EVEWIFCTEDaER- "ILADELPHIA, THTTT1HPAY, APRIL 6, 191G 11 NANCY WYNNE HAS A GAY TIME BUYING BARGAINS AT THE RUMMAGE First Day of Sale Proves to Be Huge Success at the Widener Building Various Kinds of Purchasers Cause Merriment Future Events of Interest FINALLY she really had to pin a sIrii on It; runt you would have ilono It, too, In self-defense, lot me nssuro you. Sho was a mighty pretty nnd smart young saleswoman, nnd what Is moro a member of tho Junior League, more yet, tho daughter of a. good old family, nnd still more so, a debutante of Inst season. Sho Is fair to tho oyo and slender, and as still another ad junct, was a bridesmaid at tho famous DukoBiddlo nuptials last April. Well, what Is this nil about? Only tho fact that while sho wns selling yesterday at tho Itummago Sale sho was rather warm nnd took oft her coat and hung It on a screen back of her. First camo an old clothes dealer. "Ah, I give you 76 cents, you sell him." Then next n smartly frocked little Lizzie, who said, "Is that for salo? It la rather good looking. I suppose It was worth more, but I'll glvo you $2 for It." So It wont on till In sheer desperation to keep the coat of her stunning suit, which ennio from Fifth nvonuo and had cost overy Inch of $150, sho took a largo paper bag and wroto on It, "This Is not for salo," and pinned It on tho coat. I tell you what with rummago sales and dashing over to tho Onrrlck for noondny serv ices, as I saw several of this nnd last year's woo debs doing, these aro somo strenuous times. tnln at bridge at her home, Lancey place, this nfternoon. 2226 Do Contributors and trustees of tho Bu reau of Municipal Research will bo given n dlnnor tonight by Dr. George Woodward and Mr. Georgo Burnhnm, Jr., at tho Bollovuo-Stratford. Thcro aro to bo about 100 guests, 90 per cent, of whom will bo of tho gonus homo; 10 per cent., howovor, will bo of tho fair sex, nnd It will bo most Interesting. JIr. Raymond B. Fosdlck, of tfow York, will address tho guests, ns Mr. Henry Bruoro will bo unable to attend, nnd then Mr. Joseph P. Gaffnoy, chairman of tho FInanco Committee, will make n short speech, last of nil, Georgo Nor rls, who, by tho way, has Just lately re turned from a trip to Cuba, will take tho floor. Ho Is n trustca of tho Re- search Bureau. Every ono who knows f o good work Mr. Norrls did when Director of Wharves and Docks during tho Blnnkcnburg administration will realize thnt ho has gono Into this sub ject as well and as thoroughly, so I predict n pleasant evening for all con cerned. Tho guests will lncludo Mr. nnd Mrs. Lconidns Beck, Hon. Dlmncr Beeber, Mrs. Edward W Blddle. Mr. G. A. Blsler, Mr. Charles A. Braun, Hon. Charles L. Brown. Mrs. Georgo Burn ham, Jr.. Mr. Chnrles S. Cnlwcll, Mr. Charles Chlpman, Mr. C. M. Clark. Mr. E. W. Clark, Mr. Percy H. Clark, Dr. Frederick A. Cleveland, Mr. Charles .1. Cohen, Mr. George S. Datesman, Mr. Powell Evans, Mr. Samuel S. Fels, Dr. Henry M. Fisher, Miss Hannah Fox, Mr. Howard B. French, Mr. Joseph P. Gaffney, Mr. Ferdinand II. Graser, Mr. Robert M. GriflUh, Mr. Will B. Hadloy, Mr. Joseph H. Hngedorn, Mr. Clarence L. Harper, Mr. Charles C. Harrison, Mr. William H. Hollar, Miss Mary H. Ingham, Mr. Robert D. Jenks, Dr. Em ory R. Johnson, Mr, J. Levering Jones, Mr. Francis Fisher Kane, Mrs. Eliza B. Klrkbrlde, Dr. Wilmer Krusen, Dr. Samuel McCuno Lindsay, Mr. Malcolm Lloyd, Jr., Mr. II. Gordon McCouch, Mr. W. G. Morse, Mr. Georgo W. Nor rls, Mr. Emmett O'Neill. Mr. S. Davis Pago, Miss Helen L. Parrlsh, Mr. T. Morris Perot, Jr., Dr. Georgo E. Pfah- ler, Miss Laura N. Piatt. Mr. Ell Kirk Price, Dr. David Rlesman, Dr. Leo S. Rowo, Countess of Santa Eulalla, Mr. Alfred G. Scattergood, Mr. J. Henry Scattergood, Mr. Hasoltlno Smith, Dr. Alfred Stongel, Mr. Frederic II. Straw bridge. Mr. Robert S. Tracy, Mr. John B. Townsend, Mr. Charles 55. Tryon, Mr. Albert E. Turner, Mr. Ernest L. Tustln, Mr.' William S. Twining, Mr. Charles P. Vaughan, Hon. John M. Wal ton, Mr. Herbert S. Welch, Mr. Albert B Williams, Mr. John C. Winston, Mr. Edward R. Wood, Mr. Walter Wood, Mr. Clinton Rogers Woodruff, Dr. Georgo Woodward. Tho Junior League Is busily prepar ing for Its convention, which Is to bo held during tho flrat week of May, I understand. Every girl In tho League Is going to put up one or moro of the visiting delegates, and they aro all muohly excited over It. I heard a funny ono about our leaguers when they went to New York to glvo the "Ballet of Orlando." Most of them woro sport suits nnd looked as stunning ns only our Philadelphia beau monde can. 1 Well, the New Yorkers arrived in their best velvets and furs and silks, and eyeing our little maids remarked, "Well I don't thtnlc much of Philadelphia clothes," which was slightly discon certing to those who thought they were very well dressed. It Is well each city appreciates Its own. Still our little maids have their velvets and furs, too, but they rightly thought It would not be very good taste to put them on for a day In New York. NANCY WYNNE. Mrs. R. It. llnynrd Bowie and Miss Kalhorlno Ashhurat Bowie, who have been spending several days In Atlnntlo City, nro expected to return to their home, 1710 Walnut street, todny. Ilr. nnd Mrs. Hnlsey Do Wolf have returned from their wedding trip nnd are Visiting Mrs. Do Wolf's parents, Dr. nnd Mrs. Herbert M. Howe, of 1022 Locust street. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Maybln Hart, who havo been spending tho winter months at the Itltz-Cnrlton, left last week to he the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Spencer K Mulford, Jr., of Washington lane and Churrh rond, Wyncote. for several days before moving Into their new home at Vlllnnnva, which they will occupy this summer. Tho Commlttco for tho Preservation of Existing Records of the Pennsylvania So ciety of tho Colonial Dames of America has Issued Invitations for a record tea next Wednesday at 3 Until G o'clock, nt tho home of Mrs. J. Uertrnm Llpplncott, 1712 Spruce street. Miss Julia Wood nnd her brother, Mr Wnltcr Wood, of 1620 Locust street, will close their town houso' the first of May, nnd will occupy a house on tlio Ittiverford College Grounds for the summer. Mr. nnd Mrs, Edwin M. Kmticker and their daughter, Miss Kllzabcth W. Smuck cr, who have been spending the past three months nt 1810 Pino strcot, have closed tholr town house nnd are occupying their home at Overbrook until they sail for London, somo time In June. Mlsa Rebecca A. Hunt, of 2228 Pine street, who Is spending somo tlmo In Flor ida, will return to Philadelphia Just bo foro Easter and will bo n bridesmaid for Miss Gcrtrudo Loughoad. Mr. nnd Mrs. Morris Clothier, of Villa nova, aro spending Homo tlmo In Atlantic City. Mr, nnd Mrs. Harry II. Wiggins, of New Providence, nnnounce the cngngement of their daughter. Miss Pearl E. Wiggins, to Mr. ltlchnrd W. Hickman, Jr., of Phila delphia and Washington. Mr. nnd 'Mrs. John Hughes have sent out Invitations for a dluner-dnnco nt the Philadelphia Country Club next Wed nesday, April 12. Tho flnnl dance of the scries arranged by Mrs. John S. Gustlnc and Mrs. Thomas J. Horry will ho given at tho Itlttcnhouso on Filday, April 28. Mrs, William H. IJatt. of 1332 Jerome street, announces tho engagement of her daughter. Miss Mnrgucrlto M. Butt, to Mr. Lawrcnco A. Fullnm. Mrs. C. P. Nelson, of 2132 Pino street, who has been spending tho Lenten season In southern California, lins returned to her home. Miss Ruth Dunn will give a dinner, fol lowed by a theatre party, on Saturday evening. The guests will Include Miss Sara Marshall, Miss Doris Llpplncott, Miss Mary Louise Taylor, Miss Mildred Kwnhodn. Miss Dorothy Dennis, of New York; Mr. Richard Spalding, Mr. John Andrews, Mr. Scott Van Tyson, Mr. 1'rlco Ralnsford, Mr. Andrew Hackett, of New York, and Mr. Guilford Riley, Jr., of Brooklyn. i mR 131 ! Sill wimV mmitSBM Weddings MISS MABION GREENE Tho cnpraRMtiont of Miss Greene, eldest dnuRhter of Mr. and Mrs. Clny M. Greene, of 1909 Erie avenue, well known socially nnd in stage circles, to Corporal Frederick W. Bryant, of the Now Jersey National Guard, was announced yesterday. Tho wedding will tnko place in New York in the fall. Miss Greene, who made her debut in Snn Francisco three years ago, is a graduate of Knox School, Lako wood. Her attainments arc painting, drawing, music and dancing, nnd she is known as a skilled motorist, tennis plnycr and horse woman. Two years ago she was given first distinction in a "beauty" contest held by the New York Times. Her father, Mr. Clay M. Greene, nnd Iter sister, Miss Helen Greene, are prominent dram atists. Mr. Greene is the author of the passion play to bo given in this city next week. Corporal Bryant, whose father is Major William A. Bryant, lives in Montclair. WEBSTER SCOTT. A wedding of Interest to Germnntown will take plnco tonight nt 6 o'clock In the Market Square Presbyterian Church, when Miss Dorothy Scott, daughter of Mr. William II. Scott, of Schoolhouso lane nnd Wnyno nvcnuo, will become tho bride of Mr. Maurice A. Webster. The roremony will bo performed by tho Rev. Harold McAfeo Robinson, pastor of the church. . Miss Scott, who will be given In marrlago by her father, will wear n gown of whlto satin, with on overdress of silk net. A court train will fall from tho shoulders and her tulle veil will be caught with ornngo blossoms. Tho bridal bouquet will be a shower of lilies or tho valley nnd whlto orchids. Mrs. Harlan n Wells, the matron of honor, will wear a frock of turquoise blue taffeta, trimmed with silver lace. She will wear n whlto hat trimmed with n single roso nnd will carry pink snapdragons. The flower girl will bo little Miss Flor ence Wells. Tho bridesmaids, Including Mls3 Helen P Scott, Miss Louise Tilgo. Miss Judith Marr and Miss Margaret Emlllo Jloflly. will be gowned alike In orchid pink taf feta; they will wear whlto hats each trimmed with n single pink rose nnd will carry pink snapdragons. Mr. Webster will have as best mnn Mr. Joseph S. Myers and the ushers will bo Mr. Horace P. Webster. Mr. Oarfletd Scott. Mr. Jasncr I W. Nleolls and Mr. Francis J. Crowe!!. A reception will follow nt tho bride's homo. fter nn extended wedding Journey Mr. nnd Mrs. Webster will be nt homo at 238 Inona nvenue. EHRKN-TRAUT STEWART The marrlngo of Mlsa Emma Stewart, daughter of Mrs. Mary C. Stewart, of 2G36 North 33d street, to Mr. Georgo H. Ehrentraut, was solemnized last evening at the homo of the bride's mother. Tho Rev. Dr. Frank Fisher, pastor of tho Calvary Reformed Church. 29th street and Lehigh avenue, performed the ceremony at 7 o'clock. Owing to tho recent death of the bride's fnther the reception was omitted. Miss Helen O. Hrynns, tho maid of honor, wns tho bride's only nttendant. Mr. Herman Nather was best man. Tho bride's mother gavo her In man Inge. She was attired In her traveling suit of myrtle green. Immediately nftcr the servlco Mr. Ehrontraut and his bride left on an ex tended trip. They will bo nt homo after September 1, nt 57 South Elm avenue, Alvnn, Pa. NOTED ITALIAN SCULPTURES BOUGHT BY .1. E. WIDENEIt $225,000 Reported Cost of Florentine Figures Two Joseph E. Wldcncr has purchased two noted renaissance sculptures In mnrble from tho Mnrtclll family, of Florence, according to private advices recolvcd In this city. One Is a figure of David, by Donalello, tho other a bust of a youth by Antonio Rosselllno. It Is understood that for these two notable works of the Italian masters Mr. Wldcncr paid $228,000. A report reached here some weeks ngo that they were valued nt $300,000. Both of these works have n history which reaches back to tho 15th century. They had long been In tho possession of the house of Mnrtclll. Tho sculptures are still In Itnty, nnd the nrrnngements for their transfer to this country hnve been made by Senor Fennro, n dealer In Florence. Permission for their exporta tion was given by the Italian Govern ment on condition that Italy should re tain n third Important work held by tho snmo owner. PLANS TO MAKE "GAS" AIDED BY AUTO MEN Manufacturers Pledge Fi nancial Support for Motor Fuel Corporation PLIGHT OF JEWS SHOWN IN PASSOVER BOOKLET Along the Reading TIOGA BAPTIST CPIURCH WILL BE SCENE OF YOUNG PEOPLE'S BANQUET Young People's Society of Tioga Will Hold Its An nual Dinner Tomorrow Evening at Broad and Ontario Streets Other Entertainments MISS ALICE IRENE HANEY Miss Alice Ireno Ifaney will tako one of the leading parts In tho affair which will bo given tomorrow by tho Jcnklntown Academy of Talent. Miss Helen Stull, of Woodland avenue, Wyncoto, will entertain the next meeting of the Old York Road Clrclo of tho Young Women's Christian Association on Tuesday afternoon at 3:15 o'clock nt her home. .Miss Annetta Q. McCall, of tho Housing Committee, will address the meet ing. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Yoder, of Wyncote, will leave Now York tomorrow to visit Charleston, J. C, nnd Jackson ville, Fla. They will make the voyage by boat. Their daughter, Miss Gertrude Yoder. will not accompany them, but will be the guest of several friends during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. Yoder will make nn indefinite stay. Personals , ,Mrs. Alba B. Johnson, of Rosemont, entertained at tea yesterday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Bertram Russell, who gave a talk on "The Work Kngllsh Women Have Done During the War." An Interesting engagement, announced In New York today, is that of Miss Caro lyn Mann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis N, Mann, of Troy. N. Y.. to Mr. Hvelyn du Pont Irving, of New York. Mr. Irving Is a son of the late Alexander Dusr Irving and Mrs. Irving, the latter being Miss Ellen du Font, a. daughter of General Henry du Font, of the famous Delaware family1 of that name. Mrs. Charlemagne Tower entertained at luncheon today at her home. 1315 Locust street. Mr. and Mrs. Roland L. Taylor, of 228 West Chelten avenue, Qermantown, will give a theatre party this evening in honor of their daughter. Mlsa Elizabeth A. Taylor The guests wlU be from the ischool set Mrs, Ttenas Cory Musfrove will en' Along the Main Line OVEUBROOK Mrs. Edward A. Ryan of Overbrook avenue, entertained at cards at Her homo on Tuesday afternoon. Among me guesis were airs, t: ai. Mitchell, Mrs. Elwood R. Hanna, Mrs, Reginald Hay, Mrs. George McClcllan, Mrs. B. Bornett, Mrs. John S. Guatlno, Jr Mrs. George II. Elliott, Mrs. I'rlzer and Mrs. J. Moore. Mrs. Charles Harding and Miss Sarah Harding are spending a short time In At lantic City. ARDMORE Mr. and Mrs. Oerrlt P. Judd and their little daugnter are spend ing a short time at the Traymore, Atlantic City. WYNNEWOOD Mr. and Mrs. William Lynno have taken a house on Wynnewood avenue, which they aro now occupying. HAVERFORD Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blackburne, of the Simple Apartmepts, Haverford, are ocoupylng their cottage at Chelsea for the Easter season. Mr. and Mrs. Blackburne entertained their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moore Davis, of Germantown, over the week-end. RADNOR Mrs. Oswald Chew, of Rad. nor, will sail for Holland on Saturday, and hopes to join her husband In Belgium, where he la a member of the Belgian Re lief Committee. Mr. and Mrs. Chew will return to America about July 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest HoUlngworth, of Leicester, England, are visiting Mr and Mrs. J. a. C Harvey, of Radnor THE Young l'coplo'H Society of Tlnga will give Its annual banquet tomor row evening at 7:15 o'clock nt tho Tioga Baptist Church, Broad nnd Ontnrlo streets. Tho banquets of tho society in tho past havo always been a success, and from present Indications tho coming ono will surpass all others In bt-auty and splen dor. Among those who will be pres ent nro Miss Gertrude White. Miss Emily Wells, Miss Maude Wilson, Miss lleinlce Hollowcll. Miss MIHIh Donaldson, Miss Martha Kelloy, Miss Uiirnlno Witty, Mr. Russol Howell, Mr. Alfred Trnfford, Mr. Albert Gee, Mr. Edward Arnold. Mr. Ar thur Drew and Mr. Walter W. Hagy. Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Sharp, for merly of Oil Stato street. Camden, an nounce tho marrlago of their daughter. Miss I.ydla D. Sharp, to Mr. Charles Clif ford Robinson, on March '20, at Ruther ford. N. J. They will bo at homo In May at 1421 University avenue. New York. A SURPRISE linen shower wns given In honor of Miss Cathcrlno M. Morris at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Mar shall, 1415 South 28th street, last Sat urday evening. Mrs. Mary MacAnany entertained at tho piano, while tho sing ing was furnished by Mr. Michael Barrett, Mr. Joseph Connor and Mr. Martin Doyle. Among tho guests present were Miss Nan Watorson, Miss Lllllo Hngen, Miss Eliza beth Ooyle. Miss Nelllo Doran. Miss Eleanoro Clark, Miss Annlo Derklns, Miss Salllo Gallagher, Miss Catherine M. Mor ris, Miss Ella Shecnnn, Miss Catherine Sheenau, Mrs. Robert Marshall, Mrs. Michael Sheenan, Mrs. Robert Waters. Mrs. Mary MncAnnny. Mrs. William Mor ris, Mrs. O. Morris, Mr. Robert Marshall, Mr. Joseph Connor. Mr. Daniel J. Mc Cauley, Mr. Martin Clark, Mr. Charles Sheenan. Mr. Mlchnel Barrett, Mr. Martin Doyle, Mr. I'flager and Mr. Patrick Qulnn. Tho Alumni of tho Hebrew Education Society will meet tonight In tho School Auditorium, at 10th and Carpenter Etreets. Installation of new olllcers will bo ono of tho Important features of the business meeting. A very attractive pro gram has been nrranged nnd nn unusually largo attendance Is expected. Mrs. Joseph Markey. of 2G02 Pino street, gave a reception Saturday evening at her homo to the members of tho Strathmero Yacht Club. The houso was decorated In orange and white, the colors of tho club. Among those present were Captain and Mrs. Frank Lynch, of Now York; Mr. and Mrs. John Hack. Mr. and Mrs. Howard SIcCnffrey, Miss Mary Rooncy, Miss Isabelle Rooney, Miss Mae Cowen, Miss Catherine McFadden, Miss Mary Pollgrena, Miss Mae Buckley. Jliss Marlon Bryans, Mr. Daniel McCloskey, Mr. Peter Johnson, Dr. Michael R. Ker wick, of Boston, Mr. William LawBon, Mr. Joseph Kane, Mr. Louis A. McCabo, Sir. Joseph Lloyd Wiley, Mr. John O'Malley, Fort Totten, L. I.; Captain William B. Shields nnd Captain Louis A. Ferry, of San Francisco. A miscellaneous shower was given in honor of Miss Marie Pleffel at the homo of Mlsa Lillian Dletz. 1819 Wolf street, on Tuesday evening. Miss Pleffel will be come the brldo of Mr. Loo Gerdelman op Monday, April 24, at 5 o'clock In St. Ed mond'a Church. Among those who at tended the shower were Miss Ethel Franckel, of Atco, N. J. ; Miss Anna Helm rich, Laurel Springs, N. J. j Miss Carrie Madden. Camden, N. J.; Miss Lillian Dletz, Mirs Helen Schrank, Miss Bertha Ross, Miss Gertrude Carl In. Miss Hlldred Perry. Miss Myrtle Lott, Miss Ethel Rey nolds, Miss Mabel Kennedy, Miss Anna Fitch, Miss Lillian Jacquet. Miss Bertha Fairman, Miss Florence Do Long and MiS3 Margaret Kennedy. THE Mlshorral Zlon will give a dance tonight at the New Garrlck Hall. The Arrangement Committee consists of Miss Jennie Jaspan, Miss Fannie Rudnltzky, Miss Sophie Bramntck, Mr. Jacob Clear Held, Miss Rose Udowitz, Miss Clara Her man, Mr. Jacob Kantz and Mrs. Herman Malerman, chairman. The Misses Coane, of 329 South street, entertained a number of their friends on Sunday evening. Recitations were given by Mr, Jack Wolpert and Mr. Jaspan. vo cal selections by Dr. Goldburgh and MIsi Rosalyne Coane and exhibition dances given by' Miss Evelyn Kamls and Mr. Kramer and Miss Frances Coane and Mi Green. Among the guests present were; Misses Tlllye A. Klelnman, Miss Eve lyn Kamls, Miss Reba Scherlls. Mtss Esther Horgansteln, Miss Ray Moskowitz, Miss Rae H Coane, Miss Lillian MUUs, Miss Cecilia Schwanenfeld, Mlsa Frances VH f,B Hrinnla CennM 1,1.. 1-1. ... WVUV J4i94 U4U44A IMMV,, M449 4WWU9 Mr. M. Bears, Coane. Mr. nnd Mrs. I. Coane, Kramer. Mr. L. niiitnber. Mr r Mr. M. Epstolll. I)r fj. M nnlillmrirli Mr J. Mills. Mr. M. Green. Mr. M. Jaspan, Mr. J. Wolfert, Mi-, s. Wlntraub. Mr. J. Rise man. Mr. A. Elnslmhn, .Mr. L. Cohen and Dr. Herman 1J. Coano. ,..A ''nen, "hower wns given In honor of Miss Molllo Oast recently by n number of her friends, nt 150S East I'nssyunk live nuo. The reception room was beautifully decorated with lilies nnd palms. Selections were, rendered by Mrs. Abraham Quail-, Mr. Maurico Cast and Mr. Harry OurMier Mr. Michael Gold entertained on tV vlo lln nccompanled by .Mr. Victor Huge nt tho piano. After a danco supper was served, and each guest was prescnteil with n favor. Those present wcro Miss Julia nestle. Miss Sarah Gnsf. Mian Mm.. -., Miss Lena Shaffer, Miss Alma Wolfe, Miss Anna Burden, Miss Sophie Dtitkln, Ml.s Mary Kliuhln. Miss Cathorlno Flanagan. Miss Sarah Sliver. Miss Sophie Wilson, Miss Sadie Cohen, Miss Mnrlan Oxenfelt, Miss Hesslo Kopple, Mr. Mnurlco Cast, Mr. Nathan KaulTmnn, Mr. Samuel Fisher, Mr Harry Wilson, Mr. Max Kauffman. Mr Max Levlnson, Mr. Herman Wnssermnn, Mr. Jack Kauffman, Mr. Nathan Borlst, Mr. Harry Gunther. .Mr. Victor Hugo, Mr. Michael Gold, Mr. and Mrs. Knuffman, Mr. and Mrs. Tnbla Gnst. Mr. -.nd Mrs. Dut !;ln, Mr. nnd Mrs. Abraham Quatle, Mr. and Mrs. Barnot Cohen. Mr ,in,i m Samuel (iast. .Mr. and Mrs, Meyer Ecckcrl man. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cohen and Mrs. Sarah Quatlo. The Idle Hour Sewing Club held Its second meeting on Saturday evening nt tho homo of Miss Jennie Anronson. 719 Pino street. Election of officers took place. Miss Anronson was elected prosl- oeiii; .Hiss harota .Monroe was elected vice president: Miss .Minnie Kinwald. secre tary, and Miss Retta Bcrkowltz treas urer. The other members are Miss Lottie Rat ner. Miss Bessie Goodman, Miss Roto Irledman and Miss Molly Kendall, MISS ANGELINA 55ECCA nnd Miss Julia Zecca entortalned n few friends at an Italian supper nt their homo, 1431 South 15th street, on Sunday. The K K Club of South Philadelphia was toasted! The members of tho club lncludo Miss Marrel K. Chlosso, Miss Louise A. Chlosso, Miss Mae Tempone and Miss Virginia Pagllottl, Mr. Alfred R. Zecca, Mr. Louis Tempone Mr. Vincent Tempone and Mr. Michael J. Crlsfulll. The other guests were Mr. William Zecca. Mr. John It Peplno, Mr. Attello Zecca. Mr. Nicholas Fillppone. The affair was very entertain ing, With MISS Mao Tlmnnna nrt -in- Julia Zecca at tho ninnn u.hll ri.... Loulso Chlosso nnd Mr. Michael Crisfull'l sang some selections. A regular meeting of the council of tho Hebrew Education Society was held on Sunday evening. April 2, at Mr. Root's home. 763 South 5th street, Mr. Herman D. Mazer presiding. Committees were appointed by the chair to main rnm. menu for the outing and the purchasing of school pins and class photographs. Mr. Morris J. Root, treasurer of the alumni of the Hebrew Education Society addressed the meeting on tho need of co-operation between tho alumni and the council. After the business meeting, Miss Anna Steinberg sang a number of songs A recitation was given by Miss Goodnlck, and a few solos on the mando. lln by Mr. Jay Wiener. The next meeting will be held Sunday evening. April 16. West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Baker, formerly of West Philadelphia, have moved tn Wynno tleld, where they havo taken a houso on Overbrook avenue. Mr. nnd Mrs, H. Lnnlng, of 35 North Snlford street, entertained Tuesday eve ning In honor of their daughter. Miss Agnes Lnnlng, on tho occasion of her birthday. Among those present were Mr. William Donley. Mr. William Bradley, Miss Mary Rolleston, Miss Adelene Well, Miss Bertha Snyder, Miss Dorothy Kline, Miss Kleanore Dudley. Miss Alma 'Menke, Miss Eva Halloway, Miss Frances Mary Hay, Mlsa Edna Ottey, Miss Dorothy Smith, Mr. Frank Bradley, Miss Mar garet Hunter, Miss Daron.i Hunter. Miss Mercedes Mnrraro, Miss Eveleyn Morse, Miss Estella Dickson. Mr. Roland Mnr raro, Miss Agnes Lnnlng, Miss Frances Pulla and Miss Anna Pagano. Relief Committee Describes Suffering ns Result of Wnr Tho contrast between tho first Pass over In tlmo of peaco nnd tho coming Passover Is tho themo of a booklet Issued by the Central Commlttco for tho Relief of Jewish Wnr Sufferers. "Mothers who had looked forward to dress their llttlo ones In their best hnvo seen them clad In shrouds," reads tho booklet, which contains a modern adapta tion of tho Hngadnh, the service read on the llrst two nights of Passover In every Jewish home. "Instead of singing a lull aby over their cribs, thousands upon thou sands of Jewish mothers havo rent their garments nt their loved ones' gravesides, where they now rest In eternal sleep." Nearly Jl, 000,000 has been collected for the Jews of the wnr lands through Harry Flshel, treasurer of tho committee, C3 Park row, New York. NEW YORK, April 6. Automobile manufacturers have given full Indorse ment to tho plans thus far made for h. company backed by tho motorcar Indus try to manufacture gasoline. The sub ject wns taken up at tho conclusion of a meeting of the directors of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce. Aftef jno members heard reports of what had been done. Including tho Incorporation of the Motor Fuel Corporation with an Initial cnpltnl of $25,000, "the manufacturers, according to report sent out by the na tional chamber last night, "gave tnhglbla evidence of enthusiastic cO-operatlorl and Pledged additional financial support tb the preliminary work of the company," The total shipments of automobiles', for the month of March amounted to 281600 carloads. This was n gain of 11,400 ttom Mnrch of last year and by 5000 cnrlokds breaks the best previous monthly record In the history of the Industry. At tho pres ent rato of Increase, it Is estimated Oiat the total sale of cars In 1916 will renfch 1,260,000, which means n distribution kt wmethlng like ono enr to every 80 pet sons In tho United States. If tho pre, ent demand continues, thcro will be at tho end of tho year close to 3,500,000 cat needing gasoline. In tho United States. MUST REPAIR WILLIAM PENN I Lansdowne iib-gfv s , v Jilt. ., 1 1 sfS CAMDEN WOMEN PLAN FOR PREPAREDNESS MEETING April 15 Set ns Date for Gathering of Congressmen and Officers Camden women nro plr.nnlng n monster mass-meeting on preparedness to be held on Saturday, April IB, In tho auditorium of the Young Men's Christian Association. The meeting is under tho Nassau Chapter, D. A. R.. of which Miss Elizabeth Cooper Reeves Is chairman. Congressmen, army nnd navy officials and otiier prominent men will take part In the exercises. Invitations havo been sent to nil tho patriotic and civic so cieties In Camden County and n company from tho Now Jersey National Cuard, :n full dress uniforms, will net as ushers. State Senator William T. Reed will act as chairman of the meeting. Among the speakers aro Congressman William J. Browning, of New Jersey: Congressman Patrick II. Kelly, of Michigan; Dr. Louis Abbott, of Phllndclpk a and others. BEQUEST TO HOLY TRINITY Woman's Will Gives $5000 Each to Church nnd Hospital Bequests of $5000 each to tho Protestant Episcopal Hospital and to the Holy Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church, 19th and Walnut streets, arc contained In tho will of tho ln,tc Maria S. Wilson, of 2213 St. James street, admitted to probate today. Tho estate Is valued at $130,000 nnd the major portion Is bequeathed to I). L. Wilson, nn undo of tho decedent; Eliza S. 11 ls.se I, an aunt, and three. nephews. Tho bequest to Holy Trir.lty Church is for u permanent endowment fund as n memorial to tho father nnd mother of tho testntrix. Other wills probated wero those of Dr. Roucl Stewart, of 1840 Green street, which In prlvnto bequests disposes of nronertv valued at $51,800; Katharlno Galleher. of 5120 North 13th street, who left effects valued nt $14,500; Item! Hcrriss. of Oak lyn. $4243; Helen M, Jones, of G33 North 57th street, $4200; Joseph Kubek, 2330 West Cumberland street, $4100; M. J. Wills, of 4725 Grlscom street, $4000, and Josephine Smith, Harrington, Del., $3000. The personalty of tho estato of Caroline C. Kecnan has been appraised at $13.917.54 ; of Tllllnghast M. Collins nt $8856.00 ; of Amos II. Hall at $8363.63, and of F. J. McMurrny at $6526.55. Datcsmnn Orders Inspection Prepara tory to Fixing Statue Tho possibility that the huge statue of William Penn topping City Hall tower may drop somo part of his metal clothing on tho city, moro than 500 feet below, has caused Director Datcsmnn, of the Depart ment of Puhllc Works, to order additional steeplejacks to make n thorough Inspec tion of tho entire stntuo and tower. Suiriclent appropriation for repainting nnd repairing will bo urged by Director Dntesman, who pointed out that no sys tematic Inspection of the tower has been mado since 1913. Tho discovery that a button was gono, plates wcro loose, and other repairs needed was mado by Jack Hassclcr, a steeplejack. KIPLING WISE AS DOCTOR, PHYSICIAN SPEAKER SAYS Prniscs Writer's Knowledge at U. of P. Medical Day Dr. Thomas McCrac, a professor con- nectcd with tho start of tho Jefferson Medical College, delivered nn nddress on "Medlclno In the Writings of Rudyard Kipling," this morning at tho ninth an. nual meeting of the Undergraduate Medi cal Association of tho University of Penn sylvania, held In the medical laboratory on the Hamilton Walk. The speaker said he was nlwnys lm-i pressed with tho general literary knowl-1 cuge or mcuicni men, nut believed tie did not apply this knowledge to condltlcl ns they saw them in everyday life. referred to the fat boy described by Did ens tn his "Pickwick Papers," who wl always sleepy. This boy, Doctor McCrd said, was sick, and It was his physic! condition that made him sleeny He nlil referred to the ability shown by Kipling in his short stories where ho referred tj tho various diseases, "Kim," n wo by Kipling, Doctor McCrne says, wo prove an important textbook in medical schools. j nuniDer or pnpers wero re! undergraduates based on cxperi studios. William Hoehn, of cln read a paper on "Chemical StudJ Mucins," whlio P. J. MacMastejv) read a paper on "Normal Bacterial Floral of Postage Stamps." " Dr. Robert H.1 Dunning, Sr read n paper on "Osteo-' pathlc Treatment of Sciatica." Another session was held this after noon, and tonight the association will havo n banquet at the Hotel Rlttcnhouss. CASH FOR NURSERY POURS IN MRS HORACE FARNIIAM GRIFFITHS Mrs. Horaco Fnrnham Griffiths Is ono of Lansdowno's most popular hostesses, and Is Interested In the various doings of that busy llttlo borough. Naval News Mrs. Raymond S. Keyes. of 2102 Shunk street, was hostess on Tuesday to tho members of her bridge club. Her guests were Mrs. John V. McAlplne. Mrs. A. T. Graham, Mrs. Warner U. Lotz. Mrs. David Ducoy, Mrs. Earl Bean, Mrs. McClung and Miss Blanche Lane. Delaware County Mr. J. George Nngele, of Media, an nounces tho engagement of his daughter, Miss Eva Anna Nagele, to Mr. William Redner Taggart, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William Taggart, of Mlllbourno. Already Enough to Make Additions. Campaign On Tho success of tho campaign to raise $10,000 for the Franklin Day Nursery, 719 Jackson street, will make possible the pro posed plans of the managers to enlarge tho Institution to innko room for 100 children, according to nn announcement of Mrs. Georgo Clymer Brooke, ono of the managers. The movement is being praised by Director Krusen, who, during tho day. paid a visit to tho nursery. That tho public Is taking a keen In terest In the campaign nnd responding to appeals for funds was emphasized today at department stores, where prominent so ciety women are working all day In the booths. Thousands of "associate mem bership" cards, costing 10 cents each, aro being distributed at the stores and on tho street. Prominent Men to Address Editors .Major General Leonard Wood, ex-Senator Philander C. Knox nnd other promt nent men will nddress tho State Edltorla Associations, tho State Weeklies and the State Associated Dallies at n Joint gath ering to bo held at tho Walton April 20. Thero will bo morning, nfternoon and evening sessions. The visiting newspaper men will bo tendered a reception on the night of April 25 at the Manufacturers' Club. AMUSEMENT What's Doing Tonight Germantown yr- Mr. and Mrs. Pere Wilmer, of West Coulter street, are visiting friends in r York. Mrs. Baltzar E. L. de Mare, of 6326 Oreene street, la spending several days in Atlantic City. " Mr. Artemus Richardson, of 423 Wlster street, gave a dinner last night at tho Germantown Cricket Club before the reg ular weekly dance. The Rev. Theron Lee and Mrs. Lee, of Lambertville, Pa., formerly of German town, aro being congratulated upon the birth of a son, born Wednesday, March 29 Mrs. Lee was Miss Catherine C. Camerano before her marriage. la War Illmlnlshlnu?" bv Irnf.a. Llchtenberger, Kenainston Light- Talk on or J. V. house. Prownlns Society, New Century Club. County Sunday School Association rally. Bap tist Templo. Undergraduate Medical Association annual celebration, University of Pennsylvania, after noon; and Illttenhousa Hotel. Itetall lumber dealers' dinner. Adelphla Ho tel. Meetlnff to discuss "Patriotism and Preju dlcB." under the auspices of the .National Com mission on UellKlous Prejudice, of tha KnUhts of Columbus, Metropolitan Opera Hous; 8 o'clock. Annual banquet of the Philadelphia Ilureau of Municipal UeBearch. Clover Itoom, Dellevue Stratford; T o'clock. Lecture on subject of f.atln America. St. Matthew's Lutheran Chapel. Broad and Mount Vernon streets: 8 o'clock. Dinner of the Camden Democratlo Club, Towers Theatre Bulldlnv, Camden, N. J.; 8 o'clock Lecture. "Use of Powdered Coal In Metal lurgical Processes." by C. J. Qadd, Franklin Institute; 8 o'clock. Naturalists' Pield Club. Zoological Hall, Unl erslty of Pennsylvania. 7:30 o'clock. West Philadelphia Business Men, 00th street and Baltimore avenue, 8 o'clock. Central Uermantown Avenue Business Men, 2340 Germantown avenuo: 8 o clock. Free. Tloutt Business Men, 3313 Germantown ave nue: 8 o'clock. Free. Cohockslnk Business Men, 7th street and Qermantown avenue; 8 o'clock, tree. People's Cbcral Society, Musical Fund Hall; 830 o'clock. Annual exhibition of the normal physical training department of Temple University, at I.u Lu Temple. Broad and Spring Garden streets; 8 o'clock. North Philadelphia The monthly entertainment of the Veri tas Vincent Class of tho Lehigh Avenuo Baptist Church was held at the home of Miss Esther Bell, 3062 North lOtli itreet. Miss R. Jennie Roberts, teacher of the class, assisted the Hostess In receiving. Broad Mat. Today Mmuret,,,n' LAST 3 EVGS. LAST MAT. SATUIIDAY MAUDE ADAMS ,nJS&&7nL NEXT WEEK Seats Today LAURETTE TAYLOR (The Original 'TEa") IN A NEW COMEDY The Wooing of Eve By" J. HARTLEY MANNERS Author of "PEG O' 3IV HEAnT" T.VRTP LAST FL'n times Uill-o last MATINEE SATUIIDAY Tho Jf. Y. Winter Garden's Million Dollar Mil, slcul Extravaganza A WOnLD OF PI.EASUI1H With a Great Cast of 125 CLIFTON CrtAW'FOnU. CONB.OY LeUAIBB Collins A Hart. Margaret Edwards, Venlta FlUhugh. Franklin Batls and Hoale Qulnn. NEXT WEEK Seats Today Tho Latest Viennese Operetta Triumph "ALONE AT LAST" J Composer of The Merry Widow A Veritable Springtime Treat Direct From an .ll-Scanon Bun at the Shubert Theatre. Kew York Great Singing Cast and Ensemble of 73 AMUSEMENT Globe Theatre ,. JXJKJi VAUDEVILLE Contlnuoui ill A.M. tojt I'M. loc.l5c.S3c "Solomon, the Great," Th'f?n'etAIJ Barney Williams and Girls ! Bala-Cymyyd Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stone, formerly of N'arberth. have moved to Cynwyd, where they have taken a house at 142 Montgom ery avenue. Mr. and Mrs. James McFillln Lucas, of 117 Bryn Mawr avenue, have moved to 107 Bryn Mawr avenu. Bate, Notices for tl Society pais will be accepted, and printed lu the Kienlni Ledger, but all such notices must Ix writ ten on, one side, of the paper, mtist.be suned In full, ultu full address, and when possible telepaoue number must be given. bend all - such communications to "So ciety Editor,'' Eenlog Ledger, liOs Chest nut street. ... lTnltts ine&a reaalremeats & earrlad -..r-- t-. - i j - :. E--..rivr . BV(, uui icnunite), uu ue hu ib peuco wia bos ua vuviisaca. Tl4.-v.lr MAKKET ABOVE OTR VlCtOria FRANK MILLS and EDITH BEEVES in "THE MOBAL FABRIC Added, Mary Page (No. 11) Sidney Drew Co. Tomor. P. X. Bushman In "Wall Between" CHESTNUT Below JOth 10 A. M. to 1J :15 P. M. A wearlies -Ti-i. .,vac All This Wee DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS In "THE HABIT OV HAPPINESS" Walnut PP' Mat Today, 25c, 50c 'Tn,""w Egs. 23c tou.no higher. "DAMAGED GOODS" Nent Weck-j:"BBlNOINO UP FATHER" PIANO RECITAL ARTHUR HOWELL WILSON THE LITTLE THEATRE .TONIQHT AT BUS Tickets .ov, f - ncyyes anu at uox umes. MARKET ABOVE "l8TH 11:15 A.M. to H(13P.m: Dustin Farnum In "BEN tlLAIR" T 1214 MARKET M3 Qf)0 10 M. TO 11:10 P. M, JTcUaLt; Fannie War-rl Stanley In Fannie Ward "FOR THE DEFENSE" Knickerbocker "" Wwnw- KutinsM Tuesday, Thursday si S&isnUs. ATiTCT.PTTT L"' Pon- l Matinee Today "-U i-iUir n.1 Last Five Times The Season's Smartest Musical Comedy "NOBODY HOME" Full of Zip. Melody and Fun NEXT WEEK Seats Today Eugene Walter's Latest Play "THE LITTLE SHEPHERD OF KINGDOM COME" Founded on the Famous Book bjr John Fox, Jr. A STORY OF THREE WAIFS A BOY, A GIRL AND A DOO LauKhter und Tears for Old and Vounr RESERVE YOUR SEATS NOW B. P. Keith's Theatre CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH STREETS REAL VAUDEVILLE DE LUXE I Valerie Bergere & Co. In "LITTLE CHERRY BLOSSOM" Wilbur Mack & Kella Walker; Laddie Ciltt; Ellnore & Williams; 'Tango Shoes"; Edna Showalter, and Other Star Features. ro.iirV TW Knt wk- Ev- Lrarl ILK Mats. Wed. 4 Sat at S 1? COHAN & HARRIS Present THE FUNNIEST PLAY IN THE WORLD IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Orlclnal New York Cast end Production. Best Seats tt at Popular Wed. Matinees rOlltibt Matinees Wed. t tut . a I? SE& COME TO BOHEMIA Bt Sa.ts l50t Pop. WA Matinees American """jSHZ SS sm" -J. Woman's WW." Mali. Tuea., Tharg.4 g4t, V MpMH i irHiirn -r umummmm yjgg itTJIfTOnTtfi'lllTlifirll'IlT Trf1.HH1 ttltwinvi! lHBBfwiHBlW-lil