EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA', TUESDAY, APRIL 4,' 1910. u ' FINANCIAL NEWS Wii n If.i.iBi ii . -....., i -.. n ,,-- ! POSITIVE STATEMENTS OF MORE WAR ORDERS FAIL TO HELP MARKET ttSpecialties Sustain Losses of Around Three Points. Aside From These Issues Tone Is Firm, With Many Stocks in Better Demand High Points in Today's Financial News Quarterly dividend of 4 per cent, declared on common stock of Kelly' Springfield, increase of 1 per cent, for quarter. Butler Brothers declared 5 per Cinlt stock dividend. Second dividend on dissolving of United Slates Express will be paid soon. Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville stockholders vote, on Anril Si. on an issue of $10,000,000 50-year gold fc fronds, bearing interest to be determined by directors. Offer of $75 a I! share 'made for outstanding common stock of Pennsylvania Steel Com pany oyvetiilcheni Steel, liar silver at highest price since inin. formal dissolution of old Rock Island Company of New Jersey will take place beford May i. Call for condition, as of March 30, of State ftnii.a, trust companies a,nd savings institutions in Pennsylvania. New York Stock Sales I.ait close ltuh .114 Ul'l imt lox 20' i 30 78 72' 9.1i Ol'j VH 2Vi MH 77' 7W 01 71'f NnV YOUIC, April 4. Tho violent advances which marked jeitorrtny'i trudltiR, followed ly posl- ftlvo slntctncntfl of additional war orders on so laro n pcnle na to require addi ctions to the facilities, of tho contracting coiporntions, were without influence on Hho market tone today. Some of tho room traders, knowing of these orders nnd of the character of 'the good buying yesterday, were overconfident at tho opening and took suli- Btantlal amounts of many- of the specialties, but quickly found theio were no other , buyers except themselves. It did not take them long to change their position to tho Belling side, nnd when tho supply from tho tiadlng element came on the market, quick recessions wore In order. Losses of around 3 points were numerous In the specialties, but It Is n Question as to how far this apparent weakness was the result of a desire on itlio part of the controlling interests to gather In tnoic Btock for their own account, It was generally understood that ti laigo pait of yestei day's buying Ltvas duo to covering of shorts and the market was naturally left without support "from that source today, with the urgent covering completed It would bo reasonable, because of the professional character of tho advance fand reaction, to eliminate thet,o war tinier stocks altogether In passing Judgment : on today's stock market operations. Outside of these tho stock tone was (lrm, j, with many Issues in far better demand than the price movements Indicated. i'ossioiutlcs or the situation were shown In tho manner In which llnrluo common moved to above 20 by the execution of foul ROOO-shaio buying otders, t While tho preferred stock yielded from 75 to 73 Members of tho Marine Com mittee, insist that there has been no new development on which the strength of tho common stock could be based, but some of those watching the trailing on tho board floor Insist that the maiket talks for itself and that some develop rient favorable to tho common stock must be clotc at hand. They conjectutd that an agreement has been reached between the two stockholders" committees , Without regard to what members of these committees ni.iv miv. 'tj. Willys-Overland moved up S points and then declined 9 points, and similar JrftlOVCmentS. Ollt Wltllftl Iinrmuer limits, inin t1nti,1 111 niimnmna ntlinf lacuna ,KHeadlng and Union Pacific were prominent In the railroad list because of scarcity feof offorlngs. The foreign exchange market presented no new feature of Im- Jportance. Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville to Issue Xcvv Iionds NEW YORK. April 4. The Chicago, Indianapolis and Louisville Kallvvnv K Company has Issued a chcular to Its stockholder announcing a special meeting to do new in indlannpolls. April 24, to act upon a recommendation of tho dlrec- Jtora to IB3U0 J40.000.000 GO-ycar gold bonds to be put out In series, bearing rates tot interest to bo determined by the directors. Although tho Information Is not contained In tho circular, it Is understood tli.it thn nrnceeds nt tUo n- Uunn - ... ..... ...... ..-u.., to far as needed, will bo used to take up outstanding bonds and equipment cer- tlftcates as they mature. Tho total amount of the long-term debt of the com- rpany at tho close of tho last llsenl year was only $18,223,930. This Included tliicc .Issues of refunding bonds aggregating $lfi,000.000 Second United States Express Dividend Disbursement NRW YOHTv Anrll 4 Tho nfwmul .llt.lilmwl illehnrunm,.,, e i... .11, ..i. 1.. 5 United Rtnfps TVTirpMQ Pntnttntu tV'lll 1. innili, r......1t..r ,n .. nm..i..i r it. 7 ' " " '"i J ..... w. ...... .I. ,.,-l .. tiling iu ,111 UIUI.1,11 III uiu IUIN- lpany, either tho latter part of this month or the eaily part of May. While tho dividend may not be as high as 40 per cent., it Is eald by thoso closu to tho r management that it will bo In tho ncighboihood of the Initial dividend, 2" ; fCi belli Butler Brothers Declare 25 Stock Dividend r CHICAGO. Anrll 4. Butler Tiros, lins ilnnlnrml n : ,. ,.... o,..i. ..i..i . --. -- - . . -........u .. ... . LtlHi flUtlV lll- Ldend, and the 25 per cent, new stock Is to bo Issued nt n.ir tn ntnptiiniiiru r jTecord April 2C. The stock dividend Is pajnblo May 1, to holders of lccoid PApril 26. 21) 2 IX SI'i 1011 H' H'l S2 Adams ExnrCM. Abskn J Hold M Ms Oold Mines AlllvChalmPM Mfg Allls-Chal Mfe pf Am llect Sugar Air Beet Sugar pf Am Can Am Car ft Fdy Am Coal Products Am Cotlon oil Am Ire Securities Am Linseed Am Ix-omotlre Am Locomotive pt Am Milt Corpn Am Sm ft Kef Am Sni ft IM pf Am Smelt pf A Am Steel Foundries Am Sumr Itcf Am Sugir net rf Am Tel ft Tel Am Tob pf hc Am Woolen Am Woolen pf ,. Am rltlns I' pf Am Zinc L ft Sm Atiiicomla Cop M Assochted Oil Atcn 'I op ft S K fch Top ft S r pf Hill Ino U Hall Iwn U pf Halt ft Ohio Halt ft Ohio pf Hmk of Commerce Hitoplln Mining llrookljn Hip Tr llutfe ft Superior ( .11 Petroleum f'.il I'ctrnleum pf Canadlm Pacific Centt.ll leather Chihcllor Motor ("hes ft Ohio Chile Copper Chlno Copiier OVj "m tw Clone. in 14 w 10 20' i 77 7214 lit WW no'f 10 20K 20! i 77 72H 01 nou 102't 10 h ioo' loon fiPt TiTi bih "1H JS'S 28' i 28' I 23'f 2.1W SVi S2U 7Si 78J 1014 Itll'i lOUi H'l H HH 10." lOJJj 102 102f 113 U2' 1124 112'J HP lil'i PiSj loou m lot KK) lt.vj iio'i iifiT iir,' 12S 12S 127' i 127'f WM 10V tOVi 10,-ih fio'i m irti'l . ')')'$ 20'4 . VPi S7'i 00' i IDl'l 101 ll)7'i I0 S7'j 70', 170 . 2i H,'. 112 21' i il 1117 fil'j . III'. dpi. iz-1 ma 20' i ,ip. ,S7Mi 07' j i or, 09, 20 .soil SOS 07 ' lOP-i lOO'i 10(l' KKI'i io'P( lim'i loin. 108' j 10S' 4 IDStj H7ii 87 't H7H 70", 70' i 70' 170 fiO YJH 20 S't'j 80' i 07' i 101 170 .. 8.V, n 21 Pj 107'. H"j ICi 0'.' .' O.ls 17', IM'f 120 12IP. 17'j 72' Ki', i' 1 8Vt III 2J'i .'il 107'a uPs UH 0P4 170 2', SV, OP. 2.'l't Al 107' iiPii DIM 0P 22 B1JJ :t7'$ 120 ECONOMIC UNITY VOTED BY ALLIES IN PARIS COUNCIL Conference to Be Held Soon Charged With formu lating Policy WILL MEET NEXT WEEK Sales in Philadelphia 54' :i7' IM' 128 120H 120s. 17' i7J 72't 72'4 P li', llfi'a 13,-ii 1,'I.Vj 2P, 20 . 20Ti 1131 i 03 UV tlO'i' 02' 7 02'. 1104 110'4 110'i 220 220 220 15P4 15Pj OJi 0'i (II in IS1 . 891, IH'i 110' 113 2.Vi 23?, 03 dO 7P 7Pf 3V 3S?4 129 12014 77'i 78', .Hi'j 52 20 IPi 115 110 70'4 11.-. 19' III 12P II 20't 103 10i 5')lj HI 17',' I8'j 47', 4S 17', 73 89 110' t 25' 00 74 57' s 120', 77 5PS 2 IS 104 218 1 ('.. 1 10U 1.11 l.'J'j 129 I8va SVi .iO'i' 52 21) IP, 115 unn 70', us pis 01 12P, 41 201 1 KM HH, 59' a 111 17!, 4S)j 18 IS 20 7.1' j III 112 2V, no 71 575 i 120'i 771,' 5P, 2 Is 10' j Kelly-Springfield Increases Dividend iraW YORK, April 4. Kclly-Sprlngfleld Tire Company declared a ouarterlv rdlvidond of 4 per cent, on the common stock, payable Mny 1 to stock of record jAprli 16. Tnis is an increase or l per cent, quarterly. FWHEAT CONTINUES FIRM IN AMERICA New York Bond Sales lEarly Advance in Liverpool Is Checked by Big Re serves Here CHAIN lUXT WEATHKIt FORhCAST CHICAGO. April 4 Tlw ththfr fore cast for 311 hourH Nl Illinois Full- rxrrpt ruin In extreme outh portion, cooler. Mluanrl t looilr, rain noutli unit ne.t. Nrbratka l'urtb cloudy, niln houtli. Kuhi Italn tonlcht und iirohjblx Wcdnodar. Mlnneot, Iomu, ortli Dakota ami fiouth Uaketa Cool tonlsht and Vted neiNdar. CHICAGO, April 4. The Hoard of ade and the cram markets at Toledo pd Kansas City were not In session to Ly, on account of the spring elections Seat prices elsewnere, now ever, con ked Arm on the crop outiooic ana a kment by the Department of AktIcuI- at waslilnEton. niacin? tne amount Imlllable wheat from last i ear's crop fSJIOO.OOO bushels. I he: market at Liverpool started Arm on Ippojntlng arrivals ana fears that ex Is from tho United States would fall The advance was checked because of large reserves In the United States Canada. Moreover, attention was filed' to the fact that Argentina and Aui- ilia had shipped but little of the!' jlelda nd they would havo fully 200,000,000 bushels to spare for export, not mention. 'ilnir the good out-turn in India. Bradatreet'a estimated the visible sup- Bly of wheat In tho United States at 06,. 191,000 bushels, a decrease of 889,000 (bushels for the week, and compares with ? 46,287.000 bushels a year ago; In Canada rST.SSl.OQO bushels, an incease or 2,110,000 bushels for the week, and compares with Jl3,S89.000 bushels a year ago: in Ku- E-rone S3.S00.000 bushels, a decrease of i,'"l,30O,00U bushels for the week, and corn- spared with 76.700,000 bushels a year ago. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YQUK April 4. Although tho iwutkit fcr foreign exchange was quiet In Jh.4 tlrat hour of business, tpere was a talrt amount or irregularity, sterling iTtlchrmarka were steady, while rubles t lUllan lire had a heavy appearance , the other hand, Swiss exchange guild- i and Stockholm showed nrmness. Quo itlons follow Demand sterling. 4.7S 7-16 : Ecable, i 77 , franc cables, 5.97 ; checks. I6.$7t relchsraarks, 72072 1-18; lire .;piiblea, 5 6H, , checks, 6 65H i Swiss cables. 5 20li , thecks. S 31 ; Vienna, 12 35 &li . Stockholm. 9 20fj-29 30; pesetas. klS 3'j)19 iD guilders, 42t27i , rubles. Jl 4031 ii A lack of business in the late afternoon ired to be chiefly responsible for an Uter turn all around. Demand sterling i an .earlier figure of 4.16 7-1644 IS, led to 4 7e 76 7-16 and cablet) fn4 frorn 77 to 4 76 15-16 Franca not changed appreciamy at s 87 lor km) 5 81 lor cnecKs. iteicnsmarKs i 71 ip-16(?7;. stocKrioira was 139 40 and 29 50. compared with 1.30 to the earlier dealings. IllEh .100(1 Alaska Gold r f iifd.lo.' , 4 Amer Acr deli 5 . -m lousnou AiiKln-Fr .1 . an .150(1 Amtr Mnelt ataili'.iut'i (MM) dn rnm J looo Armour Co I'm .i.ou AtLhlKitn gen In -Odd Atih Tran s U 4i iooo Halt & Ohio :i 'is 7IHX) do la . .:. ',000 do I ha . . I.'oiio do r,a . . looo Cal Oa a. Kiet si 1JOOO Cent Lemhi,,. tu, -.u in 'looo Caii Urn I 0s 1UJI li'l. A 1014 114 , 01'. (MIL, 01 V, 100 ll'l". rOlOOO rtn 111 il IShlHst do 1IU1 7000 Chill CoIMT 7 noon Choa A Ohio 4 Ha looo CiVs & Ohio ,1a looo Chi 4 Alton J4h looo Chi & UdM 111 3a 2000 Chi (It Weat 4a . 1(1000 Chi II & Q Joint 4a 2O0O Chi II & Q Ke 4a simmi Chi M & f. ! dlv 4a II 1)7 l.-IJ Ul4 10(1 a 7JU liiS ( 3000 ch il & s V cv 4hi 10OS 1000 Con (Sua rv Jla 1J." ,m, i,i te ii mi lonv aa 107 ..u.,u ii-ii & mo u -ta (AIOO Den Hlu Gr In looo Detroit United 4 Mu fcjouo Dl Hecur Corp 0a .100(1 Urlo eon 4a ar A L'oooo Krl prior 4a 2MI00 do cv dlv 4a 2(100 Ot Falla Pott Sa iixio dreat Nor lat .".a .-.lioo Hud & Mm In Aa Soon III Sle.-l deb 44a tuui, iuh t-enirai ia .10(11 Interl) Met 4 Via Soimi Interb it T ref 5a . .1000 Inter Mer Mar 4'ia 123000 do cl 4',, a looo Int Asr Aa . 31000 Jap new (1 S 4Sa 7000 K C Ft S 4 M la i'wi ivan my no 3a a 78 (J Ml . 7H 7J, 70 . N1 looij ion -uh . l.ou. lot. U'l IIJ ill"'. Ul. liil Vi III'. Il.t'4 III! t 'U'U IIP, mi; loo. 00'. lot ill! i !!7U 13 lil 1IH! 44', 7.1 72'i UMi VH I).' llKlS 107 7K, SI 7N 78S 704 h.Vi S.ltl 1004 loo Mil. ! Cloae 10.' Ill o.-i. .' 1104 ii n. 1014 04', II I'. iniU IU 4 129i 120 .iy.i ii's t L'l'i 07'j lbV HDHi 1 1') j l'JUj 1JJ 1111 73 ; 111)4 ll!lI m 771 HO 7(1 ii &. luooo Kan City Ter lat 4a h5iJ looo licleda On rfd Sa 10J iuui, i.k an ueo 4a itMl 1000 lie Is. 11 T .la 40110 I.ltf H 11 T 7a looo Uirlllurd Sa 3MHH) U,ula & Naah 4a ?3J Sihk) Manhattan 11000 Met ivt Co (la Ser C 11.1 IH'i 111.' 12U Kit 1)44 u PES FOB 5IONEY 1J2 3 H t 3 J J 4 44 to a nxmtto J'llii-dil- 20(H) Minn & HI L. 4a anon Minn ht 1 3 8 il 4a lhooo M K a. T lat 4a 2000 da eat Sa sooo ilont I'ower 3a . 20041 Nat Tube 3a 1000 N Y Air Urk cvt 8a niiuu ;n x uent oa MM do Si K 4a 1H7000 N V Kwy ref 4a 140O0 do adj 3a 13000 N Y Til u-en 44s (.000 Norf lc Weat 4a 800(1 Nor l'ac prior 4a. 10O.) Or Short I. ref 4a. SOOO l'actrlo Tel Ba. . 7000 1'enna en -14 a 2000 Pub Serv N J 8a 5000 riaadlnir sen 4a 5100(1 Itock laland rfd 4a 9000 do Sa loon ML.&SF sen ct ata 4a 344 3000 Han A 4 Ar P lat 4a (1.1 1000 Stand Mill Sa .- 7i uouo Ha.D j L aaj oa vw -wu aouta uen aa SOOO South Pao cv 4a 1000O do cv ret f p Ca. l.-.ooo do rfd -la ISOoo South Kwy sen 4 (SOOO South itwy cona 3a 4tt00 Taxaa Co ov da SOOO Third Ave adj 3a 1000 Toklo Sa ... 2000 Toi Peo i W 4a (I. 1)3 714 mi u 10.14 ldK H14 78 4 Gil UU U3H v J 4 83 1004 1034 81 , W44 IIH(Z 4(1 lOOii 104 S 80S 704 .Jos; 82 ,. 784 SOU adOO II S Stesl Sa 111-? 1S00O U a Steel res Sa af 1044 40QO Ucilea I'ao lat 4a , 07 40OQ Klbk Pac cv 4a 93 0000 Ualon Pac rfd 4a . 004 1000 uo ltwya a P 4a 41 31 4000 1000 Va Car Chem lat Sa 00 Va Kwy Sa Wabaah lat Sa Wabaab Sd 3a Weat M1 lat 4a. . Weat Shore 4a Wlacoa Cent gen 4. 08W 894 huS u IIII4 77 ; till 7(1 U.'S KK 1024 ,4 4 102 l-'ll 101 014 1)2 114 112 83 70 4 soU 8(14 1014 1034 1134 Kl4 784 88 80 034 91 93 1004 1034 91 ! 94 4 1182 4(1 54 4 H.1 074 (Id 1004 874 104 i 10 ' 1034 104 4 83 78 4 .10 4 102 1044 07 83 00 4 41? 00 08 4 804 IH14 100 'J H'l 4 11114 ti')4 1)7 4 87 132 814 10(1 444 7.1 7-'I 8N', 8K4 82 1004 107 4 784 80 78 73 4 70 814 814 1004 100 20 4 HI'! r.7?i i 7S4 H'lS mil 77 80 7(1 024 DH4 102 4 84 4 102 120 101 Si'1 113 (12 93 704 Vi lol 4 1034 1134 814 784 38 a 80 934 83 83 100 4 1034 914! 944 U8Vi 4U 34 H 113 97 H (18 1004 874 1044 804 704 1024 103 JJ H 1024 104 07 93 904 IIS 89 084 104 g 88 75 92 t4 BANK CLEARINGS Bank Clearlua today corocared with cor (wtyvuuua vaf laal iwu )Vr 1914 1815 PoiU 311 111 3 49 031 O. Tlyta ,-, Xft Xoxk j7.72,i5i eSo.01l0,i. 1014 ,28 SO-2 304 SS.32.8se M 478.183 33,lV3.0ii iv,vrj,zni Clil Orcat Wwt nr .i; Chi Mil X St P . IIP, ("111 M A !1 I pf 127'j thl & Northwestern ISd'i t'hl It I A, I'v 174 i C'luctt Pea A Co 71 C'oi Iuel A. lion 111 Consollditnl flas l.'IVj Corn Products Itcf 21 torn Prod Itcf pf. jv, rtncll)l( Steel .. t),i'i Crucible Steel i' 1 104 Ciilian-Am Miear . 210 Delaware A Hudson lfiOtj lfiU Drill cr A. Hlo Or t)', 0 , Detroit United llvs )V, H Distil See Coton IsJ, .)' Domo Mines . . . . 2)j L'fi Kriu nan :i7 Kile lt pf .. fi2 Wf Ted Min A hm . 10 20 I'od Min A Sm pf J l.i'i (Jen Cliemlcnl pf tl."i ufi General Molors pf 1104 11(14 tioodtlcli II V . 70S 77'. (iiiodrlrh II V pf lirH llo (licenc-Cananea . iV)' i Till (Irani) Conso! . ()l's 111 Ureal Northern pf . 21'i I2.I (1 N efs for orj prop 144 (t'j tiiicuenhelm I".pln 0j, 204 Illinois Central 10! UK Int Acrlcullural 1114 !M, Int Aeticultutal pi .VJ'J ,V)'j Int Han N J lit)!-, 111 Int Con Cor v t c sh 17' I7'i Int Paper pf tllj III Int Con Cop lsj ISij Int Nickel v t Us sf S4 Int M M pf c of dp 17s 2')'f Int M M pfcofdp .71 75 Jewel lei . . . Jtwel Tea pf . Kan Citj Siulhern K C Ft h A M pf I Krllp Sps 'lire ' Kennecott Copper. 1 Klnes Co II I, A P I Lack steel Co Leo Itubber Tire . .. ril', ! I.lgeett A Mjers . .217 I loose-Wiles Itlscult 10'i j Lorlllanl P Co pf 120 I Louis A Nash 121)4 .iiannat i.ie uui Maxttdl Motors '. Ma Motor 1st pf SB SO Max Motors 2d pf . hO'i f,7!,' Maj Dept Stores fi.", C14 Mctlcaii Petroleum IlWj US', Met Petroleum pf lis 074 Miami Copper ,lsh a') Minn St I A S S M 11!) US'; 11S4 .mo Kan A letas .il, Montana Power SI Nat Enam A S Co 2.'i Nit Enam A S Co pf Ol'j Nat Lead Co . 07 Ncv Con Cop 17. New York Air Drake 1-I0)j 1 174 1 Ifi Y N II A II N Y C & II It N Y O A West Norfolk A Western . North American Northern Pacific Ontario siher Min Pacific Mail IVnnsjInnl.i It It Peoples Oas Chi Phlladelpela Co . . Pitts Coal Co N J Pitts Coal Co N J pf Plttsbumh Steel pr . Presied h Car Co Pub S Corp N J Pullman Co Quicksilver . . Ily Steel Spj Co Hay Con Copper . . Heading Itepubllc Iron A .s Itock Island pf . bt I-ouis ASF . St L A S F 1st pf . , St L A S F 2d pf Seaboard Air Line Sears Ho A Co . . Shat Ariz Cop . . . Sloss-Sbef S A I . . South Porto It Sus . Southern Pacific Southern It) Studebaker Co . ... Tcnn Copper 54VJ 5.i!i 53' Texas' Co ... 100 20!) 1001 Texas Co right .. 174 1S4' li? Texas Pacific . . S S S Twin City It T 01 0"i 95 United Claar Stores 014 U14 !1 Union Pacific. I.J24 l.'li), H2JS 1M3 United Fruit 14S4 ICOJi 1434 U9 U S Ind Alcohol . .1014 1051s 101 101 United Kys Inv Co . 15 15 15 15 US Itubber .. ..514 524 52 524 U S Itubber 1st pf HI 112 1114 II2 U S Steel Corpn . S54 Ml S5 &54 U H bteel Corpn pf. U H Sm II A M ... C04 C0ta (A U S S It & SI pf . 5.2 524' 5J Utah Copper . .. 834 834 S14 Va-Caro Chem 44 45U 414 Wabash 154 15 15 Wabash pf A 40 404 464 Wabash pf U 23 2S4 28 West BUI .. . . 604 60) 034 Western Maryland . . 32 34 31 West Union Tel . ... 004 004 00 Willys Overland . 235 243 230 Willys O pf s r f p 10J Woolworta F W .121 Woolworth F W pf !4 854 554' M UW, 074 .tS4 I SO 21', 00 004 17 04 034 4 S54 554 5)4 no's 074 3s4 1184 I oO IMJi Oli 00', 174 115 rei4 02!( miii 27' 122 " OS' ', 1134 1134 1134 1134 11114 1014 1014 274 274 274 12211 1214 122 004 00 09 84 23 604' 1014 444 2S4 1014 OS 544 1101, 101 34 404' 214 M4 r 3 154 SI-. 224 504 1014 144 284 103 '.PI 5-14 117 10J .14 40 214 834 524 4 i!4 5.4 34 154 84 224 504 1044 41 2s 84 22', 504 10-14 14 28 1024 1024 1704 178 304 304 50 50 210 217 OS 9-. 204 204 1424 1404 143 HO 54 4 117 1014 .! 10 214 814 514 4 24 14 3 15), 178 30 554 205 074 M'i 99 5-14 117 102 .14 I'l 244 844 514 4 24' 14 3 154 178 30 55 1 205 98 20" 3 1 134 534 100)4 18 s 05 01 1104 1104 1104 1104 08 52 814 414 15 404 as 654 32 904 237 1044 101 1044 125 1214 1214 1244 144 1214 1244 Old Rock Island Co. to Be Dissolved The formal dissolution of the old Itock Island Company, a New Jerse) corpora tion, will take place before May 1 through a comporomlbe reached between the re ceiver for that company and the receher of the Chicago, Itock Island and Pacific Railway Company regarding certain claims the two concerns hold against each other Steps to dissolve the holding com pany were hastened through the fact that New Jersey corporation taxes fall due on May 1 NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. April 4 BUTTER Market trade baitar. wttb prlcea higher on top gradea. ItKelpta. OlHti extra creamery, 37 He 1 blsber acorlnr. 3S83H4c , mate dairy, 3783740 Imitation creamery 28 41830,. ECU S Market (Inn (or all gradea. Prices huber on Weatera and Southern receipt! Re ceipts. 31.07.!. extra nrata. --J4c , flrata, 20 if. Sic 1 white egge, i5?0c 1 broun egga, 23 4 dzlUc . mixed color. 21022Mc . refrig erator, beat 2021Hc. iiiRKCTonv or accountants! By YVES GUYOT Ex-Mlnliter of Public Work, nrtllnr tAcence nconomi'iue ct Plnnnclere Spfrial rable In .teiidto f.rrfoei PAttlS. April 4 The great event of the last week has been the Allied con ference In 1'nrH The ofllclal communique oald that tmltv of nctlon would Include economic nnd mt!ltnr affairs, and ndded Hint tho Allies had decided to put In prnc ttro In economical nffnlrs their solidarity of leui nnd Intcreits They clmge tho economical conference soon to be held In l'ails with the work of proposing necci s.ir mensurei to realize that solidarity Ihlq ntinro.irlilnK conference must not 1 be confounded with the great Intcrnatlnn- nl pirllamentnry conforenco which wns set I for Mnrrh 27 but lins now been put off until April 21 1 I The parliamentary conference has said I It would not take up tho question of custom" but would Icac them to too gov ernments tn rpgultte ThlH Is a cry wlso toursc The economical conference which meets next week will Include notonly members of the go eminent, but diplomats and functionaries 31 I 13 20 120 40 2 It ir,o von 10 10 10 14 210 Kill It loo .no 100 10 211.' 23 s I.' 100 1700 :n to IS II HOtl to 1210 200 II 77.-. (.DO m (1 Am Mlllne Am Rwj n do pref Am Loco llalrl Loco II ft 8 t.f do pref Cam Stenl niitlll Heru Co 1 Tr N .J Kite smi tten Aiphalt do pref ins Co N A Kennfl cop l.k Hup Cor tllah t.ow. rioe 12114 I2i)"i 1204 T I 311 m 4 so'i inn. 114 no si in 71 IIJ ar. on4 wi4 loo in no 81 in 71 fi .1(1 W 3114 7i 71 ; 2(1 21i r7N r.7 KIM l"- lhbrh Vnl . 77H 77,, I.eniKii vnl -r, u'i J.- .10, on 4 soU loo 4(1 00 si is 71 li.4 714 H?j. UlS Net rhire. 14 i 1: Mlntrtl ri 11 Nev Copper 174 .North Pa 01 Penna "7 Pennn H MffT 101 Ponnn Htl prof UK. Phlln Kler. . 274 Phlln It T ext IH'i do tr ctfn . 14 Phlln TrBCtlnn 77 Itemllnir 83.4 Ton lielmont. IJl lo MlnlnR O'i union Trni . . 11 U ri I . . . ns4 V H Steel . sii Ulnh Con . si;, nr Ir k St. 10 Vtmore CI. 1114 Crnmp & 80ns 8.'4 ork Ilw 11 HOMJl llluli soon Am 01: :s 14 400(1 Am Smelt il 1104 looo ch ft ok sn r.s un 2300 Kt Pen Tr Is SJ inoo Hnrwd llle Its loj'i IfiOd Intetn Hs l Bs4 (looo l.h VI Ren Is I)1' mini Lorlllnnl T 7s r.000 1, Vnl Tr Is 2000 do IM rf rs 2000 Pn ens la IN 2000 Phlln tiler Is 1011 uo .is 2J4 3S4 17 . til .3114 101 lis 27 J, 1SH 1S 7114 s-,4 114 8S4 88 , in ; 3S4 III 3114 101 t)H 27 ;, is4 ',. 7 (lSl 8 'l (Hi 114 I'll SIS 1i) niji 80 4 10. J(I4 !".S 814 101 looo Iteml urn -Is IH? Jiiiiii Ktnnd Gas us 101 v, 2000 tin lts I c Is 7I "mill tin lt tm "s 72 41100 Uelsh Co s on 20011 w N YAP a Is SVi sooo York lu 1st r.i iis,i (-Increnne UerreHie I.nn 014 HoU DOS 81 J. 1oj4 rs tn 4 1 211 4 8:;. Oil 1 st4 104. II lf till 4 VA o'i , 1114 81l 1 11 4 mi 4 8J 11 .Set -lose rhntige 1)14 I 1111, III) 81 4 -1- 4 10J4 .. .. rs . , 01' .. .. IJII4 4 112 1U4 11 1 4 8l4 int. , lol -t 4 714 '. 7.' 4 H'l I- 4 K-.11 I.'1, -t- 't 4 FORTUNE COMES TO MEN AS BY MAGIC t I War Business Swells Stocks on 1 Curb From Few Thou 1 sands to Millions Nt.W Yollrf April 4 One of the ("touts mi the Ilro.id Street Curb carried with It n tinge of lomance In the creation of the huge fortunes out of war order buslnuss According to recent newspaper stories and current gossip, the energies of two shippers of automobiles h,ie been rapidly do eloped Into a corporation with ino.noo shires of stock without pnr i.iluo and $n,ooo.nnn of notes These shares, representing the corpora tion of tlaston, Williams & Wlgmore, were traded In on Hie Curb today nt 704''T fiO ',. or an equivalent of $21,000,000, whllo the capital originally In hand was said lo h.tNC been nnlv u couple of thousnnd dol lars only a few weel.s ago Chevrolet, In uhlili an announcement In legiud tn the (onsolldatlon with gen eral Motors is expected at any time, advanced more than Ilo points, to a new high record nf 8G4 Knthodlnn Hronze preferred responded to the stntement pub lished two diy ago of the drawing of tho tlrst cartridge shell and estimates about coming production with a brisk demand on wlikh tho price of the stock mUnnced lo 21) home Interests 011 the Curb believe that lnteicontlnentnl Itubber, with its Mexican properties fice from embarrassment, has u good proMpeU for active trading and higher prices In the nwr future especially If a stable gov eminent In Moxlco Is es tablished as a result of our expedition Cuba Cine Sugar, of which current trade lcpoits of the most brilliant ch.11-ui-tor nre given, was Influenced by the appearance of some large selling orders One broker has an older to sell 4000 shares, nnd after this was executed stock continued to be supplied In substantial amounts Mldvalo Steel also seemed to he in sup ply fiom bomo somce although Its market position should have Impioved ns a icsult of the knowledge of additional war orders whli h have necessitated arrangements for nddlng to facilities of many plants han dling these contracts INDUrlTltlAI.S. Aetni l?xiofllveH . . 224 2JK& Am-llrlttah .MfB -O 2S Atl (lulf i. VV I S h . . .104 SJ do pref . . 4K4 .Mi Alnirlnm Marconi li, .1, AJnx Itubber Inc w 1 .. . I!ll4 7o(C Canadian Car ft Kd ill 70 do pref . KJ b" Chevrolet Motor Cur ISO 18(14 Curtlss Aeroplane II 4H Cutuin Cane tucar . . . H7 US Drlbsa beuliur) 138 IIJ IZmersun Phonocrapli l'Jr l.'lU ilmton Wllllama 70 70'i HaHkell ft Darker Car 12 41 Hi mice life 21 2S Inter Mtr Marine 184 ii4 da pref 7 1 77 Kuthodlon Ilronze pfd 2S4 20 Manhattan Trnnxlt , 14 1 Maxim Munition U 0 4 Mldvule bleel (17 07 4 ()tln delator ill (' otto i:isenlohr vv I .14 .", lVerlena Motor 2(1 2(14 Poole leucine und Machine . . 110 121 hi Joseph I.eud HI 4 1 S H Krenge vv 1 12 12 4 bubm.irlne lloat v t 1 ctfa 30 37 Standard Motors K H Trlnncle Film v t Ltfn . . .. II4 4 1'nlted Proilt bharlni; 14 1 'i IT H I.lsht ft Heat 34 3 t' S Light and Heat pfd 4i r,4 IV hlte Motor vv i 50 51 World Film 14 14 .STANDARD Oil. hUHHIIHAIilES Prairie Pipe 220 221 Illinois 170 171) Ohio OH , jji 2J1 Standard Oil of California J)S 2.1J hlamlard Oil of New Jeraey ... Ill) .117 titandard Oil of New York 200 J12 OTHER OH, STOCKS. Harnett Oil 34 .14 Coailen Oil 104 20 Chalmers OH o 8 Houeton Oil 104 1H4 Mtdvvent Heflnlng 014 (114 Inter -Met 12 124 bapulpa 1J 1.1 MINING STOCKS. Atlanta 15 17 Corro 404 404 Ilutto C ft . v t ctfa 84 H4 llutte ft N Y 34 .Ht Klrat National Copper 5 4 H (loldnelit Merger 1H 17 llecla Mining 4",. r.",, Howe Sound 54 .14 Jim Under . 03 Oil Jumbo Extension 84 8(1 Mjitm.1 Copper 1H4 1H1 McKtnley-Darragh 41 47 Mlnea or America .,, ,., '1 :iu Mplaulng Mlnea Co 7i 74 San Toy u 10 Weat l'nd Consolidated 77 SO Kenenck Zlno 134 134 IIONDS. Cerro Oa lis lis Cheaapeake & Ohio Sa 074 07 i Mldvule . Is i74 OS bt Paul 4a 03H 034 Local Bid and Asked lodsv'n Vrterilflvs Illil Asked 1111, Anked llal.lnln . 1074 tos 1074 Ins llntf ft 8us t e II., 17, II,, HI do pref .. .1114 (l"4 .VI 4 004 llrlll 1 (1 .. 12 II. U, 43 nine HtnniBn . . 01 'a 1. J 4 "I a 'J4 Hen Asphalt . .. 3(1 .104 'ini 2'lS do pref 714 72 714 714 KnJ Tel 1.14 II 114 J-J4 do t 114 II 134 114 do pref . 70 71 711 71 Lake Pup Corp 1u4 1"4 104 I" 4 I.eh Nav .. .. 71Ui 7.14 71' 7.14 Lehlith Viillev 77 7,4 7, , 4 I.ehlKh Vnl Tr . .. 2J4 2J 2J4 21,, do pref , . il'i 114 114 4 14 Pennnvlvnnla J . 304 " nil 4 57. Philadelphia HleitrU,. 27J- 274 27 2,4 l'hlliilelplila Co.. . 114 114 ll'i Jt4 do .1 per rent pfl . tl'i in 10 do (I per e nt pfd . 13 PI 4 I.I PI 4 Phlln II T T C. .. 184 is is 111 KenillllK 8 814 84 4. 814 Toil Pel I 11-111 14 I 1-td 1 Toil .Mill '14 "14 "14 114 t'nlnn Iraitlnn . 114 11 414 43 CHI ... ss4 8s4 884 8S4 t! S IKel . 814 814 814 h'4 York llwv . Hl4 11 ' 104 11 do pref ... HI .104 3(1 3114 Win Cramp t r . SJ4 8.1 so 804 CarUJlad eu!l Acaounlanla LAVYU1LNCE U. BUOVtt 1. CO. isi nxi.it aavAta xtvx iiuitBCiav Financial Briefs NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK. April 4 The loffee market opened eaaler thia morning and flrat prlcea ahowed decllnea of & to II polnta under scat tered commtaalon houao aelllnK 'Tradlnir was quiet und on the call only 1000 baga of July rhanaed handa Todai'a ooanlng 8 33 The mill omit of the country 01 tiered close to 1.100.000 tons of rails during March, the grentei part to be delivered next cnr. This Is fai 111 excess of the amount ordered In a single month during the last four .vears. and Is nearly ns much as was oitlered during the 12 months ot cithci tho enr 1013 or 1911. The Penn sylvania him not placed Its tonnage, nnd It Is expected to be for close to 200,000 tons Oiders for three Santa IV, three Pacific type engines for tho Chicago. Indianapolis and Louisville, and 10 switch engines for the Minneapolis and St. Paul railwajs have been received by tho Aincilcap Loco motive Com.in. Chailes P Davis, fornierb connecteil with the Philadelphia Trust Ooiiipanj. has become associated vvltli the bond depart mont of Kdvvatd D Smith S. Co Gainings of the Uairett Company fot Januarj nnd I-Vhruary were etiulvalent to a full year's dividend upon the 7 poi cent preferred stock and 5 per cent upon tho common stock Owneis of preferred stock of the Pitts burgh Coal Company, through a commit tee, have Issued a circular letter to fellow Hhaieholders opposing the plan to readjust tho accrued and unpaid dividends on the prefeired. which amounts to $44.58 per share. The plan Is to exchange the pres ent Issue of 7 per cent, preferred for one and one-third shares of new 6 per cent preferred Tho committee that Is under taking the readjustment this afternoon an nounced thnt assents to the proposed plnn from holders of more than 82 per cent of the prefeired nnd more than 80 per tent of the common stockholders had been re ceived. The icorganlzation managers have ex tended the item within which deposits mav bo made under the plan and agreement dated November 1, 1915, for the reorgan ization of the St Louis nod San Krancisco Railroad Company, until the close of busi ness on April 15, 1916 Office nf l'KNJ.SI.VANIA STKKI, COMPANY (OF MAV Jr.llHi:) Morris Ilnllillne, . Philadelphia. April 3, 101(1 To the holders of the preterm! nnd rommon atock of Pennsylvania Hteel Company (of New Jeraey) Notice Is hereby slven that at a meeting of the Hoard nf Illreetors of Pennsylvania Steel Company (ot New Jeraey), railed for that purpoee and held on March 30. 1010. of which meeting overy director received at least three davs' notice, the following; resolution was adopted. HEbOt,VED That, In la Judgment of this Board It la advlaabla and moat for the benedt of Pennsylvania hteel Compan that tho same should be forthwith dissolved, und to that end, It la ordered that n meeting of the stockholders be held on Tliuredj), the Ith day of .May, A. II, 1010, at 12 o'clock M , at the office of the company 417 Market alreet, in the city of Camden N J to take action upon thin resolution and further that the secretary forthwith give notice of aald meeting and of the adoption at thia resolution within 10 days from this date, by publishing aald resolution with a notice of Ita adoption In the PcsLin i.epoeb. a newapaper published In the city of Philadelphia Pa , for nt least four weeks successively, ooce a week, next preceding the time appointed for. said meeting, and by mailing a written or printed copy of the same to each nnd every stockholder at this company residing In the United Htates Pursuant to aald resolution, a meeting of the stockholders of Pennsylvania Steel Company will be held at the office ot the company, 417 Market atreet, Camden, N J , at l'J o'clock 31 on Thuraday, 31 ay 4, 1910, to take action on aald resolution FKANK TENNEY, Secretary March April May June Jub Aujuat bepterober October November December January . February Hid Yesterday'a cloae H .lutes 61 8 07a Oil 8.J0 . . 8 SO .8.2(4 t 8 3088 33 "s'sa 8 3H ..8 45 8 154 8 20C 8 241 8 20 1 8 33 8 41( 8 444 8 401 K.K1 18 21 25 I JO 33 18 38 I '8.42 18 45 8 31 8 51 W8 50 20 DIVIDEND baa been declared by the Barnett Oil & Gas Co. to atocuholders of record April lOtb. Parflciilara on reauesr Dcpt. I. Stock actively traded In on N. Y, Curb. E. H. CLARKE Inveatment Securltlea. SI lWlllani St.. New sork City Booklet 'Past. Present and Future of Independent Oils." on request. CONTINENTAL-EQUITABLE TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY "4Sr l TWKLFTH STBKKT AllOVK CHKSTVUT r limADEI,l'HIA, PA. -April 4, 1916. National Properties-American Railways Company 4-6fo Definitive Bonds will be ready for delivery at the office of the Continental Equitable Title and Trust Company on and after Friday, April 14. 1916. These will be exchanged for the negotiable receipts when prop erly indorsed, also exchanged for ' the temporary bonds, when presented at this office. These tyjnds may be registered as to principal at the office of this company. COM-INKhTAL-KQUlTAllLK TITLE AMD THCST COMPANY, J.TIUl. COTINUED IMPROVEMENT SHOWN IN NORFOLK AND WESTERN EARNINGS February Statement Compares Very Well With Same Month of Last Year Big Freight Revenue. Further Advance in Price of Silver The Xorfollt nnd Western Hnllwny eon tlnucs to make forward strides In the mut ter of earnings The Fcbrunry stntement, which vvni Issued today, compared veiy vvpII vvltli tho corresponding month of the previous yenr A striking feature of the month! report vvns the health2 expan sion In the freight revenue, that item in creasing 1.600,I81 to $3,988,188 The rnllvvay operating Income for the month was $4,688,415, an Increase of $1. flip, 21 1 Tho net operating revciue lotntcd $2.05,68), Increase. $1152.658 Kor eight months tho rallwny operating revenue wnt $37,289,300, increnso $9,830. G08; net $16,158,145. Increase $0,907,291. The annual report of the Philadelphia and Camden Kerry Compnny for the year ending December 31. 1916, camo out to day. The total operating revenue for the year was $824,230, as compared with $760,085 in the previous vear The net vvai $435,738. ngalnst $373.3.13 Announcement vvns mndo that tho National Properties-American rtallvvnys Company 4-6 per cent definitive bonds will he ready for deliver nt the office of the ContlnentnM.Viultnble Title nnd Trust Company on nnd after fridny, April 11, 1016 The'io will bo exchanged for the ncgotlnblo recelpti when properly Indorsed also exchanged for the temporary bonds, when presented nt this office These bonds mny bo registered ns to principal at tho office of the Contlnental Kqultable Title and Trust Company, trustee The continued advance In the price of silver caused some activity In Tonopah lielmont on the Philadelphia Stock Ex change today and the prlc'fc of the stock advanced fractionally. In New York tho white metnl reached Gl ai cents, the high est point nt which It has sold since 1913, when 631 cents vvns tho top price Price iioveincnts on 'Change, while nnrrovv for the most part, wore toward higher lovels as a rule One of the ex ceptions vvns Philadelphia Itnpld Transit trust certificates, which lost a half point before noon. The trust certificates wero the most active In the trading, mora thnn 1000 changing hands In the first, two hours' trading. The softness vvns due to the con troversy over tho proposed new elevated and traction sv stems tn tho afternoon P lt,T trust certificates recovcied some nf the morning's losses They continued tho most active fnltctl Gas, after going off sllghtl. recovered nnd sold at un changed prices from osterdiy Cambria Steel sold nt 81, unchanged from tho last previous sale, and Cramp stock sold ot 82 j In the afternoon, uu 214 point-" I COTTON BUYING INCREASES , EXPECT NEW RECOIII) FOR AND SPOT PRICES ADVANCE UNITED STEEL TONNAGE Better Dcmnnd nnd Big New Orleans Sales Cnusc Jump NT.W VOIIK, April 4 Trading was mixed on the Cotton Kxehange nt the opening this morning, the buying being scattered, while about the only supply came from Liverpool nnd some loom traders. Tho tone vvns steady, with prices three points lower to four points higher It was tho belief nrnund the ring that the selling by Liverpool was tho result of lower ocean freights, the point being made that these reductions permitted straddlers to buy in theli Liverpool shorts nnd sell hero nt a nnriovvcr difference After the call, n dispatch from New Orleans stilting that there was n belter demand, nnd that about 3000 bales wero hold after business hours on Monday, be came genernll known, nnd resulted lu Increased buying which carried prices up two to three points for spot Liverpool nuotntions were duo to come 4i to 5 points higher, hut nenr-months wete up only oncto two points, whllo October nnd January ndvnnccd thrco to four points Private cables said the llng lMi tnarl.ct was featureless. Vest rlns Open IIIkIi l.n Close Mnrcli I.'J.I l'J II IS 41 U 41 !-'41 Mll II llll tt Ml 11 Ml 11 7.H 11 K T,.H l'J nil 1117 I" lit 11 III llll.-. Octolier IS 117 I J 111 1M11 ISin UIINil Iipumbcr l'.' : is J- i:ai is sj is ss .Innujr ..1S.ll l'J .11 IS III 1SS7 1S..II Spot . IS Oil 11 05 LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH 8TOCKS. 111.1. Aikc! tin: llutlcr 01 0" MiicN'timarii " i'S lli(i -.' SI Mlpah Kxtpnilon SI . :S M.intnm. 1" ' Northprn Stnr l' W : i".n rnnoiinh Kxtenilon V., fi TnnnlKlh MlrvjIlB . . . . O'i nisiU" Kul.1 S'l .?(! West Knd 78 M aoLDrmi.D sTocicy. Atlllltn '. JO -'7 llluo Hull 01 . 14. llooth IT "0 llull.lo J OJ 15 O V 1 U1 Comli Krnc 0. .(! Dlnmon.llleia 11 l 01 "1 Dulsy "i i- rinmneo J ' (loldlli-Iil CnnotldatMl ! J1 liolilflilil .Mercer I; 17 Jumbo Extension j s Kiuanita I'1 ' Oro "I -in hnnd Ken nil Kilter Pick 07 .OS MISCELLANEOUS Pnlrv Azteo 01 ft-. Klmberly "i ".: Nev Ida Hill J ) Arlron.i Union .1 .l NovaUi Wonder l.M " 00 Offerings wanted of VICTOR TALKING Machine fctfoM BION STOCK Will pfy $60.00 Per sharc for twenty-five shares. C. K. Garrison 308 Widener Bids., Phila., Pa. Statement for March Will Shovr Record Gain, It Is Thought NI3W VOIIK. April I Another good Increase in bookings by the United fitnte Steel Corporation for the month ot March Is looked for by the best Informed Interests The statement, which will ba made public next Monday, Is expected to disclose a gain of between COO, 000 and 000,000 tons On February 29 the total ordeis on tho corporation's books nmounled to S.50N.. 06G tons, so that tho expected Increase will bring the totnl at the end of Inst inohth to approximate! 0,100,000 tons This will make a now high l coord for the company, the second In two mouth" Previous to February 20 last the top nmrk of orders on the corporation's books was 8,189,718 tons on December 31. 1000 This total, however. Included duplications, because it contnlncd Inter enmpan orders, which arc now eliminated from the statements LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS rillfAOO, April I. IIOOH Hecelnts 13. 000. mnrket stendv Mixed nnd butehers. Ill I50II.NII. Rood llenvv 111 (lOdiui sii, rotiRh henw. HOStCII lit: IlKllt, SU 3IICtll.HU. plus. 111011. built. 411 liOHti 70 C'ATTI.IS Ilieelpls S.100 mnrket Klronc tleeves, S7ST4P10, eovvn nnd lielfers. 13 S. Si'i, "toekers nnd feeders 111 N.-.dJH Oil, Ten nns 17 S".Sf s no. enlves J7.3US1JN 70 Slllllli' Ilirrlpta. 1(1.11(10. mnrket 10c lo llic lower, native nnd western. HlliO. Inmbs, 18 75011 30 BAR SILVER In London bnr silver today win quoted at 29 7-10 pence, an advnnco of l-lll pence Coinmen lui Inr allver In New ork wna quoted nt 01aiC. an nUvnnco uf Bt Information About Investments which can bo rolled upon Is even moro tieceHsary now than during ordinary times Our In lestors" Service Department ns the result of many years ot study and gathering of data ia prepared to provide Informa tion regarding practically every Investment security ot any prominence. This informa tion will bo given without charge to thoso Interested As wo aro very desirous that in vestors should know the valu able service this department of our organization renders, wo have prepared n booklet which explains In (Ictallrtlio character of this ervU and guttl ( toenail It iy who apply for 360 N bright &Co.,Inc MORRIS WI8TAR STROUD, Jr. Manacer 437 Chestnut St., Philadelphia New Tork Boston Detroit Tendon Tarla William 1'. nonbrleht i. Co. rjonbrlgtit & Co. we will be j gratis to thd Booklet No, William P. BUILDERS llrfnre our present romimny Ima a thante to say "o." ask me about plucinr our aurety bouili. I'll cite ou the best of hervlre. rellete you of ul-HMiillii.YTure your seltlne lovveai cairarriiiiu iiroirri you in ties KKii, ni.imui,, U ...... J. LATTA Pennsylvania Bldg. REPORT OF The Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities Trust and Safe Deposit Company 517 Chestnut Street Broad Street Office, Chestnut and Juniper Streets At the Cloe of Business March 30, 1916 RESOURCES Cash on Ha'nd ; and In Bank , il-'iiolf 2? Loans Upon Collateral ail Sea ?s inic3tmeiit Securities ft 4Hl1,Ubs.7o j"esere Fund for the Protection of 'Cash Balances In Trust Account" 6,868,060.30 Real Estate ..'. ' ' ?f????,?0 interest Accrued , l?'.??l.?I Jliacellaneous Assets .1 13.078 Total,.,, V. v416 lOi LIABILITIES. f Capital Stock I. Sl5S9'22R-2g Surplus Fund ". V- . -riVOO.OOO.OO Undivided Profits I .,SJ5t2?i'l Deposits -il 3',?X?,?i?'5J interest Payable . . 105.11C0 Miscellaneous Uabllltles , f'i"' " j16H Total ,..... $41,29372 TRUST DEPARTMENT Indiv dual Trusts, Held as Executor. Admlnjtrttor, Trustee, Guardian, Committee, Attorney, fur Javeatraenta (par value) ., , . J0l),10O,33iiSl Amount for Investment ) ' Amount not for Investment t . . I'ssT.i'a Income Awaiting Distribution J .,i..- Total $210,720,059759 Cotoorate Trusts. Total Amount of Bonds of CorDoratlons becurea by Mortsagesor utner uonaierai fi2fiWii.U3 Total Amount of Securities Held as Collatecgl under Ccyjc8;t Dseds of Trust .""rTT lll,S83,U3 is C. S. W. PACKARDf-aB C. S. NEWHALL. 1- Trurr 92 Hi. 9IB