EVENING- LEDGER PHILADELPniA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1916. Of course you can telephone your want ads to the Ledger : Call Walnut or Main 3000 : Six editions dail; IB ,-i I I r i") i ii ? ibABDiua AUCir ST.,. "610--AltreUv 2Af rnta'.,;,,"1; ' um mmn.1 refined, near f2d st b ; pn. CIIfiSTNUT BT , tor. 50th The t"&Ji , vacancies, rerm, of trsn!nliffupE?irai. 8PRUCR, 1020 KurnMhM pr k,'''f"l"'i rooms. priy, rainv -i-t-irio i""--. "ZZJ-a heat, ecellnt wrvtce. ploneilnhlo JsnTHi BPRUCRt 1224-25Futnlhffl romnj. private .... bthsnnbl'board,. Walnut 7171 VV. BBRUCK T.t' 102H-30 2d llnor ulte: prlvata . toth; choice table board. WalnutT2S5H . BrnitcETTnio Double, ulndo rooms; sprlns rates; ,icK, or dayi elevator. B tROF) well turnlshcd front rooms, 71'" board, in family of 3 adult. sesalng- arc. BBnURtlAN 4 MASONiC AVI?., momsi private bath If desired: tablo board. . menu Ardmors 120 Traitii irouey. , WATNB AVE , 4S02 -Room, board ronv. to train and trolley. Ocrmmlowtt 770 J BOARD WANTED COUPLE desires summer board al or near St. Martin's, convenient to clubhouse, for two , or three months. W. It Waters. 4333 Chest., WANTED noard and room for" man, woman nnd child, with private family Brofrnfed. a 343, Ledfrer Central. I SANITARIUMS nSAUTIFUti location: apodal sclenllllo care: nervous, elderly: every . comron: nurses; every . commn: "uirr.7 City lino. Chestnut Hill, booklet. Dr. lismm. COUNTRY BOARD WANTED On.NTt.EMAN wants board with private fnm lly In suburbs or country within convenient commuting dla. of Phlla. Ad. D 110. ld. Oil. APARTMENTS WALNUT AND 11T1I STS. 3. W. cor.), mod. ern suite: ciccertlonally attractive; high cell. Incst abundantly Ilihtcd on three. sld;;; suitable for housekeeping. If desired! $75, Janitor on premises. IIARnCR, HARTMAN CO.. 1201 Chestnut at. 105 B. UTIt ST. Darhotor apartments! excep tionally deatrablo 2d nnd 4 th door suites 1 2 larito rooms and bnth: every moil. Imp'menti Janitor nn premises: steam heat Included. RAHUKR. HARTMAN & CO., 1201 Chestnut. 12Tir ST., S.ti"l Deslrablo apartments, fur nished or unfurnished, with or without Kitchenette. M, A. Ost. Filbert 0412 W. N". W. COR. 17TII AND SA.NSOM. STS. Deslrablo apartment. I room and bath. Ap ply Jas, D. Wlnchell, on premises. TUB KENNINOTON Pino below Uroad. Attractive sulto of unfurnished rooms, hav ing;, 2 rooms, with private bath, eaa and electrlo lisht. Improveil vapor heating1 nrs. tcm, elevator, service I strictly nreproof build. log; rent 140 nnd $110; reference- necessary. YARROW AND VAN PB1.T 17TH AND CltnSTNUT STS. THE PARKSIDE Amn AND QPrOSITD FAIRMOUNT PARK. , Four tines of carsi convenient to nil sections of the city: nil large outside rooms. Cuisine particularly nttrnctlvo. I'llUNB I1ARINO 221. APARTMENT, unfurnished, 2 rooms, bath and kitchen: h'dw'd floors, eloc. lights, hot-water heat, every conv.. $27.60. 807 N. 17th at. THE NEWPORT ANDargRm West Philadelphia, 135 AND 137 S. 66TH ST. Choice housekeeping apartments i 0 room nnd bnth; exclusive porches; recently put In first class condition. CHAS. W. MILLER 401-407 COMMONWEALTH UUILDINO. 0ATTEnt.EC. 43th and Chostnut Sublet. beautifully turn, npt. Phone Bar. 111)7 11. THE ATHENS ?-room suites, bath, kitchen ette., fur. or unfur. ; board. Ardmors 1324. FURNISHED APARTMENTS WILL rent reasonably to desirable pirty beau tifully turn, suite. 2r. and bath. Clinton St.: exclusive, ref. sur'es. F 833, Led. Central. LION HEAD 3-5 locust. i and bath. West Philadelphia 4011!) POWELTON AVE. t rooms and bath: southorn exposurer hot-water heat, awnings and screens. Pieston 2871 J. FURNSHED apartment to sublet nt Sherwood, 3th and Chestnut sts. l'h. Preston. 2030, BATTEHtEE APTS.. 43th and Chestnut., fur nished npts. for renti Rarlnc 119,7 H- APARTMENT HOTELS ALDINE HOTEL chestnut and AiJUlllJJ ""liJU nineteenth The best rooms and suites, with the best table, in Phila. Day, Week, Month, Season, Year THE DELMAR-MORRI3 OERMANTOWN AT CHEL.TEN AVE. STATION, PENNA. RA1MIOAD: 20 MINUTES FHOM I1ROAD ST. TERMINAL. ATTIIACTIVELT FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED SUITES AND IIOUSCKEEPr 1NQ APARTMENTS. HOTEL COLONIAL 8ggNTA? Newly decorated and refurnished through out: comfortably furnished parlor, bedroom and bath by the day, week or month, at rea sonable rates: service and culslno unexcelled. WM P. KENNBY. Manager. THE CLINTON TENsTPRucr?L0W 2o rooms, EVEny convenience. Furnished or unfurnished; either by lease or transiently: suites or ona to four rooms, with bath. THE LINCOLN LOCUST BELOW 13T1I STREET Transient and Permanent Quests Table the Beat ' TUB COVINOTON CHESTNUT AND 37TII STS, R. F. ENOLB. MANAQEU. Also-thejEnjilcslUa. Beach Haven. N. J., Choice two-room suites; for rent, THE GLADSTONE "jJggjS" FURNISHED OR UNFURNISIIEb ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE TRACY PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT QUESTS gnill wnw mt,aiu k r titr niRiiwnnn 1808-1810 Chestnut strut. Rooms with bath: single and la suites. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS SUBLET S rooms and S baths. "The Ilur. ltngton." Mertoq W. Orelms. JTranklln Bank Hldg Phooa Walnut 6a;0. ! ilOUSEKEEPINd pts.. all parts of city: rents 12. ta 170 per mouthi call, phone or wrlta for Infarmatlon. Samuel Stern. 1201 Chestnut, JHJPLAR APARTMENTS. 1818-20 Poplar St. 2, 3 and 4 room suites, furn. or isifurn) bot- . water heat, private baths, hot Water. BUCKINOHAM Apu. 10: 1 nam.. 2 b., porch. ph. ITes. SaiH. A. 1. Held, 4118 WalnutaU SMALL SUITE, lurnljhe.1. hom.kMf.lnj, 13; room and kitchenette. J3.00. 1401 N. 16ib, MILLIE AND HER FfOVRC (JETTINGTQ B6 A HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT3 Continued jrom Prectdlno CoIumn N. n, COR, 17TII A WALNUT BTS. Tlie newest and mot distinctive apArtmenl house In 'Philadelphia: deslrshle 10-room houeckeeplnit suites, with southern, eastern and western etnosures. Apply on premises, or phono Walnut 8020. MnnTON w. onr.tMS Franklin Bank Hldg. . 1M2 KORTIt 1CTII ST. , M Modem housekeeping apartments! reduced rentals: just renovated throuehout. Apply to Janitor, on premises, or LEWIS A, TAU LANE, S. W. cor, 0th and Walnut st. 18TH. 17IS N. ft.room Itrgn flat: white enamel flnlh: It windows: flro tower. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS OF SECURING AN APARTMENT Ton can look At one after another until you find one, or . . You enn go nrnund to the different agen cies until In despair you take one, or You Can Call, Phono or Write to This Office It in nulto tniftthAt nearly ,?vpry deflrnbl apartment In Philadelphia Is listed with and MAV h. H.tl thAMt,1 tt. 'imeni in miianon be rented throusl ill vinnn In Milts Call upon us In our now offices: thevaro really nultn attractive: ymi. 'will lie given the most courteous and efficient aorvleo ob tainable. ... . An automobile Is waiting to tnko you to tho list of apartments you designate, and If by any chanco J on nre not. perfectly suited our entire organization will be placed nt your disposal to procure for you cxartly your heart's desire. Think of. all thn trouble you will have saved nnd now clad vou will be to .know you havo found tho one npartment In Phila delphia which most nearly approached your exact Ideal. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1111 WALNUT ST. . Spruce 3071. Rare 802.1. THE WARWICK inon-os-lo Ssnsmn st , A modern 7-Btory fireproof building, contain ing suites uf apartments halim I to (I rooms with all conveniences for housekeep ing. Thn entire water supply In this build ing Is filtered. Thero nre 2 or .1 deslrablo vacancies; on" suite, nn the nth floor, con taining 0 rooms, nt J.1S per month, and ono on tho 3d floor, nt IM) per month. Tlierp Is a. caterer In tho building, who will era meals when wanted, either In the public dining room or In tho nnnrtmnnls VlIlTESIDE & McLANAHAN N. W. cor. lfitli and 1'lne sts. THE ENOLEWOOD, 320 S. 11TH ST. Meal centrnl housekeeping apartments: suites 3 rooms, kitchenette nnd bath. Apply Jonllor. on premises, or LEWIS A. TAULANE. 0U0 Walnut st. , . THE ClABLES 4000 to 4832 Old York Road 2-story rt-room housekeeping ninrtments. Ront J40. Transit facilities untiuald. Uecht, 1218 CheBtnut bu Janitor on promises. APARTMENT BUREAU Apartments exclusively, eerywhcrn.nlt Prices Phono Walnut 102fl. Frnnklln Bank Hldg. FOR MODERN, furn. or unfurn. nmrtments. Northwest Phila. and Tioga, see us llrst. BCHOEPPY & CO.. 1B17 Montgomory ae. West Phllailelphln ANGORA TERRACE. C337 B choicest loca tlon Sublet, nttracttvo npt. of D rooms and bath, south and west expos. Inquire on prem., or Room 702, 1701 Chestnut. Tol. Spr. 2110. THE RUTLAND AITS . JUST COMPLETED, LOCUST ST.. filTH TO C5T1I ST. fi-rooms-and-batlt ajiartments. with all the ateBt conveniences. $40 to I42.BO per month. ROBP.IIT PITTS. AOENT. . Bell phnfln Blmont 4 133. Ii4 13 Locust st. DREXEI. APARTMENTS OVERIIROOK STATION One housekeeping suite, O rooms nnd. nath. 183.31 per month; publlo dlnlns room. Phone Overbroolt I1S2S. . THE I.ARCHWOOD, r.2d and Lnrchwood nve.. overlnoklnff Black Oak Park, seven rooms, two baths, second floor. Inqulro tenant on third floor, or John O. Williams. 727 Wal nut. THE CHILTON First and 3,1-lloor apartments, from J10 to 133. MRS. R, McUAIN. 321S Baring St. THE REIDI.YN 1.10. T rooms nnd bath; half block from 40th st. "I." station. TAMES ;. MITCHELL, loth ft Market sts. ESSEX, 3ith and Chestnut.' Mqnterey; 48d nnd Chesterr Belmont, .filth and Hprlnsr, Gar- den. Inquire Janitor orCresse. 30H Halo Bid. OAK LANT. OAK LANE Deelrablo furn. apt.. I rooms. bath, lawns, porch, 128 mo. Oak Lano 120SW REAL ESTATE POR SALE CITY 2022 N. 25TII ST., S.story 8-room direlllqg: all conveniences, prlco reasonable;! easy terms. .INDUSTRIAL TRUST, CO.. IPSO N. Front St.. BAROA1N! Only-1200 to IR00 cash renulrrrfi 1721 N. 18th. 1017 Fatrmounl avo. Hum lelon. MARSHALL II. Cor. 21st and Wallace. SMITH, lull Chestbut. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY One of the very best houses on Diamond at. l Broad st. : will sacrlflcf f TAULANE. 000 Walnut SL est of HOMES and Investments, northwest; Bend for my complete list beforo purchasing In this section; easy terms JAMES p. WINCHELL. 2040 NT 20th, MUST BE SOLD S. W. cor. 17th nnd Colum bia me. 13room dwelling, 2 bathav.a good location for business nnd npartmonts.l b. L. CAHUE. owner, 1 720 N, 21th t. CALL AND EXAMINE IT;.10 rooms, bnth and storerooms; perfect order; 2Q2R N? nth st. Publlo aale April 26, 1010. at FREEMAN'S, IB III Chestnut, st, BEAUTIFUL 3-story 10-room alrllte house; hot-water heat electrlo Ueht. uwuer Will sacrifice below assessment, J3S00.' SKESi;. 2Uth nnd Citmbrla. DIAMOND ST, RESIDENCE. nea Huh; 12 rooms: prlco IBflOO: Immediate pqwesalon 51. J. IAI.I.Y. 2141 North llilli Bt. 1B43 NORTH I1TH ST. front. 11 rooms, tlna 3 story brnwustona' oruer; jseu cneap Wm, L. Craen's Sons. 1B4I1 N. tth st. RIDOB AVE. AND DAUPHIN 3 Btory, 10 largo rooms.flne location fur doctoj-nr unartr ments: must sell SEBSE. 2th andCambrla ' 25 1 232 N. BTH ST. Two 4-story Louses lot aOxOO feet to Ileess St. L. A. WHITE. 1807 W. Tlog-i'st. ATTRACTIVE apartment house site, good loca. tlon: re-isoiiabla price: lot IOpx2.10N ' HArtny o. c. Williams. 522 Walnut. 2631 N, ' 31ST 2-story porch-frontdwelllng, excellent conaition; males ofxeri tsrma to TAULANE. 1)00 Wabiut id 8. 17TH ST.. 232-231, 7TT- L'nr, Kitiennousa; 2S rooms: 13.JXU0 i SAMUEL W. LIWIS. Ileal Eat Trust Bids : UixB8 700 W. YORK ST. 3-story brick dwelling, all Improvements; price reasonable: easy terras1 1 j raBoiiauio: easy le. 1030 N. Front at. iiiuuBtrwi inm t-o. CAMAC. N. 100512 rooms; good order; open' back; southerniexposuret bis barg.-lfUi Whit l(iH6 tllllHIUSUll, AOK .V, all, B. 1730 fJTBR6XD"ST. 3"-story"porch; : Mraire liy rear: maxa oner: terms to ul "t TAU- itAnr, wu wainut su H, W, COR. HkTH AND CIIERRYSTS. XjOi 4ciuj. jAAira u, Wiriuui-LX., si. W' cor. 17th and Hansom sts. UNUSUAJ. BAROAIN North Broayl'st. resli dene. 2403; modern In every reswit-Hvlll sell Wall-vasal m aaantanl " P nt5T" m .uk l -arrLi.' "'"v stsatssjiiicin, iit. i-lf.Uj, I satU Hllll IOTX. BEAUTIFUL RE8IDENCE. Park ap. beloV York, 11 rooma, t baths, porclaTaairdwooa floors, eta. M. 6ETZ. 13th and'Vark. i EXCELLENT" paying apartment house and? stores In good location, hot-w-terheatlng? porches eta. M. OETZ. 13th snoVTork. , UOUSE-rl843 E. Orleans St., 8 room batbl and porch, all conveniences, prlca J33I0, f CAMERON ESTATE. 2811 Kensington ave. I2D00 1033 N. CAMAC ST.t easy tenrdu A. IL. WILLIAMS, i-h vfijSt. MILLIONS ULC REAI) ESTATE FOR SALE . CITV oj(sjrjromrrccpllaoJ?ohimn "TRIDENT" WATER METER New r,rntwrt!rta pen en nn wfttel meter rates at onco If Install) before being occupied. Ask your plumber or & . PHILADELPHIA METER COMrgNY,, vt- ileal instate -irust iiuuainx. WALNUT STREET CORNER' 84x142 13 streets), Attractive terms. Possession can be arranc-d J. A. PATTERSON, 130 S. 13th at. EXCELLENT opportunity for baker 1103 1107 Bhackamnxon et.t 3-story brick store nnd dwelling, containing stord, R rooms and bnth, with a large 1-stdry brick Vhkehonso adjoining: extra Infge lot. 40x141.10 pay at.l two 3 story dwelling In rear: loll also con tains largo wagon shed and stall. Further particulars, CHAS. W. MILLER, 401-107 Commonwealth Building. 2000 MT. VERNON Beautiful modern real denco. 12 rooms, 2 baths, hardwood floors throughout, hot-water heat, excellent condi tion: cost owner J12.000 two yean sgo: will snrrlflco for SSMO. ns nwner Mutt leavo cltyi must bo seen to bo appreciated! Open for lnspctlon day or ovenlntf,' or phone Spruce 4701 for full particulars, CENTRAL PHOPKRTins for salo or rentl Bend us your rcrujlrcmonts. f YARROW & VAN TELT, V N. 11. cor. 17th nnd Chestnut ts. Thono niRO Rpruco or 2(170 Race. MARKET ST. PROPERTIES at aacrinee, 4flx 17fl through to rear Rtreet; Just wet of 17th street, and rlpo for tmmedlilo Improvement. Mut bo sobl within 30 days. i J. T. JACKSON CO., Chestnut nnd 13th. ALLEGHENY AVE . west of 12th St. Beau tiful 3-story brick duelling;. 13 rooms. 2 lmh. nil niAlern conveniences, tiartlculars CHARLES W, MILLER, 401-107 Common wealth Building. MONEY FOR MORTGAGES Bulldlnir Association nnd Trust Ponds. TAULANE. linn Walnut st. lfiO'l I.11CIIHT ST. Handsom6. inodrrn -l-story brownstenoVdwell Ing: especially fitted for pnifrsilonjilotflces: low price and cnslrnis for quick ssle 172(1 JIT VERNON Sldo-inrd dwelllnff, two baths; good condition. . , v WILLIH-WINCHESTER CO.! 10(11 Chestnut st. ' I'dctorlcs, 1Varflionse. Mfc, Floors S. W. Cor. Lawrence & Vine Sts. 3-story brick factory bulldlnir . and ndlolnlng properties! lat , 87.0x1:17.(1 feet. Particulars. CHAS. W. MILLER "gjJl"-' roR BALE 205-207 Chestnut st. l'Uo-stury nfflco and warchouso. contnlntnff oyer 13. Mo square feet. In order to rloso nn eatntu thlT property will bo sold chenp. Apply John U. Mllior. 415 Land Titlo Dulldlntf. Mores nnil Dwellings BARQAIN N. W. Cor. lr.lh and Edgely; 11 r.: 2-titory brick stnlilo In rear: nss' l ,J('0neii for SUOniJ. N. W. Cor. Imlt.-inn. nArl T..n H r. : prlco low. C 1 1. Rhonda, 1 fith nb. Susg. Building I.ols, I'actory Sites, etc. FACTORY SITES fv ' " SPRING GARDEN STREET' rnoa vv Fifth to Broad Street ASPHALTED STREET. 120 FEET WIDE: OOOD LIOHT: CENTRAL LOCATION: NEAR HOMES OF EMPLOYES: CONVENIENT TO RAILROAD TREIOHT STATION. APn.Y THOS. E. DUNN 133 South Fifth St. N. T3, COR. 2D -AND DIAMOND STS. Well located "slto nnd buildings, ndaptcd for fac tories, parages, etc.: lot OOxino to PaletUorp at. L17VV1S A. TAULANE. S. W. cor. 0th and Walnut Bts. . a; Lumber Yard With Railroad Siding , for sale, near North Philadelphia Station. Frederick H. Warner 020 Land Titlo BuIIdlnB. IDEAL FACTORY and wnreijnuso slteCSthree equares from 12th nnd Market: llpfit iw 3 sides. pis. ns It Is more than B jvr cont. oer taxes antl Is rapidly Incrraslngdh nlu: enure price can remain on inoriKHKe ii iruif erty is improca. M 718. Ledger Central. f3 LOTS, south s!la Dickinson bet. 27th nnd 2lh streets. loo lots. 71st st. nnd Elmwood avo. All street Imprnvermnts In main streets: trol ley Oil low price: easy terms, 210 VStephOn. rani 111 dg. - SITES, KAILROVD for sale. Pennsylvania nnd Iloudlng: $2000 per aero nnd up,' accord ing lu location Inqulro for terms, si " DIETRRICH. 737 Walnut. SALE Large property. Bruno Bt. and railroad frontage: closing oik estate , u..v,,..u ......... ..u...... , Broad and Huntingdon. FINE LOCATION. NORTHEAST. TOR OPERATION of 30 houses udvnnces secured for resnnnslhlo lralliler I'ESIBEIITON ES. TATES Harrison Building. vy Oltlll'NU I'UU Btlll.DEItS bought, sold, ex changed. AUGUST II KCHUIE.' , tlilll Germnntnwna'o. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS anil large" tracts ground In nil pirts cltv; nlso oer 20Q mfg sues. jieiviri,iaiD-iu iieaii.s(. i ruscf ume . 431-11-8 AMERICAN 100. through toABo- dlnM; gn,il plm e for fi torv or lnr'-ytnPle- V jiaico oner. ituiu.vli, oji. -oin. FACTORY SITE" 1 17-140 N. 0th: lot Ofl.pdift. A II WILLIAMS, .122 Wafrititix Stores nnd Duellings 13830 CATHARINE & ALDENr eaay tlrms: Bte.im heat, electric light, parquetryifloorlng; iwrrcb Ivershaw & f'rowl B213 Chestirut. M'KiT PIIILAlH-y.PIHA 8010 CHESTNUT ST Two-story, side-yard house, porch front, lot 1'J.H by 114.0; electric lights, parquetry flooring, metal . weather strlDPCd throughout. Apply to .OWNER on premises. Telephone Preaton 31I0f fjiuun rooms, noi-waier neac, sas anA rieo trie light, parquetry floors, ahowwr balh.'gas kltchei.s and all other modern uppolntroenta. DANIEL CRAWFORD. JR.. BUILDER. " OSth and Hadfleld sts. J3100 n-IIOOM POUCH modern housn an,S7th St., between Chester and bprlngfleld 'Aves.; also other goo,l homo propositions. E. II. APSLEY. BSth and SprlngfleliTave. SS02 OSAQE AVENUE Steam tiat.,,ftJcctrlo ngnt, J rooms unu Lain on fac4nu-irioor. Dutch hall; price. J200O. V i YONKKR riON. 317 South 50th street. BEND FOR" LIST SALE Oil RENT! JOS. M. RAKER L B2d and Baltlmoro a vs. JM WIIRLAN'S HOMBS . 00TII AND PASCHALL AVE, i Apply 1011 CHESTNUT ST. I t f ,nutf M-W . V... A , .,.n,,l 0.,, vOA.,1'. V 4LIIII q.tt'PeilV M.,1.. a. 28x100: cJ8i, W,n n u.a.,u. u LIUIlBjr imn. Utr UIHUUWIW BVB. TVD-ST STORY Dorch-front dwalllnjr. ts. a737Caii; Mid cunnltlou; , 822 Walnut. arlno St.: good location: rnwid cneap. tiarry u, u. wiuiams CCopyrighU 1018.) , good Oye.MONTV. I'm l .-. TOTKEdPERA LOITH J rv . REAIi ESTATE FOR SAI.E WEST rillLADnLPIIIA Conllimcrf from Preceding Column a... nuY ON T"B POt'I.BVARD. BOth ST. ABOVE LANSDOWNK AVE. The -cry liest construction. Irwrnrrjit nn in, Knnn JTp to date in every particular. Includl ncludlns; na-unuvi iiuuib .inrmignoui. JAS. C. ENBUIlO, Builder, THREE-STORY HOUSES, TWO-STORY HOUSES, SIDBYARD HOUSES Many styles and prices In our restricted! neighborhood, near Park and Boulevard, tennis club, schools and churches, ' trolleys nnd trains. PBMBRRTON ESTATEH. RSttt and Vlllows avo. A fow houses for rent. 1IADFIELD AVE. Wo have only one house remaining; for. salo, at 14200, with New l.ngland central doorway. Colonial stairway, eleeplnB porch with French casements: Hal Ian sunken garden In the rear: opeil'for Iri JPdCtlon. PEMBERTON ESTATES, 1438 B, 1.8th St. NE.Ul 42DAND BALTIMORE AVE B-story semidetached dwelling: hot-water hest nnd initrin llwht n.t-i. t.nlii .u-a. i... -..;u.::j i'" """- v.u-" "." "ii lVBniV8?..',lritr jroportyi wants oTtr )V- .'lV'-au'CK "II",, Inc. H. -I0TH ST. BOTlt PHONES .... "i: ..' v I'tuiiir. flO SACRlVICJi AT J7000 12-room now modern house, cornor two main sts., South Ootn St., Including estnb. and Browing business tfrsl floor: sickness nnd death compel cllettt.to sell nt sacrifice. ; .T, A. WISTER. R01 South 00th St. .- . a,r4 INVESTMENT Id houses. noer vacant, 1400 blocl North Conestoga at.; ront 110; assessment 11700: I) rooms and bath: porch fronts, small Vonount of cash Mtt.LKR NORCROSS REALTY COMPANY. ri200 Lancaster avo. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED , 8020 SPRUCE ST. J t, Assessed vnluo 113,000: 18 feet 2 ImHes by 14S deep; 11 rooms. 2 bathrooms fj CHARLES H. BUCKLEY 34 South 40th street I WILL SELL an nttrnctlvo home, four largo bodrooms nnd tllo bath on second floor: par lor, roccption hail, dining room, kitchen, laundry and toilet on first floorl lioui" In first class condition nnd convenient ,tn Calh nJbhujrchjjndcsJhVoo:dl(d.ln40W, D02I SPllUCE Cost 22.000f assessed'tili.ooo: must sell regardless of cost or assessment: 4-story twin: lot to roar street: suitable for erection of garage. v TAYLOR H SON. 24 nnd 20 fl.MOth. SEND. for largo tlst West Philadelphia hodses, roulh of Market, all sizes, all prices, t ' T II. Msclnnlss & Son. Bonn Bnlllmora nve. Building Lots OARAOE.LOT. prominent locttlnn: Hloar or will build for purchaser. An BKifuMTrket ar.ifMANTowN SEDGWICK TV THE 7HOHEST PART or GERMAN TOWN. SEVERAL NEW DETACHED CO LONIAL DWELLINGS; 12 ROO.MS, 2 BATHS; OARAGE: LOCATION EXCEP TIONALLY fine: noMi;q valued J110SI 120,500 TO 35,onr OPPOSITE: IT WILL PAY YOU, TO INQUIRE ABOUT THESE PROPERTIES. A CI mnT7TITnAT I 1IS0N ( I, '.RMANTOAVN. Ti PREMISES 1 XX. O. lUUXVIOUlN T014 BOYEn 8TV. OERM, UL'l IKJlt JM 'ItlU 420 W. STAFFORD BT. Exceptionally deslrablo residence, In best condition: 4 minutes' walk from Chelten. Nye. stntlon, P. 11, 11.; reception hall, 11 'Moms, 111 closets, bath. Apply to owner, on prem ises, or at 328 Chestnut St.. Room 300. OERMANTOWN, W. Washington lano, near Greeno st. 3-story semidetached aldptyard .dwellings, 12 rooms nnd bath each:! extra Jlarge lot. CHARLES W. MILLER. 401-407 . Commonwealth Building. t MANHEIM ST.. opposltn Cricket Club; beautl- c.tful location; Qucon Lano stntlon i!i squares .or 18th st. trolley: new houses; tl0.n00casy I terms. HANDLE. Stephen Glrnrd lllrtg. jl3 EAST UPSAL ST. 3-Btory porch-front IllveillUK. lillK. i.irui III,', IUn,llll.i MrijuKU ,i, mirwm ." .,'" ,.,.,, . in,,.. ..m-. .. WE pANosslst u to find that houso yon aro looKing ror iiermaniown irusi 1.0.,' unouen nnd Gerniantown aves IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HOME (n Ocr mantown. Mt. Airy or Chestnut Hill, consult me. A. R. Meehnn. 0747 Germnntowrt nvo. IIIOICE HOMES, TulnhocIcen st ensl oc j,er mnntnwn nve. J. II. CHADWICK, CO.. B022 Germnntown nve ' STOP LOOKING I'OR A HOME We have thn ono you want. II. It. LISTER & SON) B012 Germantnwn nve. Mt. Airy. Germnntown NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READY. Pelhnm. Mt Airy nnd Chestnut Hill. PET.HAM TRUST CO.. 0740 Germnntown nve. Hedcvflck. Germnntown SEDGWICK , ,' " ARTISTIC COLONIAL" BWEM.fKO.INBW), 12 ROOMS. 3 BATHS. ONE SQUARE "ROM SEDGWICK STATION: CONVENI ENT TO STORES. SCHOOLS ANI) ALL CHURCHES THIS HOUSE CANNOT IIP. DUPLICATED FOB THE PRICE. llBljOO: SEND FOR PHOTO AND FULL PAR TICULARS. A. S. TOURISON 701 I BOYER ST . OERMANTOWN. OFFICE ON THE PREMISES. Chr.tnut Hill A BEAUTIFUL SITE of 2'A acres, overlook ing Fnlrmount Park, with stono nnd framo residence, containing 10 rooms nnd;4 baths. An nlmost new Colonial residence, i, with garage and ono acre, on the crest bC. Chest nut Hill. V WARNOCK & EMLEN Common lal Trust Building, STONE COLONIAL HOUSE , 14 rooms, 3 baths; combination stable and garago; 2 acres; best section, high elevation; old shade, house designed by Mantlo Field ins: price 33 ooo i HERKNESS & STETSON 'v. LAND TITLE BUILDING. ,. St. Martin's. Chestnut Hill 1H ACRES, with Btono. English atvla resi dence containing 13 rooms nnd, 3 -baths; garage WARNOCK & BMLEN.Scommer clal Trust Building . Tioga WILL SACRIFICE my homo nenr lnlh and Erie, 3 story. II rooms, hardwood. Imn In street, cost 3000. any renson-blo-. offer accepted. L 300. Ledger Office. J Corner Lot 23x223 to rear ftif 12-r. house: 2 bathnj bargain. C. P. TETERS &. SON. IIOS CHC8TOI1T ST. " WE llAVll THE HOUSE YOU WAn5 KENNEDY & RAMBO. 3740 GERMAHtOWN' i44 N 22D ST. Porch-f ront dwelling; Igood condition. I K HARRY Q C. WILLIAMS. B22 WalrtutVj. - . 7ZZZ . . . . AV ...l '? 1723 TIOGA ST 14 rooms; lot 23x23rVargo in rear, owner anxious to sell. . WM. G. QI.ENN, 1.117 Columbia Vye. S123 N, 2Iat st Saton'. 11-room dwelling; price reasonable, easy terms. INDUSTRIAL TRUST CO . 10,10 N. Front at. j Logan STORES. DWELLINGS AND APARTMENTS ror aaio or item In Best Sections . of Logan WM. D. CHAMBERS, 4033 N. Broa at. T LOGAN REAL ESTATE 8ALE. RENT AND EXCHANQB 4 M. M. Smith. Broad opp. Jiaan Htatton. MODERN FORCIl DWELLING. 7 rooms. Wiv ing re 134001 ing room style, 2 squares from station. Aaaresa u zai. ledger urnca v Oak Lane NEW corner i-noi'ERTY Every modern Improvement, hardwood floors, flrepltfc- emeni. naruwoou noors. nrepiace. etc.; prlco iiauu. : prico iauu, WM. BARR. 8th and Oak Lane. SMALL COLONIAL HOUSE. 0418 Camunst, new. detached: room for garage. lv- t V. S. TYRE. J Bqo Arch at, V I si- ... REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Corttfmied ft oni Preceding cMirnin PENNSYLVANIA SI IlllllBAN AMBLER We have a splendid offering of large and small farms of nil kinds, sultftblo for all purposes, .extensive country places, suburban homes, building lots, etn.t odvlse us character of property sou desire, how .ttttAh 'IM .MM. In ln,w.l nn,1 tftf It.tStllinllt you spcclai list, H. J. bager. Inn. -Ambler, "W i BALA STONE COLONIAL HOUPPi nnd Karngel convenient to train nnd IrpOev: 12 rooms, 3 baths: entirely inodernt loq 7fixlflj, Apply LOWER MERtQN REALTY CO, LAND TITLE BUILDINO Bala Detached Dwelling containing 7 bodrooms, 2 baths ("Vvlthln b Rlnutes' walk of Ilnla Station and trolleri' t 00x300: garago with man's room. SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 320 COMMERCIAL TRUST. I1LDO. OR 201 HALA AVE.. CTNWYD. . BALA A detached all-stone Colonial .corner property, 13 rooms nnd 2 bathrooms: located In tho most desirable section of Itnlatlrot 113x101; can be purchased below cpst. SAMUEL C. WAGNER,' JR. i'Ul 11AI.V AV1J., L'l.llllW, 11., OR COMMERCIAL TRUST tU.pO, roi.r.tMnHnAt.n W LOTS A few nlco building lots for rale, from $400 up: nenr train and trol.i terms to suit. . R. E. HENDERSON. 1181 S. RroadjMj CTNWYD ; BEAUTII'UL ENGLISH HOUSE, wtthbarnge: 10 rooms, 4 baths (0 chambers), B nreplscee: nil modorn Improvements: handsomely fin ished throughout; rooma lame nnd bright! narage holds 2 cars: over one nere LOWER MEtllON REALTY. CO. LAND TITLE UUILDINO CTNWVD BARGAIN AT CYNWYD IIO.BOO, reduced from $12,000, n.detnched stono and plaster Colonial house, 10 rooms nnd 2 bathrooms; 0 minutes Ironi stntlon; largo lot. SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 201 HALA AVE,. CYNWYD,PA, CTNWYD Building" lot. nttractlvo location, nearest to stntlon nt price; dulclt, salo wanted. Box 2bt). Cynwyd, Pn. , y DELAWARE COUNTY SnTe. cheap, B3 acres, waterfall, electrlo light and trolleys, q hillcs from City Hall; rlpo for dorlojmenuor In- vestment. MerBlion. 835 Land Tlllrf: DREXEL HILL I aero of ground:.. S-room houso: barn: garage:, abundant fruity excel lent for poultry raising: bargain. I HAURx W. KOCH, Drexel HllH ' ' EDGDWOOD PARK In tho heart of tho fatraius CHELTEN HILLS IIIh, Healthy, ricturesque rino Winding Roadways SPRINGFIELD WATER, GAH, Xtn. Restricted. Lots 100x20(1 nnd Larger. ELKINS PARK STATION 1 or York Rond Trolley nt Ogont2 10 MILES TO CITY HALL For pnrtlculnrs apply to C. E. HAUERUUSH. Sales Agent Thono Oak Lano 177 W. .,, 1808 Seventy-flrst nve., Oak Lnno.. Phna. ELKINS PARK ELIZABETHAN RESIDENCE ELKINS PARK . , , I5ts 70x132 $11,000. ,' . Now bulldlnir most approved Btylo; EllJa bothan residences, will tiller plans to BUlt. RIIOADS PAUL 13.1 S. Bth Bt.. and Elklns Park. ELKINS I'ARK High-class home at, Elklns Park. 14 rooms. 3 ImthB; lot 113x2O0:,rlght nt station nnd hnndy to York road tirolley; (1B.B0O If sold now. ' ' . .1. T. JACKSON. Oak Lane. , ELKINS PARK. PA. Framo house. 10 rooms, largo lot, garden nnd poultry , houib; old shado: moderato prlco: near tralatinu trol- ley. Particulars on request. D 2. Led. Off. ELKINS I'ARK "Colonial mansion, jenrner Park nnd Elklns ne , 3 ncres, 1R r.. stable, garage, truck fruit. luxurlousA flowers; might rent. BROWN, CI ion York road. ELKINS I'ARK New CoIOnlnl dwelling, 12 rooms. 2 bnths. high elouitlon; close to eta,; prlco f III.SIHI MCCORMICK & MCCORMICK, Hill Chestnut nt and Elklns Park. GLENSIDE Bargain, framo detached house, 10 rooms and bnth, all modern conveniences; lot 10x17,1 feet, old shade. 3 minute tn sfi tlon: jirko $imio, call today. RENNJKOEIl REXNINGEIt. Olenslde. Ta. I OLENSIDE Modern" Btono nnd frame.! 12 rooms, water heat, open fireplace! garage; old shndn- corner lot nnxl.in- prlco; $in.iio. RENNINOEIt & RF.NNINOER Olenslde. Ta. GLENSIDE Attrnctle stono nnd frame. II rooms open flreplaco, garage i corner, BOxl.10; prlen $3100 5 ! RENNINaER iRENNlNGER. Glefislde, ' GLENSIDE Cozv 2 story, 8 rooms, ,all con- enlenres. lot 25x1 BO: price $.1000. " RENNINOEIt JtENNINGER. Olnnsldo,' Pa. LANSDALE Lot. 01x10.1 ft mln tn'tTtlnJnnd trolley, deslr TAULANE. 1)00 Wnlriutxt. LANSDOWNE 0-room half stono nnd stucco house; lot 18x148: 3 minutes from tmlleyt 10 minutes from train: gaa nnd clectrh; lights; hot water hent: prlre. $.1000. Apply 'F. 11. VANRRICK.3TMap!oayc..I.an;.lowne. LANSIlOWNE Artistic, beautiful newi home. 10 rooms, terms reasonable. GARDINER. 10th and Wharton V NORTH OLENSIDE Corner lot. 1.10x103; re stricted neighborhood: train nnd trgllryl fine view: lnrge lot, 100x300; all street Impfovo ments: 2 blocks trnln and trolley: yliki other sites: special Inducements to home! builders! benutlful new buttgnlow, 1 rooms and bath; faorahle terms: tnko Glenslile trolley to Ardsley or writ the North Glcnslde Land Co., riortn uienstiio. i-a. NORWOOD Nice homo. 231 Chester. rlk: 0 rooms, bath, nutkltrhen and unOnlsl urn attic; comenlences: lot BOx'200; $3000. SlflLTON, 210 Chester pike ROXBOROUGH Two new stono bunga lows, 7 rooms, tiled bnth, electria lights, hardwood floors, open fireplace, statlouarv bookcases, hot-water heat. iaundryflE. Wal nut lnno; room for garage, E. Barrett, 838 H Walnut lane. RYDAL Stuno house, stable, opportunity, prlco $12,000 Maurice J. Hoover 20 acres, itreat -v fQ Real Kstito Trust'BlO- SEDGWICK NEW DETACHED STONE BESIDEVCE ATTRACTIVE ENGLISH DESIGN WITH RED TILE ROOF: 8HRUIITIKUY I AND IDEAL SURROUNDINGS Till DWELL ING HAS 13 ROOMS. 3 BATHS AND WILL APPEAL TO THE FAMILY REQUIRING SIX BEDROOMS WITHIN A FEW MIN UTES OF TRAIN. TROLLEY. GOOD STORES. SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES. WRITE OR PALL AT OCR OFFICE FOR DETAILED INFORMATION A. S. TOURISON 7014 BOYER ST.. OERSIANTOW "2L nsi SWARTHMORE Substantial. 12- qirf, semi. detached, modern house, all i nnVenlences; i,ti. ikib, ,iuu, ' tut, jjcu!.,- euirm. TROOPER, PA. AN ESTAnUSIIED .suburban community; nve cent fara to Norrlstown: artalnif water; centra) school; pnstofllcn, store. 100-fodt lots. 1300 upward, aemt for leaflet. rv BROWN & CLOUD NOKIUBTOWN, TA, WEI.DON 0 acrea of valuable ground beau tlful modern atone and ahlnirleA horne: 20 rooms. 2 batha, 4 fireplace. hotMsitei heat, porches on three sides; 401 feet frontage on willow Grovrt turnpike, at Wcldon, near Olenslde; easily worth 130.000. will be sold for about one-half that prlco, less than tho alue of the ground atone, but It was taken over for a mnrtttage and mum be converted lnt'i cash. Make an appointment to ex amine this positive bargain. HOWARD B, WILSON & CO. 2122 OERMANTOWN AVE and 2230 WEST LEHIGH AVE. IT ISN'T EVERY ONE WHO GETS A CHANCE TO JBE UlECCi MONTy.'YOU KNOUJyeRV BEAT ESTATE TOR SAtB I'F.NNS l.VANlA SUBURBAN Costlnticd from Preceding Column, WHITE1IARSH VALLEY . ... FARM OF 150 ACRES In Whltemarsh Valleyi convenient to Chest nut lltll nnrl HMI WMtAtmnrlh tlnnl nnrl tlotf Clubs) unusually larse farilihouse. barn lor' n iiu.fu ol piock: omi. snnaci tvipsanicKon Creek nowa through brcvrtyi moderate prlca to close-estate. I HERKNESS KTETSON LAND TITLE BUILDING YOUR OPPORTUNITY R20 000 WYNNEWOODqtVlonlal stone. (I 2--- chamhefR, 2 Imtfis; 2-rar psfnee. S12 500 I'LANERCH-SyVll-Btonn Colonlal.n v ' u bodrooms and Vslecplnir porcns on 2d Onor, S8 000 CYNWTD California bunsalow, 7 v ' rooms nnd bath; heated Karaite, Chcqtor Oqhnrtin B0I'T agent tjltt.att.1 WHUUI lib JB24 cuRSTNUT ST. SUBURBAN DWELLINGS Best locations $10.000 wVS,000: unusual values: pnrtleulars by mall. . SfAURAN, ..DOLMAN ft CO.. 2.10 Land Title Building. 2'4-STORY STONE DWULLINGs O rooms! modorn rnnvn I 1 ncroi abundance, or fruit nnd shado;. nenr train and trollefi J0230. it. ii. MccoLLinn , 1314 Walnut Bt... rhllsOolbhlar "Don't Forttet tho Number." 101 LLANPAIR ROAD 1 J07BO . ,i s. bntht lot 0Oll4M' I T, DOLAN A CO.l Cynwyd, I'a. iMftm . . rt 0 rooms, bntht lot 00ll4! V. JA.UIi l, l cynw ATTRACTIVE NEW BUNGALOW: rtill, con veniences! desirable locations beautltul out look. North Glensldo Land Co, of nto at .'Ardsley Station, BUNOALOW8 Tho lHtter klndj-nftrnctlve, substantial) conveniences) price.' reasonable. N. Olenslde Land Co. Ortlco nU Ardsley Station. . 1 .. . CHOICE UUILDINO SITES.. nnd ncrenae. ! ARTHUR P. TOWNSEND, Lamthorne, BUBURBA IAN HOMES FOR BAI,e3r,RENT WENDELL A MASSKY I . Real Estate Trust Building, '. SON. 14H South I'enn so. TOUN SUBURBAN HOMES, country plnces,i and building sites to suit nil requirements: Mam Line. H. C. HUNTER, Wayne. Fa. SUBURBAN dwellings nnd bungalows fey, sale, irom .auifu up, R-1 our lini. jiiaii, unoo Market st. nnd 212 Darby rond, Llanerch. LARGE LIST OF SUBURBAN HOMES, Into or rent, on tho Main Lino or RendlnavR.'sR. WM. II. WILSON ft CO.. Morris Building. Lots GLENSIDE Lot, 00300 feet in most deVHfilo ....b. a. nl.H.I.I. t,n Annlt. AHn-n Sf'Urt Lodger OITleo. CREHMONT Lot. deslrablo corner. 60x123 ft,, on high ground, Crcsmont, Va. Apply owner, L 131, Lcdnror Offlco. " MAIN LINE. TA 1. It. It. ARDMORE NORTH SIDE F.xcellent location: stone nnd timber house of English design; 3 bnths, 0 ehnmbors: largo dining-room nnd living-room hnvo open lire places; electricity; hardwood floors: reduced to $13,000 for quick salo: will rent. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST UUILDINO. Ardmore Detached Residence within 4 minutes' walk of stntlonlnocOi Wo: II bedrms & bath: largo grounds with Kiirnge SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. 320 COMMERCIAL TRUST HLDO, nnvv MAtvrt . yrmsi?! 1.TOVI' AMIl sTitrro ItOITRE. 14 , batlm: electric light, steam heat: rcwly pa rered and painted: lot 110x100. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE UUILDINO M DEVON SSIALL COUNTRY rEACE. 13 rooms. 3 baths. 2d-0oor porch; gnrago. chicken house: IU acres; electric light: hb mllo from station. LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDING HAVERrORD ,' SELL AS WHOLE OR -DIVIDE 2 ncres. "with stone nnd framoMibuse, 10 rooma. b.itha. 8 chambora; carago; south ern exposure: beautiful planting, trees nnd Bhrubbory: will also rent; beautiful outlook, good surroundings; prlco ery nttrnctlvo; In vestigate HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BUILDING. MERION ON FORREST AVE . !5 minutes from statton-r-Stone and atucco house; slate roof. 12 rooms. 2 bnths; modern nnd In good condition; lot 55x151; room for garage. Photo and further particulars from LOWER MERION REALTY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO JinHION Woodley lane, 0 mln. walk from station: hth eleviitlun; modern KnKllsh stone, brick nnd piaster, slato coofT bed rooms, 3 baths (2 with bullt-ln( tubs, shower owr). hot-water heat, electric UfftU; will build earaee; larco lot. SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR. COMMERCIAL TRUST UUILDINO ' ) ' ! MERION 309 Beacon ae.; 3d hpusnj.sst of Wynnewood ave ; 3-story, stone fantyplnstcr; 13 rooms. 3 baths; lot Knxl.'O; prlca $13,500. John A. Barry. .107 Land Title Bulldlngy MERION North side, semidetached ftiouse, $7500, In $23,000 neighborhood; beautlful locution: 0 bedrooms, a. M. RanhloStcphen fllrnrd Bldffj NARBERTH Corner lot, Montgomery! ave.. doii Dy liu's, wun m-room sions anauramn houso; cheap for iulck turn. ' Waller 11. Smith. fiO'12 Drexel road ' 4 NARBERTH Houses for sale, $4000 Jin; rent, $2.1 up, furnished houses fotf the s mer. Caldwell & Co.. Narberth, Ta, ' iin; for Bum OVERBROOK ATTRACTIVE RESIDENCE of 1 1 rooms, 3 baths, lavatory and laundry; lot 80x183) ample room for b-aragei house has modern equipment, can bo purchaser at reubonable price at this time, LOWER MERION REALTY CO, LAND TITLE UUILDINO OVERBROOK J SJ Exceptional Opportunity to purchase ono of tho best sltuated'prop ertles on the north side: modern, up-to-date house, with all conveniences; stable, garage; large lot, over 1 acre: well worth tnetli?a tlon, as the property can be purchased at a, very low figure, HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BUILDINO, OVERBROOK REDUCED TO Well-located semi-detached $10,006 f house, 1 1 Oroom olley; 11 model ooms. 2 baths: near train and trolley modern conveniences and In excellent condition; sorin .nveaiiBaiion. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BUILDINO. H1TI1UIHIAN HEAL CHTATI1 j. Any price All locations. Sale orueptiV CHARLES ,T. HOOD & CO.. Morris Bid1 SELECT Properties Country scntsi (farms. List orders now. LEWIS T. BROOK' A D MY 1870. HEAL ESTATE FOR SAIiE MAINLINE, PA.. P. R, II. Continued Jrem Prtccdttip Column ST. DAVID'S Stone Colonial Residence JB rooms, ft baths, electric light, steam heat, large porch nnd glass conservatory! par quetry floors! rooms all large; atonq garsgn iui iiiur mm; inrcn rooms ami nam o second floor; ono acre; high location, vle beSUtlful Shade. This nrnnsrfv. If (..M 1 once, can bo purchased lo a little more thil uiiujiinit lit, UUKIIIIII wm HIRST & McMULIllN ' WEST END TRUST BUILDING. WTNNEWOOD ' DESIRABLE HOUSn.near stations stone, nnfl stucco. 14 rooms, a baths (S chsmbers)! ss, electric and vapor heat; lot nOnlRl, trrcgularj house Is enulppM with high-grade screens. LOWER MERION REAI.TY CO. LAND TITLE BUILDINO WTNNEWOOD LOT AT BARGAIN! Cfl feai tM nnn . i -a i..tt". ii only 7 minutes walk from atatloni all lm liruvernpniH. SAMUEL C. WAGNER, JR.' COM.MERCIAL TRUST BUILDING, Gi( Acres and Improvements on hill i rnmmitif!i rllnt vlrnv! hmiNA fire proof nnd contains SO rooms. 4 batha. nil lni prov.t vncuum vapor heat (Spencer system)? stirttKo wjia a rooms. HIRST & McMULLIN WEST END TRUST BUILDING, ) NEW JERBttV BrilURBAV 1IADDONI IELD Colonial house, largo rmi.; all convs.: sunny nnd cheerful: sun parlor, old-fnshtoned garden; shade, fruit, flowers, shrubbery, near stn, i sacrifice to Belli Imme dlntelvi photo at orflce; nlso one of lOTooms. I'ETEltH ft SON, OPS Chestnut st,. Phlla. HADDON HEIGHTS . LIPI'INCOTT LOTrt AND HOMES HADDON ltninltTS. N. J. f: WILLET LIPI'INCOTT. . V LAUREL SPR1NOS BACRIFICn iccount :n c e, Bi ennngo in position; country nome, n rooms, nnd bath: gns, electrlo light, furnace, I t- tlonary waBh tubs, one square from station and trolley; West Laurel tract, J3700. Address V. O. Box 43. MEBCHANTVILT.E Saerinco! beautiful ip-r room house, nil comenlences; best locotlejif r $3100; terms easy. S. M. SHAY, 431 Mur, kot st., Camden. N. J. ' JIOORESTOWN New house', O largo rqomO K bath; choice location; hardwood finish: hfat ' cr, combination rango, electrlo light! cemuit cd cellar, S.ir.OO. Dr. LAMB. Talmyrh. NORTHF1ELD Well-located tract, on : shorn lino, rlpo for Improvement: rapidly veloplng. LEWIS A. TAULANE. 000 V nut at. I mt I FALMYRA Houses for ealo and rent.i Dr. LAMtl. PITMAN Hotel, estob., eurn.t 30 room's, l t-room, X r. ii. uui'f, t lironuwajr, L.aniaon .i -"..:-, -. .,,, -a- i irHinu nuuncn on itruwiuna mnu, iicur ., 1 wood Terrace, 314 miles from Market St. lVrrv, n good Investment. E. BARRETT. B3S E. Walnut lane. Roxborough. Pa. Ninv jr.usr.r peashort: O ATLANTIC CITY VHUIV.U Alllllli 11 1 1 UVi( IliAOVi nor iiouieara. cor. Windsor nve.. neii hood lmproed) school opposite: splendid lo-. cation. It, J. BYRON. Atty,. 21 S. 12th st. CAPE. MAY. N. J. Cottage. 7 rooms, .fully furnished) ocean frontt will sell orjevfor small houses. TAULANE. 000 WaJnutr st. OCEAN CITY BUY AND SAVE RENT: will sell nice furnished cottage, near oceanfront, nt bargain: also choice lots. $800 to f$25pfti cottages nnd apartments for rent. CHARLES A. DOE, 121 N. 17th St.. Philadelphia. VENTNOR BEAUTIFUL now cottage. 8 tils bathrooms. 7 bedrooms, hot-water heats cost $13,000; can bo purchased nt big sacrifice for cash on account of Sheriff's sale, i WILSON A CAIUL I '1 S. W. cor. 4th and Market sts., Camden, New Jersey. VENTNOn ATTRACTIVE COItNnU . COT tone, furnished, 0 bedrooms, 3 .batqs.f both houses, hot nnd cold shower, hot-ilrvheat. one block from buthtns warn.' Apply n. i. tuti.i, ..i fiorin an si., t'nuaneipnia . WII.DWOOD. N, J. summer nnd wtntercoUard iur HJiie, luiiy xurnisnea; in dcbi resiaen cvvs.u.i. vuu wu iutbiiuatu 'ii w:tfl' M mntiern in every respect, jaailh v. yiiv,i4L., jx. v .cor. it in ana Hansorj COTTAOK nt Cnpe May or Ocean Clti to your saiisiaciion: nttrnctlvo jb milieu iree ny mo reiiaDia nunaer.i iu?nii?iu. ucean uity, n Jv xxomoA htcns v.nna Tiinvnv 7l This Is the combination you get wll nurchaso one of our Co-ODeratlvs 11 and i:gg Farms nt Moore Haven, Florid! WR OIVR YOU FREE 1000 SINGLE-COMB WHITE LEGHORN fllll'ltlSNH TWO BROOD SOW TIOI Membership In the Moore Haven Cn-oneratlve Association. Write, phone or call for our freo bookletl which exnhilns. J RUTAN ft HENKEL. 413 CommonweaRh 'irust iiuuaing, l-'tn ana unestnut in, Philadelphia. I'a. Bell phone. Walnut 8UH0 MAINH MAINE COAST ISLANDS! rEMBEnTON ESTATES, Harrison Building. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS BEAUTIFUL FARM, about 715 acres, i. wii thin 4 miles of Norrlstown. W mile from trolley: grand old mansion. 12 rooms; barn. 9tc,'Tms ran bo bought right and on easy terms. Also til ncres. 1 4 miles from Narberth Station, In n neighborhood whera values are bound to enhance. Also farm of 111 acres, with frood dwelling nnd barn; City ave., conveni ent to Cynwyd It. R. Station on theWeat and East Falls Station on the east; "will b sold low to close an estate. JOHN J FORAN. 4110 CreaSon st. Phono Manayunk 070.- NEAR NEWTOWN BQUARE7 77 ft5 acres. S12.0UO! Colonial farmhouAe. nam. etc. I Crum Creek flows through property j-f Moocis; nign eievution, cunvenieni irviieri id country nuntea over oy itaanor anoritose Tree hounds. HERKNESS & STETSON. Land Title Bldr. 23-ACRE farm, stone house, steam heaflm j.i-llE. iitrm, BtonB nuuse. sieain iieaKing with large barn In excellent condition; $400 an acre, big opportunity; within. H fh two country clubs: land within K mill i for 1 1.100 an acre: 2 miles from Chestnut. um Hill;, no agents wanted. O 833, Ledger! central KHS'D FOR NEW CIRCULAR OF FARMS. 4l.id mil. fllJ-a rtt 1a Irtf 9 a mi Atsn tsfmsvtl vimr A I ai 1 tance to Philadelphia; 1 mil W Wlljoir I urnve (rouey; id accrs -woo. ti mcaow pasture: 7-room house, bank barn, sheds, eta. hkku WAtm. npersyuie, ucks lo., ra. FOIl SALE Oil liRNT. or exchange for subur ban property -Hathaway Farm To naret, Decatur und Comly road, soutp oCjhe Uy berry Public School, 35th Wardrhllada. J- It. HATHAWAY. 4tb and Saniom ts. 0-ACnB POULTRY FAnil, 0-roonr. hwse. barn, pla sty, poultry house; aoodiulHUig and location. A iitibii nAnn, ripgrsvins, jjucks yo.t .fj. 4S-ACUK FAHSI and hotel of -1T i barn, sheds, etc.; on State andaufp xtfad, For particulars s U UBED NASH. PlpersvlUe, Bucks CoVPi. 1VYIAND 10U acres, stone and frame, hwse. l'J room u. water hea.t: irrwi nnn DnnffvoarfBin ' Inffybarxsln ip nmcR Du?r; price tio.uuu. 'DPlAjfK.'ALMI rllannla. & f V T urflSUK at iiturnHirnjnn, HUCKH and Slontgomery Co. farms (pr 4,e. with stock, crops, etc., or without ; I j 41, a iou, utniaqts.rs.j F AN ENTERTAINER 'P J V riYes,THe,r invitcp you, but i i TOLD THEM YOU COULDN'T) X Cone,- FTaJPI I l.UA-r- i.l - . I n I I i , r H sL'iiiS?Tsssi WeLU THE 5GRVANTJ- AR AL- ) MyoeAR6oy jo Me thc lo launcccot: you'rc m uu iuvn,m. , f nxp "WG LCwHATIW r One. has to stay V ?f AL.WAYJ INTROUBe. 1 rr - T CTHUNDER DID VOU VHAT HAS THAT HOM6AN0 AMU1C DO THATF0R?T-' GOT TO DO I ii ITI J3iii7! MY CiO INa Trt LAuNcecorc- i:k vlr. r-uIo L inc urnnr 0 f2 "e."4 i.lft"tiTpd-? j fW. ) Going NGrffReerij. cC3n lm. ,:-:i ."rrr--, "il v n. T'l V.-JZl I h IINUlTEO? k-j " SA?f &fW iMkw 11 sassssL -,.. , j I,, fymi'k-l Kiaa 1 V r I mm ft