BVBNTNO- TJKTGER-I,niTJAT)ELPnTA flATFUDAY, rA3 T(t T91G. APARTMENT HOTELS ALDINE HOTEL $ggg Tho beat rooms and suites, with the best table, in Phila. Day, Week, Month, Season, Year tjih Dr.ufAn-itonnis GF.nMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVB. STATION, , rr.NNA. railroad: an minutes raoif broad attractively furnished and un. furn18hei) suites and housekeep. 1no apartments. HOTEL COLONIAL 8ggg?gsfi? Newly decorated and refurnished through em: comfortably furnished parlor, bedroom una hath by tho day, week or month, nt ren tenable rotes: service nnd eulstne unexcelled. WM I. KENNEY, Manager. THE CLINTON TUNsTr!r'ltJ(S?uw 200 tiooms, every convenience. Furnished or unfurnished: cither by lease, or transiently! suite or one to four rooms, with bath. THE LINCOLN locust delow l.Trtr street Transient and Ferminent Guests ' Tnliln the Ueit. THE COVINGTON CHESTNUT AND 3TTHSTS. ,11. F, KNOLK. MANAGER. .. . Also the Enaleslde, Reach Haven. N. J., Choice two-room suites tor rent, THE GLADSTONE ""W8 furnished on unfurnished absolutely fireproof TUB TR VCT PERMANENT OK transient guests 83TH AND CHESTNUT 1 THE DA8HW00D 1808'ISIO Chestnut street. Rooms with bath I single ami In suites. REAL ESTATE E0R SALE CITY s 2G0 AND 2.12 N. 5TH ST. Two 4-story ioiyM lot SOxBD feet to lltw at. I L.A, WHITE, 1307 W. Ttoen at. nil M. .11 ST 2-storv. norch-front dwrflli excellent condition: make otter: fifths to suit. TAULANE. 00(1 Walnut at. JUDGE AVE. AND DAUrillN 3 (ory 10 lariro roomx.flne location for ilorinrln? apart. ments; must sell, SEEME, 2Kth ami (Tninlirl 8. W. COn lllfll AND CHEERY (ST Lot 24x103. JAMES D. WINCIIEIU.J N. W. cor. 17tli and Hansom sts. ' ALLEGHENY AVE.. AT 2r.TH HT -j2 Mnf' rooms, all conveniences. $1000: lllOe crsh. SEEBE. 2(lth and Cambria. I, j JB000 2128 W. Lchtnh. Lewis I. Albrecht. 1 L rooms. "Lporpri. $30UU 1033 N. CAMAC HT.I easy tenAs. S A. 11. WILLIAMS. r,22 WaUrfit. DANIEL A. M1NNICII y 1S30 ItlDOE AVE. jf DWBLL1NOS" FOIt SALE l FOflN. Broad.: n.noo T7ln V. II rnrrt .lo.nnci 1721 W. fllrarAJ. I n.SMO 11000 n23(t Diamond . . n.nonl 1033 W. Olnird. li.oooi 3230 Olamond 1NI2 Diamond . 1220 N. ISth.... 1201 Erie 20311 Diamond . . 1232 N. 2.-,th.... "101 N'. INth X.IMIO T.r.oo 0.700 o.r.oo 11,000 n.Mio n.wio n.sno 1.3(10 1,000 3.1100 3. 101) 2.7.-.0 1t"l X. 17lh 7.5110 183S Thompson.. 7.nmv 2030 N. loth. n.,'00 11.000 join i-optar . .. 1013 N. 10th. .. 1701 Master .. 1807 N. 1.1th. , . 3100 ItldEC 1230 N. r.sth... 124X N. 18th... r.02.1 Toplnr . . . n.nno n, ill 3T41 N. ISth.... o ncii 1 120 Tnsker . . . r..flno xi 7 N. 20th. 4,2301 S,N N. 2th n,snni2K2s N. 17th 3.I50OI 14111 N. ISth 7r,oi isr,7 n. 24th -jii iusier lTasThitmnwn -J r.HO I 7(1.", ?J. Lambert. ...IIU lOtl. UALL. WHITE OH 1'IIONE KOIt CATAt, VALtrAnl.E CENTnAT. CORNEna . iin-in s. ntn. cor. Mansom. 123-2H S., cor. Moravian, flth and Chestnut sts. into ana Market sis 332-4 S. 17th. cor. I'anama. S J. A. I'ATTEUSON, 130 S. ISlB. SEVERAL CENTRAL SITC HUUVfllLK FOR ERECTION OF JI ' . IAWTlJItlNO OR LOl'T llb'ILDINOS: ,:u(lAl) 17.0U0 HQUAlIi: TEET. 'SJ ARTHUR ItOSWEI.L 2.13 N. 13TH bT. "TRIDENT" WATER 'METER New rropertles can eo on w.jter meter rates ut oncu If lastillca before belnn occupied. I ' Ask your plumber or I ' PHILADELPHIA .METER COMPANY. J (2 Ileal Ksmte Trust UulldlnB. 1721 N. 18T1I Worth J7000, Price II7S0; Park ave. above Jlerlcs worthMnoO, price 107.1; 1M2 Jefferson. 12 roorn'Oefly J3.17.1; corner 21st and Wallace. price J.inoQ: 10O1I Melon. 3 stories, orjly J17.1 cash: 2331 .Maoter. 3 stories, only ItiOO clcur: 2300 Sidenham. rented 210. price J2100; 1017 Fnlrmount. a baths. bU lursaln. MARSHALL II SMITH. 1011 Chestnut St. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITYsJ?rt'of tho very best houses on Dlamonq el. west of liroad st.; will sacrifice I TAULANB, 000 Walnut tti 200(1 MT. VERNON Reautllul modern resb dence. 12 rooms. 2 baths, hardwood floors throughout, hot-water heat. (exceUettt condi tion: cost owner J12.00U tuo! yearxjiiro: will sacrlflca for tb.luo, as owner mult leave city; must lie seen to bo appreciated. Open for Inspection day or eenlnK, or phone Spruce 4701 for full particulars. B322-24 Vi DAUPHIN ST.. 30x120 ft., with S3 in Fletcher at. on rear. lHxlSiift ; as- sesseu ai tuouu; mommy rental. 9111. N. W. aide Sedgely ave , n r oi-KIetcher t.. 73 ft. 7H In nnd on east Um7 north 01 it. n1 in ; irregular; asaessttn 11. ;i-t in ; irreiruiar; assessttn z.uo. THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. 1 iroaa ami ineainuc sts. 1820 w. VENANOO ST.. cor riraU: lot lOr 130 ft.: 3-story brick dwelling 111 rooms. 2 baths. Inclosed laundrv v Itli tubKL,aot-water heat, eas and electric lUhV: fTioo. Tho lind Title and Trust Company. Trust De- t rartment. liroad nnd Chestnut. ( CENTRAL PnoPERTIES for ajx or renU. end us jour requirements. I ' 1 - TARIIOW & VAN VF.n N. E. cor. nth and Chestnut sts. Phone 318(1 Spruco or 2070 Race. 13D. N 2230 l-stort porch-front houne.jip-" posits Falrmount Park, v.11 he sold atptihllo ale, April 12. at 12 o'clock, PreeiAuals. 1.110 Chestnut at,, to settle estate, open ovtery all ernoonT from 2 to B, fur Inspection. 1712 MOUNT VERNON ST RrownsqoWnSnT residence; 12 roomu. 2 baths andshower, hardwood finish; In perfect repair- MAURICE J. HOOVER ife', I1FNT 1S EACH, price H300r-&icUrmr3-roorn brick houses, porches; fptgrf case of SbOO each: only Saoo cash per nousA required to buy these excellent Inveatm-nt housg Wm. P. Halllnger. nth and Mnrket. Cjjunffn, THREE HOUSES, rented at J13 eacjcan bo tiotiKht for ,'73 cash per natld. piorteaEes 11000 each; 0 rooms. porclUs, 'aanhaltwl street, lawn front. WM. P. I1ALL1NQER, Hth and Market, CaraiUn. ONLY JSOO required to purctfSs 7 Oraauf house, with modern eonvs, ; rent acLlfs esed I13U0; price IISoo. Situated on East IndUna ate. Apply CAMERON K1.TATE, 2SU Kensington ae. ' MILLIE AND HER rTHiLue .cftUMceLOT ;,'-f7f1- ( perhaps h ulroye'MYPeAR-IHTETQTHiHriOFANYTHlriglpy roNSiPERlrtG Houj t . r!zl I - I WISH YOlPCOMfcUP RKSHt AiuAV, ) 1 1 OB ! QOCfOfl . An you CURE Him?1 hSrfwCAN RLFTf 7 sSflootON'THAvT HAVPmN6TOAVAL;ABLe 006 UK6 THAT. r ALUABL HE IS ITHIMh7 f "J?? T DOC (T'X ViCulY IM POR. TAHT r--- KdSmN1E J eATNTHAT p T , , ) V--RM6 UPTHC S -SPeNDlNG A H J . rPRTAllSLY MRS lANOOOLES" ) iHA.TTegUrTHHIH. -y 1 LoBJTeRALAD. YOURGRIGHT iTDOtSNTOOTo UETERlNARY'JORGeOfi 1.0T OF MONEY ZZZ 1 1,,,, I 1 - T ' L TAKC CHAN CCS WITH A ,-J 5 ' S OH r- CZ? TI JT TO LL 0 U TH t TRUTH I - c ? $1,000 dog- - -J OH! 1 Hope we ll J It's rooush To sPErTi ,J JBEAL ESTATE JOB, 3ALE CITY Continued rom "rrceiJlnu 'olnmrje NonTtiEAST corner rAiiK AvnttCr. and CLEARFIELD STREET I-- thtee-story brick stole and dwelling, store, n rooms anil bath. CHAH. W. .MII.lJ.U.U0l-4(n Common- &-Alth ltl,l J? MONEY FOIl MORTGAGES Ilulldtnic Association anil Tru-4 FuWs. TAULANE. lino Walnut st 1(100 LOCUST ST. , , ,. Handsome molcrn 1-story hrtrtvilstotjrrtwell. Inff: especially filled for proresmna!fl)ftlces: loxyjirlce and easvjnrms for quirk s-tle nifOK AVE. ANI DAtTtltN ST, Three story. iHirch. 10 larae rooms npfif,e lark entrance, line lmatlon for doftor lr MPnrt ments: must sell Sneae Hlilnd Cambria. 103O N 1HT1I RT II HOOMS AND ItATlf, IN HOOD 1'ONHITIflN. L7E( OKBEIt. COl.lrMlllA AVE Tltt'ST V H 13.yColl. IlltOAlIANI COI.UJ1H1A AVE. X TltllKB-BTOUY I) and 10 roonvbotiKn on Ox ford nncl Turner sis. we( ofi'jriih st re. luce.1 rents, all conveniences, In rood 1ri-r f.j,cjiiu:. Win n null si 1830 NOKTII- llANDOM'H KTIIUET ((Itli and Ottnnl. ,1 story, u rooms; hot-waler bent: wnnt offer. Wl 1.1,1AM I.. CIIAVEN'H SONS, 1M0 North 7lh 10,11 N ltltOAD ST 3 story, nil brownstone front: lot l!2tlnn ft. to rear stfeof: price rmdernte , CITAH. 1, tlllOWN CO.. StT S. Ilrold St CAM, AND EXAMINE IT: Hi rooms.. bath and storerooms: perfect order: 2020 N, rilliyt. ruhlle sale April 2H. lOlit, nt KRElIM.liK'H, inin Cliestntlt st. f HEAUTIfUL 3-slory 10-room nlrllte houso: hot-water bent, electric Until owner will sacrifice below assessment, J3SO0. RDERi;. villi and CnmbrUr. 423ft YOMK ltOAD Inrse lot. IKireh, hot-whtor, heat; w.M. a. (it.nN'N. mi fnlumlif. ave. 1311 W. ALMX1IIENY AVE, 3-slrty.J,r'?reh, steam bent suit. doctor or lioardlnjr Mouse, moderate rent. Taulanc. lino Wnlnul st. 11120 N. 11KOAO ST. Larue lot. flrst-clAss condlllon. HOKAC'i: II. IMITK, 7JSyAYn. nut st. f DIAMOND ST. IlESIDENCi;. near Utlir" U rooms: price S.I.MHi. Immirltatc poSReslOtt. . M .1 I.AM.Y. 2111 North Itlth St. !321 N FAUK AVB Fordi. 13, niuins, 1tlt 107. excellent neighborhood, reasonable. W.M (1 III.E.VN. lr17 Coluinblrt SAO. 21.1H N. 17TII ST. 0 rooms, bath, etc.:. In Rood cnpil'n; prlrc I3SOII C(iI,riliA AVE. TIlt'ST CO . HE tor. Hronil nnd Columbia. ItulldliiK Lots, lurlory Sites, etc. Lumber Yard With Railroad Sidinir for sale, near North Philadelphia Station, Frederick II. Warner 020 Land Tlllo Iliilldlnu. J 73 LOTS, south sldo Dickinson, Ji't"27lh and 2th streets ion lots. 71st st. nnd Elmuond nVo.i nil strcot Improvements In miln strMs;'trolley, low price: easy terms. 210 Stephen, (llrard Hull. line FACTORY SITES' SPRING GARDEN STREET FROM Fifth to Broad sireet ASPHALTED STREET. 120 FEET WIDE; (1001) LKJHT; CENTRA!! LOCATION, NEAR HOMESOF EMPLOYES. CONVENIENT TO HA1LROAD FREIGHT ST.VTlON. APPLY TIIOS. E. DUNN 133 South Fifth St. DESIRAIILE HI'ILDtNC, LOTS for sste III Wesl Philadelphia nnd CcrmonlownVT'lose to v oyne junction niimnnj.suunpifyiiir nprini uiinpieyTiir spi Che-Onut st. nuiiiiin? oiM-raimns SAMl'EI, STERN, 120t FRANKFORI) AVE. and rtrldco at., ndlolnlmr terminal of N. IS. Elevated Ttnllway: ISO feet front; all Improvements. II, II Frit, 713 Walnut st IH.OCK. OP" OROCND WITH , THREE FRONTS HMh and Florence ivnnu4; will ill vld PBMIJERTON EST.VrES. Hurrlsim JliilljllnB. ., SITES." RAILROADS, for sale. Pennsylvania nnd Readlnc: f 20011 per acre nfidnip. nccord lut: to location. Innulrt for tirniH. DIETRICH. 737 Walnut. ' OROUND FOR HCIi.lir.ll8 bqUKM. nnld, ov dimmed. Al'fll'vr II. tfllHti.TE. 0011 Oernlanlown nve. CHOICE I1UILD1NO IITS and larito tracts (rround In all parts cltv, also oyer '200 inlB. ltes.lIeliln.151S-lC Real Est. Trust Dlde. ii-n-s .Cmerican, iioo. throujii t"vo- I'pe. f(,iil phlLc for ft,(or iir life, sinpl,,, Make offer. HUREVIfZ, S31 N. 0tll. ATTRACTIVE npartment hnufe site; booH 1oca tlon; reasonable price: lot. 100210 V 1IARRY0. C. WILLIAMS. ,122Volnut. FACTORY SITE. 1 17-1 Ifl N" OOlT lot 2050 ft. A. II.WII.IAM8:rM2 Walnut. rnrlorle4 T N. E. COP.. 2D AND DIAMOND STS. Well located site anil bulldtmxs. ndapted for fac tories. ciiriBcs, etc.; IHIsliiD to Palethorp at. LEWIS A. TAUL.NE, 8 V. or, Olfi and Walnut sts. LARC.E MANUFACTIIRINO PLANT, 100 Ceet frontaKe on Delaware River; Penna. It, R. ablins; ofllce bids , laboratory. nneriKl shlp plnjr platform, etc : water suppl .frnnvriver and artesian wells: hollers, emrlpes.y-eiery-thlnc complete. TAULANIf. til'O Walnut at. Moret. mid Dni'lllilcs 558.10 CATHARINE & AI.HIIN, asy torms: steam heat, elettrlc llfilit, plrnuftry IWorlnc; Kershaw & Crowl, ftJIfi Chestnut. WIv.sT PIIILVIIEI.I'IIIA AN EXCEPTIONAL OPCOItTfNrar To purchase a homo at a creat bar train: corner house: D rooms, 2 baths; lot 40 by 110 feet; piazzas, bay win dows; room for sarnire: beautiful slmdo trees; must be sold tn ctoso estate. QUICK & HRO., INC.. 8 S. 40TH St. EXAMINE THESE TODAY 1U'3 H. 3Jd st , n-etory hometlHt lth una kitchen, v.111 sell tor ? $U)itbUiut than butuIrH prtce. WZl Thompson Bt.. '-story lmnie. bed roomH. will bpII for Sluo lesa than cuat X 57th at . -'-wtury Itome, I bed rooms, will accept -00 Wen thua cost. Chester Osborne lssf?j.$g$f. BUY ON THE 1IOUI.KVAIID BOth ST. AIIOVK LANSDOWNE AVB. xne ery iesi construction. L'XEQIIALCD AT tluou. Up to date In every partlcuUr. Including juronvmi llifura inruuKuiui. JAS. C. E.NUURU, llullder, HACRIFICK AT S7.100 I'.Vooia new modern house, curner two main ve.. south llopr at., loclutllny eatab and nrwwlnsr'busliurfis Ilrwt floor, sickness and death compel (.Hem to veil at sacrlltce. J. A WISTER, SOI South 00th st. MILLIONS J MARKET ST. properties nt sacrifice. li(Vt7rt. thrnuih to roir atret, iut lvcsSAf; ITlh St. and rlp for Immediate Ifnptovemlnt J. T JACKSON CO . Chestnut artd 13th. REAL ESTATE SOU SALE Mvi:st fiiit.Anhr.riif a fosHatird from PrfoerflnO Coftimn 21 1NVF.RTMRNT -. 1(1 hoiivm, newr vacant. 1400 Wcln North Constoir st : rent 110: ncsmYit 11700; o rnomi and bath, porch fronts arJitl amount of cash MILI.KK NtmenoSS REALTY COMPANY. Mon Lancaster ave RENT Slil. con In! raised o sl7 rtich. . rrlce $20.10 each, for 10 2 story 7 Monue'riorch. front dwellings: In irooil condition Ian locsteil In one of the beet sections of WcflO PlfllsdM phla: close to f2d st. trollev line SAMUEL STERN. 1201 'hestnut ft. I WILL SELL sn attrsctlic home, four Inriro Iw-drooms nnd tile hath on accnn.1 flblr: par lor, reception hall, dlnlnir rnfnv! kitchen, Inundrv nnd toilet nn tlrsl IliMt. house In first clnss rendition ind ifOMpfrnl to Cat'i ollc church nnd cars. Ph. Woodland 1010 V. J310O s rooms, hot-water heat, iras alM lee trn MRnt parnuciry uoor-. snnwijr 01 kitchens nnrl all other modern ftrtppfl DANIF.l. CRAWFORD. .lit . IIML ens rhienls. ,1lh and llndlleld ta TV. house, porch front, lot In n bj 1II.1; electric llctits parmieirv uoorinz. mcwi eatner strltiped throushnut. Applv to OWNER on premises Telephone Preston 31111, nsnj OSAOE AVENUE Slcnm lnAt. rjecfrl? Ilaht :i ronmi and bnth on n-(asl Moor; Kut, h hill price. 2'ioo. p"li VOVKER K- SOS. 317 Smith nitlh treet, tsino -i-lir 1t Pnncil modern hmiso mi rtfth si lielireen Chester nnd PprlintrieM aves.i nlso other aood home propositions f 11 H APSLEY. Rsih and Sprlfwslleld nve. AUTOMnlllLE olVxr.ItS , I.OOU AT 020') CIIRISTIAN T. PERFECT iinrSE: ItlEAI. LOCATION WMtAllE ' .1 LINllSAV ,V2(1 IIAVEHFOIlD AVE, WIIELWS llilMEs". " flC.TH AND PASCIIAI.L AtR. ,pptv Kill r-iii;sTNI T g,!". TWO STORY, porch.front rlnelllmr. ,1137 Cath- orlne at irnoil mnn: rtooti v-ooiiiiion: Williams. M2 11lnHt cheap. Harry fl tMl PINF tjirire lot 13 rooms, Dutch hall; attractlve;bnr Inquire "Owner,'"Jnremlses. WILL HAcltfFICE.rnnm house. Irvine st Yonkcr & Son, ,117 S. ftillli at. , 1'nrlnrles EXCELLENT fnctorv bulldlnR:-wll' sell nt reduced prtce for quick silo 1 (lEOIlflE WATSON, 3240 Chestnut st. (IK tMl A VI OWN THE PRICE OF BRICKS linn KoiT UP. tho tri of ItitniW in Ron up, tho cost oT imimlilnR' and nil imllillns mntorfatfl 1).in ln'Tpnp(l lrmrndnulv, Tin: Mi:n.iiY avhnuh houhhr wnuM rrwt nlwitit Snii moro tn build tmbiy thun under lnt yinTw runtrantff. And ct vmi van buy thorn, nn th inowt IHktiiI tnrmn, for SatHMl it rfM.Uftlan of fAnn frutn thi Imlli!' r'N prln. .Hnmplo linuw Nn lotd Opr-n fnr Inntwi tlnn Tiikn trnllov to t'l.oltt'ti nhd t'Rnntx nvf . wnlk pmith lino tilw k GLYNDON PRIESTMAN v SEDGWICK IN THE 1IK1IIEST PVRT OI OEnMAN TOWS. SEVERAL NEV- ljrXPArIIEI CO LONIAL DWEI.LINOS. 1l! ROOMS 2 PATHS. (lAR.MIE. LOCATION EXCEP TIONALLY FINE. HOMES VALUED FROM 82(1.0(10 TO $3.1 000 OPPOSITE: IT WILL PAY YOU TO 1NI1C1RE AUOUT THESE PROPERTIES A. S. T0UR1S0N 7014 ItOYER ST. (IERMAVTOWN. OFFICE ON THE PREMISES GERMANTOWN. HOMES SALE (lit RENT,' Advise u nr Miur rriioiccmenta. Select list upon reiiucet ' j CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (MORRIS I1I.IH1 ) 1121 i'IIESTNUT ST. STRTVI'DM The suliurbnn house you are ILUMV1 .eekhm, Iran led on hint nrnuiNl nun 111,'til siirrnuii'iiiiuu; wuii i nllhout aariitt" trains to letfMtl Station, Readlnif Rallwjiv Chmtnut 1 1 III Division, or dilc out Stentnn u" in tWlll North. M.M'RW. DOLMAN A CO. 230 Lund Title llulldlnK 420 VV. STAFFORD S'l.. near WlMSalllcl.on nve.; exceptionally desirahle rcaldeme' I minutes to Chelicn mn. StAtlon P. It. R ; fi nilmttri to Lin, oln drive tiiel tirk: rei ep tlon lialt. II rnntiif. 10 1 Insets, bath. Ap ply lo i,un'r on premKcK or nt 32X chnt nut st. Room 3n!l or to ANY REAL ES TATE DEALER. $3300 2-story. H-room. iiorch-frnnl dwelling on nriln street. nrl-clim.i ,-rtndll Ion: will lie stild on easy terms to fteslrahlo purchaser for a humc. ' SAMUEL STERN. 12(11 Chestnut st UERMANTOWN. W WASlHNIlTON LANE, near at. 3-story. aeml-Uelnched. slde- Miru tluellliiKs, 12 mums and hith enih. trn hire lot CHARLES IV. MILLER. i(ii-i((T I'nnimnnweiutn liuiniinu 13 EAST UPSAt. ST. 3-story'poroh-frnnt dwelling, Inrnc jnrd -till location; Bnrasn nrlvlleee- a.1lHi North Plilla! TruM Co. VE CAN assist ou lo find that funiaOou aro looklns for flermnntawn Trusy'COj, Cheltun mid Oermantovvn men "IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A UOMI3 In Oor" mnntouu. Ml. Alrv or chotnutllill, consult me. A. II. Meehan. 0717 Onnnnn'ownnve. CHOICE HOMES. Tulnohocken at onsl jit "ef- mnntnwn an- J lr ClIADWXCir'A CO., fi022 Oerintintown nve. ' STOP LOOKING FOR A IIOME -We hn.vetho one you want. It II LISTER A SONt 5012 tierm.tntown ave. ML Airy, flrrinuiitomi NEW SALE AND KENT LIST READY. Pelham Mt Airy and Chislnut HIIL PniJIAlI TRUST CO. 0710 Q, rmanluwrn nvo SeilKwhK, 44rrni.intnnn SEDGWICK ARTISTIC COLONIAL DWELL1NO (NEW1. 12 ROOMS. 3 PATHS ONE SOUAltK ROM 8KIMIWICK STATION: CONVENI ENT TO STORES SCHOOLS AND ALL CHURCHES THIS HOUSE CANNOT HE DUPLICATED FOR THE PRICE Slfi A00; SEND FOR PHoTO AND FULL PAR TICULARS. A. S. TOURISON 7014 IIOYER ST OERSIANTOWN. OFFICE ON THE PRE.MISES. rtlChtlillt Hilt COUNTRY SEAT OF .1 ACRES Towanda st. near chestnut iioj: uttracthe modern bouse; 1st floor. ll)n.htill, drawing room, dining room. hu.itor,.ijilr. kitchen and laundry and nervnnth dlnlnir room: 2d lloor. r. Iiedrnoms nnd I b.ilh.i. 3d floor. 7 hed riHima and IE baths, eariuc. Kardeiier'a cot tuK, tennis court, eaetnble trurdeu: old ahad: the Is-st section In Chestnut Hill nnd one uf the most dusirablo projiertles In this section. HERKNESS & STETSON lrfind Title Iiulldlne. A BEAUTIFUL SITE uf 2H Hires, overlook lim Falrmount 1'nrli, with alone and frame residence, containing Hi roqma and I bnths. An almost new Colonial residence, with eurawe und one acre, on the crest of Chest nut Hill. WARNCIOir & EM LBN Trust Uulldlng M, JIurlln's, Chfstuut Hill IVi ACRES, with stone. .English stlo resl-ilem-e contolntiu t:t rooniH and 3 baths; saram WARNOCK i EMI.EN. Commer cial Trust llulldlm.-. f Tlogo WILL SACRIFICE my- homo, near 10th nr.d Erie, 3 story, 11 ruiir hardwood, main Dtrt-et, cost 1,1000. ,aiiy reasonable olfer 1, .'MI.Il.ll I. ttltQ l.rtLdP rfftt. Hii-,-i. iti .iMiu, .any reasi Bieened I. 301), I.enVer Off)to. Corner Lot sszirj tu'imr st. ; 12-r. !. J,,J.o house; a'baths: barealn. C P.PITTKRS iS)N. IA CHESTNUT ST. WE HAVE THE HOUSE, Y(fijWANf ' IN TIOO.V OR rfioCN KENNEDY & I1AM1IO S740 ClEltMANTOWN 11REAT IIAIMIAIN AT ISTH AND TIOGA 10 rami imujimt not mucaTikii required. JOHN K LEWIS 3.13U N 13liTt. 3314 N. 22 1) ST condition. ivrch front itjwejllnsi irood '?Wtnut st. HARRY O. C. WILLIAMS EEAL ESTATE EOR SALE CoiiHiincrt from Prreerfluff Colvifln (H&jT (2 ASHDALE ST. 5100 NORTH (00 FEET WIDE) Sd tO 4t1l St., $271,0; LOTS 10 FT. X 01 TO-fo TT. Six rooms nnd bath, terrace front, porch 0x10 feet, hot-water hestlns:. comblnntlon tlthtln-, nss kitchen, lanndrvtn Iwsmnent. Water meter. TERMS MADE(T1 RujT. JOHN M. SNYDtm Pullder nnd Owner, on Trcmlses. $Hn New,. , rooms, all conicnrknce; nlso l0.1-,1-7-0 13-lr, N. Howard st. M0ii pull N. Ilowntd at , torner store pnrperKv: stilt any bus ; hot-water heat nhd cleclrli llaht. I. CHAlUiES VUNDT. llullder. l.oitan STORES, mVtitiM.S'lIH AND APAlttfiNTS For Sale or Rent in Rest Sertlotis WM. D. rAMHl,:ili?.,"1D3.N. Prnnd st. t.OtlAN REAL ESTATE- 1 SALE. RENT AND EXCHANGE it. M smith, liroad st , opn lunil Station. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE Olt' RF.NT. . . MONEY FOR MoflTOAlttM THOMAS MclLHENNv, 103s N tUtdAll ST. rm vt 1. .- -. . . ,H.til.i . it -1 7., ,, "i , iiiir ri'iiu aim iiin'ii"v ii. c, (HI feet fronl: ensv terms (1 c. SEltiEL . ...CO.. Ilh and Cnllowhlll sts Oak I.nne NEW CORNER PROPERTY f.en modern Improvement, hardwood flofirs, ijflreplncv, ete. 1 nrleo 7f,0o. ' f WJI. 1IARR, Slh nnd alt Lane, SMALL COLONIAL HOI-PET 0I1S Cnma.0 Pt., new, uetnclieil: room for Baraai. ; , P.S TVRE, 1.100 ArcTi st.' J FrnnUford SACIUt ICE Ton two-story properties.' as sessed nt $1(11)0 ench; rented n( 117 each, 4ooo rash If sold at once. O filu, Ledger t'entrnl. PENNSYLVANIA SIIIURHAN AMI1LE11 Wo have a splendid offering ot latBo nnd small rnrms or all kinds., suitable for all purpoicn, extensive country places, (suburban homes, bulldlnir lots.yete.i mlvlso us chnrncter of property ou desire, how much you want In Invest nml let us submit you special list. II, J, Dagcr, Inc., Ambler, I'n. ARDSLEY llunsalnws. the belter kind; nt iraitlre. niihstnntlnl: convs. ; pKlcn renson'ble. N (llenslde Lnnd Co. ofllee nt Ardsley Stn. I1A LA ATTRACTIVE PLACE NEAR STATION II hireo. Ilnht rooms, 2 baths, stable; lot itii.ion; proiicrty In ttood condition. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. Land Title Illda. COLL1NGDALE, PA. 100 Pusrv nve.i desir able twin brick dwellltiB, living mum with open fireplace, :i bedrooms. b.tth. all con lenietiies: lot 2.1x100 feet, easv terms. VOCUM & POWERS CO . 20 S Mtll nt t.!M0 Woodlfihil live. CO'LLINGDALE, " PA New 2'i-stofy" brick suburban homes; convenient to (Kith at. trol ley; not-wnter neat, elcctrio, tfont anil sme mrcnes ;ti .3xi..,; only 7:1:11111. tiwuri. ,v i-.n, iarny. V CVNWYD , ," NEW DUTCH Colonial luwifi. wellMmllt nnd equlPiieil lth nil conTnlenci'; II trooms, .'I laths; lot 7,1xirlt; ituod locntlQli neap station: Iirlce la iiirMlernte for such an attractive louse. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE 1IU1L1JING L'YNWYD llullillnq lot, attrtirtlVe location, llearest to station nt price; 'quick Bale winited. Ilox 20. CmiwmI. Pa rtEXEL 1111.1. 1 ncre ot nround: S-rooi houn-j hnrn: BiiniKe. nbmnjant .fruit; excel lent for poultry raising; bargain. HARK S-room r tRY W. KOCH, Drexel Hill, DEBXEL Illl.L Two line lots near station: .aay terms. PEMI1ERTON ESTATES, Ilar- Hson Ilullillna EUGEWOOD PARK In the heart of the famous CIIEI.TEN HILLS llUh. Healthy, Plcluresquo 1'lno VlndliiK ltoadwajs SPRlXaFiEI.D WATER. OAS, Etc. Restricted. ljits 1 011x2011 nnd Lamer. ELK1NS PARK STATION or York Road Trolley ot Oeontz 10 .MILES TO CITY HAI.I. For parllf iibira apply to C. E. IIAIIERIIUSir. Silos ABent Phone Oal: Lane 177 W. 130S Sevenly-llrst live.. Oik Lino. Plilla. EI.KINS PARK COLONIAL RESIDENCE Lot IIOxl7.l-yi.',0 Now In murae or toustructlon. Will niter plana to our Ideas R1IOADS S PAUL 13.1 S. nth at., and Elklns Park. EI.KINS PARK lllah-clvs home, II roopis. :t bnths; lot 113x200. rlulit tit station nnd handy In York road trolley: 41.1..100 now. J. T. JACKSON. O.ik Uine. ELKINS PARK New ( olonlnl lnpltnc munis. J baths. hlh eleviillun; cl ire tn pi In, $lll..100 MiCOlLMlCK M"IXllil ns, 12 xta.: 1RMICK. 1(111 ( ncstnut si. .inn ijiains i-qrK. EI.KINS PARK Colonial inXnslm, corner PnrV and Elklns aea . 3 ntfreaf Itf looms' Kttible. Biirase; truck, fruitluxuriant (low ers, mlKht nnt. IlltOWN, OlOO York road. QLENSIDE 0 aciea of valtmbl Brollnd: lieall ttful mod, rn alone and KhhiBl" hnmi , 20 rooms, 2 baths, I llrepl.ices. hot-ftnter heat; IMirchea ill three slitcH, 101 A'CtfniiltaBe on Willow llrom luruplke, ,itr Woldcn. near (llenslde Station and trolley; easily wortti $'10,(100: wiV lie Bnld for about one half that price, less than the alue of tho Brnillld iitiine, but It wis taken over for 11 itiurtBaco nnd must lie conveiied hit 1 cash Possession ly iKDinent of i-mall deposit .mil balance on convenient term. Mnke an appointment lo examine this poslllve bariTa'n. HOWARD II WILSON & CO. 2122 (iermantovvn ne and 2230 West lhlBll nve GLKNSIDE Uarealn, fratuo detached hnus 10 rooms mid bath, nil mrylern conveniences: lot 10x17,1 feel: old sh.idef 3' minutes to sta tion: price IIMio, all today. RENNINGER ii RENNINGER, lllenslile. Pn. HARTSVILLE lUautlful HumtuerTilace; new cuUnse 7 roiinis. r, acrra,,walerrront: Iwat InB. b.vlhlnif, iUIiIiib: baraaln; $40110 Owner. (1 n.ll. ledger itf Ice " I.NSDALE Iaii. 111x10.1. Ti mlirj toTtraln and trolley: desirable Taulane. tnlO'Yalnut st. LOT West side liroad st . between Louden & Iti. I.I.111.I. 112'nxios il. ,1V SEJDEL & CO., lib and Callowlllll Hts,' ' NORTH GLENSIDE , Corner lot. ISiixUKI. restricted nelthlAthoo,) ; train nnd trolley; One view. .Lara lot, lOOx 300. nil street 'mprovi'tnental 2-hunks froiu train nnd trollo 500 other sites. Speclil Inducements to home builders lleiutiful nw bunralon. .1 rooms nud bath; favorable, terms. Take (llenslde troll iy to Ardaley of tiro or write the North (llenslde Lind Co. North tilenuldo. Pu.. for booklet NORWOOD $3000. nice homo, "lot 10200: 231 Chester pike, hulir. B''t ;", Mh, sewer t on ntcllona. Sklltun. 210' Cheater pike. ST. MARTIN'S ','' ATrilACTIVH WHITF. HTONE HOUSE 13 rooms. 3 hatha, conservatory, etc.; ( fire places; entirely modern; lty acres; good garage; garden: convenient to station. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. J,and Title Ilulldlna. (Copyright. 1910.) BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE PKNNSYIVANrA Still till N Continued' from rrccedna Column SEDGWICK NEW DETACHED STONE RESIDENCE. ATTRACTIVE ENGLISH DESIGN AVITH RED TILE TIOOF. SIIRUIHIERY AND IDEAL SURROUNDINGS, THIS VDWF.LL 1NO HAS 13 ROOMS. 3 UAXJJS AMD WILL APPEAL TO THE FAMILS" UElilHRlNO AI'l'liAl, HI llll'i CrtlllI UI.'JllllVI. six uEDROfiMs, wnurNA rKyv mi UTES OF TRAIN. friKlLLEY. GO( STORES, SCHOOLSfAND CHURCHI WRITE OR CALL aVoI'II OFFICE II .Mlfl' GOOD JJI'.lAt l.lil) INFORM ATI) VI. A. S. TOURISON 701 ( ROYER ST . GERMANTOWN. TROOPER, PA., AN ERTATlLlSltED suburbaftirynnjunlty; five rent fnre to NorrlsUeani nftefsn water: central school, pnstn'tloe, storey loo-Toot lots, $800 upward, rend for leaflet BROWN & CLOUD NollRISTOWN. PA. WltlTEMARSH , V FARM OF 1.10 Ax;REeT In Whllemirsh Vallev j cofivOllml lo Chesl iml Hill and near WhlMmnrsli lllunt nml Golf Clubs, unusually lame fnrmliouse barn for 80 hem) of, old slind, WIsahlckoit Creek (lows Ihrouah profwrty; moderate price lo close estate. HERKNESS H STETSON. LAND TITLE I1UILDING WYNCOTK AN I'.XC ILLENT OPrORTUNITV to purchase n motlern litu-e wlut'll rooms. 2 Intbs. 7 bedmomi; hnsJ linlf.nler heat. Has mi'l fleelrlc llihts Lirirf' Jot and ttn usinl surroundlnRt. ' . HERKNESS & SrF.TSON l.riml Title Hide. WYNCOTE Hewett Estate Doycjopmcnt tletneen .tenklnlnwii nnd Oenslrte. 3.1 ncrcs; in re me nt the price nrlnilMlmT lots MAURICE J.IOOVER J,1,, .MODEL FARM IN THE HUNTINGDON VALLEY Stone farmhouse, renodeled. nil conveni ences. Including hol-watir hNit, clcc. Ilnht. SprltiElleld water, mi Rood-hlcd rooms. 2 baths, stable and ifnra(fe;1ll acres, obi shade, apple orclrird. other fruit tn-cs, berry Burden, blah eiev.illnn, (oinmandhiB One evv or vnllcj: near station, one-lmir hour to city. Sold to 1 lose ctn!a Prlee $20,000. HEI1KNURS STETSON LAND TITLE IIUILDING YOUR OPPORTUNITY S20.000 yYNNt;wooi) ," v ' (hanibors, 2 baths; SlPfiflfl I.LANERCJI-J-AII-sl ltuilnl Mono, It '-i t cfiiin. tdl-ti-All. Minim nlnnlnl. Ti ' """ be. Irtiftni ami Nliinlntr norc It. nil jti nnir ?8 OOfl ''YNVYI fnllfnrnla bunp-nlnu. , w rMttn ml bnlh, hriitod p.inicr. Chester Osborne ....r.V.i'.UtsT ON MEDIA SlIOR'l LINE 10 ncres, wllh old stone house, barn arid onlbutldlnBS: obi apple orchard and' vnunjr ts'aeh orclulrd, vvnodlnnil, sprlns. runnliiK xlream. this prop erty l SUFieptttlto of belllB Ul'llle n VerV nttrni'tlve , otinlrv tilaie: four minutes' easy walk rrntn the eleetrlc line ti ooth street. YOCU.M . POWERS CO. 20 S. 1.1th St. NE.n NEWTOWN SQUARE r1 ncres. $12.0011. (lolnnlal farmhouse, barn, etc . ('mm ('reek rnnws through property; woods, lilah elevation; mnvvnlent trolby; In oun(r.v hunted over by Hnilnor and Rose Tree hound. ,-, , HERKNES'I & STETSON. Ijinil Title llbti. 101 LLANFAIRr ItoAD $117.1(1 , 0 rooms, bath lot (lil.xl IS. JAMES T. DOIAN-J: CO.. (vnwyd. Pn. DEL. CO. Sale, (heap. K.1 acres: vvalerfall. electric IIhIii und tnillevs. it nillen from city Hall; ripe for development or Iniprnvvment. MERSHON. 33.1 Land Tllle. A NEW 0-rnnm bunaalow. with open llreplnce. all convenlcni es, wlthlu gue-half pquaro of trollev. t H acres of nrmind. price $4r0d See VEIIYL WALTON .leiiklnlown. Pa. MODERN, attrnitlve lounlr? Iiniini near Wawa; 78 acres, stone houSfi1i roomi. bath: Bond outbuildings, may .He rented, J. T. JACKSON Co., Cl stunt and tilth. MANSION, nbnut 12 rooms, all convenience!. In tlrsl class lonilltlon. lol 200x200; cnay terms. Applv II W. SNYDER. 020 Frnnk ford nve HohnesburB. Plilla. CHOICE IIUILDING SITES , nnd ncreiiire. , AnTHUR P. TOWNSEND. Langhnriie, Ta. SUUURIIAN HOMES FOR SAlfo Oli,nENT WENDELL MASitEYW- neal Estate Trust llullillug. SELECT Properties Country aents. farms. List orders now. LEWIS T. IIROOKE Ai SON. 1111 South Penn . FOUNDED 1S70. SUIII'RRAN IIO.MES, rntiulrv ji.ici.T nnd building sites to suit all renulremonts: Main Line II. C JIUNTER. Wayne. Pa. SUnURRAN dvv-eillnBS nnd bunsalown for sale, from fBOOO up. Bet our Hat. RYAN, fiHOS aiarket st. nnd 212 Darby road, Llanerch. HIGH-GRADE FARM. Bcntlciiuin'a estate, bulldhiB sites, etc. IIMtRIS. real (state, opposlti' station, Narberth. Pa. Suburban I.oIh SUBURBAN BUILDERS! Ijirse tract, alone Pcnna. R. II.. 0 nillen from City Hall, ilia, for mib-dlvlslon: will lm sold nt low price iir aero. Insuring handsome prollt to developer. LNVUrtTIOATE! Chester Osborne n,-,.sjVpp rt. GLENSIDE Irfit. r.llx.ino fest n,mot deslnildn part of Gb nslde, Pn. Apply owner, M 002, le-dBor Office JL ' citESMONT l.nt. deslrnhln corner. .10x12.1 ft.. on blah nround, 'n smont. Pn, Apply owner. L 131, ljdBer Off! . 200 ACRES N. Y. dtvlslon"stBtlori on "prop. ertv. sn table Al development. '" J I. rRITZ. 713 Wnlnut st. MAIN J.INE, P. P. It, It. ARDMOHE HANDSOME HOUSE on Glenh rnadnorlh side It. It., 12 rooms. 3 lialhs, electric light, 3 llreplni'oa; lot 0,1x100 ample room for ara?e. Full particular from nn rnadnorlh 1 LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE IIUILDING. AIIDMUKK- NORTH SIDE Exeellent IncatU location: (ttonp ni7d tlmlu hmun nf ieh Kncllfth dottier). .1 ll.lthfl. ll' hfimhr l.arrrn dlninif-room jukI livliis-ronm h.ii open lire pIuoom, I'loctrlt-ltv: h-irdwood tlonrs; reduced to tia.niiu Mr quirk hu(o. will r.-nt. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST IIUILDING. Ardmore Residen5eand 1 Aci'e tn dellBbtful location. vMn.f. purchased nt a very re.isuii.ihle prlic house contnlna 11 rooms und 3 baths; investigate SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. COMMERCIAL TRUST I1I.DG. DEVON AN IDEAL COUNTRY ESTATE nnd farm, tdtimtn in rhbu-r iVuM-, about 111 milt- from Thila.: HI JrrcH.A-tonmUi)lunlal liousu. 17 rcMims :t Uith3, all tnodtn mn x.'nlfms. uluble with falx "'""'llr,, -tK and thrt-tf box Btrtlls, room fur Ktnerul autumn biles: Unaiu bouuf with . rooms und f$atb; Uruu turn; thli'keu houi und outhulldlnictt, luclullnu- ((vliiiuy.'. ruunlni; water and pond; cttlsttfiully wtll adapted for stock (arm YARROW & VAN PELT 17TH AND CHEbTNUT STS. THE ONE of the liest Beiittemnn's coutilrv plnccM within 30 inlh a of Phlbidelnhbi; Bond roods bv uulo, on Main l,lni P.. It R. : 110 noros, with hlsli-clnss , linprnvi ments; txtmslvo nlteratlnns and hnprnvetnents recenllv made lo nil bulliIliiBs. iiittime. barn and Bnrnc. electrlcltv. BeucraB'. hot-water heal nnd nrteslan vvnter: 11 verllnble Mnuty. ,1. 1. JACKSON co . Chestnut nnd 13lh. REAL ESTATE EOR SALE Mt.v i.tNi:, r.. r. n. n. Conflimrit from rrcccAino Column HAVERFORD Large List of Residences For Sale, Also Furnished andUnfurnishcd HOUSES FORRENT ON MAIN LTNErft. R. Let us know your requirements SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. Commercial Building, Ir.TH AND MARKET STS. HAVERFOnn HANDSOME RESIDENCE 'oveflnokln coif links. 2 acres of ground; hollow tile' nnd stucco bouse: 12 rooms, 3 baUrxi nearly hew: Karaite for 3 cira (milkman's quarters; vesrelahle ntu! flower Rontons, etc : fine xlew: extetlent opportunity 10 purehnso complete place In n most desirable locnlllv. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE DUILDINO IfAVERFORD SELL AS WHOLE OR DIVIDE 2 acres. Willi slone and frame house. Id rooms, 2 Inlhs. 1 rliymlitrii.Bnriiire. south ern exposure, lieiuilflil iflniillnK. tree and shrublierv, will nlorentj bcnuMful outlook. Kood surroutidlnes: price erylittrnctHe, In- VCfltlBJllo HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST IIUILDING. MERION New English Rcsjdcncc Six mlnute walk from station: high eleva tion: modem stone, brlrk.ntid plaster, slnto roof. 7 bedrooms. 3 baths ( with built-in tubs, shower over), lint-water heat, electric Unlit . will build BnrnRo: large lot. SAMUEL 'C. WAGNER, JR. COMMERCIAL TRUST IIMIO. ATTR ACTIVE STONE AND STUCCO HOUflP. 11 rooms. 2 baths, sleepins porch! lot 6.1x111(1; ft tmnule from station, I.U1VER .MEtlON REALTY CO. Lntidritliy llufldltiR. MERION :W!) Roncnn nve , l)ilrd bouse cnRt lllllll ,., 'I.' IM'm'IIIl IV." . .,,,i,, ,,,,,,nv- ..,". of Wnnewood :ive.: 3 stofy. .Ensllsh. stnno nnd pinch-r, 13 rooms, II Isithn: lot Mxl.iO: ,.'.,n - Ifill.T titmie r.o? Ijhr nrleo $13 .100 JOHN A. HARRY, fi07 Land Tltlellulldll'B. , NARIIERTir Corner tot. Monlsoincry nve.. Mm by llli'i. wllh Ki-rnom.Btnnc and frntno hnuse. cheap (or hulelJ torn. Walter II. Smith. (Kr.12 Drexel rulil. , NARIIERTir Itrnnd-nevv detached bouses, nt (onvenlemvM S3.100 4pvtnri1. 1TARRIS, real eatate, npposltesliilloii;Nnrlierlh. Pa. NARI1ERTI1 Houses for sn1n,,,$4noo up: for rent, $2.1 up. furnlslihl houses for the Bum- nier Cnldivcll & Co. 2'arberllK JJa. NARI1ERTH Nw nn up-tn-ilnte .lioiises, x I20U nnd upwnrds '. D. S.MEDLEY, Nnrbertll, Pn. 1 OVERRHOOK Exceptional Opportunity to tuirrlwiat ono of tlio best slttialrd prnp ortli'H on tho north (jld: modern. up-tod.ito bitiKo, with nit .'t.tiAotilenroiV. t.ibl. (taniffo; larjre lot, orr t nrrr: noil vunrth InvestlKn tlott, ns tho jiroiiort rnti lo purrh.mod nt n xt-ry low 11Turt. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST IIUILDING. OVERHROIK Handsome stone nnd stucco house. 12 rooms, 2 baths; bos nnd electric: rentrnl-plnnt hent, rorentlj- papered and painted; lot llAxini); will also tent. LOWER MERION JtEALTY CO. Lund Title RMb. OVEItnitoOK REDUCED TO $10,000 WolMnrritod Bombdlorhod bmiKo, M rooms. " bnths. nour trahrand Irnllty; all tnodorn rononioni h nndln r.crlent rondlllon; wot tb Invent Intlnfl. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST IIUILDING. " 0VERBR00K HOMES A larRo and tompliAo Hut, of tiroportlrH In Ovorhrook for .i! at irbo from $s,oi np ward, F"priil bnrRalns nlso complete ront CHARLES J. HOOD & CO. (Mmmm mno ) lui rnnsTNUT ST. ht. n.wiirs- Stone Colonial Residence IS rooms. Jl IhithH, oMrfrlr I Itli t. stonm boat, hiro Min It ami k1.ih rmiRr fiat (try; ?uoiry Hours; rnnms nil larsi; wtono naraco or four ( ars . ihn nxims and b.ith on wot nnd tloor. ono iioro, hiuli location; Ipw. iMMiitlftil shado. ThlH iirottrt. If Hold at onio, tan lo iHircb.iHod for a llttlo innro than onL'-lntlf of urlfflnnl nwt HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST IIUILDING, WYNNEWOOD DESIRABLENE; HOUSE In flno iiidhbnrhondwfioijHo rontulus 10 roomi anil '2 baltui; lot dOxluft; u ImproMMiH'iitH ami ronwnlonrt s. J SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. COMMERCIAL TRUS1 lll.Dtl. WYNNEWOOD $100 PER. MONTH Modern Hton and I uitoB hnUM.-, rnntnlnlnj 7 ItoilroniiiH nud .'1 baths, boaullful outlook; 5 mliiutcH from Htatlon. i build Karapn. SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. fOMMnitriAI. THl'.ST IILIHI t 6ij Acres and Improvemenis nn bill; commands exrcjluit lcw, boustt Uro proof nnd routalus iMl room, 1 bathH, nil lm pro.. ucuum tiur heat (Kpfiuui fijHtcm); feurnKn with J roomu HIRST & McMULLIN WE.STEND TRUST IIUILDING. MAIN LINE. P. 11 It. Jlpdern dvvclllns. 13 rooms, outbulldluub. 1 1 acrts. fruit, woods; fine ievva: one inlleifrom station. G. M. A.MAN. 1201 Chestnut st SI lit KUAN HADDONI'IELD Colonial house, larso nils.; all convs., Humi And Llwerful; sun parlor, olil-fiishloncd Burdciit' shu4)e, fruit, flowers, sbrubliery. near sln., saciifice to aell linuie dtiteiy; ihoto at olft(.e, ulso one of 111 rooms. PETERS & SON. oo-i Chestnut st.. Plilla. IIADDONFIELD. N J. For sale, "dvalruble suburban prowrty. 10-ropm Jniuse, with mod ern convs., lot fiOxJIo Ipiiulro of owner, 100 Wushlnetuu ave.. Had.lcSnleld. N. J. HADDON HEIGHTS KITH AVE - and Svcn more st , 23 aiiirj, Higni. framo, lot IhOx 200. elec 1 1 k lx t , st'm hiiit: Bard. & chickens; lurwaln lainea Lotfaii uvviieV, premlseM. HADDON" HEIGHTS " , LlPI'INCllTT LOTS ANO'llOMES HADDON HEIGHTS. NJ J. WILLET l.IPPINCCVTr. LAU"REL"SPIIINGS' SACRIFICE account chaiiBe In position; couilio Uuihe, 8 rooms and bath; bus, electrlodHhll" furnace. sta tlonury vvash tuba, uuesuuuro from station and trolley. West Laurel tract, JiWuu. A,1, tress 1" O. llux 43. ' NOIV miTHFtELD Well-locaterf 4sait.on fast shore line, ripe for imprutenitit. rapidly de voloplmr Lewis A. TnuUne. Iioo U'lnut at. Pl'IMAN Hotel, cstab.. furnj -U(l rooms. S. II. GOFF. 27 Jlroadvvay.CamdenNJ. WOOD1IURY. N. J Fine dvjlin.i)cellent (Oilillliun all couvenieuca. lot Jiaixiix Jovo- ctlL.a, U. J,'&.IK II, 'rutt Ireesmpatll7t aeen WooDllQtVV Ufi. luver at. i) Kruiw viucii aim iruit irces. to ue uppreciaieii. vv inj .101 llluver TRVTH OFTTIMES HEAirlsTATE FOB SAtTB NKtV Jl-.KSKY St Dt RI1AN Condniicd from FrtccMna Column FINE PHOPKUTT' AT .HADDON 11E10I1TS. corner nfjtirn rtlAln llreels Alsn furdlsed'cotlflte nt ' Special prle vvjll befmado can use cither Ot lhee protK .Vr.r.v..lllllf ! reoulred. HELM Mt' REALTY CO &22 Alsn furiflsed'cottflte nt Ocean Clly. Special prle vvjll befmado to any ono who can use cither Ot lhee protwrllcs. YefV llltlrf enalY ..nit,n,1 HELM Ml REALTY CO 322 Wtthrrspoon Til ATLANTIC cirr- J CHOICE m'li A-UI.AATH7 CITY LOT, S21!l, 1,.hI nor r i,ii,nru nd llnifrm; tlon. '11. Ji rlLnTrr Wlndror nve . nelchbof hood ttdl school opposite! splendid lo Ji DYRON Alty, 21 S. 12th St. cn ATLANTIC (inYf-nVermont nve . 3.1 S . (1 bed rooms, InUi.Llnunry nnd servnnt rooms In basement. Sfio(i G C Selclcl & Co., tth nnd Cnllowhlll sis , (Jf HAY HEAD. N J.-i70 seres at Ttiv Head. N. J,, ripe for buU'irtlv W,l(l or hoitsesi riparian rlxhts .."inmiii. .ii.i i,nnn iivie i.uiiiiius. CAPE MAY-ftoOaiM!.. 7 rooms, fully furnlsheiti nccin fronl. fKTIl tell or exchanee for small houses. TAULANE. POO Wnlnut st OCEAN C1TYN ,1-Lols near ocean IR00 lo e2.ii)ii: eis Ifriis, Charles A. Doe, 121 ii. m st., I'MifcL i y VENTNOR ATTRACTIVE CORNER COT- 1ne. furtilshrd. D-liedrooms I) baths, bth j houses, hut and cold show. r. hot air best. ' one blnuh efroin bnthlnB bench Apply i II I. POTTS? .'110 North .Id st . Philadelphia. I WILDWOOD, N. .L Summer nnd winter cot. VILDWOOD, N. Jv Summer lime for snY folly furftlsh detlllnl seilfdi;, efcn he pu terms, modefit Inlpcery rrsp , CHELL. N. W For. 17th Ished In liest TfSI. purchased on easy spcrt J D. Y1N (HELL. N. W (or. 17th and Snnsom sts. -4 - - COTTAGE nt.Cnp Miy or Ocean City, erected to your ifatlsi milted fie hf TOWNSENDS (Mfnriion: nttrnctive plans sun. tbirrllfihle builder. OTIS M. (Xfcin City. N J. THREE vrrV Jeslftnble lots, f-ontlne an At- vi, i, v-rv uesinni'ie imp foniinB an ai title nve.. inerlSevniinab nve loop, unob. ructed xlevr tif nenn. nil street Improve entn hi; will i,e aold iheip to Immedlnto laniic nve structed men btiver; ensv terms Klnsev. willow Grove, Pa, OCEAN CIT,V-T2-r;imllr furn apt for. sale. readv- for lentol Or Hie siason near beach: select neighborhood. t I2. ledger Central. ILOltlDA iir.NH-unns momey Tl,la la .(n mmMh.II.h ..mi. e. n-linn A ..,,-- ,r ,,,,- ,1,111,111 ,111, II ,,,!, .-b ,-Jil'- ,. " purchase one' ol Cur Co-operntlvo rouljry nhd Ebb Farms nt Monro Haven, Florida, . WE GIVE VOU FlllJn .. 1000 SlNOLE-COMlt WHITE LEOHORN CHICKENS TWO IIRHOD SOW PIGS Membership In the Moore Haven Co-opernllve Association Wrlle, jihone or call for our freo booklet. which explains, KUTAN (t- 1IENKEL. 11.1 Commnnwenlth Trust llulldlnc. 12th and Chestnut s'a.. Phllndelpliln. Pa Poll phone Walnut 3100, it LONO ISLAND Lo.vr; i it.AtittTt. V V For sal" 4S acres. rnrnor Ivvirjfiitlo nv, lines, near Hcmpsteadl BPeclal Jirrte for iiubk sale. H. II FRITZ. 713 Walnut st. L pr.xNHvi.yANiA nuns L HEAUTlFIl! F.r.M. about 7.1 ncrcs within I tulles liPNprrlatnivn. 'i mil" from trolleyi Brand old tnnivslnn. 12 roomi barn, etc This inn be hotivht "rlsht nnd on ns terms Also .11 ncres, 1 'i miles from N'nrlierlh Stntlon, III a neltthliorhood win re Millies are bound to enhance. Also farm of 10 acres, with kihiiI dwelling nnd barn. Cltv nve., conven lent to Cynivvd n II Klnlion on tho west mid East Falls station on the east, will b Sold low 111 clnse all estate JOHN J. FORAV . I 110 Crcsson st. Phone MnnnyunK 0i0. NEAR NEWTOWN SOFA III '--ri.1 acres, $12. 000. ('olniiliil farm bouse, barn etc Crum Crcclf flows ihrniiRlt prm riv woods hlnrr elevation', innteiilint to irolliv. in country hunted over liv Radnor and It"", Tree hounds, HERKNESS A STETSON Land Title lildir 7T 2.1-ACRE fiirln. stone bouse, steam hentlntt Willi liireohirn In exiellmt condition, 1100 nil ncre, blir' opportunity, within Vi tnlle of two country clubs; lnnd within '-i mile sold for $1.1(10 nn nore: 2 mites fr mi chestnut Hill: no nBontiT wanted (I !l.i3 ledger Central. 27 ACHES. 3 minutes fioni trollev frnms house; crccu: ijuibnllilliiK : -b olt nnd fruit! " near train: price jinon. II. II. Mi COLLI M 131 I Wnlnut st.. Philadelphia. "Don't Corset the Number ' 70-S0 ACIIII -TWO GOOD KRJI8. Complele lintldlnas for Imih nearly levell farmed hv owner: near aillo race track: above Willow Grove, photo. Cot . C. P. PETERS R SON. Ilnx CHESTNUT ST. GREEN LANE N, urly new. eut stono res! 'I'll ilenee. K tiiotru.. Uitri It. cllti l. 11 house. ncren, 3 snuurea from. stntlon price $2,100 cnay terms WARNEIU iVlL'UFHY Wlllo Grove. Pa r I1UCKS and Jfrti;onVrftCJh Sarins for sale. with Block, criyjj-err -or with-it. A. M fSliKI-'Laijfdle Pa. 500 F.MI.MM ,ll I States, e-ilnlrutue. Jack's Farm ABuney. 213 Stnheti Glrard llulldlns. 21 S.12th at J Phtlndi Iphln . 17.1 ACRES. lonvCnlcnt to Main Lino P. It. R. station; JOIitMr nrre. .1. II .THOMPSON West Chester, Pa. MONTGOMERY CO farms for sale. 8ttfS iiwnes. Hotel. Sklppacu. Pa. NEW JERSEY l-.MtJIS 4- ELWOOD. N. .1, 20-ncre farm 12-room housn, bam. outbuildings fiult berries, nunrter mile from railroad stntlon eusy terms, onr Bnln, or will nnt MORSE -It S 00th St. ONE-ACRE FAHM6. nearest to Phlln. train and trhllov: wrltof for pamphlet. HARLOW ft CO.. Maplo Shade, N. J. l!!il-ACRE dilrtnrin. line Immediate pOHMeMdmi. .11 Moorestovvh. Smiimi ri : bulldliu.-s. $18,0(1'!. .in 11 ro farm, nei user uurimcton. FARM FOR SALE,' about .11 ncres, with 0X4 tensive nvntar rrotit nun uninie uuuatnus. on Ti I'oins River:- l" o. Ti h.r Lincoln lima REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY 11UY A vIIvME-Moiithly payment 817 to S.10; jj N. Phltu. nnd Gtrmiintovvn. S1800 to $7000. l Merchant.! Union Trust Co . 713 10 CheatnuLM MAIN LINE. PA., P. It. It. Wo Have tm Excentionally lirce list nf xVrvlutlrn live properties, both for a.ile .mil rent.' nt all prices, hit us Know sour reiiulrcnientsj HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST PI ILDINC1. R. E. SALE OR EXCHANGE OWNER WlLLiEXCHANGE $1800 equity In beatitlfiil, lo.roori. pori h front home, hot wut-.r lieal. JleitVMly. for small Investment l.k.KIIJ, .,,, nill.ll ,11 m-wti 1, ,-,,. ,v northwest seLtlon HEUSE. houMVSf In nevv :11th and iimilirLi. ; loiieri, iKirrh-front dvvelllnir. iTkloo ft.. coot resinen arteiTihia main streat. REAL ESTATElTO EXCHANGE CLEAR APARTMENT HOI HE, valued 123. 00O, best Hectliin 01 vvcse i-iuiaueinniu, niaui Btrcet: 101 ..1x1011 tt , want central proper or Hiinjeit tu 0110 iiiuriuua. ia. Lcler Ofllie. 1 OWN 11 house and stablo v. Itli 10 acrj UrOUIlil JIIU IV lioute anil biuhiw iui ..,. w.i t ... ...... K, 1 ..III uvehunn.X ciiultlea In small houses I. 131 Ledger Ofil THREE CLEAR PROPERTIES in ManayunkJ nmouniiiiK 11. .nmiii. 11, r.L-iiiiiifii tur I'lve- ertv To Aiidulion or II addon Helshts. N. Jl ENTERPRISE 1IROKERAGE AND ItEALTi CO., iu;iu iino uiie iiuiiuuuc WHAT havo ou to exchange? What do you wantr uarraii, -non .1 iivii bv REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT TO HKNT butldiiiK about 73x100 ft..! Xu Us uned ts ofllee Und vvurthouso for exg preaj ijusinesa in neisnoornoTa ot i in u Vint) eta . ono conmited with stablo t posj Die. JVppiy iuwrertiv uiui in4 dib, IS HARD TO BEAR L.MlOlV'Tl-yory. Aioili . 2 b.itus'tlarBertl,t, tl-il sr-Aton. VVj-e-iau I. TJ2,LlT- lllll (; K Ji I d 'M nitm tnri nifom&umtit