EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 191 fi ' t i l r ft , 1 LACLASSEDEL1897 CIUAMATA ALLE ARMI PER IANNO IN CORSO Attacchi dcgli Austriaci sul Rauchkofel e sul Mrzli, cd ' Aerei au Varii Punti, Rcspinti BOMBE SU GRAFENBERG nOMA, B Aprlle. tl Mlnlstero u11a Oucrra lia nnnunelnto che I mllltatl della classo (let 1897 saranno chlamatl alio arml In quesfanno Invcce ehfi 1'nnnn vpnliiro. II Mlnlstero della Oucrra publillcava Icrl Bora II seKUcmo rapnorto del ceneralo comandanto Interlnalo delle forzo Itallane Bulla sltuazlono alta fro n to Itato-austrlaca "t.ungo tutta la fronlo dl battngtla si eono avuto azlonl (11 nrtlRllerla cho sono atato )lu Intense nella Val Lagarlna o nella Val SiiRana c millo alturo a nord ovest dl Oorlzta. clla Hernia dl lune(l' nol resplngonmio plccoll nttnchl del nem Ico contro to nostra poslzlonl sul Itauch kofel o sul Mrzll. "Acroplanl nc'mlcl cho tontarono dl fare lncurslonl sul nostro torrltor:o furono tnossl In fuga dal nostrl cannonl nntl ncrel o da contrattacchl del nostrl aero plant da caccla. "Un acroplano nemlco rluscl" nondlmcno n lanclare liombe su Uassano catisando pochl dannl. Uno del nostrl Capronl Iasclo' cadcro una Rrossa bnmtai su Draf enberg. Austria, provocandovl un Inccn dlo." Iorl sora II Mlnlstero delta Oucrra pubbllcava particolarl circa I'lncurslono dl ncroplanl nemlcl su Ancona nclla Rlor nata dl lunedl'. Ialtacco su Ancona era opcrato da clnquo acroplanl austriaci nppoRRlatl da due torpedlnlerc. OH acroplanl nomlcl lasclarono cadcro bombe nulla cltta. uccldendo trc pcrsono o fcr endone undid. SI trattava dl Idroacro planl dl tlpo nuovlsslmo. II comunlcato dice: "1 vctlvoll nemlcl furono nttaccatl dalle nostro batterlo antl-norco montato su dl un treno bllndato, o fURRlrono. Ma tre furono abbattutl. II prlmo, cho fu prcso In tat to, era scsnato I. 21; II sccondo, cho si Inccndlo' o rlmaso dlstrutto, era marcato 0 21 j II terzo affondo' In maro mentro lo bI rimorchlava In porto. Lo lorpcdlnlcro nemlcho rlmasoro a rlspettosa dlstanza dalla costa mentre r11 tdrovolantl opera vnno l'attacco," La pcrdlta dcRll Idrovolantl austriaci e' confermnta nncho da uu comunlcato ulll clalo emanato a Vienna, cho dlco pero' clia soltanto duo macchlno furono perduto. I'sso crano state abbattuto dal cannonl Itallanl cd crano caduta In mare Una torpcdlnlcra Itallana stava per avvlclnarsl alio macchlno, quando fu messa In fuga (?) da un altro Idrovolanto austrlaco chu dlscese, dlstrusso lo due macchlno o salvo' 1 pllotl. Hvldcntemento a Vienna nl o' voluto dlminulre, come si fa semprc, l'lmportanza dallo sencco Inllltto iirII ldrovolcntl austriaci dalle batterlo Itnliane. Del resto so si conta la macchlti-i ncmlea cho e rtata catt'Jrnta dagll Itallanl Intntta, si hanno nppunto tre macchlno perduto dagll au&trlacl, percho' II comunlcato Viennese parla t.oltanto di due niacchlue dlstrutto In mare. Secondo II comunlcato ltaltano InfattI una affondo' cd un'nltra nl Inccndlo', mentro la tcrza fu preaa lntatta. J-trent bllndatl sono usatl Iuiiro la costa adrlatlca non soltanto per la dlfcsa contro Incursion) dl vclivoll nemlcl, ma anche contro attacchi dal mare, tanto cho sono provvlstl dl cannonl dl dlscreto call bro oltro cho dl quclll spcclall per la dlfesa contro acroplanl. II fatto cho tro dl cinque acroplanl nemlcl furono abbattutl mostra cho questo slstcma ill dlfcsa o' utlllsslmo, speclalmcnto per II fntto chc lo batterlo hanno una straordlnarla moblllta' potendo trasportnrsl rapl'dlsslmamcnto da un punto nll'altro. Notlzle dnlla Turchla dlcono cho l'agltazlone In favoro della pneo si va rnpldamcnto dlffondendo nell'lnlpero cd o' scRretamonto IncoragRlata dagll ulcma (pretl mussulmnnl) nonostnnto che essl slano costrettl a parlare contro la pace nelle moschee. L'arrcsto del presldcnto dclla Camera ha causato una profonda Imprcsslono o malcontento dappcrtutto. A questo devo agglungersl 11 fatto che si sento gravemente la carestla nell'Asla Mlnore e cho lo rlvolte causato dalla scarsezza del vlverl sono rcprcsso nol sangue. Un telegramma da Tarlgl dlco cho II generate Cadorna o" rltornato oggl alia capttale francese dalla fro'nto dl Verdun dove si e' trattenluto por parccchl giornl Ispezlonando con 11 generale J off re lo dl fesa della fortczza. It generalo Cadorna ha fatto lo seguontl dlchlarazlonl al glor nallstl cho lo hanno Intervlstato: "Verdun non sara mat presa dal te deschl. La sltuazlono mllltare della Fran cla o' eccellente. Ussa ha grandl rlserve dl uomlnl, glacche' la classo del 1896 non e Btata ancora toccata, mentro quella del 1897 sta completando la sua Istruzlone. "D'altra parte la Germanla sta usando la sua classo del 189G che gla' ha combat tuto por parecchlo scttlmano. Francla cd ! 'IS PHILADELPHIAN JOINS IN 'DISCOVERING' LITTLE REPUBLIC OF ANDORRA William L. Price Unites With Boston Man in Establishing Single Tax Colony in Quaint Land riiotn liy rtllliort & Huron REUBEN A. McBUEYER Senior in tho University of Pcnn sylvnnin Medical School, who Knve n pint of his blood to save a patient in the University IIos pitnl. As n result of this sacri fice, the patient, who is said to be n prominent Philadclphian, is assured of a complete recovery. Inghllterra hanno tnslcmc vcrc montngno dl cannonl c dl munlzlonl dlctro le loro Unco por rcsphiRcro I plu' vlolcntl nttncchl cho la Oermanla puo' fine." SI c' appreso cln- la Krancla ha Rla pronto per la gucrrn II suo nuovo cannono da 1G polllcl. Questo cannono lancla un prolettlle dl una tonncllnta, chfl e' nssal plu dovastanto del prolettlle del cannono tcdesco da 420 mllllmctrl. Puo prolcttlll dl questo nuovo ennnono francese sono stall espostl a l'nrlgl. Kssl sono nltl cinque pledl o mezzo. TelcRramtnl da lludapest dlcono cho II conto Tlsza, presldcnto del ConslRllo unR hcreso ha dlchlarato cho tutto qucllo cho dcsldcra l'Austrla e" una Rlusta ed cqua concluslono dclla gucrra. CONTEMPT MEASURE 11EF0KE HOUSE IllTS AT MARSHALL Report of Committee Urpes Probe of District Attorney's Action VASHI.T.TON April B. Accompanied by a concurrent resolution by Floor Lender Kltchln, the lloilso Judiciary Cotnmltteo today urged appointment of a special com mltteo of five to Investigate alleged vio lations of Houso privileges and providing punishment for contempt. Tlio report was the result of ths lnvcstlgntlnn of charges of malfeasance mnde ngalnst District At torney II. Snowden Marshall, of New Yorls, by Representative I3uchanan, of Illi nois Tho report made no findings on the facts. In tho report Chairman "Webb cited the letters of criticism Marshall wroto the subcommittee, and said the committee has concluded that their publication was of such nature as to warrant It bolng called to tho attention of tho TIouso as a whole. yENTO SO PENCIL dealers $' jS 1 7 Sf$5SKjj3g degrees for ' EaSP every known pur- Ppose. Also two copying. L-Si 'sffll' 5c pencil is vV supreme in its class BKYS'" Ancrlcta LtJ Fcscil C H. Y. V., iwr APPERSON 1 o have built a can of tlrtr&pperson i complishment. 1 a havds invest tices wEchr'h economfcdr acmevm rofUhe hih rank it a worxjerful ac- :ed m this car prac- rind about definite advantages is to have a double purpose. Six S1SS0 Eight $1850 RETAIL AGENCY Fiat Motor Company of Pennsylvania 1827 Chestnut St., Philadelphia EASTERN DISTRIBUTOR William T. Taylor N. E. Cor. Broad 6c Raco Sta. HAS G000 INHABITANTS riinlocrnpln lllttttrntlnit (hi (ory may be found on (be plrtnrlnl pnec. A chain of Interesting events soon will link Philadelphia with tho little Itcpubllc of Andorra, tho strangest and least known of tho many countries In Kurope. Of course everybody known of Monaco, whoso Monte Cnrlo haB won fnmo In piny and song. Others havo heard of San Marino and Liechtenstein, miniature Hiiro pean principalities which can boast almost of Independence ) yet few persons have definite knowledge. If any, of Andorrn, which tins been termed "the hidden re public " Almost unknown and nmong the passes of the Pyrenees Mountnlus on tho border between Trance nnd Spain, Andorrn. said to bo n Jewel of qunlntness, hns been "dis covered" by William I. Price, of Philadel phia, and Klsko Warren, of Ilo"iton, who will establish a slnglo tax colony there. Mr. Price, who Is a member of tho firm of Price & McLnnahnn. architects, who designed tho Hotel Traymoro nnd the Mnrlborough-Itlcnhelm, In Atlantic City, will go to Andorra, where ho expects in build a summer home. Mr. Warren returned from Andorra Inst month, where plans for tho colony nro Hearing completion. Iloth Mr. Price nnd Mr. Warren will bo trustees for tho An dorra colony i the third trustee Is Or. Francisco Pin, who Is ono of the most lenincd nnd distinguished citizens of tho little republic. Neither Mr. Prlco nor Mr. Wnrrcn Is new to tho single tnx Idea. Mr. Warren Is leader of tho Tahanto Slnglo Tax Col ony at Hnrvnrd. while Mr. Prlco founded tho Iloso Vnllcy Slnglo Tnx Colony nnd similar ones at Arden, Del., nnd Cumber land Mills, In Maine. Mr. Prlco also Is a trusteo of tho Harvard colony. Andorra, "tho hidden," was mndo a re public, that Is, a self-governing political unit, by Louis le riebonnalre, a son of Chnrlcnmgnc. It Is tho oldest repub lic In tho world. Protected by natural bnrrlors of gorge and mountain from storm, cold nnd Invaders, the GOOD odd Andorrans havo been perfectly content to bo nnd let be. Four traditional maxims nro said to have governed Andorran life slnco 800, namely, fear Clod, llvo as closely to na turo na possible, prescrvo tho ncutrnllty of the republic, nnd keep your own coun sel. "Our plans nr nearly completed," Mr. Prlco said. "In fact, tho colony practi cally hns started already. Wo havo pur chased a small tract of land near Ksenldns, ono of the Andorran villages, nnd although starting on a small scale, tho colony will develop. "I hax-c been very much Impressed with tho reception the Andorrans gavo to tho slnglo tax Idea. They appreciate tho dem ocratic quality of the plan, nnd It has re ceived tho sanction of tho President of that republic, or syndic, as ho Is called, nnd of tho Spanish Itlshop of Urgel. who together nro tho leaders of tho little country. "Free trade will bo an Important factor In tho plan. Farming Is one of tho chief pursuits In Andorra, and Harcolona Is now a freo port. 1 understand that a small quantity of wheat from Andorrn re cently went through freo of duty, for tho first time, as far as I know." Mr. Price explained that the land bought by tho trustees Is mostly In small farms. These farmers will pay a slnglo tax to tho trustees, that Is. they will not bo taxed on buildings or Improvements. Cer tain part of tho taxes will bo put aside for tho purchase of more land, so that the colony mny bo enlarged. The trustees cannot niter tho contrnct, they enn only collect rent. Overcoats are almost unknown In An dorrn Wild carnations grow there In December, while violets nro found In abundance In January. What If It takes a nlno houis' rough horseback trip over the mountains from Southern Frnnco to reach Andorra ! The trip Is a trllle shorter from Spain, nnd a good roadway from Hnrcclona Is Hearing completion. Thero nro no carriages In Andorra, travelers say. There Is no police system. It Is not needed. Thero Is no compulsory mllltnry scrvlco and (suffrnglsts nttcn tlon!) no man suffrage In general, liven bachelors nro frowned upon nR tho Gov ernment is vested In consuls nnd coun cilors. 1 The only sovereign right which has been surrendered Is the administration of justice, and this was given to tho two French nnd Spanish vlgulers, one of whom Is tho Hlshop of t'rgel. Neither Frnnco nor Spain hns attempted to make laws for Andorrn. nnd In rclntlon to tho ndminlstrntlnn of Justice both vlgulers nro bound to Rlvo their decisions Ifi harmony with tliu customs of Andorrn. The Presi dent of Franco Is one of tho coprlnces of Andorra. Andorrans spenk a mlxturo of French nnd Spanish. AGED TAllSON KICKS PRETTY HUKSES AT SHORE HOSPITAL Rev. Edward Shull Sent to Jail for Sanity Test ATLANTIC CITY. April 6. What to do with the Itev. Kdwnrd Shull, 66 years old, who does not llko tho prettiest nurses In the City Hopltnl, Is wotrylng resort officialdom. Tho fact that tho retired Hap tlst clergyman manifests his dislike for skilful young women who try lo minister to him by kicking them has made the problem serloua Tho pollco found Str. Shull, whose former home was In WllmhiRton, aban doned In a house on Arctic nvenuc. Tho family had moved out, taking all the furniture. Including his bed. The min ister was sent to the hospital and the llr-t thing he did when ho recovered strength was to start kicking the nurses. Last night the minister was sent to the cltv Jatl to await an examination ns to his sanity. , clnsi will glvo a humordus audovlllo . clatlor nre Mrs. Ulfnari, president; Mrs. sketch, nftcr which light refreshments will bo served. The officers of the nsso- Ltpplncott. vice president j Mrs. Jfnn!ei. vice president, and itrs' Hoyle, treasurer. ALLEXTOWX SCHOOLS HEAD KOLLOWSJIIS WIFE IX DEATH Francis D. Raub, Superintendent for Twenty-three Years, Succumbs ALLI:ntoWN. Pn.. April C After nn Illness slnre New Year's, when ho burled his wife, Professor Francis D. Itnuli, for 23 years superintendent of the Allcntown BChools. died today, at tho ago of 00. llo wns a native of llnubsltle. Pa., and Rhortly nftcr his graduation from Muhlen berg College waB In 1870 elected principal of tho Allcntown High Srhool, a position ho held until chosen city superintendent In 1803. He rnnked high as an educator nnd organizer, seeing tho Allcntown schools grow to an enrollment of more than 10,000 pupils One son survives More Defenders of Taylor Plnn Members of tho Hunting Park Improve ment Association, at a meeting held last night In tho Park Mansion, Old York road and Lycoming avenue, discussed tho tran sit question nnd fully Indorsed the Taylor plan. Insist on First Trnnslt Plan Tho Central Oermantown Avenuo Busi ness Men's Association nt n meeting held Inst night In Hank Hull, 2R00 Oermantown avenue, reiterated Its decision nn tho trnnslt situation. Tho members emphat ically opposed nny change In tho Taylor plan. A mocment to have nil telephone nnd electric light wires placed under ground wns started. Plans wero made for tho nnnual outing of members of tho Association nnd their fnmlllca on Juno 19 to Woodland beach. Walton Association to Entertain Prlco 11. Fugle will address tho Itu dolph S. Wnlton Home nnd School Asso ciation this nfternoon. A largo number of members nnd their friends are ex pected to attend. Ills subject will bo "A Historical Ilevlcw of American Citi zenship." Miss Trlckett's third grado II 88-NOTE Player-Piano Terms as Low as $2. 00 Weekly Made in Philadelphia. This should mean something to the prospective Piano buyer, who must rely on the statements made by the salesmen as to the merits of the instruments. We could easily purchase some cheap Pianos arid sell them at a price under $400, and make.more profit than we do by making a good Piano and selling from factoryjto home. But when, for over a quarter of cejrfury, we have been 'making Pianos and have earned a reputticm that hal made the name "Cunningham synonymous with meritorious Piano construction andfdura- bility, we can hardly afford to do busmqss on sucha basis. IT PAYS TO THl t i 11th and CHESTNUT STS. Factory, 50th and Parkside Ave. csf .A . .-T T7- Philadelphia Branches 52d and Chestnut SU., 2835 Germantown Ave. ' v OUT-OF-TOWN STORES Scranton, Reading, Pottsville, Johnstown, Sharaokin. Girardville, Williamsport, v -- -V ' k'" 'x A ' Old Seven the Baffler or The joke on the Wizard of Baker Street THAT. fY DEAR WATSON M you StE POINT NO 1 M IS THE MYSTERIOUS 7TK II l5 CROWDf C WITH POINT OF THE FLAVOR la 3h famous 7 pointB 0$! 05b M tsT CHEWING GUM 1 ,SW J m Tll Sherlock? ify -v Ir2fii: 1 v. (gi Hwhil6 point' no tl is Vjl aV55?iw" mv dear I I 'VELVETY BODY-NO GRIT" I WATJNJ POINT NO I x 1 'S CRUMBLE I 'Z) i- PROOF" h "' "tf"""1' " ! i YOU'LL REMEMBEH ?F USeJ?aAtGf ' F& a I POINT NO 4 S i,E-rAW7"SO"- f IQ 0I 3 POINT S IS - zXly i purity- tfp-r swcTO"p ml5 1 'i i i 1 1 i m itii i ! m. ah imi umiMiifl 3 WOW GET REflOY. FO t Al THAT MY M $ POINT NO 6 IS' ,. i dAR WATSON. - I j BY Hfitivs MYSTERY Xj3 q -fiE si Cyt j- p -M I " "i M m i I poinL is one reason vliy Sterling Gum I U is sveepma: tlic country. I s ftl, no ! Points 1 to 6 aren't hard to get. Neither Sherlock nor you would find them hard. And each point is one reason why Sterling Gum is sweeping the country. Lovers of good chewing jtsiny from Ritten- housc Square to Keftsingtonare hunting Point 7. W ' y Can you find it? It is in thejkrin. S' Sold by nearly ct'er) dealer who handles I'oint I Crowded wilh flavor Toint 2 Velvet) liody-NO GRIT roint j uruinuie-prooi x i Point -I SterliiiR purity ""7 Point 5 From a daylight factory Point 6 Uutouched by luudt Point i)SUc jfc cjejgjiM. m j SSKiSTB'SB3SftjBSi'A f ' frfS Mmlff0 vturliT i jk yefiMP i ... v TTifjrriii1iT " 77ii parzits 77 J 7 prti are b4lo o) fend lor (ha iliscovrrv ol Un Hh PoM. a f Sunday Inquirer and , Lfduer ol drii It tor dttail: Theypoint cliewind dutn PERPERMINT IN RED WRAPPER CINNAMON IN BLUE WRAPPER THE STERLING GUM CP,Inc New York M. a Lock Haven nV ' .! " vtf t Jnr...,-,r,AAtkrfM