Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 06, 1916, Image 15

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HPHHHBVTelptx. lfll.fiSl) bush. Trade
firaa fAlr and th mael! ,lt,1 tAdtf t tllO
lata decline quotations' Car. lot-.. .In .export
elevator- No. 2 red. pot and Afrit. l.20
1.2s, No. 2 southern red. l.lsr 1.21V jjtBrrir
No. 2 red, $t.iTWl.soi No. :i red. fi.tV? V52,'
rejected A. $1.14 (SLIT Ml rejected I), 11.130
iuiiw- iieceipi
010(1 bush.
Thf market
ruled, .steady under moderato offerings and a
fair ifomnnH. Ountntlnns! Car lots for local
Car lots
trade. As to locationNo. 2 yellow, (JMRMM
-steamer yellow. 7nUfiO'io.: No. a. J-cllow.
. J0!S77Hc.t No. 4 yellow. 74 W BTSttc.J cob,
per 7oibs.. 7ls70,,4r.
. OATS Receipts, 10.(112 hush. TtftdK was
falr and value were steadily held. W (Rational
No. 2 whits'. RlH?r.2f.i standard, white. (Off
Jle.i No, 3 white. 40R0ci -ample oats, 43H
. Mc.: Nn, 3 white, 40980c.: No. , I white,
47.44Rt4e. j -ample oat". 4a4C?4lWc.i putl
fled oat, (traded. 40P.1OV4P. . . ..-.-,
FLOUR Receipt. 300 barrel and ,772.0(11
pound In sacks. The market, was dull and
largely nominal, with transactions chiefly In
icond-hand stocks, which were available be.
iW'mtll limits. Quotation, per inn lbs. In
wood? Winter, clear. Sft,l(l0l.!t."ii do., straight,
IS.4l)r..7ili do., patent. I.VTSCO: Kansas,
clear, cotton sacks. J.SOfJR.riO: do., straight,
cotton aacka. JS.COJJB.OO! do., patent, cotton
aacka, 3.9uen.1,1; aprlnir. nrst clear. I5.35W
r..7rn do., straight, $.V7nttn. do., patent,
' Irtffu.r.Oi do., favorite hranda. W-OOttUnni
city- mllla, choice and fancy patent. lil.iWw
n.nO: do., regular grades, winter, clear. J...10
.finish do., do, atrnlRht, JB.40O.V70i do.,
do., patent, JR.7StO. . . . .
, IIYB FLOUR waa tpilot hut steady under
light offerings. Wo quote nt J8WB.0O per bbl.,
its to quality.
The market ruled steady with a fair Job
bing: demand Quotations: City l.eef, In set;,
irmokrd and alr-drled, 2n2flc i Western beef.
In aeta. amoked. 202(!c; city .beef, knuckle
and tenders, smoked and alr-drled. 27f2c.i
Western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked.
2702Se.t beef hams, J28?80 pork, family,
J2.VB0(3I2! hams, H. 1. cured, loose. 17H5?
18c. I do., skinned, loose, 17 4 18c; do., do.,
smoked, lsmiTinc ! other hams, smoked, city
rured, as to brnn.1 and average, 17 UOllJc..
hams, smoked, Western cured, 174lSc.s do .
hotled, boneless. 80c. i Plcnle shoulders, a. P.
cured, loose. 12Hc.;do.. smoked. taiiOlAUe.;
bellies. In pickle, accordlnir to overage, loose,
H '.4 0 15c: breakfast bacon, as to brand and
nvernae. city cured. 17CM8c. ; do., estern
no. a, J-CllOW,
urea, 17J18C. lara, wwi-ra rennvii, "'r""
kettle rendered. In tierces. 12V4C! do., .do..
In tuba. 12 He.
The market was quiet but steady. Ve quote:
Extra flno granulated. 7c: powdered. 7.10c,
. ' 'confectioners' A, O.DOc; soft Rrodes, (1.2BQI
' CIIKF.SB ruled tlrm under light offering
i and a fair demand. Quotation- follow: New
York, full cream, fancy, la'iW 10c. I do., do..
fair to Rood, held, 18lBWc: do., do., part
oklms. ll?l(te. . , . . ....
i 1IUTTE11 The market ruled firm under Hunt
otTcrlnRS and n fair demand: Quotations.
15 Western, fresh, aolld-packed, cream-ry. fancy.
specials. 40c: oxtrn, OHc: extra flrsts. 87
aTlJcHIrata. 38 Wc.i seconds. 83 ?3flp.: nearby
prints, fancy. 41c: averaRe extra. .1DV40r.i
ilrsta,' 37tO).,ISc.: seconds. , 33W3nc: special
j fancy, brands of prlnta JobblnR fit 4447e.
( FASOS Demand waa Rood, and values worn
i well sustained nt tho late advance, lollow-
' In nro tho quotations: In free cases, nearby
" extras, 2flc. per dor.en: nearby nrsts, iiin
per standard case: nearby current r-cclpts.
J0.00 per case; Western extras. 242Bc. per
dozen: Western extra firsts. J.7f per case:
do., flrsta, JO.dO per enso: Southern, per case,
I0.1BOD.43, ns to quality: fancy selected
' eras, wcro Jobblns nt 27 Wine, per doicn.
T.1VK Cholco stock waa In Rood request
and firm, with supplies well under control.
Quotations. Fowls. IHMi fMtlWc: e-reptlnnet
lota Wither: roosters. 1213c. ; sprlnc chlckena.
-oft-meated, 11)0200.: exceptional lots hlehcr;
" .do.. atoRRy, HtfMBc : ducks, aa to size nnn
quality. 1.30211c.: Reese, l7O10r. : Pigeons, old.
per p.ir, 2830c; do.. jounR, per pair
II11EH8KH Tho market ruled very firm,
with demand readily absorbing tho limited
receipts. Quotations: Fresh-killed, dry-packed
fowls. 12 to box. dry-picked, fancy selected,
.21c: do.. welRhlnc 4ftB lbs. nplece. '.ll'y.i
welshlnic 4 lbs. nplece. 2l)Hc: welchlnff Vi
lbs. apiece inc.: welshlnR 3 lbs. nplece. 1TC
. 18c: fowls. In bbls., fancy, dry-picked, welc.li-
.l .InR 4V4 0B lbs. nplece. 20c; welBhlnR 4 lbs.
apiece. 20c; smaller slies, lilwlDe. ; plu
rooeters, dry-picked, 15c: broilers, nearby.
welRhlnir 2i-8 lbs. per pair. IOW;IBc: larRjjr
. sixes. J538c: c.ipons. per lb. WelBhlnR JJJ
10. lbs, apiece 274?28c: amaller sizes, 23111
2fle. r turkeys, fancy, youmj .hens nnd tomf.
3283c,: do., fair to choice. 2,-i30c; do., old
.. toms. 23c: ducks, nearby spring. 2J08OC .
"'squabs, p,T dozen White, weighing 11 to 12
- lbs' per dozen. js.OOJD.vVs, white wclghlne
w. II to 10 lbs. per dozen. J3fB.r,vi white, welsh.
. Ing 8 lbs. per dozen. JtCi.BO: do., do.. 7 lbs
1' per doren. jafta.Ai), do. do.. (ItBulVi lbs. per
dozen, J2.2'eT2.73: dark. J22 75; small and
No. 2. JIQl.n.V
Apples wero quiet and unchanged. Other
1 4 'fruits of flno quality were In fair request and
genvmlly stendv Quotations: Apples, per bbl.
- wineaap, -3Tt; llaldwln. J'J.rwi3.23:
IJreening, JS.'JBtP.lt Hen Davis, . J1.7BP2.2B:
other varieties. Sl.BOO'J.BO; , No, 2. J1.2B
lfso.- ApnleB. Inbuilt. :r 10ft lbs B0c.tpJl.50.
Apples. Western, per bor...Jl.iC2.,..Dmni;es.
Florida, per crate, J2.B0O4. Tangerlnvs. Flor
ida, per strap. JSOS.Rn. Oropefrult. Horlda.
ner,cr;ite. J).7B1. Lemons, per box. J2g8.
TpineuppUs. per jcrntc l'orto Htcti. J3.30JfR.
.lirnnborrlea. Jersey, per bbl.. J3W7: do., Jor
. ey, per crate. 11W2.2.V Strawberries, Flor
ida, per fit. ItefrlKerutors, 2."iir33c; open
crates, 18023c
Chofca stock Bold fairly and values Ben
erally.were well sustained undor moderate of
ferings. Quotations White potatoes, per
bush. Pennsylvania. Jl.SOfo l.-lii; New fork,
Sl.lBOl.20i Weatern. S1.1RO1.20: white pota
v toea, JOroej, per basket No 1 rose. ilRfffTRe
No. 1 other varieties. llSKf 7.1c; No. 2. 300
" 40c: w-HIt potatoes. Florida, per bbl. No. 1,
SU.BO0T: No. 2, t.VliOOO; sweet potatoes.
Jersey, per basket No. 1. 4BR0c; No. 2.
2R1C3HC: Bwcet potntoes. Jerrey, Delaware nnd
f- Maryland, iK'r hamper No. 1, 75c 4PJ1: No.
', fiuvfiiuc.; sweet poiaioes. v irKiniu. per uui.
nnlons, per lOILlb.
bag No. 1.
SI.SSO1.B0; No.
onions, Texas, per
cumnwr crate no. i. i ssvi.siu; no. -.-. loe.
.Vii: cannagi. iianisn. per inn. i"viu: uo.,
Florida, per hamper. H,1(t7nr. : do., tioutn
Carolina, per crate. Jll.BO; celery, Florida,
per crate. Jt.75iiC2.25. spinach. Norfolk, pee
bbl.. J1W1.7R; kale, Norfolk, per bbl,. ROW
one: watercress, per loo hunches, J2: lettuce.
. .Florida, per basket, S1.R0O4; do., Houth Caro
lina, ' per basket. I2W2..10; do.. North Caro
lina, per basket. 41 02.50; beans. Florida, per
' basket. J2U'.'I.50: peas, Florida, per basket,
. , S3i! pepnon, Florida, per carrier. S1.50V3:
eggplant, Florida, per crate, J202.BO; toma
loe, Florida, per carrier Fancy. S1.73V2.23:
cholct. imi.tM); asparagus, ver cr.ite .South
Carolln.v 2f3.50; (leorgla. J2.253.30; Cali
fornia, J2W3.50; mushrooms, per 1-lb. basket,
, , ,75c, J 1.23.
Nev Aircraft Corrlpnny
, JDOVgn, Del.. April C The Federal
.'Ir'.Crn't n.ml .Motor Company wan In-
, . .' oorporatcil hero today; capital (1. 000,000,
"' ''to deal In nnd manufacture aeroplanes,
engines, vehicles and veaselH. The incor-
. poratora are J. nennett Hill. Robert K.
Taylor and Walter K. Klttell, all of New
.-.the Leather
Official Forecast
For eastern Pennsylvania: Partly
'cloudy and colder tonight; Friday fair and
. colder; -fresh west winds.
The disturbance that was Indicated over
V eastern Texas yesterday has moved rap
idly northeastward to the coast of Hat
teras, while another disturbance has ap
parently developed over Ontario. These,
occurrences have resulted in light rains
covering most of the eastern half of tho
country during tho last 24 hours. The
northwestern cold area has moved rapid
ly dawn Into the great central valleys and
Is spreading eastward. Its influence will
be felt to tho Atlantic coast tonight, and It
may cause light freezing here In suburban
districts by Friday morning,
U. S. Weather Ilurcau Bulletin
Observations taken at 8 u, in.. Eastern time,
8 last lluln- Veloc-
. Station. a-m. n't- fall. Wind. Ity. Weather
.Atlanta, aa....4 4 .01 NVV it) Clear
Atlantic. City.. 42 4J .01 SW . naln
llnltlmoru 4B 4 . . N . . Cloudy
Bismarck. N.D. 18 1'! -s JO Clear
Hcaton. Mass... 44 42 .. SB .. cloudy
Huffalu. n. V. , 40 31 .. SW 24 Snow
:harlesron. 3.C; r8 6tj .. NW Kt Cloudy
Fhlearo, III. ,..-' Si ,. NW 14 Clear
Clnclnnatt ..... 3d 3d .. NW 14 Clear
Cleveland, cj..., a ai ,11 w J 4 Cloudy
utnvvr, o. , o- .,- ,in r,
Detroit. Mlch... 32 32 ,0li W
3alvston, Tex- ? . . NK
Harrlsburir . , -, 44 41 . . NK
lUttoras. N. C. 54 U .14 NW
' Halifax, N. 8.. 40 43 2.48 NK
18 P.CIdy
.. Cloudy
. . Cloudy
S3 Cloudy
14 P.CIdy
10 P.CIdy
lt;n. mom. .. a -i) .iu KW
MurtinA U TV 111 14
Indianapolis ... 28 28
Jackwnvllla .. iW
Kansas City -.31 31
Knoxvllle. T-'nn. 44 44
Uttl Hock. Ark 4i 41
1,03 Anseles . 52 5d
-f-oulsvlire, ICy.. 40 4d
NW 4 i'WSS
NYy 10 Cloudy
. u i-iear
I SSE2H?rrVn .: So S3
NashvllU. Tann. 40 3-
t .10 NH
Nw Orleans . . Ill t!
New York city 4d 41
rioriOlK. Y3. .
rudahAina. . . .
y.it II1-"
.. 24 2 ..
14 llaln
NB 10 Cloudy
nauhi Neb.
PhlladlGU4 -. 4 41
t'hoodlx. Arts... 52 52
, . Pittsburgh 42 Si
S, ilortUnd. Us... 42 31
, .1'artIa.nJ. Ur.. 4(1 41
ItiGuelwc. Can... S2 Sa
jNtii. i.ouu, fto. . sa 30
WJQ! Pa,ul UIud- 11 14
thi-llt XjiKt city. 3d 3d
8n Antonio . Bg BH
Hen KrncUi'o 50 50
Sarin Fo. Nil 11 aa
Hi ate Marte. 28 2d
Scratiton. Vj. 40 31
Tjajpa FU, . 64 UO
10 Clear
. . Cloudy
12 Cloudt
1Q cjoudy
. Cloudy
. , K
.oa NW
jv uoimrKB . t is
WlsoUKit. Cim. it i
. a
t tu . iiouay
I .. U ,. Cloudy
toapi jAjijj- mmmgamBBKBKgk nmiMlityiiinii i nfti i"" n
Only Those Changing Political
Allegiance or Residence
Need Enrol Then
Wednesday, April 12, six days hence,
will bo the only registration day for the
primary election of May IS.
Not nil, by any meant, who will vote
In tho sprlnK party primaries, howover,
will ba obliged to register on that occa
sion. Only thoso who wero not regis
tered or enrolled for last fall's election:
thoso who desire to change their party
enrolment; nnd thoso who have moved
from one election division to another
since the Inst election, need appear be
fore the division registrars next Wed
nesday. This situation has been discussed
widely following the West Philadel
phia, meeting of tho Citizens' Republican
League. In tho course of which tho ques
tion of enrolment nnd registration was
ralse-1. Tho law Is clear and well under
stood by polltlcnl leaders.
So far ns registration, without refer
ence to enrolment. Is concerned, the voter
who was registered for the last election
was also registered for tho spring prl
mary. If, however, on the occasion of his
registration ho did not enroll, that Is,
state the name of his party to which he
desired to be connected, ho cannot vote a
party ballot In the coming prlmnrles un
less ho enrolls himself next Wednesday
nn a member of one or another party.
The law says that he may go before
tho registrars next Wednesday and dcslg
nato tho party of which ho Is a member.
That Is, he may enroll as Republican,
Democratic cr Washlngtonlnn, for ex
ample. If challenged, however, ho will bo
obliged to swear that at the last preced
ing November election nt which ho voted
he voted for n majority of tho candidates
of tho party under whoso namo he desires
to bo enrolled.
Thoso who have moved since the last
election to nnother division may bo reg
istered In their new divisions, provided
they moved Into tho new division before
March 16, or two months beforo tho dato
of tho spring primary. Tho onrolmont
feature In theso cases would bo governed
by tho law as outlined In tho foregoing.
Continued from 1'npre One
graveyard. "N'o. I'm not afraid of
ghosts or mon. I was a copper for 23
years. I usod to bo n policeman of the
32d street and Woodland nvcnuo sta
tion. Many n fight "
Suddenly a sharp crackle nnd n scrap
ing sound enme from his brown dog
tent for he has n tent to shield him
from tho weather. He wheeled sharply.
It was a dead twig that had fallen from
the tree above. It rolled onto tho sunken
grnvo and nestled among the lllles-of-thc-valley
nnd other flowers that covered it.
Ho picked It up and threw-It far Into
tho growing light, toward tho Schuylkill
Itlvcr, which the spot overlooks.
"So. I am not anxious for my Job to
end." said tiunlgan. "I have my pipe
nnd my gun nnd Ben, the cat, and the
squirrel. And I llko peanuts and so does
the squirrel. And I like to watch the
stars when it Isn't foggy, and It's Inter
esting to rend tho words on tho grave
stones. I suppose the guard will bo over
when tho tombstone Is put on Mr. Hnrrls'
Dunlgan, who lives at 22 South 32d
Btreet, receives $3 a night for his sentry
There Is nothing unusual In tho family's
custom of guarding tho graves of dead
rolatlvos for a few days aftor their death,
according to Henry Frnzer HarrlB. of
Chestnut Hill, a son of tho man whoso
grave Is being sa carefully watched.
"It Is merely n family tradition," ho
said. The graves of Thomas H. Powers
and hlB wife, paronts of Mr. Harris" wife,
and that of his hrothcr-ln-lnw, Thomas
H. Powers, Jr., were similarly watched.
They are burled In tho family plot.
The present observance of tho custom,
however, ngnln put Into circulation n
much-dlscusscd story of a bride of three
days, who died long ngo and whose grave
was opened by thloves, who rifled It of
thousands of dollars' worth of wedding
Jewelry which the bridegroom had burled
with the bodjyof his wife.
Mr. Harris was born at Frazer. Chester
County, Pa., April 10, 1840. After be
coming a member of the bar at Washing
ton ho entered the Union army nt the
outbreak of the Civil War, being com
missioned a lieutenant In the Marino
Corps, of which his uncle. Col. John Har
ris, was In command. He fought with
Admiral Fnrragut in the battles of the
lower Mississippi and the capture of New
Orleaiia and was with Rear Admiral
Dahlgren nt tho second capture of Fort
Sumter. He accompanied Admiral Far
ragut on his cruise around the world.
Resigning from the Marino Corps In 1869,
he married Miss Mary Powers and be
came a member of the firm of I'owers,
Welghtman & Rosengarten, manufactur
ing chemists. He retired many years ago,
but maintained an office at 119 South 16th
street. Ills town houso was at 1607 Wal
nut street,
fllr. Harris Is survived by his widow and
three sons, Thomas Powers Harris, Alan
Campbell Harris and Henry Frazer Har
Eight-story Structure to Bo Put Up
by John P. Crozor
An eight-story office building will be
erected at Sth and Market streets, Chester,
by John P. Crorer, the wealthy manufac
turer. It was learned today that the pro
posed structure will be the home of the
Delaware County Trust Company, which
will occupy the first floor, while the upper
floors will be occupied by offices and head
quarters of various Institutions.
Votes Give Auto to Jersey Girl
Miss Helen Mllllnger, of Merchantvllle,
N. J., a 16-year-old girl, received an
automobile In a contest conducted by tho
l-ancaster Avenue Business Men's Asso
ciation, which closed last night. More
than 1,500,000 votes were cast In the con
test. Licensed to Wed at Elkton
ELKTON. , Md., April 6. Marriage
licenses issued in Elkton this morning
were to Edwin J. Dellaven and Edna M.
Smith, Michael Moffa and Helen Schultr,
Fred I Berger and Mildred Beatty, John
J, McLaughlin and Mary B. Souder, Ed
ward M. Brown and Mae McCullough, all
of Philadelphia; Guy McWIlllams and
Lillian M, Shepler, Lebanon, Pa.; Paul
Reynolds, Asbury Park, and Anna Chap
man, Bayonne, N. J,; James Ray and
Susan Clark, Cokesbury, Md.
Samuel E. Levlck, 58U ChrlitUn it., and
lUba Frltdmip. S0& Balnbrldza H.
Jeue J. Tell, 1318 CastU avf., and Angelina
CarplnelU- ISM 8. Utb at.
Vradwrnn N. Potta. 83H Lanadowna ava., and
Maria I.. Boyd. 80tf N. 81th at.
John a. JUyer. 3218 Locuit at., and Nora h.
Bhowalter. 1800 Arch at.
Ernest c. ailroy.18MN.Mth at., and Lucia
A. 1 Unman. 1312 N. Sth at.
Henry A. Voat. 1731 N. Slat at., and ElUa-
Ixtb U. Barry. S3 a N. 28th at.
John Bchmldt. 5455 Sbarawood at., and Pearl
Dattra, Hatfield. Pa.
Tbomaa M. Wallace. 814 N. 1Mb at., and
Olivia M. MorrlaT $38 N. Both at.
John C. Shedland. 1942 Wolf at., and Kranwa
I. BltUrllch, 420 Taaker it.
Loula Spaath. IMS N. 24 at., and Auuata
ManaeJ. S213 Cedar at ,
francla J. Golden. 2T22 Cumberland at., and
Mary B. Huntley. 3808 E. Cumberland at.
Clarenca V. Clemmar, Oak Lane. Pa . and
Marlon E. WUUauiaoo, Oak Lane, Pa.
JJo.e. Klnklerb M& Phllto at and Roae
Vrancla A, AuaUo. Conafcohockeo. Pa., aad
Urldjet A. Currta, 101? Spruca L
You Earn In Proportion As You Develop Posttlvcncss. Your money
mnktncr power depends not on the positive will to drive others, but on
your determination to drive yourself vigorously toward your goal of
success. The business world makes way for, the man with the firm,
steadfast will that knows no opposition, never doubting, never fearing, but
steadily pushing forward for tho full accomplishment of its set purpose.
Such n will is n gigantic success-power j it is a positive purpose to suc
ceed, backed by an unswerving faith in tho ability to overcome every
obstacle. There can bcjpo boisterous, overbearing display of authority
for the will that wins. Calmness, poise and patience nrc its humble but
helpful qualities.
Your "I Will" Power Should Be Kept In Constant Use. Your right
decision nbout your success goal is Important, but you will delay your
progress toward it if you do not constantly live in tho "I Will" ntmos
phere. Each act, ench hour of each day should be characterized by your
patient determination. "Be sure you ore right, then go ahead" means
that after reaching your decision you shall never weaken or doubt. Keep
your eyes fixed on your goal and daily use your full "I Will" succeBa
power to force yourself nearer to the realization of your nmbltlon. When
you start out right nnd keep going you will sec success signs nil along
your course and you will encounter but little stormy weather.
Let Your Mental And Moral Backbone Be As Strong As Your Wish
bone. What is tho good of wishing if you have not the will-power nnd
the self-contrdl to make your wish come true? Wishing will not got you
what you want, but you will realize your every worthy wish when you
make full use of your "I Will" power. "To succeed" is spelled with the
words "I Will."
Ilectlfy Your Purpose, Then Will Thnt You Shall Win. Let your will
be your master, but know thnt tho domineering will does not bring suc
cess. Tho self-sncriflcing, humble, resourceful will, bnlanced with poise
nnd purpose, Is tho power thnt Bhould always drive you BUcccssward. The
outcomo of all your efforts depends upon tho power of your continued
purpose to succeed.
(Copvrtoht, tOIS. -by l?f"(l ,. Smith, rMlndflpMaJ
Continued from Pnite One
Into tho open nnd nt least let It be known
thnt ho Is a receptive candidate.
Scnntor Page. Republican, of Vermont,
one of the Old Guard, snld:
"I would prefer Hughes, but I can sup
port Roosovolt, though I didn't In 1912.
Today's reports from Oyster Day show
Roosovclt to bq nn nggrcsslvo candidate.
Wo want to win."
Scnntor Smoot. of ITtah, one of tho
stnunchest regular leaders, declined to
comment on tho Roosovclt stntcment. So
did Senator Ilrandegee.
"Roosovclt Is strong out. In our coun
try, but n great many of his old friends
won't support him," snld Senator Norrls,
Progressive Republican, of Nebraska. "I
bellovo ho has lost nomrj strength by his
ndvoency of preparedness."
"Every one has known for somo tlmo
that Roosevelt would bo n candidate," said
Senator Stone, Democratic chairman of
tho Foreign Rolntlons Committee. "I
wasn't surprised by tho news. It begins
to look as If tho Republicans will nom
inate him."
Majority leader Kltchln. of the House,
"I am very glad to see the Colonel'H
hot In the ring. I strongly favor his
nomination by tho Republican party. As
n candidate he will bo miro to win for
tho Democrats."
Republican lender Mann snld he wanted
more tlmo to look over tho situation be
foro he would comment on the posslblo
candidacy of Colonel Roosevelt. Slany
other Republicans in tho Houso followed
his lend.
Senator Polndextcr (Rep.), of Washing
ton, emphatically declared tho Colonel will
be nominated and elected.
"Teddy's n cnndldato, nil right," snld
Senator Kenyon, manager of Senator Cum
mins' campaign. "I'm delighted. We'd
llko to have tho contest narrow down to
Cummins nnd Roosovclt. Tho convention
won't bo hot-headed or lnilucnced by hot
headed talk."
Strong Interview nt Homo Virtual
Bid for G. 0. P. Nomination
OYSTER BAY, April G. Colonel lloose
vclt In nn Interview nt'Sagamoro Hill has
virtually declared his candidacy for tho
Republican presidential nomination. Tho
words ho employed nro far moro emphatic
than those of his Trinidad statement with
Its demand upon tho public for "heroic
Ho goes further, setting forth the pre
cise nnd only terms upon which ho will
accept tho nomination, nnd notifying nil
delegates to the Republican National
Convention Just what his candidacy stands
Tho Colonel made known his attitude
In a conversation with a visitor from a
nearby Stato, who has been nominated for
Congress nnd expects to go to the Re
publican National Convention n.i a dele
gate. Ho told this man, among other
things, not to expect him to "pussy-foot"
on n single Issue ho had raised if ho wero
nominated, He was not for wnr, he said ;
In fact, ho abhorred war. but felt that
preparedness was the only guarantco of
Five men were present In tho big trophy
room-nt Sagamoro Hill who heard tho con
versatlon. which was, In lact. a declara
tion of tho platform on which Colonel
Roosevelt stands and his mesoage to tho
delegates who are to assemble at Chicago
to select their leador In the campaign. The
Colonel, with his cnaracteristlc vehemence,
had been talking of Mexico and other In
ternational problems when a visitor
broke in.
"You know, Colonel," he said, "I may
make up my mmd that wo will have to
nominate you."
Like a flash the Colonel turned to him.
"Well, now, let me give you n piece of
advice," he said, pounding the nrm of his
chair; "If you have any doubt on the sub
ject, do not nominate me. Got It per
fectly clear In your head that If you
nominate me It must not be because you
think It is In my interest, but because you
think it Is In your interest and the inter
est of the Republican party nnd because
you think It is In the Interest of the United
States to do so."
The Colonel hesitated a moment to col
lect his thoughts and then burst out
again. He put Into his utterance all of the
vehemence he would have used In a cam
paign speech, apparently oblivious of the
fact that he was talking to a little group
of men In his home and not to a throng
In tome huge auditorium.
"And more than thnt, don't you do It
If you expect me to pussy-foot on any
single Issue I have raised," he continued.
"Don't vote for me unless you are pre
pared to say that every citizen of this
country has got to be pro-United States
first, last and all the time, and no pro
anything else nt all, and that wo utund
for every good American everywhere,
whatever his birthplace or creed, and
wherever he now lives, and that In re
turn we demand that he be an Amer
ican nnd nothing else, with no hyphen
about him.
"Every American citizen must be for
Amer)ca first and for no other country
even second, and he hasn't any right to
be In the United States at all If he has
any divided loyalty between this country
and any other."
"I don't care a rap for the man's creed
or birthplace or national origin so long
as he la straight United States. I am
for him If he is straight United Btates,
and If he Isn't I am against him. And
don't you nominate me unless you are
prepared to take the position that Uncle
Sam Is to be strong enough to defend
his rights and to defend every one of
his people, wherever those, people are, and
he can't be strong enough unless he pre
pares In advance.
"I am not for war: on the contrary, I
abhor an unjust or a wanton war, and
I would use every honorable expedient
to avoid even a just war. But I feel
with all my heart that you don't. In the
lopg run, avoid war by making other
people believe you are afraid to light
for your own rights.
"Uncle Sam roust never wrong the weak.
t)e. must nevv insult any one or wantonly
give causa of offenso to cither the weak
or the strong. The squnrcst posslblo way
Is to enable him to keep tho pence, nnd
to keep It on terms thnt will cnnblo
Americans to hold their henna high. I
mean ho must bo prepared In his own soul
ns well ns with his army nnd navy, so
that when ho says anything tho rest of
tho world will know that ho means It nnd
thnt ho can mnko It good.
"Don't you try to 'nomlnnto mo unless
you think that Is tho policy that ought
to bo followed out, for your salto ns much
as for mine nnd for tho sake of tho rest
of us hero In tho United States. Don't
forget that Isn't a couroo that provokes
war, It la tho only course thnt In tho long
run prevents wnr, secures national self
respect nnd guarantees tho honor of this
country and tho rights of citizens wher
ever they may bo."
Tho conversation between tho Colonel
nnd his visitors enmo ns n sequence to
tho Itoosovelt-Root-Lodgo luncheon Inst
Friday at the homo of Robert Bacon,
In Manhattan, whicli gave such a mighty
Impotus to tho boom that Roosovolt's fol
lowers wcro conducting for his nomina
tion. It serves, nmong other things, to
disillusion nil who endeavored to draw
from tho lunchecn party tho conclusion
thnt Roosevelt, Root, Lodge nnd Bacon
were working In tho Interest of Root,
or oven Justlco Hughes, ns the nomlnco
or tho Kepubllcni. party.
National Subcommittee nt Chicago to
Delay Naming Chairman
CHICAGO, April fi. "How about
RooseveIt7" Is tho flat-footed' question to
bo hurled Into tho meeting of tho sub
committee of tho Republican National
Committee hero tomorrow, party chief
taliiH ndmltted today.
The colonel's announcement from
OyHtcr Bay has upset' plans of tho Re
publicans, who hoped to namo tomorrow
a temporary chairman for tho Natlonnl
Despito tho colonel's statement, Fred
W. Upham, natlonnl committeeman from
Illinois, declared today ho did not bollcvo
Roosovclt really Is a candldnto.
"I do think," said Upham, "thnt some
one satisfactory to tho colonel may he se
lected, nnd I think Roosevelt will be con
Stato Convention Delegates Pledged
to Fairbanks for President
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., April 6. One
former Progresslvo and three Republicans
will make up Indiana's "big four" to the
Republican National Convention. The
Stato convention today, by acclamation,
elected Fred A. Sims, James A. Hemcn
wny. Will II. Hays and E. C. Toner dolo-gates-at-large.
Toner was tho Progressive
Stato chairman.
Harry S. Now and James Ely Watson
wero nominated by acclamation for tho
long nnd short term United "States Sena
torshlps. Tho delegates to tho Stato convention
wcro pledged to give unanimous backing
to tho candidacy of Charles Warren Fair
banks for President.
Onco Noted Athlcto and Former Cir
culation Manager
Frank S. Itoso, 47 years old, once a
noted athlete nnd formerly circulation
manager of the Public Lgdoer. Is dead
at his home, 13th street and 65th avenue.
Oak Lane. He was n member of tho firm
of Williams & Marcus, printers. He was
also a member of Robert A. Lamberton
Lodge of Masons and Lu Lu Temple.
Mr. Hose was connected with tho Phil
adelphia Times and later he went to the
Punuo Lepcer as assistant circulation
manager, afterward rising to the posi
tion of manager. Thirteen years ago he
left to accept a position with Williams &
In his younger days Mr. Rose wrb r
noted oarsman. In 1889 he was a mem
ber of the Malta Boat Club crew that de
feated the famous Argonauts, of Canada,
and won the national championship. He
was a member of the old Athletic Club
of the Schuylkill Navy and the Philadel
phia Athletic Club.
Jamea E. Conner
Funernl services for James B. Conner,
secretary and treasurer of the Kolb
Bakery Company, wilt be held Saturday
afternoon at his home, 2126 South Broad
street, where he died yesterday after an
Illness of seven months. Ho had been
connected with tho company for 40 years
and was a member of Potter Lodge, No.
411. F. and A. M., ; Jerusalem It. A.
Chapter, No. 3 ; Philadelphia Com
mandery, No. 3, K. T., and Lu Lu Temple.
He Is survived by his widow.
I1F.NSON'. In sad and lovlng-
memnrv nt
w. a. h&nbvh, wno
departed this life
Alllll V, 4U11,
BOTH. In loving- remembranca of my dear
father. JACOU ROTH, who departed this
Ufa April 8. 1800. SaJly rnlsaed.
LEZU1TTE AIllUCK. Wlfs of Richard Ar,
back. 8r. Relatives and frlenda are Invited
to attend the funeral, on Friday, April 1, at
2 p. m., from her lata residence. Stat
road and Rhawn at.. Holmesburfr. Inter
ment at Magnolia Cemetery. Remain may
ba viewed Thursday evening after 8 o'clock.
AHKGOOI). On April 2. 1916. BAM UK U aon
of tho late Samuel and Ames Aregood. Rel-
atlve and frtend are Invited to attend the
luuerai, oa riuy mieruoou ni o ciock.
from northeast corner 3d and Pine ts. In
terment at Monument Cemnterv.
DAKKB. On April a. 1810. ABlJlE L.. wife
of George W Baker. 8r.. and daughter of
the lata Benjamin and Ann Haines, Rela
tive and frlendj. Uq the members of tbe
Kast Baptist Church and Sunday School, are.
lavueti lu anew limtrti aervise. eq Tiaar,
jo., at jier ui reaiaeace, on a.
Interment private, at Oakland
Thompson tt
nKJlNBTKIN. On Arrll A. lfll. MAnoAUF-T,
widow or Iwis b. nerniteln and daughter
et the lato Walter, and Etliabeth lllttlnir.
nelatlves and frlndu are Invited to attend
the funeral nervlcea, on Saturday, at 1 p. m
at the residence of her aranddauahter, Mrs.
Albert Truell, 2048 Hnrtvllle at. To pro
ceed to Kranklln Cemetery Vault., Interment
at Oreenmount Cemetery. Remains may bo
viewed on Friday after 7 p. m.
BOYT.R. On April 8, 1018. BUtDOET lt
KBEVEB. widow of Jamea lioyle. formerly
of 10S3 8. Cleveland ave. Belatlvea and
frlenda, nlo St. ChArten' B. V. M. Sodality,
are Invited to attend the funeral, on flatur
day, nt 8:30 a. m., from her late residence.
2020 Christian at. Solemn Illah Maes o(
nenulem at St. Charle' Church, nt 10 a. m.
Interment nt Cathedral Cemetery.
nnAHV. On April 4. lnl. ANNIR. wife nf
Marry nrndy and daughter of I. It. and
Slary A TarmArt, aged 28 yenra. rtelatlves
and frlenda are Invited to attend the funeral,
on Saturday, at 8 a. m . from her parents'
residence. Kan McClellan at, (17th, and
Moore ata.J. Ilenulem High Maee nt tho
Church of St Thomas Aaulnas at 0:30 a. m.
precisely, interment nt Holy Cross Ceme
tery, Automobile funeral.
nrtir.nf.nv April 2. MAnaAnpT wilsom.
wife of Thomas V. Urlerley. Relatives and
friends nre Invited to nttend the funeral
services, on Thursday, nt 8 p. m.. nt her
late, residence. 1320 North RSth at. Inter,
ment on Friday afternoon, nt Hancock. Md,
nitOOKH. On April 4. 101(1. CATHAMNn E..
wife of Henry P. rtrnoks. Jr.. nnd daughter
of Charles A. and Mary A. Young. In her
Hue notlco of funeral will bo
given from parents'
rcsiaencc, iu l-oini
iireeze nvc.
nrtmvER. on April b. into. nr.iZABBTit it.
imoWBIl. nged 71 years. Ilelntlves and
friends are Invited to nttend tho funernl serv
ices, on Saturday, at 2 p. m . precisely, at
the tlaptlst Home, 17th nnd Norrls ata. In
terment private.
nrtOWN. On April 4. inid. at the residence
of her Istr, Mrs. Samuel Cllovcr. 203."
Pino st.. FANNY nrtOWN, daughter of tho
late William nnd Deborah Norrla tirown.
In tho 70th year of her ngo. Funernl aerv
Icei nnd Interment private.
CAMPIIEM,. At tho residence of his father.
.Tames D. Campbell, Wyncnte, Pa on April
p. 1010. C.rT. CttAllI.tlS SCOTT CAMI
liriljL. In his B2d year. Funeral services
nnd Interment private.
CAMPIIEI.l,. Suddenly, on April 1. , 101(1.
SAnAII P.. wlfo of John M. Campbell (nee
Mnglnnls). Relatives and frlenda nre Invited
to nttend tho funeral sprvlcea. on Friday, at
1 P. m.. nt her Into residence. 1003 New
Mnrket St. Interment Hillside Cemetery, vlii
funernl car.
CAItTr.lt. Suddenly, on April 2. 1010. IIAH
CI.AY FIIKD, son of Fred nnd .Tennle Car.
ter. aged 2S years. Ilelntlves nnd friends
nro Invtled to nttend the funernl, on Friday,
nt 2.45 p. m.. from his parents' reldence,
21 W, Fornnnce t.. Nnrrlstnwn. Services
at St. John's Church nt 3:46. Interment
nt lllversldo Cemetery.
C11ASK. On April B,-- 101(1. KLIZAIIKTII
.Mil. mint) ClIASn. deughter of lllchnnl nnd
Elizabeth Chase, in her 12th year. Ilela
tlves nnd friends nro Invited to attend the
funeral, on Saturday, nt 2 p. m.. from her
resilience. 420 Walnut lane, .iiana-
Interment Westminster Cemetery.
On April IS. Klin. HARRY lttlH-
sni.l., husband nf Alice n. Clnrk. nged 2
,'inrK. nnei ,,
venrn. llnlflltvpM and frlnnila nrn
io ntieno tne funeral services, on nniurnny.
nt 2:30 n.
In., nf fhn reni.lpncn OI
mother. 11131
Francis st. interment nt Ar
lington Cemetery, llemnlns may lo viewed
Friday evening. Automobllo funeral.
CONNKR. On April 4, 101(1. JAMES R. CON
NI3R, husband of Sadie Conner (neo Hen
wood). In hie 73d year. Relatives nnd
friends, nlsn Potter Lodge, No. 411. 1. nnd
A. M.. Masonic Veternrm' Asso . Jerusjlrm
II. A. Chapter No. 3; Phlla. Commanderv,
No. 2. K. T.; Lu Lit Temple A. A. O. N.
M. B , nre invited to atend tho funernl
services on Saturday, nt 2 p. m., precisely,
nt his Into residence. 212(1 South Brand st.
Interment prlvntc.
Clt.tin. At Wnyrroft, Oa.. nn April 1. 1010.
THOMAS CHAIO. In his With year. Rela
tives nnd frlenda nre Invited to nttend tho
funernl Hcrvlces, on Frtdnv. nt 2:30 p. m..
nt his Into resilience, 321 Mnrket st., Tren
ton. N. J. Interment nt Rlvervlew Ceme
tery. CROMHARdAR. On April 4. 101(1. nt Hamp
ton. Vs.. I'KRRY CllOMllAROAR, aged 00
years. Relatives nnd friends are Invited to
attend tho funernl services, on Friday aft
ernoon, nt 2 o'clock, nt Schuyler's. Ilroad
nnd Dlnmond sta. Interment private.
I1KLANKY. On April 3. 1010. JOHN M.. hns
hand nf the latn Klltilheth Tlolancy. Ileln
tlves nnd friends, nlso ration Post. No. 2(1.
CI. A. R.. nro Invited to atlcnd funernl. Frl
dny. nt 8 n. m.. from his daughter's resi
dence. nnt2 N. 33th St.. Fnlla of Schuylkill.
High Rerjulvm Moss at St. Bridget' church
nt 0:30 o'clock. Interment nt St. Mary's
Cemetery. Roxborough.
ni:MisEY. on April b, mm. josnnr, hus-
bnnd of Marlon Dempsey (nee Murtha) nnd
son of Mary Iliignn nnd tho lnte Joseph I
Dempsey. In his 22d yenr. Relatives nnd
friends nro Invited to attend the funeral, on
Monduy, nt fl:30 n. m.. from his Into resi
dence. 121 Jefferson st. Solemn MTiss of
Requiem nt St. Michael's Church, nt 10
n. m. precisely. Interment at Holy Cross
UII.I,. On April B, 10HI, CHARLES Vf., he
loved husband of Sara 11. 1)111. nged tI7
years. Ilelntlves nnd friends, also Fidelity
Assembly. No. 21. A. O. M. P.. nnd Men's
Ulble Clnes nf the Templo Lutheran Church,
nre respectfully Invited to nttend tho funeral
services, on Frldnv, nt 8 p. m.. nt his lnte
residence, 42 North Bt. Uernard at. Intor
ment private,
DISIIlintY. On April 5. intfl. OAMAMIU,
niSIHlOW. Relatives nnd friends, nlso
Division 100. J. of I., re., nnd Veteran
Association. Pennsylvania IUIlrnnd. nro In
vited to view tho remains. Krjday j-voiilnrr,.
from 7 till n o'clock, at his lato residence,
3720 Ilaverfonl nve. Interment nt South
Amboy, N. J.. Saturday afternoon.
rKr.i.oivs. on April o. nun. isaiiri.la.
wife of Edward 11. Fellows, daughter of
Albert R. and Mnry II. Blowell. Relatives
nnd friends are Invited to nttend tho funeral
services, on Monday, nt 2:30 o'clock, at
her pnrents' residence, 4223 Orchard street.
Frnnkford. Interment at Kast Cedar Hill
I'KRTNKR. Relatives and friends. nt1
Qermantown Lodge. No. 15, S. of 11.. nrt- In
vited to nttend tht, funernl servlco on Sat
urday nfternoon. nt 2:30 o'clock, nt the
apartments of Kirk nnd Nice. 0301 Main St..
Oermnntnwn. Interment nt Ivy Hill Ceme
tery. May be viewed Friday cenlmr.
ril.KMYil. Suddenly, on April -t. inin,
WILLIAM II.. Sr . husband of Ruth A.
Fllemyr (nee Mayhew). In his 72,1 year. Rel.i
liven nnd friends, also members of Veteran
Firemen's Association, aro Invited to attend
the funernl. on Saturday, at 8:30 n. in.,
from his late residence, 1B03 N. Mnrsh.-ill
st. Solemn High Requiem Muss nt St.
Mnlachy'H Church, at 10 n. m. Interment
private, at New Cuthcdral Cemetery.
roitll. On Anrll 4 101(1. RDIT1I M.. wife
of (leorge Ford nnd daughter of. Jeaneltn
and the lato Jamea J. Duncan. Due notlco
of funeral will bo given, from her lato resi
dence, "till Wakellne at.. Frnnkford.
VOX, On April 4, 1010, JOHN F., husband
of Julia H. Fox, nged 44 yearB Relatives
nnd friends and all noddies of which he
was a member nnd members of Glenslde
M. R. Church, nro Invited to attend .the
funeral aervlces. on Saturday, nt 2 p. m.,
nt his lato residence. 133 New St., (llenslde,
Pa. interment nt Hillside Cemetery.
G.tI.I,.t(IIIKIt. On April 4, 1016. JRNNIR A.,
wife of Peter V. Oallagher and daughter of
OeorBo It. and May McNulty. Relatives and
friend of the family nre Invited to attend
tho funeral, on Saturday morning, nt 8:30
o'clock, from tho late resldenco. 721 Kast
Madison street. Solemn Requiem Mass at
the Ascension Ch- "- " " o'clock precisely.
Interment at Hol uryuichre Cemetery.
GARVIN On April 4. 10in. JANK. wlfa of
John T. Oar In, Due notice of the funeral
will be Riven, from her late realdence, 3407
Comly at.. Wlsslnomlnc.
GKIKII. On April 4. 1016. JACOB D hus
band of l,ena Bchaal Orleb and son of the
lata Jacob and Johanna (Irteb. aged BS
year. Ilelntlves and friend, also societies
of which ha was a member, are Invited to
attend funeral services, on Friday, at 3
D. m.. at hla late residence. 404U N. liber
at., Logan. Interment Ivy Hill Cemetery
Remains may ba viewed on Thursday, from
8 to 10 p. m.
ILtrrNER. A natlent sufferer at rest. Bud
denly. on April 8. 1II1U. JOSEPHINR T..
wlfi of Frederick Haffnrr. and eldest daugh
ter of the late John B. and Roslna Lenti.
Relatlvea and friends are Invited to attend
funeral services, Saturday, at 2 p. m,. at
her late .residence 23i3 N. Cleveland ave.
Interment private, Mr. Vernon Cemetery.
IIAIIN. On April 4, 1816, FREDERICK II..
on of Gottlieb and the lata Mary Halm (nes
Bchlel). Relative and friends, also mem
ber of Waahlngton Camp. No. 414, P. O. S.
of A., and employer of II f. Fox & Son,
are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Sunday,
at 2 p. m.. from Ms late residence. 2338
Montrose at. (23th and Christian at.). In
terment a. 11U Morlah Cemetery. Remains
may bo vi 'Xed Saturday evening-.
HAMAN.On April S 1910, JOSEPH R.. hus.
band of Carolina Hainan, in hla bfltri year.
Relatives and friends are Invited to attend
the funeral services, on Friday, at 2:30
p. in., at his lata realdence, 4103 Frankford
ave Interment private, at Cedar Hill fern-
HAKlilN. On April B. 1816. JESSE f.. son
of Thomas and the late Amelia V. Hardin,
nged 42 year. Relatlvea and friends are In
vited to attend funeral aenlces. on Sunday,
at 3 p. m., at the residence of his father.
1332 Uutler at. Interment private, at Ml.
Peace Cemetery. Automobile funeral.
IIAW8. On April 3. 1810. MARY JANB.
wlauw of William Dixon Haw and daughter
of the lata Thomas J. and Sarah A. Mercer.
Relatlvea and frlenda are Invited to attend
the funeral services, on Saturday, at 2 p. m.,
at her lata residence. 1628 Brown at- In
terment Mount Peace.
HK1.DT. At horn of Mr. Beaumont, at
Deion. Pa.. April 4. 1010, MRS. J. O.
HELOT, of Savannah. Oa. Remains will
be sent to Savannah. Ga.. Friday, for burial,
IIKRH. On the 4th Month. Bth. laid.
FRANCES A., widow of Henry, C llerr. In
her 82d year. Relative and friends are in
vltid to attend tba funeral, on sixth day
7th int.. at 2:30 p. in., from tbe realdence
of her aon-ln-law, Herbert T. Smith. Clnna
mlnson. N. J. Carriage will ba In Rlverton,
N. J., to meet ISO p. m, train from Market
atreet ferry. Phlla.
110 LB V. On April 4. 1816. ALBERT HENRY.
husband of the lata Lvdla Sturglj Holby.
Relative and frlenda are Invited to attend
tba funeral service, on Friday, at 2;3Q
p. m., at ni iat resiaenc. ouo uc.com
drive, Germantown. Interment private at
West laurel Hill Cemetery Train leave
Broad Street Station at 1-5 p. m. and 2:11
1R?SIL On April 4. 1816, MARY, wlf ol
James Irish. Relative and friend, also
Altar. Holy Roeary and Sacred Heart So
cities of St. Edward' Church, are invited to
attend the funeral, on Saturday, at 7:30
a. m-. from her lat realdence. 2113 N. 8th
t. Bolemn Revutem Mass at St. Edward'
Church, at 8 a in. precisely. Interment at
Holy Cross Cemetery.
IRttlN.On April 4, 1816. ELZA FREE3TON.
widow of the lat William Y. Irwin, and
7a veara. Relative and frlenda ara Invited
C, tOlfl.
to nttend the funeral, on Friday, slip. m.
precisely, from the residence, of hef arsnrl
daughter, Mrs. Albert Orlgg. 208 W. Mt.
Cnrmel nve., fllennlde, Pn. Interment pri
vate. Remains may bo viewed Thursd.iy
KANK.-n April 4, FRANCIS .t. KANE, rni
'jnd nf Margaret Kane (nee Shay), formerly
pf 4836 Olive at. Relatives and frlenda, also
Hoiy Name Society of Our Mother of Sor
rows' Church. Tjrone Men's Beneficial So
tlety. Bartenders' International League of
America, nro Invited to attend the funeral,
n.i Saturday, nt 8:30 a. m.. residence, P3I
North St. Bernard at. High Mass nt Our
Mother of Sorrows' Church nt 10 a. m. In
terment private, nt Holy cross Cemetery.
KljEI.KV. On April 4, ROSE KEELEY,
daughter of the late Michael and Rose
Reelev, formerly of B2,t South 27th at.
Relatives nnd friends, also St. Patrick's It.
). M. Sodality, nre Invited to nttend the,
funernl, on Saturday, nt 8:30 a. m.. from
the residence of Thomas P. Cnhlll. 26(1
South 2nth st. Solemn High Mass of Renulem
J " rlrlek'n Church nt 10 n. in. Inter
ment nt Cathedral Cemeters-.
" AKi"MiV!. At .fngenovla, N. Y.. on
&.I!!..5 'J1!?' 1Kf;NW " KRP.MI1HAAR.
I-uncral at Cngennvla. Saturday next.
KVJTRu',,1''5lj'-. on April J, Ifllfl. HENRY
Ki.-ti .l5ltod 70. ',ar.'-- Relatives nnd
friends, nlso memliers of Conch and Wagon
Builders, Mnrburger nnd Oeorge Essllnger
Son Ilenenclnl Associations, nre Invited to
nttend tho funernl nn I'rldav. nt 2 p. m ,
from his late residence, 1303 Rising Rim
l.ine Interment nt Northwoo.l Cemetery,
Remain, may bo viewed on Thursday, from
MAI. on April B, 1010. ALtCR O. LEVY,
daughter of Abraham C. and Barbara Levy
Due notice of tho funernl will ! given, from
the residence nf her pnrents. 2421 N. fi3.1 st.
LEWIS. At 13IS E, Moynmenslnir nve.. sud
denly. on April .1, 101(1. JAMES A. LEWIS,
hushnnd of the late Amanda P. Lewla nnd
son of the Into John nnd Sirnh B !,owli
(nee Wlnsmnro). Relatlvea nnd friend. nso
volunteer Fireman's Assoelntlon of Phlin
I'elnhla. aro invited to nttend tho funernl, on
Irlilay nt I p m.. from the funernl parlors
of Jonn C. ICImmerle. tool H. Brnnil st.
Interment prlvntc nt Fernwnod Cemetery.
Jrlend mav view remains Thursday. 8 p.
m Automobllo funernl. Omit flowers.
MAMH.ER. On April 3, 1016. CHARLES.
O,, husband of Jennlo Mnndler (ne Me
t. 'I IT nni' "oil of Mrs. (leorge tv. Jackson.
Relatlvea nnd friends, nlso P. It T. Relief
find employes of 10th nnd Jnekson st. car
v.rn'.Brn. I.nll,c1 o nttend tho funernl, nn
..H?,1Jj nJ- '' m-- from hla lato residence.
...3 South opnl st. Interment nt Mcunt
Pence f cmetery. Friends may call Thursday
eienlng. nfter 7 p. m.
,lwUT.!Jf,.n. AC" .! mn- MARC1ARKT,
IVi'lIT nf. .'osepli Mirtln. Relatives nnd
ifi m!1": ?.t0 ,hn " v- M- Sodality of St.
Ililllpa Church, are milled to nttend fu-
D .rn.,vSl,,l!.ri,BK- ttl " M " '"m hor Into
residence, as Olymor st Solemn High Mass
of Requiem at St. Philip's Church, nt 10
n. tn, precisely. Interment nt Holy Cross
MA,s,,LN,':r0n Arr1 in. Prof. c. it.
MASON, in his 63th year. Relative nnd
friends nro Invited to nttend the funeral
services, on Friday. April 7, nt 2 p. m.. nt
hi" Into residence. r,12 Clinton St., Camden,
N. J. Interment private, nt Arlington Ceme
tery. Friends mny view tho remains on
Thiirsdny. from 7 to 0 p, m.
MERRILL. On April 4. 1016, KMIIJE C.
widow of Sam W. Merrill. Relatives
nnd friends nro Invited tu nttend tho
funernl servlres, on Saturday, nt 2 p. m.,
lit the resilience of her brother-in-law, Alex
ander F. Nicholas. 4712 Hazel aw. inter
ment nt Mt. IVnco Cemetery.
widow of Albert Mctsncr and daughter nf
Anna M. niul tho Lite Daniel W. Price, nged
3S yenrs. Relatives nnd friends nre Invited
to nttend the funernl services, on Friday, nt
-! P. m.. nt the residence nf her brother.
William II. Price. 12IU East Moynniensliig
nve. Interment private, nt Fernwood Ceme
tery. Ml'SSi: On April .-.. 1016, CHARLES, nnn nf
the lato Charles nnd Clirlstln.l Muss- (nee
Ilexer). Rein 1 1 van nnd friends nn- Invited tn
nttend tbo funeral services, nn Saturdny, nt
2 p. in., nt the residence ni his brother-in-law.
H.inlel Mcronvllle. I8.1H N. Wnrnock st.
Interment private, nt Northwood Cemetery.
Remains mny bn viewed on Friday, nfter
7 p. tn
MrimtVEI.L On April r,. 1016, EDflAR S..
hushnnif of Jennie McDowell (neo MncFnr
Innd). In his (lth yenr. Relntlven nnd fronds,
nlso Melltn Lodge. No. 203, I". nnd A. M.:
Mellta It. A. Chapter. No. 284. nnd Masonic
xeternns. are Invited to nttend the funeral
Merylcea. on Frldnv. at 8 p. m.. nt his Into
residence. l.v.'Ii West Columbia nvo. Inter
ment at Brlilgeton. N. J.
Mr,rA.!Ltel:',x!.''TSl,.'ll,''nl''. n" April a. loin.
MATT HEW. hiislmnd nf Mary A. McFnrlnnd
(nee Bell), and sun of James nnd the late
Margaret A. MrFiirlnrtl (nee McDon.ild). of
l-.gl-ton. County lierry. Ireland, nged 34
i. i r """en Mm rrienas. men iirother-
iu,m ui iviiuruiiii irninmeiv nnil tno i-enns:
ulnmert nnd tho Pennsyl-
llinlnrv K.illne Auuru.1,..
vnnla itiillrnnd Voluntury Relief Absoc
.,.: -:..-.: .-. -.,, . ........ ..rD,...-
tiuii, nre iiivueii io uiienil mo runerai
Ices, on Friday nfternoon, nt 2 o'clock.' ut
iiih i.-iie resiuence. ii.ii'.i i.nnHiinwne nve. in
terment at Fernwoinl Cemetery. Remains
may lie viewed Thursday I'vcnliig. from 8 to
111 o clock.
McKEXNA. On April 4. 1016, IiaiDaRT,
widow of Andrew Mcliennn. Itelnllven and
friends of the family nre Invited to attend
funeral, nn Friday, nt 8:30 n. m.. from her
Into residence, 2131 Wnllnio st. High Mass
nt St. Francis Xnvler Church nt 10 a, m.
Internvnt New Cntheilral Cemetery.
McLAl'OH I.IK. Suddenly, nt Weminah. N.
J., pn April 3. Hi HI. JOHN, son of tho late
William uml Sarah McLaughlin (lato of Ire
land). Relatives nnd frlenda of tho family,
nlso Sons of Levi, No. 31, L. O. I... aro In
vited tn attend funernl services, Friday, nt
2 n. m.. nt tho undertaker's office. 103 E.
Lehigh nvo. Interment strictly prlvnto.
MORAS. (in April 4. 101(1. SARAH, widow
of Charles Mornn. Relatives mid friends,
also Altar and llolv Rosary Societies, aro In
vited to attend the funernl, on Friday, nt
8-30 n. m., from the resldenco of her son-in-law.
Peter .1. MrLnughlln. 6204 West
minster nve. Solemn Requiem Mass nt Our
l.nily of tho Rosary Church, nt 10 n. m. In
terment nt New Cathedral Cemetery.
MORRIS Suddenly, on April 4. 1016. WILL
IAM IJ.. son of tho into William K. and
Sarah Morris. Relatives and friends, also
Carroll Council, ia.11, K. of c. ; Engine Co..
No. BU, P. K. D. : Insurance Patrol: (n.
?.'." !'.' Egliert Camp. 42. N. S. w. V.:
.17th Wnrd UerAibllcnn Club, nro Invited to
nttend the funeral, on Snturday, nt Skin
n in., from hri brother-ln-law'a (Chus. J.
Kane) residence 411 1.1 N. Franklin st. Sol
emn Requiem Mass nt St. Edwarri'a Church,
Id n. in. Interment nt New Catiiedrn! Ceme
tery. Ml'I.LER. At Beverly. N. J., on April 4,
lllllt, At'Ol'BTA J. R. MU1.LER. Duo no
tice of funeral will bo given.
MI'RRAY. On April 3. 1016, JA5IES. hus
band of late Annlo Murrnv. Relatlvea nnd
frlenda. also Cathedral Parish nnd Holy
Name Society nnd any other society of
which he was a member, are Invited to at
tend the funernl, Friday, nt 8:30 a. m., from
hla I. He residence. 1824 Caltowhlll at.
Solemn Requiem Mass nt Cnthedrnl. 10 a.
ni. Interment Cnthedrnl Cemetery.
MI'I.I.IS. Suddenly, on April 3, 1010.
CHARLES B , huabnnd of Sallle L. Mullln.
Relnitven and friends, nlso Rlslnc Star
Lodge, No. 1L'6, F. and A. M.; Oriental
Chapter. No. 183. R. A. M. United Yearly
Beneficial Society. Relief of Disabled Fire
men's Association nnd employee of (leorge
B. Evnna' store and laboratory, nro Invited
to nttend tho funernl aervlces. on Friday, at
2 p. m.. at his lata residence. 1615 North
(Irutz st. Interment private. Remain may
be viewed on Thursday, from 7:30 to U p. m.
MEI'KIKK Suddenly, on April 4. I0HI.
JAMES P. NIEUKIRK. nged 71 year.
Funeral services on Friday, at 2 p. in., at
hla lato residence. 21)7 Cooper St.. Cam
den, N. J. Interment prlvatu. Plenso omit
PARIS. On April 4. 10H1. 8LORA TAMA
Bt'RK. wife of Samuel C I'arls. Relative
and friends nro Invited to attend tho fun
eral services, on Snturday afternoon. April
8. at 2 o'clock, nt her husband1 residence,
Slorabbert. Haddontletd. N. J. Interment
private. Train leavea Market st. wharf.
Phlln.. at 12.33 p. m. Car will be in wait
Inir at Hnddonfleld nation.
I'ETTIT. "n April .1. HUH. MARY S. PET
TIT. In her 811th enr. Relatives and frlenda
are Invited to attend tho funeral aervlcea, on
Friday, at 8 p. m , at the residence of her
nephew. James L. llaalett. 3311) Mantua ave.
Interment at Glonn Run Cemetery. Car
riage will meet H:.1i) a. m. train ut Parkers
burg. Pa., Saturday morning
I'OIKSZ. On April 5. 1016. THEODORE J.
POIESZ. Jr., aon of Theodore uint the late
Louise Poles, aged 36 year, at the real-
Klkln Park Pa.
lEUtttts park iUanoi
Colonial Residence, $8950 X
(Course of Construction)
IT White stucco crecti shutters aRtl slate roof.
j. Large lot, (jOxMO; spacious porches and front terrace,
,1 Central hallway large upstairs sleeping porch.
U pour ocuroonis two uatlis
fl Highly restricted building sites, $800 to $5000.
Attractive bunsalavV sites wltti extended view over Iilktm. Park.
We also llnance and build, according to jour plan.
RHOADS 6c PAULfflhic
Automobile by AppolntmenL
3 Trolley, S Cent Faro 72 Train. Dally, 9$ Cent
dencft Of his brother. Emll Pole
tiUl n
nancy si.
Duo notice of the funeral will Ui
Ob'INN. On April 4
u. .-.- TV." .,-. ,, , 1..JI,. ,v ll,lIAl, niJ9
flnlrt wM.Ilt,
oona oi niissn uuinn, Mineral on natur
i,5i'...t.'!?? " tn.. from his fata residence,
862 North Mnrkoo st. Solemn Hermlem Mass
nt Our .Mother of Sorrows' Church, nt 0
a. ,m. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery,
Relatives nnd friends, alsn Our Mother ot
Sorrows' II. V, M. Sodality, and Sacred
Heart Society, aro Invited to attend.
R.tK. On April 4. 1fll, AONF.S, widow of
John Rae. Relatives nnd friends are Invited
to attend tho funernl services, nn Frldar, at
2 n. m.. at the, residence of her son-in-law,
Rev. John Bnlrd, 723 S. 20th nt. Interment
at Fernwood Cemetery. Remain may b
vi-ivrn on inursaay. irom 7 to p. m
RKll.LV. bn ! April. IS, 1016. JULIA A., wlfa
of Patrick .1. Rey. Relatives nnd friends.
also gar-red Heart. Altar and Rosary So
cieties of fit Frnnrls xavler'n Church, nre
i'iii",i io Hiienn runerai,
nn Ratnrffar. at
7:30 fl.jm..
m. OAM . I.,. &alrfAMM qjin
f'croi fi. man .Mass or iiequtem t Bt
Francis Xavler'n church, at 0 a. n). In
terment nt Holy Cross Cemetery.
IfiettlUliB r . .. ... -.-
f.-' 1. "I ..-.-V ..'r l-DJ.-IUCIIW .-TI'"
...... ,.,.-, uii epni o. mm. ii.,irJ r..
wire of Horace B Hlchsrd. Relative nnil
friends nro Invited tn attend tho funeral
aervlces, on Monday nflcrnonn, nt 2 o'clock,
nt her Into residence., 1823 North Ixigan
square. Interment private. Please omit
RlrilARDSOS, Suddenly, on April 6, till",
JOHN W.. husband of Lillian Richardson.
nged,B2 wars. Relatives nnd friends of the
family nro invited to nttend funeral, on Sat
!.,rdl!yv.nt ' P.ni... from hla late residence,
3021 N. nth st. Interment nt Mt. Vernon
n,.'.'v;YK,rfiri.Jn .morning .of April B. 1016,
MAIUlARET. wife nf the lato Thoma ntley,
formerly of l.lir. Wood nt. Tho telatlvei
nnd friends of tho family nr Invited .ta
attend tho funeral, on Monday, April 10,
nt 8:30 a. m.. from tho residence of her
son. Thomas Hiley. 4743 North lf,th at. Sol.
emn Requiem Mnea in Church of the llolv
'iuiu. LuKiifi nt 111 a. m.
Cnthedrnl Cemetery.
Interment In Old
l:?A,r,,' 9," Arr" 5-Join. SOR AH. wlf. of
Vvilllnm Roach nnd finughter of Bridget and
the lato Martin. Kreley, of Dunmore, County
(lalway, Ireland. Relatives and friends ara
Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Friday,
nt 8 n. m.. from her lato residence,
P2S Oray'a Ferry nv: Solemn Mas of
Requiem at St. Anthony's Church, at BjJO
n. m. precisely. Interment nt Holy Cross
'"i"i!'," ,n .April 4. 101(1, FRANK 8 hu.
Wl"!.0!. Anna M. (neo Walls) and eon of
i'ovm ji Bn,i Kmmn t n0SB (nee Ixinp
fiker). Relatives nn.l friends, nlsn Robert A.
Lamberton I,odge, No. 487. F. and A. M.t
1 hiia. Consistory. Lu Lu Temple and em
ployes of Williams Marcus Co.. are Invited
. ".'I'J1'1 ,ne funernl nervlces, on Saturday.
JJ 2:30 p. ni.. at his late resldenco, corner
lain st. and fl.lth ave., Oak Lane, Interment
private, at Mt. Vernon Cemetery.
NArKN.- On April It. 1016. at B867 Spruce St.,
LI.SIEDA. daughter of Mnthew and the
into Anna Sjcks. In her 27th year. Due no
tlco of th funernl will bo given.
BASILS. On April 4. 1016. THOMAS, hu
band of Mary R. Sanda (nee Clinton). In hi
8tst year. Relntlve and friends, also Ky
atono Benenelal Association, are Invited to
attend the funeral services. Saturday, at 8
p. m., at his late residence, 2015 B. Fletcher
st. Interment private, at North Cedar Hill
SCASI.OS. On April B. 1016, THOMAS. h
loved husband of Catherine Scnnlon, pus
notice will ho given from the realdence, 2483
North nth at.
8ISAJLAN.! P". April B. 1016. EDWARD T..
husband nf tho lato Dora A. Senman. Rel
B,"5'r.'intl 'rienda of the family, also the
:IC,.ytf?m', Society and all other societies of
which ho wns n member, nre invited to at
tend the funeral, on Friday, nt 8:30 a, m..
T,r.0I5 J31" '' residence. 2131 Wallace st.
High Mass at St. Frnncls Xnvler Church, at
,," n; m. Interment nt New Cathedral
"'liftl&C."0." AprlJ a- ,01rt' Dr. DANIEL
SHANNON husband of the late Helen Shan
non (nee Utley) Relatives nnd friends are
"!VL'-'!. to nttend tho funernl, on Saturday,
nt 8:3(1 n. m.. from tho residence of his als.
ter. Mrs. Ellen MeAnaliy. N. E. cor. 2Sd
nnd ood sts. Solemn Requiem Mass at
St rands Aavler'a Church, at 10 a. m.
Interment nt New Cathedral Cemetery.
SIIiVJi"CrAt WIMwood. N. J on April 4. 1016.
(1LNLVA. daughter of Herbert and Emma
Bhaw. and nsslstnnt city clerk of Wlldwood.
Jf,.J-i niV,i1 1?1 yenr. Duo notlco of the
runerai will be Riven.
STI:INMI.YI:r. q April 4. 1016. MAMIE,
wife or Ernest 11. Stelnmcyer nnd daughter
IV ,c?'.ru" nnd .Mary Carson. In her 21th year.
Belatlies nnd friends, nlsn Amerlcua Dlv..
101, s. of T.. nro Invited to nttend the fu
neral, on Saturday, nt 2 p. m from her lata 1
realdence. 24.1.1 Memphis st. Body can ba
viewed Friday, between 8 and 10 p. m. In
terment prlvnte. North Cedar Hill Cometery.
STJ,tJi5E!'3;KUENKE. On April 3. 1016,
i-i ft rfv11. W,Z' nr Christian stenf.
.it J-"'"', in ncr nntn year, ue.atlvs
nnd friends, nlso members of lieutsche
4m.';.ri1',n.l!lcr.. .Frnuen Ferbnnd: Liberty
HnWiJJM'i.Veri;lnv.No- 1 Deutsche Unt,
i'f,n.dil ,r;,rBl!I of Liberty: ladles of th
i.2el3rr ""nslno Circle, nnd nil other socle-liiSrf0-wWch
"Ji? ?" n member, are In.
vlted to nttend the funernl servlres on Frl.
S.."tjri.,'m'Nn.1 hcr ,R,C residence. 1010
i.1?-4, "' . Interment private, at Lev
erlncton Cemetery, ltnvhnrnnrh
STu.',UT'T)n APrl1 r. Ifll. ANNA M.,
only daughter of Archie and Julia Stewart
il'ii,trAn,,dSl,n,,'r of tho lata James and
i,nrJe Murnhy. Funernl. to which tbe rela
tues and friends nro Invited, on Monday, at
S ...n.'-- from her parents' residence. 1740
r. .L"".!."'- .Solemn nigh Mass of Requiem
nt the Church of the Sncred Heart nt 0:30
Jv J preewely. Interment at Hnte-Cetiw, r uM
YAYUm, On April 4, 1016. FLORENCE M.. I .
, uiii-r'ai jonn w. nnn iiattlo A Taylor
ngeii 3.1 Vars. Relntlven nnd friend, also
the employe nf H. K. Mulford Co, and the
Hess-liright Manufacturing Co . nre Invited
to tttteml the funernl. on Frldav, nt 2 p. m..
precisely, from the residence nf her mother,
170.1 Ocrmantflwn nve. Interment private.
Renin Ina may be viewed Thursday evening.
T,!?,y4.K.V77n AJr" L lnI. BELINDA
MITCHELL TH6.MA8. widow of Joseph T.
Thomas, at the resldenco of her daughter,
Mrs. (leorge do Bennevlllo Kelm. 2101 Por
1W t .Funernl services nt Holy Trinity
Church. 10th nnd Walnut sts.. Friday, th
7th Inst., at 11 a. tn. Interment private.
T'n!liSXTAZ-n APr 1DI". SARAH A.
TRICKETT Relatives and friends are In.
vlted to attend tho funernl service, on
Thursday, at 8 p. m.. nt the residence of
lier brother. James W. Trlckelt. 1804 Berk
t. iMirther service and Interment at Alio
way. N. J., upon arrival of train leavlna
Mnrket st. ferry at 8:04 a. m. Friday,
VALENTIN. At the residence nf her son-in-law.
C. Knudsen, 000 N. St. Bernard t.. on
April 4. llllll. CHRISTIAN I... widow of
John F. Vnlentln. In her 80th vent- nel.
utiles nnd friends nre Invited tn attend th
funeral services, on Friday, at 2 p. m., at
the Oliver II. Bnlr Building. 1820 Chestnut
st. Interment ut Mt. Mnrlan Cemetery.
WAI.HROX. At his residence. 1407 S. Stat
at., on April r,. 11)10. JAMES II.. husband
of Mary E. Waldron. Due notice of th
funern1 will be given.
IV.tRP." On April r. loin. CLARA E. 1IL.
RICH WARD, widow of William Wnrd. Rel
11 lives nnd friends are Invited to attend the
funeral services, on Saturday, at 2:30 p. m..
ut her lato realdence. 707 E. 14th st., Ches
ter. Pa. Interment private.
WILKINS. On April 4. 1010, CLIFFORD
WILKIN'S, eon of the lata John R. anil
Susan E. Wllklns. Relative ami friend of
the family nro Invited to attend the funeral
aervlcea. on Snturday. nt 2 p. m,. at his lata
residence, BK37 Springfield ave, Interment
private, nt West Laurel Hill Cemetery.
YOI'NO. On April 4. 1010, WILLIAM P.
YOlW aged HI year. Relatlvea and
frlenda ara Invited to nttend the funeral
services, on Sunday, at 2 p. m. precisely, at
his latn residence. 1802 N. Bouvler st. In
terment private.
.ACHEISI. On April .1. 1018. HARRY, hu.
band of Anna Zachels9. Funeral will tak
Plare on Friday, at 1 p. m., from hla lata
realdence, 1423 North SUth at. Relative and
friends, also Lodge No. 0. F. and A, M.,
11 nd the employe of the North Philadelphia
P. O.. nro Invited to attend. Interment at
Mount Peace Cemetery. Remains may b
viewed on Thursday, from 7 until 8 p. ro.
Automobile funeral.
KINK. On April .1. 1010. CAROLINE ZI.VK,
widow of Franz Zlnk. aged 71 year. Resi
dence, 143:1 Venango at. Relatives and
friends, also Pennsylvania Reservea. No. 83.
ladles of Iho Uruml Army, are Invited to
attend the funeral aervlces. on .Saturday, at
2 p. m. precisely, at Trinity Reformed
Church. Brnnil and Venango ats. Interment
private. Hillside Cemetery. Automobile fu
Klkln Park. Pa.
ample closets,