iSnrifc5"inw5SpiMSuST?S"S 32 otv of wealth EARNS) IN TOE MOVIES I Forty Per Cent, of Los Angeles Populace Draw Pay From the Photoplay W By he Photoplay Editor Tnere Is bljr money In this movies, a we all ltnov, but when It comes to keeplnc real city, or rather most ot the people tn It, then we realize what n. wonderful In dustry It Is. t In said that of the 600,000 popula tion or tne city of L09 Angrclcs, approxi mately 40 per cent Is drawing at least a portion of Its annual Income from the mo tion" picture Industry. As an Indication ot the extent to which the people of that City flrfl Ittterfsfil In hlMnrna n rorttit f U lo the drimth studio of tho Triangle rimy corporation brought forth from one visitor tho remark: "II In almost pitiful, the way In which tho hordes of people flock to this placo Jthen they think there Is tho leaet likeli hood of a 'mob' scene being staged. They are not stage folk : In fact, most of them coma from the ranks of clerks, ofllce work ers, store employes, followors of the minor professions! you will find mciltnc.rn nine. frs. carnival folk, athletes of the various types, -women from their homes, anxious to earn n. tittle to help out tho family Income. Old men and young men, aged Women, infants and younp girls, all wait for hours In tho steady California sunshine hoping for a day's work." When some of the big battlo scenes are being photographed ; when some of the great road scenes llko the ono In "Jordan Is a Hard lload" are being taken, tho great studio seethes outsldo llko a hive. , How the word gets out no ono seems to know, but It does, and Los Angeles sweeps down like tho Assyrian on the fold. Perhaps one of tho most pathetic sights Is to Bee rrnntlewommi. fallen unnn nvil h.4 .times WaitiniT Datlpntlv fnr nn nnnnrtltn. Lo-ity to earn a few dollars. Thev lmvo llttln K; success, for thev arc not fitted fnr mm. IS Pttlon with the rougher clement They .' nnn'r i niinMtiiH.i .. ..i.. ir wee, . uii-iuiQiui u LHU UMI1II1LT Iliriira : II1PV Caa't elbow their wny with tho others. ThftTt nlfl mun tnn fttnr Kent.,... .1m...h ...- sessional men of various walks, doctors, ireacnors, lawyers, cvon ranchmen, art isans and tho like, aro trying to stavo oft tho visit of tho wolf with plcturo work. Picture work I Imagine nearly a quarter of a million people earning their dally bread and but ter moro or loss precariously from nn Industry that 10 years ago was considered allt llrlf-Ae-l'ai 4ab I VilllUIVltO IW I T. W. Griffith remembers his own lean years'; ho recalls tho days when ho was lV . .... vai.i.o tviiftji', UIIU urn Keen ly ea assistants navo a curious manner of ukuwuuiuiis uiu jiuuus ana nanas or tne .ijiu aim "cuny, ma rougn anu roauy, nnu picking- out tho moro tender and oldnr members of the horde of nppltcants. Not always is this possible, of course, but, all , things being equal, the timid gcntlowoman Iw Bem ino urst can. B , Tho Lubln V. I,. S. U release will bo ""Dollars and tho Woman." featuring Ethel iuyiuu unu i.wm .uooro. jnomcr or tlio i many 'Moores. ' EVENING LEDftEB-PIHLADELPIIIA, MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1916: Jessa I iAsky Feature. Play Company, wera taken In the small town In Missouri In which Mark Twain laid his Immortal story. Some of the buildings of that period still stand, and the slave quarters which are shown are what Is left of the historical old plantation near the town. Jfary Plckford, tho Famous Players Paramount star, slipped Into a back seat at a theatre while her picture, 'The Foundling," was being run off , She was much amused to hear the fol lowing conversation occur when her shadow appeared upon the screen: "Sho certainly In wonderful, but I don't believe thnt story about her setting a halt In terest In her new pictures from tho Fam ous Players." Tho little star smiled comfortably to herself, for she had signed the Incorpor ation papers of the Famous Players'-Mary Plckford Company less than an hour be fore. Patrons of tho (Hobo can see "Tho Foundling" on Wednesday. Blanche Sweet, having completed the taking of "Tho ltagamuffln," a Paramount picture, under tho direction of Wllllnm C. Do Jlllle, will Immediately begin re hearsals for a new production, as yet unnamed, In which Mr. Wm. ( De Mllle will direct her. The Frankford will show "Tho IlaBamumn" on Friday and Sat urday. 'Tho Devil's Toy," a picture adapted from tho poem 'Tho Mills of the 3ods," by Edward Madden, will bo tho feature on the program of the Grand on Tuesday, with Adele Blood as tho star and Ed win Stevens and Montague Lovo featured In the cast Theatrical Baedeker FORREST "Come to Bohemia." with Datnle Irtlnir. waiter Perelval. Alien HaKerman unit rrlts Williams. A minlenl comedy, with bock by CI. H. Chappcll and mu'le by K M. Murclilnon. WALNUT " Damaged Goods." rjunene llrleux'i " piny, recently produced uy iucunru ucnncil. BROAD "Tho Llttlo Minister." with Maude Adams. The fanviua piny of Scoteh llfo by J. , 51 Tlttrrle. tellinit of the prank, of Mllndy B.ihble. Special mntlnen of "Peter l'an" on Tuesday nnd Thuridny LYRIC "A World of riensuro." with Clifton rawfortl nnd Cnnroy nnd t.e Mnrle. A Winter Harden Show with rrmMe bv tlnm. herir. words by Atterldio nnd atnKcd by J. C. Hoffman. ADELP1NA "Nobody Home." with Law rence qrossmlth. A mualenl enmedv from In? Anirlo-Amcrlcnn Allies. Oood music, fair book, cicellent comedy from Uroeamlth. aARRtCK "It Pas to Aelvcrttsn." with LouIbo Drew. Grant Mitchell and D-n John son. A novel forco with much fun In It. PHOTOPLAYS. STANLEY Monday, Tuesday nnd Wedncadny, "The Heart of Paula. ' with T.nnnrn Illrlrfi. A storj- of Mexican life. Thursday, Trlday nnd Saturday, "IJen Blair, ' with Oustln x' arniim, AltaVDtA All week ness, wun nouslass Kalrbnnki ssHHisssssHKEtiillssHsk ! Hl ten? K&4 W 5HISS 5w ws' irWW.; m SUNSHINE dRL' WILL BE TRAINED FOR OPERA iStwMM CONSTANCE COLLIER Stnr of "Tho Code of Mnrcin Grey," nt tho I'nlaco this wocK. nillen, monologue: Hlo and Normun. Ben nnd Hazel Mann: STOCK. KNtCKmnoCKEn "Tho Thief," n drama hv Henri llrrnsteln. .with the Knickerbocker 1 lajers. Hmlly Smiley and John Warren In the leading role, AMKIUCAN "A Woman's Wny." Tho Ar Mne platers In cirar Georee's nimcilv suc cess, with Iluth, Ilobltison and OeorHO Arvlno In the lendlnc roles. HtritLKSQun. DUMONT'S Dumonfs Minstrels, In satires on matters of current Interest Five-Year-Old at Day Nursery Finds "Fairy Godmother," Who Promises Education i The story of B-J ear-old Dorothy Zuino, 1 the "sunshine girl" of the Franklin Day .Nursery, nt 719 Jackson mrcct, la llko those In books nbout fairy godmothers ahd poor little girls. For Dorothy now has a "fairy god mother." with loads upon loads of money, who heard the little girl sing ntitl saw her dance nnd will give her a musical education. Tho wealthy woman wanted to adopt Dorothy, but Dorothy's mother said It would break her heart to lose tho child. Then tho ilch woman offered to educate her nnd ecry one was glad. "Sho Is a wonderful child," said tho wealthy woman Every one nt the nursery agreed with her. They bellee that Dorothy will be come a famous opera singer. Her olco Is sweet and strong fnr a child so young. Tho nnnirt of the benefactress cannot lip divulged, nrrordlng to Mrs lleorge Qulnturd HonvlU, president of the nur sery Dorothy's good fortune came as tho result of the $10,000 cnmp-ilgn which Is being waged by the nursery for tho en largement of the Institution and the ex tension of social service work nmong poor mothers. PHYSICIAN'S HOME RODBED AIIT IN ADVERTISING SHOWN AT EXHIHITION OF POSTERS "The Habit of Happl- R Knlrhnnk A Tpl. uiiKie r me rtris comeny. PAI-ACn Monday. Tusday and Wednesday, 'The Code, of Marcla Grey." with Con staneo Collier. Thursday. Friday and Sat urday, "fror thn Defense," with Fannlo Ward. VICTOrtlA Mondiy and Tuesday, "The ,viiut.. ji it, warnr.. Wednesday nnil K The Essanay Is still telling us Chaplin I? la coming In his "Burlesquo on Carmen," I - ana now they add tho promljo of William uuieua in oneriocic noimes. Let's hope Bill will not wait as long as Chas. Cleo Madison will appear In "Tho Blt tercup," a Ited Feather production. Tho exterior scenes nf "Ptirtrt'nfcon.' JSVlison," which will bo seen nt the Cedar n Tuesday under tho direction of tho l niirSllJlV. "Thn Mnpn Vn),rln ...It). l..nHl. M1!,, V.rldns'. nnrt Saturday. "Tho Wnll lletwecn." with Francis X. faushman and Beverly Ilayne. VAUDKVILLK. KlHTirs Valerlo Herirero In "Tho I.lttlo .h"T5 l"V"ms , IM.llo Loonard In "The Minstrel' Iteturn": Wilbur .Mack nnd Klla nlker In "A I'alr of Tickets"; Kate nil nore and Sam Vllllams: "Tnnco Khocs": j-.dnn Showalter. ocollet; Lucv Olllette. Vvnrren Temnb'ton. cnm"dv alnslnir and acrobatics, nnd California Ornnco Packers. enpss. icnva rirst half of the w..Pit wnr,i m2ii" 't- c,"-'Jn 'The.Mummr nd the i1,1 ;Q,J r?,nlc JI"n,,1l- ..Qhllbrlck nnd Do )3W!.U ,IIar,'no.n!!,t..: Walton and Jolsun. The Vvonder Kettle. CLOUR "Solomon tho Great. Harney will ',!im? nSd,,rl!V ,h8 F.our Hurley Girls, Mnr t& orubrne':,,bonani!-.affmrowy:Wa1rd. 'X iut'en. ?endre!nd'lTlU0n"'"ny- W""n nnJ GRAND Hobby Heath, In his rovu-: Mr. and our uornon Ilchlanders: Tom 2; V.,'.r?r Allison In "Mlnnlo From Mln 300 Specimens on Display at School of Industrial Arts Interest In the "city beautiful" Is bring ing many visitors to tho poster cvhlbltlon which has Just opened nt the Pennsyl vania School of Industrial Arts, llroail nnd I'lnc streets. Tho combinations of art nnd advertising In tho exhibition are nt trading wldo interest. About 300 speci mens of poster nrt compose tho show. It will remain open until next Sunday. Tho Newark posters, which formed part of tho competition for which the city offered n prize of $1000, aro of especial Interest. They represent tho best poster talent In tho country, nnd nlso demon strate tho beautiful effects which nro pos sible through an nrtistlc appeal, as oppos ed to glaring billboard effects. Many were Interested In a group of nnu nan neaps. photograph.i showing city streets with nmi without artistic advertising. In fact, largo posters can bo used to hide unsightly lots The Helglan scenes of Drangwyn nnd Pryso. which nro moro in the nature of drawings than advertisements, nttracted much comment. Lovers of Edward Pen field's quaint old coaches and sporting pictures had nn opportunity to see his largo collection. Dr. Dudley Guilfords Loses Gems nnd Clothing Worth 480 Thieves, who broke through n rear door by cutting the glass from tho window, robbed tho home of Dr. Dudley Guilfords 2..07 South 2lst street, in tho n Irani es tate, of Jewelry nnd clothing valued nt $180 while the family wus nt Atlnntlc City. Tho robbery was reported to the police ot tho 20th and Federal streets sta tion today. Doctor Oullfoitls closed tho house Sntur dn afternoon nt 4 o'clock. It was tln oci'Upled until the family returned Into yesterday afternoon. They found the first lloor in disorder. Tho robbery wns the second In the Gl rard ostato within a month. A few doors away thieves entered nn unoccupied dwell ing nnd escaped with several hundred dol lars worth of household goods. BIEDERW0LF REVIVAL AT N0RRIST0WN ENDS Evangelist Wins 2200 "Trail Hitters" and Gets $3000 NOMMRTOW.V. April ,1. Kvnngellst v. !,. uienorwoir nntl his party last night ended their campaign In N'orrlstown. They will go to Plnlnfleld X. ,1 , where they will open a cnmpnlgn licit Sunday. , From every lewpolnt tho local cam paign was a success. More than 2200 trail-hitters responded to the Imitation nnd took Doctor Hlederwolt's hnnd In ac ceptance of Christ, nnd the churches are already feeling the benefits of tho wave of religious enthusiasm stirred up. One direct result will be a movement for the erection of n $17S.000 Y, M. C A. build ing to replace tho present antiquated structure. Virtually every church in the community, including those not inter ested In tho meetings, has had its member- snip increased. The total offerings during the campaign were close to $11,000. Of this, $.101)0 was given to Doctor Hlcderwolf. Tho remain der wns used to defray the local expenses of tho cnmpalgn. DESPONDENT MAN ' ENDS LIFE IN RIVER Chester Plumbing Contractor Commits Suicide on First An niversary of Wife's Death "LYNCH HIM! KILL HIM!' CRY MOB AT PRISONER PASTOR RAPS DEFENSE "Christian Preparedness Only Sort," Says Rev. J. C. Kunzman Preparedness for war was censured by the Ilov. Dr. .1. C. Kunzman, superin tendent of home missions. In n Lenten tails today at Old St. John's Church. Race Mrect below 0th. "Mohammed, Napoleon and a lot of others stnrted with the sword," ho said, "and see what a mess they made of thlngB. Now we. hero In this country, talk of getting ready for the same thing. Wo nro clamoring for uniforms, cannon, dread noughts, submarines and neropianes. We are losing sight of tho fact that thero Is only ono sort of preparedness that will benefit tho world Christlnn prepared ness " PASTOR SAYS CITIZEN MUST MB HEADY TO DIE FPU STATE No National Lifo Possible Without National Suffering "There can bo no national llfo worthy of respect when there has been no national suitering." snid tlio Hev. Dr. Hdward Yates Hill In a Lenten sermon today at tho First Presbyterian Church, 7th and Locust streets. "If ono is unwilling to die for others," said Doctor I till, "he really wishes to llvo though othe-s die. Upon tnnt basis not ono nation could stand. Such Individual ism would destroy the whole fabric of society. If we would llvo together, build States, comma ml nature, create useful nnd beautiful arts, build homes and mako so ciety it grenl family, then we must bo willing to fall sncriflclnlly into the social eartn to nrltig forth such fruit. "This Is precisely tho view Jesus took of his own life. He would not sao It. Ho took his cross, llo gave his llfo a ransom for money. Our r,entcn senson must keep the value of thnt cross In view. No lesson Is needed moro In America." CIIESTKIt. Pa . Anrii .1 Tolin Tl. Uleylcr, 48 fears old, a prominent busi ness man of this city, this morning com mitted suicide by Jumping into Chester Itlver. His body was recovered threo hours Inter by "Soap" Fierce, a river man. Hloylcr has long boon melancholy nnd this wns the tlrst anniversary of tho death of Ids wife, who wns Miss Kmrna Howard. Hleyler got up early, dressed and slipped out of the house. A square and n hnlf from homo he came to 8th street lirlrlo-o. climbed over the rail and then leaped. ThomoB Cluclow saw him Jump nnd made a futllo attempt to save him. Hleyler has been in III health for a long time, nnd tor weeks wns In tho Uni versity of Pennsylvania Hospital suffer ing with mental trouble. He wns dis charged nearly three months ngo nnd re sumed business here. For 16 years ho wns a member of tho firm of Marker & Uleyler, plumbing contractors. A son, Frank Jt. Hleyler, who wns associated with his father in business, survives. Alleged Assailant of Girl At tacked by Angered Men and Women TALKS ON THE GOLDEN RULE Edilystonc Plant to Reopen Tho old Vulcan Iron nnd Steel Com pany's plant at I'ddystono will resume op erations today under a now company, tho Eddystono Steel Company, after nn Idle ness of several years. EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR r.ri:iiY jio.nd.vy suiui:ct to ciianoi: LUIBRA DLLO CAWA tiMONT lOEBIRD 10AD ST. CASINO BROADWAY MONDAY May Murray, In To Have snil to Hold Ullllx Burke. In VtKty TlnuRljii Fairbanks. In ThB Hahlt of Hniplni Anna Held. In Madame La I'reMento Tunsn.YY Map Murray, In To Hare and to Hold Hazl Dawn, in My Lady Incoir IlouFlai Falrhanka. In The llalilt of Happiness John nArytnnre. In Nearly a Kins Lois "Weber. In Hop, the Devil's Drew CEDAR , CENTDRY .EUREKA FAIRMOUNT KtANKFORD 2D ST. Th Price of Power He Did nntl He Didn't Holhrook niinn. In The Unpardonable Sin HaroM Lockwood. In Life's nilnd Alley Hobart nnworth. In The Yaqul Wllllnm Clifford. In The Heart of Tara Anna HeM. In Madame La Prexlilcnte Florence Iteed In The Woman's Law WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY txis Murray. In To Have nnd to Hold Mme. Petrovn. In The Soul Market Doupla Fairbanks. In The Habit of Happiness Marpuerlte Clark. In Tho Crucible John Junlflr. In A Man's Work The Witch. The Btrante esse of Mary Pace Theodora nnbrtn. in Pudd'nhend Wilson Jtobjrt Warwick. In The Supreme Sacrifice Bessie narrlsrale, In Honor's Altar Hazel Dawn. In My Lady Incor TH ST. Irmantown Violet Homer, In The Marble Heart Blanch" Sweet. In The Blacklist IRARD )BE W. v.. I NORTHERN UAL PERSON FAYETTE Msrnierlte Clsrk In Out of the Drifts Blllle Burke. In reggy Virginia Hammond. In The Dlicanl Georae Hebnn In The Tawn of Fate YVl.tln r.mi.M l nu. Call of the Cumhrlands Anna Held, in Madame La Presidents Fronrli X. Ilushmnn. Tho Wnll Uetwcen Robfrt Warwick. In Tho Supremo Sacrifice Tiouirtan Fairbanks. In The Habit of llapplneis Marruerlte Clark. In The Oruclblo Marv A"drson, In La Paloma Francis Bushman. Oramturk Mme. Pttrovn. In The Soul Market Violet Mersereau. In The Path of Happiness Thed- Bara. In Destruction ITnj-l Dawn. In Mv Lady Incoir VJolt Hornr. n The Marble Heart Blench" fiwet. In The niaekllst Merruerit CisrV in Out of the Drifts Frank Sheridan. In The Struugle Pauline Fred-rlck, In The Solder Tyrone Power. In John .Veedham's Double Louise r.ovelir. n. Tangled Hearts Mahel Taliaferro In Her Great Price Adele Blond In The Devil's Toy Vlrirnl Peirsnn. In Tho Vital Question Arth" Meude. In Powder J. Warren Kerrigan, In Tho Pool of riome Tohn nmrrson, In The Flylnir Torpedo Violet Horner. In The Marble Heart Slnrcuerlte Clark. In Out of the Drifts Marcuerlle Snow. In A Corner In Cotton Francis X. Bushman, in The Wall Between "Gonl of All Our Best Thoughts," Says Rev. J. II. Enrp "Tho greatest modern discovery Is that thero Is no Individual salvation, nor Indi vidual perfection. Wo nro complcto only ns members of one another," said tho Itov. Joseph It. Karp, rector of the Memorial Church of St. Paul, today, nt tho noonday Lenten service nt Christ Church, 2d street ahovo Market. Tho (olden Ilule, "All things whatsoever yo would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them, was tho text. "Tlio Coldcn Hule," said tho speaker, "is tho coal of our best thoughts today. JJvcry lesson taught by our Savior Is a lesson In co-operation. All His great words nro social words. All Ills great acts have a social bearing. Ills teachings hear with men in groups and relation ships. Only ns wo get tho social spirit are we truly His disciplines. Wo must learn to work together, to pray together, to live together." "MULTIPLIED" LENTEN TALKS OPPOSED BY NOON SPEAKER Return to Self-Denlnl Days Urged by Rev. G. L. Richardson "I do not approve of tho tendency of making the J.onton senson ono of multi plied sermons," said the Itov. George I Itlchnrdson today nt tho noon-day Lenten services In St. I'cter's Church, 3d nnd Pino streets. "Even a preacher Is soinctimcs appalled at the nmount of prcnrhlng to which peo ple nro expected to listen." he said. Tho Itov. Mr. Itlchardson thought It fostered a nnsslvn Itttttudn mi tho nfirt nr liAqrniHi I who becamo merely hearers, nnd believed that liy listening to n sermon they had done their full duty. Tho speaker urged a rnlurn to the original purpose of Lent, which laid upon the Individual tho duty of personal discipline, self-denial and re pentance. "Yet this docs not mean that wo should neglect tho assembling of ourselves to gether," ho ndded, "for we need corporato as well ns Individual repentnnce. Thero must bo times when tlio church as a wholo reviews tho shortcomings nnd failures of tho Christian body as a wholo. If wo con trast tho present condition with the ideal of tho kingdom of God, which Christ hns set as tho church's goal, wo shall seo what need thero Is for repentance and renewal." "Lynch him!" "Kill him !" Theso were tho cries of more than 700 men nnd women today ns they attempted to tear Samuel Gershman. Christian street abovo 3d, from the protection of Con stables Ahrnms and Wclnsteln, who wru taking' the man to the olTlco of Magistrate lmbcr, 6th and South streets. Gorshmnn wns under nrrest on the charge of nttncklng Dcsslo Ynralsky, 9-year-old daughter of Itetibcn Ynral asky. The mob surged about tho constable and their prisoner, and men and women beat Oershman on tho head with their fists, kicked him nnd tore his clothing. l-'or several minutes tho constnbtos de spaired of getting Gerhman Into tho office ot tho Magistrate. Itut when they drew their revolvers nnd threatened to shoot, tho crowd gavo way. and tho constables dragged the prisoner into tho house. Foiled In venting their rage on Gersh man, the mob rushed at Gcrshman'o counsol, Attorney I. L. Jackson. Tho latter wns roughly handled, but finally sought refuge In tho Magistrate's odlco. Gershman was held without ball. Woman Sues for $10,000; Gets $50 TlefnrA TJrnnMfmf .Titrlfra .fntt In -a..a Jfo. 5 today tho $10,000 breach of promise buii Drougnt oy lirama JJomurowskl, ot 302 "Wharton street, against Otto Rnwltns, also known as Itnullnaltls, resulted In a verdict ot $50 for tho plaintiff. Itawllns did not appear nnd offer any dofenso. Tho plaintiff said that Itawllns nfter n brief courtship promised to marry her on De cember 28, 1912, but neglected to keep his vow. At the time tho suit was brought the defendnnt resided at 1945 IMtncr street. "Gym" Work Proves Merit The superiority of gymnasium work over other collego athletics as an agency ror strengtn nnu iicnitn is shown by sta tistics prepared hy "William J. Cromle, di rector of physical education at tho Uni versity of Pennsylvania. Tho figures In dicate that 10 men who went through complete gymnasium courses gained moro in strength than any other 10 who played football, baseball, or were In the crow, or on track and wrestling teams. Your Favorite MOVIES 105 Loat With Vessel TOKIO, April 3. Tho steamship "Wa katsu Mam, bound from Nagasaki for coastal points, has been wrecked on a sunken rock. Elghty-nlno of her passengers and 10 members of tho crew nro belloved to havo been drowned. FREE To Boys FREE To Girls Name Your Favorites Wo will sand youitlckatB that will admit you FRTSBr to boo them. If you will onljr" dovoto ONE MINUTE Of YOUR TIME A MONTH JTO 'MERELY TALKING WITH YOUR MOTHER OR FATHER about our proposition. Thlanpffer la open to boys and girls aiywhero In Philadelphia, or in apy town within 100 miles of Philadelphia, that has movies. For particulars call or wrlto. norm aao runuo xedqeii building 1 niiLADELrniA SATURDAY Qso w PROMINENT OTOPLAY PRESDNTATIO NsfHT lllanrhe Sweet. In Tho Itiicamurrin DoupIuh Kalrinnks. In Tho Jlublt of llnrpiness John nrrinore. In Nearly a KIiik riirban flllrov. In Tho ilvnl Diamond Theili Kar- In Tho flalley flluvo Mnt Prtrova. In Th Soul Market J-oufHp Lovoly. In Tunsltil llenrta Helen Woloott. In Tho Redemption of Ileleno ltobrt meson. In Mortmain Francis X. Buihman. The Wall Hot ween Do Wolf Horner, in Don Quixote -R,ou?l"? ..Fairbanks. In Tho Habit of IlRpplnesi John Uarrymoro. In -Nearly n Klnis Seisun Haynkawn, In Tho Typhoon nessle Nnrrla- Rojuvena- non or Aunt Mary rr"k SherMnn. In The StniKslo Donelas Fairbanks' Ills Plelure In tho rap'rs raullno Frrtrlrk. In The Hplder re,sle IlTrrNeale. In Tlullets nnd Ilrown Eyes HoIkti n Mint"!!. n A Wife's Sarrldee Mhet Taliaferro, In Her Great Prlco Chnrlottx Walker. In Out of the Darkness Mnry Plekford. In The Foundllns Pneclal Feature: Man" Who neat Dan Nolan lloum Peters In Tho Hand of Peril OI Petrova. In What Will People Say? Th Oirl and the flume A Serpent n the Houae IDKR 8ERTY Vte Puratt. In The Immigrant Blanch Swet. In The niickllat JOUST iOpATJMTORIUM ItKET STREET IENT IPHEU3I m :Q0K LACK Helen Ware. In Croj-Currenti WllMam t Hart, la Ifell'a Hlng-ei Cbariea Cherry, In Pasaerabr Loul Lovely. In Tan-lrd Hearts Varsruerite HaiV. In Prince and the Pauper Slarv PleVfnnl. In Teae of tne Storm Country Clara Kimball Young-. In Camilla Pool of Flame. Mra. Prlme'a Hoarding; Houae Tli Victory of Virtue Hlneh Rwet. n The niackllat "ou'i Pjtera In The Hand of Peril Violet We leamp, In Tha Flirt Requeat; Willie Burke. In Pea-try II. n. Warner. In The Its Idem D Wolf Hopper. In Don Quixote Tomorrow Tha Oirl and tha dame T'Antl avAA aVMVl M Tha Code of Marcla. Gray AZA IINCESS Tfeeodpre Roberta, In uu4 anna tvuaoa A1!9 J1?". Claw A Model Huaband Olca Petrova. In The Soul Market . Tyrone Power, la Joba Needham's Double Kathlyn William". In Thou Shalt Not Covet Jane flail. In Rupert ol Hentzau H'J5? Warner. In The Raldera Danla Hnlmen In The Victory of Vlrtua Clen Jll.iBlev. in The OoIJen Chance Hamilton Itevelle. in The Price of Malice Carmen Slightly Mistaken Marjruerlte CNrtr. in Out of the Drlfta Mahel Tnllaferro. In Her Great Prlco Mary Mllea Minter. ia Dimples Theodore rtnhTts. In Pudd'nhend Wilson We- Feature How Mollle Made fiooit Paullnn Frederick. In Tho SpMor Florence fteed. In The Woman's Law Clalro Wllllama. In Tho Itullne I'a.slon Mary Miles Minter, In Lovely Mary Illanche Sweet. In The Ragamuffin Roli-rt B. Mantel!. In A Wlfe' Sjcrlfl.ce Florence Heed. In Tho Wo'nan s Law Marie Iloro. In Diplomacy Holhrook llllnn. in Tha Unpardonable bin Mnrsuerite Snow, in A Corner In Cotton Loulie Kazenda. in Hla Hereafter imki Sot&ig, Gmpamu, Tlin followtnir thenlrea obtain their pictures through the STANLEY IJooklnc f'omnnny. which It n Eiiuronteo of early allowing of tho llnest produc tlonx. All pictures releed heroro exhibition. Ask for the theatre In your locality obtaining pictures thriLEh tbe hT,NLKV IIOOKIN'O COMPANY, Charles Itlchman- The Hern of Submarine D-l! Theda Jlarn. In Gold and the Woman mike;,! Waller.ln ThaBrlgartler Gerard Constance Crawley, nmbers In 'JiS'"',1?0 Sweet. In Tho Hnt.imuftln n.b';r.t..n.- Manlell. in A Wlfo'a Kacrlftco Florence Reed. In The Woman's Lav Marie Dora, In Diplomacy ALHAMBRA a'iIy'atVl-: jiuimniuun vaudeMlla & Parnm't Pictures. ARCADIA cansT,w8Ti0Ti, DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in T IIB HAUlT OF HAPPINESS" ADrkl 1 O BSD AND THOMPSON ArULLU J.LVTINEI3 DAILY BILLIE BURKE in "PEGGY" BLUEBIRD "00 mm BROi'D ST' Dorothy Olsh. In Hetty of areyatone Francis x. Huxhrnnn, In Man and Ills Soul Penrl WMte. In Hazel Klrke F.inla Vi'anl. In Tha Cheat Dorothy niah. In Hetty of Greyatona Mannierlta Clark. In Mice and Men . Edith Storev. In The Two-edsed Sword , Cyril Scott. In Tha Lords of High Decision IToua Petera In The Hand of Peril n-u B.l'th Storev. In TheTwo-edjj Sword JanaOrey, In Man and Ilia Angel YA!".Yal1'- -a The Turmoil Violet Ueraereau, In Autumn . 'ft1? Holmea. In Tha Girl and lha Game Tha Code of Marcla Gray Va Iry Plckford. In The Foundling; Cbariea Cherry, In Pasaeraby . Huaka AgvlU and Actora Frank Sheridan, in Tha etnurgla Maria Doro. In Diplomacy Houaa Petera. In Tha Hand of Peril Francis X Buahman, In Lenora Ulrlch. in Tha Heart of Paul Leon Delaner, la Wtd Um Marjr Of the FoottdlU SFSWi u rJWrt?": "a ht Jfc John Nedham' Double Hobart Bo.worth. In Tha Yaaul Ilolbrootc niinn. In The Unpardonable Sin Triangle Play: Rlllle Uurka. iq Pesgy"" Muriel Oatrlehe. In A Clrcua Romance Conatanca Collier, In The Code of Marcla Gray The Iron ciw Where me tientner lliooma Ade! Rloorl In The Devll'a Toy Mary Allies Minter, la Lovely Mary Jun Orev n Lot Katy Do It Tohn Rmf ron. In The Plylne Torpedo Hoi'e P-tr n The Hand of Peril On Her Wertdlnj; Night Special Feature Fannie Ward. The Cheat viola Dana In The Innocence of Ruth filca Petrova In The Soul Market Uillle Rurks. In Pecgy , Graft (No T) The Accusing Finger ,. World Feature I'll Come Rack to You Mamierlta Clark, in Out of the Drifts Hamilton Revelle. in The Price of Malice Frank Sheridan, In The Struggle , Special Riff Feature Show Pauline Frederick, In The Spider Ko'h"n Adam, In A Rlrd of Prey ,n',!n Hevelle. In lha Price of Malice Robert Warwick. In Tha Supreme Sacrifice The Little Lady Across the Way i,iimmHVT Hi-A.entn T L nLJ.'. 1 in "NEARLY JOIII1 Dunvuiutc A KINO" nD ABOVE MARKET Mate 1:30 & 3:30. I0o R17T 1?r.rIT "2I UaUUlTJlNJ 1 alttlH " "' K(?a ao. H. U:30, ISo ANNA HELD ln WFhvw I FAHPR FORTY-riRST AND I-iJ-i.f-lV.I. LANCASTER AVENUE BLANCHE SWEET in . "THE BLACKLIST" LIBFRTY BROAD AND LMI1K1 COLUMBIA ..SW'9.f.c PLtYS HELEN WARD In l ROSS CURRENTS." WEBER & FIELDS In "THIS WORST OF FRIENDS" Logan Auditorium Dr0RandVAv.' CharIes Cherry .Pas raby I OPT TQT B2D AND LOCUST bVUO 1 Mats. 1:30 nnd 3:30, 10c. Evge. O;00. 8. U;u0, lBc. WM. S. HART ar WEST PIITLADELPIIIA GARDEN FIrTy-TinRD AND Presents t-tianes Cherry in "PASSERS BY" GRAND KD and MAItKET STS, GEORGE BEBAN in The Pawn of Fate" FYgn OVERBROOK 03D 4 "DAVE TBjfirozn DE WOLFE HOPPER in "DON QUIXOTE" EUREKA 0TI1 MAniET sTa. BLUEBIRD PHOTOPLAYS Present HOBART BOSWORTH in "THU YAQUI" iift-rtr in CEDAR AVF PARAMOUNT THEATRE CEDAR HOLBROOK BLINN in THE I'M'ARDONAllLE SIN" FAIRMOUNT 50TH AND G1RARD AVE WM. Cl.IFPORI). MARO. GIBSON and SHERMAN IIAINI1HIDGB In "Till: HEART OF TARA" Ttllatln t . ' Call of th"a-c!Tmberia.1a Marguerite Clark. In Out ot the Drlfta " Mall Taliaferro. In Her Great Price 0r?.c'ien J'artman. In Madelalne Moraa fieo i.ill.on in Her Bitter Cup 1hai-uTiMa. TrKA.a Mr. Ore of Mont 'carlo Dorothy Olah In Betty of Gre atone Robert Warwick, ln The Supreme Sacrifice Robert Warwick. In The Supreme SacrMce JJjnc.he Sweet. In The Ragamuffin Pud White, in The Iron Claw Frank Sheridan. In The Struggle J. Warren Kerrigan, in The Pool of FJgme Charlea Rlehman: Tha Hero of Submarine JJ-a Fannie Ward, ln For the Defenae Geora-e F. Marlon. n Excuse Me Florence Read. (n Tha ", omon'a Law Francla X. Buihman. In ttv ,vji ciween Bfl Barrtacala. In Bullata.and Broern Br Cleo JUdUon. in Her Blttr Cup Frtncla X. Buahman. Man and Ills Soul In Lanora Ulrich. in Tha Heart of Paula Walthall: Tha Kt range Caaaof Mary Pa Blanche Sweat, In The Clue Fannie Ward, in Tenneaaea'a Pardner t v.T5rionSJ'ow.'"- John Needharn'a Double Hazel Dawn. In My Lady Incog Lenora Ulrlch. in Tha Heart of Paula WU'lam Farnum. la Th Brokta Uv John Barnmore. In Njarljr a King H. B Warner "ia TtaR14cr Floreoca Rockwell, la Bedy and Soul WHla Burke, la, -egr Mary Mllea JUlflt.K la VUUiWS The Moral FUijio The Girl and tha Game The Cruah Prarwla X. Buahman. In Tha Wall Between Virginia Pron. in The VTtalTSueatlon Jeanne Iver. In One Day , Valll Valll. in Her Debt of Honor Frank Mills. In Tha Moral Fabric Hon. the Devll'a Brew featuring Lois Weber All-Star Cast Alone In New York Fannie Ward. In I cr the Defense Fannla Ward. In. Tenneaaea'a Pardner Robert WhlttWr. la The Rlrd of Prey t The Three Jobne Jeanne Iver. In One Day Donald Brian, ln Tha Volco In tha Foe Mabel Taliaferro. In Her Qreat Price Lpulae Lovely, n Tangled Heart. Marguerite Snow. n A Corner In Cotton John Mason, in Tha Iteapera frank Mllla. n The Moral Fabria Haztl Dawn, In My Lady Incog Violet Horner, In Tha Marble Heart Fannie Ward. In For the Defenae The Woman' Law Robert Warwick, In The Supreme Sacflnce FRANKFORD HAZEL DAWN1" "THE STKAKUU i-Al ITU FRANKFORD MY LADY OF MARY PAGE" 56TH ST. Theatre wffig Bel Spruca Etga. T to 11 BLANCHE SWEET jklist Market St. Theatre 3S3 "et BLUEBIRD FEATURES Present "WSH .LOVELY, In ANOLED IIDAIIT8" SEL "GRAFT" EVERY WEDNESDAY ORPHFI IIVI GERMANTOWN AND ,JrVIrrlCU-V1 CHELTEN AVES. H. B. WARNER in "THE RAIDERS" ORIF1MT 02D WOODLAND AVE. v- xii,m i DMy Slat Evg Q ,30 to jj PARAMOUNT ONE DAY ONLY Marguerite Clark ln '"IE pihnce S .". v"" AND THE PAUPER" PALACF 12H MARKET STREET 1 .rAXM.'wE, jo A M to 11 U5 P. M. CONSTANCE COLLIER in TtiL' nr-41-.i. n aT.n.. . vuwu j r- iUAumA. UllAl" BROADWAY 25P,.R rbenway ,.,!r " . AdultalOo; ChlldrenBc. "THE PRICE OF POWER" .ili11, DID AND HE DIDN'T" FATTY. MABEL and AL ST? OHN NORTH Broad Street Casino I3ROA5Il"n, MATINEE 2:30. EVENING T an 0, LOIS WEBER and PHILIP 8MAT T.Vr in CENTURY ERIE AVE MARSHALL .' .i . .. MATINEE DAH.Y "Lrfe's Blind Alley" Featuring Harold Lockwood & Mae Allison SOUTH tJOJ Ci 52d & V,a Ol. Sanarnn Mata S-3 :S0 Bo I'.VEl 0:30 to 11 10c VIOLET HORNER in THE MARRI.U HEART" 8508 GERMAN. TOWN AVE. HPRMANTOWN i.atfa-a - .,- IU)f A1 aV- Paramount Picture- MAROUERITE CLARK In. "Out of tha Drlfta." Added Attraction. "The Strange Caae of Mary Pago"- 0th Eplaode. - riEH7 BOTH & MARKET StlB-T-O. LlLAJDE. 115.000 KIMBALL ORGAN VIRGINIA HAMMOND in THE DISCARD" PARK nDn ave. & dauphin st. r'rfc Matinee 2:JS. Eve., 0:15 to 11. (uiamuuni I'iciure Theodore Roberts '" "r Ja'f.. PRINCESS mSKBTBt METRO. PICTURES Preaent OLOA PETROVA In "THE SOUL MARKET" See "The Girl and The Game" avery Thuraday RIAT TO OERMANTOWN AVE. mX4iv1 AT TUI.PEHOCKEN ST. FRANK SHERIDAN in 'THE STRUGQLE" . DROAD AND PORTER STREETS PLAZA "THE IRON riAWn "AModel Husband'' w,(ggfeDy OLYMPIA BROAD and BA1NBRIDOH v-f j-i a tTii iv BTREETS IIOIIB OP TUB LATr.BT ASD BEST PHOTOPLAYS IN SOUTH PUILA. Tomor.. "The Girl & The Game" NORTHWEST ntninri AVENUE THEATRE blKAtVU TTH AND G1RARD AVENUE BILLIE BURKE.pQQyi Charlaa Cherry, In Paeatraby Jeanne Iver. in Ona Day Pauline Frederick, in Sold John Maaen. ln ne lit Keapara Manr ploltford. In BUW Ltttla Quae ueo Lanora Ulrlch. in Tha Heart ef Paula Orrin Johnaon. In Fighting Bob rtrlcJi Wosda, to Silaa Maraar WUItaai Farauia In Tha Sign of tbCr Frank Mllla t-t Tha Moral Fahrk Virginia Pureon. In Th Altai Queat Ion Wheeler Oak man. In The Cycle of Fata Edith Taliaferro. In Youns Romance Lanora Ulrlch. In Tha Heart of Paula Pearl White. In Tha Iron Claw Baeaie Barriecale, In Honor'. Altar ri ' . j hum itHjiwauina fma Jnii JFranclj X. Buabnuin. la 1 The Wg.1" .Between Mary Mile. Minter, In Lovely Mary Mabel Taliaferro, in "r OreatPrlco Blanche 8waet. In Tha Ragamutna Lenora Ulrlch. In The Heart ot Paula WUUam E. Shay. In The Ruling Paulon Tha Unpardonable gin Cnarlotte Walk er . Trail v tuv bvuraif rtna Great Northern gggSgNi? vls' TYRONE POWERS in JJe .ItVCltilAM. a -IVUIILla IRIS THEATRE am SvS MABEL TALIAFERRO in "HER GREAT PRICE" IMPERIAL Theatre LOUISE LOVELY l0 "TANGLED HEARTS" JEFFERSON 28TI,STRE?sAUPjnN OLGA PETROVA in "WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY" -Utro. :H KENSINGTON Avgll RFfiFNT I034 MARKET STREET ItL,jCI( 1 HUMAN YOIOB OROAN TYRONE POWERS in "JOHN NEEDHAM'S DOUBLE" RUBY MARIE DORO MARKET STREET ukluvv TTH STREET In "Diplomacy" SHERWOOD "tVal?.more METftn. PICTURE CORP. Preaent Francis X. Bushman ln "Ml"Sn ,.. Ill Soul" SAVOY l2" MARKET t V J 1 STREET ui(i,u r iijji ujnr. trreaenta HOUSE PETERS ,a "&$ TIQQ A lTH VENANGO STS. John Barrymore ,a "NEAni;YK,Na.- "SOMEWHERE IN FRANCE" VICTORIA MARKET ST. IDni'V XTffcTfT,T -",..,.. TMANOLE PLAYS H. B. WARNER in "THB RAIDERS." See "The Strange Caaa of Mary Page" every Wedneaday & Thursday. Susnuetinnrm theatre itth 4 dusqueiiunna susqubhannaavk. Mutual "MAHOY OP THB FOOTHILLS' "THE DEPTH' th Eplaidt ofTIIB STRANGE CASE OF MARY PAGE I " with HENRY B. WALTHALL and EDNA' MAYO NORTHEAST STRAND 12T" AND omABD AVEt ' LEON DELANEY in 'WASTED LIVES" 4-Act Special Drama. Charlea Chaplin Requeat Comedy. Othaii. KENSINGTON I U M B O FRONT ST. AND J U IW D U GIRARD AVENUM 'THE GIRL AND THE GAME" Chap No 11. In 2 parts. "THE SACRIFICE OF joNaI THAN GRAY," In a parta. "A SERPENT IN THE HOUSE." Tha Animated Weekl No:u ;, T)it.l... . WaHIitireejr LAFAYETTE VALESKA SURATT in THE WOUaRANT' lUUlJIIIlllllllllllllllllliii l .TAMT FY mabket above ith nuouS; LENORE ULRICH I CONTINUOUS I 11:1 A U. tp ii a& p m J "THE HEART OF PAl'LJ iiimiiutil Weekly Programs APPEAR EVERY MONDAY tN Motion Picture Chi J mmM