tkinly Pedes t-vay
Like t. Vied up piece.
or .jo't-p.
The Last Leaf
I know It Is n sin
For mo to sit nnd grin
At him here;
Hut tho old thrco-cornered hnt,
And the breeches, nnd all that,
Aro so quecrl
And If I should llvo to bo
Tho Inst leaf upon tho trco
In tho spring,
Let thorn smile, ns I do now,
At tho old forsnkon bough
Where I cling.
O. W. Holmes.
:d milk
cost YOU same prlca
'tis a lfjiAT To rfr ifi:r.T -
V MW i S8$S.
EXCEPTIONAL care has been given to the
workmanship of this pump, and the model
is the newest procurable, made of super
quality leather in captivating color effects that
offer a wide choice of selection.
A very unusual price advantage.
Shoes and Hosiery-1204-06-08
Market St.
$5. to $40.
I n i
1 H 3
LACED only, Cut ten
inches high. In
J White Buckskin,
Washable Kid or Canvas.
With or without tips,
llaflm, 1107Chesta4
The Coffee That
Dad Most Enjoys
You know how particular Dad i3
about the coffee you servo him you
know nothinjr gives him trreater plensure
than really pood coffee. You know that
hts favorite beverage uitll always he per
fect if you serve him with
riUHMMJ oiJf 0
We havo got the blending down to mathematical exactness. It
never varies. And the way we have blended Morning Sip Coffee
is unusual. We cannot describe its wonderful flavor and aroma,
but you will know what perfect coffee is with the first cupful.
Buy a Pound Today.
Your Grocer Has It,
Alex Sheppard & Sons, Inc.
Walnut and Eighth Sts.