"wtrr-""" fi 12 EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, APRI G. L T?TM AWT AT. TtfF.WQ I, . , 1 1 New York Stock Sales Alaska tfoM MIum Allls-Chalmeri Mfg Alllj-ChM Mr- pf . Am Hpt b'us.ir Am CmA" . . . Am Car," tlr ; Am Tar & rdv pi LlttlG ' Am Coa' I'rwlii'ts am mini ., i, pi . Am Ice Secutltle- . . Am Llnscel Am l.lnstvil ;if . . . Am t.ornmollvi. . . m I (romoUrp pf Am .m & !cf . ... Am 'IVI A 'IVI Am Toliacco API Woolen . Am Uuolen pf Am Zinc I, , ,m . Anawmls Cop M A-ocli!l Oil , A loli 'lop A S V .Men Top A S K pf Lust elo-. HUH. I.O--. Ctd. MODERATE STRENGTH GIVES WAY TO LOSSES OF A POINT AND MORE Bear Traders Resume Aggressive Operations Change in Holdings of an Important Character. jj Stocks Taken by Cas"h Buyers NHW VDllK. April 1 The market continued to lie left In the linnets of the speculative eletnetil on the floor In the iialf-clnv with which the week ended. At first there a it ill- play of moderate stren-rtli, with somo rnllles, rcflefthiK juitlnrnotloii over the fart that no disturbing developments were lncludeil hi the WiiihlURtoti news imlillslied j In the inornlnK papers, i WHhln a few minutes, however, henr trrfdors restiinrd nKRt-essI' openitlous , flt-r HrlVrx tnnrln liv rnmltlnntlnn nt itmiril r.umi finnrntlmiu mtitvml t1.ntliioi t-ntitf. I ..., v. , .. , ,. ..- In? from 1 to more than 2 points In nil the stocks In which thote Is ttrtU-t spei- I jijjj , S " Ulatlvo Interest. Then came the usual cleaning tip of detks, always noted at the j HaltjA Ohio veel'erul, by tlioso who have the habit of roIiii home without any ottlstanillnK j "alt Ohio pf loan Committments over Sunday, and there weto also some outside operations fur . ,,''"'!'',''.',"1s,rt)!, ff short accounts, based on the possibility of unfavorable developments nrrurilntr j ttutto ,t Kiitrl'ir oetween tne cioso lotiay unci me opcninK on .Mommy morning, Taken altogether, the market wns professional and the tone was Inllin-iiceil wholly by bear hopes and ball fears There was little olmitge In holdings of an Important character and In no case did the selling seem to onnie front Impresshu sources. The stocks offered wete taken by the same quiet cash buyers that have fur nished the market on both liquidating movements and bear dilves for some lime past, and the way in 'which rnllles occurred after low levels were established Indi cated underlying strength and a far greater buying power than rould ho compre hended by reading the tape. The Important cltanges In foreign exchange Included further ndvnnres in l-.ites to neutral countries, tho Scandinavian exchange to 30.20 and Swiss ext-luttigo moving up to 5.18 for checks in favor of Switzerland for the first time slnee 101 1. Paris exchange continued weak nt 6.01. .tl7 Wt . IMJ'ii . Pfl'i . V,Ti .ll).Ti 101 l!l! 28)' 77 71', CO OS lir.W las ran 28 234 10 77'f 102't 1012 128 l!W?.' 10CU 100' . U)H Wi 10! j iO'i 2S 28U . 77 77 7M . 72 71', 7IH no no v'i . (IS OSU 07' itr", ugh no' ir'i iv irs .Vt A-'5 50' i . "SH 2S 2S . L'.l' 2:?'( !S' W in ." . 77' . 77, 713' l lOJ'l 102!i lOJ'i .lOl'i 102 101 .128 128 12S 1).V1 sn r7 lo:iu ini nil' ' , S.V, n7 10.1 101 wt Oll'i O.Vi 80' 117 1 03 101 I0!H 10SJJ lOS'j I08'4 io.v," lovi lor.'f innu s; . 7(1'- ') . 2S . 2.1 .107 . ri. . nit r'v, . oi V 12U- 17'a . M S7H 705 i i:ir. .sfl'f il.- 2N 'M h 70', 13.-1 80' i 01 H 2S :l 87 70' i III." NV 'IP' 2S 2:t IC04 if.o'i ino'i il!i OlVii hVi 0I' r,m 01'j I2BW 17'S II 02 am "I'. III1! tJv, 1S' ll' r.2 22' Ol'a IS l-l'l ANOTHER SMALL 3IARKKT ON NEW YORK C0TT0X TIIAN0E I New York Bond Sales I m 20S SO' I 111 I 20' IM'I Spot Houses Continue to Buy Stay and July Little for Sale N1SW "VOKIC April 8. Another Pin.ill market was noted on the Cotton Exchange t the opening this morning, there being but nine transactions on the call. The tone was about steady, with prices 1 point lower to 1 point hlghet. Spot houses continued to buy May and July nn a moderate scale, but other trad ers were mixed, with professionals oper ating on both sides. After the call the demand increased to some extent, and on only a few sales advances of 2 to .1 points were recoided. Apparently there was little cotton for sale. , Private cables from Liverpool stated that there was some hedge selling in n i small market there this morning, and tills I resulted In losbes of 5i to (14 points, against declines of 3'2 to IH points ex pected. Reports on the weather In the cotton belt wcro meagre, those received showing frost at Abilene and Oklahoma City. Tem peratures were considerably lowr. The receipts of coton at the ports for the day were estimated at 12.000 bales, compared with 13,562 bales last week, .10,532 bales Inst year and 830!) bales In 1914. Y cloft. Open. High. T.or. Cloa Maich , 12.4T ll'.r.S li.Sll IS.33 lS.Rrt May . II. Id ll.HII 11.IHI la.HIl ll.llll July .. 11.07 ll.tlll lL'.ll 11.110, llMHi October . . fJ.13 12.14 lLV-M 1.M4 1L'.L"J Ommter .. l:MU IL'.at 12.40 is. 3 1 V-VIM January . 1B.BT 12.37 12.13 12.37 12.13 Spot . 12.10 ... . 12.0.-, Liverpool Cotton "LIVEIIPOOL, April 8. Spot cotton was neglected today at a decline of 3 points on the basis of 7.59d. for mlduplnnd. The sales aggregated 3000 bales. Including J000 bales American. The Imports were 4000 bales, all American. The market for 'tttmres closed quiet at a net decline of 5 '4 &Ci points, JUMP IN LOCAL CLEARINGS Total for Week 65.1 Per Cent. Above Same Week of Last Year There was an expansion of 65.1 per cent In Philadelphia bank clearings dur ing last wclc as compared with the cor responding week of last year. The total was 21S,01677:. The Clearing House returns from the United States increased 45,4 per cent. In the week, the total being 14,746,045,201, against 3,:6I,S35.2S3. De tail; as. folows miit Nw York. 12,314, 23S.12S 11, Boston . ... los.nim.Mi rhlla 218.01H.772 Baltlmon .. 33 .401.9A3 Cblcaso .. 300,331.0111 Bt. Ixiul.. S4. 427,4411 N. Orleans. 23,703,333 JD15. 533.237. KM ino.l4K.2l4 32.0 32,lin2,l)lll 4-H3.1 2K,S(17.fl07 4-22.11 243.370.3311 4-23.4 H2,im0.4lin 4-311.2 17.302.272 37.11 P.C 111.11 SeYen cities. 5 day.. 13,374,698.183 I2.167.B1S.631 4-33.7 Other cltlee, 6 days.. 643,398.742 333. 000.207 4-16.3 Total all elite, 5 days.. .. 12 All cltlei. 1 To1af.ll" cities for ,722.515.838 47.7 725,048.276 542,310,423 33.7 week .14.746.045.201 13,264,835.283 45.4 NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT Big Drop in Average and Actual Re serves Loans Larger NEW YORK, April 8. The outstand ing; feature In the weekly statement of the members of the Clearing House Asso ciation was a sharp decrease In average and actual reserves. Average fell JH.-07-.640, and actual J24.775.110. This was brought about by a large In crease in loans In both btatemeuts, aver age expanding $40,964,000 and actual S:S.574.000. Details follow: AVERAGE. T-oani. Incraate , .4O,064,OOO Demand depoiHa. lucreaee 4ii.18t.0Oii Ytme deposits, decrease 2,1117,000 Reserves, decrease ,... 14.071,610 ACTUAL. Ioana, Increase 120,374,000 Net Uenund deposits. Uiereaie: . . . . 21,037,000 'Tim deposits, decrease B,3uu,noo JUeervti. decrease , 24,773,110 Local Reserve Bank Statement The condition of the Federal Iteserve Bank of Philadelphia, at the close of business April 7, compares as follows: BKSOURCES. ... a ... April 7- March 31. Gold coin and certlll- etas In vault . . 13.667.520 I5.S62.7U3 Gold settlement fund . balance T,3So,U0O 7.766,000 ald redemption fusd. 30,000 .30.000. Hesse itauer notes, su- I1B.B83.4B2 I31V.35S 5.0(11.01)11 I3.r.0.til t4.490.38S 3,303. 3U Tr, tc. Total reserve. . . Commercial naner Hank acceptances . . Total bills discount ed and bouflu V S. bond . . Uoniclpat warra&ia . Total Investments . Jlue rom otber Fed eral Uer bank. Ret .... It'ederai Reaert priii on hand .Votes of nat'l banks and otber Federal Baserv baults Alt other cesourcas Total reaourcs . . I3S.T43.I 1.1,1 BIUiaEd. PU) paid In 13,314.830 Aesurta UeposTu. ul 2S.414.48U aawsatnuit deposits l.ltl,31u Ait ejMiar UaWUtli 4.832 2,487.032 3.036.631 116.733.3311 1263,00.4 2.232.814 linifi AiMnn Uvpri-sn Is 22IIMMI ,Miirlo-t'r I, Ds .... ri Amor T.-1 cii m... "mill Atrhtan v 4 ... Slum IIh t A Ohio .'Pas. limn lla t A: dhlo :A. .. "Olio Ma t Oh cv M, 3IHHI lln t Oil Hwll II'jk. Iiiiiil llolh Steal IbI si.. nun llriiiilt Hup T fin m 4UIMI i via is it - j .- 3111111 I'lUM! ft (.1 v ,K .101111 ltd ,-, . . . . 20(111 I'M tit West l ; 311011 fill S. Nun kii . 2MII00 f II ft (j J,u Is . IIIKI V 3t HI ! K,. s 2IIOII ilo cv Si .... HIIIO fol & Sn 1st In .. 1IIIIIJ fon liuH rv O. . . 3000 UN Sn' I'urn &!. . loiio Krl. ennv In JVr A. J ooo do conv Is tirr II il.iOim do cv H I Is aono nrecn llnj II . . . . ((Hill licll Klov 3s inoo lndlnni SippI r,a . 80(10 limn Control 4n . loon Intirli Mnt is . 2000 lnlcrli It T tcf 3m . 27IHHI Int .Mor .Mar t j-uihi jn:i nv (i s Pin, 2IHH I U C I't M ". 31 tin 4( l.oilllnnl .-in . , . MHIII Lou . N N CI li lnt 100(1 lliinhaltai! In Idooii Mo Kan & t 1m 4. -inn, .i(n i iiwor .in. Illffh. tow t si 113 Til 112 I O.I 11.1 Mil", tin. mi 1IKI Id) 117'. Ml', tllll 72 ll.-i IlSij 112 107 III 1 22 73 ) i - .li', lm, .1113 . ,vj . 7.1', . ' s, . IIS Ml4, .1111'. Ill"', .llll'-n . Ill 'j . 72 'n IMP. ....... ..,,,,, , ,, .- (), . . . mi .. 11,11(10 Nut 1,'nnm A Stp 3m. lis', i!!"!! 5 X A "mle ct (Ih.Iii.1 3000 X V IVnt lln 113", I N V (lty I'.n liiili.iirjt! Slum N Y (Ian i Is.... m, noon .V v x 11 dll lln . ,11 11)0(1 N Y llwv mlj 3n. ...fist 2.tooo Nort & Wrst In ti;iK 20(10 .N'nr 1'nr prior In.. . n.i', (loon Nor I n (ton ,1s ... mil, Cliiou l)ro llw tc N con Is 1)2 looo (ire & fni r,n 1oi4 .'I.' ( ,tl-IU l.'l 1H , , 1(1(1 tiiiM, i-cnii i tn i ',n 111 ill I'ort nml Itv ., ':m lioiill Kepui, ,-,s Hint . 1 (Mid Hep Ir t S 3. MIOO Hoik Jnlnnil rfd In. nunil Hock Inland 3n. f.OMII lit.. U,l Un.., -.. "I V..,,. i. . ....'.'." ' '!' " ;" ,,,., i i,Lrri(i i l ni.i in iui.. 3000 St Louis Sivil lnt In TS"! 200(1 ScuIjohiiI A I, lldj 3s nil 12000 South l'nr rv la . SS 70(10 do cv ret f p 3n . 1II4S ililoo Kouili liivj Ken 4n. To. 1011(1 Mouth Hwy enn r,H..I02:l liiiino south llvi o ia 7itJ 2(100(1 Texan Co On In.-, 30011 Third Ao lulj 3a .. SI'. IIIIHI If S Oov res In 11 20011 f H Strpl Sn nf.. .HUH 1011(1 Ulsinr Del 3a . . IIHIK loiioii Union 1'nc rfd Is.. !iiij 20110 tTn llivn S K Is .. 42' JIHKI Went Klect 'l Sn. 1.11 '5 Ml II,",-, 112 Hl.1 113 Hill. nil's, !MI 11135 HII I17 1(11! 72 !!. US', 112 107 PI 122 ??!? s.-,, 11'. 10l. 111.1 ..NT, 73 'i I'lJ. 117 . K ". llll, ion', 1111', 72 !j im;, its', lo:i n.i". 102. SI", 114', 11.1 't 11.1 ' (ill '. I'2 nn . lno'i lOSO 113 ' 112 to.l 0.1 lllll. IH1-S no lii.l. mi 1 17", SI! ', 1011 ,2 11.-. us', 112 107 III 122 ti! i i 'i S3", ll' llll1. III.! r,'.i 7.1'., !'7", Sll. im: urn'. nnU in', ns'i 1113 liu', S4i 111'. 3S' U3 '. Ill's mi' , 112 nn'. t . HIS' j 103; in.-.-. .lllll', im1. 17', '"! in loo', lei', H7', 47 's ''.Vfi ill!', 7S-; nn S7, HII': .'" 1112 , 7ll. II IS Sl. Ill 101', IIKIl, IKI's 42 'S 1.11 ', III lllll', 'III', IIS 17', mi's SSI. nit NT', 1114 S 7H-, liWJk ,!!" in.. si, in mi' inn ', llll', I2'i 131 'v 2"0 !5. ns 17' Jl'f ;ni', 10.V i 1hVi 77 111 120 1,1 2I 2M) Wi 7H 111',' W, ir; inta 7.Ti nn-, .-.IJ'a 1(1. Wi 771 j 24(1 I2!'X 71'J Ii-AHGK KAIL PRODUCTION' Increase of Quarter Million Tons From Americnn Jlills in J915 The total production of steel rails of all hinds in the fniteil States In 1013 iwih 2.204,203 gross tons, against J ,915.005 In 1014 and 3,502.780 In mill, according tn the llgures compiled by tln American Jr-in and Steel Institute. The record year was 190fi. when 3.077.SS7 tons uern produced. Of tho 1915 output. 1,775. 1(58 tons were by the open-hcarth process, 226,932 by the Bessemer and 102.083 were rerolled. In the State of Pennsylvania laht year, 694,515 tons of rails were made, as com pared with 592,532 In 1911 and 971, S20 In 1913. NEW YORK CURR in.ii. 2M -" J? Aetna -Am int do ...... ;..r.!;. Amn Maro iir-Am T ,....!. Ter lyTidSco Chtn rolet Curtis Aproplatit .. ...,,, Uubi funn Hucar ,. do pref .....,. Hondeo, ilanufacturiiikf , . , , V (1 Salen . , Ma w ma Cop Mi.vui ;;:; .Minla-ilnfi- Otis i:Mator Uo pref , , Peerlns , Itllter.H aire man I K, SterllUK Hum l -Si Submariiu 3.1 1 ft!. ift 37 l,K 113 111 23 3 li". J', fill m ! Anli.-il ii!S IS 1:3 u (15 1 3 2r nn P ii.iH, .iiit, Uiitleilck Co al IVtioleuni . Canadian l'-clflc Crtilral U'alher . dies A Ohio ... Chlta Copper . . Chlim Copper ( hi Mil A St l . hi it A St I' pr ( III II l ft IM- . f.'ol I iiel A Iron Col A So'Klieiii fonsolltlateil (la- l;!5' llll Corn 1'iodurls ltd . 201, 20). Cturl!(I" Slii-I. .. . (Jt.'f 01i Criirlble Mi-el pf . . Utji, IKi'i HOJi llt)1- i no.iii-ini sucar. .avt --go l)enrr A Hlo (ir . il'i ()i Detroit 1'nltisl lty . :i lis Distil Sis- Corpn .. . .ir; ts Dome Mine.-. . .. " 2 Krle :iO'i ail', tlner.tl lrttlc WW- 100 (icncr.tl Motor- pf . .HO nn Ciooihich II K 77i 7.V (Ircene-Cananci ts1,' I'j'i Orcat Northern pt laiJi I20ji (I N rfs for ore prop . rt'i Itl'i (lUKCenhcItn Kxpln . . . 22 22 Intreiwll-H.ind . . .275 2MI In' Con Cor v I e sli . 17', 17' , lnt Con Corpn pf . . 7;t 7:1 In! Paper (ii Int con Cop (i, in', lnt Nickel v I eh.. .. s't U'S lnt M M pfe or dp .. 21) 20' Int .1 M pre or dp .. 7.'1'.' 7Hf Kan City Soulhi'rn 2ti' Jti'.i Kellp SPK Tire 7M'i 7Hti Kelly Spg Tlru pi... . (17 Mil1,' Krnnerntt Coptier .7 o7'i Laclede (la- . . . . lll.Va 10C I.un Itnbber Tire fil', l l.etiisli Vallov 77'i 77,'i Lto'lt A Mjer- 217 2lti M.mhiit Kiev std . . -j I2!'' MiiimpII Motcr-f 721,' 72,', Mat Motors 2d pr M', n7 .";$ Mexican Petroleum 1()'J1,' HO', 10! Miami Copper ,W' 3S)i :1b',' Mo K.in v 'IV ws . . . 'Mi :i' :'i ilo 1'ac tr cfs Vi !!, -I',' Montana Power 7!);i 70' 7il Nat I'nam A S Co.. . 2.", 2,"i 2l?i Xi'v Con Cop I0'i 17' Ki'i N V N II A 11 0I4 O.'5'i fi2? u York Dock . ()'i II) 10 N Y C A II It . .KKl'i 10.'(H l()2.;i N Y () A tt'e-t ... 2h' 27'3 27' i Norfoll; A Western. 122', 122 121!t Nortolk A West pr . vj j,j, S8 Norfolk Southern 21 20-i 20) a Nurlli American.. (si OSW 'iS Northern Pacific i i.T 11.1), ll.'P- Paciric Tel A Tel .. 31 ,'!1 ,'il IVnns-lvanLi It It . .. ,')7W .".'J 0',' Peoples Gas Chi HW, 104 103s, I'hlladelpel- Co 18', -lajj 43', Presied S Car Co .... .-it!f "2 ,'i2 Pullman Co Ifij 103 Jfi2 Hy Steel Si Co pf. . . . Do', !l(l Ml Hay Con Copper 23'i 24 23'f Itoaillne S-Hi K-l!,' S-l Itepubllc Iron & S SO!, 501 .'itl'j Kcpublic I A S pr. . ..10'J 10S"i lOS's St Louis A S F 2?, 2', 2!i Miisrai -r .'i', a', :i bcaboard Air Lino. . . 1''. Soars Itoe A Co 177'i hh.it Ariz Cop 34U Sloss-Shef S A I S(J ."outhern Pacllle DTi Southern Ity 20'1 Southern Ity pi M ' Standard Milllnz OS Standard Mllllns pr . . b7 btudebaker Co HHi" Studebaker Co pr 11H5 Tenn Copper fi24 Te.tas Co 10fl!J Texas Co rights 18' , ' Texas Pacific 10 Union Das A P pr 20li i United Clear Stores... 03!i j Union Pacific 132)' 132' 132 I Union Pacific pt 83 83 S2JJ . U S Ind Alcohol 1C3 10,'W 160), 101Ji I U S C 1 I' A" F 21?i L'Uf 21 21!i United ITult 117)5 147 1 16'X 147 U S Rubber filJ, fc 51 51U USStecl Corpn Slla S-lii S3'f 84)4 i U S Steel Corpn pf. ...1171' 11711 117Ji 117i l S Sra J! i It 72)5 72!f 71), V S S It A II pi .,2'i .52'i 523 1 Utah CopWr 81)i h2'i . Va-Cani Cheni 4 i 41 ! Wabish IS 13 1 Wabash pr A . . . . 451' 4S)i Wabash pr B 27Jf 27)i 1 wens Karso r.xp I West K A M western -Maryland 2, ;i', is 177 35 CO 071' 20' i fill 00 S7). IS 17(1 .'13-, fit 97'i 201, SO fJd b7' 141" i llll'i l!l)f 112' i 112.', I12i 52 &l)j 10014 190 17),' 17' 10), 9), Bfl-5 29' j WiH 93)5 30 llf OS I71. 24 'V :)o'5 105'j u:,h 7S'i 19 120 13',' 2(0 17'4 73 Wi Wi I'.l'i 20',' 73', JS'i 73tj IIO'X S7' 10(1 fiOJii 77.T, 240 120',' 72j fi7 10'Jtf 38, 31.' I'l 70' j (i't'i 10 102!,' 27'ii 122 SS 20 OH 113i 34 60),' 101 43' i .12 102 90 23H SI1,' 50', IOSJs 2'i 3',' 15 17(1 3l'i 51 97'S 20Ji fill !)0 S75i WHEAT OPENS FIRM, BUT SOON WEAKENS May Falls a Cent After Half Hour's Trading Septem ber Drops, Too CHICAGO. April S. There -a. further liquidation In the wheat market till? morning and after a display of firmness. In the Initial trading prices weakened. May Marled at tl.l74 to Si.lf'i nRnhul $1.17 's nt the end yestciday. and before the end of the first half hour sold down to J1.16S : .ttitv opened at St. 16 to $1.16-, aRiiinM $1 IS'i at Iho close yes.leid.iy and dropped to $1.16 and September opened nt $1.1 1 'i. compnied with $1.1.1', al the elo-e PRtenlay and fell to $l.1S'i. Tlieie whs snow In the Southwest and In the (Hiln Valley. Tlic iniiikel nt Liverpool was dull under piessuin. liccause of llbelitl alllvals. Wolld's stilpini-ntM for Hie week were expected to he kiri-e. Tin- lerelpls at Minneapolis and Dullith toilflj nele :!3H cats nsalnvt ItlS enri today ncie 330 chid, HRalnst 103 cars with 2 mis: at Winnipeg 478 eats, com pared with 2,1.1 cuts. Corn was easy on selllhK hy commis sion houses and leporlfl of n continued IlKlit tlemaiiil for tho cash artleie 'I'lie maiket at Liverpool was fltni. The ic celliW here today wete 121 rnis. oats ali-n HPte easy. Tile receipts heie tod.ty t-eii' SO cms. Ves'day's Wheal Oi-n. llloh l.mv. Noun. cl"e. Jlni . I IT', t.17', 1.1,-.', I in;,-t.i7, .lull . I HI. 1 I'l, Mil. l.l.lMt.t.Vi HepleniLer. 1 . i 4 U I H'i Ml', Ml, t la. Corn 'neiv itllier.vl Mm 7..;, ;,,- 74, ti"; t7r,. ,llll . Til", 7HN -11 -11 J, 7UJ- Heptenilier M', 7i 7.1 ' 7.1 711', tints I .mil 1:1'. 4 4:1'. int. tin. SaleB in Philadelphia m Itlsh. Amer ltj pref : Hurt tr Sn,' t c 14 ilu pref HO Con T'-r N'J "I Klec HtornKe . (lli Ins Co N Am L'.l", t.ako Sun Cor 1 0 Si 10 KM IS X 11 T,0 l.ehnh Xki tn 7.-.'. 5IM 19(1 17Ji 103 2915 03 132J1 82X Wheel a Lake Erie.., WoolHorth F W , 12SU 127 . OIW 61 32 32U . 3 3 .123 123K 81 14 14 45 27); 127 03), 31! i .'I 123 521X S15, It IS 45) 27)i 127 fiHK 32Jf 3 123H BANK CLEARINGS Hank ilearlniis today compared mlih corre spumlins day last tun 'ears' nun. iiu.1 inn Phlla .. lail.dii.'joT 123,11.11. ins Jin uvi.ss lloslun . 3U.1IMI..1U.1 :.1.3l3.n7ii 2I.HUI 1011 GOVERNMENT BONDS registered 1D30 m rnnnnn 11110 ;is regislereil 101S . .... :i, loupon HUH ... 'b relflstereil 1025 .... Is coupoa ln1 Panama 2, registered 103(1 Panama ", reststered I03H. Panama 3s rrslatered 10(11. Hid. '10 " 1104 llll 't 101 lin-f 1UH iinv, 104 Asked. 100 U 102 '4 ii.ilH.1Ti i x.awMii II.70S.4Sl 17.-3tl.Sll4 13.172. 37 m.irtfi -llSIS l.bM (11. 12.tJ2S.26a 11 J. 703 I5,21',SS0 27.13J'8 310.0411 325 TC lUUllllcs 13-'.71'-1 IJV.Cil-'.Ml nxr.uxauv ois accooktant CijttsVJ I'stUis AttaaaUM ijLfMMtfC" y- JMOWci CO. Pittsburgh al Company (of New Jersey) Plan of Readjustment To the Holders of the Preferred Stock and Common Stock of the Pittsburgh Coal Company (of New Jersey) : Although uaicnla to the proposed Plan r Keadjuttment have been rervhed fruni the lioldrr. of more lliuu eldily-tii n per rent. (B3'o) of the pre ferred stock anil more than riiclity per rent. (HU',1 of the common stock, the committee, In lien- of the delays incident tn communication with foreign stockholders, anil In order to be assured that ull stockholders Iists been advised of the I'laii and had time and opportunity to act thereon, has extended the lime lor further depomlts of aeuts to April 30. 101B, and. In the meanwhile, defers calling for the actual deposit of (lie certificates of stock. Stockholders holding certificates of stock not registered on the books of the Company in their own names are requested to communi cate directly with one of the Secretaries of the Committee in order that they may he kept advised. Assenting; stockholders u,ume no personal liability for any expentei, and are free tu deal will- their stork In ery respect as if (hey had not assented. 'S",,r '.' p,!an '" declared effective and their stock Is deposited, all cash dividends will be promptly paid to them as declared, and they will be entirely free to dispose uf or otheri,e dray with their certlllcates of deposit. Stockholders having any criticism or objection to the Plan are requested to communicate their views to the Committee in writing in order that the Committee may give consideration thereto. Copies of the Plan, information as to the advantages thereof, and forms for assents to be signed by stockholders may be obtained from any member of the ConiBiittee or from the Secretary or Assistant Sec retary of the Committee. not MVrkibluAV"t',""l)f " " """ """-" "'"uU W,,U AitO-w sjjl tammiirlaatlans to F. J. LsMQYJ-E. " Sec-star- of the COUBlltee. usury w. ouysc iluUdlo-, Pittsburgh; Pt. or to HOWARD C B4UU.T. Asslstast SsrrsUrr, Si Broad Sire!. Kw "fork city N J- D. LYON A. W. MELLON GEORGE T. OLIVER J, B. FINLEV k HENRY R. REA ' JOHN I. BISHOP A. J. MILLER HARRY BRONNER Readjustment CommitUa in. in' III, III', 4llS Helilenil.el i.aru Jtn.i It 17 liily It (17 Septemliet 1 1 7 itiij, .l IS I'll 12 2.1 12.20 PJ '..' 'ta.'JII i.. in i-.ai l.. ill i.'.ai 1 1 r,o ti i.i tl r,n '11.47 11.70 I l.in Ml. H7 II. in II '.in 11 NT Ml llll 'II I'll .lull l'.'M Helilrlnliel Tori. Mm . (2.1 In .lull- 'JL- 7.1 Illil tAlkcil, L'.l.lll 23.IU I 'J . t2L' llll Financial Briefs The Hank of .Kngl.ind repoits the amount of ottrienry notrs nut-dmi'llnE as 10J,n07,i.Mfi. ngiilnut 100,310.1)flt last eek Tlic amount of Rold held for Ilia ledeiiiptlnn of such units miialns nt fiis.rion.ooii. I'ommcrcliil fnllutes this week In tin 1'nlted Stales me 3t2. against ,181 last week, !!8d the preceding week and 17" the roriesiioiidlnir week Inst year. Full iiics In ("onada number "", aKainL 40 la-t week. :!S tlic pieccdinR week and S& -la-,t ea r. Copper oxpoits fiom the Atlantic port for the week ended April G total 1430 tons; Klneo Apt II I, 1103 tons, nnd M OS tons for Hie same period Inst year, Howard Cooper Johnson has been ap pointed by the court to audit tho nccountn of John A. McCarthy as iccclver of Woelp per & Co., nnd will hold a meeting to hear and adjust claims of creditors on Monday, April 17. Northern Pncille'H estimated gross earn I UK" for the month of Match weic n, 010.000. an Increase of $1,139,000 over Maich. 1!15. Comparative results of railroad earnltiRs for nj loads during the fourth week in March are estimated at $20,091,436, against $1G,-.'77,7J0 In 191D. an Increase or $3, SI 6,716. HEATING HOT WATER VAPOR STT"Ar ji flJ.MARGULIESlcO, W 125 So. 5th PHILADELPHIA Bath Thorns tun !I8 70 no .Hill n.i I'm ;iiii in .1 l.io Irfli Tr pf.t. 4.1 .ev I 'on,,. IT'i IVtipn 11 It . .17 'f t'llllll fo.. 41 'lo fill of 0 p r I'J rutin Klee a?" P H T tr rtr. is", Ptillii Trne . . 7TTt lt-illnc .. .. "t Ton li-lmimt . 4", Ton Mining n I'nlon Trne i:t"t IT tils Imp is; V 1 Steel. . S4l W .1 -. H S Hi ( 'rump ft H II8, ItO.MiS. .inn Am (I X V. Itlch IIiikiii ;inn -.'illKl MIIMI "(10(1 '0(111 linno n li llll. I, .1st .1-.III1', 11 J-I'lr l. HI . , V el n, m. oii M Cn k 1"ii-.i0J '.nil. .15 4... ha. . Ill OS. ,,!, :- im1. fork II 1.01V. 110 4S .Vl" 70'-, fit '4 :..; to' 7.1U 4S' 17', tit, 42 J. 7H , Nljl Ill J, HS, -til's ill 1 .mv iM.. in"; "4. 7.1 ' llll Close, on 48 00 ;i flt. 2S', IP', 73'i 43, Net etme. 'I ', t 'i 12 Ji 8tn 4.1? MS In Sl"i 111. in". rii !J - t: BUYING OF STEEL CONTINUELARGEt BIG EXPANSION IN DOMESTIC -TRADE Considered Likely That Prices of Rails. Will Be Advanced After May 1 Stock Exchange Admits New Lehigh Valley Bonds to Unlisted Department 'ln-e .m'.- ln:S Ml ni". Inj "'. 711, !lll4 Net ilise Local Bid and Asked lion .( Hii- t e Jo prrf .1 II Brill ll.ildivln Uo plef . J.lectrir Storniie (leneriil Asphjli do pref . Ke-ctone 'IVI . flo tr rtln ilo prof . 1, li' JUm I 'nip . l.ehtlth Nv I.ehlitll Vnl Lehisii Vnl Trail tio prer Pennsitlanlll Phll.i Illeetrlc I'hlln IV lln 1 per eeiil. I ref ilii i per tent, pref I'lilli-. Ituplil I'm n t ItnldltlB Tnnnpnh lllinnnt Tunnpnli MlnlliK . tlnliiti Traillon I'nlteil CiitH Imp II S HIpcI Vork ttnltnHv III pief Win ( rump t e . . , Toil.iy Illil .r.r-. if i. Ye-lerilax lllrt Asked .1!ll, lllll, .in', .,: l Illil Inula IIS lll'.l', ,,.i- .,., nil !'.' ii lln '. 10', ,. ;i;, 1-7 II', 14', V'U H'M L'l! '-a -- aaii Irt't !, 1.1' : 41! 1N. M4, t' r,i, :! llfi .'I'tjl H.1'4 ,.,i. Si II Ml 1.1', 14 S i'l? 4.1 J. Sl, 1-N :ni, Ml an Illil 1 04 'llll HI", 71 'I I. 'I, ia", H'I, lll'i, 7iV. 77', L"J' 1.1!, t.i ; i:t is'n m', 4 1:1 , SS', S4", 1 1 Ji, ;p!., IS nil !IM"'! in'J', u' .in 7L", 1 1 1 1 711 III", 7r,'s 7S ill1 10 IN. HI, .M J' :iii", Ml LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOt'AH (TOCI-f-. .Illil duller MieNninaro Mldivnv MI-puli I'jctennilitl Atonliitia .N'orllirrn Slnr Tonon.ili llelniont Tonopiili K-loii-liin ioiiop.111 .Minlni- ; llescue Klllu 1Vet Kml ; " ; ii)i,rn-'ii:r.n stocks. AllanlK Mine Bull llootli . nulldoB ' c o o i . . . . . ; (tiiinblnutlun Vrscllon Olainomlflelil Jl II Dulsj Klorenco (Jolddelil Cnnaolldaled UolilHeiil Merirer ....Ii;!! .lumbo Kxtrn,lon Kowanas on :..;;::.; Mnrl I.--.. ......... ... Silver Plrk , '. '. '. '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.',','.'.'. ', MlROIl,t.ANl-OUS, 1'nlrv Azteo , f-niberlv Nevada lllll " . ." Arizona Uti ' Nevada Wonder '.',i Illil .PI. .Hi I'T ..10 .17 V.i .in .0.1 .in .in .on .H'2 .0) .4'J ."X .i:t .71! .1.1 .114 Aakeil ill II -i Mil :i in 4-t r.U it -p ,7K 112 02 ,1 37 2.00 EMPLOYERS OF LABOR l.onr f-D-rltnce nnd rareful ,udy ol the preient lav enable tn to offer joii . efficient SKIIV1CB In (omprnsntinn Iniurnnre'Tv, re qnlred by the neir stnfiilrsi .llr serrlres are nt.jour Sl-IWluF, Xo charjo for nirjic-t.j ConsiUtjSitn HARRISLtATTA PcnnsyWama Bldg. UuyltiK of steel durin-; the last week has shown no let-up and otders talten by the makers havn compared fa-orably ivlth those of Hie Inst two months Some large steel Interests pay that the deinaml since Hie flint nf the month, if anythltiR. lint been sllKhtly In excess of llml In tho "iicvloiis two weelts. Steel men Renerally arc bIiIpk consideralilf attention to the domestic onil of tho business, which lias n,ssuined large proportion- and Is now calllin- for a sufllclenl tenuie to tal;e care of the Imiiiedlate capacity of the slccl mills In nddlllon, lininlries fiom Kurope con tlmio large, atul this is especially true of loutuls for the mnnurncliire of shells for 1D17 dellvciy. Tin steel maUprs, It Is said, aie nheady crowded to such an ex tent Hint they -'111 bo unable to flll'lhese Inquiries if they result In nptu.il con tracts until late next year f)n this busi ness the question of price is not receiving any attention, but the matter of dellv etles is the feature of these Inquiries. Kailtoad bu-liiir. as far as can bo learned, lias been somen hat smaller than recently. Home big business In rails is lieudinrr and will probably be closed soon. Most of the material on these contiacts will be for delivery In 1D17. as the rail makers nre booked some time ahead nnd there Is not a great Amount of tonnage mailable for this year. II Is considered altogether likely that an iiihuiii'e In the ptlce of rails will bo made by the leadlnir interests after May 1 next, and theru Is no doubt .tliat this will lie followed by the Independent mauti factuiers ulio have been wllllnc for sonic time to put up their prices. It bus been maintained that the higher wages belni pald lo workmen and the abnormal level for ferro-ninngnnese justifies an advance in lulls. The Stock List Committee of the Phila delphia Slock Hxchangc today admitted to the unlisted department of tho ex change Drexel & Co. receipts, deliverable when, ns and If Issued, for the new Lehigh Valley Hallroad general consolidated mort gage P- per cent, gold coupon bonds due May 1. 200". Announcement was made yesterda.t that the $10,607,000 Issue had been taken by Investors. The first bid on the bonds was 101 14, and the first ftsked price 102. Later the quotnllon was 101'JSf 101 ',. None of the bonds pold. Trading1 on Hie Exchange todaj was again of small proportions, with price movements irrcgulnr. Ihiffalo nnd Bus dtiehantia common rose a half while the company's prefer! cd stock declined . Cramp slock was unchnnged. tts were Ton opah Helmont and Tonopah Mining, de spite the slight advance Hi the price of bar silver both In Ncw York and London. United Clas Improvement rose. small fraction KATES VOll MONEY New Vork I'lillnilclnliln .. . llniton Ctiieatro Cotnmeri ial paper, phla, 3WB'i per eent fall. . 1 ", (i a . :i fta'i ! ii'idM a to (l months, Time... i lii, I'hltadel- Tax Exempt in Pennsylvania WE OWN AND OFFER 1 Reading Co. Gen. 4's, Jan. 1997 Beech Crceh R.R. 5's, July 1936 N.Y.CcnlSH.R.R.R.4's, Ma19 Penna.Rlmlucni's, Juno 1965 Penna.R.RtCons.4ifAug. 1960 AileghcnVaIIeyT(yT 1st 4's, March 1942. Particular- on application. A. B. Leach & Co, US fiOUTH FOUl-TII STRRDT Hell 'I'hono Lombard 257 rtr lork (lilcnuo lln, ton Ixinilon West End Trust Company March 30, 1916 Call Locins Time Loans Bonds, Stocks, etc. . Mortgages Banking House . . Cash i i Capital ......... Surplus . . Undivided Profits Deposits Resources $6,074,809.51 -.- ...... ... -. . Tb.7o5.uU I t ,f.. . 5,882,645.65 r. . . . .. -.. .... 127,000.00 .... T....j4. ' .. 868.0GG.81 7 s $13,529,256.97 Liabilities $2,000,000.00 1,800,000.00 261,374.39 9,467,882.58 () $100-6-Bonds Charles JiB(ndi-r & Co. INVF.STMI-.N'r'TinNn'- Members Dilfidslphla Stock Rxchsnr north American bldg. $13,529,256.97 Trust Funds Individual Corporate $5,361,299.15 40,811,000.00 Charles B. Dunn President Charles E. Wolbert Treasurer js f " O : r '' $3,000,000 j "WHITAKER-GLESSNER CO FIRST AND nEFUNDINQ MORTGAGE 5 SINKING FUND QOLD BONDS i Due April 1, 1941 TAX REFUND INX PENNSYLVANIA First mortgage on substantially all property of the Company (aufr Ject b part to $700,000 bonds to be called 1, 1916.) for payment June Company, and predecessor company, in successful operation for; nearly half a century. Company owns five lonpr-establislted and successful steel manufac turing plants, including the plants and entire capital stock of WHEELING CORRUGATING COMPANY. ,, Property appraised at $7,000,000. Total net assets $13,13319944 or more than 4 times these $3,000,000 bonds. N Net earnings 1915 nearly 8 times, and for last fr aged 5 times these interest requirements Sinking Fund, beginning 1917, retires at least issue before maturity. Price 98 and interest years have aver 6 2-3 of total BOSTON LEE, HIGGINSON 4 CO. 43 Exchango Place New York HEWLETT A. SEALEY, Philadelphia R jpresentatlve Land Title and Trust Building Telephoned Spruce 2992 CHICAGO The statements contained herein an nnl srusrsmlss hnt . -iaA,t which we believe to ba accurate and reliable, and upon which we mesa securities. J , on Information and adrle havo acted in purchaaln-r i f 1 A a r- "V ' yj," '-"Tl. V '