Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 06, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Developments Concerning
Sussex Increase Tensity,
Washington Thinks
Another day's devclonments have In
creased the probability nt a rupture with
Jcrmanv. Ilece tit or the French otuciai
report of the Sussex disaster. nnnounclnB
the belief that the channel packet was a
submarine Mctlm and cltlwr the evidence
on which the belief Is based, confirmed
the fear of Washington olllelnls that ft
break cannot be avoided. The report of
the French Admiralty, of course, Is not
nccepted ns conclusive, but there Is lit
tie expectation that nlTMnvlta obtained by
United Stntcs representatives abroad will
dlrfer In any Important deprce from those
on which the l-'ronch conclusions are
WILSON'S rossmt,t2 roucv.
Officials In Wnililnntnii, In close touch
Iwlth the course of international relations,
Koday could see probable coming events
July in the folIowltiK order:
First - Admission bv Germany that one
otvher submarines was responsible for the
Buytsex attnclc; or proof of that fact by
United States Investigations.
Second Itcfusal by the United Slatci
Government to accept any further prom
ises regarding German Bttbinarlno war-
Third A comprehensive statement by
'resident Wilson of the progressive steps
lln the submarine controversy, from the
Mtack An tho Lusltanta to tho attack on
khe Sussex This statement to bo made
to C'nngicss Intended to bo read by tho
world as America's position in tho mat
ter Congress not to be asked to tako any
Fourth Ills passports to bo handed
Ambassador von Bcmstoift and Ambassa
dor Gerard to bo called home.
Fifth, l'vcnts beyond this point to de-
Ipcnd on Germany. Hellcf Is divided among
Administration men as to whether It will
mean war and as to what by Germany
agarnst tho United States, under present
I conditions, would menn. '
In tho last connection It Is known that
I tho 'Administration :ui never received any
official Intimation, c'-hor in this country
or In Germany, that brcakng off diplo
matic relations would mean war.
A high Administration official today
Inade It clear that while. If tho step Is
sikon, It will bo with the full conscious-
kss that war may result, this Govern-
nt never has received any direct sug-
cation of that sort from Germany.
FTIiere have been Indirect Intimations from
trh German sources, It Is s.ild, but no
knmn authority has conveyed the
aratlon, to tho President, cither
lugh Secretary Lansing or any otner
the heat of tho armed nior-
winlrnvnrsv 111 f?nT1irpJ If VT Q
tile President had such direct Infer-
Jn. Today It became known ho was
'possession of dcflnlto Intimations, but
that they wero all through Indirect chan
AirnnNATivn siuAsunns.
The steps outlined above aro clearly
seen by probably a majority of Admin
istration advisers. Others eco a differ
ent course that may be pursued. The
second Btcp, they say, may not bo refusal
to accent further promises from Ger
many but tho Insistence on an Iron-bound
keuarantco concerning nil future submarine
Rations, and tho abrogation of tho
I'd merchantmen decrco of March 1
lir ns It conflicts with prior assurances
Iio United States. This, they admit.
Id prove ns humiliating to Germany as
Hither course, if not more so
e steps that would follow Germany a
lal or perhaps even her delay In ac-
Inco of Buch a proposition, they say
Id be the same as given above In
Ither alternative.
iring Suits
t o Measure
Tailors to R
Cor. 13th
Httyfo $i
ticullar Mem
u oura to crijoy Ifl yojjIbie comfortable
HANNA'8' rJ'co'r. ISth fcSansom
1201 CmfrTSFjiiKV.
t'ormi Hemmed, 2fe Jufclnnlciirlnr. 25c
Union Addressing Company
Ludlow Uldff., 3H bJ6th St.
(Forrnrrl) of 1SIO lirijioi) ilulldlnc)
Ih1 phone Luc tittH
Hpeedy, Accurate bfrle t ,3Jifrrntn
C'nvt. Ahk itar llinWZ
The War Today
After n brief lull, during which
both sides in the Verdun battle re
cuperated nnd consolidated their
lines, the strugplo has been re
sumed. Although checked several
times nnd suffering enormous
losses, the Germans have entered
Haucourt, west of the Meusc. Tho
French, by a violent counter-attack,
have captured Bois Carre,
northeast of Avocourt.
Attempts of the Germans to cap
ture Bethincourt were blocked.
German attacks north of Caillette
Wood have been repulsed.
Tho Teutons have launched their
attacks both northwest nnd north
cast of Verdun.
The Russian nrmics beyond
Erzerum and in Persia are moving
rapidly to meet the main Turkish
forces, now reported assembling in
the Hnnikin Pass.
General Lake reports a victory
for the British over the Turks at
Umm-El-IJenna, 20 miles from
Kut-cl-Amara, in Mesopotamia.
Holland continues restive, ac
cording to all accounts. The sec
ond chamber of Parliament has
been informed that recent military
steps have not beent inspired by
belligerent considerations.
Two of Crew Killed by Explo
sion When Torpedo Hit
Liner Zent
LONDON. April 6
Forty-eight persona lost their IIvob
through tho sinking of the Brltsh llnor
Zent by n submarine, It was announced
Tho captain and 10 survivors of the
crew were landed at Queonstown this
morning. They all agreed that tho Bhlp
was torpedoed without warning.
Tho Zent listed badly and began sink
ing Immediately after tho torpedo Btruck.
In an effort to get the boats over quick
ly, tho crew becamo excited and every
boat capsized
The submarlno moved Biowly off whllo
tho Zent's sailors wero struggling In tho
water, mnklng no attempt to aid them
A vessel finally appeared and rescued
those, members of tho crew who had man
aged to keep afloat. Bodies of two men,
killed by tho torpedo, wero brought Into
Mrs. Mario C. Pearson Created Dis
turbance at Atlantic City
Mr. Mario G Fenrson, BO years old,
of West Pomona street, Gcrmantovvn, was
brought heio last night from Atlnntle
City. Sho was arrested there on Saturday
for creating a disturbance In n hotel, and
nfter asserting that Dr Walter I Ten
nock, of H22 North 17th street, this city,
hnd been murdered and had not committed
sulcido ns was believed at tho time of his
death last November.
Sho will remain In chargo of the police
until she li claimed by relatives, who, she
says, livo In this city.
Squadriglio di Avintori Nemici
Messi in Fuga dn Verona.
Una Nuovn Invenzione
di Marconi
ROMA. S Aprlle
II Mlnlstero dellft Guerra pubbllcava
lerl sera II seguente rapporto del gencralo
comandante Intarlnale dello forze ltallano
alia fronts Itnlo-austrlaca:
"Nclla rcglone del Trentlno si e' avuta
la sollta attlvlta' dctl'arttgllcrla da ambe
lo parti.
"Nella zona del Monte Crlstallo lunedl'
Bera, dopo una Intcnsa preparazlone ill
nrtlgllerla, II uemlco nprl' un nuovo vlo
lento nttacco contro le nostro poslztonl sul
Ttauchkofcl. Iattacco fu resplnto con
gravl pcrdlte per II ncmlco ehe laselo'
nellc nostrc manl nncho un nuincro dl
"Nella'nlta e media vallc dcll'Isonzo si
o' avuto un Intonso duello dl nrtlgtlertc
Itcpartl nemlcl hnnno tontato dl sfondaro
lo nostro Unco ad est del I'odgora-Sabo-llno,
ma sono slatl renplntl e dlspcrsl
"Aviator! nemlcl corcarono lerl dl rag.
TIib trafreliAs. crnnei in our
lumbonfvjf know Ihat trav
eling ifistj monoy and they
pay theirway.
Edward F.Henson& Co.
Structural .umber and Timber
I'ODlsr bl. Wbai-TH. rhlln. Ifi
1 -
tUVTT AW Nin,h i I
4 "We Are jf and 1
tmrji our Z j
Lowest Rata inThis City
Bttxoli&Zp'oof Protection
ICstab. 1803.
Vtamond Itrokera and Money Lendera
Unredeemed .Diamond, etc., for sale
K r"
V- t-
The Best, Easiest to
Operate and Most
Fascinating Instru
ment for the Pleasure
of the Family.
. It furnishes the accompaniment for singing in any key de-
-l A nA..:4o mi.etA fn infintt anrl rniiVQ th nnmilfir ''hits''
OKCU JtUHUd IMUdlb IVI M. ...,, ,...,, ...wuwm... ...,v
oi tne a ay or inc most intricate classics .mu aivawiwi tnc
velous touch and accuracy of a master. X
So simple in operation that a child can mastr it, so capable
of the slightest modulations ot expression tnje it is a never
failing source of delight to the Joyer of musje. the Ludwi
is indeed the Player-Piano without a rival. Let us dem;
ctrate it, ff
Ludwig-made $450 to $85
fiU- BlrAn tQKn . (HA fif
Sold on terms to suit your convenience. Write for cftalog.
J i
ngere Verona, ma fufono brontamante
rontatl dal nostrl vellvoll da caccln e
ostrcttl a fugglre Altrl avlatorl auts-
trlncl rlusclrono Invece a ragglungero
Haii.ino su cul feccro cadere atcune bomba
ehe ucclscro due ragizzl.
"Sul basso Isonzo e sulla Lagiina
Qranda gll avlatorl nemlcl fecero slmlll
tentatlvl e laiclarono cadere bomba u
alcune ca;e dl campngna. I.e nostra
Bquadrlgllo da caccla pcro' mlsero In fuga
gll avlatorl nemlcl, duo dclle cul mac
chine furono vlsto cadere nl dl la' dclle
llneo nustrlache."
Le dlmlsilonl del mlnlstro delta Guerra
generate Zupclll sono oggetto dl commentl
da parte dl tuttl I glornall, ma esse sono
ufllclalmento nttrlbultc a cattlvo Btnto dl
salute, sebbeno si parli dl dlssensl sortl
tra it mlnlstro delta Guerra cd altrl mem
brl del govcrno II generate 5?upelll era
stnto mandato at dlcastero dclla Guerra
per dcslderlo del generalo Cadorna, nllora
capo dello State Magglor Generate, pro
prlo nuando l'ltalla si prcparava alia
guerra Cadorna to nveva In grnndo stlma
o lo aveva avuto nncho come suo ns
sIitento nllo Stato Mngglore
SI dice the II generate Zupclll desldcrl
vlvamenle dl essero mnndato alia f route
per prendere II comando nttlvo dl un
corpo, c sembrn die It suo dcslderlo sara'
sodlsfatto 12gll naciiue, como c' noto,
neil'Istrla, e conosce como pochl la fronte
orlcntalo ttaltana dovo nppunto st nvolge
ranno lo piu' grandl npcrazlonl dl guerra
nella prlmavcra
II senators Gugllelmo Marconi ha per
fezlonato una sua Invenzlono cho riguarda
I'lmplcgo degll ncroptanl o cho per ora c'
un segrcto dl guerre
Ij'lnvenzlone si basa su dl un nuovo
prlnclpto, o st dice die produrrnn' rlsullntl
sorprcntlentl Questa Invenzione lion ha
nulla a cho fare con nucha nnnunclatA
giornf or sono e tlguardanto la radio
telegrafla. Ambedue lo Inv'enzlonl dl Mnr
conl sarnnno prima mesic In viso dall'cs
erclto ltallano e nuando 11 rtauttato pratlco
sara' ns-dcurato, cto" ehe potra' essere fra
glornl, esse saranno comunlcato dnll'Italla
al gov ami cd ngll Statl Mogglorl nlteatl
perche' slano usato dagll csercltt cho com
battono Contro gll Imperl centrall
Da quatcho glorno si parla dclt'Olanda
a delta sua neutrnllta' ehe potrebbc anclio
cessare da un momento nH'nltro 11 pic
colo pae-o ehe si trova Ira la prcsslonc
tedesca e nucha Ingleso o ehe non ha
slmpatlo per la Germanla ha In nucitl
glornl nrmato piu' dl nucllo ehe non aveva
fatto flnora, In segulto nH'nffondamcnto dl
plroscad olandesl da parto dl sottomarlnl
tedcschl cd nl sequcstro dl corrlspondenza
da parte dell'Inghlltcrrn,
La Trlbuna dice ora dl avevc appieso
da fonte nutorevollsslma ehe I reccntl
provvedlmentl mllltnrl dcll'Olanda sono
dlrettl cohtro la Germanla c Bono stntl
provocatl datrattegglamcnto mlnacctoo
nsunln dalle autorlta' mllltnrl tedesclie e
dalla stampa del vlelno Impero tj Trl
buna dice ehe II govcrno olandesse ha rlpc
tutnmente rlcevuto nssicurnzlonl sodlsfn
centl da parto del due gruppl dl belllger
nntl, ma die la Germanla ha semprc soi
pcttato cho I'lnglillterra non lntcndcoe
rcalmentc aitencrsl da operazlonl mllltail
attraverso II terrltorlo olandese.
Ora un tclegramma dnll'AJ.v dice cho
II govcrno olandese ha dnmnndato nll'In
ghlltcrrn la reMltuzlonc dl documentl Im
portant! ed nitre carlo sequestrate da ufll
drill dl marina Ingtesl n hordo dl vnporl
olandcil Questn fatto o' stnto annun
ciate) ulllcialmente ed II govcrno ha pub
bllcato anche la corrlspondenza diplo
mat lea pasata tra L'AJa a Londra a :
propolto del sequeitro dclla tiosta IVnteg- i
glamento del governo olandese o' In sos
tanza ehe In nonsuit crtso 1 bettlgerantl I
hnnno dlrltto dl scquestrare la posta I
olandese c rltlene ehe nella Bpeclflcnzlono i
nl "correspondence postale contcnuta nella
convenzlono dell'AJa devono essere com
presl nncho 1 valorl Invintl per posta,
Violent! Contrattacchi Fran
ces! nella Zona di Verdun.
Smirne Bombardata
Telegramml da Parlgl dlcono die lerl
sera,, dopo unvlolcnto fuoco dl nrtlgllcrla,
I tedeschl attaccarono a nord-ovest e a
nord-est di Verdun Dopo rlpetutl valil
tentatlvl, nel quail rail sublrono gravl
pcrdlte, I tcde-.chl rlusclrono nd cntrnrc
nel vltlagglo dl Haucourt. 1 francesl
pero' contrntlaccarono Molcntemento o
conqulstarono II bosco dl Carre, tra Hnu
court ed Avocourt. t!n tcntntlvo del
tedcschl di conqulstnrc Ilcthlncourt fnllt.
Un altro attacco I tedcschl operaiono ad
e.t dclla Mosa. nella rcgiona del bosco dl
Caillette, tra II forte dl Dounumont e
quello dl Vnux, ma qucsto attacco fu
resplnto dal francesl.
Wnnamaker & Drown 55 Years' in
Business nt (1th nnd Market
Wnnamaker & Urown today celebrated
their B5th year of business at eth and
Market streets;
The house was founded Apr
nt tho beginning" of the OK
enlarging from ths. viclsiltude
fllct, straightaway entered
of proierlty that In n few
It ouo of the largest clothing
Tho building waft creeled Up4
of the homo of Hobtsrt Morrn
of the Itevotutlon and the Geol
Ington mansion otcupled the sin
It, bo that tho location of the Wl
& Brown store, being within one ;
Independence Hall, Is one of the
landmarks of tho city For 65 i
house has stood at the same coil
has changed only to enlarge Its
which, from lime to lime, r-fts beeil
snry to accommodate Increanlng business;
During Its long career some of the rnosl
prominent figures In American history
both of the present day hnd of Hie pnst
have been palroni of the store and wheii
tho school children of Philadelphia during
the 60s made a collection with which to
purchase Abraham Lincoln a gift, It nvas
decided Hint ho should be given a blhcfc
suit of clothes mado In the stylo wlilclt la
seen In the portraltR ot Mr. Lincoln and
which was so characteristic ot tho nlah
himself. This suit wns purchased from
Vanamakcr & Ilrown,
Here Is the Great News Promised Philadel
phia's Men & Young Men in Cele
bration of 55 Years of Business
at Wahamaker & Brown's Store
Market at Sixth Street
UR Fifty-fifth Anniversary of business and
an extraordinary clothing opportunity for
men and young men have come together.
Today 2,684 fine newSpring sluts are
conveniently and accessiblgrtnipecU6n the
third floor to be sold at rnree prices C
$1 1 .75 for New $1 8 to $20 -JagierMffs
$14.50 for New $203J22Easte Suiis
$16.75 for New $20 o$25 Easter Suits
r" SiHli tUOIIInfac
JhU llFBJlfr JiB LJLLLMLJ ItflPti'T lu!ir-U. i! fit i H E ( i ntiHBnnH''TL'''"''''""""
n W8mWm IIIMMJL J Ht m f mW2tr
To be able to make this very exceptional
offer right at the most propitious moment of
Spring is as unexpected to us as it will be to
the thousands of persons who intend to buy
new Spring clothing between now and Easter Saturday.
We had prepared six months ago for a normal spring business and now are adequately ready with all our
sales floors filled with fine new Oak Hall Spring clothing. Unexpectedly a manufacturer of good clothing
who tailors suits by the thousands came along and made us a proposition to buy all of his suits for cash at
a price that allowed us to offer our customers just the sort of an opportunity we knew they would apprecu
So we instructed our experts to examine the suits, their tailoring, their cloth: they tested their dyes
they found them in all ways fully up to the standard of quality always insisted upon by Wanamaker & Brown.
Their maker said he needed cash at once to pay for the new woolens now coming into ,his tailoring rooms from the mills far in advance
of their regular dates for delivery through the upset conditions of the woolen market.
These 2,684 Light Weight Worsted Suits for Spring, All Will Be Sold
Between Now and Easter Saturday, April 22-4-
and in order to accommodate the demand that is bound to come today and every day until they are sold, we have ready at hand an increased
sales force at Sixth and Market Streets.
( , f
until Easter Saturday, where West Philadelphia men and young men will be able to select from
a full stock of these fine suits at these wonderfully low prices. 1 his store will be open
every evening until Easter.
There are new club checks, new club stripes, Glen plaid checks, Tartan plaids in pure wool worsteds Finished and Unfinished, There
are 300 to 400 different kinds of light weight Summer weaves, colorings and combination of colors, and we guarantee the value of every gar
ment offered, s
(Market at Sixth Streel
For Fifty -five Yeai
1103 -
estnut St