Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, April 06, 1916, Page 10, Image 10
K"r rA-r.-r.-r-r, D -iri HI EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA 1916. J.U 1 r PUBLIC LEDGER COMPANY CtRUS If. It. fcURTIS, Fbsist. , Cnrts IM.unlngton, Vice resident! John C. Martin. Pecfttarr and Tttinwi Thlllp B. Collins, John B. .Williams. Directors, GDITOnTATi BOARD t Crtri If. K. coins, Chairman. y. K. vrtiM.Br, Editor K JOHN C. MARTIN.. i..n. General Business Manager . Published daily nt rnauo limb nuiiaing, , Independence Square, Philadelphia. Z.wrrai Cnmit,, ........ Btoad And Chestnut Streets AtlaftTtO CHI.. ...)..... Pntt'Vnlon RulMIno i OEn 1HM ......... .&IU .,iciiuiuiiin inner ft lurntorr .,.., ..., ...820 Ford Ilulldln T A, ............. inQ fll.h..ll.iHniM, llnlllln Cn'tOiaO.... 1202 Tribune Building . NEWS BUREAUS t r jrmi(jT0M Bcnriu.... ............. nimn Building ft N YrtT TlntDlfl ..i...Th. iTfM. llnlMI,..- Eilsjit.iJt Bcskac. ................ CO Frlcdrlchatrnsse !" J.oim IlcsruB. ........ .....Marconi House. Strand ", Pinit Bcstic. 3 Bus Louis le Grand ir subscription terms Br .Carrier, six rents twr wpk. Hv tnsll. hnatrtitM f . v , iinnueipiiiH, cactpb wiioro xoreign posinKO l. It required, on month, twenty-flvo cents; onn year, fw three dollars. All mall subscriptions payable In rra,.m-ij. ,. i.t.n-....wi. -.... w.i'i".i'r:r.. iimnce, NoTtco Subscribers wishing address changed must KITS old as -well as new address. I ."tlELL. 3000 VALXUT KEYSTONE. MAIN 3009 i W AiAr!9 nit am. m. ., n fv. tf am tn K-,f, ledger, independence Square, iVHaWelpfifa. tXTtniD ii tub nm.itirj.rniA rosrorrics is sdcond- CL1BS WAlt, MATTEB. TUB AVBRAOn NET PAID DAILY CIRCULA TION OF THE EVENINO LEDGER FOR FEURUARY WAS 101,115. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, APRIL , 1316. They never arc atone that arc accompanied with noble thoughts. Sir Philip Sydney. b, At his present rato of action Pnticho Villa 'ougui to oo invading uuatcmaia uy noxt 'rues lay noon or thereabouts. ... Mrs. Joseph Fels, who declines to talk nbout her experiences as a Ford peaco pilgrim, seems to bo nbout the only membor of the noted party who has tho gift of silence. Mr. "Wilson did not havo to go to tho tlicatro .In Washlncton to son Urviin exhibited In tho I follies of 1915, but ho waited till ho saw his whilom Secretary of Stato burlesqued on tho stago beforo laughing at him In public. f .How unkind! 1 Tho Colonel started voting tho Progressive ticket nt tho Ovfltni- Rnv nrlmnrlPH lipfnrn 8 o'clock In tho morning and did not llnlsh until after 6 o'clock at night, thereby setting a good example to tho members of his rapidly disappearing party. Brander Matthews has written an arttclo for tho April Bookman entitled "Writing In Haste and Repenting nt Leisure." Wo havo not read it, but If Professor Matthews has begun to write his confessions ho has got himself Into an admlrablo Lonten stato of I .mind. uormany neither nt this tlmo nor at any , time in tho futuro contemplates aggression Ingalnst tho United States," said von Beth- Imann-Hollweg yesterday. "Why not? Is this Itho last Insult which Germany Is throwing In pur teeth? This country has as much right to io Invaded as any other country and wo will tianlc our German friends to remember that! seriously, isn't tho Chancellor taking a BreaCdeol of slush for tho real thing? ' Tho swtftlje- moving, energetic action of American troops is something we nro always taking for granted, and even Colonel Dodd's spectacular dash Into Mexico did not surprlso his countrymen. In fact, anything elso would havo hurt their prldo Intolerably. The courage "and cfllciency of the troops now engaged In tho Mexican expedition are reassuring and ought to gtvo the critics of tho army pause. "JThoy aro right who demand an adequato army, but they are very wrong who couplo with this demand attacks upon the honor and tho ability of the troops now enrolled. .. In tho minds of a great many Camdenltes -this city Is a very necessary suburb to bo 'reached by ferries which always start from Camden and always end there. In vaudeville 'wo havo our little joko about tho city across tho river Isn't it, after all, tho province of .New Jersey to supply vaudeville Jokes fo"r Broadway 'and Chestnut street? But its Im portance Is known here, and It is not for us '-that the "What We Make Here" exposition Is to bo held In Camden from May 18 to May 7. It Is, also, for the rest of tho world. If tho light vein is not dried by too much business, why dpesn't Camden advertise the show with an emendation of Lewis Carroll's immortal rhyme, thus: "The time has come," the Camden said "To speak of many things. Of soups and ships and furniture And phonographs and Kings." Tho death of George W. Smalley In London R at tho ago of 2 removes ono of tho most r --distinguished American Journalists of his time. E He was not an editor, but a special corre spondent, serving tho New York Tribune In "that capacity in London for about 30 years. .-Then ha was the American correspondent of the London Times for a while, returning later .to tho Tribune. Ho interpreted European politics for American readers In a most masterly mantjer. Becauso of his ability to -understand great questions of publla concern line was welcomed by British statesmen when F. be wished to consult them. He talked with .thera as an equal and they discussed matters with him In the confidence that he would respect all the proprieties in what he wrote. He came to be a sort of an unofficial American ambassador to the Court of St. James. Mr. Smalley was an honor to his profession and did credit to tho country of hs birth. G5 Another step has been made by the Uni versity of Pennsylvania in the limitation of medical students, Two years ago a college" degree was made part of the requirement for entrance to the Medical School. Now the board of trustees purposes to limit the number of flrst-year students to 100, instead of opening the course to all who satisfy the requirements. As the hundred are to be chosen from all applicants In competitive test, an obviously Pggher standard of graduates can, in the end, B expected. That Is an advantage, and the Hploser attention which the students will re Vcelva, may also i expected to work out for m the good of the communities they will serve. W But there Is an economic law about study as 4 there Is about other social phenomena. With tk put questioning- the wisdom of the trustees' decision it may be asked, What will become of those who do not enter the University? They will go to other schools, possibly to uhoofs not so well equipped as the University, Sane! will come out of those schools doctors with less of the fundamental training than tjsey should have. A second-rate scholar f tttnc4 in a flrst-rate school is preferable to ft iW4-rate scholar trained la a second-rate clioo! Fortunately there are other Instlti- tm of mel(al learning In Philadelphia i which nro by no means Bccond-rnto. But It Is n pity that tho University cannot enlargo Its medical department nml open Its door to nil who como. A CITY OF THE FUTURE No power under beaten ran Iteep n elljr Hunted In tho snutlienMern corner of IVnn nylrnnln from gronllt In imputation nnd In iluslr.r. It Is not merely cruilo expansion Hint must be, tho destiny of PMIndetplilitl that expansion will lio unstable nml cten timleslrnbls If It Is not part nml parcel of n profound nnd fnr-seelmr pollcs of social. Industrial, snnllnry, educational nml nrtlstlo betterment. A CITY Is a social organization that, llko n man, has a llfo of its own. Independent to a certain extent of its surroundings or vari ous parts. I.lke-a man It can survive heavy losses, comparable to tho amputation of n limb; or It can "tnko on weight," put on emtio musclo or fine, train down Its fat nnd nssumo healthier tlssuc, accompanying thli process sometimes with beneficial political surgery. Also, llko a man, It has stages of growth call them tltrco In number. Tho end of tho first stago camo for Philadelphia when sho looked nround har and tightened tho untrained members, which wero tho villages and country roads that Joined them, Into tho conscious singleness of her untiled purposo. That was tho end of her childhood. Tho second stngo Is ending today. Sho has learned her full powers; bIio has completed her youth, nnd sho la to put nwny childish things, It Is truo that nt this, tho beginning of her third stago, tho city can count over with complacency tho amazing list of her souices of wealth; tho wealth of tho wealthiest of States gravitates to her, nml tho sea with Its call of commerce waits at her door. But ho is n fool who says wo nro fated to prosper; thoro Is to bo no fatalism In tills growth, no trusting to tho Inevitable, or wo die. Nothing is lnovltnblc. Tho Mesopotamia!! meadows aro littered with dead Philadelphia, whoso ruins aro too haso to shelter Turk and Christian, now fighting there, from carh other's bullets. Susa, Babylon nnd NInovoh wero fatalistic; they wero "destined to bo great;" nnd whoit they ended their second stngo of growth they dlod. They looked to no third stngo as tho greater Western world did. They went tho way of dreaming, pagan Asia. Cities must seo their futuro sets It con cretely, or they will havo no future. Chicago, wit'.- a population of 500,000 In the '80s, provided beforo they camo for tho 50,000 that wero rushing to her yearly. Streets that wero llttlo moro than country roads wore lighted as brightly ns those In tho heart of tho city; streetcar lines ran In paved thorough fares whero thcro wero farms; o tho 50,000 kept on coming, nnd brought more. In making Its Investments for thn futuro a city cannot daro to lag behind private corpo rations nnd citizens; yet sober-minded nnd wary chiefs of corporations tako far moro daring financial risks than Philadelphia docs. Wo aro taking n great though lato strldo lit establishing a modern sewcrngo system; but tho Initial cost of a few millions Is on a par with what many a private corporation could Invest without ucaiing bankruptcy; nnd yet this investment Is an essential to tho futuro health of a whole big city. Tho way for n city to bo Independent of and outstrip lawless corporations, whether they bo composed ot political cliques or ruthless financiers dab bling in public utilities, Is to go beyond them In making sound Investments. Tho city ot tho futuro will havo great breathing spaces "lungs" that shall purify tho blood by tho arteries of boulevards. Prl vato capltV often clears a block without wincing. Cannot a great city afford to do It? And tho corporation may go to tho wall; but though the city's investment may llo fallow ten years, It Is suro to reap a harvest in tho long run. Suggest to a Now Yorker to cut up Ccntrnl Park into building lots nnd seo what ho says. Who can estlmato tho "valuo" of Logan Square ot Rlttenhouso Squaro? They nro worth moro than millions; they nro worth lives. The city of tho future that Is, tho city of today, plus an imagination sees for Itself better and bigger schools than It needs now, and builds them; better and bigger libraries than It has now, and builds them. Has It one of the greatest orchestras In America? Let It bo brought to tho people who cannot now afford tho idealism of great music. Sleet ing places, improved housing for tho people, whether they uso the facilities nt first or not, nre ordered by that city, for If thero Is to bo tho loyalty to a city that It needs in order to live, how can that loyalty bo better trained than by tho city an a unit providing for its children, Instead of letting them dingily pro vldo for themselves piecemeal? The city Is to make tho largest loan In its history five or six times larger than any other on Its record. It Is not really a loan; It is a modest investment to a mind that can comprehend what a big city is, For theso In vestments are made In transit, port develop ment and tho other public needs precisely ns tho investment in essential machinery is mado by a manufacturer. The manufacturer must invest or go out of business. Tho city must invest or decay. PUNCTURE THE BUBBLE BOTH of the preparedness bills beforo Con gress provide for enlarging the regular army nnd federalizing the National Guard, Congress has power to enlargo the nrmy and to provide for such nn army reserve as in Us Judgment seems wise. It has no power to federalize tho National Guard. The National Guard Is a State forco under command of officers appointed by tho States. It must be trained in and by tho States. The powers of Congress over it are limited and defined by the Constitution. An attempt Is making to bribe the States to surrender their control over the State forces by the offer of federal pay for the militia. Its success depends entirely upon tho consent of the States, a consent that could be withdrawn at any time. The believers In real preparedness in the Senate and the House will demand that the plan for enlarging the regular army and tho plan for federalizing the National Guard be considered In separate bills, so that the Na tional Guard plan can be discussed on Its merits, entirely apart from the regular army plan. As It stands there Is danger that the uninformed will be misled Into believing that the Chamberlain and Hay bills provide for a great reserve citizen army. In reality they provide for no such things and can provide for no dependable reserve army made up ot State troops so long as the Constitution is unamended. There are men In Washington who are willing to fool the country into bcllovlng that adequate preparation has been made for na tional defense on land. But Intelligent citi zens who know better are expected to punc ture the bubble of deception and turn (he hght oa the attempted fraud. Tom Daly's Column IT HAS been said that James Riley, When ho found himself started on his headlong career as a poet, stuck tho Whltcomb Into tho middle of his nnmo for ballast. Wo don't know what the "W" stands for In James V. Foley. It may bo Walllngfonl. At any rato ho writes: "A column a day Wastes tho brains nil away I When your brains havo all worn out and you nre clinging to tho Saturday night lamp post of your llfo In a completo Intollectual col lapse, I will hunt you up and domicile you In n home for nged poets that I purpose to endow out of my earnings from tho Muso." Well, no wonder! He's had tlmo enough, If wo may bollovo tho circular (with his hand somo fnco on tho front of It) that his platform manager sends out. Let's seo what It says: Whero did ho got his understanding of human nntiiro? Ho spent 35 yenrs on tho Western frontier, was threo years on tho rango (that's 38), 18 yenrs In dally news paper work (that makes 50), secretary to two governors (say, 8 yenrs more, that's 64), Pott arnnd Master of Mnsons (that's 32, isn't It? That makos !)G); has been managing editor of a dally newspaper (and nothing ages ono llko that but flguro It out for yourself). WR NRVI3R really believed that poets ever made tho fabulous fortunes some of them claim, but now we're glad to hear that some body did; and that reminds us of a bit of Foley's verso: KOMKBOnY DID. Once when tho kitchen wits till scrubbed so Clean, The lloor was Just shiny ns ercr was seen; When wo was nil plnyln' outdoors In tho Rtrcct, Somebody went In with tho muddiest feet And tracked It all over tho lloor just a sight. And my, when wo saw It wo Just shook with fright, 'Cause notio of us children was near It nil day; Hut John, ho ain't pealrt, and lio went right nwny, Wlillo all of us children wo runned off and hid, And then ho said, ".Ma, see what Somebody did"' And nil of us children wo riiimcd oft nnd hid, 'Cause wc don't know who duiio It, but Somebody did. sualIj i itnrunxr Uoc.1 the Hose tlmt Jnilc.t resume its Glow, And Youth tread hand fit hand with Ape; Docs the Tide stay still and never Flow And Time write all on one lone 1'apcF Then I'll return, then I'll rcturnl Shall tlio coast which Fault spring brown again, Tlio same surf roar by rim of sea; Shall the rocks bo there ns they wero then, Tlio face nnd heart, tho hearth nnd tree? Then I'll return, then I'll return! Shall the road bo thcro which leapt away. Through arching ticca to calling Joy; Shall tlio night glldo down with lang'rous gray Ami hum Its songs unto that boy? Then I'll return, then I'll returnl Shall tho old ash comb tho streaming breeze. My swnllows lllght It past tho wind: Shall tlio salt spray leap far over leas To carry yarns of far-off Ind? Then T'll return, then I'll returnl Shall the Fame plum trco bo flowered athrong. In fragrant Joy o'er Spring's return; Shall tho larks still spray the old sweet song In raro dueta besldo that burn? Then I'll return, then I'll returnl Shall the lilts bo learned nround tho hearth. And strolled with all that lilting glee; Shall tho lads be back from over earth With faco aglow to welcome mo? Then I'll return, then I'll returnl When the Itloom that dlrs resumes Us llay And Youth sails back Its course to Me; When the Days return a long spent Way And I with selfsame eyes shall See Then I'll leturn, then I'll return! SIION REA. , Anagram Contest WHILE wo were napping tho other day that old "Presbyterian Best in Prnyer" ana gram was slipped across on us. Wo repeat: Only new nnd original anagrams will bo con sidered. Hero's n good ono that's Just como to hand (G. M. being tho Initials of tho maker of the harmony) : HEY! G. M., THIS HARMONY HELPS. Muslcuss. And hero nro somo more: IN T. R. IS A SOLID MAN TO WIN. v. M. A. O. P. SEE OLD HERO TO VOTER. Th. Atsall. And tho answers to yesterday's: Tod.iy'a nvcMNO Lnnnnn. The Ptnr-Snangled Banner. Kalter Wllhelm. Ifueo Munsterberff. Monroo Doctrine. Musical Triolets (Most of them Knock.turns,) XIII. At ncrtrand A. Austin I holler "Oh! hello!" Come, winds, nnd blow frost In At Bertrnnd A. Austin! When practlco cxlmustln' Keeps him at his cello,' At Bertrand A. Austin I holler "O! hello!" Ann Aybqr O'Hlzzcn. THAT INDOOR firORT Oh, say, sir (tec hec), you haven't been playing that Indoor game of mlno (heel heel ha ha), have you? Eli? Don't you remember what I told you about matching up today's Quiz with yesterday's answers In the "What Do You Know?" Column? Oh, look (tea hee!) at the one that's in today: 8. What Is the average depth of the Atlantlo Ocean? S. Thirty-five feet at high water and 30 feet nt low. P. Kile. The Devil's Advocate (As Helnrlch Schoener was saylns yesterday when we rudely Interrupted him) WHEN, back In the early seventies. Dad Rem ington perfected the typewriter, he filled a long-felt want, but here and there you will meet an Insect generally an old-timer wlio will not learn to operate a typewriter, who scorns to use other than the carbon of an are light and whose feverish efforts look like a cross between the last will and testament of Confucius and the bill of fare of a Fatagonlan hash house and then some! That's the answer! He is the geezer who causes the gray matter in the printer's bean to rattle around like peas In a gourd. He's the performer that's forever trying to put over a "Horace Greeley" on the typo. Ever hear of Greeley and his "handsome hand?" It's a trade secret, but I'll let you In. Horace wrote kuunythumb. But one type sticker In New York could decipher Horace's copy, and he was the fastest two-fisted booze dreadnought that ever cruised the Bowery, He was tolerated only because ot his peculiar gift of "making sense" of the Greeley copy. One day, however, his package slopped over on Horace and the Trlb chief showed him the way out. Mr. Greeley gave vent to his over wrought feelings by writing down all the mean things he could remember the souse had pulled and it took him some time to write the epistle and signed his name and slipped it to the drunk on his way to the door. The document helped th souse to another Job. Ha used .Jt as a .recommendation, which worked for -fne very simple reason that while the Greeley signa ture was as well known as the head of the dame on a dime, the rest of it was like the Choctaw sign language to the new boss. And there are a.few bram department buis trying to go II Gifcjna better. RODGERS OF THE SPECIAL AGENTS Ohio Man Who Has Been Ten Years in the Consular Service in Vari ous Parts of World Is Now in Mexico OF SPECIAL agents of tho United States In Mexico thero havo boon many, nnd tho latest is Colonel J. Linn Rodgers. Pending tho assumption by Henry P. Fletcher of the full duties of Ambassador to Mexico, It Is Colo nel Rodgers who represents tho Stato Depart ment beforo tho Carrnnza Government. Prob ably this servlco will contlnuo soveral weeks. Colonel Rodgers Is a Columbus man not Columbus, N, M., but Columbus, Ohio, For 10 years ho hits been In tho diplomatic servlco of tho United States, representing American Interests In China, Cuba nnd elsewhere. In 1907 ho was appointed Consul General nt Havana after a record of exceptional accom plishment In tho Far East. His designation ns special ngont nnd assignment to tasks of conslderablo difficulty and delicacy surprised nobody who knew tho man nnd his record. This is not his first exporlonco In having now nnd unlooked-for tasks thrust 'upon hlmi bo causo of his familiarity with tho Spanish American habits and tompernment. In recent years ho has been sent to Honduras nnd again to Yucatan to straighten out delicate matters In which tho American Government had a vital interest. Colonel Rodgers was accredited to Havana after ho had served two years at Shanghai. Ho now has been in tho consular servlco long enough to bo protected by tho civil servlco regulations nnd probably may contlnuo as long as ho finds tho servlco pleasant. In a varied llfo ho has remained In this work longer than any other. Noxt to that stands his Columbus newspaper career. From Journalism to Politics After ho had finished his schooling and had tried his hand at first ono thing nnd then another, ho took a position in the editorial office of tho old Columbus Times. Ho did not profess any special aptitude for tho work that developed after he got started. Ho had been working for tho old Consolidated Street Rail way Company. Ills father, tho lato Major A. D. Rodgers, was tho president of tho company and tho lato Henry T. Chittenden was ono of tho principal officers. Mr. Chit tendon wns financially interested in the Times. So young Rodgers got a chance to try out his energies In tho field of Journalism. Ho succeeded so well that ho soon had nn opportunity to continue his careor on tho Dispatch. Beginning as a reporter in 1889 he advanced to bo managing editor in 1895, which witnessed tho beginning of his political career. In 1890 he became secretary to Gov ernor Bushnell, of Ohio, nnd continued in that capacity through four years. It was then that tho honorary tltlo of colonel was affixed to his name. His newspaper work had served to In troduce him to tho chief executive nnd his family connections served to cement tho relationship. Tho father of J. L. Rodgers was u friend of Governor Bushnell In tlio days when both wero working for a career in Springfield A. D. Rodgers, of Springfield, married Eliza Sulllvnnt, of Columbus, nnd thoy went to live in the old Sulltvant home, which used to stand well back from Broad Street at the foot of what Is now the Columbus Stato Hospital hill. Tho magnificent doublo row of trees which still exists led up to their house. Thero tho Rodgers children wero born, James Linn in 1801. There nro three other brothers, W. S. S., A. Dennis nnd Archibald nodgers. Thero wero also four sisters, threo of whom aro living, Mrs. J. H. Roys, of Columbus; Mrs, Elliott, of Cleveland, and Mrs. Albert J. Dlbblee, of San Francisco. Columbus was several sizes smaller then than now. When Jame3 Linn was 11 years old his father built and occupied the house on East Broad street where the family of the Consul General resides at present. Colonel Rodgers' education was received in the public schools of Columbus and at the Ohio State University. Ir Many Climes and Countries Between his service in the State House and the beginning of his consular career there was a lapse of five years. For the first half of that period Colonel Rodgers was associated with the Buckeye Malleable Iron Company, Later he helped to organize the Ohio Malleable Iron Company, which has since been taken over by the Jeffrey interests. The appointment to consular duties came through an agreement of Senators Dick and Foraker, who then swayed the destinies of the State. President Roosevelt is said to have re marked that he would appoint any man that these two could agree upon. And so the ap pointment was made. Mr. Foraker had long been a warm friend of Colonel Rodgers. In 1893 Colonel Rodger and Fannie C. Fay, WARMING UP of this city, wero married. They havo two children, Cecelia Rodgers, who has been nctlvo In tlio Children's Hospital work, nnd James Linn, Jr., who Is now at AV'llllnms Coltcgo. Tho exigencies of business and tho variety of climates encountered havo operated to ln terfcro with tho homo life of tho Rodgers fam ily. When conditions havo permitted thoy havo mado their homo in tho places to which tho work of Colonel Rodgers has taken him. Business has taken Colonel Rodgers to Eu ropo soveral times, nnd when ho returned from Shanghai ho camo by way of Russia, thus making a completo circuit of tho globe. At the tlmo it was almost at record-breaking speed. Among his Intimates Colonel Rodgers 13 noted for his genial good nature, his comrade ship, his lovo for travel and particularly for camping, und his wldo and diversified Interests In tho things of tho world. His habit of writ ing has persisted In delightful correspondenco with a number of friends, but tho fact that all of his utterances In times llko tho present aro necessarily tinged with governmental signifi cance limits tho number of his letters, Tho fow ho docs wrlto furnish abundant proof that the nrt of letter writing Is not yet dead. BY-PRODUCTS OF THE WAR Ono of tho curious effects of tho war Is tho shortage of domestic "help" In somo portions-of this, country. Immigrants nro fewer nnd that fact, of course, affects wages for houso servlco in certain plnccs. Another interesting consequence of the war Is seen f tho furniture market. English craftsmvM who are tho makers of furniture aro beaming by the cutting oft of Oermnn exports to 'i United States. High-class modern furnlturo ? now being shipped in vast quantities to Now York, Philadelphia nnd other places. Americans havo long been keen buyers of old English furniture by Chippendale, Shera ton and Ileppclwhito, but tho supply of examples of this old furniture Is, necessarily limited, and tho avcragn American householder Is contented with the admirable copies that can bo obtained at considerably less cost and that aro not sold with tho Intention of being palmed oft as antiques. The business In these copies Is chiefly In the hands of a fow London dealers who have branches In New York and elsewhere. The modern furnlturo Is mado at various factories, the highest class work being turned out In Buck inghamshire, while similar work, but not quite so good, Is done nt Tottenham. Among the articles In most demand In America aro chairs, settees, cabinets, bookcases, corner cupboards, bureaus, screens, etc., constructed In all kinds of woods. Thero Is also a demand for fireplaces of the eighteenth century nnd later dato as well ns for fire Irons, fire dogs and other articles of tho fireplace. Tho curious result of tho demand from America for modern furniture Is that second-hand furnlturo In London auction rooms Is selling at far higher prices than in normal times. UNWELCOME HONORS To the r.ditor of Evening Ledger: Sir The published announcement that I have been nmniiintcu by tlio Democratic committee ot Delaware County as Its candidate for State Senator appeared before I had been notified of the action ot the committee. The news was an entire surprise to me. Had I been given the slightest Intimation that my name was under consideration as n candidate I should have pre vented tho nomination. Thus I am obliged to ask tho indulgence of your columns that I mny stato that I have never been, am not now and do not expect to be a candidate for public office. My usefulness as a worker for reform would bo Berlously impaired were I to accept nomination for office. BIy serv ices nre fully nt the command of any party or I alliance that takes tho field against the whisky- baturated, bribe-giving, homlnatlon-paper-lorging, Jury-wheel-stutllng, Justice-debauching Organiza tion in Delaware County. WILLIAM T. ELLIS. Swarthmore, Pa.. April 4. AN AMENDMENT A humorous correspondent writes that our quotation, "An apple n day keeps the doctor away," was often used by a Berkshire County (Massachusetts) character, and that he added, "And an onion a day keeps everybody away." Was this "character" possibly Josh Billings? It will be remembered that that celebrated humorist was a native of Lanesborough, Berkshire County; nnd the odd turn of thought might easily have been his. Outlook. A FAIRY TALE Curled In a maze of dolls and bricks I find Miss Mary, aged six, Blondly blue-eyed, frank, capricious, Absorbed In her first fairy book, From which she scarce can pause to look. Because It's "so delicious!" "Such marvels, too! a wo'ndrous boat In which they cross a maglo moat That's Bmooth as glass to row on A cat that brings all kinds of things ; And see I the queen has angel wings Then Ogre comes" and so on. What trash it Is! How sad to find (Dear Moralist) the childish mind So active and so pliant Rejecting themes in which you mix v For truths with pleaslrrg facts, to fix On tales ot dwarf and giant I In merest prudence men should teach That cats mellifluous in speech Are painful contradictions; ' That science ranks as monstrous things Two pairs of upper limbs so'wlngs y E'en angels' wings! are fictions!- That there's no giant now but Steam: That life, although "an empty dream," IB scarce "a land of Fairy!" "Of course, I said all this." Why, no; I did a thing far wiser, though I read -the tale with Mary , Austin DokMi. What Do You Know? Queries of general Interest will be answered In this column. Ten questions, the answers to which every well-informed person should know, arc asked dally. Quiz ' 1, What nre the two cities In "The Tale of Two I Cities" nnd who wrote the book? 2. Was the battle of Hunker Hill fought before or nfler the signing ot tlio Declaration of Independence? 3. What Fenns.vlrnnln connty Is richest In ngrlcultiirnl products? 4. Who Is 'Wlllinm Alden Smith? fi. What Is "nn net ot sabotage"? 0. In what financial panic did .Iny Cooke fall? When wns tho next great panto there after? 7. How mnny grnlns of gold constitute the stnndnrd of the dollar? s. Who wns I'eggy Shlppen? AVhat street In Philadelphia wan formerly known as Shlppen street? N- 0. What Is tho nge requirement of Senators nnd Representatives In Congress? 10. Who wns the Kaiser's mnternn! grand mother? Answers to Yesterday's Quiz 1. Ground wan broken January 7, 1871, nnd tho cornerstone laid July 4, 1874. 2. Albert of Ilelglum, Nicholas of Montenegro nnd Teter of Servln. Tho flrnnd Duchess of Luxemburg has been deprived of power by the (lermnn occupation. 5. No. Ily the last census 004,050,010 pounds n year wero mode on farms nnd 024,764, 033 In fnctorles. 4. No. She Inherits tho same nharo of Ills estate sho would have received It he had died lntestnte. 8. In nil except Arknnsna and Massachusetts. In Maine it Is n bank holiday only. 0. Thirteen. 7. Nicholas Murray Butler. 8. 12,200 feet. 0. Twenty-one. 10. Hags and wood pulp. Woodrow Wilson's Grandfather Editor of "What Do. You Know" From what country did the grandfather of President Wilson come to the United States, and when? R. C. COLQUHOUN. James Wilson, father of the President's father, came to this country from County Down, Irel.-ind, in 1808, and tho Bev. Dr. Thomas Woodrow, father of the President's mother, who was of Scotch ancestry, came from Carlisle, England, where he was pastor of a church, In 1835. Waiting for a Quorum Editor of "What Do You Know" The presl. dent of nn association appointed a certain hour of a certain day in which to hold a meeting. The president duly presented himself at the appointed hour, but, as "a quorum was lacking,, dismissed the meeting. Ho waited for more than half an hour for a quorum, but In vain. A few hours later a quorum was present, but the president was not there, and tho vice president, at the instigation of the secretary, called tho meeting to order. Elections were to be held nt the meet 'ng. Several newly admitted members were allowed to vote at the same meeting In which they wero admitted. Now, was the business transacted at this meeting legal? Were the officers thus elected legally elected? Can a mem ber vote on the same day and at the same meet ing In which he Is admitted? Your answer on these questions will settle a dispute of long standing. Tho bylaws of the association do not cover these points, a. C. These questions Involve the legal Interpreta tion of the meaning ot the clauses In the con. stltutlon and bylaws of the association. It would be best for you to consult a lawyer. A Burns Quotation Editor of "What Do You Know" J am anx. lous to learn the name of the author and tha correct version of the verse about "seeing our selves as others see us." As usually given, it does not rhyme. JANE. Burns Is the author of the quotation, and he wrote, in "braid Scots," which does rhyme: O wad some power the glttie gie us To see oursel's as Ithers see us! Finding a Publisher Editor of "What Do You Know" I have a book In handwriting and I cannot have It printed for lack of money. Can you advise, some print ing office or the way I can get It printed? P. A. fj, Submit your manuscript to a reputable imb fisher. It he thinks it Is marketable he will publsh it without cost to you and pay you royalties on the eales Ambassador and Minister Editor of "What Do You Know" Will you please tell me the distinction between an Am. bassador and a Minister? (?) Of wha,t ranlc art the American representatives in Brazil, Turaey and Portugal? A. G. SYDNEY. The Ambassador Is usually the representative of the person of his sovereign or executive officer. He is supposed to be in his closest confidence and Is authorised to act for htm, dealing in person with the sovereign or the executive of the country to which he is accredited, An Ameri can Ambassador, however, does not represent the person of the President, but the,, United, States. The Minister generally carries less au thority. He Is usually empowered to settle all questions of dispute, subject to the ratification ot the government by which he la commissioned. (?) In Bcazll and Turkey, Ambassadors; in Por tugal, a Minister. Answer to Puzzle Editor of "What Do You, Know." "The answer to the puzzle propounded by J. A. Anderson la as follows, filling in the missing words with capitals: As I passed by a GARDEN fair, A hiss fell sharply on my ear; Startled, I saw a GANDER there, With others RANGED to rouse ray fear; But DANGER there I did not see. And on my way went quietly DELAWARE. m mm m&fr kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkHkVSSSSS3pR