EHJELium , ''vn'VwmiWjbiiWmm EVE!N LEDGE DELPHI A, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1016. '1 s nna unlets Am m , Ceremonies Incident to Rais ing of Newly Elected Officers Thero was n large attendance of war riors and braves on Monday's sleep In the Wigwam of Mntoncn Tribe, No. 376, to witness the raising up of the newly-elected chiefs to their respective utumps. Tho ceremony was performed by the Installing team of Montesmma Tribe No. 21. who In ducted the following members Into oITlce: 1'rophet, Samuel J. Graves; sachem, Louie P. Mayer j senior sagamore, William J. WIUj Junior sagamore, Harry E. fan coast: chief of records, John T. Fcrlcy; keeper of wampum, Walter G. List. The annual report prtsmtrd dlsclosnl a net rnln for the year of lir14, with Inverted fund Amounting to mora than lB,oOt. Tho foclnl livening Committee announced that a proitresslve rlnochlo rartr would be held In the wltrwam on Momlas', May 1, In which member and their friends are Invited. May 8 secrrnl prominent spenkers representing tho Kecurlty league will n1dres the tribal mom berg on the aubject of "National Prepared ness. ' Keneshsw Trlhe, No. r21. which meet In the hall Mth street nnd WynluslnB avenue, while one of the younger, la nno of the more niraresslve of local tribe'. Some U rale fnces have received tho ndoptlon ilerirec during tho last month, nnd the now term Just started promises even more satisfactory results. Tues day evening Tuskawllla Tribe. No. 1, raised the following newly, elected chiefs; Senior Hflgamore, I.ouls Ooldstam Junior sagamore. I'eter.J. ItorKc: chief of records, A. It. Wol fertl keeper of wampum, Joseph Tathan, and representative, D. W. Ullllnger. The National Association of Haymakers by a recent enactment authorizes all subordinate associations to adopt bylaws providing for tho payment of auch henellts ns they may deem practicable nnd wlso. Wherever tho beneficial feature has been adopted It has worked for tho betterment of the association. Thla branch of Iteilmnnshlp In Pennsylvania has met with exceptional success during tho current year. No less than 18 associations havo been Instituted or reinstated, with sev eral others In process of formation. Denuty Wilson Is nrrn.ncrlnff for a district rnAAtfnv nf jinvmnbitM In Vl'-nf IhlalAlnhln I April 18. Baturday evening ropodleken Tribe, No. 888, iicyenown, coniorreu me adoption nno war- a-grocs upon sir cnnuiaaies, aiier wnicn Hachem H. 11. Walker Instructed In the Bitten work of tho rhlof'n degree, Kol br the, decree work the newly elected offl Iwero Installed for tho coining term. hmnrrnw evenlns tho Inslalllnr team nf fieca Tribe. No. 18. will raise tho newly Fled chiefs of l'ocanta Tribe. No. 81., It I he a notnble ccrpmnnv. as Hreat tiachem ill Walker will not ns snehem of tho jn- llllni? team. After tho f-eretnnnlpa short ilkB will bo filven and a social Benson cn- yea. . I Monday evening the new chiefs of Mamlasntn Irthe. Nn. .lr.',. were rained bv an Installlnir Iim from Tribe No. 3.1, of Trankford. Among w notable speakers or the evening were ureal nmr eouamoro r. c. . iicpwick nna ureal let of Records Tliomns K. Uonnalley. Saturday night n. large, delegation of mem- fera of Montezuma Tribe, of this city, ncrom- Imnled bv wnrrlnrn nnd chiefs of other loent Irlbes. will trail to Lancaster and raise up ihe chiefs of Trlbo No. 203. Great Junior nagamoro T. I-. itcxwicic will represent tne oara or ureni inieis. T.Ast nlaht Mnnnirv Trlhe. Vn. HtH. nf rteflrt- Inr. adopted it class of 30 candidates In tho presence of u largo frutlierlnrr of membera nnd visitors. Tho activity of this trlbo Is evidenced bv tho fact that this In the second class of SO candidates admitted within n month. Tuesday evenlnir the newly elected chiefs of Trlbo No. 21'7 wern formally rained by the team from I.lnnerrh Trlbo. No. 403. Among the officers Installed wan Clnude Snyder, u former nctlvo member, who resumes hla field of fraternal labors as Junior sagamore for the current term. An honored truest of tho evening was Great Mlaslhlnewa of California Charles Campbell, who delivered an eloquent and forcible address. Tonight Mnsknkn Tribe, No. 295. will have a publio raising up of Its newly elected chiefs. The. ceremony will bo somewhat unique In character, as tho Installing team will bn mada wnoiiy or members or tne Bamo trlbo. a . . .. & ...l ',-l1J inursaay evening nexi ry. S""4,.Y; BviiX Sheneman and State Council Secretary Ford At the same time the monthly meeting of tni uooa or tne order Association win "",'-."; Many Important subjects will be ,"i2'ffi: among others an' annual memorial service and a proposed summer excursion. Oreat preparations ae being made hy the Anniversary Commltteo and the, councils gen erally to make the celebration this year, which will occur at Lu t,u Temple. Wednesday, May IT, the best and largest of Its kind In the-hls-tory of the order. Chosen Friends Council, No. 8, will cele brate Its 46th anniversary next Tuesday even ing, when an enjoyable time will be given trie members, state Councilor .Sheneman, wltn many deputies, will be present. Old Olery Council, No. 10, Is working on a class Initiation, which will be held In the near future. State Councilor sheneman has prom ised to secure n first-class staff for the cere monies. . tjcria class Initiations, will be held this month by Concord School Council, No. 000, and Colonel D. F. Houston Council, No. 7S9. INDEPENDENT AMERICANS Tr This evenlnir the new chiefs of AVtssahlckon Tribe. No. 32. will be rulscd up by n. team from Zunl Tribe, No. 333. Saturday evening the chlcfa of Schuylkill Haven Tribe wilt-bo raised by a team from Washita Tribe, No. 04. Great Senior Saga more John M. Coomba and Great Sachem S. II. Walkor will participate In tho exercises, PATRIOTIC AMERICANS District Class Initiations Awnken Interest Among Local Membera A district class 'nltlatlon will bo held tomorrow evening In Glrard Assembly Hall, Hutchinson street nnd Glrard ave nue, when candidates for Initiation will bo . present from Diligent Council. No, 4 ; Res cue Council, No. 15, nnd Grace Council, No. C31. This promises to bo one of tho largest and' best class Initiations ever held In this State. State Cquncilor Shene man will oinctato as councilor; P. C. C. . Leroy Trlpmaker ns Jr. P. C. and Coun cilor William It. T. Kolp, of Grace Coun , ell, No. G31, as chaplain. The remaining i members of tho staff will be furnished by sj Itea'cue Council, No. 15. The celebrated . guards of Diligent Council will perform their part In tho capable manner for which K,hoy aro noted. All councils are Invited Hind will bo represented at this Impressive ftempllflcatlon of the work. The fl4th District, composed of Resolution Council. No. d; Independent. No. 8; Union, No. 1); John R. Murphy. No. Ill; Quaker City. . No. 84. and Coliockslnk. No. r2tl. will hold an important meeting Tuesday evening next In th hnll of No. r,2ti, Uermantoivn avenue and IMamond street, t). D. 3. '. Ilrother Charles . '. Itauman presiding. In addition to the state ' Council officers, llrtoher Samuel A. Wilson. president of the federation, will speak. Quaker City Council, No. 84. will bo visited Memorial Day to Bo Observed in Honor of Deceased Members State Councilor rt. D. Dickson, Jr., has Issued a proclamation to all tho councils In Pennsylvania, designating Sunday. May 28, as a memorial Sabbath for the present council year. In pursuance of this offlclal mandate the vrfVlotls councils ore urged to nssemblo In their council room or other public hnll, either Individ ually or In groups or districts, and thero pay proper respect to tho memory of de ceased brothers. It Is suggested that programs bo carefully prepared nnd that proper speakers bo provided, so that the ceremonies may bo conducted with credit to tho order. State Secretary IMke 4;n Sunt moiled to all councils nn urgent, appeal, of the State coun cilor for a speclnl nnd united effort during thin final quarter of tho fraternal year, which ends June ,10, to enrol the largest number of new members ever secured by, tho organisation for any corresponding period In- Its lilatorj. A wigwam membership, campaign, has been In progress and a aplendld net gnln Is already recorded for tho current year, hut It Is be lieved even better rcsulli can bo had If coun cils and membera will generously respond nnd co-operate with tho State councilor for the balance, df tho year along the lines suggested uy mm. - A summer encampment of the guards of the order Is now assured. A'er nVm'".', conferences nnd negotiations through tho Na tional Security League, a largo plot of gr o unit containing 4ns arren. loeated near Warminster. Ilucks County, lion dually been secured I n in military camp nnd training grounds for the entire guard of the order. .,.... The camp will bo held from Saturday. Au gust 5, to Saturday, August 12, nnd a cenius of the guards of the State Is now being taken to try and secure the participation of as many ,iih possible In this week's outing nnd proctlcal training In military operations. Tho committee of tho State council In charge of tho move ment consists, of: , .'lantern JMstrlct. Wll lam T. llamsev. Edward .Wllnon. llarfy IJ. Salter. Thomna Mntlack and Wllllnm ,11. tnx. Middle District. W. .S. Doebler. O. O. Mart n. S. It. Kepncr, Victor II. Iloyer nnd William 1-, Lease. Western District. John V. Lowers. C. O. Zimmerman. Henry It. Markus, Will lam r. Alexander nnd George Datt. JUNIOR MECHANICS Anniversary Celebrations Claim At tention of Local Council Members The 63d Anniversary Banquet Commlt teo met last week In tho council room of John It. Marlln Council. The membors of tho commltteo wero surprised at tho largo nttendanco and the ncttvlty of tho council. A number of candidates wero admitted nnd n largo number of propositions re ceived. Soma of tho visitors present were Stato Secrctnry C. II. Hall. State Treas urer Charles Kaufmann, William Ilahn, I'red C. Weber, S. G. Barlow, rt. W. Kohlcr and A. Nclsser. The genoral com mltteo of tho council held a meeting nftcr the council had adjourned and u number of matters wero presented for their ap proval heforo reporting same to tho coun cil for flnnl action. Flnnl arrangements wero made for the an niversary week. The 13th report of tho coun cil wns presented by the Becrctnry and he was Instructed to havo samo printed and sent to tho members. Tho report shows that the council now has a membership of 812. or a gain for tho year of 180 members. The to. tnl worth of tho council Is 0,3I.1(. or it gain for tho year of S1001.U3. Councilor Lewis Is determined to havo 1000 membera In tho council by the end of June, nnd he la working hard to attain his end, not only by exhortation to the members every Thursday evening, but by visit Ing tho members who do not nttend the council. Tho fi.ld Anniversary Banquet Committee ex pects that 600 members of the order will at tend tho anniversary, to be held on May 17 nt tho Continental Hotel. Tho committee has been working hard to thla ond and has been hold ing a number of meetings. The next meeting will be held on April Ilwlth Spring Garden Council. No. 18. at 12rtS North 0th street. Every member of tho commltee Is urged to at tend thla meeting. West Philadelphia Council, under tho new plans laid a month ago. In taking In members every meettn night, and by Mny 10. the date set for a class Initiation. It In expected thnt fully SO candidates already obligated will re port to witness the degrees. The committee Is now seeking the best degree team In tho city to exemplify tho work. McKeesport Council. No. 101) of the west ern part of tho State, recently launched a campaign for new 'members In which they used the following slogan. "One hundrod mem bers In nno hundred days." The campaign ended last week, nnd Instead of 100 new mem bera In 100 days they had 200 membera. The aim of McKeesport Council In to outnumber John It. Mnrlln Council, of this city, tho larg est Council In tha State. General Grant Council, No. 82. will hold another claH Initiation tomorrow ovenlng. They have 50 propositions on tho books. Alt the i-nndidatea were notified to be present. It Is the largest rlnsi that Orn it Council has ever had. After this class Grant Council will hao over 201) members. The memliers of Dlrleo Council, No. 1028, were so enthused with their last rlasa Initia tion that preparations are under way to hold another In the near future. I Bent Bones Sap Your Vitality )H "V'OU get them by wear- feet iron thjp should." H Y log narrow, painted Children brought up in them Ei ihoes. They are tho neter learn fablftroublei. realcsuiooUllcorni, bunion,, JPor men, 4aen, children, E ingroningnaili, flat-foot, etc. XfiX bopotitRJtlutBDUCA- vitality-lipping miseries. 'OR Ubraeed ontl&be d You ntvtr get bent bones It ' your gujrsnteo o$ho cor iHj in Bducatori. They are the ect orthcjisedlo Educator H (cientino shape that "lets the shape. Mile only By 'A I "-w RICE ItUTCHINS. Inc. g ) U 3 jf Also nflktr &t All-Amerlcs tJf HI i I m Sipiet fyjoei lor cn sad f iflfl - -sl- n s Jr iMstfsirt for wki, V M DEALERS l Wi ui wnhffn pttnttly jrartlsck Mr flMr. B -IOS, I, 31K.VNV 4 CO., 1'bllldelphla, l'a. , j jr . " .--.' 1 1 -1 . . . i Pl BBories 1 acA KiJ ' Gm 1 HBHH H nTnnlIf4 B m h Gmt y'lfl 5 5rAi rZM FORESTERS' COURK DISCUSS REVENUES Plans Considered for Increased Weekly Dues and a Maximum of Beneficial Features Owjng to the Lenten penitential season nnd In deference to tho convictions of many members. Court Pontlac, No. 144, which meets at 1208 South 23d street, has postponed Its social activities until the session of Kaster week. What the last meeting lacked In merrymaking fea tures, however, It made up In serious con sideration of Intellectual thoughts for the betterment of tho membership. The round tnble conversations dealt with the pertinent query, "Whnt would a weekly dues of 20 cents give each member?" The discussion disclosed that the extra penny n. week In Pennsylvania would realize $26,000 a year, a sum sufficient to strengthen every fund and Insure sol vency without resort to cither direct or Indirect assessment. A resume of the past cenferences nn the referendum question of benefits ns presented hy Past Grand Chief Hanger C. Hrndley gives the following analysis of tho wholo benefit problem: For 17 cents n week, the present dues, tho courts can give 15 a week sick bene. (Its for 13 weeks, J2.B0 for 13 weeks and 3 thereafter during continuance of disability, with freo services of physician nnd druggist; also JI00 funeral benefits for a member or JuO for wjfe. For 18 cents a week dues, or an .Increase of one cent per member, death benefits could be Increased to J200. with m.for the wife of n member. Sick benefits could be raised to T a week for 13 weeks, 12.50 for 13 weeks and Jl during continuance of disability, with payments It needed nn aid from the genera benevolent fund. Services of phjnlclan and druggist could also be Included In thin plan, which seems to bo tho one most generally ap proved. An addition nf one cent more, or 10 cents, a rfeek dues, would provide same benedtn nn for 18 cents o week and also would provide for the maintenance of 40 beds yearly In hospitals for disabled members nnd 1111,000 early to sup port widows and orphans. These discussions have nwakened a keen In terest In the prnrtlcal features of the relation of dues to benelltn nnd will doubtless lead to beneficial changes In tho methods of operation ln"the monthly sessions et to bo held other practical Questions will be considered by the Inquiry class, with resultant good to tho lUrtS In tha nnrrestlnn of rnnnv Ideas St least ;orthy of a trial. , ... Ano grnna orncers were nonorea gums m rt Allftrfjtrlo ht,.lln. n, ., tArt,lr IfAtlt-V. . 231, held In the hall. 13S West Glrard avenue. After rontlnfl business, Grand Chief itanger .Pilot spoke entertainingly upon the Order of foresters as the working .man's fra ternity and told of Its growth and expansion throughout, the State. Other addresses, were made by the grand treasurer and.Ornnd Sec retary Comber complimentary of the work w!l!5 of hla particular court. .!& "Port of the Auditing Committee, ilrother 1,., Kalem, chairman, disclosed aatls Ui?r5' iln and.n splendid record of. pro gressive work for the quarter Just ended. A social season with refreshments and musle followed tho business session. Cnurt T. It. Heed. No. 282, tomorrow evening, nt 81(17 Krankford avenue, will hold 2T.2... '!? Popular socials nnd games tournn S1?j .'. "fothera tterkery, Cunningham. Pastor ..jno Entertainment Committee have pre i.jM ,n, Pr0B"rBm Ihet Is out of the routine ana will Ira r surprise number. Court Hamilton, No. 00. at 37lh and Mar ket streets, at Its Inst meeting gave Its stay-J'-homen n Jar, Ilrother Noon nent a notice 5P.?A. ,h8 c!",rt would distribute Us funds. V.lth surprise came the membership. They were regaled with refreshments, entertained with a special hill, nnd talked to very pointedly of their lomlssness In attendance. The re ceipts wero then -distributed to the genernt and emergency funds. Then It dawned upon the participants thnt an April first Joke wan Played. However, rood results camo out nf the subterfuge nnd promises made to Incrense '.Jirr?c.nt- roster of 281 men, and finances of 13000 beforo the end of the year. . Court Freedom. No. 220. at Its quarterly en. tertalnment at slat and Market streets was regaled by a special program arranged by nrothers Heavy, Campbell. Kelly and Foley. Instrumental and j-ocal selections added to th nttrnrtlve fenturT? Grand Chief Hanger Pilot. Orand Treanurer'Fnrley. 1'. G, C. It, Hradley nnd Deputy Kernan addressed the large as semblage. The 4.r courts nf South Philadelphia will send. delegates to n meeting to be held April 13 at Court Passyunk. t02 South Jlrnad street, to arrango for a class Initiation for that sec tlon. The grand executive officers will nttend. Court t.tndemvood. No. ilSrt, held one of Its original Idea socials nt M0.1 Market street, the grnnd officers attending. A derided spur wan given to tho movement to Increaso the mem ershlp. Court Mount Pleasant. No. 312. Is gaining grent results from lis membership competing tennis. A speclnl novel cntertnlnment is ar ranged for April 20 nt 0210 Market Rtreet. Ilrother It. Kdunrds promises ti good tlmo to all who attend. . Court IlethaJiy. No. 101, at 21nt and South streets, under the supervision of Deputy J. A. Powell, Is engaged nctlvely In tho membership Increase contest. The meetings are nllvo In Interesting fenturen. nnd a decided turn In activities manifests ItBelf among tho rank and fllo. , Court l.nwton, No. 232. eotebrated Us 17th birthday last week the exercises being suited to such a commemorative event. Deputies Mc cormick and Cnrless and P G. C. It. liradley attended. A mustcalo added to the pleasant features. Arrangements are being perfected for the district elenn tMllitllnna The supervising deputies are being nesletcd In the preparation ! by advisory boards composed of officials of the nroer, -i no delegate are eeiecieu oy, ' courts, and the local deputies are part of the sectional .committees. Tho officers are selected from the rank and file. The advisory boards are an follows: . south District ci. C. It.. I., w. Plloti.rast grnnd chief rangers. C. P. liradley, .1. J. Guerln and J. J. .McCnnm supreme auditor. J. Duronsi Supreme ltepresentntlven llurke, llaetlvu. Prallnger, McKlwee. McDermott, Orr Campbell nnd Itosenlierg. board of appeals, Thompson nnd McAnany. . . . Northwest District J. O. C. Hangers, J, II. Kirk and W. J. Murray; Grand Lecturer M. J. Clancy. Grand Trustee J. F. Schlntterer, Grand Auditor P. Corrlgnn, Supreme Hepresentatlve niitlerflold, I.alb. Ogden nnd Itodden. P. tl Trustee V. II. Hurley. , , Northeast District Grand Treasurer It. .1. Farley. P. O. c. Hangers r. M. llacon. A. F. Schrnnk and M. .t. Seymour. Grnnd Trustee W. J. Kchnffner. IV el. Trustee II Young. P. I (I. S. . H. J. Dempney, J. snwerwald. Itepre- sntatives uorree. i-nrlln. oinn. uenrv, i,awan. Slnnamon, Scull. Sheehan. Waltherj, Frrrall. West Phlladelphin. District P. r.. C. It. II W. Mace, Sup. Trustee J. P. Donohue, P. O. Treasurer William D. Ilnron, Grnnd Trustees J. F. White and 11. Cowan. Grand Auditor C. K. Schnepp, Itepresentntlves ltnrclay, llnrll luecl. . Kearns, Loughran, Kelly, Smith. Thrasher and Tavlor. Oermantown and outljlng sections Itnbert Comber. P. O. C. Itnngers Thnman llrookn nnd John llnblnson. Sep. Itep. Frlel nnd Slefklns. April 24, to open and formally rount the. elec tion returns received from all subordinate lodges In the State. The religious Services held Sunday afternoon nt ine jrome ror Orphans, nt cneitcn ami ''gonts avenues, were In charge of the lodges v,'"" eecnnn oisirici, comprising iienerni nar I!S'n ..'0l'fe. No. 13.1i Chosen Friends. No. ?!!!. Krnklln. No. m Apollo. No. 200, nnd iiyle.vNo' ,,mn, .Large delegations represent ing the several lodges attended, as well as many members nnd friends of other lodges. .1.2L? lcnJ 'elections were rendered by a rhorun of members of Mlllo Iidge, nn well as f.I.J!rt'he"tra and chorun of the home. Miss Jiit?nT!l"on n,u' Msster Lawrence Helnbach contributed a vocal duet. Addresses were de ''red by Dlntrlct Detnity Charles K. Hran nan, i:harles II D. nichardson, president of I.Snomo- Rml Robert Iive. An Interesting sermon wan preached by the Ilev. W. I.. Steck. ,.T.ho.Af""e. Association, composed of mem IS, ' iorn! loiIes, supervised the religious itli,. 'iS.uJ",ny. afternoon nt the Odd Fellows' i-TO?L-,,T!h nnJ Tioga streets. A sermon wan U? ' iV,-r n h.y ,hfl n"v- " " n Vincent, rector ?Jn r1,M,.".llt Episcopal Church nf llrnneh- nJi-r'1 .K'Jdrrnses given hy rwls White. I KTiiIi"11 ".' A"" Wsvslde Inn Heme for Odd .-.-.-, , iirnt'fl I'lIV. nllil Tnnmn Minna r(iiris Mf ODD FELLOWS Local Lodges Start Work of New Term With Instalation of Officers Ruhordln.llo lodges throughout tho en tire jurisdiction havo been busy during tho Inst week electing olllcers for the coming term nnd voting for grand lodgo otneers The present week new officers aro being Installed nnd tho work of the new term formally Inaugurated. Scattered unollleial returns being re ceived Indicate that I'orry A. Shonor, of rittsburgh, will bn tho new grand mas ter nnd thnt for grand warden, tho Initial ofllce In tin- progress through tho grand lodgo chairs, Hoy D. lioman, of Harris burg, hails by n wldo margin, which seems to nsstiro his elect Ion. Fur grand treasurer, over which otllco thero was a sharp contest, returns so fnr received clearly foreshadow tho re-election of Kred C. Hnnyeti. of Scrniitou, by a. substantial plurality. Tho committee on grnnd lodge election will meet nt headquarters In this city Monday, Toiyrji1 of ,nn nom''- Th musical featui pii.,ii!ir'5?Br1,,,non"1 singing, a solo by M lie. i-'i!'. '"Crj""1 ''net by Miss Pearco a sirs. John F. Fisher. .hJ',.,K,p.,.?''0J'.M rity Mission took charge of tin ni-.lhV."rn.00n W!e"' "' ,he nebeknh Homo, lith street and Allegheny nvenue. The ' .""."irm" Py'W, '? -Ml" Hschel Dane and , f,"1"1 breached by tho Itev. R. J. Van UVJ i..'.V .hr,e. ddresn wan delU-ered by home Kngelmen, president of the i .JA J?,7l,,!,nn1.,:f,r""-..?.r.. l'n 'nundlng of the , i, i; h,.T4 ...".'S'J ".-"".' J "..EfD'Wr. .ei: ft. "' APHI w-a !. Proilnniallon has lieen Issued by the clrond a re. J. 1. A nni- '"son and In Ibis state by Grand Master J. ViJii?.hiim,iin?' .cal '."" "f""1 lo,Br. lo np Ptoprlntely celeiirnto tho etent. In thin city many of the lodges will attend divine nerMces on one of the Sundays nearest April 2(1. whllo others will hold exercises In their lodge rnomn. One of the most. Important movements for at tendance upon church services In this city In ono bolns nrrnnged under the auspices of the Active Assnelatlon, which each year takes a prominent part In this nnd kindred celebra tions of tho order. , , Tho officers of Purity. Lodge. No. nis. were Installed by D. p. o. M. John Pedersnn nuj stHlt on Wednesday ovenlng. Fred V. Thomp son being the noble. grnnd. The lodge Is progressing rapidly under tho consolidation ar rangement and degree work Is performed nt nearly, every session. Degree Mnter ltosn Mac Ivor hnclng n number of nddlllons to tho team. Special sessions of the Grand t,odga of Penn sylvania, for the ndmlsston of past grands to membership and lodges of Instruction for third degree members, will bo held by J. p. Halo Jenkins, grnnd muster, nnd other officers of tho Grand Lodge as follows: Monday. April 17. In tho hall of. Harmony Lodge, No. 8il, Tamaqua, Schuylkill County; Tuesday. April . The Pennsylvania. Odd Fellows' AfmlvcrSafj1 Association will celebrate the anniversary of tho order's natal day b s meeting April 20, In the morning. In the hall of central Lodge. ,Ne. 1.1.1, or jieneionic. wnicn win be followed in the afternoon by a parade nf lodges, cantons i and encampment of central Pennsylvania. -j iS'..MlnrT W":,, 2.v rottsvllle Wedne. ?2& ARfL1.0 "IM l'mond Iodge, n. Ififti, Shamokln: Thursday. April 20. John Stlnej Idgo. No. 11B0. Mount Carme i FTlday. April 21, In the hall of John W. Stokes Lodge, No. MB, at Shenandoah. SONS OF AMERICA Many candidates are springing up As as pirants to succeed the late Wlllam Weand at grand secretary, of the State Camp of Bone of America. So numerous are the candi dates and so varied their . claims that the board of Stale ofneers had had a difficult proh cm to solve In selecting a successor best qualified to serve, the order's Interests and tit the same time satisfy the many friends of the Increasing list of candidates, . While no official announcement has J'et been made. II Is known that tho Stato hnnni nf grnnd officers .has been In conferen-e on the subject, nnd It Is believed will nnen nn. nounce the name of the successful aspirant. It would not. lie surprising If n compromise will bo effected by which the office wil go to one nf the country candidates. Whoever may be named. It In certain that he will not have an easy path for Some time, and that a contest will be had over the office nt the election, to be held In August next. MYSTIC SHRINE Lu Lu Tcmpto held a, largely attended meet lng last night In Its hnll. .1.137 Spring Garden street. A number of candidates trod th hot sands of the desert. nnd a hunch of pctlllons was placed upon .the recorder's desk. The nhrlno now hnn about 0800 memliers nnd Is seeking to reach the 7000 mark before Septem ber 1. when the Initiation fee .will be Increased from ISO to liB. Houtlne' buslnes won fol lowed by an entertainment nnd the traditional banquet. A concert, vaudeville nnd . dance will be given In Lu Lu Temple Wednesday eienlng next, under the direction of . Lu Lu Tnmple Hand, the Patrol, the Mounted Guard nnd tho Country Club. Order of Moose The regular semimonthly meeting of Phila delphia Lodge, No. til, I,oynl Order of Mooe, will bo held Sunday nfiernnon In the new nudl lorlum. 1314 North JJroad street. This body now numbers about ltuxio members nnd Is the largest slnglo fraternal lodge, of any order In thin country. The lodge, which meets In Its own building on North Hroad street, Is worth moro-thon $200,000 nnd pays out In sick nnd death benefits nn average of !36Su ocry two weeks. A special entertainment for tho ladles was provided at the hall last night and nnother will bo nrrnnged for the ovenlng of April 14, "A Night In Germany". Tuesday evening, April 53. will supply a novel and enjoyable evening fnr members and ladles accompanying them. .iPAID Cm -NOW- r 'fiPia ' - nisSSttt ' Jr- J? j HHLi !ka vX a.- .g5ElSWM "'' " i - Lej&llH V '"?!F " "I l"ft 'I lyf-Mintr n )HBrTari.BlVLsWl ifxt )HaWiBiMh9HMaH nnBD y9SABWinXflOHeijViM 1 Btm 73Xi&LutuASitTlii)))flv!9ftu f. wll fa 4 tWmKl!M WmBua '1mm i i vf ffT ftwriwr'fnl limn "W BY (" ' V j' jfi. J J Ik JB rrf '- " kltf "Vi en NTtia m amn m vmrnems for. .a Short Time" ;n 7 - I t TP . " ' '." .;. 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