!mSjSjSjSjSjSjSjSjSjSjSjSjSjSjSjSjSjSjSjSVPmi!iu . , , wpppB DEATHS mpmus utm u mmsmmwrnKmrnm n w f muDiiiMiuwi wumwpppppy EVENING LBDOETl PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, APKtL 5, 1916. 16 TWO BEN BLAffiS STAR IN "BEN BLAIR" Justin Fnrnum and Gordon Griffith as Man and Child Ben Blair By the Photoplay Editor PEN P-LAIR" A rftlliis-Pirnmniint picture i . In Are pnrts. , llrlcnsod Thurjdav. April 0. ! 1 nnt plarlnir ftl tho Stanley the end nt tho i week nvlewcd at prlv-ntc shnwlnk lit the Famous Players' projection room Pen Olnlr . Dmttn rhrnum Florence Wlnlhrop Wlnnlfrrtl Kingston Jsmes Wlnthron. , , Herbert PtnnillnR Rcott Wlnthron Lnmnr .tohnjtonc Mrs. Rcott Wlnthrop... VlrcInK Fnlt John Ilnnkln FrankA. Bonn Tom.Miilr . F. Itufrii lien Illalr, tho boy.. Oordon Griffith Dustln Fnrnum li tho xvnnnvm fr Wild West ncllon, cow punclier, hero, fight and goodness Unow a how many favor ite movie typet. Hut In no previous pic turo of Dustln Fnrnum'H screen career has ho done better work of all types than In "Ben Blair," tho new Pnllas-Pnrnmount picture, which will play the end of this j week at tho Stanley. , Farnum was flno In "Captain Court esy," "The Call of tho Cumberlamls" and "Tho Gentleman from Indlnna." Hut none of these pictures showed him as tho all ".round finished nctor he la In "Hen Blair " Yet striking as Farnum Is as tho man Ben Blair, young Gordon Griffith, the Paramount Kid, as tho child. Hon. Is equally clever For one reel and three quarters young Grlmth plays tho lead. By tho tlmo Farnum arrives, following u title which as usual says "Arter somo years, we nlmost wish wo could dispense with the star and keep tho boy. The nctlng of this picture Is really ex cellent, but It Is tho marvelous scenery and artistic photography that mako It a really unlquo photoplay. All tho Western scenes on the cattlo ranches are taken with a. great range of glorious mountains ns a background, tho wonderfully rugged skylines forming a striking setting for tho horses and men silhouetted ngnlnat tho sky. There nro two particularly lovely pieces of photography. Ono a sunset behind a lino of plno trees; tho other, a glorious moonlight scene on a river. Tho sunset scene reminded ono of tho background at the close of "The Birth of a Nation." Two Douglas Fairbanks flvc-reel com edies In ono month Is tho Interesting an nouncement from tho Trlango Film Cor poration In Its list of April releases. The coming month also marks tho return to tho Trlanglo screen, after long absences, of De Wolf Hopper and Frank Kccmin. Later H H. Warner, prevlous'y seen in "Tho Haiders." will appear In n new C Gardner Sullivan story, "The Hegger of Cawnpore," so' in India during tho Sepoy Rebellion of 1867. In addition to these stars the five release dates of the month present In an unusually long list William S. Hart, Dorothy Glsh, William H Thomp son and Lillian Glsh Ten Keystone comedies will bo contributed by Mack Sennctt, one of them with Hoscoo Ar bucftlo again doubling as director and star. Last week rumors floated about town, which could not be confirmed, that tho Ballet Husse Is to be filmed on their re turn to Xw York Such a pioposltlon was taken up by Thomas Ince earlier In the season, but he then announced tint too many difficulties price, tlmo and scen arios stood In tho way. Tho Williamsons C. N. & A. M aban doning tho creation of a best seller for tho moment are taking a spring flyer In photo plays. Tho gifted Hngllsh couplo are to do a serial for ono of the prominent movlo manufacturers In collaboration with Xor bert LU8lc, a photoplaywright who de lights In depicting hectic heroines and violent revulsions of ( feeling. Ho sails April 1 for Monto Carlo where tho three will meet. To tour In an automobile from Los An geles to New York and carry a personal message from tho west coast Fine Arts studio to tho principal Triangle olllco In tho Iiast Is tho plan of Mrs Hlla Woods, of Hollywood, who Is making arrange ments for this transcontinental journey In the near future. nila Wooejs. who plans on driving her Stearns-Knlght automobile straight through to New York, will also carry a message from Mayor Sebastian to Mayor J. P. Mltchel, of New York. She will bo accompanied by Mrs. W. n. Wing, and will travel under the auspices of tho Southern California Automnbllo Association, who ndlsed Mrs. Woods to motor 0-er the Southern route. Mrs. Woods Is the wife of Frank E. Woods, manager for D W. Grllllth, pro ducer of "Tho Birth of a Nation," and Mrs. Wing Is the wife of W. H Wing, tho well-known photoplaywright. Both ladles are successful photoplay authors On their trip Hast tho tourists will stop at the local Triangle office and consult with Manager J. II. Butner on trade con ditions and carry tho report to tho New York office. Theatrical Baedeker FdnnEST "Come to Bohemia " with Dalsln Irvtmr. , Walter Fcrclval. Alice Hagermin and Fritz Williams A musical comedy of mediocre Interest capably done WALNUT "Damased Goods ' Euuen I lirleux's sociological play, recently produced by Itlchnrd Bennett BROAD "The Little Minister with Maude Adams, The famous play of Scotch llfo by J. M, Barrle, telling nf the prank of Milady Babble, Special matinee of "Peter Pan" Thursday. 1 LYRIC "A World of Pleasure." with Clifton Crawford and Conroy and Le Marie A Winter Garden Show with mu'le by Rom berg, words by Attertdgn and staged by J. C. Hoffman l APELPHI "Nobody Home." with Lawrence Grossmtth. A musical comedy from the Anglo-American Allies Good music, fair .'lbP.'5jtl e:K?"5! comedy from Grosamlth OAIIB1CK "It Pays to Adertlse." with Louise Drew. Grant Mitchell and lien John son A novel farce with mu-h fun In tt. PHOTOPLAYS. BTANLEY Wednesday, .."The Heart of Paula " -with I.eonore Ulrleh A story of Mexican life: Thursday. Friday and Hatur- .fty.V.T?en .lHlr- . with Dustln Parnum ARCADIA All week. "The Habit of Happi ness," with nouslass Fairbanks A Tri angle Fine Arts comedy -a uah weanesaay. ThA fmfa nf iromla Ore: ey." with ConstsnrA CaIH., i-v.....!.,.. Friday and Saturday. "For the Defense.'1 with Fannie Ward VJirrimiA Wednesday and Thursday. 'The Moral Fabric," with Frank Mills. Friday and Saturday. "The Wall Between." with Francis X, Bushman and Beverly Bayne. VAUDEVILLE. CROSS KEYS First half of the week. Ward D Wolf Co., In "The Mummy and the Maid", Frank Monell. Phllbrlck and Da Wall. Six Harmonists. Walton and JoUon. The Wonder Kettle." OLOI1E "Solomon the Great." Barney Will lams and slrls, the Four Hurley Girls. Mar iofle Fairbanks and company, the Hosa Hantz Troupe. Don Flatl, Lew Ward. Mal l?.Uyi P'nsrea and company, Wilson and Bitch, Zeu and Hoot. ORAND Bobby Heath la his revue; Mr and Mrs. Oeorea Allison In "Minnie From MIn P,W,,', "V aa"?a Highlanders, Tom lltlkn. monoloarua, lien and Hazel Mann, Hlo ant! Norman KEITH'S Valerie Beraere 4 Co In "Little Cherry Btoaaom.'' Wilbur Mack and Ntlla Walker in "A Pair of T'"-kets." Laddie viiii. n.ate Aimoni ana sam wiuunu, -iai Edna Showalter. Lucy Qll- ieu. rvaxrea tewpieioa. waiixoraia urango Packers and Sell Tribune pictures. STOCK. KNICKERBOCKER "The Thief." a drama Sbv Hear) Bernstein, with the Knickerbocker layers. KmUy Smiley and John Warren In is leading roles AMERICAN -''A Woman's Way The Ar vlB4 players la draco George's comedy suc cess, with Ruth Robinson and George Ar ylue la the leading roles BURLESQUE. DUMONTS Dutnout Minstrels. nwttersj of swrsnt interest. la satires S3H. allrpad t ! iwru.d fiKRJ V rtet ifttksfbf the ;- 4sA fur yar to j eatsuqgc, Qwg lo, I AM I ffmiwffrl IBlfmw)!!! GORDON GUIFFITH As Ben Illair, tho child, in tho new Pallas-Paramount picture featuring Dust'n Fnrnum, play ini; this week at tho Stanley. LANSDAI.K STREET KEI'AIR STRIKES jECJAIj OBSTACLE Scheme to Tax Property Owners Re ported Unconstitutional LANSHALH. Pa . April B When Hor ougli Solicitor Comer Informed the mem bers of Landale Hornugh Council that their plnn jierinancntly to repair the streets hv assessing abutting property owners one-third of the cost on either side, and leaving a thlid for the borough to pay. was ttnconstltutinn.il, all well-laid plans to emerge .from tho financial hole wcro sent shy-high There u.is nothing to do but adjourn Council, to meet at a special meet ing on April 17. Because of the Infor mation of the hoiough hollcitor, it was deemed unwise to flv the tax rate, to dis cuss a proposition for a new sewage plant and to plan Improvements of the municipal electric light plant The Street Committee reported that It Mould cost $200,000 per manently to repair the 10 miles of streetH At a prolous meeting a petition was presented by property holders urging an Increnso of one-half mill In tho tat rato for better lire protection No mention was made of tho petition' L'nless the funds from tho Increase are forthcoming, the firemen may strike. Iron Works to Resume Activities ItUADIxr;, Pa.. April 5. In two weeks tho Berkshire Iron Works, at Sheridan, will blow In Its furnace. This plant was closed three years ago A largo amount q money was expended In gllng tho plant a general overhauling. When run ning full tho capacity of the furnaco waa 700 tons of pig Iron per week. Police Court Chronicles When they were playmates In Poland Hike Itawllk was only happy when in tho presence of his sweetheart, Alicia. With out her even the sunshine was shabby; with her a cloudy day was a burst of radiance. They married Now Mike wonders what it was that blurred his vision In tho years gono by. Tho ery sight of his good wife Alicia seems to put him In bad humor. But It appears that It was Miko who changed and not the woman. He Is happy, tho police bay, everywhere but at home. Should his face bo wreathed In smiles they quickly disappear when ho arrhes at his own front door, Edgemont stieet and Allegheny acnue Then Mlko Immediately looks for trou ble and finds It. He found his Alicia standing over the kitchen range stirring soup. If there's anything that Mlko hates It's soup. He denounced his wife and struck her with a right for the Jaw. She ducked. Mlko fell on the floor. He was up In a Hash. He aimed his foot at the woman he used to loo and missed. He kicked the pot of soup Instead and fell forward at the same time The pot landed on his head and the Mirlcolorod lltpild drenched him from ears to feet Alicia screameitMind Policeman Madden entered He fished Mike out of the soup pot, and on being extricated, he dashed out the door and ran down the street. A boy was playing nearby with a hatchet. Mike seized it and was about to turn on the cop But an alert Daschund got In the way and Mike tripped. Ho fell In the arms of Madden and was hustled off to the Belgrade and Clearfield streets police station. Magistrate Wrlgley thought at first that Mike had been struck with a locomotive, and was glad to find after he had been separated from the clinging vegetables that he was uninjured. The prisoner said he had nothing to say, which came as a great surprise to Alicia, who appeared against him. He took a sentence of ten days without a murmur. But as he walked to a cell he glared at his wife And his eyes said emphatically "Just wait till I get out." OBITUARIES GEORGE W. S3.A1.1EY, NOTED NEWSPAPERMAN, DIES ABROAD Served as Correspondent in Three Wars Wrote Several Books LONDON, April 5. George Washburn Smalley, noted American Journalist and war correspondent, died here yesterday He had represented the New York Tribune In London, and when In America ho represented the London Times. Politics and diplomacy were his favorite subjects of comment, and he wrote often, too, of the famous men and women of his ac quaintance. Mr. Smalley was born In Franklin, Mass.. June 2, 1833, graduated from Yale. read law under George F. Hoar, prac ticed at Boston until the Civil War, and thea went to the front for the New York Tribune. He helped defend that newspaper of fice la 1803 ogalnkt the draft rioters In 1868 ha covered the war between Prussia and Austria, and In 1870 he served his paper In the Franco-Prussian War. Until 1895 he was In charge of the Tribune's European correspondence. He married In 1862 Phoebe Gamant, of Boston, adopted daughter of Wendell Phillips. Bliss Geneva Shaw WILDWOOft. N. J, April 6. MUs Geneva Shaw, SI years old, daughter of Herbert S. Shaw, assistant city clerk, died late yesterday MUa Shaw was stricken 'while on a visit to Philadelphia in Feb- i STOflwy. one waa empioyea as a. sienogra- tnBBpJi"f-PXt uie cuy uctooer so, ivid, ana ' Jhbrtly ".afterward was tnaxl cferic A year aso In a voting was Yofjuba most popular yd fa Cajpni&y County. DR. CHARLES CLAXON Widely Known In Medical Circles in This City Dr. Charlei CInxon, widely known In medical circles, died yesterday nt his home, R137 Morris slreet, Oermantown, of pneumonia. Ho was !7 years old Doctor Olaxon was n graduate of tho t'nlverslty of Pennsylvania and a mem ber of tho VnlvciJty Club nnd the tier manlown Cricket Club Ho Is rimlved by a widow, who before her marriage was Miss Hellnda V. Caldwell. Henry Kunx Henry fviinz, a retired carriage and wagon builder, died suddenly Jke-derdny I at bis home, 1.10.1 ltlslng Sun lane Ho , uns born In Hes,en. Cicrmntiy. 70 ycaM ago, nnd nme to this country when he ivii 0 years old. He was a member of tho j foach and Wagon llnlldcrs, Hssllnger , Beneficial Sorlety nnd the Masons. He ' leaes live dtughters, a son. 14 grand- "ltlldren nnd lite great-grandchildren Tho I funeral will be held I'rlday. Burial will be In Northwnpd Cemetery. SJentfjs Them Notieet Are Printed in the Evening Ledger Free of Chargt. ' nitrn. on April. i mm. ri.oitr,Nt'R l.nUlTTi: AltliAfK wlfo nf Illctmrd Ar hnok. Sr Itflntlws nn.l friend nro mittnl tn nttcml the fmir-rnl nn Trldn, April 7, nt . p tn from Iit Int- rr!onre Htnl" ronil nnil Hhnwn st . llolnirshura Inter ment nt MnKnollfl fmtrv Flcmilns in.iv bo vleMl 'lhrsil opnlmr nftnr H n'clnt k UlMtTIMNO. On April I. lOtn MAlUIAllliT AtlMSTHONO. BBert SO venrs tnlntlrs nml friend nrn lnitrd to nttritd tl.p funrrul nerv Ifp on Thurduy. April tl, at 3 p tn , frnm thn rpldtnce of Vlrclnlti Nicholson, .M Chpfltnut st , lladdonrictU, N J. Interment prlMite IIAKKR. On April X 1010. AllIIIR U, wife nf l,'nrK" W llrtki-r Sr nipt iltusliter of the late ltenlimln nnil Ann llnlnr Iteln tle nnd frl'iid nlo the number of the i:nt HnptlM ('hnrett nnd Snndnv Sphonl. are In lied to attend fun.-r.il norvlci on l'rldav nt 'J p tn at hi r Into rldenre r,ll U Thompson nt lnterniont private, nt Oaklnml Cemetery IIAI.im IN. On April .1. Into THANK IIAKKK, son nf Itnlph M. nnd nrlyn 1) lHI.hvln. npfed s enr IlelatUe nnd friend are bulled to attend tho funeral services, on Thursday nt 1! no p. m.. nt hi parents' renldenre, 5005 Chrltlnn st. In terment nt Mt Morlah Cemetury. lli:i:iH".. Pnsl away nt his mn' residence Walllntfford l'n , on April 3. 1010 CHAtU.r:s 3. liniilin funeral sorvlees nt Poton. 5Ias IHIKTIIAII. In April 3. loin HMZA, widow of Joiph llerthnm, aired 7(1 Nears. Ilela tlies anil friend nro Invited to attend tno funeral, on Thursday, at U p m . from her Into residence .1(1.1(1 Mill st . Tnll of Seliuvl kill Interment n( Mount TVnre remetery !"rlend may view roninln Wcdnosday, after 7 p m. IIItlUNn Huddenlv nn April 2. 1H1". W'r C . dallBhter of Ilohert M nnd t.urle I, III hlnif In her 22d venr Relatives and frlond nre Invltid to attend the funeral ervleea on Thiirdiv, at - nn p tn nt her .parents resldenrn. Chtltenhsm mad north nf JMIlow Orove me. Wvndmoor Montgomery l oiiny Pa Cnrrlnces vvlll miet the arrival of th; 1 20 n. m. train from Rendlne Tormlnal nt tVvndmorr Interment private nt.r.iT.KR. April .i joiiN' mritAnnpoN Ill.i:ri.i:n, nired 4S venr Itelntlvns and friend. nlo Chester t,odpe. No 2.1't r. nnd A M. Chester itovnl Anli ("linpter. No 2ns. It A M Chester Commnnilery. No no Knlchts TempWr. I.u I.u Temple. Ches ter Iidco No 2(1.1 I O O 1" , rolonel Theo Hvitt Counrll No B7.1, I. O A . nnd Penn Purest. No 21. P C I. are Invited to nttmd the funeral service on Thursday, nt 2pm it hi. Into resldnnce, 301 West nth st Chester. Pa. Interment nt Mount Hope Cemetery lllI On April 3 mill. IJITIIJ A . dnngh- ter of the lite Uhndi A llodi nelntlve and friend are Invited tn attend funeral services Thursday at 2:11 P m . at the Oliver II ll.ilr Ilulldinc 1S20 Chestnut st Prlend imv view remain nfter 11 o i lock Interment at Pal ton. o . Friday, at 10 n m IIOYt.i:. On April 3 1010 ItUIDOKT M. KRi:vi:. widow of .lames llnvle. formerU of 1033 Clevelind nve Ilelitlves and friend. nlo St Charles' II V M fodallty, nro Invited to attend tho funer.il. on Satur div. at N 30 II m., from her tale residence. 20J0 Christian st Solemn HIbIi Mas of llenulem nt M Charles' Church, at 1U n. m Interment nt C ithedrat Cemeti ry. nitACKI'.N. On April 3. 1IIKI. JOHN T . bus hond of i:ilen Ilraiken Ililntlven nnd friend, also Dlv No 2.1. A O II . nre In vited to attend the funeral, on Thursday, nt R .10 n. m , from his late residence, 1, cor. tilth nnd Olranl nvo . West l'hlla Holemn Mass of llenulem nt the Church of Our Lady nf the llosary. nt 10 .. m. Inter ment at St Denis' Cemetery. UKIKItl.in-. April 2. MAHOAHKT WILSON, wifo of Thomas W. Urlerley Relatives and friend aro Invited to nttend tho funeral service on Thursday nt 8 p m , at her late rcsldenco. 132'1 North KStli st. Inter ment on I'rlday afternoon, at Hancock. Md IIKOOK. On April 4 JUKI, CATIIAlIINn K wife of Henry I' lirooka. Jr . and ilauslitiT of Charlis A nnd Mary A Vounp. In her 31th jear Vw notice of funeral will he riven from parent' resldtnce. 1028 Point llreezo ave llflOWN. On April 4, 1010. RANNY, daugh ter of the. late WlllUm nnd Deborah Norrla Drown. In tho "nth sear of her ngc lll'KNS. On April 3. WtO CIIAHLnH CHAUNCnY IIUlt.N'H. In hi 8.1th ve.ir itela tlvts and friends, nlsn Phoonlx I.odBe. No. 130, P. and A 31.. Harmony ltoyal Arch Chapter. No. n2 nnd employes of Htraw brldge & Clothier, aro Invited to attend the funeral service. Thursdiy. at 3 p m , ut the residence of hi son-in-law. James White. (1311 N lOth st Intirmwnt private In Wood lands Cemetery Prlend may view remain Wednesday evening, from 7 30 until 0 3U o'clock ItYRNR On April 2. 1010. MAROAnCT A . dauBhter of Patrick A nnd Mars A. Hyrne. need -'.' vears Relatives and friends ara Invited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday, nt 8 30 n. m.. from her parents' residence, Korrtst and Summit nves . McKlnley. Ph. fcolomn IlUh Requiem Mnss at the Im msculato Conception Church. Jenltlntown. nt 10 a in. Interment at Holy .Sepulchre Cemetery. t'AIIIOI'N. On April 4 tnifi. RUTH i;l.AIN'i: only diuehter of Adam fi . Jr and I.oule R Calhoun aped 20 da s Put -er.il nn Thursday. April II. nt 2 3(1 o'clock preclel, from the resident e of her pnrent Oil) South Alden st , W Phlla Interment prlvnte at Fernvvood Cemeterj CAKTKll. Suddenly, on April 2 101(1. PAR CLAY PRi:D. son of Tred and Jennie Car ter. aKed 21 yenrs Ileuitlves unit friend are Invited to attend the umnl, on Friday, at 2 43 p m , from his pirenta residence 21 IV Pornnnco st . Norrlstown Servlcfs at St John's Churrh at 3 13. Interment nt Riverside Cemetery. CAHTWRKillT. At Ilurllnaton N J.. April 2 ROSANNA C. CARTWRlllllT. need 7T yeirs Relatives and friend of the fam ily aro invited to attend funeral services, on Thursday 11 n m . nt her late resi dence (139 Hlsh st . llurllngton N J. In terment private, at I'ernwood Cemetery. Frlendj may call Wednesd iv even Ins. CAST OK. April 2 KI.IZAI1F.T1I G . wlfa nf Alfred I) Castor Relatives nnd friends. Colonel John Clark Council. No. 12(1 D. of L . Taeony Division No 7. S. of T . are Invited to attend funeral services, on Thursd ly, at 2 p m . nt her late residence. 822S Prankford ave Holmesburc. Inter ment private Remains may be viewed on Wednesday after 7 p. m STEAMSHIPS Reduced Fare BY SEA Philadelphia to Jacksonville $31.80 k $31.80 Wed. and Sat. during April bend for Particulars Merchants & Miners Trans. Co. 105 H. OtU St. 1'lions Lombard 1000 Charles P Kuhn, both live In this city. She Is survived by three sons, S Frederick spuing resoiits ATLANTIf t'lTV. N. J. ATLANTIC C7Y. superior Jocation with an unobstructed view of beach and boardwalk. Arecognized standard of excellence . Ccv600. WALTERJ.BV2BY. lljUWISTrniXMrlU3THCTtUirHll) I VXirwricarvrwiv EurcjaiH?av.1 THF I FABINC RESORT HOTEL OF THE, V.0RLD fflatborou9li:B(cnliciin ATLiAKTIC CITY.N.tJ. .nufkraSMlO IUNAOIMENT. flrnsUH WHITg.SO COMPANY 1 f?srBnJs4$ f las set a r.e)y stanfli" of serYice.com KJrti beauiv le assistant btvAETetiloilK. PA. r contest shs r-V. m ,, .'rmiTAVu" ST. iuns woman biWAixi xiVXi'" tiW enturtUy. !. , A JukJ M. SvYHKOJ,JST.s BEATIIS CliAPMT.V. Of pneumonia, on April 3. 1010, CHARI.K3 ClIAUNCnr Funcrtl service will be held nt hi country residence, Nnr berth. Pa... on Thursday, tho nth Inst . at 2 30 p m Motors will meet Irnln leav'n Rroad st Station 1 11 p. m. nt Nnrberth Station Interment private. Please do not send flowers t'l.ARK. Kntered Inln rest, nt rinlnfleld. N J . on April 3. into, amit. danenter of William Mlnot nnd Clara Allen Clark, need 17 months Funeral service at the reldenco of her parents, 210 W 8th st , Plalnneld. on 1 Intrsdrtv nt 11 a m t'I.ATON. mldenlv on April t inln it I his late residence r,I.1T .Morn st ucrmnn tnvvn PR CHARMIS CI.A.MON. in hi I OSth venr Notice nf funeral later. MNi:it On April I, Into. JAMtlH K CON- I NIJII. huslmnd nf Sadie Conner (nee llcn vvnod) In hi 73d er Relative and friend. nln I'oltrr t.ndno, No til. t and ' A tl, Masonic Veteran Aso Jerulem Ft A. L'hnpter No 3i rhlla commanoerv, No 2. K T ; I.u I.u Temple A A. O N. M s . nre invited to ntend the funeral service nn Snturdtv. nt 2 p m. precisely, nt hi lite reldence. 2t2'l South llrond St. Interment private rnt'Clltl.lV On April 3. 1010. V1NCCNT P. son nf Prancl nnd Mnrv CouRhlln nnd prtndson of the late Patrick nnd Catharine. CnuKlilln In hi 21st jenr Relitlves nnd frl. nd nlo Court Hamilton. No lin r. of A are invited to nttend the funernl, .on Thnrsdiv, at s 30 n m . from hi late resi dent, 34 J2 Wnrren nt Solemn Requiem Ma nt St. James' Church nt 10 a. m Interment at Ilolv Cms Cemetery. It WIS. On April t. 1010. Wlt.MAM T. huslmnd of Rein. N. Divl (nee Sevhert) nnd son of John M nnd Mnrv A. Davl. Rela tive and friends. nln Wnshlnttton Cnmp, No .101, p O. S. of A . nnd employes of SAC prlntlnn department nre Invited tn nttend the funeral service, on Thursdiv nt 2 p m . nt hi lite residence. 2101 West Plrtli st. Interment private nt Nnrthwood Cemetery Friend mnv view remains on Wedip sdiiv. after 7pm Auto funernl. ! I).t0 On April it tnlfl nt.tZAltr.TH PAWHON widow of Henrv TMw.nn. in tier sutli venr Relative and friend nro In vited to attend the fumril service, nn Thursdnv nt 2 J m lit the residence nf her son-in-law. Arthur R T.lttlewood. 411 I.vceum nve. Rnxborouph. Pn Interment private at West l.nurel Hill Cemeterv UHLAN!:. On April 3 HUH. JOHN M , hus. lnd of the late Kltznhetli prlanev lleln tlvea and friends nlsn Pntton Post, No. 2(1. rl A R , nro Invited to nttend funeral, Prl daj. nt q a nv from hi dnunhter'n resi dence 3012 N 11th st Fall nf Schuvlklll Utah flpiiulvin Mas at St Ilrldiret's Church it 11.10 n'lloik Interment at st Mary's Connterv, Hnxbornuuh l)()M)i:i.l.. At I.oomls, N J., on April 1. pllfl. JOnt'lltNi: T.. dauBhter nf Sophia Powdell. In her 27lh venr Relative and friend nlsn emplojcn of the Kejtone Wntcl Cnse Co of RlverMe N J . nre Invited to nttend the funeral services, on Wdne!nv. nt s n m , at residence of IMwnrd lleelim. 12n rievihind nve, Riverside. N J Inter ment private Isi:k. In l'lillndelptila. on April 3. lnlO, OHOROl- W PSSliR, nued 73 venrs Fu nernl srrvlces. nn Thursday, nt 4 p m . at hi lal" rcrldenco. Munch Chunk, Pa. In terment private iv.i:kiki,. op April 3. mm, MORRIS hu- balld of Mnru'irct S n7Cklel (nee Cornell). Relitlv, nnd friend, also Washington Camp No OKI, P (1 S nf A . Olrard v. semblv No (I A. O M P, are Invited tn attend the funeral services, on Wednednv Ht S 30 p m. at hi late risldenee 12.12 Frle ave (13d Wnrd) Interment on Thurs diy mnrnlni; nt Hlllsido Cemetery, vln fu neral car PAIIKPN. On April 2. into, MART, widow of Thoma A Fnrren. Relatives and friend nro Invited to attend the funeril on Thurs day at H 30 n m . frnm her lite resilience, 2HJ1 Snjder nve Requiem Hlah Mas nt St rdmond'n Church nt 10 o'clock Inter ment nt Holy Cms Cemetery. ri.KTNHK. On April 4. 101H. F.t.t.AlllTni I'llRTNl It Rilntlven and friend, nlsn llf rnmntovvii I.odKe. No. ir, H of It . nn In vltid tn atti nil the funernl service on Snt urdav afternoon nt 2 30 o'clock nt the apartments of Kirk and Nice. 0101 Main st , Oermnntown Interment ut Ivv Hill Ceme terv Mn bo viewed Friday evenlnff. PI.VNN. On April 3. inirt ANNin M.. daugh ter of Mnrv .ml the lale Thomas Fivnii Rel ative ind frleml nro Invited tn attend the funeral, nn Thursdav, nt s a m, from ner late residence, 517 York st , Camden, N J. Solemn Illith Mass nt the Church of the Ilolv Nnme nt tl 30 n. m Interment nt Cnlvirj Cemetery. roI.F.V. Suddenly, on April 1. 1010. DRNNI3 .1 huslmnd of I.lnda Foley, need 27 learn Relative and friend also police of 4th District, nro Invited to nttend tho funernl. on Thursd), nt S 30 n m , from hi Into residence. 3043 North Pith nt. Solemn Re quiem Mass at St. Stephen r Church at 10 n m. Interment nt Holy Sepulchre Ceme tery. FORI). On April I inirt. FDITIf M.. vvlfo of Oeorsre Ford nnd dnunhtir of Jeanette and tho late .lame .1 Iiuncan Due notlie or funeral vvlll be nlven, frnm her Into resi dence. "U.I WakcIIng st . Prankford UAI,T,.VOIIl:it On April t. WW. JF.NNH3 A.. wife of Peter F OnlliBher and d.umhter or (leorKo H. nnd May Mi Nultv Relative nnd friend of tho fimlli Hre Invited to attend the funi ral, on Saturday mnrnlnir. nt H 30 01 lock, from the Lite residence 721 Last Madlnn street Solemn Rmulem Mass at tho Ascension Church, in o'clock precisely. Interment nt Holy Sepulihro Cimctcry. (1AUVIN. On April 4. l'.UO. JANn, vvlfo of John T. Garvin Due notlco of the funeral will bo clven from her lato residence, 310, Comly st , WIsslnnminR. OIuvNlUNG. On April 3. Win JOHN N husband of Mnrcnret M Olandlnc, ngod (Pi years. Relntlve und friends al3 member of Ridse Avenue M. F Church emplovis nf Philadelphia Water Department, lainB Inff Tribe. No IIS Imp O R M . Hob council. No 30n. O I A . Star of Past I.odco. No 2, Shepherd of Rethlehem. are Invltid lo attend the funeral, on Thursl.vy. nt 1 p. m.. from hi latp residence Hast Shavvmont nve , Roxbirouah Funeral serv ice will bo held nt Rldee Ave M II Church at 2 p. m. Interment nt RoxbnrouKh Fre byterlan Church Friends may call Wednes day .from 7 to 0 p. tn. flltnP.Ni:. On April 3, 1010. CATHERINE ELIZABETH, widow nf John P (Ircene, In her 74th lear Relatives nnd friends, are Invited tn nttend the funernl ftorvsin, on Trlday nfternoon. at t o'clock precisely, at her lato residence, 20.10 N. Canine st. In terment private. IIAPI'NKR. A patient sufferer nt rest Sud denly, on April .1 HUH. JOSEPHINE T vvlf of Frederick Hnffner. and eldest diuch ter of the ldte John S and Rnstna Lent,: Rolatlveo nnd friends are Invited to nttend funeral servhes Saturday nt 2 n m . nt her llto residence 21C3 N Cleveland nve Interment private, Mr Vernon Cemetery. ham.. on April .1 loin, i, imnivcn 11 AM.. M D . In his 77th vear. Relatives nnd friends r Invited to nttend funernl services on Thursday at It 30 a m., at his late resldente 214 Dliklnson ave Svvarthmore Pi Trnln leaves ltroad St StaMon. 10 10 a m Interment prlvnte I 1IA1IAN. On April 3. 1010. JOSEPH R . bus- I band of Carollno Hman, In his 80th vear. I Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend the funeral services nn Friday, nt 2 .10 p m , at his lato residence. 4103 Prankford I nve Interment private, at Cedar Hill Cem- 1 etery 1 HARRIS. On April 2. 1010. WILLIAM, son I nt Siimttel nnd Sadie Harris (neo Itennett). seed 13 jeurs Relitlves and friends, nlo Troop No. OU. Hoy Scouts, aro Invited tn nttend the funeral services on Thursday, at 2 p m., at his parents' residence, 422 South 21st st. Intermsnt at Mount Morlah Ceme tery. Friends may call Wednesday evenln?. IIAVIS, On April 3. 10 W MARY JANE. vvlauW of William Dixon Haws and daughter of tho lato Thomas J and Sarah A Mercer Relatives and, frlenda aro Invited to attend PAHCEL POST NOTICE FORD OWNERS All Ford Auto owners reildlnir In Pennsyl vania aro requested to Br ml name and ad dress and number nf car to our eastern office and receive valuable Information or a cash co-oteratle proposition In connection with car ou own American Ford Owners Ass'n (Tennhylranlu Ilfadquurtern) ni Drevel III die.. Deili No. ff. rhlla. PRINTING riret-clau work, good stock, at followlm rr Vo'o'o Envelopes (No. H) IMS 1000 Business Cards ,. l.tS 1000 Letter Heads.,.,,,, 1.50 1000 BUI Heads 1.80 1000 Statements ,,, 1.00 1000 Note Heads l.tS Mark copy plainly when ordering-. Keystone Process Company tl North Third St, Camden, N. J, Comfort Durability Economy In-Philadelphia-Made Shoes Phlla leather. Phlla Workmen. All our shoes are made and lasted by hand We carry In stock shoes made on our custom lasts Call and seo our stock or write. I.. C. McCI.OY, 309 Cherry St.. rhlla. IF YOU ARC DEAF The HARPER ELECTRIC ORIPIIONE will enablo ou to hear perfectly 1'all und seo us neit tlmo ou aro Jn Nw York 305 3th AV N Y 2 I Washington St Boston. Three Typewriter Ribbons, $1.00 tor any mscntne. any slnile color, rlbboa guaranteed best on market. Keystone Process Company tl North Third 6f. Camden, N. J, SWIMMING LEARN TO SWIM NOW Before season's rush telns. Sanitary Dool latest reflltratlon system. We uca you In 12 lessons. Post 110.00. Home CENTRAL Y. M. C A. 1421 Arch St. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES VTOAYFR'S Ths Btt Business School, 801-907 Chestnut Street. DEATHS tho funeral service, on Saturday, nt 2 p. m.. nt her lato residence, 1028 Brown st. In terment Mount Peace. HOMY. At his residence, f.03 Lincoln Drive, (Jermnntown. nn April 4. HUB AI.HBItT HENRV husbind nf the lato Lydlft SturBls Ilnlny Duo notlco of tho funeral will bo Klven 1IPT( IIINSO.N. On April 2 1010 TIEN.tA MIN II . husband of Uertrudo W Hutchin son. In his 7.1lh sear Relative nnd friend of hn flmllj. nlo Post No 2, tl A. It., nnd rmnloves of Fnlted States Custom limine, nre respectfully Invited to nttend fu neral service on Thursdiy. at 2 p m. nt hi Into residence Kill N 21th st In ferment nt West Laurel Hill CcmcUry wood ''emeterv IUUIV on April I Into. F.t.tZA mEES- 'ION vvldovv of Wllllnm I Irwin, iced 7S setrn Relatlvis nnd friend nf tho fimlly nre invited to sttind funernl Friday, nt 1 P m. I r. 1 Keli. nt the resldenrn nf her Eritidlumhtrr Mrs Albert tirlBS 20 W. Mt I'nrmel ive (Jlenslde Pa Interment tvrlvate Remiln mnv be viewed Thurdiv , wnlnr JACKSON. On April 3 lftW .tOHN1l.hu lint.. I or Mnrv (lertrude Knorr Jnrlton Relative nnd friend are Invited tn nttend the funernl service, on Wednesday, nt H p tn sharp nt hi Into n sUVnce. 1 11 v Louden st . (Jcrrmntown Interment Thur ilitj. at Shlckshlnnv Pa ,IA( flllY. (In April 3 1010. MARION IldSARA. d-itiRhter of ltarvev nnd Mary Jaiobv. need 2 veir 2 months nnd 12 dav Reinllves nnd friend nre Invited to nt'end the funernl sirvln on Thurdny. nt I .10 11 m at the residence nf her par ents 01 1(1 Hnzel avr Interment nt Fern JANTON. On April 3 UllO. (lEOltflE W.. husbind nf Sarah Inntnn nited 02 enrs Due notice of the funernl will bo Blven, from his Into rrsldenie 141 W Yorlt st ki:i.i.i:k. nn Mnrm 211 mm. jACoti Kel ler a nntive of Swim rlnnd. need 72 jenrs Funernl servlc, s on Thursday morn InB nt HI o'clock pietlselv. from fiinorvl npnrtments of John c Klmmcrle. 1001 B. Rrond st Interment prlvnte Itr.llVr.Y. On April 3 into HOfnllTON ltoni;iiTS KEHVIJY husband of Helen Or--bnm Kervev (nee Caldwell) nnd son or II Rush and Mary Rnllv Kervev Relatives nnd friends are Invited to attend tho ru tiernl services on Thitrndiy nt I p m. nt St Paul Prnlestnnt Eplscniml Church, nt Cheter, Pn Inti rment private Kf N. Suddenly, nn April 4. mid. HENRY KPN ned "n enrs Relntlven nnd friend nlo membern nf Cnaeb nnd vv nKnn llullder. JlnrhiirBer nnd OenrKe EsslliiBer &. Son Ilenenrlnl Assoclntlnns arc Invited to nttend the funernl on Frldiv nt 2 p in. from hi late residence. 1.101 RIsInK Sun lnne Interment at Nnrthwood Cemetery Itcmnlns 111111 be Clovvcd on ThursiHv from 7 to n p m I,F,I riNOEIt. At Crnmer Hill N .1 nn April .1. HUH. ANDREW, huslmnd nf Kntle l.elt Inser (nee shobert) In his 7"lb jmr R''l 1 tlvts nnd friends nlsn memlftT of the Mo rnrt rishlna Club Deutsche Amerlknnlsher I'nt. Vereln No 1 and 2, WurttcmherK Ische (Irenndler CompaKtile nre Invited to 1 I tend tunvral servlien. 'Ihursday, at 1 n. m , nt the residence of Mr O'to llu.beelt. Kill N 4th st Interment prlvnte. at North wood Cemeterv Remain mnv be viewed on AVeilnesdnv lvenltur. from 7 to ! o'cloi k i,F.VW. At 131,1 E MonmenslnB nve ml denlv. nn April 3 WW. JAMEt A LEWIS, husband of the lite Amnnda P Lewi and son nf thn late John and Sarnh E Lewi (nee Wlnsmore) Relatlv, nml friends also Volunteer Flreniiti'H Assofl-itlnn nf Phila delphia, are Invltid to attend the funernl. on Frldiv at 1 p m . from the funeral parlors nf John C Klmmerle, tun I S llrond st. Interment prlv ito nt Fernvvnod Cemetery. Friends nnv view remain Thursd tv. 8 p. m Automobile funernl. Omit llower 1,0(1 IN. 011 April 2, WW JOHN I.OOAN. iiBd Hi ve.irs Relitlves nnd friend nro Invited to nttend tho funeral service, on Thursd iv ut 2 in , nt hi lite residence. 2321 Mnrrl t Interment private, nt West Liurcl Hill Cemetery. MAMILI'.lt. On April 3, WW. CHARLES, o . htish.md of Jennie Mnndler (nee Me Clane) and son of Mrs (leorKo W. lacksnn. Relative nnd friend, nlsn P It T. Relief and emploves of 10th und Jackson alt cor birn are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Friday, at 2 p in , from his lato residence, J.'J.I South Op.il st Interment nt Mcunt Pcate Ctmeterv Friend may call Thursday evenlnr. nftir 7 p 111 .MARTIN. On April I. WW MAROARKT widow nf ,In(ih Mnrtln ReHtlve nnd friend also the II V M Sod.illty nf St Philip' Church, nre Invited to attend fu neral Snturdav nt H .1(1 n m . from her Into resident e 2.1 Clvmer t Solemn IIIrIi Mus of Ruiulem nt St Philips Churrh, nt lo a tn tinclseb. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemeterv MASON. On April 4. WW. Prof C. 11 .MASON. In hia O'lh viar IMnttve nnd friend nro Invltid to attend tho runernl services, on Frld.i. April 7, nt 2 v m . at bin late resident f, .112 Clinton st . Camden. N J Interment prlv.ite. at ArlliiBton t eme terv Frli nd 111.15 vlivv the rim ilnj on Thursd iv. from 7 to I) 11 111 .llrCAIlE. On April 2. WW MICHAEL, son of ..llclmel nnd Ellen McCaho (nee Hhanley). In hi 20th vear Relatives and friend aro Invited lo nttmd the funernl. on Thursday, at 8 30 n. m from tho roMilonro of hi pnrent. H13D Tlnlmnn ave . Elmvvood. Phlla dolnhli Solemn Mass of Requiem nt tho Church of St Raphael at W m pre cloly. Interment ut llnl Cros Cemetery. Pg SmM Till- following- theatres obtain their pictures through the STANI.P.V Itooklnc Cnmniiiv which Is a sunriinteo of early hliovvliu; of the llnest produc ilnn ill nlitiirM reviewed before rihlbltlon. Ak for the tlieutre In jour lorulit. ohiulniii" Picture through the hTANI.EV IIIIOKIM1 COMPANY. ALHAMBRA 12th. Morris . Pnssiunlt Ave. Mat Dally nt 2, B";,7, Viiudevll 1. ; Pu.ro. in t Phture MAE Mt'RRAY and WAI.lCE REID In TO HAVE AND 'lO HOIU AO r K T t A CHESTNUT ST. RCAUIA HEL.OW 1CTH DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in Till. HA1I1T OF HAPPINESS" .nniiA C2U AND THOMPSON APULLU matinpi: daily MADAME PETROVA in THR hOUL, aiAKKliT " Metro Picture BLUEBIRD 2-00 NCmTU UU0AD ET PAHAMOUNT P;'n';fC. ANNA HELD '" Sdh-nt.:'- . - w jr v. im n' B2D AHOVK MAPKP.T KfcLMUlN 1 MaT, 1:30 ,V 3:30. 10c Mats 1 :30 . 3 ::iu. ;c lives 0:30. 8. 0.30, I5o Marguerite Clark in The Crucible IIOTH AND nniiAlt An CEDAR IMK.tJIOP.VT THCATPi: MME. PETROVA in "THP. SOUI. MAnKET" FAIRMOUNT 20TU a,,d avb P1.AMC" U-A't Melodramatlo Success. FRANKFORD FRAN,ANDun , i n. w In "THC PLYING John Lmerson toupcdo" Tolly Moran In "The Vlllaga Illncksmlth" 56TH ST. Theatre PJ'2' -""' '-' ,Bel Spruce nviss T to 11 Marguerite Clark n TUK diufts" roJ Ci 52J & Mats 2-3:30 Bo 5IU Dt. sansnm Evks 0:30 to 11 10c VIOLET HORNER in "THE MARBLE HEAP.T" GERMANTOWN B308 OEItMAN TOWN AVE. MABEL TALIAFERRO "HEtt OltEAT PltlCE" r1 rtXIV BTII . MARKET 2.1B-7-B (jLUtSl $13 000 KIMDALL OROAN Mary Pickford in 'The Foundling' I1Y REqi'EST pintDn AVENPE THEATRE tillAKL7Tii and gihard avenue CHARLOTTE WALKER in "OUT OP THE DARKNESS" - a IVT lU BROAD ST ERIE k Great INortnern oermant-n aves HOUSE PETERS in "THE HAND OP PERIL" IRIS THEATRE 3"u ?T0N CLKO IlIDOELY vrAZjtJiCBlimnin "THE GOLDEN CHANCE" IMPERIAL Theatre jnu?1t UNITED PHOTO PRESENTS Darda Holmes - '"p'ue" JEFFERSON 20thBtr3auph,n HAMILTON REVELLE in THE PRICE OP MALICE" Metro Feature LAFAYETTE 20U gGTOS MARGUERITE CLARK in ' Mil B AND MEN" iiiimmuiiiiiiuimm DKATHt Mccormick. on April a, mw. john a., son of the Into Thomas nnd Ellrabeth Mc cormick. Relative nnd friends nre Invited tn nttend tho funeral, Thursdiy, at R:30 - m.. from tho rcsldenco of his brother-in-law, .tamvs Kcennn. .1011 N 21st St. Sol emn Illh Requiem Mas nt the Church of tho Holy Soul nt W o'clock Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery MrFAttLANl). Suddenly, on April 1. 1018, MATTHEW, husband nf Mnry A McFnrlantl (neo Roll), aired Rl years. Relatives nnd friends nlsn llrotherhood of nallro-id Train men and the Pennsylvania Rnllrnnil Volun tary Relief Association, nre Invited to at tend tho funernl service nn Friday ivt 2 P m . at his lato residence, .1.110 Lnnndowtio ave. Interment at Fernvvood Cemetery. MclvF.NNA. On April 4. WW. llRIDOnT. widow of Andrew McKennn Relative nnd friend of the fnmlly nre Invited to nttend funernl on Friday, nt IS 30 n m .from her Into residence. 2131 Wallace st HlBh Mass nt St Frnncls Xnvler Church at W n m. Interment New Cnthnlnil Cemetery MrLAl'OIII.IV. Suddenly, nt Wenonih. . N. J . nn April 3 WW. JOHN, son of the Into Wllllim and Sarnh MrLiUBhlln (late of Ire land) Relitlves and friends of the family, nlso Sons of Lovl. No 31. I. O L ,. nro In vited to nttend funernl service. Friday, nt 2 p m . nt the undertaker's office 103 L. Lehlqh nve Interment strictly private. MERRILL. At h"r rrldenee. 4742 Hnicl nvo , on April 4, WW EMILIE C . vvldow of Snm W Merrill Notice of funeral later. Mt'l.t.I'.K. At lleverlv N .t. nn April 4. WW. APOFSTA J It MPLLER. Due no tice of funeral vvlll be Elven MOHAN (In April I. WW SARAH, widow of Charles Mnrnn Relatives nnd friend, nlso Altar and ltoli Honrv Societies, nre In vited to nttend lh funeril nn l-rloiir nt IJllji m from tho residence nf her son-ln-lavt Peter .1 McLaiiKhlln 0J04 West minster nve Solemn Requiem Mnss nt Our Lndy of the Rosary Church, nt 10 n hi In terment nt New Cnthedrnl Cemetery MOUKtM. luddenly, on April 4 1010, WILL IAM E . son of the Into Wllllnm E nnd Sarnh Mnrrl Relatives and rrlends nlo Chnrle Carroll Council. No 1.114. IC. of C , Enslno Co. No 00. P F I) . 37th IVnrd He publican Club and all other, societies of which he wns n member, are Invited to nt tend the funeral on Siturdny, nt R .10 a in , frnm the risldenie nf his brnther-ln-lnw, Charles J Knno 404.1 N. KrinMIn st Solemn llequlem Mnss nt St. Edvvnrrt s Church, nt W n. tn. Interment nt New Cnthedrnl Cemetery. Mt'l.MN. Suddenly, nn April .1, Win CHARLES 11 , husband of Sallle I, Mullln Relntlves and friends, nlso lllslnc Stnr Lodste, Nn 120, F. nnd A. M ; Oriental chapter. No lh.1. R. A M ; tThltcd Yearly lleiicOcinl Society, Relief of Disabled Fire men' Association nnd cmploeH of rlenrBo It Evans' stores nnd lnborntory. nro Invited to nttend thn funeril services, on Prltlnk, nt 2 p tn , nt hi Into rtoldcnce, WW North (Irntx st Interment prlvite. Remains may be viewed on Thursdnv, from 7 30 to 0 p. tn Mt'ltltAY. On April 3 WW, JAMES, hus band of lato Annie Murray. Relatives ami friends, nlso Cnthedrnl Pnrlsh nnd Holy Nnme Society nnd nny other society of which he wna n member, nre Invited to at tend tho funernl Friday, nt K 30 n m., from his lnle residence 1821 Cnllnwhlll nt Solemn Requiem Muss nt Cnthedrnl, 10 a in Interment Cathedral Cemeterj-. NAM.OIt. On April .1, WW, MICHAEL J. huband of tho lato Hi.unnh Niolor. Rela Uvea and friend nre Invited tn nttend funernl. on 1liursiit,y, nt K 3(1 n, tn , frnm hi lnte residence. 2JW Fnlrmount nve HIbIi llenulem Mass nt St Prancl Navler's Cliurih nt 10 n in. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery NIEIKIHIC Suddenly, on April ,4, WW, JAMES P. NIEL'lilRK. nRed 71 Scars Funernl servhes on l'rldav, at 2 l, in, nt hi lato residence. 207 Cooper st.. Cam den. N J. Interment private PIcnao omit (lowers. NOIIl.i:. On April 2. WW. CATHARINE, Widow of Wllllnm A Noble (neo I rlel) Rela. tlvis and friend aln II V M. Sodality nnd LeiiKUe of tho Sacred Heart of St. Thoma Aquinas Church, nro Invited to nttend funernl, nn Thursdnv. nt H n. m . from tho rcsldenco nf her son. Joseph Noble 2020 Reed t Solemn HlBh Mas nf Requiem nt St Thomas Aquinas' Church, at 0.30 a m Interment at Cnthedrnl Cemetery. PARIS. On Ap-'l I WW. SLORA. TAMA Sl'RIl. vvlfo , Samuel C Pari Rolatlvca nnd friend nre Invited to nttend the fun iral servlie on Saturday afti rnoon. April H at 2 o'cIimIc. ut her husband's reldencc Sloribbert Iladdonlleld, N J. Interment private. Train haves Market st. wharf Phlla , nt 12 13 p m. Cnrs will bo In Halt Ins at Hiiddnnneld station. OVINN. On April 4, WW WILLIAM hus band of Susan Qulnn Funeral on sntur div, at 7.10 a in, from his late residence MtJ North M irkoe st Solemn Requiem Ma ut Our Mother of Sorrow' Church, at P a m Interment New Cathedral Cemeter Rel.itlvcH and friend, nlso Our Mothec of Sorrows' 11. V. M Sndilltj. nnd Km ml Hcurt Kncletv, nre Invited to nttend r'(IAN. Suddenly, on April 2 WW EMMA wife of John J. RcBiin and dauBhter of K Chnrle. and Annn-ltcenr. In her 23d vear Relatives and fflemls aro Invited to attend the funeral on Thursday, nt H n m.. fron. her late risldenee 410.1 Rrown st. Solemn HlBh Mass nt St. Ipnatlus' Church nt 10 u m. Intermont at St Dtnls' Cemetery. RITCHIE. At Atlnntlo City, N. J.. April 3 WW, THOMAS J . husband of Mary ll PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESENTATIO iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini'i rrrrrr. Bot&na Gmmm I FAriPP TORTY-FIRST AND I-.ILLSILK LANCASTER AVENUE EDITH STOREY in "THE TWO-EDGED SWORD" LIBERTY un0AD Columbia CYRIL SCOTT in "TILS LORDS OP HIOH PnCISION" Logan Auditorium "ktaAve EDITH STOREY in "THE TWO-EDCED SWORD" 1r1 ICT 6-'D AND LOCUST IJJJ l Mats. 1 30 nml 3:30. 10c lfic Eves 11:30, H. 11:30, House Peters ''"": hand OF PERIL' Market St. Theatre 333 Ket World Film Corp Presents JANE OIIEY In "MAN AND HIS ANQEL" "draft." 17th Eiilsoile, 'Queen of the Prophets' ORPHEUM Qm,MAE.4NADvEs HOLBROOK BLINN in "THE UNPARDONABLE SIN" nt?IPWT 0SD WOODLAND AVE WrVlClN 1 Dally Mat. 2 Eve.. 0;30 to 11 Jir.TRO PICTI'RIJ VALLI VALLI in "The Turmoil" PAT hCV 1214 MARKET STREET rLirAIli jo A M to 1 1 tlS P. M. CONSTANCE COLLIER in "THE CODE OP MARCIA GRAY" PADIf RIDOE AVE & DAUPHIN ST. "KIV jiiit 2 11 Eve 11 45 to 11. FRANK SHERIDAN in "THE STRUGGLE" PRINCESS 1018 MARKET STREET Vltagraph Pictures Present CHARLES RICH MAN In "Tha Hero of Suumarln l)-2" See 'The Girl ana tho Game every Thursday DTAI Trt OERMANTOWN AVE Ivl.flk.l-. lU AT TULPEHOCKEN ST BLANCHE SWEET in "THE CLUE" DUr'tTM'T 113 MARKET STREET KE.Vjfc.lN iiuu.XN voice aita ax Francis X. Hushman and Heverlv nvn In "THE WALL BETWEEN" Rill V MARKET STREET UD I BELOW TTH STREET FANNIE WARD in TENNESSEE'S PARDNER" SHERWOOD altWve PARAMOUNT PICTURE Hazel Dawn in "My Lady Incog" SAVOY ""st1 i yrone rower double'' rp I Q Q A 17TH & VENANGO STS. ' MARY MILES MINTER in "iimriiBB" VICTORIA ABOVE NINTH TrUnale presents Frank Mills t Edith Rjeves i pi xf., In ine aiurai j? auric oHttuiio vu.w v. au Pairs' with Henry U, Walthall & Edna M.yo. STANLEY CONTINPOl S MARKET ABOVE Lenore 11 15 A M to 11 13 1- JO- Ritchie (neo IVallace). nred 41 years. Reln tlves nd friends, nlso Camden Aerie. 05, F. O. E , veterans nf forelxn service, nnd nnrtendorV Union of Camden nro Invited to attend tho funernl, on Thursday mornlne. fron tho apartments of W P. M. llurr'll, 427 Market at, CsrmJcn, N. J. neautem HlBh Mas W o'clock. Immaeuhuo Con ception Interment nt. Calvary Cemetery, Remains may, bo viewed Wcdnesdsy fter I p m. Auto funernl. ttOACH. On April 8, WW. NORAIT, wife of vvninm jioacn nna i.nuBnior 01 iuwhvi miu Ihn Into Mnrtln Kceley, of Dunmore, County CJnlwnv, Irelnnd Relative nnd friend nre Invited to attend tho funernl, on Friday, nt n. m . irom ner inve rpiucnn-, P2fl flray's Ferry ave. Polemn Mnss jf noqulem nt St Anthony's1 Church, at 0:30 n. m precisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery ROUIN'SOX. On April 3, WW, MAtlY LOUISE, widow of Samuel A. Robinson, In her 50th year Relatives nml friends nro 1n vltvd to nttend tho funernl services. Thurs day, at 2 m.. nt her lnte residence, 0827 Alter st Interment at Montros Cemetery. Remains may bo viewed Wednesday wvenlng, from 7 to 0 o'elocK. ROOIirt. On April 2, WW, MARGARET. widow of Lewi C Itoohr. Relntlves nna friend are Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Thursday at S 30 n tn , from the rcsldenco of her son-in-law. Charles It Met?. 8T0S East Indiana ave. Solemn nequlem Mas nt Church of the Nativity nt W a. m. Inter ment at Holy Crosn Cemetery 110n. On April I, WW, FRANK S. ROSE, husband of Emmn M . Rose (neo Walls). Due notlco of tho funernl vvlll be Klven, froni his lato residence, corner 13th at. and iiDth ave . Onk Lane. HAM)S. On April 4, 10W, THOMAS, hus band of Mnry E Pamls (nee Clinton) In hl Hist year. Relntlves nnd friends, nlsn Key stonn llenonclal Asoclntlon. nro Invited tn attend the funeral service, Snturdav. nt 2 P m , nt his Into residence. 201S E. Fletcher st. Interment rrlvnte, nt North Cedar Hill Cemetery RI'.NINOr.N. On April 3, WW. nt his late, residence, 2r,3 E Norrl st , IIAKHT J.. son of Sarnh and tho into Peter Senlncen, Reinllves and friends nlso Court ClenernI Putnam Jfo 21s, P nf A , cmploves nf tho Ilralncnl-ArmntrnnR Co, nro Invited to at tend thn funernl. on Thursdny. nt H:3(l a. m Solemn llequlem Mass nt tho Churrh oC the Holy Nnme. nt W a. m. Interment st Holy Redeemer Cemotory SHANK. On April 2, WW CATHARINR. widow nf Itenlamln F Shane, nnort DO years, Relntlves nnd friend nro Invited to nttend tho funeral service, on Thursday, nt 2 p m . nt the residence nf her son, Charles Shnne 2124 South OUth st. Interment at Odi Fellow' Cemetery. SHANNON. On April 3. WW, Dr. DANIEti SHANNON, husband nf tho late Helen Shan non (neo Utley). Relatives and friends nro Invited tn attend tho funornl, on Saturday, nt B .10 n m . from tho residence of his sis ter, Mr. Ellen McAnaliy. N E. cor. 23d nnd Wood st Solemn Requiem Mnss nt St Francis Xnvler'n Church, nt 10 n. m. Interment nt Now Cnthedral Cemetery. Your Favorite MOVIES FREE To Boys FREE To Girls Name Your Favorites Wo will send you tickets that will admit you FI112B to neo thorn. It you vvlll only dovoto ONE MINMJTU 01'' YOCIt TfllB A MONTH TO MlOnniVY TALKING WITH YOUIt M OTU Gil OR KATllCn about our proposition. This offer la open to boyn and plrls nnywhoro In rhlladelphln, or In nny town within 100 miles ot Philadelphia, that has movies. For particulars oall or write. KOO.M 230 puiii.ic T,i:ioi:it iiTjir.niNO PHILADELPHIA west i'iiir,i)i:i.i'iiiA nRANn C2D "nd MARKET STS. vaxX'rtJ' '-' MAT. DAILY, 2 P. M , 5a. bpecial Feature ! "Tli rvi xkiu n . n mi tt b.. .ui tiiiu ucuk iuii iiuimi nARDFN Ml1 lansdowne avb '-,rv'lvl'-,1, MATS EVG.. 0:80. fox rnrii:NTs Wm. Farnum in "BONDSMAN" B) HALL CAINE OVERBROOK ,!SD "Save TRIANGLE PLAY BILLIE BURKE in "PEGGY" EUREKA orn MAnlET STa- TT. WILLIAM TOX Presents Theda Bara DESTRUCTION' RROADWAV MD nnd GREENWAY IJlVVylIV VV. 1 AdultslOc, ChlldrenRc. "GRAUSTARK" With Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne NORTH Broad Street Casino BnoA5,g"ow EVENING T 111 AND 0 MARY ANDERSON in "LA PAI.OMA" Others PFNTI IR Y nn,E AVC- & MARSHALL IsL-ill . VJ1. I MATINEE DAILY "THE PATH OF HAPPINESS" With VIOLET MERCEREAU SOUTH PI A 7 A BROAD AND PORTER t,ni,n STREETS J. WARREN KERRIGAN in "THE POOL OF FLAME" OLYMPIA DK0AD ani1 HAINRRIDQH HOME Of THE LATEST AND BEST PlfOTOPIiYS IN SOUTJi PHILADELPHIA Muriel Ostriche ltt "A cSSS,Qtr NORTHWEST 1 ' i. lisniiprinnnn THEATRE 1TTH ouaquenanna susquehanna avb. TRIANGLE-KAY I1EE BILLY BURKE in "PEGGY" 7 PARTS NOKTHE.1ST STRAND 12TH AND Q,nABD --vB- PARAMOUNT PICTURE! Florence Rockwell ,a "B07?a SOUL" 0-Act Special Drama Others KENSINGTON lITMRn FRONT ST. AND J U IV! D U OIRARD AVENUB "CARMEN," in 6 Parts "SLIGHTLY MISTAKEN" Weekly Program APPEAR EVEBYUM --Ipm a n Jh'jma mtMmmi j.