". ' 'pi ii 'wjwmmmjm. !PPHPPWiW-4lll)a. mmni tn ina.il u ,S'wHwBkwwpw5pXv"' i" ' iji 4 ' "WWWW.! EVENING LEDGlm PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, APRIL A, 1916. f t 11. I. J s s fv VICTORY FOR PEOPLE SEEN BY FOUR PAPERS ' IN ACTION ON TRANSIT Twining's Admission of Mitten Conference Shows Purpose of Taylor Plan Foes, Says Pujblic Ledger PUBLIC OPINION STRONG Throo Philadelphia inornliiK papers nml bno nftcrnoon paper dlccus the transit victory in odltorlols today Ily throe t!ir result of the meeting estcrlny Is halleil ns nn ovcrwliolmlnR victory for the tax payers of tho city, and by the fourth the Stayer Is Bcorcd for his Insistence upon changes In tho plans under Pity Hall Neither tho Press nor the North Ameri can mado nny editorial mention of the transit question Tho I'unMC I.EDcirjn hns this to say edi torially under the heading, "Tho Transit Conspiracy Laid Bare": "If there remains In tho mind of a slnglo disinterested taxpavcr or oter In Phila delphia a doubt as to the sinister purposes behind tho attempt to destroy the Taj lor rapid transit plans, that doubt must lmvo been rcmoed by tho revelations at yes terday's meeting of Uio Pittance fommit too of Councils It was there shown, bv tho admissions of Dliector Twlnlnc, that the changes In the rapid transit plnns embodied In the so called TulnhiK report vvero made after secret conferences with tho president of the Philadelphia Itapid Transit Company Under normal conditions there would be nothing significant about a conference between municipal officials and the offi cers of the Itapid Transit Company, but as those conferences Immediately pre ceded the promulgation of nn nm.iKingly revolutionary report, recommending radi cal alterations In tho city's program for rapid transit, changes which would hao inn do It Impossible for the city to deal with nny corporation sao that which al ready possesses exclusive control over tho city's transportation system, tho enormity of tho betrayal of tho cltv's Intel ests be comes only too apparent The one supteme vlrtuo of tho Tnlor plan Is that, whllo It deals Justly with the Itapid Transit Company, It unites the Interests of tho city paramount, nnd gives It the Inestl mablo ndvnntngc of position in treating with the company for an opeintlng agree ment. To surrender that position would have been a shameless hctrnval of the city to n corpoiatlon which, whatever its present good Intentions, cannot escape from that deep popular distrust tho reeds of which are sown with tho stolen and juggled leases, watered htock and evaded obligations that aro tho foundation on which It Is built. " Tho Major has probably found out by this time what the people want. It would have been bettor for him had ho led tho van In acceding to that demand. Instead of posing befmo the com mlttco nnd tho public ns the facllo instal ment of tho Itapid Transit Company. Tho Inquirer has this to say, editorially: After nil, public opinion Is powerful In tho city of Philadelphia It hi3 demanded tho Taylor plans for rapid transit and ap parently has got them Wo say appal ently, becauso when sturdy opponents of a proposition all of a sudden tumhlo over each other In their haste to outrival Its friends, thero Is always ground for somo suspicion If. hidden nwny In tho Lennon amendment to tho loan bill thero Is n snnlte, It will appear In good time. Hut wo prefer to think that nothing underhand Is contemplated. Many w colts havo been worse thnn wast ed becauso of tho suspension of work while Ulrcctor Twining hns been tearing In pieces tho very plans which ho helped to make Now lot us havo dono with nil this fooling Slnco tho Finnnco Commit tee has voted unanimously to sustnln tho Taj lor plnns, it Is taken for granted that Councils will acqulesco. Let tho order, therefore, bo given by tho Maj'or to pro ceed with tho work Let bjgones bo by gones and let peace prevail Under the caption "Major or Knglneer," tho Ilecord saj's In part, eilitoil illy llcally It Is a bit of Impertinence for the Mayor to Inject his iows about tho safety of tho City Hall Into tho dis cussion of tho transit question Ho limy 1)0 a past master on tho Intricacies of 28 th Ward politics, but ho knows nothing about tho engineering problems Involved In tho underground work nt the City Hall In Philadelphia Alone Over 1000 people use "Gerri" Earphones. Why should YOU remain any loneer in the background suffering inconveniences? The W.B. "Gem" Earphone reproduces sound waves in their naturalVtanes. And by our 3(V-dajf trM plan, which may bfc an-andd under spe cial teams; yoiltan give it a thoroukhtest. yo to the the atre, vfsjlSfricnds, use it at the officeJ-you'U never be without f again. Come in for a demonstration. Willi Brown & Earlc lams, 918 Chestnut St. Write or Catalogue L, & m.i E3- You may belong io those here in town who prefer to place their elfctrotjnjug ac counts where tie patronage is looked upon asl bread afiiLliut ter money. Yell probably Icon tider that suclj a relationship offsets the atij antifes Royal ' ran f! , Iul-.i s iffer joui JbttAi figure 'ou wouldVillfer be the support of some email hop. l!y the same token )uur v.tomers would bo ju&liheu in nv4ug of the prujigjtyho ' tit one or two prifij? 'nrY-JTTnOTYPE CO DEAF &E. Let hhn lenvo the matter to thoso who do know, while ho confines himself to the financial details Ills opinion on the safe ty of the City Hall foundations is worth no more than that of his office boy The Rvcnlng Bulletin halls the results of tho meeting jestcrday ns "A Victory for Public Opinion," and mys In part Public opinion ns an honest and Intelli gent forco left little room for nny doubt ns to Its meaning when the attempt to delay nnd cripple tho Taylor rapid transit plan began to be fully understood, to gether with tho apparent motives which entered Into the Inception of the agitation If tho Administration of tho City Hall had persisted In keeping this question open. It would have encountered such a storm of popular opposition ns would have overwhelmed It, nnd the loan bill would have been completely wrecked Henceforth there should bo tho I strongest kind of pressuro exerted upon I tho Major nnd tho Department of City Transit to take bold of this work earn ! estlv and v Igorously w Ith the substitution i of the Interests of tho city for prior con sideration to the Interests of tho Stotes-bury-Mitten policy In tho management of tho Itapid Transit Company If a contro versy over tho City Hnll "foundations," howevci, Is now to bo set up thus causing more dolaj public opinion should sweep It nsldc Nothing better thnn the Taylor plan In Its entirety Is now llkclj to be pro posed, and It will be to the Interest of tho public In every patt of Philadelphia that tliev shall unlto upon It for tho prompt and elfectlve solution of the rnpld transit problem Thero Is just one wnj- In whlrh tho Major muv repair the effects of this blundering, nnd that Is to settle down to a pollcv of broad, prompt and straight forward lieatment of tho Tnjlor plan in toto from tills time on MAYOR SMITH ORDERS SUBWAY WORK RESUMED Cnnllnuril frnm I'mtn One Ho said that ho know of no changes In the gcuctnl plan at this time. P II T CllIlTIKICATHS rmop On the Philadelphia Stock Hxebnngo todny Itapid Transit trust certificates wero tho most active During the morn ing thej- sold down a half dollar, to $IS, from the dose of Jesterdaj, but later In the ilnj' recovered some of the loss, nl though they were still below tho llnal of jesterday Hy J o'clock mote thnn 1100 of tho certificates had changed hands The com pan) 'h stoik had not sold up until Mint time L'nlon Trnctlon was nlo n fraction lower. A wide dlffoience of opinion ns to whether or not the Lennon nincndtncnt tn tho municipal loan bill, advancing tho Item foi transit development to $r7.10n, 0(10, makes any provlflon for the location of tho llrond sticet subway station under Citv Hall came to light todaj James 13 Lennon. president of .Select Council nnd downtown Vale leader, who nt tho meeting of tho Klnnnco Committee )esterdny intioilutcd the amendment In the form In which It was passed, todii) declared that It was not intended to make nnv provision for the station under City Hall Ho stated frankly Hint he was still op posed to tho Ta)lor Island station plan under City Hnll nnd pointed out the trick phrasing of tho ordinance which will mako it posslblo to cbn me the station l cation In accordance with tho tcconimrtiditlon of Transit Director Twining This nick consists of the uso of tho wouls "font track capacllj" Instead of call! lg for Mir tracks He said later that he was perfectly will ing to conform to public opinion Maj'or -Smith, on the other hand, said qulto positlVelj today that, ns he under stands tho amendment, tho city now stands committed to tho Taylor plans In ever) detail and to tho Itroad street station under City Hall Tho Mil) or vvns asked tho following questions- "Mr. Mn)or, does tho Lennon amend ment. In your view, commit tho city to Broad Street Station under City Hnll7" "Vex, m rending nf flin bill," replied tli Mil) or, "unci my unilerHtiinilliig nf it Is that the lty lx committee! to every Hue nnd tner. detail of tho Tnjlor pliin, In cluding the xtutlun under Clt) Hull nn well." 'There seems to bo considerable differ ence of opinion on tho point of the sta tion lOL.atlon I3ven Mr Lennon has ex plained today that ho worded the amend ment to make it rosslblo to change tho station plnns, nnd that Is why your posl- ttjtkTTT-imffTlflrilfflp i illin 1 1 ,M i II II I I II ii lilil !HiMwwn mini i ig tloi should bo clearly defined," the Mayor was told. WILL SIGN AMENDMENT. "I know nothing of what Mr Lennon may hnve Intended," the Mayor replied, 'but as I understand It the Oily ltoll tntlnn will he bnllt It Councils pass tho ordinance And while personally I still feel that It is a mistake. I shall do nothing more nnd shall sign the amend ment If pnsscd by Councils I have pledged mjself to give the people what they want nnd I Intend to keep that pledge "As I understand It, the cltv will get the entire Tnjlor plnn In everv detail. I felt It was a good thing to designate the sum to be Used for each, so that now the monej" cannot be diverted to outside pur poses The ninttcr now rests with Coun cils nnd, as I said, 1 shall sign the amend ment If passed nnd shlill keep my pledge with the pcoplo I only ask a square deal by all" Tho paragraph In the Lennon amend ment, which gave rise to tho difference of Mew. reads. First. Toward the construction nnd Improvement nnd payment of sinking fund nnd Interest charges of n sub. way In Urond street, from League Island to Olnev avenue, wltlf a four track capacity between McFerrnn and Spruce streets, with the necessary branch lines northeast and northwest from llrond street, $25 000,000 The trick, as Mr Lennon pointed It out, was the Insertion of the "four-track capacity" after the designation of the route of the subwnj". In tho belief of Mr Twining, a four-track subway could not be built on the west side of City Hall nnd would have to run under the Hnll, na planned by former Dliector Tavlor, there by leaving tho station at Its orlglnnl place Pnder the Lennon wording, while the subwny would be of four-track "capicltj"." It would not neccssnrllv have to contain tho four Hacks and could so bo built out side of City Hall as to permit the station undrt the Twining plan When the position of Major Smith wns late- brought to the attention of Mr Len non, lie snld' LENNOX'S ANSWIJK "If the Ma) or and Director Twining nro witling to go to a lot of expense nnd If the people want It, I shall lertnlulv not stnnd In the wnj of construction of the Island stntloii under City Hnll "I ntn onl a ilty father and a servant of the people and I am ready to respond to tho demands of the people Mv amend .m,i wffn i ..win tntltmlff nml the Ifllltntl stntlon could be built under my amend-' meat Yes, If It's the will nt tne peopi tlint the Island station bo built I am ftv It.' VAUI3 KOR CITY HALL STATIONS J Senator Vnie today said "Ah 1 havo said from the beginning, tile people will get exactly what they wnnt. Intituling the Maud Miitlnn under ( Itv Hull, us planned by Mr. Tu)lnr. "Tho Lennon amendment cai mirks the appropriations and the routes in eich lo cality Under this uiiicndiiiuit It will bo Impossible to Have out an) of tho fea tures provided in tho Ta)lot plnn ThlH was not the tube with the Stgcr amend ment " "A .MESS." SAYS TWINING . Director Twining declined to interpret the Lennon nmendment, ns to whether It provides for a station under Clt) Hall "I don't enro to make nny comment on tho matter." ho said, when questioned 'Thej" mado a mess of things cstcrd.i) I'll not say a word about It It's up to the man who offered the amendment and to the City Solicitor to Interpret It " Select Councilman Charles Seger, who introduced the amendment calling for nn Item of $(10,000,000 for transit at jester day's meeting, when told of the difference of views, declared that ho stood ready to fight for the station under Cltv Hall, as he announced last week, should thero be any likelihood of its being dropped Under the Taylor plan the station was planned as tho key to the cntlro compre hensive system of high-speed subway anil elevnted lines, nnd supporters of former Director Taylor today declare that If there was the slightest Intention to change tho plans under a. possible trick phraalng of Lcnnon's amendment thoy would re open the fight with tho same vigor ns be fore. Supporters nf the Tnjlor plnn today alio Union Addressing Company Ludlow Did, 34 S. 16th St. (rnrtuerTjlnf JI0 ItiirrlMill lliillillnt) 1 HflUprione IrfH-ustUII Hpcs'y .Wriirnte ervhe at Moilernfo l ohi. ik lor utlirrt. The OWEN MAGNETIC "The car of a thousand speeds". Owners say the gasoline con sumption of the Owen is 14 miles to the gallon And an average of 10,000 miles on tires. Which makes it the most eco nomical car for its size 136-inch wheelbase. All this plus smart appearance. Allied with and guaranteed by General Electric Company ($175, 000,000 capital). On display and sale in Philadel phia only at our showrooms. Dem onstrations by appointment. Carl H. PagerT;- 250 North Broad St, Spruce 5138 Philadelphia Nw York New Haven Brooklyn Newark Also Distributors of Mitchell Cars m-Miiiin enlled attention to another part of the Lennon amendment that may ptnrti disas trous to the final working out nf the Taylor sjfttem. The Lennon amendment, It wn Miown, make" n nepnrnte Item for the provision for the delivery loop, while the Tavlor plnn combine the delivery loop with the Urond Ktreet siibwnv, matting It Impossible tn construct the one without the other. The Heger amendment, which wns defentrd by the rinnnee Committee, combine the de liver) loop with the Urond Ktreet Miliwny In neenrdnnre with the Tnvlor plnn. The Lennon nmendment tnnkes nn entirely sep arate Item nf the Urond street onhwav nnd the delivery loop. Vniler the Lennon nmendment, It wns pointed nut by ml- Vocntes nf the Invlor plnn, the llrond street subway rnuld be built without the deltverv loop, which Is tht backbone of the entire Tnjlor plan. MAYOIt MI3T MITTEN SEC11ETLY The adoption of the Lennon amendment jestcrdi) came at the conclusion of ono of the stormiest sessions ever held In tho Pinanco Committee rooms of Councils Mnjor Smith nnd Transit Director Twin ing wero subjected to a severe grilling In tho form of insinuating questions from Select Councilman Segcr of the Penrose fiction, nnd Select Councilman Harry .1. Trnlner, who recently deserted tho Vnrcs It was learned In the courso of the In quisition tlial the Mavor and Transit Di rector Twlnln,? had held two secret confer ences with Thomas E Mitten, president of the Philadelphia Itapid Transit Company, and A L Drum consulting etiglneei for tho transit companj Hut both tho Mayor and the Director Insisted that these meet ings had had no inlluenco upon the fram ing of the emasculated bobtail plan which wns so overwhelmingly repudiated at the Flnanco Committee, meeting Director Twining, during tho cross etnmlnntlon by the McNIchol-Penroso leaders, said ho guessed he had taken orders Another climax came when It was bl ought out that tho Ke)itnno State Con struction Compiny. tho McNIchol concern which hoIdH the contract for the work under Cltv Hall is bonded through the Thomas 11 Smith Companj". from which, however, the Jlnjor said ho had with drawn before the company bonded the McNIchol linn Tho bands ,if the political factions wero fccii nt the meeting when Mr Lennon an ticipated .Mi Sogt.r nnd Introduced an amendment providing what were supposed to be the same things Mr Seger had an t'otinted ho would Insist upon Not tu be utdone Mr Segcr raised the amount of Is amendtnont fmm $fi0,000 000 to $h0,- 0,1)00 before lie intinducrd It Tho Leu- -"on amendment was foi ill". 100 000 The major points of difference between the Lennon and Seger nmindments ate Tho Scgei amendment provided for an Item of $00,000 nno for transit ; under the Lennon nmendment the Item Is $57,100,000 The Seger amendment, tike the Ta)lor plan, provldtd foi a high-speed lino across tho 3Cth Ward to Ilvberi) ; tho Lennon amendment piovlded for an ordinary trolley lino over the public hlghwa). Tho Lennon nmendment provides for $r,000.000 for the Chestnut street subway. The Segcr amendment specified no amount for this work, but under the Taylor plin It was estimated to cost $8,000,000 Dining the cross-examination of Direc tor Twining, Mr Trainer naked "Do )ou play golf' "No," icplled the Director, but tho significance of tho question was not fullj" understood until the Major arose toward the close of the meeting, nnd asked to be permitted to make nn explanation "I am a golf plajer," wns tho Major's opening sentence. "Is Mitten nlso a golf plajer?" asked Mr Trainer. "Yes; I played with him. and lunched with him and Mr. Connelly and Senator Ninth 'We Are and Locust Working Sts. for Y6 Interes Lowest Iisfei in This City ' riatfih Confidential BiitjJnr-proof Protection FpOELlTY LOAN CO. ' Kstub. 1803. llrokcrs ami Montu Lenders nrtdeemed Diamonds, etc . for aale Co., Inc. inn.-ini" "-""fa" 3 7- Penrose That Is ft, privilege I enjoy T nnd Twinning went with Mr. Mitten on a tour of the proposed lines We had not finished the trip at noon, and Mr. Mitten Invited us to have lunch with him We wont to the Uellov tie-Stratford, and lunch vvns served In his rooms I nsked Mr. Mitten then to give free transfers to the pcoplo of a certain section of West Phila delphia. Ho refused to do so and I never saw him again until ho wnlked Into my office "He came to tell me ho was renly to grant the free transfers Mr Twining's report to you Is correct We did talk nhout the Market street subway The Mayor has a right to meet the heads of this corporation as he Is a member of the board of directors Shortly nftcr my elec tion I met Mr Twining He was not told he was to be the Dlrcctrr What he said of our conversation wns correct Later ho said It was a mistake to put the station under City Hall When I saw the condi tion of tho foundation I vvns alarmed or dered the work stopped and expressed mv self publicly against going under City Hall I said the work should bo Mopped, nnd It was stopped It was m) duty to nseertaln the conditions, and so I asked engineers In the employ of the city to Investlgite I mado their report public It Is Immaterial to mo whero the tubes go I am hero to do my duty." MP. LENNON'S AMENDMENT Mr Lcnnon's amendment: Tow aid tho constructions nnd Improve ment of subwajs, tunnels rillwajn, ele vated iillunys and other transit facili ties and tho pnjtucnt of Interest and sink ing fund chatgos flftv -seven millions one hundred thousand dollars ($57,100,000) to be used, applied nnd expended as follows Klrst Toward the construction and Im provements nnd pajment of sinking tut d nnd Interest charges of a subway r.illwav in iironii Btiect from League Island to Olnej avenue, with n foul -track capacity between McIVrrnn nnd Spruce sticets. with the nccesssrv branch lines tinrthtiist and northwest from Bioad street twetil) llvo million dohars ($25 000.000) Second Toward the totislructlon nnd Improvement and pajment of Interest nnd sinking fund charges of an elevated rail way from Piont nnd Arch streets to Khnwn street, b) way of Kront street, Kensington avenue and Pratikford avenue to llhtwii street, four million four hun dred thousand dollars ($1 IO0.0OO) Third Toward the construitlon and Im provement and pi)mcnt of IntereM and sinking fund clmgcs of a double track, surfni'e passenger inlluav, beginning at nr near I'r.inkford avenue and Osford avenue, thence along Oford avenue. Cas tor avenue. Utistleton avenue, erree nnd, Worthlngton loid nnd South imptini road to 11) ben ) and Liens item pike, with all necessity euives switches grading and widening of toads construction of bridges and purchase of private ptoporty in con nection tbeiewith one million two hun dred thousand dollars f$l .100,000) Ptiiirth Tow aid the loiistiuctlon nnd Improvement and pajment of Interest and sinking fund charges of an elevated rnllvvnv beginning nt r near 30th nnd Mailu-t htreets. nr ut m near 30th nnd Chestnut strets. and extending thenco to Darby, four million two hundred thousand tlollnia ($4,200 000) rifth Towiiul the construction and Impinvtnient nnd pajment of Inti-rest nnd sinking fund charges of a subway rall vvny extending beneath the Parkway from a point of connection with the llrond street subway at or near the City Hall, Into r.ilrmount Park near tho f!reen lllimiliiiiiillinililiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimi is the selling gum m the world ? ssaSMy 'aw are three big reasons. And the Value it gives in long-lasting, beneficial enjoyment is a point that people appreciate. The air-tight package keeps the flavor quality as fine as when made in wonderful Wrigley factories. lC Write for the Sprightly Spearmen's funny Gum-ntlon book of jlnglea vitlwitloral. Address Wm. WriglevJsCi602 JKeaner ng, ' x i. T i. 1 "IT r Ghew it mit&r Bvewy meal tut r. iiiKiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiimfiHiiii W-frWlUT-, - street entrance, and, an elevated railway connecting with the same, extending thenco over 29th street. Henry nvenue nnd nidge avenue to Itoxborough, seven million five hundred thousand dollars ($7,600,000). Sixth. Toward tho construction and Improvement and payment of Interest and sinking fund charges of n. subway rail way In Arch street, 8th street and Locust street, forming a delivery loop and con necting with tho Broad street subway nt or near Arch street, and at or near locust street, seven million six hundred thousand dollars ($7,000,000) Seventh Toward the construction nnd Improvement of a subwny rallwaj". If Councils should hereafter determine that the same should be erected, as a con nection between the elevated rnlhvavs leading to Krnnkford and to Darnj', stun subwny to be mainly under Chestnut street and for the pajment of sinking fund charges and Interest thereof, flvo million dollars ($5,000,000) Eighth Toward the acquisition of real estate and real estate easements in con nection with the construction nnd Improve ment of the aforegoing suhwAy nnd ele vated railways nnd other transit facili ties two million two hundred thousand dollars ($2,200,000) Ninth Any surplus or balance remain ing In any of the foregoing paragraphs of this transit Item, after the completion of the work therein specified, shnll bo used toward the completion of tho work In nny of the other paragraphs therein vvhorf thrro has not been sulllclent money pro vided to complete mat particular work I !Wl Are You Dure jjj Gl WtvplJl 'ou arc wearing the corset bcsl suilcd JJ 1 l to enhance your figure? QJ 1 More and more women are finding in IS I J) Van Ordcn Corset qualities of Style, K l Fit and Workmanship Tvhich they did j)j jM, 1$. no' imagine existed in an) corset. fii v7 MM AW Comc 'n Wd sct lhe La,esl Models. K lm ' ts'tV 1 I it""' Hli'ncjli'orictlen-K at iourervlce U Van Orden Snop ChJtnu? St. g !5Z5E!TE5E5E5H5E5ZSE515525H5Z51!SZEE5EHZS now why ?! JSf largest mn$8 the e BF &Bedl Package r Chicago. J 7 rfOTljIill p 1 1 ITTTrnTTTTrf 1 1 tfflt ' tsmmM I Why The TROUT Stcd Filing Casc3 and the TROUT Di rect System Mean Greater Efficiency The card index rod and follower ntt unnecessary. Hns removable metal partitions, and costs much less than wood cabinets. A CABINET WILL BE SENT FOR FREE TRIAL Write or Call TROUT American Steel Furniture Co. 119 South 4th Street mm n niiiiniTm SBca and m B the Mf V -M1IIIMIIIIHIMIIIIMIIIIIIIIW11 wiiiiTTTTiiiiii;iiiimiiiir;mj M 1! I ""!!'" iliniiiiiiiu ' 'a?LjBB 7 ,