Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 07, 1916, Final, Page 10, Image 10

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    -"VW-TlS -TV-VM
frfl- - ymr!mmjifit
It's for Slip-on. Occasions and Was Invented by
One of Philadelphia's Clever Girl
YOU know the fecllns. It's Just like this: You've had a bard day wliat with
spring housecteanlng and alt that. It's Thursday afternoon and the matd la
out. But you must have a nap. And so you undress quite. Just when you
uro utterly disheveled nnd deshabille, tho doorbell rings first, normally, then
Inquisitively and finally Insistently.
"Tou are torn between conflicting emotions, as tho novelists would say. To
answer or not to answer. Of course, It may bo only tho mall mnn. In that
caso you might let him ring, knowing that in tho end ho would shovo tho
riilsslvo uifljr tho doer and go away. Hut then, It Is qulto posslblo that It Is
that nlco Mrs. Blank whom you havo wanted to see for such a longth of tlmo
nnd whose husband can help yours In business greatly. It would bo ex
ceedingly bad If sho called and got no response. An unfavorable Impression
would react.
But to dress becomingly that takes time, as every wlio woman knows.
And to dress carelessly and quickly, that Is unwise. Oh, dear! oh, dearl What
shall bo dona?
A clever Philadelphia girl, Mrs. 1511a Ncely McCoy, has saved tho day.
In her sunshiny studio In Washington Square tho other afternoon she showed
me a charming slip-on frock that sho has designed and executed for Just such
rush occasions. Ordinarily you think of a garment that has no buttons, that can
b got into with magical speed, that costs but llttlo and Is easily made, as
belonging to tho ovor-growlng family of freaks.
But Mrs. McCoy's Invention Is no freak. If you don't bellovo me, seo olso
Whero on this pago for an Illustration of it. It is charming In Its becoming
simplicity and, according to tho assertion. of Its designer, can bo mado by tho
veriest tyro In tho dressmaking art.
"Challls," sho told mo, exhibiting a fascinating one that sho has constructed
for herself, "Is an Ideal material for these delightfully cool spring days. But
A cooler material, of course, must bo used for a frock to bo worn In tho summer.
It should bo opaque, however, for the chief virtuo of tho garment Is lost, If It
cannot bo slipped over a chcmlso In a moment's time, without advertising tho
fact that ono has not had tlmo to slip on much besides.
"With threo and a half yards of material," she continued enthusiastically,
"even tho modern bouffant tendoncy can bo achieved In tho slip-on frock. For
a medium sized person only ono half yard Is required for the llttlo bodice, which
la cut on tho Chlneso kimono pattern. Tho remainder Is used In tho skirt, which
Is of tho twopleco circular varioty. Ono gets in and out by way of tho neck.
And it takes Just about as long to don as a nightgown!"
Truly It Is nn Interesting llttlo creation. And I'm not so miro that It
wouldn't bo adaptablo for occasions moro formal than Just thoso brought about
by tho exigencies of maid's day out.
Judy O'Grady's in Khalti
"Tho women of tho nobility," declares Lady Colebrooke, daughter of Lord
Tagot, who arrlvod In America sevoral days ago, "who work In tho munitions
factories, wear bluo and tho others wear khaki."
Ono Is tempted to ask if tho ladles who thus demean themselves by per
forming tho samo tasks In tho samo places with tho common herd, carry with
them their lorgnettes to better seo tho work they are doing.
It is a pity to give to what might havo been really noblo work tho aspect
of a fad. Much praiso has been sung in tho name of tho English women of tho
aristocracy for tho manner In which they have put their hands to tho plow
In tho hour of their country's need. Ono rather Imagined them taking off their
Jewols and getting down to real work, instead of donning t;loves to keep oft
soil. Lady Colebrooko has dispelled this illusion. Doubtless working "nmong
the masses" Is tho fashion now, Just llko slumming used to be.
Tho bringing of ensto Into tho munitions factories Is, .1 rontemptlblo thing.
If there Is to be a differentiation in tho garb worn, It should bo ono based on
merit. 'The woman who produces tho highest grade of work should wear tho
blue uniform, not sho whose father is a lord. M'LISS
Letters to the Editor of the Woman's Pajjc
A(IJrc all communication, to M'M-V rnri. of the Kienlnc LcOscr. Write on one
eiue or tno pnprr only.
It A. S. O. will send me a self-1 Dear M'r.isq. r-.. ,. n ...,.- .
In charge of the eugenic btntlon some
wnero In Now York? 1 have licen told
that he will sand llternturo ami mi rim in
Pear M'Ltis: Please send me some Pwplo who are going to get married ro-
t6es suitable for a senior class In hleh BrUlng hereditary traits. Can vou eit
00L mahavoy city. I mo his nddrens. too? rAT.Anun
ftT ..1? Vr"..SSl0!,Bh "" nirTI3rhDorr. SVf S
Inn Rf.irRl. "I :ypp1h mr " 'TTInla Mmnnt ! 1 t.- .1.1 . . . . . ' ..
Mpus" (Tho end crowns the work)
Designed by Mrs. Ella Nccly McCoy, clever Philadelphia girl, to meet
the needs of the woman caught at nn inopportune moment in tho
midst of her housework when the door bell rings nnd tho maid is
out. Tho frock has no buttons and no opening except at the neck.
addressed stamped envelope her query will
00 answered by mall.
io the stars). "Uxcclalor," "Flnia coronat I know notlilnir of tho nrlvixn'n- iit, 1
. 1-..1 I J . ..!-.- .. ....
, oi which you write.
Fish Au Gratin
A delicious way to utilize the fish left
.overs la to make fish au gratin. Any kind
of fish may be used, and tho dish Is truly
economical, especially during Lent, when
flsh Is so high. Take about two cupfuls
of the fish, well boned, flaked and cooked.
If you have some mashed whlto pota
toes In your Ice chest, line a baking dish
with them, allowing them to extend oer
the edge of the dish slightly. Now lay
the fish across the bottom of the pan.
Cover with a layer of white sauce the
regulation cream dressing which Is used
on codfish and other dishes. Now cover
Again with tho flsh and a bit of chopped
A layer of grated rarmesan or any other
cheese you have on hand should then be
added. Bake In the oven until the cheese
Is quite brown.
Baked Eggplant
"Something new In eggplants" Is egg
plant gratin. It Isn't the ordinary au
gratin arrangement, calling for cheese, but
It's a very simple way to dress the deli
cious vegetable. Slice your eggplant Into
rather thick sections, then coat with
tomato or white sauce.
Bake for 15 or 10 minutes In a mod
erately hot oven. The best way to treat
these thick slices of eggplant. In order
to extract all the water from them. Is to
put them under a heavy weight for an
hour or so. Plenty of salt should be
sprinkled on the slices.
Better Sugar in
a Package
There is added vatue in
Franlclin Sugar. Itis genu
ine cane sugar, crystal pure
and clean. You know it is
kept clean, you are sure of
full weight the carton
guarantees that. Then,
why not buy
in 2 or 5 pound cartons, or
in 2, 5, 10, 25 or 50 pound
cotton bags.
There ti a Franklin mgxr
for erery nd In car
toos or cotton bag.
Left-over Roast
Hero 3 a good way to utlllzo the left
over roast of beef. Line a deep baking
dish with mashed potatoes, to which you
have added a bit of cream, butter and sea.
sonlng. Now slice your beef Into as many
Mlces as you can get out. and add a bit
of onion, butter, seasoning and a couple of
ripe tomatoes, sliced thin
Add any gravy you may have left over,
or dip each slice In flour before browning
Fill tho dish half full of thii mixture, then
cover all over with a top layer of mashed
potatoes. Iut the whole thing into the
oen and bake until brown.
The Lovers
In secret we met:
In silence I grieve
That thy heart could forget.
Thy spirit deceive.
If I should meet thee
After long years,
How should I greet thee?
With alienee and tears.
Lord Byron.
Easter Cakes
Did you ever make tho kiddles any
Caster cakes? These are tho cutest things
you over saw, for they are baked right
Insldo tho shell of tho eggs which are
used In making tho cake.
Just remove tho contents of tho eggs
and keep tho shells unbroken, clean them
out through tho hole In tho end, and
shake olive oil nround them to grease tho
Insldo. Now fill with any good cake
batter also through tho hole, which, by
the way, should bo about tho slzo of a
10-eent piece.
Do not fill tho rhell entirely; Just about
two-thirds Is full enough. Stand tho
shells upright in a baking pan and cook
as usual. Let them cool thoroughly be
fore serving. Tho kiddles will be more
than surprised when they seo the little
cakes Inside of tho shells. It Is a dainty
surprise for an Uastcr luncheon, too. It
tho top of tho hole Is closed with differ
ent colored icings.
Garnish for Game
If you decide to havo somo fancy
game at your formal dinner party, a very
smart way to dress up the bird Is to
garnish It with orange or lemon btraws.
To make them, cut the fruit peel Into
narrow strips.
Have ready a syrup of granulated
sugar and water; a cupful of each Is
the right proportion. Put tho rinds into
tho boiling syrup nnd cook until quite
clear. Itcmove, roll In coarse white sugar,
lay on sheets of brown paper and lay
In a cool, dry placo until they become
Improving on Lemonade
When you want to make lemonado, hot
or cold, try boiling tho sugar and lemon
juice together before nddlng tho water.
This will do away with the stirring diffi
culty, and the taste of tho beverage will
bo Improved. Tho samo applies to any
drink containing sugar.
If you foci that you cannot afford a
regular table pad, try putting rounds of
waxed paper underneath the centreplece-i
on the table.
Delicious Cheese Eolls
The salad course wlthdut tho accom
paniment of cheeso and crackers Is qulto
Impossible. A nlco way to prcparo cream
cheese so that It Is soft enough to spread
on toasted crackers is tho following: Have
ready a good-sized bowl, Into which you
can put a cream cheese and mash It with
a sliver fork. Tho mlxturo should bo well
mashed, so that It will bo perfectly smooth.
Now add two tablcspoonfuls of sweet
cream, a tcasponful of chopped chives or
ollvcH. plain or stuffed; a quarter teaspoon
ful of salt and enough paprika to mako
II qulto pink.
Hull Into small halls, garnish with hnlt
of an English walnut on either side llko
bonbons and servo on tho plato with tho
Milnd, or neparatoly, as you fancy. It mav
also bo used on romalne salad with a
French dressing.
Marion Harland's
. All rommnnlfntlon nddres.cd tn Marlon
Ilffrlnnit .nhonld nflo. Mumped, oil
nndrcuscn envelope nnd n flipping of the
nrtlrte In. jvhlch j-oa lire Inttreitcd, . ViT'
on winning in nld In the charitable
rcork of the II, II, O, Mioald write Marlon
llnrlnntt. In rare of thin paper, for nd
ilrraKcn of tho.e they nontd like to help,
nnd, fiarlne receive) them, comnmnlcnt
direct with thoae partlei.
German Potato Salad'
"T) II. naked for a recipe for German
JL .potato salad. Hero It Is right from
a German girl. Cook small potatoes with
skins on. Ieel them and chop or slice as
you choose. Make a dressing of a. heaping
tablespoon of lard, a heaping tablespoon
of Hour, a teaspoon or so of sugar, and
pour In a cup of vinegar when the flour
and fat are well blended. Let all cook till
thick. Onion sliced thin may be added to
tho potatoos. Pour dressing over them,
mix well, nnd. If you have It, add a small
quantity of cream. Of course, uso salt and
peppor nccordlng to taste. Hero la Gor
man potato salad No. 2: Boll potatoes
with coats on. Peel, cut up, and put In
tho bottom of a big didh. Sllco raw cab
bage on top of this nnd throw on the mlx
turo. Put butter or lard Into n frying
pan, sllco In a couple of onions nnd fry
until they are done. Stir In a little flour
and pour on milk tilt all Is aa thick as
cream, add salt and pepper. Pour over
tho potatoes nnd cabbage. Mix thor
oughly nnd add vinegar to lasto. I hopo
P. II. may find these good. Doth aro right
from German cooks nnd clnlmed to bo fine
by tho Germans who nto them. Either of
theso may bo garnished with hard-boiled
eggs sliced. I. II."
Our versatllo "standby" comcB to tho
front with a double-headed response to tho
petition of a member for a thoroughly
trustworthy formula for German potato
salad. Odd, Isn't It. that Just now wo
should bo In receipt of six or eight appli
cations for tho Teutonic dish.
Angel's Food
"I would nsk you for recipes for a good
potato salad, a good cake, ono that can bo
served with lco cream nnd other doltcnto
dessert, and for Thousand Island dressing.
"A. M. G."
The potato Balad has Just boon given
nnd with emphasis. I know of no 'moro
delicious cake to bo sorvod with ico cream
than this: Angel's food Sift a teaspoon
of cream of tartar six times with half n
cup of Hour. Whip tho whites of bIx eggs
until they stand nlonc, then gradually stir
Into them a half cup of granulated sugar
and tho sifted flour. Beat hard, turn Into
n clean, ungrensed pan with a funnel In
the middle. Dako In a steady oven until
a straw comes out clean from the thickest
part Turn the pan upside down upon a
clean towel, nnd as the cake cools It will
slip out of the tin. "When cold Ice the bot
tom nnd sides of tho loaf. "Wilt soma one
send In the recipe for Thousand Island
Writing to Four
"We have left about 15 of the 2-mtnute
phonogrnph records. Mrs. S. IC G. might
like them for her children's entertainment,
If you will send me her address I will for
ward them. I have written four Corner
Itea who have wanted books, music nnd
correspondence nnd have had a prompt re
ply from Mrs. J. S. Jl. regarding the books,
which I wilt forward as" soon ns I cnn.
Ono of the prayers In a little book, "Vet
Another Day," closes with! "May I do
tight to uso my strength In carrying my
neighbor irossl"
deed. If not put Into
that moves many a humble
dusty highways of Ife. We trace IC
every line of the quiet "report" of work
done for love's sake by tho CTornerlte who
honors lis by bearing the title. The ad
dress for which she asks went at onto to
her by mall. '
Curried Rice
'This Is a recipe for curried rice! Slice
an onion and fry In hot fat until slightly
browned. Add to this a teaspoonful of
curry powder nnd a teaspoonful of curry
paste. Fry these a few minutes and add
threo tablcspoonfuls of good stock, milk
or cream. Havo ready half n pound of
bolted rlco. rinco this In a saucepan with
tho other Ingredients. Mix thoroughly
nnd lightly with a fork. Servo piled Up on
a hot dish with toast. M. A. V."
y ''XbsolutelyPaire
No Alum N PhosDhal
J&W litest
Jfcj J1 dictate in
ul -ast0rSfiJlinery
I Thrt'BytnS, comprlnes tho
I mnsrfl'jrSriIna-of th nuthentlc
I rarlaMji'Stvles thnt were oris- v
I lining' prleud nt Jil.00 & JS.00 f f
YoflifrlnHpectlnn In tnWtcd. J
Parisian Millinery ACxjf
at a. nth st. Is t
3 Doom llclow- -rs p
- I.ncut. " i'
Sparkling Glassware
If you Include your cut glassware In tho
general Bprlng housccleanlng, hero Is a
simple way to make It sparkle: lmmerso
the article In the dlshpan, or something
largo enough to nccommodato It. Uso n
soft nail brush, so that thcro will bo no
crack or design left unbrushod. Wnrm
wntcr, whlto soap and a few drops of
nmmonl.a added to the rinsing wntcr will
do tho rest. Try It.
I Fine PerfectDfiunSnd j, 1
r In lieautlfflfnTlw style QQtCCenfl
S Gentleman's lllng .. tDadvUU S
g Other Gentlonen's Utasrs, from fa
B 625to 2800.00. S
Suits Dry Cleaned
oiiftrpectRl trial pflce until
Matf?l6ti3 An unu9u)il oppor
tunity td proo thulxccllenco
of ouriwork. Lrf us rcno
vato mgBlirlnijjgarments.
40 ixiuth Bill Kt.
Unit above Chestnut)
Opposite dreen'a Hotel
Tf 1 tMinp Walnut 4577
&25to 2800.00.
Est. i8i 352 S. 8th St I
If You Love
ild AtIow
Flowers You Shi
The Century Mower Shop
12th Ueloio CnestnutSt.
jhiUT - 'iaifLiDr
I ml I , . ifl r Urff J
ofiderlift Corsets 1
The Joy of Health!
Nature's color Is better than any artlflcjal pigment;
the lines of the human figure are mo-e beuutiful than
those of unnatural corsets; the stimulating, vibrant joy of
perfect health Is thoroughly desirable because ifs Nature's 5
O. K. on physical condition,
Has your corset anything to do with your health
with the way you feel?
Ask your doctor.
Hell tell you that many women suffer from pains In
back and head, that they have indigestion and intestinal
trouble because they don't wear a proper supporting corset
And It he's a wise pnysician, hell suggest, as most 5
doctors do. that you get a Wonderiift Corset 5
Nemo Self-Help Wonderiift Corsets are first of all
beautifully stylish corsets. They reproduce with graceful 3
fidelity the latest fashion silhouette. But they are different -
from an other corsets ever made.
Besides perfect style and supreme comfort, they have 3
sn exclusive, semi-elastic instanttrisadjustable Bandlet,
which ItfU og the abdomen and firmly mpports the delicate
Internal organs. No harmful pressure not the alight- S
est discomfort " J H
Those wise women who wear them kmpt thekjoy of
feeling right as well as looking right Cy
Six models one for every type of figure.
85.00 and $10.00
At Good Stores and Shops
Says ' v m
II Tke Artistn) I
HI ' I Ml '
Spring Hats IB
H In lines ond contour, ns Cell ns the depar- :
H turcs from the ordinary, arc reflected to a :
greater degree in the hats now being EEEEr
j shotfn by us than in any other collection jl EEE
H to be seen in Philadelphia. (jl , r'
I Over 400 Smart, New 1
I and Original Hat Styles - .:
' $8.50
"I HSJ Mawson & DeMarvy 1H1
j p If Opposite B. F. Keith's jj S
BlllMlllllllllI 111 MllllB
Easter Hats for Juveniles
"My dog, Duke, he has no sense.
I guess I'll lick him.
"This morning" when I was eating
my Cream of Barley he jumped up
and tried to eat out of my dish.
"I know Cream of Barley is
awfiilly good, but he ought to have
more sense, I guess I'll lick him."
s on
Cream of Barley
i IXpUghlful Display in our Children's Department
ff (J We have garnered the clever, the
lj correct, the beautiful, in one vast,
r brilliant group never before equalled.
BLYNN.Inc. Chestnut St.
Furs Stored, Altered and Repaired.
For Every Figure SV((llli
from the dainty debutante to the M Vv Kill
portly matron who can't be comfort- ') n I y
able in a size leu than 38, if iA UB
in Smart Stora and Sfopx ft mlfTliTi H
- Ill Hill Ull I HI I I IT I "TIT I iHllll'l ---'- " W
(At Your Grocer's)