Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 06, 1916, Page 17, Image 17
mmtm&mSB rj JtJVBNIWG LEDGEIt PHIIAVDELPHIA, THTTBSDAY, APEIK 6, 191G. -t? 17 tf t 1 L llrartlvo board. ' Train trolls T.VAYNB AVK.. 4M12 -Room board, ronv. train nnd ironey twmnntown t n j. BOARD WANTED TWO LADIES, engaged In business, would like board with refined Jewish family, line, rheer ful surroundings, vicinity. 33d and. Houlevnrd r. Highest ref rxrbanged O 2!!. Lel.nt. OnNTLUMAN wants room nnd hoard, close to 2d St. "I." Station Address 220. ledger nrsneh. fc:M end Mflrltet WANTP.D Hoard rind room for man. woman and child, with private family preferred. O 348, Ledger Central. SANITARIUMS IMAUTirUL (oration: apodal scientific cnr: nerrnus, elderly: .every . comfort! nuryeaj booklet. Dr. namial, City line. Chestnut Hill. APARTMENTS THE PARKSIDE ftlTIt AND nin.vnn AVU. orrosiTn fairMount park. , Tour linen of carsi convenient to all sections of the rltyi all large outside rooms, Culslna partlrutnrly attrnctlve. I'HONB I1ARINU 221. West Phtlnrirlphlr. BATTBRLTin. 4Bth and Cheslnul RnhM, beautifully furn. apt. rhonc Uar. 1107 11. FURNISHED APARTMENTS TiTnNTTTrcATI 1213.13 Locust, ZIAMiJ!iLll!: rooms and bath. Went Philadelphia BATTERLTiB APTS., 4!Hh antl Chestnut., fur nlshed apt, for rent, Raring 1107 11. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS BUCKINGHAM Apis, nn; T rms., 2 b..porch: ph. Pre. Ilfini. A. It. Held, 4418 Walnut st. N. n. COIl. 17TU & WALNUT STS. The newest and most distinctly apartment house In Philadelphia i desirable 10-room housekeeping suites, with southern, eastern nd western exposures. Arply on premises. or phono Walnut 0020. mkrton w. nnniMs Franklin Rank Bid. PINE ST 021 T.lvlnir apartments: low rent. II. II. Fritz. 713 Walnut st. 18TIL 1718 N. fl-room large flat: whits enamel finish; 11 windows; flro tower. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT ,ttut suppose, lnMiul of trying nil IhMo nmrrent wayn, you Just rail nt this affler tho nrffent, most ntlrnrtl.n nntl bmt equipped Jrt rhlladelphln, devoted oxrluHvely to cur Inr Just what thoy want for pnrtlculnr people. Tell In rour rnnlrninlB. Tlvfiry rlrslr- !i llMVd with nblfl Apartment In IMiiliuMphU H or may b rentr. thrmtsh us. Our automo biles aro waiting to take you to tlio Hut of properties oti (Icfllfninto, ,d with thn lMit posslbln effort you will serurn th ono apart ment In rhlladolphhi which moat nearly approaches your exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST. Bpruco 0071. Ilaro 302.'. APARTMENT BUREAU Apartments exclusively, everywhere. nil spa I'lio ttf ea big. i-nono vainut im;.ii. .',lJli(l,I,i.lanl. Fun MODURN, furn. or unfurrvnnirtnvnta. Northwest Phlla. nnd Tioga. , us first. HCHOni'Pr ft CO.. ini7 Montgomery nve. llOUSEKIHIPINa npts , nil parts of city: rents 12 to 71 per month, rnll. phono or wrlto f..r Information. Samuel stern. 1201 Chest.-.ut. Vouuur, i llnglon. 8 rooms nnd 2 baths "The Rur Merlon W Orelms. PrnnUlIn Rant! Hlrtg. Phone Walnut I102'J. West Philadelphia 5420 & 5451 Angora Terrace $35 0('rn fl-room ror. np.irtmnntn. con- v tntnlm; living hill, rlrrtrlf llchtt. nrl- to vnto porch, hlh-clnpn Janitor arv tro. S45 1Ip BUro BP0 'l toJa' Apply "I01 AnCorn. torrnrf. or I Wm. 1 THE II I L A B-roo latsl H. W. Quick & Bro., Inc. B SOUTH .inTII STnnKT THE IlUTf.AND APTS . JUST rnMPf.nTED, i.uciiHi ht., n-tTU to n.vnt tjr. B-rooms.and-lmth apartments with all the latest conveniences. 140 to J42.no per month ' ROIIKItT PITTS. AIWNT. nll phone llelmnnt 1 133. S4I3 lxcnt St. nnRxnr. AP.vnTMnNTs ovnmmooK station One housekeeping suite. (1 rooms nnd bath. J63.3I per month; public dlnlnc room. Phone Oyerbrook 11.128. FOn housekeeping Apartments In West rlilla delphta or Oermantown seo Edward Hutchinson,Jr.'lgTB!''tr tup. uimrnN First and 3d-floor apartments, from lo to tar,. MRS, n. Mcl.AIN. .121 S tlnrlnn st. TIIH ItKIllI.VN $30, T rooms uml Lath, half block from 4Cth t. "I. Htatlon. JTO.N. MITriirt.J. 40tli t. Mn'liet sts. IlIinKl.VnilAM APAIITMI5VTM ISO; 7 larKo rooms, 2 haths. porch. Phone Trs, 304. A. 1 1 J teldj4 1 1 H Wa I nu tst fcSSnX. 31th ami" Thestnuti" Monterey, 43d snd Chester; llelmont, 34th nnd Sprlns Har den. Inquire janitor or Cresse, 308 Halo Md. APARTMENT HOTELS 1 ALDINE HOTEL chkstnut and 7 ftLimnuiiuiuu NI.NKTKIJNTH The best rooms and suites, with the best table, in Phila. y, Week, Month, Season, Year Tun nni.MAn-MnrmiB Onil.MANTOWN It cirnirnN avi: station, penna. rtAli.nnAn: 20 siinuths fhom mtoAn T. THItMINAI.. ATrnACTivi:r.v l'tmNisirnn sn iim. F'unNisiinn suitus and houhkkkep NO APAUTMKNTS fOTEL COLONIAL BJgg?,I?NT Newly decorated and refurnished throuch. out: comfortably furnished parlor, bedroom snd bnth by tho day. week or month, at rea sonable rates: service and cuisine unexcelled WM. P. KKNNHV. Manueer. TUB COVINGTON CHESTNUT AND 37TII STS. n. P. I3NOLU MANAOBll, Also the Knalealdn, Ueach Haven. N, J., Cholco two-room suites for rent. PHE GLADSTONE "i?,?,.8 ruitNisiinn on unfuhnisiikd AUSOI.UTBI.Y Fiiuii'itoor TItK TOACT PEIUIANKNT OR THAN8IKNT OUn3T3 THE DABHWOOIJ lSOS-lHlO Chestnut street, ttooms with bath; single and In suites. REAIi ESTATE FOR SALE C1TV DANIEL A. MINNICIC 183U HIDQl; AVK. . RWKLLIN03 yon BALM 18 N. 18lh S3800I31.12 flllTnr.l I 1.1T0O .o n, 1 I I 01 N. 181 11 Neda 23 No tOl .'UN, 17th.;.. 3800 2025 Poplar J.,..100 lotn,... aHiKinmsii n, iiroad r nzso iro ouiauii upiana ,.7.. iw) 10th,,,. 3UO0I1018 Cambrldes .. 3000 D. N.. 2230 4-storv tsorch.front hihme. on. postto Pslrmount Park, wll I acJiVat publlo sale, April 12. at 12 o'clock. Frn6hnin'av lsio Chestnut St.. to settla estate: open iVV aft ernoon, from 2 to 0, for Inspection, IMONEY FOR MORTGAGES TAUIJVNB. U0O Walnut stv 1000 LOCUST HV. Tl "7 I Hindsome, modern 4-story browimtjne dwell. inn especially nilea lor proiesaiosui offices; low prtca and easy terms for qulclcaale. P03 WEST 0U8QUEHANNA AVB Oood 3. story brick dwelling; 12 rooms: 7rso yardf leu clear at jess man aunmeni, nossession. wm. i. craven a oona. HEAI. ESTATE KOlt SALE Oft WT KAHUEIl. lUKlUan i. C l.'ui i-nestnui. IJTIIAU PROPERTIES for salo or rent. N B. ror 17th and ChastmTtJ LestmitJ METKll TRIDENT" WATER 1IETE raiia. Meier L. m s 842 Ileil Estata Trust HMjB. X JSE 1848 U. Orleans st. 8 roa&s. bat batB ave. Ind porch, all conveniences, price tU130, ikbMtutxKjt Miftiti. i:an jvenaington Building Ijti. yactory Sites, etc. 4L -Larn Drooertv. rty. Broad st. and u. estate 1 ' SpOLi- estatb til lllirif Inifrlnn w E"iT . 77 S-'i T--Z ..- " .roniaso, c.o.m dEORGE EC Uruad and Huatluudon ItANKFORD AVB and Brldira at . ad lerminal oi n. a r;ievau Kauwa leet ironi. an improemem tl it lily tvttuita se lOL'KD FOR Ul'II.DERS bovlrht rchsneed. At'Ct'ST II. sritlTl ' Mit (H'nnitnlDWi) ItlirK HI liniVtJ JJJTK anil ljri fgrouad W U Pi'U ll'j alio over J'CtsI site. lfclrn, i;ij J HeA Kt TrSKf rallroaif S'jsj Viu, lotfjiSTx BEAI, ESTATE FOB SALE Coaflniifrl iron PreetMno Column Stores nnit t)vellln(ts tSAMt CATIIAIIINR I! A At.nnii: Usy tenrfs: rln llaht; parJuetiV fioofln: ft rrowl, f2IR Chestnut. steam heat, eieetrln . porcn. Kersnaw MT.ST I'llll.ADr.l.VllIA ATTitACTtvn twin nnsiDtcn To settlo nn estate, we are sacrificing a 3-story IS-f not semldetarhed. House. 12 rooms, 2 lmlhs. electric Hclita soltthernrx poue! lot 21x110: locnted o ono ox the best streets in the 40111 st. section. WM. II. W. QUICK K- I1IIO.. INC. 8 Somh 40th st. $3100-9 rooms. hot-nnlr heat, efsnd ee!' trie iiRni, parquetry noors. snowir ram, jrai Kitchens nnd all n1Wr modern otfpolfilmehts, uanihij ciiAwronu. jr., uuii.ideii. CSth nnd Iladfleld sts. J3100 n-ROOM POIU'II modern housn on MtlK pi., neiween i.nesrer nn.i ffprinaneiu nves-; also other aood homo propositions. f K1lI.APSt.I".Y. r-lth nnd flprlnafleM n. Jin.ooo ortl.EHa Assesseil $lo.v0pi mnrtBaeo l(."00; Walnut st . west 42d. (.assumed fftr detit reason for sncrlTlce. TAn.OIl & BON. 24 and 211 S 40th BEND roil MPT HAt.TJ" oft,! iNT JOS. .M. nAKEIl B20 nnd llaltlmore nv Wlir.l.AN'H It ANIl I AHf tinMrtn. .. - flOTlt AND I ASrilAl.ljf AVT5. Apply lull rlflJSTNUT KT. 140OO IINKOITAI.1'11 IlllMnH r.mhlst. nhflvo Lnnsdowne oe . e --y known f onVnleno, jutsc rviiimn. imirder. I2R00 3-RTORY: main St.: ZOjlOOnclo'sylo! Park: BSrt St Slntlon: n trolley .llnis. IMm- .IIUIMI. Hl.l L.II1I111 II" im-. SEND for larco list West Philadelphia houses, n,ft nt rnla. nil .1... nil MSInnS . T. If. Matlnnlss'fc Hon, BOOO llalllmorwXvn. lliillillnir Lots OARAfin t.OT. prominent lorallUni'tear jst" will build for purchaser. Ap. 'WaiB Market. fir.iniANrowN SEDGWICK in the mnnnsT paii'. or nr.nMAN town: sr.vnitAt, new jinrAciir.n co- LONIAti nWIII.I.lNOS: I2 HOOMH. 2 I1AT1IS: OAIlAflE: LOCATION EXl'EP TIONAI.T.Y PINE: HOMES VALUED PROM J20.000 TO $3.-.nnil OPPOSITE: IT WILL PAY YOU Tl) INQUIRE AJiOUT THESE PROPERTIES A. S. TOURISON 7014 ROVER ST, OEItMANTOWN. xiFrici: on Tin: premises. EAST HT- 3-storv porch-front dwelling, lnrc" jnrd: fine location! irarftBO privilege Jjornj I'nni. riist-iB , WE CAN assist you to find that houso-Mil: Aro looaing lor. uermanmwn irusi u, qriun nnd Oermantown aves IP YOU ARE LOOKING TOR A 1IO.M IOME,lrirUer Illli. corSult mantown. Mt. Alrv or i-pestnut m. A. R. Meehnn. 0717 Oermantown nve. CHOICE HOMES. Tub 1 pe hoek-n st enst oc. ;(r H CHADWIUK &,!.. mantown avn. j. KIVJI flnrmnnlnwn nvn. STOP LOOKING 1Or"A HOME WeTiia'viv thj ono you want tt. II. LISTER k SO.NVfi(112 Oermantown nve. Mt. Alrr. C.ermnntown NEW SALE AND RENT I.tPT READY. Pelhnm Mt Airy nnd Chestnut Hill. PEL1IAM TRUST 'Q. '1740 Oermnt,wn nve. HeilRwIrlt. tlcrmnntnwn SEDGWICK ARTISTIC COLONIAL lnVELt.tNrt'fNEWl, 12 .'IMS. 3 RATES: ONE fQIJARli "ItC BLPflWIfK STATION: CONVENI ENT Vl STORES SCHOOLS AND ALL CHU.tt'lIES- THIS HOUSE CANNOT'RE ni'Pl.lCATED TOR THE PRICE. SIS RfMJ: SEND KOlt ntOTO ANIl l'ULL PAR TICULARS. A. S. TOURISON 701 I ROVER ST . OERMANTOWN. OPKICE ON THE PREMISES. Tioga WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOtT WANT IN TIOC1A Oil LOOAN ' . . KENNEDY . RAMRO. 37 HI OERMANTOWN Locnn LOOAN REAL ESTATE. . SALE. RENT AND EXCHANan M. Smith. Urnnil st.. opp. Loson StnHon .L ESTATE. tnorttntircM nnd couvcyimclng. WM. I. CHAMllEltS 1033 North Urnail st Oak I.nno NEW CORNER PROPERTY Ever modern :? improxement ardwood floor. fireplace. etc.: price S7r.no. VM. IIAIIIt. Sth nnd Oik Lijne. l'KNN MY L VA N l ST U I' 1 1 1 1 K N AMPLER Wo have n splendldr Aitfcrlns of large uml smnll fnrms of all klttdi. aultnble for all piirpo-ics. extensive country places, suburban homes, building lots, etc.: advlHe us character of property ynu desire, how much xnu want tn Invest and let ii submit you special list. II. J. Dager. Inc.. Ambler. '- . - - COLLINODALE. PA New 2'4-story' brick suburban bonus: conenlent trv fp.itli st. trol ley: hot-waler lipttt, eleotrle. front and side porches- 374x123: only J.TWU SWOPE .t h(iNrt. Dirby. DREXEL IIILlA-1 ncro of ground: 8-room houso- barn: enrage, abundant fruit: excji lent for poultry raising; bargain: HARRY W. KOCH. Droxel Hill. EDOEWOOD PARK In the benrt of the famous , CHELTEN IIILI.H ,, , I llah. Ilenllhy, Plrturesouo Tine Wlnilliig Ilnidwayn SPRINOPIELD WATER. (1AH. Etc; nestrltted Lnts 100x200 nnd Larger. ELK INS PARK STATION or York Roml Trollev at Orcontz 10 JULES TO CITY HALL Tor Tiartlrulara applv to C. E. IIAIIERIU'SH. Sales Agent Phono o.ik La no 177 W. 1308 Seventy-first two.. Oak Lane, rhlla. ELK1NS PARK COLONIAL RESIDENCE Lot 110x173 SMIMI Now In cours of construi tlon. Will plana to Mmr bless ...... IIIIOADS PAUL 13." S 3th at., and Elklus Parlf. nlte Iter oi.ensidi: ... HOUSES AND LOTS, every rtescrlpllon. ur-.N.Mrsiii:ii . aiiniur,a Itroad and Walnut sts. HIUIU.AND PARK $3.1110: brand new ilroom bungnlow. hot-waler tieut. elec and gas. CHESTER OSIIORNE. 1.121 Chestnut at. SEDGWICK NEW DETACHED STONE nEPIDENCn. ATTRACTIVE ENGLISH DESIGN WITH RED TILE ROO. SIHtUIUIERY AND IDEAL SURROUNDINGS. THIS DWELL ING HAH 13 ROOMS. II RATES AND WILL APPEAL TO THE KVUII.Y REQUIRING KIN HEDROOMS: WITHIN A PEW 'MIN UTES OP TRAIN. TROLLEV: OOOD STORES. SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES. WRITE OH CALL AT Ol'R OPl'ICE FOR DETA1 LI ID IN FORMATION. A. S. TOURISON 7011 IIOYER ST.. OERMANTOWN. TROOPER, PA. 4W T'eTAiii.TSIIIi'll Hithnrh.tn rnmmiinltv: cent faro ti 'Norrlttown. urtffflnn, water; . t ...I I. nuinriln& utnfn 'IllH.fAAl' loll J300 upward. en for leaflet: BROWN & CLOUD NOIIHIKTOWN. PA SUBURBAN DWELLINGS Rest location: $10 000 to $3371)10: 'nusual alues: particulars by null MAI'RAN, l)Oi.M.r . 1. 1 . .on i.anii iiiitr iiiiiiiiiiiic. " choice hui illlLDINO HITEH-V I acreage. Vi iVNSEND. Langnorno, and acreage. S i ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND. Langhorno.jPi. SUIIURIIAN HOMES I'OIl SALE 01 ll,ENT ''0 iiaTr ivi.ia.1,1, -" .'J.1 4e ' Ileal i;siaio rruai iiuiiauii HUHURHAN IIEAI. K. ESTATE . T 7 ins. Sale iff rent. CO.. Morris! llldg; Any price ah inruuom PlIATU.KS J. HOOD & 1 bELECT Properties Country seatr farms1 list ordera now. LEWIS T. llltboKK& SQN. 1414 South Penn aq. FOUNDBDMHTtl. HUIIURRAN HOMES, "country plaicsTand buildlns sites tn suit all requirements; Main Line. It. C. HUNTER Wayno. Pu. HUHURHAN dwellings ami bungalows for"ale' from $3000 up: get our list RYAN, &W1S Market st. and 212 Darby road. I.lannrch, i liioc. LIST OP HI1E1URI1AN IIO.V ... ''t l.- .-!.. l n- V. .1 nr rent. f.ll llltl ...ll I.IIIC Ul ,d.li WM. II. WILSON & CO.. Morris Iitf lllllldll'g. BUIIURUAN RESIDENCES for sale orrrenty attractive locations; prlcea rlaht. JtnurJOsW. HOOVer. IfcfMI l'.m.P . turn ..... Suburban I.ols 200 ACRES N. V. division station on prp- erty: suitable Al development t J ' II. H. P1IITZ. 713 Walnut U. I BIA1N I.IXK. I'... V. It. It. NARUERTH Corner lot. Montgomery.ave.. BOO by llOVs, with 10-room utona,uriiKframa houn; cheap for Quick turn. VttMer U. Smith. HOB-i Drexel road. NEW JKKSKV Hl'IIUBllAN JIADDONFIELD. N. J For eafc. dejIraUa suburban property. 10-room bouiWiWlth lofd. rn convs ; lot BOxllu Iiiqulrajor owtfir. 100 Washington ave . HadJtJifiela. N. J. 1IADDON HEIOHTS , I " IJ PPINCOTT LOTS AND ifoMBS iiAnnox HBiaiiTS WILLKT LIPPINCCI TTT LAUREL SPRINOS - SACRIFICE account change In position; country homaA a roomi and batb; gas. electrlo light, furqacei at, tloosry wash tubs, one squire fruia station and irollsy. Went Laurel tract. $3700. Address P. O. Box 43. . nrrvnntfRTOWN Naw house. 8 large d fllfla bath: choice location: hardwood ftSlaW. hiat. COmoiuavion riftiiv. vh.iiiu iiviu yvimtuw iluotlon range, electric llgpii d tA cellar. $3500. Dr. LAMU. PaiinV PALMYRA IIousm 'for sala PITMAN Hotel et.tjb furq So rooms. 8 B OFJ" 27 Broadway. Camdsy N. II j NEW JKUSKt eit-VhllOUE "TCri T A i L t Cape May or Ocean C lu o..r wll . li -u anrii uv ru, 4 trie j tk ic1 H I 4iilr S'OWNStNO. tXeaa Hi. N. J. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE ruiniDA Conflnned tram Trtetdino Column . , HENS EOOS MONET . This Is tho combination you get when you purchase one of our Co-operative Poultry and Egg Fnrms nt Moore Haven, blniMa. WE GIVE YOU rilKTf .. 1000 SINOLE-COMR WIHTn UEOHORN CHICKENS J I ' two RiiooD sow nap V Membership In the Moore, llavefl Co-opcrallve Association. Write, phono or call for our free, booklet, which explains. . IIUTAN ft 1IENKEL, 413 Commonwealth Trust Hulldlnc. 12th and Chestnut sts., Philadelphia, Pa, Hell phono, Walnut,lU(IB, I.ONO I6tuND -t- LONG ISfiAND, N. Y, For sale.f 11 seres corner two main avenues, near Aiem Ichipstead: special price for nulck sale. , . If. It. l'RIfZ. 713 Walnut st. . PENNSYLVANIA rARM9 u 2B-ACRI3 farm, stone house steam Heating with largo nnrn in cxceiicni rnnpiiion. "" nn acre: big opportunity: within r nl!o of two country clubs: land within 'V rnlV sold ...nn . .1. .1 mil.. w.r.i rMtAntntl lor Still)! HII Hl'iri llll.VCT ...,.i, ... .. ...... Jllli; no .... .. . ..-...! r n ngenta wanted. O 3.13, ledger Central nuiiia .1 I Kee New 7 ".""." ."' .. I "V.lV. ino lie: er ciass. i . .vrf-""?- c. v. riiTHiis & sur. uus vin.ni.iui. o. nn 1 .I tfl,H..-. uillii-llirm .v ........ .... - station: ". per ncrn. 1 J. II. IJlUilUPU.1!. Iirri V.IH nyyi . a n. MONTOOMERY CO. farms for, sals ,Se Lownea. Hotel. Sklppach. Pa. ' NEW .II.ItM.Y rAUMS TOMS RIVER , ... FARM FOR SALE About 8.1 acxrs. 'IL,Jjfx tenslvo water front nnd . ample bldgs. Toms River. F. O. Taylor.UncoJn Rldg. . . ONE-7VCRE 1'AIlMSr nearest to PhTla. train and trolley; wrlto for pamphlet, ' RARI.OW CO..Mnpla Shade. N. Ji ion-ACRE FARM and gentleman's countryres- Idence: con.: fine buildings: alio! stream; $!l.tlon; Immediate pos Dresser. Uurllngton. COM, AND TIMIir.lt I,ANI)rf I WILL SELL 2000 ncres of Oreeno Co. coal lands. It will mine 10,000 tons per acre. Inquire of R D. WARMAN, Unlontown Pa. HEAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY - CENTRAL PROPERTIES 1 or sale nnu rent. . JAMES P. WINCHELU 17th ft Hansom 1 sts, lll'Y A IIOjfE Jfonfhly pavment. $17 toB0: N. Phlla. nnd Oermantown. 180Q q 'if 300 'MO00. -10 Chestnut. Merchants Union Trust Co.. Tin-n CITY AND SUIIURIIAN properties .fbt?Jaie or rent. Lower Merlon Iteo ltyitfpn; I.OnU 1IIIO 1II1IIUIIIK. 1 IlllllU'.II'llini REAL ESTATE WAN1 QUICK SALE for any real estate at reason nble price; rent collected: mortgage loans. ARTHUR UOSWELL, 233N. J3thst. WANT rltv. suburban and farm properties, II. II. MiCOI.LUM. Rroker, 1314 Walnut st. "Don't Forget the Number." RENTS AND INTEREST COLLECTED, mort- k' -age and tire insurance pinceu nuicKiy. dc !C.in for prompt results. 2.12STnsker sL REi'TS AND INTEREST COLLECTED Prompt monthly returns and efficient results guaranteed. Prank J. Mlllor. 3012 N. II st. REAL ESTATE E0R RENT CITY ENTIRE UUII.DINO with all modern equip ments, containing 11.000 nq. ft. floor area, on CHESTNUT STREET nil nvn T.rnrii.. q nfTrnv. for rnt for n trm of yrnrif nt a moiTato rrntal; open for Inspection upon "YARROW & VAN PELT 17lhjndChostnutsls. IF YOU ARE LOOKINO for nn nttractlyo hnnie, bo It dwelling nr npnrtment. call. Phone nr write to this office. Every desirable property Is listed with or may bo rented through us. nnd oil." automobiles nro at your service to help ynu to obtain Just what you desire with the least possllilo trouble. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 1111 Walnut st. Spruco 31171. Race 3025. 23111 EAST YORK ST.. $2rt K rooms: modern convenience's , GUARANTEE TRUST A SAFE DEPPSIT'CO. 3UI-31S-320 Chestnut St. ' STORES AND DWELLlNGS'ln nil sections of tlty. See our list In the Ledger Sntifrday. SAMUEL T. FON ft CO.. S. E. ror. Dth and Callowhlll. . HE LANCEY PLACE. 2120 S rooms; $7R0. Do Lnncey place, 2131 li rooms: $7RJ. Do Lancey place 2318 12 moms; $000. SAMUEL W. LEVIS. Real Est. Trust llldg. 310 S. 1BTII ST. ' 11 rooms nnd 2 baths. ( MEUIS ft ItROWN. 202 S. 1.1th St. SEND FOn OUR RENT LIST , THE LAND TITLE AND TRUST CO. llrnad nnd Chestnut sts. 10TII. 13TII. I ITU AND 1.1TII WARD RUY ERS. SELLERS OR RENTVTRS SEE FRIEDRtril . CO K01 N. 12TII ST. 3323 KENSINGTON AVE. Fine- store and rlwellllig. n rooms, nam nnu nearer. o. Apply 3321 Kensington nve. ' . - nil s. 2D ST. Store nnd $20. LEWIS P. ALI1RECI1T Lehigh nve. U We est 170H LOCUST ST. Modern. 10 rooms ami 2 iiatnrooms. nut st. EDGAR G. CROSS. If 11 AVal- FOR RENT KS9 Judsnn st. (near 2,1th nnd Poplar sts.): 4 rooms and bath: $15t all conveniences. 2131 Falrmount nve. lluslnrss Properties and Stores MARKET ST.. 1131 Entire building through tn Commcrco st. : suit retail or wholesalo business Immedlato possession. t t .-,, ,VI'I l.l I I..V.H.I. iv.. ..11 v.iii-niiniH ri. F l'lirlorles. AVnrcllnuses, .llfg. Floors 302 TO 312 N. 17TII ST. SECOND FLOOR b.1x03. 1 Modern factory building, heavy construction. Light on four sides. Heat and Elevator service. J. EDWARD I.UTZ. 210 N. 17th at. MANUFACTURING floor. 3 fronts, superior light, 11.100 sq. ft., elevator, heat. R.Ml. sid ing, tow rate of Ins ; subpostnrfleo In bldg. : CONV. TO FREIGHT ft TELEGItAPH OPS. Located 11 blocks south of Market st. Apply C. J. MJIno ft So.isllth and Washington aye. LARGE FACTORY tn rent for manufacturing Furposes; prlvato railroad siding. tFenna. It. t ; also 11 and O. Reudlng Itll. siding ncrnsa street, can be rented ns n. whole or In sections tn aitlt. S. W corner Richmond and Tlotu sts. James D. Durney. 1204 East Mnntgomery n v e. FIRST FLOOR" largo show windovya.flooo sq." ft.; 3d floor 3000 sq. ft., 4lh f1ior, 7200 q. II.; Well IIK'IIPU mm im.v tnif f x IlItOSIUH RUILDING N W Cor I7th nnd Vino sis. Metropolitan Building "'Xcn Fireproof Rms 8000 to 40 000 an. ft.. Cheap power Ap.JlEO V. LASHER. 147 N.IOth St. 7500 SQ. IT 1 story brick, largo iord: Just renovated, will alto)' J Alan Mlddleton. OOll-tl Wldener Hulldlng. Phlladslphla. J 27N' 7TII ST Fifth floor, 32.10 siunro feet: freight elevator, steam heat.' good light. MYERS ft EARTH Ridge aveond 10 th st. 1013-1.1 ItlDOn AVE. Upper floors.,' 32fcy 45: low rent. MYERS & nAltTH! Ridge ave.anl.i0thst. ! . HAVE I'.UtTY vvho will erect building, cen tral or other location for satisfactory ten ant. DIKTKMC1I. 7S7Wlnutsj. FACTORY FLOORS and warerooms. lajge ancj small, centrally located. .. ' 1IARRY T; 8AyNDWlS.318.8th it. 507 TO 813 CHERRY .ST. B , f.oor."so 000 feet! moderata rent. II. II. FrltJ. 73 Wal-. nut at. Garages OFFICES. HUHINESS IIOOMS. ETC. bllBXBlj IILDO. OFFICES. Annual Rentals. Single, rms , $120. $150. $200, $225. 1300, $45l. Sutes 2 rms., $14l.ll50.$173f0o.l223.$Jo. buttes 3 rms., $27B,$40O.j45il.$iui.$oooi73O. Corner Sulies. 3 to 8 rooms. $5UO to ileso. ELLIS D. WILLIAMS. 680 Drexel Uilldlng. IIBED IlUILDINOi i "T 1211-17, Filbert at -r Centrally located; all conveniences; rentjrat- iraCVIVSir W"l " ' m..c.g..vyn. lCO.tIV.1, r .- .vc.7. .7 VLvro AND HUSINESS PROPERTIES y. C. PULLER. 10 S. lSTlfST. tie'tiut;. stiiliio cviinTn" 13S OFFICES S 10 per month and yp. Soma bay IDCClal lliutica, J. A. PATTERSON. 130 S. 15th. CHESTNUT ST.. U24 2d floor: largo JJkyllghtJ gSSl snc for archltact. LEA -USTATEfS. 700 Sanson, st. Prnfeshlonsl Onlfcii nnni-KSSinMAI. UUILDINO. 1831-3 wrt-'blstnit r dentlas, nd 13thT 1 a f.ur suites for nhvslclan or J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chsatnut and 13tl Ilesk Room. '$& FOR RBNT Desk room In. Uvy offleV irony : rcasonaDte. vooino1'' - WEST l'IIIL.UELPIIIA wp mp ntet-teiiiKm FOR RENT SK. Tbs largest and bast selection of he ' w Phllsdelohla. uses la WM. IL W QUICK 4 11110., INC., 3307 WALN nilAIlANTEB 318-318-3 BERUAN Mouses par Near tJOTIi BT -r rent wr RUCKS and Montgomery Co. farms-for 'sale, with stock, crops, etc.. or without! , A. 11. TYSON, Lansdalo. T!t BOO rAR.MS In 4 Sfates; cntnlogu:. MaeJCs Farm Agency. 21B Stephen GlrBrdDUIIdfnei 21 8. 12th St.. rhlindtlphla. . I-- uint-u .HMHl.nl tr tnln T.lnn P. II. R. ?2 i:OR RENT OARAOE. WILL ACCOMMOT I1ATE ABOUT IB I'ARS: CENTRAL 15 CATIONl MODERATE RENT- DCCUPANCY JUNE 1. D 130. LEDOER OFFICE. iuwt or i IJTSTj 11 ROOMSfV s 1 TRUST 4 SAFE D-BP. JCOX' 8-3J0 Chtstnut st f BROS C010 MAUKBTLT unenis stsf- u DiAiLu.i I1U. vltEAIi ESTATE FOB RENT west rniLAiiF.rTniiA (Joaflntifrl from Vrtceilno CoIaK nr.NT. nnAsoNAni.n Large 3 -storyljorner sultrtlo. for KejV'3104. nweinng, 12 rooms, 2 baths nparlments: 3102 Mantua ave. Ke J. J. TURNER, 1201 Chestnut st 3-STORY TWIN HOUSES. POrcKy froht.tl rooms nnd balh: ercelient corrflltionj $B3. . INTER CITY REALTY CO.. 117 . Rroad. GEIIMANTOWN 7 12th. $30 DWELLINGS, 11 ROOM Rnnil tif T.Uf. ( 1 )A(S 21 S Contlnenlal-Equllablo Trust Co.,2l 9. Ilogsi FOR RENT. TIOGA Cozv 2-slorTffMftn. rorch dwelling, all conveniences: elegant neighbor hood: 2131 W. Pacific st . near '-"-'d nnd Brie nvn. .lonn .1. iiirner. liliu vnesiniu m., PENNSYLVANIA HURURIlAN RALA-CYNWYn Large list homes, .aalfof rent, at all prices. SAMUEL C VAGNER, .Ir . Commercial Trust llldg . lntfi and Mar ket sts. nnrvm. trtr.T t...it. !.,.. ft sum. mer months 3.1 Falrvlew ave!, Lankdowtie; :i stories, in rooms, large porches: rent oo. HARtlYW.KOCK, DrexelHIII; ELKINS PARK New Col. dwefirneni 12 rms., 2 baths: close to sta. McCortuIck ' M . Cormlck. lotl Chestnut St. and l.lklns Pnilt. ONI) MILE west of Chestnut Hill, on RrlRO road. 2.1 acres, with liio.ternlert farmhouse 12 rooms nnd bath, hot nnd coid Vvater: tfent $3.1. YOCUM AND l'OWERS 'CO.. 20 So, IMh st. MAIN LINE, PA., P. R. R. HAVERFORD ARD.MOE W.vnnewood v DESIRARLE HOUSEP. 100 MO UP WARNOCK ft EMLEN . COMMERCIAL TRUST IIUU.nING WYNNEWOOD roil RENT 30 Manor FrindT 14 rooms. 2 baths, large lot. old shade!. $55. WALTER H;SM1TH. Wynrtswood, llEST'LlNE OF" MAIN LINE HOUSES Either for sale or rent, at all prltea.Ii . HIRST ft McMULLIN. West End Trun llldg. MODERN HOUSES." 3o tn $200 per lnontii". vnrlous stntlons. RenTI for speclnlillst Har- bert ft Claghorn. 201 llnll-y llulMlfig. ' : z-7-T-r: ' .Mi.V .ll.lll.V MI'.IMIIIKI. wtl r rvi-cinn nn en lot on , Hparflffalko lense: nesi locniion; low rr;i-c 210 E. Young nve., Wlldwood. UlUiVllV, FOB BENT FURNISHED .MAINE HF.AS110RE nnrvTiinAv'irAniinn vrr tiisiit'irullv situ- nted; new, furnished rottqlffcjlalipmodern Improvements: rent from OV:IM'iuOO for tho season For uoouiet, jw is MRS. .!. M. ROIlV'aON Sk' jf Hnckensnck, N. Jff JF jr M0BTGAGE: THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING A MORTGAGE Hut thTP l onh ono brut way. If vou dolrc a flmt mortitaKo nr a luiMmn-r nnrl loan pprnml niortanKP ami vntu pfllrlont B(rlrp. iiutrU nnd natlnfartory rpsuHs and modcratp rharr . cauu. im.ont: cm wnin; to thH nfflrp. Wa nrr In n rxulHrm in TPnlK PPPlirP TP- Rtiltn whlrli. nftrr nil, la mnrp important to yon than nil thp proniI"" In thp"vorm. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD i tn wAi.viiT KTnr.irr Hell rhone Keyslono Phono Spruce 3071 Race iiu.-.i $1.1.000 WANTED, secured by 2d mortgage. Equity amounts to 110.000. Only principals. No brokcrn need answer. M 002. Ledger Central. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Northern Trust Company SIXTH AND SPRING GARDEN. ARTHUR ROSWELL. 233 N 13th St.. hns funds for ilrst and building association mort gages. Prompt attention. Modcrato cost. MORTGAGE MONEY Sums tn Suit. First and Seconds O. -. SEIDEL ft CO . INC. till and Callow hill sts. $.10 TO $2000 To loan on real cstalo security; Immediate settlement; pnvnblo aa desired. EDW. M. MOLL 133 S. 12TH ST. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES LARGE AND SMALL SUMS QUICK ANSWERS Vf. II HOOD. 312 W. NORIUSJTi FIRST ANDSBCONI MORTOAOI3 FUNDS JOHN O. WILLIAMS SUCCESSOR TO LEWIS II. REDNER 727 Walnut st. I II M.lHSlIV ft RON ft 13TII AND GREEN STS. TIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES UUILDINO ASSOCIATION FUNDS MORTGAGES SECURED RUILDERS' ADVANCES A SPECIALTY I1RUMUAUGII A PARKER. INC. 1 131 WALNUT ST. PROMPT ANSWER Funds for first, second or split mortgages. PERSONAL SERVICE rlty or suburbs. CONFIDENTIAL " F fl.12. Ledger Central. TRUST FUNDS for first mortgages; II. A funds for first nnd second mnrtgngea Whltcsldo ft Mcl.anahan. 1.1th nnd Pine ats. WORRELL wt's ,'11 first and IVUIUVLlUU SECOND MORTGAGES r.33 N. I7TI! ST. FUNDS for first, second or split morlgnges. ARERNETHY. 133 S. 12th, 2724 N. 5th. ""MONEY FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES ' T. A REDDING A SON 700 W.XLN t'T ST. r.20.1 sPR.u'I!5.R,E- MONEY for first nnd second mnrtgagea Oulek answer. Iniw rntes William James Keogli. rillTTlrexelnuHdlng Cor 1st and 2d mortgagee, any nmt.; MONETf building associations n specialty. " GOODSTEIN. Iinj'alrmnunt nve; LOANS ON" INTEREST IN ESTATES Rensonablo Charges JOIINA.JlARRY .107 LAND TITLE RIJ1G.. HAVE $.1111111 TO INVEST IN EITHER t OR 2 FIRST MORTGAGES APPLY M 132. LEDGER OFFICE I "HAVE FUNDS I-OR riRST ANIl SECOND MORTGAGES. WM. HARR. Rth nnd Oak lane. "trust funds for first MoinraAaB HERKNESS ft STETSON LAND TITLE UUILDINO "PUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MORTOAOES MORTGAGES FOR SALE TI1EO E NICK1.ES. 2.113 Oermantown ave "nUII.DINO ASSOCIATION AND TRIVATB ' FUNDS RORERT J. NASH, 1001 CHESTNUT ST. ""DEEDS DRAWN. $1; MORTaAaESr$I.60T WALI.ACR. 1112 Lincoln llldg. Roth phones. ANY SUSI. ANY AMOUNT, rlaced at Once. Lowest Rates. P. X DEIWtNY.llEJ Lincoln llldg. "FUNDS" FOR" 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES ANY AMOUNT TOTTS ft THOMSON, 2521 Frankford ave. " iione'y for mo'iitgage's I100O tn 1100.0011 JACOR A FRITZ. 1100 Land Title nidi. ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTGAGES Quick answer. MAURICE lLMATSlNOER. Rl.Est.Tr.nidg LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES Reasonable Charges. LEWIS ft CO, 1227 West Glrard MONEY FOR WELL-SECURED 31UK lliAlif.n JAd5SGFRANCIS, 70.1tt'N'U'riST. ADVANCES TO IIUILDEr's A SPECIALTY U" HAZLETT ft MOSS 518 WAIUT ST. nwinv leiTNDS for good first mortgagee: firing us your bi'i'iimuhii CHAS Lf IIROWN ft CO , 217 S. Iiroad st. FUNDS for first and second mortgages, any amount, quick answers. CHAS W. MIL LER. 401-407 Commonwealth llldg LOANS Large or small suma on real estate. Judgment notes or mortgages, loans on unset- led estates, iieinpsey w v-n.. i c. "".- MONEY for first and second mortgages: build ln ass'n and Instalment mortgages. Willis Winchester Company. 1001 Chestnut st. OWNERS If your mortgage has been called, I will take It up, also 2d mortgage money. JlESTyt J.ROTTNER 1420 Cheatnutst. ALL AMOUNTS to loan on 1st and 2d mtgesT Chas. a. Da Young, 400 W. End Trust Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN READY MONEY Loaned to Housekeepers You can get ll to $201 from us quickly, orivately and without red tape lf you are houMkeaBlng. W are a NEW CONCERN, LICBnIeD ANI BONDED. ' Your monthly pamsnt on 138 is only $3 Your monthly paymtnt on $72 Is only t With Interest at S , , . Your monthly payment on $132 I only $11 Your monthly payment on $204 la only $17 With Interest at v. Sea us. wrlta us or phono Walnut 4363. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CQ. 181 South Broad Street Next to Forrest Thsatre. OpTu 8 AM. to" i P. M aaiuroay u 4-, ax. YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON DIAMONDS. JEWELS, BTC. . ""2J?AND UP 2 $73 " H $S0O " ' IR REIDER'8 118 MARKET BT. IIIDQE AVB. AND OXFORD ST 22D AND SOUTH STS. lii'Nt-Y U'Nl 1 lu m lis ot m . uled esiatas, t"u-.Cst 1 u . II' r.nnN W4S Bteutiu tiu-ari iJt x( b I Ml ( fc SCRAPPLE 4 -'' 1 Ins. a . in.. S) S.I..S- si I .. 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 in .,,, I , , . , l Gcot-rapliicnlly Speaking tl fl,.l jn. .11 RVS) $ &ff v v .: ' & National Geographic Magaxlne. "Aro you Hunnary7" "Vcs, Slam." "Well, come nlotif?; I'll FIJI." HnrnaitiH Vs. Economy Youiiff Wife I nm nlwaja study lnp; economy. Iliislianil So nm I. but your 30 cent telcRrnm this aflcrnoon tclllnu mo lo buy a nccktln reduced 10 centa, warns 1110 you aro thinking too much about it. AN'OTIIEU .isvv smwM W'e.'"- tymz'M) "V VI ) -V-24 OWJ W -. Y 1 'v-m 1', in.wj VKJfn . . .j-:-v-i. .-!.. - f- - ,.-:;. -:s i'; pw'ffi '-''i'' ' CPV -:'. Chief of thn Vlllaco Fire IlriRado "'c're nl! readv. la steam iin?" KiiKlnocr (tcmiiorary) "If you want Thompson 'nine from Franco to show "Well, well, Gladya. now that you've lenRthened your sltlrts mid put your hair up you're no longer a llttlo girl but a real woman." "Vcs, and mamma's a llttlo girl again. She's had her hair bobbed and weara her sltlrta iilmost to her luices." Another Bad One Ilyslander. THE CAKTOONIST'S 191fi Styles Distinguished for Something .BCTte-. fr,w( Aj jyss- v vs 1 lafiaj "UEluw . iulAAf I THE PADDED CELL x" Iral fioo il I J MORE HOUSECLEAMlMcS - V y HoWTvter' ook Apte.r h LVniSPENSABLE runch. steam In this eriKlno you'll havo to set mo how tn list tho liloomln' flro." Wilkes I think your hoy will bo como a very distinguished man If ho lives long enough. Jones Yen? What do you think ho will bo distinguished for? Wilkes Longevity, If ho lives long enough. Play Titles Travestied London Opinion. TI10 Arm of tho Law." POINT OF VIEW - TultuU, la Et Ixula t3Ur- ,. Indirect Victim -"3 111. -Michigan Qargoyla. "I seo you havo a cold like every body else." "This Isn't a cold. I Rlmply got hoarso telling nil my friends how to cure their colds." Suspicious IJdltor Havo you submitted this poem anywhere else? - Poet No, sir. Editor Then how Is It you have a black cyo and walk on crutches? War's Horrors - ftvrfnsv nilllstln. "Terrlblo war, Isn't It?" "Frightful. Seventh Hcd Cross dance I've hnd to go to this week." Steady Progress Idea, "Goodness, how the race has Im proved! You and I could never get Into that." ABE MARTIN Tell Blnktey Is confined t" his beij t'day an' aa ha don't drink coffee ttf doctor 1ms taken bis case under ad visemenc boms ioiks are jest i trained seals you've got V keep tiandin 'em eometbia', -S iji-L-. jIIIMUookjTook! i USes S llv ISI X Ml 91 '1 trfWf'sTiH .J&iAtek UntiUfniiiiiii ).' 1 sfiit nfti mill 1 ;JiJr.onfeji mi ilsflsti' i tfiBJsiti