MG. 20 jL You can always get quick action by phoning. Help Wanted ads for the Ledger's next edition : M-day servi EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA', FRIDAY, APRIIT I lli HEtiP WANTED EBMAIiE Continued from Preceding Tae General B 8FIRELLA COMPANY h a "Sjti? A owning for a rood business w??J" 7y,lJS trained! Mil by 5SllV"TStiSllttlM W?ng no canvasser, used. Apply by loiter, giving telephone. 1013 Chestnut st. VostCN WANTED AR GOVERNMENT wKRitat liomonthi foiijdeW 5jj: Jlons eomlnici njp1; nujMlon free. FranK lln Institute. Dent. 71lt N-. Rochester. N. Y. HEIiP WANTED MAIiE JiOOKKEEPKR and1 stenographer. D.i I" 5 stock broker1 office; replies confidential. O 8.1. ledger Central. . Bbr In alcel merchant's, office, to assist bill clerk and mako himself useful. Address, slating; are, experience, salary expected, O 443. Ledger Cent ral. iorTwanted In art department of Publlo I-eflger-Evenlng ledger. Apply to ; Mr. Holt, alter, fourth floor. ledger Building. Ln trancei on (1th at. near Chestnut. . 55t for errands and general work In hard, wars alorei chance to learn tha business. SHANNON A CO. 1744 Market st. OT. bright. IB years, fair penman, for sen ertl office work, r 82t, Ledger Office. BOY. 10 or IT yrs.. for oiling machinery: JS.BO per week. Quaker Laca Co,. -2d and Lehigh. JBOYB Good opportunity for two bright boys enr 10 to atart a. career In newspaper worK: splendid chance for advancement. Re Mr. Rnlelgh. 4th flour, Washington Building. 003 Chestnut at. E6Y8. over 10. wanted In laundry to matte themselves generally usefuli wages to start, jn, ,1021) Vine. EoYB. over 10, for afock rooms, for errands and for soda fountains. GEORGE B. KVAN3. 1100 Chestnut. BOYS, between 14 and 16 years. In i toy factory. Hedgo at. below Orthodox St., Frankford. BOYS WANTED. KEYSTONE tRATHBIl CO.. lOTlf AND MICKLE ST3,, CAMDBNN. J; BOYS wanted. 14 years and over. .Alfred Wolslonholme ft Bon. SUh nnd Allegheny. BU8HELMAN wanted. Wm. It. Emblck A . Sons. 1020 Chestnut at. . XRRAND BOY. 10 years or over, wanted by wholesala cloth houso: salary to start, 5 per week. Address P 828. Ledger.Oftlce. LrtRAND BOY wanted! elegant opportunity for advancement. M. Silverman & Son. 0th ana Boutn, w. vv, corner. fcsTlMATOR nnd aalesman for ornamental Iron ahoni good opportunity for right man who can produca results. Address P 832. logger unice. FEEDF.nS on lob presses, permanent position. Dunlap Printing Co.. Juniper and Cherry at. GARDENER A competent gardener. Protes tant: must thoroughly understand tha grow ing of (lowers and vegetables and cars of greenhouse and lawnsi can also maka usa of a good farmer: prlvato place: references Lodger Office. rrom last employer rcquireu. v .. m w.. JIAMMERMAN wanted on 1000 hammer: famll. lar with ring work: steady work: good wages. Apply cann aaui. diu uomm-rc- pv. LABORERS wanted at Tygert-Allcn fertiliser works. South Delaware and Weccacoo aves.. X'hlla soa superintendent at woma, JLABORER3 wanted. Apply I'hlla. Check Of fice. Atlantlo Ret. Co.. 3144 Paasyunk aVe. LABORERS (B0) wanted. Apply 8-0 a. m., 10 B. 18th at. (Room 107). EaDIES' TAILOR, flrst-class. Qood pay. Steady work. 825 N. 12th st. MACHINISTS Wanted at onco Flrst-class lathe Horizontal boring mill and chucking lath hands AMERICAN ENGINEEBXNO COMPANY Anunlngo ave. and Cumberland at. MACHINISTS wanted. Apply Crane Depart ment. Nlles-Beraent-Pond Co.. Meadow and Mifflin ata. MEN. colored, for handtlnr hoes: salary. tlO per week to start: steady work: chanco for ........ tr V Afnlfnnl t7n . mnnli1n. T.1. MEN WANTED. MIDDLE AGED. KEYSTONE LEATHER CO.. luth & Mlckle. Camden.N.J. OFFICE MAN. reliable, wanted: bookkeeping: reference required; stato aalary wanted, O 447. Ledger central, OPTICIAN. Jobber, thoroughly experienced bench man, wanted. 1710 Chestnut at. tVUNTERS. flrst-class on automobile body work: no others need apply. Foss-Hughes Co., 21st and Market. 4th floor. i -. PORTERS BLATJNER'S REQUIRE BTWrrCEfl OF COLORED PORTERS. THOSE HAVING HAD DEPARTMENT STORE EXP. PREFERRED. APPLY SU PERINTENDENT'S OFF. 833 MARKET. SALESMAN Hlgh-gTade man for Maryland nnd Delaware, on commission. Apply 037 Real Estate Bldg.. Sat.. 0 to 12 a. m. SALESMEN. EXPERIENCED, FOR MEN'S CLOTHINO MEN'S HATS FOR REOUEAR POSITIONS. ALSO FOR EXTRA WORK ON SATUR DAYS. APPLY AT BUREAU OF EM PLOYMENT. 4Vi FLOOR. STRAWBRIDGE 4 CLOTHIER SALESMEN Traveling1 men earn larga profits selling advertising pencils as a side line: business men In every place you visit want our goods. For terms and sample address Nat. l'encu Co.. a & Arcn sia.. rnna., ra. fellOES Learnera In packing room. 315 N. l'.'th at., 7th floor. SODA WATER DISPENSER to taka charge of fountain. Two men under Mm. O 340, linger uentrni. SOLICITOR Experienced: for mercantile col lections and adjustments. State experience and reference. P 003, Ledger Office, SOLICITORS Catholic, 1.1 to S.I dally. We anow you now, .us. nii unestnui. SPECIAL EDITION MAN. used to high-grade . maaazine worK amy; oig money proposuion. O lag. Ledcer Central. bTt;.NUUHAi'i!L,u ana ii-pewnter, young mm: also to assist In offlca. Apply 8945 Cer- mantown ae. EviLOR ladlea. experienced on flna custom coats. 171.1 Arch st. 4WMMKR AVANTRD. HIOH-dRADE AUTO MoniLE nonr trimmer for hanoino airKS. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY. TARRYTOWN. N. Y. VANTED young man. strong; and active, to work In feed store. Call after 0 a. m. it. n-inier ce t-o.. au uirmantown ave. WANTED, one experienced track foreman' fa. miliar with switch work. P 010. Ledger Off. WANTED Stockroom keeper & shlnplnk clerk, familiar with lec. sup. Ad. M 031. Led. Off. TOUNO MAN to learn threading; good wages nald whlla learning; Apply John Bromley A Sons, Lehigh ave. below Front at. VOUNO MAN for typewriting and clerical work; accuracy and neatness required. Ad- urw ai oiu, ij-uaar central. TOUNO MAN for clerical position; stats age, education, experience and salary desired. i , ,xiuicr vgiitrm. UNO MAN who know both vtenorraDhy and 'Sfi? oiT V i m " VwHWlii BQ9 pimun.r, t jj-eayer v,entrai. TOHNQ MAN IN BOOK BTORB. O 481 TOUNO MEN Technically aducatsd (slsotrN cat): shos.axTterlenoa desirable. Apply WesU ern Electrlo Company. Ilth and York. TOUNO MEN FOR PLACES VACATED BY OTl!EHSfWHO ARBONSTOIKB W A 1IANUFACTURINO PLANT. 19 00 TO START AND A CHANCE TO EARN U2.00 to 18 OOVEKLY, ADDRESS D 212. LEDOER OFFICE. tJi-'"J-JJ GENTLEMAN In ra and paper makera' sup pllea business, to lake charge of buying and selllnsti atate age. experience and talarr ex pected. O 843. Ledger Central. ""'" " MILLIE AND HER la HEIij? WANTED MiE Continued from rrtctiino Column, Ceneral SPECIATi.. AUTOMOIIIMl . , Instruction given, day and night, tit expert mechanics at tho oldest and orlclnal Auto School. Repairing In nil lis branches. Tim ing, wlrtnn and 60 road lessons at a very small cost. .,- Ull WUUTII IIHUAU t. r. l-r.i.. FOREMAN,, EXPERIENCED- IN DRAIVN TRESS AND TOOL. WORK. 25! AC COUNTANT, PUBLIC UTILITIES. STREET '"tV.ERA FdsfT ?ONfl OPEN roR Hlplt. (1RADE MEN. BUSINESS SERVICn COM PANY. 1801 LAND TITLE lU'ILDlNO. SITTJATI0N3 WAITED FEMALE RILL CLERK, assistant bookkeeper. 2 years' experience: 19. F 3."3, ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER Young lady wishes position! thoroughly experienced: capable of taking charge; references. O CB, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, clerk. 8 years' experience! ambitious, nccuratei tlO. O 151. Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER 0 years' experience: knowl edge of typewriting, rhone Market 2PB4 J. CHAMBERMAID wishes position, city or coun try; good references. It 23.1. Ledger. Of flee. CHAMBERMAID and laundress. capaMa worn an. with rcferrncn. Overbrook. 00.10. CHAMBERWORK or waiting. rtah:BJ'lllTn Lino pfd.: good refs. Ph. Bryii Mawr 813 J. CLERK Experienced In .general office work, knowledge of bookkeeping and stenography. O 11. Lodger Central CLERK 10 years' exporlencn heavy detail work card Indoxlng syatoms, sales ledger work. O 4ft. lydger Central. CLERK Telephone opernj lor: 3 lenra' exrerl ence. carable. willing. O 68, Lfdter Centrnl. COOK or housekeeper Capabln Scotch Proljl wages tlO. reference. II 305. Ledger Off. COOK Competent white Protestant woman wishes position. O 441. Ledger Central. COOK Swedish Protestant: young girl: smalt family. II 230. Ledger Office. COMPANION-NURSE Neat Amer. woman; good reference. II 800. Ledger Office. DEMONSTRATOR Storo or window; otty or mtisMo; exnsrlsneed. O 41. Ledger Central, Employer's time is saved. by taklns advantage of tho frco aervlco to Ledgor help wanted advertisers. Miss Dean. In tho Commercial Registry Bureau at Ledger Central, has records of young lady anpolcnnts for nil kinds of offlca work, and can usually submit several qual ified applicants quickly. Tell Miss Dean whnt vnu want Walnut or Main 3000. OIRL. colored, wanta housework or cooking. Dickinson 8971-M. 1020 8. 17th st. GOVERNESS, N. Oer,, des engom't nt onro. Ad. care of Mrs. WV S. Ellis. UrynMawr.l'a, HOUSEKEEPER Refined oung lady w1'.11,03 n position In a sontleman'B home: reliable, trustworthy nnd a good manager; city or euburbs. M 81U. Ledger Central. HOUSEWORK Young womnn. white, wishes to do housowork or cleaning. 1.113 Park nve. INFANT NURSE, Prot.: cxp.. capable woman; good reference. II 814, Ledger Office. INrANT NURSE, hospital, cxp.; good ref.; city., country or shore. II:il0.LedgerOff. REPINED col. gTrl wishes row. by day or seam. In fam. 750 S.171h. DJcklnson 0248JT. SECRETARY 8 years"1 exp. coal nnd lronl accurate at figures. Ori0.LeiIgcrCcntraL STENOORAPHER. high "grade, experienced; capjif responsibility. 150. Lcd.Ccntral. STENOORAPHER Rapid typist; accurate on dictation: experienced; 810. O 48. Led. Cen. STENOGRAPHER Younff womnn. unusual abll.. aes. to mane aav. cng. r o. xu.cnw TPTArTiTrn of children's nones, dnnccs. reclta tlons. eeeks engagements. O 50. Led. Cent. PHILA. high school graduate seeks part-tlmo secretarial or responslblo position not rcquir lng stenography. Phono Germantown 5001. YOUNO LADY, student, ds. part titno work: prer. pnysician a omce. u i;u. j-uwer .-ein. YOUNO WOMAN, colored, wants position In apartments. oer half-tlmo. 147 N. Ofthj MEET MRS. MEAD Manager of ths HOUSEHOLD REGISTRY BUREAU She keeps a record of every applicant for domestic work, and can usually place you In touch quickly with nn experienced nurse, governess, cook, chambermaid, waitress and girls nnd women for general housework. This efficient time nnd worry salng serv ice Is freo to Ledger advertise rs. Call at Washington Building. COS Chestnut st. Take elevators to 2d floor, or phono to Mrs. Mead, Walnut or Main 3000. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ABILITY. MANAGERIAL Duke Munyon, son or Doctor Munyon. 14 years' experlenco handling help and sales men, buying advertising spaco and mer chandise, writing advertisements, desires po sltlon. Address 1513 Arch st.. Philadelphia. ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper and general office man. 12 years' experience, desires position; reference. D 18. Ledger Oftlce ATTORNEY, young, with own office, can glvo services and considerable time to real es tate. Insurance, collec.. making searches for liens, etc., or any other business. V 1)49. L.C. BUYER 12 years' experience In sales and purchasing work. In builders' hardware, mill, machinists' and contractors' supplies, has given me excellent training for a posi tion as buyer for estate, mercantile firm or corporation; best references and bond If nec essary, r Oil. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, accountant, stenographer .de sires position: experienced, capable, energetic worker. I 748. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER or assistant, quick and ac curate at figures, wishes position, P 005, Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER. 28, 10 years' experience, com petent and accurate, wishes to mako change. U 231. Ledger Central. BUTLER Young colored man wishes situa tion: best reference D 210, Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR MECHANIC. English, married, age 20, abstainer, 12 years' experience In workshops and private service; any mako cars l have toured practically all Europe and Eastern States of America; excellent refer encea from American and English employ ers: country preferred. Edward Steadman. 1810 McParren at. Phlla. Bell. Tioga 440,1 W CHAUFFEUR MECHANIC, 27. 10 years' cxp. on foreign and American cars; flrst-class references; speaks French. German: sober and steady. F 054. Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR Oood all-round man: good ref.; willing, obliging; .1 years' experience with automobiles. H 813. Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, single, white, wishes position; 10 years' experience: excellent references. liox lau. naveriora. ia. CHAUFFEUR, white, single, good all-round man: beat of refs.; Catholla. D 128. Led. Off. COACHMAN and chauffeur, white, wishes sit. uatlon. city or country; good city driven best of reference. D 132. Ledger Office. COST ACCOUNTANT. 12 years' experience. desires similar connection or offlca position, when knowledge of systematlilng la re quired) preferably In or near Cheater. Q -ttt. Leqgcr central. ELECTRICAL ENOR., practical; his services at any time or place. O 183. Ledger Central. FORMER all-around college athlete, 26. roar rted, on high school faculty, desires suitable position, from July 1 to September 18; pref erably In Philadelphia or vicinity, but will go anywhere. Q 484. Ledger Central. OARDENER. married, wishes situation; flow. era. jvkv-.. . w ,B,a. s ai. ioa.uii. MILLIONS SITUATIONS WANTED MATiB Continued tT6rnJlrteinaCelunn OARDENER or general utility: colored. xj. best reference. II 317, Ledger Offieo. GRADUATE MECTIANICAlJ EN GINEER, with practical, experi ence, desires position with oppor tunity for advancement. .If astls fled, would bo willing to invest cnpital later. Philadelphia, loca tion preferred. O 810. Ledger Central. HEAD WAITER. light colored, wlshea posi tion for summer! A-l man. D 201. Ledger Offlcs , INSPECTOR Wanted, position a Inspector, concrete or other'bulldlng opratlons. Thos. O. Reed, 67 W. Pcmona st. Phono. MAN, mechanically trained, still with ons.of the largest corporations In tho country, tho last 10 ynrs ns a superintendent, desires to change. D 215, Ledger Office. MAN, young, 24, graduate art school, would like- position of any kind with chanco of promotion: highest references. Apply D 200. I-edger Office. MAN, young, with some knowledge of ohcmls trv and high school education, desires. posi tion ns assistant chemist or In chemical lab oratory. O 440, Ledger Central, MAN and wife: man gnrdoner and cen. utility) wife, good cook. II 803. Ledger Office. MAN. young, 25. well educated, desires per manent position; preferably In automobile or electrical lines; good mecnanlenl knowledge nnd experience. 0 4ts. Ledger Central. NATIONAL BANK MAN. 15 yeirs' continuous etper., desires connection with mercantile house: selling preferred: considerable experi ence In meeting pcopto. D 82, Led, Off. SALESMAN Touns man. 80. desires Inslda or trawling position with responslblo tlrmt 8 yenrs' exp.: mechanical tralnlne nnd selling nhllltv. O 245. ledger Central. SALESMAN, experienced, and correspondent, collpgo graduate, 23. wishes new connection; moderate stlnrv. k 310 Ledger Central. PALES MANAGER. WITH MANY YEARS' EXPERIENCE WITH ONE or LARGEST COXIPANIES. WILL OPEN BUSINESS ON PACIFIC COAST. AND WANTS AOENCTES OF HIGHEST CLASS, FOR AUTO MOBILE OR ELECTRtCAL TRADn, CAN REFER TO HIOOE8T'MEN IN FIULvDELPmA. O 230, LEDGER OFFICE. SECRETARIAL bookkeeper and stenographer, yournr man, 23, 3 years' experience, desires position with chanco for advancement. O git. Ledger Centrnl. YOUNO MAN. 20, mnrrlod. who has aoqutred a varied practical and "technical training- In archttectum ond a thorough knowledge, of building mntorlnls, wishes connection whero servlceo will count for most, r 750. Lcdgor Central. YOUNO MAN. 23, 5 vears' business experi ence, factory and nfflco work, high school education, now employed, desires position -.... ftittim n ni7 T.rtrr f7rntml. YOUNO MAN with original Idena wants posi tion with holiday card publisher or similar worK. I imiii, ijuKiir vjmi-u. YOUNO MAN. 10, knowlodro of stenography, desires clerical position: best of roferonces. n .141. Lencer central. YOL'NO MAN wishes clerical position: exper.: knowledge of bookkeeping. V 017. Led. Cent. COMPETENT PHYSICIAN dealreH position with corporation; especially exp. with eye nnd surg. emergencies; best ref. Q 268. Led. Cent. JAPANESE. Al butler, or bachelor's place, en tire charge. D 0, Ledger Offlco. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES WANTED At Mrs. Kano's. 611 S. 10th St.. flrst-class waitresses. J7 to !!' week. J7 nnd J12 cooks, chlldnursi'B. til to JS, housowork girls, nlso girls for chamberwork and wait ing, referenco required. Applv at nnc. Cook, young, competent, good city reference, wishes situation for tho city or country. Spruco34nL MRS. NICHOLLH. 1020 Bulnbrtdgo St., wanta this morning vulots. cooks, waitresses, flrst nnd second chambermaids. ladles' maids. Fronch and German nur.ies. kitchen malda, nousemnlds. l'hono Locust 2130. WANTED At Miss McCnrthy'a olllce. 2107 Christian, cooks, chnmbremalds, waitresses, nurses, housework girls. Prot. nnd Cath, : all nationalities. locust 1313. WANTED Cooks, chambermaids and house work girls. Miss Rose Dougherty, 1313 IV. Olrnnl. . QERMANTOWN. 132 w. Pcnn st. Wnnted. cxp white nnd colored help, all nationalities; (rood wapefl. competent help supplied on short notice. Phono Oermantnwn 4.1.1!. AUTOMOBILES For Snip CADILLAC, 1014, touring car. overhauled and repainted; full equipment; prlco 850. AUTO SALES CORPORATION. 142 N. Broad at. DODGE. 1015. 5-passonger touring: In excel lent condition; new tires, also two extras. 1. f.,3. Ledger Central. HAYNES Limousine. 1012. 4 cyl.: fins condi tion, price f5."0; painted. , LOCOMOBILE. 2.11 1 Market st. Locust 430. II. A. JENKH. Msr. Exchange Car Dept. HUDSONS Rebuilt and guaranteed: phaeton nnd roadsters, electric lights, nnd starters. tlOIIERY-SCIIWARTZ. 2.13 North Broad St. IIUPMOniLE runabout. 1012: thoroughly over hauled; newly painted; new top and Blip covers. S3HO. LOCOMOBILE. 2.114 Market St., Locust 450. II. A. JENKS. Mgr. Exchange Cnr Dept. LOCOMOBILE Llmouslno. 1912, 4 cyl. 30 If. P.: condition guaranteed, paint nnd uphol stery flno: price VJOO. LOCOMOBILE. 2314 Mnrket st Locust 430. II A JENKS, Mgr Exchange Car Dept. LOCOMOBILE Limousine, 1012. 7 pass., beau, tlfullv upholstered: In good condition; J1200. LOCOMOBILE. 2314 Market st I.ocust 450. H. A. JENKS. Mcr Exchange Car Dept. LOCOMOBILE. 1013. 4 cyl. 30 II. P. Torpedo, electric lights & starter; guaranteed; 31000, LOCOMOBILE. 2314 Mirket St. Locust 430. II A. JENKH. Mar Exchange Car Dept. LOCOMOBILE. 1013. 8-4R Touring; rebuilt, repainted: guaranteed, htgh.grade bargain. LOCOMOBILE. 2314 Market at.. Locust 430. it. A. jiiiNivn. .Mgr. i.xcuanga far uept. LOCOMOBILE. 8-48, 4-pass. Torpedo; excel lent condition: very snappy; price 1(1.10. LOCOMOBILE. 2.11 1 Market st , Locust 450. II. A. JENKS. Mar. Exchange Car Dept. LOKIER. 1012. Lakewood model, self Btarter and electric lights. lots of Bpeed; abundance of power: prlco J750. LOCOMOBILE, 2314 Market st. Locust 450. II. A. ji::MKa. aigr. i-jxcnango car uept. MAXWELL Touring. 1014. 0 cyl.. 7 pass.: condition good; price S330. LOCOMOBILE, 2314 Market St.. Locust 400. II. A. Jlilva. Jicr. .xonangs car Dept. OLDHMOBII.E, 1014. 4 cyl. 7 pass. Touring: self-starter and electric lights; paint and Urea flna; bargain. LOCOMOBILE. 2314 Market st. Locust 450, II. a jij.-mup. aigr. i;xcnance uar Dept. OVERLAND. 1013. Model SI: in excellent con dition; two extra tires; will sell for 1430, L 1135, Ledger Central. PAIGE, 1015, 4.36. n... ...- ..., . - MTcellent condition: will demonstratai Iftnn. L HOI. lqgr t-entri. PL'EHLEHS 0-00 Touring. 7 pass.i very spesdy and wall equipped; pries J450. LOCOMOBILE. 2.114 Market at. Locust 450, r t, T lKy LT Q If T.W a -a. -.... ii, 4 Jim -ii4iiihb ar ucpi., PEERLESS Touring, 1912. 6-38; electrla lights and generator; good condition: submit offer. LOCOMOBILE. 2814 Market at.. Locust 450. II. A. JENKS. Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. PREMIER Limousine, good condition; will saint to suit purchaser, I TOO. LOCOMOBILE. .314 Market st. Locust 430, It, A. JENKS. Msr. Exchange Car Dept, AUTOMOBILES For Bala ffenrtmiM from Preceding Column RSATj BAROAINa IN OOOD, SUBSTANTIAL USED CARS PAIon, 1010, demonstrator. ........ $700 TAIOE, 1016, 4-S8, 0-pass. Touring,. 600 PAIOE, 1916, 6-48, Fairfield Tour- , tng ......,....,,.,....,...,. .Bargain PA KITS, 1013, 4-eyllnder. 80 h. p. 6-paesenger Touring " K0 DODOE. 1016, Touring, good condition 800 L07.1ER. 191B. repainted and rebuilt.. 030 OAKLAND. 1010, 8-pass., 4-cyllnder.. 050 OVKHL.VND, 1015, Model 81. In ex- , reliant condition, two extra tires.. 450 BTEARN3 KNIOIIT. 1018, B-passen- cer Touring, Ilka new. ...... Make offer DIOELOW WILLT3Y MOTOR CO. 804 N. Broad sL Ask for MR. BTEVn RODGERS. CLBAIUNCn nALH EXCHANOEJ CARS STEARNS-1CNIOHT, 1013, fl-cyl. 1' pass, starter nnd electrla tights.. ..$800 OLDSMOBILE, 1014, R.pnss. touring.. 000 PACKARD, 1008. 4-eyl. touring 360 PALMER 8INOER. O-eyl.. 7-rass. tour, 600 PIKRCE.ARROW, 0-cyl, dcmlllmouslne. noo STEVENS DURYEA, 0-cyl. llmouslno. .600 WHITE, inta. fl.cyl. 7-paBS. touring.. Inno WHITE. 1911, 4-cyl. 7-pass. touring. .1300 TRUCKS rEDERAL. 1 ton, ttaks body 1000 KRIT delivery 823 PACKARD. 3-ton. van body ROO UNIVERSAL, 2-ton, chassis nno VIM. panrl body: used 3 months 450 OVERLAND dollvcry 400 MACK C-ton, power dump... .1100 THE WHITE COMPANY 210 N. BROAD ST. Ask for MR. O'NDAL. Bell Sprues 1C02. Keystone Raca 1788. A WALTC THROUGH OUR USED-CAR DEPARTMENT WILL SHOW YOU MANY SENSATIONAL SAV1NOS 101 1 irUPMOBILE 82 Coupo Ini4 ABHOTT-DUTROIT Touring 1014 HAVERS Roadster , 1018 KtSSEL KAR Touring 1018 CADILLAC Touring 1012 CADILLAC Touring 1011 CHALMERS Touring 1010 MARMON Touring 1015 Coin Four Sedan 1014 COLE lllc Six Touring 191.1 COl.n six Roadster 1013 COLU Touring DEMONSTRATIONS AND PRICES ON APPLICATION L. B. BOWERS COMPANY COLE DISTRIBUTORS QRANT 243-247 NORTH BROAD STREP. -AAM3bfVTafeaAAga The Proof of t the Pudding SUCCESSFUL men and women tell us that they obtained their start through Ledger Want Ads. You have the same op portunity. Why not put a Ledger Want Ad to work for you? Phone, Writs or Call Ledger OlHce Walnut or Main 3000 'jrwwp'r'i??1; VELTJ3, B passenger, electrlo HxhtB and atart er: Hrst-claas condition. 13.10 Wagner ave. iota nTTTr-Tr nninsrra. sanft Carrier & Harlan, 203 N. 16th. Locust 8480. A BARGAIN. Late modl Wlnton In perfect condition; only run 0000 miles; no reasonable offer re fused; no dealers. APPLY TO V P. HOLLTNSIIEAD, ELKINS PARK. PA. CHASSIS, suitable for light delivery or truck purposes, at very low figures; convenient terms If desired. LOCOMOBILE. 2.114 Market at. locust 430. If. A. JENKS. Mgr. Exchange Car Dept. FOR SALE 1014 Packara. 6 cylinder. 88-h.P.. In very good condition; newly re-covered top; reoentlv overhauled; tires In splendid condi tion; will sell reosonably. Apply R. II. Page. 1002 West End Trust Bldg. SCHOBER ,1341 MARKET. ALL PARTS SEND TOR TREE BULLETIN OF USED CARS GORSON AUTO EXCHANOB,238 N. BROAP Wanted AUTOS wanted for parts. Phlla. Auto Parts Co.. 823 N. 13th st Park 1418. AUTO PAINTING FULLY EQUIPPED auto painting shop will paint or revarnlsh any mako machines third less time and cost than any shop In Phlla.; htgheat grade work guar. Ph. Tioga 2702. Geo. W. Parvls, 1821 Alrdrle at., near Broad and Erie. AUTO HEPAIIUNO CYLINDERS REBORED, new pistons and rlnta furnished, weldings and brazing. II. B. Underwood & Co.. 1025 Hamilton St.. i'hlla. SPEEDOMETER TROUBLES Sea BILLY, at his new location. 010 N. BROAD 8T. AUTO SUPPLIES PARTS to build or repair any carPhlla. Aul Co.. 823 N. lath st. Park 1418. Open Auta Farts ounnty -BEARINOS- New Departure Bervlee Sta. The Qwllltam Co, 1314 Arch st. Ph. Walnut 8407. Race 3062! AUTO TOPS: Blip rovers made to order, M. WEINFIELD, 1408 OXFORD AT, Bell Phono Poplar 884. slightly ussdl all sixes) your own prices. 623-25 N. 13th st. Park 1418, Open Sunday, COopyrlgtit. 1018.) AUTO LIVERY AND UrAKAQES FULTON OARAOn Fireproof 12,000 eq. ft. Btorags Brace. GTIAUFFEUR3 CHAUFFEURS Beforo making a change Inspect our aervlco 8D, OIRARD AVENUE AND FELTON STREET Phone Belmont 1101, TO HIRE (open day nnd night), brand-neivn B-pass. touring car. with robes, U.2.1 hr.t nlso brand-new 7-pass. limousine, weddings, funerals. 1'opiar 117. mo uirara AUTO TIRES SLTOimvr USED UNITED BTATE3 TIRES 82x84 R.8.1 31x4 Q.D.; 84x41 B.B, CARRIER ft HARLAN, 263 N. 16th. AUTO TIRES PULLMAN TIRES Guaranteed 4000 miles. Compars prices. ORIM'S, 230 N. Broad st. MOTORCYOLES AND BICYCLES tlO RICYCLE.eoaster-hrnke, Bllghtly used.valus 125. Walter's Loan Office, lith ft Arch sts BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE 40,000,000 FT. TIMBER Mostly short-leaf pine nntl cypress; 130-ncrc, deep-water mill site, South Carolina. ADDRESS "B" 509 E. 42d St., Baltimore, Md. PA TIT! NTS Send sketch for free opinion -r..LilNlC5. , , patentability. Don't pay exorbitant fees: no ono has better 'fa cilities for doing your work than wo havo nnd our fees nro reasonable. FOSTER & WEBSTER BM" flal 1011 Chestnut st. Bell phone. Walnut 1504. tir,000 COMMISSION can bo made within 00 ilaya everythlnir being favorable for tho salo of 112.1.000 of 7 per cent, stock: pur chasers receiving freo lots to tho extent of 2.1 per cent, of tho purchnso of slock which Is secured by proporty of unlimited value In ono of tho most popular seashoro resorts nn tho const. O 357. Ledger Central. OAS COMPANY now forming a profitable con solidation witn two oinor gas companion , Now Jersey; would llko to negotiate wl ri!,rHa ivhn iitmil.t h. Intnrnatnd Mthsr financing part of tho new construction work or in Handling mo new securities, u suu, Lcdgor Central. HAVE YOU MONEY TO INVEST? For business expansion I need nddltlonsl capital: nssets over S10.000: profits over 100 weekly: I will pav $5 weekly profit on each tlOOO Invested without serv.: this Is over 25 per cent. Interest. O 368. Ledger Central. AN OPPORTUNITY to buy an established second-hand furniture business near 00th nnd Market sts,: other business Interests compel mo to sell. Only 1250 required. L BI3, Ledger Office. WHOLESALE nnd retail bakery, confectionery, lea cream, doing over J60.000 nnnuilly; un der present ownership 33 years: bill nf Bale S5600; reason for solllm;, death. F 344, Lednc r CentraX PICTURE THEATRE, $1300: crowded nightly: JOc. admission: modern: splendid business ncntlon: worth $2,100; legitimate aacr.flce. BARRIHT. 201 N. Broad. WOMAN'S OPPORTUNITY to Join us In sound, profitable business: actlvo woman; weekly In como; Irvcstmcnt necessary. F 013, Ledger Centrnl. DRUO STORE, oldest In Philadelphia; central, bargain to quick buyer. 1" 345, Ledger Centrnl. Business places sold; have buyers. No fees. ARTHUR J. LEUPOLD 424 South 02d. 1218Chestnut t. ELECTRICAL shoo repairing business; good lo cation, a money maker; cause, other busi ness. W. F. Roggentlne, 63.10 Otn. nve. $3 A MONTH secures Interest In growing or chard: will bo produrlng befte paid for. HARRY DARLINC1TON. ls-0 Chestnut st. WEST Indies nnd So. Amer. Spanish-speaking Bnlesman-accountnnt, leaving ohortlv. How enn I represent you? Q 262. Ledger Central. RESTAURANT, central, feeding (100 people a pay; cnenp iierreuinger. ami Arcn. J200 STARTS dean, legitimate profitable busi ness; will pay to Investigate. O 255, Led. Cen. MULTIORAPHINO business for sale; best equlp'nt; excel, clientele. L fl.18, Led. Cent. BUSINESS PERSONALS FULL DRESS SUITS Cutaways. Tuxedos nntl Sack Sulta To hire nnd mndo to order, NEUBAUER. THE TAILOR, 1121 Walnut. Bell phone. Walnut 2018, SUPERFLUOUS HAIR removed by electroly sis, tho only nerrn't way. Eyebrows arched, MISS SMITH. 402 Keith Theatre Bldg. Miss IIoppc, hnlrdres'r. facial maR'gc. man leur'g. form. Mint Arcade, with Miss Smith. DIAMONDS BOUOHT Bank reference. Aprnlsement. 1t HARRY W. SMITH, 717 SANSO.M STREET. FOR SALE BILLTARD. TOOL, combination, second-hand, bought, sold, rented exchanged: repairing; Buppltes. Lafo Keafer. American mantifac turer, .120 Olrnrd nve. Thonn Ken s. 2315. BILLIARD, pool tables: new. second-hand bowl. Ing alleys; easy payments. Rosntto-Barry. Street Co.. 222 S. 8th st.: phone, Wnl. 22S1. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES Also bowling allevs: easy payments. BRUNS. WICK.BALKE-COLLENDER CO.. 1002 Arch CASH REGISTERS, bought, sold, lensed. exchanged, repaired, replated Supplies. New and factory rebuilt. New total adders, oa low ns 130. Call nnd see our 1010 models. Reglst-rs Bold and leased by us on easy payments nnd fullv guaranteed. THE NATIONAL CASH REOISTER Co. 730 CHESTNUT STREET DESKS, filing cahlnets, ssres. telephone booths and ofTIco furniture nnd fixtures of every de scription: used, but In fine condition, nnd very cheap; freo delivery anywhere. nuuimr. tun Ami iiuttonwoop DESKS. Iarg assortment; also household fur niture. Puling Centrnl Second. hand Furnl- ture Lompfny. ui-it uo-nn uailownill St. HONEY Delicious extracted honev. direct from beekeeper; $1.8.1 per gallon 12 lbs.); $1 per 'i gallon: delivered by parcel post; satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. .. iv. iniatTufr. iv. u. u. jancaster. l'a. SATES, fireproof; closing out slightly used; all Blxea 8s makes: blar bargains. 2lD N. Fourth. VICTROLA records April list Just received. BELLAK 1129 Chestnut. 1000 Feet of Office Partitions AT VERY LOW PRICES. ' Painted Glazed Erected AT YOUR PLACE. Weiss Manufacturing Co. 450 N. 12th st. Phones Pop. 1008; Race 153B. FINE VIOLIN, excellent tone, with two good bows and leather case; will sell outfit cheap. M HIS. Ledger Office. ; BOO TRUNKS, bags and suit cases. S2.50 un. nil makes and KTadesl exeentlnnat value Walters' Loan Off.. S. B. cor. 11th ft Arch. JO MANDOLIN. 42 ribs; perfect condition; value 118. WALTER'S LOAN OFFICE. E. c. cor .urn ana Arcn. EVEN DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY POTTER SCHOOL orTRESSMATCINO rvATT.V A Tan pvl'rtrvn ac-aatrvvn ,i liivr .-:'-' .- '--" '--;"--'- H.1.1 UlltAUU AVE. POPLAR 0374 THE OLDEST newlng Brhool In Phlla.; sew for yourself and others whllo learning: dty and oyenlng rlnssesJlnekenhelmer. 1317 N. 11th. the Mcdowell DREssMAKfNo school Short, practical, Inexpensive courses. 807 Denckla Bldg., 11th nnd Market ats. DRESSMAKING taught from any pattern, morn, nnd nft. sessions. Send for rlr. Colum bian Dressmaking School, 1730 Columbia ave. HEATING MAKEV-KELSEY HEALTH HEAT Is better nnd cheaper than steam or hot-water. Pure fresh nlr with normal moisture. MAKIN KELSBY. 0 N. 18th St., Phlla. INSTRUCTION flOC. PR1VATB LESSONS In Spanish at your homo. Wrllo Prof. Oil berto, 1008 N. Ilth. TOUNO MAN U. of P. honor grad. des. pos. ns teacher In .school or tutoring, O 440, Ledger Central. MACHINERY AND TOOLS IN YOCOM ANTI-rittCTION METAL for Un Irg machine bearings vnu nro bum of secur ing tho most durable nnd Ijest In every wav. IRON nr.d BR SS FOUNDRYS. 145 North Bccord. JAMES YOCOM & CON. COMPLETE POWER PLANTS designed nnd erected; new nnd used power plant ma chinery in stock. Power Equipment Co., englneers. 1218 Chestnut at, TWO TO-lIP. hollers, ono 60-H.P. Corliss onglne, ono 4-II.F. upright, ono hot-water licnlor nhd two pumps, nlso hlowors. In qulro of engineer, basement, 54 N. flth at. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, hollers, steam and oil en Bines, pumps, nlr rotnpressors, FRANK TOO.MEV. Inc., 127 N. 3d St. PLANER 30-ln. x ,10-ln. x 8-ft. Amrrlrnn two-bends- will tell cheap. L. F. Seyfcrt'B Sons, 437 N Sil st. DYNAMOS, motors nnd machinery bought. Bold nnd rented, nrmatures repaired. Main 01. Mnrket 300,1. Yearsley Co., 221 N. 3d st. TEN-FOOT Ohl power squaring rhcars; 30, M, 61 powor squaring phenrs. NUTTALL, 1718 N. 3TH CONCRETE MIXER. In splendid condition: B cuhlo feet batch hopper: no uso for It; will sell at bargain. Address L 818, Ledger Off. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ANNIVERSARY SALE OF TIANOS HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES W aro holding our DlBt anniversary sale at our Uptown Stores, corner 0th nnd Thompson eta., whero tho great Ileppo busi ness vvns founded by Mr. C, J. Hcppo in 1805. It Is now tho oldest piano atore in Philadelphia, yot the most modern and pro gressive north of Chestnut street. Over 12,000 square feet nro devoted to the retailing of htgh-grado pianos and vlctrolns: tho largo volumo of Bales proves that tho Ileppo policies nnd standards drnw patronngo even to Oth nnd Thompson sts. from tho Uttermost parts of Philadelphia. Tho April Bala IncludeB: 600 now pianos nt prices from 29 to B0 per cent, lower than tho prices In storea with n sliding scalo of ptIccb. II player-plnnos, slightly used, at 160 to $100 below original prices, beginning nt S3.10. 40 upright pianos by nil tho prominent makers, tnken as part payment on pianola Pianos., viz., Chlckerlng, Lester, Blaslus. Schnmacker. etc., nt $75, $85. $00, $110, etc. 25 upright pianos, Heppe-made, with three sounding boards, reduced from $50 to $100 bolow regular prices. 5 self-player attachments for pianos will fit any piano nt $3.1, $50, $75, etc, Sovernl phonographs, slightly used, at half prlco. Terms, $5 monthly and upwnrd. Call or wrlto for largo Illustrated cata. logues. HEPPE'S UPTOWN STORES. COR. OTH AND THOMPSON STS,, Philadelphia, Pa. pianos and player-pianos. heppe's uptown stores, cor. (itu and thompson hts. 185 CHICKERINO UPRIOHT PIANO. HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. OTH. OLD GOLD OLD GOLD, sliver, platinum, plated ware, old fltylo Jewolry, teeth plates bought for cash. Est. 1870. J. L. Clark, refiner. 807 Sansom. CASH PAID TOR DIAMONDS, TRECIOUS stones, gold, silver, platinum, false teeth. Phlla. Smelting ft RcL Co., 12S S. Ilth at. ROOFING AND IRON AWNINGS LET US ESTIMATE to coat your roofvand guarnnteo It 10 yeara. AMERICAN P.OOFINO CO., 153.1 Ridge ave. STORAGE CONTINENTAL STORAOE WAREHOUSE 20TH ST. ABOVE CHESTNUT , PACKING. MOVINO, SHIPPING Rues, Carpets cleaned, scoured, stored. Bell, Locust 1000 Phones Key., Race 4100. PENN STORAOE AND VAN CO. 2130 MARKET ST. FIDELITY FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES 1811-1810 MARKET ST. ATLAS STORAOE WAREHOUSE Storage, moving, parking. Bhlpplng. carpet cleaning. I'll. Paring 7.12 for estimate. Market ft 37th. JXEgl P.!!H'A' MONARCH STORAOE CO. JKG2I r.!'!I'A. Auto Packlnc nnd Shipping. Wl2ST-JMl!I'A12H-n LANCASTER AVE. McCANN'S STORAOE HOUSE. 1748 N. Ilth ?.':.. 'o''" Packing, shipping: auto vans. Both phones. Let lis estimate, FIREPROOF, Mothproof, Concrete Warehouse, ftnoo rooms. $1 n month. Estimates freo. N. Phlla. Storago Co., 205:t Lehigh. Tlo.72.10. STORAOE Moving by auto vnns. Hacking. Bhlpplng. . Lovln Bros,, 2048 Rldgo nvo. Phone Toplar 0021. WANTED ANTIQUE china, furniture, old glass, bronxes, pictures, embroidery. Oriental goods, old Bllver. Shefileld. pewter and Chinese curios. Try HUSSEL. Will call. 112(1 Pine. Wal.2023 ANTIQUE FURNITURE, falso teeth, feather beds, broken Jewelry, gold, silver, diamonds bought. 73.1 Walnut. Walnut 7020. Est. 1B68. BROKEN JEWELRY.ralso teeth, pistols, coins Coin books, with prices I pay.mnlled 15c. J. It. Boss (People's Store). 200 B. Ilth. Wal. 4480. CAST-OFF CLOTHINO On account of ths big demand wa have had for cast-off clothing we nre compelled to pay tho very best possible prices for thess goods In order to replenish our stock. Be. fore selling your clothes, shoes, etc.. It will pay you to get our prices. We call anywhers at any time. Call wrlto or phone Poplar 0343. COOPER 1010 Olrard nve. CAST-OFF CLOTHINO WANTED Special high prices paid for- men's clothes. Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits. Write, call or phone Wal. 0805. Schultz. 241 N. oth. CAST-OFF CLOTHING Wa buy your old clothing and pay mora than other dealers for clothing, hats, Bhoes, etc Pure, 508 Callowhlll at. Send postal. CAST-OFr CLOTHINO Highest prices paid for ladles' and men's clothing, hats, shoes, etc.: phone Pop. 3S1 Blad.erj1230JPop.lar. FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MODERN AND ANTIQUE Desks, office furniture, all kinds of store fixtures, partitions, stocks of merchandise, etc. Bell, Walnut 161 Key., Race 6515 D. THE PATTEN CO., 1127 Arch st. ANGELS HAVE THEIR PECULIARITIES WANTED Continued rom Prtecdlno Cnt-imi FURNITURE, pianos, carpets, antiques enttrt nr pnrv nouses nougm ror cssn; no matter how large. J, Bernstein, 13.14 Rlddgs ave. "OLD silver, platinum, diamonds bought. D. .niiiuiey, jteiinpr, nn ransom st. win can. OLD GOLD Cash, pa Id. for old gold, silver, nntlquo clocks: will call. Bell phone, Locust 1210. ROGERS. 27 8, 17th Bt. VICTROLAS WANTED Highest prices paid for slightly used tI t, prices paid.. for slightly used tI chines: nil calls promptly attended to, s L .109, ledger Office. iiik inncn Anoress ; WANTED, from 6000 to 60,000 second-hand hard bricks: quoto price. F 004, Ledger Office. ENTIRE furnishings of your home or apart ment bought Turner. 2228 Natrona st. ROOMS FOR RENT BROAD. N., 8315 2 beautifully turn, rooms nnd prlvnto bath; electricity; phone. BROAD. N.. 101ft Communicating front rooms: sitting roonK electric light: porch. CHESTNUT. 1001 Very desirable second floor suite. Phone Locust 731. CHESTNUT. 2007 WELL FURNISHED .. ROOMS; PERMANENT Oft TRANSIENT. CHESTNUT. 200.1 Attractive) rooms, single or en suite; private bnth; run. water; rsf. CHESTNUT ST.. 2010 One or two rooms, with or wunout private patn. CHESTNUT, 3701 Beautiful furnished rooms. OIRARD AVE.. W.. 1.113 Furn. nnd unfurn. communlcatIng rooms. Apply after 4. GREEN, 1612 Newly furn. rooms, single or en suite, bath, modern convR.i reasonable. LEHIGH, V 1027 nirnlshed rooms, with board; all convs. ; prlvnto family; phons. LOCUST, . 1603 VERY NEAT BINOLB ... ROOM: S10 TBR MONTH. OXFORD ST.. 1401 Largo room, adjoining bath, u nfurn Ished . WALNUT, 4311 Furnished or unfurnished, second nnd third floor rooms; large, sunny and well ventilated; 2 baths: low rates to desirable persons for tho summer. Preston 14.12. WALNUT. 4107 Cheerful rooms, fur., slngl or en suite: board optional. Preston 0170. 10TH, S., 300 (opp." Clinton) Rooms, with and without hflthfr. Walnut 0044. 13TH. N.. 1307 Nicely furnished rooms, parlor for professional men; reasonable. 15TH. 8., . 2300 ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR men employed In navy. Dickinson 3028 R. 10TH ST.. H., 120 Nicely, furnished nlry rooms; ran minnny ami wceKqay evenings. 10TIL N., 2523 Prlvato family will rent 2d- story front room. Diamond -obi iv. 40TH, N 84 FURNISHED 2D ft 3D FLOOR ROOMS; NEAR "L"I PHONE. 50TH. N., US Deslrablo front room: flna Iocs- tlon: nil conveniences: phone. THE CHILTON, .1218 Baring nt Mrs. Hells McLaln. mgr. 2 let-floor rooms. Including light, hent nnd gas, $35; suitable for dentist or physician. OWNER will rent 2d-floor room reasonabls to lady employed: 5 minutes to 40th St. "I" Baring 130.1 R. DIAMOND APTS Secord-story front, private bath: reaaonable.Apply 3024 Diamond St. OWNER will rent hacholor apt., 2 rooms, bnth. fireplace. 2022 Spruce. Loc. 1088 J. BOARDING ARCH ST., BIOS Attractlvo 2d frontl reason.; table unsurp.; refined; near 52d Bt. "L" ph. CHESTNUT ST.. cor. 20th IThe Margrave) Vacancies, perm, or transient: sup, board. SPRUCE. 1029 Furnished or unfurnished rooms, prlv. baths, electrla light, hot-water heat, excellent service, phone; table hoard. SPRUCE. 1224-20 Furnished rooms: private baths: table board. Walnut 7171 W. SPRUCE ST.. 1(128-30 2d floor suite: private bath; cholco table board. Walnut 7255 W. SPRUCE, loirj Double, single rooms; spring ratca: week or day: elevator. . SUBURBAN , 4 MASONIC AVE.. Ardmnro. Pa. Attractive. rooms; private bnth If desired: tablo board. rhono Ardmoro 120. Train, trolley. WAYNE AVE,. 4502 Room, board, conv. to trnln and trolley. GcrmnntownJ 779 J. BOARD WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN wants room nnd bonrd In exchnngo for sewing: good Beam stress, dressmaker, tailor. Q 140, Led. Cent. SANITARIUMS DEAUTIFUL location: epectal Bclenttflo ears; nervous, elderly: every comfort: nurses; booklet. Dr. Randal. City line. Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS THE PARKSIDE 40jn "" -.XIJ-I X ilXX01Xi-l OIRARD AVE). OPPOSITE FAIRMOUNT PARK. Four lines of cars: convenient to all section! of tho city: nil lnrgo outsldo rooms. uuisins particularly nurnciivo. mi HONE BARING 221. West Philadelphia 4020 CHESTNUT ST. Unfurn.. two largo, bright rooms, kltchenotte; bath, electrla light, steam heat: near "L": $25 monthly. SATTERLEE, 45th and Chestnut Sublet. beautifully furn. npt. rhono Bar. 1107 R. Suburban THE ATHENS 2-room suites, bath, kitchen etto. fur, or unfur.; board. Ardmoro 1824. FURNISHED APARTMENTS LION HEAD ""-is locust. Div-n Ji-Uf-L' Apt of 3 room. na btn West Philadelphia SATTERLEE APTS.. 45th and Chestnut nisnea opts, ror rent. Baring n7 FI1RNSHED apartment to sublet at Sherwood. aom ana cnestnut sis, rn. t-reston, iosu APARTMENT HOTELS ALDINE HOTEL gg&gT The best rooms and suites, with the best-table, in Phila. Day, Week, Month, Season, Year TIIE DELSfAR.MORRIB OERMANTOWN AT CHELTEN AVE. 8TATI0N. PBrTNA. RAILROAD: 20 MINUTES FROM BROAD ST. TERMINAL. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN. FURNISHED SUITES AND HOUBBKEEU. INQ APARTMENTS, HOTEL COLONIAL "ggff Newly decorated and refurnished through out: comfortably furnished parlor, bedroom and bath by tha day, week or month, at rea sonabls rates: service and cuisine unexcelled. WM, P. KENN13Y. Manarer. THE COVINOTON CHESTNUT AND 87TH JBT8, R. F. ENGLE. MANAGER. Also ths Engleslde, Beach Haven. N. , Choice two-room auttes for rent. THE GLADSTONE l"&$min FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED , ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE TRACT PERMANENT OH TRANSIENT GUE3T3 30T1I AND CHESTNUT THE DASHWOOD 1808-1810 Chestnut street. Rooms with bath) single and In auttes. .2: "'1 irwood, v T T IBy!uE! ANC6L rtS,,U;A5'veRY JUDGING QYTH'lS-j rrUAT NFUl COQYt i sne5eeMs-To8e AyeRY rsice 6O0 DTCMPeRED I ONLY TRUST UeCONPTHATi BIN.V I LL NOT LIVE INTHESAMC, YOU SOT IS A C0RKe LUCKY TO GT AUMI OF DUCK. CllC'r- v trr. .. I .SHE HAS NO VflTH ACL MY HOUSe WIDTHOT HCR. SEVERAL i-ni-j rjc.-uci-.i pECULlARlTieS HeAP.i; old yrupo i.iflMCW ' peRSONTOO ANIMAt Boy itWANTeD'HeR.r1 '?. 7T"T r 7 fvflW'T I T I r h DFOmrJTnn. J - .. ' 7 Rav . J . o t Vv 1 a. r -i W w s-- j- k-m i . ii -'" -4w j --- 1 v ; . --- r r,. -.,,-.. ;. i i i rv j?v i IBV C J ' j -Z ; ) uCI UUI Yt. . ' . &?&K J 1 "m p. " it ? ' ',HWMiiiJ'n-fc,1lEB--t-- Til i iiUV-i WW .inniiin mi ,1 nr.-i i-itLi.ii 1 y.l), TiTj d n mpym m - - - ---.- .---t-,.tf ...,., n.Hr-'.--Wn ...n , .-..-J-. -- " JHfLilfj1ir"1 .. ... ' u - - -innT ITTI-CUM II) I. J." . I 1 IT" III I i IIIIH I Fill Wf I. Ill n i-iirnrini .