EVENING LEDGER PHIKADEL'PHIA. Tl :PRIL f916. G LRST establishes BIG FILM SERVICE Publisher to Expand Motion ire Interests Photo play News e rhotoplay Editor IrilAr '" Amusement Section ! -nether ll of "Tim Sis Miotoptsrs." selected br rend- In yonr eholre now. Hearst nubllcntlons and allied are to be Intimately connected ifiollon-tilcturo Industry Is now an Id fact. Edward A. MacManus, Irst's motlon-tilcturo representa- iounces definitely that the tnter- Fllm Service Is to engage nc- LlYClVTA tho Production OI mouon inuiurcH, and is to open n chain or inucpenuoni ex changes, beginning April 3. The growing demands of the motion-picture Industry and the ever-growing dlffl culty for attracting the big writers, tho crying need for genuine newspaper and magaxlno co-operation, made Mr. Hearst realize that In his organization ho pos wessed what could become motion pictures' treasuro house of brains nnd originations. "When tho International Film Service, which is Mr. Hearst's photographic news gathering organization, first entered tho motlon-plcturo field with the "Perils of Pauline," and later 'Tho Exploits of Elaine"- nnd "The Goddess," Mr. Hearst had tho opportunity ho demanded to ob serve' at close range whether or not his conjectures were correct. In the Hearst-Scllg nnd Its later de velopment, the Hearst-Vllngraph N'ews Pfctorlal, the motlon-plcturo field learned what the Hearst organization could glo In fctJuvVfitS of first-hand, up-to-the-mlnuto !?e Solle-V h. S. U. release this month fwlll be "The Cycle of Fate." It will feature Bessie Hyton. Charlie Chanlln Is here. That Is, his H&tbit nlcture. "Ilurlesnue of Carmen," Is bout ready for release by tho Kssanay V. I S. E. Tho Paramount announces a lino list of films for May. Duatln Farnum In "David Oarrlfk." riillas, jonn narrymoro In "ino Jien nioow," ramouH nayrri. Uernldlne Karrnr In "Maria Itosa," I-ssky. Sessuo Haynkswa Haiet Dawn In " In "Allen Souls," I,asky. "Tho Feuil Girl," Famous Pannuale." Moroseo. Flayers. Georeo Urban In ' Utaiicho Stveet In "Unconquercd." Lnsky. "Saints and Sinners," y Hiland In 1'Iajcrs. ha Hanlon, who Is acting In William thotoplays, has an unknown admirer nds-Micr books of coupons good for 'callons of casollnc. Now she would like to havo some ono donate shoes and In ner tubes for her runabout. BOO Candy Firms Ask Lower Freights WASHINGTON', April 0. A general re adjustment of railroad rntcn west of the Mississippi was asked by BOO candy com panies of tho Interstate Commerce Com mission today. It Is alleged In a petition that tho present rates from the eastern to all points -west of tho Mississippi nro unreasonable. Tho present rates aro car ried laAMond class. The candy com panlePMfe that theso rates be lowered to thlrdTourth, fifth nnd sixth class. Hovcn hundred and fifty railroad com panies and steamship companies aro named as defendants. - 'amki BoSm Gnjjam, TIIF follow Ini thmtres obtain their picture through the .STAXI.KY llooklnt Camnanr which I" a Kiniruntre of early nhowlne of the llnet nrodnc lnn All Vltturen reviewed before eihlblllon. AnV. for the tlieiitre In your lieaUtr obtolnln" picture, throuib tb. HTAM.EV HOOKING COJU-A.NV. AIUAMDDA I2th. Morris 4 raiiyunk Mo. ALH AMBR A m; sVrSK Francis X. Bushman 'kum" f A R C A D I A c,IESi!SwSTioT.. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in TUB HABIT OK HAPPINESS" 'aeollo 1 vrm f Ti S2D AND THOMPSON MATINCU DAILY mni n sn if r rriT Pedunta Rob'Warck'"SuS RI tIEBIRD "00 N0BTH DR0AD ST' I Slljrno. presents I Marguerite Snow "A CORNER IN COTTON" rr?i nirMVlT bo above market BELMUIN 1 Mots 1 :30 A ai30. 10a Marguerite Clark ln cnucinLE- prnAD PARAMOUNT V-CLIAK. THEATRE PETROVA in B SOUL, MARKET" rrAtOHJK-kTTIMT 20TII AND rVlIlVH-Wl 1 GIIIARD AVE. rAUAMOITNT Offrs Pauline Frederick in 'The Spider FRANKFORD " TS Bessie Barriscale ttrtf0 FBED MACK In 'THE VILLAGE VAMPIRE'' 56TH ST. Theatre DX'g Itel. Bpruct, Eve. T to Jl Marguerite Clark ,n " Jmnv. 52dSt. B2d 4 Mats 2-3:30 So Hansom Eys. 0:30 to 11 10o ROBERT B. MANTELL in "A WIFE'S SACRIFICE" GERMANTOWN B50T80?v? MABEL TALIAFERRO in "HER GREAT PRICE" II L i I , knnp 60TII k. MARKET. 2:13-7.0. mOIJ $18 000 KIMDALL OnOAN fuFfinnnF nnntnTQ :,. $ PL'DDN'HEAD WILSON" niD Ann avenue theatre VMIVfllVl 7TH AND OIRARD AVENUE Mary Miles Minter in "Dimples" BALLROOM DANCING CONTEST firont Nnrtripm brad ST.. Erie ureal iiannern gbrmantn aves. i Francis X BUSHMAN and Beverly BAYNE in "Man and Hu Soul" I THEATRE 8"a TSSS AVENUE fannie Ward "The "Cheat" IPERIAL Theatre wftr. Walnut Street PATItE Presents sRL WHITE In JHAZEL KIRKE" ERSON NTU8TSiE?sAupau iViw CiUh WTTY OF iny vxisn greystone" ice, comedy trianolb plays rETTE S9H Sg0,0! f IMCt In 1B DE'IL'H TOr a i 3u.3. Mof.tav uut TiusO.iv 60TII anqw CEDAlt iM AWE ur trjra K lcr UIjd. NgvsJ ft . II' ' S V"" i hi? S -J.S " V'T .. fl FROM LUBIN'S TO WINTER GARDEN Jenn Hackctt, daughter nf the well-known screen star, Florcnco Hnckett, was onco a familiar sight about the Lubin studios. Now sho is over in New York, an interesting part of the current Winter Gurden show, "Robinson Crusoe, Jr." Miss Hackett's brother is playing with Miss Adams in ."Peter Pan" this afternoon. Lcgion's Cross for Edith Wharton Mrs Hdlth Wharton, author of "The Timiun nf Mirth." hud received the Cross of tho Legion of Honor fiom the French Government, an unusual honor Tor a woman. This was nnnounced by Mrs. Cadwalader Jones at a tea given In the name of Mrs. Wharton's charities In Franco at the War Itellef Headquarters, 134 West 42d street, New York city. ANY SUIT In the House TO OUDF.It lleduceil from 3o. 12", nnd $-0 See Our 7 Bis Windows PETER MORAN & CO. MERCHANT TAII.OHS H. i:. Cor. Otli und Arrh St. 8. i:. Cor. 1 1 til nnd tlirMnut Stn. PROMINENT V JUL TOPLAY PRESCNTATIO 1 FAnCR KORTY-rmsT and L.ILiULK. LANCASTER AVENUE MARY MILES MINTER in "LOVELY MARY" LIBERTY BROAD a?odlum..ia TlltASaLt: PLAYS JANE GREV In "LET KATY DO IT " ItOKCOE AHIIUCKLE In "FICKLi: PATTY'S FALL" Logan Auditorium Uroail Aboie Rockland Ami. HOUSE PETERS in "THE HAND OF PERIL" T "VOI TCT 3E AND LOCUST LAJlJO 1 Milts inn and It 30, 10c. lEH fl 30, 8, l):30, 15C John Emerson ln ,-T"n Fm?EDo Market St. Theatre 333 maiset ULUERIRD FEATI'RES Present CLEO MADISON ln "HER IllTTEn CUP" HEB "GRAFT" EVERY WEDNEHDAY" riDPUPITM QERMANTOWN AND wrcrniiiUM chelten aves. ROBERT WARWICK in THE SUPREME SACRIFICE" fiT? 1P1MT 2D t WOODLAND AVE. '-'"1I-1 Dally Mat . 2. Evr . 0:30 to 11. PARAMOUNT PICTURE THEODORE IlOIIEnTS & CAJtLYl.E RLACIC WELL In "JUl OREX OF MONTE CAUIX)" DAT A PIT 121 MARKET STREET rrLAV,6 10 A M to 11 15 F M. FANNIE WARD in "FOn THE DEFENCE" D A DK KIDOE AVE. 4 DAUPHIN ST. lTIa. Mat 0 15 Eve. 0 45 to 11. OEOROE F. MARION "and VIVIAN BLACKHURN In "EXCUSE ME" PRINCESS "MS?1""" THE GIRL AND THE GAME" THE CRASH FREDDY vs HAMLET OI AT TT GERMANTOWN AVE I1JUHJ AT TULPKHOCKEN ST. VIRGINIA PEARSON in THE VITAL QUESTION" DFrUMT 131 MARKET STREET KCLlIll A KUiA.Y YQlfW OROAH Francis X RUSHMAN and Beverly RAYNK in "The Wall Between" RlinV MARKET STREET J i I BELOW 7TH STREET JEANNE IVER in "ONE DAY" SHERWOOD ""LTimore PARAMOUNT PICTURE Mary Pickford In !$& QUEBN.. SAVOY ,siyBigDr WORLD FILM CORP. Presents JOHN MASON in THE REAPERS TIQQ A 1TTH A VENANGO 6T3. William Farnum "? -SPcSSS.0' THE STRANOB CASE OF. MARY PAGE" VI C T f R I A MARKET 8T. I V A J 1A. 1 . ABOVE NINTH TrlanoU Ployt Frank UUls and Edith Reeves In 'Ttas Moral Fabric" 'Th Straus Case 0l Mary Page," with H. IS Walthall A E. Mao. STANLEY nf ABOVB l coNTjNcoua uusun rarnum m 11 IS A &f to i;?it nun ulaik B'NAI B'RITH CAMPAIGN A COMPLETE SUCCESS Fully One Thousand New Mem bers Gained by Fourteen Active Teams The whirlwind campaign conducted by members of Joshua Lodge, of tho Inde pendent Order of IVnal TVrlth during tho last week, with tho object of adding to Iti present membership of 300 every rcp resentntlio Jewish citizen In rhlladelphla, will be brought to a close tonight The workers comprising tho 14 teams hao mcl with unusual success thus for In the campaign nnd tho captains of the teams promise somo startling surprises when tho final result Is announced. The members will bring the work to a fltt tig -i.... . i.nwiiAt tn hn hrl(I In tho fllnghnm Hotel, where tho Campaign Committee has maintained Its hendqunr tors. Abo Well, president of the local order. In nn nddress to the workers jestcrday. urged them to bring the campaign to n rloso In a blaze of glory, by making a special effort -n securing members for tho lodge livery Indication points to tho fnct that full" a' thousand new members will have been enrolled by tomorrow night. Tho Order of ICnnl U'rltli has estab lished and maintains hospitals, schools, orphan asylums, homes for tho aged libraries, free employment bureaus and other agencies for the relief nf the dis tressed In all parts of the United States, In many Ihirope.in countries and In the Orient In evorv great f-mergenrv surh ns the Chlrago lire, tho Charleston earth quake. lh" Galveston tidal vno and tho San Francisco conflagration and the pres ent Uuropenn war, the order hns been among the first in the Meld to rentier re lief to the sufferers The order, which Is exclusively a frnler- Your Favorite MOVIES FREE To Boys FREE To Girls Name Your Favorites Wo will send you tickets that will admit you FRI3U to see them. If you will only devoto O N E Mi.virru of Yovit time a MONTH TO MKRULY TALKING WITH YOUR MOTHER OR FATHER about our proposition. This olfcr Is open to boya and girls anywhere In Philadelphia, or In any town within 100 miles of Philadelphia, that has movies. For particulars call or write. ROOM 230 I'uni.ic i.uuai;i: iiuii.dino i'iui.Aii:i.iitiA WEST FniI.ADi:i.I'iIIA VJ"rtl,,1-' MAT DAILY. 2 P. M . St Tin: uia itjati'iii: w itii 12 dramatic PTAItS "HOW MOLLIE MADE GOOD OVERBROOK 03D x "tSSS" avu BLANCHE SWEET in "THE RAGAMUFFIN" PARAMOUNT FEATURE l" ARnPM 5M LANSDOWNE AVE. V'IIil 1 MAT. 2 EVO , 0 30 SIIUI1ERT riLMS CO Present CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG in THE YELLOW PASSPORT" EUREKA 40Tn MAIUnT STa TRIAXat.B Pl.AYS DOUGLAS) FAIRRANKS In "HIS I'lCTfRE IN THE PAPERS" WILLIAM COLLIER In BETTER LATE THAN NEVER" RROAnWAY 55D ani1 GREENWAY DIWJMUYYA I ,vhjiUiocj ChlliJrenBi;. THEDA BARA in "THE GALLEY SLAVE" NORTH Broad Street Casino n,!""' EVENING 7 1.1 AND 0 RARRAnA GJLROY In "THE OVAL DIAMOND" 3 Parts , HAM COMEDY CENTURY EH,E AvrJ MARSHALL I'E'll KJIX X MATINEE DAILY FRANK SHERIDAN in "THE STRUGGLE" south P I A 7 A DRAD AND PORTER I" L, . J UTREETS "THE WOMAN'S LAW" Featuring FLORENCE REED OLYMPIA BR0AD STRErrrsD,UDaB mini, ur rut; latest Axd best PEARL WHITE ami SHELDON LEWIS In Tin: innv i-law "v,"'a ,n NORTHWEST .Simntiprinrinn THEATnE itth & ousquenanna susquehanna ave. Return Enatrment by Request MUTUAL FREDERICK WARDE in SILAS MARKER" 7 Parts NORTHEAST STRAND l2T" AND 0InAD ave. Orrin John8on ,n TEFESL0 CHARLES CHAPLIN REQUEST COMEDT KENSINGTON I II M R O RONT ST. AND J U 1Y1 D U OIRARD AVENUE "The Iron Claw" c,,,AvPIATa "COLONEL STEEL. MASTER GAMBLER" "WHERE TUB HEATHER BLOOMS," " Pa?ts Weekly Programs APPEAR EVERT MONDAT IN I Motion Picture Chart --CicrJiWH?-".l a -iw law ,m !M nftl onf w.i.q tnntrumcntnl In liavlne th Oovernment trile notion to provent fur, ther nerseeutlon of tho Jews In Rumania It nwo secured tho lntcr'ont!on of tno United States In support of tho univer sal protest ftR.tlnit the Kl'hlneff mnsiacre HurlriK tho Inst Ave yenrq the order lian expended for chnrltnlile, benevolent nnd ediiCAtlonnl purposes the sum of J3.1BB, 976. The speaker"? at the banquet tomorrow night wilt include Abo "Welt, president of Joshua lxdce: M. S McycrlioIT, chairman of the cnmpalftn committee: Marcus A. llenn, treasurer, nnd Isndor Sohel, who hat taken nn active part In onrnnlzlnR nnd conducting tho campnlRn. Mr. Sobel Is a prominent resident of Krle, Pa. wherfl he served several terms as postmaster. Members of the executive committee In charce of the campalRn nrc- The llev William Armbnld. Kamuel Hayult. Max llayulc, Isadnro llrod, Aaron S Ilelbcr Joseph Ulberman, 11 W riclsher. nmanuel Kurth, William fierst ley, Louis Oerstley, tho Itnv A Clrosn. William H llnckcnburs, Max HcMbcrK, Sol C Kraus, Uabbl Max D. Klein, Louis K Levy, the itcv. I. Landman, William Morris, Prof. Max L. MnrnotlH Ilahbl 1111 Mayer, William B. Itosskam. Jacob Slnirer, Louis Sickles. Harry Sacks nnd 1M Wolf. Young Sinn Held Up by Twti Negroes Two ncerroos Jumped from behind bushes on Wlssnhlckon avenun near Johnson street ns James Itebbs, 20 yearn old. was on Ills way to bis homo nt 71 West Weaver street, and domnnded his witch ftnd money, y IS d ,sw' v. -K It's of the pioneer West; of horse thieves and gun play; of a girl who could ride and shoot and love; of a man who ventured his life for months to capture a magnificent wild stallion; of that stallion, and the terrific race he ran against forest fire to save two lives. The Country Gentleman covers every interest of the farm good reading as well as good ideas. It is for the wife as well as for the farmer. In this issue begins A Series of MntnaMfigAtticles hy Mrs. Nellie Eedelmies These are, we believe, the best articles on the home ever written for the farm woman. Mrs. Jones is by birth and experience a farm woman. She has spent years in Farmers' Institute work. She is the one woman best fitted to give helpful, practical talks to farm housewives. Out iO'day stibscwibe lor a whole year fl?a COISw 5fo issues? io? $lthrough 5? If Theatrical Baedeker I'OnnEST "Come to Bohemia." with Dalsle irilnar, Walter Perclvol, Alice Hasrerman nnd Prlta Wllllami A muslcat comedy of medloero Interest rnpably done WALNUT Dammed Goods." EiieiMie Jlrloiix's soelolnitlrnl plur, recently produced uy Rlchntd Ilonnett riROAU -Tho Little Minister." with Miud Adnrns The famous iln of Scotch lire liv i.,. ' Unrrle. trlllni: of tl o prnnlts of Milady lmhhle Speclsl matinee of "Polor Pnn" Thursdiy LVRIC -A World of Pleasure." with Clifton J rawfoM nnd Conroy nnd i Marie. A JMnter tlinlen Show with music by Rom bore, words by Atterldra and staged by J t Horrmsn ADELPIII "Nobody Heme." with Lawrence nrossmlth A musical comedy from tho Aritfin American Allies. Hood music, fair hook," excellent comedy from Orossmtth OARRtrK "It Paja tn Adertlse." Tilth Mulsc Drew, nrinl Mitchell nnd lien John son. A nocl force with much fun in It PHOTOPLAYS STANLEV Thursday. Urlday and Saturday. "l!cn Rlnlr," with Dustln Unrnum. Anr-ADIA All week "The Habit of Happi ness." with Doualnss Talrbanhs A Trl- nnslo Tine Aria comedy PALACE Thursday. J'rldnv nnd Saturdsy, "For tho Defense," with I'anny Ward. VirTOHTA Thursday, "The Moral Fabric." with I'rnnk Mills Prld-iy nnd Saturday. "The Wall llctuecn," with Krnncls X t'li'hm.in nnd l!ccrly Rnjne. VAUDEVILLE. crtOSS KErs Plrst half of tho week. Wnrd De Wolf . Co., In "The Mummy nnd tho Maid": Prank MonII, Phllurlclt nnd Dn Wnll, KIs Harmonists, Walton und Jolsoti. "Tho Wonder Kettle " Ol.ritii; "Solomon the Orent." llarncy Will lims nnd Rlrls, tho lour Hurley Olrls, Mnr- inrlo Fairbanks and enmpsny. the Hosii tentz Troupe, Don Fl.it!. Lew Wnrd. Mnl- A A c $&. WMi " Z .; m tray wuxsivrixea mints you mlsa the first instalment of Wildfire because all copies here are sold out, you can get a reprint of the first chapters by applying to our gent E. M. LOVELAND, First Floor, Curt! Buidinr. 7th and Sanom St.. !'w- Plntrree nnd company, Wilson and lfh, Keda nnd Hoot., ORjND--l)obby Jfenth In his revues Mr and Mrs. OeorffO Allison tn "Minnie Prom Min nesota." Four Gordon Hlahlanders. Tom Jllllen, monolomioi Ben nnd Hazel Mann, Rio nnd Norman KEITH'S Valerie Tlcrccre ft Co In "Little J'herry Blossom." Wilbur Mnelc nnd Nelln Walker. In "A Pali' of Tickets." Laddlo flllf. Knte nitnnro nnd Sam Williams. ."Tanco Shoes," !:dns Shownllcr, Lucy Clll ictt. Warren Templeton, Cnllfornln Ornnito Packers nnd fiellir Irlbuno pictures. STOCK. KNICKERBOCKER "Tho Thlof ." n drama ly Henri Bernstein, with tho Knickerbocker Plnjers, Emily Smiley nnd John Wnrren In the lending roles AMERICAN "A Woman's Way." Tho Ar llno plnyers In Ornco Ocomo'e comedy suc cess with Ruth Robinson nnd Ueorice Ar lne In the IcndlnR roles BUItt.ESQUE DUMONT'S Dumonfs Minstrels. In satires on matters of current Interest Police Court Chronicles Funerals always affect Frank. Rlrsmund seriously Ho officiated as pallbearer for a friend In Mnnavunk nnd tho cxperlcnco depressed him. Somo one told blm thnt numerous drinks would put him on his feet Hut It nppears the drink had Just tho opposite effect After ho had nnmpted several varl-col- ,ne Gre Author of Riders of the Purple Sage A fifteen-year-old school girl devoured this story without stopping. A staid business man started it on the train and passed his station. An editor, who reads all day, sat up most of the night to finish it. And now it comes to you. Zane Grey's great story, Wildfire, starts today in d Hnulds. Sle-muml bernm l.i,BH ttAl drdpped Into n saloon which fflfo boIJ . oysters. Aftor catlnR an oyster Btew an(l i. iiiamon oi iries, siRmuna tcit urea ns. reauit oi nis cuorts nna went to sleep A mo moie. A Arnlter trlert tn nrntiaA Itl Then bo tcnlr fllr-mnml K.. fl.A'Tf' him nn lilo tAt nn.1 neaA.l 1.1m. .. it.1 donr. Rlrrmitmt wwf nt, t,.Afn..MMl nnd rntltrlfwt ...Ut. pAtUAmnn TlAAt.t n.UHt wns passlnp On mnklnR suro that the innn wns noi n iiomu from a Zeppelin, tho cop look SlRtnund beforo Jtaglstrato Prlco nt tho Manayunk police station Tho man who sold tho oysters said he, bftd n. bill nErnltief 4I.A mIaamah am be cents In view of Slgmund's Renernl nttl-j iuue, mo juuo tnougnt no iook cntlrell tnn tlltlrll tni crenntArl nH,l Hma.I KIa. o erj Witli the ORQlatntiAA nt enmA r.t.n,iA n.,1 prisoner talscd tho fine, therefore loslnR o.iu on me operation. Research Iiurcnu Banquet Tonitrht Tho Philadelphia Hureau of Municipal' Ilescnrcli will hold Its nnnual bnnnuet to. nlRht In the Hellevue-Stratford Clover ltoom to celehrnto Its sixth hlrthdav The prlncipnl speaker will be Dr. Frederick A Clei eland, of tho New York Uurcntt of Municipal Hesenrch. Joseph P, Onffney, chairman of the Finance Committee of Councils, nnd Qeorgo W. Norrls, director of tho Federal Hcseo Bank and ex Director of Wharves, Docks nnd Ferries, will nlso speak. agent imiHlllllllllllllll"' 1Hlll));nM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers