Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 07, 1916, Final, Page 11, Image 11

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    -"Sp- --is FW
-vr -
HAD tho broker not said It wna wrong
to rob n widow. Thank God, ho hud no
children. Ilia jvlfe, a good woman, would
not miss him lone. Sho lind tho Chest
nut HIU homo nnd her soclnl frlenda.
Then there was tho Inaurance money. No
ono would ever know but that he had
died from heart disease. He smiled grim
I)' nnd Razed dully nt the board aa ho
thought how well ho had planned every
thing In ndvancc.
Ho kept thinking about Velaijqucz. For
two daya ho had tried In vain to see him.
Tho mysterious houso In West Philadel
phia had seemed deserted that morning.
No uso to turn Velasquez over to tho
police. It was ho, Dlrdscye, who had
stolon. Then thero wero thoso blueprlns.
It would nover do to speak of that. Ho
lind betrayed a sacred trust. He put hla
hand Into an Insldo pockot nnd drew forth
a sealod letter. It was addressed! "Craig
Andrews, executor John Montgomery
estate." Ho thought of tho old gentleman,
his dead employe!. Ho shlvcfcd.
Ho put his hand Into his waistcoat
pookot nnd fished up a plcco of crystal
wrapped In paper. As he opened It
furtively it looked llko n glass lozenge.
It wna a pellet of cyanldo of potash. He
felt damp alt over. Years before, when
working at a gold smoltor laboratory In
tho Southwest, ho recalled he llrst en
countered the poison. Hla jovcrlo was In
terrupted. The cnshlcr passing nodded
friendly llko, nnd said to him: "Good
day, Mr. Blrdsoyo." Tho fat man hesitat
ed no longor. Ho slid tho whitish crystal
Into Ills mouth; ono gulp, and It was
down. Ho was sure tho board boy saw
1 him.
And staiinr at the figure on tho board,
middenly they bogan to dance before his
eyes. A sharp pain sclz'd htm In tho
region of the heart. Tho letter to An
drews felt from hla Angers to tho floor.
Ho felt himself fado away Into a groat
watting world. He was off Into unknown
npaco. His lips moved, and tho man In
tho next chnlr heard him whisper:
"Never rob widow."
Thoy thought him asleep. It was 3
o'clock and tho stock markot had closed.
After taking off his short apron, with
outside pockets for chalk, tho board boy
camo closer and called him. No answer.
Then Harrison camo out of his prlvato
office, and noting tho deathly pallor on
Blrdseyo's fnco sent for a physician.
Onco Blrdseyo had given tho board boy
a bill. Tho boy said nothing about tho
whlto crystal ho had seen glisten In tho
fat man's hand. Ho was not sure. It
might havo been a coughdrop or a piece
of alum, '
Harrison the broker picked up Blrds
eyo's letter to Craig Andrews. His sur
mlso was correct. So ho slipped tho sealed
letter Into a largo envelope along with a
cablegram from Bio Janeiro, which he
ponclled "confidential." He sent them
over to tho lawyer's ofllca before tho ar
rival of tho physician. He was a wise
A Modern
Dear Children Tho flower days arc
them, and so I am going to tell you a story, so sit very still.
Onco upon n time thero was a very beautiful lady, and sho used to go
to the East Sldo in the great city of New York carrying flowers for tho
Wasn't that a beautiful thing for tho beautiful lady to do ?
Well, ono daj as sho was walking along the streets where the houses
aro not very beautiful and where there nro lots and lots of children living all
huddled up in ono houso sho met some boys. They saw the flowers nnd tried
to take them away from tho beautiful lady.
Wasn't that a rude thing to do?
Tho beautiful lady wasn't a bit frightened, but said: "Boys, I am so glad
you have como to help mo carry these flowors to tho children, for sometimes
tho little people try to take them away from mo and I want you to pro
tect me."
The boys were so ashamed that they ono and all agreed to go with tho
beautiful lady, and when sho arrived at the settlement houso sho invited them
in, and they went, and not only then, but many times after that.
Many, many of tho children in largo cities never seo tho grass nnd many
of them tako littlo pieces of flowers which have been given them and savo
the littlo bits for many days. Such, dear children, is tho message of tha
flowers, and as tho warm days como wo are going to ask you to gather
flowers for our hospitals and send them from The Rainbows and nnd per
haps it will make tho beautiful lady happy when she hears what we have done,
for your editor always thinks of her when the flower time comes.
You must all try to find tho message of tho flowers.
Children's Editor, Evening Ledger.
Our Postoflice Box
Toung Robert Beaumont, Mt Airy,
has much to say to hla fellow members.
Let his own Interesting letter speak for
itseir: -x. nave a
robin house and have
found that apples
will attract more
robins than bread
will I expect to
build a martin house
and place It on a
high pole. I am
very much interested
In wireless and have
an outfit that really
catches messages. I
Wish to send a mes
sage to Heth Hlor
dan, pf Webster
street, who also
tj QF&
robt liWAUMONT. knows something
.bout wireless. Here It is:
I also want to send an "English mes
sage and that Is "Love to all the Rain
bows." We know Heth Itlordan will send
a speedy reply to this message. Any
other "wireless outfits" that catch it are
welcome to forward a return "dot and
Way down In Florida, where she has
ben spending- the winter, Mildred Mote
beard .about the Rainbow Club through
th 'faithful letters of her little friend,
Mrothy Batten. The very first thing
rfe did when she returned to her home
i Woodbury, N. J., was to send In her
pledge. A welcome to you and a "thank:
you" to Dorothy.
Ethel Stonemetx. Stiles street, wants
If yea vrnt to earn woner after
echool sad ob Batardure, writ la
Sfartucr Smith.
j -?
CopyrUht. ieiO. Tha Puiimo Linotn Company.
broker, a very smart man. And h know
Andrews and his worth.
Later, when tho physician gavo "paraly
sis of tho heart nnd opoplcxy" as tho
cause of death, Harrison readily con
curred. "No autopsy necessary," said tho doc
tor, half Inquiringly.
"Oh, no I" said tho broker. "Hla ex
treme corpulence Indicated apoplexy. His
heart must hnvo been wcakl ono of oUr
best customers, too. Very sad for his
On account of Blrdseyo's great bulk,
two men, who camo nflcr tho doctor had
gono to report to tho Coroner, found dif
ficulty In getting tho body, Into tho ele
vator and out of tho building.
Thore wero short obltunrlcs In the final
editions of tho evening newspapers about
tho prominent citizen whoso heart gavo
out In a well-known broker's oftlco.
Tho Vanishing Vclnsnucz.
IT WAS thnt stinging phrnso "no busi
ness oxpcrlcnco or capacity," released
from Its prison in tho cryptic cross, that
most nettled Monto Crlspcn. Ho won
dered If that aa tha popular Impression
A New
Edgar Rice Burroughs
story begins
Rend this thrilling narrative by
tho author of "Tarzan" and "At
tho Earth's Core." It is called
"Under the Moons of
regarding hetrs In general, nnd ho found
a crumb of comfort In tho conclusion It
was. They say tho Zeppelin raids on Lon
don stimulated onllstment.
Tho Immediate effect of criticism upon
our young multimillionaire was to causa
him to express his rago after tho fashion
of Leo. tho gront lion nt tho Zoo In Fnlr
moun Park; I. c , walk It off. Monto made
a dozen turns In tho study room of his
homo beforo ho spoke to Craig Andrew,
tho lawyer, nnd Agent W., tho Depart
ment of Justlco Investigator, both en
grossed tn discussing tho solution of tho
cryptogrnm mado by lilnna, tho codo ex
pert, tho night before.
"No uso trying to got expcrlonco out of
books," Monto finally observed. "Dopo,
yes; experience, no. Next weok finds ma
In Kensington. Aro you rendy to plant
mo where I can get hold of things?" Ho
addressed Andrews.
"Only waiting for you to say tho word
iriy boy," approved tho lawyer. "I know
Just the family for you to llvo with. Then
It's next week. This Is Thursday. "Well,
that's settled."
"Hoi ho!" laughed Agent W., now a
Fairy Tale
coming nnd wo want to be ready for.
This Is
the Way
We Grew
November, 0 Member
December, 3,000 Members
January, 13,000 Members
February, 25,000 Members
March,40,000 Members
to send in Jokes. We will be pleased
to receive and to publish them If we
think other Rainbows will enjoy them.
Alice .McLaughlin, Gloucester! N. J.,
sends in the names of Klizabeth and Will
lam Thlckston aa her jlrst member. Alice
Is working very hard to get 35 members,
and of course she Is going to succeed.
Bertha Shalvltz. South 4th street, has or
ganized a "Rainbow Composition' Club."
Please send particulars. Bertha, so that
others may follow out this original little
Your editor acknowledges with appre
ciation drawings and stories from George
Thomas. South 58th street; lilchener
Slner, Hast Johnson street ; Bettlna AveUa,
South 7th street ; Maurice Lang, Egff Har
bor, and Henry Horensteln, Wlnton street.
The "gratitude department" resistors
Ua following names : Mary Bllotta, Dickin
son street; J Cohan, Lynton Howett. West
,th street, Wilmington, Del Charles
'Ecark. Snyder avenue, Helen Hauber,
JJorth Id street Ruth Burt B Sterner
street : Francis Magulre, North Parle avt
nui Wley Montgomery. Cross street,
aad. George Thomas, South 6th street
grent favorite with Monte. "So onco
ngnln wo will have 'Mr. Taller, tha ef
ficiency expert Ilcmember what I said
about store clothes, and soft-pedal man
ners; there la more balanced courtesy nt a
10-ccnt plcturo show In the mill district
than In J3 seats at tho opera."
"I won't stand for that," dissented
Monto, "nnd I am no snob."
"Anyhow tho Kensington ladle take
their hats off without making a fuss about
It, and they don't talk during tho show,"
snorted tho Government official with a
grin Ho changed from banter to dead
"if anybody la going to pull off strikes
and labor difficulties nt tho Crlspcn Toc
tllo Mills you should make It your busi
ness to get In on the ground floor. I hnvo
no doubt but tho secret police of nt least
thrco nuropoan government havo tho
photographs of every man In tho Ameri
can Secrot Service. That 1 our greatest
handicap. My Judgment Is thnt the Slg
vny gang Is operating Independently of
nny foreign power; simply a band of In.
ternatloi.al crooks, under a daring leader,
that has taken ndvnntngo of tho war and
como to Amortca with a variety of com
missions. You nro Just the man to give
these rabcals n good battlo. Bend tho
messngo of tho cryptogram over again."
With meticulous caro, Monto scanned
tho rcvlsefl communication, nmpltflcd now
with connecting word supplied by tho
Inwyor and Agent W. It ran:
llcgardlng tho properties hctd n
trust for Montgomery Crlspon:
At tho Iron works tho west milt has
been doublo mlnod with extra heavy
dynamite charges, to bs exploded by
wireless. Tho men on this Job aro 33,
84, 28, 68 nnd 77.
At the tcxtllo mills strikes for high
er wage and shorter hours havo been
arranged. Tho men nt thla task aro
OS, 35 nnd 77.
At tho shipyard opposition to tho
now nnvy progrnm will have Its effect
In keeping tho plant from getting new
business. Tho men nt this task aro
35 and 77.
Negotiation aro progressing with a
company official who seeks to Impair
tho vatuo of all tho properties so as
to buy them at a cheap price, when
Montgomery Crlpen nunllflos as
actual owner under his unclo's will. I
An yet tho threo men wero unaware of
the grlpplngly dramatic event:) thnt had
transpired In and about tho Velasquez
Houso of Mystery, In West Philadelphia;
nor had they heard of tho death of Lemuel
Blrdseyo, tho weak link In tho Montgom
ery chain of employes.
Thero nro somo compensations after
nil In bolng a reader, nnd having advance
Information upon events n they unfold.
"Whllo you and Andrew nro chiefly
conccrnea with tho threat against tho tex
tile mills, nnd tho Intimation that you
have a ronegado on tho payroll," spoke
up Agent W. "I nm most Interested In
these numbers.
Willie Widc-a-Wake's Thoughts
Wlllle-wlde-awake Just couldn't help
yawnlnc and nfter ho had yawned one
million times (It seemed to him) ho said
to himself: "I wonder what makes mo
By and by he tumbled Into bed and
lay vory still a lone time, yawnlnu onco
every minute, until until ho went fast
asleep. After ho had been In Dreamland
over so long, ho heard a scratching on
the window, nnd looking up saw the Good
Dream Fairy tapplntr the window softly
with her diamond-pointed wand
Wlllle-wlde-awake hopped out of bed
and let tho Oood Dream Fairy In, and ns
he did so sho said: "I know what makes
you yawn."
Willie was so surprised he almost
tumbled off tho edge of tha bed. "How
did you know I wanted to And out why
I yawn?"
"You did not say It out loud, either, did
you?" asked tho Good Dream Fairy.
"No," answered Willie, thoughtfully.
"Well," replied tha Good Dream Fairy,
"I saw your thought"
"What did It look llko?" naked Willie,
so surprised that his big brown eyes al
most popped out of his head
"It waa a henutlftil littlo tt.n.,u .ti.
question marks all around It and a won
derful turquoise right in the centre. The
question marks showed mo that you
wanted really to learn and come day I
will tell you why you (and others) yawn,
but It would tnko me a long, long time,
besides, children do not like to bo told
about themselves and "
"But I DO like to know about myself
and other children do, too," said Willie-Wide-awake.
"That is Just what I wanted to find
out," answered the Good Dream Fairy.
"One thing I will tell you. however, you
always yawn nine tiny minutes before
you go to sleep."
"Then I must have gone to sleep a
mllllon'tlmes already tonight," said Willie,
"for I yawned almost that many times."
Just then Father Sun shone in Willie's
eyes and woke him up. Now, wasn't that
Drawing Class News
The honors In last Saturday's drawing
class were awarded as follows : First, Louis
Kramer, Catherine street; second, Walter
Eccleston. Pulaski avenue; three, Charles
Kraft, Myrtlewood Btreet ; fourth, William
Midler, Baltimore avenue, Those who wish
to join the drawing class please report
promptly at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon,
April 8, ltoom 101. 60S Chestnut street.
The instruction h free.
Things lo Know and Do
1, What Is coal?
2, Why have bees stlngsT
3, Name some piece of furniture In your
room which, has a foot! For little peo
, Eveninq Ledger:
I wish to become a member of your
Rainbow Club. Please send me a. beau
tiful Rainbow Button free. I airrea
Name , .i. .,.,,.,.,
Address .. ....i... ,.,.., ,.,,,
School 1 attend .,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,....
HtlTtE Is a simple nnd very practical blouse of crepe do chine. It I quite suitable
far the business girl or her buttcrlly Bister, for the lines nro plain nnd the quality
of tho material la good. A yoke from which box plaits fall, giving a becoming
fullness, constitute tho front of the blouse. A vest and collar of tho same material are
fastened tilth pearl buttons. The collnr I convertible Tho sleeves nro bishop models,
and the shoulders nro slightly dropped. Just enough bo to gla distinction, Turnover
cuffs are nlso fenturcd. Tho model cornea In whlto, mnbo or flesh color at 2.95.
The sportn lint ehoun In fashioned of peanut straw with the new quilt edgo of
bright green nllk. A beaded ornament of garnet nnd black stonos Is seen at tho
front of tho rather high crown In any other color combination desired, tho price la $10
Tho nnmo of tho shop where thoo articles may bo purchased will bo supplied
by tho Editor of tho Woman's Pago, Evbnino LnDonn, 608 Chestnut street The
tcquost must bo accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope, nnd must mention
the data on which tha artlclo nppcared.
Get Busy! Fix That Leaky Spigot!
TT IS only tho "idle rich'
X n plumber for hi time on such a small
Job as a "leaky" spigot, so boforo the
brown stain on your whlto poreclaltf basin
gets nny darker fix tho thing for ourBclf.
On your way homo to-
iVrt m night ston at tho hard
cvnvr aj ,, . ,,,- invnt r.
cents In various slzo fi
bre washers for spigots
rjfee ei (unless you know tho
'JCtfrw raj exact alzo which you
ifrOMixe CW will need) and a mon-
Typc koy wrench. If you havo
not altxadj. got one, then start out to fix
thoso "leaky" faucets
First, visit tho cellar with your monkey
wrench, find tho m.iln water supply pipe
which usually runs from the street
through thp foundation wall, locate thu
stop cocl: and turn tho hnndlo at right
nuclei to the pipe, which will shut off tho
water. If the handle sticks, use tho mon
key wrench.
N.oxt travel to tho defective fnucot.
loosen cap nut (d) with tho wrench and
unscrow tho "stem" (o). Using a screw
driver, take out tho screw at the end
of tho "stem" (don't lose it) nnd discord
Friends of the Rainbows
Stamps for Rainbow Collectors
1000 mlifd for 30 ct : HIOO nil different for
SI no, now prlco list of S0O different "Dlmo
Sets" free.
New mldrrii. 21 houfh 17th tit.
? A Bargain
I for Rainbows
S We have a lot
I 50c Special
5 Tnlilo VScnc
which wa will gSiU
5 while they laaUFat
S lias IVi-lnsd Jaws, wrought steel
5 screw anal aiyel cuuiea.
KulnboJfeadiiuurler for Tools
i 816 Chestnut, Philadelphia J
Kiddies Kandies
You Rainbows nil) certainly enjoy theee
yum-yum jcandtee. and they're absolutely
pure and wholeaome, too.
Old Fashioned Stick 1 C lb.
Candy 10C
Puffed Rice, Egg
Ralls &Sauarefi. .
25 c lb
5c each
biwtUl price er JEI fundieT
for SundaWnooU,tcrfeF
Candymakmr to the Rainbows
SJS; 9 S. 15th 10 S. Broad
He o, Boys "Mg?."0"
"v"u "v"1 WIN A PRIZE.
Get busy Unmedlatt
ly. ($Dteatiow open.
llos7a JIaf IT.. Dull
jouV txstjiHEcrcm
raijfol. JiV It with
yotfuroaft nd ad
drfj a! brlne.lt to
f lartmaJhYi. lie f t
models wilt I ido
playedjl tn oar kihi
bow Jrlndow Ttlre
i omsiAect geaUmnea
will fct aa JuScea.
Com In far further
dtlle, Briar your
sia Hulwt BUt. rfaJ44!iU
eSs1 I
taloe MJ.M
who can pay tho defective washer (a), tho ctuso of
your trouble. Try your new washers un
til you get ono which exactly mntches tho
ono tnken oft and then screw It firmly to
tho end of tho "stem" with tho screw
b), rescrew tho "stem" In tho spigot nnd
tighten the enp nut (d) with the wrench.
Make sure thnt the faucet does not leak
at this point (d).
Water flowing from the supply pipe en
ters tho spaco nt tho lower part of tho
spigot and Is unablo to got out. When
tho handle of the spigot Is turned on, tho
washer Is raised from Its "seat" and a
small opening occurs At every turn of
the handle, owing to
screw motion, the
washer la raised stl'l
further, tho opening
becomes wider nnd In
consequence a great
er volume of wnter
escapes. In a "leaky"
spigot tho washer
has been worn away:
ovc ff)
ioct ;wW i
It docs not rest securely on tho "seat"
beneath, nnd tho tiny crnck thus fonjied
Is sufficient to allow that annoying "drip."
When ou havo renewed tho washer, do-
1 ItltM I
of New York
JBnmm'a utrrganimtr gpcrfaltetH
1316 Cfesttuit Street.2nd Floor
Announce a formal opening today showing the
most charming and novel collection of the newest
fashions displayed on living models.
l VAC iAft
Quaint and Charming .Frocks
for Sport and Afternoon Wear,
Away Ahead of Any Others
to be Seen in Philadelphia
A little shop that holds most wonderful possibilities
for the woman who is fastidiously particular about
her apparel.
For here she will find theaupeirsmart stylo that is so
desirable, at prices that "areoftsn less than she would
expect to pay for the mostpt'uinary garments.
Lousols' is unique it isifferent from any either in,
Philadelphia, and you will aVays find hereA collec
tion of Sport and Tailoredjpufts, jppojrt Dresses,
Afternoon and llVeulng-l'lcxksV-ciquisIteJBlousea
and striking Skirts, that is, we believe, unduplicated
anywhere else.
May we have the pleasure of showing them to you?
EvtrvtMng It Mtrkt in Plain Figurtt
Ynt Are Invited to "Try Qn" Any Modti That Pltcutt You,
Bcend to the cellar, turn on the water and
revisit the spigot. It no longer leaks.
A second type of faucet (2) operates
quite differently. The handle Is attached
to a brass cone-shnped stem with a hole
through it. When the spigot Is turned off,
the ends of the hole nre closed securely
against tha sides of the faucet nt right
angles to the flow of water, Gradually ns
the spigot Is turned on the opening widens
nnd finally reaches a position where tho
entire holo Is In direct lino with tho water
pipe; tho water then flows with great
headway through tho spout.
To repair such a spigot, Journey first to
the cellar and turn off tho water supply.
Then with a screwdriver remove screw
(a) (or If It Is a nut, use your monkey
wrench) nnd the washer (b). Save the
washer. Lift out tho stem (c) nnd grease
tho cone-shaped part lightly with vaseline
to prevent It from turning "hard." llc
place It In the spigot nnd screw on nut or
screw (a). Tighten Bcrew (a) until tho fau
cet handle turns firmly but not too hard.
If when the water Is turned on the spigot
still teaks, tighten tho screw (a) until It
Thero Is still another type of faucet
which Is usually used on bathtubs; fre
quently It has only ono spout for both
srrr (ty
nur &)
Viuce mil (c)
umon a
jeoo (rj
hot nnd cold water This spigot requires
only n Fuller ball for Its repair. (Hard
waro store, two for five cents.) With n
monkoy wrench unscrow tho "union" (d)
nnd rcmovo tho spigot. Through tho
spigot from handle (g) to ball (c) runs a
short metal rod (f). When tho hnndlo Is
turned the rubber ball (c) Is forced bnck
ward, permitting the flow of water. When
tho hnndlo Is down, tho ball flts tightly
Into tho sent h) nnd prevents tho cscano
of water. A crnckca or leaky ball lll
naturally causo tho spigot to drip. To
renew this ball, unscrow tho small nut (a)
nt the end of tho rod (f), tako off tho
wnBhcr (b) nnd ball (c). Replace tho worn
out ball with a new ono nnd put back tho
wash or (b) and tha nut (a). To maka
suro that tho ball Is correctly adjusted,
movo the handle a few times and noto If
tho ball fits firmly against tho scat Keep
tightening tho small nut (n) until n Arm
fit is obtained. When It has been titled
satisfactorily, rcplaco tho spigot In tho
"union" (d) and screw up tho "union"
tlchtly. Turn on tho water in tho cellar
and test tho faucot to sen If It drips or
leaks at any new or unexpected place.
Following directions will prevent having
to repeat the work because It is not well
When you havo fixed your own spigot
you havo delved Into mechanical physics,
sacd a plumbci's bill nnd mado yoursolf
a "handy man" nround tho house. Is It
worth It? Try It nnd seel
Copjrlght 1010 by Vlrclnla E. Klft.
Homo Bought From Mrs. J. T. Hun
ter, Philadelphia, Damaged
ATLANTIC CITY. April 7. Whlte
robed cottagers hnd an anxious 15 min
utes at 3 o'clock this morning, when six
engines nnd two truck companies clattered
Into tho up-town residential district to
fight a threatening blazo In an unoccupied
17, GOO cottage recently purchased by
Dennis A. Gormley, of this city, from
Mrs. John T. Hunter, of Philadelphia.
Tha building was saved The flro had
bocn burning for hours before It was dis
covered by a me!serger boy, nnd had
spread between tho walls from tho base
ment to the roof. Gormley had insured
the cottago for $10,000, and had planned
to tako possession in a few days.
Specials for
$37.50 Tnillcur and
Sports Suita
$35.00 Evening and
Afternoon Gowna
$27.50 Afternoon,
Sports and Street
$5 Blouses, strikingly
original models this
(o) Srfylob A
! Ill I
Hov3e-cle.nin time.
rYt-i come tX hxat
riy Ket.rt is wild
uitK mac
Now I txx jump or.
rrYccttre.s!&3. ;
A planum datr v
to me.
Baptists Plan to Raiso $200,084
Beginning next Sunday, the Baptist In
stltute for Christian Workers will begin
a campaign to ralso $200,000. The money
will bo used to pay off a mortgage of tit,"
000, add another story to the bulldinc
nt 1425 Snyder n venue and start rin en
dowment fund. It Is planned ultimately
to ralso an endowment of 1200,000. About
$50,000 Is wanted within 30 daya.
Havana BrownVamp '
With White Top
A RICH and distinc
tive model right
in the height of its
popularity. In a shade and
combination effect that is
much in demand by dis
criminating women.
This model is equal
in every way to the
SOROSIS high standard.
Better still, it is sold to
you with the same guar
antee of footwear satisfac
tion that is offered to
every wearer of SOROSIS
1314 Chestnut
llotuewlrea who
appreciate a aT
Ini Id labor,
fuel, time, etc..
flallB nn inv
( "S loo,
IUke at roaata perfectly. Provide
abuadanr hot water, llurne Coal or Oaa.
It hoata with freab.
Hot Water
Every Purpose
Store & neatlnir Co-
Market Street
Since 1859
Sani-Can Waste Receiver
No Deed of atooplnc down
to remove the cover of the
Sant-Caa a touch of to
tew to the pedal and the
cover open and cloeea. au
tomatically eprtnkllng a
powerful dlelnfectant an4
deodorant, arreeUafi de
composition and dutrorlo
all lobjectlonabU odor. The
Inner pall tnax b readlir
removed from the frane
vtbenever the contest need
tmDtvln. Baautlfully An.
Ubed throughout In pur whit enamel.
Price $3.00
Tha Heme Furalthlng 5tor
QVst pi&ty cot VOO
r"-- yj sZP
IlAgto match
Aftf defxretL
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MSlralr. J
Warm Aljf
A Storefor
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